
=== IdleOne is now known as _IdleOne
=== _IdleOne is now known as IdleOne
=== mc44_ is now known as mc44
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
IdleOneircc meeting?18:00
nhandlerMeeting time. jussi, topyli, elky, tsimpson ?18:00
jussiright, who is chairing this thime?18:02
jussitime even18:02
nhandlerI can I guess18:03
MootBotMeeting started at 12:03. The chair is nhandler.18:03
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]18:03
nhandler[TOPIC] Add eir to #ubuntu18:03
MootBotNew Topic:  Add eir to #ubuntu18:03
nhandler[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcCouncil/MeetingAgenda18:03
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcCouncil/MeetingAgenda18:03
nhandlerI added a long explanation on the wiki that I would suggest reading if you haven't already: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcCouncil/IRCteamproposal#Add%20eir%20to%20%23ubuntu18:03
nhandler[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcCouncil/IRCteamproposal#Add%20eir%20to%20%23ubuntu18:04
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcCouncil/IRCteamproposal#Add%20eir%20to%20%23ubuntu18:04
nhandlerSo any comments on adding eir? This is only for #ubuntu for now, but if we find it beneficial, we could discuss adding it to other core channels in the future18:05
jussinhandler: could you tell us in dot point for the benefits of eir? Is it just the auto ban removal and nagging?18:06
topylii certainly like the autoexpiring bans18:06
jussiAlso, you mentioned it notices -ops - people may object to that... (speaking from experience...)18:06
nhandlerjussi: The main benefit is that you can set a comment/expiration date for bans/quiets/certain mode changes. This would make it easy to have certain bans automatically get removed (or have eir nag you) after a certain period of time (to avoid banning and forgetting)18:07
jussiI like that a ot18:07
jussiIm worried about potential issues with notices (people have complained in the past)18:08
nhandlerjussi: It can notice a person/channel of our choice. And personally, I still think that notices about bans are something our OPs should be able to put up with. They can adjust their own bans on a per-ban basis, and this will hopefully help keep us from forgetting and having to do a mass ban clear every few months18:08
nhandlerIt might also provde helpful with the FloodBot bans18:08
ikoniais this as a supliment to ubottu's BT capabilities, or in place of18:08
nhandlerikonia: Supplement18:08
jussiikonia: supplement18:08
nhandlerUbottu would still be used for tracking users over long periods of time18:08
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:08
ikoniaso what's the short benifit it does beyond what ubottu does already ?18:09
ikonia(or I can go and read the link if that's easier)18:09
jussiikonia: auto ban removal and better nagging18:09
nhandlerikonia: I'd read the link, but ubottu just nags after a week. With eir, I could have it nag me after a day, or auto-remove the ban after a month.18:09
ikoniaso would the nagging in ubottu be disabled ?18:10
ikonia(reading link now)18:10
tsimpsonfor #ubuntu anyway18:10
nhandlerWe would hopefully also get it so ubottu could parse the ban comments set in eir so we have them in the BT18:10
ikoniaso we would set the ban comments in eir now ?18:11
tsimpsonthe bot would parse the comments you give to eir and put it into the BT18:11
ikoniacan it do that now ?18:11
jussiI think we eventually will have this all in ubottu, but for now, this is best case18:11
ikoniathe only benifit I'm reading is that it can auto remove bans18:12
jussiikonia: I think tsimpson will have it working in pretty short order18:12
ikoniajussi: then I don't think we should be implementing something until it is working18:12
ikoniathe comments in BT are quite important18:12
tsimpsonikonia: it does nagging better than ubottu does now, and it does auto-removal18:13
ikoniadoes it send a better pm ?18:13
jussiikonia: it wont be implemented until it does, but we need to take the decision to implement it18:13
ikoniatsimpson: how does it nag better ?18:13
ikoniajussi: then I suggest not implimenting it and carring on with ubottu development18:13
tsimpsonikonia: because ubottu just nags after one week, and that's all it can do18:13
jussiikonia: it can nag in different intevals than the standard one week18:13
ikoniaI don't want more nagging (personally)18:14
nhandlerikonia: You can adjust how long it waits before nagging. Then, once it nags you can decide whether to change the expiration so it nags agin in another few days. It also includes the comment that was set (so you know what the ban was about)18:14
IdleOneCan the good part of eir be implemented into ubottu ?18:14
nhandlerIdleOne: There has been a bug open for a few years about that.18:14
jussiIdleOne: as we said, thats the plan18:14
tsimpsonwe need to decide if we want to go ahead with eir before ubottu is modified to work with it18:14
jussiIdleOne: but for now, making this work is best case18:14
ikoniaI don't see the benifit to adding a bot to work with a bot, when we have a working bot that can be developed18:14
jussiikonia: the fix forworking with eir is small, the adding capability is large18:15
nhandlerFor one thing, we shouldn't need to or want to re-invent the wheel for every new feature we want18:15
ikoniaunless ubottu is failing at delivering something, I don't see the need to add another bot18:15
nhandlerikonia: It is failing at delivering this functionality currently18:15
ikonianhandler: which functionaltiy ?18:15
ikoniasorry, I' missing what ubottu is failing to deliver on18:15
topylithe autoexpiry, the configurable nags, as stated18:16
ikoniaI don't feel ubottu is faiing18:16
tsimpsonit fails at configuring the notification period and it fails at having the ability to remove bans/quiets automatically18:16
ikoniaI'd live to see more work on the floodbot replacemnt that we are being held to randsom with at the moment18:16
nhandlerikonia: Basically, as can be seen by our long ban lists and our need to do a mass-clear every few months, people are setting and forgetting about their bans. ubottu will nag once after a week or so, but that is it. People often simply ignore this if they aren't quite ready to remove the ban or can't remember what it is.18:16
ikoniaI don't want a bot to auto remove my bans18:16
tsimpsonwith ubottu, you get nagged after 1 week, and that's it18:16
tsimpsonit doesn't check if it's a long term ban18:17
tsimpsonit doesn't check if it should nag again18:17
ikonianhandler: I don't personally want more nagging,18:17
nhandlerikonia: You can adjust that on a per-ban basis18:17
ikoniaI don't appreciate the current nagging so a bot that nags more isn't a benifit to me18:17
topyliikonia: this doesn't interfere with the floodbot development18:17
ikoniatopyli: great18:17
tsimpsonespecially in #ubuntu, it's important our ops remove unneeded bans18:17
jussinhandler: perhaps its worth providing an example of eir and what you might give it18:17
nhandlerjussi: Usage examples are on http://freenode.net/eir.shtml18:18
nhandlerThat shows the various commands and examples on using them18:18
ikoniaup to you guys of course, but for me this is a waste of effort and adding another layer of complexity for no real benifit (for me personally)18:19
IdleOnenhandler: does using eir change how I use chanserv.py or auto_bleh?18:19
nhandlerIdleOne: No. Although you might want to use /aq instead of /at in auto_bleh and then use eir to set when the quiet should be removed18:19
nhandler/aq is a quiet, /at is a quiet auto_bleh removes after a 15 minute period (or whatever the user set)18:20
IdleOneso basically instead of ubottu messaging me for comment eir will be doing it. I just need to learn the new syntax for eir.18:20
jussiIs anyone still unclear on what eir does?18:20
jussiIdleOne: yup18:20
ikoniathe links nhandler has provider are quite solid18:20
ikoniaprovided even18:21
jussiIdleOne: it has a few more options ;)18:21
bazhangnags more and autoremoves bans18:21
IdleOneI don't like the idea of auto removal of bans after 24 hours. I would like to see it extended to 7 days.18:21
topylibazhang: it can nag less if you like :)18:21
jussibazhang: not more, (well can be) but more configurabe18:21
tsimpsonIdleOne: it won't auto remove by default18:21
nhandlerIdleOne: If you read the defaults I suggested, it would simply nag after 24 hours, not autoremove18:21
IdleOnesounds good to me18:21
tsimpsonIdleOne: and it'll be completely configurable per ban/quiet18:21
bazhangIdleOne, does it affect chanserv.py?18:21
nhandlerbazhang: No18:21
IdleOnebazhang: not that I can see right now18:22
bazhangnhandler, thanks18:22
tsimpsonchanserv.py doesn't do auto-removal anyway, so it won't18:22
IdleOnetsimpson: yes it does18:22
tsimpsonand eir works even if you /quit18:22
IdleOneseveas added a timed q and b18:22
IdleOnetsimpson: there is that, with chanserv we have to be online18:23
nhandlerIt is also worth noting (if you haven't already noticed) that eir is used and developed by staff in #freenode and #defocus18:23
tsimpsonwell then the same as auto_bleh, just don't use auto-removal parts18:23
IdleOneok. I'm ok with testing eir.18:23
nhandlerDo the defaults I noted look sane?18:23
jussinhandler: to me they do18:23
jussiPerhaps its worth a defaults review next meeting18:24
topyliyes. we'll tweak if needed18:24
nhandlerjussi: I'd prfer to give it a month18:24
jussierr oops18:24
nhandlerIt will take some time for OPs to get used to it and start really using it18:24
jussinhandler: fair enough18:24
IdleOneubottu's BT will still be used?18:25
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:25
nhandler[VOTE] Try eir in #ubuntu for a month (default expiration of 24h, notices to -ops, and nag instead of autoremove by default)18:25
MootBotPlease vote on:  Try eir in #ubuntu for a month (default expiration of 24h, notices to -ops, and nag instead of autoremove by default).18:25
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot18:25
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting18:25
MootBot+1 received from nhandler. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 118:25
MootBot+1 received from topyli. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 218:25
MootBot+1 received from jussi. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 318:25
tsimpsonIdleOne: yeah, the only part of ubottu eir will replace is the nagging part, which is poor anyway18:25
MootBot+1 received from tsimpson. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 418:25
ikonianotices to -ops ?18:25
ikoniaI thought we'd been through the notices to -ops stuff as jussi called out ?18:26
IdleOnedoes eir send me notices or msg18:26
nhandlerIt is really no different than what OPs /should/ already be doing (notifying when they set/remove a ban)18:26
nhandlerIdleOne: I can't remember. I can check in a minute18:26
IdleOnenotices sometimes get lost with xchat.18:26
ikoniadoes it send notices to the channel, or pm's as ubottu does18:26
tsimpsona ban can, and should, be removed by another ops18:27
tsimpsonpeople don't "own" bans18:27
IdleOneit is supposed to send to it's own window but doesn't always18:27
ikoniasorry, I didn't pickup on the notice to -ops stuff earlier, I thought jussi had covered it off18:27
ikonia(not seen any discussion on this on the mail list, have I missed it) ?18:28
IdleOnetsimpson: sometimes it is hard to decide if a ban set by another op can/should be removed as comments are not always available18:28
tsimpsoneir will have the comment for the ban18:28
IdleOnetsimpson: what i mean is that not all ops comment bans18:29
tsimpsonand other comments will still be in the BT18:29
ikoniasorry, I don't think this should be implemented until eir can sync with BT18:29
ikoniastoring comments in two places is not good.18:29
jussiikonia: it wont be!18:29
ikoniajussi: won't what ?18:29
jussibe implemented until that happens, but we need to decide to do the work18:30
ikoniaapologies if I'm missing something obvious18:30
ikoniajussi: ah, now I see what you're saying, sorry18:30
tsimpsonI'm certainly not going to hack on ubottu if we aren't even going to use eir18:30
ikoniaI thought you where suggesting it won't be implimented until the bot is implimented18:30
jussiaye ;)18:30
ikoniaimplemented even18:31
nikouBOTu-fr used something similar to eir18:32
nhandlerHello mquin. We were talking about adding eir in #ubuntu. One concern was that it uses notices to notify the OP channel instead of normal MSGs. I know there was a reason for that and was hoping you could explain18:33
jussio/ mquin18:33
mquinnhandler: it uses notices when responding to events on irc - normal behaviour as per the original RFC18:35
nhandlerAh, ok. I thought it was something like that but I wasn't positive18:36
IdleOneso instead of the op who set the ban getting a notice, a generic notice to the channel will be sent and an active op can review the ban?18:36
ikoniajussi: so how does that fit in with the request from operators for ubottu to not notice the channels ?18:36
nhandlerIdleOne: The OP setting the ban will get a message sent privately to them requesting a comment be set18:36
IdleOnenhandler: I am asking about when the ban "expires"18:37
ikoniaah, so the message won't go to the channel, cool18:37
IdleOnesorry if I am not understanding or making myself clear on what I am trying to understand :)18:38
jussiright, so shal we quickly now cover the standing items and move on? We can return to this at the tail end of the meeting18:38
tsimpsonwe can just agree that in theory we want eir18:38
MootBotFinal result is 4 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 418:39
tsimpsonand if we get the kings worked out, we'll use it18:39
tsimpsonthere are no kings in eir ;)18:39
nhandler[AGREE] We want eir, but need to look into integration with ubottu and the notices18:39
nhandler[TOPIC] Standing Items18:39
MootBotNew Topic:  Standing Items18:39
nhandlerI don't see any new bugs18:39
jussinor I.18:40
topylii haven't done the stats, just realized18:40
jussiSo, the bug parsing in #u?18:41
nhandlerFor actions, tsimpson was to enable bug parsing for #u, topyli was going to do stats for the trial period, elky was to send the email, jussi was to document some namespace limits, tsimpson was to update the wiki re:cloaks, send email, and talk to staff18:41
tsimpsondone, done, done, and done18:41
nhandlerAwesome tsimpson !18:42
topylinot done18:42
jussiI havent yet documented that, but Ive got thpoughts together. will attempt to get it don this week.18:42
nhandler[ACTION] jussi to document thoughts on namespace limits18:42
MootBotACTION received:  jussi to document thoughts on namespace limits18:42
nhandler[ACTION] topyli to do stats for trial ubottu period (re: bug parsing in #ubuntu)18:42
MootBotACTION received:  topyli to do stats for trial ubottu period (re: bug parsing in #ubuntu)18:43
topylii figure i'll still do the stats for two weeks, as per the original plan18:43
nhandlerSounds good topyli18:43
nhandlerAnd it looks like elky sent the email18:43
tsimpsontopyli: just do the stats from enabling to now, a larger dataset gives more accurate results18:43
nhandlerI'll handle the post-meeting tasks18:44
nhandler[ACTION] nhandler to do post-meeting tasks18:44
MootBotACTION received:  nhandler to do post-meeting tasks18:44
nhandler[TOPIC] Change Ubuntu IRC Members to restricted18:44
MootBotNew Topic:  Change Ubuntu IRC Members to restricted18:44
nhandlerjussi: Care to summarize the issue breifly?18:44
jussiWe have random people applying to the team, and no one putting names on the agenda. if people want to apply, the proceedure is put names on the agenda18:45
jussiNo need to have it so randoms apply to the LP team18:46
nhandlerI tend to agree. It is not too much work to manually add accepted members to the team afterwards18:46
jussi(as most know, there are people who randomy apply to lots of different teams)18:46
jussinhandler: also, this is what we do for cloaks (almost)18:46
nhandlerAny other thoughts on this?18:47
jussilets vote18:47
nhandler[VOTE] Make Ubuntu IRC Members team restricted18:47
MootBotPlease vote on:  Make Ubuntu IRC Members team restricted.18:47
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot18:47
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting18:47
MootBot+1 received from nhandler. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 118:47
MootBot+1 received from jussi. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 218:47
MootBot+1 received from topyli. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 318:47
jussitsimpson: *prod*18:48
MootBot+1 received from tsimpson. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 418:48
* tsimpson closes his codez18:48
MootBotFinal result is 4 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 418:49
nhandler[AGREED] Make Ubuntu IRC Members Restricted18:49
MootBotAGREED received:  Make Ubuntu IRC Members Restricted18:49
nhandlerDoes someone want that action (and to update the wiki pages regarding getting membership)18:49
tsimpsonwe should also reject the pending members while we're at it18:50
nhandlertsimpson: +118:50
topylithe !wannabeanop factoid (or similar) also refers to an old blog post of mine, which will now be inaccurate18:50
nhandlerI can take this action I guess18:51
tsimpsontopyli: that's different thing though18:51
nhandler[ACTION] nhandler to change Ubuntu IRC Members Team to restricted, reject pending members, and update wiki and factoids18:51
MootBotACTION received:  nhandler to change Ubuntu IRC Members Team to restricted, reject pending members, and update wiki and factoids18:51
tsimpsonIRC Member Vs IRC Operator18:51
topylioh yeah18:51
bazhangwhat's the distinction?18:52
nhandlerbazhang: IRC Members are Ubuntu Members but you get membership via the IRCC18:52
jussibazhang: member is ubuntu member through irc contributions18:52
tsimpsonnhandler: but not IRC operators18:52
tsimpsonjust making that clear from the above18:53
nhandler[TOPIC] Document expected behavior of people wearing ubuntu/member/* cloaks18:53
MootBotNew Topic:  Document expected behavior of people wearing ubuntu/member/* cloaks18:53
bazhangso no membership for non-member ops18:53
bazhangie restricted18:53
nhandlerrww doesn't appear to be here18:53
jussiSo looks like rww isnt about. do we have background on whats being asked here?18:53
tsimpsonbazhang: all restricted means is that people who want to join have to do it properly, rather than just applying to the team and nothing else18:53
IdleOneI think I can talk a little about it18:53
tsimpsonlike people randomly joining LP teams18:53
bazhangtsimpson, okay thanks18:53
nhandlerNot really. But my feelings tend to be that if someone is not acting appropriately with an Ubuntu Member cloak, it might be best to have the CC involved.18:54
IdleOnebasically what rww asked was what the expected behaviour of an @ubuntu/member is when not in Ubuntu forums/IRC/Email18:54
nhandlerIt looks like topyli can present rww's item, but he has to run to the store. So we are going to quickly swap the last two items18:55
nhandler[TOPIC] #ubuntu-ops-team creation18:55
MootBotNew Topic:  #ubuntu-ops-team creation18:55
tsimpsonwell, as an Ubuntu member in general, you have signed the CoC and agreed to abide by it18:55
tsimpsonbut we aren't going to police other IRC channels18:55
tsimpsonremember that you *are* representing Ubuntu though18:55
nhandlerjussi: You are up18:55
IdleOnetsimpson: the question is how far does that accountability extend18:55
nhandlerIdleOne, tsimpson: We will come back to this18:56
jussinhandler: I think this has been pretty well discussed on the ML, and has had enough time there18:56
jussialso discussed in -ops iirc18:56
IdleOneit was18:57
nhandlerI'm still against this item. I think instead of moving the innappropriate comments to a private channel, we should be encouraging ours OPs to step away from the keyboard when they feel the desire to make such a comment18:57
jussiUnless there are objections, Im happy to just vote on it.18:57
bazhangnhandler, indeed18:58
ikonianhandler: do freenode have any private channels ?18:58
bazhangits fine to feel frustrated, natural even.18:58
ikonianhandler: (for staff to discuss issues)18:58
tsimpsonit's more of the case where trolls are actively reading the -ops log to bait our ops18:58
bazhangbut going off should be discouraged18:58
tsimpsonthe new channel will be CoC compliant at all times, and still logged, but not publicly18:59
IdleOnetsimpson: and will be ops only/18:59
IdleOneby ops I include ircc and cc18:59
ikoniaif the known problem users where just dismissed without the whole sham of discussing their "ban removal" this issue can be dropped19:00
jussiIdleOne: ops + selected others (such as representatives from large loco chans)19:00
tsimpsonyeah, but not just core channel ops19:00
nhandlerSo if such a channel were to be made, it wouldn't be used as a place for OPs to simply make inappropriate comments about trolls/other users that they just want to keep out of the public logs and it would simply be used for private OP-related discussions?19:00
tsimpsonit will be +i (as I understand it)19:00
IdleOnejussi: I would like to suggest inviting a rep from each approved loco19:00
bazhangno need for such a channel.19:00
ikonianhandler: if it's used for stupid comments as you are suggesting then it's failed19:00
jussinhandler: thats the point of having it logged for the CC19:01
ikoniabazhang: there wouldn't be if you could say "$X is being a problem again" without 10 known problem users emailing the CC to say "look at the bias, remove this op now"19:01
IdleOneI would hope we don't resort to "stupid" comments but for actual discussion on how to handle a problem user.19:01
nhandlerI'd be willing to try it on the condition that if it really isn't being used appropriately (i.e. turns into an OP social channel or channel for making inappropriate comments or something similar) that we shut it down19:02
bazhangthe problem is people staying up / moderating too many hours consecutively and getting short fuses19:02
ikoniaI'm sure that can be part of it19:02
bazhangjust take a break when it reaches that point.19:02
IdleOnebazhang: that is part of the problem19:02
ikoniabazhang: re-read what I put19:03
ikonia(or read if it was lagging)19:03
IdleOnebut the log readers who msg you to instigate and bait don't help19:03
ikoniathere is a larger issue that known problems users aren't just dismiseed19:03
bazhangikonia, yes, I saw, but root4rded et all will pick on people no matter what we say. so best to step away when it gets to be too much19:04
bazhangwe need to react less to said bait then.19:04
jussinhandler: I dont have a probem with that - either shutting it down or removing those who refuse to comply with the rules.19:04
ikoniabazhang: it's not just about protecting the individual, I'd like to be able to warn you of a situation without the IRCC being mailed about it as showing bias, or some other silly issue that then has to be investigated according to policy19:04
nhandlerbazhang: +119:04
bazhangikonia, fair point.19:05
jussiany other concerns?19:05
IdleOnealso ircc should expect an email about r00t4rd3d being mentioned in this meeting19:05
bazhangwho cares.19:06
IdleOnebut that has nothing to do with anything19:06
ikoniaIdleOne: that's a seperate issue that we have to go through these dances with these users knowing their intention19:06
ikoniabazhang: I'd love to say "agreed" but policy has to be followed19:06
nhandler[VOTE] #ubuntu-ops-team creation (with review of channel 2 weeks after creation)19:06
MootBotPlease vote on:  #ubuntu-ops-team creation (with review of channel 2 weeks after creation).19:06
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot19:06
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting19:06
MootBot+1 received from jussi. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 119:06
MootBot+1 received from topyli. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 219:06
MootBot+1 received from nhandler. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 319:07
MootBot+1 received from tsimpson. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 419:07
MootBotFinal result is 4 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 419:07
bazhangso no idlers there either? or completely secret and hidden19:07
nhandler[AGREED] #ubuntu-ops-team creation (with review of channel 2 weeks after creation)19:07
MootBotAGREED received:  #ubuntu-ops-team creation (with review of channel 2 weeks after creation)19:07
jussitsimpson: are you able to take care of the logging via ubottu?19:07
nhandlerbazhang: The plan was +i19:07
tsimpsonbazhang: invite only19:07
tsimpsonjussi: I think so19:08
nhandlerWho wants the actions to get this channel sorted out and send out the relevant emails?19:08
nhandlertsimpson: ?19:08
nhandlerThat works too ;)19:08
nhandler[ACTION] jussi to get channel sorted out and send out necessary announcements19:08
jussinhandler: tsimpson can take care of the logging19:08
MootBotACTION received:  jussi to get channel sorted out and send out necessary announcements19:08
bazhangthanks for addressing my concerns.19:08
nhandler[ACTION] tsimpson to sort out the channel logging19:08
MootBotACTION received:  tsimpson to sort out the channel logging19:08
nhandlerLet's go back to rww's item19:09
nhandler[TOPIC] Document expected behavior of people wearing ubuntu/member/* cloaks19:09
MootBotNew Topic:  Document expected behavior of people wearing ubuntu/member/* cloaks19:09
MootBotLINK received:  http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/02/25/%23ubuntu-ops.html#t06:3219:09
topylirww requests an update to IRC/Cloaks on behaviour *outside* our namespace while wearing cloaks19:09
nhandlerIf it is outside our namespace, I would think the issue would fall to the CC rather than the IRCC (it is the same as an Ubuntu Member acting inappropriately on a non-Ubuntu website)19:10
nhandlerIf they decide the user is not acting appropriately and revoke the membership, we would obviously also revoke the cloak19:11
tsimpsonI'd just say, be mindful that you are representing Ubuntu while wearing the cloak19:11
topylii agree that cloak-wearing members do represent ubuntu in general though, even though this is not an irc issue as such. a reminder on the wiki page wouldn't hurt19:11
ikoniaare you kidding me /19:11
ikoniahalf the developers wear ubuntu cloaks and swear in the ubuntu channels ?19:11
tsimpsonit's really nothing more than just being an Ubuntu member, or using your @ubuntu.com address19:12
nhandlerThere is nothing that says you can't swear. It really depends on the context ikonia.19:12
ikoniayou're worried about people outside our name space when it's actually going on within the name space19:12
topyliikonia: obviously we behave appropriately to each channel19:12
ikoniareally ?19:12
ikoniaso there are ubuntu channels that allow bad language ?19:13
ikoniathat's acceptable ( I thought the requirements for an official ubuntu channel where being drawn up)19:13
tsimpson#ubuntu channels are only required to abide by the CoC19:13
nhandlerikonia: Yes, just saying a swear does not violate the CoC. The closest thing iirc is the 'Be Respectful' part19:13
tsimpsoneverything else is opt-in19:13
IdleOneso if #ubuntu-* has a culture of cursing it's ok?19:13
ikoniareally ?19:13
ikoniaso if I say "fucking cool" now, that's acceptable ?19:13
ikoniaas I think it's cool19:13
ikonia(I don't)19:14
nhandlerikonia: In what channel?19:14
ikoniathis channel19:14
topylithis is a public meeting :)19:14
ikoniahow about in #ubuntu-devel19:14
ikoniatopyli: apologies, it's an example19:14
jussiId like to point out the language and subject part on the IRC guidelines19:14
IdleOneso what are the irc guidelines for?19:14
ikoniajussi: I know, that's why I'm so surprised19:14
nhandlerThose are enforced in the core channels19:14
tsimpsonrandomly swearing in channels is not being respectful19:14
nhandlerThe CoC is for all channels19:14
ikonianhandler: is this a core channel ?19:14
jussiikonia: its up to the chanops - there can be leeway given19:15
ikoniatsimpson: I agree, so again I ask #ubuntu-devel19:15
ikoniaooh my word how weak19:15
tsimpsonI haven't seen anyone in there just random start swearing just because "they can"19:15
topyliikonia: it's sad if -devel has a bad culture on that issue19:15
ikoniatopyli: using swearing in conversation is not respectul19:15
ikoniaoops, that was for tsimpson19:15
jussiWe put the guidelines up, and to a large extent, we expect them followed. But just as some chans accept paastes, others have different tolerences on language,19:16
ikoniatopyli: I agree, I just wonder why we are worried about representation outside out namespace but don't hold it inside19:16
topyliikonia: let's hold it then. i'm not an op on -devel19:16
nhandlerikonia: Read what was said. The CC would be the folks to really deal with that19:16
ikonianhandler: even inside out name space ?19:16
ikoniaare the ubuntu IRC council responsiable for the whole of the ubuntu-* name space, or just core channels ?19:17
tsimpsonthe current issue is about behaviour outside of the namespace19:18
ikoniathat doesn't stop you responding to my question19:18
ikoniaas I'm raising the fact that we do not control behaviour within the name space19:18
topylithat's a different failure19:19
tsimpsonikonia: this has been explained to you a few times, the IRC council coordinate with other councils and their channels19:19
nhandlerikonia: We have the delegation from the CC and freenode for all of the namespace, but we also delegate some authority to the individual channel OPs19:19
ikoniaor shall I drop it and we can move on19:19
tsimpsonI'm not going to explain it yet again19:19
ikoniatsimpson: clearly you need to as it conflicts with nhandler's statment19:19
ikoniayou ARE responsible19:20
nhandlerikonia: No it doesn't19:20
topylihi rww :)19:20
ikoniaI'll drop this then as it's clear you don't want to address it19:20
tsimpsonif you think the IRCC should act without care or concern for another governing council, then I can only say I disagree19:20
ikoniatsimpson: not at all, I don't think that at all, but overall ownership is the council19:20
topylirww: good timing. we were just discussing your item before moving on to ircc metaphysics19:21
nhandlerSo do we want to add a small reminder to the wiki page?19:21
tsimpsonthe CC owns everything Ubuntu, we are delegated from them to look after IRC land19:21
ikoniatsimpson: ok, that's as I understood it also19:22
IdleOneSo how does the CC feel about swearing in some irc channels and not others?19:22
rwwhey all, sorry I'm late >.>19:22
tsimpsonthe CC are mainly concerned with CoC compliance19:22
ikoniaok is bad language a Coc compliance ?19:22
nhandlerDepends on the situation19:22
ikoniadoes it ??19:22
ikonialanguage is offensive or not19:23
charlie-tcaI thought swearing was wrong if any person indicates they are offended by the language19:23
tsimpsonit does, there have times where it has clearly been used to attack others been issues brought to them about19:23
nhandlercharlie-tca: That is a big factor19:23
ikoniain what situation is "fuck" acceptable ?19:23
tsimpsonikonia: in #ubuntu, never, but that's because we chose to make it not acceptable there19:23
bazhangthe programming language presumably19:23
ikoniain any ubuntu channel, what situation would "fuck" be acceptable19:24
IdleOneif a person appears to be really stressed out and needing of release I could tell them "Go fuck yourself" ?19:24
nhandlerikonia: If you have a particular situation you were offended by, we would be glad to review it (or refer it to the CC if necessary)19:24
tsimpsoncharlie-tca: indeed, if someone in the channel asks you to stop, you should respect that19:24
ikoniabazhang: touche'19:24
ikonianhandler: I'm offended by any bad language in any ubuntu channel19:24
bazhanglets not abuse the rhetoric please19:24
IdleOnenot trying to abuse I am asking a question to a specific circumstance19:25
jussiPeopes, I have other places to be, are we almost done?19:25
topylii'm offended by the poor treatment rww's agenda item is getting19:25
ikoniatopyli: agreed, I apologise19:25
nhandlerCan I get an answer to my previous question about if we want to add the comment to the wiki page?19:25
ikoniaand of course to rww19:25
tsimpsonwe choose in the support channels to not allow it, this is in addition to enforcing the CoC19:26
IdleOnenhandler: I think a comment to the wiki about remembering we represent Ubuntu as members would be fine19:26
jussinhandler: ++119:26
tsimpsonI'm not going to get into a debate about which words may or may not be acceptable in a certain channel under an certain situation and in what context19:26
ikoniatsimpson: I'll drop it, carry on as normal, my apologies19:27
nhandlertsimpson, topyli: What do you think?19:27
topylii think a general reminder about being a representative of ubuntu is in order19:27
tsimpsonsure, that sounds good19:27
topylirww: do you have anything in particular in mind for the page?19:28
nhandler[VOTE] Add note about representing Ubuntu as a member to the wiki page19:28
MootBotPlease vote on:  Add note about representing Ubuntu as a member to the wiki page.19:28
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot19:28
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting19:28
MootBot+1 received from nhandler. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 119:28
MootBot+1 received from topyli. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 219:28
MootBot+1 received from tsimpson. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 319:28
rwwI'm missing scrollback here, but I was originally told that CoC applies throughout freenode to people wearing ubuntu/member/* cloaks, hence the agenda item appearing. If /that's/ the case, it's rather more strong than a general reminder would imply (and if it's not the case, apologies for my lack of scrollback again)19:28
MootBotPrivate +1 vote received. 4 for, 0 against, 0 have abstained. Count is now 419:29
MootBotFinal result is 4 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 419:29
tsimpsonrww: as an ubuntu member, you signed and agreed to abide by the CoC when representing Ubuntu19:29
nhandler[AGREED] Add note about representing Ubuntu as a member to the wiki page19:29
MootBotAGREED received:  Add note about representing Ubuntu as a member to the wiki page19:29
nhandlerWho wants to add the note?19:29
topylii can do it19:29
rwwtsimpson: k, that works then.19:29
nhandler[ACTION] topyli to update wiki page19:29
MootBotACTION received:  topyli to update wiki page19:29
topylipossibly with help from rww :)19:30
tsimpsonsuggestions for wording are appreciated :)19:30
jussiok, Im off. Sorry to leave you all.19:30
rwwI'll have a think once I stop juggling scrollback :)19:30
nhandlerFor the eir issue of notices, we will discuss this a bit more (as well as work on the ubottu integration). We'll send out an email before it gets added to the channel though.19:30
topylijussi: we're through the agenda, so feel free :)19:31
nhandlerThanks for coming19:31
bazhangeir seems very uncontroversial at this point19:31
MootBotMeeting finished at 13:31.19:31
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