
iggiAnyone here good with libvirt (#virt on OFTC is dead) I am having some issues that seem to be permissions based, but cant figure out where I went wrong00:25
mcloyi was in a veiw that macbooks would be better in battery time... but i dont know if they can run windows standalone?00:31
Picimcloy: What does that have to do with this channel?00:31
airtonixand  ?00:35
airtonixi'm sorry did i just walk into #apple-server ?00:35
lifelessiggi: folk generally won't own up to knowing stuff00:48
lifelessiggi: rather than asking if someone knows, ask the actual question00:48
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:49
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.00:49
twbMost of what I say is already in the bot :-P00:50
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:55
MadHaTTer_000whos asking what?00:57
extra11what is the file handle default set at? I want to run a server that can handle more than 10k connects and I heard the limit needs to be increase00:57
extra11and set accordingly00:57
=== jmarsden_ is now known as jmarsden
iggiOK, I will ask the question: I have an iscsi storage server, which I mounted by means of fstab to /VM. I changed the default storage pool config to have /VM as my location for all my disk images, but when I try to do virsh pool-start default it gives me permission denied. This happens even when libvirt-qemu:kvm as the owner and 777 permissions, I don't get it. I tried setting the default01:42
iggilocation back to /var/lib/libvirt/images and it started without a problem. I further tested a symlink from /var/lib/libvirt/images to /VM (with 777 permissions set) and no dice. Also, as a note I am able to boot and run images located in /VM by means of searching for the image locally in virt-manager.01:42
nertili have 2 websites in my ubuntu runing with apache01:45
nertilis there a way to monitor them01:45
twbnertil: yes.01:46
folklorenertil your best bet(if I understand you correctly)01:46
folkloreis use php,python etc...01:46
folkloreplenty of scripts out there01:46
folklorethat show stats or whatever you need01:47
folklorenertil if you give more details maybe someone else will have an answer01:48
nertilwell i like something that monitor my two websites, so two in one if u understand01:49
nertilto access them easy with one click or whatever01:50
nertilthe point is i dont want everytime i sit on my pc01:50
nertilto write the address to access them01:50
nertili want something that will access easy and know everything about them01:51
nertilmonitoring at all01:51
nertilevery kind of help will be apreciated01:51
folklorenertil directadmin maybe01:51
folkloreor cpanel should do everything you want01:52
nertillet me read about them01:52
folklorethe latter is much more popular but costs $$01:52
folklorethe former I think is free01:52
nertildirectadmin is free?01:52
twbcpanel is more for holistic administration than simple availability or performance monitoring.01:53
folklorenertil think so, check out their site, www.directadmin.com I think01:53
nertilno they are with money01:53
nertili use phpmyadmin01:54
nertilbut that is for databases01:54
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
hallynok i'm getting cranky.  I keep getting 'max connection rate 2/60s' msgs from anvil/postfix, even though I set smtpd_client_message_rate_limit = 100 in main.cf.01:57
hallynhow else am i supposed to get rid of the connection rate?01:57
nertil2 with money:)01:59
folkloreI guess directadmin removed their free version02:00
nertilso any free one?02:01
twbhallyn: dunno; try #postfix02:02
hallyni think, maybe, it's telling me the statistical max, not the limit enforced :)02:02
hallyntwb: good thought, thanks02:02
hallyni coudln't tell if there's just a rare quiet spell on lkml, or if i'm having troubles02:03
MadHaTTer_000anyone care to help me get unbanned from a server?02:03
MadHaTTer_000or is that to off topic?02:04
folkloreMad what kinda server02:04
MadHaTTer_000i never been on it before and im already banned...???02:06
MadHaTTer_000it says i match a spammer pattern02:07
twbMadHaTTer_000: try #freenode02:07
twbMadHaTTer_000: or wherever that channel's topic directs you.02:07
MadHaTTer_000no its not a room its a server02:08
folkloreMadHatter they probably use efnets ban list or whatever, wish servers would stop doing that, nothing against efnet operators but they're not the type of people you trust with that kinda thing02:09
folkloreMadHatter all you can do is email someone from the network02:09
folkloreif you know the banlist you're on its possible you can manually remove yourself on the the site02:09
twbNot spamming usually helps, too :P02:10
MadHaTTer_000i dont spam as i said i never been to the server b402:11
folkloreMad does the kline message give a link?02:11
folkloreor an email address02:11
MadHaTTer_000kline@axenet.org yes but with the kline emails on other servers it seems like their never checked02:13
nertilhow to fix this message03:00
nertilapache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName03:00
membrexdoes anyone can help me to reamstering ubuntu server 10.04 with GUI inside03:01
patdk-lapwhat is a reamstering03:02
patdk-lapand if you want gui, install desktop instead03:02
patdk-lapnertil, fix your hosts file, or dns03:02
patdk-lapbut in almost all cases, you can just ignore it03:02
membrexi mean remastering03:03
membrexbecause i want to reamstering ubuntu server 10.04 GUI inside with minimal application03:04
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.03:05
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox03:05
gratidudenertil: Ensure your FQDN is specified in your /etc/hosts file, e.g. "x.x.x.x hostname.abc.com hostname"03:06
twbpatdk-lap: I think he wants to roll a new ISO that contains GUI packages in the pool, and a preseed to install them by default.03:15
twbI don't know *why* he'd want that, because you can just provide a separate preseed file, and pull down additional packages from the network.03:16
twbMaybe he's shipping the ISO to people who don't have internet03:16
patdk-lapya, no idea what he wants :(03:16
* patdk-lap wonders exactly how you get a minimal gui though03:16
SpamapSisn't that what live helper does?03:16
twbmembrex: investigate "jigdo", which is a tool to create install CDs.03:16
twbSpamapS: that generates live CDs.  I assume he wants an install CD.03:17
twbSpamapS: and it's called "live-build" now :-P03:17
membrexsoryy im newbie03:17
membrexbut i have job to remastering ubuntu with minimal package incisde03:17
twbSpamapS: last time I looked live-build wasn't tested on Ubuntu; do you have experience to the contrary?03:17
membrexpckage that i want to include on new remastering distro is LAMP,firrefox, a lot off cms03:18
twbmembrex: why?03:18
SpamapStwb: yes I have seen live-build used to great success just 2 days ago..03:19
twbSpamapS: OK, cool.03:19
twbSpamapS: oh, I bet it uses casper for ubuntu03:19
SpamapStwb: kirkland built a maverick live cd that runs a nice little eucalyptus demo03:19
SpamapSyes it uses casper03:20
membrexbecause the finnaly result will be delivery for education purpose that dont have any internet connection (to be intranet school server )03:20
twbProbably what I'm remembering is live-boot and live-config not working so well on Ubuntu03:20
SpamapScasper, last I checked, had a mountain of unfixed bugs03:22
twbI don't think anyone is working on casper03:23
twbCertainly live-boot kicks its ass on Debian03:23
* SpamapS does a little dance03:28
SpamapSI finally got "disable touchpad while typing" working!!!03:28
* SpamapS has been fighting that for 6 months. :-/03:29
twbSpamapS: synclient?03:29
twbsyndaemon -Rd03:29
twb...DTRT for me03:29
SpamapSthe issue was that I was using multitouch drivers03:30
SpamapSwhich wouldn't listen to syndaemon03:30
SpamapSApparently they do in the newest versions..03:30
twbAre these in non-free or something?03:30
twbI haven't seen em03:30
SpamapSbut I'm holding off upgrading any further in natty until I get back home.. I don't dare upgrade X while on the road. ;)03:30
SpamapSno they've been in xorg for a long time03:31
SpamapSsince early maverick cycle03:31
twbI hear you, man.  I'm still avoiding upgrading eeepc-acpi-scripts to the new acpi-scripts-based one03:31
twbOh, yeah, xserver-xorg-input-multitouch <none> 1.0~rc2-203:31
twbFirst added in November last year.03:32
SpamapSyeah.. some things are kind of cool.. but not worth not being able to type without wanting to kill somebody when you click send with a message content of 'r'03:34
twbThe easiest fix would be to not use X except for banking03:35
twbThat way the touchpad is automatically disabled03:35
twb(Unfortunately my stupid CU's online doodad doesn't work with edbrowse :-/ )03:36
SpamapSI've oft considered going back to mutt + elinks ;)03:36
SpamapSbut.. these sliding windows are just so pretty03:37
MadHaTTer_000whats tyhe command to change the dns servers im currently running off?03:38
jmarsdenMadHaTTer_000: edit the file /etc/resolv.conf as desired03:39
MadHaTTer_000thanks agai9n03:40
jmarsdenMadHaTTer_000: You're welcome.03:40
MadHaTTer_000hey that didnt work still dialing the wrong dns03:48
jmarsdenMadHaTTer_000: dialling?  running off != dialling ...04:07
jmarsdenYou don't "dial" a DNS server, normally :)04:07
twbjmarsden: it might be running radius and pppd as well :P04:08
jmarsdentwb: It might be runnig mgetty-voice, too :)04:09
jmarsdenMadHaTTer_000: pastebin /etc/resolv.conf somewhere we can see it, please.04:10
twbapt-file finds nothing called "mgetty-voice" on my system...04:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #726348 in squid (main) "squid's maintainer scripts call start/stop directly instead of using invoke-rc.d" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72634804:11
folklorehows ubuntu server compare to freebsd04:12
folkloreany tried multiple, can give any insight04:12
jmarsdenfolklore: They both work well.  Use the one you know better.  This channel is for Ubuntu server support.04:14
folklorejmarsden do I need to change anything in ubuntu server righout the box to allow more than 10k connections?04:14
folklorei'm not a huge linux person04:15
jmarsdenThen use BSD :)04:15
twbfolklore: 10k connections of what?04:15
folkloretwb concurrent, I wanna run some server software I wrote and it handle 10k if it needs too04:16
iggiI can't imagine a connection limit at 10k, but I could be wrong04:16
folkloreI heard there was an artifical limit in terms of file handles or something that might block that04:16
SpamapSc10k is old school... now its c1k, w/ 10 nodes in the cloud. ;)04:16
SpamapSthere is no artificial limit04:16
SpamapSlinux's epoll in many ways has surpassed freebsd's kqueue .. the old stories you hear about linux concurrency issues were mostly just that.. stories.04:17
folklorealrighty, i'll try and stress test it to see if I can get there, so thanks04:17
folkloreyeah my software uses epoll04:17
folkloreand glib thread poolin04:17
SpamapSfolklore: have seen a linux box w/ apache worker doing proxy for about 15,000 clients at once..04:18
folkloredoesnt apache spawn forks or something though?04:18
SpamapSfolklore: this isn't that hard to test though. :)04:18
folkloreguess another story I read04:19
SpamapSapache prefork does04:19
SpamapSapache worker spawns processes that spawn threads04:19
SpamapSand apache event spans only threads04:19
SpamapSstill, apache isn't known for massive scale when compared to some other daemons.. but 15k conns w/ minimal tuning is possible04:20
folkloreI wanna scale it to the max04:20
folklorehope ubuntu server can do that for me04:20
SpamapSfire up amazon aws.. pay about $5 and you can test the crap out of linux w/o any hardware. :)04:21
SpamapSor use rackspace cloud and pay $4 for the same thing ;)04:21
MadHaTTer_000@spamaps doesnt tornado offer the same thing ur paying money for for free?04:49
iggiWhen I try to start the storage pool with virsh pool-start I get permission deined, even with chmod 777 on the pool05:03
twbAnd prefork is only necessary if you're daft enough to run PHP05:07
twbiggi: is your user in the appropriate group?05:08
JanCwell, prefork has other advantages too  ;)05:09
twbJanC: you mean like heating a room?05:09
JanCon linux processes don't have that much overhead over threads, but offer a lot more separation05:12
MadHaTTer_000iggi did u try chmod +x?05:13
MadHaTTer_000and did u run chmod as root?05:13
twbThe fill up my precious process table, though05:14
MadHaTTer_000my prescious05:15
twbIt's already huuuuge05:16
twbIncidentally, anybody know how to suppress those kernel threads from top(1) listings?05:17
JanCtwb: both processes & threads are kernel tasks...  ;)05:17
JanCare tasks in the kernel, I mean05:17
twbJanC: yeah, but I mean I want to list only userspace procs, i.e. suppress that [jdb-213:8] stuff05:18
JanCtwb: in htop it's 'K'05:19
twbI'm not a fan of htop, apart from it being able to show the tree (i.e. like ps f)05:19
JanCI like it because it has built-in configuration & help if I forgot a key etc.  ;-)05:20
twbJanC: so does top05:21
twbWell, busybox top doesn't.05:21
twbCoreutils top, or whatever Debian gives, does05:21
JanCbuilt-in help maybe, but not configuration AFAIK?05:21
twbWell, top writes .toprc for you...05:22
twbIf you tell it to05:22
JanCI mean like configuring what columns you want to see etc.05:22
twbf, o, W05:23
twbf toggles fields, o reorders them, W writes .toprc05:23
JanCtwb seems to have more features for that still, and top has no way to search for a process?05:27
twbDefine "search"05:28
JanCfind a process based on program name, e.g. to kill it or renice it?05:30
twbI normally just use < and > to change the sort column05:30
twbTo find pids I use pkill and pgrep05:30
twbe.g. pkill -USR1 dd05:30
JanCthere are several ways to do things, I guess, and everybody uses what he/she prefers  ☺05:32
twbThey should use what *I* prefer, duh05:32
MadHaTTer_000this is annoying the heck out of me!!!!!!!!!05:46
folklorebreath friend05:54
twbI ain't your breath friend.05:54
twbI ain't any kind o' friend.05:55
folkloresorry to hear that05:55
MadHaTTer_000how do i disable Pid in pppd in wvdial?05:55
MadHaTTer_000and how do i change the dns addresses used by wvdial?05:57
twbMadHaTTer_000: this is for PPPoE, 56k modem, or what?05:58
MadHaTTer_000my deamon keeps dying :(05:58
MadHaTTer_000this is for a usb modem using ppp over a double dialup cellular band05:59
MadHaTTer_000i remember some  crappy gui was where i edityed the dns addresses before kind of reminded me of the old win 3.1 or a manufactor gui but i dont remember how to get there06:03
MadHaTTer_000i think it was a gkk or gkksudo that opened it before06:04
MadHaTTer_000actually it was the gui that comes up when originally installing ubuntu server06:05
MadHaTTer_000i know for sure thats where i need to go to edit the dns addresses but i dont remember how to get there06:06
MadHaTTer_000hey whats the command i need to enter to kill the pid in wvdial.conf?06:48
=== robbiew1 is now known as robbiew
MadHaTTer_000hey just looking for something simple how do i get a serial device to tell me its mac?07:19
iggiMadHaTTer_000: I will try that, but I had done chmod 777 to the dir so it had everything to everyone (for testing only of course).07:28
iggitwb: I made the owner of the DIR the user libvirt was running as07:29
twbiggi: that's not what I asked.07:29
MadHaTTer_000hey does anyone know how to get the mac of a serial dev in terminal?07:30
MadHaTTer_000anyone around?07:52
uvirtbotNew bug: #726386 in squid (main) "package squid 2.7.STABLE7-1ubuntu12.1 failed to install/upgrade: Unterprozess installiertes post-installation-Skript gab den Fehlerwert 1 zurück" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72638608:01
uvirtbotNew bug: #726382 in squid (main) "package squid 2.7.STABLE7-1ubuntu12.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72638208:02
=== ugmg is now known as tap-out
tap-outi get this error when i ping from windows 7 to my vm ubunut server08:16
tap-outdestination host unreachable08:17
tap-outany suggestion or idea !!!08:17
MadHaTTer_000Carrier detected.  Starting PPP immediately.08:18
MadHaTTer_000--> Starting pppd at Sun Feb 27 23:17:30 201108:18
MadHaTTer_000--> Pid of pppd: 536908:18
MadHaTTer_000--> Disconnecting at Sun Feb 27 23:17:31 201108:18
MadHaTTer_000--> The PPP daemon has died: pppd options error (exit code = 2)08:18
MadHaTTer_000--> man pppd explains pppd error codes in more detail.08:18
MadHaTTer_000--> I guess that's it for now, exiting08:18
MadHaTTer_000--> The PPP daemon has died. (exit code = 2)08:18
jussiMadHaTTer_000: please use a pastebin :)08:18
MadHaTTer_000sorry jussi08:19
tap-outdestination host unreachable   any thing about this error08:20
MadHaTTer_000bad host ip or disconnected cord08:20
tap-out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   guys wake up  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!08:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:21
MadHaTTer_000im awake tap08:21
tap-outany sugg08:21
tap-outi am using vmware08:22
MadHaTTer_000check ur cords and then check your host ip08:22
Datztap-out: net working from VM?08:23
MadHaTTer_000and ur route08:23
tap-outmadhatter_000, ,datz,no any network just my laptop  with win 7 and vmware with ubuntu server 10.0.4 installed08:23
MadHaTTer_000ohh i feel like spewing08:23
tap-outif i use dhcp the ping from my host to the vm work ,but when i use static ip not work08:24
Datztap-out: get you get internet from within ubuntu server VM?08:24
Datzcan you*08:24
tap-outi can ping from the server google08:25
Datzhow do you have networking set up? NAT, or bridged?08:26
DatzI guess this is probably a VMware issue08:26
DatzIf you can, try to set up as bridged.. that's what I use without problems08:26
Datzthen restart VM I guess08:27
tap-outdatz, ok i try that , thanks08:27
MadHaTTer_000my problem is as stated above does anyone know how to fix?08:30
MadHaTTer_000actually nevermind i think i found it08:31
MadHaTTer_000amazingly in english08:32
MadHaTTer_000jeeze didnt work ;(08:39
MadHaTTer_000what is it with pppd it just doesnt work for crap no matter what i try08:40
=== deegee_ is now known as plustwo
MadHaTTer_000can anyone hel;p me with my pppd problem as previously specified?08:44
MadHaTTer_000preferably without referring me to a forum that was just searched and ive probally already been to08:45
MadHaTTer_000please someone help me with this http://pastebin.com/i2XHvN3Q08:55
MadHaTTer_000i think the corn flakes have made me sick :(09:03
MadHaTTer_000i just discovered peanut butter, corn flakes and rasins dont go very well togather09:36
MadHaTTer_000who woulda thought09:36
folkloremad ofcourse they do09:38
twbMadHaTTer_000: you need to blend them first09:38
MadHaTTer_000well they taste good togather but their making me wanna puke ive eaten alot09:39
twbMadHaTTer_000: "--> Cannot get information for serial port." you need to tell it to use ttyUSB0 or whatever09:39
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
MadHaTTer_000i did09:39
MadHaTTer_000Modem = /dev/ttyUSB009:39
MadHaTTer_000in wvdial.conf09:40
MadHaTTer_000heres what my wvdial.conf looks like http://pastebin.com/iMx4Z9UC09:41
MadHaTTer_000any more ideas twb?09:44
twbNope, I only use pppd for PPPoA, PPPoE and (ugh!) pptp.09:45
twbYou would be looking in /etc/ppp/peers/<provider name>09:45
twbI don't know anything about wvdial; I think it's just a wrapper that sets up /etc/ppp/ for you09:45
MadHaTTer_000yeah i hear that alot no one uses wvdial for ages but unfortunetly im stuck with this inet connection09:46
twbYou can always just write /etc/ppp stuff yourself, by hand09:46
twbThe main hurdle is taht it's not very well documented09:46
MadHaTTer_000yeah i already wrote resolv.conf what else?09:47
MadHaTTer_000i mean i already made a link to the passwordfd.so in lib which was suppiosed to fix this problem but it didnt09:52
twbUh... resolv.conf isn't going to do anything unless you can actually raise a ppp0 interface.09:52
twbI have no idea what you think "passwordfd.so" is supposed to do09:52
MadHaTTer_000yeah i know but i finally got it to take the correct dns addresses09:53
twbYou should be reading the documentation in /usr/share/doc/pppd/09:53
twbIf your dialup provider does the right thing, resolv.conf will be rewritten automatically.09:53
MadHaTTer_000this is y i made the link09:54
MadHaTTer_000closest thing i could find to a solution09:54
MadHaTTer_000this is what /var/log/messages says09:57
MadHaTTer_000kernel: [11996.958601] npviewer.bin[6117]: segfault at 418 ip 00000000f60c7d16 sp 00000000ffcd1838 error 6 in libflashplayer.so[f5e5a000+b5f000]09:57
twb20:53 <twb> You should be reading the documentation in /usr/share/doc/pppd/09:57
twbMadHaTTer_000: that log is saying that flash crashed, it's not related to pppd.09:57
MadHaTTer_000ill take a look and see if ive already read it or not09:58
twbMadHaTTer_000: you should be reading system documentation BEFORE resorting to "random blog I found"09:58
MadHaTTer_000yeah that system doc ur talking about doesnt exist on my sys10:00
MadHaTTer_000it goes from pppconfig to pppoeconf10:01
MadHaTTer_000no pppd10:01
laenSome quality Ubuntu support right here! ;)10:02
twbMadHaTTer_000: then your system is buggered, because /usr/share/doc/ppp/ is full of documentation, provided by the ppp package, upon which pppoeconf depends.10:03
MadHaTTer_000ha b4 u said /pppd/10:04
MadHaTTer_000not ppp10:04
twbMadHaTTer_000: sorry, typo10:04
MadHaTTer_000so what should i be reading in here?10:05
twbProbably start with README.Debian.gz if there is one10:05
MadHaTTer_000k i read it didnt help at all though10:25
MadHaTTer_000looks like the ps aux command might come in handy later10:39
laenThat is a strange thing to say.10:39
MadHaTTer_000how so?10:39
laenAs if ps is a special command to solve your problem :)10:40
MadHaTTer_000no haha but it will help with my problem which has to do with the pid10:41
uvirtbotNew bug: #726451 in squid (main) "package squid 2.7.STABLE7-1ubuntu12.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72645110:41
laenOr to use it with another tool, "That ls command might come in handy".10:41
MadHaTTer_000of courase i dont take that command as a solution just helpful for the info i will be needing later like dmesg or lshw would be for a dif problem10:43
kworkhello, is there any good reason why not to instal postgres-8.3 from karmic to lucid?10:54
ikoniakwork: yes, mixing repos breaks dependencies10:54
kworkeven if i setup the preferences file correctly?10:55
kworkand assign low priority to karmic packages10:55
ikoniakwork: your call, I wouldn't though10:55
kworkwhat would be the "correct" way to install old-software to lucid then?10:55
ikonianot to do it is the real way10:56
kworkthats not an option at the moment10:56
ikoniapersonally if you need an old package I'd have it built against the current dependencies of your distro10:56
ikoniaeg: say it uses libc v 1 in karmic, I'd have it built against libc v2 in lucid10:56
ikoniabut the same base version from karmic10:56
uvirtbotNew bug: #726461 in openssh (main) "sshd on lucid causes kernel panic" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72646110:57
laenSshd, ew! Remove it!10:58
jpdsAll the cool kids use telnet.11:00
kworkikonia,  okey thanks for your input11:01
ikoniakwork: sorry it's not a "just do it" thing, but that's my opinion11:04
MadHaTTer_000hey ikonia ive been waiting for you11:05
MadHaTTer_000any chance your willing to unbann me from #ubuntu?11:06
jpdsMadHaTTer_000: #ubuntu-ops.11:09
aliveriushttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Drupal says there is drupal 7 but i cant find it in the repos11:17
* TheInfinity would not install drupal via apt-get11:25
aliveriusjust copy the drupal files right?11:28
aliveriusi am new to drupal and web stuff11:28
azizLIGHTShow do i run php files on the lighttpd12:17
uvirtbotNew bug: #726502 in bacula (main) "package bacula-director-mysql (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72650212:51
Aisonhello :)13:08
AisonI search a movie web database software (eg. that synchronize with imdb or so)13:09
Aisonon my ubuntu server i've got over 1500 divx movies :P and maybe it would be funny to have got such kind of software13:09
zul_jamespage: done13:54
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jamespagezul: thanks :-)13:55
zulback to your regularily scheduled program13:57
jdstrandScottK: are you aware of another botched clamav db?13:59
guampais it ok to just discard all "bad header" mails with amavis?14:04
guampai'm getting rid of some nasty spams with that but i wonder if some legit mail will get discarded too14:04
MadHaTTer_000i usually just make a few filters for certain words like special offer million billion nigeria and a few others14:05
guampahmm, that'd be good14:07
guampaand i plug those filters to amavis?14:07
guampanm ill search for howtos14:08
guampaanyway, the possibility to discard legit mail b/c bad headers persist right?14:09
guampathat is what i want to find out14:09
pmatulisguampa: i reject mail in that way but i've never had a false positive (4 yrs now)14:13
guampathats just great14:13
pmatulisguampa: (i have a warning sent to my inbox still however; more out of interest)14:13
guampai'll leave that in place then14:13
Aisoni've got two amd64 x6 machines. I would play a littlebit with multicomputer multicore systems. Can I somehow make a master/slave system with this two machines, where I've got 2cpus with 6cores that look like one machine?14:15
Aisonconnected over LAN14:15
jdstrandScottK: fyi, that would be a yes. 12790 fixes it14:15
guampaAison: perhaps with openSSI you could14:16
guampahaven't used it yet, though14:16
Aisonwell, I will take a look at it14:16
pmatulisAison: you want to run a single job across both your systems?14:18
Aisonpmatulis, yes14:31
Aisonpmatulis, the jobs are memory and cpu intensiv. but memory accesses between two threads are quite low. so memory localitiy is not a big problem14:32
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pmatulisAison: this is often called a beowulf cluster, search for that14:46
RoAkSoAxzul: howdy!! are you busy? can you sponsor bug #648202 ? :)15:07
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 648202 in vsftpd "vsftpd started even if not in standalone mode" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64820215:07
zulRoAkSoAx: sure gimme a few15:07
RoAkSoAxzul: cool thank you!15:07
RoAkSoAxI'm also preparing SRU's15:08
RoAkSoAxbut will bother you with that later today15:08
seicherlbobhi there! I have set up a svn server on ubuntu lucid. I grant svn+ssh access to a changerooted environment. The user can log on and use local svn list, but not remotely. It seems the user is not authenticated when using svn+ssh.15:10
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ScottKjdstrand: I hadn't been.16:06
zulRoAkSoAx: done16:13
RoAkSoAxzul: thanks!!16:16
hallynyou need better window focus mgt  :)16:18
RoAkSoAxhallyn: indeed :P16:25
RoAkSoAxzul: could you please take a look at bug #648202 again? I just uploaded 2 debdiffs for lucid and maverick SRU's that need sponsoring :)17:11
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 648202 in vsftpd "vsftpd started even if not in standalone mode" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64820217:11
zulRoAkSoAx:yep right after lunch17:12
RoAkSoAxzul: cool thanks ;)17:13
azizLIGHTSdoes ubuntu server automatically update packages?17:18
patdk-wkazizLIGHTS, only if you tell it to17:24
azizLIGHTSbecause i notice it used to say 9 packages can be updated or something like that onlogin17:25
azizLIGHTSnow it doesnt say it anymore17:25
azizLIGHTShow come17:25
patdk-wkthat isn't autoupdate17:31
patdk-wkmust be the nightly cron is failing that does apt-get update, or the login status printer doesn't work (or load is too high so it doesn't run)17:31
patdk-wknone of mine print that info though, but I always install minimal17:32
patdk-wklooks like you have to have landscape installed to get that info17:36
g0bl1nWhat is the best way to be sure a document is printed and got no errors ?17:38
g0bl1nour app needs to print 20.000 documents and if any is not printed, we have a problem (invoices)17:39
patdk-wkcompare the printed document to the origional?17:41
g0bl1nI want the printing service to report upon error17:42
g0bl1nwhere should I head? CUPS ?17:42
azizLIGHTSpatdk-wk: whats wrong with my systrem then? hows to fix it17:43
patdk-wkazizLIGHTS, I dunno, and doesn't mean anything is wrong, I just listed like 5 different possibilities17:44
azizLIGHTShow can nightly apt-get update fail? it knows i havent installed 9 packages uptodate, how can it "forget" even if next update failed17:45
azizLIGHTSmy load is not high at all17:45
azizLIGHTSi used ec2 image  from aazon17:45
patdk-wklaunchpad is installed and working?17:45
azizLIGHTSwhat is launchpad17:46
patdk-wkwhat gives you that message your *missing*17:46
azizLIGHTShow to check?17:46
patdk-wkdunno, never used launchpad17:47
azizLIGHTS$ dpkg -l launchpad17:47
azizLIGHTSNo packages found matching launchpad.17:47
azizLIGHTS$ dpkg -l | grep "launchpad"17:48
azizLIGHTSii  python-launchpadlib               1.6.0-0ubuntu1                    Launchpad web services client library17:48
patdk-wklandscape :)17:48
patdk-wkit's landscape not launchpad17:48
patdk-wkI said that way above but oyu ignored it, then I confused myself17:48
laenLandscape, so you can see what the weather is at the datacenter every login.17:48
azizLIGHTSyes i see it17:49
azizLIGHTStwo packages: landscape-client and landscape-common17:49
laenHave never seen anything that annoying and useless.17:49
patdk-wklaen, only if the server at the datacenter knows where it's located :)17:49
azizLIGHTSthis came in the ami lol what to do17:49
patdk-wklaen, ya I don't use it, based on my build systems apt-get ugrade, and the security maillist, don't see the point\17:49
laenSuch a bish to remove and fix it so the company MOTD is displayed correctly.17:50
azizLIGHTSso basically landscape broke?17:50
azizLIGHTSfor me17:50
patdk-wkthat is easy, kill update-motd17:50
laenRemove it, you don't need landscape.17:50
azizLIGHTSpatdk-wk: isthat command for me "kill update-motd"17:50
patdk-wkthat isn't a command17:51
azizLIGHTSis it for me though?17:51
azizLIGHTSto do17:51
azizLIGHTSpseduo command17:51
azizLIGHTSthat will fix lanscape?17:52
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:52
laenapt-get install pseudo-command landscape-fixes17:52
azizLIGHTSlaen: .... what?17:53
RyanPDoes anyone have any experience creating LVM partitions using preseed and/or kickstart? I'm trying to build an automated server install and things aren't behaving as the documents seem to suggest they should.17:53
patdk-wkazizLIGHTS, most likely update-motd or landscape isn't working17:53
azizLIGHTSpatdk-wk: i see17:53
laenRyanP: wish i was at work, i could hand you the examples. Should be in the docs though.17:54
azizLIGHTSpatdk-wk: landscape-sysinfo shows correctly on login, its the part about how many package updates there are that is missing/disappear17:55
azizLIGHTSmaybe it is landscape-package-reporter, it is giving LOTS ERRORS17:55
RyanPlaen: I have been through the documents. What I could find for preseed was rather sparse. Were you using kickstart or preseed to create the partitions?17:56
laenRyanP: preseed17:56
patdk-wkazizLIGHTS, it does here too17:56
patdk-wkbut works17:57
uvirtbotNew bug: #726675 in squid (main) "package squid 2.7.STABLE7-1ubuntu12.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72667517:57
laenRyanP: you could as well try the debian documentation on preseed/kickstart and auto-install.17:57
patdk-wkso it's update-notifier17:57
patdk-wkman, documention so annoying sometimes17:57
laenRyanP: i just have a terminal in front of me, no graphical environment so i can't even help you search right now.17:58
pmatulislaen: use a non-graphical browser17:58
laenpmatulis: got it, but that's far from "quickly searching something" :)17:59
azizLIGHTSpatdk-wk: ok well i see. as long as its not updating automatically im ok17:59
RyanPlaen: Well, I'll try searching the Debian stuff. But, just to confirm you were able to use preseed to automatically create LVM partitions to your specifications?17:59
laenRyanP: believe so yes17:59
RyanPlaen: Well that gives me some more hope. I was starting to wonder if this particular thing actually worked. Thanks.18:00
laenRyanP: we're migrating away from LVM lately though so i'd have to dig it up wednesday, i'll check up with you if you still want the info.18:00
RyanPlaen: I'd be happy to see anything you wouldn't mind sharing..18:01
laenRyanP: d-i partman-lvm18:02
RyanPlaen: Bah. googling "Debian preseed" comes up with a bunch of stuff I haven't seen. Yes, I was trying partman-lvm, but apparently not doing the right thing.18:03
laenGlad you found more info :)18:03
dustgIf I just want to run walrus so that I can have a local S3 compatible interface for testing, is that possible? Or do I need to have the whole eucalyptus stack? Likewise, will have to create a storage cluster, or is it easy to just use a local folder to serve as storage space?18:24
zulhallyn: ping so lxcguest if you arent in a container it shouldnt do anything right?18:33
zuldustg: you might want to look at swift im not sure how s3 compatibly it is18:33
hallynzul: correct18:34
hallynit'll start up and check the boot arguments, and not find the lxc argument, so stop18:34
dustgI was looking at swift, but I had the impression it pretty much required a cluster18:38
ranamaloi'm trying to use yaml to setup puppet client instances in ec2 following this guide: http://ubuntumathiaz.wordpress.com/2010/03/24/using-puppet-in-uecec2-puppet-support-in-ubuntu-images/ it's not working.  Here is the yaml template: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/lucid/cloud-init/lucid/annotate/head%3A/doc/examples/cloud-config-puppet.txt.  When I paste that in the user-data field the instance boots up but doesn't con18:39
ranamalotact the puppetmaster and I then can't get into it via ssh.  Any ideas?18:39
azizLIGHTShow do i restart lighttpd18:58
azizLIGHTSservice command?18:58
azizLIGHTSwhat is it18:58
lynxmanazizLIGHTS: service lightttpd restart19:05
zulRoAkSoAx: can you use bzr branches for the vsftpd SRU stuff19:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #726722 in squid (main) "package squid 2.7.STABLE7-1ubuntu12.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72672219:07
lynxmankirkland ping19:07
lynxmanhey zul o/19:07
kirklandlynxman: pong19:07
zullynxman: hey19:09
dustgout of curiousity, what's the reason things have moved to using 'service servicename command' instead of '/etc/init.d/servicename command'19:09
RoAkSoAxzul: sure19:09
zuldustg: its the same thing19:10
lynxmankirkland: just a question for you, is there any way we can control in which order a metapackage installs files?19:10
kirklanddustg: you can use either;  service is just nice in that it works with both upstart AND old fashion init scripts19:11
lynxmankirkland: I'm finding this issue with mcollective-server metapackage were mcollectived starts before rabbitmq is in place19:11
kirklandlynxman: no19:11
kirklandlynxman: you would need to move some stuff into a separate package19:11
lynxmanso mcollective then feels silly about trying to connect to an mq server that is not there19:11
lynxmanhmm I see19:11
kirklandlynxman: and then pre-depend on it (which is frowned upon, but can be done)19:11
lynxmankirkland: hmm I see19:11
kirklandlynxman: give me your desired order ...19:12
lynxmankirkland: rabbitmq -> mcollective19:12
lynxmanotherwise mcollective will error19:12
kirklandlynxman: right, so mcollective would need to pre-depend on rabbitmq19:13
kirkland(which can happen)19:13
lynxmankirkland: hmm... not really, since we just need one rabbitmq for all mcollective daemons19:13
kirklandlynxman: honestly, this is what ensemble promises to solve ;-)19:13
lynxmankirkland: hehe19:13
lynxmankirkland: no need to sell me on that, I'm game :)19:14
mklappstuhlcan anyone point me to a guide that tells me how to setup ubuntu-server as a kvm guest? (not ubuntu as host)19:16
patdk-wkhmm, you just install it?19:16
patdk-wkthe whole point of a kvm guest, is it's no different from a real computer19:16
mklappstuhlpatdk-wk: yeah, but i'd like to setup virtio for example19:17
mklappstuhlso i need to add kernel modules19:17
patdk-wkmklappstuhl, what version of ubuntu?19:19
patdk-wkshould be installed already19:20
mklappstuhli need to rebuild the initramfs with virtio included etc.19:20
mklappstuhlpatdk-wk: ah, okay o.O :D19:20
patdk-wkyou shouldn't have to19:20
patdk-wkatleast my 10.04 has them all installed, in -generic they are modules, installer will put them into initramfs19:20
patdk-wkand in -server they are mostly all compiled in19:21
zulhallyn: ping19:41
hallynzul: (in mtg, but here)19:41
zulhallyn: so i want to get lxcguest but i have to do a mir for lxcguest and lxc is that kosher with you?19:42
hallyni thought lxc was in main19:43
hallynhm, guess not19:43
hallynzul: not sure if we want to do something like not install lxc-cap...19:44
zulok ill get cracking on it19:46
sdudenhoferis there a way to reset what i have changed to my openssl setup? to reset back to default?19:46
patdk-wkopenssl setup?19:46
patdk-wkI think the only posible changes are opensl.cnf19:47
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sdudenhoferI followed this community documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenSSL would me changing file location from where it first asks to create the file to the one that is already included in /usr/lib/ssl screw something up?19:50
sdudenhoferthats probably really confusing19:57
sdudenhoferare there official docs for setting openssl up to generate a CSR is this what you should use? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenSSL20:06
JasonMSP sdudenhofer: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/certificates-and-security.html20:09
JasonMSPchange the number to your system.  im 10.04 for instance.20:10
sdudenhoferthanks I'll give that a run through20:11
dustganyone have experience working around this bug:20:12
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 615442 in eucalyptus "euca-describe-users fails with ImportError: No module named euca_admin.users" [High,Confirmed]20:13
GargoyleHello. Can I change the text that is show above the main console login prompt?20:15
zuljamespage: i uploaded groovy20:20
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david506I did a debootstrap installation of my computer, but I am stuck because the grub boot loader won't install. I run dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc, it asks for "linux command line" which is blank, it than asks for default command line, "quiet splash", immediately followed by "Continue without installing GRUB?". On an existing machine, there is an extra page "GRUB install devices". Why do I not see this page when installing this maching ? TH20:44
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RoAkSoAxzul: done lp:~andreserl/ubuntu/lucid/vsftpd/sru1 and lp:~andreserl/ubuntu/maverick/vsftpd/sru120:49
jamespagezul: thanks!21:05
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SystemTyrantI'm curious if any of you use ubuntu server for mission critical applications and whether or not you have a paid support agreement in place?21:10
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Jeeves_SystemTyrant: I know 100's of mission critical servers running ubuntu21:11
Jeeves_without a support agreement21:11
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Jeeves_(Ow, and I use it myself too :))21:11
SystemTyrantJeeves_: Do you know what any  of them are used for? ie file server, database server, etc?21:12
Jeeves_databases, webserver, ftp, online back-up, fileserver, virtualisation servers21:13
Jeeves_Just about anything, really21:13
SystemTyrantThanks Jeeves.21:13
Jeeves_SystemTyrant: I've got no clue how the Canonical support is21:14
Jeeves_But I haven't heard any complaints about it either :)21:14
SystemTyrantI'm about to embark on moving our document storage over to Nuxeo DM which will be on ubuntu lts servers and will have postgresql backends (also on ubuntu servers).21:15
Jeeves_Sounds good21:16
SystemTyrantI like ubuntu, but I've never really had the chance to talk to anybody actually running them in production or as mission critical. I figured people have to be somewhere. :)21:16
SystemTyrantAnd of course pretty much all of it will be run without paid product support.21:16
bluefrogwithout product support?21:21
bluefrogwould be irresponsible not to have support, how come you don't have any?21:22
bobsappanyone got any idea on how to remote monitor linux hosts with nagios?22:30
bobsappI've installed nagios, but using NRPE on a remote host22:30
andygraybealif you guys don't mind holding my hand, i have a newb question.  i want my girl to be able to change chown and chmod some files, but only in a certain directory and every directory under that (recursively) .. but i don't want her to be able to do this on any other files!  if that makes sense.22:39
andygraybealhow do i go about doing that?22:39
david506I want to have my text console at a resolution of 1280x1024, I read I need to add vga=794, but every time I boot with that in the kernel line, the monitor says "out of sync"22:41
leniosandygraybeal, if you make her owner of this directory, it should work as expected22:55
andygraybeallenios, ah interesting, thank you; even if she isn't owner of the files inside of the directory?22:57
andygraybealwhat if she is part of the group that is owner of the directory?22:57
leniosyou must first give her owner22:57
leniosyou can chown -R22:58
andygraybealokay, thank you :)22:59
lenioschown and chmod should only work for current user, not group22:59
warrenchildhello everyone!!! I have a question!! I set up a PPTP VPN using unbuntu server and it works perfectly!! I was wondering though how many people can connect at one time?23:04
warrenchildI have added more than one user and password, and they both work as well.23:05
andygraybeallenios, thank you!!  works23:05
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warrenchildhello everyone!!! I have a question!! I set up a PPTP VPN using unbuntu server and it works perfectly!! I was wondering though how many people can connect at one time?23:10
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ENOSLEEPwarrenchild: that's going to depend on the amount of RAM, your CPU and your network connection.  You do realize that PPTP is not an encrypted connection, right?23:14
warrenchildso I shoud use another?23:16
warrenchildwhat one is just as easy to set up that is encrypted23:16
warrenchildI though it was encrypted23:16
warrenchildenosleep: what do you sugest?23:17
dustgeasiest temporary thing is ssh proxy.23:18
warrenchildwell this will not be temp23:18
warrenchildwould  happen to know a good walk through to set that up?23:19
warrenchilddustg: ^^^23:19
dustgnot off my head23:20
dustgthere are probably other options, too23:20
dustgI'm not at home so my vpn bookmarks aren't around23:20
warrenchildthank you dustg23:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #726856 in puppet (main) "package puppetmaster 2.6.4-2ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72685623:21
warrenchildabd enosleep23:21
ENOSLEEPwarrenchild: I would suggest OpenVPN.23:31
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