
mr_pouitochosi: what's the problem with session-menu?10:01
knomemr_pouit, he said he's going to be away for the weekend10:01
mr_pouitthe "restart-doesn't-work-but-returns-to-gdm" also occurs with the action buttons anyway10:02
mr_pouitah, ok10:02
knomedid you test tew new slideshow?10:02
mr_pouitknome: ah, no, can you give me a link?10:11
knomemr_pouit,  i can't. read the mailing list.10:11
mr_pouitah, python-webkit and zenity are needed10:26
mr_pouitmh, some texts are too long for my netbook small screen10:29
knomewhat's wrong with you people10:36
charlie-tcaGood morning14:27
charlie-tcaochosi: yes, two workspaces with the switcher will work, sorry for the delay in that14:28
charlie-tcaAll images fail to install today, both Ubuntu and Xubuntu. 15:46
charlie-tcaWe are putting pidgin in the panel on the live cd for Natty?17:37
charlie-tcaIF we are, we need to look at changing the stupid icon. It looks like an envelope, which is commonly thought of as email.17:38
j1mchi all17:40
j1mcthe menus seem to have disappeared from my natty app windows.17:47
j1mci assume this is related to the unity work?17:48
charlie-tcanot in xubuntu, 17:48
charlie-tcaMine all here17:49
charlie-tcaHello, j1mc 17:49
j1mchm, weird.17:49
j1mchi charlie-tca 17:49
charlie-tcaIf it is Ubuntu, it might be unity17:49
charlie-tcabut it should not affect Xubuntu17:49
j1mcno, i'm in xubuntu17:49
charlie-tcais xfsettingsd and xfce4-settings-helper both running?17:50
j1mcnot sure i'll have to check17:51
j1mccharlie-tca: ok - it must've just been something in an old config file that or something17:57
charlie-tcait is hard to track down. I had to remove the "session menu" and add the "action buttons" to the panel to get a clean restart18:00
charlie-tcaOtherwise, xfwm4 won't start at login18:00
* j1mc nods18:01
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