
jelmerhmm, I'm seeing weird behaviour talking to the qastaging server01:21
jelmerretrieving a wadl resource I sometimes (I don't see a pattern yet) only get 3486 bytes back01:22
wgrantHow big are the headers?01:22
wgrantAnd what is the content?01:22
jelmerthe content is JSON (but cut off halfway through, so the JSON parser barfs)01:23
wgrantWe occasionally see that when production is overloaded.01:23
wgrantThe response, including headers, gets truncated to a power of two.01:23
wgrantI do not remember which power of two.01:23
jelmerit seems to consistently be 3486 here, and it appears to happen randomly01:24
jelmerI wouldn't be surprised if the size of the headers was (4096-3486)01:24
wgrantThat sounds about right.01:24
wgrantWhich resource?01:24
wgrantAuthenticated or not?01:24
jelmeryes, should be authenticated01:25
jelmerwould anonymous access make a difference in any way?01:25
wgrantProbably not on qastaging.01:26
jelmerdo you know if there is a bug of some sort?01:30
jelmerehm, bug /report/01:30
wgrantjelmer: Bug #63671301:32
_mup_Bug #636713: during sustained overload situation replies are truncated in production <lp-foundations> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/636713 >01:32
jelmerwgrant: thanks!01:33
jelmerunfortunately my script can only run against qastaging at the moment, so I'll try again later01:33
wgrantWhy can it only run against qas?01:35
jelmerit uses some new stuff that Ian introduced recently01:35
wgrantIt's not even on staging?01:36
jelmerhas some of the output01:36
wgrantah, the new recipe build collections?01:36
jelmerit wasn't on staging a couple of days ago, let me check again..01:36
wgrantAh, staging's update failed overnight.01:36
wgrantWill look tomorrow.01:36
wgrantToo many incidents already this weekend.01:36
jelmerthanks, it does actually appear to be on staging now01:37
wgrantI was expecting staging to be down.01:39
wgrantjelmer: You may be interested to know that they are on prod now.01:41
wgrantBut they only show up in 1.0, not devel...01:42
wgrantAh, no, they're in devel too, but you have to kill your cache.01:43
jelmeroh, cool01:43
jelmerthey don't show up in launchpad.net/+apidoc/devel01:43
wgrantThey do if you avoid your cache.01:45
wgranteg. Ctrl+Shift+R.01:45
jelmeroh, wow. I didn't realize Launchpad did heavy caching on that too. I thought it was just the wadl.01:46
wgrantNeither did I.01:46
wgrantBut I thought it was worth a try.01:46
lifelessjelmer: isn't https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/725811 a dupe?01:48
_mup_Bug #725811: expose ISourcePackageRecipeBuild.binary_builds on the web UI <api> <recipes> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/725811 >01:48
jelmerlifeless: a dupe of which other bug?01:49
lifelessians work01:49
jelmerlifeless: No, Ian exposed the source package builds01:49
lifelesscan you not traverse to the binaries ?01:49
jelmerthis is about the binary builds created from those source builds01:49
lifelessyes, I get that01:50
jelmerlifeless: I can't find any way to traverse to the binaries, the source_package_recipe_build doesn't have anything that links it to the source package it created01:51
wgrantWe should probably guess at that.01:52
jelmerwgrant: the source_package_recipe_build has a binary_builds attribute that's not exposed01:52
jelmerI currently parse the build log for the source package name and the version, and then call archive.getPublishedSources(source_name=source_name,version=version)[0].getBuilds()01:53
wgrantjelmer: Ah, so it already does guess.01:53
wgrantWe should expose that and the guessed SPPH.01:53
jelmerwgrant: yep - the web page already shows that information01:53
wgrantYay, fpc built correctly on i386 and amd64 this time.01:54
jelmerat least it works against production now :) e.g. http://samba.org/~jelmer/recipe-status/testing-cabal.html01:54
jelmerwgrant: fpc?01:54
wgrantjelmer: The last bit of fallout from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IncidentReports/2011-02-25-Permissions-build-failures01:54
lifelesswoo - statement count gropuing useful again02:00
lifelessyou've killed enough of the checkwatches stuff02:00
lifeless1992  OOPS-1883CCW1185  https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=60425102:00
lifelessis still in the list02:00
wgrantStill got lots of ProtocolErrors.02:00
wgrantThat's odd.02:00
wgrantIt should be mostly bugtracker-wide errors now.02:00
wgrantLooks like LP now uses the Light variant of the font...03:51
lifelessI -really- have to fix this design issue preventing test optimisation with baseline fixtures.04:41
lifelessmaking a new keyspace and schema with cassandra is a little slow to do per-test.04:42
=== timrc- is now known as timrc
LPCIBotProject db-devel build #401: STILL FAILING in 5 hr 48 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/401/09:00
maxbThe front-page of staging OOPSes - yay :-(14:51
lifelessmaxb: what is hte oops ids17:57
maxbOOPS-1884S112844 for example, but it's entirely repeatable18:04
maxbgeser mentioned an "S" OOPS id in #launchpad recently too18:05
lifelessmaxb: the reason I asked for anexisting one is that the oops only sync every $hours on staging18:07
lifelesslooking at gesers18:07
SpamapSlifeless: o/18:14
lifelessoh hai18:14
SpamapSlifeless: so I wanted to setup a bug tracker for the packages...18:14
lifelessSpamapS: upload them once18:15
SpamapSand at one time I did have the project cassandra-packages registered18:15
SpamapSbut now its like that project disappeared18:15
SpamapSI can't create a new cassandra-packages ... but I can add branches of it.18:15
lifeless2010-06-16 Curtis Hovey: Project disabled and Clint Byrum (Clint Byrum) notified18:15
lifelessI can reenable it18:16
SpamapSDoh maybe I missed that notification18:16
lifelessbut why not just upload to natty18:16
SpamapSits not suitable18:16
lifelessthat will activate the package bug tracker18:16
SpamapSthrift is embedded..18:16
SpamapSwe're a lot closer to distro packages... but there are still things embedded. :-P18:16
* SpamapS notes that the .debian.tar.gz is bigger than the .orig.tar.gz18:17
lifelessI suggest a more clear description and title18:18
lifeless'e.g. 'staging for cassandra packages' and 'cassandra embeds too much stuff to be blah blah blah18:18
lifelessyou'll want to configure the bug tracker18:19
lifelessSpamapS: ^18:19
lifelessSpamapS: it was a bit disapointing that cassandra can't do schema changes in *separate keyspaces* concurrently :>18:21
lifelessSpamapS: I have some /awfully/ crufty code you'll want to see :>18:21
SpamapSlifeless: everybody using cassandra has some awfully crufty code to deal with their still-evoling admin capabilities18:23
lifelessOTOH I have most of a cassandra based oops system18:23
lifelessbut their inability to do range requests is plain annoying18:23
lifelessI've mailed our contact at riptano again :)18:23
SpamapSwait ranges for reads are supported18:24
SpamapSas long as you use OPP18:24
SpamapSwhich, given the OOPS focus, would make sense, and be only slightly confusing.18:24
lifelessnot on secondary indices because they are bound to the node of the primary row18:24
SpamapSright. not much you can do there.18:25
lifelesssure there is; they can fix the broken assumption :>18:25
lifelessfor now I've use a trick18:26
lifelessyou have a column with value ''18:26
lifelessand you index it18:26
lifelessthen you also index the thing you want ranged18:26
lifelessand you do a search for '' and $range18:26
lifelessit reads every row and does the range stuff as a loop18:27
lifelessthis will suffice for a while18:27
SpamapSRight.. is that worth it?18:27
lifelessgiven I only need that for gc18:27
lifelessfor aggregates and reports I'm keeping running totales18:28
SpamapSthere's some rudimentary count suppot in 0.7 .. and 0.8 is supposed to have powerful counting18:29
lifelessone of the weirdnesses18:29
lifelessin twissandra they use a timestamp to build the timeline18:30
lifelessbut timestamps - even @ microseconds - are not unique18:30
lifelessit might be /hard/ to collide, but get enough activity and frontends and it will happen18:30
SpamapSyeah there's some work on making it a vector clock instead of a straight microsecond timestamp18:31
lifelesssee, I could ues that18:31
lifelessthe other thing I could use is a ttl18:31
lifelessbut open bug references need to impede gc18:31
lifelessI'm thinking of having two cfs18:31
lifelessbut one referenced by bugs and no ttl18:32
lifelessthat would leave aggregated cruft behind though, because AIUI I wouldn't get a callback on ttl expiry18:32
SpamapSCouldn't you just remove the ttl when a reference is reated?18:33
lifelesswasn't 100% sure that doing a new write with no ttl would do that18:33
lifelessand was coding at us unfriendly times18:33
lifelessSpamapS: so I reactivated https://launchpad.net/cassandra-packages18:33
lifelessSpamapS: but you need to click on the bug tracker and configure it18:34
lifelessit thinks you don't use LP at the moment18:34
SpamapSlifeless: thanks. :) I looked in my nbox and I must have inadvertently deleted the notification18:34
lifelessare you familiar with the bug settings bit I'm refering to ?18:38
SpamapSjust having dinner now.. somebody reminded me that there is no food to be had in capetown this late on sunday ;)18:38
lifelessI'm just polling till I can file these bugs for you :)18:39
SpamapSlifeless: ok, bug reporter configured18:43
lifelesswant all the things I mailed you as bugs?18:51
lifelessSpamapS: ^18:54
SpamapSyes please!18:54
SpamapSI think some of them will be solved by doing actual lucid/maverick backports rather than copying the bin packages18:55
lifelessSpamapS: ^19:00
SpamapSawesome... I sent my reply as well19:00
SpamapSto your email I mean19:00
SpamapSThese Afrikaaners have filled me up with delicious food.. hopefully I'll pass out soon. :)19:01
SpamapSits good to see that you're making some headway w/ the cassandra packages.19:06
SpamapSI was beginning to wonder if anybody would ever actually use them. :)19:06
lifelessso the only critical one is the classdefnotfound19:08
lifelessnot being able to compact is, uhm, operationally significant19:08
SpamapS$ ./get-ppa-stats cassandra-ubuntu stable19:12
SpamapS42 downloads.. not too shabby ;)19:12
maxbWhere does get-ppa-stats live?19:25
SpamapSin my home dir ;)19:28
SpamapSmaxb: ^^19:29
SpamapSlifeless: one point of pain right now is that they up and changed the build system entirely from 0.7.0 -> 0.7.119:30
lifelessSpamapS: of course they did19:38
lifelessSpamapS: get-ppa-stats should be in lptools ;)19:39
SpamapSok.. passing out eminent19:43
lifelesshi flacoste20:16
flacostehi lifeless20:17
lifelessflacoste: I spiked a oops-in-cassandra in the weekend; its on my local disk only at the moment20:19
lifelessflacoste: ok with you if I make a project in lp, agpl3 the code and push publicly?20:19
lifelessflacoste: also, how was your flight?20:19
flacostelifeless: fine by me20:20
flacostelifeless: my flight was awesome, even though it started by a cancelling flight20:20
lifelessso the replacement they upgraded you or something ?20:20
flacostelifeless: kind of, instead of flying continental to London, i got an air canada flight20:21
lifelessoh nice20:21
flacosteand i managed to use one of my upgrade ticket20:21
flacosteso i first business for the first time20:21
flacosteslept better than at home, 5 hours straight without interruptions20:21
lifelessno kids :)20:21
flacosteand on the london cape town flight, it wasn't fully booked, so i got an empty seat besides me20:22
flacostewhich made sleeping also easier20:22
flacosteso one of the best flight experience overall!20:22
flacostefeel fresh and ready for this week sprint20:22
lifelesswe have fresh water again, came on on friday20:24
flacostethat's always useful20:25
lifelessall software sucks ;)20:33
wallyworldthumper: mumble?21:03
lifelesswallyworld: two bugs you might like to know about - model defects exposed by your nice patch to show merge proposals in the revision lists for branches21:07
_mup_Bug #726190: bugs shown against merge proposals in revision list lists all bugs ever linked to branch and differ to those the MP itself show <code-review> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/726190 >21:07
_mup_Bug #726195: merge proposals show closed bugs <code-review> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/726195 >21:07
lifelessrhythmbox just rickrolled me21:13
lifelessmornign wgrant21:27
lifelesshmm, no sinzui21:27
lifelessanyone know if there is a bug about things like ubiquity showing up in +needs-packaging at all ?21:29
wgrantlifeless: What's special about ubiquity?21:30
wgrantIt still has a project, doesn't it?21:30
lifelessyou may be htinking unity21:31
lifelessdpkg, ubiquity, apport - those things the distro folk often explicitly do not want 'upstream' projects21:31
wgrantHave you seen devel lately?21:31
wgrantIt needs a new apt-ftparchive that is not everywhere yet.21:32
wgrantI suspect we want to roll that back.21:32
lifelessyou just changed topic, right ?21:32
wgrantI did.21:32
wgrantSo, there is a bug about how we don't really support Ubuntu-native packages well at all.21:33
lifelessfor context21:33
lifelessI'm looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/72279421:33
_mup_Bug #722794: DistroSeries:+needs-packaging timeouts <dba> <timeout> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/722794 >21:33
lifelesswhich does crazy stuff to get bugs and strings21:33
lifelessand bug heat?!21:33
=== Peng__ is now known as Peng
wallyworldlifeless: thanks for the heads up on those bugs - that post implementation clean up stuff is on my radar for this maintenance phase22:10
lifelesswallyworld: the timeout I mentioned last week preexisted22:11
lifelesswallyworld: I have a branch playing to amliorate it22:11
wallyworldlifeless: yeah, i had a quick look and had come to the same conclusion22:11
lifelesswallyworld: https://code.launchpad.net/~lifeless/launchpad/bug-710685/+merge/5125822:11
wallyworldwas going to get in today and try and fix it but you already are on it22:12
huwshimiUh what? 0 tests run in 4:12:24.883708, 0 failures, 0 errors. It took four hours to do exactly what then?22:16
StevenKHaha. That's the question.22:16
wgranthuwshimi: Bug #72624322:21
_mup_Bug #726243: ec2 no longer keeps track of failed tests <Launchpad itself:Triaged by wgrant> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/726243 >22:21
huwshimiwgrant: Oh, that's not very helpful.22:24
wgrantIt does at least detect whether it has failed or not, though.22:25
huwshimiwgrant: How do I know what failed then? The log is not obviously showing anything that went wrong, but there's a lot of the log that I haven't looked at :)22:27
wgranthuwshimi: You'll need to grep it.22:27
wgrantOr run subunit/testr over it22:27
huwshimiwgrant: For what?22:27
wgrantI presume there's some subunit tool, but I tend to search for "error:" and "failure:", or just pipe it into 'testr load'.22:30
StevenKGrab the log from the e-mail and: zcat <file> | subunit-filter --no-passthrough | subunit-ls22:32
huwshimiI'm guess it is this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/573231/22:33
StevenKwgrant: subunit *tool*? Why have one confusing UI when you can have ten!22:33
wgranthuwshimi: I fixed that on Friday.22:34
wgranthuwshimi: If it's the only failure, lp-land it.22:34
wgrantExcept that we're in testfix.22:34
wgrantBecause buildbot doesn't have the new apt.22:34
wgrantAnd I guess we are ISless today.22:34
huwshimiwgrant: Ah right, it appears to be. Do I need to merge devel first?22:34
lifelesswgrant: the new apt is in our ppa22:35
lifelesswgrant: IS will be here when spm shows up22:35
StevenKGiven he flew back from London on Saturday? You tell funny jokes.22:35
wgrantlifeless: Right, but given that he may well still be in the air...22:35
lifelesshe should get in at 9am canberra time or thereabouts22:36
lifelessand he will want to stay up to beat jetlag22:36
lifeless[whether he will succeed... different question]22:36
wgrantlifeless: What does subunit.TestProtocolServer do? You give it a result object and a stream, and it plays the stream's events through the result?22:39
wgrantAh, no, that stream is something else...22:40
lifelesswgrant: pydoc subunit22:42
lifeless'    Subunit has support for non-blocking usage too, for use with asyncore or22:43
lifeless    Twisted. See the ``TestProtocolServer`` parser class for more details.22:43
lifelesswgrant: what do you want to achieve?22:43
wgrantlifeless: Just working out how ec2test.remote does its stuff.22:43
wgrantSo I can unbreak it.22:44
lifelesswell  - class TestProtocolServer( - find that section in pydoc22:44
lifelessI just reread it and it seems useful to me :)22:44
lifelessBranchSet:CollectionResource:#branches never completes in < 4 seconds :(22:46
LPCIBotProject devel build #481: STILL FAILING in 5 hr 56 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/481/22:53
wgrantStevenK: Jenkins needs the new apt.22:53
wgrantStevenK: And you need to tell me what the checkwatches.txt failure is, since it 404s in the web UI...22:54
StevenKYes, it doesn't like doctests.22:57
StevenKJust checking the current build slave out22:59
StevenKubuntu@ip-172-56-124-250:~$ COLUMNS=150 dpkg -l apt | tail -n 123:00
StevenKii  apt                             Advanced front-end for dpkg23:00
StevenKwgrant: Is that the new apt? ^23:02
wgrantI presume so.23:02
wgrantBut looking.23:02
wgrantWell, if it has the new apt and is still failing...23:04
StevenKOh, sorry.23:04
StevenKThat output is from the current build slave23:04
StevenKAs in, the test run that started ~ 30 minutes ago23:04
wgrantAh. I guess we'll see.23:05
lifelesswhats the ? to set webservice batch size ?23:15
lifelesshmm, I think I need more sample branches to fix properly.23:19
michaelh1Morning.  Is there a URL to get the latest download release from a series?  I'm writing a Makefile and would like to point wget at one URL that always resolves to the latest tarball.23:20
michaelh1(such as the latest from the 4.5 series at https://launchpad.net/gcc-linaro/+download)23:20
lifelessI don't know23:22
lifelessyou could use the uwatch stuff that packages (like bzr) use to track upstream23:22
lifelesswgrant: do you happen to know where the top level collections are glued into the web service?23:23
wgrantlifeless: LaunchpadRootNavigation?23:23
michaelh1lifeless: OK, ta.  I'll file a wishlist feature request23:24
StevenKmichaelh1: I'd suggest uwatch as the easiest way currently23:24
wgrantlifeless: export_as_webservice_collection() makes it appear in launchpadlib, though.23:25
lifelessrealistically, such a link is going to be a long way away23:25
lifelesswe're sorting out many rather heavy lifting issues atm23:25
lifelesswgrant: yes, I see.23:25
lifelesswgrant: and then23:25
lifeless*another* decorat23:25
lifeless @collection_default_content23:25
lifelessto select what is shown.23:25
lifelessThis is just so byzantine.23:26
StevenKRan 56 tests with 0 failures and 48 errors in 17.653 seconds.23:30
wgrantAt least it was quick.23:31
StevenKTotal: 77 tests, 2 failures, 3 errors in 2 minutes 13.821 seconds.23:34
huwshimiIs anyone else getting make errors (ImportError: No module named widgets) when they try and make on a new branch?23:47
lifelessrun utilities/update-sourcecode23:48
lifelesswgrant: it would be nice for folk if when changing shipit you make a small song and dance on the dev list23:49
huwshimilifeless: Thanks all working now.23:59

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