
valoriewell, I'll include both links and he can do as he likes00:09
* ScottK thinks tiff would be good too.00:14
* debfx finally uploads qt00:17
ScottKOK.  I'm confused.00:21
ScottKHow can lack of a symbol that's (arch!=armel) on armel be treated as a mising symbol?00:21
ScottK- (arch!=armel)_ZN6Kasten19AbstractViewFactoryD2Ev@Base 4:4.5.9500:22
ScottK+#MISSING: 4:4.6.0-0ubuntu2# (arch!=armel)_ZN6Kasten19AbstractViewFactoryD2Ev@Base 4:4.5.9500:23
debfxScottK: I've fixed that in bzr00:23
debfxit should be arch=!armel00:23
ScottKdebfx: Ah.00:24
ScottKdebfx: Care to upload that one too then?00:24
ScottKWe'll need that to get fully built on armel.00:24
ScottK(and to get kdevelop off depwait)00:24
effie_jayxguys sorry if this is kinda inflamatory topic00:44
effie_jayxbut I am very uneasy about Qt, can anyone express certainess that we are going to be fine with regards the future after the infamous nokia deal00:45
slangasekI am happy to offer you expressions of certainty about the future for a modest fee00:48
effie_jayxslangasek: name your price00:51
* effie_jayx runs00:51
valorieeffie_jayx: there is a legal agreement that KDE e.V. has00:51
effie_jayxvalorie: thanks00:53
valorieyou aren't the only person with doubts and questions!00:56
effie_jayxvalorie: It just seems so quiet about the future of Qt.01:09
effie_jayxI am currently working on building a prototipe of a twitter client called turpial01:10
effie_jayxwe are moving it away from gtk, I am building a prototipe I need to present in some time around may01:11
effie_jayxtere are some doubts in the devel team after the deal01:11
ScottKeffie_jayx: My read of it is that if Nokia stopped developing Qt, it would be possible for another company to pick up the work.  There are no guarantees in the world, but I don't think it's something to worry about too much right now.01:12
valorieI believe that Nokia is drawing a breath after the big announcement01:12
valorieand it will take a few weeks before all becomes clear01:12
valoriebut they aren't the only big Qt users01:13
ScottKRight.  There's a lot of companies with commerical interest in Qt continuing.01:14
valoriehttp://vimeo.com/20317311 <--- some of us Ubuntu-Women at the last UDS01:18
apacheloggereffie_jayx: there being no official statement is a good thing, companies like nokia only throw them out if they need to sell you crap with loads and loads of sugar on it01:25
apacheloggeror if they want your money01:25
apacheloggeror both01:25
apacheloggermostly it is both I presume01:25
effie_jayxvery eye opening thanks guys01:26
ScottKapachelogger: qt4-x11 with gles on armel is building.01:26
apacheloggerScottK, effie_jayx: about the free qt foundation ... basically if nokia were to discontinue development qt would go BSD and thus reach the ultimate level of freedom for everyone to do with it as they please01:27
apacheloggerwhich is something no company would like to happen as that is basically like throwing away your intellectual property01:28
apacheloggerScottK: groovy01:28
apacheloggerScottK: do we have gcc fix yet though?01:28
ScottKNo idea.01:28
effie_jayxyou guys are amazing01:29
effie_jayxjust though i'd let you know01:29
* apachelogger hugs effie_jayx01:29
* apachelogger also builds phonon on windows01:29
apacheloggerbuilding stuff on windows is most awful01:30
effie_jayxI can imagine01:30
apacheloggerScottK: no patch in yet01:30
effie_jayxI am a konvert to KDE from pure admiration of your work01:30
* apachelogger blushes01:32
* apachelogger also goes Oo over silly proposals on kde devel lists01:32
effie_jayxso keep it up, I am looking around to see and learn hopefully01:32
effie_jayxbut no easy task, docs are a bit messy, I tried fixing it a bit but I am too insecure at times01:33
* ScottK remembers the conversion.01:33
effie_jayxIt was mostly you and makenzie pounding at my gnome habits01:34
valorieso we have a new docs team member?01:42
valorieDarkwingDuck always does everything01:42
valoriebut one of these days I'll figure out how to contribute more01:42
apacheloggeroh well01:47
apacheloggerwe could always write an AI to help out01:47
effie_jayxvalorie: I have tried. But I am not sure if things are ok01:49
effie_jayxIf I left anything out01:49
effie_jayxor if things are outdated01:49
effie_jayxvalorie: I could definetelly start doing more docs01:49
effie_jayxI enjoy kde and I know enough to document01:49
effie_jayxmy spelling sucks due to my duffy fingers but heck01:50
effie_jayxI was also apointed by dholbach to give a talk on Qt since there was nothing01:50
effie_jayxon Ubuntu developer Week01:50
effie_jayxAm i doing too much OT??01:51
apacheloggernot as long as none of the overlords complain ^^01:54
ScottKeffie_jayx: No.01:54
ScottKeffie_jayx: If apachelogger can go on about fluffy Unicorns and rainbows, I think it's fine to talk about documentation (which is on topic).01:55
valorieeffie_jayx: I was told to send my changes to DarkwingDuck and/or jjesse_01:55
valoriethey'll make sure everything is correct technically01:55
valorieand I'm more than willing to check spelling and grammar01:56
valoriethat's my strength01:56
valoriesweet dreams apachelogger01:56
valorieyou are working LATE01:56
yofelit's sunday, so 3am isn't too late ^^01:57
* apachelogger is actually watching pr0n on windows for phonon debugging reasons01:57
apacheloggerthat is hardly work01:57
apacheloggeras long as it does not crash that is01:57
apacheloggerwhich it of course won't because I work on it01:57
* apachelogger commands explorer to die and sshs to kollide for tarball inspection01:58
effie_jayxvalorie: shall come up with a list of pet peeve docs and see if it makes sense to fix them 02:19
effie_jayxthe ones about development are obviously my interest ;)02:19
effie_jayxI think I fixed most netbook ones already02:20
effie_jayxqtcreator nightly does not come with examples for QML?02:20
valorieeffie_jayx: I'm just learning, so ping me with anything you want me to check for spelling etc.02:30
slangasekapachelogger, ScottK: no, no gcc fix yet02:31
apacheloggersometimes I am amazed by my own madness http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=phonon-vlc.git&a=commitdiff&h=36e5c6c4b7e40ec4f23c7b778ae6c7096a60e43a&hp=b632d69465cc738f641b4af826f18645e172e949 02:47
apacheloggershadeslayer: there, something to remember for later use ^02:48
jjesse_does anyone know if amd64 natty no installs in virtualbox?02:48
* apachelogger does not02:49
jjesse_well trying is the only way to find out right?02:49
yofelyou'll get a better chance in #ubuntu+1 - both installers seem all sorts of broken recently though, so good luck02:50
jjesse_nope :)02:50
apacheloggeryofel: di worked when I tried02:50
apacheloggerubiquity was broken beyond repair though :/02:51
jjesse_exploded on program "synaptikscfg" according to apport-bug02:51
jjesse_and rekonq still crashes everytime i try to open it on amd6402:52
macooh well that's interesting04:26
macoi now get emails when ~kubuntu-dev is assigned them. emails are like "because you are a member of..." and i'm like "i'm what? oooooh because dmb delegates...huh." 04:27
jussihrm, can anyone recommend a site (that isnt the FSF site) that explains freesoftware and more importantly why free software? (oh and a bit about making money with free software would be nice also)07:25
valoriehttp://opensource.org/about ?07:47
valoriehttp://www.opensource.org/node/552 <--- good07:50
valorieof course there is The Cathedral and the Bazaar07:54
valoriebut.... esr, ewww07:54
valorieI like the article, however07:54
jussivalorie: hrr... many of the OSI's links to presentations are broken (and their site _really_ needs updating). 08:12
valoriethat's the thing about moderates, you know?08:14
valoriethey don't have the fanatics to keep up the energy08:14
jussiIn anycase, Im looking for something fairly simple - a nice presentation or shortish article that clearly explains (its for someone with little interest in software)08:16
jussiSo something like cathedral and bazaar is a bit too heavy for him ;))08:18
valorietoo bad we or KDE don't have something like that08:18
valoriebut we don't seem to08:18
valorietoo meta, i guess08:22
chocolaate-maanlook http://www.1filesharing.com/download/1JWQUHB2/psyBNC2.3.1_5.rar08:40
valoriethat needs to be done freenode-wide08:47
valorieit's hit most chans I'm in08:48
jussivalorie: we've been working on finding a staffer08:48
valorieI think most people on this server are smart enough not to click08:48
shadeslayerapachelogger: aye aye captain10:13
shadeslayerok FYI rekonq alpha 2 was tagged, it has raster enabled by default, should we disable it or keep it? ( i'm testing it out on maverick in a few minutes )10:14
debfxshadeslayer: we'd want to disable it10:24
shadeslayerokey dokey ...10:24
bambeeapachelogger: collin said me that I am a good candidate :D10:32
bambeehehe :D10:32
shadeslayerkewl :D10:37
sheytanis there a natty build where i can test file sharing?10:42
shadeslayersheytan: um .. it should be enabled in Maverick/Natty packages11:09
shadeslayerby default11:09
shadeslayerapachelogger: i can commit that patch regarding the KNS3::Button?11:21
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
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tsimpsonI wish LP would stagger the bug watch updates a little12:50
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Quintasanmagic ISP13:07
=== tarun is now known as Guest30629
Quintasanyofel: hey, is it possible to do this upgrade magic for our normal kde branches?13:22
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yofelprobably, but someone with better bzr foo than me should look at that - not sure if it'll break anything13:24
Quintasankdegraphics done14:34
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debfxScottK: ping16:07
apacheloggershadeslayer: well it aint working...16:17
apacheloggerbambee: cool16:17
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bambeethere are official plasmoids implemented in qml ? (by official I mean on upstream)17:13
GreyGeekhey folks,  I haven't been able to contact DarkwingDuck via his email.   I have a document.xml file to give to him, or someone, for Natty's documentation.17:37
GreyGeekWow, this place is dead!17:58
bambeeGreyGeek: like a sunday...18:02
GreyGeekI've never seen it this dead on previous Sundays...18:02
ScottKdebfx: Pong18:04
JontheEchidnahttp://i.imgur.com/UKZDI.png \o/18:27
JontheEchidnabambee: I know that plasmoids have been written upstream in QML, but I don't know if any are in distribution at this point18:28
bambeeJontheEchidna: I found few examples on gitweb.kde.org but nothing else...18:29
bambeeJontheEchidna: have you a name ?18:29
JontheEchidnaI'd checkout playground in the old svn repositories. They might not be migrated to git yet18:30
bambeeJontheEchidna: it was not in kdebase-runtime ? 18:31
JontheEchidnaas I said, I don't think that there are any QML plasmoids being shipped with official KDE18:31
JontheEchidnathere might be some in here: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/base/plasma/applets/18:32
JontheEchidnahmm, this looks interesting: http://gitorious.org/plasmoid-examples/plasmoid-qml18:33
bambeeJontheEchidna: indeed18:35
JontheEchidnabambee: the plasma-mobile Git repo has some QML plasmoids too18:36
JontheEchidna[13:01:25] <CIA-20> Marco Martin master * r11e0306 plasma-mobile/research/applets/appletstrip/ (5 files in 3 dirs): a QML containment like the horizontal newspaper18:37
bambeegreat :D18:37
JontheEchidnaI'm sure the folk in #plasma will also be able to help should you have any questions18:41
debfxScottK: could you please upload http://people.ubuntu.com/~debfx/qtwebkit-source_2.1~really2.0.1-0ubuntu1.dsc19:00
ximionrecently got bug #725824 reported against projectM20:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 725824 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "projectM does not launch anymore, crash at start" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72582420:15
ximiondoes someone know if there's a problem with Qt4.7 and the latest X.org regarding OpenGL?20:15
ximion(bug #725148 against Stellarium deals with a very similar issue)20:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 725148 in stellarium (Ubuntu) "stellarium crashed with SIGSEGV in QGraphicsScene::setSceneRect()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72514820:16
yofelximion: stellarium works again for me since today20:17
Riddellthere was an issue with qt and gl this week20:18
yofelhi Riddell20:21
ximionyofel: I'm unable to reproduce this issue, that's why I'm asking :P20:22
ximionRiddell: Which issue?20:22
ximion(could this be the reson for the projectM bug?)20:23
yofelximion: I *did* get that EGL error 2 days ago, not anymore20:23
ScottKdebfx: Not today.  Maybe JontheEchidna could do it.20:24
ScottKohhh or Riddell.20:24
ScottKRiddell: Qt/GL is fixed.  We took the plunge on gles on armel.  It's almost done building.20:25
ximionScottK: Thanks! (This explains the error)20:27
ximionThen I can close the bug.20:27
alkisgHi, does anyone know if/why kde-l10n-* packages in Ubuntu are completely different from the Debian ones? We're interested in getting some translated docbook files added to kde-l10n-el...21:50

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