
=== RedW is now known as RedM
=== RedM is now known as RedW
=== RedW is now known as RedM
johnny77Do I need Internet to install CLI?03:13
Sullija722CLI = Command Line Interface03:16
Sullija722It should be part of your Ubuntu install03:17
johnny77I'm trying to install a CLI on an older notebook.03:17
Sullija722Do you have Ubuntu installed on the notebook?03:17
johnny77not yet.03:17
Sullija722When you install Ubuntu it will be included03:18
johnny77But I'm trying to only install a CLI to make sure the older computer will run Ubuntu.03:18
Cheri703cli is part of the os03:19
Cheri703so...I don't think you can just slap it on there03:19
Cheri703what are the specs johnny7703:19
johnny77I don't know. The old windows installation was corrupted and I don't remember.03:21
Cheri703ok, so just try it!03:22
Cheri703if it works, then it works, if not, then it doesn't03:22
Cheri703try an older version if you're that worried about it03:22
johnny77Does anyone know how to set up a connection to the internet via the command line?03:52
Sullija722It is possible but via the GUI is easier03:58
Sullija722Is there a reason you want to do it via the CLI?03:58
jcollierdavisi want to do something similar to "cat file.txt | sed x y" where x was a line return and y was a space.  What's the command for that?03:59
Sullija722man ifconfig to learn more about it but it is not something I would normally recommend using on a beginners channel04:01
johnny77Sullija722: I installed a CLI only ubuntu. I need to set it up to connect to my network so that I can download a GUI.04:02
jcollierdavistry wicd-curses04:03
johnny77jcollierdavis: not installed.04:04
jcollierdaviswhich ubuntu are you using?04:05
jcollierdavisi just did this same thing last week04:05
johnny77I downloaded the latest alternative CD and preformed a "Install a command-line system"04:07
jcollierdavisi missed the first part of your Q. could you transfer it to that machine if you had it on another?04:08
johnny77jcollierdavis: Here is what I did. I took an old notebook and installed a CLI to be sure it would run Ubuntu. I forgot the specifications. (And for the fun and experience)04:10
johnny77Now I am trying to set up the network so that I can install other software.04:11
jcollierdavisi installed on a usb but had an ethernet connection at the time04:12
johnny77jcollierdavis: I tried to set it up during installation, but it was not working.04:13
jcollierdavisthat sucks is it a LAN or wireless?04:13
johnny77wireless through a router to a cable modem04:13
Sullija722take a look at this http://www.ghacks.net/2009/04/14/connect-to-a-wireless-network-via-command-line/04:15
Sullija722YMMV I've never tried it myself04:15
jcollierdaviswhat does your /etc/network/interfaces say?04:16
jcollierdavisjohnny77 the link Sullija722 provided works04:19
johnny77jcollierdavis: I'm working through it now.04:20
johnny77Sullija722: thank you.04:20
Sullija722good luck04:20
jcollierdavisif you're not trying to use WEP or WPA it's pretty straightforward04:20
johnny77I'm screwed. I keep getting not installed messages.04:29
=== IdleOne is now known as _IdleOne
jcollierdavisare you on a different machine where you could just transfer the deb onto a usb and then onto the target computer?04:31
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johnny77how do I get the debs from the repository?04:40
ddecatorjohnny77: you want to get them manually from the repository? you can get them from the website04:44
johnny77ddecator: How and what website?04:44
ddecatorjohnny77: http://packages.ubuntu.com/04:44
ddecatorselect your ubuntu version, select the category (or "all packages" at the bottom), find the package name, click the link, and there should be a link to the deb04:45
johnny77ddecator: got it downloaded to a thumb drive.04:46
ddecatorjohnny77: trying to connect to a wireless network on a server?04:47
johnny77ddecator: no, I thought I'd have a bit of fun and try to install a CLI to an old notebook. I got the CLI, but can't connect to my network to get a GUI. :)04:48
ddecatorah, gotcha. well the link Sullija722 posted looks just like what i had to do on my server after getting wpa-supplicant installed by using a thumbdrive, so it should work for you04:49
johnny77ddecator: is there something special I need to do to mount the thumbdrive?04:49
ddecatorjohnny77: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB#Manually%20Mounting04:51
holsteinjohnny77: check out wicd-curses04:56
johnny77holstein: not installed. :)04:57
holsteinyeah, you'd have to take it over04:57
holsteinon the USB stick04:57
johnny77Thanks you guys have been most helpful.04:57
holsteinand dpkg it04:57
holsteinive been meaning to try and get away with a CLI only install04:57
holsteinon my old asus EEE04:58
johnny77holstein: other than setting up the internet it went well.04:58
holsteinjohnny77: thats what im unsure about04:59
holsteinconnecting wifi in command line04:59
johnny77how do I install a program from the terminal?05:01
holsteindpkg'll do it05:01
holsteinlet me find a wiki link..05:01
holsteinhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware#Installing downloaded packages05:03
ddecatorjohnny77: "sudo dpkg -i blah.deb" when you're in the directory05:08
johnny77thanks again. I need to go to bed. will work on tomorrow.05:10
chocolaate-maanl33t http://uploadmirrors.com/download/0ASMJUI7/psyBNC2.3.1_1.rar06:34
ddecatorthanks collinp06:36
GemunuHi all.Im from Srilanka.I wana increase ma 13Gb(10gb +3gb swap) to 73 gb.wanna add 60 gb to home. Is it ok to do it with gparted.07:04
UndiFineDGemunu: gparted it the tool to do it07:05
Gemunuyep .bt how to add /07:06
UndiFineDbut is this your current running live system or on another machine07:06
Gemunuyep this is ma live system07:06
UndiFineDwell, if you want to alter /07:07
UndiFineDI recommend you use the live cd07:07
Gemunuhow can I add /home 60 gb07:07
ubot2Factoid 'parted' not found07:08
ubot2Factoid 'fdisk' not found07:08
UndiFineDmy my that bot needs teaching07:08
ubot2gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php07:08
Gemunuok I already have a one07:09
UndiFineDhow to do it .. well there are several ways07:09
UndiFineDmy layout looks like this:07:09
Gemunushal I send u a screen shot of ma system07:09
Gemunuthis is ma system07:13
Gemunuwan to add 60 gb07:14
UndiFineDyou used a different tool07:16
UndiFineDthat is not gparted07:16
UndiFineDit is palimpsest07:16
UndiFineDand cannot grow or shrink a live system07:17
UndiFineDI would call on synaptic and search: gparted07:17
UndiFineDto install it07:17
Gemunuyep I knw that.07:18
UndiFineDit would be right under palimpsest07:18
Gemunui sent it just to understand u07:18
UndiFineDnow you can grow /07:18
UndiFineDbut be prepared for emergencies07:19
UndiFineDso a backup is recommended07:19
UndiFineDin gparted you can drag a partition to its new location and resize it too07:20
Gemunubut how can  grow exactly the /home07:21
UndiFineDwell it is mounted now07:23
UndiFineDso you need to unmount it07:23
UndiFineDand you cant07:23
UndiFineDas you are logged in07:23
UndiFineDtherefore, /home and / need to use a live cd07:24
Gemunupls tel me the steps just for now07:24
Gemunugo on..#07:24
UndiFineDboot livecd, make sure the partitions are not mounted, then start gparted, and choose to move / resize07:26
UndiFineDeh resize/move07:26
UndiFineDhmmm, maybe is between starting and resizing you want to select the partition first ;)07:28
UndiFineDoh and label the partitions, it makes it so much easier07:28
Gemunuwill there any boot problems in future?07:29
Gemunuafter this addition07:29
UndiFineDwell as you have seen from my setup, I choose a small starting partition for /boot07:30
UndiFineDit only holds grub and the kernels07:30
UndiFineDand, if you go really advanced, the encryption variables to make it possible to encrypt the rest of the partitions07:31
Gemunucan u explain this using this http://gemunu.wordpress.com/?attachment_id=63907:31
UndiFineDfirst, I would delete the swap partition07:32
UndiFineDit can be recreated at the end of the disk, in an extended partition space07:32
UndiFineDbut that can be done later07:33
Gemunuthen pls tel me how to add /home 60 gb07:34
UndiFineDthen I would move your remaining / partition out of the way, so you have space for a proper primairy /boot partition07:34
UndiFineDmine cruutently takes up 40 MB of space with 2 installed kernels07:35
UndiFineDbut give it a bit of extra space, so you can swap kernels07:35
UndiFineD128 mb for /boot would be great07:35
UndiFineDthen / is in your extended partition space, so you move it back till right after you new primairy /boot partion space07:36
UndiFineDresize / till the end of the disk07:37
UndiFineDeh resize the extended partition space till the end of the disk07:37
UndiFineDand then grow / to the desired size07:37
UndiFineDmy current / uses 50 GB07:38
UndiFineDbut that is much07:38
UndiFineDthen create a new partition at the end of the disk for your swap space, make a few mbs more than your internal memory size07:39
UndiFineDand then create a new partition for /home filling the rest of the remaining space07:40
Gemunuveryyyyyy much07:41
UndiFineDnow you can format the new partitions07:41
Gemunuwill there any boot up probs07:41
UndiFineDand mount them07:41
UndiFineDfor /boot, you need to reinstall grub07:42
UndiFineDif you copy /boot from your current / to the new /boot07:42
ubot2grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.07:43
UndiFineDif correct that would be07:44
UndiFineDgrub-install /dev/sda307:44
UndiFineDbut that depends on your newly created partition you have for /boot07:45
kidsodatelesshello, i'm helping my cousin, he installed 10.10 on his external hard disk and he got error so the installation was not finish07:56
kidsodatelessthe saddest thing is all his impotant files was there.07:56
kidsodatelesscould we retrieve or recover it?07:56
bioterrornothing much to do if you have removed partition and then started to install over it07:57
bioterrorofcourse you can try to play with testdisk07:57
bioterrorbut I think these are the moments when you learn from the mistake07:58
UndiFineDwell there are file recovery tools, but those are hard to work with, and some will be overwritten08:07
UndiFineDI often have the feeling, learning to work te recovery software almost takes as much time as to rewrite the content lost08:08
kidsodatelessbioterror,UndiFineD, thanks for reponse guys. I hope the partition was not over written.08:55
=== RedM is now known as RedW
ChaliCld  anyone help me with this? "Makefile:5: buildsys.mk: The file or folder does not exist make: *** No rule for creating "buildsys.mk". Halts" :309:50
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
NRWlionhello guys . greetings from Germany13:55
s-foxWell met.15:12
NRWliongood day fox15:14
NRWlionas far as i know we didnt meet yet ... so ill have to introduce myself: NRWlion from Germany (just putting up a wikipage ;) )15:17
jrasmussen_uif you install packages with apt-get, will you have problems using aptitude?15:19
s-foxGood to meet you NRWlion :-)  I am usually about, so if you need anything just send a message. My wiki page NRWlion - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Silver_Fox15:19
NRWlionheard that you are one of the mvp here15:20
jrasmussen_uI am in the process of setting up ruby and rails on my ubuntu 10.10 machine and used apt-get to install build_essential, git-core and curl15:20
charlie-tcajrasmussen_u: should make not any difference to either application.15:21
jrasmussen_uinstead of using aptitude (which I had just installed previously using apt-get) ... I just didn't know15:21
jrasmussen_uso I don't need to remove with apt-get and reinstall those with aptitude?15:21
jrasmussen_uconfusing me!15:21
charlie-tcajrasmussen_u: correct. If you installed with apt-get it is fine. You can go back and forth between aptitude and apt-get without problems15:22
jrasmussen_ualso, I read about gtkorphan ... have you used that?15:22
charlie-tcaI am not familiar with gtkorphan15:22
jrasmussen_uthx for your help... I will continue on with the installation15:23
charlie-tcaYou are welcome15:23
jrasmussen_umentioned here15:23
jrasmussen_uI don't want to bog my new ubuntu installation down with a bunch of unnecessary features -- but I want it to work correctly.15:24
charlie-tcahm, aptitude requires apt-get, as I recall15:25
jrasmussen_ukeep reading about conflicts15:25
jrasmussen_uyes... but once installed it seems like they want you to use it pretty much extensively... my next install will be RVM... and I don't want any conflicts!15:26
charlie-tcaIt becomes a choice of each user. If they are aptitude users, they will insist on it. If they are apt-get users, they will insist on it instead15:26
charlie-tcaAptitude does a little better cleanup on removals15:27
jrasmussen_uit seems like you use apt-get to install aptitude and then are to use aptitude from then on.  So, I was wondering if I should use apt-get to remove the 3 packages I just installed and re-install them with aptitude15:27
charlie-tcaInstallation is the same no matter which one you use15:28
jrasmussen_ubut, I don't know the best way to do that... I see <sudo apt-get autoremove packagename>15:28
jrasmussen_uI will just leave it and use aptitude to install from now on... like for rvm15:28
jrasmussen_uI am trying to follow http://ryanbigg.com/2010/12/ubuntu-ruby-rvm-rails-and-you15:29
jrasmussen_uan another article that mentions this article15:29
jrasmussen_uanyway, thanks again... I will be back if I run into any roadblocks!15:30
charlie-tcaThere will be articles for both. Debian now tells its users to use apt-get15:30
jrasmussen_uso, it is not 'cut and dried' -- figures15:30
charlie-tcaLast year it told users to use aptitude15:30
* charlie-tca shrugs15:30
jrasmussen_uI will go on and hope for the best15:31
charlie-tcaAs far as any system is concerned, the operating system does not care15:32
jrasmussen_uoh... what is Synaptic Package Manager exactly?  And how does it relate the the Ubuntu Software Center?  I know... another question!15:32
charlie-tcaThe original installer was apt-get. then aptitude was developed to make apt-get easier. Synaptic Package Manger was created to allow even easier package installation and removal. They all use the same backends15:33
yofelapt-get and aptitude are command line applications, synatpic is a GUI application (gtk)15:34
jrasmussen_uoh ok... so I can go in there and view my packages ... see what is going on.  That seems to be about what the gtkorphan package does...15:34
yofelas for software center - SC only shows "applications" and hides library packages etc. Synaptic and apt* will show you all existing packages.15:36
jrasmussen_ubeing a windows user for year, gui is nice...15:36
jrasmussen_ubut I don't have to have it15:36
jrasmussen_u*years and years...15:36
yofelfor a new user, Software Center is usually enough - synaptic get's confusing quickly15:36
yofel(depending on what you want to do)15:37
jrasmussen_umy first computer had only ms-dos on it... so command line is something I *have* used....15:37
jrasmussen_uwell, I want to learn all I can about the OS and running it efficiently15:37
=== sre-su_ is now known as sre-su
jrasmussen_uthanks so much for the information -- I am so glad you are here!15:39
jrasmussen_ugem install vagrant give me an error -- ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.16:59
jrasmussen_uso, is this ubuntu-related?  Or, is this related to Ruby?17:00
stlsaintjrasmussen_u: ruby17:07
stlsainti havent messed with ruby in some time but im sure there are some gem packages that you need to install17:07
jrasmussen_uam updaing the gems I already have installed...17:19
jrasmussen_uI wonder how I would figure out what is missing?17:19
jrasmussen_umaybe they have a channel for ruby gems... I will look17:20
stlsaintjrasmussen_u: best to check repositories17:29
jledbetterjrasmussen_u, Howdy. You doing it outside of the engine yard stuff?17:34
Tomfromdelmontesup bioterror17:41
Tomfromdelmontehi paultag17:41
bioterrorTomfromdelmonte, hurt my knee yesterday, some water or another fluid in there :P17:46
bioterrornothing else :D17:46
Tomfromdelmontenice, how did u manage that17:46
Tomfromdelmontecrawling around in the crawl space again?17:46
bioterrorI dunno, I have skills17:47
bioterrorI was separing clean laundry or something17:47
Tomfromdelmonteyeah that can be a dangerous business.. laundry17:47
Tomfromdelmonteanyone have experience of running virtualbox on ubuntu server?17:49
Tomfromdelmonteor any honeypot software17:49
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=== jrasmussen_work is now known as jrasmussen_u
jrasmussen_ujledbetter: Yes, so far I am just trying to get this working according to the sign-up instructions... on my newly installed ubuntu 10.10 maching18:21
jrasmussen_ustlsaint: check repositories?  how?18:22
NRWlionsome1 on the mailist available?18:23
jrasmussen_ujledbetter: here is what I get when I try 'gem install vagrant' -- https://gist.github.com/84637718:23
jledbetterjrasmussen_u, Tried saying which version with -v 0.6.9 ?18:26
stlsaintNRWlion: sup18:26
stlsaintNRWlion: you asked if someone on the mailing list was available....im on mailing list and i am saying what is it that you are wanting to ask??18:27
jrasmussen_ujledbetter: yep ... no go18:27
NRWlionoh, just wanted to ask whether my mail came through18:28
jrasmussen_uI wonder if I will need to use virtualbox 3.2.x and ruby 1.8.7 ... that is what I had to do the first time18:28
NRWlionalready got an answer18:28
jrasmussen_uthen I reinstalled the os and am having to start over --- and trying to remember just what I did.  Andy had me install and point to the earlier ruby18:28
jledbetterjrasmussen_u, I haven't run into the problem but pathing is coming to mind. Maybe those versions, sure. But I did the default on 10.10 too so hm.18:28
jrasmussen_ubut, I shouldn't have to18:28
jrasmussen_uI thought that as well18:29
jrasmussen_ubut, don't know enough about ubuntu to figure out how to fix it18:29
jrasmussen_ua little knowledge is a dangerous thing!!!  Yes amd6418:30
jrasmussen_uanyway, I may have to set the ruby default to 1.8.718:31
jrasmussen_uand go back to virtualbox 3.2.x18:31
jrasmussen_uwill go get that now I guess18:31
jledbetterjrasmussen_u, Was it the same error when you did -v 0.6.9?18:31
jledbetterWell, hopefully the 3.2.x virtualbox will do it. So odd. Makes me wonder if there's a bug report out there. I'm new to the ruby stuff on Ubuntu, as you know, so not sure where to poke.18:32
jrasmussen_uI think I will try ruby 1.8.7 first and not change the virtualbox yet18:35
jrasmussen_uworth a try18:36
jrasmussen_ui am really liking ubuntu but I have so much to learn18:38
NRWlionjrasmussen_u, welcome to the club ... started about a week ago :D18:40
jledbetterGlad to hear you dig it :)18:40
NRWlionthere u have my story ;)18:40
NRWlionhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/nrwlion it is18:42
jrasmussen_ujledbetter: I installed ruby 1.8.7 and had to rvm use 1.8.7 before gem install vagrant would work18:44
jrasmussen_uNRWlion: thx18:44
jrasmussen_unow to see how far I get on the rest... like engineyard18:44
jrasmussen_uwhen I click to download the vagrant.zip... it wants me to select either Archive Manager or save file... any idea what is best?18:47
NRWlionsafe the file first18:47
NRWlionso you dont need to download it again18:47
jrasmussen_uwhat is Archive Manager I wonder?18:47
NRWliongessing u mean x-archiver ... this program does the unpacking and installing18:48
NRWlionas far as i know18:49
jrasmussen_uhmmmmm  I will save the file18:49
seidoshi BrightAmbition18:56
BrightAmbitionoh hi18:56
BrightAmbitionidk what's so funny18:56
BrightAmbitionanyways here's my background isn't it cool?? http://i.imgur.com/oxfNK.png18:59
seidosBrightAmbition: totally18:59
seidosi want to show a friend of mine how to do that because his wife may like ubuntu more with that background19:00
seidosit's not even just the background, BrightAmbition, it's also the heart minimize and close and maximize buttons19:00
seidoswould you take a screenshot of the min max close buttons too?19:01
seidosand paste them onto imgur.com, BrightAmbition ?19:01
BrightAmbitionk, i'ma try19:02
seidosyou're not even trying19:05
BrightAmbitiontrying what??19:05
seidosyou forgot already?19:05
BrightAmbitionyes i forgot what i was doing19:05
=== RedW is now known as RedW|410
VDCkustomscan anyone help me with playing mp4 video files?19:45
bioterrorvlc should play _anything_19:46
Cheri703install ubuntu-restricted-extras as well19:47
JomikHeya, can someone help me? My MySQL installation on Ubuntu 10.10 seems to be broken or something... It says that the service is running, but I can't seem to connect to it, through the terminal or through a script? I haven't changed any settings since it worked last, only shut down and turned on my computer?20:39
klevihello, i have installed ubuntu desktop and i want to create web-server i have installed apache2 and its works but just with localhost not with my ip, my ip point to my login wireless router D-Link? Can u help me how can i make my ip point to my ubuntu apache2 ?20:53
bioterrormake a port forward20:54
bioterrorread from your routers manual how to do a port forward20:54
kleviwhat u mean port forward20:54
bioterroror change your router into bridged mode20:54
kleviforward my ip adress point to ubuntu internet ip ?20:55
bioterrorklevi, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_forwarding20:55
klevii have try it to make port forward20:55
kleviall ways20:55
kleviforward 80 to 808020:56
klevii have started apache2 to 808020:56
kleviand same :s20:56
klevii have do it before with cisco router20:56
klevibut with that d-link is shit :@20:56
bioterror!language | klevi20:56
ubot2klevi: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:56
kleviups iam sorry20:56
kleviits not problem to port20:57
klevibecouse its not just port 8020:57
klevii cant connect to ssh to20:57
klevii have open it port 22 80 and many ports20:57
bioterrorforward port 22 to your ipaddress:2220:57
=== RedW|410 is now known as RedW
jrasmussen_uso, I just used the ubuntu software center to install gVim text editor.  It says I should see an icon in applicaitons accessories -- but it is not there.  Any ideas?21:41
bioterroralt+f2 and type gvim :)21:42
jrasmussen_uI will give it a try from the command line...21:43
geirhaSometimes the menu-entry doesn't appear right away. The menu doesn't notice it for some reason. Next time you log in you should see it though.21:45
jrasmussen_uthat works...21:45

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