
aristotle2600anyone here?00:21
aristotle2600hey I have a weird graphics problem on an HP Pavilion dv6000, details at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10499422#post1049942201:49
dorgankinda like what google does meaning based on the current search clicking something gives it a higher scroe the next time someone searches for it03:03
dorganoops wrong channel03:03
munzaristotle2600, u still here?03:26
munzdoes the dv600 have any known issues?03:27
munzi have installed 10.04 on a dv6000 amd no problem03:27
munzside note: hp dv6000 likely the worst laptop hp has released03:28
munzi have seen sooooo many with flakey issues, dead motherboards etc03:28
munzgoogle dv6000 recall03:29
munztoo late to get squat from hp now....i will never buy hp lt's again, or let a friend buy03:29
munzanyway, sorry i cant help more on the subject but thats jus MHO03:30
munzrunnun out for a bit but will check back l8r, good luck03:31
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