
dutchieAzelphur: i hope you have about 15 million gigs of ram too00:00
ali1234so what kind of server are you going to make?00:00
Azelphur8GB with more if needed00:00
Azelphuratm it's creative, It isn't set in stone yet though00:00
* ali1234 guesses the server name correctly first time00:04
Azelphurali1234: haha you found it?00:12
Azelphurali1234: you must be chinnybob :P00:12
daftykinsaww i was watching videos early last week on minecraft00:18
daftykinsbut i didn't want to pay for something ahead of a trial00:18
daftykinsdo i sound crazy? :>00:19
Azelphurnah, my friend was asking for a trial too earlier00:20
daftykinsoh you can run your own server and let people on?00:24
ali1234only if they bought it00:24
ali1234it's well worth the money though00:24
Azelphurali1234: re minecraft, I have weird issues where it lags for single players but not others00:26
ali1234the network code is pretty rubbish00:27
Azelphurit's happened to me a bunch of times, where I'll type something in minecraft, and see it come up in the server over ssh 20 seconds before it appears in the text box on the client for example00:27
ali1234round-trip ping...00:27
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ali1234aw, and i nearly had the roof on01:57
Azelphurali1234: lol, it's not released yet as I say02:01
Azelphurit will be getting reset02:01
AzelphurI'm in the midst of setting it up02:01
ali1234you should turn mobs on, it's too easy withut them02:02
Azelphurbut they destroy your magical creation02:02
ali1234not if you build it properly02:02
Azelphurtrue :P02:02
ali1234anyway, no lag issues, only the usual minecraft bugs02:03
Azelphurali1234: we're all discussing it on my irc channel, I'm kinda making decisions in the cloud :p02:03
Azelphurso if you wanna join I'll raise the idea :P02:03
ali1234didn't see any chunk errors either, so that's good02:03
Azelphurjust getting a few nice plugins for it now02:03
Azelphurmainly player ability to toggle PVP mode, Ability to lock things, Version control, and banning fire :P02:04
ali1234i guess you'll want to ban TNT too then02:04
Azelphurnah, TNT has it's uses02:05
Azelphurfire doesn't really lol02:05
Azelphur*shrug* might ban TNT too02:05
ali1234oh yeah, without mobs you can make arrows but not a bow02:08
ali1234and you can't make TNT02:09
Azelphurhehe :P02:10
HazRPGhey all03:24
arsendaftykins   lol04:07
arsenfunny how "coarseness" has my name in it :(04:08
HazRPGarsen: it does?04:52
HazRPGWoot! Just caught my first pokemon!05:06
HazRPGsame there isn't a working emu for DreamCast on linux05:07
* HazRPG looks at his Jet Set Radio box sadly05:07
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
cardinalzerohey HazRPG how are you today06:20
HazRPGcardinalzero: I'm good thanks, how's you?06:21
HazRPGhow's everyone doing this morning?06:37
jamconnect irc.esper.net07:03
HazRPGthere's a / missing from that :P07:32
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HazRPGhmm, I'm having trouble calibrating my ps3 controller08:05
andylockranhey guys08:56
andylockrandoes the kernel log the timestamp the message was generated, or the time the message was logged in /var/log/messages?08:56
MartijnVdSandylockran: the kernel logs a (its own) time stamp09:08
MartijnVdSandylockran: the time in /var/log/kern.log is the time it was received/processed by syslog09:09
AlanBellmorning all09:12
jamooer didn't know i was in this channel09:12
jamGood morning09:12
AlanBellhi jam09:13
DJonesMorning all09:13
AlanBellspeaking of jam, I think it is time for some toast09:13
jamstrawberry of course09:13
HazRPGhey all :)09:20
* BigRedS notes that Joomla doesn't like PHP5.309:26
MartijnVdS\o daubers09:32
JamesTaitGuten Morgen bis alles! Glücklich Montag!09:33
MartijnVdSGlückliche* ;)09:34
=== dogmatic69_ is now known as dogmatic69
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)09:35
pr0ph3thi all10:09
pr0ph3twhat is the most secure way to set up a VPN in ubuntu?10:09
JamesTaitMartijnVdS: Thanks for the correction. I'm actually quite pleased that that was the only one!10:10
lubotu3For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN10:10
HazRPGI thought vpn was already a built-in function?10:12
HazRPGor at least OpenVPN was...10:12
daubers\o/ openVPN10:15
HazRPGhurray for chicken!10:16
pr0ph3terhm, sorry I am not connecting to an existing VPN, I need to connect to my linux box from another machine through a VPN,  if that make sense10:22
pr0ph3tso I need to set up the VPN10:23
pr0ph3ton ubuntu10:23
Myrttido you need vpn or would any vpn like solution suffice?10:23
pr0ph3tMyrtti a PtPP VPN10:24
pr0ph3tit's to connect remotely to VLC mainly, to stream media from remote10:24
pr0ph3tbasically is what in windows is called an incoming connection? That's how I set it up on windows 710:26
pr0ph3tdoes that make sense?10:27
pr0ph3tso I want to set up a VPN server on ubuntu, that's what I need to do, I think10:35
lubotu3OpenVPN is a vpn technology in Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install openvpn and then see http://openvpn.net/ and see the documentation "HOWTO" noting you have already installed it. ;-) It rocks!10:35
drivlexjoin #the_nexus10:38
pr0ph3tthanks popey10:40
directhexopenvpn is hard to get right10:41
directhexand a PITA with windows clients10:41
directhexopenvpn is not pptp10:41
directhexusing pptpd involves setting up Samba for windows active directory nonsense10:42
daubersdirecthex: Any VPN tech is hard to get right.10:44
Myrttifor any other use I'd recommend ssh portforwarding, but I suppose the throughput might be too little with ssh taking its toll10:44
pr0ph3tdirecthex, so if I need the point to point protocol I should use pptpd, or it doesn't matter I can use openvpn because they are both difficult to set up?10:49
MartijnVdSAnother bug I reported has been marked duplicate of something10:50
MartijnVdSI don't know what that "something" is though10:50
Myrttiptpp is just a term for one type of vpn10:50
MartijnVdSas the bug is s3kr1t10:50
Myrttia vpn is a vpn10:50
DJonesThis could be a bit inconvinient for vodafone customers http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-12595681 disruption after a break-in in Basingstoke11:03
screen-xhi all :)11:17
BigRedSgood morning!11:17
davmor2morning all11:17
daubersThe more I read about the banshee/amazon thing, the more I start wondering how many of the more ... loud... FOSS advocates may be a bit out of touch with reality (and possibly leaning towards the marxist type philosophy)11:22
daubersNot that that's a bad thing. Just quite an interesting thing appearing because of assorted events11:23
directhexi understand all sides on the matter11:25
directhexpart of it is sticker shock11:25
directhexi.e. "btw, we've never contributed to your app but we're taking 75% and your milkshake. kkthxbye"11:26
directhexwhich isn't entirely fair. canonical people are behind the mpris plugin afaik, and they've taken over maintainership of the u1ms plugin11:26
Laneyi thought bertrand wrote mpris11:27
ali1234daubers: lots and lots of them are completely nuts11:27
directhexLaney, did he? i'll check git11:27
Laneydoing too!11:27
Laneyrace you11:27
directhex"free software advocates" are mostly non-contributing nutjobs with blogs11:27
daubersYeah, I can see both sides, but it seems a bit nieve to not expect a corporate entity to want to make money out of something that they spend resources on integrating11:28
ali1234directhex: advocacy is a contribution (lol)11:28
directhexali1234, "free software advocates" turn off people, not turn them on. they actively reduce free software adoption.11:28
ali1234directhex: yeah i know, hence (lol)11:29
Myrttidaubers: s/nieve/naïve/11:29
directhexdaubers, who spent the resources, though? Laney has done more for banshee integration than all of canonical combined, and he's not even banshee maintainer11:29
directhexdo canonical need funding? yes. but there needs to have been a significantly more transparent approach to the question of affiliate revenue in apps11:31
directhexwhat next, switching paypal donate links in gnome-do?11:31
daubersdirecthex: Maybe, but they're still giving up resources on their "product" (i.e. the Ubuntu Desktop, CD, blah blah blah) when they could spend resources making a banshee clone (ignoring the same arguments that would bring up)11:31
ali1234if gnome-do was the official UI, then probably11:31
daubersdirecthex: That I agree on, as much as I dislike the Apple "we take 25% of everything" approach, at least it's predictable11:32
mungojerrydaubers: the irony is that some trolls who have been commenting widely on blogs regarding the banshee thing have been saying "i hope Mint/other project replace canonicals referral code and take the revenue".11:33
mungojerryso it sounds more like canonical hate...11:34
directhexdaubers, it's more emotive than the previous times they've done it (e.g. firefox) because the money is being redirected from the non-profit gnome foundation. i.e. banshee devs wrote the addin to make money for gnome, and canonical's approach can be summed up as "yoink!"11:34
daubersI thought some other distros already replaced the code anyway? Or was that misinformation?11:35
mungojerrydaubers: i would expect that they do replace it too11:36
screen-xbanshee should pop up a dialogue when you first access the amazon store that says "who dya wanna support" with a load of logos underneath..11:36
ali1234"not amazon"11:37
MyrttiI'm so envious at czajkowski and her holiday by a swimming pool it hurts...11:38
mungojerryhaven't seen the sun in over 5 yrs11:38
* mungojerry needs to get over his issues with flying11:39
MyrttiI don't really like being on a beach holiday, but any kind of holiday would be lovely11:39
* daubers is looking forward to his boating holiday11:39
Myrttimungojerry: you don't want to live my life then...11:39
directhexflying is fine. it's bridges that scare me11:39
screen-xMyrtti: Beaches are for launching :)11:39
screen-xdaubers: boating++11:39
Myrttior even less my bf's life11:39
daubersdirecthex: bridges--11:39
mungojerrydirecthex: at least you can close your eyes over a bridge...flying and the whole rigmorole is too much11:40
mungojerryfor a whole day more or less11:40
Myrttihe flies twice a week approximately11:40
daubersmungojerry: Not advisable if you're driving over said bridge11:40
directhexmungojerry, dealing with airport security is poopy, but i'm fine with the flying part11:40
Myrttiflew yesterday, flies on thursday, then on sunday, and then again on sunday11:40
directhexalways have been11:40
=== popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! http://ubuntu-uk.org | This channel is publicly archived: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Mailing List: http://tinyurl.com/uukml | Support Guidelines - http://tinyurl.com/uuksupport | Meeting Thursday March 3rd 21:00 GMT in #ubuntu-uk-meeting http://tinyurl.com/uukmeet | Flying, beaches, bridges.
directhexwas flying unaccompanied from age 511:40
davmor2Myrtti: don't be she'll have a fortnights worth of grief off of me to make up for her not being here this week :D11:40
mungojerryi used to fly a lot11:40
mungojerrybut then developed a bit of a phobia11:41
Myrttidavmor2: I'm sure whatever you'll come up with is less than what I have in my hands.11:41
mungojerryi could always try valium..11:41
davmor2Myrtti: That sounds so wrong :D11:42
screen-xmungojerry: I would have thought a good code problem/book/film would be more effective11:42
mungojerryscreen-x: it's more that it makes me v stressed and unwell..11:42
mungojerrymeaning that airport and claustrophobia of a plane would be v difficult11:43
daubersmungojerry: In that case stop taking bad code problems/books/films :p11:43
mungojerrythe wife understands though..she prefers sunny england11:43
screen-xmungojerry: wheres that?11:43
mungojerryeast of utopia and up the road from atlantic11:43
* AlanBell looks at davmor2 and points to the naughty step11:44
Myrttidavmor2: I'm too tired to make innuendos or understand possible puns I might be making, so if it sounds wrong, then it wasn't meant to.11:45
davmor2daubers: the best of the whole canonical thing is, due to canonical having their own agreement with amazon and their own code they could of legitimately swapped it out and not told anyone, no one would be any wiser this has all kicked off because Canonical were trying to do the right thing and use their code that they are allowed to do but still give something back :)11:45
davmor2Myrtti: Forgiven :)  You're not sound on top form everything okay?11:46
mungojerrybtw i heard that the unity screen that appears when you click the ubuntu icon is supposed to be full -screen..not on mine - anyone?11:46
daubersIn all honesty, I don't think I care too much about the whole thing. It doesn't affect any engineering decision, and business stuff is just a bit too dull to catch my interest these days11:46
Myrttidavmor2: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/02/25/%23ubuntu-uk.html#t20:2911:46
popey:( Myrtti11:47
davmor2Myrtti: Arse! Sorry to hear that11:47
daubersMyrtti: That sucks11:48
Myrttifor fun and profit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cholangiocarcinoma - I've not managed to read past the first sentence of third paragraph11:51
Myrttianyway, need to go to the national health insurance office to file some claims for mum11:53
SuperMattthat's how I'm rocking mt desktop right now11:58
mungojerryhe's behind the tree12:01
pr0ph3tI'm getting this message: MPPE required but peer negotiation failed, from pppd, which terminates. I am trying to connect to my VPN server without encryption because the client does not support it so I disabled it in the file /etc/ppp/options.pptp, but I still get the error message. Is there anywhere else I should remove the Encryption option?12:02
daubersSuperMatt: http://daubers.co.uk/~matt/desktop.png12:03
SuperMattnatty or maverick?12:03
SuperMattI tried to install natty, but I couldn't install nvidia drivers at the same time as xserver12:03
SuperMattso I dropped back to maverick12:04
SuperMattmaybe I'll try natty again next month12:04
ali1234that happens every time12:04
ali1234every time time during alpha i mean12:04
* SuperMatt nods12:05
SuperMattI'll wait a tiny bit longer, I'm in no rush12:05
SuperMattthough I ask myself: what is gnome 3 going to be like?12:06
ali1234"even worse"12:07
pr0ph3tSuperMatt, daubers, http://i55.tinypic.com/2n8u879.png12:07
SuperMatt"Microsoft gets a lot of stick for producing clunky software. But even during the dark days of the animated paperclip, or the infuriating ".docx" Word extension, they never shat out anything as abominable as iTunes – a hideous binary turd that transforms the sparkling world of music and entertainment into a stark, unintuitive spreadsheet." <- Oh Charlie Brooker, I love you even more now12:08
ali1234so true. people who think apple products are successfuly because they are easy to use and therefore should be copied, really need to put the mouse down and walk away from the computer12:10
SuperMatt"No one uses terms like "sync" in real life. Not even C3PO. If I sync my DVD collection with yours, will I end up with one, two, or no copies of Santa Claus the Movie? It's like trying to work out the consequences of time travel, but less fun, and with absolutely no chance of being adapted into a successful screenplay."12:10
screen-xand then they came up with the iPod iOS app, which is worse.12:10
BigRedSah yeah, I did enjoy that12:10
SuperMattI thought iTunes was good in the early days12:10
BigRedSexcept his apparent liking of moving music around by dragging and dropping the files12:10
SuperMattIt played music, and that was what it did12:10
BigRedSthat seems like a completely retarded way to do it as far as I can see12:10
SuperMattnow it does everything, apparently12:10
BigRedSSuperMatt: yeah, the last time I used iTunes it seems quite alright. about five years ago or so?12:11
ali1234BigRedS: why use a different metaphore for moving files, depending on what the file contains? that makes NO sense at all12:11
ali1234what if you don't know what the file contains? what then??12:11
BigRedSali1234: What? That's precisely the problem with moving it around as files. I want to move my songs based on what the song is, not on where the file happens to be12:11
ali1234thing is, if you don't use stuff like itunes, you'll actually know where the file "happened to be" - where you left it12:12
ali1234itunes is like when your mum tidies up your room and you can't find anything for weeks12:12
BigRedSali1234: Only if I particularly cared where it went when I got it, and I generally don't12:12
BigRedSI don't see why I'd need to, my music player appears to be able to find my music, index it and play it. I want to use exactly the information with which I choose music to play, to choose music to put on my mp3 player12:13
BigRedSto have to go from the rather nice abstraction of songs, artists and albums back into files on teh filesystem just seems like a backwards step12:13
BigRedSone which should be perfectly permissible, but it's a bit annoying that it's somehow seen as the process to aim for12:14
ali1234what you call a "nice abstraction of song..." i call a slow abomination of confusing mislabelled nonsense12:14
BigRedSmy songs are generally labelled correctly and named atrociously. I can't rely on the filenames, and drag and drop requires that I do12:14
pr0ph3twell I guess it might be useful for people like me that can't be asked to name the songs correctly and would rather have it done automatically12:17
pr0ph3talthough I hate it when I have to help my girlfriend use her mac12:18
Baikonuri watch way too much british tv12:20
ali1234more to the point though, if the computer knows where the files are because it indexed them, why can't it display them in a heirarchical structure that is compatible with the standard file browser?12:25
ali1234like a gnomevfs but for your music library12:25
ali1234this would solve the problem for everyone12:25
shaunoI think the catch is, it's not a problem for everyone12:26
ali1234it's a problem for people even if they don't know it12:26
ali1234because when you learn to use itunes, those skills do not translate to any other application12:27
ali1234but file manager always works12:28
shaunoexcept when it doesn't12:29
ali1234the only time it doesn't is when it has been deliberately crippled, like on macs, or windows if you don't turn off "hide hidden files and known file extensions"12:29
shaunoI have a playlist of the n most played songs in my library, which I keep synced to portable devices.  I can't even begin to think how I'd replicate that searching a filesystem12:31
ali1234what do you do when you want to backup all your music?12:31
shaunoit's already backed up, but it's just a big folder to sync to another drive/machine12:32
mungojerryi was given an itunes vocher for my bday (today :) ) what should i do?12:37
directhexmungojerry, ebay!12:37
dwatkinsI would be amused if you got more for it on ebay than it's worth, mungojerry.13:12
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
shaunoit wouldn't be unusual13:14
mungojerrydirecthex: yeah, on the back of the itunes card it says it can't be refunded for money..even if it doesn't work on my pc13:57
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
* DJones is in shock, somebody has just come into work to book a holiday and is happy paying £9,000 per night for a hotel room14:10
Myrttisounds like a honeymoon14:11
Laneywhat kind of hotel can you get for that?14:11
MyrttiI'd rather pay 9000 for a hotel room than have a ring of that price14:11
DJonesLaney: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1060285/Pictured-Inside-800m-Dubai-hotel-boasting-13-000-night-suite-dolphins-flown-South-Pacific.html14:11
DJonesLaney: Its not even a honeymoon, they just wanted a few nights away....Have they not heard of Blackpool14:12
DJonesAnd the £9,000 doesn't include flights14:12
Myrttialso: ARRRRGGGHHH I've increased Daily Fails visitor count by atleast one :-<14:13
Myrttiwhy, why did I click the link14:13
DJonesThey've booked the room with fish tank wall14:13
DJonesMyrtti: At least I didn't hide it in a short url14:13
MyrttiDJones: indeed14:14
DJonesWith hindsight, I could have linked to a Rick Ghastly video :)14:14
Laneythat is fairly ghastly actually14:14
Laneygive me a b&b in bournemouth ta14:14
* AlanBell prefers hotels where they don't serve dolphin14:15
DJonesali1234: Thats always a plus14:17
mungojerryfriend of mine paid £6k for a honeymoon and there was a hurricane on the island14:17
screen-xmungojerry: I dont think you get custom weather systems for £6k14:19
* popey pokes directhex with a pm14:19
hellomrjackhi, im just having a bit of a problem with a program im using, its called pfhoe and its camera tracking software. the problem is that it isnt finding the libtiff (3) lib even though I do have it aliased#14:23
hellomrjackits closed source as well so i cannot re compile it14:23
mungojerrywhat's the error you are receiving hellomrjack14:23
hellomrjackin my /usr/lib i do have libtiff.so.3 though14:24
mungojerrycan you type echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH14:25
hellomrjacki thought /usr/lib was included by default14:26
mungojerryyou could try: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}14:27
mungojerryalthough it's not a permanent solution yet, it's to test that it work14:27
hellomrjackyep that gets past that problem but now its got this http://codepad.org/VPDRDHl214:28
hellomrjackah i might not have installed the 32bit libs since i reinstalled14:28
hellomrjackah i just needed to link the 32bit libs14:34
mungojerryyou can make it permanent by editing the .bashrc or .bash_profile to modify the LD_LIBRARY_PATH14:36
mungojerrynot sure where you have it defined14:37
Myrttiho-hum, Monday feeling kicked in14:51
* Laney is enjoying Other Peoples Code™14:52
MooDoohello all15:44
davmor2MooDoo: me owld mukka, how's the world treating you15:48
davmor2popey: you created a bug a while ago about software-center not saying it was in Secure mode do you know what bug nuber it was at all?15:50
davmor2number even15:50
MooDoodavmor2: i'm on a late shift today, so rubbish :)15:52
popeybug 63764915:53
lubotu3Launchpad bug 637649 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Single sign on page doesn't look secure" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63764915:53
davmor2popey: thanks15:58
kazadeok peeps, aside from implementing the streaming API, anyone have any wishlist requests for a Twitter client?16:03
popeyshould have reply and reply-all16:03
popeyretweet should let me edit before posting16:04
popeyI should be able to use my own url shortening service16:04
DJonesSimilar to tweetdeck to have a window for a seatch/hashtag16:04
popeyimages should appear inline, but when clicked they should open in a new windows16:04
popeyi.e. not in a browser at tinypic.com16:04
DJonesidenti.ca + farcebook api's16:04
gord<everything that is in gwibber but less laggy>16:05
DJonesDefinable update intervals16:05
kazadepopey, so you want just a dialog window containing the image?16:05
popeythe full size one :)16:05
kazadeDJones, I'm working out some logic so it updates as often as possible without going over the rate limit16:05
DJonesAs gord said like gwibber but with an extra 50Mb of free ram :)16:06
popeykazade: cross platform :)16:06
gordkazade, is the rate limit per application or per account?16:06
DJonesMultiple twitter accounts16:06
kazadegord, hmm, good point16:06
kazadeI think it's per-IP/per account16:06
gordright so don't do that then16:06
kazadebut, it may be per OAuth key16:06
mungojerrykazade: saved searches16:06
kazadeI'll have to double check16:06
kazadeDJones, multiple twitter accounts works already ;)16:07
gordmy phone talks to twitter, my netbook talks to twitter, my laptop and my desktop do all at once, i don't want one application going crazy with it updates16:07
dwatkinsgord: thanks for reminding me, I still need to get OAUTH to work from a Perl bot I run.16:07
mungojerrykazade: i would love to be able to hide people from my twitter timeline for a while without unfollowing them :P16:07
kazademungojerry, excellent idea16:08
kazadegord, it's per OAuth16:09
mungojerrykazade: are you thinking of working on an existing client or making a new one16:09
kazadeI've made a new one, in C++/Gtk/Webkit ... it's really lightweight :)16:10
kazadeI've only been working on it for a couple of days, but I have an updated feed running off two accounts atm16:10
mungojerryi'm a hotot user because of speed, but it's missing features that gwibber implements16:10
DJonesIf its got multiple accounts, to be able to specify which accounts get the status update sent to16:10
Ngwhy do people keep using giant html rendering engines for tweets?16:10
kazadeDJones, yeah, I intend to do that16:10
Ng160 characters in a scrollyview, how can that possibly need a web browser?! :(16:11
kazadeNg, because a.) it's easy to style b.) image loading is "free" c.) It handles hyperlinks automatically16:11
kazadeit's convenience more than anything16:11
mungojerryi would like to have separate streams permanently showing that just show my favourite searches e.g. #ubuntu -RT16:11
mungojerrywhich brings me to the following idea16:11
Baikonurmy twitter app doubles as a browser16:11
mungojerryability to remove any RT'd tweet from my view16:12
mungojerrya "hide all RTs" button16:12
DJoneskazade: User choice for the font/font sizes used to display and the option to not see user pic's to minimise the required screen space16:12
popeykazade: regret asking yet?16:12
kazadepopey, er... a little ;)16:13
popeykazade: ability to ignore hashtags16:13
DJonesAs with gwibber and MahTweets on Windows, a combined timeline with multiple accounts in a single window :)16:13
mungojerrypopey , yeah but then his client would rock16:13
DJonesI'll stop now, my brain is hurting16:13
kazadeDJones, done16:13
kazadepopey, how do you mean "ignore hashtags" ?16:13
kazadeas in, if they contain the hashtag, don't show the tweet at all?16:13
mungojerrykazade: have you thought of joining gwibber project since that is default in ubuntu and seriously needs some performance and feature work16:14
kazademungojerry, I'm going a different direction to them16:14
DJoneskazade: If you want people to test it, I'm quite happy to run it on 10.1016:14
kazadeUI wise and technology wise16:14
popeykazade: as in, when question time is on, i might not want to see all #bbcqt ones16:14
kazadeDJones, at the moment it'll only run on Natty because of the webkit requirement, I'm waiting for an answer on StackOverflow to see if there is a workaround16:14
popeythen i can unignore it later16:14
kazadepopey, ok16:15
popeymaybe ignore for an hour16:15
popeythats usually sufficient16:15
popeythat would _rock_ as a feature16:15
mungojerrypopey, i think that could best be implemented as a filter for your own timeline16:15
DJoneskazade: No worries, I'm holding off upgrading to natty because my last experience wasn't too sucessful16:15
popeyi only ever view my own timeline16:15
kazadeDJones, it's likely I won't have a release for some time, maybe not until Natty ;)16:16
* kazade looks at the todo list16:16
kazadedefinitely a while16:16
DJonesAfter the last 5 minutes, its probably a todo pad, not just a list16:16
mungojerryspecially with all these features :)16:16
dutchieis there source anywhere yet?16:16
kazadedutchie, no, not yet16:16
popeykazade: did you see my "cross platform" one? :D16:16
mungojerrykazade: what's your favourite twitter client at the moment? are you taking inspiration from anywhere else16:17
dutchiei don't know why i'm asking, my C++ is a bit rusty16:17
kazadeprobably gonna LGPL it and have a pro version in the software centre16:17
kazademungojerry, I'm trying to take UI cues from Elementary..16:17
kazadeso simple16:17
kazadeno menu16:17
kazadewell, menubar16:17
kazadepopey, yes, I saw cross platform ;)16:17
kazadeit is cross platform at the moment, if I could be bothered to spend a couple of days getting libraries working on Windows16:18
mungojerryit's also annoying when the twitter client starts up and tell you about mentions that it already told you about16:19
popeycould do with some re-tweeting :D16:20
bigcalmpopey: venue booked?16:20
Myrttiidentica, the pox of modern social media16:21
bigcalmThe platform or the users?16:21
Myrttigood question.16:22
Myrttisoftware is nice.16:22
Myrttior the platform16:22
=== MickStep is now known as QUESTION
gordi had to remove myself from the ubuntu group on identica, it wasn't something that i wanted to be a part of16:26
mungojerrymy twitter account got followed by an (spammy) identica user , not sure how that works but i couldn't block them16:26
gordhehe a bunch of my testing for unity places went into firefox somehow, if anyone ever needs to know where to find a "sdaasdasdddsasdsaasdsssdsssda" on google, i am your man16:29
bigcalmMy keyboard order hasn't been processed yet16:32
bigcalmIs Kentucky a laid back state?16:33
=== MickStep is now known as QUESTION
gordthe only thing i know about kentucky is that they like chicken16:36
bigcalmThey can't like them that much if they keep killing them16:37
mungojerryi've seen some funny rip-offs of KFC in my time e.g. kansas fried chicken, etc but the best one was KentOcky fried chicken16:37
* DJones awaits the wrath of AlanChicken on mungojerry for chicken abuse16:38
mungojerrydid i mention that i like eating chickens?16:43
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hamitronmove everything to a new comp and found it has some hardware fault16:55
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MartijnVdS\o everyone17:44
daubersI _hate_ compiled languages17:49
daubersalways take me forever to remember how to use the blasted compilers17:50
gorddaubers, learn automake ;)17:50
ali1234that's only a problem for the likes of java and .net, which have too many compilers with too many options17:50
MartijnVdShmmm Perl :)18:26
MartijnVdSKrimZon: ?18:32
KrimZonok, I downloaded an ubuntu 10.04 iso, used startup disk creator to put it on a usb stick, then tried installing wubi on another machine18:32
KrimZonthen wubi started downloading the iso I already downloaded to make the ubuntu stick in the first place18:33
MartijnVdSI don't know.. never used Wubi18:33
KrimZonI love it, it was how I started using ubuntu as my 'main' operating system18:35
MartijnVdSwhat's wrong with partition resizing?18:35
KrimZonat the time it was daunting, and for this particular instance I just need it to rip dvds on the games machine18:36
Myrttiwubi :-<18:36
KrimZoncause the games machine is faster and transcodes at a higher framerate than the video18:36
KrimZonthen I can upload them to my home server running ubuntu, and play them from my eee pc or laptop which both run ubuntu18:37
JibadeehaKrimZon, what bitrate are you ripping them at19:05
KrimZon640 ish19:07
KrimZon!!! even burning the iso to disc it still then downloads the iso19:11
lubotu3Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:11
JibadeehaKrimZon, i've been ripping my dvd collection recently at 2000 and 3000 for stand-up comedy where lots of black background .. being doing this on a netbook and seems to take about 2 hours per DVD19:12
KrimZonwell, I got 20fps transcoding on the laptop and 70-80 on the desktop machine19:14
JibadeehaKrimZon, do you do 2-pass encoding?19:15
Myrttikekek. http://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=300119:15
KrimZondvd::rip does, with the options I give it19:15
Jibadeehai like dvd::rip but the only thing that stopped me using it was there is no queuing mechanism19:20
MartijnVdShandbrake \o/19:20
Jibadeehayeah handbrake is what i am using now and can leave my DVDs queued up over night19:20
Jibadeehaworks a treat19:20
* MartijnVdS is old-fashioned and plays DVDs from the disc19:21
Cepheusme too. I don't rewatch films enough to warrant ripping them19:21
JibadeehaMartijnVdS, i need the space so ripped them and put them in the loft19:24
* MartijnVdS just bought some new Billy bookcases to put them in :)19:25
Jibadeehamissus doesn't like them on display lol19:25
MartijnVdSah there's the problem: you got the missus BEFORE your DVDs :)19:25
Jibadeehai was waiting for the "find a new missus then", but it works out cheaper to rip the DVDs lol19:26
HazRPGhey all :)19:54
MartijnVdS\o HazRPG19:54
HazRPGMartijnVdS: \o :)19:54
HazRPGI've been messing around with PCSX recently :)20:00
HazRPGits come along way since I last used it20:00
HazRPGyeah it's a playstation emulator20:00
HazRPGI tell ya what, a game I own (called: Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure) never played right on my PSone - I think I've found out why!20:02
ubuntuuk-planet[Phil Bull] Frustration, thy name is trying to work on two projects - http://philbull.livejournal.com/58459.html20:03
HazRPGI think as they shrunk they playstation over time, they also removed some features20:03
MartijnVdSHazRPG: did they?20:03
HazRPGbecause whenever the main character would sing (or would play her instrument to add them to roster of playables), never actually made those sounds. I assumed back then that it was the game built that way20:04
MartijnVdSit was20:04
HazRPGbut using an old BIOS in  pcsx, its actually playing them20:05
HazRPGI never realised she actually sung the words!20:05
MartijnVdSUS vs European vs Japanese firmware ?20:05
HazRPGI'm using a European firmware, since I have European games on disc20:06
MartijnVdSHazRPG: which game, specifically?20:06
HazRPGMartijnVdS: "Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure"20:07
HazRPGon my actual console, it never actually played the singing music20:07
MartijnVdSHazRPG: you could try in a PS3.. if she sings there it's a pcsx bug :)20:07
HazRPGonly SFX and background music20:07
HazRPGMartijnVdS: No I mean pcsx plays them! My console never actually did! :o20:08
KrimZonhmm... that's a point, I only tried handbrake in windows and it couldn't decode the disc20:08
KrimZonmy brother said it worked on his mac though20:09
MartijnVdSKrimZon: region lock?20:09
MartijnVdSHazRPG: try asking around on some playstation forums?20:10
HazRPGI had two consoles, an NTSC PSone, and a PAL PSX... Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure is an NTSC game - she never sang, I always read the lyrics off the screen... but using pcsx she actually sings :D! It's like playing a whole new game! :P20:10
KrimZonI don't know what it was, probably css20:10
MartijnVdSKrimZon: that's another name for dvd  region locking20:11
HazRPGMartijnVdS: No point really, more convenient for me to play it on my PC (sister always hogs the TV - main reason for downloading the Emu. in the first place)20:12
MartijnVdSHazRPG: time to move out :P20:12
HazRPGMartijnVdS: Why should I :P? My parents don't live here, nor do they visit - or have plans on ever coming back, but the house is paid for. Cheaper to stay at home, plus it means I can look out for my sister :)20:13
gordyup moving out, waaaay cheeper than buying a new tv ;)20:14
MartijnVdSHazRPG: hm, sounds like a nice arrangement :)20:14
HazRPGgord: Cheaper to stay with my sis :P20:14
HazRPGMartijnVdS: It is, plus my parents are split up - so I have 2 houses to pick from. However too much hassle to sort my dad's place out, it got struck with the floods a few years ago and is completely empty almost.20:15
gordHazRPG, irony, its conveyed on internet via the use of elongation of words20:15
MartijnVdSgord: eeeeloooonnnggggaaaaattiiooooon?20:16
HazRPGgord: how do ya mean?20:16
MartijnVdSHazRPG: imagine gord rolling his eyes while saying "waaaaay cheaper"20:17
gordHazRPG, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggXmKPMaHMo20:17
HazRPGMartijnVdS: Plus the house is in a bad part of town...20:17
HazRPG(dad's I mean)20:17
MartijnVdSHazRPG: internet -> no need to go outside ;)20:18
HazRPGgord: ah... with ya now20:19
HazRPGI use 8-) for rolling eyes20:19
HazRPGor ¬.¬20:20
HazRPGthat works too20:20
HazRPGbut I can't type that on my keyboard :P20:20
MartijnVdSHazRPG: I've taught my irssi that "/lod" means that :)20:20
MartijnVdSHazRPG: (look of disapproval)20:21
HazRPGMartijnVdS: nice one :P20:21
=== matteh_ is now known as kewxedge
MartijnVdSHazRPG: /alias lod say ಠ_ಠ20:21
MartijnVdSHazRPG: /save20:21
Myrtti:')  http://bit.ly/i9PCIm20:22
HazRPGMartijnVdS: not using irssi20:22
kewxedge<-- new to Ubuntu20:23
HazRPGkewxedge: welcome to the community \o/20:23
MartijnVdSMyrtti: "Sorry, you're not authorized to see this status"20:23
Myrttioh. strange20:23
HazRPGMartijnVdS: I just thought - Playstation 3 has baaaaaad PSX/PS2 emulation20:24
Myrttihttps://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=78514#c19 then20:24
kewxedgethanks HazRPG :) Im loving it so far... only issue im having is with exchange mail - but tbh thats what OWA can be for :)20:24
HazRPGwhich is ironic, since you'd think that sony _knows_ how their own system works :/20:24
MartijnVdSHazRPG: they dropped ps2 emu after the first generation hardware20:24
HazRPGMartijnVdS: I still own a ps3 60GB fat :D20:25
MartijnVdSHazRPG: my 40G fat died, so I now have a 250G slim20:25
HazRPGMartijnVdS: what happened to it?20:25
kewxedgeoh yeh, i forgot - streaming to Airport Express seems a bit of a pita too... not figured that out! I had one fix for it, but it crashed the airport express lol20:25
HazRPGkewxedge: hehe :P20:25
HazRPGkewxedge: Ubuntu & its community is awesome :)20:26
MartijnVdSHazRPG: HDMI stopped working20:26
MartijnVdSHazRPG: still works on my brother's TV though, so now he has it20:26
kewxedgeyeh im good mates with Nafallo so if he's anything to go by it should all be good :)20:26
kewxedgeonce ive figured out the airport express crapness it'll be good to go20:27
HazRPGkewxedge: I was having troubles with Flash not playing fullscreen stuff properly because of TwinView in the nVidia drivers, and ali1234 made a fix to help within hours of saying I had problems :D20:27
kewxedgehah nice :D20:27
MartijnVdSHazRPG: Flash doesn't play fullscreen _anyway_20:27
MartijnVdSHazRPG: twinview or not..20:27
HazRPGMartijnVdS: random...20:27
MartijnVdSit just shows one frozen frame20:27
HazRPGMartijnVdS: Really? I've never had problems with a single monitor20:27
kewxedgeflash in chrome is a bit of an idiot sometimes too - it will sometimes play and sometimes not....20:28
kewxedgeyay for firefox :)20:28
MartijnVdSHazRPG: I have intel chips everywhere20:28
kewxedgeI had to open firefox just to watch GaGa's latest video ROFL . I didnt admit to that :E20:28
HazRPGkewxedge: Hmm, I use chrome and I haven't had that issue either - weird.20:28
kewxedgeIts mostly youtube that breaks in chrome for me20:28
kewxedgedoes it on my windows machine here and at home too20:29
kewxedge* work20:29
MartijnVdSHazRPG: ah, full screen video works in natty20:29
HazRPGkewxedge: I'm an eclectic when it comes to music, so I wouldn't worry ;). However rock is my music of choice, I still have and listen to other stuff though.20:29
MartijnVdSHazRPG: it's VERY choppy, but it works20:29
ali1234can't use twinview on natty... so yeah20:30
MartijnVdSali1234: intel intel intel :)20:30
kewxedgeRight :) nice to meet y'all but I need to go and fix SickBeard and SabNZB then make myself some food! Not eaten since lunch :(20:30
HazRPGMartijnVdS: using 10.10 here20:31
HazRPGkewxedge: might just be hardware incompatibility then20:31
HazRPGkewxedge: adobe can be _very_ slow at updating stuff20:32
HazRPGkewxedge: hehe sure no problem, hope to see ya around :)20:33
HazRPGali1234: still haven't tried natty on my setup yet20:33
HazRPGI fear using it on my development system, however seems to run okay for most stuff on my netbook/laptop20:34
HazRPGjust not a huge fan of unity20:34
safiyyahanyone got time to help me with nvidia?20:35
safiyyahhi daftykins20:35
HazRPGsafiyyah: what's up?20:35
safiyyahjust need to install it and get it working20:36
safiyyahi am running meerkat20:36
HazRPGsafiyyah: have you installed them before?20:36
safiyyahi see no xorg.conf file20:36
HazRPGsafiyyah: guessing that would be a no then :P20:36
MartijnVdSOnly install them if you're 100% sure you need them :)20:36
safiyyahHazRPG,  yes on lucid and hardy and i needed xorg.conf20:37
safiyyahwell i have never not had them lol20:37
HazRPGsame tbh20:37
MartijnVdSSure you have.. the system started in a graphics mode, didn't it :)20:37
safiyyahbut i rarely upgrade.... hate the fidling20:37
MartijnVdSand nouveau is getting better all the time20:37
safiyyahi have an nvidia card20:37
ali1234with no xorg.conf you get nouveau20:38
HazRPGright, easiest way would be to go to System -> Admin -> Additional Drivers20:38
safiyyaherm..... stay here because normal the resolution goes mad20:38
HazRPGthen pick whichever you want to install20:38
HazRPGI usually go with the "... (version current) [Recommended]" one20:39
safiyyahi have selected that one and am no bracing myself20:40
safiyyahfor the bezerk resolution20:40
HazRPGhowever if you don't mind a bit of terminal, you could type in "sudo apt-cache search nvidia" and look for the one you'd like to install, and apt-get that20:40
safiyyahi did it the first way20:41
HazRPGsafiyyah: noticed after I'd sent it :P20:41
HazRPGsafiyyah: you will have to restart for it to take effect, or at least restart X20:42
safiyyahlike i said.... it's time to pray20:42
* HazRPG loves the CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE function once its re-enabled :)20:42
HazRPGsafiyyah: hehe :P - it should work fine :)20:43
safiyyahit never works out of the box for me20:43
safiyyahi will be back with a crazyyyyy resolution20:43
HazRPGMartijnVdS: Must agree, nouveau is getting better :)20:43
Nafallokewxedge: ♥20:44
MartijnVdSHazRPG: re: ps3 -- oops: http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2011/02/ps3-shipments-halted-in-europe-as-sony-and-lg-fight-over-blu-ray-patent.ars20:46
zleapi am trying (or struggling) to play back an ogv file of sintel (open movie) i get sound but no picture20:48
zleapi am not sure what i have done wrong or not got loaded20:48
MartijnVdSzleap: which player?20:49
MartijnVdSzleap: also, which video codec? :)20:50
HazRPGMartijnVdS: Wow! I was seriously wondering when that would happen :P20:50
zleapand ogv codec20:50
HazRPGzleap: have you tried in MPlayer?20:50
zleapis that the same as movie player on the menus20:51
HazRPGzleap: yeah it is :)20:51
HazRPGthere is an application called "GNOME MPlayer" too though, which is light-weight (in terms of UI) similar to VLC20:53
zleapok that seems to work after a while20:53
zleapi think it takes time to open20:53
HazRPGzleap: it worked in Movie Player?20:53
MartijnVdSzleap: ogv can be theor or wbm20:53
zleapso there are 2 different versions of ogv20:54
HazRPGI've noticed the VLC in the repo for 10.10 and 10.04 seems to be a bit buggy for some video formats20:54
zleapthat explains a lot of issues i have been having with things then20:55
MartijnVdSzleap: no, ogg is a container, it could contain anything really :)20:56
zleaphow do i use ls to include how much space a set of files are talking up20:56
zleapwhere h is human readable20:57
zleapSafiyyah, hows you20:57
Safiyyahi am now in a live disk, when I rebooted my monitor says there is no signal from the PC. The computer did boot up though, I even heard the log in noise20:58
Safiyyahzleap... still in my computer misery moment20:58
HazRPGSafiyyah: Hmm... which graphics card do you have?21:00
* zleap is watching sintel21:01
HazRPGzleap: I like that short :)21:01
Safiyyahokay i mounted me root drive and xorg.conf has now been created21:01
* HazRPG really wishes it would be turned into a game21:01
zleapwell just got it working,  read up vlc is buggy21:01
Safiyyahhow do I use the terminal and sudo into my hard drive?21:01
Safiyyahi am on live disk21:01
zleapyou should be able to mount it,21:02
HazRPGzleap: I only use vlc for audio for that reason - although recently started using "gnome mplayer" as a replacement for vlc21:02
SafiyyahHazRPG,   VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G86 [GeForce 8400 GS]21:03
SafiyyahHazRPG,  gnome mplayer is better than VLC21:03
Safiyyahon ubuntu21:03
Safiyyahback to my problem21:03
Safiyyahi need root priviledges from the live disk please21:03
zleapwel if vlc is still buggy is 11.04  it needs to be replaced with something more reliable21:03
Safiyyahdaftykins,  please ?21:04
HazRPGzleap: vlc doesn't get installed as standard does it?21:05
MartijnVdStotem = default21:05
MartijnVdSand it's not all bad21:05
HazRPGSafiyyah: can you not just type: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:06
zleapthats interesting the 1280 version seems to work where as the higher definition one doesm't  (2048)21:07
zleapthis is in mplayer21:07
HazRPGzleap: like I said, gnome mplayer might be a better alternative for you if you prefer the style of vlc :)21:08
zleapthis is mplayer21:08
zleapi think the larger format seems to be causing other issues the 1280 one plays fine21:08
HazRPGnever tried the 2048 version21:08
gord2048 might be bigger than your gpu can handle tbh21:09
SafiyyahHazRPG, i am on live disk remember?21:09
zleapwell its an old geforce421:09
zleapi will copy the files to mp321:10
zleapi mean dvd21:10
gordyeah an old geforce 4 won't be able to handle things of that resolution really21:11
gordtoo big21:11
MartijnVdSbut it has more pixels21:11
MartijnVdSso it must be infinitely better!21:11
gordthe 2048 version is very pretty :)21:13
MartijnVdSit's also annoying21:13
MartijnVdSas most hd equipment is made for 1080, not TWICE that :)21:14
HazRPGSafiyyah: you should be able to boot up in rescue mode on the liveCD21:14
gordright, but monitors often have > 1080p21:14
gordthe 1080p version is what you want for your "HD" equipment21:14
MartijnVdSgord: In which world do you live, and can I live there too?21:14
MartijnVdSAffordable monitors are 1920x1080 max21:14
HazRPGSafiyyah: you'll need to know what what mount point you'll need to be using though21:14
SafiyyahHazRPG, brb i changed the file21:15
gordMartijnVdS, if you bought a monitor that is 1080, you really just bought a tv21:15
Safiyyaherm what do i need to press in order to boot from recovery mode?21:15
HazRPGSafiyyah: ah, guessing you managed to do it without going into recovery mode21:15
MartijnVdSgord: sue, 1920x1200 then.. still isn't 2048ish21:15
gordMartijnVdS, no 2048 is more for projectors and cinema screenings, that sort of thing21:16
MartijnVdSah, Expensive Hardware®21:16
HazRPGSafiyyah: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-boot-ubuntu-linux-rescue-mode/21:16
gordMartijnVdS, but downscaled 2048 is nicer than upscaled 108021:16
Azelphur500W PSU should be fine for a Q6600 (2.4ghz quad), 8800GT, 1 SATA HDD, DVD-RW and a couple case fans right?21:16
Safiyyahokay brb21:18
gordsounds okay, there are online calculators for psu wattage you need though21:18
gordcan't remember where21:18
Azelphuryea, I ran it through one of those and it recommends 450 or so21:18
HazRPGMartijnVdS: I just thought, doesn't grub automatically add a recovery mode anyways without the LiveCD?21:20
MartijnVdSit does21:20
HazRPGMartijnVdS: Hmm, just having one of those days I guess :/21:21
HazRPGMartijnVdS: I'll let him know when he gets back :)21:21
HazRPGgord, MartijnVdS: That's one thing I've never understood of the TV world... they keep talking about "Oh wow, HD! It does 1080p!", but my monitors in the past have been able to achieve more than that for years!21:24
ali1234HazRPG: but not your graphics card21:25
popeymmmm 4K :)21:25
dutchieHazRPG: http://xkcd.com/732/21:25
MartijnVdSpopey: do you have 4k-capable equipment yet? :)21:25
popeynope :(21:25
ali1234xkcd gets dumber all the time21:26
ali1234i would like to see a PC from 2004 play 1080p video without dropping frames21:26
MartijnVdSali1234: there are 500 funny things in the world. He made >500 comics.21:26
ali1234hint: at the time it wasn't possible without very specialist hardware21:26
* popey clicks "report problem" as compiz crashes (again)21:27
HazRPGdutchie: heh, I don't recall seeing that one for some reason :S21:27
* popey sends his 20MB report21:27
MartijnVdSpopey: do your bugs get marked as duplicates of other (secret!) bugs as well?21:27
popeyhehe, not yet21:27
MartijnVdSmine get marked like that all the time21:28
* popey opens spotify21:28
MartijnVdS(the automatic apport ones)21:28
HazRPGali1234: My 8800GTS that I've had for years has been able to render stuff high higher than 1080p21:28
kewxedgeNafallo <321:28
popeyHazRPG: only in the last year or two21:28
popeyVDPAU is fairly recent21:28
popeybug 72487421:29
lubotu3Launchpad bug 724874 in compiz (Ubuntu) "unity-window-decorator crashed with SIGSEGV in g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__OBJECT()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72487421:29
ali1234in 2004 GF6800 was considered high end and probably cost about £30021:30
* popey tickles cbx333 21:30
cbx333hey there popey21:31
cbx333howz it going21:31
=== cbx333 is now known as cbx33
ali1234(6800 doesn't support vdpau)21:31
cbx33popey, up to much?21:32
gordpopey, i think that got fixed today21:33
popeycbx33: nope :D21:33
popeycbx33: and yes!21:33
popeypodcast starts tomorrow21:33
popeywe're introducing a quiz :D21:33
popeyso listen in and see if you can get the answers right before us :)21:33
* cbx33 is just working on the git book21:34
HazRPGpopey: I'm sure I've been using more than 1080p for more than just a couple of years though21:34
MartijnVdSHazRPG: your ps3 can do it :)21:35
* HazRPG recalls my 7600GT and 6800GT21:35
MartijnVdS♥ Wipeout HD in 1080p goodness21:35
* cbx33 had a 7300 GT OC21:35
HazRPGcbx33: nice :)21:35
gord<3 wipeout hd in 720p goodness in threeee deeeee21:35
HazRPGMartijnVdS: obviously :P21:36
MartijnVdSgord: I can't stand the 3d hype21:36
HazRPGMartijnVdS: Agreed :/21:36
ali1234yes, PC games have been able to run in 1080p for years, but that's a totally different situation...21:36
HazRPGali1234: so have digital cameras ;)21:37
ali1234again, not for video, only stills21:37
popeygord: when does your 3ds come?21:37
gordpopey, erm late march i think? the release date is march 20something21:38
HazRPGali1234: only because film producers wouldn't :P21:38
HazRPGpopey: ooo quiz :D21:39
gordone of the really cool things about the 3ds is that it can take and view 3d photo's, looking forward to that hugely21:39
dogmatic69cant iphone do that?21:40
dogmatic69read something about 3d pics on it21:40
gordwuh? no.. noooooo21:40
gordthe iphone does not have a 3d camera and the iphone certainly does not have a 3d display21:40
dutchieyou can play minecraft in 3d ;)21:42
ali1234anaglyph doesn't work too well with the pixel textures and bright primary colours21:42
HazRPGgord: tell you what, main thing I'm looking forward to on the 3ds is the augmented reality :)21:42
gordi bugged notch on twitter about adding proper 3d to mindcraft, he agreed and went out and bought a 3d monitor. but nothing has come from it :(21:43
AlanBellyou can do augmented reality on Ubuntu21:43
Azelphurali1234: my minecraft server is nearly ready, I've got cool things like live map, irc relay, and a water slide :D21:43
Azelphurcan't get better than a water slide.21:43
HazRPGgord: give him time :P21:44
HazRPGAlanBell: really?21:44
gordbah time, this was before you guys were even playing minecraft! :P21:44
ali1234AlanBell: really? ubuntu has an API for GPS/compass that actually works?21:44
gordfor location anyway21:44
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MartijnVdSAzelphur: checking your nick sorting algorithms? :)21:49
Azelphurnope, just my internet going down21:50
MartijnVdSor did you grow a beard ;)21:50
kewxedgeSo has anyone here for an Airport Express and actually got it working without the need to run iTunes in wime?21:52
AlanBellali1234: no, but hang on I will show you . . .21:52
AlanBellme mucking about with artoolkit21:53
kewxedge* wine21:53
HazRPGAlanBell: awesome!22:02
HazRPGSafiyyah: how'd it go?22:04
popeyhttp://www.britishrailways.tv/british-railways?task=viewvideo&video_id=1708  Choo choo!22:06
Safiyyahso i installed the nvidia drivers off the restricted drivers facility. The system boots but no signal on the monitor22:06
popeySafiyyah: is it a clean install?22:06
Safiyyahits a day old22:07
Safiyyahcompletely clean22:07
Safiyyaheven reformatted22:07
Safiyyahits was fine until i added nvidia22:07
popeyare you at the machine now?22:07
Safiyyahi don't understand why i cant get into recovery mode and reconfigure x server from there22:08
Safiyyahbut then i did specifically tell grub to boot from /root because it kept giving me initramfs black screen22:08
Safiyyahyes am at the machine22:08
Safiyyahi am on a live disk22:08
Safiyyahi cant find anything helpful on google either22:08
popeyhang on22:09
ali1234so, let me get this straight... every time you install nvidia, you get black screen?22:09
popeycan you get online and talk here whilst booted to recovery mode?22:09
Safiyyahapparently, i am supposed to press shift to get into grub menu.... nothing is happen22:09
Safiyyahnope, no other machine at home22:09
popeyyou have to be quick pressing shift22:09
Safiyyahtrust me i was22:10
ali1234hold shift while turning on power, until you see grub menu22:10
Safiyyahi did22:10
Safiyyahbut no grub menu22:10
ali1234are you sure you are installing ubuntu?22:10
Safiyyahi got the word GRUB22:10
Safiyyahand then it went straight in maverick22:10
popeythe word grub? what version of ubuntu is this?22:10
ali1234did you hold left shift? right shift doesn't work22:11
ali1234popey: sounds like GRUB> prompt22:11
Safiyyaham on meerkat22:12
Safiyyahi need to say that i had done this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows22:12
Safiyyahthat might be the kulprit22:12
Safiyyahsudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/0d104aff-ec8c-44c8-b811-92b993823444 /dev/sda22:13
popeydid you install windows?22:13
Safiyyahi set it onto my root partition because previously i was getting initramfs black screen22:13
Safiyyahnope only have ubuntu meerkat22:13
Safiyyahnothing else22:13
Safiyyahso it straight boots from root now22:14
Safiyyahso it stubbornly goes there, which is fine, but now i have x server issues22:14
HazRPGMartijnVdS: Seems LG won: http://www.primaryignition.com/2011/02/28/sony-loses-to-lg-in-europe-consoles-to-be-confiscated-possibly-destroyed/22:15
Safiyyahali i tried both right and left22:16
Safiyyahis there a way to reconfigure x from the live disk? i assume that is the problem i have22:16
popeyyes, there is22:17
Safiyyahwell popey you are the master!22:18
popeyone mo22:19
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ali1234"4. Fix it"22:20
Azelphurpopey: btw you may be interested in dynmap for your minecraft server, it's like overviewer but live, http://game.azelphur.com/minecraft-map22:24
popeyi see a black box22:25
popeyis it night? :D22:25
Azelphurhaha, do you have frames disabled?22:25
popeyrefresh fixed22:25
popeynot sure about that map, neat that its live22:27
HazRPGis having more than 3 partitions really that bad?22:27
HazRPGI always thought having swap, root and home on separate partitions was the best way to go22:28
ali1234makes no difference really22:28
ali1234just add extra hassle to the install process22:28
popeyno need for separate /home really22:28
ali1234what the install gives you is fine, which is / and swap22:29
Azelphurpopey: hehe, I'm still developing the server atm so I'm gonna reset the map22:29
HazRPGpopey: I do it for convenience, that way if I want to upgrade at least some settings for applications stick around22:29
Azelphurbut thought you might be interested in dynmap :)22:29
popeyno need22:29
popeyupgrade takes are of that22:29
popeyas does install22:29
ali1234or just back up ~22:29
popeyor that22:29
ali1234i like to delete most settings on upgrade anyway22:30
popeyyou do backup, don't you? :)22:30
ali1234otherwise ~ gets full of settings from applications i tried once and didn't like22:30
ali1234anyway the problem at hand22:30
HazRPGI have an external and a dropbox for that22:30
HazRPGhmm, always thought having a separate /home was the best way to go22:31
Azelphurpopey: in game screenshot of the dynmap chat should you want it, http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3832397/screenshots/February%202011/2011-02-28-222951_1908x1167_scrot.png22:31
Azelphuralong with epic waterslide :D22:32
ali1234are you going to enable nether?22:32
Azelphurwhat is nether?22:32
ali1234um... never mind then :)22:32
Azelphurhaha, do fill me in22:32
Azelphurremember I've only actually had the game for 2 days, so I'm on a steep learning curve22:33
ali1234nether is minecraft's politically correct version of hell22:33
ali1234it doesn't work in SMP though22:33
ali1234not without hacks22:33
popeyi guess you could build a house in nether very quickly around the portal?22:33
gordthe big white floaty things would destroy the house pretty quickly22:34
dutchieisn't cobblestone ghast-proof?22:34
dutchie(not tried it, just heard from others)22:35
HazRPGhmm, I would seriously love to know how you guys diagnose stuff - then maybe I could be more useful to others :)22:35
gordwe went through the problems once22:36
gordall technical support is built on the foundations of blood sweat and tears ;)22:37
HazRPGtrust me I know :P22:37
HazRPGI can diagnose most windows problems22:37
HazRPGjust not keyed up on linux22:37
gordi used to be able to do windows problems, then they changed it all and now i am useless22:38
gordi couldn't even figure out how to uninstall applications, so i just left everything installed...22:38
HazRPGall usual windows problems, are still there - they just moved everything lol22:38
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HazRPGpopey, ali1234: Just my 2 cents worth, but it could just be a problem with the nvidia 260 driver?23:13
HazRPGpopey, ali1234: Might be worth trying a slightly older version?23:14
* popey shrugs23:14
HazRPGalso, digging up info I've come across this: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1592802.html23:14
HazRPGits not the _same_ problem, but seems people have issues with the 8400 series23:15
mgdmMy multiple monitor problems are fixed by not using Compiz23:16
HazRPGmgdm: what multi-screen problem were you having squire?23:17
mgdmHazRPG: attempting to use an external monitor that hadn't been plugged in on boot froze X23:19
HazRPGthat's a random bug23:20
* HazRPG feels he has much to learn about the linux world :(23:21
mgdmI've been using it 10+ years, and I still do, so don't worry about it23:22
SafiyyahHazRPG:  i sussed windoes23:22
Safiyyahgot angry about catching a virus23:22
Safiyyahmoved to ubuntu and am afraid i have been lost since23:22
Safiyyahi can only do simple stuff23:22
HazRPGI'm slowly learning things in ubuntu :)23:23
HazRPGhowever some of the stuff popey, ali1234 and AlanBell know makes me feel small lol23:23
popeyI am no expter23:23
HazRPGpopey: know more then me though :P23:23
popeyI am just 38 years old, so have seen stuff before :)23:23
ali1234Safiyyah: did i log into your computer and fix this before? it seems strangely familiar to me23:24
Safiyyahno u've never logged into my system23:24
mgdmYeah, popey filed many bugs on ENIAC23:24
* mgdm runs23:25
ali1234must have been someone else then23:25
HazRPGhmm, I wouldn't have factored age into that, it really just depends on the environments you've been/worked in23:25
HazRPGexperience != time23:25
Safiyyahpopey i thought u were around 5023:25
ali123410000 hours, that's what they say right?23:26
HazRPGI thought he was in his late 20's!23:26
HazRPGhow wrong am I!23:26
Safiyyahhe's always so serious i thought 5023:26
ali1234i probably have about 50000 hours linux experience23:26
Safiyyahali such a shame,.... if you were a pilot you can fly the U2 with that mileage23:27
popeyHazRPG: young people always tell me that experience != time23:27
HazRPGali1234: isn't 10000 only just over a year?23:27
ali1234if you sit infront of a computer for 24 hours a day, yeah23:27
popeysounds about right ;)23:28
Safiyyahhave we given up on my problem?23:28
popeysorry, I'm not sure what to do next23:28
ali1234fixing it will involve tinkering with the modeline23:28
HazRPGali1234: only time I leave my computer is for food/toilet/special occasions ;)23:28
SafiyyahHazRPG:  Recipe for being happily single23:29
Safiyyahali what modeline?23:29
ali1234in the xorg.conf23:29
ali1234what you should do (what i would do):23:30
ali1234delete the xorg.conf and reboot back into nouveau23:30
ali1234press ctrl-alt-f1 to get framebuffer console23:30
hamitronHazRPG: you slept with your comp?23:30
ali1234stop xorg service23:30
ali1234install nvidia driver23:30
HazRPGheh, I wasn't being serious lol23:31
ali1234start X from console23:31
ali1234if it doesn't work, kill it, edit xorg.conf, try again23:31
Safiyyahali i like this solution but i am slow23:31
Safiyyahjust a minute23:31
HazRPGali1234, popey: hmm, I suggested installing an older version of the nvidia drivers... but well, i could be wrong23:31
ali1234thing is you won't be able to get on irc easily from fbcon23:31
ali1234especially if you use wireless23:31
ali1234older version of drivers could help too23:32
ali1234another thing to try23:32
HazRPGali1234: reason I posted that was the 8400 series is known to have issues with nvidia drivers23:32
ali1234what kind of issues?23:32
HazRPGI've seen similar hickups on some windows drivers23:32
HazRPGali1234: blank screens23:33
HazRPGalso posted an ubuntuforum link earlier23:33
ali1234ok, try different driver then23:33
ali1234i dunno how you do that, never had to do it23:33
HazRPGali1234: you mean from a liveCD?23:34
Safiyyahis nvidia the only gaming card on the market?23:34
Safiyyahisnt there one that just plus and plays on ubuntu?23:34
HazRPGSafiyyah: There's ATI too23:34
ali1234there is no such thing as gaming on linux23:34
hamitrondepends what games ;)23:34
ali1234if you want good linux support you need intel graphics23:34
ali1234but they don't make cards23:34
ali1234and you can't play games with em23:34
hamitronintel graphics are good?23:35
ali1234the drivers are good, yes23:35
Safiyyaheh? so you cant game on linux.... you have to use windows?23:35
ali1234gaming on linux is harder than getting your video card to work23:35
Safiyyahno wonder people are not migrating so fast23:36
hamitronthe problem is the variety of configurations23:36
HazRPGhmm, Wine isn't as bad as it use to be though.23:36
* JamesTait goes back to World of Goo.23:36
Safiyyahso u have to game on windows?23:36
hamitronit depends what you want in terms of gaming23:37
JamesTaitSafiyyah: It's a chicken-and-egg situation.23:37
HazRPGSafiyyah: I run StarCraft 2 just fine in linux, along with most steam games23:37
dogmatic69minecraft works fine on linux23:37
ali1234either that or spend 10000 hours learning how to set it up23:37
dogmatic69what more do you want?23:37
ali1234yeah a few games work really well23:37
dogmatic69there is not enough time for any other games23:37
ali1234if you like those games then great23:37
mgdmif two users are logged in at the same time, one of them gets the audio and the other can't do anything23:37
hamitronUT 2k4 \o/23:37
ali1234if you like some other game... bad luck23:37
Safiyyahlol no world of war craft?23:37
ali1234WoW works OK i think23:37
Safiyyahi thought that was the ultimate game23:37
HazRPGhamitron: haha, that even had a little penguin in the corner of the box ;)23:38
JamesTaitSafiyyah: Many games producers don't create Linux versions of their games because they don't see a market for it. But there's only a small market, because there are only a few games.23:38
HazRPGhamitron: I own a copy and was showing my non-believer friend about it the other week :P23:38
hamitrondoes the linux installer still work?23:38
Safiyyahright can you talk me through purging nvidia drivers on my HDD, remember i am on live disk23:39
Safiyyahthen i can boot back in23:39
HazRPGSafiyyah: I've ran World of Warcraft fine for many years in ubuntu without much configuration23:39
ali1234Safiyyah: sudo rm ~/target/etc/X11/xorg.conf23:39
hamitronthe important thing to remember, you can't run many games natively on linux23:39
ali1234then reboot23:39
HazRPGhamitron: I recall the website having an updated version of it?23:40
Safiyyahoky i will return for the other gibberish u said about running it from a terminal23:40
Safiyyahi didnt get it23:40
* hamitron shrugs (I just have a seperate comp for games ;)23:40
Safiyyahi dont think i will be buying anything except the wii fit23:41
hamitronI have a seperate comp for almost every task23:41
Safiyyahkids get addicted23:41
hamitronwii :(23:41
Safiyyahthe wii23:41
HazRPGhamitron: heh, I tend to do that23:41
hamitronI'd rather use linux dedicated for gaming personally23:42
* HazRPG listens to the whirling noise of 3 machines23:42
hamitrononly 3? pussy ;)23:42
Safiyyahmen and their 'junk'23:42
HazRPG3 that are turned on ;)23:42
HazRPGSafiyyah: :o23:42
Safiyyahbrb ali1234  if i take long it means i still got no signal and need live disk again23:43
hamitronI am green and recycle "junk" ;/23:43
Safiyyahmore than 2 comps is hoarding in my eye23:43
* hamitron has 2323:43
Safiyyahnever getting rid of the old machinese etc23:43
Safiyyah23.... u need a house just for them23:43
hamitronall 586 and above \o/23:43
HazRPGSafiyyah: Personally I don't get rid, I accept all the things people are planning on throwing away23:43
Safiyyahgreat am friends with a bunch of hoarders23:44
hamitronI threw a Duron out last week23:44
hamitronso don't hoard everything at least23:44
HazRPGsee I always fix other peoples machines, with parts I've collected over time23:45
hamitronsorry HazRPG, did you want it?23:45
HazRPGwhether the parts were my own or given23:45
hamitronI am actually getting sick of this many machines tbh23:45
HazRPGhamitron: really?23:45
hamitronI have 8 turned on atm23:46
hamitrononly 5 in this room though23:46
popeyI only have 3 on atm, which I think is good :)23:46
HazRPGand people say they'd hate to see my electric bill!23:46
hamitronah well23:46
popeyno, 423:46
HazRPGpopey: heh same23:46
safiyyahno i would simply hate to see your house23:46
safiyyahmust be cluttered23:46
popeynope :)23:46
safiyyahokay ali am back in23:46
safiyyahlets go through the terminal gibberish about running x23:47
HazRPGsafiyyah: :( can't judge people when ya haven't met/know them23:47
popeyHazRPG: yeah, ya can :D23:47
popeyits more fun that way23:47
ali1234safiyyah: well23:47
HazRPGpopey: heh23:47
ali1234first of all, you press ctrl-alt-f7 to get back to this screen23:48
ali1234remember that23:48
ali1234most important23:48
HazRPGali1234: my fav keyboard shortcut :)23:48
safiyyahokay written it down23:48
ali1234second, you press ctrl-alt-f1 to get to console23:49
ali1234when xorg fails, do that23:49
hamitronI like REISUO23:49
hamitronand REISUB23:49
HazRPGhamitron: ?23:49
hamitronbut guess that just shows how broken my stuff is23:50
ali1234safiyyah: so what you need to do is log out of desktop, press ctrl-alt-f1, log in, become root23:51
HazRPGhamitron: I always wondered why it was called SysRq23:51
ali1234then copy in popey's xorg.conf and run "X"23:51
ali1234if you get a black screen press ctrl-alt-f1 the ctrl-c23:52
ali1234edit the xorg.conf with different modeline23:52
ali1234repeat until it work23:52
ali1234alternatively, try the older nvidia driver23:52
ali1234i think you do that through additional drivers23:53
HazRPGali1234: additional drivers only shows current (260.xx), 173 and 96.23:54
HazRPGhamitron: nvidia drivers23:55
hamitronoh, 10.10?23:55
HazRPGali1234: however other versions do exist in the repo23:55
hamitronI like 96 series23:55
hamitronbefore everything got more messed than it was before23:56
safiyyahokay so i have no idea how to change the modeline23:57
safiyyahi dont even understand it23:57
safiyyahso perhaps the best method is getting the 96 series?23:57
ali1234try it first, it would rule out the possibility at least23:57
ali1234either that or it works23:58
safiyyahi will try but i cant change the modeline23:58
HazRPGI think 173 should work fine23:58
safiyyahdont know how to23:58
safiyyahis that the one that isn't recommended?23:58
safiyyahokay let me do what ali said first23:58
HazRPGwell yeah of course23:59
safiyyahbtw ali when you say become root23:59
HazRPGcarry on :)23:59
safiyyahu mean type sudo su?23:59
safiyyahor su root?23:59
ali1234try the old driver first23:59
safiyyahoh okay23:59

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