
kkathmanGreetings folks - I wonder if I could get some help with my renewal?  I received an email saying that my status would end on Sunday, but the link to renewal sends me to a page that  simply says "Not allowed here"00:34
kkathmanI think the problem could be that I have more than one login?00:35
popeykkathman: renewal to what?00:42
kkathmanpopey:  my ops status in kubuntu-offtopic00:44
kkathmanLooks to be a standard launchpad kind of renewal, except it takes me to a page I can't access00:45
Flannelkkathman: Which page does it take you to?00:46
kkathmanFlannel:  you want the URL?00:47
Flannelkkathman: Aye00:48
kkathmanit sends me to:  https://launchpad.net/~kkathman/+expiringmembership/irc-kubuntu-offtopic-ops00:48
kkathmanThen it simply says "Not Allowed Here"00:49
FlannelHmm, well, that's the page it should send you to.  If you just go to launchpad.net are you logged in with your -verizon account? or just kkathman?00:50
kkathmanit says in the upper right kkathman-verizon00:50
PiciWhy would you need two launchpad accounts?00:50
FlannelAlright, try logging out and logging back in with just plain kkathman, then go to the URL it gave you00:51
kkathmanwhich is weird, because I can login with kkathman@verizon.net and my password just fine00:51
kkathmanFlannel...ok...will do00:51
Flannelkkathman: It sounds like you were trying to go to "kkathman"s page, with kkathman-verizon, which obviously, you're not allowed to do.00:51
kkathmanwell, it gives me an error- Invalid email00:52
FlannelI would think LP should say "You're not kkathman! please log in!" instead of just "not allowed", but such is the nature of launchpad.00:52
Flannelkkathman: You'll want to solve that then :)00:52
Flannellooks like the email for that account is at entdyn.com00:53
kkathmanone sec then00:53
Flannelkkathman: You're the one with two accounts, you tell me :)00:54
kkathmanFlannel:   That did it...many thanks :)00:55
kkathmanOne is much older than the other, and I think when they went to launchpad, it brounght that oldest one over, and I probably thought I needed to create a new one00:56
ubottuAlysia called the ops in #ubuntu ()01:13
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1469 users, 15 overflows, 1484 limit))01:14
marienzthat was a little abrupt, but I've been chasing after a wave of silly proxies01:14
marienzI'm fairly certain this was one of them01:14
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1469 users, 16 overflows, 1485 limit))01:14
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1471 users, 17 overflows, 1487 limit))01:15
IdleOneklines expire do they not?01:17
IdleOnethank you marienz01:17
marienzrepeating what I said here right before you joined:01:18
marienz<+marienz> that was a little abrupt, but I've been chasing after a wave of silly proxies01:18
marienz<+marienz> I'm fairly certain this was one of them01:18
marienzthat was referring to Alysia, but given the timing that other bunch was probably controlled by the same person01:18
IdleOnemarienz: I was not questioning the kline itself01:19
IdleOnejust wanted to let you know that01:19
IdleOneso anyway the ban I set on that same host. Will avoid the join/part flooding when the kline expires01:20
marienzbah, too many hilights going off01:20
jribmarienz: k-lines expire automatically?  After how much time?01:23
marienzdepends on the kline01:24
marienz(and some don't, but most do)01:24
jribmarienz: I see, thanks01:27
ubottuSWFqXnHVW called the ops in #ubuntu ()01:50
ubottuepEmZ called the ops in #ubuntu ()01:50
ubottuRVOVcNMFl called the ops in #ubuntu ()01:50
rww!attitude > manster_01:51
* marienz sighs, noisy evening01:52
ubottuNina called the ops in #ubuntu ()01:53
jribthat one was registered :/01:54
marienzwhich one?01:54
ubottuCarmen called the ops in #ubuntu ()01:54
rwwI was wondering. They showed up as unidentifed to me, but I guess they were registered on another nick, since they got through the +r.01:54
ubottuTania called the ops in #ubuntu ()01:54
PiciThey answered the question properly in -unregged01:55
marienzcall me triggerhappy, but I'm just going to sit there and kline things fitting the pattern01:56
marienzsome will still get through as I have to be a bit cautious for obvious reasons01:56
marienzand yes, there's a human behind the wheel of these, afaict, so it's going to get past that check in #-unregged01:57
rwwI just switched the question set over, so we'll see.01:58
marienzthis isn't hitting just you, btw, a larger number of what I'm assuming is the same bots hit a few wikipedia channels02:00
marienz(and one or two were in #freenode earlier)02:00
* Pici doesn't feel special anymore02:00
IdleOnemarienz: I didn't know staff needed our approval for these types of things02:01
* marienz blinks02:01
marienzif you think you need my approval for anything I must've worded something poorly02:01
* IdleOne feels a little special02:01
marienzerr, I read that backwards02:01
marienzcan you clarify? :)02:02
rwwnobody needs IdleOne's approval :(02:02
marienzin my defence: it's 3AM and I was planning to be asleep by now02:02
IdleOneyou did read it backwards02:02
IdleOnerww: thanks for taking that special feeling I had for all of 15 seconds away02:02
rwwmarienz: Is it still going on in other channels?02:03
marienzit seems to have quieted down for the moment02:03
marienzI have reason to believe there's a few stragglers though02:04
marienzjrib: as for your earlier question about kline expiration: they frequently last a multiple of 1 day02:05
bazhang<thefeds> Join #Nationalsozialist now!   <--thought he was banned02:43
ubottuxrdodrx called the ops in #ubuntu ()03:49
bazhangwhy is that even continuing?03:52
Jordan_UI don't know. I hope it will naturally end / move soon though.03:52
bazhangperhaps a mute -t600 would do03:53
rwwand there it goes.03:53
bazhangheh. putting ass* as a highlight gets a lot of assume03:53
Jordan_UAnd MariaKeys' actual support question was an interesting one :(03:53
rwwtonyyarusso: furthermore, stalker.pl comes up with "usbboot, ubufind, ubusammyn150, ubuwifi, uburediculous, ubuquake, ubufool"04:08
rwwit's that ubu* person on va.comcast.net that pops up every so often ;)04:08
tonyyarussoubuwifi's the only one I've seen before.04:09
rwwthey irritated me a month or two ago about something, so I keep an eye on them >.>04:10
rwwgrep -R psyBNC2 irclogs/freenode/#ubuntu is... interesting.04:14
rwwDaGeek247 is now in PM complaining that I devoiced him because he likes his name being at the top of the userlist :|04:23
Flannelrww: suggest he change his nick to aaaaaGeek24704:23
* Flannel is amazed people even use userlists.04:24
rwwdone, though I think it sorts symbols first anyway ;P04:24
FlannelI can see it now, SOH SOH SOH SOH Geek24704:25
rwwLOL, he did it.04:29
=== IdleOne is now known as _IdleOne
rwwchocolaate-maan just CTCPed #ubuntu-women with that link, so they're now banforwarded over here from #ubuntu so I can see if I can get an explanation out of them if they rejoin #ubuntu.04:32
=== _IdleOne is now known as IdleOne
* rww watches maco get highlights in -ot04:37
macohi rww04:37
macoyup yup04:37
rwwchocolaate-maan: Hello. Would you like to explain why you're wandering through #ubuntu* channels spamming a link to a sketchy looking URL?04:38
rwwActually, correction. Change "#ubuntu* channels" to a large number of freenode channels, if Google is anything to go by.04:41
rwwelky: would you kindly remove chocolaate-maan from the channel?04:51
Amaranthrww: Yeah, he hit #compiz-dev too, oddly04:57
AmaranthShould probably contact staff04:57
* rww lurks in #freenode, waiting for a staffer to speak05:01
Jordan_UAmaranth: Is compiz-dev logged publicly?05:03
AmaranthJordan_U: I don't think so05:03
Jordan_UMy guess is that this is just a way to get that link to show up in search results.05:03
rwwthat was my thought too05:04
rwwbut -women isn't either.05:04
rwwah, #freenode's been discussing it already. Including pasting the link. Because they're doing it wrong :|05:11
FlannelWhy does everyone feel like spamming the guy with factoids05:13
rwwoh fun, threatening to ban-evade05:13
rwwand, because bot abuse is #ubuntu's favorite hobby.05:14
rwwThis bro-silliness was slightly amusing in an ironic way for about five minutes :|05:23
elkyOh yay, defocus has spilled in to -ot again?05:30
rwwelky: PerfM? yeah, happened a couple of days ago.06:03
elkyShe got de-voiced in defocus a few days ago, I guess someone invited her over here :(06:04
rwwI find -ot's repeated inability to grasp that politeness is a good thing amusing.06:05
elkyYou're mixing up your vocabulary again.06:07
rwwoops, I said "amusing" when I meant "annoying" again. I should stop that.06:08
* rww facepalms06:23
bazhangtroll in -ot11:24
Tm_Tyou mean Lando Calrissian -lookalike11:25
Tm_Tbah, didn't go as expected11:27
bazhanghe's quoting blazing saddles, an american comedy11:28
Tm_Tsorry, but I'm not in the mood11:29
bazhanghes bad news all around11:29
Tm_Talso, food ->11:29
Daviey!regression-alert <-- I thought that was supposed to have a factoid.  :(11:38
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:38
ubottucjwatson, jdong, pitti, slangasek, ScottK, mdz, kees, ttx, marjo, seb128: reporting regression in a stable release update; investigate severity, start an incident report, perhaps have the package blacklisted from the archive11:38
ubottusee: !recursion11:39
ubottuIn #ubuntu-irc, raido said: !root is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo#Enabling%20the%20root%20account15:49
raidoUbnutu IRC mods, please take a look at the following discussion: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/14706115:51
raidoI wold like to propose a change to the text that ubottu supplies when an inquiry is made regarding root access15:51
raidoPerhaps we can limit the response to supplying the following link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo#Enabling%20the%20root%20account15:51
raido!root is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo#Enabling%20the%20root%20account15:51
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, raido said: !root is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo#Enabling%20the%20root%20account15:51
LjLhow about no15:52
LjLof course everybody is free to do however they please15:52
LjLbut that doesn't mean we're going to support that in the channel15:52
LjLor spoonfed how to do it15:52
LjLfor that matter, that very RootSudo page has in the past had edit wars on whether to include the "sudo passwd" instructions or not15:53
raidoLjL: I dont see how it compels anyone to provide support15:54
IdleOneit doesn't compel anyone to provide support but it gives the false impression to the user that if they follow that link then #ubuntu will support it.15:55
IdleOneuse sudo -i if you really need extended root privs15:55
LjLnot to mention that the *current* !root factoid is meant to provide information on how to do thing the right way, i.e. by using 'sudo'15:55
LjLwhich is why it links to the whole sudo page15:55
LjLinstead, you want to link only to the specific instructions for enabling root? why?15:55
raidoLjL: Whit I think is right is that if a user wants to enable root they should not be turned away, advice on sudu is great but the user should be free to use root if he wishes and why should we not show them how to do so?15:58
LjLbut we do.15:58
LjLwe already link to that page.15:58
LjLthat page has a section on enabling root.15:59
LjLergo, we show them how to enable root.15:59
LjLif they can't scroll down, then they won't find out how to enable root - too bad.15:59
raidoLjL: the link is not the issue, its the statement by ubottu "We do not support setting a root password. Please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it" that is my concern16:00
IdleOneraido: Think of it this way, you buy a car and want to install some Turbo booster thingy to increase engine performance. The manufacturer doesn't tell you that you can't but they do tell you that if you do the guarantee will be voided and they will not repair any damages to the engine if you make such changes.16:00
raidoIdleOne: thats acceptable but current ubottu response differs from your argument16:01
IdleOneYou can enable root, but #ubuntu will not help you repair it when you break stuff.16:01
LjLand i don't see why it should do that googling for you16:02
LjLof course #ubuntu usually doesn't tell you to google16:02
raidoIdleOne: #Ubuntu isnt "required" to help with anything are they?16:02
LjLbut if you're trying to hit yourself on the foot, then help yourself. that's what i think16:02
raidoLjL: Its about the users freedom. Hit self in foot once, one wont likely do it again. Thi is the precess of learning16:03
LjLthe freedom argument is nonsense. the user is "free" to do whatever they want *with Ubuntu*16:04
LjLthey're just not free to do whatever they want *with the channel*16:04
IdleOneraido: the support provided in #ubuntu is entirely voluntary but we do have rules and guidelines. You want to go and hit yourself in the foot, go ahead but we don't have to watch you do it or tell you how to do it.16:04
raidoLjL: yes, so lets not have ubottu implu otherwise16:04
IdleOneI see nothing wrong with the factoid as is. I believe telling people we don't support it and not to ask how to do it is completely reasonable.16:05
LjLso ubottu doesn't even has to *say* it for you to feel bad about it, but merely *imply* it in your opinion?16:05
LjLseems a bit too much to me16:05
raidoIdleOne: I agree, but do you not see something offensive in the ubbotu response?16:05
IdleOneno I don't16:05
LjLthe ubottu response is a Matrix citation16:05
LjLit's supposed to be *fun*16:05
LjLperhaps some people should aquire a sense of humor16:05
IdleOneI see it as a clear WARNING.16:05
raidoWe do not support setting a root password. Please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it16:06
LjLthat's not !root, that's !noroot16:06
raidoseems a bit more like bug off16:06
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo16:06
LjLand it never says or implies that you cannot set root on your machine16:06
LjLit's just about the *channel*16:06
ubottuWe do not support setting a root password. Please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.16:06
LjLand !noroot was created because people would start endless arguments about it in #ubuntu and go offtopic16:07
LjLso that factoid was made to make these arguments stop16:07
LjL!no noroot is <reply> We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.16:08
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, LjL said: !no noroot is <reply> We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.16:08
LjLthere, if it's changed it doesn't imply anything anymore, states it clearly16:08
IdleOne!no noroot is <reply> We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.16:08
ubottuI'll remember that IdleOne16:08
IdleOneeverybody happy ? :)16:08
raidoWell, I understand the argument you make from the IRC op/mod perspective, Im suree you have debates it much. I just feel that the ubottu response is contrary to the liberation that free software affords its users, and I wish it didnt do that.16:09
IdleOneraido: the factoid the way it was before I just changed it did not say you couldn't set a root pass. All it said is we don't support it.16:10
IdleOnethe WE being #ubuntu and all it's users who are expected to follow channel guidelines16:10
tsimpsonyou are free to do as you wish with your system, and our support people are free not to offer assistance when people do things they explicitly advise against16:10
raidoIts better. And thank you for discussing it with me.16:10
tsimpsoneveryone has the freeness :)16:10
IdleOneraido: thank you and welcome16:11
raidoJust curious, would a mod kick a user for giving such instructions in the #ubuntu on enabling root?16:11
IdleOnewe would ask that they take the discussion elsewhere16:11
IdleOneif you don't move it elsewhere you might get removed16:12
raidofair enough16:12
IdleOneraido: also on irc mods are called ops16:13
IdleOnejust saying :)16:14
raidotsimpson: yes, and thats what im hoping for, you know, new users will screw up their machines with things like root or otherwise, because they are newbies, but because they are newbies they also dont understand the full implication of free software use and the community at large needs to remember that and educate the new user on their new found freedoms.16:15
raidoIdleOne: gotcha16:16
ikoniaraido: people are being educated by being told not to use root16:16
ikoniausing sudo is the correct ubuntu supported security model16:16
ikoniapeople are being helped by being told not to bypass it16:16
raidoikonia: yep, and thats a fine, its a design decision i dont disagree with16:18
ikoniagreat, so there we go, no problems16:19
raidocheers everyone16:20
IdleOneraido: Please don't sit idle in this channel.16:30
IdleOneI feel like such an hypocrite every time I ask someone not to idle in here16:30
* IdleOne changes nick to NotIdleJustIdleOne16:30
bazhangI was going to say give him enough rope, but he's already gone16:37
ikoniathe ubottu pm reminder system seems to be bugging recently, it's sending two reminders at a time for each reminder17:15
jussiikonia: could you PM me with what you are getting?17:23
ikoniajussi: the normal reminder to follow up on a ban, but repeated twice17:23
ikonianothing fancy,17:24
jussiikonia: I suspect you are getting one for the remove and one for the ban?17:24
ikoniaI've not removed the ban17:24
ikonia(I'll double check though)17:24
jussiikonia: no, remove as in kick17:24
ikoniajussi: don't think so as the ban id is the same17:25
ikoniaI'd expect it to be two different ID's if it was for a kick and a ban17:25
jussiyes, it should17:25
IdleOneis one a /notice and the other a /query?17:25
ikoniadoesn't apper to be, just 2 pm's from ubottu straight after each othger17:26
jussiUbottu shouldnt be noticing you (at least not currently)17:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:26
IdleOnejussi: what!?17:26
jussiyeah, I know ubottu, now shush17:26
* IdleOne doesn't want notices from bot17:26
jussiIdleOne: hehe, thats a bit ambiguous...17:26
* IdleOne pets ubottu 17:26
IdleOnelove you bot but don't notice me17:27
jussiikonia: anyway, if you could give me the paste, then I can look up the nmber in th log (maybe, cant remeber what the log spits out at this second)17:27
IdleOneI have made a discovery about ubottu, less bans one sets is equal to less messages received from ubottu17:28
ikoniajussi: it's waiting for you17:28
jussiIdleOne: wow, you are smart today :P17:29
jussi!cookie | IdleOne17:29
ubottuIdleOne: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!17:29
IdleOnejussi: I took my meds :P17:29
jussislowbot today17:29
jussiJust a reminder, Ubuntu IRCC meeting in ~30 mins :=) (unless I screwed up my times)17:38
AlanBellhi all, anyone had trouble with CourageTheCoward in the last week or so18:43
IdleOneAlanBell: let me check the ban tracker18:44
ikoniathere was talk about this today I believe,18:45
ikoniamy last log says I'm wrong though, so ignore that18:45
IdleOneAlanBell: I don't see anything in BT for that nick18:45
AlanBellok, thanks18:45
bazhangthats nerml?18:47
IdleOneAlanBell: ^^18:47
AlanBellbazhang: not sure, he has rather a lot of nicks18:48
bazhangAlanBell, seems to be. bolt, nerml, catdog, etc18:48
AlanBellbazhang: yeah that is a garfield character18:48
bazhangAlanBell, one of his many, yes18:49
bazhangonly odie has been spared18:49
AlanBellhas nerml been +b or +q in the last month?18:49
IdleOnehis current ip has nothing in BT18:49
IdleOnethat I can see18:49
bazhangnot in the last week. not sure about month18:50
ikoniabazhang: I believe arline has not been used18:51
PicipodWho is being discussed?18:52
IdleOnePici: AlanBell> hi all, anyone had trouble with CourageTheCoward in the last week or so18:52
bazhangPicipod, bolt of garfield fame18:52
ikoniajim davis, etc18:52
PicipodAh. Doesn't ring a bell for me. But I can't check my logs here18:53
AlanBellgarzooka/phineas/ferb etc18:53
ikoniathe list of names is too many to remember18:53
ikoniahello raido19:03
ikoniahow can we help ?19:03
raidoIm all ok, thanks.19:04
IdleOneraido: we have a no idle policy.19:04
AlanBellok, CourageTheCoward has been unbanned in -uk now19:07
ikoniaAlanBell: give it a week, +b will be back19:08
bazhangperfm in -ot19:28
rwwbazhang: did they get banned from there since I was last awake?19:29
bazhangperfm was pushing it severely rww but not banned afaik19:29
rwwah, fun.19:30
rwwCan someone pastebin -meeting from the start of this hour to about 20 minutes past the hour, please?19:38
KB1JWQSure, which pastebin?19:40
KB1JWQrww: ^^19:40
rwwKB1JWQ: Whichever you like. Preferably one that doesn't have 100-character URLs, I'm in the console >.>19:41
IdleOnegot it, gimme a sec19:41
rwwthanks much19:42
IdleOneno problem19:42
KB1JWQI'm too slow.19:42
IdleOneKB1JWQ: :)19:42
bazhangheh me too19:43
KB1JWQHad to navigate my log directory from crappy conference wireless.19:43
KB1JWQOn the plus side, now we figure out that IdleOne has been falsifying logs. :-D19:43
bazhangloads of "highlights" in that one19:43
IdleOneKB1JWQ: that isn't funny on any level19:43
IdleOneI have no reason to ever fake a log19:43
KB1JWQApologies, my sense of humor is a bit "off" today.19:44
bazhangthe channel was like #ubuntu-sailors19:44
IdleOneno worries I knew you meant it as a joke but log readers will take that out of context19:44
KB1JWQAh, I keep forgetting this channel is logged publically.19:44
bazhangikonia, you removing all your bans?19:45
ikoniapretty much19:46
bazhangperhaps we all should19:47
IdleOneikonia: why?19:48
IdleOnethose bans are really needed19:48
bazhangwell reban if necessary19:48
IdleOneI mean there are probably some that can be removed but there are some that should stick19:48
rwwIdleOne: then re-add them.19:49
IdleOnebazhang: good point19:49
KB1JWQDidn't realize I'd set one that didn't auto-expire, that may be due to my client quitting (almost everything I do is time restricted).19:49
KB1JWQI just pulled it.19:49
ikoniaI don't believe they are valid any longer so I'm removing them19:49
nikoikonia: you doubled or tripled each unban i guess19:49
ikonianiko: few entries in BT are duplicate, cut and paste typos,19:49
IdleOne!canibeanop > KB1JWQ19:50
ubottuKB1JWQ, please see my private message19:50
IdleOnemight as well see what you need to become op19:51
KB1JWQHah, yeah.19:51
IdleOnethat way people don't say staff favors #ubuntu19:51
niko!canibeanop > niko19:51
ubottuniko, please see my private message19:51
bazhangoverwork and grumpiness seems prerequisites19:51
rwwthe latter can be fixed by taking a break from the former :)19:52
* IdleOne takes a break from the latter which in this case is the former19:52
rwwone hopes that Pici's stats graphs do /mode #ubuntu b and count, rather than subtracting one for each /mode #ubuntu -b19:54
ikonia /join #ubuntu-bots-devel19:54
Tm_Thi genii20:08
Tm_T...and good night everyone20:08
bazhangso jungli alabd and gobo are unbanned in #ubuntu20:09
bazhangthe last was mine20:09
ikoniawhich one ?20:09
bazhangperhaps we should just clear them all20:09
ikoniasorry, which one did I do which was yours (apologies I was looking at the ones set with my cloak)20:10
ikoniaI must have missed a line20:10
bazhangno worries, I think you have the right idea20:10
rwwI note that you also removed !*@*trollbot.org, which was mine, but I concur with bazhang.20:11
ikoniaare you sure, I can put it back, simple mistake so many lines on screeen and a few don't tally up in BT20:11
ikoniarww: that's showing up in BT as mine ???20:11
bazhangif they are issues in the future we can re-ban20:11
rwwikonia: BT# 3729320:11
ikoniaHmmm I wonder if that's why it won't show up as unbanned in BT as you've banned it20:11
rwwikonia: yours was BT35027, note the difference in number of wildcards.20:12
bazhangwe dont clear them out frequently enough20:12
ikoniarww: thank you20:12
nhandlerbazhang: That was one of the main reasons I brought up adding eir20:12
bazhangI need to remove ass* as a highlight; everyone is saying assume today20:13
nhandlerbazhang: Or adjust the hilight so it only matches on that exact word (not when it is part of a word)20:14
bazhangnhandler, yes, remove the * , good point20:14
rwwikonia: could you review your copypastes to make sure they're not actually on lines by themselves and echoing to channel, please?20:17
ikoniaok, I think that's them all20:17
rwwah, nvm then20:17
KB1JWQUgh, I can't imagine adding a list of profanity to my hilight list.  It'd drive me nuts. :-)20:19
KB1JWQToo false positive prone.20:19
bazhangfirst time ever for me, today.20:19
bazhangin the past was only my nick, and BACON20:20
rwwThe only things on my highlight list are my nick and my firstlast (since I've used it as a nick). Anything else is spammy.20:20
KB1JWQLet's see...20:20
KB1JWQ54 hilights at the moment.20:20
bazhangyikes. I've got five20:20
KB1JWQWell some might be useful-- I have a common forkbomb in there, for instance.20:21
bazhangwell you actually knows things about linux :)20:21
KB1JWQI get a LOT of false positives on die.net as well.20:21
KB1JWQApparently it's become a rather popular reference site.20:22
KB1JWQI also hilight on ! followed by ops.20:23
rwwI don20:38
rww't do that, mainly because I'm ops on most of the channels I'm in :\20:38
FlannelExcuse me for being completely ignorant, but from what I understand, the features we're looking to gain through the use of eir (customizable nagging and customizable autoremove) seem to be easier to just add to ubottu, instead of the nightmare of merrying/integrating the two for comments/etc.20:50
tsimpsonFlannel: no, it's not easier to add to ubottu, otherwise I'd have done so20:55
tsimpsoneventually ubottu will do it, but why not use eir in the meantime20:56
bazhangnatty has a root terminal item in the accessories list20:56
Flanneltsimpson: Because the integration with eir seems like it'd take just as long to do as adding that functionality to ubottu20:56
rwwbazhang: so have previous devel releases. They clean up the menus later in the cycle than now.20:56
bazhangrww, and remove it, do you suppose?20:57
rwwbazhang: yes, presuming it's not in maverick and lucid either20:57
tsimpsonFlannel: it's not going to integrate with eir, it'll just notice the commands you give to eir and take comments from that20:57
Flanneltsimpson: er....20:58
Flanneltsimpson: so, any comments we want in eir need to be done in a channel?20:58
bazhangeir is replacing chanserv?20:58
LjLeir is ALIVE?20:58
tsimpsonFlannel: if you want ubottu to automatically pick up the comment you give to eir20:59
Flanneltsimpson: Are we going to have a designated "spam channel" for that interface?20:59
rwwthat's suboptimal. Perhaps we need yet another -ops- channel for all these notices and commentings.20:59
tsimpsonwhy not do it here?20:59
Flanneltsimpson: because this is publically logged, comments need not be.20:59
tsimpsonwell we do have our shiny new channel21:00
LjLyou do already21:00
LjLthen i guess i won't suggest (again) that you use OMSG/ONOTICE instead ;P21:00
bazhangthe secret one21:00
Flannelso secret, we don't even know the name!21:01
rww/msg nickserv listchans ;P21:01
tsimpsonit was stated publicly in #ubuntu-meeting ;)21:01
* rww was doing it anyway to find out whether he got added to #ubuntu+1 and #ubuntu-release-party's access lists, stumbled across it21:01
tsimpsonyou may need to /cs invite #ubuntu-ops-team to get in21:01
rwwtsimpson: psh, who reads that!21:01
bazhang[Mootbot] knows21:01
rww(you do need to /cs invite, yes)21:01
tsimpsonif you op yourself, you can set /mode +I $a:your_nickserv_account21:02
LjLit's ironic that the fact this channel is logged has, though it took a while, eventually resulted in more secrecy :P21:02
bazhangMark Twain said something about that21:03
FlannelNow I have to figure out what window number that channel is going to have.  grumble.21:03
rwwperhaps we can remove the no-idle policy and co-ordinate responses to bot attacks in there now ;P21:03
* rww imagines that will happen sometime before heat death of universe21:03
LjLi think bot attacks stuff should still be done in -monitor, that's where the attacks are reported in the first place after all, and some ops might not be interested in those at all in the first place21:04
bazhangso commenting in here that a user is causing issues should now be done in the new channel?21:05
LjLlet me answer that before someone else does: no21:05
LjLif you want to, but not as a rule, please no21:05
bazhangso people with ops in core channels can be in there, ie the exact same makeup of this channel, minus ubuntulo121:07
LjLyou have this new channel - good, more choice for ops to decide where to say things, because each person is different about how they feel about saying things :) don't turn it into a "things absolutely must be done here/there and in this/that way" thing, that's my wish21:07
rwwwiki page isn't a requirement for applying for channel ops any more, is it?21:08
rwwIRCC meeting says no, OperatorRequirements says yes :\21:09
LjLwhy do you ask21:09
LjLdo you intend NOT to have a shiny wiki page?21:09
rwwbecause I'm about to apply for some channel ops21:09
LjLare you CRAZY?21:09
rwwand yes, I intent to not have a shiny wiki page.21:09
* rww double-checks meeting log, decides meeting log is right and someone just forgot, edits OperatorRequirements boldly21:10
LjLwhat do you think this is, some free encyclopedia?21:10
rwwInternal Server Error!21:11
LjLteaches you to be bold21:11
* rww hits refresh, beats wiki.ubuntu.com21:11
* rww trots off to apply for some channelz21:11
tsimpsonrww: you know *!*@ubuntu/member/* has access in -meeting?21:15
nikobut not ubuntu.member.* :)21:16
tsimpsonnot yet, but we plan to fix that21:17
rwwtsimpson: I did not. Never mind that one then.21:17
rwwumm, doesn't that give ubuntu/member/* +v rights in here, since #ubuntu-meeting is a core channel?21:17
rwwor is that just named ops21:17
LjLperhaps in a Kafkian world21:17
LjLwhich this one isn't, right?21:17
tsimpsonrww: just named ops, not masks21:18
rwwLjL: I'm sorry, I was under the impression that rules nitpicking was a time-honored tradition and favored activity of some of our ops. I will stop trying to fit in ;P21:18
* rww wishes nickserv was magical and listchans parsed masks21:20
LjLrww: you can try to fit in, but that'll peel much of your skin off. and then i'll come and rub it with chilli pepper. your choice.21:20
ubottuIn #ubuntu, Logan_WP said: !forget cairo-dock22:06
MadHaTTer_777hello im hoping to get unbanned from the ubuntu room i will behave i cant gurantee i wont use txt type but i8ll try in that room22:33
highvoltagee/win 2822:35
MadHaTTer_777anyone there that would care to look at unbanning mer?22:37
LjLplease be patient22:38
LjLi'm not an op in #ubuntu, you will have to wait for someone who is22:38
LjLideally the one who banned you in the first place22:38
MadHaTTer_777ok thanks22:38
MadHaTTer_777matt you there?22:41
MadHaTTer_777not sure who banned me... either ikonia, Tm_T, or LjL22:44
LjLcertainly not i22:45
MadHaTTer_777can you look that up for me so i know who i need to talk to??22:48
LjLactually no, i don't have access to that22:48
popeyseems you were originally kicked frmo #ubuntu for repeatedly being silly with the bot22:50
MadHaTTer_777My guess is Ikonia so its going to be a long wait because he told me not to PM him.22:50
MadHaTTer_777yeah sounds about right popey22:50
popeyno, mneptok kicked you originally, not ikonia22:51
MadHaTTer_777holy i didnt even remember that name22:51
popeythen when you came here to dispute / resolve your kick you weren't exactly helpful.22:51
MadHaTTer_777yeah its been a while but sounds about right22:52
popey17th feb22:52
MadHaTTer_777whats today?22:52
MadHaTTer_777really its only been 10 days?22:53
popeyI would come back another time, during the USA weekday daytime would probably catch most people22:54
MadHaTTer_777ive flown across the country and back and taken what i considered a long break from the computer22:54
MadHaTTer_777amazing only 10 days22:54
MadHaTTer_777i could have sworn it had been over a month22:55
popeyit seems you've been using various MadHaTTer_XXX names22:56
MadHaTTer_777i guess thats what i get for being a computer geek with no sence of time22:56
popeyI missed that22:56
popeyin which case on Feb 16th the first kick was indeed from ikonia after you were asked to tone down your language22:56
MadHaTTer_777something wrong with that?22:56
popeywell it seems like you're also evading bans22:58
popeyby changing nickname to avoid the bans already put in place22:58
MadHaTTer_777yeah my current chat client has me put in sercondary names and sometimes im chatting on multiple computers with different IPÅ› at random22:58
MadHaTTer_777oh i wasnt trying to evade22:59
popeyAnyway, as I said, come back during daylight USA hours.23:00
MadHaTTer_777i have my regular modem one i built a antenna for and my phone they all have different qualities and i change up depending on the weather23:01
MadHaTTer_777the names thing sometimes it doesnt log me out properly so i get the name already in use and switch to another number23:01
MadHaTTer_777daylight usa hours it is isnt it?23:02
popeyduring the working week I said.23:02
MadHaTTer_777ohh ok i kind of was hoping to get this resolved today23:03
popeyThey dont seem to be active right now.23:05
MadHaTTer_777ill wait Ikonia usually comes on every day23:06
MadHaTTer_777ive spoken to him several times since the ban23:06
popeywe have a no idle policy here, please come back tomorrow23:07
MadHaTTer_777how about later instead of tomarrow23:08
popeyWell, it's 23:08 in the UK where ikonia lives, so yeah, tomorrow, later today, basically in about 10 or more hours23:08
MadHaTTer_777yeah it will onluy be midnight here thank you much for your help popey23:09

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