
nertilovno one answering00:02
thesheff17nertilov: I would install it on another ubuntu server....then copy everything in /var/cache/apt/archives/ to usb stick00:09
hydroziihow can i tell if my server has a local static IP?00:12
thesheff17hydrozii: ifconfig will tell you the current ip00:13
nertilwhy build-essential isnt loaded by default00:13
thesheff17nertil: why would it be?00:13
thesheff17nertil: almost everything is done through apt-get00:14
nertilyes but there are ppl that dont use internet00:14
nertili use my ubuntu for make and cmake00:14
thesheff17nertil: yea alot of people do as well...also allot of people use the internet :-/00:15
nertilthan were are my solutions00:15
nertilsome says build-essential is in the cdrom00:15
nertilbut i cant find it00:15
thesheff17nertil: find /media/cdrom -name build-essential*00:17
thesheff17nertil: or where ever it is mounted00:18
nertillet me check00:18
nertilfirst need to mount the cdrom00:18
nertilwith apt-cdrom add00:18
nertilbut i think i fixed with bridge connections from windows xp to ubuntu eth000:19
thesheff17nertil: why does your xp machine have internet but not your ubuntu machine00:22
thesheff17nertil: also you want to make sure you are running updates00:23
thesheff17nertil: which requires the internet00:23
geekbrianybody here good with nginx.  my config doesn't serve anything in /phpmyadmin/ to php-fpm and i was hoping somebody might know what i exploderated http://fpaste.org/r9n3/00:23
geekbri(i know i used fpaste but i am using ubuntu)00:23
nertilthesheff17 i just fixed with bridge connection an internet in ubuntu00:23
nertilbut i will disable it later00:23
nertili reinstalled box now im at configuring apt and its retriving some files00:24
nertilalso looks like i will setup wlan0 for that box00:24
nertiljust to be in internet00:24
nertilbecause its in my high level of my house00:25
nertilits in floor 400:25
nertilwhat for is python2.600:30
uvirtbotNew bug: #725359 in drbd8 (main) "package drbd8-source 2:8.3.7-1ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: drbd8 kernel module failed to build" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72535900:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #725362 in drbd8 (main) "package drbd8-source 2:8.3.7-1ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: drbd8 kernel module failed to build" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72536200:51
hallynkim0: kirkland: good news is I locally have spice client, libs, and qemu with spice working.  I'll push them all to my ppa once the build problems (whatever they are) are over00:54
hallynkim0: kirkland: the bad news, my natty server image wouldn't boot for the same reason as -vga std.  RHEL booted fine.00:54
* hallyn out00:55
kirklandhallyn: \o/00:57
kirklandhallyn: well, i guess we've reproduced that problem, then00:57
Mark_anyone have any pointers on installing server on md raid 101:01
Mark_ive done several installs and they all have failed01:01
Mark_cant even get mobo raid to work01:01
Mark_hello there :)01:02
Mark_does this mean you will help me, willwork?01:02
willwork4fooMark_, actually I'm here looking for some help01:02
Mark_oh :(01:02
Mark_can anyone help me with getting mdraid to work?  I followed the instructions online and have dropped to a grub prompt at reboot'01:03
Mark_and im running out of time :(01:03
RoyKif anyone is tempted to build a ZFS storage system, just keep in mind not to fill up the VDEVs with > 80-90% - it might take some time fixing that unless you can delete a few terabytes01:04
Mark_or can anyone tell me if i can just do the automated lvm install, and add raid later?01:04
RoyKMark_: I don't think you can01:04
Mark_would it be easier to just do ubuntu desktop with mdraid?01:04
Mark_i am desperate to get ubuntu of some form onto a raided setup in the next hour01:04
RoyKMark_: for most desktops, redundancy won't be much needed so long as the data is on server01:05
Mark_its for a backup server running crashplan01:05
RoyKuse nfs and a good server and the homedirs will be safe, the rest is easy to reinstall01:05
Mark_i am desperate because our tape backup solution just went south and we need our CVS backed up asap01:05
Mark_and i head out of state in 12 hours01:05
Mark_perfect storm lol01:06
RoyKtry bacula01:06
RoyKbacula can easily backup to disk01:06
Mark_its to be offsite, but regardless i need mdraid on this setup01:06
RoyKand it works well01:06
Mark_we're going to be using crashplan FWIW01:06
Mark_regardless, we want raid01:06
* RoyK uses bacula on ZFS storage01:06
RoyKnormal RAID systems don't checksum data01:07
RoyKwhich is quite bad if you have a lot of it01:07
Mark_crashplan does01:07
Mark_all thats taken care of01:07
Mark_i just need mdraid01:07
highvoltage/wi/win last01:07
Mark_any thooughts on what im doing wrong?01:08
Mark_i tried mobo raid, and first issue was all sorts of "cannot find UUID" crap01:08
RoyKnever used crashplan, sorry01:08
Mark_i mean with ubuntus raid01:08
Mark_the entire issue is i cannot get ubuntu installed with raid01:08
Mark_either mobo or mdraid01:08
Mark_thats all i need to do01:08
RoyKmobo raid is usually quite useless01:08
Mark_its better than no raid01:09
RoyK99% of those so-called raid controllers don't really have hardware raid, only accellerators at best01:09
Mark_as long as data is mirrored thats all we care about01:09
RoyKmd raid for ubuntu has worked for me on the boxes where I've used it01:10
Mark_the extent of my task from the folks who care is that we need 2 drives in this thing with replicas of the important bits01:10
Mark_so when im doing the install...do i do lvm?01:10
RoyKjust setup the partitions, mirrors, etc, install, reboot01:10
Mark_let me get to that point so i can ask you about the partitioning01:10
Mark_cause its doing something wierd01:11
Mark_with reserved bios partitions and whatnot01:11
RoyKI haven't used LVM for mirroring yet - just MD01:11
RoyKno problems so far01:11
Mark_oh, can i do that direct from the install disk?01:11
RoyKyes, you can01:11
Mark_so start the normal textmode install, and get to partitioning screen, yes?01:11
RoyKyes, and then choose setup raid01:12
Mark_getting there01:12
RoyKcreate partitions for the MD devices, create a RAID1, put a filesystem there ......01:12
Mark_i didnt see raid, but ill double check01:12
Mark_only w10.10.01:13
RoyKwell, same thing01:13
RoyKfirst, create RAID partitions, same size on both drives01:13
RoyKthen choose setup RAID01:13
limecatits mark01:14
limecathad to use net cable on the box, im @ partitioning now.01:14
ksovieroDoes anyone know of an easy way to detect NAT on a school network?01:14
limecati see several guided options, and manual, but no raid option01:14
AtomicSparkOn the topic of bridging, can a bridged device use dhcp? The examples only show static. Would be nice to keep using "static" dhcp to manage all my statics from one device.01:15
limecatguided with resize disks a and b, guided with entire partition disks a and b, entire disk, lvm, and manual01:15
limecatwhich do i want royk01:15
AtomicSparkksoviero: I don't know what you mean by detect. All ipv4 networks usually are NATed.01:15
AtomicSparkksoviero: Your school probably has a 10. address scheme for their internal network.01:16
ksovieroAtomicSpark: if someone on the network sets up their own router, I would like to know about it...01:16
RoyKlimecat: just go manual, create separate md partitions for each filesystem, go back, choose configure raid, go back, create filesystems.....01:16
AtomicSparkksoviero: So you want to see if someone put a router on your LAN or do you want to make sure someone isn't MITMing you?01:17
limecatroyk-- do i need a /boot thats outside the md partition?01:17
limecator do i do the entire disk as md01:18
ksovieroAtomicSpark: I want to make sure kids aren't playing LAN games without my knowledge01:18
AtomicSparkksoviero: A router would look like any other device from the outside. There isn't really a good way of detecting it.01:18
RoyKlimecat: I'm not sure, but I always create a 1GB or less mirror for the /boot01:18
limecatdoes anyone know whether i need to have /boot outside of my mdraid?01:18
limecatwait you have a separate mirror for /boot?01:19
RoyKlimecat: you can easily boot off a raid101:19
limecatah ok01:19
RoyKI usually do, yes01:19
RoyKno idea if it's necessary, but imho it makes sense to separate /boot from the root01:19
limecatso it will probably work with a single 2tb md volume01:19
AtomicSparkksoviero: They would have to replace your router to get around any parental controls. If your router blocks certain outgoing ports, placing a router on your LAN wont fix this.01:19
limecatah ok ill do that01:19
ksovieroAtomicSpark: If they setup their own router, that can then play lan games, and I won't be able to know...  that it the problem01:20
RoyKlimecat: with 2TB total, separating 1GB for the boot will be both overkill and quite cheap :P01:20
limecatmy real desire is to have a separate partition for all the data01:20
limecatbut at this point01:20
limecati dont care anymore and just want the thing to work01:20
ksovieroAtomicSpark: would the packets sent from a nated device include anything? == 10.etc01:21
AtomicSparkksoviero: They could also just use a switch. None of the packets would go to your router if it's just a LAN games.01:21
RoyKlimecat: well, create a 10GB partition (that is, a mirror) for the root - or 100GB if you're nervous - and it'll suffice01:21
RoyKthen use the rest for your /data mirror01:21
limecatroyk-- not taking chances01:22
ksovieroAtomicSpark: alot of lan games use broadcast addresses to talk, so i can detect it, but broadcast addresses dont leave a nat device01:22
limecatits not really vital, this will probably be a temporary measure-- the hardware is all commodity01:22
AtomicSparkksoviero: Hmm.01:22
RoyKlimecat: best thing would be to use md for the /boot and lvm for the rest01:22
limecatso i mirror sda1 and sdb1, NOT sda and sdb, correct?01:22
RoyKstart off with as little as possible01:22
limecatthe partitions, not the devices01:22
RoyKlimecat: sda and sdb would mean all of it, so yes, use partitions01:23
limecatext4 still scary for production?01:23
AtomicSparklimecat: No.01:23
ksovieroAtomicSpark: would the packets sent from a nated device include anything? == 10.0.0.?01:24
AtomicSparkksoviero: I don't think so.01:24
AtomicSparkksoviero: Everything should seem as it was just coming from the router.01:24
RoyKlimecat: no, it's quite stable01:24
AtomicSparklimecat: Ext4 wasn't really ever "scary". There was a bunch of fear mongering over the change when data was actually written to the disk, but those changes were also implemented in ext3.01:26
ksovieroAtomicSpark: thanks anyway for your help, I guess I will stick with the old standby...  Physical searches01:26
limecatAtomicSpark, it was scary in that badly written apps caused bad things to happen AFAIK.  Wanted to make sure that was unlikely to still be a common occurance01:27
limecatso i have 2 raid devices, md0 and md1, with boot and root01:28
limecatthis is a workable config yes?01:28
AtomicSparkAre you asking if you only need a root partition?01:29
NorkaknI just asked in #ubuntu, but I'm guessing you guys would be more likely to know anyways - how can I get nc.traditional on the live cd (10.04 x64)?01:30
crohakonAnyone here ever used an ASMB4-iKVM management board?01:31
AtomicSparkHmm. I'm scared to see if iface br0 inet dhcp \n bridge_ports eth0 is all I need to bridge eth0 while keeping dhcp. :\01:31
AtomicSparklimecat: You'll be fine. Just don't try btrfs yet ;)01:32
RoyKlimecat: as AS said, it'll work - using btrfs might be interesting, but then, interesting may not be entirely positive :P01:35
limecatinteresting right now is having a backup system and leaving for my trip on time :)01:36
limecatwhy are computers so complicated01:37
AtomicSparkOkay, I didn't lock myself out of my server. Using dhcp with bridging works! :)01:38
RoyKlimecat: computers aren't complicated, it's like women, you just need to know which buttons to press :P01:40
limecat lol01:40
limecathttp://xkcd.com/722/ <--- my day01:41
* RoyK has got the xkcd paper version :)01:42
AtomicSparklimecat: I like the troubleshooting flowchart better :)01:42
RoyKjust had to buy it01:42
RoyKcartoons are best on paper01:42
limecatoh noes they spilled the secret of how i do my job01:43
AtomicSparkOkay, I'm sure I'll be back later to complain/get help with the current progress of my server reinstall.01:43
RoyKand of course http://xkcd.org/844/01:44
limecatyea, 859 didnt do it for me01:44
limecatdidnt really bug me that bad; i only tool scheme during one compsci class01:45
RoyKthe paper version of xkcd is neat, though01:46
limecathow do you hover for text?01:46
RoyKpage numbers in trinary...01:46
limecatwith your index finger?01:46
* RoyK likes books01:46
limecatack need network cable again brb01:46
RoyKwireless TP cable?01:47
RoyKTwisted Potential01:47
limecatso i know nothing about solaris or sunos...how do you fetch urls with it?  neither curl nor fetch works, and i dont have a gui01:48
RoyKit should be under /usr/sfw/bin01:48
RoyKprobably not in path01:48
limecatah i forgot about that01:49
* RoyK is off to bed - nite for now01:49
limecatthx for your help01:50
nertilwich php should i use with apache2 is php5 ok ?01:51
highvoltagenertil: yes, it's the only one supported in ubuntu currently and the older ones you should definitely avoid at all means01:52
Mark_ack "executing grub-install /dev/sda failed"01:56
nertilwhat ftp i need to install01:58
RoyKvsftpd is quite good01:58
nertiljust installed proftpd01:58
nertilwill it be ok?01:59
RoyKafaik the most used ftp server on the planet01:59
RoyKproftpd is good as well01:59
RoyKjust use what you like01:59
Mark_disk /dev/md1 doesnt contain a valid partition table ugh02:00
Mark_oh nvm02:00
Mark_im going to go crazy why wont grub install now02:02
NorkaknMark_, you have physical access to the machine, right?02:04
Mark_im sitting at it02:04
Mark_it has gpt on the drives, and 2 md raid devices02:04
Mark_md0 (boot) and md1 (root)02:05
nertilhow can i fix phpsysinfo ?02:05
NorkaknMark_, okay, just checking if I needed to have any empathy for you :)02:05
Mark_and i havent been able to get it to install with raid all night02:05
nertili just downloaded02:05
Mark_you do02:05
Mark_im about to tear my hair out02:05
NorkaknMark_, I'm trying to repair a server that got dropped on moves between offices that won't boot.  the NAT it is behind is a POS, so I'm doing it with nc02:06
Mark_i have a plane to catch in 11 hours, and need this server up before then, and have a ton of other work to do02:06
Mark_but really, at this point, its mostly just my hatred of this box thats upsetting02:07
* RoyK is available for onlt $250 an hour02:07
Mark_i thought you were asleep >_>02:08
Mark_im about to just say to heck with raid02:08
RoyKnot yet :þ02:08
Norkakncan you just RAID it in BIOS?02:09
RoyKbtw, setting up software raid on a server is usually quite trivial02:09
RoyKNorkakn: either hardware raid or software raid02:09
Mark_./grub: permission denied     sudo !!: sudo not found02:09
Mark_i hate computers02:09
Mark_im at a root prompt02:10
RoyKhardware raid for good controllers like 3ware, areca, HP, whatever, but most mobos have so-called raid controllers that rely on drivers02:10
Mark_so why would i get permission denied after chmod 777 on /target/boot/grub02:10
nertilchown username02:11
RoyKwtf would you want to chmod 777 /target/boot/grub???02:11
Mark_its owned by root, and im at a root prompt02:11
Mark_RoyK, shotgun approach :\02:12
RoyKMark_: being promiscuous?02:12
Mark_if i cant figure this out in about 15 minutes, the installs getting wiped and im skipping raid02:12
Mark_so at this point anything goes02:12
RoyKMark_: try 10.0402:12
RoyKit's meant to be stable, for servers02:12
RoyK10.10 is more of a toy compared to LTS releases02:13
nertilyes 10.04.202:13
Mark_RoyK, that takes more downloading02:13
Mark_time is quite short02:13
RoyKMark_: whatever02:13
RoyKMark_: next time, use an LTS release for the server02:13
Mark_yea, i plan to02:13
nertilor 10.0402:14
Mark_9.04 imo02:14
RoyK9.04 != LTS02:14
nertil9.04 is not lts02:14
RoyK9.04 isn't even supported anymore02:14
RoyKonly 18 months support for non-LTS releases02:14
nertiltill when is supported 10.0402:15
nertil ?02:15
nertilthis year?02:15
RoyKapril 201502:15
nertilah ok02:15
nertilits 8.04 supported yet?02:16
RoyK5 years support for LTS server installs02:16
RoyKnertil: yes, until april 201302:16
nertilwihi ok02:16
=== jjohansen is now known as jj-afk
RoyK5 years support for LTS server releases, 3 years for LTS desktop releases, 18 months for non-LTS releases02:17
nertilphpsysinfo is good for servers02:17
RoyKor just lshw :P02:18
Mark_what the heck is stopping me from installing grub02:18
RoyKapt-get install .....02:18
nertilapt-get install lshw ?02:18
* RoyK goes back to plan A - bed!02:18
RoyKnertil: try that02:18
nertilokey but02:19
nertillet me read more about that02:19
nertilwhat for is lshw RoyK02:19
nertilwere can i read more?02:19
RoyKnertil: list hardware02:19
RoyKit just lists whatever's in your box02:19
RoyKbut now - nite02:20
nertilohh ok02:20
nertili thought its something with web support like phpsysinfo02:20
jmarsdennertil: Why do you need a tool to examine your hardware to do so over HTTP??02:21
jmarsdenif you really need it, lshw has a -html switch that will output what it sees as HTML, so you can do  sudo lshw .... -html >somefile.html02:22
jmarsdenand stick that somefile.html where your web server can see it... but... why?  Just read the output in your ssh session :)02:23
nertilhehe yes02:23
nertili know but its kinda fun02:23
* jmarsden thinks you have an odd definition of fun...02:23
Norkaknif I don't remember the block size and such for an md array, is there a way to redetect it and add it still?02:24
limecatugh found the issue02:24
limecatgpt partition has no bios boot partition....02:24
s2555how do i set up a wireless network to connect to?03:02
s2555Can someone please help me? I really dont understand wireless networking from the terminal window03:04
hallyns2555: meaning you want to set up an ad-hoc wireless network to share your wired network, from cmdline?03:06
s2555i want the server to connect to a wireless network03:07
nertildo u want ur ubuntu server to connect with wlan0 ?03:07
nertillet me find some guide03:07
s2555thanks :)03:07
s2555i am just using this on my server because the desktop wasted too much ram03:07
s2555so yeah03:07
s2555i dun like blackscreens though03:07
nertili use wlan0 too03:08
s2555I couls just waste $30 and get a router to use as a net adapter03:08
s2555thank you03:08
nertilit needs some tips/tricks03:08
s2555thats gonna be so like03:09
s2555it connects on startup too right?03:09
nertilread that guide03:09
s2555thank you03:09
nertilfollow steps03:09
nertilno problem03:09
s2555but how can i do an apt-get install nano if i dont have an ie connection03:10
s2555or is that already installed?03:10
nertiljust use pico03:10
nertilinstead of nano03:11
nertilbut u need build-essential03:11
s2555how do i find the model of the adapter?03:11
s2555i have NO terminal knowledge whatsoever03:11
s2555oh yeah, expect to see me around a lot ;)03:12
nertilwell read the guide it says you need windows .inf driver of ur adapter03:12
nertili told u u need some tips/tricks to install wlan0 on ubuntu server03:12
s2555how am i supposed to put it on the server?03:12
nertilwith usb stick03:12
s2555and those steps are there too?03:12
nertilno that steps arent03:13
nertilu need to have little experience03:13
s2555well, you can teach me03:13
nertilits not just plug and play at all03:13
nertilno i can help you :)03:13
s2555this channel is very convenient03:13
nertilu first need internet to setup build-essential03:13
s2555how do i do that?03:13
s2555its not connected to internet03:13
nertilwithout build-essential you can not make the ndiswraper03:13
nertilconect it03:13
s2555can i just get the tarball off a site03:14
s2555and then just put it on a usb a03:14
s2555why not?03:14
s2555i cant get an internet connection03:14
nertilits on internet03:14
nertilthan stand off03:14
s2555how about this - i can get the tarball off some site, and then copy and paste it to the server03:15
s2555and then untar it there03:15
nertilu cant find build-essential03:15
s2555why wont that work?03:15
nertilits not in the server cd too03:15
nertili tryed that u say03:15
nertilbut u can do this if u have laptop you can bridge your connection and give connection to ur ubuntu till u download some important stuffs03:16
s2555how do i do that?03:16
s2555can i just get an old router03:16
s2555and use it to bridge the connection?03:16
nertilwell my friend i told you enough just google about bridge connections you will learn more, its not the point to teach you, point is to point you somewere so youll teach ur self alone03:16
s2555one more question03:17
s2555its called build essential right?03:17
nertilthere is gcc libc6 make03:17
s2555ergo, it should be put into the cd03:17
nertilu cant find it trust me03:18
s2555ill just use my router as a bridge03:18
nertilthan yes03:18
nertiluse it03:18
nertilif u use ur router ull have internet connection on ur ubuntu03:19
nertilwith internet connection we can setup wlan003:19
nertilthan remove the cable :P03:19
s2555will the connection be faster with the router or with my adapter03:20
nertili think its same03:20
s2555ill just stick to the router03:20
s2555that way... i can just connect to the router03:20
s2555connection via lan port is automatic, right?03:21
nertilwhy u ping?03:26
s2555just checking if the connection was alive03:26
s2555anyhow, if i use the router as a bridge, will i have to forward ports on the router-bridge for them to be avaliable locally\03:26
s2555thank you03:28
s2555and will the configuration be automatic for the bridging?03:28
s2555other than the configs that have to be made on the router?03:28
s2555ok )03:29
s2555im happy with that03:29
nertilwhat for u use ur ubuntu server box?03:31
s2555and torrent server03:32
s2555and ftp server03:32
s2555and basically anything that i can find to doo03:32
hhhzzzarnNeed help with x2go: "unable to execute: nosnd" What is nosnd? Anyone use x2go?03:37
nertilu did google?03:37
nertilsorry i have experience with your problem03:37
hhhzzzarnhave not, you mean.03:38
nertilhave not sorry03:38
IceGuest_77do i have to restart for thhe connection to woirk?03:39
=== IceGuest_77 is now known as s2258
* s2258 pokes nertil03:40
[biabia]is there a way to get the FreeBSD beastie screensaver on ubuntu server terminal03:40
nertilyes s225803:42
s2258ok :D03:42
s2258how do i run openssh?03:44
nertilsudo apt-get install openssh-server03:44
nertilits runed by default03:44
s2258its already installed03:45
nertilthan its runed03:45
s2258i dont have an internet connection then03:45
nertiltry with putty03:45
s2258i did03:45
nertilur localhost 192.168.xxx.xxx port 2203:45
nertilpastebin what ifconfig -a says03:46
s2258ok, well im confused03:46
s2258if the bridge's IP is *.*.*.203:46
s2258and the router's is *.*.*.103:46
nertilubuntus should be 303:46
s2258but i set the IP of the bridge manually03:47
s2258how do i get the bridge a static IP03:47
s2258how do i get the bridge a static IP03:47
nertildont know03:47
nertili used dhcp03:47
s2258ok i found the problem03:50
s2258the server isnt connecting to the bridge03:50
s2258even through an ethernet cable03:50
s2258imma reinstall03:50
s2258is there a way to uninstall all the desktop crap from ubuntu desktop?03:51
nertilformat /03:51
s2258just the desktop03:51
s2258not the whole dick03:51
nertilformat ~/03:51
nertilformat /////////////////03:52
s2258like just the graphicallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll03:52
nertildude u should try #ubuntu03:52
nertilthis is for server03:52
s2258just listen for a sec03:52
nertilno desktop support here03:52
nertilwell i can read not listen03:52
s2258then read03:53
s2258for like a min03:53
s2258well you know how the desktop has all that graphical crap?03:53
nertilno i have server03:53
s2258again, read03:53
s2258it has all that graphical stuff right03:53
s2258is there a way that i can take that off?03:54
nertildude why u troll03:54
s2258look at my solution03:54
nertilwait i found03:54
nertilyeah im giving the link03:55
s2258ok :d03:55
s2258i think i got it, actually03:58
hhhzzzarnHelp: Trying to connect to x2go server using client: http://paste.ubuntu.com/572461/03:58
hhhzzzarnDid i give too much info?03:59
hhhzzzarnmy ip?03:59
s2258lol, nertil is probably like if that dumb guy doesnt leave, i will kill him03:59
s2258hhhzzzarn: never give out yer IP03:59
s2258btw, by dumb guy, i meant me03:59
nertili think ur nutz03:59
hhhzzzarnHelp: Trying to connect to x2go server using client: http://paste.ubuntu.com/572462/04:00
hhhzzzarnThis should be easy but I am new.04:01
hhhzzzarnAnyone? please it is ssh rsa key problem.04:07
pmatulishhhzzzarn: it's a security warning04:09
greppyhhhzzzarn: you can get rid of the warning by deleting the offending key, but if the remote site has been compromised, you could be giving away your password.04:10
lifelessSpamapS: I don't suppose pycassa and pythrift have been packaged ?04:13
hhhzzzarngreppy: i am trying to connect using x2goclient to my vps.04:18
hhhzzzarngreppy: i am connect to the vps with ssh.04:18
hhhzzzarngreppy: what can i do? i do not have ".ssh" folder at that location or at /root/04:19
greppyhhhzzzarn: so, delete the offending key out of .ssh/known_hosts04:19
greppythe error is on your client.04:20
hhhzzzarni do not have that folder04:20
greppynot the remote site04:20
hhhzzzarngreppy: removed it, trying again. waiting...04:24
hhhzzzarnThank you greppy. Do you know what "nosnd" is?04:30
[biabia]does anyone know how to put the FreeBSD beastie screensaver on ubuntu server terminal?04:49
airtonixgreppy: i hate drupal now04:57
overriderDo i need to do anything special to /dev/sdb,c,d,e using parted or fdisk before i add them to a raid5/6 using mdadm? Like create one large partition or leave 1MB free in the beginning of the disk or sth like that?04:58
Patrickdkyou don't have too, but you probably should04:59
overriderPatrickdk: i guess if i add partitions together, such as sda1 and sda2, but also when i simply add the drives together by their device names?05:00
Patrickdkthe issue I have run into is, some programs like to put a mpt into a drive, if it doesn't have one05:01
Patrickdknot caring if you wanted it to or not05:01
greppyairtonix: ummm ok.05:01
Jasonnwhat programs can i install on my server? Like what useful things can i put on my server that would be useful?05:17
Jasonnalready have ftp05:18
Jasonnapache/php have no use to me05:18
Jasonnanything else that i can find useful?05:19
Jasonnfor like a local connection?05:19
Jasonnmore for networking05:19
Jasonnwhat is that?05:19
nertiljoin #ipv605:19
nertilhost like this are ipv605:19
Jasonnand that hides my IP?05:20
Jasonncan i do it without the ISP granting me any control over my DNS?05:20
nertilsudo apt-get install gw6c05:20
nertiland try to join server irc.ipv6.freenode.net05:21
Jasonncan i do it without the ISP granting me any control over my DNS?05:21
Jasonnhow does it work?05:21
Jasonnlike you tunnel the connection through some server?05:21
nertilipv6 tunel05:21
Jasonnand my server is the tunnel?05:21
nertiltunel to connect with that ipv6 ip05:22
nertiljoin #Ipv605:22
nertilull learn more05:22
nertilfreenode supports ipv605:22
nertilso its nice to play with05:22
Jasonnill do that05:23
here4thegearI have ubuntu server on a VPS was thinking of setting up a tor server on it so that people can hide behind it... would that work okay?05:54
SpamapShere4thegear: yes that will work.06:06
SpamapSlifeless: lol.. no no pycassa or pythrift. If you guys want those.. I'd be thrilled to package them tho06:06
lifelessSpamapS: rmcbride had done them06:08
lifelessSpamapS: I've tweaked the thrift one06:08
lifelessSpamapS: both are now in ppa:launchpad06:08
lifelessSpamapS: I've no immediate plans to put them into ubuntu or debian - I haven't audited the packaging for sanity, for instance06:08
here4thegearthanks SpamapS:06:09
SpamapSlifeless: nice06:10
lifelessSpamapS: if you want to grab them, give it a once over and push into ubuntu and/or debian06:11
lifelessI'm sure rmcbride would be thrilled.06:11
lifelessI would be.06:11
SpamapSlifeless: thrift may be tricky in that respect06:11
lifelessgiven the existing, stuck, ITP ?06:11
SpamapSlifeless: I think its about time thrift landed in debian and ubuntu tho..06:11
SpamapSlifeless: yeah..06:11
SpamapSlifeless: we should have enough clout to unstick that ITP06:12
lifelessyeah, I saw. JFDI :>06:12
* SpamapS is reminded of his mod_pagespeed ITP which needs some love :-P06:12
SpamapSlifeless: well I must leave you now.. I'm about to embark on a very lifeless-like journey.. 27 hours from now I will be at my destination. :-P06:14
lifelessSpamapS: good luck06:15
SpamapSlifeless: any tips?06:15
lifelessflying ?06:15
SpamapSlifeless: I have a 15 hour segment...06:15
lifelesscapetown ?06:15
lifelessheh :)06:15
lifelessso, get either an aisle or window seat, don't be middle of row under any circumstances06:16
SpamapSvery exciting06:16
lifelessif you can't sleep, just pretend.06:16
SpamapSi'm properly liquored up. .. and have an aisle seat. :)06:16
lifelessaisle lets you put one leg in the well, aisle.06:16
SpamapSand I've got reading material, snacks, and a 1 hour hacking project. :)06:16
lifelessget a neck pillow, I found the one I bought really helps rest06:16
lifelessand if you don't have good noise cancelling headphones, buy a travel rated pair06:17
SpamapSdamn, left my kneck pillow at home.. doh06:17
lifelessthey cut out the jet noise so much06:17
lifelessI have an inflatable one06:17
SpamapSHmm I might grab a set in NY06:17
SpamapSok.. well they're announcing boarding. TTYL and ty!06:17
lifelessgot it at random airport store06:17
K4kIs there anyway, if I have my server setup with ServerAlias home.website.com to access that from the same network as the server is on?06:26
phyfuscan you run DRDB on EC2 using Lucid?06:37
phyfusI tried to install drbd8-utils but got the error message "Module build for the currently running kernel was skipped since the kernel source for this kernel does not seem to be installed."06:40
phyfuscan you run DRBD on EC2 using Lucid?06:41
MadHaTTer_777hey ppl06:43
MadHaTTer_777anyone here?06:43
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
MadHaTTer_777im getting this error on trying to install a .tgz06:44
MadHaTTer_777gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--format violated06:44
MadHaTTer_777tar: Unexpected EOF in archive06:44
MadHaTTer_777tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now06:44
MadHaTTer_777anyone know what im screwing up today?06:44
MadHaTTer_777nm i fixed it07:03
MadHaTTer_777just a corrupt dl07:04
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MadHaTTer_777hello eric08:02
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chrislabeardWhat is a good encoder for PPC. I tried to install ffmpeg but it failed to install.08:31
danielckany idea what could be going wrong here - after adding $cfg['ForceSSL'] = true; to /etc/phpmyadmin/config.inc.php the connection is SSL but php is showing in plain text08:34
danielckie. the php source is displayed08:34
NightDragonif anyone is up at this ungodly hour, i have a apache question http://pastebin.com/fZhuLRL708:57
ivoksit's 10AM?09:16
ivoksRewriteRule       ^(!(/svn(.*)|/trac(.*)))$  http://localhost:8080/$1 [P,L]09:17
ivoksso many things are so wrong in this rule09:17
ivoksunless you really want to redirect every svn/trac requrest to the machine from which it camed09:19
Davieyivoks, the client machine could have a /etc/hosts entry for localhost not pointing to :)09:20
ivoksthat would break lots of other things :)09:21
Davieywell yes... but at least svn would work :)09:21
ivokstrue :D09:23
WinstonSmith_hi! how do i enable trash on an external hdd? since the user cant write to the root of the external hdd, they cant create the trash directory. where do i configure that? e.g. the rights which the temp mounts are mounted. do i have to add my user to some group?09:24
=== WinstonSmith_ is now known as WinstonSmith
AdromedaHello, I need help setting up a ubuntu server for the first time, I want to run the xen hypervisor09:35
AdromedaI'm doing this because I'll be purchasing a vps that's running xen09:36
asadeddinhey all09:48
asadeddini have a question about roaming profiles and user management09:48
asadeddinI am looking to do roaming profiles using NFS, but I would like to manage the updates and rights of the users from the server09:49
asadeddinhow can this be done?09:49
asadeddinanyone looking to take a shot at this?09:53
greppyasadeddin: If someone was, they would have said so.09:53
asadeddingreppy: right, very constructive point. Thanks...09:54
airtonixuse ldap10:02
asadeddinWIll look into it more. Thanks!10:03
airtonixit's not a complete answer10:04
asadeddinwhy so?10:04
airtonixbut you should be able to find the rest of the answer with google10:04
airtonixbecause ldap doesn't impose permissions10:04
airtonixits merely a database10:05
asadeddinright i see10:05
asadeddini'm looking at the server guide right now10:05
lifelessSpamapS: present for you when you get off of that plane: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/72547010:07
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 725470 in ubuntu "cassandra - crash in compaction using lucid ppa package" [Undecided,New]10:07
pw-toxic__i have very slow write rates on a new raid1 volume ( 2* 2TB hitachi)10:09
pw-toxic__i can read with 90 MB/s but i can only write with 16 MB/s10:09
pw-toxic__any ideas?10:09
lifelesssounds about right10:10
lifelessreading from a mirror set is twice the write rate10:10
lifelessthat gets you to 45MB read per drive10:10
lifelessand writing is normally slower than reads10:10
WinstonSmithlifeless, he has a raid1 which should give him the same speeds as in using only 1 disk10:11
WinstonSmithand reading from a mirrored set is not faster10:11
lifelessif you say so10:11
WinstonSmithwell lifeless then kindly explain to me what you mean please10:12
pw-toxic__and still 90 MB/s >>>> 16 MB/s10:14
lifelessWinstonSmith: raid 1 doubles the spindles available to do IO; that allows twice the concurrency for satisfying read requests, and twice the disk bandwidth (particularly if on dedicated controllers)10:14
WinstonSmithpw-toxic__, is it software or hardware raid?10:16
WinstonSmithpw-toxic__, have a read here, it may apply to your problem : http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-4kb-sector-disks/10:17
pw-toxic__WinstonSmith, software raid10:18
WinstonSmithpw-toxic__, read the link please. maybe you have to align the partitions10:18
pw-toxic__WinstonSmith, the performance issue i have is by far bad than i can read in this article10:20
WinstonSmithpw-toxic__, true its a bit worse. what do you get with only 1 drive?10:22
pw-toxic__WinstonSmith, how am i supposed to try this? building the raid takes a whole day10:23
_spt_Hi, could someone please point me to a good page about setting up PHP on my ubuntu server 10.10. I get the html test page ok.10:23
WinstonSmithpw-toxic__, sry thought you may have tested drives before building the raid10:23
brodohi there. i've got a postfix server an want to add aliases which are reachable from the outside. is there any way to accomplish this with /etc/aliases or do i have to set up /etc/postfix/virtual?10:36
egolostI am doing a switch from centOS to ubuntu server. I wish to create a new volume on my lvm with the installer but don't understand howto.. I guess "Configure the Logical Volume Manager" will destroy the current lvm on the raid?10:37
egolostbecause I see my lvm volumes alright but there is nowhere I can add a volume.10:39
aliveriusi setup my server for an nfsv4 share11:12
aliveriusthen i rebooted it and now i cant ssh to it11:12
aliveriusnmap shows only 111/tcp open  rpcbind11:13
aliveriusno other ports11:13
egolostaliverius: started sshd?11:22
aliveriusi cannot ssh to it anymore11:23
aliveriussshd is supposed to be running11:23
egolostwhat does basic ubuntu server when it comes to package selection install?11:46
aliverius$ sudo mount -t nfs4 -o proto=tcp,port=2049 /mnt/12:17
aliveriusmount.nfs4: No such device12:17
aliveriuswhat does this mean?12:17
egolostaliverius: that it can't find
asadeddinhey all12:34
asadeddini m wondering, how do i connect to a Samba folder from Ubuntu12:35
asadeddini can find it in firefox12:35
asadeddinbut i dont know how to access it otherwise.12:35
aliveriusegolost: # nmap
aliverius2049/tcp open  nfs12:40
brodoisn't there an easy to install, easy to configure all-in-one email server?13:19
brodopostfix + dovecot is just way too compliacted13:19
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uvirtbotNew bug: #725552 in squid (main) "package squid 2.7.STABLE7-1ubuntu12.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72555213:36
uvirtbotNew bug: #725560 in squid (main) "package squid 2.7.STABLE7-1ubuntu12.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72556013:51
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SpamapSlifeless: I think that may be fixed in 0.7.214:33
SpamapSlifeless: which I'll upload when I have more than 128kbit upstream ;)14:33
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=== DigitalFlyx is now known as DigitalFlux
aliverius$ sudo mount -t nfs4 -o proto=tcp,port=2049 /mnt/16:44
aliveriusmount.nfs4: No such device16:44
aliverius192.168.2.4 is a valid host16:45
compdocport is open in firewall?16:46
aliverius$ nmap open  nfs16:46
aliverius$ nmap
aliverius2049/tcp open nfs16:46
aliveriusbetter now16:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #725635 in squid (main) "package squid 2.7.STABLE7-1ubuntu12.1 failed to install/upgrade: el subproceso instalado el script post-installation devolvió el código de salida de error 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72563517:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #725672 in php5 (main) "PHP 5.3.3-1ubuntu9.3 with Suhosin-Patch crashes (segfault) when using big SplFixedArray" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72567218:11
lifelessSpamapS: cool18:43
lifelessSpamapS: its also running out of fds, which I find mildly surprising :)18:44
lifelessSpamapS: I hope the flight is progressing well18:45
uvirtbotNew bug: #725737 in drbd8 (main) "package drbd8-source 2:8.3.7-1ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: drbd8 kernel module failed to build" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72573720:21
rchewningi am hoping someone might be able to help with some trouble that i'm having with port forwarding on my gateway box.  http://pastebin.com/jJkUUruR20:32
rchewningit seems that i'm unable to get traffic from the "world" interface eth0 to either internal network on eth1 or eth220:33
uvirtbotNew bug: #725748 in squid (main) "package squid 2.7.STABLE7-1ubuntu12.1 failed to install/upgrade: le sous-processus script post-installation installé a retourné une erreur de sortie d'état 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72574820:46
pw-toxici want to install gnome desktop on my ubuntu server machine for vnc etc21:12
pw-toxichow can i install it21:12
pw-toxicwhat is the package name or how do i find it out21:12
pw-toxiccan someone help me decide how i should configure my ubuntu server?21:22
pw-toxicim reading that installing a gui for ubutnu server is not recommended, but i really need it ;(21:22
pw-toxicnow im not sure what to do21:22
thesheff17_pw-toxic: what do you need the gui for?21:25
pw-toxicgedit for example21:25
pw-toxicthen i need a raid gui21:25
pw-toxicpalimpsest is very cool21:26
pw-toxicand sometimes i want to run ubuntu tools but im using windows7 on my desktop because i have 4 screens and want to view blu-rays21:26
guntbertpw-toxic: you really should learn to work on the cmd line21:26
pw-toxicguntbert, i dont have time for this21:26
thesheff17_pw-toxic: I would learn to use the text based tools but if you don't want to do that.  You can always forward GUI tools through xvfb which is a X frame buffer21:27
pw-toxicguntbert, i can work from the command line for basic things.. i mean i install my raid with the cmd line21:27
guntbertpw-toxic: why do you want to run a server then?21:27
pw-toxicguntbert, i have a desktop system with an SSD21:27
pw-toxicwhich is very silent21:27
pw-toxicand then i have an ubuntu with 11 hard drives21:27
pw-toxictwo raid1 drives and one big raid521:27
thesheff17_install the server and just do apt-get install ubuntu-desktop21:27
thesheff17_pretty easy.21:28
pw-toxicim running dhcp on it and apache and svn etc21:28
pw-toxicso its kind of a server21:28
pw-toxicthesheff17_, i have found this command already and im doing this at the moment, but i have read that installing GUI on a server is not recommended21:28
pw-toxicin think the problem is, that is use the server for both server things and desktop things21:28
thesheff17_pw-toxic: that is true..GUI stuff is overhead a server shouldn't be running21:29
thesheff17_pw-toxic: but in your case you want the GUI..not to many options.21:29
pw-toxicthesheff17_, but to be honest - i have no time to learn how to use toosl like VIM or VI etc21:29
thesheff17_pw-toxic: use nano21:29
thesheff17_so simple21:29
pw-toxicor nano21:29
thesheff17_all the shortcuts are at the bottom. gedit is harder to use21:30
pw-toxici can learn how to use them, but then i wont need to use them for about 6 months, and after 6 months i dont know anymore how to use it, and im annoyed that it takes so nmuch time to do a simple task21:30
pw-toxicand additionally, i think that there are really cool features of ubuntu desktop like the palimpsest tool (disk utility)21:31
pw-toxicwhich shows me smart data in a nice view with explanations and so on21:31
pw-toxicit saves me so much time21:31
pw-toxicbut on the other hand i want to have a very clean installation.. so im still not sure what to do ;)))21:31
thesheff17_pw-toxic: forward stuff through an x frame buffer21:31
pw-toxicbut for example i want to make bigger copy commands and i want to run this on the background and see how much has been done so far21:32
pw-toxicso i just connect to vnc21:32
pw-toxicexit vnc21:32
pw-toxicand the next day i reconnect21:32
pw-toxicand i see the state of the copy21:33
thesheff17_what does this mean? make bigger copy commands?21:33
pw-toxicfor example i want to copy 500 GB of an external drive to my raid21:34
pw-toxicwhich takes several hours21:34
jmarsdenthesheff17_: run a copy command that will take a while, I think he means21:34
thesheff17_lol ok..I don't get why you are reluctant to learn the commands...every time you log on you can type history to see what you executed and complex commands I save in a text file...to run things in the background just add & to the end of the command.21:36
pw-toxicis there something like a time estimation for copy commands from a command line?21:37
pw-toxicthere are just many small things i like from the GUI21:37
thesheff17_pw-toxic: well then just install ubuntu-desktop and it will be fine...I just hate servers with tons of updates and the GUI just has so many all the time...so it is def a trade off.21:38
pw-toxicthesheff17_, thats why i'm not satisfied with both solutions: with and without a GUI21:39
thesheff17_pw-toxic: frame buffer is somewhere in the middle but doesn't do everything...get two machines :) good luck.21:40
uvirtbotNew bug: #725770 in squid (main) "package squid 2.7.STABLE7-1ubuntu12.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72577021:41
pw-toxicthesheff17_, how about this: can i install ubuntu inside my windows and run gedit on the ubuntu desktop sytem editing a file via SSH on my server?21:41
pw-toxicis there a link you can give me where i can read about frame buffers?21:41
pw-toxici dont know this21:41
pw-toxicnow i have installed ubuntu-desktop.. how can i start it now?21:43
thesheff17_on the server you just do apt-get install xvfb then you need a X server I use cygwin...install the X server software for cygwin then all you need to do is ssh -X root@ubuntuServer log in.  Then just type gedit and the GUI will be forwarded to your windows machine.21:44
pw-toxichm x-server is started by default21:44
pw-toxici think i should really not install a gui...21:44
thesheff17_cygwin stuff is all on the windows side.21:44
=== thesheff17_ is now known as thesheff17
AtomicSparkDoes the thing dpkg-reconfigure calls for interactive mode cache user choices somewhere? I apt-get purged postfix and I don't see any postfix in my etc/, yet when I reinstall it, my old settings are still autofilled in.22:56
AtomicSparkI kind of would like to see what the real defaults were/back them up somewhere.22:56
jmarsdenAtomicSpark: man 7 debconf and look in /var/cache/debconf22:59
zongoGreeting Guys,23:00
AtomicSparkjmarsden: No manual entry for debconf in section 7 (even though it's referenced in man debconf (1?))23:00
jmarsdenHmm, there is for me.  the man 1 debconf is not the one you want...  Are you running 10.04 ?23:01
AtomicSparkIt's not on my desktop either.23:01
jmarsdenAh, I have debconf-doc installed :)23:01
AtomicSparkI'll find an online man thing.23:01
jmarsdensudo apt-get install debconf-doc23:01
jmarsdenFinding junk online may not get you docs that match what is running on your machine... always use man pages first.23:02
AtomicSparkThe version might be wrong, but it's giving me the gist of what happens.23:03
AtomicSparkjmarsden: I'm not finding the proper way to remove enteries in /var/cache/debconf/. I'm a little worried about just finding the line(s) for that package and just deleting them.23:11
jmarsdenThe two tools for that are debconf-get-selections and debconf-set-selections, so sudo apt-get debconf-utils   and play :)23:12
AtomicSparkjmarsden: I just greped all those files, I don't see anything for postfix.23:17
AtomicSparkAlso, curious that the -old files are the same.23:18
AtomicSparkOh darn, template.dat is actually a binary file. Well config.dat still doesn't point to anything postfixy in there.23:19
jmarsdengrep -c postfix /var/cache/debconf/config.dat    # says postfix is in there 55 times on my machine...23:20
AtomicSpark0 on mine :\23:21
jmarsdenI'm out of ideas... sorry!23:21
AtomicSparkThis might help, the only thing it's remembering (apparently) is the system mail name.23:22
AtomicSparkDo you know if thats stored somewhere special?23:22
jmarsdenYes, /etc/mailname :)23:22
AtomicSparkI think the default for that is hostname.local23:22
jmarsdenThat is not postfix specific at all.23:23
AtomicSparkReally should get around to bzretc or whatever.23:23
jmarsdenJust fire up a fresh virtual machine or chroot if you want to see what a fresh install looks like...23:24
AtomicSparkhttp://wiki.debian.org/EtcMailName debian wiki is cute!23:25
AtomicSparkjmarsden: Well I'll probably do the "compare to a virtual machine" method. Thanks for the help.23:28
jmarsdenAtomicSpark: You're welcome.23:29
uvirtbotNew bug: #725812 in php5 (main) "PHP5.3.2 throws SEGV on gc_collect_cycles() on script shutdown" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72581223:46

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