
TakyojiThoughts? Opinions? http://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/02/25/2230207/Canonical-To-Divert-Money-From-GNOME06:37
tonyyarussoTakyoji: The license allows and encourages such things, so everyone should just shut up already.06:40
TakyojiLicense as in GNU GPL, or?06:41
tonyyarussoAnd they're not "diverting" a single penny - they're merely taking in money.  You could say that GNOME was diverting money from any distro that ships their product, really.06:41
tonyyarussoTakyoji: I think the thing in question is MIT actually.06:41
Takyojiotherwise yes, it may be legal, just not ethical to some. :P06:42
tonyyarussoThen they have a misguided definition of ethical.06:42
tonyyarussoIt may not be *nice*, but it's certainly still ethical.06:43
tonyyarussoEthical != "what I think they should do"06:43

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