
chibihogoshinoxfce4-volumed uses 250 meg of swap.. why ?02:10
cyberangerwhat's your memory?02:13
chibihogoshinowhat is it ?02:14
cyberangerand it's utilization too02:14
chibihogoshinoi have 4 gig and im using 800 meg02:14
cyberangeryeah, thinking maybe it's buffering something02:14
cyberangerwell, that makes less sense then02:15
chibihogoshinoits always used that much tho.. just to turn the volume up and down02:15
cyberangeris that all it does?02:16
chibihogoshinoas far as i know02:16
chibihogoshinothat just seams allot for what it does ..02:17
chibihogoshino50 meg less than rhythmbox ..02:18
cyberangerI thin the fact the entire launchpad site is https should be considered a bug02:18
chibihogoshinofile it02:18
cyberangerthink I will be02:18
cyberangeras for your issue, dunno02:18
cyberangermaybe some hardware limitation, memory leak, idk, it's using swap with alot of ram, seems odd02:19
cyberangerlaunchpad being all https, I can't cache any of it02:19
cyberangerfor a celluar or satellite connection I use squid to cut down or repetive requests (and on a normal connection too, but it's intentional for capped or poor connections)02:21
cyberangerit breaks my cache02:21
chibihogoshinoit is kinda odd since all the software is open02:21
cyberangerI can understand something like tor02:26
cyberangerbut tor is on it's own server and domain, dead giveaway02:26
cyberangerI don't know of any software on lp that is similar in nature, for that concern02:27
cyberangerand on top of it, tor can use http02:27
cyberangerlp shoves https down your throat02:27
cyberangerno disable option02:28
chibihogoshinoyeah its a little gay02:28
cyberangerit's odd, normally I demand for an ssl option02:29
chibihogoshinowhy cant you download from https ?02:30
cyberangermy proxy can't02:35
cyberangerit's the nature of encryption, anything in the middle breaks the chain02:35
cyberangerI can use the proxy as a tunnel02:36
cyberangerbut I can't cache02:36
chibihogoshinoit would be cool to have a screen saver that zooms out all the windows and keeps them updated02:56
=== excid3|mbp is now known as excid3|party-hat
chibihogoshinoanyone working on a google team calendar ?03:35
chibihogoshinowhen is the last time anyone had a kernel panic ?03:42
chris4585kernel panics usually only happen if you try to make them happy in my own experience03:52
chris4585lol @ happy typo03:52
wrstchibihogoshino: i had a kernel panic in the last few months04:30
chibihogoshinoare you running 32 or 64 bit ?04:30
wrst32 but it was in natty though so dont' guess that counts04:32
cyberangerchris4585: it takes something odd for a kernel panic, that's for sure14:14
cyberangerbut it's more likely when messing with it (which I've done)14:14
chibihogoshinoyo chris458516:09
cyberangerchibihogoshino: hey, hadn't seen chris4585 all morning16:12
cyberangeris your panic resolved16:12
cyberangerhow about your kernels?16:13
chibihogoshinooh it was a friend .. he was running 64 bit version16:13
chibihogoshinohe put in his password and it panicked16:14
cyberangerah, ouch16:16
chibihogoshinothat is a odd place for one16:17
cyberangerI manage a team calander, but idk if it's actually gotten use16:17
cyberangershould be public16:17
chibihogoshinoits not ?16:17
cyberangerhonestly by the time I hear of anything solid enough to put on a calandar, I wondered if anyone would notice16:17
cyberangerthat's changed lately, with smartphones16:18
chibihogoshinoa little..16:19
chibihogoshinoi dont have one tho16:20
chris4585hi chibihogoshino16:20
chibihogoshinoah chris4585 i found a old version of magiclive16:20
chibihogoshinoit works .. i just make a iso with it16:21
chibihogoshinohave to remake. it has some problems with xfce4.816:22
chris4585ah thats cool, no dpkg errors?16:22
chris4585what version was it?16:22
chibihogoshinoone with /desktop or something but i got that before16:22
chibihogoshinodoes it have versions ?16:23
chris4585well, the older ones didn't really include one, but if it did, it would say at the very top of the magiclive file16:24
chibihogoshino2008 ?16:24
chibihogoshinothats the copyright .. it dosnt have a version number16:25
chibihogoshinoto old /16:28
cyberangerchibihogoshino: ^16:29
chibihogoshinohow can i subscribe to that16:32
cyberangeruh, you can, lemme see how16:33
chibihogoshinon/m i got it16:34
cyberangerdrat, google removed the ability to search for calendars16:35
chibihogoshinohmm..  i wonder if it will update16:40
chibihogoshinonow im gonna get spam..16:43
cyberangerchibihogoshino: I PM'd you for a reason16:48
chibihogoshinoi had the setting off to open a new tab ..16:49
chibihogoshinoit just looks like a regular message in the channel16:50
cyberangerit's giving me an error on saving changes16:50
cyberangerso I assume you added it already16:50
chibihogoshinoi subscribed tho16:50
cyberangerthat works16:53
cyberangerI just can't have you edit (which might have been nice down the road, your in knoxville, no leader is as often)16:54
chibihogoshinoshould be a option for it.. i dont know why they would exclude that from the cal when its in every thing else16:58
chibihogoshinomaybe it has to be a group17:00
chibihogoshinohttp://groups.google.com/   ?17:00
cyberangeroh, it's cause you already have it in your public calendars17:01
cyberangerdifferent method, same id, public acl17:02
cyberangerthe reason for the addy was the other method, with the acl17:02
chibihogoshinoyou cant change the permissions because of that ?17:02
cyberangerthat's for another day17:05
cyberangeryou can see a poorly maintained calendar, we're good17:06
chibihogoshinowow.. i thought it was 3 something till just now17:14
cyberangerchibihogoshino: you mean the time?19:06
cyberangerah, yeah it's an extremely nice day outside, easy to mixup with how many clouds we had lately19:07
cyberangerperfect day to ........uh......go outside and ........................... chat on IRC?19:07
chibihogoshinoif my battery would last for more than 5 min i would.. :-)19:08
* cyberanger hands chibihogoshino a better battery, perhaps a smartphone to go with it19:09
chibihogoshinoi was just thinking about that.. it would be nice to go to the park and sit under a tree19:09
cyberangerI wish it was april, with this kind of day19:10
cyberangerperfect to go jump in some river, or the great lakes19:11
chibihogoshinowater proof a laptop ?19:11
cyberangerwell, I hadn't thought that far, but I could waterproof a smartphone, celluar data19:12
chibihogoshinoirc under water .. bet that has never been done19:12
cyberangerwould want it to be an iphone or a G1 something cheap and easy to forget about (you don't replace an iphone, already have something better than a G1)19:13
cyberangeryeah, not by many at least19:14
cyberangerI thought it'd be cool to be the only one with internet at mt. leconte, then I found out that area has great coverage from everybody, kinda a buzzkill19:15
chibihogoshinothat sucks19:15
cyberangerstill makes me want to install a mesh node or two, for the fun of it19:15
chibihogoshinoand dosnt suck for the coverage19:15
cyberanger30 miles or so for one link19:16
cyberangera little shy of 5 for the 2nd19:16
chibihogoshinothat would be cool19:16
cyberangerthen I can tie it into my folks here19:16
cyberangersolar powered19:16
cyberangerI did the 5 mile link19:16
chibihogoshinohow did it turn out19:17
cyberangerand a smaller link in chattanooga (but was the first with actual traffic, proving it's worth)19:17
cyberangerit turned out quite well, aiming wasn't ideal the first time (fixed that down the road)19:18
chibihogoshinohow much packet loss ?19:37
cyberangerline of sight, aimed accurately, minimal19:39
cyberangeras close to /dev/null as you can get19:40
chibihogoshinowhat kind of antenna did you use ?19:54
cyberanger.74 meter satellite dishes modded with a cantenna, more or less20:03
cyberangerfor 5 miles it wasn't an issue, but I've since upgraded to a yagi20:03
cyberangerone end is rp-sma, one is an N-Connector20:03
chibihogoshinodid you build them ?20:04
cyberangertwo Dishes, yes, yagi, no20:04
cyberangertweaked them, minor20:04
cyberangerI could build them, yagi's are simple20:05
cyberangerbut went with a higher quality than I think I could have done, but a higher price20:06
cyberangerconsidering the 30 mile leg is gonna be different, and I gotta hike to both sites for that link, mt. leconte isn't a nice hike if you really over pack20:08
cyberangerit was worth the cost for high grade lightweight aluminum20:08
cyberangerand Alcoa didn't mind it20:09
chibihogoshinoare they still up ?20:09
cyberangerI have yet to even try the 30 mile link (not an issue, I know they'll work)20:10
cyberangerbut in spirit of pack it in pack it out, they're down20:10
cyberangerI can have the node from here pointing at look rock up in under 5 minutes20:17
cyberangerbut I've not been to look rock since before my car wreak, and could get permission to perm. mount that, I think20:17
cyberangerthe Mt. Leconte node would have to be seasonal, or something20:18
cyberangerwinter is just too much for operating conditions20:18
cyberangermaybe something meant to be outdoors full time20:20
chibihogoshinowere did you mount it ?20:26
cyberangerdo you know where mt. leconte is? or look rock (if not, that's fine, I've got a map too)20:36
chibihogoshinoi was wondering if you could put the antenna on a tree and then put a roof over it so it would be ok in the winter20:42
cyberangernot too ideal, and the antenna could be wet20:44
cyberangeras long as the other parts are dry, warm, not too warm20:44
chibihogoshinoif it was covered enough and enclosed in a thing it would be ok20:45
cyberangertempature gets low at Mt. Leconte20:49
cyberangersolar panel, car battery, mesh node20:49
cyberangersolar panel won't care, carbattery must vent, but works porrly in cold, summers get hot, not above specs, but not ideal20:50
cyberangerbut in winter, gets cold, below specs20:50
chibihogoshinobury the battery in the ground20:51
cyberangernot in a national park, no way20:54
chibihogoshinoi think something like 6 feet it stays warm20:54
cyberangerbesides, Sealed Lead Batteries need to vent20:56
chibihogoshinoor a hose20:57
cyberangerand that may work for the Mesh node, perhaps20:57
cyberangerdefeats the benifit of burying it, as moisture seeps in via the air, gets heated and trapped20:58
cyberangerand the depth is 6 feet for a courpse, smell seals there20:58
cyberangerfor the frost line, little shallow due to tennessee clay20:58
chibihogoshinouse a one way trap for the water and cover the top of the hose20:59
cyberangerstill the issue of digging in a national park, the other two nodes aren't as bad, and I could heat a few different ways21:01
cyberangerlook rock has ham radio gear and the air quality station, I can work with that21:01
cyberangerthe gateway node is equally simplistic21:02
chibihogoshinomaybe they will let you put it up if you ask21:02
cyberangerwhich, look rock or leconte?21:03
cyberangercan't be permenant, that's key21:04
cyberangerI think they'd let me set it while I'm there, perhaps even for a season21:05
cyberangerbetween the business and the park, doable, got a goram nightmare in buracacy21:05
chibihogoshinomake the wires look like vines and the node like a birds nest21:06
cyberangerand the antenna21:09
chibihogoshinoa branch21:09
cyberangerI'd rather they told me no, then go behind them in this manner21:10
chibihogoshinoi was just thinking how to make it blend into the surroundings ..21:10
chibihogoshinoohio has some cell towers that look like pine trees .. if your not looking for them you would never notice it.21:12
cyberangerwell, that's discrete21:19
cyberangerstill want permission21:19
chibihogoshinoyeah ..21:19
cyberangerif they say yes, but be discreet, got that covered21:21
cyberangerjust can't dig, or damage any wildlife21:22
cyberangeryeah historic site, national park, so on, so on, so on21:48
=== excid3|party-hat is now known as potted_plant
chibihogoshinoi think you typed that wrong... its pot_plant23:10
cyberangerchibihogoshino: you pissed him off and left23:35
chibihogoshinoguess he dont like plants that much23:37
cyberangerwell, at least 7 leaf ones23:38
chibihogoshino maybe he makes pots for plants .. taking the pot away from the plant would piss him off i guess.23:38

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