
joshuahooverachiang: is ubuntu one connected? system > preferences > ubuntu one00:03
joshuahooverachiang: if it is and songs haven't downloaded, please try going to the "devices" tab in ubuntu one preferences and click "disconnect" and then "connect"00:03
joshuahooverachiang: also, i should ask whether the files are showing on the web for you now? https://one.ubuntu.com/files00:04
achiangjoshuahoover: it was not connected00:04
joshuahooverachiang: ah ok, yeah...that is VERY annoying...we need to fix that because it doesn't seem to auto-connect in the scenario you ran through00:04
joshuahooverachiang: that should start the download of files00:04
achiangjoshuahoover: should be pretty reproducible. this is a relatively new install of maverick, and i haven't done anything weird00:04
joshuahooverachiang: yep, i think it happens when you setup u1 through the music store...because the client doesn't connect for you after successful setup00:05
achiangjoshuahoover: seems like a pretty big UX bug to me. :-/00:06
achiangjoshuahoover: do you have a LP already to track it?00:06
joshuahooverachiang: i need to check, especially since we're transitioning to banshee right now00:06
karniokey, storage management on the way. EOD. take care, everyone01:56
karnibeuno: the storage management screen that I've attached looks quite.. trivial I must say. it's just missing numbers (plus, it's design-team dependant, think progress bars etc). let me ping you with the apk once storage management is done (hopefully majority by tomorrow)01:58
* karni leaves02:00
duanedesigncya karni02:07
=== Kaleido|Away is now known as Kaleidomorph
heyboyAre bookmarks stored on UbuntuOne? or are they only synced with another member computer?06:19
heyboynot on my account in ubuntuone server06:19
heyboyhow do I see the stored bookmarks on the ubuntuone server in my account?06:21
adorilsonhi, anybody help me? I dont run the ubuntuone-preferences10:57
duanedesignif you run the command:  ubuntuone-preferences10:59
duanedesignfrom the terminal what do you get?11:00
adorilsonyes, but It dont works. see11:00
duanedesigncan you try:   u1sdtool -s11:01
duanedesignand see if you get same error11:01
adorilsonduanedesign, http://pastebin.com/nTtSMiCG11:03
duanedesignthat is the same pastebin :)11:06
duanedesignadorilson, do you get the same dbus error when you run the command:  u1sdtool -s11:08
adorilsonI'm sorry11:09
adorilsonduanedesign, this is the correct http://pastebin.com/wD1jeh6F11:09
duanedesignadorilson: are you syncing any folders other then your Ubuntu One folder?11:16
adorilsonduanedesign, Yes, I do.11:16
duanedesignthis seems to happen with users who have a large number of files11:17
duanedesignThis happens because there is a less-than-optimal storage of metadata in versions prior to what is now in nightlies and Natty Narwhal. Basically that's bug LP:436612.11:18
duanedesignSince you have a fairly large number of files in your Ubuntu One directory I believe you would like to try the nightlies PPA. Please be aware that downgrading back to previous version is not posible11:19
adorilsonduanedesign, really, I have a lot of files11:19
duanedesigni am guessing :)11:19
duanedesignadorilson: have you added some files recently?11:19
adorilsonduanedesign, yes. But by another machine.11:20
duanedesignthe preferences panel is failing because, I believe, it is waiting for a response from the syncdaemon. It is talking awhile to start because it is processeing a bunch of metadata11:21
adorilsonCan I try this PPA at U10.10 ?11:21
duanedesignadorilson: does this command work:    u1sdtool --connect11:21
duanedesignadorilson: yes. It works much better in my opinion11:21
adorilsonthe --connect seems works. it echo nothing11:23
duanedesignok. try  u1sdtool -s11:23
duanedesignyou should get11:23
duanedesignis_online: True11:24
duanedesignconnection: With User With Network11:24
adorilsonno. the both is False11:24
adorilsonbut connection is ok11:25
duanedesignis it still: doing  Local_Rescan11:25
adorilsonI have => State: LOCAL_RESCAN11:26
adorilsonis it ?11:26
duanedesignadorilson: what number do you get from:   find ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/syncdaemon -depth -type d -empty | wc -l11:27
duanedesignok. You can run this command. Might help speed up the syncdaemon starting a little:11:29
duanedesignfind ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/syncdaemon -depth -type d -empty -delete11:29
duanedesigni would say if after a clean reboot it still is not working you might try the nightlies PPA11:30
duanedesignthe commands to add that ppa are11:30
duanedesignsudo add-apt-repository: ppa:ubuntuone/nightlies11:30
duanedesignsudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade11:30
duanedesignI need to get the family off this morning. I will be back in less then an hour if you still have some questions11:31
adorilsonI ran the command. I have reboot now?11:32
adorilsonhi, duanedesign12:17
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duanedesignadorilson: hello12:35
duanedesignim back :)12:35
adorilsonduanedesign,  the ppa works12:46
adorilsonbut the ubuntuone-preferences was removed. is it ok?12:46
duanedesignoh yeah12:47
duanedesignlet me see what it is called now12:47
duanedesignUbuntu One is now found under the 'Mail Menu'12:48
duanedesigninstead of the 'Me Menu'12:48
duanedesignadorilson: ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk12:49
adorilsonI have a "New cloud folder avaliable" under Mail Menu12:49
adorilsonbut when I click  nothing happens12:50
adorilsonduanedesign, $ ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk12:51
adorilsonubuntuone-control-panel-gtk: command not found12:51
adorilsonI have  only ubuntuone-launch command12:51
duanedesignadorilson: how about System > Preferences > Ubuntu One12:52
adorilsonThis item dont exist more12:54
duanedesignadorilson: run this command:   sudo apt-get install ubuntuone-control-panel12:55
adorilsonduanedesign, done. and now? I dont have a  ubuntuone-control-panel command12:58
duanedesignadorilson:What about :     ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk12:59
adorilsonnothing. only ubuntuone-launch12:59
duanedesignadorilson: ok, can you run:   sudo apt-get install ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk13:05
duanedesignor better:    sudo apt-get install ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk  python-ubuntuone-control-panel13:06
adorilsonpython-ubuntuone-control-panel was installed with ubuntuone-control-panel13:08
adorilsonand this last install works13:08
adorilsonI have a question13:10
duanedesignI thought ubuntuone-contril-panel that would of been called in by the other packages13:10
duanedesignnow i know :)13:10
duanedesignadorilson: what is that?13:10
adorilsonin this new version, in Cloud Folders aba, If a unchecked a folder the download stop?13:11
adorilsonbecause I need more a folder than other. Do you understand?13:12
duanedesignit will finish what is already in the queue13:13
duanedesignyou can use these commands to see how many items are in the queue:  u1sdtool --waiting-metadata | wc -l13:14
duanedesignu1sdtool --waiting-content | wc -l13:15
adorilsonI think that a good feature the user manipulate this queue13:15
duanedesigni agree13:15
duanedesignthere was talk just the other day abour that13:15
duanedesignadorilson: there is a process to remove a folder you accidentally add to the queue13:16
duanedesignmight work for what you want13:16
duanedesignbut it does remove the folders from the cloud so you lose any progress you have made13:17
adorilsonduanedesign, in Services tab is missing Notes13:23
adorilsonduanedesign, where the --delete-folder option will delete the folder ?13:32
adorilsonbtw,  the first 4 steps worked for me13:38
duanedesignadorilson: Notes you have to do seperate from the Tomboy Applet drop down menu13:41
duanedesignadorilson: --delete-folder will delete the folder on the server. It will leave the local version unchanged13:41
duanedesignsetting up Notes^13:43
adorilsonduanedesign, I'm on Cloud Folders and I'm checking a folder13:50
adorilsonafter a while where appears "Loading..." is changed to "Value could not be retrieved"13:51
duanedesignadorilson: what do you get from the command:   u1sdtool -s13:55
adorilsonState: QUEUE_MANAGER13:58
adorilson    connection: With User With Network13:58
adorilson    description: processing the commands pool13:58
adorilson    is_connected: True13:58
adorilson    is_error: False13:58
adorilson    is_online: True13:58
adorilson    queues: WORKING13:58
iktthe website is down?14:24
adorilsonikt, https://one.ubuntu.com/ is in Temporary maintenance14:25
ikthow long is temporary?14:26
adorilsonI don't know. I'm a simple user ;)14:26
duanedesignlet me see If i can find out14:27
ikttwitter is also dead :/14:27
karnigood day everyone!14:45
duanedesignhey karni !14:48
duanedesignkarni: do you know anything about the website being down?14:49
karniduanedesign: oh, no :< I was out of town for few hours14:50
karniwhoa. twitter is down as well, indeed.14:53
beunohi guys15:25
beunowe're looking into it15:25
karnihi beuno. cool. the service itself works fine.15:26
* duanedesign waves at beuno 16:01
beunoheya duanedesign16:06
beunostill trying to get ahold of a sysadmin16:06
beunothey had a sprint they're all flying home atm!16:06
duanedesignbeuno: what have you been working on recently16:07
duanedesignoops. Question lostits question mark16:07
beunoduanedesign, I've been giving lots of love to the contacts web ui16:24
beunohope to see that bubble up to production within the next week or two16:26
karnibeuno: (read only if you're not too busy fixing the web site) initially I wanted to remove the sync option from Options Menu if auto-sync is on. but if it's set to every 3 hours, sometimes the user might want to 'poke' the SD to sync *right now*. aquarius would say "hide it if you can". but shouldn't this be available somewhere in the UI eventually?16:33
duanedesignbeuno: nice. I was uding that just the other day to combine contacts. Nice feature16:34
duanedesignbeuno: one thing i noticed, FWIW, is that after you combine a contact it goes back to the main contact page. It would be nice if after you combined two contacts you stayed on the combine contacts page so you could do more if necessary.16:39
beunoduanedesign, yeap, we'll have all those workflows sorted out within the next month or two16:47
beunocontacts is going to rock16:47
beunokarni, let me continue chasing sysadmins and I'll re-read that while actually paying attention  :)16:48
karnibeuno: sure! I'm continuing my work with storage manatement, we'll talk later.16:48
duanedesignbeuno: awesome.16:52
beunokarni, yeah, maybe when you tap the menu button?17:01
beunoone of the options is sync now?17:01
karnibeuno: indeed. I hid the option when periodic (auto) sync is on. but now I don't think it's a good idea. on the other hand, it may suggest the user needs to tap this every time he wants to sync. I just want for the user to be clear what it does.17:03
karnibeuno: I'll leave it for now in the menu.17:03
beunomaybe we can find a better name for it17:07
karniIt's cosmetics. Let's not worry about it. I'm wrapping up some code and the only part missing will be 'deselecting synced items'17:09
gtriderxccan anyone help me to translate a string?17:56
gtriderxc"There is no Ubuntu One pairing record."17:56
gtriderxcI'd love 2 know what a pairing record is17:57
duanedesigngtriderxc: it is talking about your Couch databases. Like your contacts18:03
gtriderxci'm wondering...18:03
gtriderxchow should I translate pairing record into polish so that somebody knew what's all about18:04
ryegtriderxc, pairing record is a record in local couchdb database which provides the info about what credentials should be used to replicate the data from local machine to remote one18:06
duanedesignthe pairing....d'oh, too slow18:06
karnilet me think ;)18:08
duanedesignrye: are you using nvidia proprietary drivers or noveau?18:08
karnigtriderxc: "Brak wpisu parującego z Ubuntu One" ?18:09
gtriderxcqrde dzięki:)18:09
karniperhaps that still not very clear..18:09
gtriderxczaraz wkleję w lauchpada:)18:09
ryegtriderxc, e.g. <Document '6d8a9b53847944788c1b880c17ccd4bd'@'49-a02ad5319a7c19801b64ee7ecb4953bb' {'push_to_server': True, 'ctime': '2010-10-11 14:31', 'record_type': 'http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/desktopcouch/paired_server', 'service_name': 'ubuntuone', 'pairing_identifier': '138ca0f9-7f93-4964-9ba6-39968eb1aecf', 'excluded_names': ['gwibber_messages', 'bookmarks'], 'pull_from_server': True}>18:09
gtriderxcjednego stringu mi brakuje i będzie tlumaczenie zamkniete18:09
karnigtriderxc: perhaps you shouldn't write more in polish here ;)18:10
karnilet's talk on PM18:10
karnirye: thanks!18:10
karnigtriderxc: actually.. I think the one I suggested is fine.18:11
gtriderxcjust a second...18:13
karnigtriderxc: PM me if you need any more translations :)18:15
gtriderxckarni: You just became a hero of the last action;)https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/ubuntuone-control-panel/+pots/ubuntuone-control-panel/pl/+translate?batch=10&show=all&search=paruj%C4%85cego18:17
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karnigtriderxc: oh, natty! cool hahah :)18:17
karniI hope other translators will agree with our string.18:18
gtriderxcI'm almost the only one18:18
gtriderxcalmost the only few18:18
karnioh.. how is this possible. how much do you guys have left?18:18
gtriderxchard 2 say18:19
gtriderxcas i see there are about 3-4 people with rewievers rights18:19
gtriderxcthere is a few guys who give suggestions18:20
karni19 members. right..18:20
karnigood luck then!18:20
karniI'd help, but I'm a little preoccupied with work I must say.18:20
gtriderxcdoesn't look like 19:)18:21
gtriderxcbut we are able to cover the most important strings18:21
karniholly molly.. good work man. I was looking at https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-pl18:21
gtriderxci must admin that sometimes it is better to do the job in 3 people team than in 19 where everyone has his own visions18:23
gtriderxcwhat is this channel for?18:23
gtriderxcare You Ubuntu One developer or something?18:24
karnigtriderxc: Ubuntu One ;) and everything related18:24
karniI'm coding U1 for Android18:24
karniIf you have any webUI / Ubuntu One / CouchDB related questions, that's a good place to start.18:25
karniI mean.. FAQs are good place to start, but you know what I mean.18:25
gtriderxcok, i'm going back to Launchpad18:26
gtriderxcthanx 4 help once again i do nastepnego razu18:26
karnihehe 3m sie :) no problem18:28
duanedesignrye: did you do any work on an program that stores IRC logs in couch?19:41
duanedesignI am trying to remember who I talked to about that19:41
karniduanedesign: yes, I read that on his blog19:41
ryeduanedesign, having understood that it contains less info than the overhead I stopped doing that19:44
duanedesignhmm, ok19:44
duanedesignI am looking through my folder of unfinished projects. I had started a program that stores irssi logs in couch. Needs a GUI to view the logs though19:45
karniduanedesign: how's that better than holding irssi logs folder in ~/Ubuntu One (.. perhaps apart from constant file updates)20:43
karniduanedesign: I like holding logs in plaintext, but I can imagine having them in a nice browsable manner might be comfortable. I settle with text files though :)20:43
duanedesignkarni: makes sense. At the end of the day you would end up with something that would be only slightly more useful then viewing your plaintext file in Gedit20:46
duanedesignas far as searching and viewing20:46
duanedesigni was thinking being able to look for messages by username, channel, keyword would be cool20:47
karniYou could say, "but hey, this replicates between your coudh db's" -- I access my logs via ssh.20:48
karniduanedesign: ah, true. however, grep does the work (for us, terminal-inclined ppl)20:48
duanedesignkarni: yeah me too and I dislike having to view them in vim or emacs20:48
karniduanedesign: I don't want to decease your motivation. Your idea is still nice.20:48
karniduanedesign: you can always use less20:49
* karni chuckles ;)20:49
karni*less as in terminal command20:49
karnihahahah that was supposed to be *decrease* not decease20:49
* karni facepalms20:50
duanedesignkarni: do you know python at all?20:51
karniduanedesign: what can I say. I've read enough to start coding in it. I've based my last 2 months of work on huge part of SD. so python. but no, not really.20:51
karniPython is lovely. I love dynamic typing. Java compared to Python is a disaster. syntactically.20:52
duanedesigndo you know what @defer.inlineCallbacks   that is called20:53
karniyes I know :D20:54
karniduanedesign: rougly, it means that if you have a yield keyword somewhere20:54
karniduanedesign: Python will inline a Deferred for you there20:54
duanedesigncool, thank you.20:55
karniduanedesign: if I'm not wrong (and that may not be the case), such inlined yield also waits for the result, but let me check20:55
karniduanedesign: that should give you some start: https://confluence.oceanobservatories.org/display/CIDev/Gotchas+with+inlineCallbacks,+yield+and+returnValue20:56
karniduanedesign: right. I mixed it up again. the thing is, it works like a python generator20:57
karniduanedesign: it doesnt block the reactor, but when the result is ready, it is resumed from that place where there result has been returned20:57
duanedesignthank you.21:00
karniyou are welcome21:01
karniduanedesign: you know what Deferreds are, right?21:03
duanedesignkarni: sorry had some PM's to read21:13
duanedesignkarni: not really21:15
karniduanedesign: it's a way to chain actions after a result that you're expecting. deferred is a promise that there will be a result (or failure)21:22
karniduanedesign: so, for example, you make a http request, and chain some processing after that, and it's non-blocking.21:23
karniso your program continues. once the result is there, the request will be processed and anything else you have chained (you can chain failure handling as well)21:23
karnigotta grab some food, bbiab21:24
duanedesignnom oom om21:24
karniargh.. that was fastnom nom. now is fast dog walk.21:32
karniaaaand back to work! :)21:53
karniduanedesign: how's your web'dev going :)?21:55
duanedesigngood. I got some neat PHP i am working on21:56
duanedesigni will have to show you when i get all the bugs out :)21:56
duanedesigni am getting close21:56
duanedesignkarni: can i trouble you with another question?21:57
karniduanedesign: sure, fire at will21:57
duanedesigna staticmethod21:57
karniduanedesign: definitely, I'd love to see it21:57
duanedesigni have some code and it has a staticmethod decorator21:58
karniI see. I'd assume what it means form other languages and it's quite probable, but since it's Python it can be a while guess. Have you seen static methods in other lanugages?21:58
karniTo invoke a static method, you don't need to instantiate the class (no need to have an object of such class), the class itself is sufficient.21:59
duanedesignthe python doc mentions they exist in Java21:59
karnia right :) that's it then21:59
karnifor example, a dog can bark or eat. but you can call Dog.getPopulationCount() (Dog is a class name)22:00
karnito get the number of dogs in the world. quite stupid example, but you get the point. getPopulationCount in this case is a static method22:00
karniyou don't need a Dog object Fluffy do ask for population count. you just ask the Dog class.22:01
karniquite often utiliti methods, or those which only calculate things and don't need to access member fields of objects, are declared static.22:01
karni*utility methods. sorry.22:01
duanedesigngood stuff, thank you22:03
duanedesignmaking it a point to learn all the little bits of python I have not learned yet22:04
duanedesignyou end up in your 'comfort zone' and only use those tools22:04
karnitrue :)22:06
kklimondaah, the python vs. java discussion and I've missed it? damn22:55
kklimondagood evening :)22:56
karnihi kklimonda22:56
karniI'm seriously wondering if UbuntuOneFilesUncaughtExceptionHandler is too long for a class name ;d22:57
karnisince the second 3-word part is already generic class name.22:57
kklimondathere is no such thing like a too long name in Java ;)22:57
kklimondabut yeah, it does look like the first part is pretty generic22:58
karnino, the second one is :) it's from Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler22:58
karniand since it's app wide.. nvm, I'll name it UncaughtHandler hyh22:58
kklimondaUncaughtExceptionHandler would be nicer22:59
karnihuh, yea it's fine :) private class UncaughtExceptionHandler implements Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler23:00
kklimondakarni: any idea how is the drm in android 3.0 implemented?23:06
kklimondakarni: as some kind of propietary module, hardware extention or what?23:07
karnikklimonda: no, but I love what they're doing with 3.0 :)23:07
karnikklimonda: right. I'm not sure how DRM is implemented, sorry.23:07
karnikklimonda: if it's software based, I can imagine it wouldn't last long ;)23:07
kklimondaright, hence I'm wondering23:08
karniso it's definitely hardware module, probably proprietary.23:08
karniI'm just guessing, though.23:08
kklimondait makes sense23:13
kklimondaup till now the only linux-powered devices that dealt with DRM (from content providers) were based on hardware drm chips23:13
karniso I've read23:14
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