
c2taruncan anyone please help me with this error02:55
artfwoc2tarun, are you upgrading a package here?03:00
c2tarunartfwo: fixing FTBFS03:01
artfwowell, the patch fails to apply here03:02
c2tarunartfwo: that is something I dont understand :( I just created a patch refreshed it and poped it and now whn I am building I am getting this error. :(03:03
artfwocould you show your patch as well?03:04
c2tarunartfwo: let me tell you few things then may be you understand, the package I am fixing has no patches, I added 3.0 (quilt) to debian/source/format and then I added a new patch by quilt new <patch name> and then the usual steps03:04
c2tarunartfwo: here is the patch http://paste.ubuntu.com/572900/03:05
* artfwo is looking03:06
artfwoc2tarun, weird the patch fails to apply indeed03:19
c2tarunartfwo: why so? i used 3.0 quilt so I didnt made any changes to rules and control file. do you think its right?03:20
artfwothat's certainly not right03:20
c2tarunartfwo: so here is the error :( ok, i'll try to read again an make changes to rules and control file03:22
c2tarunartfwo: thanks for you time03:23
artfwoI'm not done with the problem yet :)03:23
c2tarunartfwo: is there anything else :)03:24
artfwoc2tarun, I cannot figure out what's happening03:26
artfwoI just tried to patch chaplin.c (simply add a comment to the beginning of the file) and managed to build the package03:26
artfwobut if I create a patch against makefile, if breaks up03:27
c2tarunartfwo: oh i think I got this, make file ha no write priviledges except root03:27
c2tarunwait let me try again03:27
c2tarunartfwo: sorry I was wrong chaplin.c file is also the same privileges as Makefile :(03:30
artfwoprivileges shouldn't normally be a problem03:30
c2tarunartfwo: yup :|03:30
Bachstelzeit works fine when I patch the makefile in maverick03:31
Bachstelzetrying in a natty chroot03:31
c2tarunartfwo: hey on this page its written that we dont have to make any changes to rules and control file in case of 3.0 quilt http://pkg-perl.alioth.debian.org/howto/quilt.html#integrating_with_the_package_build_process please take a look03:32
artfwoc2tarun, that's right03:33
c2tarunartfwo: ok so I did right :) there is some other problem if Bachstelze faces the same than something wrong with package03:33
artfwoc2tarun, I think I found the solution03:35
c2tarunartfwo: grt... what is it?03:35
artfwoquilt pop -a03:35
artfwowhile quilt push; do quilt refresh -p ab; done03:35
c2tarundo you mean executing03:35
c2tarunquilt refresh -p ab03:35
artfwoI mean executing the whole line "while quilt push; do quilt refresh -p ab; done"03:36
c2tarunartfwo: just like that, on terminal?03:36
c2tarunartfwo: what will it do?03:37
c2tarunartfwo: its not working, I executed the line and then poped the patch, then I tried to build the source package and hunk failed03:38
artfwoit will refresh the patches and make them ignore context lines03:38
artfwoc2tarun, you should execute the command AFTER you've popped the patch03:38
artfwoand then don't pop your patch again03:38
c2tarunartfwo: ok wait03:38
artfwobut just run debuild -S03:39
artfwothere's a quilt faq on debian wiki. read about your problem here: http://wiki.debian.org/Projects/DebSrc3.0#Iconvertedmypackagebutitfailstobuildorfailstounpackonallbuildds03:39
c2tarunartfwo: actually what is happneing, the script is refreshing the patch and applying it, after we apply the patch manually its building properly, the problem is occuring if we pop the patch and then try to build the source package03:41
artfwobut why are you popping the patch when building source package?03:41
c2tarunbecause debuild automatically applies it, so it should work both ways, patch pushed and poped.03:42
c2tarunartfwo: and earlier also if you push the patch then source package was building properly, so I dont find anything new after that script :(03:43
artfwodid you look at the original diff.gz by the way?03:43
c2tarunartfwo: nope, why?03:44
artfwoit has its own patch for the makefile03:44
c2tarunartfwo: can you please tell me how to look at diff.gz?03:44
Bachstelzeah ah03:45
Bachstelzethat's probably why03:45
artfwoc2tarun, I usually look at them with midnight commander (package: mc)03:45
BachstelzeI got the source with apt-get source, so it already applied the .diff.gz03:45
artfwoc2tarun, perhaps it would be easier to fix the FTBFS by editing diff.gz03:46
c2tarunartfwo: never done that :( let me try once.03:47
artfwoc2tarun, I've just opened http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ and I don't see chaplin there03:47
c2tarunartfwo: check this http://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu_ftbfs.cgi03:48
artfwoanother ftbfs tracker?03:49
c2tarunartfwo: yup03:49
artfwodidn't know about this one :)03:50
Bachstelzeyeah, that's it03:50
Bachstelze(and that, my friend, is why patching source files in .diff.gz is Evilâ„¢)03:50
c2tarunBachstelze: hmm... any suggestions on what should I do?03:51
Bachstelzehow did you get the source?03:52
c2tarunBachstelze: pulled it from natty archive.03:53
Bachstelzehow? just downloaded the .tar.gz and uncompressed it with tar xzf?03:53
c2tarunBachstelze: pull-lp-source chaplin03:53
Bachstelzeit seems to do tha tsame thing as apt-get source, so you did have a copy with .diff.gz applied03:55
Bachstelzethe same thing*03:55
c2tarunBachstelze: yup03:55
Bachstelzejust a sec, I'm waiting for my natty chroot to upgrade03:55
c2tarunBachstelze: sure.03:55
artfwoI don't think it's reasonable to use quilt together with diff.gz here04:03
Bachstelzebut at least it should work04:03
artfwothe patch is exactly one-line04:03
Bachstelzeso if it doesn't, something else is wrong04:03
Bachstelzeone thing at a time :)04:03
artfwoyes, but I think it will be okay, if c2tarun edits diff.gz by adding +LIBS= to the existing Makefile patch04:04
artfwoit will make things easier for sponsoring, etc.04:04
Bachstelzeno, that would be even dirtier, ultimately, it would be best to get rid of patching in .diff.gz04:05
Bachstelzeand put everything in quilt04:05
artfwothen c2tarun's job is to move everything from diff.gz to debian/patches :)04:05
Bachstelzeyes, but as I said, one thing at a time :)04:06
Bachstelzewell, it works fine here in natty too04:07
c2tarunartfwo Bachstelze: sorry I am not getting what you are exactly saying, the patch in diff.gz is the one line updated in Makefile precisely line number 7?04:09
c2tarunwhat I am seeing in the source code folder is the second line, it means first line is updated by second. but I guess since this change is not due to any patch in quilt, should I first make a patch that make the change in diff.gz and then my binutils patch?04:10
artfwoc2tarun, unpack your diff.gz and open it in a text editor - you'll get it.04:12
artfwoor just open it with midnight commander04:12
Bachstelzeor zless :)04:12
c2tarunI opened it in vi and i got it :)04:13
c2tarunwhat I am not understanding is what do you mean by move everything to patches?04:14
artfwoc2tarun, your diff.gz contains patches to Makefile and chaplin.c04:15
artfwothat's considered bad practice04:15
Bachstelzeright now, .diff.gz modifies some source files04:15
c2tarunartfwo: ya04:15
Bachstelzethat's wrong04:15
c2tarunso i should get the orig tarball, make patches for the changes in diff.gz and then pack it?04:16
artfwolike Bachstelze said, one thing at a time :)04:17
c2tarunartfwo: one thing at time means like one patch for the change in diff.gz and other for my change?04:18
Bachstelzeand also that first we're trying to figure out why yours doesn't apply04:18
Bachstelzethen we can move on to the others04:18
c2tarunBachstelze: i guess mine and patch in diff.gz are changing the same line, I followed the quilt so it failed.04:19
Bachstelzeas fat as quilt is concerned, .diff.gz does not even exist04:19
c2tarunBachstelze: then?04:19
Bachstelzequilt comes after .diff.gz has been applied04:20
Bachstelzec2tarun: how are you building your package?04:22
c2tarunBachstelze: debuild -S04:22
Bachstelzenot the source package, the binary04:23
c2tarundebuild -b04:23
c2tarunBachstelze: but source is failing first why go for the binary?04:23
Bachstelzeyeah, never mind :p04:24
Bachstelzehmm, what's this .pc dir it creates04:27
Bachstelzefirst time I see it04:27
c2tarunquilt uses it04:27
BachstelzeI mean04:32
Bachstelze.pc should be removed when it's not needed, so it shouldn't be there anymore when you run debuild -S04:32
Bachstelzefirst time I see it when I run a debuild04:33
Bachstelzeis what I meant04:33
Bachstelzenormally it's always removed before04:33
Bachstelzemaybe the fact that you have source file spatched in .diff.gz is confusing quilt, I guess you should remove those first04:34
c2tarunwell its gets removed automatically I guess, I never removed it in any packages04:34
Bachstelzeme neither04:34
Bachstelzethat's wwy I wonder why it's stil here now04:34
c2tarunBachstelze: you created any new patch?04:35
Bachstelzesame as yours04:35
c2tarunhmm... will it be right if I untar fresh orig.tar and copy debian into it, then I create two patches, first one will fix the change in diff.gz and other one will fix mine (or just one patch with appropriate changes)04:36
Bachstelzethat should work, yes04:37
artfwoperhaps, dpkg-source has a conflict of 1.0 format and 3.0 format, when packing the package?04:37
Bachstelzeyou should do a separate quilt patch for the Makefile and chaplin.c thouhg04:37
c2tarunBachstelze: why so? I mean one patch can handle everything04:38
Bachstelzeit's bad practice to put unrelated changes in the same patch04:38
Bachstelzebecause what if one of them becomes irrelevant, but the other is still needed?04:39
c2tarunok I'll do that :)04:39
BachstelzeI think it's the fact that the same file is patched both in .diff.gz and in quilt04:45
Bachstelzethat is making dpkg-source fail04:45
c2tarunBachstelze: I always struggle in what to write in changelog :( can you please help me a bit, I created two patches one is for chaplin.c and other is for Makefile04:49
Bachstelzesomething like "Converted changes in Makefile and chaplin.c from .diff.ge to quilt patches."04:52
c2tarunBachstelze: I changed the Makefile in such a way that it includes the change in diff.gz and FTBFS bug simultaneously04:53
c2tarunBachstelze: in a single patch :(04:53
Bachstelzeit's best to make separate, they are probably unrelated04:53
c2tarunBachstelze: but both the patch will change the same line, do you still think it is necessary to separate them?04:55
Bachstelzethat's exactly what quilt is for04:56
c2tarunok, i'll do it04:56
Bachstelzesince the parches are nicely ordered on a stack, you are sure of the order they will be  applied in04:56
Bachstelzeso no problem editing the same line several times04:56
udienztumbleweed, around?05:05
c2tarunBachstelze: I changed as you directed, can you please take a look at bug 72564505:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 725645 in chaplin (Ubuntu) "Package chaplin-1.10-0.1build1 failed to build on natty machine" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72564505:11
c2tarunBachstelze: I mean take a look at upload I made in that bug05:11
udienzc2tarun, which log contain ftbfs?05:12
c2tarunudienz: sorry I didn't uploaded that log, wait i'll upload05:13
udienzc2tarun, it's better when you write short log that contain error's in bug05:13
c2tarunudienz: sorry, I'll keep in mind from next time :(05:14
c2tarunudienz: I uploaded it.05:14
udienzc2tarun, but if an error in other place you can put links at bug. usually i do it when fixing ftbfs05:15
c2tarunudienz: If you are looking at it than I should'nt subscribe ubuntu-sponsors?05:15
udienzc2tarun, np05:15
Bachstelzec2tarun: it'as also beter to attach a debdiff rather than your .debian.tar.gz05:15
udienzc2tarun, no, please subscribe ubuntu-sponsors. because i'm not ubuntu-motu right now05:16
c2tarunudienz: sure,05:16
c2tarunBachstelze: I thought to do so but since I changed the diff.gz it was weird. but I'll do it :) wait05:16
Bachstelzeit seems to build fine05:16
c2tarunBachstelze: done :) debdiff is uploaded05:17
udienzc2tarun, take a look at bug 715625, i reported eggcups in lp. i attched an error and debdiff. so other developer can checked very fast05:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 715625 in eggcups (Ubuntu) "[FTBFS] Source eggcups 0.20-0ubuntu4 in Natty" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71562505:19
c2tarunubottu: wow :) no comments uploaded directly :) cool I'll also post an error log and debdiff from next time05:20
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:20
c2tarunudienz: opps ^^05:20
udienzc2tarun, seems like it was caused by binutils-gold05:22
c2tarunudienz: yup and hey I didn't made an entry for updating standards-version in debian/control file in changelog. :(05:22
udienzc2tarun, i change standrs version because eggcups come from ubuntu05:23
udienzand not from debian05:23
micahgc2tarun: standards shouldn't be bumped on packages we import from Debian05:23
c2tarunudienz: chaplin is also not in debian.05:23
micahgc2tarun: it originally came from Debian05:25
c2tarunmicahg: but I think now its not in debian :( because rmadison didn't display anything on debian call05:25
* micahg is checking why it was dropped05:26
udienzc2tarun, right. chaplin isn't in debian yet05:26
micahgudienz: no, it was originally from Debian 5 years ago05:26
micahger, almost 7 actually05:27
* c2tarun wow 7... that time I never heard about linux :(05:27
udienzmicahg, ah.. ok..05:27
c2tarunmicahg: so I shouldn't change the standards-version?05:27
Bachstelzec2tarun: you should change the version to 1.10-0.205:27
Bachstelzenot 1build205:28
micahgno, it should be 1.10-0.1ubuntu205:28
BachstelzebuildX is added when a package is rebuilt without having been modified05:28
* micahg can't find the removal note either05:29
micahgc2tarun: no, you can05:29
udienzhttp://snapshot.debian.org/package/chaplin/ give me 40405:29
micahgit's like all traces of its very existence in Debian has been removed05:29
c2tarunoops , sorry05:30
Bachstelzethe package builds fine, in any case05:30
Bachstelzebut if the package is not in debian anymore, maybe you could take the liberty of fixing all the lintian warnings05:31
c2tarunBachstelze: lintian warnings? where are they?05:33
udienzlintian -I in-file-with.changes05:34
Bachstelzec2tarun: http://paste.ubuntu.com/572935/05:34
Bachstelzelast one is "normal"05:34
c2tarunBachstelze: I am very sorry, I dont know why the first two lintian warnings are there, can you please give me any hint?05:35
Bachstelzec2tarun: http://lintian.debian.org/tags.html05:36
c2tarunhow can i get the debhelper compatibility version?05:43
artfwoc2tarun, it's in debian/compat05:43
c2tarunartfwo: actually its not there :) I got the lintian warning and I have to put in there05:44
artfwoc2tarun, are you still working on chaplin?05:45
c2tarunartfwo: yup05:45
artfwoI have a freshly unpacked source here, and debian/compat is there05:45
artfwochaplin-1.10$ cat debian/compat05:46
Bachstelzeand the warning tells you that it's deprecated05:46
Bachstelzelatest is 805:46
c2tarunBachstelze: ok, so I'll update it to 8 and is there anything wrong with this syntax "Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}"05:47
artfwothat's right syntax05:48
artfwooriginal package didn't have {misc:Depends}05:48
c2tarunartfwo: what do you mean? I am not getting05:48
artfwowhat does lintian say to you?05:49
c2tarunartfwo: W: chaplin source: debhelper-but-no-misc-depends chaplin05:49
artfwoyou don't have ${misc:Depends} in debian/control05:50
artfwoit's all described in http://lintian.debian.org/tags/debhelper-but-no-misc-depends.html05:50
artfwoc2tarun, also make sure to read debhelper manpage, before you bump debian/compat to 805:51
artfwoit describes all the compability levels in detail05:52
micahgcan someone makes sure the package still works before putting all this work into it?05:53
udienzmicahg, is fixing ftbfs allowed now?05:55
micahgudienz: yes05:55
c2tarunartfwo: I am not sure that this package satisfies the compatibility level of more than 4. What should I do?05:56
artfwoc2tarun, I'd suppose you should set debian/compat to the maximum possible value, but CHECK with debhelper(7) first, that all is okay06:00
udienzmicahg, what is rpath? (i see your comments in gkamus @revu)06:06
c2tarun I think maximum possible value is 4 :/ I made some changes and uploaded a new debdiff on bug 725645 Can you please take a look06:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 725645 in chaplin (Ubuntu) "Package chaplin-1.10-0.1build1 failed to build on natty machine" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72564506:10
artfwoc2tarun, looks good06:14
artfwoI see you've bumped Standards-Version to 3.9.106:14
artfwobut why do you think maximum value for debian/compat is 4?06:14
micahgudienz: it's where the executable hard codes a path to a library06:17
jmarsdenartfwo: man chrpath   # for a utility to let you see rpaths and mess with them after the fact.06:20
jmarsdenoops, that was udienz ^^06:21
udienzmicahg, jmarsden, thanks. i change gkamus library location into /usr/lib rather than /usr/share/gkamus in d/rules06:27
c2tarunartfwo: honestly I am not actually getting this facts about debhelper, I tried to increase the version and on each increase I was getting more lintian warning :(06:50
artfwoa good chance to fix 'em all, eh? :)06:52
artfwoask specific questions about your warnings, and we will try to help ;)06:52
c2tarunartfwo: this warning I got while building source package W: chaplin source: dh-clean-k-is-deprecated06:54
artfwothat's pretty obvious one06:55
artfworeplace it with dh_prep and you're set06:55
artfwo(and don't forget to document every change in debian/changelog)06:56
c2tarunartfwo: I got this warning W: chaplin: copyright-without-copyright-notice how can I get the copyright info?07:03
artfwoc2tarun, have you read http://lintian.debian.org/tags/copyright-without-copyright-notice.html ?07:03
c2tarunartfwo: yup, but I dont knw how to get unicode C symbol and other informations?07:04
artfwoyou don't need the unicode symbol at all07:04
c2tarunartfwo: and YYYY-YYYY information?07:05
artfwoCopyright 2004 Firstname Lastname <address@example.com> will be sufficient for lintian07:05
c2tarunBTW what is 2004?07:05
artfwoyear 200407:06
jmarsdenA year :)07:06
c2tarunI mean year of what :)07:06
jmarsdenThe year the thing was copyrighted :)07:06
jmarsdenAD, Anno Domini, or CE is assumed :)07:07
artfwoc2tarun, I picked the date from chaplin.c07:07
artfwobut you can contact the upstream author to be sure07:07
c2tarunartfwo: what about binary-without-manpages? What can I do?07:11
artfwoc2tarun, a) ignore the warning or b) write a manpage07:12
c2tarunartfwo: I'll choose a) :) and after this there is no other warning07:12
c2tarunartfwo: I uploaded a new debdiff can you please take a look bug 72564507:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 725645 in chaplin (Ubuntu) "Package chaplin-1.10-0.1build1 failed to build on natty machine" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72564507:19
artfwoc2tarun, looks good to me07:20
c2tarunartfwo: can you sponsor?07:21
artfwoI cannot, I'm not even a MOTU yet :)07:21
c2tarunwhich patching system is better? quilt or dpatch?07:38
artfwoc2tarun, dpatch is considered deprecated to my knowledge07:39
c2tarunartfwo: if any package is using it, should we convert it to quilt?07:40
artfwogenerally, yes07:40
artfwobut if you're working on an existing package, try to keep difference to a minimum07:41
c2tarunits weird there are two folder inside debian, one is patched and other is patches. patched contains pa .h.patch file with information of which file to patch and patches is somewhat similar to quilt's debian/patches07:42
artfwowhich package it is?07:42
artfwowell, this package is maintained in debian and doesn't have an ubuntu version07:45
c2tarunyup, I got this from one ftbfs tracker.07:45
c2tarunartfwo: it failed to build natty machine07:45
artfwoI'd keep the patch as tiny as possible then07:45
c2tarunhmm.. since it is maintained it debian we cannot change it to quilt? I have to learn using dpatch?07:47
artfwowe can, but this will be a sponsored upload07:47
artfwoit is easier for a sponsor to work with simple patch, rather than a fully converted package07:48
artfwoyou can also patch the package in debian07:48
c2tarunartfwo: what if debian released a new version. our different patch system may create problem for autosync07:48
c2tarunartfwo: so I'll read dpatch manual first :007:49
c2tarunartfwo: can you please look at this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/572968/08:16
artfwowhy do you think it fails to build? :)08:18
c2tarunin line 27 -lm should be at the end08:18
c2tarunartfwo: ^^08:18
artfwoin fact, the error is in lines 29-3008:18
artfwo-lm is only an instruction to link with libm08:19
artfwoit can be anywhere in the linker command line08:19
c2tarunartfwo: thats the prob :( I am not able to find where it is08:20
artfwoyou cannot locate the function 'log'?08:20
c2tarunartfwo: nope :) I cannot locate the Makefile in which I have to make change to remove this error08:20
artfwobut what are you going to do once you find the Makefile?08:22
c2tarunartfwo: the error is because ivtv-pcm-tester.c is using log function from libm library. its linker is -lm. I just have to move linker to the end of the line and it will compile08:23
artfwoyour makefile is test/Makefile08:24
artfwobut it already includes LDFLAGS=-lm08:25
c2tarunbut where is this LDFLAGS is used :( that will the place where I have to make change08:25
artfwowell, make uses it automatically08:26
c2tarunwhat? than how can I solve this error?08:26
artfwodon't know, let's try to figure out :)08:27
c2tarunsure :)08:27
artfwoDid you successfully compile utils/ivtv-ctl.c?08:27
artfwoit throws almost the same error on my system08:28
artfwoivtv-utils-1.4.1/utils/ivtv-ctl.c:192: undefined reference to `ceilf'08:28
artfwocollect2: ld returned 1 exit status08:28
c2tarunartfwo: yup, I moved -lm to the end in utils/Makefile line number 2308:28
artfwoso you may as well create a simular rule in test/Makefile08:29
artfwosomething like:08:30
artfwoivtv-pcm-tester: ivtv-pcm-tester.o08:30
artfwo    $(CXX)  -lm -o $@ $^08:30
c2tarunartfwo: hey can you please tell me what is @ and ^ here?08:31
artfwoc2tarun, http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/internalvariables.html#APPREF208:32
* c2tarun reading08:32
artfwosorry, missed your last line :)08:33
artfwoI'm affected by bug 6052708:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 60527 in language-pack-gnome-de (Ubuntu) "xchat-gnome /me misbehaviour" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6052708:33
artfwoc2tarun, this makefile just worked for me http://paste.ubuntu.com/572977/08:38
artfwobut I still don't understand why LDFLAGS have been ignored08:38
c2tarunartfwo: cool :) shall I use it?08:39
artfwoof course, but I think it's not the best solution08:39
c2tarunartfwo: why so?08:39
artfwoLDFLAGS=-lm is present in the Makefile, but it's ignored at the linking stage08:40
artfwosomething surely is wrong08:40
udienzit must be LIBS to adding library linker08:41
artfwoudienz, I tried to build it with LIBS, it also failed08:41
udienzartfwo, is the package have configure.in? some package declaring LIBS/LDFLAGS,etc in configure.in08:42
artfwoudienz, no it only uses handwritten Makefiles08:42
c2tarunartfwo: what do you mean LIBS not working?08:42
c2tarunartfwo: I mean after using LIBS did you remove LDFLAGS?08:43
udienzartfwo, which package?08:43
artfwoudienz, ivtv-utils08:43
artfwoc2tarun, right08:43
c2tarunartfwo: why?08:43
* udienz looking ivtv-utils08:43
artfwoc2tarun, it's a convention to enumerate libraries like -lm in $LIBS08:44
c2tarunartfwo: this makefile is working http://paste.ubuntu.com/572982/08:45
c2tarunartfwo: in this I commented LDFLAGS, how come yours not working?08:45
artfwoof course, since you explicitly put $LIBS in the end of your linking rule08:45
c2tarunartfwo: well we have to do that isnt it? without using LIBS how can it compile? :/08:46
artfwoforget about LIBS :)08:46
artfwoyour program isn't using autotools, so LIBS is irrevelant here08:47
c2tarunartfwo: autotools? :( what are they?08:47
artfwoc2tarun, autoconf, automake, libtool, etc.08:47
c2tarunartfwo: so what final Makefile do you suggest?08:48
c2tarunartfwo: the one with LIBS or one with LDFLAGS?08:48
udienzartfwo, $(CXX) -lm -o $@ $^ it must be $(CXX) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS)08:48
artfwoLIBS is not commonly used with Makefiles08:48
udienzor $(CXX) -o $@ $^ -lm08:48
c2tarunudienz: that is the first error, fix it and you'll get other one, that is our problem08:49
udienzc2tarun, what an error then?08:49
c2tarunudienz: you are right, go on fix your first error. U'll get another one on building08:50
c2tarunartfwo: I'll stick with your makefile than, but what about the problem that why LDFLAGS is ignored?08:54
c2tarunudienz: you found other error?08:56
udienzc2tarun, not yet, i'll uploading it into my ppa08:59
udienzc2tarun, http://paste.ubuntu.com/572984/09:01
c2tarunudienz: why u changed all lines of utils/Makefile?09:03
udienzc2tarun, because a library must placed after object09:04
c2tarunudienz: your patch is really good, I think you should file a bug and upload this patch.09:04
* c2tarun dpatch really is annoying :( quilt is really good. all the compiles I did after applying the patch are recorded in patch ^_^09:07
udienzc2tarun, feel free to take. but o still got an errors. seems like we must adding LIBS into Makefile09:10
udienzc2tarun, to make/edit dpatch you can use edit-patch in ubuntu-dev-tools package09:10
c2tarunudienz: what error is still there?09:11
udienzc2tarun, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/65227773/buildlog_ubuntu-natty-amd64.ivtv-utils_1.4.1-1ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz09:11
c2tarunudienz: you are getting the same error which I was talking about, here this makefile fixes your error http://paste.ubuntu.com/572982/ but I am not sure about the variable naming convention.09:14
udienzc2tarun, very good. do you tested? and building is fine?09:16
c2tarunudienz: yup its working :)09:16
c2tarunI just have to make the whole patch again, can you believe whole application is of 800KB and my patch alone is of 3.0+ MB :/09:17
udienzc2tarun, great!09:17
udienzc2tarun, maybe you make a mistake during make a patch09:18
c2tarunudienz: I just compiled countless times inside the patch :(09:18
nonix4Is it a bug for a program to be setuid-root when it does not need that? For example rephrase drops privs after mlock(for less than 64k) and setreuid at beginning.10:53
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ari-tczewwhat do you think about upgrading QA stuff in FFe?11:39
ari-tczewStandards-Versions, debhelper, lintian errors etc.11:39
c_kornwhat tool executes get-orig-source ?11:40
azeemc_korn: it is supposed to be run manually I believe11:43
azeemor possibly as part of some meta-building tool11:44
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c2tarunWhats the difference between a Makefile and Makefile.in?13:27
Ampelbeinc2tarun: Makefile.am and Makefile.in are processed by automake and configure to create the Makefile13:29
c2tarunAmpelbein: Makefiles are created automatically?13:30
Ampelbeinc2tarun: depending on the buildsystem used, they can be.13:30
c2tarunAmpelbein: where can I know more about makefiles?13:31
Ampelbeinc2tarun: http://www.gnu.org/software/hello/manual/automake/Autotools-Introduction.html for a general introduction to the autotools13:32
ari-tczewbdrung_, tumbleweed: around?14:24
* tumbleweed is14:24
ari-tczewtumbleweed: I'd like to request new script for ubuntu-dev-tools and I have it done. Which branch should be merge proposed?14:25
tumbleweedit needs a manpage, entry in debian/copyright, and a line in debian/control, and setup.py14:26
ari-tczewtumbleweed: what do you think, name for script 'switch-to-3.0-source-format' is OK?14:31
ari-tczew'switch-3.0-source-format *14:33
tumbleweedis that a complex enough task to need a script?14:34
tumbleweedthe name's a bit long, but I don't have any better suggestions. switch might also be the wrong word14:34
ari-tczewtumbleweed: small script, but would be nice to have, always any automation14:35
ari-tczewtumbleweed: convert is better than switch ?14:36
tumbleweedyeah a bit14:37
ari-tczewtumbleweed: maybe convert-3.0-quilt ?14:38
tumbleweedthat's a better length14:38
ari-tczewtumbleweed: do I need to add myself to d/copyright?14:42
geserwhy not get that script into devscripts? It doesn't sound Ubuntu-specific14:42
ari-tczewgeser: because I'd like to get it into ubuntu-dev-tools14:43
geserthat shouldn't be a reason14:43
ari-tczewas everything14:44
tumbleweedari-tczew: geser has a good point14:46
geserespecially as bdrung is working on restructuring u-d-t (https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2011-January/032357.html)14:46
geseradding new scripts to u-d-t which are better placed in devscripts won't help him finish this target14:47
ari-tczewgeser, tumbleweed: can I use git for send my patch?14:50
ari-tczewdebian bug 599777 roxx14:55
ubottuDebian bug 599777 in devscripts "[new] dep3changelog: Generate changelog entry from DEP3 patch" [Minor,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/59977714:55
ari-tczewrequestsync failed. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/573084/15:11
ari-tczewgeser: ^^15:12
geserari-tczew: LP oops'ed, I will forward it there15:13
geserari-tczew: and requestsync also needs porting to the new python-launchpadlib (as you can see in your paste it tries to file it on staging), IIRC someone is working on it15:13
c2tarunari-tczew: ping15:14
ari-tczewc2tarun: pong15:14
c2tarunari-tczew: hello :) I need to ask something about your comment on bug 72564515:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 725645 in chaplin (Ubuntu) "Package chaplin-1.10-0.1build1 failed to build on natty machine" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72564515:15
ari-tczewtumbleweed: sometimes I have to deal with branches which has got UNRELEASED target in d/changelog. sponsor-patch shows warning that it's impossible to upload. is it a way to get changes UNRELEASED to natty via sponsor-patch?15:16
ari-tczewc2tarun: just ask15:16
c2tarunari-tczew: you said to check whether package is removed from debian and ubuntu, can you please tell me how to check that?15:17
tumbleweedc2tarun: you can see the package's state in Debian on it's pts page: packages.qa.debian.org/chaplin15:18
tumbleweedrmadison is also useful15:18
tumbleweedari-tczew: yes, sponsor-patch could call dch -r15:18
tumbleweedgeser: err yes, that someone is me, but the heat this weekend hasn't been very condusive to work15:19
c2taruntumbleweed: if a patch is removed by debian should we remove it from ubuntu as well?15:19
ari-tczewif package has been removed from debian, automatic patch as well...15:20
tumbleweedc2tarun: chaplin has never been in Debian.15:20
tumbleweedit actually came from debian-multimedia15:21
c2taruntumbleweed: micahg said that it was in debian 5-6 years ago15:21
tumbleweedc2tarun: http://debian-multimedia.org/dists/unstable/main/binary-amd64/package/chaplin.php15:22
tumbleweeddebian-multimedia is not Debian15:22
micahgah, that's why I couldn't find it :)15:23
tumbleweedmicahg: the uploader was the giveaway :)15:23
* micahg obviously doesn't know enough about debian multimedia15:24
micahgtumbleweed: can we sync from there?15:24
ari-tczewmicahg: nope15:24
ari-tczewmicahg: ftbfs15:24
tumbleweedmicahg: I doubt we can automatically, I've actually never done it myself15:24
tumbleweedbut we do have quite a few packages from there15:25
tumbleweed(anyone who used Debian on the desktop a few years ago will know about debian-multimedia.org, but I think these days most things one needs are in the main archive)15:25
ari-tczewc2tarun: so you can't change anything unnecessary. just patch directly Makefile as I suggested on bug comment and send it to maintainer15:25
c2tarunari-tczew: unnecessary changes means?15:26
ari-tczewc2tarun: all apart from fix FTBFS15:26
ari-tczewc2tarun: It's just resync on Debian multimedia.15:27
c2tarunari-tczew: hmm.... I was suggested that since the package is not in debian, we should try to fix all lintian errors15:27
ari-tczew *build1 is just no-change rebuild15:27
ari-tczewc2tarun: it is in debian multimedia15:27
ari-tczewand it has got maintainer15:27
c2tarunari-tczew: ok, so I should just make a patch to fix FTBFS and send it to maintainer?15:28
ari-tczewc2tarun: That's right.15:29
ari-tczewc2tarun: don't change patch system as well15:29
c2tarunari-tczew: actually there was no patch system. only few changes in diff.gz15:29
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ari-tczewc2tarun: You introduced 3.0 source format in your debdiff.15:30
c2tarunari-tczew: yup, just because there was no patch system, to create a patch I have to follow any system, so I used 3.0 quilt15:31
ari-tczewc2tarun: I understand.15:33
c2tarunari-tczew: so at least I have to follow a patch? :( and little bit about LIBS, I dont understand why can't I use LIBS?15:35
ari-tczewc2tarun: Because it's wrong. Just move -ldvdread.15:36
ari-tczewdo it15:36
c2tarunari-tczew: but I need a patch for changes in chaplin.c and Makefile already mentioned in diff.gz otherwise my FTBFS patch for Makefile will fail.15:38
ari-tczewc2tarun: no15:38
ari-tczewc2tarun: get last source files from debian multimedia15:38
ari-tczewc2tarun: dget http://debian-multimedia.org/pool/main/c/chaplin/chaplin_1.10-0.2.dsc15:39
ari-tczewc2tarun: dpkg-source -x *0.2.dsc15:39
ari-tczewc2tarun: go to packaged directory15:39
ari-tczewdch -i15:40
ari-tczewwrite what did you change15:40
ari-tczewrun update-maintainer15:40
ari-tczewedit Makefile and move -ldvdread at the end15:40
ari-tczewthat's all15:40
c2tarunari-tczew: no patches for changing Makefile, should I change Makefile directly?15:41
ari-tczewc2tarun: yes15:42
c2tarunari-tczew: ok, than this will work. Ok. after compiling I should just create the debdiff and send it to maintainer?15:42
ari-tczewc2tarun: yes15:44
c2tarunari-tczew: ok, i'll do.15:44
c2tarunari-tczew: here is the debdiff file, can you please take a look http://paste.ubuntu.com/573089/15:50
ari-tczewc2tarun: beautiful. However, I'm not sure whether in debug it's needed. without debug, buils fine15:52
c2tarunari-tczew: so what should I do now?15:53
ari-tczewc2tarun: I think that it won't hurt if debug is changes as well, I'll upload it. Please send patch to Christian. You can encourage him to upgrade QA stuff which you did first time, so Standards-Version, debhelper 8, DEP5 for d/copyright etc.15:54
c2tarunari-tczew: sorry but I dont understand what do you mean by debug?15:55
ari-tczewc2tarun: look into your debdiff15:55
ari-tczewand you will get know15:55
c2tarunari-tczew: got it :)15:57
c2tarunari-tczew: by sending patch to Christian, what patch do you mean exactly?15:58
ari-tczewc2tarun: changes on Makefile. just copy it from debdiff.15:58
ari-tczewc2tarun: delete old debdiff on the bug and attach correct16:08
c2tarunari-tczew: ok, sure16:09
c2tarunari-tczew: done :)16:11
ari-tczewc2tarun: Thanks, Will do later.16:13
c2tarunthere is package name kic in ftbfs tracker list, how should I check its existence in debian and whether I should work on it?16:18
c2taruncan anyone please help me with this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/573099/16:21
bdrung_ari-tczew: if sponsor-patch complains about the series, you can go into the edit mode and set the series16:46
ari-tczewc2tarun: try to play with -lX1116:49
c2tarunari-tczew: tried a lot :( the problem is Makefile is being generated during building, so any changes made by me is lost on next build.16:50
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c2tarunari-tczew: tried a lot :( the problem is Makefile is being generated during building, so any changes made by me is lost on next build.17:05
ari-tczewc2tarun: why did you wrote the same again?17:06
c2tarunari-tczew: sorry :( I got disconnected for sometime, I thought I missed your reply.17:06
ari-tczewc2tarun: If I don't reply it doesn't mean that I missed.17:07
c2tarunari-tczew: no I thought that may be you replied when I was disconnected :P17:07
ari-tczewc2tarun: Try to call LIBS with -lX11 in d/rules.17:11
c2tarunari-tczew: nope, not working, same set of errors17:13
ari-tczewc2tarun: so leave it17:13
c2tarunari-tczew: leave it means? leave the package or leave the change in rules?17:13
ari-tczewc2tarun: leave the package17:14
c2tarunari-tczew: ok17:14
c2tarunari-tczew: can you please suggest me some ftbfs packages to work on?17:15
ari-tczewc2tarun: http://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu_ftbfs.cgi17:16
ari-tczewa wide range of choices17:16
ari-tczewc2tarun: btw. you can open a bug on BTS against kic, related to FTBFS with binutils-gold/ no-add-needed.17:27
c2tarunari-tczew: ok, i'll do that17:31
geserc2tarun: for that FTBFS you have to find the library which provides those symbols17:36
c2tarungeser: in the case of kic I think the library is -lX11 problem is I dont where to make changes?17:37
geserone moment, looking17:40
geserc2tarun: the problem is the "-L" without any path17:43
geserI'm not fully sure but I guess the -lX11 gets treated as the argument for -L17:44
c2tarungeser: the line in the error is from a makefile that is being created on buildtime :( I dont know where to make changes to -L17:45
geseryou have to go backwards: Makefile gets created from Makefile.in, so look there first17:46
geseras this gets passed through $(LIBS) figure out who sets it17:47
geseras Makefile.in doesn't hardcode it, it comes from configure/configure.in17:47
c2tarungeser: I looked, all I was able to figure out is there is file configure which is creating all the Makefiles :(17:47
geserunfortunately I don't have time currently to look at configure/configure.in and seeing what's broken17:51
c2tarungeser: np, meanwhile I am working on another package, just ping me if you get time :) thanks17:53
fabrice_spScottK, Hi. I was going to upload boost-mpi-source1.42_1.42.0-4ubuntu2 (to fix uninstallability of libs), and was thinking aobut adding the non-versioned dev packages that has been dropped from boost-defaults (libboost-mpi-dev, libboost-mpi-python-dev and libboost-graph-parallel-dev). What do you think about it?18:31
ScottKfabrice_sp: As long as you can make it work so those binaries land in Universe, I think it's a great idea.18:32
fabrice_spScottK, ok. Thanks!18:34
ari-tczewwgrant: where can I find last rebuild test?19:17
c2tarunI run rmadison on a package for debian an got hppa. What is it?19:27
Ampelbeinc2tarun: a processor architecture like i386 or amd6419:29
c2tarunwhy some linkers in libraries start from L not l? I mean like -Llib I googled this and first time google failed to give any result :/19:38
Bachstelzec2tarun: -L<dir> means that ld will search for libraries in the given dir19:39
Bachstelze-l<lib> means it will lik the given lib19:39
Bachstelzetotally different19:39
c2tarunBachstelze: g++ -o atom4 atom4.o interface.o obj/event.o obj/textui.o -Lproglib/lib -Llib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lt++ -lpanel -lncurses -lX11 -lXpm -latom4 -lxatom4  this line was giving an undefined reference error. Why?19:41
Bachstelzec2tarun: for statrters, the -L flags should be before -o19:43
Bachstelzeand if it still gives undefined reference, probably the -l flags are in the wrong order19:44
c_kornwhat package contains debug symbols of /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 ?19:46
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Ampelbeinc_korn: usually the -dbgsym or -dbg version of the package the file is in.19:54
ari-tczewc2tarun: please use DEP3 tags in patches20:07
c2tarunari-tczew: what are DEP3 tags?20:08
ari-tczewc2tarun: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems#Patch%20Tagging%20Guidelines20:09
ari-tczewwhy this silly bot doesn't know that pretty easy things20:10
jmarsdenari-tczew: You can propose new factoids if you think they will be useful -- do so, instead of complaining :)20:10
ari-tczewor rather essential20:10
ari-tczewjmarsden: last time when I talked about !ftbfs someone told me that it doesn't need to be handled by bot o_O20:11
ari-tczeweverything should be easy for new contributors20:11
ari-tczewdon't make mountains for their start20:11
ari-tczewbut what I know...20:12
jmarsdenYes, I'd write a factoid and submit it and see what happens... I forget exactly where to do that for the ubottu bots though.20:12
c2tarunok, the guide was good, can you please tell me a example of any patch on any bug on LP that follows dep3? this will help me a lot20:15
c2tarunsorry got disconnected again :( any examples?20:17
ari-tczewdamn, {{{ }}} doesn't work on new wiki anymore20:22
ari-tczewanyone has got other solutions for {{{ ?20:22
jmarsdenWhich wiki?  https://wiki.ubuntu.com ?20:24
ari-tczewjmarsden: yes20:24
jmarsdenThat would be nuts, they'd have to fix up hundreds of existing wiki pages that use it...20:25
ari-tczewjmarsden: have you got something to replace it?20:25
jmarsdenhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpOnMoinWikiSyntax?action=show&redirect=SyntaxReference#Verbatim%20Display  says it should still work.20:26
ari-tczewjmarsden: heh, it's hard to preview changes if edit mode bases on old wiki ubu theme.20:32
jmarsdenI think the old wiki -> new wiki transition is... still somewhat in progress :)20:33
verwilsti'm messing up my ppa's, anyone care to help :)22:45
Ampelbeinverwilst: just ask ;-)22:46
verwilsti wanted to rename my ppa, but since that doesn't work, i wanted to delete and create a new one with another name but with the same packages :)22:46
verwilstAmpelbein, i was :)22:46
verwilstso now i have 2 deleted ppa's..22:46
verwilst( i also deleted the one i wanted to keep :P )22:46
verwilstwith the new name :)22:46
verwilsti created another ppa then, but trying to reupload my packages now results in 'Package has already been uploaded to ppa on ppa.launchpad.net'22:47
Ampelbeinverwilst:  that's the dput error I guess?22:48
verwilstyes, sorry22:49
Ampelbeinverwilst: just remove the .upload file and try again22:49
Ampelbeinor use dput -f22:49
verwilstheh :)22:50
verwilstthanks :) i thought it was a server message22:50
verwilstalso, is there a way to really get rid of the old ppa's?22:50
verwilstthey're greyed out now22:50
verwilsti want em totally gone :d22:50
Ampelbeinverwilst: I don't think so, you could ask in #launchpad if there is a way.22:51
verwilstAmpelbein, thanks, asking there22:57
verwilst"make: dh_autotools-dev_restoreconfig: Command not found" .. hm, a new tool in debian sid?22:57
verwilstwhich is not in lucid?22:57
Ampelbeinverwilst: yes, maverick has it22:59
verwilsti commented it out and the dsc built successfully, no idea what i broke though :P22:59
Ampelbeinverwilst: something about config.sub and .guess23:00
Ampelbeinverwilst: but I don't really know what it does23:01
verwilstAmpelbein, so nothing too serious then23:01
Ampelbeinverwilst: nah, maybe you will break the buildfarm by uploading, but nothing big ;-)23:02
verwilstwe'll soon find out ;)23:03
leslievhi people! I am following daniel holbach's package building tutorials and have a question or two23:05
leslievin his tutorial you build with: debuild -S -sa       -- why build a source only package?23:05
lifelessbecause binary uploads are rejected in Ubuntu23:05
lifelessthey cannot be audited23:05
Ampelbeinlesliev: because the building of the binary package is done on the launchpad buildfarm23:06
lifelessand thus cannot be trusted23:06
leslievoh so you will always build source packages and the build farm will take care of making binaries?23:06
leslievok thanks23:07
verwilstisn't there some bugreport i can vote on to enable reactivating/renaming ppa's? :)23:07
leslievonce I have run debuild  I often want to change something and run debuild again23:07
leslievwill it just replace the files it has created?23:08
Ampelbeinlesliev: yes, the "clean:" rule in debian/rules  takes care of "resetting" the work directory to a clean state23:08
leslievgreat. once I am done, I run pbuilder to make the actual deb. it makes a bunch more files too. is everything I need actually in the deb?23:09
Ampelbeinyes, it should be. the deb-file is the actual package and is what is being downloaded if you run "apt-get install foo".23:10
leslievexcept what I built is a source package23:11
leslievwhat is the .dsc file for?23:11
Ampelbeinno, a source package never results in a .deb file23:11
Ampelbeinbut if you use pbuilder it will build a binary package that you can install locally. you just can't use it to distribute via launchpad.23:12
leslievafter pbuilder has run I have this in the results directory:23:12
leslieved_1.5-0ubuntu1.debian.tar.gz  ed_1.5-0ubuntu1_i386.changes  ed_1.5.orig.tar.gz23:12
leslieved_1.5-0ubuntu1.dsc            ed_1.5-0ubuntu1_i386.deb23:12
lifelessverwilst: you're welcome to file one.23:13
StevenKlesliev: The .dsc ties the orig and the debian diff together23:13
Ampelbeindsc = debian source control, it describes what orig.tar.gz and diff belong together23:13
leslievaha. so what gets uploaded after pbuilder has run?23:14
StevenKlesliev: The .changes files23:15
StevenKWell, not exactly23:15
StevenKSince that .changes contains a binary, and you can't upload a source+binary .changes file23:15
verwilst# Missing build dependencies: autotools-dev (>= 20100122.1)23:18
verwilstshould i backport autotools as well in my ppa?23:18
Ampelbeinverwilst: you can try copy+rebuild from the maverick repo23:19
verwilstAmpelbein, autotools you mean right?23:19
verwilstwill do :)23:19
leslievStevenK, does that mean I'd need to get pbuilder to build a source only .changes?23:20
arandlesliev: m. owens made a good overview once: http://doctormo.org/2010/04/19/deb-package-contents/23:20
leslievgreat, thanks23:21
StevenKlesliev: pbuilder probably already made one for you in the directory you started the build from23:22
StevenK<source package>_<version>_source.changes or so23:22
StevenKYes, that. :-)23:22
leslievbut surely you'd need to upload more than that to the build farm?23:23
leslievI'll read that url23:23
StevenKlesliev: If you point dput at the source.changes, it will parse the file and upload the other files it needs ot.23:24
verwilstautotools-dev only built an i386 version.. hm23:32
StevenKLikely because it's architecture independant23:32
verwilstah ok, so it will work on amd64 as well23:32
verwilsti was expecting 'all' or sth thing :)23:33
StevenKThe .deb itself will be named autotools-dev_<version>_all.deb23:34
verwilstbackporting is fun23:35
verwilstMissing build dependencies: autotools-dev (>= 20100122.1) hm :(23:36
verwilstit doesnt take the current ppa into consideration?23:36
verwilstthat dep is in the same ppa23:36
StevenKIt does, as long as it's published23:36
verwilstah, the amd64 one is building i think23:38
StevenKYeah, you needed to wait some time for autotools-dev to build and publish before uploading zabbix23:39
verwilstmy mistake :)23:40
verwilstand my php5.3.5 backport from natty is done as well, jaj!23:40
leslievStevenK, I really like how you anchored that regex with a $ there :-)23:50

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