
Mamarokwhy on earth did the bug tracker in launchpad change old stuff from 2009 with an unknown priority to high?00:02
MamarokMy inbox is flooded with hundreds of bugs00:03
ScottKMamarok: Because LP recently gained the ability to import priority from Bugzillas and the LP devs are certain people will want this old information (I did discuss it with them).00:05
Mamarokstill, stuff from 2009 seems total overkill00:08
JontheEchidnaYou cannot reason with them, it is no use :(00:14
JontheEchidnarecently they thought themselves clever for allowing you to disable messages about comments you've made00:14
MamarokI will close those useless things tomorrow reported for Amarok, they forgot to import the resolution, and setting to high is totally absurd, especially for old versions as pre-2.2.0 which we don't ship anymore since ages00:19
Mamaroknedtime now00:19
Mamarokbedtime even :)00:19
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: that sorta stuff is really not their priority00:55
apacheloggeralso launchpad has design problems00:55
apacheloggermaking things even more difficult00:56
apacheloggerthat is what you get for rushing software into a production environment00:56
c2taruncan anyone please help me with this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/573321/ I know how to fix this error, but I dont know where to link the libraries to fix the error.05:54
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Riddellc2tarun: kde 3 apps are probably just best removed if they fail to build09:13
c2tarunRiddell: what if I fixed one :(09:41
Riddellc2tarun: then we can upload it09:46
Riddellhi bambee 09:46
debfxgood morning09:50
Riddell4.6.1 tars seem to be the same as 4.6.0, no splitting, that's good09:51
debfxRiddell: could you upload http://people.ubuntu.com/~debfx/qtwebkit-source_2.1~really2.0.1-0ubuntu1.dsc10:13
Riddelldebfx: yes I'll do that in a few minutes10:13
Riddelldebfx: did you discuss with upstream about the best branch to use?10:14
debfxRiddell: yes, they said we should ship the version that is bundled with qt (i.e. 2.0)10:15
bambeeagateau: by the way, a soundmenu for kde could be proposed for the next summer of code (http://community.kde.org/GSoC/2011/Ideas#Project:_Plasma-based_kmix_Volume_Applet), I discussed with Colin Guthrie and all features required in w.u.c/SoundMenu could be added and he was very interested by these ideas. As a desktop experience team member I thought that you would be interested10:33
bambeeand it's a good thing for kubuntu users, imho10:34
agateaubambee: would be nice!10:34
Riddelldo you know if Ubuntu is doing summer of code?10:34
bambeeI've no ideas10:35
RiddellARM is looking nice, all KDE packages built10:41
bambeehave a good lunch11:00
alkisgHi, we're interested in adding some translated .docbook files to kde-l10n-el, but we're not sure how, as it appears that this package is not the same as the Debian kde-l10n-el package... any ideas on how to proceed?11:59
Riddellhi alkisg 12:00
Riddellthat package is from upstream, the place to do translations would be the upstream repository12:00
alkisgAnd the only ubuntu-specific part is that the .mo files get stripped and put to langpacks?12:00
Riddelldebian make a different source package by putting the separate source tars for all the languages into one, and they have an older version, but otherwise it's the same12:01
alkisgRight that older version got me puzzled12:01
alkisgI think that the teacher that did the translations did send them upstream12:02
alkisgI'll try to contact some people there. Thank you Riddell :)12:02
Riddellhttp://l10n.kde.org/team-infos.php?teamcode=el  shows the upstream details12:03
alkisgMuch appreciated :)12:03
Riddellhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/l10n-kde4/el/docmessages/ is the files for the documentation translations12:04
Riddellwhich looks fairly empty compared to the templates http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/l10n-kde4/templates/docmessages/12:04
alkisgOuch. We're mainly interested in kturtle as it's used in secondary schools here12:05
alkisgA teacher translated it last year and I'm trying to see why it didn't yet go upstream12:06
Riddellcheck the mailing list to see what happened to it I guess12:06
alkisgOK, ty12:06
alkisgI'd like to upload a version of kde-l10n-el in the PPA for Greek schools with those translations included. Will the .mo files be automatically removed, i.e. does the langpack stripping also happen for PPAs?12:16
bambeeRiddell: apparently, Jono said that Ubuntu will apply for the next summer of code12:16
bambeethanks shadeslayer :)12:17
shadeslayerbambee: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdegraphics/cmake/modules/ <<12:17
shadeslayerRiddell: ^^ if you're around need a hand with that :D12:17
shadeslayerbambee: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-soc/2011-February/000280.html12:18
* shadeslayer tries something12:19
Riddellalkisg: .mo stripping doesn't happen in PPAs12:20
Riddellshadeslayer: with what?12:20
alkisgThank you Riddell, I'll strip them manually12:20
shadeslayerRiddell: so the findksane.cmake file needs to be moved to ksane in git 12:21
shadeslayercan i just make a modules dir in the git repo and add the stuff there?12:21
bambeeshadeslayer: what is the problem with these modules ?12:21
shadeslayerbambee: the findksane.cmake module is in SVN while the rest of ksane is in git12:22
bambeeohhh you answered earlier12:22
shadeslayerno problem :)12:22
Riddellshadeslayer: well yes, you'd just commit it to git12:23
shadeslayerhmm... ok ... 12:23
shadeslayersame dir structure and everything right12:23
Riddellbut does ksane still exist?12:23
Riddellwell yes, add it in cmake/modules12:25
Riddellthen add to CMakeLists.txt set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules )12:25
shadeslayerrighto 12:27
shadeslayerRiddell: http://paste.kde.org/605912:46
shadeslayeri should like sync all my mails to my HD after this http://www.engadget.com/2011/02/27/gmail-accidentally-resetting-accounts-years-of-correspondence-v/12:54
alno, you should do it regardless of that ;)12:59
=== shadeslayer is now known as kshadeslayer
Riddellkshadeslayer: remember to include the COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file13:12
kshadeslayeroh yes13:12
apacheloggerkshadeslayer: like you have important emails...13:18
kshadeslayeroh yes i do have important emails!13:18
* kshadeslayer pushes13:18
apacheloggerapplegadget news reminders?13:18
kshadeslayerno ... facebook birthday reminders13:18
kshadeslayerwhee .... ksane fixed13:23
apacheloggerkshadeslayer: you get birthday reminders? :O13:30
apacheloggeroh, right, I do not even have a valid email address set up ^^13:30
kshadeslayerapachelogger: yes ... i have this app thingy ...13:30
kshadeslayeranother quick review please http://paste.kde.org/606313:33
Riddellkshadeslayer: why does it need a CMakeLists.txt at all?13:34
apacheloggereh, yeah13:35
kshadeslayeridk ... it has some other cmake modules, but i don't see them being installed or used13:35
apacheloggerkshadeslayer: you are now installing no files13:35
Riddellkshadeslayer: so just remove it13:35
apacheloggerwhatever happened to findksane though?13:36
kshadeslayerapachelogger: i moved it to git13:36
apacheloggerah, well, throw the cmakelists away then13:37
apacheloggerand don't forget to also remove the add_subdirector(cmake) in ../13:37
kshadeslayerapachelogger: the CMakeLists.txt in ../ only has add_subdirectory(cmake)13:40
kshadeslayerwant me to throw that away too?13:40
Riddellkshadeslayer: yes13:41
kshadeslayercompiles fine as well13:45
kshadeslayeroh didn't delete the FindKSane.cmake file13:46
Riddellwhy are you deleting FindKSane.cmake?  i thought you were adding it?13:48
kshadeslayerRiddell: this is in SVN13:49
kshadeslayerthe SVN files must go13:49
Riddellthat file is in libksane-dev by the way13:50
Riddellso it shouldn't be needed elsewhere13:51
kshadeslayerso https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kdegraphics/ksaneplugin/repository/revisions/96df16efbfd91ebbdebf735035b72cf38137d171 and https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kdegraphics/ksaneplugin/repository/revisions/af4383454c57a468d4f9725058518e1272e76018 are not required?13:52
Riddellbetter to add it in here I'd say https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kdegraphics/libs/libksane/repository13:54
Riddelland install it13:54
kshadeslayerhmm okay ... 13:56
markey_nokiahi all14:16
markey_nokiaapachelogger: happen to know how to start "IBus daemon"?14:16
markey_nokiaQt Creator refuses to start a certain QML app, due to this missing14:16
markey_nokiaBus::open: Can not get ibus-daemon's address. 14:17
markey_nokiaIBusInputContext::createInputContext: no connection to ibus-daemon 14:17
apacheloggermarkey_nokia: that is not what makes it not start14:17
apacheloggerthat is just Qt being verbose14:17
apacheloggeribus is just an input system daemon thing14:17
markey_nokiawell I googled that, had no idea what the error means14:17
apacheloggerfor asian characters and whatnot14:18
markey_nokianot sure why it would need that for this QML app, others work fine14:18
apacheloggerthat is Qt14:18
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
apacheloggerit just tries to connect to ibus and is too verbose about it14:18
markey_nokiathe app is using some JSon14:18
apacheloggerthat is not why it is not starting though14:18
apacheloggerkshadeslayer: ping14:19
apacheloggerkshadeslayer: any chance of you making a qzeitgeist package for the zeitgeist ppa?14:19
markey_nokiaapachelogger: QInotifyFileSystemWatcherEngine::addPaths: inotify_add_watch failed: No such file or directory14:20
markey_nokiawhat could that mean?14:20
kshadeslayerapachelogger: gimme 20 mins to fix some of this mess :P14:20
apacheloggermarkey_nokia: also related to ibus I believe14:20
Riddellremove ibus-qt4 to get rid of the message (or install natty where it's off by default)14:20
apacheloggerkshadeslayer: sure, I know how to build software myself meanwhile ^^14:21
apacheloggerkshadeslayer: whatever happend to my other indian minions btw?14:21
kshadeslayerapachelogger: iDunno(tm)14:21
apacheloggeryou will be pleased, it already has a debian dir ^^14:22
apacheloggerlibqzeitgeist = it14:22
kshadeslayerquite possibly they're not here because of placements14:22
apacheloggerkshadeslayer: placements?14:22
kshadeslayerapachelogger: companies come and recruit people here14:22
kshadeslayerfrom our campus itself14:22
kshadeslayerso ... the whole procedure is called placement's14:23
apacheloggerand that is an excuse? :O14:23
kshadeslayeraakshay mentioned something about a email he sent to Riddell14:23
kshadeslayerapachelogger: there's tazz14:23
kshadeslayerhe's usually around 14:24
apacheloggernot now he isnt :P14:25
kshadeslayerleft 2 hours ago14:26
markey_nokiaRiddell: thanks, trying that now14:38
=== dbarth is now known as dbarth-otp
kshadeslayerapachelogger: do they not have tarball's?14:45
apacheloggerseiflotfy: do you have tarballs for libqzeitgeist?14:46
apacheloggerkshadeslayer: probably only git snapshot for now14:46
apacheloggeror you could setup a recipe ;)14:46
kshadeslayerapachelogger: ok i'd say a project-neon package for now :P14:46
apacheloggeroh gawd no14:47
apacheloggerwe are in for a treat14:47
apacheloggerphonon zeitgeist integration is very awesome14:47
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markey_nokiaRiddell: thanks, that did the trick :)14:54
markey_nokia(removing IBus)14:54
markey_nokiavery obscure error, I would never have guessed the right solution14:55
apacheloggerstupid qt14:59
debfxRiddell: can you sponsor another upload: http://people.ubuntu.com/~debfx/synaptiks_0.5.2-0ubuntu2.debdiff15:20
=== dbarth-otp is now known as dbarth
Riddelluploaded, thanks debfx 15:23
* debfx is still waiting for the package set update15:24
* apachelogger is not sure he can make UDS15:24
apacheloggerhowever I just ordered an archos 101, so kubuntu tablet will be a topic of natty+115:25
Riddellwhat's one of those?15:25
kshadeslayerapachelogger: you should have ordered a Adam15:26
kshadeslayerNotion Ink Adam15:27
apacheloggerkshadeslayer: is that even out yet? :P15:27
apacheloggerthat thing was announced like a year ago ^^15:27
kshadeslayerit is out!15:27
kshadeslayerapachelogger: http://www.notionink.com/15:27
kshadeslayerlike ... send a email to them and cancel your order nao!15:28
kshadeslayershould i just dump FindKSane.cmake into libksane/15:28
kshadeslayeror put it in libksane/cmake/modules15:29
kshadeslayerbecause i see libksane.pc.cmake and libksane.lsm.cmake in libksane/15:29
apacheloggerat least cmake/15:31
apacheloggerthe .cmake things in the root are different things15:31
afiestasI just got an exopc from the intel "appUp" thing (Mobile World Congress) 15:33
afiestasso +1 for tablet :p15:33
Riddellhaving a kubuntu tablet depends on upstream doing a plasma tablet I'd think15:39
apacheloggerRiddell: already there15:41
apacheloggerbased on plasma mobile for the better part15:41
Quintasanone question, if you have more than one user on you PC, shouldn't KAuth dialog select the current user when asking for password?15:49
kshadeslayerapachelogger: Riddell fixes branch from http://quickgit.kde.org/index.php?p=clones%2Flibksane%2Fgarg%2Flibksane.git&a=summary15:51
kshadeslayerlibsane-dev refuses to install here :,15:52
yofelinstalls fine in natty15:54
apacheloggeras long as phonon installs15:54
* kshadeslayer thinks of watching the oscars15:55
yofelgo watch UDW :P15:55
kshadeslayerThe following packages have unmet dependencies:16:09
kshadeslayer libsane-dev : Depends: libjpeg-dev16:09
kshadeslayer               Depends: libtiff4-dev but it is not going to be installed16:09
kshadeslayeryofel: ^16:09
yofellibtiff4-dev should be fine, and libjpeg-dev translates to libjpeg62-dev here16:10
apparlehey guys, I'm unable to use any KWin effects in natty alpha2. Any pointers on how to find whether it is kde or some setting fault or a driver fault in itself16:11
QuintasanHow do I turn joins/leaves off in quassel?16:11
kshadeslayerQuintasan: right click on the chat area16:12
yofelQuintasan: right click on channel -> hide events16:12
Quintasanapparle: do you have mesa-utlis installed?16:12
apparleinstalling it16:12
kshadeslayeryofel: i had libjpeg8-dev installed16:12
kshadeslayeri should probably report a bug16:12
Quintasanapparle: please then do glxinfo | grep "direct rendering"16:13
apparleQuintasan: actually the effects start. but the screen goes black and I see only the mouse pointer and white boxes when I right click etc16:14
apparleQuintasan: and glxinfo says direct rendering is enabled16:15
apparlethe alpha2 comes with gallium 3d drivers for radeon or the old opensource radeon drivers?16:15
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Quintasanapparle: you are using open-source driver?16:22
apparleQuintasan: yes16:22
QuintasanI am not sure if it will work that way16:22
apparleQuintasan: and it seems I'm using the r300 version16:22
apparleQuintasan: it used to work in 16:23
QuintasanI can't help you with that, each time I wanted effects on my old radeon I had to use closed-source drivers16:24
apparleQuintasan: with ati dumping me... I don't have that option. BTW I am also getting a lot of screen corruption, particularly rekonq even when effects are disabled16:25
Quintasan<PROTIP> buy nvidia </PROTIP>16:25
yofelI would blame the driver for screen corruption in almost all cases16:25
yofelat least file a bug16:26
Quintasanyeah, if you get screen corruption even without effects then blame driver or card16:26
kshadeslayertada : bug 72664116:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 726641 in sane-backends (Ubuntu) "Cannot install libsane-dev if libjpeg8-dev is installed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72664116:37
kshadeslayerRiddell looks ~like Hugh Jackman ( see the oscars )16:46
RiddellI do?16:47
* Riddell checks hands for signs of metal blades16:47
kshadeslayeryeah sort of16:47
kshadeslayerhe now has a short haircut ... so you sort of resemble him16:48
kshadeslayeroh man this is *hard*16:51
kshadeslayerQuintasan: when is your talk?16:53
* kshadeslayer is all mired in CMakeLists.txt16:54
kshadeslayerapachelogger: around?17:44
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RiddellScottK: http://techbase.kde.org/Policies/Minor_Point_Release_Policy finally got approved by upstream18:08
ScottKRiddell: I saw that.  It's great news that seemed to just come out of nowhere to me.18:09
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QuintasanScottK: ping19:17
apacheloggershadeslayer: hai19:22
ScottKQuintasan: Pong.19:24
QuintasanScottK: oh, there you are. I see you are endorsing kklimonda's MOTU application, would you have some time to show up at the meeting?19:25
QuintasanScottK: Thanks :)19:26
QuintasanRiddell: We're going to push Project Neon tonight19:32
RiddellQuintasan: ooh!19:47
QuintasanWhat can be done is done19:47
QuintasanWhat can't be done will be done later19:47
QuintasanWe need valorie to publish the dot article19:48
QuintasanRiddell: I will publish an entry on my blog tomorrow as time allows and we should be ready for tons of bugreports19:49
bambeeapachelogger: by the way did you develop your movie player with qml ? :P20:18
bambee(few days ago you told about that... nop ?)20:19
bambeeI'm just curious ;)20:21
apacheloggerhaven't built the foundations yet20:24
afiestasis anyone using kde trunk/master with Natty ?20:30
yofelafiestas: not self built  - but our neon packages, what's the question?20:31
afiestasI'm having some weird problem when using KDE compiled by myself20:34
afiestasI install it in ~/kdeinstall, and don't know why the system is mixing libraries from /usr and from ~/kdeinstall20:35
afiestasall env vars are set correctly, and well I have been using this config since I'm a kde developer20:35
afiestasI'm setting the env in startkde (well a wrapper that execute's it) and in .bashrc (just in case) :/20:36
afiestasand the exact problem I'm having, is that Qt is loading oxygen.so from /usr while using liboxygen from ~/kdeinstall20:37
afiestasQT_PLUGIN_PATH <-- is set too20:38
yofelhm, I'm not too good with libraries, so the only reason I could think of is that whatever uses oxygen.so is linked against the one in /usr. Shouldn't happen though as long as QT_PLUGIN_PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH are set at build time...20:40
afiestasoxygen.so is loaded at runtime, the problem is that Qt is using the /usr .so instead of ~/kdeinstall20:42
afiestasI can see that in ~/.config/Trolltech.conf too20:43
yofelok, I think I can confirm that... and it seems to be the cause of one of our neon issues...21:04
valoriethe dot article has been submitted21:28
Quintasanvalorie: okay awesome21:29
valoriey'all have done great work21:30
DarkwingDuckThat was a success23:04
DarkwingDuckI handed out over 250 Kubuntu CDs at the conference.23:05
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=== Nightrose2 is now known as Nightrose
RiddellDarkwingDuck: what conference was that?23:15
apacheloggerhttp://i.imgur.com/EkPYj.png equalizer with phonon gstreamer23:15
* apachelogger needs some praise23:15
Riddellapachelogger: you rock more than Ossy Osborne23:16
DarkwingDuckRiddell: SCALE (Southern California Linux Expo)23:16
DarkwingDuckAbout 2000 people were there.23:16
DarkwingDuckI did a tal and presentation on Kubuntu and KDE there.23:16
DarkwingDuckIt went really well. Talked to loads of people who left Kubuntu during the KDE3 to KDE4 switch and they love it once again.23:18
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DarkwingDuckbbiab... having a quick meeting with Jono Bacon about Kubuntu Community ideas.23:22
DarkwingDuckPlus, at the next California Loco elections I wont be running for re-election but spending more time in Kubuntu community stuff in the US.23:25
apacheloggerporting kdelibs to android :O23:25
apacheloggerthey are all going crazy23:25
DarkwingDuckHow about Qt dev for Android.23:26
DarkwingDuckI've already been playing around with Python for android.23:26
apacheloggeryou are not up-to-date my friend23:26
DarkwingDuckHey, I was busy all weekend.23:27
apacheloggeryou are not on the kde-promo list ;)23:27
DarkwingDuckOh I am.23:27
apacheloggerthat is the real problem23:27
* apachelogger actually only read that by accident23:27
DarkwingDuckI just have not reviewed those emails yet.23:27
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: the mail was sent last week or something23:27
DarkwingDuckLike I said....23:28
apacheloggerwe are killing android dead anyway23:28
apacheloggerkubuntu is supreme!!!23:28
DarkwingDuckThen tell me how I can get it on my Moto Droid. :P23:28
apacheloggereasy, get a sensible phone :P23:28
apacheloggerif someone sends me one I could probably get it to run23:29
* apachelogger slowly gets the hang of this mobile stuff23:29
DarkwingDuckthe OMAP board on the Moto Droid is the same one on the n90023:29
DarkwingDuckso... it *should* work.23:29
apacheloggeractually I am sure it will23:29
DarkwingDuckif I can just get the bootloader to load the image.23:29
apacheloggerthe tricky part is getting the drivers necessary and actually get the image on the device23:29
DarkwingDuckThe only issue I'm going to run into...23:30
DarkwingDuckIs the Verizon using CDMA instead of GSM23:30
DarkwingDuckSo, I have to pull apart a verizon kernal and gleem the CDMA information out.23:30
DarkwingDuckand see if I can't get it to work with kubuntu-mobile23:31
apacheloggerfinding a lib/app that does CDMA will be more tricky I suppose23:31
DarkwingDuckSo i can actually use it to make phone calls.23:31
DarkwingDuckI'll have to figure out how to port one from the android side o.O23:31
apacheloggeractually I have yet to make a phone call with the n900 :D23:31
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: they probably only have closed source stuffz23:31
DarkwingDuckThat's fixable.23:32
DarkwingDuckIt's who you know.23:32
apacheloggerreach out and touch faith I say :D23:33
DarkwingDuckBut... I just need to find a way to run it first and make sure it work.s23:33
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: well, natty is currently broken on arm23:34
apacheloggerKDE that is23:34
apacheloggerthanks to shitty gcc23:34
DarkwingDucki would use the Maverick one.23:34
apacheloggerand even more shitty workaround in Qt23:34
apacheloggeryou'll need to build your own kernel then23:34
apacheloggermaverick omap3 kernel will not boot on your board23:34
DarkwingDuckIt boots on teh n900?23:36
DarkwingDuckOnly Natty does?23:36
apacheloggerwe used the n900 kernel on maverick23:36
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: neither23:36
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: the n900 kernel on natty FTBFS right now23:36
DarkwingDuckOkay, weeeeeeee23:36
apacheloggerbut we have a package, so technically ....23:36
DarkwingDuckbuildig a kernal.23:36
Riddellapachelogger: how is KDE broken on ARM?23:36
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/mobile/kernel/23:37
apacheloggerRiddell: segfaults23:37
apacheloggerRiddell: gcc 4.5 has problems with precompiled headers in Qt, which made unity segfault23:37
apacheloggerso they forced gcc 4.4 for Qt23:37
apacheloggerthe function in question is inline, so that does not fix KDE23:37
apacheloggerthere is a patch for gcc though23:37
Riddellhmm, that's not so good23:38
Riddellapachelogger: do you have a bug number or other reference?23:40
apacheloggerRiddell: bug 70568923:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 705689 in Linaro GCC 4.5 "Qt applications crash with segfault error on armel when Qt is built with gcc 4.5 on natty" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70568923:41
apacheloggerRiddell: ScottK poke doko already23:41
DarkwingDuckWell... hmmz.23:51
DarkwingDuckThat could have gone better.23:52
DarkwingDuckapachelogger, Riddell We need to sit down and talk about ideas/plans for what we want to accomplish in Kubuntu Community or, intergrating the Kubuntu Community with Ubuntu Community.23:56
DarkwingDuckHowever we want to do it.23:56
apacheloggeras long as there is free booze involved I am in23:58
DarkwingDuckWell, seeing that I'm in the US it'll have to be via IRC.23:58
DarkwingDuckUnless I make it out to UDS in May23:58
DarkwingDuckEven if I'm not there is persone I'll either skype in or participate23:59

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