
lalejandHi, I synced a 120Mo zip file from my U1 folder that I want to share now, the upload of this file is complete as I can see it in the U1 web interface, & &the green mark indicating upload is done is there on the file, but if I right click on it, the only available option is : "hide the mark" ("cacher le ruban in french") :(01:02
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duanedesignmorning all08:31
JamesTaitGuten Morgen bis alles! Glücklich Montag!09:33
duanedesignGuten Morgen. Wie geht es Ihnen?09:39
JamesTaitduanedesign: Alles is gut, danke. Und du?10:09
duanedesignJamesTait: so far so good ;)10:12
duanedesignmorning rye10:12
ryeduanedesign, morning!10:12
* rye is catching up on all emails for the weekend and updates wife's laptop to natty via chrooted livecd (maverick kernel has started dying for no reason, suspecting hardware issue)10:13
duanedesignanyone having problems with Virtualbox?10:16
kklimondamorning all, duanedesign, rye..10:27
duanedesignkklimonda: hello!11:35
lalejandrye : are you the one who answered to this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/596280 ?11:40
ubot4Launchpad bug 596280 in ubuntuone-client "can't unsync (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Incomplete]11:41
duanedesignhello lalejand11:43
ryelalejand, yup, and I am testing ubuntuone-couchdb-query to see whether it is compatible with lucid, maverick and natty now for your request to remove all couchdb contacts11:43
lalejandduanedesign : hi. I'm running Maverick and I use PPA repo fir U111:43
ryelalejand, rye = "[r]oman [ye]pishev"11:44
lalejandrye : my problem about removing all couchdb contacts, is now solved with a script one of you made11:45
lalejandrye : I don't remember the nickname of the person who solved it.11:47
lalejanddobey : are you the one who created a script for me to remove all couchDB contacts ?11:48
lalejandrye, dobey : Ah, I found, jamesh made the script for me11:49
lalejandrye : any idea about bug 596280 ?11:52
ubot4Launchpad bug 596280 in ubuntuone-client "can't unsync (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59628011:52
ryelalejand, i understand that nautilus does not show ubuntuone entries, is that right?12:00
ryelalejand, but you are running nighttlies, right?12:00
lalejandrye : I can see them, but all of them except "hide the mark" (or equivalent, my interface is in french) are unavailable (in grey)12:01
lalejandrye : one precision : U1 is still sync stuff12:01
lalejand"syncing stuff"12:02
ryelalejand, what gets printed to the terminal when you execute u1sdtool --status?12:02
lalejandrye : I just restarted it (because I want to ignore "~gen" folders), so now it is doing local rescan12:03
lalejandIf I want to file a bug about U1 web interface (I can't delete "~gen" folders), on what package should I do it ?12:05
ryelalejand, ubuntuone-servers12:05
ryelalejand, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers/12:06
lalejandrye : ok12:06
lalejandrye : now U1 client is processing the command pool12:07
lalejandoh, deleting "~gen" folders in web interface actually works, but it can be slow, and there is no processing feedback12:09
duanedesignrye: found a user that is having problems setting the upload/download limit.  I know you have been testing this recently. Did not know if you wanted to get any specific info to help you in researching this issue.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=169355012:20
ryeduanedesign, during the latest tests we found that 1) bandwidth throttling is not updated during runtime, a restart is required. 2) bug #72070712:24
ubot4Launchpad bug 720707 in ubuntuone-storage-protocol "it does not throttles inside the second, but sends a bunch of data and waits then some seconds to be below the limit (affects: 1) (heat: 71)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72070712:24
ryeduanedesign, however i recall there was some more discussion regarding 1)12:24
karnirye: thanks for assigning the missing Android app bug to me. that reminds me there are some feature-wishes listed.13:14
ryekarni, it was wishlist, and seeing the actual application i decided to move it a bit further :)13:14
karnirye: sure, good idea :)13:14
ryeunity just locked up, then upon X kill i receive a notification that ...13:14
ryeSorry, the program "compiz" closed unexpectedly13:15
ryeYour computer does not have enough free memory to automatically analyze the problem and send a report to the developers.13:15
ryeand i've got 3Gb on this machine :'-(13:15
ryei knew i should go for 128Gb RAM model13:15
karniouch :/13:17
karnirye: I thought I'd comment on the bug with an update "we're doing good progress on that", but I feel more comfortable leaving the publicity of the progress up to beuno instead.13:22
* karni @ lunch13:24
alecugood morning #ubuntuone!13:25
karnihi alecu !13:41
thisfrednessita: alecu ralsina dobey mandel?14:00
nessitathisfred: let's wait for ralsina14:01
* nessita calls ralsina14:03
nessitaok, let's start, no news from ralsina14:04
nessitathisfred: go!14:04
nessitathisfred: go?14:05
nessitaok, let's do round robin:14:06
nessitaDONE: finish folder creation in file storage api branch. Yesterday, I worked some hours in control panel UI bugs to compensate my absence on next Tuesday after lunch (need to go to university to take some exams). Worked on bug #701729 and bug #706894.14:06
nessitaTODO: wrap up API work. Kill UI control panel bugs. Started with bug #674462. Get tickets for BA sprint.14:06
nessitaBLOCKED: nopes, but time will be tight this week.14:06
nessitaNEXT: alecu14:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 701729 in ubuntuone-control-panel (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Show a visible message when user account is out of space (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70172914:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 706894 in ubuntuone-control-panel (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Improve 'Loading' messages, replace with a stacked spinner (affects: 1) (heat: 103)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70689414:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 674462 in ubuntuone-control-panel (Ubuntu) (and 3 other projects) "Display notice when merging an UDF with a existent folder (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67446214:06
alecuDONE: a lp project for DroidCouch: https://launchpad.net/droidcouch that pulls code from upstream: https://github.com/alecu/DroidCouch Fixed bug #725287 and bug #725291, meaning that my phone is using hardcoded credentials to talk to the UbuntuOne couchdb servers.14:06
alecuTODO: work on bug #72529014:06
alecuBLOCKED: Amelia kinda sick means no kindergarten, so I'll need to be away for 1.5 hours in the evening14:06
alecuNEXT: mandel14:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 725287 in droidcouch "Add OAuth signing to http requests (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72528714:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 725291 in droidcouch "Get the base couchdb url from Ubuntu One servers (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72529114:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 725290 in droidcouch "Get valid OAuth tokens for the logged in user (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72529014:06
lalejandrye : any idea about that ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/59628014:07
mandelDONE: Finished IPC client code, wrote lasts bits of IPC server side. Bug triagging.14:07
ubot4Launchpad bug 596280 in ubuntuone-client "can't unsync (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Incomplete]14:07
mandelTODO: Propose above to be merged. Move to next issue on windows.14:07
mandelBLOCKED: no14:07
thisfredDONE: Bug #719042, Bug #720917, Bug #72447514:07
thisfredTODO: finish Bug #724475, indicators/messaging for quota events14:07
thisfredBLOCKED: no14:07
thisfredLOVED: http://tinysong.com/fAvC14:07
ubot4Launchpad bug 719042 in ubuntuone-couch "Add tests and refactor out code to a library (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71904214:07
ubot4Launchpad bug 720917 in ubuntuone-couch "the request method returns very different things (affects: 1) (heat: 5)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72091714:07
ubot4Launchpad bug 724475 in ubuntuone-couch "make into a proper python package (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72447514:07
nessitadobey: ?14:08
lalejandrye : I'm asking because when I restart my session I'm pretty sure that the problem will disappear, so if there are some tests to do, I have to do it before closing my session14:08
* alecu eagerly clicks on thisfred's song-of-the-day14:08
nessitacomments anyone?14:08
nessitathisfred: any news on your ticket booking?14:08
thisfrednessita: all booked14:08
thisfredis there a wiki page yet?14:09
dobeyλ DONE: reworked banshee u1ms links patch for upstream, reviews, no more jury duty14:09
nessitathisfred: yey! what are you having?14:09
dobeyλ TODO: more music store fixes, book flights14:09
dobeyλ BLCK:14:09
nessitathisfred: not sure about wiki page, ralsina will know14:09
ralsinahello ppl14:09
nessitahey ralsina14:09
ralsinawhat should I know? :-)14:09
nessitaralsina: wiki page to enter flight details for the sprint14:09
thisfredhaving? single stop overnight flight through miami 13 hours, looks pretty painless14:09
ralsinalet me copy&paste it14:10
lalejandrye : talking about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/59628014:10
ubot4Launchpad bug 596280 in ubuntuone-client "can't unsync (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Incomplete]14:10
ralsinanessita: I will check your merges right away14:11
thisfredwow, the wiki is not fast again14:11
nessitaralsina: no hurry14:11
thisfredOh: I could also use review on:14:11
mandelralsina: is there a wiki por the london srint, or is not needed?14:11
ralsinamandel: yes14:11
ralsinalet me find that one :-)14:11
thisfreddetails entered!14:14
karnialecu: I've read #725290 . It's just 'Ubuntu One Files', as in 'Ubuntu One Music/Contacts'. Unless you've been calling it otherwise internally, which I may not know ;)14:16
thisfreddobey: could you rereview https://code.launchpad.net/~thisfred/ubuntuone-couch/testing-infrastructure and lift your needs fixing if appropriate? :)14:16
alecukarni, thanks, fixing.14:16
thisfredyou're such a communicator :P14:17
karnialecu: np, cosmetics.14:17
dobeyjoshuahoover: ping14:17
alecukarni, "Ubuntu One Files for Android" is ok?14:17
karnialecu: sorry we don't have an Authenticator implemeted yet. it's like with everything - you started with couchdroid before I finished U1F, just like I started U1F before the java client is complete :x heheh14:18
karnialecu: sure, that's good14:18
alecuhehehe. No problem!14:18
alecukarni, I'm moving all that to its own class so it's easy to replace when the Authenticator is done.14:19
karnialecu: perfect14:19
alecuok, see you all in a little while14:20
alecuback unharmed!14:24
ryelalejand, i am testing the file upload and nautilus now14:25
lalejandrye : ok14:30
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
thisfrednessita: alecu ralsina:  can one of you do a second review on https://code.launchpad.net/~thisfred/ubuntuone-couch/testing-infrastructure/+merge/51370 if not too busy?15:22
ralsinathisfred: I got it15:22
thisfredawesome thx!15:23
CardinalFangkarni, I'm trying to track down a crash.  "E/UbuntuOneFiles(30592): StateManager: requested transition from wrong node+event pair"15:27
CardinalFang"W/UbuntuOneFiles(30592): StateManager: bad event received: got SYS_LOCAL_RESCAN_DONE while in INIT (queues IDLE connection WU_WN)"15:27
karniCardinalFang: did the app crash?15:28
CardinalFangkarni, the system said so.15:28
karniCardinalFang: let me think (sometimes bad event received may happen if auth timed-out and is just ignored). but in this case..15:28
CardinalFangW/dalvikvm(30592): threadid=28: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x401bb560)\n I/Process (30592): Sending signal. PID: 30592 SIG: 915:28
karniCardinalFang: what version are you running? 1.0.34 ?15:29
karniCardinalFang: you can check at the bottom of Preferences screen15:29
CardinalFangkarni, "1.0.34"15:30
karniCardinalFang: current version (iirc 1.0.35 that I will publish shortly) intercepts unhandled exceptions and logs them, so15:30
CardinalFangkarni, It's only happened once, for what it's worth.15:30
karniCardinalFang: that could prove useful. if you're looking on the adb logcat, there might be some interesting data for us15:31
karniCardinalFang: basically, "bad event received" doesn't mean it's an issue (some are ignored). however if it crashed, I'm certainly unhappy15:31
CardinalFangkarni, I got the log.15:31
* CardinalFang files bug.15:32
karniCardinalFang: if the log has sensitive data (filenames) and it's a problem, you can e-mail it to me directly15:32
karniCardinalFang: thanks a bundle15:32
CardinalFangI'll sanitize.15:32
* karni nods15:33
thisfreddobey: https://code.launchpad.net/~thisfred/ubuntuone-couch/testing-infrastructure/+merge/51370 is approved. I assume u1couch is not yet tarmaculated?15:35
dobeyit is not15:35
dobeybut i can set it up easily15:35
thisfredthat would be awesome15:35
dobeyis good time to test it15:36
thisfredthe ./run-test works pretty much the same as in d-c15:36
dobeythisfred: done, should land in ~10 min15:37
thisfredyou rock15:38
karniCardinalFang: do you by any chance remeber if whether you have pressed the back button when U1F crashed? the service shuts down if queues are idle and the back button is pressed when in Dashboard. that also reset's the state to INIT (we almost never use the SHUTDOWN node). also, then LOLCA_RESCAN_DONE was delivered but I don't think it was the crash cause. I hope to replicate this with 1.0.35 which provides the crash stack ...16:11
karni... trace. I should release it internally today.16:11
CardinalFangkarni, I wasn't using it at the time.  Long-running in background.16:12
karniCardinalFang: I see, thanks for the info!16:12
karniand for filing the bug16:12
dobeylunch, bbiab16:22
joshuahooverthisfred, alecu: are you guys going to try to get bug #702172 #702176 #702183 in still? we discussed friday, but i'd like to know so i can give the proper update to those interested in such things outside the u1 team :)16:29
ubot4Launchpad bug 702172 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Syncdaemon needs to send a notification when a folder shared to the user exceeds the owning user's quota (affects: 1) (heat: 76)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70217216:29
thisfredjoshuahoover: I'd like to try at least16:29
joshuahooverthisfred: do you think you'll have time to work on it?16:30
joshuahooverralsina: ping16:30
ralsinahi joshua16:30
joshuahooverralsina: hello!16:30
ralsinaintegration call, right?16:30
joshuahooverralsina: yes :)16:31
thisfredjoshuahoover: I'm wrapping up the API work. I'm not entirely sure what else I should be working on this week, but if there's nothing new, yes definitely16:31
joshuahooverralsina: and i have a question regarding a bug16:31
joshuahooverthisfred: ok, thanks16:31
ralsinajoshuahoover: I'm logging into umble now, and ask about the bug at will :-)16:32
* CardinalFang AFK to check kid for injuries.16:37
CardinalFangBack in a bit.16:37
thisfredcan I get some fairly trivial reviews on https://code.launchpad.net/~thisfred/ubuntuone-couch/release-0.0.1/+merge/5156816:45
ralsinathisfred I can in maybe 30 minutes16:46
joshuahooverralsina: bug #661292 ...it's in the latest proposed maverick sru and it fails for me...i know rodrigo did the work on it but i thought i heard you say not that long ago about working on a similar issue with the nautilus plugin16:49
ubot4Launchpad bug 661292 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 4 other projects) "Nautilus is not aware of published files (affects: 5) (dups: 3) (heat: 32)" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66129216:49
nessitathisfred: diff is shown as empty16:54
ralsinajoshuahoover: I have been working on that very bug and failing brilliantly16:54
thisfrednessita: because it is16:54
nessitathisfred: but what about the version change?16:54
ralsinajoshuahoover: I still have one thing to try though16:54
thisfrednessita: It's just the tag16:55
thisfrednessita: that was already in trunk because I did it wrong16:55
nessitathisfred: approved16:55
nessitaah, ok16:55
joshuahooverralsina: well, it seems you're in good company because the fix for maverick isn't working in my testing16:55
ralsinajoshuahoover: that had a fix for maverick? Let me check16:57
joshuahooverralsina: yeah, supposedly: bug #661292 but when i enable the proposed package and test with that, i get the same problem, following the test case for that bug16:58
ubot4Launchpad bug 661292 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 4 other projects) "Nautilus is not aware of published files (affects: 5) (dups: 3) (heat: 32)" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66129216:58
ralsinajoshuahoover: I was working on bug #701557 that's a duplicate16:58
ubot4Launchpad bug 701557 in ubuntuone-client "In nautilus and the ubuntuone-indicator "Copy the link" of a published file disappear after time (affects: 2) (heat: 21)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70155716:58
ralsinajoshuahoover: and yes, that fix doesn't work now16:59
joshuahooverralsina: ok, thanks for confirming :)16:59
joshuahooverralsina: i'm updating that bug with a comment about the test failing...trying to get the other fixes for this sru package through sooner rather than later17:00
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nessitathisfred, dobey: is this proper, understandable english? 'The contents of your local folder will be merged with those from your cloud folder. Are you sure you want to proceed?'17:55
thisfrednessita: looks good to me17:55
dobeyi would say no17:56
nessitadobey: I figured ;-)17:56
nessitadobey: suggestion?17:56
thisfredbut then, when do you ever say yes :)17:56
dobeywhen you're buying the beer :)17:56
dobeynessita: seeing 'cloud' anywhere in the UI makes me cringe17:57
nessitadobey: well, that will not change. But I'm talking about grammar, mainly17:57
dobeyunless it's for the weather and it says "a cloud will follow you around all day" or something17:57
karniops. I think I'm using some cloud-terminology ;) Not often though.17:57
thisfreddobey: I agree with that, but I think that's the official agreed upon term17:57
nessitathisfred: indeed17:58
karni"Files in cloud", for instance ;) (and the number given)17:58
dobeyi didn't agree on it17:58
thisfred"Ubuntu One will RAIN on you!"17:58
karnidobey: :D17:58
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
nessitadobey: I already mentioned that you should have *that* discussion with cparrino, not with us17:58
nessitadobey: so neither you or us waste time17:58
dobeycumulo nimbus17:59
nessitadobey: don't say bad words to me!18:00
thisfreddobey can I get a trivial +1 on https://code.launchpad.net/~thisfred/ubuntuone-couch/release-0.0.1/+merge/51568 ?18:04
thisfred(it just adds the release tag)18:04
dobeythisfred: i guess the version was already 0.0.1 in setup.py?18:04
thisfredyeah, my mistake18:05
dobeyi don't think that branch will merge as-is18:06
dobeytarmac doesn't do empty commits18:06
thisfredI can jump to 0.0.2 I guess :)18:07
dobeywhy not 0.1.0?18:07
thisfredor that18:07
dobeythen you can start keeping with the even/odd == stable/unstable pathology18:08
thisfredI just saw 0.0.1 on some of our other projects, so I assumed that was how we rolled18:08
thisfredlet me do that and retract this thing18:08
dobeyi think 0.0.1 is just a common "put some working crap in trunk" version number to use :)18:08
thisfredwhich was close enough ;)18:09
thisfreddobey, nessita (sry again, the old branch would not merge) https://code.launchpad.net/~thisfred/ubuntuone-couch/release-0.1.018:12
thisfredehhh https://code.launchpad.net/~thisfred/ubuntuone-couch/release-0.1.0/+merge/5159118:12
nessitathisfred: make up your mind! :-)18:13
thisfredI know I know18:13
ralsinathisfred nessita dobey CardinalFang confirmed that the sprint won't be in the ramada that everyone hates.18:15
nessitaralsina: do we know where will it be?18:16
ralsinanessita: I am looking at alternatives18:17
ralsinanessita: I would love it to be here but it's probably too expensive: http://hoteldelcasco.com.ar/18:18
* alecu will be back in two hours18:50
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
ScuniziTomboy is now failing to syncronize on two machines.  I think it has to do with a password reset/change on my ubuntu one single signon account.  How do I reset the sync password on Tomboy?19:36
dobeyrye: ^^ :)19:37
ryeScunizi, two solutions - 1. reset the sync preference status  in Tomboy. Drawbacks: it will start marking local notes as conflicts. 2. Wait for 10 minutes for me to come up with a script to update tokens from main ubuntuone account19:39
* rye used to have this script but it needs to be updated19:39
Scunizirye: solution one isn't a big deal on one machine.. but the other it might be.  I'll wait for #2... and instruction on "how to" if possible :)19:40
ryeScunizi, what do you have in your tomboy Sync preferences selected currently - Ubuntu One or Tomboy Web19:42
ryeScunizi, ?19:42
nessitathisfred:  approved19:42
thisfrednessita: was just about to ask, thx :)19:43
Scunizirye: Tomboy web19:43
ryeScunizi, umm... let me think then...19:43
thisfreddobey, can you give me a quick +1 as well? https://code.launchpad.net/~thisfred/ubuntuone-couch/release-0.1.0/+merge/5159119:43
Scunizirye.. actually tomboy web on the machine that I don't really care about (it's never synced).. the one I'm on I'm having a problem finding out which..19:44
dobeythisfred: no, it might take a few hours to review that huge diff19:44
thisfredunderstandably :)19:44
Scunizirye: where do I look for that option? in Tomboy or in Ubuntu One System>preferences>Ubuntu One ??19:44
ryeScunizi, in Tomboy, Preferences / Synchronization19:45
nessitathisfred: sorry for the delay :-)19:45
Scunizirye: in there it shows Service as "Ubuntu One"19:45
ryeScunizi, okay, will do both types at once19:46
Scunizirye: It would be easy enough to change the machine that's never synced to Ubuntu One if that makes it easier19:46
ryeScunizi, well, it does not really matter, 4 less lines in the code19:47
nessitathisfred, ralsina: would you please review, if you can, https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/warm-folder-merge/+merge/51617 ?20:00
ralsinanessita: sure20:01
nessitathisfred, ralsina: suggestions for IRL testing are attached as description20:01
ralsinanessita, says "could folder"20:01
thisfredhmmm 'bzr log' does not show me lp bug numbers even though they are attached to landed branches20:02
nessitathisfred: bzr log -n 020:02
ryeScunizi, ok20:04
Scunizirye: I'm here.. how do I implement the change?20:04
ryeScunizi, please download the script from http://people.canonical.com/~roman.yepishev/us/ubuntuone-tomboy-update-auth.py20:04
ryeScunizi, shut down tomboy on the machine you want to re-authorize (since it will update the settings behind tomboy's back)20:05
ryeScunizi, then open terminal and run the script as python ubuntuone-tomboy-update-auth.py20:05
ralsinanessita: +120:06
ryeScunizi, it should say that it updated the tokens properly20:06
Scunizirye: does it need to be run with root priv. ? ie sudo?20:06
nessitaralsina: thanks!20:07
ryeScunizi, no!20:07
Scunizirye: ok.. had to ask before doing it.. :)20:07
ryeScunizi, all ubuntuone-related things are per-user :)20:08
thisfrednessita: for the manual testing, I need to start the backend and the gui separately right? And how do I do that again? :)20:09
Scunizirye: ok.. chmod +x the ;y script.. shutdown tomboy and verified via System Monitor.. ran script which responded positively.. re-ran tomboy and initiated a scan.. "Failed to syncronize" with no notes in the "Details" section..20:09
Scunizi;y = py20:10
nessitathisfred: backend didn't  change at all, so starting the GUi locally is enough. You should use: PYTHONPATH=. ./bin/ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk20:10
ryeScunizi, okay, now try to find what note causes this issue, we have another script for that - http://people.canonical.com/~roman.yepishev/us/tomboy-sync-validator.py20:11
ryeScunizi, it will fetch and validate each and every note that is stored in your online database20:11
Scunizirye: do I shutdown Tomboy again for this script as well?20:12
thisfrednessita: when I unsubscribe from one of my cloud folders, I see 'Value could not be retrieved' in red, and everything in the Cloud Folders tab is greyed out after that.20:13
ryeScunizi, no, that's not needed in this case20:13
thisfrednessita: switching to a different tab and then back *does* show the folder as unsubscribed20:13
thisfrednessita: re-subscribing to it does pop the dialog also, so approving20:14
Scunizirye: ok.. I have one note broken/error.  how do I handle that?20:14
nessitathisfred: your syncdaemon is delaying something or failing :-/20:14
ryeScunizi, it should print the URL for that note along with the ERROR line, just visit that URL and re-save it20:14
Scunizirye: got it.. had to hit the "edit" button first then save, sync and all is good.. it took the local version and appended "old" to it.. Thanks for the help.  Will these scripts work in the future or should I dispose of them knowing the backend of ubuntu one might be changing and make them obsolete?20:19
ryeScunizi, well, the first one, with tokens will be only needed when machine is being re-authorized with a different token to prevent conflicts for the existing tokens and the validation one i plan to use after every upgrade that involves the notes code to make sure we do not face such kind of invalid date issues in future20:21
ryeScunizi, they are available in the bzr repository too, lp:~rye/+junk/ubuntuone-scripts20:22
* rye thinks that putting them under ~ubuntuone-support group might now be a better idea20:22
Scunizirye: ok.. so bottom line.. the scrips will most likely be good in the future.20:22
ryeScunizi, yep, and will be available from people.canonical.com online and launchpad should you need them in the future20:23
Scunizirye: I appriciate it.. thanks again for all the help..20:27
ryeScunizi, you are welcome. Sorry for the inconvenience the broken note has caused you. In case you need help to set up syncing for your other computer feel free to poke me20:27
Scunizirye: :)20:28
Scunizirye: quick question.. how well does the Windows client work?20:28
thisfreddobey: I'm checking debian/control for my new package. things that are only needed for running the tests, such as mocker, should not be dependencies right? Should they be in builddependencies?20:38
dobeythisfred: right. look at the nightlies for ubuntuone-dev-tools or something for a good example20:39
nessitacan I have a couple of reviews for https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/out-of-space-notif/+merge/51484 ?20:40
nessitabeuno: I would particularly love your input there ^ (I can share a ss)20:40
beunonessita, looking!20:41
nessitabeuno: creating screenshot sfor you...20:41
nessitabeuno: http://ubuntuone.com/p/fMq/20:46
beunonessita, looks good to me20:47
beunodo we only want to go red when they're >= 100?20:48
beunomaybe 98/99 is enough?20:48
nessitabeuno: hum, good idea20:48
nessitabeuno: maybe >= 9520:48
nessitaralsina: ^20:48
beunoearly warning!20:48
nessitabeuno: that's a very good idea!20:48
nessitabeuno: fixing it right now20:49
beunonessita, \o/   then I approve!20:49
thisfrednessita: dobey: Woot! Only one lintian warning: "ubuntuone-couch source: out-of-date-standards-version 3.8.3 (current is 3.9.1)" should I ignore that, or up the version?20:49
nessitathisfred: bump it, that was listed in our doc! :-)20:50
thisfrednessita: so it is! sry :)20:50
dobeythisfred: fix it20:52
ralsinaagree with beuno20:52
ralsinait's actually hard to get to 100%20:52
dobeynot really20:53
nessitaralsina: actually not so much if you buy music20:54
nessitabut yes, setting it to 95%20:54
dobeyjust create a file of the length of your quota in bytes, that is full of 0s20:54
dobeyand upload it20:54
dobeybam. 100% :)20:54
nessitaok, I need to run an errand, I'll be back in 30 minutes approx20:54
ralsinadobey: see what I mean by hard? ;-)20:55
ralsinadobey: I mean hard to reach on normal use as a filesync tool20:55
ralsinabecause by definition you won't be able to reach 2GB+1b so you need to add a file that's exactly the right size. That's unlikely, and would make the bar never go red.20:56
dobeyralsina: well that's not entirely true20:56
ralsinaAnd yes, I know that using the music store you can reach over your quota20:57
dobeyralsina: also if you have > 2GB and bought 20GB, and then decide "well i'm not using all 20GB, so I should downgrade"20:57
ralsinadobey: well, yeah, but that would mean you are stupid or didn't notice you are using say 3GB :)20:58
ralsinaBut yeah, I suppose someone could downgrade and THEN make room. Unusual.20:58
dobeywell it would mean you downgarded, and then you need move some files out20:58
ralsinabeat you by 3 seconds ;-)20:59
dobeyi don't think it's all that unusual :)20:59
ralsinahahaha in any case, 95% is sweet and better and nice.20:59
dobeyi don't know21:02
dobeyit really should match what the web site does to show it21:02
dobeybut whatever :)21:02
thisfreddobey: http://tinysong.com/DAfh21:10
dobeyit's the cylons!21:13
ralsinaEOD for me. Have a nice evening, mail me about anything because I'll work a couple of hours late tonight.21:15
nessitaok, I'm back21:44
nessitabeuno: Quota usage 95% percent: http://ubuntuone.com/p/fNr/ Quota usage 94% percent: http://ubuntuone.com/p/fNs/22:10
nessita(just FYI(22:10
nessitaalecu: would you be able to review https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/out-of-space-notif/+merge/51484 ?22:10
beunonessita, awesomeness, thank you22:10
nessitabeuno: the transparency is some unity weirdness22:10
nessitawhich puzzles me, since in the monitor is not shown :-)22:11
nessitaaaaanyways, let's tackle more UI bugs!22:11
alecunessita, on it22:13
nessitaalecu: thanks!22:13
alecunessita, approved.22:21
nessitaalecu: thanks!22:21
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=== SeaTatu is now known as TatuDeMar
karnibeuno: updated apk link in your inbox22:45
beunokarni, \o/22:46
karniokey, have to leave now, jumping on a train at 4AM back to Warsaw. talk to you guys tomorrow!22:48
nessitabye karni22:49
=== TatuDeMar is now known as facundobatista
=== soren_ is now known as soren
=== herb__ is now known as herb
=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey
nessitaok, I'm edoing, leaving you with a branch for review https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/disable-limits/+merge/5165923:28
=== muffinre` is now known as muffinresearch

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