
LLStarksbryce_, xrender works on lucid 10.04.200:04
LLStarkswant me to bisect maverick dailies and alphas?00:04
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== schmidtm_ is now known as schmidtm
knittli cannot install nvidia-current, here's a fresh jockey.log: http://paste2.org/p/127245319:05
knittli haven't managed to install it for at least three versions of ubuntu19:05
knittllogfile was removed before starting jockey and then copied after trying (and failing) to install it19:06
bjsniderlooks like it did install19:09
knittlbjsnider: it pops up a message box, telling me 'failed to install, see log file'19:09
knittland then jockey says 'driver was just disabled, is already in use' or something along that line19:09
knittland when i start jockey again, it says 'a different version of this driver is in use'19:10
bjsnidercan you pastebin glxinfo?19:11
bjsniderand dkms status19:11
yofeldkms seems to have built fine from the log, but:19:12
yofel2011-02-27 20:03:34,054 ERROR: update-alternatives: warning: skip creation of /usr/lib32/vdpau/libvdpau_nvidia.so.1 because associated file /usr/lib32/nvidia-current/vdpau/libvdpau_nvidia.so.1 (of link group gl_conf) doesn't exist.19:12
knittlbjsnider: yeah, can do19:12
knittlbjsnider: http://paste2.org/p/127246119:13
bjsnideryofel, known error message. it is inconsequential19:13
knittlbjsnider: http://paste2.org/p/127246219:13
bjsniderknittl, can you start nvidia-settings without an error message?19:14
yofelwhy would something inconsequential be logged as "ERROR" though?19:14
knittlbjsnider: no, i'm running nouveau atm19:14
knittl$ lsmod|grep video19:14
knittlvideo                  18951  1 nouveau19:14
yofelknittl: can you pastebin your xorg.conf?19:14
knittl$ ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:15
knittlls: cannot access /etc/X11/xorg.conf: No such file or directory19:15
bjsniderknittl, please install nvidia-current through jockey and reboot19:15
knittlno xorg.conf here19:15
bjsnideryofel, ask pitti19:15
bjsniderit's a logging issue but it's no big deal19:15
knittlshould i generate a new xorg.conf?19:16
knittlusing nvidia-xconfig?19:16
bjsniderjockey will do that for you19:16
bjsnideryou can check before you reboot19:16
knittlbjsnider: read 5 lines above19:16
knittlthere's no xorg.conf19:16
bjsniderinstall nvidia-current through jockey19:17
knittl(i'm using natty btw, but this issue has bugged me since nvidia-current was introduced)19:17
knittlbjsnider: i did. well, i *tried*19:17
bjsnideri don't care if you get an error message19:17
knittlbjsnider: i start jockey. i select nvidia-current and click install19:17
bjsniderknittl, have you done a wipe and reload since before lucid?19:18
knittlit installs, gives an error/warning (you don't care, ok. i wouldn't care if it was a bogus message)19:18
knittli close jockey and there's still no xorg.conf19:18
bjsniderit probably is a bogus message19:18
bjsniderok, you can use nvidia-xconfig19:19
knittli think i had to reinstall once, because my root file system was damaged19:19
knittlknittl@kbook:~$ jockey-gtk 19:19
knittlknittl@kbook:~$ # told jockey to install nvidia-current19:19
knittlknittl@kbook:~$ ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:19
knittlls: cannot access /etc/X11/xorg.conf: No such file or directory19:19
knittli'll use -xconfig19:20
bjsniderok, create the file yourself and i'll pastebin what should be in it19:20
* knittl rebooting19:20
knittlwoohoo, i'm in X19:26
knittlwith -current19:26
knittlbut my external monitor is currently ~100 km north19:26
bjsniderknittl, are you on i386 or amd64?19:27
bjsniderof course19:27
knittljockey still tries to tell me 'a different version of this driver is in use'19:27
bjsniderand can you do glxinfo again?19:27
knittlbjsnider: 32bit/i38619:27
knittljust a sec19:28
knittlnvidia-current has always worked with a single monitor here (laptop screen)19:29
bjsniderand you're able to launch nvidia-settings without issue19:29
knittlmost of the time i had to install it manually with apt-get though19:29
bjsniderwell, i thought this bug had been fixed19:31
knittlwhich bug exactly?19:31
bjsniderobviously jockey exited because of meaningless warnings without setting up your xorg.conf and telling you the driver was activated19:31
knittlit still believes the driver is not activated19:31
bjsniderknittl, the errors on lines 340 and 341of your jockey log would only happen on an i386 system.19:32
bjsniderperhaps it's been under the radar because not many people still use i38619:33
knittlbjsnider: http://www.thehappy.de/neo/jockey-nvidia-current.png19:33
bjsniderjockey's message to you is just a by-product of the real issue19:35
knittljockey does only recognize amd64 drivers? oO19:35
bjsniderknittl, sounds like it's bug 55265319:37
ubot4Launchpad bug 552653 in jockey (Ubuntu) "[Lucid] Jockey gives message that it failed to install nvidia hardware driver (affects: 49) (dups: 8) (heat: 274)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55265319:37
knittli'm subscribed to that bug ^^19:37
bjsniderknittl, did you use the nvidia-installer at some point?19:40
knittlnot since i had to reinstall ubuntu. iirc19:41
bjsniderwell you should talk to tseliot about this tomorrow19:41
bjsniderhe'll be here in the morning19:41
knittli've talked to him a lot of times already :D19:42
knittlbut ok. maybe the day after tomorrow, i won't have much time tomorrow19:42
bjsniderabout this issue?19:42
knittlabout jockey failing and about my second monitor not being managed19:42
knittlmaybe 270 fixes the monitor issue. i don't care much about jockey failing as long as the driver works :D19:44

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