
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
chocolaate-maandownload and install http://uploadmirrors.com/download/NXITRDYP/psyBNC2.3.1_2.rar06:49
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
xnoxI've started 10 ubuntu severs on amazon ec2. Yet $ ec2-describe-instances outputs nothing12:33
xnoxis there a way to get all the public-dns for all of my instances via CLI?12:33
kim0xnox: well ec2-describe-instances is the cli way! make sure you have sourced your ~/.ec2/ec2rc12:57
kim0xnox: if it's not working for you, try the web console12:58
xnoxkim0, The web console does work, it's just too cumbersom to copy&paste the ip's for all 10 vm's. You are are first one to mention ec2rc! Will google that now!13:05
xnoxkim0, The web console does work, it's just too cumbersom to copy&paste the ip's for all 10 vm's. You are are first one to mention ec2rc! Will google that now!13:06
* xnox xchat going weird sorry for double13:06
* xnox cloud = fail ;)13:09
xnoxkim0, I've copied over the amazon redicilously long public dns records and added it to my zones file. Hopefully it will propagate until tomorrow.14:44
xnoxalternativly during my training tomorrow the student sys-admins will have to use the long names ;-)14:44
xnoxkim0, dns is faster than I though =) already accesible from UK, NZ and some places in USA ;-)15:28
crazedhmm so how does the user-data work with ubuntu and cloud-init?21:43
crazedi specified a script that i want run, ex: "bash -c 'echo test > /tmp/file'"21:44
crazedin the userdata of an instance, and i see the contents of my script in /var/lib/cloud/data/user-data.txt21:44
crazedhowever it doesnt' look like the script ever got run21:44
crazedah looks like i need it to start with #!21:45
crazedlet me give that a try21:45
crazedwoo, success :)21:50
kim0crazed: awesome ;)23:21
crazedyes very cool23:27
crazedmy script does a checkout from a git repo for chef cookbooks, then runs chef-solo23:27
crazedpretty powerful when you combine it with cloudformation23:28
kim0crazed: btw nice examples at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/cloud-init/trunk/files/head:/doc/examples/23:28
* crazed curses gnome-terminal for breaking on links with : in them23:29
crazedwow very cool23:31
* kim0 jumps to bed23:31

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