
=== jack is now known as Guest28089
=== Guest28089 is now known as jack_
jack_i hate gentoo16:47
jack_i've compiled this kernel 235433453 times and i cant get the stupid e1000 module loaded when i boot from it16:48
jack_ok. i finally got the module but now it wont load -_-16:58
jack_thank god. stupid guest17:06
_marx_what is a masochist?17:13
_marx_sorry thought i was in #jeopardy :)17:13
jack_I finally got gentoo up and running again. im re-compiling gnome now. hopefully not a 24hour process this time.17:26
jack_but im doing it on my work computer which has more power and i dont have to mess with it over the weekend17:27
jack_although, now that i think about it, maybe i should have given it another cpu :<17:27
jack_only 100 packages to go. man, this vm is so much better haha20:48
jack_real    273m10.730s22:32
jack_user    199m14.695s22:32
jack_sys     41m13.791s22:32
jack_better than 24 hours haha22:32

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