
kim0G' Morning07:45
dholbachgood morning08:08
kim0dholbach: morning man08:09
dholbachhi kim008:10
dholbachhola dpm08:14
dpmhola dholbach!08:15
dpmgood morning all08:15
kim0dpm: morning :)08:16
dpmhey kim008:18
pleia2dholbach: I am heading to bed, but just a quick reminder for dev week start in the morning, everyone with an ubuntu member cloak can get ops in classroom, so if you have problems and classroom team people aren't around (like sleeping :)) you can op up w/ chanserv and handle things08:21
dholbachpleia2, thanks a lot for setting things up08:21
pleia2others did most of the work :) good luck tomorrow!08:21
dholbachthanks :-)08:23
duanedesignmorning all08:31
jussidoes anyone know what the program is that people are using to create http://www.markshuttleworth.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/unity-netbook-maximised.png this kind of drawings?09:48
duanedesignhello jussi09:49
jussihi duanedesign09:49
duanedesigni think doctormo had a blog post about that09:49
* duanedesign goes and looks09:50
duanedesignjussi: found it.  http://doctormo.org/2010/12/05/doing-mockups-like-doctormo/09:52
vishjussi: http://www.balsamiq.com/builds/mockups-web-demo/09:56
jussivish: AWESOME!!!09:57
vishjussi: np, the demo just annoys you with a popup every 20 mins or something to buy the app.. you can just select "later" and can keep working..09:58
jussivish: is the app availabe for linux?09:59
vishjussi: i think it is a webapp.. been a while since i used it, used it only a couple of times.. and went back to inkscape :)10:00
vishi think mark was also using the demo ;) , iirc , it adds the "created by balsamiq" only for the demo versions..10:03
popeycanonical have a license for it iirc10:10
jussiyeah, looks like there is a deb there - you get 7 days free10:11
* jussi tries it out10:12
jussihrm, cant install because no adobe air... wonder where I get a ubuntu'ised version10:12
AlanBelljussi: there is an firefox extension called pencil which does the same thing10:15
jussiAlanBell: I found adobe air in some ppa (ppa:dajhorn/adobeair) (yes, IM 64bit)10:15
jussiAlanBell: also, Im not a firefox user :)10:16
AlanBellit is almost a standalone gecko based application10:16
Pendulumdholbach: hiya, can I PM you about something?10:42
dholbachPendulum, sure10:51
dpmkim0, did the nvidia + xorg update recently went well for you? I can now only run in classic mode, no unity11:34
duanedesignseems to have gone ok for me11:37
duanedesignthough I am in Classic Mode at the moment11:37
popeynvidia pics the wrong res for me :(11:38
popeybug 72560011:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 725600 in nvidia-graphics-drivers "nvidia EDID issue, wrong resolution selected" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72560011:39
dpmok, thanks for the feedback guys, I'll go and file a bug for my case11:39
kim0dpm: it went well for me I think .. I'm not on unity yet though (awaiting for it to be really ready, so that it doesn't turn me off)11:49
dpmkim0, are you using the classic mode with effects?11:49
kim0no plain gnome :)11:49
dpm(that didn't work for me either)11:49
kim0I am the kind of guy who can't tolerate compiz11:49
* kim0 hides11:50
dpmI'm on classic desktop with no effects now (i.e. metacity), and while it works, it's not perfect either (applets crashing on log in, white bar on the bottom panel for some strange reason)11:55
* nigelbabu hugs dholbach 13:47
nigelbabuThanks! I just made it out and back home :)13:47
duanedesignnigelbabu: hello!13:55
nigelbabuhey duanedesign13:56
AlanBellnigelbabu: \o/14:10
dpmjussi, feel free to RT ;)14:12
nigelbabuAlanBell: \o/14:13
jussidpm: I retweeted, but no one reads my tweets :P14:15
doctormojussi: What is a tweet and who are you?14:23
jussidpm: bwahahaha... I am the devil in dusguise :P14:24
jussino, Im jussi01 :)14:24
jussiand that was aimed at doctormo14:24
doctormojussi: That's one question down, now how about all this RT (Request Ticket) nonsense?14:25
cjohnstonjcastro: http://goo.gl/8gn2l  <-- something to look forward to in Florida14:25
jussidoctormo: its retweet ;)14:25
doctormojussi: That's just 'R'14:26
* doctormo thinks the world would be a better place without all these tweetering twits14:27
* jussi huggles doctormo14:27
nigelbabuok, I'm getting out of IRC and onto bed14:28
nigelbabulaters all!14:28
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dholbachnigelb, ROCK!14:58
jcastrodholbach: dev week is today!!!15:24
dholbachjcastro, yeehaw15:33
* popey cuddles jcastro 15:43
manishjcastro: look at this15:46
manishthe timetable is empty15:46
manishand it says15:46
manishThe schedule is full so we've tacked on some extra slots (because hey, if you're going to show up we might as well make use of the time!) If you are interested in running a session that will benefit application developers, get hold of JorgeCastro.15:46
manishis the template used?15:46
dholbachmanish, are you looking for https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek?15:51
manishdholbach: nope, not that15:51
manishsomeone on #ubuntu-classroom-chat15:51
manishby mistake mentioned that page15:51
dholbachah ok15:52
manishdholbach: I wont confuse between the two pages, I am giving a session in UDW :P15:52
dholbachthanks for that manish15:52
jcastrojono: our call conflicts with me/jason's UDW session, mind if we move it up or back?15:56
jonohey all15:56
jonojcastro, np15:56
kim0jono: morning15:56
jcastrojono: I can go whenever15:56
* popey tickles jono 15:57
dholbach265 people, not bad :-D15:59
jonohey kim016:00
jonopopey, lol16:00
jonokim0, just give me a few mins16:00
dholbachhow do I mute a channel?16:02
dholbachso only +o and +v can speak?16:02
dholbachah now it worked16:03
jonokim0, alright16:13
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
cjohnstonjcastro: did you see my rt about updating the theme on uds.ubuntu.com?17:01
jcastroone sec, busy with other things17:01
jcastrocjohnston: today is the day for you17:19
jcastronew xorg, new unity17:19
jcastroyou will either be happy or your computer will be a molten pile of slag17:20
cjohnstonI like what popey said17:20
cjohnstonI like option 1 better17:21
doctormojcastro: I watch time team, molten piles of slag are great evidence of iron age culture.17:37
doctormoPossibly even british/roman conquest computers.17:38
jcastroyeah baby18:11
dholbachok my friends - I need to head out18:12
dholbachsee you all tomorrow18:12
dholbachbig hugs18:12
Technovikingjcastro: niiiceee18:12
AlanBelljcastro: should that be displaying stuff that starts with "f"?18:13
AlanBellgood that it displays *something* at least18:13
jcastrodunno wha'ts up with that18:13
doctormoAlanBell: It's all things that contain 'f'18:14
doctormoAlanBell: Which goes as much for 'fire' as it does for 'afraid'18:14
doctormoOh, and it includes the comments/decription and possibly even the translations. I forgot to check the code.18:16
* AlanBell looks for the f'in application names18:16
AlanBellthere is no f'in calculator18:16
doctormoAlanBell: Comment=Perform arithmetic, scientific or financial calculations18:22
doctormoAlanBell, jcastro: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bamf/+bug/72671118:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 726711 in bamf "Unintuative Application Matching" [Undecided,New]18:41
jcastrojono: class done, I can do whenevs20:01
jonothanks jcastro20:02
jonowill ping you in a bit20:02
Technovikingjcastro: have you heard when the Ubuntu Mono font maybe released?21:31
jcastrosladen mentioned it the other day21:31
jcastrolet me see21:31
jcastrosomeone asked in rick's Q+A21:32
jcastrohe said soonish21:32
jcastrohe's usually on IRC, if you poke him I think you should be good21:32
jcastroor if you're still in the font interest group in launchpad you should be good21:32
Technovikingcoolness thanks21:32
Technovikingjcastro: is it true every time you use Banshee in Ubuntu a kitten dies?21:47
* popey gets a broom to sweep up all the dead kittens in his house21:47
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Technovikinganyone know Eric Hammond's irc nick23:28
Technovikinghe just sent a cease and desist to my blog23:28
kim0Technoviking: erichammond23:29

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