
MTecknologyGah!  3 days if daily builds and for the life of me, i can't install it00:28
MTecknologythe alternate cd always seems to have after 'setting up partitioner'00:28
MTecknologyif i do ctrl+c it'll start that part again and get to 52% and hang again00:28
charlie-tcaYou got that far?00:58
charlie-tcaI can't even make it to the partitioner00:58
MTecknologycharlie-tca: I guess I was lucky then... I wound up installing 10.10 and doing the upgrade instead.. still can'01:46
MTecknologyt correctly upgrade the /etc/sudoers file01:46
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whizhi all. i got the latest nvidia drivers on alpha2. when I login for Ubuntu Desktop, it takes me to GNOME. can I try Unity now since I got the Nvidia Driver update and how do I go into it ?03:35
whizanyone ?03:45
arandwhiz: You should be able to select unity at the login screen03:51
MTecknologyWhat package do you generally need to install to make wireless devices work? I removed something and I can't figure out what it was...04:03
whizarand: I was selecting 'Ubuntu Desktop'. Thought I haven't seen Unity as an option04:13
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arandwhiz: I don't think the options say "unity" explicitly, make sure you have unity installed, I guess.. and drivers up and working, and try unity --replace or so...04:40
whizarand: thnx let me see04:48
Amaranthwhiz: if you're choosing the regular Ubuntu Desktop session, have compiz and unity installed, and your driver does what compiz and unity need it to do, that'll start a unity session04:54
AmaranthIf compiz detects the driver isn't working right or doing what is needed it'll automatically launch a legacy session04:54
Andre_GondimI tryed install with live daily, but stops at second screen, that with option to download codecs and staffs.. is there any workaround?05:04
arandAndre_Gondim: Alternate install CD would be one option I presume. Do report a bug for it, maybe test with alpha1/2/current and see where it reproduces.05:25
Andre_Gondimok arand05:25
wzssyqawhy mplayer dep on java now?05:50
whizAmaranth: thnx. have unity. need to check compiz05:50
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brobostigoni just noticed, on the clock, in the top right, there doesnt seem to be an option to show seconds. am i totally missing something?16:58
penguin42I've got one, but I'm on Classic17:02
* penguin42 guesses I should try Unity again17:09
brobostigonanother thing, using the launcher to change between apps on workspaces, seems to be smoother and quicker than using mroe traditional ways of changing workspaces.17:09
brobostigonlike ctrl + alt + left/right arrow,17:11
Gr8Qanyone would give me some hint. I need to install updates from another instance of ubuntu on a diff sda17:39
penguin42how do you mean from?17:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 726102 in Indicator Date and Time "unity's clock doesn't seem to have the option to show seconds" [Undecided,New]17:40
Gr8Qanyone can help me17:44
charlie-tcayou need to explain a little more about what you are trying to do17:45
bazhangGr8Q, aptoncd17:46
IdleOneGr8Q: you could also use /var/cache/apt/archives it /should/ have all the debs17:47
Gr8Qwhen i type apt-get install i want to redirect to another local partition to retrieve files and not from the net17:48
penguin42Gr8Q: The /etc/apt/sources.list that normally has an http:// can have a file://17:49
bazhangGr8Q, use the -d option with apt-get (download only)17:51
charlie-tcaIs there any way to turn off the "tab groups" option in ff4.0b12 ?17:51
Gr8Qok, i gonna edit few lines in sources.lst by file so it could do the trick to retrieve files stored in the cache instead from the net right17:52
bazhangGr8Q, no17:53
bazhanguse aptoncd or the download only option on apt-get (-d)17:53
Gr8Qbazhang i told that i have no internet cuz i cant load nm-applet it said :could not initialize D-bus manager.17:55
Gr8Qbecause of a upstart job17:55
bazhangGr8Q, you dont need that to get an internet connection. you could do it via the terminal as well17:56
charlie-tcahm, no way to get rid of the "Tab Groups" since it shuts the browser down if you try to close it17:56
yofelcharlie-tca: haven't found one myself yet, you can just clickon the tab in front, that'll get you back17:57
charlie-tcano it didn't17:57
Gr8Qthanks all i have to go i will check this out later17:57
charlie-tcaI closed the tab groups, and it shut all my tabs, then I clicked it again, and it shut down the browser17:57
charlie-tcaMaybe it is time to look at different browsers again. this one is no longer doing things "my way"17:58
yofelhm, If I close the tab group it does close the tabs, but If I just click on the displayed tab I get out - I'm using the daily build though17:59
charlie-tcaheh, I am tired of logging back in to everything and waiting for my 50 or so tabs to open again17:59
* yofel uses session manager - helps in keeping the tab list intact ^^18:00
charlie-tcafind has to be reopened everytime I want to use it now, tabs are closing when I hit the wrong button by accident, due to where they are, bookmarks are harder to save now, "and this is progress"18:01
charlie-tcaOh, and I can give feedback, 140 characters only please18:01
penguin4250 tabs? Heck you aren't supposed to load the entire internet into your browser18:33
coz_hey guys18:34
penguin42charlie-tca: I tend to use chromium - I've only got one site that doesn't like it, it's reasonably stable although I have the occasional crash18:34
brobostigoni think i have found a graphics issue, its on my eeepc 900 ssd, i tried iplayer, which is based on flash, in maverick inside chromium, it would run quite smoothly, however here under natty, under the same chromium version and flash version, it was very stuttery,19:14
brobostigondoes that make any sense?19:14
coz_brobostigon,  which video is on that machine?   lspci | grep -i vga19:15
brobostigon00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller (rev 04)19:16
coz_brobostigon,   ok I know that nvidia and ati are still broken I believe...not sure about intel ...I am sure one of the guys here would know19:16
brobostigoncoz_: ok, thanks, i will wait, someone who knows will read it.19:17
yofelcoz_: nvidia is fixed19:23
coz_yofel,  whoa  very cool :)19:23
coz_yofel,  working well?19:23
yofeland intel is open source, so that was never broken in the first place, so that might be a driver bug19:23
yofelcoz_: better then nouveau at least :P19:24
coz_yofel,  :) understood19:24
coz_yofel,   I installed lucid again until release  but I might reinstall natty now19:24
brobostigonyofel: i see, so should i look and see if there ia a bug filed under the intel driver within natty?19:24
yofelbrobostigon: yes, if there isn't, file one with ubuntu-bug xserver-xorg-video-intel19:25
brobostigonyofel: ok, thank you,19:26
brobostigonyofel: is that the right place for me too look?19:33
yofelno, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel - if you look in 'natty' you'll only see bugs with a natty task, which only important bugs get, rather check if a bug is tagged with natty19:35
brobostigonah, i see. make sense,:)19:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 680135 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "natty Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML bad performance" [Undecided,New]19:46
brobostigonyofel: thats the closest ihave found to my issue, however the gpu/'s involved done match.19:46
yofelbrobostigon: rather file a new bug then20:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 726179 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "stuttery adobe flash chromium video playback" [Undecided,New]20:01
brobostigonyofel: see above bug report, i have reported a new one,20:02
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cg2916Has anyone used the Alpha 2 yet?20:42
cg2916Is anybody here?20:43
cg2916have u tried the alpha 2 yet?20:44
CrashbitI have a problem with mountall20:45
cg2916Crashbit: what are you using?20:45
cg2916hey, albert2320:46
charlie-tcaalpha2 worked fine20:46
charlie-tcathe daily images now are not working20:46
cg2916where are the daily images?20:46
Crashbitcg2916: mm, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mountall/+bug/72348220:46
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/20:47
ubottuUbuntu bug 723482 in mountall (Ubuntu) "system hangs on boot after updates from 2011-02-22" [High,New]20:47
cg2916how do you use the daily builds w/o having to re-burn a cd every day20:48
charlie-tcathis it today's bug - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/72613120:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 726131 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "alternate ISO: installation freezes when starting partman" [Critical,Confirmed]20:48
charlie-tcaI do burn a cd or two a day20:49
charlie-tcaI also use VirtualBox20:49
nit-witcg2916, you can rysnc the daily and load a thumb20:49
charlie-tcaI even burn 8 cd's a lot of days20:49
cg2916can you re-use the same cd20:50
charlie-tcaI have not had much luck with cd-rw's, so I use cd-r's20:50
charlie-tcaand sometimes have to use dvd-r's because of oversize images20:51
cg2916i have a dvd+r20:52
charlie-tcathere a one-time use, and today's images are all broken, both alternate and desktop20:52
ginnmy wireless card has a high ping on Ubuntu :(20:53
cg2916how do you resync the daily20:59
rwwcg2916: zsync21:00
brobostigonzsync http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/natty-desktop-i386.iso.zsync21:00
StarminnWill Natty come with the option to DL with GNOME-Shell (or GNOME) like Maverick does with KDE/Xcfe, etc.? (I assume so, but just making sure)21:35
brobostigonStarminn: i understand you will have to add the gnome3-team's ppa for gnome3.21:35
StarminnSo if you want another DE other than Unity you'll have do get it post-install?21:36
Daekdroom!info soundtouch21:37
ubottuPackage soundtouch does not exist in natty21:37
brobostigonxfce and kde ofcourse will be available with xubuntu and kubuntu.21:37
StarminnBut there won't be a "Gubuntu"?21:37
DaekdroomStarminn, brobostigon, as far as I know the PPA for gnome3 is temporary21:37
StarminnBleh. That sounds bad. Maybe "Gnubuntu" ;)21:37
DaekdroomBecause gnome shell isn't building correctly, so they removed it from the repos.21:37
StarminnWell obviously it is dependent on the development of GNOME-Shell but basically I think I should rephrase that.... Let's try again... :)21:38
brobostigonStarminn: classic as they have called it, will be available as anoption on login, thats gnome as it is, without unity.21:39
DaekdroomThat is gnome 2.32, brobostigon21:39
DaekdroomI think he's after GNOME-Shell itself21:39
brobostigonDaekdroom: yes21:39
StarminnWill 11.04 have the option to ship with GNOME, and then when GNOME-Shell is completed, the GNOME-Shell?21:39
DaekdroomStarminn, It'll ship with GNOME 2.32 + Unity21:39
StarminnWithout having Unity on the computer?21:39
DaekdroomNo GNOME-Shell version21:39
StarminnSo you have to have Unity on there *and* GNOME 2, right?21:40
brobostigonyouy will need to add gnome3 via gnome3-teams ppa.21:40
DaekdroomThe PPA currently doesn't work :p21:40
DaekdroomStarminn, yeah.21:40
DaekdroomStarminn, Unity will run on top of GNOME 2. It's only a shell.21:40
brobostigonDaekdroom: agreed, ihave tried, but it should work for final natty release.21:40
StarminnAh, alright, that makes sense.21:40
StarminnOnce the GNOME Shell is out, though, are there any talks of providing an option for it rather than Unity?21:41
StarminnNot changing the default, of course, just "instead of"21:41
StarminnLike Kubuntu, etc.21:41
DaekdroomIt's not about GNOME-Shell being out. It'd be there if it compiled.21:41
DaekdroomBut it didn't.21:41
brobostigonStarminn: gnome-shell is a small part of gnome3, do you meangnome3 as a whole?21:41
DaekdroomThey prefered to blacklist the gnome-shell package for now.21:41
StarminnI thought the two were interchangable. GNOME-Shell == GNOME 3. :D21:42
brobostigonDaekdroom: i am familier with the situation, i have beentesting gnome-shell and gnome3 alot recently.21:42
brobostigonStarminn: gnome-shell is part of gnome3.21:42
Starminnbrobostigon: Gotcha. Alright, so once GNOME3 is fully completed (because to my understanding it's not yet), will there be an option to install GNOME3 instead of Unity, much like we now have Kubuntu for KDE rather than Ubuntu for GNOME2?21:43
DaekdroomStarminn, GNOME3 as a whole is not getting in natty. GNOME-Shell might.21:44
brobostigonStarminn: yes,but youwill have to add the gnome3-teams  ppa to do so, it wont be there straight out.21:44
DaekdroomYeah, you can use the PPA.21:44
StarminnBoth of you: So there won't be a "Gubuntu", that is correct?21:45
brobostigoni fully intend toadd the ppa, and run both side by side.21:45
DaekdroomSpecially because Ubuntu is still claimed to run GNOME, despite of using Unity.21:46
StarminnRight, right..21:46
Daekdroomand the only difference would be the Shell, really.21:46
StarminnOkay, fair enough. That's kind of disappointing I guess, but I understand the logistics behind it.21:46
bjsniderunity replaces gnome-shell but not all of gnome 321:46
bjsniderunity and gnome-shell are desktop shells21:47
StarminnAlright, well thanks guys. I'm off then. YOu've helped a lot. :)21:47
bjsnideri'm sure gnome-shell will be a session option at login time21:52
Daekdroombjsnider, GTK3+ is still not included by default because it'd bloat the liveCD21:53
bjsnideri don't care about "default"21:53
brobostigonsudo apt-get install gnome3-session21:53
DaekdroomI thought it implied out-of-the-box21:53
brobostigonnos da everyone, sleep well.22:09
cozziemotook I am updating natty on this machine... yikes lots of updates :)22:16
cozziemotowell...we will see with the eveitble    restart22:17
cozziemotohowever its spelled:(22:17
Logan_WPdoes anyone know if there is a Wubi installer availalbe for the Natty alpha?22:58
OerLogan_WP, there should be an Wubi installer inside the iso23:05
Logan_WPOer: which ISO?  desktop or livecd?23:07
Logan_WPnvm, figured it out myself :)23:08
Oerany desktop cd/dvd is also live, and you find the installer in /23:08
Logan_WPI <3 the speed of this torrent23:09
Logan_WP1.0 Mb/s23:09

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