[15:09] I am going to put together a checksheet of monthly things to do [15:09] probably on google docs as I can't think of a better way to do it [15:13] AlanBell: Doesn't Google Docs require registration? | Meetingology is using nick meetingology´ , tell it to load NickCapture and set it's nick as meetingology so it captures nick meetingology automaticly. [15:14] editing a google doc normally requires a google account, reading doesn't [15:15] could in fact make it world writable but that is a bad idea [15:19] I hae heard that it requires registering, but I haven't tested it. [15:19] s/it/reading/ [23:05] AlanBell: why not the wiki? [23:06] because it is *slow* and they won't let me fix it