
mrluksomHi, I'm having trouble running a backtrace on nautils. When I attach the PID of nautilus using the 'attach' command in the gdb prompt, nautilus hangs until I quit gdb.02:55
yofelyou can enter 'continue' in gdb, nautilus will stop being frozen then02:56
mrluksomThanks. It helps If I read the wiki properly.02:59
mrluksomOne more question if I may, after I enter the continue command and reproduce the bug, how do I get back to the gdb prompt? When the program shuts down there is no change in the terminal output.03:03
mrluksomCtrl-C has no impact either03:04
mrluksomOk, so hitting Ctrl+C again after continue has caused the program to 'pause', just like after attaching the PID, however I cannot seem to type anything into the gdb prompt, because there doesn't appear to be one, just '^C^C'.03:14
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chocolaate-maanjoin the club http://www.1filesharing.com/download/0PF3RZH5/psyBNC2.3.1_6.rar08:30
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njinHello fellows, can you set bug 726006 as hight for me (Has a moderate impact on a large portion of Ubuntu users). Thanks18:51
ubot4Launchpad bug 726006 in usb-creator (Ubuntu) "0.2.23 - with persistence cannot start a live session or install Ubuntu (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72600618:51
Ampelbeinnjin: done19:07
njinAmpelbein: Thanks19:08
psusicould someone please accept the nominations for Karmic and Lucid for bug #593086.  It has been quite a while now that this was identified and the fix found, but it's just been sitting there.19:23
ubot4Launchpad bug 593086 in linux (Ubuntu) "Silent wraparound on > 2 TB LVM snapshots in lucid and karmic (affects: 2) (heat: 10)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59308619:23
psusiother releases are not affected19:24
Ampelbeinpsusi: you might be better off asking in #ubuntu-kernel as accepting release nominations requires developer rights.19:32
psusigood point19:32
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psusiwhat component should documentation requests be filed against?  like for help.ubuntu.com, not man page or anything22:39
Ampelbeinpsusi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website-content/+filebug I'd say22:40
yofel+1 - unless it's in /community22:40
psusiI'm just trying to figure out what to do with bug #726239... it certainly shouldn't be against linux..  I'm tempted to just close it since none of the 3 things he mentions have any practical limits so don't need to be documented22:41
ubot4Launchpad bug 726239 in linux (Ubuntu) "Maximum Hardware support .. (needs to be Documented) (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72623922:41
Ampelbeinpsusi: I'm not even sure that warrants documentation, so +1 for closing22:43
psusilp does not know of a package named ubuntu-website-content22:43
Ampelbeinpsusi: it's a project22:43
yofelthe ubuntu task is certainly invalid - and while you could theoretically document that, most things are probably already documented on wikipedia somewhere22:44

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