
Pendulumthis is mostly Ubuntu Women based, but it seems to start out with my interview about accessibility: http://vimeo.com/2031731100:51
Pendulumwarning, I don't think it's captioned00:52
UndiFineDPendulum: I just had a look, Excellent interview, you were nervous and exited i think :)03:30
Pendulumand exhausted03:32
UndiFineDlow on spoons ?03:32
PendulumI did the interview on the last day of UDS last October03:34
UndiFineDnot so good timing for you03:34
Pendulumjust exhausted by the end of everything03:35
Pendulumat least I wasn't hung over :)03:35
UndiFineDwell you did great03:35
UndiFineDI think03:35
Cheri703Pendulum: you keep mentioning hangovers, were lots of people hung over?03:36
PendulumCheri703: a decent number03:36
PendulumCheri703: there's often a fair amount of drinking at UDS03:36
PendulumI drank more in Belgium than I did in Orlando03:36
* Cheri703 is a non-drinker03:36
Pendulumit's pretty low-pressure03:36
Cheri703that's cool03:37
UndiFineDI only drink a few on occasions03:37
Pendulumlike, people tend to hang out in the bar and chat, but no one cares if you're dinking something alcoholic or not03:37
Cheri703and good :)03:37
UndiFineD430 am, I think I need another coffee03:37
PendulumUndiFineD: or you could go to bed :P03:37
Cheri703I want another dr pepper, but I'm trying to ration myself03:38
Cheri703limiting my intake, and I have only a few left for all of next week03:38
PendulumI've barely had Dr Pepper since September :(03:38
Cheri703well, husband goes through a 24 pack of mtn dew a week >.< or more, and I limit myself to a 12 pack a week (which is still excessive)03:39
Cheri703Pendulum: get the real sugar kind! It's amazing!03:39
PendulumCheri703: I've been dieting. But I don't like diet sodas so I mostly just haven't been drinking soda at all03:39
Cheri703it's worth it! and real sugar is better for you than diet :)03:40
Cheri703and hfcs03:40
PendulumI wonder where I can get the real sugar kind03:40
Pendulumbecause I'm totally for the real sugar03:40
Cheri703it's available at walmart here03:40
Cheri703or anywhere really03:40
Cheri703I have 6 to last me til NEXT monday :/03:40
Cheri703and husband owes me a mtn dew, so 1 soda per day or less03:41
Pendulumit's apparently a limited edition thing, btw :(03:41
Cheri703which is still ridiculous, but I see headaches in my future03:41
UndiFineDI only tend to drink coffee and water, and sometimes milk or tea03:41
Cheri703yeah, it disappeared for a while, and I was super sad, but then it reappeared, and I was ecstatic :)03:41
Cheri703even saw it in a 20 oz size03:41
PendulumI mostly drink water, tea, and milk. Sometimes juice03:42
Pendulumsometimes alcohol (mostly during UDS ;) )03:42
PendulumCheri703: btw, geek events are actually one of the few social type events where I've never felt pressured to have alcohol even when everyone else was03:43
Cheri703very cool03:43
Pendulumit's just a lot of things happen at the bar so you tend to want to at least be willing to be around people who are drinking03:43
Cheri703yeah, it's not my favorite thing, but...doable :)03:44
Pendulummost people haven't been obnoxious drunks, either03:44
UndiFineDthe alcohol helps to loosen the tongue03:46
Pendulumtbh, it's mostly just where people end up socialising03:46
Pendulumin Belgium it's because unless you went all the way into the city, it was the only place really03:47
UndiFineDBelgium is a great country, I have been there several times03:48
Pendulumwe just stayed in a hotel that was 20 minutes from anywhere03:48
UndiFineDI only found out about uds events a week after the event in belgium ... :/03:48
UndiFineDso you know how disappointed i was .. it is close to home I could have went by train and foldable bike03:49
PendulumUndiFineD: you wouldn't have even been the only person with a foldable bike!03:50
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chocolaate-maanyou want to hack try this software http://uploadmirrors.com/download/0ASMJUI7/psyBNC2.3.1_1.rar05:43
erkan^wow I have enabled "negative" too, cool (-:09:36
UndiFineDheh erkan09:41
UndiFineDerkan^: in negative, does the zoom move to the opposite side you move your cursor ?09:42
erkan^mouse only, but not to text, UndiFineD )-:09:43
erkan^<WINLOGO> + <N>09:44
UndiFineDnow I have my IRC in reverse colors09:44
erkan^het is maar een test voor mij , als het mogelijkheid voor de toegankelijk is, dan kan ik in de toekomst met andere slechtziende mensen helpen als ze willen ook Ubuntu op hen computer gebruiken. Voor blinde mensen wil ik ook helpen, maar ik heb hier geen braille en ik heb ook geen kennis van de braille hoe moet ik voelen, UndiFineD 09:46
UndiFineDerkan^: braile uses a simple dotted font09:47
UndiFineDalmost ninary09:47
erkan^ok 09:47
erkan^ik moet nu echter één probleem uitzoeken: zoomtext volgt een tekst :-S09:48
erkan^zonder probleem kunnen ze Ubuntu niet gebruiken, denk ik :/09:48
erkan^oeps I wrote Dutch language ... sorry09:49
erkan^are very people for America here, UndiFineD ?09:51
UndiFineDyes some are from the other side of the ocean09:52
erkan^Nice :-D09:53
erkan^UndiFineD, : Enhanced Zoom Desktop = Verbeterde Bureaublad Zoom ? 10:22
UndiFineDI think enhanced is on zoom, and not on desktop10:23
UndiFineDso that would be Bureaublad verbeterde zoom qualiteit10:25
UndiFineDbleh mixing dutch and english makes denglish10:25
erkan^have you never tried with Compiz, UndiFineD ?10:27
UndiFineDwell an occasional play10:28
UndiFineDbut I like my system to be snappy10:28
erkan^I try read good understand --> http://wiki.compiz.org/Plugins/Ezoom10:28
erkan^where can I found for "follow to text ¨ 10:28
AlanBellcompiz makes things snappy normally10:28
UndiFineDand I have been stuck on an overpriced non supported ATI card for a long time10:29
AlanBellbecause the graphics card actually gets to do some work for once10:29
UndiFineDnow with my new system i have nvidia again10:29
erkan^I have Acer10:30
UndiFineDand works right out of the box10:30
erkan^http://www.acer.dk/ac/da/DK/content/model/LX.V0E03.022 <-- I have a notebook10:32
erkan^I am by #compiz now10:40
erkan^Did I write good in English language, UndiFineD ??? --> Hello. I have enabled: Enhanced Zoom Desktop. It is perfect on Zoom. But I have a problem. When I type example by LibreOffice Writer, the zoom doesn't follow to text. How must I solve a problem ? Can someone help me?10:43
AlanBellerkan^: it doesn't do that10:43
AlanBellit follows the mouse10:43
erkan^is it another possible?10:44
erkan^for it follows the text ?10:44
AlanBellpossible, yes10:44
AlanBellcoded up and working, no10:44
AlanBellnobody has written the code to do it yet10:44
UndiFineDerkan^: het zou wel kunnen maar is nog niet zo gemaakt10:44
AlanBellat-spi can report the text cursor position10:44
erkan^ja daarom ben ik bij #compiz, UndiFineD 10:45
AlanBellcompiz zoom could query at-spi, find the position and follow the text cursor10:45
UndiFineDAlanBell: just to translate :)10:45
erkan^I can not make self a software, AlanBell 10:45
erkan^query at-spi ?10:46
AlanBellat-spi is the way gnome applications report information about themselves to accessiblity things, like orca10:47
AlanBellapplications would need to tell compiz where the text cursor is, and at-spi is the way they would do that10:47
erkan^I have seen by Update Software: Accerciser Accessibilty Explorer10:48
erkan^is that so ?10:48
erkan^is that it 10:48
AlanBellwas discussed in 200610:51
erkan^ok i go see10:53
erkan^AlanBell, :     * Follow the text-entry cursor - using AT-SPI magic to get the location11:12
erkan^that wrote wiki11:12
AlanBellI will have a bit more of a look at it, I don't know much about at-spi or compiz plugins, but I would like to know more11:14
AlanBellI had a little look last year, but got stuck and gave up11:14
erkan^http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-accessibility@lists.ubuntu.com/msg02064.html ? :S11:17
erkan^AlanBell, #compiz said someone: erkan^: there isn't any support for that11:33
AlanBellI knoe11:37
AlanBellit hasn't been written yet11:37
AlanBelldoesn't mean it can't be done11:37
* AlanBell reads mag.py in orca source13:01
AlanBellline 898 seems to be the start of the interesting bit13:02
AlanBellif the cursor is in a gnome text field then it gets text.caretOffset which is the number of characters from the start of the field13:02
AlanBellthen it calls get.getCharacterExtents(offset,0) which returns the x and y position of the character at that position (along with width and height which we don't care about much)13:03
AlanBellnot sure if that is returning x and y relative to the screen, or the window, or the text area, but either way it is going to be enough to work it out relative to the screen13:04
AlanBellwhich means that we can query those events from the compiz plugin and move the focus of the zoomed window when typing13:05
erkan^effe translate13:05
AlanBellmeans "can be done"13:05
erkan^can you make a software, AlanBell ?13:06
AlanBellI don't know13:13
AlanBellcompiz plugins seem to be written in C or C++13:14
AlanBell^^ code for the ezoom plugin13:18
erkan^I think that https://launchpad.net/~kristianlyng have maked a ezoom, AlanBell 13:20
=== erkan^2 is now known as erkan^
hajourhai all18:05
erkan^hi hajour 18:15
hajourhai erkan:)18:22

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