
coz_ /join #cairo-dock01:25
coz_o/join #cairo-dock01:35
artfwojcastro, I already submitted a merge proposal. I was asking about what's to be done with the bug status/assignee in Launchpad02:28
jcastroartfwo: oh, when someone merges it they'll do --fixes 123456 or something and launchpad will autoresolve the bug03:42
artfwojcastro, thanks03:48
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=== Nijabo is now known as Binob
=== Binob is now known as Nijabo
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
=== jws141 is now known as dashua
Devil505nmarques, hi :)16:33
nmarquesDevil505, hi16:33
Devil505finally i have libdbusmenu :)16:33
Devil505I applied patches to gtk2, glib2 et gdkpixbuf2 from the arch guy repo16:34
nmarquesI didn't needed to patch glib216:35
nmarquesonly required patches to fix the gir packages on pdf_pixbuf and gtk16:35
Devil505my new problem is to build indicator-applet with gnome-panel 2.91.x :p16:37
nmarquesI'm not using GNOME316:38
nmarqueswill only see it after the official release of 11.4 so I can freeze builds for the stuff16:38
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coz_hey guys18:34
=== ogra is now known as Guest7770
=== Guest7770 is now known as ogra_
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
RAOFWoo!  Breakdancing launcher!21:56

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