
jribtim167: where are you reading this?00:00
silkand changing the reference in reprepro provides the update00:00
silkin short, i think there is a problem with the us-east1 ec2 repository00:00
tim167jrib: http://www.bakefile.org/wiki/Debian , but i think i'll have to build it from source anyway...00:00
StereocaulonDoes anyone know a GUI file manager that allows me to create hard links with a simple [modifier] + Mouse button?00:01
tim167jrib: there's only a Hardy binary apparently00:01
geoffmccsilk: could be. im still pretty newb so i am not fam w/ changing to a different one - glad u figured out00:01
Starminnone_question: (It's !ohmy is what you're looking for I think)00:01
jribtim167: in any case the instructions for adding the key are there in step 100:01
gsp2009Stereocaulon: nautilus scripts?00:02
tim167jrib: yes, but the _key_ is not00:02
tim167jrib: or is the key just '-' ?00:02
Stereocaulongsp2009, any pointers on that?00:02
jribtim167: look at what comes first, before the pipe.  You download the key with that command and feed it to apt-key00:02
magicianlordI was happy to see that 10.04.2 includes the updated firefox 3.1300:02
Stereocaulongsp2009,  you mean http://g-scripts.sourceforge.net/   ?00:03
jribtim167: is this software maintained currently?  The packages don't seem to be00:03
tim167jrib: i think that page is a bit outdated...i get gpg: no writable keyring found: eof00:03
nathicI'm stuck on Windows 7 because I have overwritten grub by installing win7,    now i'm on holidays  and i need a way to install grub WITHOUT any medium like cd or flashdrive as i don't have any of it00:03
magicianlordIs there a way to take the 10.04.2 iso and remove openoffice and add vlc, and third party drivers?00:03
[thor]tim167: the key is in key.asc00:03
magicianlordthen rerollup the iso00:03
jribtim167: what exactly did you type?00:04
gsp2009Stereocaulon: that be the one. Anything in there that helps?00:04
Stereocaulonmagicianlord, yes, you could bake your own iso00:04
tim167jrib: i typed literally: "curl http://apt.tt-solutions.com/key.asc | apt-key add -"00:04
magicianlordStereocaulon: i would need an easy and quick way to do it00:04
jribtim167: you need "sudo apt-key"00:04
fadaxi have a dual boot system with windows 7 on one partition and ubuntu installed on the other.. i want to be able to backup my whole computer (both OS's) as a system image onto a portable hdd. does anyone know  a good tool which can do this?00:04
geoffmccnathic: im sure u dont wanna spend any $ but if u go to radioshack (if in states) plus many others can get flash drive for $1000:04
Stereocaulonmagicianlord, there is no quick and easy way.00:05
tim167jrib: ok, i'd expect a 'permission denied' message then :p00:05
Stereocaulonmagicianlord, sorry to disappoint you on that...00:05
tim167jrib: alas gpg: no writable keyring found: eof00:05
=== zz_PhilMather is now known as PhilMather
Stereocaulongsp2009, I'll look around a bit before reinventing the wheel.00:06
jribtim167: what does « sudo apt-key list » do?00:06
magicianlordStereocaulon: there should be a way to do it00:06
nathicgeoffmcc :D i have lots of flashdrives at home... that's what's getting on my nerves00:07
geoffmccnathic: neverf did it but found -- http://ubuntu.sabza.org/2008/03/21/fixing-grub-from-within-windows/00:07
Jordan_Unathic: I can think of some pretty convoluted ways to do it if you're desparate.00:07
geoffmccnathic: time to put one of em on your keychain :-P00:07
tim167jrib: i do get something that looks like a list of keys00:07
jribtim167: dinner time, but make sure everything is okay with /etc/apt/trusted.gpg (man apt-key)00:07
gsp2009Stereocaulon: is this what you are mean? http://g-scripts.sourceforge.net/nautilus-scripts/File%20System%20Management/create_symbolic_links00:08
fadaxi have a dual boot system with windows 7 on one partition and ubuntu installed on the other.. i want to be able to backup my whole computer (both OS's) as a system image onto a portable hdd. does anyone know  a good tool which can do this?00:08
tim167jrib: bon apétit :)00:08
geoffmccnathic: the post looks easy enough to me00:08
nathicgeoffmcc :D yeah absolutely .. thanks for the link gona test that00:08
nathicJordan_U thanks can i referr to u if geoffmcc's link doesn't work for me00:08
Stereocaulonmagicianlord, I agree, but I know of no such possibility. There are a few specialised programs for it, but they are not quick, but maybe more easy than editing the software source list yourself.00:08
geoffmccnathic looks like if dont fix grub will at least allow u in ubuntu till get home too00:08
* gsp2009 wonders what happened to his english. One minute he is a pirate, the next english is not his mother tongue... ugh.00:09
Stereocaulongsp2009, No, thanks for the suggestion, I need *hard* links, not symlinks. Symlinks can be made easy enough.00:09
allblurryQuestion: When you hit Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get to a virtual terminal, how do you change the resolution of that terminal in ubuntu 10.10?00:09
Stereocaulongsp2009, I may just have to accept that it is hard to create a nautilus shortcut that creates hard links (Dodges rotten  *'s  :-P )00:10
ttaduring the installation of ubuntu 10.10 on my laptop when i choosed the language and clicked on "install" the screen displayed a message contening "Ubi-language failed with exit code 2. further information maybe found in/var/log/syslog. please what does that means and what do i have to do?00:10
magicianlordis 11.04 stable enough to use now00:11
Picimagicianlord: no.00:11
johnny77I'm having trouble setting up a wireless network. Here is the error I receive: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/573728/00:11
geoffmccmagicianlord: getting there :-)00:11
Starminnmagicianlord: Not for production machines (so they say). Ask in #ubuntu+1 for Natty Q's.00:11
mr-johni having problems with my apache00:11
Stereocaulongsp2009, still...going from a script for symlinks to a script for hardlinks is as easy as omitting the "-s" in the code after ln, so you migh have just helped me tremendously . Thx! :-D00:12
mr-johnit downloads the php scripts instead execute them00:12
mr-johni have all modules installed00:12
mr-johnwhat could be wrong?00:12
g0r33kI understand your away so respond when you can :P Ill be back later to check :) /00:12
miketomdooland you got php5 installed?00:12
magicianlordPici: are you familiar with the Sega Pico?00:12
g0r33kHow can you exit from a virtual terminal?00:12
gsp2009Stereocaulon: haha.. I was just going to ask why not change that script a bit... do you absolutely need hard links? permissions issue or something?00:12
miketomdoolare your php files ending with php or hrml?00:13
drexlmr-john: are you loading the module in your apache2.conf file?00:13
=== guest101 is now known as Newbie101
Starminng0r33K: CTRL+ALT+[F1->F6] are virtual terminals. F7 is the GUI.00:13
shizzletta,  what language did you choose?00:13
allblurryQuestion: When you hit Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get to a virtual terminal, how do you change the resolution of that terminal in ubuntu 10.10?00:13
xcyclisthttp://pastie.org/1618857 is a bug I think in some software in 10.10.00:14
Starminng0r33k: Yeah sorry about just saying your name and nothing else. I missed Shift and hit Enter.00:14
javahornStarminn: screenlets should be how long to install from software centre? almost 1 hr here!00:14
g0r33kThanks Starminn00:14
zeroelixisallblurry: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=215566 back when I did it I had to add a vga= paramater to grub00:14
Starminnjavahorn: It installed in about 20 seconds for me.00:14
drexlDirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.php00:14
drexlAddType application/x-httpd-php .php00:14
Newbie101I have an ssh with another machine through the command line, is there anyway of viewing through a gui which isnt vnc00:14
Starminng0r33k: Yep, sure thing.00:14
shizzletta, are you using the DVD?00:14
=== Newbie101 is now known as newbie101
Stereocaulongsp2009, Hard links can be used within rockridge extensions of CDFS and are relative, rather than absolute. You can use them to provide for instance different categories for say...photo's without having to copy each photo in each directory seperately. Call it a crude form of a tag database00:15
drexlmr-john: did you add those items above in your config00:15
mr-johndrexl: did u say extension=libphp5.so ?00:15
javahornStarminn: waiting for apt-get to exit it says ?00:15
Starminnjavahorn: Do you have a slow connection?00:15
javahornStarminn:  no00:15
drexlmr-john:LoadModule php5_module  modules/libphp5.so00:15
mr-johnim using centos00:15
mr-johnits a holy shit hosting00:15
gsp2009Stereocaulon: ah.. so you are going to link each one manually?00:15
shizzletta: do you have internet connection to download the language files for the install?00:16
Starminnjavahorn: Close everything out and try again. Just Software Center then Screenlets00:16
allblurryzeroelixis: I tried those but that is for the old version of Grub00:16
Starminnmr-john (Family friendly please)00:16
ttabut broadband huawei modem00:16
shizzlethat is weird I have only heard of the exit code 14100:16
mr-johnStarminn: ohh sorry00:17
newbie101I have an ssh with another machine through the command line, is there anyway of viewing through a gui which isnt vnc?00:17
Stereocaulongsp2009, well, I know how to script in bash, but my father does not. I don't have much time, but my father (who is soon to be retired) will have lot's of time on his hand.00:17
=== Sedated_ is now known as Sedated
Starminnmr-john: Not a problem. :)00:17
gsp2009Stereocaulon: gotcha. well good luck. Seems to me that you change the name of that script and remove the -s and you are set.00:17
allblurryQuestion: When you hit Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get to a virtual terminal, how do you change the resolution of that terminal in ubuntu 10.10?00:17
miketomdoolmr-jon did you restrat apche after you installed php!00:18
Stereocaulongsp2009, thx for the help on this (slightly?) off-topic issue.00:18
gsp2009:) yw00:18
Starminnallblurry: I'm not sure if it matters much for the Terminal, but look into xrandr00:19
Stereocaulontta, do you use a wireless USB stick as modem for GSM internet?00:19
zeroelixisallblurry: Yeah you're right its deprecated, had a look on the debian page and found this http://wiki.debian.org/GrubTransition ubuntu docs seem still out of date about this00:19
Stereocaulontta, then you might be in luck. I have configured such a thing this summer in Switzerland00:20
Stereocaulontta, what model are you using?00:20
javahornStarminn: no improvement.00:20
allblurryStarminn: Thanks but I am straight framebuffer here.00:20
allblurryzeroelixis: trying this now http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=167355100:20
ttaorange (huawei)00:20
Stereocaulontta, please pastebin relevant lines of "lsusb" that relate to your modem00:21
Stereocaulon!pastebin | tta00:21
ubottutta: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:21
ex0ais there a gnome applet like cpu frequency scaling monitor that will monitor more than one core? i don't like having to update 6 applets if i want to change all my cores from on demand to performance00:22
jribtim167: thanks, have you figured out the issue?00:22
ttasterocaulon:it's ok? i paste it00:23
Stereocaulontta, could you please give the link to you pastebin snippet?00:23
fadaxi have a dual boot system with windows 7 on one partition and ubuntu installed on the other.. i want to be able to backup my whole computer (both OS's) as a system image onto a portable hdd. does anyone know  a good tool which can do this?00:23
tim167jrib: i compiled it from source, it was easy enough, thanks...now i'm trying to build ARToolKitplus, i'm stuck at "/usr/include/ARToolKitPlus/TrackerImpl.h:662: fatal error: ../../src/extra/FixedPoint.h: No such file or directory" ...00:24
ttawhich link00:24
zeroelixisex0a: I think whatever CPU performance mode you set in the applet is applied to all cores00:24
ex0ait's not00:24
Stereocaulontta, did you read the ubottu message I have forwarded to you about pastebins?00:24
ex0ai can set the core 0 to a specific frequency and the rest stay a the previous frequencies00:25
Stereocaulontta, if not, here it is again:00:25
Starminnjavahorn I'm not sure then.00:25
Stereocaulon!pastebin | tta00:25
ex0as/a the/at the/00:25
ttastereocaulon: yes and i paste "lsusb"00:25
miketomdoolfadax you can use "dd" from a live cd00:25
ttai mean "pasted"00:25
Stereocaulontta, OK, but right after you have posted something on a pastebin channel, it returns a link to what you pasted.00:26
Stereocaulontta, http://paste.ubuntu.com00:26
jribtim167: strange that you are building it but it's in /usr/include/, no?00:27
tim167jrib: why is it strange to build it? is there a binary ?00:28
miketomdoolfadax from live cd you can type dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb.... or you can turn into a iso with dd if=/dev/sda of=/media/removabledrive/image.iso00:28
Stereocaulontta, your link would look similar to this one: http://paste.ubuntu.com/573730/00:28
jribtim167: I mean it's strange that you would have the files in /usr/include/00:29
ttastereocaulon: which url did i suppose to put?00:29
ttastereocaulon: which url did i suppose to put?00:29
ttastereocaulon: which url did i suppose to put?00:29
ttastereocaulon: which url did i suppose to put?00:29
Blue11i have my mouse selectivity set to the lowest, but my mouse is still to sensitive (touchpad) suggestions?00:29
ttastereocaulon: which url did i suppose to put?00:29
rwwtta: Stop repeating yourself.00:29
ttastereocaulon: which url did i suppose to put?00:29
vismundCygnustta, chill00:29
Stereocaulontta, please refrain from repeating the same message00:29
=== itMan44 is now known as Seb44
ttastereocaulon: which url did i suppose to put? grrr00:30
monkeyDI have a sis card and I activated the sis driver and I set the picture rate but I still have the vertival and horizontal lines that shakes all the time00:31
drexltta: when you pasted and hit submit, it returned the address00:31
IdleOnetta: after you paste the info, you clicked on the paste button on the site. what is the url ?00:31
zeroelixisex0a: Nice, just realised some CPU models support that kind of core stepping granularity00:31
Stereocaulontta, let's keep this civilized will you, I'm trying to help you, but me fingers are not as fast as my ADSL uplink :-P00:31
shizzleI am using xchat... how can I turnoff the quit and joined messages?00:32
tim167jrib: yes, in fact i think they are in ~/Downloads/artoolkitplus/src (where i put the source, i changed that path to that in TrackerImpl.h manually...but now i get another error00:32
IdleOneshizzle: right click on the channel name, settings > hide join/parts00:32
monkeyDplease guys, I am new in linux and I need your help, could anybody help me with my VGA problem00:32
drexlshizzle: http://i.clintecker.com/disable-irc-msgs.html00:32
vismundCygnuswhats up, MonkeyD?00:32
monkeyDI have a sis card and I activated the sis driver and I set the picture rate but I still have the vertival and horizontal lines that shakes all the time00:33
shizzleIdleOne, drexl: thanks!00:33
Stereocaulontta, this link just *might* help you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=85834000:33
Stereocaulontta, ignore that it describes Swisscom and try to exchange the relevant data with your Orange account data00:34
zeroelixisex0a: seems theres some discussion about the failings of the CPU freq applet family here00:34
ttai have send the link00:34
booii installed the timer-applet but it doens't show up under "add to panel". do i need to do something special to add it?00:34
vismundCygnusMonkeyD, whats the model on the card00:34
agustinyanuhuem... hi00:34
agustinyanuwho can help me?00:35
agustinyanui ve got a problem00:35
=== krookeye is now known as squinteye
geoffmccagustinyanu: have to ask ? to get the help00:35
Stereocaulontta. could you please *paste* the link you've got?00:35
vismundCygnusMonkeyD, SiS is a company not a model, lspci | grep VGA00:36
monkeyDsis 662/761Gx00:36
cube1what is the command for the ubuntu proprietary drivers downlaoder?00:36
agustinyanuive got a problem with my internet card00:36
ex0azeroelixis: where?00:36
agustinyanuin other distribution, kubuntu00:36
Stereocaulongeoffmc, that is a snide remark, I lik it!00:36
Stereocaulongeoffmc, that is a snide remark, I like it!00:36
ttastereocaulon:it's ok now?00:37
geoffmcc!details | agustinyanu00:37
ubottuagustinyanu: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:37
agustinyanui cant connect me to internet00:37
geoffmccStereocaulon: did not mean it in a negative way. that problem with text. often things come off as prickish00:37
agustinyanurigth now im on xubuntu00:37
agustinyanuthe problem is on kubuntu00:37
Stereocaulongeoffmcc, actually, I rather liked your remark, no worries :-)00:38
agustinyanuits a encore wlan card00:38
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
seurosHow can i force a wifi card to stay a defined bitrate : "iwconfig wlan0 rate 5.5" don't fix it.00:38
agustinyanui think is the driver00:38
agustinyanudont you think?00:38
ttastrereocaulon:please tell me if every things are right00:39
agustinyanui ve got the same problem at windows xp00:39
shizzleagustinyanu, did you download the drivers from the encore website?00:40
Stereocaulontta, no it's not OK. I'm trying to help here, But I can only do so if you paste the link to your pasted pastebin page (don't know how else to put it)00:40
shizzlefor xp anyways00:40
agustinyanuwhen i tri to do it00:40
fadaxok thanks mike00:41
Stereocaulontta, just like you, English is not my native language, but I'm trying.00:41
agustinyanuthey say"the driver you re looking its not available at the moment00:41
agustinyanui have downloaded it from another page00:41
shizzlewhat is the model of the wlan card?00:41
agustinyanuwhen i install it00:41
agustinyanuive got the messenge"no internet card detected"00:41
monkeyDI have a sis 662/761Gx VGA card and I have horizontal and vertival lines that dont go and that are shaking00:41
ttathanks ; i am francophone but i will succeed00:41
edwardteach!enter| agustinyanu00:42
ubottuagustinyanu: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:42
monkeyDI installed the sis video driver and set the picturerate00:42
rwwtta: try in #ubuntu-fr...?00:42
agustinyanusorry T_T00:42
Stereocaulontta, then please paste it in French in a private channel, I can read French, but I'm not good at speaking/ typing it.00:42
rwwmakes more sense than crossposting to #ubuntu-uk, anyway :\00:42
zeroelixisex0a: basically it seems that neither cpu-freq applet or cpu-indicator have been updated to support multicore scaling00:42
torsionHi folks. Linux n00b on Maverick; occasionally when I log in some of the GUI icons are different, and now my keyboard's volume up-down buttons aren't working and the audio slider isn't in the top-right corner.00:42
agustinyanuwell, i think not solution, goodbye, thanks anyway00:43
sysadmhello, i have ubuntu iso, i have ubuntu already installed, but i want to install again [new installation], but i only have 1 disk, what do i do URGENT....00:43
ex0azeroelixis: okay ty00:43
monkeyDcould anyone please help me00:44
sysadmmonkeyD, what was ur qn ?00:44
shizzleagustinyanu, what is the model # of the card?00:44
=== lapt0p is now known as one_question
ZenGuy311sysadm: do you want to keep your old settings?00:44
sysadmZenGuy311, no00:44
Stereocaulonsysadm, if you just install it again from the liveCD, that would work, but you would loose your settings00:44
agustinyanuits a encore enpwi-pn internet card00:44
one_questionfor laptop should I download desktop edition?00:45
sysadmStereocaulon, there is no cd, no usb, no floppy00:45
ZenGuy311sysadm: bootup with the CD then reinstall00:45
ubottuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org00:45
agustinyanumore secify : wlan cardbus adapter00:45
ZenGuy311one_question: yes00:45
sysadmZenGuy311, , there is no cd, no usb, no floppy00:45
gnewbtorsion: Have you tried a Restore Session?00:45
Stereocaulonsysadm,  you're talking netbook here? Or server perhaps?00:45
sysadmStereocaulon, server00:45
one_questionZenGuy311: the cpu is i5 is this 64bit ?00:45
ZenGuy311sysadm: the pc with ubuntu on it doesn't have a CD/DVD/USB/floppy?00:46
rwwone_question: i5 supports 64-bit, yes.00:46
ZenGuy311one_question: yes00:46
monkeyDhey guys, why do you ignoring me, I am very new in linux and I tried to fix the problem since 3 days with googel and I found no solution00:46
torsiongnewb: um I don't know,sorry, what's that?00:46
ex0amonkeyD: you haven't asked a question yet00:46
ZenGuy311monkeyD: whats the problem?00:46
monkeyDI asked it but ok00:47
pastubbsyep yep food time then CHUCK00:47
monkeyDI have a sis 662/761Gx VGA card and I have horizontal and vertival lines that dont go and that are shaking00:47
joshmclvl1sysadm: would a pxe boot work/be practical? I dont have much experience in that sort of thing, as I only use my laptop.00:47
sysadmZenGuy311,  its  aserver got nothing but ssh and cloud access, but no permission to add disks, and its unmanaged, so i have to setup everything again using vmware conosle [no cd or floppy] and ssh00:47
Stereocaulonsysadm, I'm afraid you'll need either physical access or access through a serial line connected to your server. On top of that you'll need to able to (re)start your server from WakeOnLAN, or WakeOnCall00:47
gnewbtorsion: On boot up if you hold the Shift key, (I think) a Recovery Console is launched. let me find that page for you.00:47
drexlmonkeyD: did you try Xorg -configure to generate an xorg.conf for your card?00:47
monkeyDdrexl: no sir00:47
ZenGuy311pastubbs: I'm watching chuck but not as enthusiastically as previous seasons..looking forward to Chicago Code00:48
sysadmStereocaulon, i have limited cloud access to server, i can see installation process and set it up, but cant insert any cd00:48
monkeyDhow can I do that drexl ?00:48
sysadmStereocaulon, i just need to work with what i have, ssh and console00:48
ZenGuy311monkeyD: try change the refresh rate in the monitor settings00:48
Stereocaulonsysadm, could you mount a remote ISO image on the loopback device?00:48
ex0amonkeyD: sorry i see where you asked above now.. i missed that and only saw the "can you help me" msg00:48
torsiongnewb: okay thanks I'll try it. Any guess why the icons changed on me?00:48
sysadmStereocaulon, yes i can00:48
Stormx2Hey all. I'm having trouble getting a connection to a router. Specifically, I don't seem to be gettin a DHCP response. however, I can get a connection on windows just fine. Communicating via ethernet.00:48
bstarekhow can remove grub?00:48
sysadmbstarek, you have windows and wat to restore access ?00:49
joshmclvl1bstarek: why would you want to remove it? It's fairly vital..00:49
monkeyDI changed the picture rate with adding a xorg.conf.d folder in the X11 folder00:49
sysadmStormx2, did you try sudo dhclient eth000:49
bhueywhat's the command line program for launching the GUI adminstrative stuff for adding/removing users00:49
Stormx2sysadm, no, what would that do?00:50
bstareksysadm, joshmclvl1, i dont know what happened to grub, its not showing anything anymore...its only showing Error 2200:50
bstareksysadm, joshmclvl1, I cannot access windows anymore...00:50
gnewbtorsion: I am thinking that there is a configuration error in the kernel, that Rescue Command at boot can usually and most often does repair such errors.00:50
sysadmbstarek, you removed ubuntu, only windows is installed ryt ?00:50
shizzleagustinyanu, I am guessing you would need the ndiswrapper for it to work00:50
ZenGuy311bhuey: try users-admin00:50
torsiongnewb okay thanks I appreciatethat. Have a good one!00:50
bstareksysadm, I havent removed ubuntu00:51
=== Jobe is now known as Pliskitt
g0r33kHow can i check my laptop's battery from the terminal?00:51
Stereocaulonsysadm, if you have full root access, you might add an extra option to GRUB/ lilo that enables you to boot the remote image.00:51
barfxrandr tells me the following: http://pastie.org/private/rssfnqsnhg5mzc90veqq while I would really like to change the resolution to 1280x72000:51
gnewbtorsion: You are very welcome, have a nice time.00:51
sysadmStereocaulon, i cudnt get that to work, using grub 2, if you can help do that00:51
ClankBotCLANK OUT00:51
magicianlordHas anyone tried install Ubuntu on the 3DS?00:51
geoffmccbstarek: boot win disk if have - choose recovery - then cmd then type bootrec.exe /fixmbr00:51
sysadmStereocaulon, iso needs to be in ram all time, as all drives will be formatted00:52
Stereocaulonsysadm, sorry, I don't have that advanced knowledge, only trying to brainstorm along with you.00:52
monkeyDhow can I creat a but how can generate a xorg.conf for my sis card?00:52
sysadmStereocaulon, thanks :)00:52
monkeyDwith sudo Xorg -configure00:52
monkeyDor how ?00:52
geoffmccbstarek: that will put back windows bootmngr but will not have access to ubuntu00:52
sysadmHow do i mount iso in ram with grub 200:52
andai1wanna play [the original] quake. whats the fastest easiest way (i really want the original)00:52
bstareksysadm, bootrec.exe and /fixmbr on the same line?00:52
bhueyZenGuy311: thanks, it still doesn't work from the GUI though00:53
geoffmccbstarek: yes all one command00:53
gnewbtorsion: Here is a site with the Recovery Mode option: http://ubuntulook.com/2011/01/24/expanding-ubuntu-recovery-mode/00:53
sysadmbstarek, just install your windows dvd and repair00:53
bhueyclicking some items doesn't have an action attached to it00:53
bstarekgeoffmcc, but i am planning to reinstall ubuntu from fresh again00:53
sysadmbstarek, it will fix boot00:53
bstareksysadm, allright i apreciate your help00:53
Stereocaulonsysadm, if your Cloud system works anything like a VPS, you would need access to a metaserver/ superserver that has direct control over the node you are trying to install00:53
geoffmccbstarek: that command will just get you back into windows - then when you go to install ubuntu will prob have to delete the partitions from old install00:54
bstareksysadm, on the other hand.....how can i fix grub? i have tried google and stuff but nothing...00:54
ZenGuy311bhuey: did you lover the refresh rate to something like 60hz?00:54
sysadmStereocaulon, unmanaged cloud, no one there till end of march00:54
geoffmccbstarek: easily if u have a ubuntu livecd00:54
Stereocaulonsysadm, if it concerns a physical server, you would *need* a physical serial line between superserver and target server.00:54
geoffmccbstarek: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows00:54
bstarekgeoffmc, sure i got burned somewhere00:55
bstarekgeoffmc, thank you!00:55
sysadmbstarek, supergrubdisk.org\00:55
sysadmHow do i mount iso in ram with grub 200:55
geoffmccbstarek: not to long ago refered someone to http://ubuntu.sabza.org/2008/03/21/fixing-grub-from-within-windows/ but not sure if worked for him00:55
mickster04sysadm: grub help will tell you that00:55
bhueyZenGuy311: don't know, why ?00:56
geoffmccbstarek: can try that if cant get hands on cd00:56
geoffmccbstarek: if u do and it not a pain - lemme know if worked for ya00:56
bhueyZenGuy311: is there a bug related to this ?00:56
Stereocaulonsysadm, You can't just "start" a Cloud system without having setup a superserver/ controller that manages your virtual target server without physical access, afaik00:56
ZenGuy311bhuey: i got my advice mixed up sorrfy00:56
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ttastereocaulon: i paested it in #ubuntu-fr00:56
bstarekgeoffmc, sure ill keep u posted!00:56
bhueyok later00:57
* bhuey presumes nobody has a fix for this...00:57
sysadmStereocaulon, i know, its not my cloud, i only have 1 server tehre00:57
sysadmStereocaulon, i wasn't given much, but i try to work with available resources00:57
sysadmHow do i mount iso in ram with grub 200:57
mickster04sysadm: check the grub2 pages00:58
sysadmmickster04, werent usefull, tried them over and over, yielded nothing00:59
ex0asysadm: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154984700:59
Stereocaulontta, please paste again, I was not connected to ubuntu-fr when you pasted.00:59
mickster04sysadm: well last time i checked the iso stuff it worked fine for me00:59
Stereocaulontta, now I am though00:59
sysadmex0a, i like what am seeing, i will give you feedback01:00
dolphin_noel_Hello :)01:00
A|i3NHello :) Newbie here, kinda. Looking for a program for ubuntu that will simply convert MPG files to AVI format... preferably in the software center01:01
ex0asysadm: the link fairly early in that first post (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1599293) may be of interest to you as well01:01
ZenGuy311A|i3N: winff01:02
snypzzwhere is the KUBUNTU Channel01:02
gsp2009A|i3N: search transcoder in software center01:02
dolphin_noel_When i'm try to install ubuntu it says it install but the "forward botton" to continue the instalation dont turn on so i cant finish the instalation any idea? is know this for some bug?01:02
snypzzI did that no one there???01:02
ex0aA|i3N: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66850601:02
mickster04sysadm: bad luck01:03
A|i3NI see it's a GUI for  WinFF do I need to install WinFF first?01:03
gsp2009anyone know of a good dynamic dns service that is free and doesn't expire?01:03
geoffmccA|i3N: it a gui for ffmgeg01:03
A|i3Noop think I found what I want, transmageddon hehe01:04
mickster04gsp2009: no-ip01:04
A|i3NJust didn't know what term to search for :)01:04
gsp2009mickster04: googling now. thanks.01:04
mickster04gsp2009: da01:04
drexlgsp2009: http://www.no-ip.com/ I used to use this I don't know if things have changed since then01:05
sysadmex0a, i got an error file not found , need to load kernel first01:05
sysadmex0a, file is incorrect place01:05
gsp2009drexl: thanks.. dyndns.com requires user intervention like every five days for free accounts... it is a pain. I will check out no-ip01:05
A|i3NOK I guess now I need codecs... is there a good all in one codec package out there?01:05
ex0asysadm: during grub boot?01:06
eossis there security concern giving execution mode to al users that login onto a box like if they can execute it cant they try and find buffer overflows or something01:06
geoffmccgsp2009: must be something new, cause i got one that i never use- but just loaded it up no problem01:06
drexlgsp2009: I had a web server running on xp with no-ip and it worked really well01:06
sysadmA|i3N, sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg01:07
sysadmex0a, yes01:07
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:07
ex0asysadm: did you check this link (the second link i pasted) as well? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159929301:07
ex0ait's specific on the ubuntu install via grub201:08
gsp2009geoffmcc: hmmm.... I got the snotogram.. "please confirm by clicking this link" every five days... didn't click it last time (was on holidays). Trying to get my mom to get her IP is like advanced nuclear physics.01:08
ex0agsp2009: several dynamic dns providers offer utilities you can install that automatically update the ip address which basically eliminates the expiracy01:09
geoffmccgsp2009: my ip last updated Nov. 08, 2010 10:23 PM and i just went to the address for the first time in months (since buying my own domain) and pointed right to me01:09
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dolphin_noel_vismundCygnus , snypzz in ubuntu (sorry the time)01:09
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geoffmccgsp2009: maybe cause i had the account for years. only thing i ever got from them (and it was recently) was to re-register threw an email msg they sent me but that was first time i ever had to do that01:10
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StereocaulonEvryone, sysadm, gsp2009, thanks for the wonderful time. I got to sleep now, only 6 hours of sleeping time left...01:10
gsp2009ex0a: goeffmcc: ok.. good to know. I will check them out again. Thanks.01:10
A|i3Nsysadm, thanks, trying that now :)01:10
gsp2009Stereocaulon: gnight01:10
sysadmStereocaulon, :)01:10
vismundCygnusdolphin_noel_: sup brah01:11
jxshxxGreetings!  Up front, I'm new and learning slowly.  So, installed a DVD drive (look at me, ma!) but was getting "cannot find mrl plugin" message.  Tried a few things and cleared that hurdle, but now the error is "Error reading NAV packet".  I'm feeling more lost on that one than the first error message.  Any suggestions?01:12
ex0agsp2009: another thing to look into is whether your router's (if you use one) firmware and support for dynamic dns services.. i have aftermarket firmware on mine so i can't remember whether the original firmware supported it or not, but mine can automatically update to multiple dynamic dns providers01:12
evilaimI farted:(01:12
evilaimI sowwy01:12
dolphin_noel_vismundCygnus yes that strange it looks the ubuntu it works all the install until the end but less the "forward button" to finish the install i was thnking if this is ome bug or what01:12
geoffmccgsp2009: now that i think of it =- it probably cause i still have it setup in m dd-wrt router to update if it ever changes01:12
ex0as/and support/has support/01:12
A|i3Nok Next question - I also need mplex and vcdimager accordoing to Brasero (trying to make a VCD to see if it works on my DVD player) - Do I use apt-get to get those to?01:12
sysadmex0a, i try to use ls (hdX,Y)/      i get error,  i obviously wrote ls (hd0,1)/       but still error01:13
vismundCygnusdolphon_noel_: never heard of it01:13
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gsp2009ex0a: I only use it for my mom's machine, so I can remote in (she needs a ton of support). She has an archaic cable modem... I shudder at the thought of trying to configure it remotely.01:14
geoffmccA|i3N: i have had success with this http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-linux-create-video-dvds.html01:14
gsp2009ex0a: good thought though.01:14
dolphin_noel_vismundCygnus yes that true... it is happening here i allready burn another cd to test if it is some cd problem... but it that same01:14
geoffmccex0a,gsp2009 as does dd-wrt can check their database and see if your router is supported or try what ex0a suggested01:15
sysadmA|i3N, sudo apt-get install mjpegtools vcdimager01:15
ex0asysadm: hmm let me read over the guide real quick01:16
geoffmccgsp2009: i use logmein to help my family01:16
geoffmccgsp2009: access their computer with a click of button after loging onto logmein webpage01:16
ex0asysadm: you were doing that from the grub rescue prompt right?01:17
gsp2009geoffmcc: my mom is running 10.10 (coolest granny on the block) will that service work?01:17
geoffmccgsp2009: lol i assumed cause it was your mom it was windows. prob not01:17
A|i3Nthank you sysadm. I'm a windows person lol. I really like ubuntu though and just now got it on the internet through my cell phone so I can start *using* it.01:17
geoffmccgsp2009: no offence to your mom01:18
gsp2009geoffmcc: HAHA! No offense taken.. hilarious.01:18
sysadmA|i3N, =D01:18
sysadmex0a, no, it didnt say taht did it ?01:18
A|i3Nit's pretty cool that the MetroPCS cell phone was ready to go with it except for proxy servers.01:19
ex0asysadm: are you following http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1599293 ? if so at the beginning it describes that all of this is to be run from the grub rescue prompt01:19
sysadmex0a,  you are missing that i cant boot any cd/floppy/usb, i am working on server with nothing but ssh access and a console01:19
geoffmccgsp2009: just glanced at it but found - se i still have it setup in m dd-wrt router to update if it ever changes01:19
geoffmcc20:12 < ex0a> s/and support/has support/01:19
geoffmccoops -- sorry01:20
seurosHow can i force a wifi card to stay a defined bitrate : "iwconfig wlan0 rate 5.5" don't fix it. ??????01:20
gsp2009geoffmcc: I moved my mom away from windows when she came for a visit last. I was so sick of having to fix things "just because" (fragmentation, applications, virii, malware, etc.) She loves it and it just works.01:20
geoffmccgsp2009: my family can barley run windows, i would be afraid to set them up on ubuntu. plus i dont think there a decent enough solitary game for em to play01:21
ex0asysadm: then you can't use the grub2 recovery prompt method.. the first link i pasted would be the only hope you have of booting the iso with grub2 afaik.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154984701:21
landingonwaterwhat is a "bad" temperature for a GPU ? mine is sometimes at 102 degrees celcious when im pushing It. sometimes the screen goes black for some seconds, then a frozen screen, and i have to reboot.01:21
sysadmex0a,  am back on track, am on grub command line01:21
mickster04landingonwater: yeah 100+ is too hot01:21
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sysadmex0a, nothing but lost+founf01:22
dolphin_noel_vismundCygnus maby i shoud try the "alternated install"01:22
landingonwatermickster04: thanks. i better get some extra cooling then :( HP Pavilion tx1000. bad design I guess.01:22
gsp2009geoffmcc: haha.. my moms biggest challenge was wrapping her mind around some things in evolution. I still get email occasionally from her that she meant to send elsewhere. It is all good though. Way less headaches for me. She just uses mail, web, skype and pidgin.01:22
geoffmccgsp2009: http://www.teamviewer.com/en/index.aspx -- alt for logmein. works with ubuntu01:23
gsp2009geoffmcc: nice! thanks. will check it out.01:23
mickster04landingonwater: if it's new i suggest taking it back for repair perhaps...01:24
mickster04landingonwater: otherwise give a good clean that'll help01:24
sysadmex0a, nothing but lost+founf01:24
geoffmccgsp2009: if u have a static ip i would use ufw to block all access to it except from you if u use that01:25
geoffmccgsp2009: wish u could feed ufw ddns instead of ip range01:25
sysadmam at grub2 command line, how can i boot an iso01:25
landingonwatermickster04: I think I will clean It. Its from 2007. one of the most hated designs. still struggling to get wireless back to life. but impressive 13" considering Its so old.01:26
gsp2009geoffmcc: security is a whole other ball of wax for my moms machine.01:26
johnny77Hello, I've been trying to set up a wireless network, but having a bit of trouble. Here is what I get what I run dhclient http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/573728/  - Thank you.01:26
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ex0asysadm: are you in the recovery console or just the grub command line (are you booted into your os or just into grub?)01:27
geoffmccgsp2009: right01:27
geoffmccgsp2009: first thought, allow from lan and then pptp into her lan but then you open up pptp01:28
gsp2009geoffmcc: hey..on a different note, you ever use gnome shell?01:28
geoffmccgsp2009: no, i spend alot of time in server shell with just a virtualbox install of ubuntu01:29
landingonwaterGot a smooth Ubuntu running here. hardly ever need windows now. but.. some weird issues. like x server config. I write to the file, but when i reboot the settings are gone. also.. when I punch It admin passwprd when installling or upgrading, the alert window stays open and ask for password, even though Its already passed.01:29
geoffmccgsp2009: if ubuntu ever runs ableton live without a hitch i will make the full switch over01:29
landingonwaterwell.. minor glitches. not important.01:30
drexl_johnny77: i got that message I started using a static ip address instead01:30
gsp2009geoffmcc: she is running a really old cable modem... like 10 years old. it is wide open, and really, if her machine gets hacked it is really no loss. I have her set on a gmail with imap, so her mail is preserved. As for her pictures and docs, I made sure that everything goes into her ubuntu one folder.01:30
geoffmccgsp2009: by the way makes no sence to me cause it runs on osx and what little time i spent on an osx machine reminded me an awful lot of linux01:30
g_0_0 !wireless | johnny7701:31
ubottujohnny77: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:31
mickster04!hi | ross01:31
johnny77drexl_: I've tried setting up a static. maybe I'm setting something wrong01:31
drexl_johnny77: how are you connecting? there are so many ways in linux..01:31
mickster04oh yeah i forgot abuot that01:31
mickster04hello ross01:31
geoffmccgsp2009: loves my ubuntuone - not so much the client part01:31
drexl_johnny77: can you get into the router to investigate settings01:32
gsp2009geoffmcc: you mean ableton for music production etc.?01:32
geoffmccgsp2009: yea b4 i was saying that only reason i dont use just ubuntu01:32
gsp2009geoffmcc: ah. I tried the demo on win before... had no idea what I was doing.01:33
jdmcclungdrexl_: I'm in a CLI trying to set up the wireless network01:33
drexl_I use an arbitrary static ip address and subnet mask and default gateway of
landingonwatermickster04: thanks for advice. at least I find It sporting to see how many kills I can get in UT before my GPU overheats. MAkes me a fast gamer :)01:33
drexl_because that's what my router says01:34
geoffmccgsp2009: heard u can get it working with wine but with latency. then i also have komplete so if i throw that in the mix im sure would just bog way down01:34
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gsp2009geoffmcc: latency and that type of app don't go well together01:34
geoffmccgsp2009: i was same way but then one day it clicked and was all downhill from there -- but we getting off topic, better stop b4 we get asked to01:34
gsp2009geoffmcc ;)01:35
drexl_johnny77: I also use the dns server numbers from the router.01:35
drexl_there are three of them01:35
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tacomasterim sorry in advance if this sounds dumb to some of you but im just not sure and cant find anything real detailed on it but do things like usb need modules i know how to configure then in the kernel01:36
MightOfTermQuick question, I'm having a bit of an issue with the restart/shutdown of my 10.10 laptop, I click restart/shutdown, and all it does is log me out of my current user, I have to hit restart/shutdown again for it to actually do so.01:37
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johnny77drexl_: I've tried setting up a static config in /etc/network/interfaces then restart the network with /etc/init.d/networking restart - is this right?01:37
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g_0_0johnny77, that would be right yes01:38
xmoviesany freenas users ?01:38
drexl_johnny77: O sorry I don't mess with those I let nm-connection-editor do all that work for me. or on my other system I use WICD01:38
g_0_0johnny77, pastebin the result of  iwconfg01:39
mickster04g_0_0: what the difference between what johnny did and sudo service networking restart01:39
gaelfxI used a liveusb to resize one of my windows partitions with gparted, and gparted shows the correct size for the drive, but winsdows 7 still thinks it is 122GiB, instead of the 172GiB that it should be, anyone know how to fix this?01:40
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AhrotahnteeIs it possible to limit how much bandwidth a particular user is permitted to use?01:41
g_0_0mickster04, nothing really, service runs the init script01:41
g_0_0Ahrotahntee, yes01:41
MightOfTermI'm having a bit of an issue with the restart/shutdown of my 10.10 laptop, I click restart/shutdown, and all it does is log me out of my current user, I have to hit restart/shutdown again for it to actually do so. Is there any sort of configuration issue I could solve to fix this functionality?01:41
Pewthi, I need to install the graphical display (monitor) setup tool from ubuntu into lubuntu, but I don't know the deb package name, can you help me with its name?01:42
Ahrotahnteeg_0_0: is it a package I need to install to manage it, or an iptables thing?01:42
mr-johni cant execute php files, the server send me the file :\01:43
mr-johncan somebody help me?01:43
g_0_0Ahrotahntee, see here --> http://lartc.org/howto/index.html01:43
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Ahrotahnteeg_0_0: thank you kindly01:43
g_0_0Ahrotahntee, you're welcome01:44
drexl_mr-john: do you have these settings in your config? http://paste.ubuntu.com/573748/01:44
geoffmccgaelfx: not an answer to your question but u can resize partions in win7 from admin tools/computer managment/disk managment01:44
johnny77g_0_0: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/573750/01:44
gaelfxgeoffmcc: no, that sounds like a pretty good answer to my question, thanks :D01:45
geoffmccgaelfx: i mean now that u did it with linux and windows not recignising it may not allow you to in windows - but is worth a shot i guess01:45
drexl_mr-john: did you check error logs?01:46
gaelfxgeoffmcc: no, windows recognizes it, it just doesn't seem to realize how big it is01:46
g_0_0johnny77, you're connecting to a wireless router yes? has it got mac address filtering configured?  have you got the right password? can you see it if you do --> iwlist scan   ?01:46
geoffmccgaelfx: i mean recignise your change not the drive01:46
gaelfxgeoffmcc: gotcha. I'm gonna try to undo the growth of space and then redo it with the tool you told me about, thanks01:48
geoffmccgaelfx: ps right click the part u want and then choose shrink and on other choose expand. it not a slider like ubuntu install uses01:48
mr-johndrexl_: no errors01:48
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mr-johnjust gives me the php file in plain text for download01:48
xmoviesanyone have time to talk about differences between freenas01:48
drexl_mr-john: funny mines full of them..01:49
mickster04mr-john: where is the file on your server01:49
mickster04xmovies: that's not relly ubuntu realted help01:49
LeTronique_hi can anyone help me, i got into a bit of a bind trying to fix my audio01:49
mr-john /var/www/web01:49
drexl_does it say: PHP/5.3.4 configured anywhere in the log01:49
mr-john /var/www/vhosts/myvhost.com/web01:49
mickster04mr-john: and what does your php config say about document root?01:49
mr-johnlet me check01:50
mickster04!ot | xmovies01:50
ubottuxmovies: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:50
LeTronique_um... hello?01:50
mickster04LeTronique_: welcome01:50
LeTronique_i need a bit of help with my audio01:50
mr-johnmickster04: php config file doesnt have DocumentRoot string01:50
g_0_0mr-john did you install libapache2-mod-php5?01:51
mickster04mr-john: well what about apache01:51
geoffmcc!details | LeTronique_01:51
ubottuLeTronique_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."01:51
LeTronique_ah okay01:51
mickster04!enter | LeTronique_01:51
ubottuLeTronique_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:51
LeTronique_I'm running Maverick Meerkat01:51
zombie_I need some help with the my mp3 player linux can't see it01:51
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:52
bezaoanyone can recomend me a FREE good domain handler to run under ubuntu? like cpanel/plesk ?01:52
mickster04bezao: that01:52
mickster04's off topic01:52
bezaomickster04 where can i have that tip? :)01:52
mickster04!ot > bezao01:52
ubottubezao, please see my private message01:52
mr-johng_0_0: yes01:53
zombie_Can I get some help http://paste.ubuntu.com/573752/01:54
jake_Hi!  is there a way to install ubuntu on one partition while running ubuntu on another (ie, use my computer during the installation?)01:54
g_0_0mr-john and you enabled it with a2enmod ?01:54
mickster04zombie_: how about places>pendrive?01:54
zombie_What do you mean, sorry I'm new on linux01:54
mickster04jake_: you can test it out first using the disk, and use it that way, then install at the same time but you can't boot off two installas at the same time01:54
Jordan_Ujake_: If you use the liveCD (the normal way to install Ubuntu) you can use the live system during install.01:55
mickster04zombie_: panel at the top, places > pendrivenamehere01:55
jake_okay, thanks huys01:55
LeTronique_I'm completely new to ubuntu. At first, I couldn't hear any sound thru my headplone jack. So I tried removing ALSA and installing OSS... Bad Idea, so I tried reinstalling ALSA and pulseaudio but now I can only hear music thru my headphone and not my speakers. I also have no volume control.  I saw at some website to include my also scrip so here it is. http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=98726213c47cddefe25cd0501c73b376cd166dc401:55
alphaos[alpha@tux, Linux 2.6.37-gentoo x86_64]01:55
openbeeszombie : go to places menu on ur top panel it should show ur mp3 palyer01:55
zombie_I don't see anything for pendrive on the mp3 player01:56
Lasivianany suggestions for an ubuntu "desktop publishing" program?01:56
drexl_zombie_: mabey your usb_storage module isn't loaded type: modprobe usb_storage into the command prompt01:56
mickster04zombie_: what do you see listed?01:56
mr-johnphp_admin_flag engine off ??01:56
mickster04Lasivian: take that offtopic01:56
ZikeHi, I'm looking for an utility that monitors daemons and restart them if they are not running anymore, do you have any reocmmendation ?01:57
zombie_All it shows Is my Flash Drive 8GB and a Dvd in the drive, nothing shows the mp3 player that is plugged in01:57
g_0_0mr-john you did sudo a2enmod php5 ?01:57
mr-john-bash: sudo: command not found01:57
mickster04zombie_: you have an 8gb pen drive stuck in as well then01:58
deenawhat is the use of txqueuelen in eth0 interface ?01:58
g_0_0mr-john, did you restart the apache after installing php?01:58
zombie_I have a flash drive that pops up01:58
mr-johnyes, i did all these stuff :\\01:58
mr-johnits very strange01:58
rwwmr-john: which version of Ubuntu are you using on that server?01:58
zombie_I just need to know how I could get my mp3 player to work too01:58
Lasivianmickster04: fair enough :)01:58
drexl_zombie_: mabey your usb_storage module isn't loaded type: modprobe usb_storage into the command prompt01:58
mr-johnCentOS release 5.5 (Final)01:58
mr-johnits a 1and1 hosting01:59
zombie_It popped up01:59
rwwmr-john: then ask #centos?01:59
rww#ubuntu is for Ubuntu help...01:59
mr-johnthey doesnt know01:59
mr-johndoesnt answer01:59
LeTronique_can no one help me?01:59
mr-johnbut i think its a apache configuration or something01:59
mickster04mr-john: well get ubuntu server then installlamp, then tell us it isn't working :p01:59
sanborhello guys01:59
johnny77g_0_0: sorry for the delay - Yes I am connecting to a wireless router. It does have MAC Address filtering on, but I've already added the MAC Address of the computer and I've tried it when it's off. Password for what? Yes if I do a iwlist scan I can see it.01:59
lwizardlanyone here work with nextel cell phones in linux ?01:59
rossi have just bought a computer with meerket installed, what do I need to do to update to the latest patches and such?01:59
plut0my grub.cfg got wiped out, trying to recreate it in the livecd using grub-mkconfig and i get the error: "/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: no mapping exists for 'root'"02:00
KB1JWQ!sound | LeTronique_02:00
ubottuLeTronique_: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.02:00
rossi want my computer to be up to date, what are the steps that i need to take?02:00
KB1JWQross: sudo aptitude update, or run the package update manager.02:00
KB1JWQIt should prompt you automatically though, ross.02:00
geoffmccross: sudo aptitude update and then sudo aptitude safe-upgrade02:00
mickster04ross: system > adin> update manager02:00
KB1JWQross: Who sells machines with Meerkat on them though?02:01
LeTronique_i dont have a volume applet02:01
geoffmccor what mickster04 said... aparently i am very command line oriented02:01
Lasivianross: yeah, where did you get that? I want one :)02:01
sanborone question, I want to pass a password to a command as argument, so I want to know if there's any chance to do os.system("prpgram "+"argeumtns") and avoid to see that arguments with ps -fe02:01
mickster04geoffmcc: aptitude might not be installed? aot-get will be though02:01
rosslasivian: from system7602:01
rosssystem76 makes them02:01
sanborit's an script in python02:01
Lasivianross: thanks02:01
plut0my grub.cfg got wiped out, trying to recreate it in the livecd using grub-mkconfig and i get the error: "/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: no mapping exists for 'root'"02:02
gaelfxgeoffmcc: thanks man, it figures only linux folk would know that there's a semi-decent partitioning tool in windows02:02
rosslasivian: you're welcome, the pangolin performance is an amazing machine02:02
rosslasivian: i just got it today and I am loving it02:02
openbeesleTronique: right click on panel where u wanna add sound applet the add the indiacator applet02:02
geoffmccgaelfx: np. i was excited when that feature got added cause used to have to use things like partition magic02:02
geoffmccmickster04: your right, my bad02:03
rossbesides the sudo apt-get update and upgrade, is there anything that I can do to get the latest programs and such?02:03
geoffmccross: system > adin> update manager02:03
LeTronique_i guess not then....02:03
mathbraini need help on a math problemmmm02:05
mickster04ross: sudo apt-get update/upgrade does the same as the update manager02:05
mickster04mathbrain: offtopic then02:05
geoffmccLeTronique_: maybe your usb device is set to be the default right now?02:05
FloodBot3mathbrain: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:05
geoffmcc!details | mathbrain02:06
ubottumathbrain: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."02:06
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic02:06
mathbrainShift the function f(x) = x^2-x+202:06
mathbraini. Shift f(x) to the right 2 units, what is the function now?02:06
mickster04!ot | mathbrain02:06
ubottumathbrain: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:06
plut0my grub.cfg got wiped out, trying to recreate it in the livecd using grub-mkconfig and i get the error: "/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: no mapping exists for 'root'"02:07
mathbrainhello -_______-02:07
FloodBot3mathbrain: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:08
FloodBot3mathbrain: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:08
mickster04plut0: is there not a default on on the grub site you can copy?02:08
mickster04is omeone gonna kick mathbrain02:08
FloodBot3mathbrain: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:08
Picimathbrain: Are you done?02:08
geoffmccplease stop - what is the point in disrupting chanel02:08
danny_i need help with ubuntu 10.10, i have been trying for a week to get games to run properly. now my question is i have installed wine and winetricks, but the games i do run are laggy for example Steam: Half Life 202:08
geoffmcccan someone kick him02:09
plut0mickster04: i'm not that great with grub2 configs02:09
mickster04thanks pici02:09
mickster04plut0: well why do you need to be to copy paste?02:09
drexl_isn't the command update-grub?02:09
plut0mickster04: im using lvm and encryption so not sure what it should look like02:09
ClankBotCLANK IN02:09
plut0mickster04: what am i copying?02:09
mickster04plut0: did you try running sudo update-grub?02:09
mickster04plut0: wait are you using grub2?02:09
plut0mickster04: yes grub202:10
rossis it ok if I install windows on a linux machine?02:10
mickster04plut0: then you don't write grub.cfg do you?02:10
mickster04ross: yes02:10
mickster04!dualboot | ross02:10
ubottuross: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot02:10
ma5t3rw1ttAnyone here use conky??02:10
plut0drexl_: won't help me generate a grub.cfg with the error i'm getting02:10
plut0mickster04: i'm not familiar with grub2 configs02:11
rossmickster04: thank you02:11
mickster04plut0: you don't touch that file02:11
mickster04ross kk02:11
WirelessNotHelp: internet/wireless stopped working02:11
plut0mickster04: grub.cfg exists but its missing a lot of stuff02:11
moonbeamhi earlier today i was having problems with qutecsound/csound in ubuntu 10.1002:11
mickster04plut0: you edit /etc/default/grub and then run update-grub02:11
geoffmccma5t3rw1tt: not saying dont ask here, but there is tons of info on conky on forums02:12
WirelessNotHelp: help internet stopped working02:12
moonbeami updated the kernel to low latency kernel for 11.04 as suggested02:12
moonbeamit didnt make a difference02:12
plut0mickster04: doesn't help because i'm getting an error02:12
WirelessNotCan someone please help help me with internet problem.02:12
moonbeamplaying back csd files is replete qith click and staggered sounds02:12
mickster04plut0: and what's the error again?02:12
moonbeamlet alone making my own files02:12
plut0 /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: no mapping exists for 'root'02:12
mickster04!patience | WirelessNot02:12
ma5t3rw1ttgeoffmcc: My question is super simple, for some reason when I save a file, I have little squares at the end of my txt file02:12
ubottuWirelessNot: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/02:12
geoffmcc!details | WirelessNot02:12
ubottuWirelessNot: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."02:13
WirelessNotInternet stopped working, no wireless02:13
mickster04plut0: and have you edited your grub file at all? (not grub.cfg02:13
moonbeami have been using csound on mac for a while and it worked perfectly out of the box02:13
mickster04WirelessNot: well turn your router back on02:13
moonbeami would like to be able to use it on linux and throw out my mac02:13
moonbeamcan anyone help02:13
plut0mickster04: what grub file are you referring to?02:13
geoffmccma5t3rw1tt: im not good with conky help. was just letting u know forums filled with the topic. ask again but dont refernce me... sorry for confusion02:13
mickster04plut0 /etc/default/grub02:13
ma5t3rw1ttgeoffmcc: Its all good, I'll search forums as well02:14
WirelessNotmicker04: which router? i have a laptop. my internet on other computers works.02:14
mickster04WirelessNot: you haven't told us anything useful so far02:14
geoffmccma5t3rw1tt: def ask here. in no way was i trying to refer you off, just to be clear.02:14
geoffmcc!details | WirelessNot02:14
ubottuWirelessNot: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."02:14
WirelessNotmickster04: the wireless icon has red exclamation mark.02:14
moonbeamoh im on an asus eee pc 1015 pem with 2 gig ram02:14
WirelessNotmiskter04: it was working fine 45 minutes ago.02:15
plut0mickster04: no i haven't02:15
ma5t3rw1ttgeoffmcc: Yeah I know02:15
mickster04WirelessNot: well how do you get internet?02:15
geoffmccma5t3rw1tt: :-)02:15
ma5t3rw1ttAnyone here use conky on a daily basis?02:15
mickster04WirelessNot: and when you mouse-over the icon, what does the pop up say02:15
WirelessNotmiskter04: wireless. from other home.02:15
moonbeamand sound works dine on 10.10 otherwise02:16
moonbeamand one more q02:16
WirelessNotmisketer04: No Network Connection02:16
mickster04WirelessNot: and when you clikc on it can you see the wireless network?02:16
moonbeamwould the new kernel somehow interfere with me conneting to internet02:16
plut0my grub.cfg got wiped out, trying to recreate it in the livecd using grub-mkconfig and i get the error: "/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: no mapping exists for 'root'"02:16
WirelessNotmickster04: device not ready02:16
WirelessNotno list of wireless connections.02:17
moonbeami cannot connect to internet when connected to newer kernel02:17
mickster04WirelessNot: well then your wireless is turned off02:18
WirelessNotmiskter04: My device is not working now, i restarted several times.02:18
WirelessNotmickster04: how can i turn my wireless on?02:18
mickster04WirelessNot: do you have a wireless button on your laptop, it may be a fn key or a physical button02:18
coledoes anyone know of a graphical commandline based web browser02:18
geoffmccmoonbeam: new kern could def be the problem. did u manually compile or did it get pushed threw an update?02:18
WirelessNotmikster04: yes but it does not work. I have a button next to the power button. It is blue always.02:19
geoffmcccole: linx02:19
moonbeamthrough abogani ppa02:19
mickster04cole: that makes no sense02:19
moonbeambut i am now on the 36 one02:19
shashi859cone: lynx02:19
geoffmccsorry lybnx02:19
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.02:19
=== wagle_ is now known as wagle
geoffmcccone: lynx cant type anymore -- need a break02:19
deenais there any tool in linux to check the healthy of cable ?02:19
moonbeami am on the newest one for 10,10 whatever that is i think ending  in .3602:19
moonbeambut anyway it doesnt amtter the kernel02:20
moonbeamcsound is not working correctly02:20
mickster04WirelessNot: what does ifconfig in the terminal output?02:20
geoffmccmoonbeam: mew kernel from update or manual compile?02:20
moonbeamlike i said i have no problem in audactiy or with other programs02:20
mickster04deena: define health of cable?02:20
moonbeamil stay away from newer kernel02:20
moonbeamhow do i unstall that one02:20
plut0my grub.cfg got wiped out, trying to recreate it in the livecd using grub-mkconfig and i get the error: "/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: no mapping exists for 'root'"02:20
moonbeamjust do apt-get remove02:21
deenawhether my cable is faulty or not...02:21
WirelessNotmickster04: i am on a different computer. I have to type all that. hold on02:21
moonbeamand what do i do about sound issue02:21
mickster04plut0: so you can't boot into the ubuntu install already there?02:21
coleheres my problem i need to access my router from accross state lines and ill im getiing so some text giberish when i try and connect to the router from my media-server that is across state lines02:21
plut0mickster04: i'm in the livecd right now02:21
mickster04WirelessNot: just 'ifconfig'02:21
mickster04plut0: follow the grub instructions on how to repair grub after a windows install02:22
mickster04!grub | plut002:22
ubottuplut0: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.02:22
geoffmcccole: router webpage may be to complex for lynx02:22
deenaif the cable is defective, is there anyway check from OS level ?02:22
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub202:22
mickster04deena: what cable?02:22
colethats what i was thinking it spits out a bunch of java script..is there anythingi cant do tonight till i make it back to charleston tomorrow and straighten it out02:23
geoffmcccole: can you shell into a box that is connected to the router?02:23
deenaethernet cable02:23
WirelessNotmickster04: http://paste.ubuntu.com/573758/02:23
mickster04cole: a text based graphical browser, that makes no sense02:23
mickster04deena: just ping something on the other end02:23
DouglasKWhat (if any) types of auto ipv6 config does Ubuntu support? eg, DHCPv6, SLAAC, RDNSS?02:24
geoffmcccole: first thing comes to mind setup pptp to allow access to local network, connect and access threw usual local address02:24
mickster04WirelessNot: yeah your wireless device is turned off, check the bios02:24
colewell i was looking at something that looked like it had some somesort of xserver02:24
mickster04cole: so why not just run a normal browser?02:24
deenasee i am taking system from remotely i am not in the position to do visually inspect the cable... it is in DMZ so ping not possible02:25
colecause i dont have remote access enabled to the router02:25
geoffmccmickster04: router prob turned off for remote assistence02:25
plut0mickster04: thanks for the links but neither address the error i'm experiencing02:25
moonbeamin the csound irc no one has been able to help02:26
moonbeamthis is really frustratig02:27
=== newbie is now known as Guest33616
colewill pptp work with 2 linux machine02:28
=== AK|wut is now known as Andorin
billy_ran_awayCan anyone tell me how to make a user account for a daemon?  Specifically the sabnzbdplus daemon?  It runs fine as root, and even my regular user account, but as sabnzbd (my first attempt) it can't open the port.  And yea, there are no other sabnzbdplus processes running...02:30
plut0my grub.cfg got wiped out, trying to recreate it in the livecd using grub-mkconfig and i get the error: "/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: no mapping exists for 'root'"02:30
WirelessNotmickster04: right now i can not those options in bios02:30
WirelessNotmickster04: see02:30
mickster04gepltry running the grub fox for after a windows install02:30
mickster04plut0: try running the grub fox for after a windows install02:31
mickster04cole: is it ubuntu to ubunutu?02:31
mickster04WirelessNot: uhm then i have no idea, but your hardware is turnewd off02:32
mickster04WirelessNot: is all i can summise02:32
sysadmI LOVE GRUB02:32
mickster04sysadm: me too02:32
WirelessNotNeed help: my network hardware is turned off, internet not wokrking02:33
moonbeamgeoffmcc, are you still there?02:33
johnnytxhow do we constraint a user1 in /etc/sudoers for the box to ask user1`s a password when user1 executes /bin/cp ?????02:33
plut0mickster04: correct me if i'm wrong but that guide is for grub1 not grub202:33
sysadmmickster04, just installed a server with nothing but a linux kernel and grub02:33
geoffmccmoonbeam: yes. prob will work however not sure how to do as i only connected from remote windows to ubuntu --- sounded like mickster04 may have an answer02:33
rondonany idea why i get no signal when trying to install 10.04.2-desktop? i get a weird icon that looks like a keyboard and a person icon then no signal.02:34
moonbeamok thanks geoffmcc02:34
mickster04cole: try running firefox in the remote terminal, you may get automaticaaly get it on your screen thru x-forwarding02:34
moonbeamill wait02:34
WirelessNotNeed help: my network hardware is turned off, internet not wokrking: http://paste.ubuntu.com/573758/02:35
geoffmccmoonbeam: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VPNClient may help02:35
nimbioticsis there a "noisier" channel for sqlite than #sqlite?02:35
ahylianhumanHey guys, I'm stuck in a tty session02:35
geoffmccmoonbeam: oh wait, that gui and your on a shell huh02:36
WirelessNotNeed help: my network hardware is turned off, internet not wokrking: http://paste.ubuntu.com/573758/02:36
ahylianhumanI need help with recovering from an Intel DPMS screenlockup without killing X02:36
gaelfxahylianhuman: did you try ctl+alt+f7?02:36
ahylianhumanthat does't kill X, does it?02:36
moonbeami dont have a prob with connectin gto internet now02:36
mickster04cole, try just running firefox in the remote session02:36
moonbeamas long as im not in new kernel02:36
gaelfxahylianhuman: what is a DPMS screen lockup?02:36
MagizianQuestion, what's the command to make it so users don't have to be invited to the room?02:37
moonbeamnewest real time low latency kernel02:37
ahylianhumanbasically, a certain DPMS command is causing my screen to lockup02:37
moonbeami really just want to get csound up and running02:37
ahylianhumanwell, X more specifically02:37
mickster04Magizian: THAT'S NOT UBUNTU HELP02:37
moonbeamand the prob with sound is just strange02:37
mickster04Magizian: sorry about the caps lock02:37
moonbeamsame exact files work great in my mac02:37
WirelessNotcole: are you setting up remote connection, i have experience.02:37
moonbeamand i have no other sound issues with ubuntu 10.1002:37
geoffmccmoonbeam: maybe http://www.ehow.com/how_2284708_secure-shell-ssh-as-vpn.html will work02:37
moonbeamaudacity s far has run fine02:37
Magizianfuck ubuntu.. it's slow, WMHT OS Zx86!02:38
gaelfxahylianhuman: well, you probably need someone else's advice then02:38
karabaja4hi, does someone have rtorrent configured like this: check for downloaded data with schedule, if data isn't there remove the torrent. (is this possible?)02:38
geoffmccmoonbeam: sorry wrong person i think02:38
gsp2009wow.. that is an interesting advertising campaing.02:38
moonbeami think so02:38
moonbeamno prpb02:38
moonbeami think you want wirelessnot02:38
geoffmcccole: http://www.ehow.com/how_2284708_secure-shell-ssh-as-vpn.html  maybe will work02:38
XXI get the message that package kubuntu-desktop is not available but referred to by another package02:39
=== XX is now known as Guest61741
JasonnWhat is a useful program that i could install on my linux server?02:39
geoffmccmoonbeam: you did reference me, did u need something02:39
geoffmccmoonbeam: that were i got confused02:39
moonbeamyes i said i have a prob with csound02:39
moonbeamno other prob with sound02:39
moonbeamand i really dont know how to solve it02:40
moonbeami said i installed newest real time low latency kernel as suggested by someone here02:40
moonbeamit didnt fix prob02:40
moonbeamim not on that kernel now02:40
jbwiv___at some point i installed a 3.6 pre version of firefox on my machine. How can I restore it to the default firefox browser that comes with Maverick (which I'm running)?02:40
Starminnmoonbeam: Try to keep it all on one line please. :) Thank you.02:41
rshackleCranhello, I am using gedit with the console and python interpreter plugin, how can i switch from editing to the console plugin without the mouse?02:41
Guest61741I get the message that package kubuntu-desktop is not available but referred to by another package02:41
geoffmccmoonbeam: im not fam with it but was doing some reading here http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/Lua-and-csound-on-Ubuntu-td2740150.html02:41
WirelessNotwho called me?02:41
geoffmcc moonbeam: not sure if any of that info will help u as i dont think u getting any errors02:41
JasonnGuest61741: what package?02:41
WirelessNotNeed help: my network hardware is turned off, internet not wokrking: http://paste.ubuntu.com/573758/02:41
Guest61741Jasonn: It doesn't mention.02:42
JasonnGuest61741: what package are you trying to install?02:42
Starminnjbwiv___: Install the new one and kill the old one? OR try looking in Tools or PReferences for an update option.02:42
WirelessNotstarminn: Need help: my network hardware is turned off, internet not wokrking: http://paste.ubuntu.com/573758/02:43
Guest61741Jasonn: kubuntu-desktop02:43
StarminnWirelessNot: Who said I could help? Lol. I don't know anything about Internet, sorry.02:43
moonbeamso the csound files playback with clicks and clacks and hiss. i dont have this issue with any other program. i am ona new asus ee pc 1015pem 2g ram. these same files playback fine on mac version of csound - 0n a 6 year old mac to boot. so what do i do. i have no isues with audacity or the built in recorder.02:44
PhotocopyLast time I was in here I was trying to solve a problem with vlc and other video players display outputs having suddenly started to display green lines all over video output. Someone suggested updating my driver from the xorg-edgers ppa but i didn't do it02:44
Photocopynow I want to do it02:44
moonbeami have no toher clicking or hissing sound issues at all02:44
Photocopybecause nothing else I tried first worked02:44
JasonnGuest61741: my recommendation is just install ubuntu-desktop since kubuntu-desktop is probably not in the ubuntu repos. Otherwise, you can just reinstall kubuntu02:44
Photocopylspci|grep VGA results in: 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series]02:44
Photocopycan anyone help me out with figuring out what I do?02:45
Guest61741This mentions that it is right there : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE02:45
gaelfxPhotocopy: there's your problem right there, you're using ATI02:45
rshackleCranWhere would I go to ask a gnome specific question, namely gedit. Do they have an IRC channel?02:45
ubottukubuntu is Ubuntu with the KDE Software Compilation instead of !Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde02:45
WirelessNotNeed help: my network hardware is turned off, internet not wokrking: http://paste.ubuntu.com/573758/02:45
zombie_Hello, I need help once again02:45
Photocopygaelfx; nothing can be done. i'm not here to have my computer's parts judged or frowned upon, I'm just looking for some guidance02:45
mickster04Redmono: #gnoem maybe02:45
geoffmccWirelessNot: what is the wireless card provider again02:46
zombie_My mail icon in the top right task bar is gone, how do I get it back??02:46
gaelfxPhotocopy: well, if you're wanting to install a PPA, first you need to find it. Have you done that yet?02:46
mickster04!panel | zombie_02:46
JasonnGuest61741: did you install the "other required packages" section?02:46
mickster04!panels | zombie_02:46
ubottuzombie_: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »02:46
WirelessNotgeofffmcc: hold on.02:46
Jasonnmickster04: how do i get the ubottu commands?02:46
Photocopygaelfx; all I know is that it's called xorg-edgers but there seem to be multiple versions of this ppa floating around for different reasons and I can't figure out what I'm supposed to do02:46
drcrshackleCran: #gedit on irc.gnome.org02:47
WirelessNotgeoffmcc: when i run system test, it said Nvidia02:47
Guest61741Jasonn: My system agrees with what it says so I don't need to.02:47
=== leaf is now known as Guest85574
Starminnzombie_: sudo apt-get install indicator-messages //// maybe? Not sure02:47
gaelfxPhotocopy: my advice is select the simplest one, the one that changes the fewest possible packages02:47
mickster04!bot | Jasonn02:47
ubottuJasonn: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots02:47
zombie_Okay cool man02:47
zombie_that did it02:47
rshackleCranPhotocopy, I have a Radeon HD 5770, both the open source and proprietary02:47
JasonnGuest61741: did you try uninstalling ubuntu-desktop?02:47
Starminnzombie_: Which one did you try?02:47
rshackleCrandrc, Thank you :-)02:47
Jasonnmickster04: thank you02:47
Photocopygaelfx: i have no idea what packages from it I am supposed to install.02:48
gaelfxPhotocopy: in general, PPAs are not the safest thing in the world, but you can minimize any damage they might do by selecting the one that changes thew fewest things02:48
zombie_ gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel  That fixed it02:48
geoffmccWirelessNot: pastebin lspci -v | less02:48
drcrshackleCran: but maybe some one here can answer your question if you'd ask02:48
WirelessNotgeoffmcc: hold, i will have to copy from the other computer. transfer02:48
Photocopygaelfx; great. I need very specific advice describing which packages are correct for my video hardware in question so general advice is only going to get me so far02:48
* Jasonn pokes Guest6174102:48
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Starminnzombie_: Gotcha. Yeah, that just completely resets everything. The one I gave is for the mail icon in particular. Either will work02:49
rshackleCrandrc, I did ask its an obscure question though. All I want to know is what is the keyboard shortcut for switching between the console plugin and the editor for gedit02:49
Guest61741Jasonn: yeah?02:49
Photocopygaelfx: no offense intended, I'm looking for someone with the same or similar video hardware who has experience with this ppa02:49
plut0my grub.cfg got wiped out, trying to recreate it in the livecd using grub-mkconfig and i get the error: "/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: no mapping exists for 'root'"02:49
JasonnGuest61741: did you try uninstalling ubuntu-desktop first?02:49
gaelfxPhotocopy: talk to rshackleCran then02:50
drcrshackleCran: obscure is right...I have no idea02:50
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keyns12 milion OO02:50
rshackleCrandrc, :P02:50
zombie_I have another question02:50
rshackleCrandrc, thanks for pointing me in the right direction though.02:51
rshackleCranzombie_, Just ask :-)02:51
Jasonn!help | zombie_02:51
ubottuzombie_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:51
zombie_I'll use paste so I don't use too many lines02:51
PhotocopyrshackleCran: how different is your card than mine?02:52
Jasonn!pastebin | zombie_02:52
ubottuzombie_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:52
Jasonnzombie_: e.e. i just learned how to use the bot so..02:52
keynsif I install ubuntu on my laptop it will automatically read the hardware02:52
rshackleCranPhotocopy, What card do you have?02:52
keynsit can recognize my hardware or where  Ifind drivers?02:52
johnny77I'm having a hard time setting up a wireless network. iwlist scan shows it, I've connected to it before can't get DHCP to give me a lease or correctly set up a static IP. Can anyone help.02:52
geoffmcckeyns: most things will just work. but you may run into problems with wifi card02:53
Starminn!botabuse > Jasonn (you're not abusing it or anything, but I thought this would be informative and helpful)02:53
ubottuJasonn, please see my private message02:53
PhotocopyrshackleCran: 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series]02:53
JasonnStarminn: sorry about that02:53
keynsok thanks geoffmcc02:53
PhotocopyrshackleCran: I can't really comprehend what I need to install from the xorg-edgers ppa...02:53
geoffmcckeyns: do u know what kind wifi card u have?02:53
colebasically i just need to access port forwarding on my router which im not sure can been done unless i can install the minumal gui and loging using vnc, is there a way toconfigure vnc remotely?02:54
rshackleCranPhotocopy, What are you trying do do? Just get a driver installed?02:54
Jasonncole: for security reasons - no02:54
StarminnJasonn: Nope, no problems man lol. You just said you were new with the bot and I forget commands too so whenever I'm unsure on a command I try to run /msg ubottu !<command> as it's really helpful. Just trying to help out a fellow ubottu'er.02:54
JasonnStarminn: how long have you been here?02:54
gaelfxStarminn: actually, when you message it directly, you don't need the !02:54
PhotocopyrshackleCran: Video output in every video player program went from working fine one day to outputting a ton of weird green lines and stuff, and when i came to ask for help a few weeks ago I was told about this ppa but decided to wait and see if it would fix itself02:55
plut0my grub.cfg got wiped out, trying to recreate it in the livecd using grub-mkconfig and i get the error: "/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: no mapping exists for 'root'"02:55
StarminnJasonn: *shrug* Lemme grep my logs and I'll let you know.02:55
PhotocopyrshackleCran: someone figured this could fix it.02:55
Jordan_Uplut0: Follow http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide .02:55
JasonnStarminn: haha, with this much traffic, i can expect an answer by next year ;)02:55
geoffmcccole: did u see my prev link or did u miss it or it not work -- http://www.ehow.com/how_2284708_secure-shell-ssh-as-vpn.html02:55
rshackleCranPhotocopy, hmmm... did this start happening after an update?02:56
WirelessNotgeoffmcc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/573766/02:56
PhotocopyrshackleCran: it might have, my update manager updates almost daily so... I have no idea.02:56
DouglasKWhat (if any) types of auto ipv6 config does Ubuntu support? eg, DHCPv6, SLAAC, RDNSS?  I've got my router playing nice with the tunnel, it can ping ipv6.02:56
coz_DouglasK,   does this help?  http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man1/aiccu.1.html02:57
StarminnJasonn: I've been here a month. I just kinda lurk in my spare time and help out when the usualy "gods" of this channel aren't here. (Yeah, it gets busy. But by the way for small talk (because it gets so busy in here) we try to keep it in #ubuntu-offtopic)02:57
geoffmccWirelessNot:  Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. // lemme do some lookin02:57
DouglasKcoz_ I think it does, thanks!02:57
zombie_Heres my Question  http://paste.ubuntu.com/573768/02:57
coz_DouglasK,   if not just google  "ubuntu auto ipv602:58
JasonnStarminn: dont ya wanna use the ubottu command for that ;)02:58
banker247whats a good / easy way to share photos with ubuntu? i notice it doesn't work too well with photobucket any other easy optoins?02:58
Jasonnbanker247: with the world, or between computers?02:58
mickster04plut0: you need to just reinstall grub, that will fix it02:58
coz_banker247,   mm  via  flickr maybe?02:58
coz_banker247,  not sure what you want02:58
StarminnJasonn: It's so impersonal and the !ot call just makes the channel scroll faster.02:58
banker247well went on a family trip and want to share it with 5 or 6 people02:58
banker247but i'd like to eventually be able to publish albums for access to my family02:59
geoffmccWirelessNot: oops didnt copy whole line in case u wanna look too -- its a  Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5001 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)02:59
gaelfxbanker247: that sounds like a real good job for flickr02:59
coz_banker247,  well flickr offers free account and if on gnome  you can install frogr  which is a flcker desktop application02:59
rshackleCranPhotocopy, Your card is an older ATI card, im not going to lie to you they were a bitch and still probably are. I would first try to boot up with an older kernel that worked, then from there if that does not work reinstall the video drivers02:59
coz_banker247,  if on kde  kflickr02:59
banker247ahh so i was using photobucket and it doesn't seem to work that good with ubuntu.. flickr is the solution?02:59
Jasonnbanker247: are they computer savvy? if not, i would say imageshack - if they are, try something like an ftp server, if its local, maybe a samba share?03:00
PhotocopyrshackleCran: I don't know how to boot with an older kernel that worked or if that was updated or anything03:00
DouglasKcoz_: looks like I'll need to reconfigure to use sixxs.net instead of tunnelbroker.net if I'm to use aiccu, yes?03:00
coz_banker247,  I just started using flickr  ..its fast ,,,easy  and not bad to deal with03:00
gaelfxbanker247: either that or you can use Picasa, if you really wanna03:00
pnk|aftershavescrim 5v5 pm me03:00
coz_DouglasK,  oh ok,,, I am probably the biggest "doof"  with any type of networking  :)03:00
pnk|aftershavescrim 5v5 pm me03:00
pnk|aftershavescrim 5v5 pm me03:00
banker247whats the desktop app for flickr that any good?03:00
zombie_http://paste.ubuntu.com/573768/  Heres what I'm asking03:01
coz_banker247,   I use   frogr   here03:01
rshackleCranPhotocopy, Simplest way would be to reboot and select one of the older versions at the grub boot screen.03:01
banker247does picaasa work well with ubuntu?03:01
rshackleCranPhotocopy, This also might be a problem that is better suited for the forums.03:01
coz_banker247,  it looks somewhat simple but a few minutes and you will get the hang of it,,, it also uploads  mulitple photos and descriptions  at one time03:01
PhotocopyrshackleCran: my laptop doesn't display grub on startup... it just launches straight into ubuntu03:01
PhotocopyrshackleCran: can I force it to show grub's menu?03:02
gaelfxPhotocopy: hold shift while booting to get grub menu03:02
geoffmccWirelessNot: u still here03:02
Jasonnzombie_: dont know of anything03:02
coz_banker247,  if you install   frogr it shows up in the graphics  menu  as  flickr Remote Organizer03:02
Photocopythanks gaelfx. rshackleCran: i'll try booting with an older version then, if I can make that work03:02
DasEigaelfx: left ctrl it is for grub 203:02
zombie_No themes or anything?03:02
ExploiterHI, GUYS, looking for tools like SENDBLASTER ( mass email sender ) for ubuntu, any suggestion or idea??03:02
Photocopygaelfx: i saw DasEi's message too. will try both03:03
coz_banker247,  go to flickr  and create an account..you can always delete it any time03:03
banker247coz_,  flickr vs picasa?03:03
Photocopybe right back..03:03
gaelfxDasEi: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119527503:03
coz_banker247,  flickr03:03
ExploiterHI, GUYS, looking for tools like SENDBLASTER ( mass email sender ) for ubuntu, any suggestion or idea??03:03
rshackleCranPhotocopy, alright03:03
WirelessNotgeoffmcc: yes03:03
coz_banker247,  I really dont like picassa  unless you want an onboard photo viewing application03:03
WirelessNotgeoffmcc: someone said do this: rfkill list03:03
Starminnzombie_: The closest thing to that is the Compiz "Window Preview" effect, but there is no (to my knowledge) any application for switching between windows in the style.03:04
geoffmccWirelessNot: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146979903:04
geoffmccWirelessNot: start at zuperman1 post03:04
coz_banker247,   I prefer other applications for photo image viewers  over picasa  but for flickr ,, frogr is the way to go  or upload directly to flickr03:04
zombie_http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCgEPihr0NE  I want something like that03:04
Starminnzombie_: However, if you use Avant Window Manager (a dock) and maybe some other ones, you can get a list (like in the second or third preview on the MS page) to choose between the windows of an app03:04
banker247coz_,  do people need flickr accounts to view your albums03:05
Jasonnbanker247: no03:05
coz_banker247,   no   they just need the address03:05
Starminnzombie_: Yep, that would be a dock03:05
banker247same with picasa?03:05
zombie_A dock03:05
coz_zombie_,   which part of that video did you wa nt to recreate?03:05
zombie_how do I get a dock03:05
coz_zombie_,   that looks like cairo dock03:05
coz_zombie_,    sudo apt-get install cairo-dock  cairo-dock-plug-ins  I believe  or you can use the weekly bzr PPA03:06
coz_banker247,  on flickr make sure you set the account for public or private viewing... if private only the people you want to view it can view it03:06
WirelessNotgeoffmcc: aver-wmi...   no such device03:07
triplebabyhow can I tell if I installed skype?03:07
Starminnzombie_: just open the Ubuntu Software Center and search for "dock"03:07
coz_zombie_,  if you want the PPA let me know   I would also open synaptic package manager  and search for cairo dock to make sure you install all of the necessary packages for it03:07
Starminncoz_: Why always the Terminal path?03:07
geoffmccWirelessNot: typo or did u run modprobe acer-wmi03:07
Starminncoz_: GUIs should go first03:07
coz_Starminn,  sorry   which are you speaking of?03:08
zombie_How would I load windows xp in this?03:08
zombie_I seen in the video he loaded windows xp out of his linux dock03:08
Starminncoz_: Zombie's thing. The dock. People always go for Terminal installs and never Software Center.03:08
coz_zombie_,  via  virtual box  I would assume03:08
Starminn!vb | zombie_03:08
zombie_I would need more then 20 gbs ehh03:08
coz_Starminn,  ah ok... well  I always push the bzr version since it installs a few experimental plugins as well as being much more up to date03:09
neiz_zombie_: you could set up XP with less than 20GB of space03:09
Starminn!virtualbox > zombie_03:09
ubottuzombie_, please see my private message03:09
DasEi!virual | zombie_03:09
WirelessNotgeoffmcc: yes twice, now i can not even do  "sudo modeprobe -v ath5k"   i removed and i can't recover03:09
triplebabywhat's this mean? --> Selecting previously deselected package skype.  ---does that mean it is a reinstall? or wot?03:09
coz_banker247,  I have my account set to public  http://www.flickr.com/photos/coz_03:10
coz_banker247,  with that link you should be able to view the images03:10
WirelessNotgeoffmcc: i can do sudo modprobe -c ath5k.   but still no acer-wmi03:10
coz_banker247,  if that were set to private I believe you can send the link privately but not sure you will have to read about that part of it03:10
geoffmccwhat if do the two modprobes without the acer one... but im looking for other references to this card in meantime03:12
=== Matthia5 is now known as e8newallm
geoffmccWirelessNot: what kernel r u using03:13
WirelessNotubuntu 10.10 idk which kernel.03:14
coz_WirelessNot,  in terminal  uname -r03:14
StarminnWirelessNot: uname -a03:14
StarminnNo, coz_ you were right03:14
WirelessNotgeoffmcc: 2.6.35-2503:14
geoffmccWirelessNot: from what i see sofar should work. and now i think of it didnt u say it works in xubuntu or something and not kubuntu03:15
ExploiterTurn my mic up louder I got to say something03:16
ExploiterLight weights step to the side when we come in03:16
ExploiterFeel it in your chest the syllables get pumping03:16
ExploiterPeople on the street they panic and start running03:16
ExploiterWords on loose leaf sheet complete coming03:16
ExploiterI jump in my mind and summon the rhyme, I'm dumping03:16
FloodBot1Exploiter: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:16
=== dave is now known as Guest8476
zombie_Is there any free software on ubuntu like adobe photo shop cs3?  and I'm not talking about gimp 203:16
geoffmccWirelessNot: also see refernces to madwifi working with your card03:17
WirelessNotgeoffmcc: i only use ubuntu: it was working 2 hours ago.03:17
geoffmccWirelessNot: based on your pastebin Kernel driver in use: ath5k03:19
geoffmccWirelessNot: Kernel modules: ath5k03:20
WirelessNotgeoffmcc: the fast it was working 2 hours says what?03:20
WirelessNotgeoffmcc: fast*03:20
geoffmccWirelessNot: i dont know how but now that we know the card and driver that should be working maybe someone here can tell you how to reinstall03:20
geoffmccWirelessNot: either something got mucked in kernel or card died03:21
gaelfxWirelessNot: you are, I assume, having wireless issues?03:21
geoffmccWirelessNot: did u download the latest kernel today or otherday when came out?03:21
WirelessNotgeoffmcc: i might have download update yesterday but not today/03:22
geoffmccgaelfx: yea here his pastebin -- wifi at end http://paste.ubuntu.com/573766/03:22
gaelfxWirelessNot: have you tried installing the backports compat wireless package from synaptic?03:22
geoffmccjust noticed Capabilities: <access denied>03:22
ki__Hi. I want to put my screen to my webcam output03:22
ki__is that possible?03:22
the20yrIs there a way to make a USB stick drive from ubuntu?03:24
WirelessNotgeolfx: my internet was working fine 2 hours ago. so i did not particularly download backports copact wireless package from synaptic.03:24
geoffmccki__: im not reading what your writing, can u elaberate03:24
ki__geoffmcc: I am in a video chat. People on windows are able to set the output of their webcam to their desktop or to a window. I want to do this.03:25
WirelessNotgeoffmcc: I fixed it, thanks to someone from #ubuntu-server03:26
WirelessNotgeelfx: my problem was fixed,03:26
geoffmccWirelessNot: if not hard can u say what was done?03:26
geoffmccki__: sorry, not sure03:27
WirelessNotgeoffmcc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/573774/03:27
geoffmccWirelessNot: of course when im not on both to see it on my own, lol03:27
geoffmccWirelessNot: ty03:28
WirelessNotgaelfx: http://paste.ubuntu.com/573774/ FIXED03:28
geoffmccWirelessNot: makes sence that why was saying Capabilities: <access denied>03:29
WirelessNotgeoffmcc: and you have to restart ofcource.03:29
WirelessNotgeoffmcc: thank you very much for you effort.03:29
WirelessNotgeoffmcc: we both learned something today.03:29
geoffmccWirelessNot: im sure it will come up again too.. so although took us a while can help someone else in  flash03:30
WirelessNotwell bye.03:30
olskolircwhere are my gaim logs kept please so that i can view past history ims03:32
TaymonHi. I'm having some sound problems.03:32
olskolircwhat distro Taymon03:33
TaymonUbuntu 10.10, on a Dell Studio 14. I'll elaborate.03:34
FluttershyI'm assuming by gaim you mean pidgin03:34
olskolircyes Fluttershy03:35
TaymonMy sound system has essentially vanished; the icon is gone from the GNOME indicator widget, and opening the configuration dialog just gives me "Waiting for sound system to respond".03:35
Fluttershyis there not a .pidgin folder?03:35
Fluttershyin your home folder, I mean03:35
FluttershyI don't use it but that's where I'd look03:35
olskolircno Fluttershy03:35
coz_make sure you hit  ctrl+h  to show hidden folders in home03:35
TaymonI did the troubleshooting on the site and it looks like I don't have the ALSA drivers installed, so I downloaded the source.03:36
Fluttershysorry, it's .purple03:36
Fluttershyshould be ~/.purple/logs03:36
TaymonHowever, when I try to compile, I get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/573776/03:36
Taymon(This is just the last part of the output of make.)03:36
TaymonDoes anyone know why this is happening?03:37
zimiehi I am trying to setup a transparent squid proxy server with ubuntu 10.10, So what so i do??03:38
bisu[Shield]can anyone make sense of this: I am on a x64 machine. I ran mysql --version and got error: mysql: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.so.16: undefined symbol: yaSSL_connect.  any suggestions?03:39
asdfhow do i get ufw to log to syslog? i'm running 0.30.0-203:39
asdfg0nz0|Boston: hola! ita ? :)03:39
=== nfredrich is now known as iRabbit
TaymonMy sound system's gone. I think I'm missing the ALSA drivers. When I try to compile them from source, I get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/573776/03:40
Lando-SpacePimpHow is the "the Official" support channel?03:42
=== Daemonicc is now known as Daemonic
Lando-SpacePimpWhat makes it official?03:42
=== ClankBot is now known as ClankBot|AFK
coz_Taymon,   ah you need to compile with specific cards as I recall   but you should probably check in #alsa or #pulseaudio channels03:42
shcherbakLando-SpacePimp: What, um... Topic?03:43
Lando-SpacePimpTopic Official Ubuntu Support Channel03:44
EmuAlertIs there any way to abort a running program in the terminal other than closing the window?03:44
=== ClankBot|AFK is now known as clank714
mickster04EmuAlert: ctrl+c03:44
Lando-SpacePimpEmuAlert: Turning off the computer03:44
=== clank714 is now known as ClankBot
EmuAlertI think I'll go with ctrl+c most of the time, thanks03:45
mickster04Lando-SpacePimp: that and we only have one #03:45
zimiei need some help to setup a transparent proxy server03:45
mickster04zimie: squid?03:45
=== ef is now known as E8newallm
Lando-SpacePimpSo is the the official ubuntu support channel on freenode03:45
shcherbakEmuAlert: Youcan use kill PID or killall Progarm Name03:45
Lando-SpacePimpOr in all of the universe?03:45
mickster04zimie: well what's the problem?03:45
zimiemy client cant access the internet03:46
mickster04Lando-SpacePimp: you can do irc.ubuntu.com but that is basically the same thing03:46
zimiei add the iptables rule03:46
mickster04zimie: well that'll be config settings03:46
Lando-SpacePimpGood bye03:46
zimiesquid config?03:46
* mickster04 thinks lando will be back03:46
mickster04zimie: prossibly, but this is actually a squid problem. not ubuntu, you should find squid related help :/ sorry03:47
EmuAlertIs there generally no difference between single and double quotes when typing a string in the terminal?03:47
coz_EmuAlert,   which string?03:48
=== ClankBot is now known as Mexican
EmuAlertWell I'm just doing some stuff with find, and a handful of other commands say that you can use either03:48
coz_EmuAlert,  ah ok,, well... if it works  it works ...yes?03:49
=== Mexican is now known as cl
=== hev is now known as heavy_bullets
=== cl is now known as ClankBot
EmuAlertI know they're not 100% interchangeable, but I think that "./my folder" usually equals './my folder'03:49
shcherbakEmuAlert: try: echo "$hello" and echo '$hello'03:49
EmuAlertAh, not with everything03:50
EmuAlertSingle quotes are more often used in the terminal, right?03:50
TaymonThere appears to be no one in #alsa or #pulseaudio. Is there anywhere else to ask about my ALSA compile error?03:50
shcherbakEmuAlert: Hm, used to pass string 'literaly'03:51
TaymonAre there any known issues with the latest Linux headers?03:52
zazzyjournaling fail... my ubuntu is broken :-(03:54
maukarusok xchats transpearant bg is ccool03:55
ndxtgdoes anyone know what package name to download the compress/uncompress thing that is shipped with Ubuntu desktop? I installed from Xorg and minimal so I dont have it03:56
eppahello; I'm trying to use LTS as an NFS client to a RHEL box. RHEL box exporting 50G partition to Ubuntu, but when mounted on Ubuntu it only shows a size of 10GiB, says 2.8GiB is used (it's not, only 10MiB is!).  Anyone any idea what's going on?03:56
maukaruswhy is add/remove asking me to fix broken packages-then synaptic wont apply when i "fix broken packages"03:56
maukaruseppa do you have a partition editor?03:57
maukarusno idea what nfs or rhel is..03:58
zazzysolved with an ubuntu cd... can't understand why recovery shell won't work allwayais freeze03:58
maukarusbad memory/drive?03:59
=== joe75_ is now known as joe75
shcherbakndxtg: I think, frontier is called file-roller, why do you want to download it?04:00
brian_hi guys04:01
ndxtgshcherbak: no its not that I guess, I just need to install a zip/unzip thing ( I just installed a minimal verson+Xorg so it does not have any app comes with as normal desktop version)04:01
maukaruswant to play mine craft,, =c04:01
brian_fuck minecraft04:01
brian_no offense that game is rediculous04:02
maukarusy f mc?04:02
IdleOne!language | brian_04:02
ubottubrian_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.04:02
MrcheesenipsNot the place to argue about that04:02
shcherbakndxtg: sudo apt-get install zip unzip04:02
maukarusy not f roblox?04:02
brian_hey iar04:02
Iarfenhow I can configure the host tables??04:03
brian_hey brian04:03
ndxtgshcherbak: no its for command line, I need the one that when you right click on the folder it has "compress option"...04:03
brian_whats a good browser to use, im kind of an ubuntu newb04:04
brian_i think firefox is running slow04:04
willcan anyone tell me where SMB shares are mounted in the file system when you use the GUI to connect to them? I am trying to use a bash script to move some files around04:04
maukarusi'm wondering too04:05
maukaruswhat this seamonkey?04:05
shcherbakndxtg: That would be file-roller, it gives Compress... option in context menu04:05
maukarusand i like rediculous games04:06
shcherbakndxtg: or maybe gzip does it too...04:06
maukarusit wouldnt be much fun if something rediculous didnt happen xD04:06
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shcherbakbrian_: Be good boy, use Opera (for ultimate speed get links2)04:07
maukarusopera has java, can play minecraft and such games?04:07
IarfenAnyone can help me to configuere host table??04:07
brian_shcher : Thanks, thats what I use under Windows x64, but wasn't sure how it was supported on linux04:08
amh345how do i specify a specific version when using apt-get?  i need mysql v 5.1.55.    is there a way or do i need to build from source?04:08
ndxtgshcherbak: no idea, I installed both gzip and file-roller (as told before) but it does not show up in right click04:08
AndorinI appear to have a booting problem. I installed Windows alongside Ubuntu today, so I've just followed the wiki's steps on restoring GRUB. However, when I boot from my hard drive, I get a totally black screen. What do I do?04:08
shcherbakndxtg: one sec (something is missing in Nautilus)04:08
zazzywhy ubuntu kernel freeze when I try to start in single mode(recovery console)?04:09
jakehi!  i'm trying to set up a *really* lightweight ubuntu- installing openbox/xinit on ubuntu server 10.10 gets me to about 75 megs.  One of the biggest users of memory at this point is rsyslogd.  Can i run ubuntu w/o it?04:09
maukarusandorin-install on a nother drive and recover the  partitions?04:09
maukarusmbr is @$$%#04:10
Andorinmaukarus: I don't have another hard drive available.04:10
AndorinI have a 4 GB flash drive... why?04:10
maukarusdo you havd a win cd or restore?04:10
maukarusmin install size is about 3.6 gb04:11
AndorinYou're not going to tell me to reinstall both systems, are you?04:11
maukaruswell hopefully u didnt mess up a recovery partiton..04:11
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AndorinI can restore Windows if I need to. However, it would be a serious pain to reinstall Windows and Ubuntu tonight.04:12
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maukarusthe usb install would be handy to see whats left on the drives04:12
zazzyAndorin, I have the same problem with windows... solved with virutal box ;-)04:12
AndorinWindows in a VM isn't what I need, tho04:12
maukarusso is it tru updates sometimes break grub on wubi innstalls?04:13
AndorinIf I try reinstalling GRUB from the live CD again, might it work?04:13
shcherbakndxtg: need nautilus-sendto, http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/gnome/nautilus-sendto04:13
maukarusgrubs should see the partitons..should be an option to boot grub?04:13
AndorinNo. When I start my computer, I get my BIOS screen, then a moment of a dark screen with a blinking cursor, then the display goes entirely black. Like I unplugged my monitor.04:14
ReallycoolOften when I wake up from suspend, the physical buttons on the touchpad stop working, yet I can still click by tapping the touchpad itself. Any idea what could be causing this?04:14
shcherbakAndorin: It should, if not try to chroot system (if this fails you have a problem)04:15
AndorinAnyway, booting into live CD... *waits several minutes*04:15
Andorinshcherbak: What is chrooting the system?04:15
maukarusthere is no bootable media..or something is shorting out?04:15
maukarusone of the 2 xD04:15
joadriHi guys... new doing this.... help04:15
maukarusif u can boot an os and run.. it shouldn't be anything serious04:15
joadriunable to connect to facebook trhu ubuntu 10.04... help04:16
maukarusu do updates yet?04:16
Starminnjoadri: What browser are you using and does your Internet work for everything else? (Just trying to get more info so others can help too)04:17
Starminnjoadri: And what browsers have you tried it with04:17
shcherbakAndorin: Way to start system via liveCD04:17
joadriI m using mozilla and yes, it works for evething else04:17
Andorinshcherbak: I can boot from live CD or USB just fine04:17
joadriI ve tried using chrome with same results04:18
gibss37I am new to world of linux, is it good to have it installed within window04:18
Starminngibss37: No, you don't want ot use WUBI if you can help it04:18
maukarusStarminn, why?04:18
shcherbakAndorin: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling GRUB 2 (method 3 is chroot)04:19
Starminnmaukarus gibss37: I mean, it's fine if you use it on occasion, but the "proper" way is to install it to a partition (which it does automatically for you), plus if something were to happen ot Windows, your Ubuntu would be fried too04:19
Starminngibss37 maukarus: In addition, it will run slower in WUBI than if you had done a proper install.04:20
maukarusStarminn, so it's fine..do you know how to increase the swap file size?04:20
gibss37Starminn: yeah that is the main thing. when ever i tried ubuntu like this and recovered window ubuntu also gets currupted04:20
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info04:20
Andorinshcherbak: Okay, when I get booted up from my live CD (which is taking some time), I'll give it a try04:20
joadriStarminn... I am able to connect from work, not from home04:20
gibss37i do have 500 gb free memory04:21
needhelp1can anyone tell me of a media manager that will pull the metadata │ adaptr04:21
Starminngibss37: That's because Ubuntu is *inside* of Windows. If you were to do a proper install then it wouldn't matter what Windows does.04:21
needhelp1                   | and rename my music file names, having an issue with pulling      │ ader1004:21
maukarusgibs recovering windows creates a new mbr/partiton table for windows04:21
Starminnmaukarus: But it doesn't matter because in WUBI if Windows dies, and Ubuntu is in Windows, Ubuntu dies too.04:21
gibss37if i do make 20 gb free new  parition using windows, can i install a fresh there04:22
maukarusStarminn, my point is either way..both would be fried04:22
needhelp1can anyone tell me of a media manager that will rename my music file names by pulling the info from the metadata.. im having issues with getting my music off of my ipod. all the file names are .. garbage.04:22
Starminngibss37: Yeah, I think my Ubuntu is sitting on 30GB and I'm only using 15GB (150GB HDD) while Windows has 90GB since it has my music04:22
maukarusany reason the drive would fail, would make it useless xD04:22
Starminnmaukarus: So Windows dying == drive fail?04:23
maukarusgibs u can also use usb devices to store stuff on04:23
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Starminnneedhelp1: That's because iTunes encrypts them when its added to your iPod. I honestly have no idea why.04:23
shcherbakneedhelp1: easytag , have a look: http://techii.wordpress.com/2008/05/16/mp3-tag-editors-for-ubuntu/04:23
gibss37Starminn: so you also have windows04:23
needhelp1shcherbak: thanks04:24
GFXdisabledHi Linux gurus. Can anyone tell me how to delete any Nvidia drivers and restore my x server settings to their default in Ubuntu 10.10?04:24
maukarusStarminn, quite often...it's data loss or something that made the table curropt..that would make the system not boot randomly04:24
Starminngibss37: Yes, I dual-boot.04:24
maukarusi dual boot my samsung n150..which is fryed much the same way04:24
Starminnmaukarus: Point taken. I at first couldn't install Ubuntu because I had to defrag Windows twice and CHKDSK once04:25
maukarusblank screen no boot..but it did have 275*f temps last i ran it..04:25
gibss37so if i make a new partition using windows management utility and boot using CD, then ?04:25
DasEiGFXdisabled: sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia && sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:25
Starminngibss37: You don't even have to do that much.04:25
shcherbakneedhelp1: and cowbell (used this one on few occasions), if you use gtk-pod and anyplayer your tags should be ok04:25
DasEiGFXdisabled: also you might want to delete /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:25
gibss37so what should i do, please tell me in explanation04:26
GFXdisabledDasEi, you rock so very much!04:26
Starminngibss37: If you pop in the LiveCD and boot from it just hit "Install" and it'll do all that for you. Just hit "Install alongside" drag tohow much space you want to give it, and it'll take care of the rest.04:26
GFXdisabledI thought Ubuntu 10.10 didn't have a xorg.conf by default?04:26
Starminngibss37: Hit "Show me how" on #3 here: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download04:26
Joe___Cho peeps04:26
gibss37so is it safe, you sure it will make a new partition and install it there04:27
Starminngibss37: I'm sorry, I meant on #404:27
DasEiGFXdisabled: true, but drivers set them up, also users can still use them04:27
Starminngibss37: IF you don't trust it you can manually do it yourself, certainly, but I've installed it twice on this machine while Windows is on it and I've never once had a problem.04:27
kothaguy_ubuntuI am using acer aspire one 532h,with ubuntu 10.04,i am unable to record input sound,i am able to play the songs,but i am unable to record the input to the netbook,can any one suggest me what to do,it is very important to me04:27
maukarushow do i repair packages? add/remove keeps asking me to i thought i did04:27
DasEimaukarus: can try from init1, by dpkg04:28
gibss37Starminn: I was afraid as I have extremely imp data04:28
GFXdisabledDasEi: Ah. Gotcha. I'm fairly illiterate when it comes to the CLI. What is the command to "delete" a file from the CLI? (My GUI is dead, which is why I have to do this in the first place).04:28
Joe___Anyone having glitching problems with DE 10.10?04:28
DasEimaukarus: (command logs you off x!) sudo init 1 brings you there04:28
faryshtaHi. How can I purge the wine directories? apt-get purge wine failed.04:28
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joadriUnable to connect to fb from home, able to do it from work... Using Firefox, ubuntu 10.04... help...04:29
DasEiGFXdisabled: sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:29
Starminngibss37: If it's that important then you can do it yourself, yeah. YOu'll need two partitions. One that is however many GB you want to give Ubuntu formatted as ext4 (as opposed to Windows being NTFS) and another for swap abotu 2GB04:29
maukarusjoa something at home is blocking fb04:29
maukarushave u called your isp?04:29
maukarusor done anything to a firewall in linux?04:29
Jordan_Ugibss37: You should have backups of important data no matter what you're doing.04:30
kothaguy_ubuntuI am using acer aspire one 532h,with ubuntu 10.04,i am unable to record input sound,i am able to play the songs,but i am unable to record the input to the netbook,can any one suggest me what to do,it is very important to me04:30
maukarusgibs and multiple bootable drives/devices xD04:30
gibss37so if i create a new fresh free space with windows, unformatted, will ubuntu install there04:30
Jordan_Ugibss37: Yes.04:30
Starminngibss37: If you tell it to. You'll have to choose "Manually specify partitions" but yeah04:30
joadrimaukarus... did not call my isp... I have not done anything to firewall... don't know how :)04:31
Jordan_UStarminn: You don't need to do manual partitioning to just use free space.04:31
maukarusjoa does the isp package this software for you?04:31
gibss37Jordan_U:  Starminn so you mean to say that it will auto format it to ext404:31
maukarusjoa try ?isitdownorjustme.com?04:32
gibss37now what about swap04:32
GFXdisabledDasEi: RM! How sad I've forgotten even that. I need to play with CLI again and more thoroughly. Thank you so much for your time and patience.04:32
joadriwhich package? Software for the router?04:32
StarminnJordan_U: Really? I never tried it, but I was always under the assumption thatit just equally grabbed and allocated space for itself. (For example, if I were to have Windows and SUSE it would only show one of the two on the new slider installer)04:32
Jordan_Ugibss37: If you tell it to install to the free space it will create a root and swap partition automatically.04:32
Jordan_UStarminn: Yes, but he's talking about creating free space before hand.04:33
maukarusjoadri, yes, or at the isp itself, they may advertise they have norton or mcaffe etc or something04:33
faryshtaHi. How can I purge the wine directories? apt-get purge wine failed.04:33
gibss37Jordan_U: thats great i try it meanwhile, i will be back if i face any probs again04:33
Jordan_Ufaryshta: mv ~/.win ~/.wine-bak04:33
StarminnJordan_U: So he wouldn't have to "Choose partitions manually?" at install prompt? And just do "this is ext4 mounted at root", etc., et.c?04:33
StarminnJordan_U: It'll fill the space itself?04:34
Jordan_UStarminn: Yes.04:34
StarminnJordan_U: That's super! :)04:34
faryshtaJordan_U, already deleted .wine but everytime I reinstall wine it loads with the previous settings.04:34
joadriNo, maukarus... Since I'm using ubuntu i have none of those packages04:34
DasEifaryshta: you can manually remove the .wine - dir04:34
Jordan_Ufaryshta: What symptoms are you seeing?04:35
faryshtaDasEi, already deleted the /home/faryshta/.wine/ but the settings still load with every reinstall.04:35
maukarusjoadri, xD04:35
joadriwhat's that website you told me? What do I do once I get there?04:35
maukarusjoadri, type in facebook.com04:35
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faryshtaJordan_U, wine simply doesn't load, an error message appears saying "X Error of failed request:  XF86VidModeExtensionDisabled"04:36
maukarusit wil then tell you if the site is blocked or you should be fine04:36
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joadriBut what you ve typed is not clear... starts with "?". Is that writh?04:37
maodunI'm on an ubuntu box that lists /sbin/init as having 81 link counts. Any idea why that might be?04:37
maukarusxD that is me saying it might or might not be spelled correctly04:37
joadriLet me try... I will be back04:38
DasEijoadri: use a proxy, case blocked04:39
Spirits-Sighthow do you find out the device path thats connected through USB (Win CE 6 device)04:39
kothaguy_ubuntuinternal mic is not working,tried pavucontrol also,what to do04:39
Jordan_Umaodun: Is this on a computer not controlled by you? There are many backup solutions that use hard links.04:40
DasEiSpirits-Sight: open it, type mount in trml04:40
faryshtaIs someone familiar with this error message from wine? X Error of failed request:  XF86VidModeExtensionDisabled04:40
maukaruscase blocked?04:40
maodunJordan_U: ah, yeah, it's a VPS04:40
DasEifaryshta: sorry, I'm not , maybe also ask in #winehq04:40
maodunJordan_U: and I just looked at another VPS from the same provider, and it too has many /sbini/init hard links, so I don't think it's problematic04:41
DasEimaukarus: in case FB is blocked, he could tunnel via proxy to access it04:41
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joadrimaukarus.... the site seems to be a movies, entertaiment site...04:42
Joe___how is everyone liking Ubuntu Desktop Edition 10.10?04:42
Spirits-SightDasEi: it does not seem to be showing when typing "mount"04:42
syrinx_Joe___: i think its fantastic04:43
maukarusjoa xc04:43
DasEiSpirits-Sight: you opened the devices under places ?04:43
Joe___you haven't had any issues with installation?04:43
Joe___or glitches?04:43
syrinx_not at all04:43
AK|ltOkay, now I have a problem with my flash drive. When I select it in gparted it says the space is unallocated. If I try to create a filesystem, it asks me to create a partition table. If I go Device > Create a Partition Table, it gives me an error.04:44
maukarusjoa, u can google it.. it's a site lookup and testing site04:44
Spirits-SightDasEi: I know the device won't show as mass storage device as its a display  so would it still show using mount?04:44
StarminnJoe___: Runs like a dream over here.04:44
syrinx_Joe___: past month ive installed it on a 10 year old server, a 3 year old laptop and a day year old netbook04:44
joadrixc? Ok... Let me try...04:44
Joe___and you've had no issues at all?04:45
syrinx_are you?04:45
faryshtaDasEi, do you know where can I find a tutorial to install a virtual machine with XP?04:45
Joe___yes and i'm not sure why04:45
DasEiSpirits-Sight: ah, no I assumed storage, lsusb will show device, and for mountpoint either guess under /dev or grep it out the output of hwinfo04:45
syrinx_whats the problem?04:46
DasEifaryshta: yes, go to virtualbox homepage, and pm me for further questions on it04:46
Joe___Installation froze at least 4 times and once it was installed it froze/glitched out so I upgraded my hardware and the glitching persisted04:46
joadrimaukarus... went to websitepulse and the result came back with status ok04:46
DasEifaryshta: also there is #vbox04:46
syrinx_Joe___: how are you installing it04:47
venkateshhello everybody....04:47
kothaguy_ubuntuany one please solve my issue with internal mic04:47
StarminnJoe___: Is Windows installed on the machine already? The same thing happened to me and apparently I had to defrag and CHKDSK Windows then it worked fine.04:47
faryshtaDasEi, all the other irc seems dead. I asked this same question yesterday on winehq and still haven't got answer.04:47
joadriNot able to connect thou04:47
DasEifaryshta: are you  using latest wine from ppa  ?04:47
AK|ltWas it a bad idea to use dd to write an Ubuntu .iso to my flash drive?04:47
Joe___I'm installing using a burnt disc made with ImgBurn04:47
maukarusjoa, ok then something in route or on pc blocks it.. have u cleared tmp or cleaned the drive?04:47
faryshtaNo, wine1.2 from repositories.04:48
DasEiAK|lt: depends which iso, a few only boot this way,if that was the question04:48
Joe___yessir. on a completely formatted HDD04:48
maukarusare u able to login to the router? this is where the isp comes in..04:48
syrinx_Joe___: when does the installation freeze?04:48
faryshtaDasEi, no, wine1.2 from repos.04:48
joadriI have 2 computer with ubuntu. Both the same problem at home. The laptob able to connect from work04:48
maukaruscleareding cache and cookies may help04:48
Spirits-SightDasEi: how would I get the information using grep  I got the ID stuff Bus 001 Device 008: ID 1c71:c00404:49
maukarusisp needs to know04:49
Starminnmaukarus: I think saying "joa" is confusing "Joe." Just hit TAB to auto-complete04:49
joadriAlso, both able to connect with windows thru the same router04:49
AK|ltDasEi: The standard 10.10 x86 iso. Anyway, as I said, I seem to have lost the ability to use this flash drive. Gparted reports that it's all unallocated space but I can't create partitions or partition tables04:49
Jordan_UAK|lt: dding an Ubuntu iso to a flash drive won't lead to anything bootable, but it doesn't hurt the flash drive.04:49
Proxima|Centauriis there a Ubuntu Server edition and a Ubuntu workstation ?04:49
Proxima|CentauriI am going planning on installing Ubuntu on this new drive I got.04:49
DasEifaryshta: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubntu-wine/ppa04:49
AK|ltJordan_U: Okay, good... any tips on fixing it?04:49
maukarusnvm then04:50
Proxima|CentauriI'm a developer - and I'd like to play around with this cloud stuffs from Oracle.04:50
DasEifaryshta: sudo apt-get update04:50
Jordan_UAK|lt: What error do you get when you try to create a partition table?04:50
Joe___i'm not sure exactly when the freezing starts04:50
Joe___maybe about 1/4 of the way through04:50
StarminnProxima|Centauri: Server: http://www.ubuntu.com/server Not sure about "workstation"04:50
AK|ltJordan_U: Input/output error during write on /dev/sdb04:50
Proxima|CentauriI don't know if there is one version of Ubuntu that I want.04:50
DasEifaryshta: sudo apt-get remove --purge wine04:50
Jordan_UAK|lt: That means that there is a hardware problem with the flash drive.04:50
Proxima|Centaurithanks Starminn04:50
ReallycoolOften when I wake up from suspend, the physical buttons on the touchpad stop working, yet I can still click by tapping the touchpad itself. Any idea what could be causing this?04:50
maukarusdo the devices have an ip address?04:50
DasEifaryshta: sudo apt-get install wine1.304:50
maukaruscheck by looking at connection info04:51
syrinx_Joe___: need more information, 1/4 through initializing, or copying files, or partitioning?04:51
DasEimaukarus: no, but a devicepath04:51
AK|ltJordan_U: And this coincidentally happened when I dd'd the Ubuntu .iso onto it?04:51
Jordan_UAK|lt: Yes.04:51
faryshtaWill try.04:51
Proxima|Centaurihmm - what might be something I'd notice I want server for if I install regular Ubuntu ?04:51
* syrinx_ requires more minerals04:51
DasEiSpirits-Sight: sudo hwinfo | grep SearchWordHere,  f.e. manufacturer04:51
AK|ltJordan_U: I ran dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb and it seemed to write to it alright04:51
faryshtaDasEi, thanks, will try.04:52
Proxima|Centauriplaying Starcraft II Syrinx ?04:52
Jordan_UAK|lt: That's odd, maybe there is a different problem then.04:52
Jordan_UAK|lt: Are you familiar with fdisk?04:52
joadriI have to connection info open... What should I be looking at?04:52
syrinx_Proxima|Centuari: i wish...crappy onboard intels04:52
AK|ltJordan_U: No, not really04:52
joadriIp address is for my laptop   I guess...04:53
maukarusthere should be a connection icon in the top right depending on what os exactly u have, like i have xubuntu04:53
syrinx_Joe___: so are you trying to install alongside windows or? clean install?04:53
joadriI have open04:54
maukarusjoadri, right click it04:54
joadriI have to window open04:54
bastidrazorAK|lt: aren't you missing a partition number? /dev/sdb1  ?04:54
StarminnProxima|Centauri: YOu mean the difference between Server and Desktop? I'm rpetty sure Server = no GUI. I'm unfamiliar with the server Edition though so just compare the feature list between http://www.ubuntu.com/server and http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop04:54
joadrisorry.. I am saying I have to connect info window open04:54
AK|ltbastidrazor: Perhaps, but I don't know what's wrong with the drive at all04:54
DasEiStarminn: server edition has gui, too, but another packet-selection and default-kernel04:55
maukarus?? ah right04:55
Jordan_Ubastidrazor: No, he doesn't have any partition table at the moment, thus no sdb1.04:55
kothaguy_ubuntuhow to know which kernel i am suing,command to know which kernel i am using04:55
StarminnDasEi Proxima|Centauri: Ah, gotcha. It has a GUI, just not the same as Desktop or anything04:55
maukarusso it doesnt even list a device?04:55
DasEiStarminn: it's just what comes preselected on cd,you can from apt mangle this back and forth04:55
StarminnDasEi: Yeah, I know you can add a GUI. ;) Just saying by default it's not too pretty from what I've heard.04:56
maukarusdoes the laptop have a wifi switch? can u connect with a wire?04:56
joadriI can use a wire yes04:56
Jordan_UAK|lt: Run "sudo fdisk /dev/sdb" to start fdisk, it should give you some warnings that there is no disklabel yet, that's expected.04:56
Proxima|Centauriyeah, I read for server here:  Ubuntu Server on Amazon's Elastic Computing (EC2) cloud allows you to build on-demand virtual systems on almost any scale with minimal in-house hardware requirements. Amazon EC2 fits perfectly with Ubuntu Server Edition's modularity, virtualisation capabilities, range of applications and optimised performance.04:56
DasEiStarminn: surface is same in default install, for headless you must use alternate installer (terminal only, expert install mode)04:56
Proxima|CentauriThis is what I want04:57
tristanckothaguy_ubuntu, uname -a04:57
maukarusjoadri, try it with that wire04:57
joadriBut remenber... The PC is connected with a wire and doesnt connecto to fb neither04:57
StarminnDasEi: Ah.04:57
joadriI'll connect the wire if you want me to04:57
AK|ltJordan_U: "Unable to open /dev/sdb"04:57
maukarusbut it should be given a new ip..04:57
joadriok... Let me get the wire04:58
Jordan_UAK|lt: Can you pastebin the output of "dmesg"?04:58
maukarusif its not too much trouble xD04:58
Joe___my apologies. i'll brb04:58
DasEimaukarus: , joadri: ifconfig shows connection info04:59
maukarusmaybe too much..04:59
maukarusbut it didnt detect or use devices..both laptops can't connect to facebook, but net is fine otherwise05:00
AK|ltJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/sEBcG7rU05:00
DasEijoadri: you can't call http://www.facebook.com in browser ?05:00
maukarusno pc's @home could connect..joadri's isssue05:01
DasEimaukarus: so you are the FB fan then, ah05:01
maukarusuh no... not right now..05:01
maukarusi check on it, but dont browse or post at this time xD05:02
Gibss37Jordan_U:  Hi now i am getting an error that "No root file system is defined.........."05:03
stignatiuscan anybody please tell howto configure wifi in ubuntu10.04?05:03
Jordan_UGibss37: Don't select manual partitioning.05:03
Jordan_UGibss37: Just select the option to use the free space.05:03
maukarusstignatius, its auti config'd??05:03
DasEimaukarus: I'm wondered, it was you or joad.. that couldn't get to FB ?05:04
Jordan_UAK|lt: Does /dev/sdb exist?05:04
maukarusjoadri xD05:04
Gibss37the free space is not as an primary one it is as exteneted one05:04
AK|ltJordan_U: How can I determine that?05:04
Jordan_UAK|lt: ls -l /dev/sdb05:04
DasEijoadri: you can't call http://www.facebook.com in browser ?05:05
AK|ltJordan_U: Yup, I got output for it05:05
StarminnDasEi: He left 2 minutes ago05:05
maukarushe may be afk =/05:05
danny_i need help trying to get games to work properly on ubuntu 10.10 i got half life 2 to work but its laggy and i have to shut it off using system monitor, any ideas on what i can do to fix this?05:05
DasEiah, thanks Starminn05:05
stignatiusmaukarus, some of the laptops of my school are autoconfigured ,but not all05:05
Jordan_UAK|lt: Did you use sudo? "sudo fdisk /dev/sdb"?05:05
stignatiusmaukarus, which are the packages needed for that?05:06
StarminnDasEi: I'l let you know if I happen to see his /join again tonight05:06
Gibss37so what i should do now05:06
AK|ltJordan_U: Yes... except now I'm getting different output05:06
maukarusstignatius, how strange...maybe some installs were bad, or some got mad @ their laptops xD05:06
AK|lt"Device contains neither a valid DOS partition table...." and I'm at a new command prompt (presumably fdisk's)05:07
maukarusstignatius, depends on hardware05:07
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Jordan_UAK|lt: Like I said, that error is expected, as you don't currently have a partition table.05:07
maukarushow do you re-detect hadware?05:07
Jordan_UAK|lt: type "c" then hit return, then type "u" and hit return.05:08
stignatiusmaukarus, which r the basic pkgs that I should look for?05:08
AK|ltJordan_U: "DOS Compatibility flag is not set" and "Changing display/entry units to sectors" respectively, for outputs05:08
Jordan_UAK|lt: Good, now "n".05:09
tristancwhen my thinkpad t23 is unplugged, it causes the kernel to panic. any ideas?05:09
maukarusstignatius, i'm not sure what part of ubuntu specifically controls network hardware..but a normal install does all this on it's own05:09
Jordan_UAK|lt: And accept the default start and end positions, which should use the entire drive.05:09
joadrimaukarus... I lost you for a second05:09
maukarusotherwise, you will need to install specific drivers..and supported things will install with it..05:10
joadriI think I have the router's IP05:10
StarminnDasEi: joadri is back05:10
AK|ltJordan_U: n gives me "Command action: e extended, p primary partition (1-4)"05:10
stignatiusmaukarus, thanks, I need some support in this matter05:10
danny_is anyone available to help me with a gaming issue?05:10
maukarusjoadri..why do u think that?05:10
AK|ltAnd I'm not back at fdisk's prompt... I think n is waiting for further input05:11
joadriBecause I did a traceroute and I can see it05:11
Gibss37free space is like this http://itspriyank.com/Capture.PNG05:11
maukarusjoadri, is it all o.o.o.o??05:11
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Jordan_UAK|lt: p05:12
joadriIt's almost the same as the IP address for the PC, but 1.1 at the end05:12
jmwpcif I want a cron job to run every monday, I specify * for the day of month, and 1 for the day of week, correct?05:12
maukarusjoadri, should be as host and 198.x.x.1 or other number05:12
joadriIn the 19805:12
Gibss37any help ?05:12
maukarusjoadri, k thats fine05:12
IvanBliminseI have a quick question about repositories... i want to install docky.. and every website I read says I need to include the repository, but when I go to the software center.. it lets me download and install it.. why do the sites say to include that repository?05:12
AK|ltJordan_U: Then it wants a partition number... 1?05:12
Jordan_UAK|lt: Yes.05:13
maukarusjoadri,  is the device detected and able to browse?05:13
AK|ltJordan_U: Okay, I accepted its defaults, now I'm back at fdisk's prompt05:13
joadri I am able to get to any website but fb05:13
Joe___syrinx_: still around?05:13
Jordan_UAK|lt: "w" to write the changes to disk.05:13
joadriI've been looking for a rule that prevent me from connecting but I can not find anything05:14
maukarushmm verizon..05:14
maukarusso you do have a firewall?05:14
joadriIt's the router, I'm possitive, but I don't know how to address it05:14
StarminnIvanBliminse: A lot of guides are either a.)outdated or b.)just say it in case it isn't there already.05:14
joadriI don't think so05:14
AK|ltJordan_U: lolwut? "WARNING: Re-reading the partition table failed with error 0: Success." Then it says the kernel will use the old table until I reboot or run partprobe(8) or kpartx(8)05:15
maukarusin the browser itself05:15
maukarusverizon may not have this feature05:15
IvanBliminseStarminn: I did check my software sources and the repositories they tell me to include are not there.. am I missing out on updates?05:15
StarminnIvanBliminse: It's basically the equivalent of people in here, there's the GUI way and the Terminal way. Both will work, but the GUI paths can change depnding on customization, but CLI is fool-proof.05:15
joadriI look in the browser and I don't see anything like a rule or fw05:15
syrinx_Joe___: yea im here05:15
StarminnIvanBliminse: The repos may have been merged together into newer ones?05:15
danny_How do i update my video card drivers without having my old drivers clash?05:16
Jordan_UAK|lt: Try running "sudo partprobe".05:16
joadriUnable to connect with chrome neither...05:16
maukarusi'd ask you to reset the router but verizon is weird.. it may be a big headache i have no idea05:16
Joe___real quick, how do you respond to me like that?05:16
AK|ltJordan_U: No output05:16
IvanBliminseI don't know.. the guides i'm reading are for ubuntu 10.04.... the only repositories i have are the 2 regular ones.. i've never added any05:16
Jordan_UAK|lt: Good, do you now have a /dev/sdb1 ?05:16
StarminnIvanBliminse: But you said it installed fine, correct?05:16
maukarusin the end, if all computers are effected..a range of ip's is being blcoked05:16
joadriI read something about device manager in ubuntu, but I don't know05:16
AK|ltJordan_U: ls says so, yes05:17
joadriI guess if I'm able to get to the router I can check05:17
IvanBliminseSarminn, yes i'm just worried that i'll miss out on an update or what not. That and i was curious why every site says to do it ... i figured there must be a reason05:17
syrinx_Joe___: type the name of the person your speaking too first05:17
DasEijoadri: call https://vtunnel.comor similar, connect to FB05:17
joadriBunt no idea how to get to the rourter05:17
syrinx_highlights it for you to see05:17
maukarusright, and that would verify that all is ok @home05:17
Joe___syrinx_: like this?05:17
maukarusverizon would be happy to walk you thru it if they had people there to do so..05:18
syrinx_Joe___, yep much easier, then you know who your taking to and who your not, haha05:18
joadriDasEi.... call you mean try to connect to the website?05:18
maukaruslet me try my cell phone05:18
StarminnIvanBliminse: *shrug*05:18
joadriVerizon will have me waiting forever05:18
Joe___syrinx_: thanks for the tip05:18
IvanBliminselol okay thanks05:18
DasEijoadri: yes,  launch in browser (https proxy)05:18
Joe___syrinx_: anyway, we were discussing initial installation of DE 10.1005:19
Jordan_UAK|lt: Good. You can now use "sudo mkfs.foo /dev/sda1" to create a filesystem in your new partition. Replace "foo" with the filesystem type, like mkfs.ext4.05:19
AK|ltJordan_U: K05:19
maukaruswhat state are you in xD05:20
syrinx_Joe___ right so, what exactly is happening?05:20
DasEiAK|lt: and if it was sdb, stick with it ;-)05:20
AK|ltJordan_U: I think it was successful.05:20
maukarusi got a samsung n150 from verizon xD05:20
Jordan_UAK|lt: Great. You're done.05:20
AK|ltJordan_U: Thanks a ton :D Maybe I should try getting acquainted with fdisk sometime... and maybe I should just stick to Ubuntu's Startup Disk Creator for creating live USBs for Ubuntu >_>05:21
faryshtaDasEi, same issue with wine1.3.05:21
joadriTryed https://vtunnel.comor and I don't get nowhere... Server not found05:22
Joe___syrinx_: during the initial installation, it freezes and doesn't complete unless i restart my PC a few times. Once I finally get the installation completed, the OS freezes after a few minutes of use05:22
AK|ltAlright. Now I can get started on my OTHER problem: Total GRUB failure on my desktop.05:22
maukaruswow, pls dont try random things?05:22
joadriwhat maukarus?05:23
syrinx_Joe___, brief specs or model of computer?05:23
Gibss37hi please anybody, please ?05:23
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maukarusjoadri, do you know that site is what verizon intends its customers to use?05:24
joadriTo use for?05:24
Starminn!please | Gibss3705:24
ubottuGibss37: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude05:24
maukarusrouter maintainance xD05:24
maukarusor logging into the router..05:25
Jordan_U!details | AK|lt05:25
ubottuAK|lt: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."05:25
Joe___syrinx_: 8400GS graphics card, Intel Dual 3.0 processor, 4GB's of ram, 2.5 TB's of HDD space05:25
maukarusanyway.. there may be a way around this05:25
joadriNo idea... How do I fing out? Calling them?05:25
StarminnGibss37: Ask your question again, fresh, all on one line so everybody can fall, and see who answers you so everybody can read it nice and plainly what you need.05:25
PatrickC-schoolwhat is the least *safe* amount of RAM needed to run Ubuntu 10.10?05:25
Starminneverybody can follow*05:25
syrinx_Joe____: and how about the cd/dvd drive05:25
joadriIt should be the freaking router with ubuntu, because it does not happen with win705:26
AK|ltJordan_U: Alright... I installed Windows alongside Ubuntu 10.10 earlier today, which I've done before, and went to reinstall GRUB as I've done before... but now, when I boot from my hard drive, nothing happens. I don't think GRUB is even running. I've tried two fixes on the Ubuntu wiki and gotten no results05:26
Joe___a BD-ROM and DVD-ROM05:26
joadriMy entire family use fb and I dont want to shut down ubuntu because of this. No way05:26
Jordan_UPatrickC-school: It depends on your definition of "running Ubuntu 10.10". You could probably do a minimal install with less than 100 meg, but I doubt you'd want that. What are you looking to do with the machine?05:26
maukaruscalling them would be needed if you want his fixed sooner..or use windows.. it's not the router...05:27
Gibss37while new installation of UBUNTU 10.10 i am getting an error that "No root file system is defined..........", i have allocated a fresh spcae like this http://itspriyank.com/Capture.PNG, which is extended one from drive E:05:27
maukarusit's gotta be something in ubuntu05:27
Jordan_UAK|lt: Do you have more than one hard drive?05:27
PatrickC-schooljust need it to create a thing for my phone05:27
PatrickC-schooland I'm installing in VBox05:27
AK|ltJordan_U: No, just one05:27
joadriUbuntu plus home, because I can get to fb from work05:27
StarminnGibss37: When you go to install it you have to mount whatever your want your main partition to be as "/" (a.k.a. "root")05:27
maukarusi just wanted to see, if it detected anything network..means the package is fine, but may not have new drivers, or any05:27
Jordan_UGibss37: Exit the manual partitioning menu and just choose automatic partitioning using the free space.05:28
AK|ltJordan_U: The reason I noticed my flash drive problem was because I want to make a live environment on it because booting from CD takes a while05:28
PatrickC-schoolI need to create a custom "doctor" for my Palm Pre and I need a linux environment for it05:28
Gibss37okay i boot with live CD and try this05:28
mehdican some1 help me with this : http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=101111105:28
tristancjoadri, were you able to access the router?05:28
joadriUbuntu is able to connect at work, not at home. Ubuntu has something that click with the router to prevent the conection05:28
joadriwhen I trace to yahoo I go pass the router05:29
NJSchultz07hello. I am have some problems with a dualboot xp/ubuntu10.10. and getting the grub2 loader to work. I was wondering if I could get a hand.05:29
maukarusjoadri... for the wifi...on top of that some protocol or specific ip, your pc doesnt get when u get home05:29
dadisNJSchultz07: ASK YOUR QUESTION05:29
maukarusthis is extreamly strange actually05:30
Jordan_U!caps | dadis05:30
ubottudadis: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.05:30
maukarusgotta be a bug05:30
joadriYes maukarus... it is something with ubuntu at home, but it has to be the router, because the desktop do not connect to fb neither using ubuntu, and yes using win705:30
PatrickC-schoolwhat is the *smallest* amount of RAM I can use for Ubuntu 10.10 installed in a VBox?05:30
NJSchultz07grub2 is not loading on boot up. I have tried what the ubuntu site says and it still boots straight to xp. do you have any ideas?05:31
Jordan_UAK|lt: Can you run boot info script as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebin the RESULTS.txt?05:31
dadisNJSchultz07: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GRUB205:31
maukarushmm  ok i though win was able to..05:31
Jordan_UNJSchultz07: Do you have more than one hard drive?05:31
dadisNJSchultz07: read the Installation section05:31
NJSchultz07yes i do, two hard drives. both have two partitions.05:31
maukarushow long has it been like this joadri?05:32
PatrickC-schooldid my question get lost? just wonderin?05:32
Jordan_UNJSchultz07: Try changing the boot order, GRUB isn't installed to the drive you're bootin from.05:32
joadriYes. I can do it with win7 but I don't want to leave ubuntu05:32
AK|ltJordan_U: It says I have to run the script from my hard drive, but I can't boot into the system...05:32
joadriLike five days05:32
Jordan_UAK|lt: You can run it from a LiveCD/USB.05:32
AK|ltJordan_U: Okay, it will be a few minutes05:32
NJSchultz07in my bios settings it only give two options for boot order. HD1, which has xp and files, and cd drive.05:33
joadriI tried resetting the router, power cicling it... nada05:33
maukaruswell, is there a battery?05:33
Jordan_UNJSchultz07: Then you'll need to install GRUB to the mbr of the XP drive.05:33
joadrion the router? no that I know05:33
joadrii shoul have to open it :)05:34
Jordan_UNJSchultz07: In fact, you'll probably need to put /boot on the XP drive if the drive with Ubuntu can't be read by your BIOS.05:34
NJSchultz07so would i follow usual instructions but rather than using the ubuntu /dev/sda5 drive, use the one listed for windows?05:34
maukarusif there are any batteries it will have an obvious door05:34
Jordan_UNJSchultz07: No.05:35
joadriWhat ever it is, is on ubuntu related to the router and that IP for facebook05:35
makaveli0129can anyone help with zoneminder.....been trying for a month now to get it running....when i start it to set up a monitor i can't click on the sources tab nothing happens or does anyone have any other ideas for software for cctv in linux other than zoneminder and motion?05:35
Jordan_UNJSchultz07: Do you know why your BIOS is only listing one drive?05:35
joadriLet me look at the router...05:35
maukarusjoadri, yea and on the fios side of things05:35
intraderAnyone, as feared, my laptop fans are starting to fail after running full speed since I installed 10.10. Is there a resolution to this bug?05:35
maukarusjoadri, you should have better support 0.o05:36
NJSchultz07not for sure. but i think because its an older computer, and the HD2 is a sata drive hooked up through a sata PCI card.05:36
joadrino door05:36
maukarushehe..what kinda router is this thing?05:37
Jordan_UNJSchultz07: You're going to need to upgrade the BIOS or install Ubuntu with /boot/ on the IDE drive.05:37
sqwertleWhere should I go to ask a for help with a problem that is not related to any specific operating system, and I'm not sure if it's hardware or software?05:37
joadriLet me see if I can see any model number that I can tell05:37
rwwPatrickC-school: stop that :(05:38
PatrickC-schoolcan someone answer my question then?05:38
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maukaruspat has a question?05:39
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bazhangPatrickC-school, try #vbox05:39
maukaruswhy would ubuntu not like face book all the sudden?05:39
maukarusbetter yet verizon i guess..05:40
joadriIt does away from home :)05:40
NJSchultz07I'll quick try updating the BIOS from the manufacturers website. I'll let you know shortly, in the meantime, i appreciate the help.05:40
joadriWell... I can try them tomarrow. I'm afraid they may not know their way around ubuntu05:40
gaelfxmaukarus: are you sure you aren't getting routed through Chinese DNSes?05:41
maukaruswell windows is not able to either correct?05:41
faryshtaI get this error on wine1.3: err:x11settings:X11DRV_ChangeDisplaySettingsEx No matching mode found 640x480x1605:41
joadriBut that's something I'd have to try05:41
faryshtaGoogle can't help :(05:41
abhinav_singhhow to get the time zone in linux05:41
maukarusi feel it's something they can help with05:41
joadriWindows is able to connect to fb05:41
koodoughhtpdate abhinav_singh05:41
leapy0yois there a way to change the Windows key to a laptop Function key? changing it to another key besides function is easy i think. but i want to change it to my laptop's function key it is a eee pc05:42
joadriNo problem with win705:42
sqwertleI just recently used AEUSUES(spelling?) to shrink my windows xp partition on my desktop. After doing so the xp partition still worked fine (to my knowledge). I downloaded the 32bit version of 10.04 and burnt it, placed it in my cd drive and restarted my comp. I loaded up the boot menu and told it to boot from CD. It took me to the language selection menu and the menu that asks me if I want to try Ubuntu, Install, Check disc, etc. After05:42
sqwertlethat the splash screen that has the dots that cycle under the logo came up and then my monitor died. The cd light and hard drive light stayed on for a while after that (1 1/2 minutes?). After rebooting my computer when everything stopped XP does the same thing past the xp splash screen. Can't get it to go past either of them.05:42
maukarususe the ip windows uses...05:42
joadriI started thinking of a conspiratin theory against ubuntu, but when I connected from work it was proved wrong05:42
PrinlerI need help getting my HDMI sound to come out over my HDMI? Anyone have any luck with this?05:42
maukarusjoadri, dhcp may have broken?05:42
abhinav_singhkoodough there is no such command05:43
StevezauI have a folder with many many small files which are read quite alot and written to a fair bit.. I want to somehow put this folder in ram for preformance.. Anyone know of a ramfs tool that will auto sync the ram contents to disk every x hours?05:43
leapy0yopinler, is it enabled in bios05:43
AK|ltJordan_U: Sorry about the wait. Here's the bootinfoscript results: http://pastebin.com/Z8WAEGm005:43
joadrithere was a time when I was able to get to the fb log on site, but once i tried a link it was impossible again05:43
gaelfxsqwertle: you might need to add the option VGA=775 when you try to start from the livecd05:43
joadrithat may be the problem but... only at home?05:44
tristanccan anyone help with kernel panic when my laptop is unplugged?05:44
maukarusis the router @ home even dhcp capable...05:44
joadriThe configuration is not suppossed to change when i try connecting from hme05:44
sri_how to change user login settings.. pls help me05:44
joadriIt works for the rest of the internet :)05:45
koodoughsri_: how would you like it to behave?05:45
D_Ookamihello guys, how do i install ubuntu studio ?????05:45
Jordan_UAK|lt: Did you have the USB drive plugged in when you tried to boot?05:45
Jordan_UAK|lt: Everything in that boot info script output looks fine.05:45
joadrithis problems is like a dead end, maukarus :)05:45
sri_to change login type05:45
AK|ltJordan_U: Not when I was trying to boot from the hard drive05:45
joadriUbuntu plus my router plus fb05:45
koodoughsri_: login type to what?05:46
willanyone know why I would not be able t05:46
maukaruswell it's sopposed to connect to all sites..you can connect to face profiles xD05:46
joadriUbuntu plus other router plus fb is ok05:46
maukarustry a google maybe?05:46
StarminnD_Ookami: http://ubuntustudio.org/05:46
ruanis samba preinstalled with ubuntu?05:46
sri_its automatically login in 10sec. i dnt want it.. hw to disable05:46
sqwertlegaelfx: Why sould it be doing it on windows also?05:46
D_OokamiStarminn: can't i upgrade ?05:46
ruanbecause im getting sudden security updates for samba, and i haven't installed samba05:46
kaushalis there a way to create a installer which installs apache2,mysql and php and all the dependencies ?05:46
NJSchultz07bios upgrade did not work. how would i go about installing /boot/ folder on primary IDE drive?05:47
joadriI've tried to find somebody with the same problem... Nothing05:47
triplebabyquestion will bluetooth dongle x work with ubuntu?05:47
willanyone know why I would not be able to ping my windows or or other ubuntu machines from my ubuntu laptop?05:47
maukarusit still gives you a 404 error?05:47
Jordan_UAK|lt: Odd. Do you see anything if you hold shift during boot? (Just so you know, I'll be away for a few minutes).05:47
triplebabyquestion will bluetooth dongle x work with ubuntu?  this is x = http://www.cellphoneshop.net/blusbdo.html05:47
koodoughsri_: there should be login option under administration. let me start up ubuntu. Also address my name so I see it in the chat05:47
joadriOnly pidgin and it sound different because is a chat problem05:47
AK|ltJordan_U: I'm looking over the results, and in the detailed info about sda, sda1 does not have a boot *. And yes, I tried that, with no results. Also, ok05:47
rwwruan: the client portion of it is, yes.05:47
joadrithe message is just "Loading...." forever05:47
ruanrww: can i uninstall it? i dont have a windows server or installation05:48
leapy0yois there a way to change the Windows key to a laptop Function key? changing it to another key besides function is easy i think. but i want to change it to my laptop's function key it is a eee pc05:48
maukarushave you updated any of these things?05:48
D_Ookamiguys, how do i upgrade to ubuntu studio ,, from ubuntu 10.1005:48
sri_i got it.. thank u..05:48
koodoughsri_: cool05:48
joadriwhen i traceroute to fb it gets to ny and it dies there. I comes back with "no reply"05:48
maukarusfinding the url and long load times hints.. denial of service attacks05:49
ruanok, is smbclient samba client?05:49
karlaD_Ookami, perhaps there's a meta package that pulls all of the necessary dependencies to convert your ubuntu installation05:49
rwwruan: yes05:49
ruanrww: is it safe to remove it?05:49
joadriI've updated ubuntu in my laptop to 10.04 wich is what I have in the desktop05:49
maukarusdos can sometime be broadcast and not specific =c05:49
rwwruan: yes, if you don't mind that the ubuntu-desktop metapackage will be too05:49
ubottuk/ed/x/l/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading.05:49
maukarusbut it is still weird..05:50
koodoughD_Ookami: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu%20Studio%20Upgrade%20from%20Ubuntu05:50
ruanah thanks05:50
maukarusare you into consipracy therios?05:50
aarcanehas anyone noticed wifi issues in 10.10?  I've got two installs on two different systems with two different editions, and none of it is working well :(05:50
joadriLike what ? I know there is a market $$$ and ubuntu is taking people away from windows.05:51
faryshtaDasEi, Somebody solved it on winehq. Thanks for your patience to bro (or sis).05:51
maukarusaarc yea actually05:51
D_Ookamikoodough: this page has "Installing Packages" and "Configuration Modifications" and i did both but nothing happened05:51
joadriBut I don't think it is the case, but I don't doubt anything when money is involved05:51
maukarusjoadri.. that is false..people will still use windows..but yes i love ubuntu xd05:51
danny_can anyone help with gaming issues?05:52
D_Ookamikarla: i'm new to linux ,, i can copy paste codes to terminal but that's about it lol ,, i wanna try ubuntu studio .. help ,, gulp .. ^^05:52
koodoughD_Ookami: where you not root?05:52
tristanckaushal, did you try to install with apt-get or aptitude?05:52
karla!help | danny_05:52
ubottudanny_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:52
aarcanemaukarus, is there a bug report, or a known fix that you know of ?05:52
ruanwhy does apt-get want to update libwb[winbind?]client0 when i opt to remove samba-common*05:52
D_Ookamikoodough: i don't know :( ..05:52
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kaushaltristanc: yeah05:52
joadriI still use windows for those programs i can not use ubuntu05:52
kaushalit installs fine05:52
maukarusjoadri, my verizon netbook does crash shortly after installling.. but this thing is cooking doing what i ask it too05:52
kaushalbut just curious to know any better way to do it05:52
PrinlerIm trying to work out the kinks in my HDMI audio out... when i do aplay -l i see 2 sound cards see here http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/573800/ and when i open the sound GUI in x it shows just a generic sound and only 1...05:52
joadriIf that was the case i wouldn't use windows05:52
koodoughD_Ookami: if you had sudo then you were running as root, which is good for installing packages05:53
karlaD_Ookami, try 'sudo aptitude install ubuntu-studio'05:53
kaushallike a package which contains the packges to be installed ?05:53
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tristanckaushal, you mean aome kind05:53
maukarusjoadri, i was hopeing to find fan controls for ubbuntu xc05:53
kaushalaome ?05:53
D_Ookamikoodough: i used it yeah05:53
tristanckaushal, like a meta-package?05:53
D_Ookamikarla: thanks, i'll try that05:53
joadrifan controls?05:53
ruanhmm i get it now, fatrat will be removed if i uninstall libwbclient005:54
kaushaltristanc: yes05:54
joadrifun control? for hardware?05:54
maukarusyea..only reason i'm not in here on the netbook, is it's probably fried..again..05:54
yealinwhen will ubuntu11.04 come05:54
Artemis3could anyone help me with a marvell sata/pata controller? it might be too new for the pata_marvell module, i don't know... thing is it wont see pata devices attached to it... Device 91a4 onboard in the Asus p8p67 LE05:54
D_Ookamikarla: done, now what ?05:54
tristanckaushal, hmmmm. i dont know05:54
koodoughD_Ookami: hmm I'm not sure where to start05:55
joadrithat happened after installing ubuntu in it?05:55
kaushaltristanc: ok05:55
maukarusit will do it in win705:55
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.05:55
maukarusits a hardware issue05:55
D_Ookamikoodough: anyway man ,, i tried sudo aptitude install ubuntu-studio as karla said just now05:55
maukarusdesign flaw05:55
koodoughD_Ookami: any luck??05:55
maukarusi'm hopeing05:55
joadriverizon netbook05:55
maukarusyup xD05:55
D_Ookamicodes flowing05:55
D_Ookamiy n05:55
D_Ookaminothing yet ,, or i don't know05:55
danny_ive been trying to get games to work on ubuntu 10.10 ive got the game to run but its laggy, any ideas on how to fix this?05:56
Anom01yhello, man Alsa is busted for some reason05:56
D_Ookamii was hoping for a "studio" kinda thing05:56
Anom01yit just stopped working05:56
joadriWell maukarus... What els can we do?05:56
tristanckaushal, any particular reason you would want them all together?05:56
ruandanny_: have you got the latest graphics drivers?05:56
D_Ookamikoodough: i don't know what i should expect ya know ..05:57
maukarussee if there is a website that offers a free proxie ?05:57
karlaD_Ookami, there more codes flowing around the merrier05:57
joadrilike what? no idea... help me..05:57
maukarusthis would be a quite effective route change our should be..05:57
DasEijoadri: see above05:57
danny_ruan: i have the ones ubuntu comes with but not the newest ones from nvidias web page, im still in the proccess of learning how to install the drivers05:57
joadriI see a freeproxy.ca05:58
Richie086danny_: i can help you get the drivers installed05:58
D_Ookamikarla: last thing writtin was "removing linux-headers-2.6.35-22"05:58
Richie086its pretty easy05:58
maukarusdoes anyone here know of a website that offers a free proxies xD05:58
joadriDon't know what to do, but I can find out05:58
DasEijoadri: google for free https proxy, they are countless05:58
ruandanny_: have you tried system > administration > additional drivers > install current?05:58
joadriyes... freeproxy.ca05:58
Anom01yanyone know why or how alsa would just stop working along with all volume control apps ?05:58
joadriHow do I use it?05:59
Anom01yI have no audio after doing an update05:59
koodoughD_Ookami: well I'm a little short on time on the irc, I could help you over skype while I do some hw05:59
Anom01ykernel update05:59
maukarushmm let me see05:59
danny_ruan: i dont have the install current option05:59
D_Ookamikoodough: sure ,, how do i install skype over here lol < fresh install05:59
Prinlersudo apt-get install skype05:59
ruandanny_: i mean drivers with (version current)06:00
tristancAnom01y, what are you running?06:00
DasEijoadri: open site in browser, there enter desired url (FB)06:00
koodoughD_Ookami: I know you can get by the ubuntu software center06:00
Anom01ytriplebaby, Ubuntu 9.1006:00
Anom01ytristanc, Ubuntu 9.1006:00
maukarusclick one of the sites in the list xD06:00
DasEiAnom01y: unmute alsamixergui06:00
Anom01ytristanc, lspci doesnt list my card anymore06:00
danny_ruan: yes mine are current06:00
joadriOk... hold on...06:00
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Anom01yDasEi, alsamixergui and all mixers do not work06:01
ljungkIf I want to create a package from a darcs repository and put it in a ppa, will the ppa handle the darcs updates, or do I have to do that manually and upload new sources to the ppa every now and then?06:01
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DasEiAnom01y: ic06:01
tristancAnom01y, what kind of machine06:01
DasEiljungk: the later06:02
D_Ookamikoodough: alright ,, just went to get my headset06:02
D_Ookamion it.06:02
DasEiljungk: the maintainer is responsible for it06:02
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Anom01yDasEi, tristanc I fixed it by removing pulse..06:03
DasEijoadri: if it's really content filtering, not just blocking ip's you 'll need a tunneled one, not plain http06:03
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DasEiAnom01y: fine, but lspi shouldN#t be affected in either way06:03
maukarusjoadri, it seems facebook is experienceing some issues...some of these sites load, some do not, some go to the mobile side..06:04
Anom01yDasEi, my bad lspci wasn't affected (shows my card)06:04
Anom01ystrange how pulse was buggered though06:04
joadriI tried freexite.com and did not worked. I'll try another one...06:04
PrinlerDoes ubuntu have to use pulseaudio? How can i get ubuntu to lemme play with the acual sound cards settings?06:05
Anom01yyeah computer is way faster w/o pulse06:05
jenanhow do you use a flashdrive if it's not coming up?06:05
PrinlerAnom01y, do you still get sound?06:06
Jordan_UAK|lt: GRUB doesn't use the boot flag. Unless you have a very buggy BIOS it shouldn't matter.06:06
Anom01yPrinler, its working now06:06
Anom01yjust apt-removed pulse06:06
AK|ltJordan_U: Okay, just thought it might be worth pointing out06:06
Prinlerwhy not06:06
maukarusjoadri, try justunblockme.com its the one at the bottom06:06
Prinlerlooks like i gotta reboot06:07
jenanhow do i use a flashdrive if it's not popping up into my documents or anything of the like06:07
PrinlerWhats the point of pulseaudio06:07
gaelfxPrinler: to make life more difficult and confusing06:07
Prinleri guess sooo!! LOL06:08
gaelfxjenan: when you plug it in, go to Places->Computer06:08
gaelfxwell that was fabulously pointless06:08
Prinlerim trying to trouble shoot my spdif settings and it keeps showing some stupid gay generic volume bar06:08
ruanif i try to remove libsmbclient, it says that mysql*/*qt4*/libboost* are no longer required, why?06:08
gaelfxPrinler: did you run alsamixer in a terminal?06:08
Prinlerit shows stuffs06:09
amh345my sites-enabled folder has nothing in it.  i believe this is the folder where i place my virtual hosts.  what should this file be called?06:09
Jordan_UPrinler: Please don't use "gay" as a derogitory term.06:09
gaelfxPrinler: anything muted? do you have more than one sound card?06:09
Prinlerits happy :(?06:09
Prinleri have onboard and i should see soemthing about my hdmi video card06:09
Prinlerit has a cable that hooks up from my vid card to my mobo06:10
Prinlerhmmm waiting for sound system to respond06:10
maukarushttp://twitter.com/facebook/status/25239034017 lol06:10
ruanif i try to remove libsmbclient, it says that mysql*/*qt4*/libboost* are no longer required, why?06:10
gaelfxPrinler: then there is no sound device other than the pass-through on your vid card. You need to make sure that in alsamixer <mm> doesn't show up beneath spdif channel06:10
Prinlerit doesnt06:11
Prinlerok i just booted up again, its showing a popup saying 'Waiting for sound system to repond'06:11
jenanI'm trying to use my flash-drive but It's not showing up anywhere, any ideas?06:11
Jordan_UAK|lt: Can you try following this guide: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide but install grub to the mbr of the flash drive?06:12
john88any1 from NYC06:12
gaelfxjenan: does it show up in Places->Computer?06:12
AK|ltJordan_U: On it06:12
jenanit doesn't show up anywhere06:12
gaelfx!ot > john8806:12
ubottujohn88, please see my private message06:12
gaelfxjenan: is there any kind of light indicating that it's connected on the flash drive itself?06:13
Prinleralsamixer shows Card, HDA NVidia, Chip Realtek ALC662 Rev 106:13
jenanthe light on my flash-drive is lit up, but it's no where in my comp06:13
gaelfxjenan: open terminal and type lsusb and then !pastebin the output06:13
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ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:14
jenanwhere's the terminal?06:14
gaelfxjenan: Applications -> Accessories06:14
PrinlerAnom01y,  So i uninstalled it... now it doesnt see any devices.... what now?06:14
joadriI'm there, but since this is an unusual way to get to fb, it is asking for a security way to make sure is me. It's trying to load words fo me to type in, but it is hanging... does not go any where... second attempt and nothing06:14
jenanokay I've done that06:15
jngdaqHOW ARE YOU06:15
AK|ltJordan_U: On 'sudo chroot /mnt' I get 'chroot: failed to run command '/bin/bash/': Exec format error06:15
gaelfxjenan: and can you link to your pastebin please?06:15
jenanI don't think I can, I'm kinda confused06:16
gaelfx!pb > jenan06:16
ubottujenan, please see my private message06:16
Jordan_UAK|lt: To chroot into a 64 bit system you need to be running a 64 bit kernel.06:16
maukarusjoadri..you forgot your passworD?06:16
AK|ltJordan_U: Oh, I see. Well, hold on, I'll redo my USB drive06:17
Jordan_UAK|lt: No need really.06:17
gaelfxjenan: in terminal, you need to type 'lsusb' and then press enter, and it should give you a list. then you need to copy that list, and paste it in pastebin, click submit and then send us the link06:17
Anom01yPrinler, your having probs ?06:18
Jordan_UAK|lt: As long as it's Ubuntu 10.04 or newer run "sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sdX" where sdX is your flash drive.06:18
Prinleryeah, now i have no sound. I can do a lspci it shows my nvidia HD sound device06:18
Anom01ytry removing pulseaudio06:18
gaelfxPrinler: have you considered trying the alsa backports?06:18
Anom01ythen install alsamixergui06:18
Prinleralasmixer shows a nvidia realtek alc66206:18
PrinlerAnom01y, i did06:19
Prinlerlemme run it06:19
Anom01ysudo alsa force-reload06:19
eosshello user permissions in apache have nothing to do with .htaccess from accessing outside correct?06:19
ZeroZiatEveryone busy? :o06:19
eossfor ubuntu06:19
ljungkDasEi: okay, thanks06:20
Prinlerits working06:20
firtvid20Hey, anyone here get Minecraft working? It always crashes on mine.06:20
NJSchultz07Jordan_U: no new driver for by bios, I guess i'll have to move the boot folder into the IDE. any advice on doing this?06:20
ruanfirtvid20: which version of ubuntu, and which video drivers are you using?06:20
PrinlerAnom01y, it looks like its working.. lemme see about trying my steps to get it threw hdmi06:20
joadriNo. It wanted me to identify pics to make sure it was me. I did not do well enough and I need to come back in one hour :)06:21
firtvid20ruan: 10.10 and running the latest proprietary FGLRX driver for my ATI card06:21
ZeroZiatErr, I need help with something.06:21
maukarusjoadri, oh man i see i'm on the page now06:22
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gaelfx!ask > ZeroZiat06:22
ubottuZeroZiat, please see my private message06:22
joadriI got there too, but it did not let me in that way after logging on06:22
ruanfirtvid20: java JRE also installed?06:22
maukarusjoadri, well atleast facebook has security xD06:23
firtvid20ruan: Yeah, I checked that 3 times06:23
ZeroZiatErr, anyways, I want to install ubuntu,  but apparently my partitions are overlapping. (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1697051) How should I proceed to keep everything chipper as normal, with my Windows XP, etc. You know, the usual Dual Boot stuff.06:23
maukarusi'm sorry i couldn't completely resolve this for you06:23
gaelfxZeroZiat: how many partitions does your XP take up?06:23
joadriyes... not good for me now06:24
joadriOk. I will give verizon a call tomarrow, maukarus06:24
joadriThanks a lot for trying06:24
ZeroZiat"My HDD is partitioned like this:06:24
ZeroZiat2 partitions for windows (one holds windows, stuff and some minimal file storage, the other one is pure file storage) and the rest would be for Ubuntu."06:24
joadriDo you want me to let you know if verizon was able to solve it?06:24
maukaruskk, it seems many have had similar issue isp aside..and not specifically verizon..in the past06:24
gaelfxZeroZiat: and how much free space do you have to work with?06:25
ZeroZiatgaelfx: About 12 gigs, the full story is in that post really, but I don't want to force you to read it.06:25
Prinlerno go on the sound thrw hdmi06:25
Prinlertrying all the settings in xbmc06:25
maukarusyes if you can..xD create a form thread if you'd like06:25
gaelfxZeroZiat: and how much physical ram?06:26
joadridon't know what is it... I meant to send you an email with the info06:26
ZeroZiatgaelfx: I got about 2 gigs.06:26
maukarusubuntu forums?06:26
ZeroZiatThis whole issue is most related with partition tables and HDD stuff.06:26
ubottuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC freenode #ubuntuforums.06:26
joadriI created an account and could not find a way to post a new issue so I can ask for help06:27
gaelfxZeroZiat: ok, one more question, and then I should be able to help you actually. Is the free space unallocated, or is it part of one of the partitions, or is it free space in both partitions put together?06:27
joadriThen I tried to reply to an email I got from them and then the system said I need to post at least 75 times in the forum to be able to contact them that way06:28
AK|ltJordan_U: I followed all the steps and it appears to be working again... I got the GRUB menu. Again, thank you very much06:28
joadriIt has been a nightmare06:28
maukarusjoadri,  o.0 omffg06:29
Jordan_UAK|lt: You're welcome. Does it only work when you have the Flash drive plugged in though?06:29
joadriI will call verizon tomarrow. I know they don't know much about ubuntu... What ís that?06:29
AK|ltJordan_U: I dunno... let me reboot without the drive in06:29
joadrithe leeter "o" dot zero space omffg?06:29
ZeroZiatgaelfx: In the 'free space' resides an older version of Ubuntu, which I can't really access, cause dumb me, I installed ubuntu first, and then windows. Windows overwrote the MBR, etc... I intend to wipe both partitions and install Ubuntu 10.10.06:29
maukarusjoadri, xD don't worry06:30
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joadriremember... I am not like you guys :)06:30
PrinlerDoes this look like the right syntax? sudo apt-get install linux-alsa-driver-modules-$(uname -r)06:30
gaelfxZeroZiat: well, there is a way to fix that from the livecd you know. you can just reinstall grub06:30
AK|ltJordan_U: Nope, it's fine06:30
joadriI'm a windows guys moving to ubuntu :)06:30
Prinlerall i get is a >06:30
maukarusit's 2 am herre -.-06:30
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gaelfxZeroZiat: but if it won't be missed, then you might as well redo it with partitions done properly06:31
joadriok. I'll let you go. Thanks again :)06:31
maukarusgood luck man i hope verizon supports ubuntu06:31
joadriOh boy :)06:31
DimaVI have Ubuntu Server 10.10 running headless with CLI only. I want to VNC into the machine and use GNOME with it, but only have a minimal install of GNOME that DOESN'T start up with the machine (envoked by VNC only with gnome-sessions &), how would i do that?06:31
ZeroZiatgaelfx: The problem is that I don't know how I could install grub if my partitions overlap (if you've read my logs in that thread)06:32
maukarusi will continue working with ubuntu and verizon and see06:32
gaelfxZeroZiat: sorry, I'll try to look at the logs06:32
arvind_khadriHi, has anyone been facing this issue of applications hanging on lucid lynx with 2.6.32-28 kernel.06:32
amithi to all06:34
amithow to copy file from host to virtual box OS ?06:35
DimaVAgain: I have Ubuntu Server 10.10 running headless with CLI only. I want to VNC into the machine and use GNOME with it, but only have a minimal install of GNOME that DOESN'T start up with the machine (envoked by VNC only with gnome-sessions &), how would i do that?06:35
arvind_khadriamit, #vbox for virtual box discussion.  You need to have guest additions installed06:35
amitok thanx @ arvind06:36
hermanlfwhen I do 'sudo update-grub' It finds my Windows XP and my CentOS installion but only the XP gets added to grub, centos does not. How can I fix this?06:37
tristancPrinler, try  sudo apt-get install linux-alsa-driver-modules-`uname -r`06:37
gaelfxZeroZiat: ok, it looks like you need to fix this via windows, cause as far as I can tell, the overlapping partitions are windows partitions. have you tried any windows partition editing programs? also, which version of windows?06:37
ZeroZiatgaelfx: I got Windows XP SP3, I've really no idea what I would do with the partition tools yet, I wasn't aware they were 'overlapping' until gparted told me.06:38
Jordan_UZeroZiat: What partitions are you planning to delete? It looks like deleting sda3 would solve the overlap (though I'd have to double check that to be sure).06:38
gaelfxZeroZiat: just so you know, I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with the MBR being over-written (could be wrong, but that shouldn't affect what you're trying to do)06:39
tristancPrinler, any luck?06:40
ZeroZiatJordan_U: I dunno if you catched my conversation with gaelfx from the beggining, I have a spare partition with an older Ubuntu (i think it's 6.06) which I am planning to delete, and install Ubuntu 10.10.06:40
tristancyou're welcome06:40
gaelfxZeroZiat: also, is there anything on those windowws partitions that you really need to keep, or could you possibly reinstall windows?06:40
ZeroZiatgaelfx: Oh, ok, cause I thought it did considering gparted can't see anything, it only lists my drive as empty and the text parted tool actually says something useful, (the drives are overlappin)06:40
ZeroZiatgaelfx: Yeah, I was planning to leave their integrity pretty much intact, making this operation harder. :s06:41
gaelfxZeroZiat: no, I think that's more a bug with gparted, but it's kinda irrelevant since that won't get fixed right now06:41
PrinlerOk im installing new liniux-alsa-drivers-moduals06:42
gaelfxZeroZiat: I'm not sure how to use the text version of parted to delete a partition, but I think if you do use it to delete that linux partition, you should be able to use gparted to fix it afterwards06:42
ZeroZiatgaelfx: You sure? :D06:42
Jordan_UZeroZiat: It looks like what you have is two primary NTFS (windows) partitions, sda1 and sda3,  and an extended partition, sda2, containing a logical swap partition, sda5. sda2 and sda5 are probably left over from the Ubuntu install and removing them should get rid of any overlap.06:42
MetaxaHello folks. Anyone able to help me setup empathy so I can use it as my IRC client instead of needing to use the web client, or a link for such information?06:43
gaelfxZeroZiat: no, but it seems like it is the problem, since it's written in a really strange place "on top" of your windows stuff06:43
Prinler@#%@#$ still doesnt show my HDMI06:43
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gaelfxZeroZiat: also, you would have to resize one of the windows partitions to get space for the ubuntu06:44
gaelfxZeroZiat: have you considered making a persistent liveusb?06:44
ZeroZiatgaelfx: You sure? the ubuntu partition which I'd delete would make enough space for ubuntu.06:44
Jordan_UZeroZiat: First, right now before anything else, tell me what the output of "cat /proc/swaps" is.06:45
ZeroZiatgaelfx: Also I tried doing that with my cellphone's memory card, it went well and all but my cellphone wouldn't come to terms with it and would start making default folders everywhere, so I cancelled that project.06:45
ZeroZiatJordan_U, I'm not on ubuntu at the moment, I'm on my windows partition.06:45
bc81Metaxa: i've never used empathy for IRC (prefer XChat), but maybe try Edit > Accounts > Add > Protocol = IRC > Apply06:46
Jordan_UZeroZiat: The Ubuntu partition is using the same space as one of the windows partitions, hence "overlapping".06:46
ZeroZiatAnd I can't access that one installed ubuntu partition cause windows overwrote the mbr, i could try with my gparted live cd, tho.06:46
gaelfxZeroZiat: the ubuntu partition exists in a place where another partition already exists, so there is no space for it, that's what's causing the problem in the first place06:46
ZeroZiathmm, i see.06:47
ZeroZiatso to clear up: My two partitions of windows, one is being held by a swap to a logical partition, are not overlapping. My ubuntu partition though, is overlapping some partition or somesuch..., right?06:48
gaelfxZeroZiat: http://pastebin.com/H0eSyqTK look at the numbers, the linux partition starts about the same place as the second windows partition06:48
testingempathyMetaxa: yep, just tried it out.  typing from empathy right now.  after setting up the account, go to Room > Join and put #ubuntu06:48
gaelfxZeroZiat: correct. i think you can use parted to remove the offending partition, I'm just checking the syntax about how to do that for you06:49
Metaxabc81: I did that, went to join the room #ubuntu, then nothing happens.06:49
tristancPrinler, i had to compile my own sound driver on an older machine once. could that be part of the problem?06:49
Jordan_UZeroZiat: Right now the only "linux" partition you have is a swap partition, sda5, which is contained within an extended partition, sda2.06:49
Prinlernot sure06:49
Prinlerall i know is i show no hdmi devices in aplay06:49
bc81Metaxa: not sure then, are you registered w/ NickServ?06:49
Prinlerso im kinda stuck in limbo06:49
ZeroZiatJordan_U: But didn't my ubuntu 6.06 made another small partition as a swap partition, as it usually does? Where's that one? o.o06:50
gaelfxZeroZiat: try parted rm sda5 in a terminal06:50
ZeroZiatoh dumb me i just saw it06:50
Metaxabc81: No. very new to IRC06:50
=== mike is now known as Ar71k
bc81Metaxa: ok, in Edit > Accounts > be sure it's enabled06:50
Ar71kI need some help identifying what /dev/ is my audio device06:50
bc81Metaxa: and you set a nick and password, also?06:51
ruanmy swap is 540 kb, how can i reduce it to 0 kb?06:51
Jordan_Uruan: Why?06:51
ActionParsnipAr71k: sudo lshw -C sound   may tell you06:51
Prinlerevery link i read is a dead end most are unfinished from 3 years ago... kinda frusterating06:52
gaelfxZeroZiat: and then pastebin the output of parted -list06:52
Metaxabc81: It shows me as being connected to freenode06:52
karlaruan, delete the swap partition06:52
ActionParsnipRuan: 540kb used, or in size?06:52
ruanhmm i wonder if i even have a swap partition06:52
karlaif you didn't it would be 0kb06:53
bc81Metaxa: i don't know what could be the problen, try restarting empathy i suppose06:53
=== ZerzekZiat is now known as ZeroZiat
Ar71khmm it said the name of the device but not the location in the /dev/* directory06:53
ActionParsnipRuan: sudo parted -l   will show you06:53
ZeroZiatmy bad, my internet disconnected06:53
Metaxabc81: I wonder if I can only be connected to one chat service at a time06:53
bc81Metaxa: well possibly, try another nick like Metaxa_06:54
ruanok how do i remove the swap partition?06:54
gaelfxZeroZiat: not a problem, did you try that command I sent you?06:54
karlaruan, using fdisk06:54
ZeroZiatgaelfx: I'm just gathering data right now, I'm on the same computer that has windows and ubuntu on it, so I'll have to try that later.06:54
death4or11no idea06:54
karlaruan, first what's the output of swapon -s ?06:54
gaelfxZeroZiat: oh, ok06:55
ZeroZiatOr in a second, but yeah06:55
ruan/dev/sdb5                               partition330342053206:55
ActionParsnipRuan: swapoff /dev/partition then remove its entry in fstab06:55
Metaxa123bc81: That seems to have work06:56
death4or11how to install ubuntu??06:56
ZeroZiatgaelfx: My second problem tho, is that my wireless network adapter card doesn't work with ubuntu and I have to do that whole ndiswrapper crap I had to do like 4 years ago06:56
ruanok so will it run completely off physical RAM if i remove swap?06:56
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate06:56
Jordan_UZeroZiat: What wireless card>06:56
Metaxabc81: Thanks! I think it was being connected thru here that casued the problem06:57
bc81ruan: how much RAM do you have06:57
gaelfxZeroZiat: well, if you can connect with an ethernet cable, you could try installing backports compat wireless package in Synaptic06:57
ruanbc81: 3 gb06:57
bc81Metaxa: welcome :)06:57
bc81ruan: i would leave the swap alone if i were you06:57
ZeroZiatJordan_U: It's a Belkin 54mbs desktop adapter06:57
death4or11ubottu want to install ubuntu 10.1006:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:57
ZeroZiatit uses a broadcom driver, so that spells only trouble06:57
ruanbc81: currently, less than 1mb of swap is being used06:57
Jordan_UZeroZiat: USB?06:58
ZeroZiatI managed to load it during the live cd tryout but it still wouldn't do much so I had to leave06:58
ZeroZiatto windows06:58
gaelfxZeroZiat: actually broadcom cards have been pretty usable lately06:58
ZeroZiatgaelfx: not so much 4 years ago06:58
ZeroZiatthat was hell06:58
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Jordan_Ugaelfx: Broadcom + USB though is still painfull.06:58
ZeroZiatbut yeah, i came back for that one reason, to see how they carried on with that problem and such06:58
gaelfxZeroZiat: if you can connect in ethernet, maybe you can download the proprietary drivers?06:59
ZeroZiatgaelfx, I can't, my router is too far away and I got no cat5 cable that long.06:59
gaelfxJordan_U: well isn't that just dandy? plug'n'play my left foot06:59
Jordan_UZeroZiat: Is it a USB adaptor?06:59
gaelfxZeroZiat: you couldn't move the computer closer to it?06:59
ZeroZiatNope, it goes in the PCI slot in the motherboard07:00
ZeroZiatgaelfx, naaah, i'm too lazy07:00
ZeroZiatand that'd be hell07:00
bc81ruan: i mean, unless you need to reclaim the couple GiB it's best to leave it there07:00
ZeroZiatpositioning it on the dining room, etc07:00
Jordan_UZeroZiat: If it goes in the PCI slot then you should be able to use it without NDISwrapper.07:00
Jordan_U!broadcom | ZeroZiat See specifically the instructions for installing without internet access07:00
ubottuZeroZiat See specifically the instructions for installing without internet access: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx07:00
Prinlerupdates Alsa and still no gravey07:00
ZeroZiatJordan_U: But I got it to work with ndiswrapper 4 years ago! Well my world was just blown.07:00
bc81ruan: you ever play games, or multitask, render 3d, use virtual machines etc?07:00
Jordan_UZeroZiat: NDSISwrapper has never been an optimal solution.07:01
ZeroZiatJordan_U: Mine's a bcmwl507:01
ZeroZiatjordan_u: it's what the helpfiles in ubuntu recommend firsthand tho07:01
Jordan_UZeroZiat: Because it's all there was :) Now there are native drivers.07:01
bc81ruan:  hibernate your computer will use swap among other things.  see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq07:02
Jordan_UZeroZiat: bcmwl5 is a windows driver for a series of BCM43XX cards.07:03
ZeroZiatjordan_u in the live cd they recommended exactly the same except this time it was ndisgtk, and my wireless card doesn't ran by default in ubuntu, so after installing bcmwl5.inf in ndisgtk, i checked if it was on but it doesn't turn on in ubuntu and I don't remember how I made it light up 4 years ago07:03
wake83Can someone help me diagnose a problem with gnome-terminal, and now install-info? When I open gnome-terminal, it shows as a tab in the system tray and says starting, flashes on the screen, then immediately closes. When I try to run update manager, I get an error saying dpkg: error processing install-info (--configure): subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 139. I have been using konsole in the me07:03
wake83while trying to get gnome-terminal to work, however I am also now being immediately disconnected when I try to ssh into the box from another pc on the network. Not sure if this is all related or not. I'm using 10.04.07:03
ZeroZiatoh, thanks07:03
FloodBot2wake83: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:03
GopalKHi, I'm trying to build 32 bit lib on my 64 bit ubuntu. I get this error. /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.4.5/libstdc++.so when searching for -lstdc++07:04
GopalKWhich package should I install to get it working?07:04
Jordan_UZeroZiat: Who / what recommended the same? What is the exact chipset of your wireless card? (run "lspci -vnn | grep 14e4" to find out).07:04
ruanbc81: i dont use hibernate, and all games i play dont use more than 1gb of ram07:04
ZeroZiatjordan_u I'll have to throw that one to the 'big pile of stuff to try when i boot into ubuntu', i guess07:05
wake83Can someone help me diagnose a problem with gnome-terminal, and now install-info? When I open gnome-terminal, it shows as a tab in the system tray and says starting, flashes on the screen, then immediately closes.07:05
wake83When I try to run update manager, I get an error saying dpkg: error processing install-info (--configure): subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 139. Using 10.0407:05
Jordan_UZeroZiat: Did you try simply going to System > Adminstration > Additional Drivers?07:05
ZeroZiatjordan_u: Anyway to find out in windows?07:06
ZeroZiatjordan_u: nope, when it wouldn't detect the card I just went to help file which redirected me to ndisgtk, heh.07:06
Ar71kanyone know how to find out which /dev/* is your audio device?07:07
Prinlerwhats this mean ? iec958:CARD=NVidia,DEV=007:07
Prinler    HDA NVidia, ALC662 rev1 Digital07:07
Prinler    IEC958 (S/PDIF) Digital Audio Output07:07
GopalKSorry, got disconnected.07:08
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount07:09
ZeroZiatalright, so the doctor's prescription is: remove the old ubuntu partition with 'parted rm sda5'07:09
bc81wake83: you might try alt+f2 killall gnome-terminal (maybe it froze up?)07:09
Jordan_UZeroZiat: Again, this will probably get you going with native drivers: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#ST%20%20-%20No%20Internet%20access07:09
Jordan_UZeroZiat: My guess is that you'll have to use fdisk to remove both sda5 and sda2.07:10
tsudothi, which config file saves the default application to launch for a particular file type?07:10
ZeroZiaterr, i'll have to take note and put it into my usb to read while in ubuntu07:10
wake83bc81: thanks for the response. I tried that, however it doesn't appear to have done anything. I have rebooted within the last 5 minutes and on the first attempt at running terminal it produces the bad behavior of closing immediately.07:11
ZeroZiatjordan_u: Wait, what syntax to remove it with fdisk instead of parted?07:11
ruantsudot: im not sure, but you can use the GUI(nautilus) to change default application to launch07:11
PrinlerWould upgrading my Nvidia graphics drivers help my HDMI sound issue you think? out of ideas!!07:12
tsudotruan, thanks, but I wanted to know if there is any config file for the same07:12
tsudotruan, I'm trying to change it problematically07:13
bc81wake83: can you alt+f2 xterm07:14
wake83bc81: no it behaves the same way, I see the window try to open in the bottom taskbar, but then it disappears07:15
ZeroZiatgaelfx or Jordan_U : There's one thing which I don't get... where's my /dev/sda4/07:15
bc81wake83: not sure, sorry.  you know the virtual consoles?  try to access one ctrl+alt+f2 & ctrl+alt+f8 to return07:16
Jordan_UZeroZiat: You don't have one. Logical partitins start at 5, even if you haven't used all 4 primary partitions.07:16
ZeroZiatJordan_U, neat. Okay. But I still don't know how to remove sda2 and sda5 with fdisk.07:16
forex 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜07:17
ZeroZiat... what07:17
Jordan_Uforex: Please stop. This is a support channel.07:17
karlaforex, cute, but do it in #ubuntu-offtopic07:17
forex(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜07:17
ZeroZiatoh shit07:17
ZeroZiatwe got a major troll here07:18
maco!language | ZeroZiat07:18
ubottuZeroZiat: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.07:18
ZeroZiatmy bad!07:18
Jordan_U!guidelines | forex07:18
ubottuforex: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines07:18
wake83bc81: not really familiar with virtual consoles, but I did go into one. I typed login info, said I have new mail, then showed login prompt again. Was able to get back to desktop via ctrl+alt+f707:19
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eosshello apache wont shutdown damnit07:21
eoss./apache2 stop says its shutting it down but i check and its not07:21
eossi do apachectl -k stop and it says its not running07:21
eossyet it is!07:22
ZeroZiatJordan_U: I can't use fdisk to remove a partition, I tried googling a man page on it and I don't seem to find a remove partition command or somesuch07:22
karlaeoss, pkill -9 apache2 ?07:22
Jordan_UZeroZiat: I only know how to use fdisk interactively.07:22
ZeroZiatwell, what do I do, then?07:23
eossyea that worked karla thanks07:23
ZeroZiatto remove sda2 and sda5, I mean.07:23
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karlaeoss, :)07:23
eosswhy dont the other ocmmands word?07:23
karlaeoss, maybe the process was stuck somehow07:23
eossok also if i have port 80 opened on localserver can people get access from the outside or is it safe07:24
norlaneleave #ubuntu  goodbuy07:24
eossi have a router and i didnt forward my port07:24
Jordan_Unorlane: /part07:24
PrinlerSo frusterating07:24
ruanZeroZiat: see link i posted above07:25
bc81wake83: well a couple things you can do i think try to update again, or go into synaptic, reload and fix broken packages (if any)07:25
ZeroZiatruan: Thanks a bunch07:26
ruanZeroZiat: np :)07:26
simoncpuwhere does fetchmail save the downloaded data in ubuntu?07:26
simoncpui can't find my mails at /var/mail or /var/spool/*07:26
eossalso anyone know of gui SVNs for ubuntu?07:27
ruanjust search on ubuntu software center07:27
dborbahey fellas - quick one - i wanted to use lilo to create a usb drive so i installed it with apt-get - after which i got the following messages07:28
dborbaWARNING: kernel & initrd not found in the root directory (/vmlinuz & /initrd.img)07:28
dborbaWARNING: Do NOT reboot or LILO may fail to boot if your kernel+initrd is large.07:28
dborbaWARNING: Please read /usr/share/doc/lilo/README.Debian07:28
FloodBot2dborba: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:28
bc81!enter | dborba07:29
ubottudborba: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:29
dborbanow - does that mean grub is screwed up or is that just a default message?07:29
wake83bc81: thanks. Synaptic shows 1527 installed, 0 broken, 116 to install/upgrade, 0 to remove. If I try to Apply, install-info immediately fails. E: install-info: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exist status 139.07:29
wake83bc81: and if I look at the details, it has a segmentation fault, dpkg: error processing install-info (--configure). sigh.07:29
dborbabc81, short copy paste contained a few new lines - sorry about that07:29
ruanis there a way i can copy from terminal using ctrl c? or do i have to right click>copy07:30
redhow do I find out what my #{RAILS_ROOT} is?07:30
ZeroZiatAlright people, I'll report back soon.07:30
cube1good, ZeroZiat07:30
Jordan_Uruan: ctrl+shift+c07:30
ruanJordan_U: thanks07:30
Jordan_Uruan: You're welcome.07:31
bc81wake83: i don't know, sorry.  what were you installing when it broke?07:31
ruanctrl shift v as well.07:31
WaterRatjCan anyone yell me how to enable compiz? I'm on a fresh install of ubuntu07:31
redI think its something like envvars but cant recall07:32
bc81WaterRatj: system >> preferences >> appearence >> Visual Effects07:32
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wake83bc81: np, thanks for your help. I'm not sure to be honest. It's been broken for quite a long time now. I think it broke when I updated to 10.04 through update manager. Something failed during the update and it's been downhill since.07:32
SealedWithAKissI have re-installed Windows 7. I wanted to stop using GRUB and use the Windows 7 boot loader to choose between Ubuntu and Windows upon starting. I downloaded an application called EasyBCD and followed this guide (http://www.ubuntugeek.com/use-the-windows-bootloader-to-dual-boot-windows-vista-and-ubuntu.html). However now when I boot my machine it goes straight to GRUB. Inside GRUB there is only a reference to my previous Vist07:33
SealedWithAKissa installation and I cannot get into Windows 7. Can anybody help?07:33
eiselekdjag vill se po skräckfilm!07:33
FloodBot2SealedWithAKiss: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:33
WaterRatjhmm seems not working, says like desktop effects can't be enabled07:33
Jordan_USealedWithAKiss: Run "sudo update-grub".07:34
lwizardlcan someone help me find a program to rename all files in a directory using any thing sorta like "My Trip Pictures ***.jpg"07:34
bc81wake83: yea i've <i>never</i> had a smooth transition when upgrading that way, always do a fresh install07:34
lwizardlon windows i used http://www.xnview.com/en/screenshots.html but the linux version doesn't work the same07:34
wake83bc81: lesson learned. :)07:34
BiPolahIs there a list of Worldguard permissions anywhere? I want a group to be able to build in any region but not create them07:34
bc81WaterRatj: did you enstall drivers for your GFX card?07:35
SealedWithAKissJordan_U, also why is there like 4 entries on GRUB similar to this: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.35-25-generic ?07:35
WaterRatjno, just installed ubuntu and saw that ubuntu had compiz installed07:35
WaterRatjSo I need to install drivers? where do I get them exactly?07:35
SealedWithAKissJordan_U, and 4 similar to this: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.31-14-generic ?07:35
bc81WaterRatj: hmm..check system > admin > additional drivers07:36
SealedWithAKissJordan_U, updating GRUB appears to have done nothing, it is still adding the old entry for Windows Vista.07:36
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WaterRatjSays no appropriate drivers isntalled07:36
Jordan_USealedWithAKiss: Those are older kernels. Whenever a new kernel is installed the old one is kept in case of problems with the newer one.07:36
Jordan_USealedWithAKiss: What is the output of "sudo os-prober"?07:37
SealedWithAKissJordan_U, /dev/sda1:Windows Vista (loader):Windows:chain07:38
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bc81WaterRatj: i can't help you further as this is unfamiliar to me. what kind of system is it, what video card etc07:38
Jordan_USealedWithAKiss: What happens when you try to use the Vista entry?07:38
SealedWithAKissJordan_U, the screen goes blank and then it returns me to the GRUB menu.07:39
SealedWithAKissJordan_U, I had a Ubuntu / Vista dual boot before. I was using GRUB to switch between the two. Vista became unusable so I upgraded to 7, that didn't fix my Vista issues so I performed a clean installation of Windows 7. Then I decided I didn't want GRUB and downloaded EasyBCD. Then things went wrogn.07:41
gaurav_helphow i mount my drives from terminal07:41
SealedWithAKissJordan_U, I'd just like GRUB to show two menu entries. Windows 7 and Ubuntu. With both working.07:41
bc81!mount | gaurav_help07:42
ubottugaurav_help: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount07:42
ZeroZiatOkay, then.07:44
ZeroZiatI deleted sda2 and sda5, I asked parted to run 'print' again. It said that the partitions were overlapping, yet again.07:44
SealedWithAKissJordan_U, I had massive problems with GRUB a long time ago. I couldn't boot into anything. Somebody on here helped me manually fix things, and it took hours. GRUB is really messed up.07:45
lafa_I have installed grub-efi on my imac, i can load fine into grub; here the keyboard works. Now when i boot ubuntu none of the input devices work07:47
WaterRatjOk, Installed my video driver. Where do I go again for enabling compiz?07:48
hermanlfis there any way to find out what frame buffer mode is currently being used?07:49
ZeroZiatgaelfx, you there?07:50
SealedWithAKissCan anybody help me with an inaccurate Windows entry in GRUB? Can't boot into Windows 7.07:50
redhow do I find out what my " #{RAILS_ROOT} " is?07:51
GrimmleSawOdooLaWell, I'm having problems with MSN file transfer in Pidgin on Ubuntu. What should I do? File transfer rate is extremely slow.07:52
SealedWithAKissAnybody? I cannot access Windows and have to complete a C# university assignment in VS 2010 by midday.07:54
malusget paid to click on ads @ http://bux.to/?r=malus220007:54
malushello all07:56
macomalus: going to behave now?07:56
SealedWithAKissmalus, www.getpaidtosuckcock.com07:56
maco!language | SealedWithAKiss07:56
ubottuSealedWithAKiss: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.07:56
mage7hello...I want to install an older version of gdb  (6.8 instead of 7.2)  because apparently it doesnt work with Qt Creator...07:59
mage7but when i try to remove  the newer version using Synaptics package manager, it says i have to also remove qt-sdk which i dont want to do ...is there any way to work around this07:59
ruanmage7: you could remove both and reinstall qt-sdk08:00
mage7thanks for reply ruan...ok Synaptics says that qt-sdk is 32 KB..so to reinstall will hopefully only take 32KB? because i am on dial-up and i dont want to download the entire Qt-sdk (several 100s of MBs)08:02
jqkemage7: i think that normaly when you got aptitutde remove ... it just uninstall but dont remove the package from local directory.08:04
jqkemage7: so next install, you should need to download  if you use remove and not purge08:05
rumpe1mage7, qt-sdk is a meta-package... that's the reason why it's so small and it have to download much more packages08:05
mage7rumpe1: so removing or reinstalling it wont also remove/reinstall all the other packages?08:06
rumpe1mage7, removing will only remove the metapackage... the 32kB08:06
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rumpe1mage7, the dependend packages will still be there unless you do a apt-get autoremove08:07
mage7ok thanks...so i will remove (but not purge) gdb along with qt-sdk and try to install the older version and then reinstall qt-sdk and see what happens08:08
rumpe1mage7, reinstalling qt-sdk will update the gdb-version to the version in the dependencies of qt-sdk08:09
rumpe1mage7, but you can try pinning the gdb-version08:09
CocoabeanHi, I'm sshing into a Freebsd box from a Macbook. I can't seem to get the "alt/option" key presses to go through correctly. I was trying to use irssi, but could not use meta-# to switch windows. If I hold "option" and press "1" or "2" to change windows, it just prints two lines.08:09
nash__hey developers help me08:10
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Jordan_UCocoabean: This is #ubuntu, try ##mac.08:12
CocoabeanJordan_U: oh man, i totally spaced, thanks08:12
robbiethe1stAnyone know some stuff about deleted file recovery on an EXT4 filesystem?08:12
SealedWithAKissJordan_U, do you think that there's anything you might be able to do to help fix GRUB?08:12
Jordan_UCocoabean: You're welcome :)08:13
Jordan_USealedWithAKiss: It's too late for me to think straight now, but possibly tomorrow.08:13
rumpe1Cocoabean, there are some infos for this case i guess: http://quadpoint.org/articles/irssi#switching_windows08:13
Metaxa123How do I register with NickServ?08:14
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode08:14
rumpe1Metaxa123, /msg NickServ REGISTER <password> <emailaddr>08:14
SealedWithAKissJordan_U, thanks anyway.08:14
SealedWithAKissI have a problem with GRUB, can anybody help?08:15
mage7SealedWithAKiss .I doubt i can help...but could you describe the problem...is the entry missing from GRUB?08:16
nelson09SealedWithAKiss, Its possible I could help too. please describe whats wrong.08:16
SealedWithAKissmage7, I installed Windows 7 over Windows Vista. The entry for Vista is still in GRUB, however it doesn't boot into Windows.08:16
mage7rumpe1....can you tell me how to pin the gdb-version08:17
rumpe1mage7, there should be some option in synaptic like "force version" or similar08:17
mage7rumpe1...ok thanks found it..trying08:19
ruanis there a reason why programs ran with superuser privileges don't apply a theme?08:19
SealedWithAKissnelson09, I removed Vista and installed Windows 7. I then downloaded a tool called EasyBCD because I wanted to use the Windows boot loader instead of GRUB. Since rebooting I have been unable to boot into Windows, since I'm taken automatically to GRUB, and the only Windows entry is the old Vista one which no longer works.08:20
ruaneg. synaptic or gksudo gedit08:20
rumpe1SealedWithAKiss, you have to update grub08:21
SealedWithAKissrumpe1, , "sudo update-grub" does nothing.08:21
rumpe1SealedWithAKiss, define "nothing"08:21
SealedWithAKissrumpe1, it doesn't change the entries in the GRUB menu.08:21
rumpe1SealedWithAKiss, how about "sudo os-prober"08:21
SealedWithAKissrumpe1, that produces /dev/sda1:Windows Vista (loader):Windows:chain08:22
mage7hello...guys will running grub-install help SealedWithAKiss08:22
SealedWithAKissWindows 7 is on /dev/sda108:22
SealedWithAKissThe Vista entry points to HD 0 and partition 1 - where Windows is located, right?08:23
nelson09that entry SEEMS correct, however partitions / HDD numbers can be different. Usually "sudo update-grub" will rescan for any other OS.08:24
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MetaxaHum...If I type /msg NickServ REGISTER (my pswd) (email) I get an error for syntax. I am very new at this, I have done nothing else but used empathy to connect to this IRC channel.08:25
SealedWithAKissnelson09, "sudo update-grub" doesn't help.08:25
jetiennehttp://security.ubuntu.com/ i got 20kbyte/s from security.ubuntu.com... how come ? is there something big happening08:25
SealedWithAKissIn order to make absolutely sure it hasn't changed anything I'll take the system down for a reboot.08:25
nelson09I saw that post earlier. Does indeed complicate things... Try the command "fdisk -l" this will list the partitions on the HDDs and how they are formated.08:25
rumpe1SealedWithAKiss, it nothing else works, create a /etc/grub.d-script for win7 manually08:25
michelefirs user08:26
michelefirst time use ubuntu08:26
michelegood morning08:26
michelethis chat is ok08:27
michelehere is possible to talk for ubuntu08:27
jetiennejdk at 20k/s is harsh :)08:27
mage7good morning and welcome to ubuntu...We wish you a pleasant flight and hope you enjoy your complimentary peanuts08:27
tonyyarussojetienne: No, just Canonical's gear failing.08:28
SealedWithAKissI'm back, nothing has changed.08:28
michelemmmh I  I have ubuntu 10.1008:29
mage7SealedWithAKiss: What is the message that is printed when you select Vista08:29
michelefor my nebook08:29
Metaxanice, i've been using the same for some time now08:29
nelson09SealedWithAKiss, I believe you logged off before I sent my last message. Try the command "fdisk -l". This will list the partitions on the drive and how they are formatted. by looking for NTFS, you should be able to verify sda1 / partition 1 etc.08:29
SealedWithAKissmage7, the screen goes momentarily blank and then takes me back to the GRUB menu. Nothing is displayed.08:29
michelebut I don't know my kernel08:29
SealedWithAKissnelson09, I have already verified that dev/sda1 is Windows.08:30
ruan_uh, why did it just rejoin08:30
mage7michele type uname -a  in terminal08:30
micheleneed  help for shortcut keyboard08:31
nelson09that is odd.. do you have "ChainLoader +1" or similar in the grub file?08:31
tonyyarussomichele: You can also get the kernel version from the "System" tab of the System Monitor under System->Administration in the menu.08:32
SealedWithAKissnelson09, yes.08:32
micheleok check08:32
SealedWithAKissnelson09, I typed in GRUB at the command line and it told me it wasn't installed. I've done sudo apt-get instal grub and it's told me that there's no menu.lst so I hit Y to generate one. Now there isn't even a Vista entry.08:33
nelson09alright. and sorry if im having you check things you already have. I hava a laptop that i installed 7 over vista dual boot linux. I'm checking to see what I have.08:33
SealedWithAKissnelson09, http://pastebin.com/0LXurS2s08:34
edwardteach!shortcuts | michele08:34
ubottumichele: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts08:34
SealedWithAKissnelson09, that's what just happened at the command line.08:34
micheleubuntu 10.10 maverick08:34
Jordan_USealedWithAKiss: You should not have installed the "grub" package, that's grub legacy. run "sudo apt-get install grub-pc" before you reboot or you might not be able to boot at all.08:34
micheletonyrusso. thanks08:35
SealedWithAKissJordan_U, life saver. Thanks.08:35
Jordan_USealedWithAKiss: You're welcome.08:35
SealedWithAKissJordan_U, is there anything else I should do?08:35
nelson09Yep, just what I was going to say. Jordan_U is correct. make sure to install that BEFORE a reboot or have a boot disk handy.08:36
SealedWithAKissJordan_U, it is now generating grub.cfg with the Vista entry again.08:36
Jordan_USealedWithAKiss: Can you run boot info script as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebin the RESULTS.txt?08:36
SealedWithAKissnelson09, I have done so.08:36
Jordan_USealedWithAKiss: Also the output of "debconf show grub-pc".08:37
ruan_!ask | lot08:38
ubottulot: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:38
shane2hi guys08:38
ruan_lot: what's the problem?08:38
lotI want view the irssi's man08:39
ubottuIrssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help. See also !screen08:39
SealedWithAKissJordan_U, http://pastebin.com/VZWXvxJi - RESULTS.txt08:39
SealedWithAKissJordan_U, http://pastebin.com/KrcM9BfW - output from debconf show grub-pc08:40
shane2i have install ubuntu which i had downloaded from ubuntu live site but i am facing volume  issue08:40
shane2i tried with drivers but no luck08:40
shane2i am using acer loptop08:41
shane2please help me08:41
shane2i will be thankfull08:41
SealedWithAKissJordan_U, I have a feeling that I'm about to receive bad news.08:41
Jordan_USealedWithAKiss: Sorry "debconf-show grub-pc".08:41
SealedWithAKissJordan_U, http://pastebin.com/XQKeCtdd08:42
almoxarifeshane2: explain issue08:42
shane2i cannot hear any voice like songs etc08:42
shane2i think driver issue08:43
almoxarifedebconf: DbDriver "passwords" warning: could not open /var/cache/debconf/passwords.dat: Permission denied <--what was this about?08:44
shane2any difference in live site ubtuntu setp and dvd or cd08:44
SealedWithAKissJordan_U, I wouldn't be too bothered normally, but I need to get into Windows to complete a programming assignment for university. It's due in later today. I have to use Visual Studio 2010.08:44
ruan_SealedWithAKiss: is it possible to run VS2010 with wine?08:44
Madpilotshane2, sometimes Ubuntu mutes all sound output by default, for some reason.08:44
SealedWithAKissruan_, no I'm talking about Windows 7.08:45
Madpilotshane2, click the volume notify icon, top right of the screen somewhere, and see if it's showing Mute selected08:45
SealedWithAKissruan_, sorry I misunderstood. No it isn't possible.08:45
shane2i have tried by using different techniques but no luck08:45
* lot 08:45
ruan_SealedWithAKiss: why can't you run it off wine?08:45
SealedWithAKissruan_, http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=89208:46
shane2in "Sound Preference" i cannot see any hard driver08:47
ruan_ah ok08:47
ruan_what about virtualbox/vmware08:48
ruan_if all else fails, of course08:49
SealedWithAKissJordan_U, any progress?08:49
Jordan_USealedWithAKiss: You appear to have done some odd, and in some cases incorrect, things to try to add a windows entry manually to grub. And I don't see any automtic entry in either of the two grub.cfgs you have (again odd that you have two). I really am too tired to sort it all out at the moment. I'd say try booting with Super GRUB2 Disk (burn it to a CD, unetbootin will *not* work) and if that doesn't allow you to boot windows then look for another computer08:51
SealedWithAKissJordan_U, do you anticipate that this miss will take a long time to sort out? I don't have a CD to hand.08:52
SealedWithAKissmess *08:52
Dewihow can I see what display driver X is using?08:53
ruan_Dewi: what is X?08:53
Dewiruan_: xorg I guess08:53
Dewiruan_: it hasn't been retired in 1010 has it?08:54
norlane testing08:54
Jordan_USealedWithAKiss: Yes.08:54
ruan_isn't it possible to boot off usb?08:54
SealedWithAKissJordan_U, is re-installing the whole OS a quick-fix option? I really need this sorted as soon as possible.08:54
Jordan_USealedWithAKiss: Yes, re-installing Windows should fix it.08:55
SealedWithAKissJordan_U, I mean Ubuntu.08:55
Jordan_USealedWithAKiss: No, I don't think that will help, though I'm not sure.08:55
dc5alaDewi: you can check /var/log/Xorg* log files08:56
ruan_SealedWithAKiss: fastest solution i can think of is emulation08:56
SealedWithAKissI don't know what to do. It doesn't appear as though anybody in here is experienced enough to be able to help me resolve this problem, perhaps other than Jordan_U but he's understandably tired.08:57
mage7if SealedWithAKiss ran fixmbr from the windows seven cd would that enable him to boot into seven (at the cost of losing grub and ability to boot into ubuntu temporarily)08:57
SealedWithAKissThat means I have no chance!08:57
White-Horseok please do not kick me or ban but i really must flame ubuntu for a 1 or 2 mins why the hell did ubuntu decide to drop support for nvida cards when nvidia has always supported linux it was ati that was not on board right up till 9.10 everything was fine then 10.04 comes out and bang no more nvida support i just do not understand why break something that wasn't broke what the hell is going on ?08:57
ruan_White-Horse: im on a nvidia card and its working for me..08:58
SealedWithAKissmage7, I don't have a Windows 7 CD. I installed from an ISO.08:58
Dewidc5ala: thcx08:58
Dewier, thx08:58
Jordan_USealedWithAKiss: It's easy to boot from an iso with Virtualbox.08:58
mage7huh....how did y ou boot into the iso?08:58
mage7White-Horse i am on an nvidia 8600m-gt on 10.10 and its working fine08:59
White-Horseyes but the nvidia linux priority driver has been drop from hardware driver08:59
mehdianyone similar with this errors?  warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’08:59
mehdierror: ‘strstr’ was not declared in this scope08:59
White-Horsenow you must install it yourself and config X08:59
SealedWithAKissJordan_U, I have a Windows ISO located on my Windows partition. You're saying that there's a way to boot from that without a CD from Linux so that I can use the recovery console to fixmbr?08:59
mage7White-Horse have you tried System>Administration>Additional-Drivers?09:00
White-Horseyes i have09:00
Jordan_USealedWithAKiss: No. I'm saying that you can use that to install and use Windows within a virtual machine.'09:00
White-Horsealso when you install it yourself the boot up screen is all messed up09:00
White-Horseonly after you boot into linux the screen is ok09:00
SealedWithAKissIs there any way to run the fixmbr command from Linux?09:00
khelpmeCan someone maybe help me w/ this: I just built this system - i have 2 optical drives (one is cd rw, the other is dvd r) -- i want to boot from the dvd, but it doesn't appear to be resovlable as bootable option :-/09:01
GneaWhite-Horse: Ubuntu has never dropped nvidia support.09:01
White-Horseyes they did09:01
Jordan_USealedWithAKiss: Yes, but I'm not sure if it will help, and it will make Ubuntu unbootable.09:01
chalcedonyi'm trying to get kopete on ubuntu 10.04 -- i downloaded kopete, and libjasper-runtime - but it won't start. i have a pastebin if someone can help?09:01
White-Horsethere is no nvidia linux priority driver in ubuntu 10.0409:01
GneaWhite-Horse: no it hasn't, you're just doing it wrong.09:01
satyahow to recover commands in the history after delete?09:01
GneaWhite-Horse: again, wrong.09:01
satyahow to recover commands in the history after delete?09:01
mage7White-Horse: It is the same with Windows as well..when you install windows you have to use Windows update to download the nvidia drivers09:02
GneaWhite-Horse: what method are you trying to use to install the driver?09:02
White-Horsewhen i scan for drivers ubuntu says none are in use/found09:02
SealedWithAKissJordan_U, will you be able to tell me how? It's a risk I'm willing to take.09:02
GneaWhite-Horse: 'when i scan' <-- what does that mean?09:02
ruan_satya: which commands in which history?09:02
White-Horseunder sys admin hardware drivers09:02
SealedWithAKissJordan_U, I'd love to remove Linux but I need it. I need both Linux and Windows equally. Getting them to co-exist just causes me trouble though.09:03
White-Horsejust like i did in 9.1009:03
ruan_lol, windows update never got me updated nvidia drivers09:03
mage7SealedWithAKiss you might end up in a situation without neither windows or ubuntu09:03
GneaWhite-Horse: alright, what is the output of this command:  lspci | grep VGA09:03
satyaruan_: in ubuntu all of the commands previously run are stored in the history09:03
White-Horsein fact 9.10 found the driver on its own09:03
dhirenIs anybody working on rails09:03
Jordan_USealedWithAKiss: sudo apt-get install mbr; sudo install-mbr /dev/sda09:03
satyaruan_: i deleted with history -c. now how to recover it?09:03
ruan_satya: you mean terminal?09:03
SealedWithAKissJordan_U, assuming this ruins absolutely everything and I can't boot into either partition, a Live CD will help me right?09:04
satyaruan_: yes09:04
GneaWhite-Horse: yes, well, I run a bunch of 10.04 systems and they all found the right driver for the nvidia cards on them.09:04
Jordan_USealedWithAKiss: If that doesn't help though, seriously give up for now and go to a computer lab on campus or something.09:04
White-Horseit shows my video card09:04
White-Horsei am not on ubuntu atm09:04
White-Horsebut i did all that before09:04
GneaWhite-Horse: well, you should be09:04
White-Horsei can't cause i can not get my card to work lol09:05
GneaWhite-Horse: we're here to offer support and to solve the problem, not act as your punching bag.09:05
Jordan_USealedWithAKiss: Yes, follow this guide to restore grub: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide09:05
=== geirha_ is now known as geirha
GneaWhite-Horse: you can get into the gui without the driver, therefore you can.09:05
SealedWithAKissJordan_U, I have ran the commands. My fate now lies with the computer Gods.09:05
Jordan_USealedWithAKiss: If your Ubuntu install is 64 bit you will need a 64 bit liveCD to follow that guide.09:05
White-Horsethen why is all this stuff in the ubuntu fourms09:05
SealedWithAKissJordan_U, it is a 64-bit installation.09:05
GneaWhite-Horse: without a url, your complaint is meaningless.09:05
Jordan_USealedWithAKiss: Again, if that doesn't help though, seriously give up for now and go to a computer lab on campus or something to finish your homework.09:06
GneaWhite-Horse: that's not a forum url, that's a wiki url.09:06
White-Horseok 1 sec i find another09:07
SealedWithAKissJordan_U, right I'm taking her down for a reboot. If this works I'll come back onto IRC in a couple of minutes - if I'm not back on it's dead and I have resigned to travelling into university to the computer labs.09:07
ruan_good luck.09:07
GneaWhite-Horse: those are typical instructions, did you try following them?09:07
SealedWithAKissruan_, thanks man.09:07
SealedWithAKissHere goes....!09:07
mage7and with that SealedWithAKiss has set off on his perilous journey to Mount Doom09:09
ruan_mage7: maybe not yet09:09
GneaI get the feeling that White-Horse is gui-dependent09:09
White-Horseno i use the terminal09:10
White-Horseas well09:10
Gneaso what would hold you back from getting on irc in ubuntu?09:10
satyaruan_: do u know how to recover it?09:10
White-Horsecause i do not have ubuntu installed atm09:10
Gneathen come back when you do have it installed09:11
Gneait wouldn't hurt to install updates after you install, too09:11
ruan_satya: im not completely sure09:12
GneaWhite-Horse: also, great program that can help with troubleshooting: pastebinit09:12
mage7in my opinion todays users cant be expected to use the terminal or rtfm for usual tasks09:12
White-Horsei used pastebin many times here09:12
GneaWhite-Horse: seriously, get Ubuntu installed again, come on back, we'll help you get your nvidia to work properly.09:12
ruan_shopt -s histappend09:12
ruan_PROMPT_COMMAND=`history -a`09:12
White-Horsebut so many ppl here told me i need to use scripts etc.....09:12
GneaWhite-Horse: also, are you using wubi or installing to a real partition?09:13
White-Horseand i need to mess around with vesa09:13
GneaWhite-Horse: well, nvidia doesn't use vesa09:13
GneaWhite-Horse: your choices of drivers: nv, nouveau, nvidia.  the 3rd one is the one you want to install.09:13
White-Horsei use the alt. cd to set up lvm09:13
ruan_satya: try that09:14
Gneawhy do you need LVM?09:14
White-Horseto encrypt mt HDD's09:14
Gneawell get your encryption sorted and come back09:14
Gneathere's usually someone with their head screwed on correctly in here that can help09:14
White-Horsethats 1 other thing it will not let me said up hardware raid 009:15
White-Horsesays only software raid 1 is supported09:15
Gneausually myself, actionparsnip, Jordan_U, among others...09:15
Gneawell, you need a real hardware raid solution to do hardware raid09:15
satyaruan_: i got it with this command: cat /home/username/.bash_history09:15
Gneaand if you're going to do raid, might as well be hardware based09:16
White-Horsei have one09:16
Gneasoftware raid just plain sucks09:16
White-Horsei know09:16
GneaWhite-Horse: how many times have you done the whole lvm+encryption setup?09:17
White-Horsein fact it was actionparsnip that gave me a url to fix the boot up issues with ubuntu 10.04 and the nvidia driver proms.09:17
Gneaah okay09:17
linatrrixhow i can make cd image from installed Ubuntu Distro09:18
Bohemian_CowDriver proms sounds romantic09:18
White-Horsehe said he made alittle script to fix that09:18
ruan_.bash_history shows my learning timeline09:18
White-Horsei done the lvm+encryption since 8.0409:18
GneaI think I tried it a couple times..... something got screwed up at somepoint and my home directory wouldn't fsck anymore09:19
Gneaso I tossed it and reinstalled09:19
White-Horsei never had that prom09:19
White-Horseit always works 100%09:19
Gneayeah, 'prom' isn't recognizable as 'problem'09:20
White-Horseits shorter to type09:20
GneaI wonder if the alt cd isn't utilizing something that the desktop cd does09:20
ruan_prob also works09:20
satyaruan_: what is learning timeline09:20
ruan_satya: how i learned to use terminal09:21
Gneayes, 'prob' makes more sense09:21
ruan_satya: a timeline of how i used terminal and learned to use it09:21
White-Horseok well when i get my Dell Optiplex 780 i will try again with ubuntu 10.04 and come back here for help with the nvidia driver09:21
GneaDell's can be tricky, but they tend to 'just work' for the most part09:22
White-Horseas for now i will stay with the Dell Workstation T3400 on Windows Server09:22
gibss37when install ubuntu using free space it says no root file system is defined09:22
Gneabest oxymoron I've read all day09:22
Gneawell, I'm off to bed09:23
ruan_gibss37: i think you need to make a partition formatted as ext409:23
White-Horsethank you Gnea :)09:23
GneaWhite-Horse: good luck :)09:23
gibss37when i try to make it an ext4 using gparted and then select it it says no swap memory selected09:23
White-Horsesorry for flaming but sometimes i just do not understand why things are done lol09:23
White-Horsei really do like ubuntu very much09:23
Gneanot a problem, you didn't go off the deep end with it09:24
ruan_gibss37: you might need a swap partition as well i guess09:24
POPEYEhow to get any network activity tray icon09:24
POPEYEin xfce09:24
FloodBot2POPEYE: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:24
ruan_POPEYE: add to panel > system monitor09:24
GneaWhite-Horse: most of the time, people come in here complaining about stuff and never stop to think that the more they complain, the worse their problem gets09:24
gibss37ruan_:  so what should i do, i am on windows, should i make two partitions one for swap and other for ubuntu09:24
White-Horsebut thats also how you get change done09:24
satyaruan_: i got history in my machine. but i could not got in my client machine, with bash_history09:25
White-Horseif no one complains nothing gets done09:25
GneaWhite-Horse: not around here, most of the time it results in expulsion09:25
White-Horsewell maybe i will send an email to the makers of ubuntu :)09:25
White-Horseand ask them what the hell they are doing09:26
POPEYE" add to panel > system monitor" in xfce no those item09:26
ruan_what is xfce?09:26
Gneathat's what I've wondered too at times09:26
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels09:26
ruan_so there is xfce, gnome, and kde09:26
satyaruan_:   what is shopt -s histappend and PROMPT_COMMAND=history -a09:26
White-Horsei did read the reason for removing the driver is because ubuntu wants to be 100% open source09:26
ruan_satya: it brings history back if it hasn't been cleared09:26
GneaWhite-Horse: well, it hasn't been removed from 10.04 or 10.1009:27
GneaWhite-Horse: and that isn't really true - Debian is that way for sure09:27
White-Horsebut at the same time ubuntu says it wants to be easy enough even for someone that never used linux before09:27
GneaWhite-Horse: but Ubuntu strives to do what Debian can't and won't do09:27
gibss37is there a need of three differentpartitions namely : 1. root ( / ) in ext4  2. home (/home ) in ext4 and 3. swap09:28
solaris0:Gnea xfce is a type of window manager09:28
ruan_i find ubuntu easier than windows.09:28
Gneasolaris0: I know.09:28
Gneaanyway, as I said, it's sleepy time09:29
White-Horsewell i must be crazy because when i use on 9.10 ubuntu found the nvidia driver on its own and installed and config X on it own now with 10.04 it does not do that anymore09:29
Madpilotgibss37, that's the usual partition setup, yes09:29
satyaruan_:   what is PROMPT_COMMAND=history -a09:29
ruan_satya: im not sure, i googled for that09:29
ikoniaWhite-Horse: you always have to enable the nvidia video module manually with the drivers tool09:29
ikoniaWhite-Horse: that has been the case in every release.09:29
White-Horsenot in 9.1009:29
gibss37Madpilot:  so which one should i use for installing  from those three09:29
ikoniaWhite-Horse: yes, in 9.10 the propritary nvidia modules won't get enabled unless you tell it do09:30
White-Horsein 9.10 ubuntu asked you if you wanted to installed the driver09:30
Madpilotgibss37, which one what? your system lives in /, your own files in /home, swap is, well, swap. All three are in use.09:30
White-Horsein 10.04 it does not evne find it .09:30
ikoniaWhite-Horse: yes, so you selected "yes" therefore enabling it09:30
ikoniaWhite-Horse: what video card is it?09:31
mage7I still don't understand White-Horse's difficulty exactly ..was he trying to do something technical....my ubuntu installed pretty much out of the box except for nvidia drivers but that was just 2 clicks away at System>Administration>Additional drivers...I am noob to linux and it didnt require anything else09:31
White-HorseeVGA GT 43009:31
gibss37no i am saying when it says to select a partition to install ubuntu, where should point the setup09:31
ikoniaWhite-Horse: is that card supported by the current Nvidia driver modules ?09:31
ruan_for me it came up with the option to install drivers and i installed current.09:31
ikoniaWhite-Horse: how do you know ?09:31
ruan_and it works perfectly09:31
White-Horsei checked09:31
ikoniaWhite-Horse: where ?09:31
amokhey people. where I can set PATH for superuser ?09:31
White-Horseright from nvidia website09:32
amok/home/amok/.bashrc ?09:32
ikoniaso when you go to the additional drivers menu, does it offer you an nvidia module to install ?09:32
White-Horsei have never seen that additional drivers menu in ubuntu 10.0409:32
White-Horsei only see hardware drivers09:33
ruan_not under system > admin > additional drivers?09:33
ikoniaWhite-Horse: it's in system->administration09:33
ikoniaWhite-Horse: hardware drivers is the tool09:33
=== Nick is now known as SealedWithAKiss
ikoniaWhite-Horse: does that offer you an nvidia driver ?09:33
White-Horsei do not know because i never seen that09:33
gibss37like i have 4 gb of ram so do i need 8 gb swap09:34
SealedWithAKissJordan_U, the machine died. R.I.P.09:34
White-Horsei look for drivers the same way i did in 9.1009:34
ikoniaWhite-Horse: ok, I suggest you look in the hardware drivers menu09:34
cvrseis there anyway to name the virtual desktops while running compiz?09:34
SealedWithAKissJordan_U, I'm using a friends netbook.#09:34
MadpilotWhite-Horse, it's System->Admin->Hardware Drives on 9.10 as well, though.09:34
ikoniaWhite-Horse: look for drivers using the tool I've just told you09:34
White-Horseyes but soon as i scan for driver 9.10 found them right away09:35
ikoniaWhite-Horse: look for drivers using the tool I've just told you09:35
Fleckhello, have ubuntu 10.10 server, have set up bridge in interfaces and dhcpd3 - problem is - dhcpd3 tries to start up before bridge is ready... and never gets started on starup...09:35
Fleckany ideas?09:35
White-Horse10.04 does not09:35
mage7The name on 10.10 is System>Admin > Additional drivers09:35
ikoniaWhite-Horse: look for drivers using the tool I've just told you09:35
ledahhi anyone knows how i can install a different version of a program without losing the old one?09:35
ikoniaw/hois amok09:35
ruan_that was fast.09:35
White-Horseok i will give it try thank you all for your help on this have a good night/day09:36
SealedWithAKissruan_, machine died.09:37
koodoughgibss37: what was your question09:37
bivowhere does flash keep the loaded videos? It used to keep them in /tmp09:37
ruan_SealedWithAKiss: cant boot at all?09:37
gibss37koodough: I have 4gb of ram do i need 8 gb swap09:37
ruan_gibss37: depends what you're going to do09:38
koodoughgibss37: what are you using the computer for? Mostly the answer is no09:38
ruan_!swap | gibss3709:38
ubottugibss37: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info09:38
bivogibss37 for 99.999% of people, no09:38
gibss37i would be using ubuntu for only running apache for my website09:39
gibss37so how much swap i should go for09:39
ikoniagibss37: it really depends on your machine, and how many hits you'll get09:39
koodoughgibss37: meh. Really up to you. I would put 2gb for the heck of it09:39
ruan_personally i use no swap at all, but i do nothing ram-heavy09:40
rumpe1gibss37, if there's plenty of free space, just use some gigs for swap... for worst cases09:40
koodoughgibss37: you probably won't use it for a apache server09:40
gibss37koodough:  why ?09:40
gibss37i dont want have a vps on ther systems09:41
rumpe1gibss37, you can always add swap-files to swap-space manually ... if you think you need more09:41
jatttoday I uninstalled openoffice, office on a windows virtual machine is way faster09:42
koodoughgibss37: Harddrive are so big today that 2gb for swap isn't a problem. You dont have to have any, which some of my system don't. Apache doesn't use much ram so I would not worry09:42
eosshello trying to install this rapidsvn but getting this error configure: error: APR is required. Try --with-apr-config.09:42
jattopenoffice should improve its performance if they want to compete09:42
FLeiXiuSIn 9.04 how to I create a mingetty autologin?09:42
rumpe1jatt, this is off-topic and you can hardly compete with someone, who does it for free....09:43
ruan_jatt: how so?09:43
gibss37i have 500gigs09:43
SealedWithAKissruan_, nopeee. Nothing. Not even Ubuntu now.09:43
SealedWithAKissruan_, I'm on a friends netbook at the minute.09:43
ruan_SealedWithAKiss: livecd is the only way to boot ubuntu off that machine then09:43
SealedWithAKissruan_, WINDOWS BOOT MANAGER - The selected file could not be loaded because the application is missing or corrupt: \NST\AutoNeoGrub0.mbr09:45
ruan_SealedWithAKiss: mbr is corrupt?09:45
SealedWithAKissruan_, that's what it says.09:46
ruan_SealedWithAKiss: i dont get why windows boot manager complains about grub being corrupt09:46
ikoniaruan_: because it's a wubi install09:46
SealedWithAKissruan_, I know lol09:46
SealedWithAKissruan_, I own an expensive doorstop now.09:47
ruan_SealedWithAKiss: is it possible to get into any terminal? or windows recovery console?09:49
SealedWithAKissruan_, nothing. It wants a CD.09:49
ruan_SealedWithAKiss: can't boot off a flash usb?09:49
bivowhere does flash keep the loaded videos? It used to keep them in /tmp09:50
SealedWithAKissruan_, You need to use EasyBCD to create a bootable USB on another Windows machine. Then copy the contents of the ISO you downloaded from our ISO to the USB, and use EasyBCD to add a WinPE entry pointing to the .WIM file on the USB. Apparently.09:50
dhirencan somebody tell me how to install os using pen drive09:50
ikonia!install | dhiren09:50
ubottudhiren: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate09:50
stuarti have returned with my grub2 issue...why am i getting a "grub>" prompt when i power on my laptop instead of a list of kernels?09:50
ikoniastuart: probably because it is pointing at the wrong partition for the grub.conf file09:51
ikonia!grub2 > stuart09:51
ubottustuart, please see my private message09:51
ikoniastuart: check out the link ubottu's just pm'd to you it will walk you through re-configuring grub09:51
ruan_SealedWithAKiss: the last step is confusing09:51
introublei just bought dell d610 laptop , i think it too hot after half an hour. i downloaded speedfan utility it shows hdd temp 20 in begining and reaches 45 c. but the 'temp1' constantly shows 65c at start and so onn.. why is that so and why it gets hot ?09:51
stuartdo you mean grub.cfg file?09:51
ikoniastuart: read the link ubottu just sent you09:52
SealedWithAKissruan_, good job I backed up for the first time in my life like 4 hours ago.09:52
cvrseis there anyway to name the virtual desktops while running compiz?09:52
ruan_floodbot quits?09:52
ikoniaignore it09:52
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub209:52
maxlois there a way to change/configure the gdm theme?09:54
maxloit is ok if I need to edit text files. I only need to change/customize the theme09:54
maxloi am using gdm 2.30, under 10.0409:54
ruan_what exactly is gdm?09:54
ikoniaruan_: gnome desktop manager, the login box09:55
ikoniaor display manager, I can't remember09:55
linatrrixhow i can make cd image from installed Ubuntu Distro09:55
ikonialinatrrix: you don't really do that09:55
ikonialinatrrix: custom spins aren't something we support09:55
keynsi had to delete my favorite porn to download ubuntu09:56
stuarti have looked at this website several times and it doesn't have any information that has been specific enough to let me solve the problem09:57
ikoniakeyns: don't need to hear about it09:57
ikoniastuart: first question are you using any raid disks ?09:57
stuartno, single hard drive, one OS never installed anything but ubuntu09:57
ikoniastuart: so there is no other OS on it, just ubuntu ?09:58
ikoniastuart: ok, how many partitions on the disk ?09:58
stuartnot sure, command line command to assess this?09:59
dhirenI have only one partiton on disk and i want to install one more os . can somebody help me with this09:59
ikoniastuart: pastebin the output of "sudo fisk -l" please10:00
ikoniadhiren: you just need to resize that partition to make space, create a new partition and install the OS there10:00
dhirenhow to resize10:01
ikoniadhiren: use a tool such as gparted, but you'll have to do it from the livecd as your partition will be in use10:01
dhirenok..can i make one more parition with it10:02
ikoniadhiren: if you have space, sure10:02
ikoniadhiren: if not make space as I just told you10:02
dhireni have space10:02
ikoniastuart: that's great, that looks simple10:02
ikoniadhiren: make one then10:02
stuartyeah, pretty stripped down laptop at this point...also makes me think the solution will be simple10:03
ikoniastuart: you're running on a livecd now ?10:03
stuartno, i used supergrub2disk to boot...i can also enter in a bunch of stuff at the prompt to boot manually as well, but that is slow10:03
ikoniastuart: use an ubuntu live cd so we use the correct grub versions to restore10:04
stuarthmm...not possible to do without the live CD?  I only ask, because doing things in the live environment is pretty slow10:05
Jordan_Uikonia: Super GRUB2 Disk boots the actual installed system, so it's better in that respect than a liveCD.10:05
ikoniastuart: that's just a fact of life, you need to use the right tools with the right versions10:05
ikoniaJordan_U: it's booting from his hard disk ?10:05
Jordan_Uikonia: Yes.10:05
ikoniaoh, cool10:05
ikoniastuart: there you go then, that's good10:05
jnjnjnAnyone have time to help me ASAP? My system says "An error occurred while mounting" when i try to boot10:06
ikoniaJordan_U: thank you10:06
Jordan_Uikonia: You're welcome.10:06
=== ubuntu_ is now known as SealedWithAKisss
ikoniastuart: so work through https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?action=show&redirect=RestoreGrub this guide until the part where you mount your disks10:06
stuarti'm sorry i didn't realize that it wasn't clear that i am working in the proper booted OS10:06
jnjnjnlast thing i remember doing was mounting a ftp through nautilus10:06
ruan_jnjnjn: looks like something happened to fstab10:06
SealedWithAKisssruan_, right I'm back on the machine. I'm on a Live USB - Ubuntu 10.04 Netbook edition.10:07
jnjnjnruan_ my fstab looks normal10:07
stuartdoesn't matter that i never installed windows?10:07
jnjnjnsyays though UIID=45058d9d-4ef2-4ccf-b587-0eba53e61d06 / ext4 error=remount -ro 0 110:07
jnjnjnsays though *10:07
SealedWithAKisssJordan_U, things didn't go too well. I'm not on a Live USB. I can't boot into either Windows or Ubuntu now.10:07
SealedWithAKisssNow *10:07
ruan_jnjnjn: error=remount. so it wont let you pass without mounting?10:08
ikoniastuart: hang on I'll get you a better link10:08
jnjnjnruan_ yes that drive is where my filesystem is on10:08
Abhinav1unfortunately I changed the permission of /var folder to 777 and now I am not able to open phpmyadmin :( how to reset the permission10:08
ruan_jnjnjn: ah. is it UIID or UUID?10:09
SealedWithAKisssJordan_U, is there a way to 'undo' the MBR commands I issued?10:09
jnjnjnIn my fstab it says UUID10:09
SealedWithAKisssJordan_U, by perhaps mounting the file sytem and chrooting into it?10:09
Abhinav1or what should be permission of /var folder10:09
Jordan_USealedWithAKisss: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide10:09
jnjnjnruan_ think that UUID is correct10:09
ruan_jnjnjn: are you on the machine?10:10
jnjnjnruan_ i have booted from livecd and mounted the filesystem so i can edit the files10:10
ikoniastuart: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 scroll down to rescue mode10:11
stuartseen it10:13
SealedWithAKisssJordan_U, how I identify my boot partition from the fdisk -l list?10:13
SealedWithAKisssJordan_U, the one with an asterisk in the boot column?10:13
jattmy laptop temperature is:10:13
jattThermal 2: ok, 74.0 degrees C10:13
jatttoo high (idle)?10:13
Abhinav1SealedWithAKisss: yep10:14
=== tsukeHiki is now known as feature
stuartif i understood the /etc/default/grub and grub.cfg files better i might under stand the source of the problem...i assume that something is wrong in one or both of these files10:14
=== feature is now known as tesuji
jnjnjnruan_ i have irc on another computer so if you have any suggestions i can run them on my machine10:14
SealedWithAKisssJordan_U, I cannot mount the boot partition. It's also the partition containing Windows. I receive an error when mounting.10:14
stuarthowever, looking at them, they seem normal10:14
=== tesuji is now known as tsuke
Jordan_USealedWithAKisss: You don't have a separate /boot partition.10:15
SealedWithAKisssJordan_U, ah. Thanks.10:15
Jordan_USealedWithAKisss: You're welcome.10:16
jqkeHi guys, i'm running ubuntu 10.04 and i modified my fstab so it can mount my windows partition. Now i have 2 shortcuts for the same partition. Any idea how to fix it ?10:16
Sinblade27i have a question for something strange .. i had 2 hdd  with bout connected ubuntu gets  stuck  and doesn't pass over grub on install ... with only one  evrything works perfect10:16
Sinblade27what is the problem ?10:17
Sinblade27sorry about my english10:17
Jordan_Ustuart: Just run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc -pcritical"10:17
SealedWithAKisssJordan_U, I encounter a problem with "sudo chroot /mnt" - chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory10:18
ikoniasorry, just on the phone, Jordan_U that's a much better solution than I was doing10:19
shaghostIs security.ubuntu.com down for apt-get?10:19
Jordan_USealedWithAKisss: Then you mounted the wrong partition.10:19
Sinblade27by the way  any good link to bitchx  i didn't succeded to launch on ubuntu x6410:19
stuarti've run that line except without the "-pcritical"...what's the difference?10:19
Jordan_Ustuart: With -pcritical it doesn't ask any configuration questions,10:19
andrewtaylorhi, I'm trying to help someone with an ubuntu system and I'm struggling to get my head around where different services are being started at boot. I presume it's being handled by upstart. How do I disable upstart services?10:20
SealedWithAKisssJordan_U, spot on. I mounted dev/sda2 rather than dev/sda7.10:20
shaghostis http://security.ubuntu.com/ down just for me or everyone10:20
stuarti believe this means that it won't solve the problem10:20
jnjnjnruan_ sorry im impatient, think you can help me out?10:20
jnjnjnim in a pinch here :)10:21
=== keynss is now known as keyns
ruan_jnjnjn: i don't think i'll be able to help, but someone else may be able to10:21
addikt1veusb-creator fails repeatedly10:21
addikt1veis there any ubuntu .img?10:21
jnjnjncan i run nautilus from a mounted filesystem?10:21
ruan_jnjnjn: all i can think of is using "sudo fdisk -l" and verifying some data10:22
Jordan_Ustuart: Why do you think that?10:22
addikt1veis there any ubuntu .img?10:22
addikt1veI wish I could keep it simple10:22
addikt1vedd if=ubuntu.img of=/dev/sdb10:22
addikt1vewould be great.10:22
stuarti have executed that command before10:23
stianhjaddikt1ve, just use the .iso file10:23
Sinblade27just found  the problem with my hangups ..  seems that those hdd  woren't compatible with eachoter and droped speed ... so  i found an easy fix ... removed  one hdd10:23
stuartand i'm still experiencing the problem10:23
addikt1vestianhj: dd if=ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdb ?10:23
stianhjaddikt1ve, yes10:23
addikt1vestianhj: does it really work?10:23
coz_hey all10:23
Jordan_Ustuart: Can you pastebin the output of "debconf-show grub-pc"?10:23
karlaaddikt1ve, if usb creator keeps failing unetbootin might work10:23
jnjnjnruan_ it all happed after i tried to mount a ftp drive through nautilus (i think thats the source of evil anyways)10:24
stianhjaddikt1ve, yes10:24
WizekHi there!10:24
jnjnjnruan_ maybe i need to unmount that drive, thats why im asking if i can run nautilus from a mounted filesystem10:24
SealedWithAKisssJordan_U, "sudo umount /dev/sda2" causes a device is busy error.10:24
addikt1vekarla: unetbootin is total bullshit10:25
SealedWithAKisssJordan_U, similarly does "sudo umount /mnt"10:25
addikt1vethanks stianhj I'm doing it right now10:25
shaghostis there a easy way to do find and replace in a file in terminal10:25
nash__yes wizek10:25
icerootshaghost: sed10:25
icerootshaghost: or directly in your editor like vim10:25
addikt1veshaghost: sed -i file 's/lol/wat/g'10:26
addikt1vewill replace any "lol" by "wat" in file10:26
jnjnjnNeed help ASAP so i can get back to work, here is link to my problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10507980#post1050798010:27
keynsubuntu dl with 100 kb/sec :S10:27
shaghostaddikt1ve: Thanks!10:27
addikt1venp shaghost10:27
Jordan_USealedWithAKisss: fuser /mnt/ to see what process is using files on that filesystem.10:27
shaghostkeyns: i get 5-10 times that to my normal server10:27
WizekI've made a USB live cd of Ubuntu 10.10 with the Universal USB Installer ubuntu.com has recommended me. It works fine except one little thing: It discads all my changes I make to it when I restart or shut down. How can I enaple the saving of settings, preferences, installed packages etc? So that it behaves much like a persistent installatiomn not a Live CD, but still is bootable from my flash.10:27
keynsshaghost what can be problem im l from ubuntu.com10:27
keynsi have 450 100%10:27
keyns450 kb/sex10:27
SealedWithAKisssJordan_U, no ouput.10:27
keynssec lol10:27
Jordan_UWizek: If it's large enough, do a normal install.10:28
karlakeyns, the subconscious, powerful thing :)10:28
mapreduceHi.  I have a monitor plugged into a PC running Ubuntu and the monitor says "signal over range".  Restarting X (sudo restart gdm) via ssh doesn't seem to affect it.10:28
WizekJordan_U: 4 GB10:28
mapreduceThe same monitor works fine plugged into my MacBook Pro (at least under Windows).10:28
WizekJordan_U: That's sufficient, isn't it?10:28
mapreduceAny suggestions?10:28
A_I_Hello, I can't find 'amap' anympore on Ubuntu, the Amap scanning tool has been replaced by amap-align which is different (a Protein multiple alignment by sequence annealing)10:28
Jordan_UWizek: That wouldn't leave too much room for documents but is more than enough for Ubuntu itself.10:28
A_I_where can I find amap back ?10:29
stianhjjnjnjn, i *think*, change the -ro in fstab file to -rw ? would make sense10:29
keynskarla? :))10:29
stuartJordan_U: Thoughts?10:29
shaghosti just did apt-get upgrade and getting 5,580kB/sec10:29
shaghostnow in mb/sec10:29
jnjnjnstianhj ok will try10:29
WizekJordan_U: That's not too good news, as I'd like to install other things as well... Isn't there a way to enable "saving" in this current install?10:30
keynshm wow 10 guys ask help in 1 min help that jnjnjn guy he needs help to continue work10:30
ruan_odd, i have -ro and it works fine10:30
Jordan_Ustuart: sudo upgrade-from-grub-legacy10:30
keynsubuntu here i come! hope it wont hurt10:30
shaghostAdmintly i am running on campus, and it is 5 jumps to a internet-2 server10:30
shaghostwith unlimited bandwith to it10:30
karlakeyns, that's me :)10:31
stuartk, done, should i try a reboot?10:31
tap-outHi , i get this error  after installing vm-open-tools   " fatal : Module vmhgfs not found" ,  Module vmmemctl not found.10:31
addikt1vestianhj: bullshit, it doesn't boot...10:32
ruan_!language | addikt1ve10:32
ubottuaddikt1ve: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.10:32
jnjnjnstianhj i changed my fstab to UIID=45058d9d-4ef2-4ccf-b587-0eba53e61d06 / ext4 -rw 0 1    same problem though10:33
karlatap-out, do you have kernel headers installed?10:33
tap-outi am not sure10:33
stianhjjnjnjn, that was just a wild guess10:33
stianhjaddikt1ve, and that has worked fine for me, so i don't know what to tell ya10:33
tap-outkarla, how to check10:33
addikt1veI don't think it did stianhj10:33
WizekSo, my question is rather this: How can I set up persistence on a flash drive if it has been set up with no persistence? I've heard that I have to do something with the casper-rw file, but I don't have that one...10:33
addikt1veI think you suck10:33
addikt1vethanks, however10:33
tap-outkarla, wait10:33
Wizek(usb live system)10:34
Jordan_Ustuart: I actually misunderstood that output, while upgrade-from-grub-legacy won't hurt anything I don't think it was required.10:34
tap-outkarla , yes installed10:34
tap-outany other suggestion10:35
SealedWithAKisssJordan_U, I gave up trying to umount /mnt and mounted the actual partition (/dev/sda7) to /mnt1. Again I issued "sudo chroot /mnt1" and received the same 'bin/bash' error.10:35
karla/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build must point to a valid directory, but also it might be that the module is incompatible with your kernel version10:35
Jordan_USealedWithAKisss: If the partition doesn't have /bin/bash then it's not the partition you want.10:35
keynsubuntu for windows installer is good?10:35
SealedWithAKisssJordan_U, http://pastebin.com/H5Ktn9PF10:35
keynsor complete ubuntu os?10:35
stuartJordan_U: well, i didn't reboot, so I await any other ideas10:36
nash__how to install ubuntu10.10 under windows10:36
SealedWithAKisssJordan_U, I have tried /dev/sda2 and /dev/sda7. Where else could it be?10:36
stianhjjnjnjn, remove the - sign, it's rw not -rw10:36
keynsnash go ubuntu.com10:36
keynstheres windows installer10:36
keynsyou will see it10:36
ruan_!install | nash__10:36
ubottunash__: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate10:36
jnjnjnstianhj ok, will try that10:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:36
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com10:36
karlatap-out, i'm not familiar with vm-open-tools so if it doesn't work I just tap out :)10:37
tap-outkarla ,:)10:37
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.10:37
vishkeyns: pls stop playing with the bot ;)10:37
tap-outkarla , ok thanks   ithink i going to update it to new version  :)10:37
keynsnah let me :)10:38
vish!msgthebot > keyns10:38
ubottukeyns, please see my private message10:38
karlakeyns, yeah do so in private :D10:38
Jordan_USealedWithAKisss: I don't know, sorry. I'm going to sleep now.10:38
i7-Cud4how do i set so irssi so it donst show joins parts and quits10:38
erUSULkeyns: you can /msg the bot and play with it in a private conversation10:38
ubottuTo ignore joins, parts, quits in irssi:  /ignore #ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS10:38
erUSULi7-Cud4: ^10:38
bullgard[Maverick] Nautilus  > HTML document name >  Epiphany will open this document. Although  System > Preferences > Preferred Applications shows Webbrowser=Firefox. How can I change to open a HTML document with Firefox automatically?10:38
Jordan_Ustuart: Try rebooting, unless you have more than one hard drive it should work.10:38
keynssry i ll have pm with bot :)10:39
Jordan_Ustuart: Assuming you did run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc -pcritical" which will run grub-install and update-grub.10:40
stuarti have run that several times to no avail, so i'm not sure why it would work now10:40
stuartbut i will reboot and see what happens10:40
xxd_hi all10:41
Jordan_Ustuart: If you do have more than one drive then run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" and make sure that all your drives (and *no* partitions) are included as install devices.10:41
keynswhy im getting ubuntu 10.10 with 50 kb /sec? :S10:41
jnjnjnstianhj no luck :/10:41
SealedWithAKisssI don't suppose anybody can help me with a dual boot installation gone wrong? GRUB isn't working. I can't boot the system.10:44
erUSUL!work | SealedWithAKisss10:45
ubottuSealedWithAKisss: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.10:45
jnjnjncan i run nautilus from a mounted filesystem, and how?10:46
karlajnjnjn, your inquiry is a little ambiguous10:46
coz_SealedWithAKisss,   are you dual booting with windows?10:46
etagei am french10:46
coz_etage,  ca va10:47
=== andrea is now known as Guest95641
erUSUL!fr | etage10:47
ubottuetage: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.10:47
jnjnjnkarla i have mounted my filesystem through a livecd, and i would like to revert a thing i did with nautilus before my comp crashed10:47
techbreakbzr branch lp:ubuntu/maverick ... shows error: permission denied (publickey)10:48
techbreakwhat to do10:48
jnjnjnkarla i mounted a ftp drive through nautilus and now, when i boot, my computer cant mount my filesystem10:48
etageil y a pas trop de monde10:49
keynswhat have i done wrong to dl ubuntu with 50kb/sec?10:50
ruan_keyns: are you using a download manager?10:51
SealedWithAKissserUSUL, I was having problems with Vista. I upgraded to Windows 7 and then discovered that it didn't resolve my problems, so I performed a clean installation. Windows removed GRUB and since I wanted to use the Windows boot loader to access both Ubuntu and Windows 7 I downloaded EasyBCD. Upon rebooting there was no option for Windows 7, only a Linux option. Hitting enter on the Linux option caused GRUB to load which had an ent10:52
SealedWithAKisssry for my old Vista partition. This wouldn't boot Windows however, whenever I select it the screen would go blank and it would return me to the GRUB menu. So I booted into Ubuntu and sought advice in here. In the end I installed an MBR application of some kind and attempted to correct the MBR from the Ubuntu command line. Upon rebooting I received an error stating that a particular file was corrupt and Windows couldn't boot (10:52
SealedWithAKisssI don't remember the file name, something with neo and grub0.mbr in it). I am now using a Ubuntu Live USB to attempt to gain help. I have a university assignment due in later today and need to fix this problem so that I can use Visual Studio. That's the long story.10:52
FloodBot2SealedWithAKisss: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:52
erUSULSealedWithAKisss: so all the problems begin with a third arty windows app? ... i would reinstall grub from the livecd in the mbr. then once i can boot the hard disk ubuntu install find out how to configure grub to boot the vista install10:53
arvind_khadriHi, has anyone been facing this issue of applications hanging on lucid lynx? Applications freeze, and top shows nothing significant10:54
erUSULSealedWithAKisss: or use a windows installcd to fix the vista boot loader so we make sure any trace of EasyBCD is gone and then reinstall grub10:54
nash__helllo is some one can me to download mac os free at any site10:54
nash__pls tell me website please10:54
erUSUL!warez | nash__10:54
bazhangnash__, no10:54
ubottunash__: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o10:54
ruan_nash__: it's illegal and offtopic, sorry but no.10:55
SealedWithAKissserUSUL, I'm unable to chroot into the partition for some reason.10:55
nash__ok sorry friends...10:55
chuchewhat is awn? something like docky?10:56
arvind_khadrichuche, yes10:56
bazhangavant window navigator chuche10:56
erUSULSealedWithAKisss: "... for some reason ..." ? can you be more specific?10:56
chucheok thanks :D10:56
arvind_khadriMy processes are going into sleep mode, even when they are running, due to which they stop responding.  Could anyone point me in the right direction?10:58
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines10:58
SealedWithAKissserUSUL, I performed "mkdir /mnt" then "sudo mount /dev/sda7 /mnt" then "sudo chroot /mnt" and received the error: chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': Exec format error10:58
ubottuSome topics are controversial and often end in negativity. Take care on subjects like war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide. The topics are not banned; stating your position is ok, but trolling, baiting, hostility or repetition are not. If you are asked to stop, do so politely. Disputes to !appeals, please adhere to !freenode Policy and the !CodeOfConduct10:59
kothaguy_ubuntusome times in my system i am uanble to do copy and paste,at that moment i will open the terminal and i will type gksudo nautilus,nautilus will open,and i can do copy and paste,my wallpaper will also changes to different wallpaper,what is happening,how can i make nautilus as default10:59
SealedWithAKissserUSUL, http://pastebin.com/FrDyrTBi you may find that extremely useful.10:59
bullgard[Maverick] Nautilus  > HTML document name >  Epiphany will open this document. Although  System > Preferences > Preferred Applications shows Webbrowser=Firefox. How can I change to open a HTML document with Firefox automatically?11:00
arvind_khadrikothaguy_ubuntu, gksu nautilus will give you nautilus as root.11:00
arvind_khadribullgard, just right click on the HTML doc and change the properties.11:00
fairyshackerneed help on ubuntu ?11:00
kothaguy_ubuntuarvind_khadri, :what should i want to do to make nautilus as permanent,so that i can do copy/paste easily,and my wallpaper should remains same everytime11:01
erUSULSealedWithAKisss: are you using a 64 bit livecd with a 32 bit install or viceversa?11:01
fairyshackerhow do i remove the taskbar on the login screen on ubuntu 10.10 ??11:01
SealedWithAKissserUSUL, indeed.11:02
arvind_khadrikothaguy_ubuntu, nautilus as permanent to what? Nautilus is the default file browser for Gnome.11:02
arvind_khadri!nautilus | kothaguy_ubuntu11:02
erUSULSealedWithAKisss: and you can not get a livecd that matchs what is installed in the disk?11:02
mage7how does one run programs from a fat32 or ntfs partition on linux ?11:02
arvind_khadriummm, shouldn't ubottu be knowing about nautilus ??11:02
SealedWithAKissserUSUL, under no circumstances. The only thing I have is this bootable USB I'm using now. Bad times.11:03
erUSULSealedWithAKisss: windows install disk ?11:03
fairyshackerhow do i remove the taskbar on the login screen on ubuntu 10.10 ??11:03
SealedWithAKissserUSUL, I wish. I installed Windows by extracting an ISO and running the autorun.11:04
MaartendeboerAnyone know a channel or place where I can go with my questions of running dhcp3-server on ubuntu?11:04
kothaguy_ubuntuarvind_khadri, :my main problem,i cant copy a file from one folder to other,i cant do copy/paste,if i use gksudo nautilus,i can do..i want to do that without using gksu nautilus11:04
subrandomhey I was wondering, in the main repo irssi is loaded, but it only has 8.12 but https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi says it has 8.14 I cant get the repo to update to allow me to install 8.14, if you know how to fix this or simply know how to make irssi upgrade to 8.14 can you please let me know?11:05
mage7SealedWithAKiss: is there any windows seven disc you can borrow from anyone?11:06
geirhaMaartendeboer: This channel, or perhaps #ubuntu-server. I believe the Ubuntu Server Guide has a page on setting up dhcp server btw.11:06
arvind_khadrikothaguy_ubuntu, you should have permissions to write into the folder, only then you can write into it. check the permissions of the folder by doing ls -l on it11:07
MaartendeboerThanks for responding, geirha11:07
geirhaMaartendeboer: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/dhcp.html11:07
MaartendeboerYes, it does, I have been following it but I run into something unexpected when starting the server daemon11:07
Maartendeboerill look it over again quickly11:07
erUSULSealedWithAKisss: maybe you could try this ? http://robert.penz.name/221/mini-howto-restore-windows-mbrbootloader-with-linux/ ?11:07
arvind_khadriCould someone possibly explain me why a process is going into sleep state, even when it is running and am using it.11:08
jattit's an illussion11:08
geirhaMaartendeboer: Well, if you pastebin the command you ran, the error you got, and the relevant configuration file(s), I'm sure someone here will be able to help you.11:08
jattthe process sleeps but wakes up too fast you don't even notice11:09
arvind_khadrijatt, i am looking at it using system monitor, and the process now am talking about is emacs.11:09
fairyshackerpls help ojn tis11:09
fairyshackerhow do i remove the taskbar on the login screen on ubuntu 10.10 ??11:09
Maartendeboerpastebin, is that different from copy-paste into the channel because id hate to get kicked for spamming xD11:09
arvind_khadriMaartendeboer, yes11:10
jatthow do you tell it's sleeping?11:10
geirha!paste | Maartendeboer11:10
ubottuMaartendeboer: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:10
SealedWithAKissserUSUL, what would the final command be for me? sudo install-mbr -i n -p D -t 0 /dev/sda produces the error: Error:  0: couldn't open source file </dev/sda1.ui>11:10
bullgardarvind_khadri: Thank you for your help.11:11
arvind_khadrijatt, by looking at its state, and it doesn't respond.11:11
arvind_khadribullgard, np11:11
erUSULSealedWithAKisss: and with the first command?11:11
mage7SealedWithAKiss: If you can obtain a windows seven disc ( perhaps a vista disc might be enough) running bootrec /fixmbr should be able to allow you to boot into windows provided the windows partition is not corrupted11:11
SealedWithAKissserUSUL, </dev/sda.ui> sorry.11:11
erUSULSealedWithAKisss: and with the first solution?11:11
SealedWithAKissserUSUL, what do you mean?11:11
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SealedWithAKissserUSUL, all commands before run perfectly.11:11
erUSULSealedWithAKisss: there is a Solution 1 and a solution 211:11
jattyou said: " when it is running and am using it"11:12
jattbut now you say "it doesn't respond"11:12
SealedWithAKissserUSUL, oh I didn't realise I assumed they were a part of the same solution.11:12
erUSULSealedWithAKisss: one with syslinux (package) and dd and the other with mbr ( package ) and the command you run... you only need one of those11:12
SealedWithAKissserUSUL, I guess solution one worked then. The commands executed.11:12
erUSULSealedWithAKisss: can you test if it worked?11:13
SealedWithAKissserUSUL, reboot?11:13
erUSULSealedWithAKisss: yes11:13
SealedWithAKissserUSUL, see you soon!11:13
Maartendeboergeirha: http://paste.ubuntu.com/573886/11:13
PhibreOptixhey guys11:14
MaartendeboerNow as extra information11:14
PhibreOptixwas wondering I anyone knew a way to sync an iPhone 4 on ios 4.1 on ubuntu?11:14
mage7how does one run programs from a fat32 or ntfs partition on ubuntu ? i am unable to do so11:14
MaartendeboerThe subnet is declared and eth1 is configured correctly11:14
Maartendeboermage7, tried Wine?11:15
PhibreOptixmage7: adding ./ before the binary doesn't work?11:15
jnjnjnif you have aný suggestions at all please help, will try anything: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10508157#post1050815711:15
mage7PhibreOptix: No it says permission denied11:17
venkateshcan anybody tell how to remove a package installed using .tbz file11:17
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PhibreOptixmage7: chown +x filename first then11:17
SealedWithAKisserUSUL, nothing has changed.11:17
MaartendeboerMight have to sudo that mage711:18
venkateshcan anybody tell how to remove a package installed using .tbz file11:18
erUSULSealedWithAKiss: :/ you will have to find a way to get a matcing ubuntu livecd ( or any other modern livecd but same arch ) or a windws install cd ....11:18
erUSULvenkatesh: you used checkinstall ?11:18
PhibreOptixwon't putting sudo before chown make it executable for the super user instead of his user?11:18
ruan_you can run it from gui too11:19
ruan_depending on the file type though11:19
venkatesherUSUL:no i have installed using tar -Pxvjf filename.tbz11:19
SealedWithAKisserUSUL, how do I find out whether this USB is 64 or 32-bit?11:20
mage7PhibreOptix: could you tell me the exact syntax for that..i am not very good at this ....11:20
erUSULvenkatesh: then simply remove the folder(s)/file(s) the tarbal unpacked in your system11:20
arvind_khadrijatt, yes, I will be using it and then it goes gray.11:20
erUSULSealedWithAKiss: uname -m11:20
PhibreOptixmage7: ok you know how to get to the file in the terminal first yea?11:20
StevethepirateIf I used a crossover cable instead of a patch cable between a switch and a PC, could this account for 50% packet loss, yet could the PC also still receive a DHCP offer?11:21
mage7yeah i am there11:21
PhibreOptixmage7: ok so just type chown +x filename11:21
SealedWithAKisserUSUL, uname -m produces i686.11:21
subrandomam I able to use the main repo list for ubuntu server 10.04ltr on 8.04?11:21
venkatesherUSUL, please can u tell me how to it exactly.11:21
PhibreOptixmage7: obviously replace filename with the filename11:21
SealedWithAKisserUSUL, that's 32-bit then?11:21
erUSULSealedWithAKiss: is 32 bits... so i take the installed version is 64 bits11:21
mage7it says invalid user :+x11:21
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SealedWithAKisserUSUL, I'm guessing so.11:21
erUSULsubrandom: no11:22
PhibreOptixmage7: one sec11:22
erUSULsubrandom: what are you trying to do ?11:22
SealedWithAKisserUSUL, I'm in the process of downloading 10.10 64-bit on another machine.11:22
subrandomI want to get irssi 8.1511:22
venkatesherUSUL, please can u tell me how to it exactly.11:22
erUSULSealedWithAKiss: ok; good luck11:22
SealedWithAKisserUSUL, I'll use the USB I'm using now to make it bootable.11:22
mage7I tried changing permission from nautilus>properties but it wont change11:22
erUSULSealedWithAKiss: good11:22
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venkatesherUSUL, please can u tell me how to do it exactly.11:23
erUSULvenkatesh: what is the name of the dir? do you know it?11:23
PhibreOptixmage7: sorry I meant chmod11:23
gopogosalut tout le monde11:24
gopogoi am french11:24
mage7PhibreOptix: also double-clicking on program says Could not display "/media/MEDIADIRECT/UV/Editor-build-desktop/edito". There is no application installed for executable files11:24
mage7ok will try11:24
venkateshno i don't no where it is installed....so i am not able to remove it...11:24
venkatesherUSUL:no i don't no where it is installed....so i am not able to remove it...11:25
gopogoare you cool11:25
FloodBot2gopogo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:25
erUSULvenkatesh: can you paste the output of « tar --list filename.tbz » ?11:26
erUSUL!paste | venkatesh11:26
ubottuvenkatesh: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:26
mage7after running chmod still no luck11:26
PhibreOptixmage7:if that doesn't work then you need to remount the ntfs partition with execute permissions11:26
mage7bash: /media/MEDIADIRECT/UV/Editor-build-desktop/edito: Permission denied11:26
Weazelhey guys, question - did evolution get support for Exchange 2010 already ?11:26
erUSULmage7: probably the partition is mounted noexec11:27
mage7ok i just double-clicked it from ubuntu Places menu11:27
snakehi there....can't find the way to add users on kubuntu..any help?11:29
mage7how do i mount it with exec permissions?11:29
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RubyHello I need help installing a BiPac 3011N driver for my computer11:30
WeazelRuby: is it me your looking for ?11:30
ghoulsbladehi all, experimenting with vms, i'd like to set up a virtual lan without access to the physical network device, currently looking trying "vconfig add vlanA 1234" (lmsod : 8021q : 802.1 Q standard), but i get "error: No such device". is that the right direction or do i need something completely different ?11:31
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milliganI'm affected by this bug, http://georgia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1353593&page=3 .. The fix suggested in the thread regarding V4L1 comp lib does not help. Any ideas/suggestions what I could do 011:32
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erUSUL!find vconfig11:32
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ubottuFile vconfig found in doc-linux-html, doc-linux-ja-html, eglibc-source, gmerlin-doc, klamav, landscape-common, libavutil-dev, libc-bin, libc6-dbg, libc6-dbg-armel-cross (and 9 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=vconfig&mode=&suite=maverick&arch=any11:33
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ghoulsbladei think it's rather complaining about the device id 1234 i passed as last parameter11:34
_Narc_Hello everyone. On Maverick, when I log in, the login sound plays after a pause, only showing the login screen wallpaper, and after it finishes playing, it takes 15 more seconds for Gnome to load completely... I searched on the forums, tried several things, but none worked. Any suggestions ? Thanks a lot.11:34
ghoulsbladeno idea how to create one though11:34
MK`I need a good DVD image ripper program to replace ImgBurn from Windows, any suggestions?11:34
ruan_MK`: check ubuntu software center11:35
MK`sorry, I am not used to having the software center, I keep forgetting it's there heh11:35
erUSULghoulsblade: i think you have to use ip nowadays11:36
sda_hi all! i have a big problem I'm trying to install ubuntu on my pc, it has a 1tb hd, but it never ends create partition (the last one, doesn't care the dimension) but with debian (CLI) it can! why?11:36
KUN hi everybody11:36
kman_Hi! A short question, is it possible to use dpkg to install .deb files to a custom root location (for example an USB drive) ?11:37
KUNhow can I kill a python app like Frets on fire when is lock??11:37
sda_hi all! i have a big problem I'm trying to install ubuntu on my pc, it has a 1tb hd, but it never ends create partition (the last one, doesn't care the dimension) but with debian (CLI) it can! why?11:37
erUSULghoulsblade: http://www.candelatech.com/~greear/vlan.html11:37
mage7PhibreOptix.. thanks remounting it manually works11:37
erUSULKUN: like you kill any other app. kill, pkill o xkill ?11:38
jattkman_: --instdir11:38
mage7do you know how i can tell ubuntu to always mount it with exec permissions when i double click it11:38
jnjnjnif you have aný suggestions at all please help, will try anything: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10508157#post1050815711:38
PhibreOptixmage7:you're welcome11:38
kman_jatt, thanks! I use it like --instdir="location" ?11:38
KUNErUSUL: if I put kill Phyton ..nothing11:38
PhibreOptixmage7:not off the top of my head but I know it has to do with the /etc/fstab file11:38
mage7let me check it out11:39
ghoulsbladehmm, i'd prefer something completely virtual, vlan seems to rather do some sub-net or something off an existing network interface11:39
erUSULKUN: kill takes a PID. use "pkill programname"11:39
bartzyon isc-dhcp-server, reload is enough to reload the log file (after logrotate), or I need restart ?11:39
KUNok, try it now11:39
motaka2hello how can I recover my ubuntu 8.04 after having installed winXP ?11:40
lafa_Hihi, im trying to setup an LVM setup but on boot it drop's into BusyBox shell. How do i make initramfs image with lvm support? i though ' $ PREREQ="lvm" update-initramfs -k all -u'  was sufficient, but it don't give me LVM support11:40
KUNmotaka2: I think you will have to reinstall GRUB11:41
motaka2KUN: but how?11:41
KUNerUSUL: I can't kill it11:41
erUSULghoulsblade: http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/Networking or https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Networking11:41
KUNI tried pkill + pytho and pkill + frets on fire11:42
erUSULKUN: « ps -efyl | grep programname  » paste the output11:42
KUNmotaka2: I' m newbie with Ubuntu but I read in web you will need Supergrub CD11:42
KUNerUSUL, take note ;)11:43
erUSULKUN: should be one line11:43
tonyhi all11:44
Luigianaany1 know why firefox are so slow at ubuntu 10.10?11:44
erUSUL!grub | motaka211:44
ubottumotaka2: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.11:44
tonyany1 know where i could find printer drivers for a Lexmark 9350?11:44
ghoulsbladeerUSUL, thanks, i'll look into it =)11:44
ruan_tony: go to lexmark's website11:45
KUNerUSUL:  S 1000      3323  3301  0  80   0   872  2834 pipe_w 12:43 pts/1    00:00:00 grep --color=auto programname11:45
Luigianaany1 know why firefox are so slow at ubuntu 10.10?11:45
motaka2erUSUL: is this the right manual ?11:45
tonyruan: I did...  only Windows and Mac :(11:45
erUSULKUN: you have to use fretsonfire or some such instead of program_name ....11:45
KUNerUSUL: I try it again, thx!11:46
erUSULmotaka2: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Grub#Grub After Installing MS Windows11:46
Luigianacan someone help me please?11:46
mage7aw great my nautilus is locked up11:47
KUNerUSUL: fail!! :(11:47
Luigianacan some1 help me11:47
KUNLuigiana: ubuntu 10.10 for 32 or 64bits11:48
erUSULKUN: « ps -efyl | grep frets  »11:48
Luigiana32 bit11:48
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KUNerUSUL: S 1000      3337  3301  0  80   0   868  2834 pipe_w 12:48 pts/1    00:00:00 grep --color=auto frets11:49
bartzyon isc-dhcp-server, reload is enough to reload the log file (after logrotate), or I need restart ?11:49
erUSULKUN: are you sure is still running?11:49
KUNbut with pkill frets fail11:49
KUNis lock in my desktop11:49
davojoin @openswan11:49
LuigianaKUN: my firefox are ages about opening a webpage?11:49
aazerthello there ?11:49
aazerthow to check what version on ftp server that i have on my sys ?11:50
erUSULaazert: depends on what ftp server you installed11:50
aazerti don't remember11:51
ruan_Luigiana:set up pipelining on firefox (about:config in address bar, search pipelining) or use an alternative browser11:51
aazertit should be a command to check that11:51
aazertin case in doubt11:51
ruan_otherwise its the connection11:51
Luigianaruan doesnt that only work in 10.04?11:52
KUNLugiana: choose another browser first11:52
ruan_Luigiana: yeah try another browser first, like chromium11:52
erUSULaazert: you do not remeber wich of thye ftpd you installed?11:52
Luigianaright now i am on chromie11:52
ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP11:52
Luigianaand it runs just fine11:52
ruan_Luigiana: im on 10.10 and pipelining works for me11:52
Luigianait runs fast11:52
KUNLugiana: like Çhromium11:52
Luigianai am using chromium right now and it works just fine11:53
aazerti m hesiting about porftip and vfstpd11:53
erUSULaazert: apt-cache policy vsftpd proftpd11:53
ruan_about:config > search pipelining > boolean to true and max.connections to 8-2011:53
aazertthat's the command11:54
aazerti got  vsftpd11:54
eps2anyone know if can start a script when i lock my workstation?11:54
aazertthanks a lot erUSUL11:54
erUSULaazert: no problem11:54
abhijiti downloaded iso from instalinux. burned it in pen drive. while iinstalling that iso it aksed me to write partitions i selected sdc which is pen drive and my main hard disk is sda. but now my main sda hard disk is full blank. is there any way to get my data back? #disaster #iamdumb #iamfoool11:56
FloodBot2abhijit: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:56
aazerti can't able to connect to my server over ftp11:56
abhijitFloodBot2: shut up11:56
Luigianaruan can you query me11:56
ruan_Luigiana: ?11:56
black-heartwhat's up11:56
bazhangabhijit, please dont11:56
erUSULabhijit: i would try testdisk to try to recover the partition table11:56
aazerti just reinstall vsftpd  even the problem not yet solved11:56
g00seCan someone tell me which kernel lucid LTS uses? I looked in the packages list under Kernel without success...11:56
xxd_how to join #java11:56
erUSULg00se: 2.6.3211:57
popeyg00se: packages.ubuntu.com/linux-image-generic  should tell you11:57
erUSULxxd_: /join ##java11:57
erUSUL!info linux-image hardy11:57
abhijiterUSUL: i downloaded test disk from their website and there is no executable file or no ./configure way etc11:57
KUNbye bye11:57
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 26 kB, installed size 52 kB11:57
aazerti got this error : ECONNREFUSED11:57
aazertduring the authentification11:57
erUSULabhijit: install it with apt-get in your livecd11:57
ruan_abhijit: get it from ubuntu software center11:57
black-heartcan any one tll me how i can play music in linux11:57
ruan_abhijit: oh wait11:57
xxd_erUSUL, but i cannot join it11:57
abhijiterUSUL: ruan_ ok11:57
Luigianaruan_ pm plz11:57
erUSUL!info linux-image lucid | g00se11:58
ubottug00se: linux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)11:58
ruan_how do i get into pm with irssi?11:58
Luigianaruan_ write /q Luigiana11:58
erUSULruan_: /msg somenick somemessage11:58
xxd_join #pm11:58
sda_hi all! i have a big problem I'm trying to install ubuntu on my pc, it has a 1tb hd, but it never ends create partition (the last one, doesn't care the dimension) but with debian (CLI) it can! why?11:58
abhijiterUSUL: ruan_ any idea why this happend? because i surely selected sdc and not the sda. then why my main hdd got deleted?11:59
g00seerUSUL: Thanks. I'm actually looking for >= 2.6.3412:00
aazerti got this error durint the authentification on my ftp client12:00
aazerti got this error durint the authentification on my ftp client12:00
erUSULabhijit: i have n way to know what happened....12:00
FloodBot2aazert: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:00
aazertas ftp server  i got vsftpd on ubuntu12:00
abhijiterUSUL: :-(12:01
aazertwhat to do ?12:01
albackercan i change the screen resolution to my laptop (amilo a530), it's 1366x768 for the moment, and i'm not sure if i can change it any further.12:01
abhijiterUSUL: test disk is not in repo? apt-cache policy testdisk dont give any result12:01
ruan_abhijit: it is in ubuntu software center12:02
ruan_abhijit: as testdisk12:02
monkeyDI have a sis 662/761Gx vga card, I installed the xserver-xorg-video-sis, if I go higher than 800x600, I got screen errors which means I get vertical and horizontal lines that stay on my screen and dont go and they shake all the time12:02
abhijitruan_: i am in live cd and it is not there12:02
monkeyDplease help me12:02
ruan_abhijit: oh, on livecd12:02
ruan_i couldn't find testdisk on livecd either12:03
abhijiterUSUL: ruan_ how to get test disk on live cd?12:03
Luigianaruan_ it is still slow12:03
durfHello I need help installing drivers for my bipac 3011n wireless device can anyone help me? it has linux drivers and in that is a tar.gz but i have no idea what to do with it.12:04
fidyducei downloaded backtrack 4 r2 and used unetbootin to install it to a thumbdrive but the default login in username and password found here "http://www.backtrack-linux.org/tutorials/usb-live-install/" does not work, how do i get the gui to load???12:04
coz_durf,  can you link me to the download for those drivers  ,, let me take alook at it12:04
coz_fidyduce,  you might try #backtrack-linux channel12:05
fidyducecoz: thanks12:05
durfcoz_ okay12:05
coz_fidyduce,  let me make sure that is correct12:05
fidyducecoz: ok12:05
coz_fidyduce,  it is12:05
fidyducecoz: again thanks12:05
fidyducecoz: sorry for wrong room stuff12:05
coz_fidyduce,  no problem12:05
durfhttp://www.opendrivers.com/driver/2142684/billion-bipac-3011n-wireless-driver-linux-2.6-kernel-free-download.html coz_12:06
coz_fidyduce,  no problem  if something has it's own channel ,, its generall best to go there :)12:06
coz_durf,  ok hold on12:06
monkeyDcould anybody help me please12:07
_Narc_Hello everyone. Hope I'm not flooding... On Maverick, when I log in, the login sound plays after a pause, only showing the login screen wallpaper, and after it finishes playing, it takes 15 more seconds for Gnome to load completely... I searched on the forums, tried several things, but none worked. Any suggestions to speed it up ? Thanks a lot.12:08
aazert hello12:08
aazertiis there anyone there ?12:08
heyguisecan you change the natty GUI to be a little more traditional? Like it was in maverick?12:09
nash__hello friends12:09
aazerthow got vsftpd on ubuntu server12:09
coz_durf,  its taking a long time to download so hold on12:09
Luigianathank you ruan_12:09
aazerthow to create ftp user12:09
lea123Evolution seems to be the Internet Explorer application of Windows. Even though I uninstalled it ages ago it stil provides me the updates, patches12:09
ruan_lea123: lol, remove it from terminal12:09
lea123How do I stop it ?12:09
LjLlea123: how did you uninstall it?12:09
ruan_lea123: does it try to provide updates in update manager?12:10
nash__hello can u give me an link to download ubuntu debian packages12:10
LjLnash__: "ubuntu debian packages"?12:10
lea123ruan_: Ljl I have uninstalled from the Ubuntu Software centre12:10
nash__yes frnd12:10
ruan_lea123: where does it request you to update evolution?12:10
LjLlea123: what's the output of "dpkg -l | grep evolution" (use a pastebin)?12:11
stianhjnash__, how about http://packages.ubuntu.com/12:11
LjL!packages > nash__    (nash__, see the private message from ubottu)12:11
nash__link to download debian packages12:11
LjL!software > nash__    (nash__, see the private message from ubottu)12:12
bazhangnash__, that has nothing to do with ubuntu12:12
bazhangnash__, try #debian12:12
ruan_lea123: does it try to update in update manager?12:13
nash__ok iill try this12:13
andai1java has terrible sound lag (flash does not)12:13
sacarlsondurf: it looks like from what I see that your bipack 3011n just uses ralink chips so it should plug and play12:13
sacarlsondurf: did you try sudo iwconfig  to see what returned or lsusb ?12:14
nash__how to do work in ubuntu by using windows softwares12:14
coz_durf,   apparenlty this is going to take another 3 minutes :(12:14
bazhang!appdb | nash__12:15
ubottunash__: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help12:15
asheshAmbastanash__: install wine.12:15
ruan_nash__: you mean run windows applications in ubuntu?12:15
durfneither return anything...12:15
nash__yes ruan12:16
abhijitconfigure: error: At least one of ncursesw/ncurses/pdcurses/curses library must be present >> which lib to install?12:16
kronusdarkso, i was messing around and removed myself from all groups, i managed to get myself added back to admin so my system isint broke, but could someone tell me what other groups i need to be in?12:16
sacarlsondurf: it's a usb device isn't it?  if nothing seen then try unplug and plug and try lsusb again12:16
asheshAmbastaabhijit: ncurses-dev12:16
Weazelhey guys, question - did evolution get support for Exchange 2010 already ?12:16
durfdoes nothing12:17
abhijitasheshambasta ok12:17
sacarlsondurf: imposible you see nothing you should at least see your hub12:17
nash__can i install .xpi packages in ubuntu12:17
kronusdarknash__, im pretty sure those are firefox packages12:17
ruan_kronusdark: go to system > administration > users and groups > advanced settings > user privileges and set what privileges you want12:18
lea123LjL : It has a lot of things listed12:18
ruan_kronusdark: just try not to set yourself as a root clone12:18
kronusdarkruan_, problem is i only have SSH access, i dont have physical access at the moment12:18
sacarlsondurf: try another usb port if posible  and try sudo lsusb12:18
lea123LjL : It has a lot of things listed12:18
nash__ok but how to install or convert those packages for ubuntu12:18
LjLlea123: well you may want to remove some of those, but not necessarily all12:18
ruan_kronusdark: oh12:18
bazhangnash__, you dont12:18
LjLnash__: you just install WINE, then you use the packages normally12:19
asheshAmbastanash__, bazhang plugins/addons for FF right?12:19
bazhangnash__, if you mean the xpi12:19
ruan_nash__: open the .xpi package with firefox12:19
kronusdarkruan_, i just basicly need a list of the default groups the default user is a member of12:19
bazhangasheshAmbasta, nothing to convert, afaik12:19
asheshAmbastabazhang, nash__ yeah12:19
durfahhh sudo lsusb12:20
nash__ok then what to do12:20
durfmy mistake12:20
coz_durf,  ok12:20
bazhangnash__, what to do for what12:20
coz_durf, you already extracted that zip file  ...yes?12:20
durfno luck with sudo lsusb12:20
monkeyD I have a sis 662/761Gx vga card, I installed the xserver-xorg-video-sis, if I go higher than 800x600, I got screen errors which means I get vertical and horizontal lines that stay on my screen and dont go and they shake all the time12:21
durfcoz_ i have extracted the file yes12:21
boota2hello, from where in ubuntu is called fstab?12:21
coz_dug,  ok ,when you open that extracted file there is also a  driver folder there with a tar.gz driver...you extracted that as well?12:21
lea123LjL: http://pastebin.com/MFL7w7sy12:21
sacarlsondurf: then it won't work with any drivers no mater what you install if it can't be seen on the usb bus12:21
nash__i have just tried that12:21
ruan_boota2: /etc/fstab12:21
boota2I can't find anything in /etc/init.d12:21
kronusdarkboota2, /etc/fstab12:21
coz_durf,   ok  in that folder is the driver folder  did you extract that as well/12:21
boota2Yeah, ok12:21
bazhangnash__, tried what12:21
coz_dug,   sorry12:21
boota2But what is actually mounting filesystems?12:22
lea123LjL: I have already removed evolution but still asks .. I12:22
boota2What is calling "mount".12:22
ruan_fstab is, i guess12:22
coz_durf,  under the driver folder is t he rtl8712  etc  tar.gz12:22
nash__.xpi packages with firefox then add ons are installed but how to use them proper12:22
coz_durf,   did you extract that as well?12:22
durfcoz_ inputtuing sudo lsusb asks me for my password and when I input it nothing happens and when I try tocloseterminal it tells me it's doing something12:22
boota2I cat see umountfs script in /etc/inid.d12:22
lea123LJl the update manager still gives me the option of downlading the updated for evolution12:22
boota2But i can't see moutnfs.12:22
boota2*can see12:22
bazhangnash__, just click and they install on firefox12:22
kronusdarkboota2, thats a good question12:22
LjLlea123: uhm, i don't use GNOME, but i vaguely recall some Evolution-related package being needed by something else. try removing the packages12:23
LjL  evolution-data-server  evolution-data-server-common     evolution-indicator     evolution-plugins    evolution-webcal    one at a time, and make sure for each that no other packages are being removed as a result12:23
coz_durf,  well  lets start with installing the driver first12:23
nash__ok then where they are for use12:23
coz_durf, let me PM you hold on12:23
boota2kronusdark: i'm reading about ubuntu boot proccess, and it seems there must be a script12:23
bazhangnash__, ask a real question please12:23
boota2but there isn't lol12:23
ylmfos晕 不会用12:24
nash__means how to use them now12:24
gremmachookI experience a !2s lag when I minimize,maximize or resize windows, or for that matter even open menus. Running Ubuntu 10.04 with a ATI Radeon 3400 card.12:24
ruan_!cn | ylmfos12:24
ubottuylmfos: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk12:24
bazhangnash__, give a link to one12:24
mettonHi !12:24
=== metton is now known as Aristidounet
AristidounetHi have a problem with KDE12:24
nash__i have on my pc and dont know any link srry12:25
bazhangAristidounet, #kubuntu12:25
gremmachookATI 3400 HD card to be precise. Any ideas why?12:25
bazhangnash__, then NO way to help you12:25
kronusdarkboota2, since the filesystem would have to be mounted before any of the scripts on the disk could be activated i would guess it would have to be something in the kernel image or grub12:25
nash__ok but u help me in another case is this yes12:26
sdaHi all, during the installation of ub10.10 partition creation never ends, WHY? (Ps on debian i can do it)12:26
gremmachookWhat kind of an issue is it with my GC?12:27
ruan_sda: how long have you waited for the partition to be created and how large is the drive?12:27
lea123LjL : I believe I need to remove them from the synapticpackage manager right12:27
boota2found it12:27
kronusdarkboota2, where?12:27
LjLlea123: yeah, or just use "sudo apt-get remove <packagename>" from the console12:27
boota2it is not in /etc/rc.something12:27
sdaruan_,  30minutes, but in debian i need less than 5min12:27
boota2it's in /etc/init12:27
boota2but i still don't understand what calls it12:28
nash__hey help me to install tar.gz packages12:28
bazhangnash__, whats the package name12:28
sacarlsonnash__: simple just sudo apt-get install mysql  done12:29
bazhangnash__, install that from ubuntu repos12:29
venkateshhello erUSUl : r u there12:29
=== uncle|sam is now known as Uncle|Sam
overcluckernash__: why do you need mysql4 ?12:29
nash__for my project work.by the way who r u12:30
boota2Я понял, лол.12:30
nash__nothing happen12:30
venkatesherUSUL: /opt/elliecomputing/ecmerge this the path12:30
boota2I understood.12:30
jpds!ru | boota212:30
ubottuboota2: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke12:30
boota2I still don't understand WHY!!!12:30
boota2do man mountall12:30
venkateshcan anybody tell how to remove a package installed using .tbz file12:31
boota2Why remove this functionality from /etc/rc scripts?12:31
ruan_venkatesh: how did you install it?12:31
boota2I don't get it.12:31
LjLvenkatesh: you need to remove the files manually, unless the .tbz ball came with an uninstall script12:31
venkateshi have installed using tar -Pxvjf filename.tbz12:31
=== Guest93191 is now known as yacc
LjLvenkatesh: that doesn't install anything, that just decompresses it12:31
jpdsboota2: Because Ubuntu now uses Upstart and its configuration files are in /etc/init/ .12:32
boota2Oh, ok.12:32
boota2And are there any reasons to do this?12:32
venkateshLjl : no it as installed and i can see it in accesories12:32
sdaruan_, seems like a bit this http://superuser.com/questions/217651/ubuntu-2tb-drive-unable-create-partition12:32
LjLvenkatesh: then you did something else to install it12:32
iguchihi guys... any ideas: i'm running 10.10 with metacity (from ppa.launchpad.net) and window switching lags like crazy... with six windows it takes a bit over 3 seconds to scroll through all of them! hw is old and slow (s3 unichrome pro), but still no other problem with graphics so only this alt-tab thing is weird.12:33
jpdsboota2: Boot-speed.12:33
iguchii have harvested through google for days with no luck :/12:33
venkateshLjL:no i have give tar -Pjxvf filename.tbz to install, then i can see the tool in the accesories12:34
AristidounetNothing response on #kubuntu ><12:34
AristidounetI try since 3 days for resolve this problem12:34
venkateshLjL:no i have give tar -Pjxvf filename.tbz to install, then i can see the tool in the accesories12:34
nash__hey yes the .xpi packages is for firefox and chrome....thanks want to friend12:35
stowodahi there12:35
mattyfhi guys12:36
boota2Bootspeed, Ubuntu! *stars are lines now12:36
ruan_venkatesh: tar extracts it, it doesn't execute it.12:36
stowodahow to make ls -lh  ->> ls12:36
stowodaYou understand what I mean?12:36
nash__how to install tar.gz for ubuntu12:36
durfcoz_ back12:36
stowodaI saw it a time ago.. a shortcut made for ls -lh12:36
bazhangnash__, we told you to install mysql from software repos12:37
stowodajust by typing ls..12:37
venkateshruan : venkatesh@venkatesh-desktop:~$ sudo tar -Pxjvf /media/Backup/soft/linux/ecmerge-2.3.123.linux.x86.tbz12:37
venkatesh[sudo] password for venkatesh:12:37
ActionParsnipstowoda: use an alias in ~/.bashrc12:37
FloodBot2venkatesh: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:37
mattyfwhen i run sh on a script, what might be causing 'word unexpected (expecting ")")' ?12:37
stowodaok, thank You12:37
ssbplshello, I want to ask a question:how to install the kernel function man pages?12:37
lea123Ljl : Evolution data server has a lot of dependencies i suppose gnome applet, gnome panel, ubuntu desktop12:37
ssbplsfor more , i am using the ubuntu 9.1012:38
=== test is now known as bobrovsky
lea123LJl : should I go ahead with the uninstallation12:38
ActionParsnipnash__: what is the filename and where is it stored?12:38
sacarlsonnash__: if this is just a class project to learn how to install a tar.gz files?12:38
bazhangActionParsnip, its mysql12:38
ActionParsnipbazhang: gotcha12:38
ssbplsi have searched the synaptic, but find nothing...12:39
sdaruan_, any idea?12:40
venkateshruan_: I have pasted how i have installed .....please take a look12:40
sipiorssbpls: have you installed manpages-dev?12:40
ruan_venkatesh: did you run them?12:40
ssbplssipior:yes , i have installed it. i just want to see the kernel function pages...12:40
boota2How to use this upstart shit?12:41
nash__/media/B61830BE18307F83/linux  this is path where saved12:41
sipiorssbpls: do you mean system calls, or are you looking for more information about kernel internals?12:41
ugliefroggoing to hate natty....just saying12:42
ActionParsnipNash: ok and what is the output of: lsb_release -d12:42
ssbplssipior:the kernel internals12:42
coz_boota2,   I believe you meant  "how to use this upstart "caca" or  "poopoo" :)  family friendly channel :)12:42
ssbplssipior: the system call pages i have installed.12:42
sipiorssbpls: one place to start: http://kernelnewbies.org/ . Robert Love's book is also pretty good.12:42
g00seI'm intending to make a bootable usb stick from a maverick cd image. When  it boots, how can i give it kernel options (specifically noapci)?12:42
boota2I'm not able to google any manual about new ubuntu boot proccess.12:43
boota2Where should I look?12:43
ActionParsnipg00se: hold shift at boot and you can use e to edit the options12:44
sacarlsonboota2: that would be grub212:44
DarkStar1Has anyone tried installing ubuntu from a usb stick before?12:44
g00seActionParsnip: thanks12:44
boota2sacarlson: i'm talking about runlevels stuff12:44
boota2not about boot loader...12:44
* Aristidounet is self-killing12:44
iceroot!anyone | DarkStar112:45
ubottuDarkStar1: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.12:45
ActionParsnipG00se: or remaster the iso so it has it by default12:45
sacarlsonboota2: ok well it's broken into two parts you can start at one point /etc/init.d/*  but there is also a new section I would have too lookup that involves states12:46
DarkStar1Oook Can I mount the ubuntu ISO from a usb stick and install from there?12:46
sdaHi all, during the installation of ub10.10 partition creation never ends, WHY? (Ps on debian i can do it)12:46
boota2sacarlson: i know a little about /etc/init.d section12:46
ActionParsnipDarkStar1: may netbooks lack optical drives so I'd12:46
abhijitwhat does this mean12:46
ssbplssipior:yeah ! it may be help. but i want to install the kernel documentations to the man pages. Are there any methods?12:46
abhijitconfigure: error: No uuid_create or uuid_generate function in library libuuid or uuidgen function present12:46
abhijithow to solve it? help12:46
ActionParsnipImagine many people have12:46
aeMaethi've been trying to figure out how to get eog (eyeofgnome) to open pictures from bash, my problem is that a new window is created for each picture, when I need it to open in the same frame.  any suggestions?12:47
boota2sacarlson: but it seems, that even networking and mounting filesystems at boot is done the other way now12:47
boota2i hate ubuntu12:47
abhijitwhat does this error mean? configure: error: No uuid_create or uuid_generate function in library libuuid or uuidgen function present12:47
sacarlsonboota2: the other section is sysV upstart12:47
boota2for now12:47
abhijithow to solve it?12:47
venkateshruan: yes12:47
abhijitActionParsnip: erUSUL help12:47
boota2sacarlson: and i don't see any documentation about it12:47
boota2i'm old and stupid i guess12:48
sipiorssbpls: i suppose you could mark up the kernel docs yourself, but i'm not aware of any man page collections for the lower-level kernel internals. troff markup is fun, for certain values of "fun".12:48
ActionParsnipDarkStar1: use the 1 2 3 app from pendrive Linux in windows or unetbootin in Linux and windows to put the installer on the usb properly12:48
ActionParsnipabhijit: i have no reply, hence me not responding12:49
nash__helloo sunbuy help me to install tar.gz files on my ubuntu10.1012:49
venkateshruan: yes12:50
AristidounetPlease help me, nothing response on #kubuntu ><12:50
ActionParsnipnash__: what is the output of: lsb_release -d12:50
venkateshruan: yes12:50
nash__ok i will send u file name12:50
venkateshruan: yes12:50
ActionParsnipnash__: its12:51
venkateshruan: yes12:51
ActionParsnipNash: its not a name. The text I gave is a command. What is output?12:52
boota2I found https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBootupHowto but still don't understand anything it /etc/init folder12:52
ruan_venkatesh: sorry i was afk12:52
stowoda_typing tail -f \var\log\massages, got that: http://nopaste.info/7ae3f58873.html12:52
abhijithelp E: Couldn't find package testdisk12:53
stowoda_my usb drive wont mount12:53
stowoda_on win xp it works fine12:53
haledid you work with rrdtool?12:53
abhijainabhijit: how you deleted12:53
ruan_venkatesh: to uninstall it you can go system > preferences > main menu and remove it from accessories, then delete the files12:53
abhijainabhijit: tell me12:53
sacarlsonboota2: here minimal info that I have found on it so far http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1511634  seems if it's sysV it's scripts move to /etc/init/* and if it's still  the old way it's in /etc/init.d/*12:53
speakmanHow do I make Skype ringing in my external speakers, but still uses my USB headset for the conversation?12:54
ActionParsnipnash__: if you run the command in a terminalm you can give the output12:55
nash__which command12:55
boota2sacarlson: so they moved to event-based model12:55
ActionParsnipnash__: lsb_release -a12:55
boota2i don't think if i like it12:55
boota2i think it's overcomplicated12:55
ActionParsnipboota2: what is?12:56
venkateshruan : in mainmenu acessories the ecmerge tool is not displayed12:56
jpdsActionParsnip: Upstart.12:56
LjLlea123: no12:56
LjLlea123: uninstall the rest, but leave that one installed12:56
sacarlsonboota2: moving to event-based model at some rate yes, some still do or can run the old way12:56
arvind_khadriThe openssl that comes with 10.04.2 seems to eat a lot of CPU12:56
=== Alien_Freak is now known as csgeek
ActionParsnipjpds: i see12:57
abhijithow to install testdisk in live cd?12:58
sacarlsonboota2: well to boot faster and to use multithread capability I guess it's what most want12:58
boota2sacarlson: hmm, now i see reason behing it12:58
=== GlitchMr_ is now known as Marisa
boota2I think, it's not so bad after all.12:59
jpdsboota2: Ubuntu is not the only distro which has adopted Upstart (Fedora, WebOS, ...)12:59
boota2but i don't see good docs about it12:59
boota2i men, good docs with examples and stuff12:59
boota2and with a wiki12:59
ActionParsnipboota2: agreed :)13:00
ActionParsniphi venkatesh13:00
arvind_khadriCould someone help me on the openssl thing. The openssl that comes with 10.04.2 seems to eat a lot of CPU.13:01
ruan_venkatesh: is it still in applications > accessories though?13:02
ActionParsniparvind_khadri: is there a bug logged?13:02
abhijithow to install testdisk to live ubuntu?13:02
ActionParsnipabhijit: get a web connection and run: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install testdisk13:03
LjLabhijit: same as not live13:03
arvind_khadriActionParsnip, I dont see anything, other than a post in forum which was moved.13:03
sacarlsonarvind_khadri: what do you have it doing when this happens?13:03
abhijitLjL: ??? what that means? how do i install testdisk?13:04
alfredpackerhay iam tryin to getmy wireless card  driver in stalled but on the add drivers all iam getting is this /var/log/jockey.log  what dose that mean and how do i get my driver to work13:04
alfredpackerhay iam tryin to getmy wireless card  driver in stalled but on the add drivers all iam getting is this /var/log/jockey.log  what dose that mean and how do i get my driver to work13:04
LjLabhijit: 1) enable universe 2) install it from Synaptic (or sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install testdisk)13:04
abhijitLjL: ok let me try it13:04
jqkealfredpacker, you have a broadcom card ?13:05
alfredpackeri thik so13:05
arvind_khadrisacarlson, Connect it to imap.google.com , even after I get the certificate the CPU usage is at 99%13:05
ruan_venkatesh: is it still in applications > accessories though?13:05
abhijithi venkatesh13:05
BluesKajhiyas all13:05
alfredpackerjqke: yes i do13:06
jqkealfredpacker, hold a sec i had same trouble with mine13:06
qbahii all13:06
visofhow can i open pdc file ?13:07
MarisaWhat is PDC to be exact?13:07
ruan_copyrighted PDF?13:07
ruan_copy protected*13:08
icerootMarisa: primary domain controller13:08
jqkealfredpacker, http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php13:08
ruan_google can be misleading >_>13:08
icerootMarisa: ah sorry didt see the question was about a file13:08
=== erle64- is now known as erle-
abhijitanyone testdisk expert here? who has actually used it?13:08
ActionParsnipruan_: use a different search engine then ;)13:09
alfredpackerjqke:ill tryand thank u13:09
ruan_ActionParsnip: it's the most accurate one though lol13:09
MK`This Brasero thing keeps crashing :|13:09
alfredpackeroooo andone meor thing is there and adobe reader for ubuntu13:09
ruan_alfredpacker: yes, check ubu software center13:09
ActionParsnipruan_: not really, different engines use different algorithmns so you will get different results13:09
MarisaIt's propietary format, it seems the "LockLizard Secure PDF Viewer" can view it. You might try Wine13:10
MarisaBut otherwise I have no idea13:10
ActionParsnipMK`: install gnomebaker and you'll be fine :)13:10
MK`it can rip to ISO?13:10
ActionParsnip!panels | nash__13:10
ubottunash__: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »13:10
ActionParsnipMK`: you can use dd for that but I believe gnomebaker can13:10
arvind_khadrisacarlson, ??13:10
sacarlsonarvind_khadri: I'm still not sure what you are doing maybe show me the command line of what you did13:11
ActionParsnipMK`: just use: dd if=/dev/dvd of=/image.iso     you don't need an app for it13:11
jqkebetter than an iphone :p13:11
MK`Hm alright.13:11
arvind_khadrisacarlson, openssl s_client -ssl3 -connect imap.gmail.com:993 try this.13:11
ActionParsnipMK`: dd takes a bit by bit stream from one device (or image) to another13:11
randomnikwhen i click together mouse1 and mouse2, they act like mouse3 click. how to disable that?13:12
ruan_venkatesh: i don't really know what to do, if main menu doesn't show it.13:13
iguchisorry to repeat but:13:13
iguchihi guys... any ideas: i'm running 10.10 with metacity (from ppa.launchpad.net) and window switching lags like crazy... with six windows it takes a bit over 3 seconds to scroll through all of them! hw is old and slow (s3 unichrome pro), but still no other problem with graphics so only this alt-tab thing is weird.13:13
iguchii have harvested through google for days with no luck :/13:13
venkateshok ruan thank you for support ....13:13
azertyhow can i create an ftp user in VsFTPd?13:14
venkateshok ruan thank you for support ....13:14
zlhanyobody from China?13:14
[TK]D-Fenderazerty: every Linux user is a vsftpd user13:14
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk13:14
azertyunfortunately not [TK]D-Fender13:14
gahfHello I need help with some ubuntu wireless usb drivers, can anyone help?13:14
[TK]D-Fenderazthe normal ones, shuold be13:15
karla!help | gahf13:15
ubottugahf: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:15
ActionParsnipazerty: just create a new user13:15
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.13:15
jqkei modified my fstab so it mount my windows partition on boot. Now, i have 2 shortcuts for it. One saying that "Unprivileged user can not mount NTFS block devices using the external FUSE" any idea how to remove this one ?13:15
[TK]D-Fenderazerty: Check your config file.  The default may be in reverse mode of having to list the ones to allow instead of the ones to block13:15
ActionParsnipazerty: if they are to ONLY have ftp access then change their shell to /bin/false13:16
abhijitActionParsnip: LjL thanksit worked now i installed it13:16
randomnikanyone here playing quakelive on Ubuntu? i have zoom on Mouse3. but when i press mouse1 and mouse2 together, takes me to zoom. for example when doing rocket jump. any gamer here to help? :)13:16
gahfHello I need help with some ubuntu wireless usb drivers, can anyone help?13:16
nash__how to install google earth in ubuntu13:16
visofhow can i open pdc file ?13:17
ActionParsnipgahf: run: sudo lshw -C networ    do you see your wireless chip listed?13:17
abhijitnash__: get latest versioon from their website13:17
azertywell, this is what i got on my ftp client as error : "ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server".13:17
zombie_hello I need some help anybody here13:17
azertyduring an authentification13:17
nash__can u give me latest link13:17
abhijit!ask | zombie_13:17
ubottuzombie_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:17
AndroUser2plug in Ethernet cable and see if you can download WiFi drivers13:17
abhijitnash__: no. i dont help lazy.13:17
ubottuGoogle Earth is available as the package "googleearth-package" in !Multiverse. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GoogleEarth13:18
sacarlsonarvind_khadri: I found this http://www.tannerjepsen.com/?p=13313:18
[TK]D-Fenderazerty: Sounds like a firewall issue/13:18
nash__so dont advice incomplete pls13:18
zombie_I'm on firefox and when I try and login to facebook it won't load up, any ideas whats going wrong it just sets there and loads but nothing happnes13:18
[TK]D-Fenderazerty: Perhaps you forgot to allow it13:18
azertythere is no firewall13:18
paaf13Hi, my sister in law is using a netbook with NBR (An Aspire One, specifically) but it won't boot up, and I think this is because of a dying drive. I'm in root shell with net access, but can anyone recommend a good hard drive diagnostics app which I can pull from apt?13:18
AndroUser2there is an app in the software center you can download then that can use the windows drivers on the cd13:18
azertyis there any vsftpd group13:18
fidyducecan someone help me add a file to an .iso file?13:18
BluesKajnash__, install lsb-core first , then the latest google earth bin file from their site13:19
azertyhave i to allowed my user on my that group ? [TK]D-Fender13:19
ActionParsnippaaf13: fsck13:19
abhijitfidyduce: use acetoneiso13:19
[TK]D-Fenderazerty: it isn't a group13:19
ruan_paaf13: yeah use fsck13:19
[TK]D-Fenderazerty: Check the firewall ON your server13:19
ActionParsnippaaf13: i'd also get the ultimate boot cd and test the drive using manufacturers tools13:19
azertythere is no firewall13:19
[TK]D-Fenderazerty: Use a text-mode cilent to connect.  Prove that you get the user prompt13:19
zombie_I guess I'm alone on thiss13:20
sacarlsonarvind_khadri: but I was able to run yours also and notice no time to run13:20
zombie_Anybody know how to install mame?13:20
ActionParsnipzombie_: do other browsers do the same?13:20
azertywhat do you mean by text mode client ?13:20
zombie_yup nothing works13:20
fidyduceabhijit: that will allow me to add just a file then save and close... nothing special?13:20
abhijitfidyduce: right13:20
ActionParsnipzombie_: mame and some frontends are in the repos, try searching for stuff before asking questions13:20
ruan_zombie_: looks like a ssl issue or a facebook issue13:20
[TK]D-Fenderazerty: NON-GUI13:20
MK`[08:10:32] <ActionParsnip> MK`: just use: dd if=/dev/dvd of=/image.iso     you don't need an app for it13:21
MK`it only copied the first 512 bytes13:21
[TK]D-Fenderazerty: One where you get the input prompts yourself13:21
ActionParsnipMK`: strange, then you can use gnomebaker and you should be ok13:21
alfredpackerhay the guy who help me with my brodcom prob13:21
PiciMK`: Is that a DVD that you'd play in your DVD player?13:21
PiciMK`: Er, a movie rather?13:22
zombie_I also tried to install mame, I installed GMAMEUI and sudo apt-get install mame it installed but nothing works13:22
MK`I'll try gnomebaker13:22
ActionParsnipMK`: do you have enough space in $HOME to hold the data?13:22
PiciMK`: Then you'll need to use something that can decrypt it.  I personally use handbrake.13:22
nash__hi guys help me13:22
paaf13hmm, fsck isn't reporting any problems, but I'll try ultimate boot cd, hopefully that will bring up some more info13:22
alfredpackeron i just downloaded the hybred pac for my wireless card where do i extract it to13:22
gahfActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/573922/13:22
ardchoilleMK`: http://www.handbrake.fr is quite nice for that13:23
jqkealfredpacker, wherever13:23
ActionParsnipgahf: sudo lshw -C network13:23
MK`I was using Brasero, but when I got to this DVD after 4 successes, it crashes immediately after I start the operation13:23
drexlHi all, every piece of hardware on my computer uses irq 11 and often linux complains and drops irq 11 is there a way to assign these in linux my bios has no options for irq settings? I've tried irqpoll in the kernel boot settings.13:23
jqkealfredpacker, then you juste follow the instruction in the readme file13:23
ardchoilleMK`: As Pici said, you'll need to use something that can decrypt it.  You can't just copy a dvd movie and have it play13:24
gahfActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/573924/13:24
MK`The previous 3 worked fine13:24
MK`it made ISOs that worked fine in VLC13:24
paaf13While I have it, I might as well do a scan of everything, rule out any other hardware problems13:24
azerty[TK]D-Fender: seriously you don't got any other solution13:25
azertyseems very complicate for me that way13:25
V3NOMhi guys13:25
V3NOManyone there?13:26
jqkeno :o13:26
ActionParsnipgahf: ok run:  lsusb   one line will identify the device, use the 8 character hex ID to find guides13:26
ActionParsnipV3NOM: nobody at all13:26
V3NOMi understand13:26
ruan_how do i rename?13:27
ruan_on irssi13:27
ActionParsnipardchoille: explains a lot13:27
[TK]D-Fenderazerty: Show me that you tried connecting witha  client you can get real feedback from.13:27
ActionParsnipruan_: rename what?13:27
ruan_ActionParsnip: my name in irc13:27
[TK]D-Fenderazerty: because "connection refused" says "TCP not even permitted".13:27
ActionParsnip!nick | ruan_13:27
ubotturuan_: Your nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with freenode.13:27
B-r00truan_: /nick newnick13:27
=== ruan_ is now known as ruan
[TK]D-Fenderazerty: otherwise you'd get "invalid password" or "invalid user"13:27
V3NOMwhat about a news ubuntu channel?13:27
azertyi got x display on my server13:28
gahfActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/573925/13:28
red_is anyone using irssi here?13:28
nash__which is the latest ubuntuu verion13:28
ruani am13:28
B-r00tred_: i...13:28
elFidelred_: lets assume its at least 1 ;)13:28
gahfI'm interested in the first USB thing not the  Bus 001 Device 006: ID 12d1:1001 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. E620 USB Modem13:28
ruannash__: 10.10 is the latest stable version13:28
azertywould you like to install ftp client on my server and test it ?13:28
[TK]D-Fenderazerty: Do you have another PC to connect from?13:28
azertyyes i tried with two pc13:28
abhijit!10.10 | nash__13:28
ubottunash__: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://www.ubuntu.com/start-download - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/101013:28
[TK]D-Fenderazerty: Which one are you trying to access now?13:29
ActionParsnipgahf: ok it's the:   0bda:8172     use that in websearches13:29
V3NOMbye bye guys13:30
gahfActionParsnip: how so?13:30
azertysorry i don't get u13:30
ardchoilleActionParsnip: and then some manufacturers make intentionally bad sectors on a dvd with instructions telling the player which sectors to avoid. most linux movie players don't read those instructions13:30
Pici!qho | azerty13:31
Pici!who | azerty13:31
ubottuazerty: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:31
[TK]D-Fenderazerty: You are suggesting installing vsftpd on your machine, I'm trying to figure out where the one you have a problem with NOW is running13:31
ActionParsnipgahf: use a search engine and search for: 0bda:8172 ubuntu     and you will find guides13:32
=== heyzeus is now known as jmrodri-hm
gahfActionParsnip: I'm not getting anything helpful13:33
Da|Mummywhy am i downloading at only 20kb/sec off update manager?13:34
ActionParsnipgahf: you've searched for less than 5 minutes what do you expect!13:34
Da|Mummywhats going on?13:34
[TK]D-Fenderazerty: You just said you are GOING to install it on some computer.  Which one were you testing BEFORE?13:34
gahfActionParsnip: I'm still not getting anything13:35
x3im using Ubuntu Netbook remix,how do I put a desktop icon13:35
x3let add a program to a launcher13:36
elFidelx3: get used to alt-f2 or any other launcher like kupfer and forget about the idea of having an icon on desktop - (which is most likely hidden anyways during your work)13:37
=== herton_ is now known as herton
gahfActionParsnip: still nothing13:39
gahfHello I need help with some ubuntu wireless usb drivers, can anyone help?13:39
visofcan i know when the process start "time of the process" , using ps or even anything else ?13:39
=== PhilMather is now known as zz_PhilMather
obert-hello,Kate is supposed to be a good editor?13:40
elFidelobert-: define "good" ;)13:40
llutz_gahf: feed google with "0bda:8172 ubuntu" and READ the given results carefully.13:40
x3elFidel, I mean adding it to my launcher13:40
x3to the sidebar13:40
gahfllutz_ did it13:40
elFidelx3: k - out then not using this entire unity/netbook thing13:41
obert-got it multiple pages replacement,and so13:41
obert-good..what means good? :P13:41
x3huh ?13:41
x3what do you mean by that13:41
llutz_gahf: troll, you didn't13:41
obert-do find and replace on whole dirs,for instance13:41
elFidelx3: cant help you then13:41
gahfoh okay lets do this AGAIN13:42
obert-or better..is what you usually use under linux?13:42
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:42
gahfllutz_ if you are SO smart please bestow me how on earth you found the answer?13:42
llutz_gahf: googling above brings at least 5 helpfull results( 2 in german)13:43
=== zz_PhilMather is now known as PhilMather
gahf1/10 llutz_ i see nothing13:43
francisjust fixed a problem with my ugly shutdown screen, the fix turns out to be just to reinstall plymouth...13:44
Bruce_WayneHey guys, I just configured 'Evolution Mail' for my gmail account.. Now my gmail account has already 3GB+ data in mail... In the first run, Evolution Mail tries to sync to all old read mail... How can I configure it to sync with only new unread mail??13:44
ActionParsnipfrancis: ooh will bear that in mind :)13:44
francisI was searching for the fix for months, and all the forums has no answer... I just want to share that here...:)13:45
gaelfxBruce_Wayne: are you sure with recent events that you don't want to back up your gmail email on your own computer?13:46
Bruce_Waynegaelfx: Of course, I don't want any kind of back up... I'm just interested in being informed for new mails... That's it13:47
elFidelrecent events as "google is loosing mails on several accounts"13:47
elFidelBruce_Wayne: same imap clients should allow you to define which folders to be sycned (theory) ...not sure if evolution offers that13:47
gahfllutz_ I see nothing13:47
elFidelBruce_Wayne: i.e. Thunderbird offers that behaviour13:48
llutz_gahf: stop repeating. if you can't find what others do, we cannot help you13:48
Da|Mummywhy am i downloading at only 20kb/sec off update manager?13:48
ActionParsnipDa|Mummy: slow or busy server13:49
elFidelDa|Mummy: most likely a slow source. You might try to change your sources13:49
Bruce_WayneelFidel: Alright then! I will try thunderbird now... Thanks a lot man...13:49
ActionParsnipDa|Mummy: or just wait :)13:49
gahfllutz_ people can help me, YOU are trolling13:49
Da|Mummyactually its down to 20bytes per sec...GREAT!13:49
ruancd 113:49
elFidelBruce_Wayne: good luck fiddling around with TB's settings ;)13:50
Bruce_WayneelFidel: Thanks again.. :)13:50
gahfHello I need help with some ubuntu wireless usb drivers, can anyone help?13:50
got_grubedI tried to make a persistent USB ubuntu install but it seems it changed the hdd grub13:50
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.13:51
elFidelgahf: thats a meta question - try to ask a real one13:51
gahfelfidel why'd13:51
got_grubedI lost GRUB after installing Ubuntu to USB drive13:51
elFidelgahf: your question is similar to: hi anyone awake? thats not a questioon which makes sense in a support channel13:51
ruanthen follow the link restore grub.13:51
gaelfxgahf: just a shot in the dark here, did you try installing backports compat wireless?13:51
ruangot_grubed: then follow the link restore grub.13:51
gahfgaelfx yes13:52
gahfHello I need help with some ubuntu wireless usb drivers, can anyone help? I'm having trouble installing drivers to make it run on my computer I'm using 10.04 I'm trying to install a billion 3011n usb adaptor but no luck13:52
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub213:52
gaelfxgahf: and what does iwconfig say?13:52
gahfis THAT specific enough elfidel13:52
BluesKajgahf, which wifi adapter and chip?13:52
got_grubedruan: it's not that easy for me13:53
BluesKajgaelfx, got a ppa url ?13:53
gahfBluesKaj: Trying to run a wifi usb called 3011n usb adaptor billion13:53
gaelfxBluesKaj: huh?13:53
ruangot_grubed: have you got a livecd?13:53
got_grubedruan: yes. the error is "no such device"13:54
BluesKajgaelfx, ok it's not a ppa then kust a backport , where can I find it ?13:54
gaelfxBluesKaj: in Synaptic13:54
BluesKajgahf, what make and model13:54
kaushalcan some one please guide me about https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2011-March/240573.html ?13:54
got_grubedruan: should I boot from livecd?13:55
gahfBluesKaj: this http://www.billion.com/product/wireless/bipac3011N-wireless-n-USB-adapter.html13:55
gaelfxgahf: or could you pastebin lsusb?13:55
ruangot_grubed: yes13:55
lafa_I unintentionally deleted my /boot dir. and i can't seem to find out how to rebuild with the vmlinuz* files. i tried reinstalling the linux-image-generic package but it doesnt help13:55
ruangot_grubed: do the section "restoring grub"13:55
gahfgaelfx: http://paste.ubuntu.com/573931/13:56
lafa_How do you reinstall all the config/System/initrd/vmlinuz files to /boot?13:56
gahfgaelfx: I want the "Realtek Semiconductor Corp. " to work13:56
ActionParsnipgahf: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1466185   has a link to the native driver you can compile13:56
ruangot_grubed: or update-grub213:56
fidyducei am trying to add a file to an iso image i just need to the file to be part of the image when it is applied it does not need to be installed.... any how to's?13:57
gaelfxgahf: what is huawei?13:57
got_grubedruan: livd cd is booting13:57
ruangot_grubed: do update-grub2, that will fix it13:57
gahfgaelfx: it's a usb i'm using to access the internet13:57
llutz_fidyduce: extract the iso, add your files, rebuild the iso13:57
bluesignhi, anyone know command for gdb, that shows which "shared library" that current eip is on?13:57
got_grubed!grub > got_grubed13:57
ubottugot_grubed, please see my private message13:57
ruangot_grubed: sudo update-grub2               then reboot13:58
natarajanI'm having Windows 7 iso file13:58
abhijithow to get the dd image of my hard disk? so that i can try to recover data from thsi image later on?13:58
got_grubedruan: i'll try13:58
gahfActionParsnip: this link? http://samiux.blogspot.com/2010/05/howto-realtek-8192su-usb-dongle.html13:58
natarajanhow to install in ubutntu13:58
got_grubedruan: I hope it works :(13:58
ruangot_grubed: good luck13:59
natarajanguide to me13:59
llutz_abhijit: why not using tar/rsync/cp?   dd if=/dev/sdX of=/media/place on other drive/with lots of/space bs=4k13:59
stowoda_using rar -ph<password>, can I point to a text file containing the password?13:59
got_grubedruan: I installed ubuntu to USB but ubuntu messed up the bootloader maybe I should have used the advanced options?13:59
stowoda_or ist it a must to type it manually?13:59
abhijitllutz_: ok.13:59
natarajan<abhijit> guide to me14:00
gahfActionParsnip: was i right?14:00
jhonnyboyanyone know a good minimal icon pack?14:00
llutz_abhijit: there are better ways to do that than dd14:00
gahfgaelfx, blueskaj any idea what to do?\14:00
ruangot_grubed: update-grub2 probably will fix the bootloader14:00
francisgot_grubed: smae thing happened to me, did a chroot command14:00
abhijitllutz_: how?14:00
BluesKajgahf, did you check ActionParsnip 's post above14:01
natarajancesar : how to install windows 7 through ubuntu14:01
llutz_abhijit: tar/rsync/cp + several backup-solutions using these tools14:01
gahfblueskaj yes14:01
got_grubedfrancis: and what was the command?14:01
natarajancesar : I'm having windows 7 .iso file in pendrive14:01
abhijitllutz_: i have accidentlly erased whole hdd. and now there is nothing in it. only some files of new linx i was trying to insatall14:01
ActionParsnipgahf: looks good to me14:01
=== mike is now known as mike_vecc
francisgot_grubed: wait I'll send you the exact link..14:02
gahfActionParsnip: what looks good?14:02
HappiMealHello, where can I set option of a init script ?14:02
=== cesar_ is now known as Guest43856
llutz_abhijit: dd will create an image of the whole disk, including empty space.14:02
ruanh-.... leaving before letting anyone tell you the answer to the question?14:03
llutz_abhijit: that takes long time and isn't usefull in most cases. to backup linux systems look for tar14:03
BluesKajgahf, then down load and unpack that driver ,and find the readme in the file it creates and folloow the instructions , the instructions on that site appear to be valid as well14:03
ActionParsnipgahf: the steps in the link you gave, what else?14:04
HappiMealHello, where can I set a option of init script ?14:04
abhijitllutz_: okay14:04
ruanHappiMeal: which init script?14:04
HappiMealruan: transmission-deamon14:05
HappiMealruan: is for add --allowed <my_ip>14:05
Guest43856hay alguien en español?14:05
llutz_abhijit: backing up a whole system also isn't usefull, backup /etc, your /homes and maybe parts of /var + a list of actually installed packages. so if you delete the whole drive again, just install a new linux, get installed packages back from the list, get your configs back and you're done14:05
LjL!es | Guest4385614:05
ubottuGuest43856: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:05
Romance#ubuntu-es for espanol14:06
zambawhat is the correct way to install php5 and apache2?14:06
zambawhen trying to open .php-files, i guess a save dialogue14:06
LjL!lamp > zamba    (zamba, see the private message from ubottu)14:06
ruanHappiMeal: open the init script and edit it14:06
HappiMealruan: Ok14:06
LjLzamba: specifically https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#Troubleshooting PHP 514:07
universalwhich one option of init script be more precis14:07
ruanHappiMeal: it might need to be opened with "gksudo gedit /etc/init/transmission-daemon.conf"14:07
ruanor whatever the path is14:08
francisgot_grubed: I will send you a document for the chroot commands for reinstalling grub214:08
zambaLjL: i've done exactly that14:08
zambaLjL: tasksel install lamp-server14:08
zambaLjL: on a freshly installed ubuntu server14:08
ikonia!grub2 | got_grubed14:08
ubottugot_grubed: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub214:08
zambaLjL: so there must be a bug here somewhere14:08
HappiMealruan: don't work :'(14:08
Maniac`hi all14:08
ruanHappiMeal: whats the error?14:08
got_grubedikonia: lost grub after installing ubuntu to a USB drive14:09
fidyducei am using unetbootin to load an iso to my usb; i need to add a file so i can find in on the live desktop; i have iso master, is this going to be very complex?14:09
Maniac`can anyone help with question regarding ubuntu ad-hoc networking ?14:09
got_grubedruan: ok so I do sudo update-grub2?14:10
HappiMealruan: nothing but I can access at my web page14:10
francisgot_grubed: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling from LiveCD visit this14:10
HappiMealof transmission14:10
ruangot_grubed: yes14:10
AyrtonSomeone knows how to wireless sync winamp of Android and Amarok or Rhythmbox? I have a plan do make a plugin for it but I need to know if already exists something like that.14:10
zambaLjL: i've reinstalled libapache2-mod-php5, to no avail14:10
got_grubedruan: :)14:10
HappiMealruan: I thing that it don't take account of option14:11
user82hi ppl. i detected a new monitor and got this pink box in the upper-left corner. how can i remove it? http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/8563/screenshota.png14:11
Maniac`I have two laptops equipped with 802.11p wlan cards and use ath5k driver. The problem is if I make Node-A as host, and Node-B a client, then try to connect Node-B to the host if this connection fails, Node-B automatically creates SSID with the same name as I tried to connect to. Why this happens ? :O14:11
ruanHappiMeal: you might want to check the documentation, i dont know how to deal with transmission14:12
got_grubed_livecruan: /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).14:12
drexlzamba: did you restart the server sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart14:13
ActionParsnipHappiMeal: you need to edit the settings.json file to specify settings14:13
HappiMealActionParsnip: k14:13
HappiMealruan: k14:13
got_grubeddidnt work14:14
kman_So im trying to install a .dat to my usb drive using dpkg, but keep getting "permission denied". Whats the correct command for using dpkg to install a .dat to a custom location (usb drive for example)?14:14
fidyducei am using unetbootin to load an iso to my usb; i need to add a file so i can find in on the live desktop; i have iso master, is this going to be very complex?14:14
abhijitgetting this error while trying to use extundelete what should i do?14:15
abhijit./extundelete: failed to read-only open device "/dev/sda": Error code 213357134714:15
ikoniaabhijit: that's a disk, not a partition14:16
abhijitikonia: yes disk14:16
ikoniagot_grubed: that's not a very good way to get help14:16
soreauI am trying to dd an image to usb stick. dd worked last time but now I plug in the stick in, it mounts /dev/sdc1 and sdc2 then I umount either and both sdc1 and sdc2 disappear, leaving behind sdc but when I try to do anything with it (both disk utility and dd give the same error)  "dd: opening `/dev/sdc': No medium found"14:16
abhijitikonia: i want to recover that whole disk14:16
ikoniaabhijit: don't you have to do it at a partition/file system level14:17
soreauHow can I format the stick and put an image on it?14:17
got_grubedikonia: I tried to sudo update-grub2 but gave this msg "/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?)."14:17
ikoniasoreau: as in image visual, or image "OS"14:17
abhijitikonia: but i accidently delted all partition. now there is new partition. which is single. i want recover from the old deleted partitions14:17
ikoniaabhijit: extrecover is for file systems, not partition tables14:17
ikoniaextundelete even14:17
abhijitikonia: so means it dont recover my data? it only recover partition?14:18
francisgot_grubed: visit this link find the chroot method.. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling14:18
llutz_abhijit: bad idea to create a new partition on a drive you want to recover14:18
ikoniaabhijit: no, it recovers data from a file system, not a partition table14:18
ikonia!es | cesar__14:18
ubottucesar__: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:18
abhijitllutz_: i ddnt create it. it got automatically created while i was trying that another linux14:18
ikoniaabhijit: data is gone14:18
got_grubedfrancis: that is very complex14:18
abhijitikonia: i am not getting you. i want only data its important. i dont want partition14:18
abhijitikonia: :'(14:18
ikoniaabhijit: data is on a partition,14:18
ikoniaabhijit: data is gone14:18
abhijitikonia: ok14:18
soreauikonia: Sorry, an iso image14:19
llutz_abhijit: who-/whatever created it. it was a bad idea to let "something" write to the drive to recover14:19
abhijityeah ok14:19
soreauikonia: I figured talks about dd would give it away14:19
abhijitllutz_: :'( i lost all imp data! :'(14:19
ikoniasoreau: do you want to boot it ?14:19
francisgot_grubed: thats the only thing that worked for me...14:19
motaka2hello this manual helped me to get back my os list back , but when I try to select ubuntu it gives error 17 , may you help me what the problem is ?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows14:19
ikoniasoreau: I missed the dd conversation14:19
llutz_abhijit: data without a backup wasn't important :)14:19
francisgot_grubed: give it a shot14:19
_skplwhat does dd mean?14:19
soreauikonia: That's ultimately what I'm trying to do is boot it, yes14:19
ikonia!install | soreau14:19
abhijitllutz_: :'( true! now first thing i will do is setting up backing system!!!14:19
ubottusoreau: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate14:19
ikoniasoreau: there is a link in there that explains it14:20
got_grubedso grub is in root partition right? so I need to mout the media and fix the grub?14:20
rumpe1_skpl, diskdump *iguess*14:20
llutz_abhijit: external drive/net-drive + rsnapshot14:20
ikoniasoreau: the "don't want to use a CD" part14:20
abhijitllutz_: yes i have external usb hdd.14:20
abhijitllutz_: what is net drive and rsnapshot? i dont knwo about them? what are they?14:20
got_grubedthe Live CD must be the same as the system you are fixing - either 32-bit or 64-bit (if not then the chroot will fail).14:21
got_grubedfrancis: im using 64bit to fix 3214:21
jqkei messed up with x chat, the menubar disepeared, how do i get it back ?14:21
llutz_abhijit: network-drive on a different computer i meant. rsnapshot is a imho good way for backing up data14:21
abhijitjqke: try f1014:21
abhijitllutz_: okk ok ok and is this rsnapshow a 'way' or name of software?14:21
rumpe1jqke, right-click14:21
llutz_!info rsnapshot | abhijit14:22
ubottuabhijit: rsnapshot (source: rsnapshot): local and remote filesystem snapshot utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.1-1 (maverick), package size 136 kB, installed size 584 kB14:22
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jqkeabhijit, almost it was f9 :)14:22
abhijitllutz_: thanks will try that.14:22
abhijitjqke: :-D14:22
francisgot_grubed: there;s nothing wring with that14:22
soreauikonia: It's a lot more work to do it without a cd/usb and I have both. I just can't dd the thing to usb which is what I really want to do14:22
the_evil_gungur!grub > the_evil_gungur14:23
ubottuthe_evil_gungur, please see my private message14:23
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francismotaka2: have you find help already?14:23
got_grubed_livecubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo update-grub2  /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).14:23
the_evil_gungurhmm ubottu doesnt seem to be accepting my pm's,14:23
ruanubottu isn't a person..14:23
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:23
=== excryft is now known as PolkaDot
fidyducei am using unetbootin to load an iso to my usb; i need to add a file so i can find in on the live desktop; i have iso master, is this going to be very complex?14:25
motaka2francois: no not yet14:25
soreauikonia: Ah I think it was a short in my usb extension cabale14:25
zhunikaixinwhy can't i find /etc/syslog.conf and /etc/inittab?14:27
got_grubed_livecdudes, I need to fix grub. im using livecd i tried sudo update-grub2 but it gives /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).14:28
kman_Good afternoon. Im trying to install a .dat to my usb drive using dpkg, but keep getting "permission denied". Whats the correct command for using dpkg to install a .dat to a custom location (usb drive for example)?14:28
got_grubed_livecthe root partition is on /dev/sda614:28
induzhow can i speed up my Lucid as it getting slower than earlier14:28
got_grubed_livec>>>  /dev/sda1   *           1      121602   976760833    5  Extended                                   and                     /dev/sda6             262        2752    19998720   83  Linux14:29
got_grubed_livecI need to fix grub for this http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=0WCBguKX14:30
ActionParsnipgot_grubed_livec: http://www.ubuntu-inside.me/2009/06/howto-recover-grub2-after-windows.html14:30
llutz_zhunikaixin: ubuntu uses rsyslog so it it /etc/rsyslog.conf14:30
ActionParsnipgot_grubed_livec: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6fpIe-QnVE14:30
got_grubed_livecActionParsnip: it wasnt after windows it was after installing to usb14:30
llutz_!upstart | zhunikaixin: and upstart won't use /etc/inittab14:31
ubottuzhunikaixin: and upstart won't use /etc/inittab: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/14:31
ruangot_grubed_livec: i think it still applies14:31
kyenteiIs it just me or does everyone think so many people joining and leaving gets rather annoying? =P14:31
got_grubed_livecActionParsnip: k i need to watch the video in another computer ubuntu livecd doesnt support flash (fail)14:31
ruankyentei: there's a way to filter that14:31
kyenteiruan: In irssi, channel specific?14:31
ruankyentei: yes, but now i forgot, let me scroll up14:32
ActionParsnipgot_grubed_livec: it will if you install it14:32
ActionParsnipgot_grubed_livec: so (not fail)14:32
=== runge_ is now known as runge
induzit has gotten slower14:32
drexlkyentei: /ignore -channels #ubuntu * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS14:32
induzthe applications take more time to load14:32
abhijitthanks ikonia ActionParsnip llutz_ erUSUL ruan14:32
ActionParsnipinduz: how much ram do you have?14:33
kyenteidrexl: Thank you <314:33
Bruce_WayneHey guys, Is it okay if I post my own easy tutorial to set a triple boot machine (Windows 7 + iATKOS Mac + Ubuntu) in tutorials section in ubuntu forum site.. Is there any way that I will abandon their any rule by doing that?14:33
Nintetare there any 4G drivers for linux?14:33
got_grubedActionParsnip: no it wont install and use flash14:34
induzI gb14:34
Ninteti have a sprint USB internet card... it has 3G only... any fix for this?14:34
got_grubedActionParsnip: it installs but then flash doesnt work.14:34
fidyduceanyone here good with unetbootin?14:34
induzits dual boot with Xp on 20Gb and 40 Gb for linux14:34
eein"your disk drives are being checked" this ran for like 20 minutes before I finally gave up.  how long is the fsck suppose to take on a 500GB SATA? I thought the benefits of ext4 was it only checked the journals14:34
ActionParsnipgot_grubed: if you install flash just like in an installed OS it will run. you can do ANYTHING in the live CD you can do with an installed OS except reboot14:34
ActionParsnipinduz: is the ram healthy?14:35
ActionParsnipinduz: is the drive healthy?14:35
got_grubedActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=0WCBguKX bootloader is in /dev/sda1 right?14:36
motaka2when I try to boot with ubuntu it gives me error 17 , whats that?14:36
got_grubedActionParsnip: or is it in / (root)14:37
jribBruce_Wayne: #ubuntuforums14:38
kman_Again, whats the correct command for using dpkg to install a .dat to a custom location (usb drive for example)?14:38
llutz_kman_: dpkg installs .deb       read "man dpkg" for options14:39
jribkman_: dpkg installs deb packages not .dat.  What do you want to accomplish exactly?14:39
Nintet4G anyone?14:40
jribNintet: try to repeat your question instead of just referring to it.  Otherwise, most people won't know what your are asking about.  Wait a good 10 or 15 minutes before repeating though.14:40
got_grubedhttp://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=0WCBguKX  the root and boot is in /dev/sda6 right?14:40
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Nintetis there a 4G driver available for Ubuntu?14:41
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got_grubedhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?hl=en&v=w6fpIe-QnVE&t=2m55s What is the command he types?14:42
burnieerrr help!14:42
Pici!ask | burnie14:42
ubottuburnie: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:42
got_grubedoh forget.14:42
ActionParsnipgot_grubed: if you have used a default install, then yes14:43
ActionParsnipgot_grubed: in live cd, the / is the live cd environment14:43
AndroidKrishow do I get "su" on ubuntu 10.04?14:43
burnieok I'm looking for some help with ubunto netbook remix, can anyone point me in the right direction. I'm a complete noob btw14:43
ActionParsnipAndroidKris: sudo -i14:43
ruan!ask | burnie14:44
ubottuburnie: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:44
ActionParsnipburnie: what do you need14:44
got_grubed_livecActionParsnip: I installed manually swap root and home in different partitions14:44
DrknzzAnyone got any idea why the AMD driver installer could segfault at the end of installation (Im not on ubuntu, but #pardus is AFK-Land :p)14:44
ruanburnie: what is the problem?14:44
induzActionParsnip, as its dual boot when i run Xp on the same system it runs faster14:44
ActionParsnipgot_grubed_livec: then i'd mount each partition to find out which is which, usually /home will be a lot bigger then /14:45
PiciDrknzz: You'll just need to be patient there the, we only support Ubuntu here.  Maybe ##linux can help you.14:45
induzActionParsnip, maybe i have installed way too many applications including kubuntu14:45
ActionParsnipinduz: windows gets a lot better driver support in some cases so may explain the speed14:45
got_grubed_livecActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=0WCBguKX check this pls the root is sda6 i think right14:45
ActionParsnipinduz: as long as you have around 10% free on each partition you should be fine14:45
burnieI'm tryoing to install ubunto netbook remix and it seems to have stoped short of actually installing. It is stuck on the who are you screen. There seems to be a botton saying ready when you are but it does nothing. Any takers?14:46
DrknzzPici: Ok, sorry, just thought someone could help :p14:46
tuzlo_ActionParsnip, is there any reason why my blacklisted driver is still being used?14:46
got_grubed_livecActionParsnip: the home is the biggest one the other one iis swap and sda1 doesnt matter right14:46
ActionParsnipgot_grubed_livec: sounds good to me, if you mount it from the places menu, you can check14:46
ActionParsnipgot_grubed_livec: all you have to do is mount the partition and chroot to it, then run: sudo update-grub14:46
induzActionParsnip, out of 30Gb for Linux 12 gb is free14:47
ruanburnie: tried enter?14:47
ActionParsniptuzlo_: not sure, you can add the boot option:  modulename.blacklist=1    and it will make it not load too14:47
got_grubed_livecActionParsnip: does that youtube video  shows the chroot thing14:47
ActionParsnipinduz: sounds fine14:47
ubottuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »14:47
Piciburnie: Is your username all lowercase?14:47
burnieyep to no avail14:47
JokerBoy15G for /, only 5.2G used :P14:48
ActionParsnipinduz: as long as all your apps don't have daemons chewing ram. You can test with: free -m   what is the righmost value on the second line?14:48
burnieno, user name is not all lower case14:48
ruanburnie: it has to be fully lowercase14:48
induzDoes Keeping icons of programs on panle take a lot of memory and slows down the system???14:48
ActionParsnipburnie: its UBUNTU, not ubunto14:48
tuzlo_ActionParsnip, remind me what you told me yesterday, my_blacklist has to ba a .conf   ?14:48
burnieahh ok thank you14:48
Piciburnie: I believe it needs to be.  Can you try changing it and seeing if it lets you continue.14:48
fidyducecan i get some help with unetbootin?14:48
ActionParsnipburnie: use only lowercase letters in each section, you'll be fine14:48
burniejesus, I feel a bit dumb now!14:48
jribinduz: I would be surprised if that were the case14:48
burniecheers, its moved on now14:49
sipiorburnie: no reason for that. the problem is with ubuntu, not you :-)14:49
ActionParsniptuzlo_: all the files in /etc/modprobe.d must end in .conf to be processed, if your file doesn't then it will be ignored14:49
induzjrib, I dont know  but does it effetc the system to slow down a lot14:49
jribinduz: how are you determining this?14:50
induzjrib, I dont know i am just asking14:50
tuzlo_ok, that may be the problem14:50
ruanhmm, the next button in setup should describe the cause of not being able to go to next, that would be slightly more userfriendly14:50
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
dannyLopezhi how I can update to natty?14:51
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.14:51
induzwhat is -/+ buffers/cache: ??14:51
FloodBot2madeto: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:51
ActionParsnipruan: its a very known bug and will hopefully be fixed by natty's release14:51
ActionParsnipinduz: its your ram, if you pastebin the output I can explain14:52
kman_jrib, sorry, mistyped it. It is the .dat package of R. I want to try to run R from an usb drive.14:52
bastidrazorinduz: http://www.linuxatemyram.com/  will explain it a bit14:52
ActionParsnipbastidrazor: i love that url14:52
ActionParsnipbastidrazor: and tux with the eyebrows makes me chuckle14:53
* bastidrazor grins14:53
gahfHello I'm trying to find drivers for my 570GTX 1280MB GIGABYTE BRAND Graphics card, can anyone show me a place to find them?14:53
induzActionParsnip, here http://paste.ubuntu.com/573961/14:53
got_grubed_livecActionParsnip:  so I do this: sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt/     then   sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt/boot/   then sudo mount --bind /dev/ /mnt/dev/ ?14:53
bastidrazorActionParsnip: i agree, that link is awesome.14:53
Hans_Henrikwhy does "add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa;apt-get update;apt-get install wine1.3;" install cvs?14:53
jribkman_: I don't know what a ".dat package of R" is; I'm not very familiar with R.  However dpkg only installs debs and R is in the repositories.  Why not just install R from the repositories using APT?14:53
PiciHans_Henrik: Because the person who made the PPA specified it as a dependency?14:54
Hans_HenrikPici: okay... any idea why wine package is dependent on CVS?14:54
ActionParsnipgot_grubed_livec: not sure, look into chroots, they are powerful14:55
got_grubed_livec.. i just want to solve this issue14:55
tuzlo_ActionParsnip, k, when I input the blacklisted driver it's blacklist radeon no <> and not case sensitive?14:56
kman_jrib, .deb! Gah, mistyped it again. R is a program for statistical calculations. Im trying to install a file called"r-base-core_2.12.2-1lucid0_i386.deb" on my usb drive.14:56
erUSULHans_Henrik: try with --no-install-recommends14:56
jribkman_: no, you can't use dpkg for that14:56
speakmanWhere can I put LC_ environment variables so that they're picked up when logging in through GDM?14:56
kman_jrib, How so?14:57
AndroidKrishow do i add widgets or applets to my desktop?14:57
jribkman_: it's just not possible to have dpkg install a .deb to a special location.  Your only chance would be to setup some sort of symlink I guess14:57
PiciHans_Henrik: I don't know, without looking at the PPA itself or talking to the developer/user that created the PPA theres no way to know for sure.14:57
Hans_Henrik(afaik) Wine CVS haven't been active since ~2007-200814:57
gahfHello I'm trying to find drivers for my 570GTX 1280MB GIGABYTE BRAND Graphics card, can anyone show me a place to find them?14:57
llutz_kman_: dpkg --instdir=/path              you'll have to change a lot of other things to get things working then14:58
jqkegahf, www.nvidia.com14:58
secretary_linuxjrib: I'm just jumping in out of nowhere here and venturing a guess but what if you installed the deb package in a chroot environment or something?14:58
ruanAndroidKris: do you mean adding things to panel?14:58
kman_llutz, im trying to do just that but i just get "permission denied" when running the command.  Perhaps i need to unmount the drive first.14:59
AndroidKrisNo, like, I want a clock and a system monitor thing on my desktop14:59
ActionParsniptuzlo_: yes as far as I know14:59
llutz_kman_: use sudo14:59
ActionParsnipAndroidKris: gdesklets14:59
tuzlo_ok, restarting14:59
kman_llutz, sudoing all i can.14:59
AndroidKrisI already have that actionparsnip14:59
AndroidKrishow do I use it?14:59
ActionParsnipgahf: run: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current14:59
got_grubedActionParsnip: im doing this http://www.youtube.com/watch?hl=en&v=w6fpIe-QnVE14:59
got_grubedchroot stuff14:59
bastidrazorAndroidKris: cairo-dock can do this for you.14:59
ActionParsnipgot_grubed: i'm at work and youtube is blocked in hours :(15:00
kman_llutz, do i need to set write permissions on my usb drive to be able to do that?15:00
llutz_kman_: it has to be writable for root15:00
got_grubedActionParsnip: it's the link you gave to me15:00
got_grubedReinstall grub2 using Ubuntu live CD15:00
Matt-_-i have installed fglrx due to problems of my ATI card with open source drivers... and now after the boot screen i have a black screen for about 10 seconds... is it possible to avoid this?15:01
ikonia /away not here15:01
ikoniaoops, sorry15:01
ruanMatt-_-: i believe there is a solution for a blank screen15:01
jribsecretary_linux: yeah, that's basically what this instdir option is for.  I don't know if that's kman_ wants to do15:02
got_grubedActionParsnip: can I do sudo update-grub2 or do i need to reinstall grub15:02
got_grubedruan: help me out pls15:02
ruangot_grubed: what is the prob?15:02
got_grubedruan: check my partitions  http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=0WCBguKX root is /dev/sda15:03
Matt-_-!blank screen15:03
motaka2can anyone help me figure out why ubuntu tells me error 17 cannot mount selected partition ?15:03
got_grubedruan: and I want to fix grub15:03
gahf_ActionParsnip: here http://pastebin.com/G7WET2n415:03
ruanMatt-_-: something like remove the line "splash" from grub bootloader15:03
got_grubedruan: im following this guide http://www.youtube.com/watch?hl=en&v=w6fpIe-QnVE15:03
compdocmotaka2, open the Disk Utility15:03
PiciHans_Henrik: Are you sure that it depends on CVS, or is it being pulled in as a suggested package?15:03
Kriss-|-Good day everyone, anyone got any idea about what the best file compression tool available now is? 7zip ? or is there something new ?15:03
drexlmotaka2: ithink your partition tables are confused, ref http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435115:03
gahf_ActionParsnip: here http://pastebin.com/G7WET2n415:04
ruangot_grubed: did you try reinstalling grub?15:04
motaka2compdoc: what that ?15:04
ActionParsnipgahf_: delete the    run:   bit. That's just me telling you it needs running15:04
ActionParsnipgahf_: think about it15:04
got_grubedruan: not yet15:04
motaka2compdoc: What is disk utility and from where I can run it ?15:05
kman_llutz, jrib --instdir looks like what i want to use, but i just get "permission denied" when trying to write to the usb even when using sudo.15:05
got_grubedruan: grub-install /dev/sda ?15:05
compdocmotaka2, open a terminal window, and type: sudo palimpsest15:05
Hans_HenrikPici: not sure, and cant test it now15:05
motaka2compdoc: I have to boot with live cd  to do that?15:05
jribkman_: you want to install the package in a chroot environment?15:06
compdocmotaka2, no. IS your system noot booting?15:06
ruangrub-install /dev/sda115:06
ruangot_grubed: grub-install /dev/sda115:06
Hans_HenrikPici: just know that WineHQ shut down their CVS in 2007-2008, and that they run on git, so i wonder why CVS is related at all15:06
usr13What repos do we add for nonfree stuff?15:06
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »15:06
AndroidKrisshit, I just set a panel to auto hide and now I can't get it back15:06
got_grubedruan: did you check my partitions? http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=0WCBguKX15:07
compdocmotaka2, is your system not booting?15:07
ruangot_grubed: sudo grub-install /dev/sda115:07
ruangot_grubed: yeah15:07
=== gahf_ is now known as gahf
motaka2compdoc: no , after having installed winxp the menu list wasnt apearing , I fallowed some instructions and I got the list but when I select the ubuntu to load it gives me error num 1715:07
kman_jrib, Im just trying to install a .deb on a usb. Perhaps im getting the "permission denied" because the USB is simple formatted as ext2.15:07
gahfActionParsnip: nothing changed at all15:07
jribkman_: can you say why you don't want to isntall the package to /?15:07
got_grubedruan: I thought root was sda615:07
got_grubedruan: oh the boot thing is on /sda1 right15:08
ActionParsnipgahf: did the package install?15:08
kman_jrib, sure. Im running between multiple GNU/Linux machines and want to be able to bring my library with me. I figured why not try to install an entire R environment instead of just the library on my usb.15:08
got_grubedthis his confusing.15:08
ruangot_grubed: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8736374&postcount=815:08
=== joao is now known as JoaoSantana
fidyducehow do i put an iso on a disk?15:09
got_grubedruan: my root partition is da615:09
gahfActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/RWatnNja15:09
erUSUL!unetbootin | fidyduce15:09
ubottufidyduce: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:09
ruangot_grubed: is it mounted?15:09
jribkman_: "library" is something you create?  Like scripts you personally write?15:10
compdocmotaka2, sounds like you need to reinstall grub. google says this:    http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435115:10
kman_jrib, the library contains all the plugins for R.15:10
ruangot_grubed: sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt/15:10
erUSULfidyduce: oops sorry misread. just insert a blank disk and then right click on the iso file and choose burn to disk15:10
erUSUL!burning | fidyduce15:10
ubottufidyduce: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto15:10
drexlmotaka2: you should reverse your approach and use grub as the boot loader for windows, windows is not friendly to linux.15:10
expectoi think ive got a virus, when i start my pc i get message about a program wanting to access but needs a pasword, it doesnt tell me the name of the program15:11
kman_jrib, perhaps i should just stick to the simple solution of installing R on all of the machines and just keep the library on my USB drive.15:11
fidyducethis is not for ubuntu, this is for archbang; i am using ubuntu right now, but i want to put the iso for archbang on a disc15:11
expectoi click cancel but i get it again and again15:11
gahfActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/RWatnNja15:11
kman_jrib, I'll try that instead. Thanks for your help! Really appreciate it ^^15:11
got_grubedruan: I did this sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt/     then   sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt/boot/   then sudo mount --bind /dev/ /mnt/dev/15:11
jribkman_: I would just install them once and for all on all the machines.  I imagine R has some way to drop extra plugins in your ~ and also keeping settings there.  I'd consider just carrying that around15:11
kman_Thats what i'll do.15:11
kman_Take care y'all!15:12
got_grubedruan: then I did   sudo chroot /mnt15:12
expectoany help?15:12
made_kur ti klam15:12
got_grubedruan: help15:12
made_da mi go15:13
made_ako ?15:13
FloodBot2made_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:13
ruangot_grubed: what is the problem then?15:13
got_grubedruan: what do I do now15:13
minohi somebody here with maverick and actual updated system and  smplayer installed? I found out that with the latest smplayer version you cant play an files with spaces in it... it calls mplayer like this "mplayer 'file' 'with' 'spaces'" ... can somebody please reproduce that, i file a bug report then. Thanks :)15:13
got_grubedruan: do I reinstall grub?15:13
ruangot_grubed: yeah15:14
got_grubedruan: im following this http://www.youtube.com/watch?hl=en&v=w6fpIe-QnVE15:14
ruangot_grubed: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/boot /dev/sda615:14
got_grubedruan: what about the sudo update-grub2 ?15:15
ActionParsnipmino: did you escape the spaces?15:15
gahfHello I'm trying to find drivers for my 570GTX 1280MB GIGABYTE BRAND Graphics card, can anyone show me a place to find them?15:15
got_grubedis it different15:15
ActionParsnip!nvidia | gahf15:16
ubottugahf: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:16
ruangot_grubed: that's to fix grub's location points15:16
ruangot_grubed: eg. if devices change15:16
got_grubedruan: If i reinstall grub will it detect the partitions?15:16
minoActionParsnip: i used the Open Dialog of Smplayer and also the Drag&Drop from Thunar... both end in the same result... mplayer crashes because the filename get not escaped to it15:17
ruanbtw, is there a way to update-grub2 from grub recovery console?15:17
ruangot_grubed: it should15:17
got_grubedruan: it only changes boot files right nothing else?15:17
ActionParsnipmino: is it ok if you use the command line?15:17
ruangot_grubed: yea15:17
got_grubedruan: i dont want to loose file or something15:17
minoActionParsnip: no it fails too15:18
ruanis there a way to update-grub2 from grub recovery console?15:19
minoActionParsnip: i tried "smplayer My\ File\ With\ Spaces.mkv"15:19
ActionParsnipmino: hmm interesting. If you remove spaces, is it ok?15:19
ruanmino: it should be "smplayer" "my/file/with/spaces.mkv"15:20
erUSULmino: coud be a problem of thunar?15:20
mikebeechamhi guys, I have 4 entries within fstab (cifs shares), when mounted I see two of every mountpoint under the places menu.  Is there any way to show one per mount point?15:20
got_grubed_livecruan: it gave some weird warnings!15:20
minoActionParsnip: yes then it works fine... it also worked a week before fine... i think there was a bad update15:20
ruani think15:20
minoruan: No15:20
ruanmino: ok nevermind then15:20
minoruan: the file has spaces in it :) not a path15:20
skritehey all, i have removed the display manager, but when i boot up, it still tries to initiate an X-session. I don't want  to use a display manager, just want to kick off with startx. any ideas?15:20
ZaPpehDoes anyone know why i get a black screen when using the drivers for ati 3850? i have dual cards15:20
ruangot_grubed_livec: which warnings?15:20
ruanmino: im too lazy to type the proper name15:21
got_grubed_livecruan: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=23jUeuaM15:21
got_grubed_livecdunno what im doing15:21
ActionParsnipmino: sounds like a bug to me15:21
soreauecho You got owned15:21
gahfHello I added a new NVIDIA card to my computer and it still only gives me hardware drivers for my old one, how do I make it recognize my new card?15:22
ActionParsnipskrite: add the boot option:   text15:22
minoerUSUL: i thought at first that thunar is the problem too... but if i start it from the commandline as described, the same thing happens15:22
skriteActionParsnip, ok, where do i add that?15:22
ruangot_grubed_livec: it should be installed to the MBR, hmm..15:22
=== seiflotfy_ is now known as seiflotfy
got_grubed_livecruan: im lost15:23
erUSULmino: the file a bug report...15:23
=== thews__ is now known as thews
gahfHello I added a new NVIDIA card to my computer and it still only gives me hardware drivers for my old one, how do I make it recognize my new card?15:23
got_grubed_livecall these problems just because ubuntu messed up the bootloader15:23
gahfHello I added a new NVIDIA card to my computer and it still only gives me hardware drivers for my old one, how do I make it recognize my new card?15:24
fidyducei need to purge a lot of hdd's, i need an iso that i can add a file to the desktop, reproduce the image on a lot of thumb drives, and the live session needs to be able to file manage and burn cd's can anyone help???15:25
got_grubed_livec"/usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: Attempting to install GRUB to a partition instead of the MBR.  This is a BAD idea.." what is this?15:25
lea123Hi all I think I uninstalled the Gnome Applet while uninstalling Evolution. I can't get to the terminal even - ALT+F2 doesn't seem to work15:25
ruangot_grubed_livec: MBR = master boot record. i dont get why it's trying to install to a partition though15:26
got_grubed_livecruan: im chroot15:26
drexlgot_grubed_livec: if your drive is sda1 install grub to sda15:26
gahfHello I added a new NVIDIA card to my computer and it still only gives me hardware drivers for my old one, how do I make it recognize my new card?15:26
Blazentohow come when i run "locate" i get permission denied errors?15:26
fidyduceanyone anyone....?15:26
got_grubed_livecdrexl: root partition is sda615:27
ruangot_grubed_livec: ok i'll rephrase the command15:27
got_grubed_livecsda1 is extended partition15:27
hwildedoes anyone have a solution for the ALT SHIFt CTRL keys getting stuck when using NoMachine FreeNX ?15:27
ruangot_grubed_livec: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/boot /dev/sda15:27
Hans_Henrikin windows* cmd i use a command to search for files with name *windows*7*.iso  in current directroy and all sub-dirs, is there some equal command in GNOME terminal?  (windows is: dir *windows*7*.iso /s )15:27
gahfHello I added a new NVIDIA card to my computer and it still only gives me hardware drivers for my old one, how do I make it recognize my new card?15:28
hwildeHans_Henrik, you can use   locate windows15:28
got_grubed_livecruan: oh so I dont put any number just the sda15:28
drexlgot_grubed_livec: strange I think it still needs to be sda not too sure I'm a beginner15:28
ruangot_grubed_livec: yes, this installs to the MBR instead of the partition sda615:28
Picihwilde: find . -iname "*windows*7*.iso"15:28
got_grubed_livecInstallation finished. No error reported.15:29
hwildePici, @ Hans_Henrik15:29
ruangot_grubed_livec: ok, now you can try a reboot15:29
Picihwilde: oops15:29
got_grubed_livecok tks15:29
got_grubed_livecI dunno if it will work15:29
ruangot_grubed_livec: sda is the flash drive?15:29
got_grubed_livecit's the hdd15:29
ruangot_grubed_livec: are you booting off the hdd?15:29
gahfHello I added a new NVIDIA card to my computer and it still only gives me hardware drivers for my old one, how do I make it recognize my new card?15:29
got_grubed_livecruan: the bootloader wanted to load the usb15:29
got_grubed_livecyes ruan15:30
Hans_HenrikPici/hwilde: thanks15:30
hwildePici, any idea why ctrl/shift/alt get stuck in nx ?15:30
Picihwilde: I've never used nx, sorry.15:30
ruangot_grubed_livec: ah, so you are reinstalling grub to boot off hdd?15:30
got_grubed_livecruan: i installed ubuntu to usb but it modified the bootloader now i cant get into hdd installation15:30
got_grubed_livecyes ruan15:30
AndroidKrisdo i have to include the path to a file if I'm using chmod?15:30
hwildePici, it happens with synergy too15:30
got_grubed_livecdunno if what i did solvedthe problem.15:30
llutz_AndroidKris: yes15:30
ruangot_grubed_livec: it *should* work 100% now as the bootloader is on the MBR of the hdd now15:31
got_grubed_liveck brb15:31
AndroidKrisk thnx15:31
ruangot_grubed_livec: just make sure the usb is plugged out15:31
erUSULAndroidKris: yes; or how would chmod know what file change the permissions to ?15:31
ruangot_grubed_livec: during boot15:31
got_grubed_livecit its15:31
gahfHello I'm trying to find drivers for my 570GTX 1280MB GIGABYTE BRAND Graphics card, can anyone show me a place to find them?15:31
AndroidKrisOkay, it just told me operation not permitted15:31
ActionParsnipgahf: did you say you had another nvidia card in before?15:32
nash__is their any intel graphics driver for ubuntu.send me link PLS15:32
Sheepherdhey guys how do i chain together two commands in one line? like $apt-get update + $apt-get upgrade15:32
ActionParsnipgahf: the amount of video ram and the brand are moot, you are only driving the video chip15:32
ActionParsnipnash__: its in a default install15:32
Quetzalcoatlsheepherd: use &&15:32
llutz_nash__: xserver-xorg-video-intel15:32
got_grubedruan: it didnt load. it's showing a grub message:15:32
SheepherdQuetzalcoatl: ah thank you!15:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 361903 in Ubuntu "Cursor Keys not working with NXClient" [Undecided,Invalid]15:33
ruangot_grubed: odd15:33
hwildePici, what does that mean undecided, invalid :(15:33
got_grubed"Error of GRUB: Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported..15:33
got_grubedwhat is this?15:33
ruangot_grubed: uh...15:33
lea123 I can't get to the terminal even - ALT+F2 doesn't seem to work15:34
ruanlea123: its ctrl alt f215:34
ActionParsnipSheepherd: you can use && which means the first command must succeed to run the next, or you can use ; to mean do the next command regardless of anything15:34
AndroidKriswhat's the exact chmod command to change a files permissions from read only to read/write?15:34
ActionParsniplea123: CTRL+ALT+T15:34
lea123ruan: :)15:34
Picihwilde: The last comment suggests that you're not using software packaged by Ubuntu, so they aren't really responsible for fixing it.15:34
AndroidKrisI'm looking on google and it's confusing me a bit15:34
gahfActionParsnip: My computer keeps recognizing my old graphics card rather than my new one, how do i stop it from doing that?15:34
ActionParsnipAndroidKris: chmod +rw file15:34
AndroidKristhank you ActionParsnip15:35
got_grubedomg. i dont want to reinstall ubuntu because of bootloader grub whatever15:35
hwildePici, yeah whatever but how do I get it fixed lol :)   It happens with Synergy too...15:35
lea123ActionParsnip: Thanks15:35
Maynelwhy i cant burn ubuntu iso on dvd with poweriso?15:35
ActionParsnipgahf: then uninstall the nvidia driver, then reboot to the open source driver, then re-install the proprietary driver again15:35
Maynelit return error 10915:35
ruangot_grubed: i googled and..15:35
Mayneli downloaded desktop ubuntu iso from ubuntu.com15:35
ActionParsnipMaynel: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded? What OS are you running powerISO under?15:36
got_grubedim googling too15:36
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek day 2 starting in 25 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom15:36
ConseilMaynel: check the MD5 sum15:36
AndroidKrisdidn't work...15:36
llutz_AndroidKris: whyt file do you want to change? on what filesystem?15:36
gahfActionParsnip: I've uninstalled the driver but everytime I try to use the "hardware drivers" function it only shows drivers for my old video card15:36
Maynelwhat is md5 sum?15:36
ActionParsnipAndroidKris: are you the owner of the file?15:36
ruangot_grubed: sounds like a grub config is missing15:36
AndroidKrisI'm trying to get gdesklets to work15:36
ActionParsnipAndroidKris: that doesnt answer my question15:37
llutz_AndroidKris: what file do you want to change? on what filesystem?15:37
Mayneli have windows xp15:37
got_grubedruan:  i used 64bit version to fix 32bit version I hope this is not the problem.15:37
ruangot_grubed: sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt15:37
ruansudo chroot /mnt15:37
ActionParsnipgahf: remove the ~/.nvidiasettings file (tab complete thr filename)15:37
AndroidKrisThe file (and path) are... /usr/lib/gdesklets/utils/ErrorFormatter.py15:37
ActionParsnipMaynel: did you MD5 test the ISO?15:37
ruanand update-grub215:37
AndroidKrisso I would assume, no, I'm not the owner.15:37
gahfActionParsnip: how?15:37
monkeyDFINALY :)15:37
AndroidKrisbut I really don't know for sure15:37
llutz_AndroidKris: use sudo15:37
ActionParsnipgahf: use your file manager, you can use CTRL+H to show hidden files15:38
got_grubedruan: need to boot livecd again,15:38
AndroidKrissudo what/15:38
ruangratz monkeyD15:38
llutz_AndroidKris: use sudo chmod15:38
klemaxHow to fix that? Errors were encountered while processing:15:38
klemax dovecot-common15:38
AndroidKrisah, okay15:38
klemax dovecot-imapd15:38
ruangot_grubed: yeah :S15:38
Maynelactionparsnip how I do that md5 test?15:38
ActionParsnipAndroidKris: then run:  ls -l filename     and make sure your username is listed15:38
ActionParsnip!md5 | Maynel15:38
ubottuMaynel: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows15:38
sacarlson Maynel: take a look at the win32 version http://www.pc-tools.net/win32/md5sums/15:38
monkeyDhey guys, I had very bad screen errors but since I installed 11.04 everything looks fantastic :)15:38
Mayneli destroyed 5 dvds15:38
ActionParsnipMaynel: basically you have NO WAY of knowing the data you have is consistent or complete as you haven't tested it15:38
gahfActionParsnip: where would it be?15:38
ActionParsnip!11.04 | monkeyD15:39
ubottumonkeyD: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.15:39
ActionParsnipgahf: in your home folder15:39
ActionParsnipgahf: ~/ == $HOME = /home/$USER15:39
monkeyDbut it works fine and now it supports all my hardware, why ?15:39
llutz_!natty | monkeyD15:39
ubottumonkeyD: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.15:39
got_grubedruan: sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt      sudo chroot /mnt     update-grub and update-grub2 ?15:39
ActionParsnipmonkeyD: its got newer versions maybe, it's offtopic here, ask in #ubuntu+115:39
AndroidKris Okay, so that didn't work either.15:40
=== s1aden is now known as sladen
ruangot_grubed: just update-grub2, not update-grub15:40
AndroidKrisI may not have done the ls -l command right though15:40
got_grubedruan:  Boot to the LiveCD Desktop (Ubuntu 9.10 or later). Please note that the Live CD must be the same as the system you are fixing - either 32-bit or 64-bit (if not then the chroot will fail).15:40
ActionParsnipAndroidKris: is the file owned by your user?15:40
AndroidKrisI have no clue...15:40
gahfActionParsnip: i deleated them now what15:40
llutz_AndroidKris: don't use chmod/chown on various files if you aren't sure about what you're doing15:40
got_grubedmaybe that is a problem!15:40
ActionParsnipgahf: uninstall the nvidia driver15:40
AndroidKrisgrrrr.....All I want is for gdesklets to work...15:41
ruangot_grubed: looks like it :S you could get a different livecd15:41
monkeyDActionParsnip: I have an old sis vga card with 32 mb and I got vertical and horizontal lines that shakes all the time and didnt wanted to go but since I installed 11.04 I have the best screen of my life15:41
got_grubedruan: k ill boot the 32bit i have the official cd15:41
AndroidKris^^^that's what I'm trying to do15:42
AndroidKrisI can't make the edits to the file because it's read only...15:42
jondicedi'm having a problem with grub2 installing 10.04 on an older machine, hoping someonecan help me15:42
Mayneli have only iso file15:43
Mayneli dont have md5 file15:43
FloodBot2Maynel: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:43
Maynelwhat should i write to test md515:43
ruanMaynel: you don't need a md5 file, you need a program to check md5, and the iso's md5 from ubuntu.com15:43
jqkeAndroidKris, in a terminal just type : sudo gedit filename15:43
Mayneli have program md5sum15:44
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows15:44
Maynelhow i use it15:44
jondicedi get this error on boot after installation, "error: out of disk"15:44
Pici!enter | Maynel15:44
Mayneli have put it in system3215:44
ubottuMaynel: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:44
sacarlsonMaynel: I'm not sure how clear I can be http://www.pc-tools.net/files/win32/freeware/md5sums-1.2.zip15:44
Mayneli have ubuntu win desktop iso15:44
Maynelso how i check it15:44
ruanMaynel: open md5sum and check the sum of the iso, and compare it with one from ubuntu.com15:44
Mayneli have instaled md5sum15:44
Maynelto system3215:44
jondicedi've been to the various threads about this, but those threads all have success running "ls (hd0,1)/boot" fromthe grub rescue prompt15:44
jondicedinstead, i get the same error message15:45
got_grubedHow can I know if im running ubuntu 32 ir 64 bit?15:45
ActionParsnipMaynel: READ the link ubottu gave15:45
erUSULgot_grubed: uname -m15:45
Maynelhow I check md5 now15:45
ActionParsnipMaynel: read it all, its all there. That page is there so we dont have to keep telling people the same stuff over and over15:45
Maynelwhat command15:45
sacarlsonMaynel:  did you read the readme.txt file in the zip package?15:45
ActionParsnip!md5 | Maynel15:45
ubottuMaynel: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows15:45
AndroidKrisThat was almost TOO easy, thanks jqke15:45
Maynelin the link ist says md5sum -c filename.md515:45
ActionParsnipMaynel: access the HowToMD5SUM page and read it all15:45
AYJHBearI am using docky in kde 4.6 I am wondering do anyone know if there is a way to bypass nautilus? because I cannot open my trash can15:45
Mayneli dont have any md5 files only ubuntu.iso15:46
vadi2Ubuntu crashed completely while the HD was busy. How can I report this crash?15:46
ruanMaynel: open md5sum and check the sum of the iso, and compare it with one from ubuntu.c15:46
ActionParsnipMaynel: yes but thats for linux isn't it, you need to read15:46
ruanMaynel: om.15:46
Maynelsec pls15:46
jondicedlet me try again, more concisely: i recently installed 10.04 but i get "error: out of disk" and the grub rescue prompt  when i boot, what can i do? running ls (hd0,1)/boot returns the same error message15:46
got_grubederUSUL: i686 is 32?15:46
ruangot_grubed: i38615:47
sacarlsonMaynel: md5sum just creates a big hex number to compare with the repository list of what the number should be15:47
lea123ActionParsnip: I cannot get Gnome-15:47
got_grubedruan: hm?15:47
lea123ActionParsnip: I cannot get Gnome-panel to rung15:47
lea123ActionParsnip: I cannot get Gnome-panel to run15:47
Mayneli cant donwload md5sum for win15:47
got_grubedruan: i386 = 32bit or 6415:47
Maynelsite is down..15:47
Maynelany other link pls :S15:47
ruanMaynel: didn't you already install it?15:48
digiraki need some help uninstalling the kubuntu wrappers15:48
PiciMaynel: Please stop pressing enter between every two words, it makes it very hard to read what you're saying.15:48
ActionParsnip!panels | lea12315:48
ubottulea123: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »15:48
Mayneli have put one md5sum in system3215:48
Maynelbut how i use it15:48
Maynelyou havent told me15:48
sacarlsonMaynel: that's strange since you said you already installed it15:48
ruangot_grubed: i386 = 32bit amd64 = 64bit15:48
Maynelwhat is the command to check .iso file?15:48
* sipior facepalms15:48
ActionParsnipMaynel: I just accessed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM  fine15:48
got_grubedruan: uname -a shows i68615:48
ruani'll upload md5sum then..15:48
tsimpsongot_grubed: ix86 are (or x86 for short) are all 32bit15:48
Maynelhow you cant uderstand15:49
ActionParsnipMaynel: try this (its from the page ubottu GAVE you): https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=winMD5Sum.png15:49
Maynelmd5sum for win is down15:49
got_grubedtsimpson: k tks15:49
Maynellink is down..15:49
FloodBot2Maynel: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:49
ruanMaynel: i'll upload md5sum for win for you15:49
sacarlsonMaynel:  md5sum  ubuntu?????.iso  like that15:49
Luigianadoes any1 know why my computer laggs exceptionally in all games on ubuntu 10.10? it runs them smoothly on windows xp15:49
ruani have it in my archive of downloads..15:49
Luigianait isnt just some games15:49
Luigianabut all games15:49
wastlMaynel: that link works fine here15:49
jondicedi recently installed 10.04 but i get "error: out of disk" and the grub rescue prompt  when i boot, what can i do? running ls (hd0,1)/boot returns the same error message, what is going on?15:49
PiciMaynel: stop that.15:49
ActionParsnipLuigiana: 3d driver support for some cards is better in windows15:49
wastlMaynel: don't swear plz15:49
LuigianaActionParsnip so what do i need to do to make it work on ubuntu?15:50
ActionParsnipLuigiana: what video chip do you have?15:50
Italian_Plumberanyone else experiencing lag on the update servers?15:50
Luigianai dont know15:50
Luigianaits a laptop15:50
LuigianaAlien arena, openarena and even pac man laggs like crap15:50
MaynelI have downloaded one md5sum.exe file and put in widows/system32 now i go to the folder from cmd and what command i check iso file? md5sum filename.iso?15:51
sacarlsonMaynel: ok heres a windows instruction since I suck at windows http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows15:51
TophItalian_Plumber,,, mine is updating very slowly15:51
ActionParsnipLuigiana: what does: lspci | grep -i vga   say?15:51
just-ice-adamdo i need drivers to use an yet not used ODD to install Ubuntu?15:51
Luigianawhat is that?15:51
ActionParsnipMaynel: did the image load for you?15:51
ActionParsnipLuigiana: its a terminal command15:51
Maynelhow you mean?15:51
Italian_PlumberToph ... possibly because of all the kernel updates lately I guess15:51
lea123ActionParsnip: I happen to uninstall the remanents of evolution and therefore uninstalled the gnome panel.. I tried what ubbuttu said but when i type gnome-panel it the terminal gets attached to the panel and  it also throws up GTK warning15:51
Mayneli can mount it in poweriso15:51
nash__linux development tools download link SEND ME PLS15:51
Maynelbut cant burn it15:51
Maynelit giver error 109 on the start15:51
jondicedi recently installed 10.04 but i get "error: out of disk" and the grub rescue prompt  when i boot, what can i do? running ls (hd0,1)/boot returns the same error message, what is going on?15:51
ActionParsnipMaynel: try this (its from the page ubottu GAVE you):15:52
LuigianaActionParsnip i just queried you15:52
ActionParsnipLuigiana: i dont support in PM, I just close the tab15:52
=== nick is now known as Guest29986
Mayneli dont have that md5sum for indows from where to download it? actiionpar15:52
Luigianalet me try and type in that command 2 sec15:52
ruanthis md5sum prog i have is a gui app15:52
ActionParsnipLuigiana: press CTRL+ALT+T  copy and paste the command to the terminal and press ENTER15:52
ActionParsnip!hashes | Maynel15:52
ubottuMaynel: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.15:52
monkeyDI am in firefox, if I type text in a white box I cant see the text but if I select it I can see it15:53
monkeyDhow can I fix that ?15:53
digirakcan someone help me with this15:53
ActionParsnipmonkeyD: does it happen for all users?15:53
just-ice-adamdo i need drivers for an optical disc drive to boot ubuntu from disk?15:53
llutz_monkeyD: on 11.04?15:53
lea123 I happen to uninstall the remanents of evolution and therefore uninstalled the gnome panel.. I tried what ubbuttu said but when i type gnome-panel it the terminal gets attached to the panel and  it also throws up GTK warning15:53
monkeyDActionParsnip: yes15:53
digirakmy kubuntu wrapper is not getting properly uninstalled on my ubuntu15:53
LuigiananVidia Corporation G84 [GeForce 8600M GT] (rev a1)15:53
Luigianathats what it says ActionParsnip15:53
digirakand because of that i am not able to log off from one session15:53
ActionParsniplea123: in a terminal run:  sudo apt-get install gnome-panel15:54
joaopizaniHello everybody! I'm having problems with my NIS installation. THe login happens OK, but the filemount from NFS cant get the correct usernames... :)15:54
nash__pls send me linux development tools d'load link15:54
lea123ActionParsnip: I did that already15:54
Maynelmd5 is wrong15:54
joaopizanianybody can help?15:54
Maynelwwhat that means?15:54
got_grubedlivecdruan: update-grub2 /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).15:54
ActionParsnipMaynel: bad image then15:54
ActionParsnipMaynel: it got mangled in transit15:54
Mayneli dl from ubuntu.com15:54
Maynelwhats going on?15:54
arand!dev > nash__15:54
ubottunash__, please see my private message15:54
nimbioticshello evry1. using ubunto 10.10, how can I find out where is a certain program installed (sqlite v2.8.17)? TIA!15:54
ActionParsnipMaynel: doesn't matter where you get it at all15:54
Maynelbad downloading?15:54
Jthornhi all, Is there anyone that knows why I can't reinstall Ubuntu 10.10 over an old install? Had maverick on then tried to fix a problem with an unwanted service (gatecrasher). Had to install windows to wipe the install that was on, now can't run Ubuntu from a live CD.15:54
LuigiananVidia Corporation G84 [GeForce 8600M GT] (rev a1)15:54
Maynelwhy is bad image?15:55
Luigianathats what it says ActionParsnip15:55
Maynelhow to get good image?15:55
sacarlsonMaynel: window virus?15:55
erUSULnimbiotics: dpkg -L sqlite15:55
ActionParsnipMaynel: if the data transmitted from the server gets damaged in transit and TCP sees it as ok somehow it will be stored15:55
nimbioticserUSUL: THX!15:55
arandMaynel: download again, and make sure you are comparing with the right md5sum.15:55
Maynelfack firefox downlaoder..15:55
kathiresanhi how to use ymessenger15:55
got_grubedlivecdthis is frustrating15:55
lea123ActionParsnip: No i think i did reinstall instead of install. I shall do the install and let you know15:55
Mayneli dl 2 times15:55
Mayneli destryed 5 dvds15:55
ActionParsnipMaynel: torrents add extra data chacks and can help esure a good image as well as reduce stress on the servers15:55
LuigianaActionParsnip what now15:55
slipp3dMaynel, what did you use to download?15:55
Maynelok thanks15:56
sacarlsonMaynel: why not show us the link you downloaded from?15:56
Maynelill do torrent15:56
ghoulsbladehi, trying to access an nfs share, i do "mount /mnt/mytest"   on the client but i get "mount: unknown filesystem type 'nfs'".  nfs-client and nfs-common are installed, modprobe nfs throws errros (sunrpc, auth_rpcgss,nfs_acl,fscache,lockd : no such file...) , kernel is 2.6.35-24-generic-pae .   any idea what i'm missing ?15:56
ActionParsnipMaynel: doesn't matter, you could download an infinite number of images and statstically never get a good one15:56
LuigianaActionParsnip what now15:56
Maynelany good place to downlaod ubuntu desktop pls?15:56
Maynelslipp firefox downloader15:56
ActionParsnipMaynel: use the official torrents in a torrent client like bitlord15:56
Maynelok thanks15:56
Italian_Plumberwow I've never seen the update servers slammed so hard.15:57
syrinx_ghoulsblade: check your path15:57
ruangot_grubedlivecd: use chroot?15:57
lea123ActionParsnip: No luck its throwing up the same error gnome-panel:2630 GTK waring15:57
slipp3dMaynel, torrent is the easiest way of getting a good image to burn ... or utorrent if you are in windows15:57
LuigianaACTIONPARSNIP are you there?15:57
got_grubedlivecdruan: yes15:57
Luigianait was about the lagging15:57
got_grubedlivecdruan: maybe i need to update kernel15:57
ActionParsnipLuigiana: yes, you can see my text to others. why do you ask if I am here when you can clearly see I am15:57
ActionParsnipMaynel: http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent15:57
Luigianacuz u are not answering me even though u were helping me15:57
Luigianathats why15:58
ActionParsnipLuigiana: doesnt mean Im not here does it...15:58
sipiorLuigiana: try dropping the sense of entitlement.15:58
got_grubedlivecdruan: The upgrade works on linux-image-2.6.32-3 and linux-image-2.6.32-1. Boot one of those and the upgrade will work nicely.15:58
ruan14 bans?15:58
Luigianalook i meant it ironically if u didnt realize it15:58
arandgot_grubedlivecd: I think you used the wrong command there, if you are chrooted with /dev --bind mounted just "update-grub" should do the trick, right? ruan?15:58
ghoulsbladesyrinx, you mean the nfs-share path ? i get permission denied error instead if i remove it from the server, so i think that one is correct15:58
slipp3dwow ... someone was being a bad boy ...15:59
got_grubedlivecdarand: I didnt use --bnd15:59
Luigianau asked me to do something when i did it u wouldnt respond and i didnt like that15:59
ActionParsnipLuigiana: its been a long day, so no15:59
deeboi can open archive.canonical.com in a browser, but for some reason apt-get can't connect, anyone else having this issue?15:59
arandgot_grubedlivecd: When you mount /dev I think you should.15:59
Luigianaso do you know whats wrong?15:59
Luigianasipior i dont know what u mean15:59
ActionParsnipLuigiana: what does the command output?15:59
monkeyDif I see I divx video in windows, I can download it  after I see it15:59
LuigiananVidia Corporation G84 [GeForce 8600M GT] (rev a1)16:00
sipiorLuigiana: i don't doubt it.16:00
Luigianaas mentioned16:00
monkeyDbut how can I do it in ubuntu ?16:00
ActionParsnipLuigiana: ok and do you have the proprietary nvidia driver installed?16:00
Luigianasipior just leave me alone please16:00
Luigianai used to updatemanager to update everything16:00
slipp3ddeebo, i'm guessing that the servers are getting loaded up ... give it a few minutes and try again16:00
Luigianabut i dont know if it also updated the nvidia driver16:00
sipiorLuigiana: gladly.16:00
ActionParsnipLuigiana: please target me if you intend text for me, the room is very busy and i'm in and out so I'll miss it, see how every reply to you I add your nick, please do likewise16:00
deeboslipp3d: its been like that the whole day16:01
Luigianaokay actionparsnip16:01
ActionParsnipLuigiana: run: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current     it will install the proprietary driver for you16:01
slipp3ddeebo, have you tried to change your mirrors?16:01
ruan^^ i was also thinking about mirrors16:01
got_grubedarand:  you mean this? sudo mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev ?16:02
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arandgot_grubed: Indeed16:02
LuigianaActionParsnip: now its installing16:02
deeboslipp3d: its the extras and security repos that arent working for me16:02
deebodunno if those have mirrors16:02
slipp3ddeebo, are you using a terminal to get your updates , update manager , or synaptic16:02
grapefruitthey're going at 17 kb/s here16:02
deeboterminal, apt-get16:02
ActionParsnipLuigiana: coo, reboot and your video will run a lot better. You are currently using the open driver which wont run 3D games as well as the proprietary driver.16:02
grapefruitvery very slow today for some reason16:02
ActionParsnipgrapefruit: try a different source16:03
Luigianaokay thanks16:03
lea123Ruan, Actionparsnip: any idea what I need to do if I tried reinstalling the Gnome-panel and it still doesn't work16:03
ruanim on the proprietary driver and i can run 3d games16:03
slipp3ddeebo, I'm guessing that your mirrors that you are using are under a large load ... ( I know that my mirrors that I use in the US are really slow today)16:04
got_grubedlivecdarand:  grep: /proc/mounts: No such file or directory Cannot find list of partitions!16:04
got_grubedlivecdarand: what is wrong?16:04
arandgot_grubedlivecd: You need to "mount -t proc /proc /mnt/proc" as well16:04
llutz_got_grubedlivecd: mount -t proc proc /mnt/proc16:04
slipp3ddeebo, it's taking about 10 -15 minutes just to refresh my sources16:04
lea123hello why is that my GnomePanel has got attached to the Terminal ?16:05
deebothese are the extras.ubuntu.com and security.ubuntu.com repos, dont even know if there are mirrors16:05
monkeyDhey guys, can anyone tell me how to download a divxmovie in ubuntu when you use firefox ?16:05
deebolocal mirrors work fine16:05
deebofor the base packages16:05
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ruanmonkeyD: use flashgot16:05
got_grubedlivecdarand: llutz_ : Generating grub.cfg ... Cannot find list of partitions!16:06
slipp3ddeebo, ... it must be that server is under a load ... that is one of the ones that is taking a really long time to refresh ... give it time i'm sure that the maintainers are working on it16:06
deeboweird thing is opens up in the browser just fine16:06
deeboapt-get is struggling for some reason16:06
syrinx_deebo, slipp3d: took me about 20 minutes earlier to do an 80mb update, seems all the repos are slow16:07
genii-aroundmonkeyD: I usually find that this addon works: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/video-downloadhelper/16:07
slipp3dsyrinx_, yep i noticed that this morning as well ...16:07
slipp3dMaynel, just ask your question...16:07
Maynelay official torrent of ubuntu except bitlord?16:07
arandgot_grubedlivecd: Hmm, might try adding --recheck to the grub command, but it should work without, so it did not finish the update despite the error?16:07
Maynelany other*16:08
ruanflashgot lists all embedded content, not only videos16:08
slipp3dMaynel, what OS?16:08
Pici!torrents | Maynel16:08
slipp3dtry Utorrent16:08
ubottuMaynel: Maverick can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/maverick/desktop/ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/maverick/server/ubuntu-10.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com/16:08
Mayneli need desktop ubuntu standalone16:08
got_grubedlivecdarand:  Cannot find list of partitions! done16:08
Luigianaactionparsnip: now my pc wont even open my games16:08
needhelp1i keep having an issue with my computer freezing. My processer goes up to 100 percent and the entire pc freezes16:08
ActionParsnipMaynel: bitlord is just a client, you can use any you want16:08
Maynelwhat is maverick/16:08
syrinx_needhelp1: fan failure?16:08
got_grubedlivecdMaynel: ubuntu 10.10 release name16:08
ruanMaynel: it's the codename for 10.1016:08
got_grubedlivecdor that16:09
slipp3dMaynel, that is the current version of ubuntu16:09
ubottuUbuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/101016:09
needhelp1syrinx_: not that i know of, its a desktop16:09
botcityis it possible to rename a ubuntu machine on a network temporally?16:09
Maynelgot: its desktop standalone right?16:09
got_grubedlivecdbotcity: sudo hostname NAME16:09
needhelp1syrinx_: i can hear the fan16:09
arandgot_grubedlivecd: done means done I guess, hopefully it might wokr, you could check if the grub.cfg looks reasonable whilst still in the chroot I guess.16:09
LuigianaActionParsnip: Now my pc wont even open my games16:09
botcitygot_grubedlivecd: thank's16:09
ActionParsnipLuigiana: did you reboot after the install?16:10
drexlneedhelp1: what does typing top into your termianl reaveal?16:10
needhelp1one second16:10
Luigianaalienarena and openarena wont open, the only thing i can open is pacman16:10
syrinx_needhelp1: need more info; when it happens, what your doing when it happens, etc.16:10
LuigianaActionParsnip: alienarena and openarena wont open, the only thing i can open is pacman16:10
Maynelwhy firefox downloader made wrong md5 ?16:10
got_grubedlivecdbotcity: and if u wantto change permanently edit sudo nano /etc/hostname16:10
Mayneli dl 2 times from ubuntu.com iso file16:10
got_grubedlivecdbotcity: and /etc/hosts16:10
LuigianaActionParsnio: And yes i did reboot16:11
ruanMaynel: firefox downloader isn't trustworthy with large files16:11
botcitygot_grubedlivecd: ok :-]16:11
slipp3dMaynel, it's a issue with large downloads...16:11
got_grubedlivecdarand: i dont think it will work :(16:11
needhelp1syrinx_: last night i was trying to copy some info off of my ipod to my desktop, freezed like 4 times while copying files, right now im using easytag to rename some files, and its bad. 95 - 100 percent on the cpu16:11
bonjoyeeMaynel: also make sure you compare the right md5sum...16:11
klemaxafter installing aegir-provision, how to connect it via url?16:11
LuigianaActionParsnip: And yes i did reboot16:11
ruanMaynel: for windows i used IDM in the past, paused and resumed large files hundreds of times and they never broke16:11
ActionParsnipLuigiana: you said you rebooted, twice16:11
ActionParsnipLuigiana: like I said, I am in and out of here16:11
sipiorbotcity: if you use hostname to change your system's name, consider keeping a root terminal open (via sudo -i, for example). changing the system name can confuse sudo on occasion, so you may not be able to change the name back. or just make sure an appropriate entry exists in /etc/hosts.16:11
needhelp1syrinx_: it shows easy tag using 80-85 percent of the cpu16:12
ActionParsnipLuigiana: repeating just spams the channel and annoys everyine16:12
klemax/etc/aegir/vhost.d is empty16:12
ruanit all depends on the download manager16:12
LuigianaActionParsnip: i spelled ur name wrong thats why i did it twice16:12
drexlneedhelp1: you can kill that pid by typing k and the pid number of the process that's consuming your cpu16:12
got_grubedlivecdarand: it's using msdos things16:12
ActionParsnipLuigiana: did you run: nvidia-settings    and setup the display?16:12
needhelp1drexl, that kills the app right?16:12
drexlI think so16:12
syrinx_needhelp1: well theres your problem16:12
LuigianaActionParsnip no i only ran the command to install it16:12
arandgot_grubedlivecd: You just get a shell when you boot, any errors?16:12
needhelp1syrinx_: drexl usally when it happens i cant move the mouse or anything. so i cant get to terminal. but what im doing now, is what i need to do so16:12
bonjoyeeMaynel: also...its best to use torrents for big files..as bittorrent has inbuilt verification mechanisms..16:13
ActionParsnipLuigiana: and when you run it do you get an error at all?16:13
LuigianaActionParsnip no16:13
needhelp1its not just easytag though, its anything i do16:13
got_grubedlivecdarand: I found this http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8107995&postcount=916:13
needhelp1usually copying files, firefox... burning cds16:13
botcitysipior:  aha that's good to know ta.16:14
ActionParsnipLuigiana: ok set the display up as you desire, then try stuff. What version of the driver does nvidia-settings say you are running?16:14
got_grubedlivecdarand:  * http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8095330&postcount=616:14
syrinx_needhelp1: sys specs?16:14
Tophneedhelp1,,, is the usage related to the update manager?16:14
ruanMaynel: yeah, torrents download in parts and verify integrity as they download16:14
needhelp1Toph: not sure what you mean16:14
needhelp1syrinx_: 2 gig mem amd athlon 6416:14
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needhelp1500 hdd16:15
Aut0ExeChi guys.... whats a good iptables ncurses config tool?16:15
LuigianaActionParsnip when i entered nvidia-settings it said: You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.16:15
arandgot_grubedlivecd: Yea, might want to try running grub-install as well, although I do not know what your initial problem is here.16:15
Tophneedhelp1,,, i had the same issues and it was because the computer was updating and encountered an error16:15
syrinx_needhelp1, toph could have a point, update manager is being a hog today16:15
ChogyDanLuigiana: you should use the restricted drivers tool to install the driver16:15
needhelp1syrinx_: well, top doesnt show anything related to that, and im up to date16:15
LuigianaChogyDan how do i do that16:16
ruanwhat exactly is an x server? i didn't have the fancy name 'x server' with my windows drivers16:16
got_grubedlivecdarand: I installed ubuntu into a USB but it messed up the grub :s16:16
ActionParsnipLuigiana: ok then run: sudo nvidia-xconfig    then reboot16:16
Tophneedhelp1,,, ok,, in my case, top identified the update as the problem16:16
ChogyDanLuigiana: System > Admin > Additional Drivers16:16
syrinx_needhelp1: is this a fresh install or did it just start happening?16:16
got_grubedlivecdarand: and when I booted ubuntu it showd no such device (without usb plugged in)16:16
sipiorruan: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_Window_System16:16
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needhelp1just started syrinx_16:16
ruansipior: thanks16:16
bonjoyeeneedhelp1: i have a similar setup...make sure its not a heatsink issue...16:16
got_grubedlivecdarand: I want ubuntu to boot from HDD16:17
arandgot_grubedlivecd: Yea, because it's looking for the grub files on the usb.16:17
Aut0ExeCany ideas on a good ncurses iptables tool?16:17
needhelp1i need to attempt to copy some files again off of my ipod, i could never get it finished last night because it kept freezing16:17
syrinx_needhelp1: change anything around before it started happening?16:17
del_diablo2I need to get Nvidia up and running :(16:17
dannyLopezhttp://pastebin.com/anGV6L9K I have this error when I try to install the wifi16:17
needhelp1bonjoyee: how would i check that16:17
got_grubedlivecdarand: and I still coulnt get it working :( it's frustrating16:17
ruanim not on a networked computer though16:17
needhelp1syrinx_: not really, installed nmap16:17
del_diablo2Modprobe -l nvi* lists a nvidia.ko, how do I insert it?16:17
ruanbut i guess it's xorg16:18
needhelp1im not running anything crazy, no virual machines, not downloading or transfering16:18
arandgot_grubedlivecd: One way to do it is to use the usb to boot your HDD-installed ubuntu and then run grub-install from there, that's proabably the easiest way.16:18
LuigianaChogyDan there are none available16:18
bonjoyeeneedhelp1: run the pc with the cabinet open..check the fan works..also did you ever remove the heatsink from the fan?16:18
bonjoyeeneedhelp1: from the cpu..i should say..16:18
needhelp1bonjoyee: no, its a fairly new pc, less than 2 yrs16:18
got_grubedlivecdarand: ok ill try wait for me :p16:18
sacarlsongot_grubedlivecd: well you need to pick the hard disk to install on next time.  you should take a look with gparted to see what hardware is used for each device to pick the next install point16:18
Hans_Henriki need to wget ftp://download.knightonlineworld.com/knight/upgrade/patchXXXX.zip     , where XXXX is from 1737 to 1857  (over 100 downloads); and unzip them all in the current directory, delete the zip files afterwards;is there some easy way to do this from the shell?16:18
ChogyDanLuigiana: o well, try the nvidia config route16:18
syrinx_needhelp1: ubuntu version/architecture?16:18
needhelp1syrinx_: whats the coomand to check the arc again .. i forget16:18
got_grubedlivecdsacarlson: i used "use entire disk" and selected sdb16:19
needhelp1syrinx_: im pretty sure im on 64 bit version16:19
drexldel_diablo2: modprobe nvidia16:19
syrinx_needhelp1: did you install the 32 or 64 bit version?16:19
dannyLopezhttp://pastebin.com/SVsV2zUP this is the error when I try install codecs to audio & video16:19
got_grubedlivecdsacarlson: theere wanst an option to choose the bootloader so i guessed that i would use sdb16:19
bonjoyeeneedhelp1: uname -m16:19
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)16:19
del_diablo2drexl: That solved it. But X still reports that no module named nvidia is inserted :(16:19
needhelp1bonjoyee: shows i68616:20
got_grubedlivecdit's 32bit16:20
bonjoyeeneedhelp1: thats 32 bit..16:20
* syrinx_ scratches his head16:20
milindhow do i wget my private tarball source code from github?16:20
ruanHans_Henrik: there is a way to do this, however i'm a newb with bash.16:20
needhelp1how do i check my cpu from terminal16:20
needhelp1bonjoyee: to double check that16:20
ChogyDandannyLopez: why kind of computer do you have?16:20
bonjoyeeneedhelp1: lscpu16:20
ruanwas a batch expert, and now im a bash newb :d16:20
aeon-ltdneedhelp1: cat /proc/cpuinfo16:20
logankoesterow owned16:21
bonjoyeeneedhelp1: dont paste the output on the channel though!16:21
Luigianathanks for your help ActionParsnip whatever you did it worked16:21
needhelp1sorry for the long paste16:21
lea123Hello could anyone help me to get the gnome-panel back16:21
dannyLopezChogyDan: is a notebook16:21
syrinx_needhelp1: use the pastebin link up top16:21
ChogyDandannyLopez: is it running ok?  Is it running hot?16:21
llutz_Hans_Henrik: for counter in $(seq 1737  1857); do wget blah && unzip blah && rm blah;done        where blah is the filename containing $counter16:21
needhelp1syrinx_: http://pastebin.com/AnhMbVCe16:21
dannyLopezChogyDan: normally16:22
milamber!panelreset | lea12316:22
ubottulea123: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »16:22
needhelp1syrinx_: pastebinit is great :)16:22
needhelp1bonjoyee: http://pastebin.com/AnhMbVCe16:22
ChogyDandannyLopez: well, I don't know what the issue is, but here is the error you are getting, fwiw: lzma: Encoder error: -214746725916:22
needhelp1it looks like my cpu is 32 bit, right? bonjoyee syrinx_16:22
emwhat are the open source, ubuntu repo, tools for making the images and widgets and such things on webpages or GuIs ?16:23
lea123milamber: I didn't get what you typed but i typed what ubottu typed with no much joy16:23
drexldel_diablo2: after I insert a new video driver I usually run Xorg -configure and replace /etc/X11/xorg.conf with what the commmand generates and then restart the server16:23
dannyLopezChogyDan: tks16:23
bonjoyeeneedhelp1: no..it supports 64 bit..but you have 32 bit ubuntu installed..but thats not the reason for the freezes anyway..16:23
syrinx_needhelp1: seems fine to me....16:23
needhelp1em, you need to create a GUI ?16:23
drexlbut make a backup first16:23
emneedhelp1: yeah why not?16:23
needhelp1qt4 em16:24
ChogyDandannyLopez: wait, how much disk space to you have?16:24
genii-aroundneedhelp1: sudo lshw -C cpu | grep width                     will usually say 32 or 64 which is what kind16:24
emneedhelp1: I want to know how you make the graphics for webpages and such things.16:24
needhelp1bonjoyee: that wouldnt cause issues ?having 32 bin on 64 ?16:24
bonjoyeeneedhelp1: no..not at all..16:24
milamberlea123: did you get an error?16:24
syrinx_em: gimp16:24
Hans_Henrikfor counter in $(seq 1737  1857); do wget ftp://download.knightonlineworld.com/knight/upgrade/patch$counter.zip && unzip patch$counter.zip && rm patch$counter.zip;done                   --seems correct?16:24
needhelp1em: webpages, look into css java and html16:24
emgimp doesnt seem right. gimp is for editing images, i want to create images.16:24
got_grubedarand: something is wrong. it doesnt read the usb.16:24
maconeedhelp1: javascript, you mean?16:25
emno i dont mean the colors.. css.. no...16:25
got_grubedarand: maybe because i changed the bootloader in hdd16:25
lea123milamber: yeah it gave me a GTK error16:25
bonjoyeeneedhelp1: id suggest you check your RAM with memtest..16:25
emim talking about the actual images buttons, etc. not the background color..16:25
dannyLopezChogyDan: is a persisten usb16:25
syrinx_em: i dont think you even know what you mean16:25
ChogyDandannyLopez: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/56231216:25
llutz_Hans_Henrik: i'd say so   you might test it with "echo" in front of the 3 commands16:25
macoem: you can draw images in gimp too. ive been making images for websites in MS Paint then JASC Paint Shop Pro and finally GIMP since i was 1216:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 562312 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu Natty) "initramfs-tools failed to install/upgrade, due to not being able to write initrd or vmlinuz." [Undecided,Triaged]16:25
milamberlea123: pastebin the command and output please16:25
del_diablo2drexl: Still failed :(16:25
macoem: if you want vectors, there's also Inkscape16:25
emmaco: okay cool.16:25
bonjoyeeneedhelp1: also do you have any other os installed? like dualboot?16:25
emyeah i want vectors16:26
needhelp1genii-around: width = 64 bits16:26
macoem: but certain browsers don't support vectors so you have to output them to png anyway16:26
emI think i need to look into inkscape and gimp16:26
needhelp1bonjoyee: yes, windows xp16:26
arandgot_grubed: Hmm, that sounds more like the computer not being set to boot from the usb16:26
skriteActionParsnip, thanks for your tip on that, found out where to boot into text as an option.16:26
syrinx_needhelp1: wubi?16:26
needhelp1bonjoyee: can i check my memtest from within ubuntu, or do i have to boot into a live cd?16:26
bonjoyeeneedhelp1: ok...so does this happen on windows?16:26
genii-aroundneedhelp1: Then it's a 64 bit cpu16:26
needhelp1syrinx_: no, partitioned16:26
needhelp1bonjoyee: no16:26
dajhornHans_Henrik:  Note that you need whitespace at ...zip;done16:26
em!info inkscape16:27
ubottuinkscape (source: inkscape): vector-based drawing program. In component main, is optional. Version 0.48.0-1ubuntu1.1 (maverick), package size 16726 kB, installed size 59112 kB16:27
emif you can output as a png that's pretty cool.16:27
got_grubedarand: it is . i changed in the bios16:27
macoem: yes, it can export pngs16:27
bonjoyeeneedhelp1: top shows no process consuming the cpu?16:27
got_grubedarand: when i try to boot from disk it shows Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported16:27
emmaco: do you use inkscape yourself? do you have to have any special tools like a stylus?16:27
syrinx_needhelp1; maybe try the system testing applet16:27
del_diablo2Module nvidia is loaded, but startx reports that "failed to load module "nvidia"  (module does not exist)"16:27
emcan it be done with just a trackpad?16:27
macoem: yes i do. i do have a wacom now but i used a trackpad for a few years with it first16:28
azertyi can't able to authentificate on my vsftpd server , what to do ?16:28
azertythis is the error what i got : "ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server".16:28
azertywhere the problem is ?16:28
sacarlsondoes the 32bit desktop livecd come with  the System>administration>disk utility,  installed ?  just curios as I see I can't see what hard disk is what on gparted16:28
FloodBot2azerty: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:28
llutz_dajhorn: you don't16:28
emmaco: cool.16:28
needhelp1bonjoyee: yeah, just whatever im using. easytag just a few seconds ago, i have an ipod that i was trying to copy files from , that froze my pc last night like 4-5 times16:28
azertylol FloodBot16:28
needhelp1burning cds does it, firefox .. etc16:28
johnnytxI'm a lost how to parse the `man sudoers` production rule Cmnd := '!'* commandname | '!'* directory | '!'* "sudoedit" | '!'* Cmnd_Alias16:28
dajhornllutz_, Right,  (I'm using a new client, and I got a formatting glitch.)16:28
johnnytxneed help...16:28
del_diablo2Module nvidia is loaded, but startx reports that "failed to load module "nvidia"  (module does not exist)". How do I get X up and running?! :(16:28
azertywell any suggestion ?16:28
needhelp1johnnytx: yes ? lol16:28
ActionParsnipdel_diablo2: try:  sudo apt-get --reinstall install dkms16:29
syrinx_azerty, stop flooding16:29
[TK]D-Fenderazerty: from the server or some router inbetween16:29
johnnytxthe presence of Cmnd_Alias, when it expands it would include the NAME '=' token on the right side of Cmnd which is not right. This should be instead Cmnd_List and not Cmnd_Alias. What do you think?16:29
needhelp1johnnytx: ubottu !help16:29
azertyhello [TK]D-Fender16:29
drexldel_diablo2; mabey try depmod -a first16:29
needhelp1johnnytx: ubottu help!16:29
arandgot_grubed: But anyways, the instructions you posted there on the forum are likely the ones you'd want to follow if you want to reinstall grub to mbr, and update the menu files. Just make sure you have the /boot you are using mounted under /mnt/boot, if you have a separate boot partition you'll have to moun it separately after mounting the / partition.16:29
Hans_Henrikllutz_: seems to be working, thanks16:29
lea123milamber: it  now says unknownoption16:29
azertyi m using server X display, i m on server with client filezilla16:29
milamberlea123: please pastebin the command and the output16:30
azertywhere i use the user what i create on my server i got that error  : "ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server".16:30
bonjoyeeneedhelp1: any messages on system logs? when the pc freezes?16:30
azertyi don't know where the problem is ?16:30
needhelp1not sure how to check that, does it save the logs because when it freezes, i cant do anything but hold the power button down to restart16:30
lea123milamber: I am on another machine i can't access FF since I don't have the panel16:30
syrinx_needhelp1: all logs are in /var/log/16:31
needhelp1syrinx_: so would i .. gedit /ver/log/ ?16:31
milamber!pastebinit | lea12316:32
ubottulea123: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com16:32
bonjoyeeneedhelp1: sys>admin>log viewer16:32
got_grubedarand: im gonna do this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling chroot method step by step16:32
syrinx_needhelp1: i suggest emacs in the future, but yes, gedit /var/log/syslog16:32
[TK]D-Fenderazerty: Do yuo see the login attempt?16:32
[TK]D-Fenderazerty: PASTEBIN it16:33
azertyi use filezilla as ftp client16:33
[TK]D-Fenderazerty: "www.pastebin.com16:33
[TK]D-Fender[11:32]<azerty>i use filezilla as ftp client <- this doesn't add any useful information16:33
needhelp1syrinx_: bonjoyee ok so for example, when viewing the system log viewer when i click on the logs to view, it spikes my cpu usage up to 95-100 percent, close to the point where it freezes16:33
drexldel_diablo2: would you paste your newly generated xorg.conf to pastebin I'm curious as to what driver it's trying to use.16:33
lea123milamber: I cannot access my browser at all therefor cannot access this IRC chat to pastebin it. You see where i am coming from16:33
=== FLH is now known as FunnyLookinHat
needhelp1syrinx_: bonjoyee its like the logs are so large .. trying to load it freezes the pc16:34
needhelp1should i check my memory ?16:34
arandgot_grubed: That sounds reasonable.16:34
cube1after mistakenly installing NVIDIA drivers thru the GUI installer, my system freezes at X start. how can i return to the previous state? un/re-installing the drivers does not work! :(16:34
jereanonI want to accept all incoming connections with iptables between the ip and will this command do that: /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s --dport 22 -j ACCEPT16:34
milamberlea123: pastebinit will create a pastebin from the terminal.16:34
jereanonon port 22, of course16:34
syrinx_needhelp1: they aren't, and it shouldn't; you got a very serious problem16:34
sacarlsongot_grubed: I'm lazy so I do it like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/562593/  with single line sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt; sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda # change sda1 and sda to your choice16:34
jribjereanon: try #iptables maybe16:35
ActionParsnipcube1: if you run: sudo nvidia-xconfig   then reboot, is it better?16:35
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syrinx_needhelp1: maybe shutdown gdm and diagnose from there....16:35
[TK]D-Fenderjereanon: /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s --dport 22 -j ACCEPT16:35
[TK]D-Fenderjereanon: Bad mask16:35
azertythis is it : http://paste.ubuntu.com/574006/ [TK]D-Fender16:35
got_grubedsacarlson: please check my partitions http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=0WCBguKX16:36
[TK]D-Fenderazerty: Non, y-a meme-pas demande une MOT DE PASSE16:36
got_grubedsacarlson: should i mout the sda1 or the root sda6??16:36
arandgot_grubed: Empty pastebin ;)16:36
needhelp1syrinx_: gdm?16:37
[TK]D-Fenderazerty: AUCUN CONNECTION.  C'est soit ton serveur qui a un pare-fue ou soit on router enter votre PC pis ton serveur16:37
llutz_jereanon:or use  --src-range    but since its a full 24-subnet, that makes no sense16:37
tuzlosomething wierd goin on here, when I sudo su then nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf the file is blank but if I exit then sudo nano/etc/mysql/my.cnf the file is there, any ideas?16:37
azertythere is no firewall,16:37
bonjoyeeneedhelp1: when did you notice this problem? after any system upgrades?16:37
got_grubedsacarlson: should i mount the sda1 or the root sda6?? http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=0eX1dkc416:37
[TK]D-Fenderazerty: Ou que peut-etre vsftpd n'est mem pas EN SERVICE16:37
azertyhow to check is vsftpd is working or not ?16:38
needhelp1bonjoyee: not really16:38
needhelp1ubottu: !gdm16:38
[TK]D-Fenderazerty: Meme si tu as installe c'est pas a dire qu'il est en fonctionne16:38
got_grubedarand: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=0eX1dkc416:38
got_grubedshould i mount sda1 or sda616:38
[TK]D-Fenderazerty: pst -A|grep ftp16:38
[TK]D-Fenderazerty: ps -A|grep ftp16:38
bonjoyeeneedhelp1: then?16:38
[TK]D-Fender(sans <<t>>)16:38
azertyje viens de faire un ps aux |grep16:38
azertyroot     11569  0.0  0.0   7640   928 pts/0    S+   17:38   0:00 grep --color=auto vsftpd16:38
cube1ActionParsnip: let me try16:38
needhelp1bonjoyee: ?16:39
azertyso i guess that vsftpd client is working16:39
bonjoyeeneedhelp1: when did this problem start?16:39
llutz_azerty: sudo lsof -i :2116:39
drexlGuest70568: hello16:39
sacarlsongot_grubed: the mount would be one of the /dev/sda6 or /dev/sda7  I"m not sure what you put in each16:39
needhelp1bonjoyee: two months ago ish16:39
milamber!ubottu > needhelp116:39
got_grubedsacarlson: the smallest is root.16:39
ubottuneedhelp1, please see my private message16:39
llutz_azerty: try "ftp localhost" then16:39
[TK]D-Fenderazerty: essaye sur le serveur lui-meme, pis me donne d'epreuve que il-y-a pas par-feu en-marche16:39
datavirusetthe security.ubuntu.com repo is down?16:39
[TK]D-FenderllutzWhat I jsut suggested16:39
needhelp1milamber: thanks16:40
zombie_hello I lost my bottom task bar how do I get it back?16:40
aeon-ltd!panels | zombie_16:40
ubottuzombie_: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »16:40
azertyhere is the output for localhost16:40
milamberneedhelp1: it was a valiant effort :)16:40
[TK]D-Fenderzombie_: Right click on alother panel and pick "new panel"16:40
sacarlsongot_grubed:  then sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt; sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda16:40
needhelp1milamber: can you show me the correct way to use ubottu16:40
llutz_[TK]D-Fender: checking for a process running and checking it listening on a port are different things16:40
[TK]D-Fenderazerty: epreuve d'eta de pare-feu maintenant16:40
[TK]D-Fenderllutz_: Quite true16:41
syrinx_needhelp1: well it's one of two things, something you changed, or a hardware problem,ie. bad fan16:41
rumpe1azerty, theres is no process "vsftp" ... you got the grep-command16:41
cube1ActionParsnip: i have no nvidia-xconfig! should i installed nvidia-common first?16:41
arandgot_grubed: If sda6 is root and sda7 is home, mount sda6 and you should be able to see the /mnt/boot/grub directory, and use the command sacarlson suggests, if that doesn't work, try chrooting.16:41
milamberneedhelp1: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins#Retrieving_a_factoid16:41
got_grubedk tk16:41
[TK]D-Fenderrumpe1: And there is that ;)16:41
ePiratbrb - reboot16:41
=== herton_lunch is now known as herton
tester3223Is there an official thread for doing full disk encryption?16:41
zombie_that did it, I was trying to remove a corrupted dock and I removed the task bar lol16:41
bonjoyeeneedhelp1: another possibility..is try an older kernel if its still there on the grub menu..16:41
llutz_[TK]D-Fender: and process-checking is better done using pgrep (which won't give its own pid back, unlike grep)16:41
needhelp1milamber: syrinx_ bonjoyee lol opening that link spiked my cpu to 96 percent16:42
azertythere is no firewall [TK]D-Fender16:42
[TK]D-Fenderzombie_: That is just a panel.. not a "task bar"16:42
needhelp1bonjoyee: it is, i was thinking of trying that16:42
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azertyrumpe1: so what i have to do ?16:42
[TK]D-Fenderzombie_: the fact you see runing tasks as buttons is just an optin you can add to any panel16:42
drexlazerty: do you have  localhost entry in your /etc/hosts file16:42
zombie_yeah, will it hides things for me in a work station ..16:42
[TK]D-Fender[11:42]<azerty>there is no firewall [TK]D-Fender PROVE IT.16:42
azertyhow can you say there is no process vsftp ? rumpe116:42
dajhorntester3223: The alternate installer should have support for doing a full-disk LUKS install.16:42
zombie_damn the typos16:42
needhelp1bonjoyee: i also thought about testing 11.04 beta to see if that change in kernal maybe fixes my issues16:42
bonjoyeeneedhelp1: spiking the cpu is normal...the problem is when it stays that way for no apparent reason..16:42
zombie_I'm half asleep16:43
sipiorzombie_: half-dead?16:43
milamberneedhelp1: the db of factoids is here: http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi   the preferred way of 'learning' the bot is to message it directly: /msg ubottu !<factoid>16:43
azertyyes i got drexl16:43
needhelp1bonjoyee: opening a webpage shouldnt shoot me to 96 though should it?16:43
zombie_Anybody know how to lock the firestarter firewall on the top panel ?16:43
zombie_I wanna keep my firewall on at all times but when I restart it turns its self off16:44
[TK]D-Fenderazerty: netstat -an|grep 2116:44
dookami_why can't i find "ubuntu software center" in ubuntu studio ?????????16:44
Maynelwhat is md5 of ubuntu desktop for win pls16:44
azertyok very simple question, how to run the vsftpd  server if not16:44
bonjoyeeneedhelp1: your cpu is running in the on-demand mode......so whenever you start a new process ..the cpu will spike..but it should settle later on..16:44
milamberdookami_: what version?16:44
zombie_Anybody know?16:44
=== Spec[x] is now known as Spec
zombie_I wanna lock the firewall permanently to the top so it never is off when I restart the machine.16:45
dookami_milamber: 10.1016:45
drexlzombie_: I don't use that program I generate a firewall script and load it at bootime with rc.local16:45
needhelp1im going to attempt to copy some files from the ipod. i have to go to work soon, i'll try a new kernal late tonight and try to clean out and test my fan. syrinx_ bonjoyee thanks for the help16:46
needhelp1most likely i'll freeze and have to restart16:46
bonjoyeeneedhelp1: good luck:)16:46
drexlzombie_: wanna see it?16:46
needhelp1bonjoyee: thanks16:46
syrinx_needhelp1: no prob16:46
=== Xcell is now known as wn1zid
zombie_Is it legit?16:46
zombie_I don't wanna virus16:46
drexlzombie_: yup  k just a sec I'll paste it16:46
[TK]D-FenderA virus ... on linux ...16:47
azertynetstat http://paste.ubuntu.com/574021/ [TK]D-Fender16:47
Maynelcan there be virus on linux?16:47
milamberdookami_: from the terminal try: software-center16:47
[TK]D-Fenderazerty: Il ecote meme-pas16:47
[TK]D-Fenderazerty:faire "vsftpd &"16:48
eeinMaynel: sure why not its16:48
[TK]D-Fenderazerty: et refaire netstat en-suite16:48
azertyok merci16:48
[TK]D-Fenderazerty: comme ROOT16:48
[TK]D-Fenderazerty: ou avec sudo16:48
sacarlsonzombie_: this is not windows you don't need a firewall unless you want different access from different sources16:48
zombie_Well an exploit to hack my pc could be considered a virus to me16:48
azertyi got this error when i do vsftpd &16:49
azerty500 OOPS: config file not owned by correct user, or not a file16:49
drexlzombie_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/574022/16:49
azertywhat to do ?16:49
[TK]D-Fenderzombie_: And a carrot could be considered a cucumber to me... they are both vegetables and long16:49
[TK]D-Fender[11:48]<[TK]D-Fender>azerty: comme ROOT [11:48]<[TK]D-Fender>azerty: ou avec sudo16:49
zombie_My firewall keeps getting hit over and over is that a bad thing?16:50
azertyoui je suis root ma machine16:50
drexlzombie_: that's a simple as it gets it drops any incoming requests and keeps ports oopen which you connect to.16:50
rumpe1zombie_, are you behind a NAT firewall?16:50
azertyj'ai bien lancer le service en tant que root16:50
zombie_I wouldn't see the point in hacking me, I have no money16:50
azertyand that's the error what i got16:50
zombie_its called firestarter lol thats all I know16:50
rumpe1zombie_, i mean... do you have a hardware-router?16:51
Maynelok i got right hash hope it will burn the iso16:51
[TK]D-Fenderazerty: verify that you have the right config files in place.16:51
zombie_I have a modem and a cable16:51
[TK]D-Fenderazerty: There should be a proper way to use the init launcher for this as well16:51
sacarlsonzombie_: it's common on my net to be scanned and hit that's just part of the internet,  all that is needed is to close any unneeded applications with listener ports16:51
rumpe1zombie_, ah... ok16:51
Maynelafter i try ubuntu booted from cd how can I install it ?16:51
Mayneli want 2 oses win and ubuntu16:51
Mayneli already have win16:51
bonjoyee!dualboot | Maynel16:52
ubottuMaynel: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot16:52
Mayneli have right md5 iso16:52
milamberazerty: what is the output of: nmap localhost16:52
Mayneland again power iso gived error at start16:52
Maynelerror 109 why?16:52
VesaSHello, how do I manage the permissions of the dvd inserted? it gets magically mounted under /media in my ubuntu 11.04, and there is nothing on fstab about the device.16:52
syrinx_Maynel, don't spam16:52
dookami_milamber: not really ,, help again plz16:52
BabaraBushHello i was wondering why doesnt security.ubuntu.com and extra.ubuntu.com work? ( i cant update anything )16:52
zombie_I seen a lot of people are using linux to make hacks for the ps316:52
FloodBot2jakup: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:52
milamberdookami_: what happened when you entered the command?16:52
zombie_Hey I have another question16:53
syrinx_BarbaraBush: lotta traffic today16:53
zombie_I've been asking this for days now16:53
BabaraBushand yesterday syrinx_ ?16:53
bonjoyeeMaynel: ?16:53
Maynelwhy i cannt burn iso poweriso gived 109 error on start of burning16:53
zombie_I've download GMameui and then sudo apt-get install mame   I can't get mame to work anybody know how it works?16:53
Maynelmd5 hash is ok i checked16:53
bonjoyeeMaynel: try imgburn16:53
syrinx_BarbaraBush: pretty much16:53
BabaraBushMaynel: use a usb drive, its much better really16:53
Maynelwhats that16:53
Mayneli have nero16:54
arandMaynel: Nero might work as well.16:54
bonjoyeeMaynel: and make sure you use the "burn image to disk mode"16:54
Maynelarand pls help16:54
milamber!burniso | Maynel16:54
ubottuMaynel: To burn an ISO image of a CD in Linux, Mac OS or Windows, read the howto at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto16:54
zombie_anybody know anything about mame on linux ubuntu 10.1016:54
jribzombie_: how are you trying to make it work?16:54
mapreduceHow can I set the keyboard layout for the console (outside X)?16:55
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:55
Maynelubuntu 10.10 for win dekstop is 709 mb?16:55
dookami_milamber: The program 'software-center' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:16:55
dookami_sudo apt-get install software-center16:55
dookami_but didn't work16:55
zombie_Well I read about it and I downloaded GMAMEUI and it said you have to install X mame or sdl mame or mame for it to work and I did and set the installed mame to the GMAMEUI and it doesn't do anything16:55
kjesleI have this problem, except my computer is Acer Timelinex 4820tg16:55
vanesoy yo16:55
milamberdookami_: what error are you getting when you try to install it? is this a clean install or an upgrade? (some people have been trouble with the mirrors today)16:56
sinblade29i need help with burg manager ... nothing happends16:56
kjeslehave any1 experienced the same problem?16:56
jrib!who | zombie_16:56
ubottuzombie_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:56
zombie_I dunno who I'm talking to16:56
azertyhello [TK]D-Fender16:57
Maynelubuntu 10.10 for win dekstop is 709 mb?16:57
zombie_I was just asking if anybody knew16:57
azertyi find it16:57
cube1ActionParsnip: tried nvidia-xconfig, but it still doesnt work. :(16:57
syrinx_!tab what does this do?16:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:57
drexlzombie_: are you a gemini?16:57
milamber!tab | syrinx16:57
ubottusyrinx: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.16:57
sinblade29pls is anyone who can give me a detaild  tutorial on burg-manager16:57
cube1after mistakenly installing NVIDIA drivers thru the GUI installer, my system freezes at X start. how can i return to the previous state? un/re-installing the drivers does not work! :(16:57
[TK]D-FenderMaynel: just under 700mb (1024 based)16:58
syrinx_milamber: ahh very nice16:58
azertywell that was simply to chown on /etc/vsftpd16:58
drexlzombie_: jfwy16:58
MaynelI dl ubuntu from torent is 709 mb from ubuntu.com 509 mb :((16:58
zombie_gemini? wht16:58
[TK]D-FenderMaynel: It has always been a single CD16:58
azertywell that was simply to chown on /etc/vsftpd  [TK]D-Fender16:58
Maynelubuntu 10.10 for win dekstop16:58
azertyas i said there is no firewall16:58
[TK]D-Fenderazerty: And working now?16:58
azertyyes working fine16:58
zombie_drexl: what?16:58
Braber01What's the offical support channel for Mint, because I know it's not on freenode.16:58
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VesaSWhere are the defaults defined for mounting e.g. CDROM when inserted? Now only one user can access cdrom.16:59
azertythat file was owning by asterisk16:59
lahwranso my nm-applet is using 25% of my ram in two processes, meaning 50% of my 3GB of ram is used by this silly applet - anyone know how to flush whatever is causing this?16:59
sacarlsoncube1: freezes?  does that include not working with <ctl><alt> + f2 ?16:59
drexlzombie_: you jump around like chicken with it's head cut off16:59
milamber!mint | Braber0116:59
ubottuBraber01: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org16:59
azertyi chown to root16:59
azertynow everything ok16:59
zombie_drexl:  Why are you saying this to me?16:59
BabaraBushBraber01 Linux mint is just ubuntu with another theme :p16:59
[TK]D-Fender[11:58]<azerty>as i said there is no firewall <-well there is no reason I should take your word for it.  I asked amny times and you still didn't prove it.  This could be an issue and you are preventing us for knowing that we weren't wasting our time16:59
kurtkI have Terminal Window problem. Suddenly the letter 'p' is acting like Paste. I don't know how to fix this.16:59
azertyyes i understand16:59
cube1sacarlson: yes, the tty's are not accessible as well. the monitor says "no input"17:00
syrinx_zombie_: geminis have 2 personalities17:00
azertybut thank you very much for your support [TK]D-Fender17:00
PipNaynay: Hi17:00
Maynelim sry for pm17:00
zombie_syrinx:  Do you have a problem with me ?17:00
Maynelium afraid i dl viruses17:00
[TK]D-Fenderazerty: Glad its running now just the same17:00
kjesleThis is my problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=118843017:00
cube1sacarlson: but "freeze" is not the correct word, because i can indeed access my pc with ssh on the same network17:00
azertytc bye17:00
syrinx_zombie_: was just clarifying17:00
kjesleCan anyone help?17:00
BabaraBush!act zombie_17:00
jribzombie_: http://fullcirclemagazine.org/issue-24/ article on mame here, couldn't find anything on the wiki17:00
zombie_syrix: Clarifying what I didn't do anything wrong17:01
milamber!virus > Maynel17:01
ubottuMaynel, please see my private message17:01
dookami_milamber: thanks a billion :D ,, it's working17:01
milamberdookami_: glad to hear it :)17:01
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[TK]D-Fender! virus17:02
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus17:02
[TK]D-FenderMaynel: ^^^17:02
kjeslewhen I used the left click button on my touch pad in any text area, it would scroll the page down, making it impossible to copy and paste text, which is something I have to be able to do.17:02
kjeslecan anyone help?17:02
sacarlsoncube1: well nvidia is well supported but to get it back working I guess just sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.org  and reboot to get back to default settings17:02
jribkjesle: you mean right click?17:02
cube1sacarlson: well my card is somewhat broken i believe, so if there is any way i can DISABLE any drivers, that'd be great17:03
kjeslejrib: I mean left click17:03
milamberkjesle: touchpad options are in system >> preferences >> mouse >> touchpad  you probably want to start there17:03
cube1sacarlson: tried to reset xorg.conf already, but that just screwed things up even more17:04
jribkjesle: so you are try to select text and can't because it scrolls down when you left click?17:04
sacarlsoncube1: well that will make it not run the propriatary if that's what you want17:04
kjeslejrib: That's correct17:04
VesaSWhere are the mount options for cdrom/dvd? i would like to change the default group and umask, but the device is not listed in fstab...17:04
lahwrananyone on the nm-applet?17:05
lahwranso my nm-applet is using 25% of my ram in two processes, meaning 50% of my 3GB of ram is used by this silly applet - anyone know how to flush whatever is causing this?17:05
cube1sacarlson: ok ill just try it again17:05
jribkjesle: are you tapping on the touchpad or hitting a separate button near your touchpad for the left click?17:05
zombie_Mame sucks on linux I guess, It just says Auditing Mame ROMS... for hours and does nothing..17:05
kjeslejrib: The tapping works like it should be, when I use the separate button it scrolls17:06
jribkjesle: hmm, pretty weird. Can you check if it happens with an attached mouse too/17:06
kjesleit works like normal17:07
kjeslejrib: so the only problem is the separate button17:07
cube1sacarlson: haha what?? it worked :) thanks a lot. dont know why it didnt work last time. thanks though ;)17:07
jribkjesle: what's xev say when you press the button?17:08
got_grubedI can "sudo umount /mnt "it says it's busy17:08
jribgot_grubed: close any applications accessing /mnt (including terminals)17:08
kjeslejrib: the xev?17:08
aeon-ltdgot_grubed: you should be unmounting a point in /mnt, unless your /mnt is a separate partition17:08
jribkjesle: xev is a program you can run17:08
got_grubedjrib: aeon-ltd im on livecd17:09
aeon-ltdgot_grubed: oh17:09
got_grubedfollowing restore grub instrutctions17:09
ubuntunuevoalguien español?17:09
jrib!es | ubuntunuevo17:09
ubottuubuntunuevo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:09
Fuchs!es ubuntunuevo17:09
ubuntunuevosorry ...17:10
kjeslejrib: dont get anything by running xev17:10
jribkjesle: you need to tap the button while the cursor is in the square17:10
cube1when will libreoffice replace openoffice in ubuntu? and is it already in the repos?17:12
arandgot_grubed: it may be that your terminal is browsing in /mnt or so, but anyways, it will automatically unmount when you reboot/shutdown17:12
kjeslejrib: oh wait hang on... ButtonPress event, serial 32, synthetic NO, window0x5a000117:12
arandcube1: In natty most likely17:12
Hans_Henrikhow can i start an application from gnome-shell, and make both stderr and stdout go to "log.txt"?17:12
arandcube1: i.e. 11.0417:12
jribHans_Henrik: what version of ubuntu?17:13
llutz_Hans_Henrik: app &>log.txt             if using bash17:13
Hans_Henrik10.10 LTS updated today17:13
got_grubedyes arand  PROBLEM SOLVED hehheheheehehhehehehehehe party timeeeeeeeeeeee17:13
jribHans_Henrik: 10.10 isn't LTS17:13
Hans_Henrikoh, dont remember what then, whats the latest LTS?17:13
jrib!version | Hans_Henrik17:13
ubottuHans_Henrik: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »17:13
Hans_HenrikDescription:    Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS17:14
Hans_Henriksrry :p17:14
Hans_Henrikllutz_: app &>log.txt  on Gnome terminal 2.30.217:15
Hans_Henrikllutz_: know if thats correct?17:16
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arandgot_grubed: glad it worked :)17:16
llutz_Hans_Henrik: app == the program you want to run17:16
Hans_Henrikgot it17:16
rgb247hi to everyone, I have a problem17:17
rgb247there was a folder where was saved browser cache (ex images/videos) from web sites which I browse17:17
rgb247which are this location?17:17
rgb247I remember it was something with tmp name... but I can't found it again17:17
jribrgb247: about:cache  will tell you17:17
rgb247I think yes, it's cache...17:18
llutz_Hans_Henrik: "app >log.txt 2>&1"   if you're using dash, which is the default shell used in scripts (/bin/sh) since a while17:18
jribrgb247: type "about:cache" in your address bar17:18
arandgot_grubed: For next time when you install on a usb stick it's good to tell the installation program to install grub to the usb stick (/dev/sdb or so), instead of overwriting the mbr.17:18
Maynelany idea why when i try to open my just burned ubuntu cd my win freezes17:18
olpxwhich laptop are better for linux? turion p450+ati hd4250 or i3+intel-graphics17:18
syrinx_Maynel: because windows sucks probably17:19
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milamberHans_Henrik: if you want to record program output while it runs (for debugging) you may have to look into the 'script' command17:19
rgb247jrib: thanks you, but there was a physical location on my hdd where these data was stored...17:19
arandMaynel: Are you trying to install through wubi or make a separate dual-boot?17:19
rgb247do you know this location?17:19
Mayneli burned iso17:19
jribrgb247: yes, about:cache tells you the location17:19
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jrib!away > tomas-_|away17:20
ubottutomas-_|away, please see my private message17:20
rgb247jrib: about:cache return a list with URL's, how can I find the physical location?17:20
syrinx_rgb247: firefox right?17:21
rgb247no, chrome17:21
arand!install | Maynel17:21
ubottuMaynel: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate17:21
jribrgb247: do not click anything, just look at the "cache directory" entry for "Disk cache device" right after you enter about:cache17:21
jribrgb247: ah, I was assuming firefox17:21
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got_grubedarand: thank you and all other ppl for having time to help me17:22
rgb247thanks you, I'll use firefox to make my work17:22
powdahoundSorry for what's probably a repeat question - but what's up with security.ubuntu.com? Keeps timing out for me.17:23
got_grubedarand: I used Ubuntu default install it didnt provide any option for bootloader :\17:23
syrinx_powdahound: high traffic today17:23
Calehmm, the Language Support dialog claims that it's impossible to install any software and that I should run sudo apt-get install -f or Synaptic to fix the problem, but apt-get and Synaptic don't report any problems. There are some upgrades which are being held back for whatever reason, but I can install things just fine.17:23
Maynel why i cant burn ubuntu iso for win dekstop standallone 10.10 i can't burn it with poweriso is says error 109 at the start, and if i try with nero it burns but when i try to open cd id freezes the windows17:24
cfeddepowdahound: I followed somehints from the error message and ran: 'sudo apt-get update --fix-missing' before the upgrade17:24
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:24
CaleMaynel: That's really strange.17:25
Maynelmaybe i have nasty virus?17:25
jribkjesle: interesting, it's definitely spamming button 5 even though you're only tapping the button and not even touching the touchpad.  You should check for bugs with the driver.  Maybe see if it happens with older/newer versions17:25
Mayneli have kaspersky..17:25
Mayneljust scanned17:25
wastlmaybe you have17:25
CaleMaynel: I think it's more likely that the iso file you downloaded is incomplete or corrupted somehow.17:26
Abhijithow do i change username?17:26
wastlsince iso (i.e. iso9960) is a non os specific standard17:26
powdahoundcfedde: Cool, mine wasn't kind enough to tell me that. :) I'll give it a shot17:26
wastlit should be burned and read on any os capable of accessing a cdrom17:26
Maynelcale md5 is ok17:26
Calehuh, okay...17:26
Maynelstill iso can be damaged?17:26
wastliso9660 even17:26
CaleWell, that makes it extraordinarily unlikely that the file is damaged.17:27
Maynelif md5 is fine?17:27
wastlshould be ok if md5 is ok since any change on the data inside would affect  the md5 sum17:27
Mayneli think nero is a virus17:27
Maynelwhen i instaled pirate versioon it fucked me up17:27
kjeslejrib: I have tried to reinstall the Synaptics driver, but it wont work17:27
Maynelif you crack it i think it will crack your computer up..17:27
CaleWell, I suppose it's possible.17:27
jmwpcMaynel: when I installed a retail version that I paid for it messed my system up good17:27
jribkjesle: yes, reinstalling would not do much17:28
jribkjesle: by the way, do you have a different OS on the machine as well?  To rule out a hardware issue?17:28
[TK]D-FenderMaynel: .....17:28
kjeslejrib: No, just ubuntu17:28
[TK]D-Fender[12:18]<Maynel>any idea why when i try to open my just burned ubuntu cd my win freezes <- what does this mean?17:28
MaynelI cant burn iso with poweriso17:29
Maynelit says error 10917:29
* syrinx_ doesn't like where this channel is going....17:29
Mayneli can with nero17:29
Calehmm, why does my nvidia-current package conflict with xserver-xorg-core?17:29
Maynelbut then when i try to open dvd it freeze my windows17:29
Maynelmd5 is fine17:29
syrinx_Maynel, why don't you boot the dvd instead17:30
CaleDoes the nvidia driver not work with the latest xorg available?17:30
batataalgum canal brasileiro aqui?17:30
fbsrosafala ai cara17:30
bastidrazorMaynel: poweriso is a conversion tool, not a burning application.17:30
Mayneli installed cracked nero and i think it fucked up something ith my dvd drivers or something..17:30
edwardteachMaynel,  do you mean you get a blank screen on boot from iso?. have you tried to press f617:30
IdleOne!language | Maynel17:30
ubottuMaynel: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:30
Maynelbut i cant open it..17:30
syrinx_batata: #ubuntu-br17:31
CaleMaynel: Did you try *booting* from it though?17:31
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CaleMaynel: Like, restart your computer and let it boot from the CD instead of your harddrive17:31
Mayneli will now17:31
batatasyrinx_, obrigado. tanks.17:31
llutz_Maynel: stealing stoftware won't make you 1337.17:31
Maynelwhats 1337 ^^17:31
kjeslejrib: So what do you suggest I can do?17:31
Mayneli wont poay for dvd burner :^17:31
fbsrosasyrinx_, good to know, thank you17:31
jribkjesle: interesting, it's definitely spamming button 5 even though you're only tapping the button and not even touching the touchpad.  You should check for bugs with the driver.  Maybe see if it happens with older/newer versions17:32
Mayneli wanted to try17:32
Maynelas i cant burn with poweriso17:32
CaleIf all else fails, you might find a free piece of software for burning the iso file.17:32
Maynelbut why cant burn with power iso17:32
[TK]D-Fender[12:29]<Maynel>but then when i try to open dvd it freeze my windows <- firs, this isn't a ***DVD**17:32
Maynelmd5 is fie17:32
[TK]D-FendermayNext, open HOW?17:32
FloodBot2Maynel: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:32
kjeslejrib: allright, thanks for the help :)17:32
syrinx_fbsrosa: not very active though :-(17:32
wastlMaynel: becauzse power iso is not a burning tool!17:32
edwardteach!enter | Maynel17:32
ubottuMaynel: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:32
fbsrosasyrinx_: very boring...17:33
wastlMaynel: power iso is for converting something to iso or something like that...not for burning it17:33
MaynelI cant explore bootble ubuntu dvd?17:33
Maynelwastl i can burn with poweriso17:33
[TK]D-FenderMaynel: IT ISN'T A DVD IT IS A CD17:33
jmwpcMaynel: I like imgburn for windows... it's free.17:33
[TK]D-FenderMaynel: Next, use a proper tool for the job17:34
* wastl doesn't use windows...except for playing some games17:34
fbsrosathis Maynel is flooding the channel with un-important things.17:34
BitWraithI have XUbuntu installed here via Wubi... if I installed a different Linux system using Wubi, would that overwrite my existing configuration with XUbuntu, or just add a third boot option?17:34
mouse-_hi fellow ubuntu users! i don't have a soundcard in my machine, but I want to use the snd-dummy .. where in the world are the dummy sound drivers located? (i don't think i have them in my repository)17:34
syrinx_Maynel: [TK]D-Fender: jmwpc: i like ubuntu because its ALL free17:34
saxinwastl: then you use windows17:34
[TK]D-Fendersyn3rgy: Even the non-free parts!17:34
[TK]D-Fendersyrinx_: rather17:35
macoMaynel: please stop using the enter key as a comma or full stop17:35
syrinx_[TK]D-Fender: name fail lol17:35
llutz_[TK]D-Fender: cd-iso burned to dvd runs  fine17:35
jmwpcsyrinx_: me too... windows is for work && WoW... I'm moving to ubuntu for everything else.17:35
wastlsaxin: that's what I said: the only thing i use windows for is playing some game17:35
VesaSWhere are the mount options for cdrom/dvd? i would like to change the default group and umask, but the device is not listed in fstab...17:35
fbsrosaI keep my windows because I still using SC3 Suite to design.17:35
[TK]D-Fendersyrinx_: Indeed17:36
fbsrosaAs soon as I learn how to design with Ubuntu, Bye Windows.17:36
Abhijitjmag, i use ubuntu for my all work and i dont use windows17:36
syrinx_[TK]D-Fender: you wouldn't happen to play, would you?17:36
[TK]D-Fenderllutz_: Yes, but you let one twit try and cheat and they'll think they don't have to follow any rules as stated17:36
[TK]D-Fenderllutz_: Everyone becomes "special", and they have they're own Olympics17:37
got_grubedHow can I make install Ubuntu from LiveCD to USB without ruining grub? in 10.10 i dont any option to choose the bootloader. help!!17:37
syrinx_llutz_: and everyone wins in the special olympics!17:37
llutz_[TK]D-Fender i only refer to  [TK]D-Fender> Maynel: IT ISN'T A DVD IT IS A CD17:37
got_grubed*How can I install Ubuntu from LiveCD to USB without ruining grub? in 10.10 i dont see any option to choose the bootloader. help me!17:37
syrinx_fbsrosa: can't you use WINE for CS3?17:38
photerrananyone know whats going on with the security.ubuntu.com repository?  is it under DDoS or just a really heavy day of traffic?17:38
Abhijithi guys17:38
dajhornVesaS: The disc is being mounted by the gnome helper, not the /etc/fstab.  If you want to override the user and group, then adding an /etc/fstab for the disc is an easy solution.17:38
Abhijitwhats the command to install sun java?17:38
fbsrosasyrinx_: WINE??? what is it?17:38
syrinx_photerran: probably traffic17:38
Abhijitsomething like openjdk-something-something?17:38
[TK]D-Fenderllutz_: yeah, well at the same time he'll start reversing all sorts of things he'll tell us and we're not sure what he's actually following... it tend to lead to future miscommunication if he does.  And hearing him mention DVD after being told repetitively makes us all wond what feeback we can trrust17:38
syrinx_!wine | fbsrosa17:38
ubottufbsrosa: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu17:38
photerranAbhijit: you need to enable the partner repository then you can add it like normal, the package name is sun-java6-jdk17:39
dajhornphoterran: It is slow today because of the large number of security updates.17:39
wastlfbsrosa: a recursive definition ;) It means "Wine is not an Emulator"17:39
edwardteachgot_grubed,  it should be in the drop down menus preferences >>17:39
Abhijitphoterran, ammm ok17:39
fbsrosawastl: good to know guys.17:39
syrinx_wastl: lol, that, too!17:39
fbsrosaI'm newbie to Ubuntu.17:39
wastlthough you use wine to emulate kind of windows environment to run some windows app in17:39
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got_grubededwardteach: i dont think so17:39
DaraelI'm having some problems with Flash in 64-bit Ubuntu.  Have tested both repository-32-bit and native-64-bit flash player.  In any case, pressing the shift key is registered, but releasing it doesn't seem to be, unless there's a text-entry area in the Flash.  Example of places it can happen: http://ur1.ca/3cg3b (this is /not/ bug 410407)17:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 410407 in ia32-libs (Ubuntu) "Adobe Flash Player does not respond to mouse clicks [READ DESCRIPTION]" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41040717:40
photerrandajhorn: good to know... this makes is pretty much impossible for me to spin up new EC2 instances today17:40
fbsrosaI changed to Ubuntu because I could not run Ruby on Rails well on Windows.17:40
fbsrosaI'm on Ubuntu for only three weeks.17:40
photerranthe EC2 image automatically connects to security.ubuntu.com and hangs (using cloud-config to run apt-upgrade)17:40
edwardteachgot_grubed,  administration >> startup disk creator17:41
got_grubededwardteach: that is for USB live not persistent.17:41
dajhornphoterran:  us.archive has most (or all) of the security updates.  You can temporarily change your security line.17:41
got_grubedI want to install Maverick from livecd to usb without ruining hdd grub17:41
pkkmHow to automatically convert files with various encodings to UTF8?17:42
photerranyes i already have... BUT i need partner too... is the partner repository mirrored anywhere other than archive.canonical.com?17:42
Daraelfbsrosa: It's good to have you with us in the Ubuntu world.  I have to be boring and point out that this is a support channel only - if you have a question, please ask it, or to chat go to #ubuntu-offtopic.17:42
photerranbut changing the security mirror location to the EC2 mirror means my instance spin-up is not fully automated :-/17:42
photerranwhich is OK for now, but i can't install sun-java at all!17:42
dluzionHello, howcome gparted sees my raid setup (stripe-0) (sis 182) as 2 seperate disks?17:42
dajhornphoterran: If you are stuck, then copy the debs that you need from /var/cache/apt/archives on a working EC2 instance.17:43
tap-outgot_grubed, u wont to run the os directly from the usb17:43
photerrangood idea, this is a nasty workaround but it will get the job done, thanks for the tip!17:43
wastldluzion: this usually happens if the kernel does recognize the controller and drives but not the raid component of it17:43
dajhornphoterran: Are you using the official EC2 images?  -- I'm pretty sure that they pull from an archive instance in EC2/S3 land.17:43
photerranyes i am, and yes they use the EC2 mirror location for everything EXCEPT security updates, which it pulls direct from security.ubuntu.com17:44
genii-aroundpkkm: The manpage for iconv might be useful to you17:44
fbsrosaDarael: sorry, i didn't mean to chat here. I'm after learning. Sorry.17:44
ubuntunuevoi can´t install ubuntu netbook in my laptop17:44
[TK]D-FenderdlWhat did you set that "raid" up with?  What data is on it?17:44
Abhijiti cant install sun java because canonical servers are off. help!17:44
ubuntunuevothe process stop here http://img228.imageshack.us/i/sany1888.jpg/17:44
got_grubedtap-out: yes!17:45
[TK]D-Fenderdluzion:  What did you set that "raid" up with?  What data is on it?17:45
got_grubedtap-out: but how can i choose the grub setting?!17:45
Daraelfbsrosa: It's quite OK, we don't mind, just someone had to say it eventually.  Have a good one.17:45
dajhornphoterran: Bummer.17:45
BitWraithIs an initrd necessary to boot a Wubi Ubuntu install, or can I modify my kernel/initrd without paying any attention to wubi?17:45
photerrantell me about it, lol17:45
fbsrosaDarael:  Thanks for welcoming me.17:45
Gibss37I today installed ubuntu dual boot with windows 7, but when i booted windows 7, and used recovery, on restart a blank screen appeared with " No module found and No Operating system found"17:45
[TK]D-Fendergot_grubed: Install onto another drive.  Then jsut copy the partition over17:45
DaraelI'm having some problems with Flash in 64-bit Ubuntu.  Have tested both repository-32-bit and native-64-bit flash player.  In any case, pressing the shift key is registered, but releasing it doesn't seem to be, unless there's a text-entry area in the Flash.  Example of places it can happen: http://ur1.ca/3cg3b17:46
[TK]D-Fendergot_grubed: The ubuntu installer "does tis thing".  You don't get an "option"17:46
pkkmgenii-around, iconv isn't automatic.17:46
[TK]D-FendersotSo work around it17:46
fbsrosaDarael:  I noticed that you had problems with Flash.17:46
cmolhai... am need you help, am have used duel boot, ubuntu 10.10 and windows xp17:46
tap-outgot_grubed , tell first u won t to use the boot directly from the usb17:46
[TK]D-Fendergot_grubed: So work around it17:46
cmolam need unistall windows xp17:46
fbsrosaI'm having some also.17:46
got_grubed[TK]D-Fender: not it doesnt! it ruined the bootloader!!!!!!!17:46
cmolcan any body help me..17:46
got_grubedthats what i thought...17:46
got_grubed[TK]D-Fender: im ubuntu 10.10 there isnt an option to choose where to install the bootloader!17:46
Daraelfbsrosa: Aye.  Specifically, the shift key.  Don't suppose you have any ideas?17:47
fbsrosaSometimes Flash animations don't open.17:47
cmolhai... am need unistall windows xp from my ubuntu, any body can help me to give some tutor.17:47
[TK]D-Fendergot_grubed: Indeed.  It installs on the SAME DRIVE.17:47
genii-aroundpkkm: Have a cronjob that converts whatever you have in a directory or so. Or you want some way to have on-the-fly conversion?17:47
[TK]D-Fendergot_grubed: So again.. cheat.  Install on aother drive, then copy the partition.17:47
Daraelgot_grubed: I suggest using the alternate CD to do the install.  It's what I did, works nicely.17:47
fbsrosaDarael:  When in YouTube, opens the first, but not the second I click on.17:47
NathanGcmol: you want to uninstall windows?17:47
got_grubed[TK]D-Fender: i dont have another drive I have the HDD and the USB!17:47
Daraelfbsrosa: I'm not sure, sorry.17:48
Gibss37I today installed ubuntu dual boot with windows 7, but when i booted windows 7, and used recovery, on restart a blank screen appeared with " No module found and No Operating system found"17:48
xtracdoes anyone know a program that will read the contents of a folder then produce a list and put it in html format so I can view the contents of folders in a web browser17:48
[TK]D-Fendergot_grubed: then set up a VM on your main HD and do it there17:48
fbsrosaDarael: It's OK.17:48
[TK]D-Fendergot_grubed: You will clearly need to get more creative.17:48
NathanGcmol: you can edit your grub.conf file to allow for a dual boot of ubuntu and XP17:48
icerootgot_grubed: what about installing the boot-loader by hand?17:48
cmolNethanG, yes am need unistall windows17:48
xtracDoes anyone know a program that will read the contents of a folder then produce a list and put it in html format so I can view the contents of folders in a web browser?17:48
jfaoiejjafjxtrac: PHP can do that17:49
[TK]D-Fender[12:47]<got_grubed>THE PROBLEM IS THE BOOTLOADER <- And I heard you.  Many times.  The thing actually.  And you can bypass all of that if you'll pay attention.17:49
got_grubed[TK]D-Fender: but why the hell in 10.10 there isnt an option to choose the bootloader17:49
jribxtrac: why?  You can just type file:/// in your address bar17:49
got_grubediceroot: because i dont know how to do it?17:49
xtracI know but I want to make an mp3 playlist17:49
xtracin html17:49
Daraelgot_grubed: I submit that you can avoid the hassle of using another drive us [TK]D-Fender suggests by installing with the Alternate CD, which /will/ give you the option.17:49
Abhijitcmol, just delete windows partition from linux17:49
icerootxtrac: apache is doing that by default. called mod_listdir (imo)17:49
xtracand put it on my website17:49
bluenemo_hi guys. i cant play .mkv files with big resolution, my cpu is running on limit all the time. do i need more cpu to encode those big movies?17:49
cmolam now so love my ubuntu, am need remove my windows xp, any body can help me for make me full migration17:49
got_grubedDarael: whats the differente between normal and alternate17:49
NathanGcmol: what Abhijit said17:49
cmolAbhijit, can you give me some tutor17:49
[TK]D-Fendergot_grubed: Because newbs won't have a CLUE what to do with it.  That's why "What's a grub?"  "Sounds like a worm, I DON'T WANT VIRUSES!!!"17:49
photerrandajhorn: for the record, editing sources.list to use the us.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com location rather than security.ubuntu.com for security updates works well.17:49
[TK]D-Fendergot_grubed: Get over it and move on.17:49
icerootgot_grubed: grub-install /dev/sdX  where X is the drive you want17:49
NathanGcmol: you can use fdisk17:50
got_grubed[TK]D-Fender: wtf?17:50
NathanGif you're familiar with it17:50
Daraelgot_grubed: Alternate uses a curses-based (text-mode) installer, not a live environment, and gives a lot more options for how to do the install.17:50
NathanGcmol: or the partition editor17:50
cmolplease give me some tutor17:50
Abhijitcmol, open gparted - *be sure * to locate only window spartition unmoutn it select delte. enjoy your freedom!17:50
jfaoiejjafjbluenemo_: What's your processor speed?17:50
Abhijitcmol, dont use fdisk or something17:50
Abhijitcmol, only use gparted17:50
Abhijitits gui tool very easy dont go to mess with fdisk at this stage17:50
bluenemo_jfaoiejjafj, well idk about 2ghz dualcore or so, nothing special17:50
cmolwhare the best way?17:50
Abhijitits not best way. its easy way.17:51
bluenemo_but i'm shure its because decompressing is so nasty..17:51
Abhijitcmol, from system->administratioon open gparted17:51
jfaoiejjafjbluenemo_: You could try VLC, that uses GPU for decoding now I believe17:51
[TK]D-Fendergot_grubed: Stop complaining about the aprt you don't like.  Ubuntu assimes grub, that is how it is built.  These aren't "options".  You can cheap (up to a poitn) but will have to do some of it manually.17:51
jfaoiejjafjbluenemo_: usually a lot smoother than totem17:51
got_grubed[TK]D-Fender: k ill use virtualbox17:51
Gibss37is GRUB faulty17:51
cmoloke Abhijit, am will follow you step17:51
bluenemo_ah ok that is very interesting, i'll try that (vlc and gpu)17:51
Gibss37! grub17:51
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.17:51
fbsrosaPlease, where I can learn something about grub?17:51
[TK]D-Fendergot_grubed: these are the circumstances you have to deal with.  If you don't like them, then you can always install some otehr distro that is more cooperative to your special requirements17:52
fbsrosaSomeone just answered. Thanks.17:52
Abhijitfbsrosa, on their website17:52
cmolhei hei, Abhijit am not have gparted ? whare it's17:52
NathanG@Abhijit: I'm really just curious here: so will gparted automatically partition the empty space as unix extension?17:52
got_grubed[TK]D-Fender: you are pissing me off because in 10.04 LIVE installer there is an option to choose where to install the bootloader! stop saying bs17:52
MACscrWhat kind of backup methods are you guys using to roll your system back after lets say an update fubar's your system, etc? I was thinking something like back in time or Déjà Dup17:52
mouse-_hey ubuntu users! =D I have a server with no soundcard but i want to use the snd-dummy module (for some alsa audio pipes). But "modprobe soundcore" returns "could not find module" .. is it possible I don't have the alsa drivers repository ?17:52
Abhijitcmol, oh you dont have it. install it by doiing sudo apt-get install gparted17:52
[TK]D-Fendergot_grubed: And in what other release?17:52
LicuadoraHello everyone. In mplayer, how do I convert a .mov file to a TARGA .tga images?17:52
cmolem... oke...17:52
AbhijitNathanG, nope;. its just easy gui thingy for new comers.17:52
* got_grubed ignores [TK]D-Fender 17:52
NathanGright! :)17:52
cmolAbhijit, need wait, couse am still upgrade my robot the love ubuntu 10.10 :) xD am will call back u.17:53
icerootgot_grubed: we dont need that here17:53
Gibss37is there anybody??17:53
Abhijitcmol, hmm17:53
got_grubediceroot: yes kick [TK]D-Fender ..17:53
shinchani'm a new comer17:53
dajhorngot_grubed: That isn't likely to happen.  He is a helpful regular here.17:54
Gibss37i am facing probs with dual boot win 7 and ubuntu17:54
theperfecttacosemi-unrelated to ubuntu....can a dvd+r be formatted after it's been partially written? or only RW?17:54
NathanGGibss37: what's up?17:54
LicuadoraDoes anyone knows how to convert a .mov file to a .tga series of images in mplayer?17:54
Abhijithi shinbuntu do you have ubuntu question?17:54
abhijaincananybody provide me help on javacc17:54
[TK]D-Fendericeroot: Feelin' the love.. yes I am.  No good deed goes unpunished. theungrateful++17:54
iceroottheperfecttaco: only rw17:54
Abhijitabhijain, O_o17:54
Gibss37NathanG: I today installed ubuntu dual boot with windows 7, but when i booted windows 7, and used recovery, on restart a blank screen appeared with " No module found and No Operating system found"17:55
noob645Hi anybody know what the best way to install drupal on ubuntu?17:55
theperfecttacoiceroot: piss. thanks.17:55
Gibss37noob645:  use drush17:55
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)17:55
Gibss37noob645:  its simplest17:55
tonyyarussonoob645: It's in the repos, but I find it better to just install from the tarball.17:55
Abhijitwhen will canonical servers will be repaired!!!!!!!!!!17:55
smerznoob645, you'll need LAMP enviroment first to instal drupal on (the web CMS just to be sure)17:55
iceroottonyyarusso: tarballs have avery big disadvantage. no security updates17:55
abhijainAbhijit, can you provide me help on javacc17:55
PiciAbhijit: Whats the problem?17:56
NathanGgibss37: both OS on same physical disc?17:56
MACscranyone using the ati proprietary drivers? Have they gotten any better in the past 6 months?>17:56
abhijainAbhijit, searcing online community for javacc17:56
AbhijitPici, servers are down/off. i want to install sun java17:56
cmolAbhijit, i will used virtual box for run my windows xp, for test some app, any ide?17:56
NathanGgibss37: grub.conf edited accordingly?17:56
Abhijitabhijain, details?17:56
smerzMACscr, if you mean17:56
PiciAbhijit: Which server?17:56
Gibss37NathanG: yes same physical but different partitions17:56
tonyyarussoiceroot: In the case of Drupal, which is in universe, not main, you are less likely to get a security update from the repos.  (And the software tells you when one is available)17:56
AbhijitPici, archieve.canonical.com17:56
smerzthe lagging issue with compiz. that's fine now. i'm using them and am happy. ati 485017:56
Abhijitcmol, any what?17:56
tap-outgot_grubed, check this tutorial http://www.pendrivelinux.com/usb-ubuntu-804-persistent-install-via-the-live-cd/17:56
Gibss37i think grub is faulty17:57
wastlxtrac: you may use ls and pipe it through a2x to create html from its output17:57
NathanGI was wondering that...17:57
PiciAbhijit: Thats not a valid server name.  How are you trying to install java?17:57
NathanGI haven't tried it with Win717:57
tonyyarussonoob645: Additionally, I like to keep my sites directory separate and just symlink it, so there's less work to do when upgrading between drupal versions and permissions can be set differently, etc.17:57
abhijainAbhijit, want to create parser  on javacc . javac is a compiler for compiler17:57
MACscrsmerz: sweet thats the card i have. Im currently using the open source drivers, but want a little better 3d support. Hope they work correctly with my dual monitors though17:57
MACscri think im going to create an image before i try them17:57
NathanGGibss37: is recovery equivalent to "Safe mode"?17:57
AbhijitPici, oh i now its not its just i typed it manualy here. i am juust telling you whichj server is that. i have its proper name in my system. i try to install by command apt-get install sun-java6-jdk17:58
smerzMACscr, dunno about dual monitors17:58
tonyyarussonoob645, iceroot: You can also install the Nagios Monitoring plugin for Drupal, set up Nagios, and get an e-mail and/or SMS alert when security updates are available.17:58
Abhijitabhijain, no idea try #java17:58
russ_These last two updates have destroyed my CD, DVD and MP-250 printer/scanner usage and filled my disc to the point of not being able to work (aka pay the bills).  Can some please advise how to undo the damage?17:58
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cmolAbhijit, am need test some network tool like putty, couse if am used ssh on linux am not so understand, and i will install virtual box for run my windows17:58
PiciAbhijit: What version of Ubuntu are you using?17:58
smerzMACscr, but I'm playing quakelive without fps drops17:58
smerzquadcore 2,5ghz cpu17:58
Gibss37NathanG:  no, its like recovering data on a partition using a software17:58
AbhijitPici, lucid. i enabled parterner already17:58
NathanGGibss37: Ah, gotcha.  Did you install Win7 first or Ubuntu first on that drive?17:59
Abhijitcmol, so what is the qestioon?17:59
cmolon linux, ssh i only can used 1 id, and can't more id (i have test on fonera.20n)17:59
noob645OK thanks17:59
noob645is lamp or xampp better?17:59
noob645yeah I have a problem with tarballs too. I don't know how to uninstall them if I mess up the install.17:59
noob645with the repos you can just remove from the package manager.17:59
FloodBot2noob645: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:59
PiciAbhijit: It seems to be working for me, but it is awfully slow.17:59
cmolAbhijit, on linux, ssh i only can used 1 id, and can't more id (i have test on fonera.20n)17:59
Gibss37Win 717:59
jfaoiejjafjAbhijit: If the repos are down, you can always install Java from the installer at the Oracle website17:59
AbhijitPici, and it is not working here at all. connectin time out17:59
fidyduceis there something wrong with unetbootin???17:59
Abhijitjfaoiejjafj, ok17:59
NathanGGibss37: That would be the way to do it...17:59
Abhijitcmol, which is your language?18:00
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syrinx_noob645: i think you understanding of what lamp is, is obscured18:00
NathanGGibss37: tell me more about recovery--is it a built in windows program?18:00
Gibss37NathanG: yes it is18:00
syrinx_fr00d: hello!18:00
shane4ubuntuanyone ever use the program Nasty in the repos?  I'm having a difficult time figuring out how to use it.18:00
Artemis3cmol, putty works with wine, no need for virtual box. I used to flash fonera in the past :)18:00
cmolindonesia, but have problem on indonesia chanel, no body on thare, am love on this chanel18:00
cmol:) you used fonera Artemis3 am love it18:01
NathanGGibss37: do you select it from the grub menu at boot time, or how is it accessed?18:01
Gibss37it just formats the already present data on windows partition and restore a backup data there18:01
cmolcan you share some tutorial for me, Artemis318:01
NathanGI see...18:01
Abhijitcmol, i cant understand what you want. sorry i cant help.18:01
fidyduceevery time i use unetbootin to load a iso on to my thumb drive it will not load all the way it says something about tty is disabled....18:01
Artemis3cmol, older fonera was different to flash18:01
fr00dI'm trying to get vdpau with mplayer work again with 10.10. I just installed a virgin OS on my media center because I had a hdd crash. But all I get is: Error when calling vdp_device_create_x11: 23. Can somebody tell me what's going wrong?18:01
sacarlson!lamp | noob64518:01
ubottunoob645: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)18:01
PiciAbhijit: I'll forward my findings on to Canonical, and see if they can take a look at it.18:02
fr00dNvidia driver currently installed is nvidia-current: 260.19.06-0ubuntu118:02
AbhijitPici, sure. thanks.18:02
cmolam used Fonera 2.0n what you used Artemis318:02
Gibss37You just have to keep pressing F8 whi;e booting and a menu loads up18:02
Artemis3cmol, it was like 3 years ago ;)18:02
NathanGgibss37: ahh18:02
Artemis3cmol, the device now has dd-wrt18:02
AbhijitPici, now it is accesing that repo but as you said its very very slow18:03
DaraelI'm having some problems with Flash in 64-bit Ubuntu.  Have tested both repository-32-bit and native-64-bit flash player.  In any case, pressing the shift key is registered, but releasing it doesn't seem to be, unless there's a text-entry area in the Flash.  Example of places it can happen: http://ur1.ca/3cg3b18:03
dorgananyone in here have any experience using curl from the command line?18:03
Abhijitbut it is working now Pici18:03
NathanGGibss37: that makes me think it has something to do with how you've configured grub.conf18:03
LicuadoraDoes anyone knows how to convert a .mov file to a .tga series of images in mplayer?18:03
cmolcan you give me some experience18:03
xtracwhen i click on a link to jpg file in firefox it keeps trying to open it in a seperate program (instead of opening in a new firefox tab)18:03
cmolArtemis3, can you give me some experience18:03
Artemis3cmol, let me check18:03
Gibss37how do you configure it manually18:03
cmolwhat you want check? Artemis318:03
Gibss37I have read on few forums that recovery soft deletes MBR and creates new every time18:04
Dr_WillisLicuadora:  i think that mencoder or ffmpeg could convert to image files.. but not sure about thembeing 'tga'18:04
NathanGGibss37: you'll have to boot to ubuntu, then use a text editor to edit /boot/grub/grub.conf file18:04
kurtkI have a Terminal Window problem. Can someone help?18:04
jfaoiejjafjLicuadora: VLC can do this also. I suggest carefully reading the documentation on their respective websites.18:05
Gibss37I am on it18:05
NathanGGibss37: Wow... recovery deletes MBR?18:05
Artemis3cmol, i see fon changed atheros with ralink... cant see procedure yet; http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Supported_Devices#FON18:05
jribDarael: works ok here on flash player square18:05
Dr_Williskurtk:  tell the channel the problem in more detail.18:05
drcLicuadora: if no one here knows the answer, you might try #mplayer here on freenode18:05
kurtkHe Dr_willis. The letter 'p' doesn't work. It acts like Paste.18:05
cmol:( my fonera 2.0n not support it:(18:05
Gibss37NathanG:  read http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=134385118:05
JoniiDoes anyone know why Ubuntu + mkv seems to almost always result in "Video playback does not work. At all"?18:05
Artemis3cmol, mine was fonera 220018:05
NathanGGibss37: that could very well be the problem: if recovery deletes MBR, there's a conflict, because GRUB installs itself over the MBR in the first place when you install linux18:06
georgie_bhello can any one tell me how to do port forwarding in ubuntu?18:06
jribJonii: mkv is a container18:06
jfaoiejjafjJonii: Never had a problem. Presuming you've installed all codecs?18:06
hwildeJonii, I use VLC18:06
drcJonii: works for me in vlc18:06
Joniihwilde, that was my first attempt18:06
bl4ckcombgeorgie_b, are you using ubuntu as a router?18:06
syrinx_georgie_b: port forwarding happens at the router18:06
Gibss37NathanG:  so any solution18:06
photerrangeorgie_b: 'man iptables' read the part about the 'nat' table, the PREROUTING chain, and the DNAT target18:06
georgie_bwell i'm behind the modem18:06
JoniiUbuntu-version of VLC doesn't work. I'm thinking if I should try using wine to use Media Player Classic from windows18:06
syrinx_Jonii: what about amarok?18:07
NathanGGibss37:have you looked at the GAG bootloader?18:07
drcJonii: Of course one of the first things I do on an install is add medibuntu and restricted formats18:07
Gibss37NathanG:  nopes18:07
kurtkAs of this morning, whenever I open a Terminal Window, the letter 'p' no longer works. I don't know what I did. It is acting like Paste. I tried reinstall gnome-terminal and gnome-terminal-data. To no avail.18:07
NathanGyou'll probably have to do something different than the standard GRUB that comes with UBUNTU18:07
drcJonii: vlc works just fine on ubuntu18:07
Gibss37so any good bootloader18:08
JoniiI'm not saying mkv _totally_ fails. Like, I can usually see about one minute worth of the video, even though it's usually choppy and may crash vlc18:08
cmolArtemis3, am used fonera with fcc NDD9564250816 can't run dd-wrt vertion just run with fonera vertion :(18:08
fr00dIs there somebody who can give me a hint for the mplayer vdpau problem after reinstalling ubuntu?18:08
jribJonii: it's likely a codec issue not a container issue18:08
jribfr00d: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)18:08
NathanGGibss37: it seems to me after this talk that since both GRUB and the win7 bootloader are doing something to the MBR, the system has no clue what's going on18:08
strikerhow to run vlc on ubuntu?18:08
NathanGGibss37: I would check out that GAG bootloader18:08
JoniiIt's just that, it's very rare that anything works behind that point. The default media player Ubuntu comes with usually crashes after some 2-10 seconds of vide playback18:08
jrib!software | striker18:09
ubottustriker: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents18:09
JeruvyJonii: sounds like your cpu is having issues with the codecs.18:09
magnus_hi. i just got home from work, booted my ubuntu 10.10 machine and BAM, no theme anymore! the windows look like crap, kind of reminds me of the old unix servers we had at colleague!18:09
Gibss37NathanG:  yeah please do, i am waiting , as if i rebooted the system, it gonna crash again18:09
NathanGGibss37: I have no experience with GAG, but one guy on that thread seemed to get it to work18:09
nmvictorAnyone using ubuntu 10.10, what is the latest kernel in use at the moment, I included some ppa (Kamal-backlight ppa) to fix some brightness issue, that was almost a month ago and save for the kernels in this ppa, I still have the non-ppa kernel [], is it that the kernel team is not releasing anymore kernel or kamal's ppa kinda disabled updates from the previous kernel team?18:09
Artemis3cmol, i suggest you get device from http://www.open-mesh.com/ much cheaper and better project than fonera will ever be.18:09
fr00dI'm trying to use vdpau and getting "Error when calling vdp_device_create_x11: 23". How can I solve this problem?18:09
magnus_nmvictor, i got 2.6.35-25-generic #44-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 21 17:40:44 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux18:09
JoniiJeruvy, booting to windows and using VLC, or Media Player Classic, or Windows Media Player, or just about any media player I can find, all these files play flawlessly18:09
photerrannmvictor: you can lookup official packages at packages.ubuntu.com18:10
VesaSDajhorn:  thanks for the tip! So adding the line to /etc/fstab overrides gnome helper. Does the automatic mounting still work with disks?18:10
photerranto find out what the latest release version of a package (like kernel) is18:10
NathanGGibss37: check this out: http://www.supergrubdisk.org/wiki/WindowsErasesGrub18:10
jfaoiejjafjJonii: Tried MPlayer?18:10
hwildephoterran, !info packagename18:10
hwilde!info tofrodos18:10
ubottutofrodos (source: tofrodos): Converts DOS <-> Unix text files, alias tofromdos. In component main, is optional. Version 1.7.8.debian.1-2 (maverick), package size 19 kB, installed size 84 kB18:10
NathanGGibss37: I think you're definitely experiencing a GRUB problem18:10
photerranhwilde: neat-oh18:11
photerran!info linux-generic18:11
ubottulinux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel. In component main, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 5 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)18:11
Joniijfaoiejjafj, is that the default media player Ubuntu comes with?18:11
NathanGGibss37: once you get grub configured properly with win7, I think you'll be ok18:11
jfaoiejjafjJonii: No, default is Totem18:11
kurtkWhy would the letter 'p' suddenly not work in a Terminal Window?18:11
photerranwell there you go, nmvictor18:11
nmvictormagnus_: photerran : wow! Why cant it show up in the update manager, or anyway I could make it show, I have been updating packages since and I have even see
Gibss37NathanG:  yeah i'm a lot..........i have installed ubuntu 5 times18:11
Jeruvyjonii, so? Obviously that isn't having issues. :)  My dual boot machine plays on both fine.18:11
georgie_bi want to connect to the computer within a lan which is connected to internet thru modem(ustarcom ut300r2u) with a dynamic ip18:11
JoniiI think I have, but on an earlier Ubuntu version18:11
hwildephoterran, you can also say like !info package  lucid18:11
cmolArtemis3, what for http://www.open-mesh.com/18:12
NathanGGibss37: geez...then win7 keeps doing the same thing to the system....18:12
georgie_btried most methods from google search none seemed to work18:12
VesaSdajhorn:  thanks for the tip! So adding the line to /etc/fstab overrides gnome helper. Does the automatic mounting still work with disks?18:12
georgie_bi've disabled even the firewall18:12
NathanGGibss37: from the link above: Grub default installation consist on installing what we call stage1 in the MBR. After that after the MBR and before the first partition beginning the stage1_5 is written. This stage1_5 conflicts with some Windows policies that want in this space their own data. You can however bypass this problem by linking stage1 to stage2, which it is not located in this problematic area.18:12
syrinx_georgie_b: connect how? ssh?18:13
photerrannmvictor: you could try editing your /etc/apt/sources.list (or the files under /etc/apt/sources.list.d) and comment out the PPA that's overriding your kernel, then run 'apt-get update'18:13
nmvictorphoterran: thanks, trying ...18:13
NathanGgibss37: that's from here: http://www.supergrubdisk.org/wiki/WindowsErasesGrub18:13
allquixoticHi, on my Ubuntu 10.10 laptop, I have an Intel 965GM IGP. The laptop's built-in LVDS is 1024x768. Attached to the VGA port I have a 1680x1050 monitor. I've turned them both on with the Monitors app (xrandr 1.2)  and set them to spanning mode, so they are not clones of one another. Only problem is there seems to be a large gap in the virtual desktop above the laptop's LCD, where I can move my mouse but there are no windows and I can't see that space.18:14
allquixoticCan I convince the X server to eliminate that space and clip my mouse only to visible areas?18:14
Gibss37NathanG:  so bypassing18:14
georgie_bne thing.. telnet..ftp.. i've even the lampp running.. if i type my lan ip it connects but if i type the ip from what ismyip.com it doesnot18:14
georgie_bit goes to the router config page18:14
syrinx_configure the router for port forwarding18:14
NathanGGibss37: sounds like it, yeah18:14
hwildegeorgie_b, typically you cannot test from inside the network going out and coming back in18:14
Gibss37NathanG:  there's an easy sol. also18:15
NathanGdifferent discs? :)18:15
georgie_b@hwilde:what if i use a virtual machine?18:15
cmolany body, please help, am need chenge my password for my ubuntu18:16
ActionParsnipgeorgie_b: then you need a port forward18:16
hwildegeorgie_b, no it's a network routing issue.18:16
hwildeyou need to go to starbucks or somewhere outside yournetwork then try to get in18:16
ActionParsnipcmol: run:   passwd   and change it18:16
cmolam have try but can't fine it :(, please some tutor with commant on terminal18:16
jfaoiejjafjcmol: passwd command18:16
cmolActionParsnip, pleast step by step please am newbee18:16
kyenteiI'm getting an "Install these packages without verification [y/N]?" error whenever I try to install openjdk-6-jdk. As a result of that, java doesn't work properly. This is a fresh install of 10.10, any clues on how to fix this?18:16
cmolam have do it jfaoiejjafj but not work well18:16
syrinx_cmol: giyf18:17
jfaoiejjafjcmol: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2009/12/how-to-change-password-on-ubuntu/18:17
ActionParsnipcmol: ni a terminal, run: passwd      passwd is the command to change your password18:17
cmolyes syrinx_18:17
jfaoiejjafjcmol: ever heard of Google?18:17
Dr_Williskyentei:  You are telling it 'yes' ?18:17
kyenteiDr_Willis: Sure I am.18:17
georgie_btried many methods for port forwardin on my router but seems like its a very old model nd firmware has to be upgraded which is risky.. so looking for any software solutions18:17
cmolys, jfaoiejjafj on my cantry google so hard for open xD18:17
kyenteiDr_Willis: It's the original ubuntu repos so I don't care why it breaks, I want this fixed first.18:17
Dr_Williskyentei:  it asking that Q. shouldent make java not work. does java --version even work?18:17
cmolyes syrinx_18:18
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kyenteiDr_Willis: I'll re-install openjdk-6-jdk for you.18:18
cmolyes syrinx_ what you mean giyf?18:18
Dr_Williskyentei:  the without verificatoon bit. is proberly due to a bad/missing gpg key i think.18:18
syrinx_cmol: google is your friend18:18
ActionParsnipcmol: did you run the command in terminal?18:18
Dr_Williskyentei:  not sure why it would suddendly go bad/missing however.  Theres also the sun java you could use18:18
kyenteiDr_Willis: I know that, I should've fixed the error. It's a bug that occurs more often.18:18
kyenteiDr_Willis: But apparently it did not work18:19
georgie_bany here having bsnl has their ISP?..18:19
JoniiWell, MPlayer doesn't play other parts of split mkv file, but unlike VLC and Totem, MPlayer doesn't crash as soon as this part where you're supposed to switch source file comes18:19
cmolys syrinx_, but hard for open it, may be my ISP not allow it for open, couse only facebook and mirc allow18:19
cmolam have upgrade doing18:19
kyenteiDr_Willis: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=158806318:19
JoniiI guess I still need to use Windows to watch media files18:20
kyenteiDr_Willis: That is exactly what happened (again) in this fresh install. But my last post has the fix to for it..18:20
drcJonii: I agree it sounds like a codec issue...have you looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats18:20
cmolActionParsnip, am need wait, until my upgrade finish, :) am will try you step ActionParsnip18:20
kyenteiDr_Willis: Also, security.ubuntu.com is being terribly slow for me.18:20
hwildeJonii, I have never found a media file that I could not play.18:20
ActionParsnipcmol: cool, it really is that simple, one word ;)18:20
georgie_bwell how to do port forwarding in a router?18:20
cmolThnks ActionParsnip18:21
syrinx_georgie_b: log into the router, look for the option to set port forwarding, ????, profit18:21
hwildegeorgie_b, you go to the router webpage and you setup port forwarding.  but it doesn't matter if you are testing from inside the network.  you need to generate an outside connection to that router to get port forwarded.18:21
MonkeyDustgeorgie_b: portforward.com18:21
syrinx_hwilde georgie_b you can just ask a friend to try to connect, maybe set up a quick apache server to test it18:22
randomusernameCan anyone tell me how i see which winetricks components i have already installed?18:22
georgie_bwell portforward .com has info only on popular applications.. i've written a java chat program which works well within the lan but gives connection error if tried on over the internet18:23
hwildegeorgie_b, this is the last time I will tell you that it will not work if you are testing from inside your network18:24
syrinx_georgie_b: your not listening, log into the router, and configure the port to be forwarded. port 80 might be blocked by your isp, if it is, change the port18:24
MonkeyDustrandomusername: try sudo apt-cache policy18:24
Disconnectanyone familiar with netbooting/preseeding? trying to automatically partition a vm and it keeps kicking back to the prompt. the partition script is https://gist.github.com/849593 and there are no errors on console 4.18:24
Disconnect(back to the guided-partitioning prompt that is)18:24
fidyducehow do i get openbox window manager to load on this thing!!!18:24
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georgie_bmy router web page has the option under NAT>dmz nd give my address its not port forwarded.. tested with the help of my friend from his place after i gave him my ip nd port no.. the error was host unavailable18:25
photerranfidyduce: is that an exclamation or a question?18:25
sacarlsonallquixotic: I thought that was a xinerama thing but I see people having problems with that also http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=177362418:26
Disconnectphoterran: sounded like a frustrated exclamation :)18:26
Dr_Williskyentei:  i recall some people having server issues this weekend. but i never  heard mich about it lately18:26
MonkeyDustfidyduce: try openbox --replace18:26
fidyducephoterran: i am sorry but it was both i am highly irritated... excuse me18:26
photerranjust trying to lighten the mood, no worries18:26
kyenteiDr_Willis: May I send you the output of java --version in a /msg?18:26
syrinx_georgie_b: what port are you using?18:26
xtracI am having a problem with my usb drive (or with ubuntu) when I copy files to the usb drive in ubuntu, then put the usb drive into a windows machine the files arent there(they arent even there when I put it back into the ubuntu machine) but when i use windows to copy files to the usb stick then I can see them18:27
allquixoticsacarlson: I'm not using Xinerama, though.18:27
MonkeyDustkyentei: http://paste.ubuntu.com/18:27
photerranfidyduce: if it is installed there may be an option for it on a menu on your login screen18:27
hwildefidyduce, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=10380618:27
kyenteiMonkeyDust: It's three lines of code.. I know that URL, don't worry.18:27
xtracwhen I copy the files to my usb stick in ubuntu it seems like it works but when i unplug the stick then plug it back in the files arent there18:27
xtracthis only happens in ubuntu18:27
hwildextrac, did you format it for fat32 ?18:27
syrinx_georgie_b: are you forwarding it to the right *local* ip?18:27
xtracthe usb stick wroks fine with windows18:27
sacarlsonallquixotic: yes I saw that and xinerama was suposed to be deprecated but seems I have seen examples of it working with some work18:27
Disconnectxtrac: are you unmounting it before you unplug it?18:28
cmolArtemis3, http://www.dd-wrt.com/site/support/router-database < check it> can my fonera 2.0n develop18:28
georgie_bgot ip from sudo ifconfig eth018:28
Disconnectthat'd be why then18:28
xtracit used to work18:28
xtracit used to work fine with ubuntu18:28
kyenteiVery well then. Dr_Willis, MonkeyDust: http://paste.ubuntu.com/574058/18:28
Disconnectyou used to be luckier. it never "worked", the idea is to cache writes - especially on flash - to avoid doing a ton of tiny individual writes and prematurely aging the chip18:28
xtracubuntu can read all the files on it18:28
xtracand it tries to copy files to it and even looks like it did18:29
xtracbut once i plug it in somewhere else18:29
xtracthe files arent there18:29
hwildextrac, did you format it for fat32 ?18:29
xtraci dont get it18:29
Disconnectso in the past, it wrote the cache out faster and the files were finished writing when you unplugged it.18:29
sacarlsonallquixotic: but I also seem to see that your spanning problem is only talked about with ati so maybe that works also but just not with your hardware?18:29
hwilde!enter | xtrac18:29
ubottuxtrac: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:29
xtracI dont think I did (I might of)18:29
hwildextrac, format it for fat32 then try again.18:29
xtrachow can i check18:29
Artemis3cmol, supported yes.18:30
hwildextrac, also obviously make sure you unmount it (or eject it) so that the writing can finish before ripping it out of the computer.18:30
cmolArtemis3, wip18:31
cmolFON LaFonera 2.0n 2303 wip no18:32
cmolArtemis3, FON LaFonera 2.0n 2303 wip no18:32
CaleNobody would happen to know a better solution than "kill the ibus daemon" for making ibus work with minecraft?18:34
Caleibus seems to be getting in the way of keyboard input in all java and flash apps18:34
hwildeCale, uninstall it then18:35
CaleWhich is unfortunate, since I often want to type in Japanese.18:35
CaleI just tried changing the input method to SCIM, but it seems to have the same issues.18:35
hwildeCale, you can just stop and start the daemon then18:35
CaleYeah, I guess.18:35
CaleThat sorta sucks though.18:35
hwildeCale, what exactly do you mean it gets in the way with minecraft18:36
CaleKeyboard input doesn't work at all in any java application.18:36
subhajithow to make file or folder hidden?18:36
Cale(of which minecraft is one)18:36
hwildeCale, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ibus/+bug/48165618:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 481656 in ibus (Ubuntu) "iBus blocks input in Java application" [Undecided,New]18:36
Calesubhajit: Give it a name starting with a period18:36
genii-aroundsubhajit: Make the first letter of it's name a period18:36
ActionParsnipsubhajit: put a dot at the start of it18:36
ActionParsnipsubhajit: e.g.    mv foldername .foldername18:37
Calehwilde: thanks for the pointer18:37
ActionParsnipsubhajit: you have loads of them in your home folder. If you run:   cd; la      you will see them18:38
drcCale: you also might try #ibus, here on freenode18:38
hwildeCale, not much help since it is unassigned but you can post your stuff and add to the launchpad18:38
Caledrc: will do18:39
CaleYeah, I'm going to add my experiences.18:39
Maynelhow can I make bootable ubuntu flash?18:39
Maynelto try ubuntu18:39
hwildeMaynel, google it it's obvious18:39
hwildeMaynel, in fact it tells you on the main download page  http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download18:39
ActionParsnipMaynel: use unetbootin or the 1-2-3 app from pendrivelinux if you are using windows18:41
syrinx_sandking: hi18:41
sandkingi started up my netbook with usb ubuntu live but i realized that although on my desktop i see testdisk/photorec i don't on netbook after apt-get update18:42
Guest19814hello, I'm getting an error when trying to configure a C++ library..the error is : AlSA support requires the asound Library!18:42
sandkinghow to check from which repo app come from in synaptic package manager?18:42
Guest19814how can I get that Library?18:42
ActionParsnipsandking: apt-cache policy packagename18:43
photerranGuest19814: search for it in the package manager (aka add software)18:43
syrinx_ActionParsnip: good call, never knew that18:44
ActionParsnipsyrinx_: cli is goooood :)18:44
dajhornGuest19814: Try libasound2-dev.   Tell ./configure to use PulseAudio if it has the option.18:44
dookami_guys, i miss the "ubuntu" theme on the "ubuntu studio" ,, can i have it somehow ?18:44
[poisonborz]could someone tell me how to give a user root privileges over a folder and all of its contents? I've tried to add the line "username ALL= NOPASSWD: /var/www" to sudoers but I guess this only covers the /www folder itself, not the contents18:44
syrinx_ActionParsnip: oh i know, using irssi right now, lol. just never knew that specific command18:45
Gibss37okay if i am getting the error with dual boot using grub, can i restore grub with live cd18:45
dajhorn[poisonborz]: Does /var/www contain executables?18:45
jefelexpoisonborz - aklk you have to do is make permissions 77718:46
[poisonborz]dajhorn: no it doesnt18:46
jrib!permissions | [poisonborz]18:46
ubottu[poisonborz]: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions18:46
fr00dIs anybody in here who can play video files with mplayer and vdpau who can tell me which driver version he uses?18:46
jrib[poisonborz]: I'd recommend setting up a group like www-editors18:46
xtracwhat should i use to format my usb stick18:46
syrinx_xtrac: gparted?18:47
jribxtrac: depends what you want to use it for18:47
cmolhallo all, back again,18:47
dajhorn[poisonborz]: Sudo is the wrong way to do it then.   Try groups and file permissions like suggested by jrib and jefelex18:47
Gibss37can i ?18:47
[poisonborz]jrib: I already did that, and I made them owner of the folder, but I still can't acces some of the folders18:47
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xtracI want to use it for transfering files to a windows machine18:47
cmolam need ask, how we can download video from youtube with some tool on ubuntu ?18:47
xtracthats all18:47
jrib[poisonborz]: "did that" is too vague.  What exactly did you do?18:47
xtracback and forth from ubuntu to windows18:47
khrmcmol: Use flashgot addon of firefox18:47
cmolam need easy tool for used, on windows am have used internet download manager (IDM)18:48
syrinx_xtrac: gparted, FAT file system18:48
syrinx_xtrac: non-encrypted, akaik18:48
cmolkhrm, am will try it thanks for infromation .18:48
ActionParsnipcmol: use youtube-dl18:49
syrinx_cmol: where are your from?18:49
dookami_ guys, i miss the "ubuntu" theme on the "ubuntu studio" ,, i mean the bottom bar, the username at the corner, the empathy icon n so on , can i have it somehow ?18:49
Gibss37how to edit MBR18:49
hwilde!fixmbr | Gibss3718:49
ubottuGibss37: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.18:49
syrinx_dookami_: kde?18:49
[poisonborz]jrib: I've tried chgrp on /var/www but even with root privileges the operation was not permitted18:50
jrib[poisonborz]: you're still being too vague.  I am not behind you at your computer :)  Pastebin: ls -ld /var/www/ .  And tell us (or better yet, show us on pastebin) exactly what you tried to do that was not permitted18:50
dookami_syrinx: huh18:51
dajhorn[poisonborz]:  Is /var/www on a different filesystem than the system root?   Maybe NFS mounted or VFAT?18:51
cmolam from indonesia18:51
jrib[poisonborz]: or do you mean that chgrp returned the error?18:51
cmolsyrinx_,  am from indonesia, what up syrinx_18:51
syrinx_dookami_: kde or gnome?18:51
syrinx_cmol: when you say "am", you really mean "I"18:52
dookami_syrinx: it's ubuntu studio ,, i dunno18:52
Caleactually, he means "I am"18:52
cmolsyrinx_, yes18:52
syrinx_cmol: or, what Cale said18:52
cmolyes you right Cale18:53
[poisonborz]jrib: I've tried chgrp on /var/www but even with root privileges the operation was not permitted - but here's the list http://pastebin.com/TTvNz5Gh18:53
cmolys syrinx_18:53
syrinx_cmol: spend some time around here, you'll find that Cale is pretty much always right18:53
jrib[poisonborz]: that's not the command I asked for.  Pastebin exactly what you ran; pastebin your chgrp command18:53
manlymatt83I'm using openconnect with network manager, and it works fine, except for some reason when I connect, my default gateway gets set to, so I can access VPN resources, but not the public Internet anymore.  Any ideas?18:53
Calesyrinx_: haha18:53
edwardteachfr00d, ffmpeg is a mplayer project and has already been patched by nvidia to support vdpau video out, you can get the sources on the nvnews.net18:53
sandkingActionParsnip, what was the recovery app you told me yestarday? fore something...18:54
ActionParsnipsandking: foremost18:54
CaleI don't usually hang out in #ubuntu unless I'm having problems myself though.18:54
syrinx_Cale: been here for about a week, not a seasoned linux pro (bout 4 months) but i noticed im starting to get bored around here. any channel suggestions?18:55
DarkSectorhow to use cheese to capture a simple snapshot using cheese from commandline. I have a command but it says unknown option --snapshot. How can I use cheese with commandline ?18:55
dookami_ guys, i miss the "ubuntu" theme on the "ubuntu studio" ,, i mean the bottom bar, the username at the corner, the empathy icon n so on , can i have it somehow ?18:55
Gibss37I have 10.10, what would be my grub version18:55
xidif you had to choose one, plesk or webmin?18:56
[poisonborz]jrib: here it is: http://pastebin.com/8FF3Dqpc18:56
ActionParsnip!poll | xid18:56
ubottuxid: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:56
Calesyrinx_: Well, I mostly hang out in topic-specific channels which are based on my own interests. :) #math, #haskell, ##japanese, ##categorytheory, #magnets18:56
syrinx_xid: webmin fan myself18:56
jrib[poisonborz]: did you see dajhorn's question?  Can you pastebin: mount18:56
drcdookami_: you might try #ubuntustudio, here on freenode18:56
Calesyrinx_: and some starcraft 2 related channels on other networks :)18:56
syrinx_Cale: #magnets, huh?18:57
xidhmmm... i just read the guidelines... didn't say anything about polls in channel18:57
* syrinx_ is skeptical18:57
Calesyrinx_: Yeah, though that one's not very large yet.18:57
StarminnGibss37: Everything after Karmic uses GRUB218:57
xtracis there a way I can make ubuntu play a sound when I plug in a usb device?18:57
Starminn!grub2 > Gibss3718:57
ubottuGibss37, please see my private message18:57
Calesyrinx_: It's intended for people who are making sculptures with neodymium magnets18:57
syrinx_Cale: mind if I dcc you for some SC2 problem i've been having18:57
dookami_drc: thanks man :)18:57
Calesyrinx_: I don't mind, but you should just /query instead18:57
Gibss37Starminn: thanks18:57
[poisonborz]jahorn: here is mount: http://pastebin.com/MmN8GqVu   it's on the same partition, yes18:58
xidkinda funny... i read two pages of text to make sure the one thing I want to do isn't against the rules18:58
suboneIs there a way to output the video formats of every video file in a directory? I need to check my library's compatability with my new media server18:58
Starminndookami_: Try looking at gnome-look.org for Ubuntu Studio-based icon sets or themes18:58
Gibss37anybody here using Ubuntu sual with Windows 718:58
syrinx_Cale: how so? i've looked high and low for a definitive answer for months but got nothing18:58
Starminndookami_: And if you *really* wanted to, you could just copy/paste the icons from Studio into your normal one.18:58
Cale /query Cale18:58
Caleand then a new tab or window should pop up18:58
CaleWell, which IRC client are you using?18:59
ActionParsnipxtrac: udev actions will help. Here are some examples, just change the action: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=134872918:59
datavirusetis there some kind of problem with the security.ubuntu.com repository? :/18:59
ThinkT510Gibss37: have you got a problem?18:59
jrib[poisonborz]: re-run your chgrp command with sudo18:59
cutouthi, i accidentally changed the file permissions on all the files and folders on my pc, and now it is not working. can anyone please tell me how to revert the default file permissions for ubuntu?18:59
jribcutout: what did you run exactly?18:59
Lintwhere do the files from unlinked directory go? it is possible to get them back?19:00
jribdataviruset: I've heard of issues with archive.ubuntu.com, it's probably related19:00
Gibss37ThinkT510:  yes whenever i boot into win 7, and then retart my boot menu is not there, and there is an error message, no operating system found19:00
cutoutjrib: chmod 644 on all files and folders19:00
Wedelwolf/usr/bin/google-earth: 43: ./googleearth-bin: not found <--- weiss jemand was da schiefgelaufen is?19:00
jribcutout: what did you run exactly?19:00
dluzion[TK]D-Fender: u still there? there is no data on them its 2 unpatitioned disks.19:00
dluzioni arranged the array in the bios of the sis controller19:00
Wedelwolfwrong channel^^19:01
dluzionwich is integrated on the mainboard.19:01
datavirusetjrib: okay... the reverse DNS of the IP behind security.ubuntu.com is ...canonical.com something :p19:01
ThinkT510Gibss37: but you are able to boot into windows?19:01
dookami_starminn: i want to keep my ubuntu studio ,, but i want the normal ubuntu 10.10 theme19:01
[TK]D-Fenderdluzion: this is known as "fakeraid"19:01
cutoutjrib: chmod 644 on all files and folders19:01
jribdataviruset: yeah, canonical seems to be aware of it and working on it19:01
dluzionu sure about that? it offers me 3 options, 1 jbod, 2 stripe 0 or 1 mirror19:01
[poisonborz]jrib: thanks a lot, what a stupid mistake... :)19:02
jribcutout: are we just going to repeat the same thing over and over?  What command did you run?19:02
Gibss37ThinkT510:  only one time, then I have to reinstall Ubuntu , i have done this 5 times19:02
datavirusetjrib: nice, where have you heard of it? :)19:02
ThinkT510Gibss37: if you installed windows after linux, then windows overwrites the grub bootloader19:02
jribdataviruset: Pici told me :)19:02
meowsusI'm looking for a way to back up the important parts of my system so that, in the event of hard drive failure, i can put a new hard drive in, install Ubuntu, then install my backup overtop of the Ubuntu Install and be up and running in a short amount of time.19:03
cmolam need ask some hard question for all, :) how we can put all tool on backtrack to ubuntu 10.10 any can share step by step :)19:03
ThinkT510!grub2 | Gibss3719:03
ubottuGibss37: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub219:03
lesshasteapt-get update gives me lots of messages like Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid-security/main/i18n/Translation-en_GB.bz2  Unable to connect to security.ubuntu.com:http: [IP: 80]19:03
lesshastehas something changed?19:03
meowsusIs there a program to do this, or some sort of method?19:03
jriblesshaste: it's being worked on19:03
lesshastejrib: ah... so a known problem.. how do you know about it? :)19:03
Gibss37the methd mentioned there say each time boot with live cd and make fresh mbr or grub.config19:04
Jkesslermeowsus:  i would guess you would want to save the list of installed packages so you could reinstall them quickly, i don't know the best way to do this though19:04
lesshastejrib:  is there a status website ?19:04
diemViverehello guys19:04
ActionParsnipcmol: i'd ask in backtrack19:04
Gibss37ThinkT510:  the methd mentioned there say each time boot with live cd and make fresh mbr or grub.config19:04
jriblesshaste: that's a good question.  I don't know.  I heard from another op19:04
cmolActionParsnip, oke sorry19:04
datavirusetyeah, i also wonder if there's any blog/status update page :p19:04
meowsusJkessler, yes, since i'd be backing up my home folder as well19:04
lesshastejrib: ah ok19:04
ActionParsnipcmol: backtrack isn't discussed or supported here19:04
cmoloke, one more question for all,19:04
Starminndookami_: Alright, so just do the reverse of what I suggested lol19:04
cmol:xD ActionParsnip oke oke...19:04
ThinkT510Gibss37: have you tried that?19:05
jribcmol: most of the tools should be in the repositories, just install using APT19:05
cmoloke, one more question for all,19:05
Gibss37no not yet, I'm afraid19:05
Starminndookami_: Go to GNOME Look and look for Ubuntu 10.10 icon sets. Or, if that fails, just copy them yourself. It's all in themes, not the system itself.19:05
ThinkT510Gibss37: give it a go and see if it works19:06
Gibss37ThinkT510:  I have also got to know you can use grub for both win7 and linux, then you face no probs19:06
eeinare there any log files kept for video issues?  my pc will just freeze from time to time where I cannot get to another tty and have to hardboot the pc.  i looked in messages but nothing makes it to the log before it locks up I suspect the video card now since memtest came back ok19:06
raktunakakabo d instalar maverik amd64 y tengo problemas con el plug-in d flash player y no puedo ver nada en youtube, alguie me puede ayudar¿?19:06
cmoljrib and ActionParsnip for you, am have some question, how we make my compiz more nice, am need some effect for burn19:06
ThinkT510Gibss37: yes, you can boot windows (and many other os's) from grub219:06
edwardteachsubone,  if you type e.g.    file  camelot.avi  in the terminal it will give you the codec and other info19:06
jrib!ccsm | cmol19:07
ubottucmol: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz19:07
Gibss37ThinkT510:  how19:07
ThinkT510Gibss37: the link i showed you tells you how to set it up, follow those steps19:07
suboneedward__, ty19:08
cmoljrib, need step by step for doing it, brotha, and am so need the effect of burn, any easy step by step ?19:08
VesaSMeta question about IRC. How do I check the topic? It says so in the beginning that I should check the topic. I am using web IRC and just writing "/topic" says that insufficient arguments.19:08
jribVesaS: get a better client :)19:08
Gibss37ThinkT510: is it possible if i copy grub.cfg and replace it after each time i use windows using live cd19:08
jribVesaS: though you should have the topic somewhere near the top of the window probably19:09
vituSomeone can help me with two problems? first: when i turn on my notebook i need to choose witch OS i want to run two times.. first in "Windows Boot Manager" and again in "GRUB" how can i fix it? Second: Im having trouble about seeing windows arquives in ubuntu.. im using the "wubi".19:09
ActionParsnipcmol: if you can't even websearch to find out about compiz, how do you expect to use the tools which are default in backtrack19:09
sinblade29i need some help i have scroling text after burg install any ideea how can i set splash screen with burg manager19:09
tntcodaHi, is there anyway to completly supress the output of a package install? apt-get install krb5-user pops up several dialog boxes. --quiet doesnt help. I need to just install it blind, any way?19:09
ThinkT510Gibss37: the whole point of grub is to give you a list of systems to boot into, you should only need to install it once and at every boot you can choose windows or ubuntu (or any others)19:10
MK`I have a shared folder on a Windows computer on my wireless network, how can I access it on Ubuntu? Nothing shows up in "Windows Network"19:10
maedoxAnyone with an idea why scp/rsync would suddenly stop working (on my home computer) but ssh works fine? Trying to copy files from/to home computer to/from mobile/work computer. I think it might be some security update in the past weeks but I can't be sure. Using fully updated 10.10 x86_64. Output of scp and rsync: http://pastebin.com/vLPNTQbs19:10
cmolActionParsnip, kekekek wekkekwek am just want to learn my brotha, kwkekek am just intrerst with the backtrack tool but am not a expect kekeke19:10
ActionParsnipsinblade29: burg isn't supported here19:10
vituSomeone can help me with two problems? first: when i turn on my notebook i need to choose witch OS i want to run two times.. first in "Windows Boot Manager" and again in "GRUB" how can i fix it? Second: Im having trouble about seeing windows arquives in ubuntu.. im using the "wubi". Sorry about my poor english19:10
fidyducedoes unetbootin actually work... *pulls hair out*19:11
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ActionParsnipfidyduce: sure does19:11
Gibss37ThinkT510:  so okay i try to do it19:11
jribtntcoda: it's not a great idea to do that though :/19:11
ActionParsnipfidyduce: assuming you give it a healthy ISO19:11
MK`yes cmol?19:11
cmolMK`, install samba and put the windows ip on your ubuntu that the easy one19:11
tntcodajrib: I have a pre configured config file, this is for an automated install. Just wondered if it can be done?19:11
MK`ok thanks19:11
fidyduceactionparsnip: fresh off the download, in fact so hot you can still smell the nerd that wrote it.... :D19:11
jribtntcoda: does --yes do what you want?19:11
tntcodajrib, sadly no :( neither does --force-yes19:12
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.19:12
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cutoutjrib: sudo find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;19:12
jribcutout: reinstall19:12
vituSomeone can help me with two problems? first: when i turn on my notebook i need to choose witch OS i want to run two times.. first in "Windows Boot Manager" and again in "GRUB" how can i fix it? Second: Im having trouble about seeing windows arquives in ubuntu.. im using the "wubi". Sorry about my poor english19:12
ThinkT510Gibss37: current ubuntu uses grub219:12
cmolyou'r welcome19:12
ThinkT510!grub2 | Gibss3719:13
ubottuGibss37: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub219:13
Gibss37oh yes19:13
jribVesaS: what client are you using exactly?  the freenode webchat?19:13
VesaSjrib: correct, freenode webchat.19:13
ActionParsnipfidyduce: did you  MD5 test it?19:13
VesaSjrib: http://webchat.freenode.net.19:14
Maynelthanks all19:14
jribtntcoda: is it debconf popping up?19:14
tntcodajrib: quite possibly, or an ncurses dialog maybe?19:14
vituSomeone can help me with two problems? first: when i turn on my notebook i need to choose witch OS i want to run two times.. first in "Windows Boot Manager" and again in "GRUB" how can i fix it? Second: Im having trouble about seeing windows arquives in ubuntu.. im using the "wubi". Sorry about my poor english19:14
jribtntcoda: there are options you can pass to set the debconf priority19:15
Dr_Willisvitu:  'windows archives' is a bit vague..  you mean .zip archives?19:15
JoniiHow does medibuntu work?19:15
tntcodajrib: ok thanks, will try and find those19:15
Dr_Willisvitu:  personally. i dont suggest using wubi at all.19:15
cmolActionParsnip, whare you come from ?19:15
jribVesaS: the topic is at the very top.  It starts with "[Official Ubuntu support channel"19:15
Dr_WillisJonii:  its just a reposiutory you add.19:15
amitcommand to set the date and time from terminal?19:15
JoniiI hadn't heard of this, not installing it might be the reason mkv-files don't work?19:15
vitudr_willis, i cant see anything.. i want to copy some images from windows19:15
jribtntcoda: try googling "dpkg non-interactive debconf"19:16
Dr_WillisJonii:  I dont recall needing medubitu's w32codecs to get mkv's to work. but i tend to install them anyway.19:16
cmolActionParsnip, I see you so expect on ubuntu system, please give me some tool for remote windows desktop. couse am love learn like that19:16
Dr_Willisvitu:  cant see what? You mean your windows drives you cant locate from the linux install?19:16
eosshello, i cant get apache2 to start, apache2 start just makes the command list to show up on my screen19:16
ActionParsnipcmol: rdesktop can access windows rdp19:16
JoniiI think I should install w64 codecs to my Ubuntu 64bit?19:16
eossweird thing is it worked before19:16
vitudr_willis, yes! i cant locate my windows drives.. or thats not possible with Wubi ?19:16
cmolem...thanks ActionParsnip19:17
MK`cmol: I meant the server is *on* Windows and I want to read it on Ubuntu, not the other way around19:17
Dr_WillisJonii:  i tend to install vlc, mplayer, the wXXcodecs and can play most everything i ever find.19:17
ActionParsnipJonii: yes if you need them19:17
MK`Samba just has a server config window19:17
vituDr_Willis: sorry about my english, i dont speak english very well.19:17
Dr_Willisvitu:  its possible.. its allready mounted somewhere.. i dont use wubi. so i dont rember where.19:17
cmolActionParsnip, please help my brotha MK`19:17
vituDr_Willis: ok thanks anyway!19:17
tntcodajrib: thanks found the solution :)19:17
Dr_WillisI seem to recall Wubi allready mounting the windows C: somewhere in / or /media/19:17
VesaSjrib: ok. Good to know that the topic is there on the beginning.19:17
arbitratorI need to get access to an encrypted home directory. I cannot use the su method due to a weird error that nobody seems to understand, however I understand there's a way to do it by decrypting directly with the mount passphrase.19:18
ActionParsnipcmol: i did19:18
jribtntcoda: ok19:18
jrib!encrypt | arbitrator19:18
ubottuarbitrator: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory19:18
VesaSjrib: This doc https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines says that I should chec the topic with /topic (which does not work in webchat.freenode.net)...19:18
overcluckervitu: you can uncomment #GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT 0 in /etc/default/grub, and it will hide grub on boot19:19
Dr_WillisVesaS:  lots of things dont work with web based chat interfaces.19:19
cmolall body, what i can see the bash command on my ubuntu.19:19
Dr_WillisVesaS:  use a more normal irc client.. it will work a lot better19:19
PiciVesaS: We'll take a look at the documentation there and modify if necessary.19:19
Dr_Williscmol:  what bash command?19:19
VesaSPici: thanks. Was about to suggest it!19:19
cmolthe bash command for remote dsniff19:19
vituoverclucker: thanks! thats will help!19:19
Dr_Willis!find dnssniff19:20
cmolDr_Willis, am need to know dsniff command19:20
ubottuPackage/file dnssniff does not exist in maverick19:20
Dr_Williscmol:  never heard of it...19:20
Picicmol: What would you expect that command to do?19:20
genii-around!info dsniff19:20
ubottudsniff (source: dsniff): Various tools to sniff network traffic for cleartext insecurities. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.4b1+debian-18 (maverick), package size 114 kB, installed size 436 kB19:20
Dr_Williscmol:  if its in some ubuntu package.. runnin it from a command line should suggest what to install to get it.19:20
VesaSDr_Willis: I am trying to avoid normal irc client. I guess most people here anyway are from webchat, or am I mistaken? Many "newer" people do not get into irc anymore...19:20
Dr_WillisVesaS:  i wouls say the Opposite.. very few use the webchat client..19:21
LjLVesaS: not really19:21
cmolActionParsnip, can you hellp, i need some software for make chm file or chm compiler19:21
Dr_WillisVesaS:  most of the IM clients ouit can do irc.19:21
cmolActionParsnip, and the easy way19:21
JoniiInstalling additional codecs did not help, mkv-files still don't work19:21
StarminnVesaS: I'm using Pidgin right now and I do IM and IRC in the same window, different tabs.19:21
vituoverclucker: the only way to edit text arquives is on terminal with sudo gedit ?19:21
Dr_WillisJonii: trying them in vlc? or what player?19:21
Dr_Willisvitu:  a 'text archive' is a bit of a odd term...19:22
Dr_Willisvitu:  you can edit text files with any text editor.19:22
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JoniiDr_Willis, vlc, mplayer, totem19:22
vituDr_Willis: hehehe my english is very bad! but its open in "Only Read" or something like that.. my ubuntu is in portuguese19:22
overcluckervitu: you can use sudo nano, or gksudo gedit19:23
Dr_WillisJonii:  i definatly can play mkvs in mplayer and vlc. I do it all the time.19:23
VesaSDr_Willis:  Ok. I will consider installing  separate program for irc. Just weird that in 2011 you still need to do it, with all clouds, web and all that shit ;)19:23
arbitratorI'm having trouble with the mounting at the beginning of the directions.19:23
Dr_WillisJonii:  could be they are some odd codec. try  from a command line 'vlc whatever.mkv' and look for any error messages19:23
JoniiI wonder if I'm still missing some filter or something19:23
Dr_WillisVesaS:  an irc client s installed by default...19:23
arbitratorWaiit. . . looks like it got superblock'd again.19:24
hwildeJonii, it could just be the file is encoded improperly, or was renamed.  can I download it somewhere?19:24
Dr_WillisVesaS:   I dont think Meebo.com does irc however. :)19:24
VesaSAnoter meta question about irc: Is there anyway to disable the "XXX has joined", or "Reaad error" or other "==" messages...19:24
Dr_Willismeebo is handy for IMing.19:24
Dr_WillisVesaS:  totally depenmds on your irc client. Most have the feature.19:24
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PiciVesaS: Go to the options in the upper left in webchat to turn that off.19:24
Dr_WillisVesaS:  weechat even has 'smart' filtering of such messages.19:24
Dr_Willisbut weechat is a bit extreme for 'beginners' :)19:25
StarminnVesaS: I also read yesterday somebody suggesting something like "/ignore join part leave" (though I may be a little off on the command)19:25
amitHow do I make myself the owner?19:25
amitExample: creating folder in the opt file.19:25
silverarrowis there a way to dowload opera 11.01 from terminal?19:25
PiciStarminn: webchat does not support ignores.19:26
StarminnPici: Ah, shame.19:26
ubottuOpera is an advanced, fast and free (as in beer) web browser. It is packaged for easy installation into Ubuntu. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser19:26
Dr_Willissilverarrow:  theres repos for oprea i recall.19:27
VesaSPici: The options was a good hint, thx. the status bar was hiding quite well. Will send suggestion for freenode... now it is much more tolerable to follow the conversation after disabling the "==" messages19:27
silverarrowthanks actionparsnip19:27
Dr_Willisamit:  opt file? you mean /opt/ directory?19:27
arbitratorOkay, on the subject of recovering the encrypted data from home directory, where should I mount the whole file system, just to keep clean? Stick to some place in /mnt/?19:27
ActionParsnipsilverarrow: no worries19:27
Dr_Willisarbitrator:  or /media/19:27
silverarrowdr_willis, I have searched in package manager no result19:27
Dr_Willissilverarrow:  its not in the default repos.. it has its own repo i recall.19:27
joel135where can I find a complete list of !* commands to run on this channel?19:28
ubottuOpera is an advanced, fast and free (as in beer) web browser. It is packaged for easy installation into Ubuntu. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser19:28
Dr_Willisjoel135:  the bot has some homepage. :)19:28
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: yeah the factoid gives the repo19:28
arbitratorDr_Willis: Okay, just trying to avoid any weird little screwups during this operation. I've had to defsck the file system six times while trying to get my data back. I would say this is the sign of a bad hdd, but I'm really hoping not.19:28
Dr_Willisarbitrator:  i find hard drigves to be the weakest link these days in PC hardware.19:29
ActionParsnip!brain| joel13519:29
ubottujoel135: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots19:29
Dr_WillisHad more hd's die on me then any other pc parts19:29
arbitratorI've actually had the most trouble with power supplies.19:29
arbitratorThat said, I am backing up all of the essential data in one fell swoop. If I actually had the gear for it, I would back up the entire directory, but guess who's too poor for an external hd.19:30
ActionParsnipHard drives are slowww unless raided19:30
vivek__how to login as root19:30
arbitratorAnyway, the only error I ever get during fsck now is short read, which is always fixed flawlessly. Weird.19:30
xangua!root | vivek__19:31
ubottuvivek__: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:31
mouse-_vivek__: sudo -s as your user19:31
Joniihttp://pastebin.com/dg2CW5vh <- Here's what happens when I try to fast-forward mkv beyond the first split-point19:31
vivek__so i have to login as sudo -s??19:31
amitvivek: sudo -i19:31
k_wolfQuestion : How to make console fonts configuration persist in Ubuntu 10.10?19:32
JoniiAlso, this sort of error message came out: [????????] x11 video output error: X11 request 42.0 failed with error code 8: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)19:33
ActionParsnipvivek__: login as your user. If you need a root terminal then run: sudo -i   use: exit   to become user19:33
xanguak_wolf: system>prefs>appearence¿19:33
ActionParsnipvivid: no problem :-)19:34
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wildc4rdevenin' all19:40
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ActionParsnipwildc4rd: eve'19:40
ActionParsnipHi aazert19:40
aazerton chmod we got r w x , and my question is it possible to bind a view ?19:40
amitis this enough to erase disk permanently  shred -n 5 -vz /dev/sda19:40
silverarrowweird, I cannot make the Opera install guide work, isn't is suppose to work in lubuntu?19:40
aazerti mean on chmod19:40
vivek__question:how to make a php website??19:40
oscarhello, are there any substitute for evolution, i have a netbook, but evolution is too big to fit the screen, thanks for your help.19:40
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ActionParsnipamit: will need sudo. Users can't modify raw block devices19:40
aazertis there anyone understand my question ?19:40
xanguasilverarrow: just go to opera.com and donwload it19:40
arbitratoroscar: you could try stripping some of the stuff out of Evolution's UI.19:40
Starminnoscar: Thunderbird but I'm not sure how much lighter it is.19:40
aazertokay let me ask you in other way*19:40
xanguaoscar: there is an evolution gui for netbook, or something like that19:40
silverarrowxangua, that is what I tried initially, but no opera appeared19:40
ActionParsnipOscar: sylpheed, mutt, thunderbird, kmail are some I can think of quickly19:40
jribaazert: yes, please19:41
silverarrowany terminal install experts here?19:41
drcoscar: look at postler19:41
sdaHi all, question, Today I tried to install ubuntu10.10 on a desktop with 1tb, partman start partioning the hd but after 1hour it didn't finish! But with a CLI installation of Debian it does in less than 5min! WHY? How can I Fix? thanks!19:41
ActionParsnipsilverarrow: ask the next question and see19:42
GeronAnyone here who knows how to setup postfix to "route" smtp based on from-address?19:42
aazerti create several user for ftp access, those user can see every folder on my system from / to end,  my question how to specify a user to just allow on only one folder19:42
jribsda: hmm, does alternate disc installer work?  (if so, and you checksummed your install disc, you should file a bug)19:42
oscardrc: postler is a different program?19:42
aazertnot the rest ?19:42
aazerthow to do ?19:42
aazertwhat i have to do ?19:42
Starminn!enter | aazert19:42
ubottuaazert: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:42
eosshello can anyone help me troubleshoot rapidSVN?19:42
MK`Ok, I got it to work19:43
jribeoss: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)19:43
ActionParsnipOscar: was trying to think of that. Postler19:43
drcoscar: "are there any substitute for evolution"...postler is a "substitute"19:43
eossits crashing when i try and send files and giving me error when i try and read files19:43
rcmaehlQUICK HOW DO I UN rm A FILE!?19:43
Pici!undelete | rcmaehl19:43
ubotturcmaehl: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel19:43
rcmaehlit's ext419:43
silverarrow<ActionParsnip> I am trying to install opera, but I suspect download in chromium might mess things up, there's no "save file" option19:44
sdajrib,  I tried Alternate and Gui, of ubuntu, and businesscard of debian, only debian did it. One time I pass the formatting in ubuntu (in my launch break 3hour of time) but the rest of installation was FUCKING Slow!19:44
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Ramyi need help installing wubi19:44
Ramyand 10.1019:44
silverarrowActionParsnip, either chromium, or xubutu settings prevent install19:44
jribsda: I'd file a bug (also, please keep the language pg-13 here)19:44
aazerti create several user for ftp access, those user can see every folder on my system from / to end,  my question how to specify a user to just allow on only one folder19:45
aazertand not the rest on my system , what i have to do ?19:45
silverarrowActionParsnip, what do you think? I am ususually able to install from sites that have special Ubuntu versions of their software19:45
sdajrib, pg-13?19:45
Picisda: Keep the language clean.19:45
jribsda: family-friendly19:45
sdamy bad, sorry19:46
Ramycould anyone please help me ?19:46
hwildeRamy, sup19:46
ubottuOpera is an advanced, fast and free (as in beer) web browser. It is packaged for easy installation into Ubuntu. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser19:46
xanguasilverarrow: then follow instructions at:19:46
sdajrib, so you don't think can be the hard drive? maybe some incompatibility with ubuntu?19:47
Ramyim having root disk undefined erro19:47
Ramywhen using wubi19:47
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:47
nimbioticshello all, using SQLite under ubuntu 10.10; I created a table with the code shown at (http://sqlite.pastey.net/146624); but I was still able to add a record to this table that does not have a corresponding record in the other table; even after issuing (PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;). Can someone please explain where is it that Im failing and what can I do about it? TIA!19:48
jribsda: well if the debian install worked without issues, I'd say that likely rules out the hard drive as the issue19:48
silverarrowxangua, that is the guideline parsnip posted earlier, some how it resists on my computer19:49
k_wolfxangua: i mean at tty ;D19:49
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sdajrib, ok, i though ubuntu because it has a different kernel 2.6.35 vs 2.6.3219:49
Fraith[work]Abr dabr...19:49
silverarrowxangua, however I'm opting for firefox when xubuntu is action up and will not accept Opera19:49
jribsda: well you could see if natty still has the issue (just to test for the sake of the bug report)19:50
Fraith[work]Can anyone help me with postfix configuration?19:50
xanguai don't know what are you doing, but you are doing it wrong silverarrow19:50
sdajrib, but at the moment of the installation what kernel does the pc use? Ok i'll do the test tomorrow19:50
maedoxAnyone with an idea why scp/rsync would suddenly stop working (on my home computer) but ssh works fine? Trying to copy files from/to home computer to/from mobile/work computer. I think it might be some security update in the past weeks but I can't be sure. Using fully updated 10.10 x86_64. Output of scp and rsync: http://pastebin.com/vLPNTQbs19:51
cyixAnyone think of an mp3 player where I can drop folders into the playlist for queueing? _not_ something that changes the folder associations?19:51
drcFraith[work]: if no one here can help, you might try #postfix here on freenode19:51
jribsda: you should be able to get to a tty or terminal run uname19:51
Fraith[work]Oh, thx you. = )19:51
silverarrowxangua very likely19:52
PyroPheliahow do I transfer multiple files via mget without having to create the local dirs every time?19:52
drexlcyix: audacious19:52
sdajrib, true! stupid me :) thanks! tomorrow i'll make more test, i think the "disk" (i'm using usbstiks) are ok because i did a fast and without problem installation on another pc19:52
cyixlooking, thank you.19:52
aazerthello there19:52
aazerthow to disable the ssh access for several user ?19:52
jribsda: there's a "check cd for defects" option you can choose at the beginning to check as well19:53
aazerthow to disable the ssh access for someoff user ?19:53
jribaazert: asking the question one time is sufficient19:53
aazertplease read19:53
aazertnot the same "question"19:54
saganbyteaazert, at the moment does your server allow access with a password? or is it strictly public key?19:54
hwildeaazert, man sshd_config    AllowUsers19:54
hwildeaazert, or DenyUsers or DenyGroups etc19:54
ActionParsnipaazert: how is the first different from the first19:54
saganbyteaazert, oh yea, listen to hwilde19:54
Fraith[work]If anyone can help me to configurate postfix, pm me pls. )19:55
saganbyteaazert, its just the last line in sshd_config where you explicitly allow certain users only19:55
coder7hey folks, I'm running into a bit of a stupid problem migrating from one hdd on Ubuntu 9.x to another hdd on Ubuntu 10.x on the same machine... I can't seem to figure out the process required to mount my old ecryptfs directories so that I can copy files into the new hdd19:55
saganbyteFraith[work], if its on a VPS then http://articles.slicehost.com/2010/3/1/barebones-postfix-install-overview19:56
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coder7other than copying some files out to a non-encrypted location, I have yet to get any files moved19:56
* ActionParsnip thinks encryptfs is19:56
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ActionParsnipIsn't worth the hassle19:57
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zombie_I need pro ubuntu 10.10 help, please read this http://paste.ubuntu.com/574114/19:57
punkmexiccan someone help me setup my fstab so my hd have leess codifications error by adding utf8 to my hd?19:58
ActionParsnipzombie_: that's 903 lines of nothing19:59
brunotgood morning/afternoon/evening/night19:59
punkmexici have this line in my fstab UUID=bfb5b95e-bf68-464a-8abf-d6027b039fa4 /               ext4    errors=remount-ro  0       119:59
zombie_Well where would I find a log for the internet browsers?19:59
ActionParsnipzombie_: ok slow link. All loaded19:59
brunotdoes someone know how to get the "battery" tab from the gnome power manager ?20:00
zombie_Facebook, Hotmail and yahoo mail will NOT load20:00
JoniiAfter installing the codec pack, it's only VLC that totally crashes when I try to play split mkv files20:00
zombie_I left the computer on for hours and it would not load facebook at all20:00
zombie_I can no longer check my mail20:00
JoniiTotem and MPlayer play the file that I clicked, but not the other files it references to20:01
xanguacontat your internet provider zombie_ ¿20:01
zombie_Its not the internet20:01
zombie_its ubuntu20:01
zombie_windows xp works fine20:01
zombie_and vista20:01
FloodBot3zombie_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:01
zombie_both load everything20:01
zombie_Its has to have something to do with ubuntu being windows xp and vista both load hotmail facebook and yahoo mail20:02
ThinkT510zombie_: is ubuntu detecting your network? (wireless?)20:02
lightazombie_, which navigator ?20:03
hwilde!enter | zombie_20:03
ubottuzombie_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:03
ActionParsnipZombie_: what browsers have you tested?20:03
punkmexiccan someone help me setup my fstab so my hd have leess codifications error by adding utf8 to my hd? i have this line in my fstab UUID=bfb5b95e-bf68-464a-8abf-d6027b039fa4 /               ext4    errors=remount-ro  0       120:03
am-dxingwhenever i write ubuntu's iso to a usb thumbdrive and boot off it (10.10) to install it, ubuntu always checks for a CD and installation always fails, any way to get around this bug?20:03
aazerton man it written see pattern .20:04
zombie_I've tried to use firefox and google chrome and all its saying is sending request I left the pc on all night and woke up and it still said send request20:04
aazertbut i don't know where to write DenyUsers = user1 ?20:04
ActionParsnipam-dxing: did you md5 test the iso you downloaded?20:04
zombie_It says sending request... but its not doing jack shit20:04
erUSULzombie_: are you in ubuntu right now?20:04
xanguaam-dxing: is that iso the !alternate installer¿20:04
am-dxingActionParsnip: yes, downloaded server, alt, and reg.; failed on all 320:04
zombie_I'm using 10.1020:04
erUSULzombie_: try this « echo "0" > sudo tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_window_scaling »20:05
erUSULzombie_: then relaunch a browser and try again20:05
hwildeam-dxing, turn the speed on your cd burner down20:05
rumpe1zombie_, firewall active?20:05
am-dxingbwilde: don't have cd on anything, usinb usb20:05
drexlaazert: you don't need to just AlowUsers username, username all others will be dissallowed20:05
zombie_Yeah i'm using firestarter but I've turned it off and on and off and nothing changed20:05
hwildeam-dxing, ok nevermind then20:05
ActionParsnipam-dxing: i saw a user on launchpad report that filenames over 64 chars get truncates20:06
am-dxingActionParsnip: the problem is all the ubuntu installers look for a CD when I am using USB to boot (using netbootin)20:06
drexlaazert: AllowUsers user1, user220:06
ActionParsnipam-dxing: what apps have you tried to put the image on the usb?20:06
aazertwhere is that option ?20:07
am-dxingActionParsnip: just unetbootin so far, and also tried dd20:07
necreoI'm having a problem with notify-bin: the following command will work but it totally ignore the time (-t) flag: notify-send -u critical -t 100 -- "Test" "OK"20:07
drexlaazert: anywhere you put it in the sshd_conf file20:07
Bas_The_Real_Onehey all20:07
necreoWhen I try it with another urgency (low/normal), nothing shows up20:07
aazerti can't see Allowuser on /etc/sshd/sshd_conf drexl20:07
AuroraXguys, i have this atheros wireless card, and my ubuntu doesnt mount it until i type "sudo modprob ath9k" why?20:07
Bas_The_Real_Onemigrated my phone to ubuntu (10.4) and installed e17...20:07
zombie_I dunno if I did that right because its not work and I don't think the command worked20:08
drexlaazert: just add it.20:08
Bas_The_Real_Onebut I'm stuck with a locked topbar20:08
erUSULzombie_: that was for me?20:08
ActionParsnipam-dxing: they don't look for cd as a matter of course. I only install with usb with zero issue20:08
zombie_I don't know how to send name messages20:08
erUSULzombie_: well was worth a try undo the command « echo "1" > sudo tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_window_scaling »20:09
hihihi100how many fo you burn subtitles with OGMRip? and with avidemux?20:09
zombie_erUSUL:  do i put the echo 1 in there ?20:09
am-dxingActionParsnip: any other software to put the iso on the usb besides netbootin? i am on arch now.20:09
necreoAnyone using notify-send?20:09
[poisonborz]I know it's a bit offtopic, but is there somebody familiar with ISPConfig? I want to change the web root directory, but I'm unable to reach the web interface... is there a config file to modify?20:09
erUSULzombie_: the whole command is what you see between the « and »20:09
Bas_The_Real_One does any know how to put a link on the desktop via prompt?20:09
zombie_maybe I did the command wrong erUSUL20:09
erUSULzombie_: try again then20:10
Bas_The_Real_Oneor shortcut to say terminal?20:10
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ActionParsnipam-dxing: try usb-creator or the 1-2-3 installer from pendrivelinux. Maybe unetbootin is to blame. It is the common factor20:10
MonkeyDustBas_The_Real_One: cd Desktop and then ln -s <app>20:10
cmolhow to format my windows pratition on ubuntu20:10
drexlBas_The_Real_One ln -s myfolder /home/you/Desktop20:10
zombie_does this mean it worked 0 sudo tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_window_scaling20:10
Bas_The_Real_Onekk thx20:11
zombie_erUSUL: because thats all it said20:11
cmolActionParsnip, how i do to format my window pratition with my ubuntu, couse i used dueel os20:11
ActionParsnipam-dxing: i've not used arch, maybe it has its own tool20:11
ThinkT510!gparted | cmol20:11
ubottucmol: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php20:11
MonkeyDustBas_The_Real_One: you dutch?20:11
Bas_The_Real_Oneyeah why?20:11
ubuntucmol, dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/your_windows_partition20:11
am-dxingActionParsnip: that Universal USB installer is an *.exe (for windows); im on arch linux now.20:11
erUSULzombie_: sorry i made a mistake-....20:11
ActionParsnipCmol: what filesystem do you wa20:11
MonkeyDustBas_The_Real_One: type /join #ubuntu20:11
MonkeyDustBas_The_Real_One: type /join #ubuntu-nl20:11
datavirusetdoes anybody know why i get these memory leaks when i run update-grub? http://tinypic.com/r/2j1jwqf/720:11
FloodBot3MonkeyDust: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:11
erUSULzombie_: is | not > so  « echo "0" | sudo tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_window_scaling »20:12
Bas_The_Real_Onewhy join the dutch if the english-speaing can help me?20:12
erUSULzombie_: it should answer with a 020:12
javahornActionParsnip: Hi, now brightness is normal only when power cord is plugged in, it goes very low again and Fn+Brightness does not work either!20:12
ActionParsnipCmol: formatting will destroy ALL the data on the partitio20:12
zombie_like this zombie@zombie-P8656S-ABA-S5000J-NA310:~$ echo "0" | sudo tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_window_scaling20:13
zombie_[sudo] password for zombie:20:13
cmolActionParsnip, am need my windows partition and if i open the partition on ubuntu also used auth key20:13
cmolActionParsnip, i know tha, am want migration full tu ubuntu20:13
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necreoAnyone using notify-send? Can anyone help me with a question I got about it.20:13
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AYJHBearI am wondering if anyone know if it is possible to shell the trashcan on docky so it doesn't have to use natuils?20:14
ActionParsnipam-dxing: you could have a windows system too or you may dual boot. Its called: thinking outside the box20:14
am-dxingActionParsnip: i don't have windows to run the software.  is running MS Windows the only way to install Ubuntu on a usb drive?20:14
zombie_erUSUL:  all the sites I told you about still hang up on loading20:14
am-dxingActionParsnip: is it compatible with wine?20:15
erUSULzombie_: as i said was worth ( easy ) try too bad it did not help20:15
javahornActionParsnip: there?20:15
erUSULzombie_: undo it   « echo "1" | sudo tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_window_scaling »20:15
ActionParsnipCmol: there is ntfsprogs which will allow you to format ntfz but if you are reinstalling a Microsoft OS there, the install CD will do that for you20:15
zombie_I wonder why its hanging20:16
zombie_I might have to format eh20:16
ActionParsnipCmol: if you want full ubuntu use ext420:16
zombie_before I format my computer does anybody know the command lines for the latest X20:17
ThinkT510zombie_: is it not loading just those sites?20:17
zombie_Yup just those20:17
cmolActionParsnip, mean ?20:17
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zombie_everything else is fine20:17
Phototohi all20:17
am-dxingcmol: that is the format of the partition, ext420:17
Manyfoldwere do i find all the log files like syslog lastlog ?20:18
zombie_:ThinkT510:  (HOTMAIL-FACEBOOK-YAHOO MAIL)  Hang up and will not load20:18
mario713/var/log i think?20:18
LorgonJortleHas anyone else here had a problem with Skype rejecting login, claiming the password is always incorrect?20:18
Bas_The_Real_OneMonkeyDust: i'm on nl...20:18
am-dxingManyfold: /var/log (or do a find / -name syslog)20:18
cmolam-dxing, am don't know am have 2 os on my pc, but i need to uninstall / format my windows os, and the partition i will used for my music spcee20:18
Manyfoldam-dxing and mario713 thanks20:18
ActionParsnipam-dxing: i wouldn't use it in wine20:18
ActionParsnipam-dxing: you can slowly burn the iso to a CD and boot that20:18
cmolany ide for tha...20:18
zombie_I'm outaa luck in here ehh20:19
ThinkT510zombie_: that is unusual20:19
am-dxingActionParsnip: i have no cd drives20:19
javahornActionParsnip: any suggestions?20:19
zombie_I know, it was working fine till I installed the lastest X20:19
zombie_I forget the lines though20:19
dajhornLorgonJortle: Nope. Skype is working me.20:19
aazerti got serious problem with my server20:20
ThinkT510zombie_: installed the latest X? as in an update or manually installed from another source?20:20
zombie_ThinkT510:  The Lastest X made my OS stable without it my computer was crashing into the log in hence logging me out20:20
LorgonJortledajhorn, I've tried resetting my password, deleting ~/.Skype, reinstalling Skype... I'm not sure what's next.20:20
javahornActionParsnip: i can install anything from ubuntu centre too!!20:20
sygajoin #mario71320:21
zombie_ThinkT510:  Manually installed with multi lines using &&20:21
ActionParsnipjavahorn: i have no idea what your issue is, i haven't addressed you in the whole 25 mins it takea me to ride home, so why are you asking me?20:21
Bas_The_Real_OneLorgonJortle: you installed via backports?20:21
dajhornLorgonJortle: Can you login to www.skype.com?20:21
hemu_Installtion problem with sony vaio laptop20:21
javahornActionParsnip:  as last day you helped me with screen brightness20:21
punkmexicanyone know knows how to make ubuntu to stretch the image resolution of the monitor when its set to 1024 or 800 ??? i can do that in bactrack3 but in ubuntu 10.10 i notice some black bars20:22
AuroraXguys, i have this atheros wireless card, and my ubuntu doesnt mount it until i type "sudo modprob ath9k" why?20:22
cmolhai hai... am have used gparted, and are my windows have gone ? i but are my boot loader on ubuntu have proble if i format my windows partition20:22
ThinkT510zombie_: i don't know how X would affect the ability to use hotmail etc (it shouldn't make a difference)20:22
zombie_I thought that too20:22
zombie_I dunno what the shit happened20:22
zombie_Its makin me sad though20:23
Manyfoldwas dbus removed in maverick?20:23
aazertsince i enable allowuser=yes20:23
ActionParsnipjavahorn: cool but its a new day. Ask the channel like everyone else. If i had to help people i'd past helped then the cha20:23
LorgonJortleAh, damn. I think I fixed it by reinstalling from the Software Center.20:23
aazerti can't able to ssh on my server20:23
am-dxingManyfold: I believe dbus was slated to be removed20:23
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aazertwhat i have to do ?20:23
ActionParsnipChannel would be useless20:23
am-dxingManyfold: that or HAL, forgot which one20:23
zombie_Where do I find the latest X with out using commands?20:23
javahornActionParsnip: sorry, thanks a lot. :)20:23
aazertsince i enable allowuser=yes , i can't able to ssh to my server20:23
aazertwhat i have to do ?20:23
genii-aroundAuroraX: Put the line: ath9k    in file /etc/modules20:24
dajhornManyfold: The dbus package is currently available in Maverick.20:24
am-dxingActionParsnip: i'll let you know how Universal USB Installer works over wine, testing it now20:24
javahornscreen brightness for samsung laptop goes down once power cord is taken off!!20:24
ThinkT510zombie_: what prblems were you having with X that is on 10.10 default?20:24
aazerti forgot to add the line to mention the users to allow my system20:24
drexlaazert: AllowUsers username20:24
aazertyes i forgot20:24
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aazertnow i can't even access on my system as root20:24
zombie_Yeah without it, my programs where crashing into the log in screen, being whenever I clicked a program it would shoot me to login then I installed the latest X and that stopped20:25
Manyfoldam-dxing: because my kdm log is spammed with dbus errors like failing to connect to dbus server20:25
aazertvia ssh20:25
drexlaazert: you can just log in as a user and then su20:25
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo20:25
ThinkT510zombie_: what graphics card do you have?20:25
aazerti can't even log as a user via ssh20:26
aazerti can't even log as a user via ssh drexl20:26
hemzai need some tips to accelerate my downloads using firefox20:26
drexlaazert: did you restart the server after adding AllowUsers xxxxxx20:27
am-dxinghemza: search the add-ons under tools for download managers20:27
aazertyes after an Allowusers=yes20:27
aazerti restart my system20:27
aazerti forgot to mention the user to alllowed20:27
zombie_ThinkT510:: its a ProSavage820:27
am-dxingares_: !it20:27
am-dxing!it | ares_20:28
ubottuares_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:28
ThinkT510zombie_: well i'm stumped, if it was a graphics problem it would have pushed you to the cli, but you are able to get so far as to try to open a program then it crashes20:28
drexlaazert: it's not AllowUsers=yes it's AllowUsers username whatever your username is that you want to log into20:28
hemzaam-dxing,  which one20:28
aazertyes i know20:28
drexlo sorry20:28
am-dxinghemza: there are several to choose from, there is no conflict in trying to download them all and give them all a try20:28
zombie_ThinkT510:  All I know is without the lastest X I'm screwed but, before I installed it firefox worked on every site20:29
aazertnow i can't ssh to my system, what is the solution ?20:29
aazertis there any solution ?20:29
zombie_So yeah, I dunno what I should do20:29
am-dxinghemza: i have tried "download them all", and that is a pretty good one20:29
thewsverify network, start ssh server20:29
hemzaam-dxing, thnx20:29
erUSULaazert: actually installa the ssh server ?20:29
zombie_ThinkT510:: Where do I find the lastest X as a deb package?20:29
ThinkT510zombie_: have you tried giving ubuntu+1 a go (11.04)20:29
aazerti got webmin20:30
zombie_Sure but that ain't out yet is it?20:30
aazertis it possible something with webmin ?20:30
ThinkT510zombie_: at least you can tell if your graphics will work in the next release20:30
oCeanaazert: not supported20:30
zombie_ThinkT510::  Isn't that a beta20:30
oCean!webmin > aazert20:30
ubottuaazert, please see my private message20:30
ThinkT510zombie_: i think so, but i'm trying to ascertain whether the X in 11.04 has been updated so that you don't run into the problem with the new release20:31
hwildeJonii, are you gonna upload the video or what20:31
JoniiIS there anything I could try installing to make split mkv's play right?20:31
zombie_ThinkT510:: Where do I download the ISO at?20:32
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ThinkT510zombie_: one sec20:32
Guest97661a quick question... can I (should I) install v2.6.37.2-natty kernel on Ubuntu maverick?20:32
zombie_ThinkT510:: I'll try it tongiht20:32
erUSULGuest97661: do you need it?20:33
necreoAnyone using notify-send? Can anyone help me with a question I got about it.20:33
ThinkT510zombie_: thats the alpha2: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/natty/alpha-2/20:33
AuroraXthanks genii-around20:34
oCeanzombie_: for support for that release (11.04), visit #ubuntu+120:34
Joniihwilde, video? upload?20:34
am-dxinganyone know of any good linux iso to usb software that runs in linux so i can install ubuntu on a usb drive (unetbootin seems to have a bug)?20:34
Guest97661erUSUL, my toshiba m900 laptop is heating on 2.6.35-22-generic ...heating is gone on 2.6.37-rc2-maverick but Wireless networking is gone... so wondering if i should try
ys0hi, 10.10 ignores the headphones :\ the speaker sounds but the headphones don't work20:34
am-dxinganyone know of any good linux iso to usb software that runs in linux so i can install ubuntu on a usb drive (unetbootin seems to have a bug)?20:34
zombie_Okay but once question..20:35
ys0how i can fix?20:35
ThinkT510zombie_: i came across this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=160353420:35
zombie_Will this natty desktop do everything I'm doing now?20:35
am-dxinganyone know of any good linux iso to usb software that runs in linux so i can install ubuntu on a usb drive (unetbootin seems to have a bug)?20:35
oCeanzombie_: it is alpha. It breaks stuff20:35
drexlam-dxing: knoppix 6.2 or 5.0 comes with usb install program20:35
JoniiOh, and I'm still looking for a way for the audio to be blocked on either headphones or speakers. Default action is that sound plays on all attached devices, which is not at all what I want20:35
Klevisam-dxing: http://www.ubuntu.com/netbook/get-ubuntu/download20:35
GringoStarHello, I had problems during nvidia driver installation and now I can't retry because of some broken packages. Can you point me to the right way to clean it up?20:35
erUSULGuest97661: why you installed 37-rc2? is not 37.2 aviable for maverick ?20:36
am-dxingdrexl: can you give me the link so i can compile it from sourcecode in arch linux?20:36
necreoAnyone using notify-send? Can anyone help me with a question I got about it...20:36
bastidrazordrexl: am-dxing so does Ubuntu.. Startup Disk Creator20:36
am-dxingklevis: its amd64, not a netbook20:36
JoniiGood news is, the volume bar is less buggy as of now. You can drag the volume bar, but still, even though you hit it, it might still just jump to max volume20:36
Guest97661erUSUL, not that i know of... i am downloading from this page http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/20:36
drexlam-dxing: mabey it's just your computer only boots fat16 partitions from usb20:36
am-dxingbastidrazor: the startup disk creator source fails to compile20:36
oCeannecreo: better ask the real question and find out20:36
ThinkT510zombie_: i'm not suggesting you switch to it, i just want to make sure the X in 11.04 will work for you20:36
zombie_breaks stuff whaaaa20:36
Klevisam-dxing: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download20:36
aazertno is okay20:37
bastidrazoram-dxing: oh, you're compiling it? you're not using ubuntu?20:37
am-dxingKlevis: i already have the alternative and server and desktop isos for 10.10 amd6420:37
JoniiAnd I'm not sure where to look for help for all these problems, except, here. Like, pretty much everything related to getting multimedia play right seems to be somehow broken, buggy, not available, or working in a way you wouldn't want it to work20:37
am-dxingbastridrazor: i am trying to install ubuntu and need to put it on my usb to boot (has no cd)20:38
kopanyone care to take a crack at why google talk asks for the plugin over and over ?20:38
aazertwhat i have to do ? drexl what is the correct syntax : AllowUsers root, user1 am i right ?20:38
erUSULGuest97661: try 36-maverick ? thing is a rc2 kernel is quite unstable20:38
am-dxingbastridrazor: i am in archlinux now20:38
oCeanaazert: you are using webmin. Your system is not supported here20:38
aazerti m using ubuntu20:38
Zeelot3khey guys, just wondering if I have a more recent wkhtmltopdf binary than what apt installs, should I just replace the /usr/bin file or is there a better approach? does replacing files apt installed mess anything up?20:38
aazertnow webmin20:38
Zeelot3kI currently placed the new binary in /usr/local/bin20:38
Klevisam-dxing: there http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download its one option *Burn your CD or create a USB drive* chose create a USB drive and follow instructions20:39
aazertnot webmin20:39
oCeanaazert: yes you are, you told us20:39
ddddddddddddddhallo semua20:39
Guest97661erUSUL, ok, i'll try 36-maverick... btw do you happen to know where I can find the sources for these kernel?20:39
GringoStarWhat is the command to clean up broken packages with apt-get?20:40
erUSULGuest97661: mainline is --> kernel.org20:40
am-dxingKlevis: under I will be using: Windows Mac Ubuntu; i have neither, i am using another linux20:40
erUSUL!kernel > Guest9766120:40
ubottuGuest97661, please see my private message20:40
kopanyone care to take a crack at why google talk asks for the plugin over and over ?10.10 and firefox ...20:40
Klevisam-dxing: iam sorry i dont know for another linux :/20:40
xanguaGringoStar: install -f20:40
am-dxingKlevis: and that site requires javascript, so its not viewing properly (poor webadmin)20:41
JoniiOh, and, is it possible to install ubuntu to a netbook?20:41
JoniiWithout cd-drive?20:41
zombie_Error while copying "xorg.conf".   There was an error copying the file into /etc/X11.20:41
am-dxingJonii: yes20:41
xangua!usb | Jonii20:41
ubottuJonii: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent20:41
GringoStarxangua: Thank you, I still need to learn those command...20:41
xanguai preffer multisystem to create linux usb20:41
Guest97661erUSUL, source just in case I need to apply some patch from some forum post. Thanks for the help, I'll take a look at 36.20:42
javahornTraceback (most recent call last):  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/aptdaemon/worker.py", line 768, in simulate    return self._simulate_helper(trans, status_path)  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/aptdaemon/worker.py", line 936, in _simulate_helper    return depends, status,  -- i get this to install anything20:42
necreooCean: I did, noone answered20:42
Klevisam-dxing: i create very easy with Windows 720:42
Hedgehog456what does it mean if i'm on the live cd and it refuses to connect to wireless because of "missing firmware"20:42
am-dxingKlevis: guess there is no way to install ubuntu, i'll wait until there is a way to install it in other linuxs20:42
necreoI'm having a problem with notify-bin: the following command will work but it totally ignore the time (-t) flag: notify-send -u critical -t 100 -- "Test" "OK"20:42
necreoWhen I try it with another urgency (low/normal), nothing shows up20:43
am-dxingKlevis: i don't have windows20:43
zombie_this sucks...20:43
am-dxingKlevis: and its a shame you have to have Windows to install Ubuntu on a USB20:43
ThinkT510zombie_: you need to copy it with root authority20:43
xanguaam-dxing: then try external cd/dvd drive20:43
bastidrazoram-dxing: http://tinyurl.com/3exghs20:43
am-dxingxangua: buy more?20:44
erUSULHedgehog456: exactly that? you do not have the firmware installed? what wifi card is this?20:44
xanguaam-dxing: or ask a friend that has one20:44
ThinkT510zombie_: hang on20:44
GringoStarxangua: Did not woFATAL: Module nvidia not found.20:44
am-dxingxangua: i am the only computer savy one20:44
GringoStardpkg: error processing nvidia-driver (--configure):20:44
GringoStar subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 120:44
GringoStarProcessing triggers for libc6 ...20:44
GringoStarldconfig deferred processing now taking place20:44
FloodBot3GringoStar: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:44
GringoStarErrors were encountered while processing:20:44
Klevisyes xangua say right :P20:44
Hedgehog456if you click on the connection icon, it says "Device not ready (firmware missing)"?20:44
Klevisits no problem to find one windows pc :P20:44
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GringoStaroh, Sorry will not happen again20:44
ThinkT510zombie_: sudo cp /path/to/file /path/to/copyto20:45
Hedgehog456does this only happen on the live cd?20:45
am-dxingbastidrazor: those instructions are for windows on your tinyurl URL20:45
zombie_thanks I'll try that20:45
Hedgehog456i have an integrated wireless card20:45
Hedgehog456Dell Inspiron 130020:45
oCeannecreo: Found something related (?) in launchpad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libnotify/+bug/53363120:46
ubottuUbuntu bug 533631 in libnotify (Ubuntu) "notify-send unusable in app logic due the -t parameter the man and the help of notify-send -t parameter is invalid" [Low,Confirmed]20:46
bastidrazoram-dxing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux20:46
erUSULHedgehog456: lspci | grep -i net20:46
erUSULHedgehog456: in a terminal20:46
Hedgehog456ok thanks20:46
bastidrazoram-dxing: yes i saw that after i pasted the link.20:46
Hedgehog456what will that do?20:46
erUSULHedgehog456: show you what network chips you have20:47
ThinkT510zombie_: not sure if i got that command right20:47
am-dxingbastidrazor: it uses a debian based OS to install ubuntu, and it only recommends unetbootin, which has a bug preventing the installation of ubuntu20:47
Hedgehog45602:03.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)20:47
zombie_Okay I'm confused20:48
erUSULHedgehog456: go to System>Admin>hardware drivers20:48
bastidrazoram-dxing: it does not. it states unetbootin can do most of the steps below FOR you. instead it gives you what you need to do.20:48
zombie_How do I set the to?20:48
DrknzzIm installing Kubuntu 10.10 right now, and as to pass away some time i decided to listen to some <html5> music online.... but nothing seems to play (using rekonq). Also, i have no sound in Amarok, but system alerts do produce sound. Is this to be expected?20:48
zombie_I dunno what I'm doing20:48
Hedgehog456erUSUL: not there20:48
erUSULHedgehog456: are you offered to install something related to the wifi ?20:48
erUSUL!find b4320:48
ubottuFound: b43-fwcutter, firmware-b43-installer, firmware-b43-lpphy-installer, firmware-b43legacy-installer20:48
erUSULHedgehog456: ok « sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer »20:48
am-dxingmaybe i'll git unetbootin; maybe the alpha has a bug fix20:49
bastidrazoram-dxing: feel free to actually read the entire link before blowing it off. i'm done.20:49
ThinkT510zombie_: where have you got the xorg.cong file now?20:49
Hedgehog456cannot locate package20:49
am-dxingbastidrazor: i wanted a click click click solution, but this might be one20:49
erUSULHedgehog456: once it finished installing do « sudo modprobe -r b43 && sudo modprobe b43 »20:49
GringoStarxangua: Did not work, I got this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/574148/20:50
am-dxingbastidrazor: its just not the easiest solution, and that was why i chose to install ubuntu20:50
Hedgehog456it cannot locate the package20:50
erUSULHedgehog456: what version of ubuntu is this?20:50
erUSUL!who | Hedgehog45620:50
ubottuHedgehog456: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:50
bastidrazoram-dxing: you're using slackware.. have you EVER had a click click solution?..20:50
erUSULHedgehog456: well then it has to find it20:50
am-dxingbastidrazor: i am not using slackware20:50
erUSUL!info firmware-b43-installer20:50
ubottufirmware-b43-installer (source: b43-fwcutter (1:013-2)): Installer package for firmware for the b43 driver. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 5 kB, installed size 48 kB20:50
am-dxingbastidrazor: i am not using archlinux20:50
am-dxing*am using20:50
Hedgehog456if it's on the live cd, will it not work?20:51
erUSULHedgehog456: do you have multiverse enabled?20:51
bastidrazoram-dxing: and?20:51
am-dxingbastidrazor: pacman -Syu click click click solved20:51
Hedgehog456erUSUL: how do you do that?20:51
vanealguien puede decirme como funciona este trasto?20:51
erUSULHedgehog456: Aplications>ubuntu software center|| Edit>Software sources20:51
erUSULHedgehog456: in the first tab20:52
zombie_ThinkT510::  Does this look right sudo cp /home/zombie/Desktop/to/xorg.conf /etc/to/X11   the text file is on my desktop20:52
erUSUL!es | vane20:52
ubottuvane: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:52
ThinkT510zombie_: sudo cp /home/zombie/Desktop/xorg.conf /etc/X1120:53
livingdaylighthi, trying to copy from one computer to another using ssh... where in the sequence does the computer name come in?20:53
bastidrazorlivingdaylight: scp file file stuff file user@host:/path/to/new/location20:54
Pumpkin-scp /local/file username@remotehost:/remote/directory20:54
livingdaylightbastidrazor, thx20:54
zombie_I dunno it didn't do anything20:54
livingdaylightbastidrazor, scp = sudo cp?20:54
Hedgehog456E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)20:54
Hedgehog456E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?20:54
mendipHi guys. I haven't been here for a while ....so Hello!  ... does anyone know how to convert a .docx file so I cen read it?20:54
bastidrazorlivingdaylight: no, secure copy and paste20:54
arbitratorWell, this pretty much confirms my suspicions. Imminent hard drive failure.20:54
Hedgehog456erUSUL: that was the error returned.20:54
livingdaylightwould I need to sudo scp ...20:54
ThinkT510open a file manager and look in /etc/X11 is xorg.conf there?20:55
Pumpkin-livingdaylight: only if you don't have permissions normally to read the file you are copying20:55
zombie_It told me to type my password then nothing??20:55
mendipHi Living daylight!20:55
bastidrazorlivingdaylight: scp is used for copying files/folders over an ssh connection.. cp is for copying files/folders ont he same box20:55
GringoStarI can't remove a nvidia broken package with apt-get install -f can someone tell me how to do it?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/574148/20:55
erUSULHedgehog456: do you have synaptic or anything else related to packages open?¿20:55
livingdaylightbastidrazor, kewl, didn't know that... and host = ip number or name of computer?20:55
ThinkT510zombie_: open a file manager and look in /etc/X11 is xorg.conf there?20:56
Hedgehog456erUSUL: no20:56
Hedgehog456i have firefox open, obviously20:56
bastidrazorlivingdaylight: you can use its IP or if you have the name of the computer in your /etc/hosts or if the other box is ubuntu you can use its hostname.local20:56
erUSUL!aptlock | Hedgehog45620:56
ubottuHedgehog456: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »20:56
zombie_lol yeah its there20:57
localh0sthi, i'm looking for fast ubuntu repository server, cause on my current i download packages only with ~ 200 - 300 kb/s20:57
ThinkT510zombie_: restart20:57
guntbertmendip: install openoffice.org (or libreoffice)20:57
rww!repomirror | localh0st20:57
ubottulocalh0st: Go to "System",  "Administration", and "Software Sources" and choose "Other" from the drop down box. Then choose "select best server" and your system will choose the fastest mirror for you automatically.20:57
bastidrazorlocalh0st: System > Administration > Software Sources > ...20:57
bastidrazoryeah, nice to know there is a factoid20:57
rwwanother factoid that needs changing because Ubuntu decided to drop that shortcut, I guess.20:58
bastidrazoras of 10.04 it is still valid.20:58
erUSULHedgehog456: 0.o! well it is not worth the trouble. you are in a livecd anyway. all we are doing wont survive a reboot20:59
localh0stbastidrazor: ubottu: it would be so easy, but software sources does not exist there..20:59
erUSULHedgehog456: just keep in mind that your wifi can be made to work once you install ubuntu20:59
Hedgehog456erUSUL; so livecds can break the wireless20:59
bastidrazorlocalh0st: which version of ubuntu are you using?21:00
GringoStarI can't remove a nvidia broken package with apt-get install -f can someone tell me how to do it?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/574148/21:00
bastidrazorlocalh0st: i am still on 10.04. i have no idea where it would be in 10.10. maybe rww has the answer up his sleeve.21:00
Hedgehog456erUSUL: so the live cd is breaking install?21:01
erUSULHedgehog456: no; livecd's can not legally carrie fimware needed to run wifi cards because broadcom is a ******* company21:01
rwwlocalh0st: open Software Center or Synaptic, it's on one of the menus in them.21:01
Bas_The_Real_Oneany one on gdm sessions?21:01
localh0strww: ok, thank you21:01
erUSULHedgehog456: so we ( open source users ) have to play this games21:01
Hedgehog456goodbye windows :D21:01
madsjhi; under gnome, I can choose the right sound device, but it's automatically set, so when I use openbox, the sound doesn't work21:01
madsjhow can I change this?21:01
geoffmccGringoStar: maybe sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq <package name>21:01
localh0stfirst i must wait until system end updating21:01
Hedgehog456thanks erUSUL21:01
kerrickCan someone run "which python2" on their system and tell me what it returns?21:01
josh_kanyone else having problems w/security.ubuntu.com today?21:02
josh_kapt hangin, etc?21:02
bastidrazorkerrick: /usr/bin/21:02
kerrickbastidrazor, erUSUL, thank you very much.21:02
GringoStargeoffmcc: Thank you will try21:02
xorxorxorreturns nothign21:02
bastidrazorkerrick: you're welcome21:02
geoffmccjosh_k: froze my browser for a min but then it loaded21:03
pinchiHello Everyone!21:03
pinchiI need some help!21:03
Bas_The_Real_OneI'm stuck with a une-e17 session...21:03
ThinkT510!helpme | pinchi21:03
ubottupinchi: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude21:03
pinchi!help me21:03
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots21:03
erUSUL!ask | pinchi21:04
ubottupinchi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:04
madsjI'd be really pleased if someone knows about the sound; I don't really like gnome21:05
=== erUSUL is now known as lluvia
=== lluvia is now known as erUSUL
pinchiI signed in into an online languange site called Babbel. (www.babbel.com). I have a problem with the audio tracks - some days ago I could hear them, but now I cannot hear them anymore. Otherwise my player plays and my youtube works.. But it is strange. Could someone help me?21:06
edwardteach!details | madsj21:06
ubottumadsj: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:06
madsjedwardteach: hi; under gnome, I can choose the right sound device, but it's  automatically set, so when I use openbox, the sound doesn't work21:07
Hedgy|DesktoperUSUL: what will unmounting the partiotions do during installation?21:07
madsjbut posts seem to be lost in here due to the high activity21:08
Zeelot3kanyone know the answer to my question? =( I thought it was pretty simple21:08
madsjI'm using Ubuntu 10.04, but don't think it matters in this connection21:08
=== Hedgy|Desktop is now known as Hedgehog456
zombie_I'm and facebook still doesn't work and my screen went to 800 x 60021:08
zombie_I'm back*21:08
WassasinI have a problem with sound using Generic Wine App / Linux Native TS3: stuttering / choppy input sound from my mic; Sound from PulseAudio / Gnome-sound-recorder is fine; Ubuntu 10.10 amd64; ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) (rev 40)21:09
Hedgehog456erUSUL: if i'm installing, what will happen if i unmount the partitions?21:09
GringoStargeoffmcc: How can I know the exact name of the package?21:09
zombie_Think:: you still here?21:09
ThinkT510zombie_: sorry, i just realized that you're running an updated X, that was meant to be done on the default 10.10 X21:09
mtx_initIn ubuntu, is the spell check mainly done by aspell?21:10
zombie_You think I messed something up?21:10
Hedgehog456if i'm installing, what will happen if i unmount the partitions?21:10
=== Guest26497 is now known as kn100
ThinkT510zombie_: you can delete the xorg.conf and it will return back to normal21:10
=== kn100 is now known as Guest26946
zombie_Doesn't seem like anything messed up21:11
zombie_just got bigger21:11
ThinkT510zombie_: sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:11
=== Guest26946 is now known as kn100
ThinkT510zombie_ then another restart21:11
erUSULHedgehog456: what partitions?21:12
Hedgehog456the windows ones i had before21:12
Hedgehog456is it safe to format them?21:12
pinchi!help I signed in into an online languange site called Babbel. (www.babbel.com). I have a problem with the audio tracks - some days ago I could hear them, but now I cannot hear them anymore. Otherwise my player plays and my youtube works.. But it is strange. Could someone help me?21:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:12
=== McPeter_ is now known as McPeter
JoniiSomewhy time is shown in format 14.32, when it should be 14:3221:13
JoniiHow to fix this?21:13
ThinkT510pinchi: you checked the volume?21:13
pinchiThinkT510, yes I did21:14
pinchieverything plays, except this site - Babbel21:14
zombie_Think:: Restart is now broken for some reason21:15
ThinkT510zombie_: welcome back, sorry about all that21:15
zombie_I had to pull the power cord21:15
monkeyDhey guys, can anyone tell me how linux find my hardware and know which driver it has to install ?21:15
ThinkT510zombie_: do you have anything important on ubuntu?21:16
zombie_Just that updated X and a butch of software21:16
Netrider#ubuntu -es21:16
johntramphi i am using awesome windowm manager but have stupid sound effects for eg when i open a tab in chromium. how can i get rid of these?21:17
erUSULmonkeyD: most buses PCI usb can be queried to know which hardware is conected to them. the kernel has pciid and usbids' to know what module to load21:17
ThinkT510zombie_: i'd recommend that you reinstall ubuntu 10.10 and see if you can get a fix for the Xorg crashes21:17
madsjNetrider: what are you trying to do? maybe you want /join before #ubuntu-es21:17
monkeyDerUSUL: do you know an artical that discribes that in detail ?21:17
zombie_What website do I get the new X off of as a deb package?21:17
JoniiOh, the localization is just weird21:17
Netriderups thnks21:17
erUSULmonkeyD: no; sorry21:18
Hedgehog456is it safe to just use ubuntu as a primary os?21:18
Hedgehog456i mean, like, safe to delete windows21:18
linuxrocksHi, how do I find the UUID of a samba device?21:18
pinchiThinkT510 - i am still waiting for your answer21:19
CyberGabbermonkeyD: Best option is to download and burn a 'Ubuntu Live-CD', from which you can boot and try ubuntu without really installing it.21:19
ThinkT510zombie_: there has to be a reason why X is crashing on 10.10, if you can find out why maybe it can be fixed (seems like we are swapping one problem for another)21:19
erUSULmonkeyD: 2 seconds google search turns up this http://www.mjmwired.net/kernel/Documentation/driver-model/binding.txt21:19
zombie_haha Yeah but thats life aint it?21:19
ThinkT510pinchi: sorry, i've never been good with sound21:19
CyberGabbermonkeyD: It will give you a good indication of your hardware is supported21:19
ThinkT510!pulse | pinchi21:19
ubottupinchi: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions21:19
pinchiThinkT510 thanks anway21:19
zombie_I'll try and re do this I'll be back in a hour21:20
pinchithe thing is that it worked three days ago21:20
linuxrocksHi, I can't write to a mounted samba device (permission denied) but I can see permissions are ok. Any idea?21:20
pinchiand now it just does not detect the audio tracks21:20
ThinkT510pinchi: i thought ubottu may have a troubleshooting link for pulseaudio21:20
MarkBI'm experiencing problems with Compiz on my Xubuntu 10.10 system, could someone help me?21:21
erUSUL!anyone | MarkB21:21
ubottuMarkB: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.21:21
ThinkT510pinchi: maybe this may help: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio#Known Issues21:21
pinchiThank you!21:21
g00seI've got maverick trying to mount ntfs partitions in live mode. Is there a boot option i can give it to tell it not to?21:21
ThinkT510pinchi: of course i'm assuming you're using pulse rather than alsa21:22
MarkBBecause I wanted to make sure someone was listenting, is rather long.  But, okay I will state my question.21:22
linuxrocksWhy can't I write to a mounted device if owner is me and permissions are u=rwx?21:22
pinchiI have alsa21:22
pinchithe thing is i think i must have changed some settings or something21:22
pinchibecause It worked, the sound worked and than.. suddenly.. not anymore21:23
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.21:23
logihkWould it be possible to load the kernel and entire userland and some of the more commonly used applications to a RAM disk at boot?21:23
* Netw0rkBug throw keyboard at floodbot321:23
ThinkT510pinchi: ahh, there we are, a troubleshooting link21:23
psusilogihk: you can load everything to ram when booting the livecd by passing the toram parameter21:23
MarkBI am running Xubuntu 10.10 and I installed compiz-core with the plugins, the settings manager and whatnot.  I have Nvidia GeForce 8400 GS, Compiz Check said I was blacklisted and Compiz may not work, but I continued to see if it would.  It obviously does not work, but now my Window Headers do not appear unless I run Compiz I un-installled it and they do not appear on my Windows.  So I had to re-install it to get them working, how can I get21:24
MarkBthem back without using Compiz?21:24
logihkpsusi: I mean when booting the actual installed system.21:24
richardcavellHi everyone.  I'm running 10.10 inside VirtualBox.  After the latest round of updates, my Ubuntu will no longer go fullscreen.21:25
MarkBAnyone have a clue what to do?  I'd rather not re-install my system..21:25
pinchithere is a problem with the sound only with this page: www.babbel.com21:26
pinchieverything else works and plays21:26
MarkBGuess not...oh well I'll just re-install my OS then.21:26
ThinkT510MarkB: wait21:27
g00seI've got maverick trying to mount ntfs partitions in live mode. Is there a boot option i can give it to tell it not to?21:27
erUSULMarkB: you have to tell xfce to use the original window manager of xfce--> xfwm421:27
erUSULMarkB: run « xfwm4 --replace » ?21:27
ThinkT510MarkB: ahh, someone beat me to it21:27
MarkBSo I can now safely un-install Compiz?21:27
MarkBAnd my Window Headers will still be there.21:28
edwardteachMarkB, i have the same card works fine !21:28
MarkBYou do?  512 MB PCI?21:28
gazap-onhello, ubuntu won't load cd/dvds after loading other, when i eject the first one it still says is inside, this doesn't happen if i click eject. any help?21:29
cannonballI have my machine loaded with all the necessary utils to display UTF-8.  If I wanted to type something, say é (is written as <E8>), how would I _type_ it (I pasted the previous letter in).  My locale is en_US.21:29
anaohello@all can anyone tell  me the file of cryptsetup which echo "enter passphrase to unlock disk" at boot?21:29
MarkBerUSUL:  Can I remove Compiz from my Computer and restart it, and my Window Headers will still be there?21:30
ThinkT510pinchi: it appears that Babbel uses flash21:30
Artemis3anyone here with the Asus P8P67 LE?21:31
ThinkT510pinchi: perhaps it's a flash issue (though you can play youtube vids fine)21:31
pinchicould be..21:31
pinchian option21:31
erUSULMarkB: did you do the « xfwm4 --replace » ?21:31
MarkBerUSUL:  Yes sir.21:31
erUSULMarkB: i really dunno for sure never used xfce. maybe in #xubuntu you can confirm21:32
erUSULMarkB: in gnome that would work21:32
pinchiThinkT510 - should I re-install flash again?21:32
gazap-onany help with my problem, please21:33
gluxonMy laptop on Ubuntu 11.04 seems to have problems connecting to Wi-Fi hotspots.21:33
ThinkT510pinchi: you could try, on't know if it will work (cos you got sound on youtube vids right?)21:33
pinchiI really cannot understand this issue - like really.21:33
gluxongazap-on: Perhaps I might be able to help, could you repeat your question?21:33
MarkBOkay, thank you erUSUL I guess I will check with Xubuntu chat.21:34
erUSULMarkB: no problem21:34
pinchiThinkT510 It is weird21:34
javahornwhile calling skype , at other end , it echoes a lot, how to curb that.21:34
pinchiThinkT510 I tried to check my sound preferences and so on.. but.. nothing mathes21:35
pinchithat could cause a possible problem21:35
ChogyDanjavahorn: use head phones?21:35
ThinkT510pinchi: just checked quickly but it appears there is no mute option in the flash menu (right click settings)21:35
javahornChogyDan:  that is not an option21:35
javahornChogyDan:  any other good suggestion, is it normal and common?21:35
gazap-onwhen i put a cd/dvd into my cd/dvd drive, it loads well, but when i eject the cd with the eject button and put another, it won't load because the cd drive on ubuntu says that the first cs is still on the drive21:35
pinchiThinkT510 I am kind-of LEFT to those stuff - can you tell from the beginning? :)21:36
WassasinProblem: choppy / stuttering / delayed sound with native AMD64 TeamSpeak 3 client (and using Wine) @ Ubuntu 10.10; using PulseAudio; gnome-sound-recorder works fine21:36
ChogyDanjavahorn: yeah, if it is reverb, then yeah.  It is just sound playing out of the speakers and then playing back into the mic21:36
ThinkT510pinchi: wish i could help more but i'm out of ideas21:36
gazap-onif i do this with the eject click it works, so i think is not a problem of the drive, but a configuration problem21:36
drcgazap-on: you mean the "eject button" on the DVD/CD player itself?21:36
pinchiThinkT510 I even wrote to the web page crew and they couldn't help me..21:36
javahornChogyDan:  so how to overcome?21:36
pinchiIt is shitty. Would love to study Portuguese21:37
pinchiThinkT510 But thank you again - !21:37
ChogyDanjavahorn: why are headphones not an option?21:37
ThinkT510pinchi: np, glad to try21:37
drexlgazap-on: I had that problem, and removing it from the fstab fixed it, now pcmanfm just finds it21:37
javahornas i donot have it right now and that limits freedom!21:37
drcgazap-on: does it happen if you use the "safe eject" option via the menu(s)21:37
gazap-onit doesn't21:38
ChogyDanjavahorn: well, maybe you could set up walls with books or something to block the speakers from playing into the mic21:38
flinteleagnome questios21:38
javahornChogyDan: microphone mute does not allow to hear at other end21:39
drcgazap-on: Don't know why it happens (I suspect that the hardware is just NOT updating the software), but the same thing happens on my system, so I have learned NOT to use the eject button unless I HAVE to.21:40
guntbertlastlog localhost21:40
pmp6nlHello, does anyone know why in 10.10 I am only allowed to select one minute or less for dimming the display in power management?21:40
gazap-ondrc: are you on ubuntu 10.10?21:40
ThinkT510pinchi: this seems to be an older link but hope it helps: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash21:41
drcgazap-on: yes...er...Xubuntu 10.10, but it happened when I was using GNOME too21:41
MarkBUpdate:  I restarted and my Window Headers still only appear if I type  xfwm4 --replace, or the other one.21:41
gazap-onohh, if you fix it someday let me now ok21:42
Xeon06Good day everyone. Could someone ask a bot to give me some links about starting jobs at system startup?21:42
drcgazap-on: I suspect that the dvd/c, the way it is using the menusds  is not UNmounted by pushing the eject button21:42
ThinkT510!startup | Xeon0621:42
ubottuXeon06: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot21:42
aeon-ltd!upstart | Xeon0621:42
ubottuXeon06: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/21:42
gazap-oni think maybe is because is not the drive i used to install ubuntu, i remove that one and connect this21:43
guntbertlocalh0st: are you still looking for "software sources" ?21:43
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto21:43
gazap-onbut still is strange, its a LG drive21:43
drcgazap-on: well, that was weird...keyboard seemed to jump around on me...do you understand what I was trying to say?21:43
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MarkBAnyone here know what to do..?  Xubuntu channel is no help.21:43
MarkBRe-installation it is then. :L21:44
drexlMarkB: ask away, I have no idea..21:45
drcgazap-on: It was never enough of a problem for me to worry about finding an answer or even if it was a "problem" or just normal behavior21:45
ThinkT510MarkB: so after you run "xfwm4 --replace" the titles come back, but after you restart they dissapear again?21:45
MarkBThinkT510:  Yes sir.21:45
gazap-onyes i understand but i'm using ubuntu on my family's computer so i don't want they start saying "windows" is better" lalalala21:46
ThinkT510MarkB: did you have a compiz trigger at startup (cant thik of the proper name)21:46
drcgazap-on: tell them it's "security feature" :)21:47
MarkBTo start when I start my computer?  No sir, I don't want Compiz on my Computer.21:47
gazap-onohh nice!21:47
ThinkT510MarkB: i know, i'm just making sure it's still not there21:47
MarkBWell I still have it installed, because it's the only way to get my Window Headers.21:48
ThinkT510MarkB: can you open the xfce settings manager and go to session and startup?21:48
gazap-oni'm using "sudo eject" on terminal and it won't eject eihter21:49
ThinkT510MarkB: under the application autostart tab can you see compiz in the list?21:49
Raydiationis there a cmd which shows the relative path from your home folder?21:50
[poisonborz]does anyone know how to save in vi editor?? I press esc and type w as is told by every tutorial, but that opens the "where is" function....21:50
WassasinProblem (progress!): choppy / stuttering / delayed mic sound with native AMD64 TeamSpeak 3 client (and using Wine) @ Ubuntu 10.10; using PulseAudio; gnome-sound-recorder works fine; recording from monitor (with TeamSpeak 3) works fine too!21:51
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WassasinMonitor = output loopback21:51
Pumpkin-[poisonborz]: <esc> : w21:51
Pumpkin-(then enter)21:51
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MarkBThinkT510: No sir, I cannot see it under there.21:51
[poisonborz]pumpkin: when I press : it says unknown program and gets back to editing mode21:52
ThinkT510MarkB: ok, we'll make a new entry (don't worry, not for compiz)21:52
ThinkT510MarkB: press add21:52
emanueleHi, I'm trying to install a canon mf5750 printer, I can't find the drivers, someone could help me?21:52
MarkBOkay, now what.21:52
ThinkT510MarkB: give it the name XFWM, put window manager in the description and under command type xfwm4 --replace21:53
jrib!print | emanuele21:53
ubottuemanuele: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows21:53
ThinkT510MarkB: when you press ok it should be added to the list21:53
ThinkT510MarkB: then you can try restarting and see if you can get your titlebars back21:54
MarkBThank you, ThinkT.  I shall try now.21:54
NewToUbuntuhello, how can i determine my wireless card?21:55
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javahornChogyDan: any further thought ?21:56
NewToUbuntuanyone could help me? i am rlly new at linux21:57
ChogyDanjavahorn: heh, sorry mate.  I think you are going to have to get creative with your setup21:57
anurupneed help with iw21:58
javahornChogyDan:  wanted to know , this is common drawback?21:58
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RoastedI know there's several video editors out there, but which one out there resembles Microsoft's Movie Maker the best? I want to do a quick video, so if I can find an ultra basic video program that resembles Movie Maker so I can get it done quick would be helpful.21:58
Bas_The_Real_Onehey guys... I'm on Ubunutu maverick embedded and I have a 'Xlib: extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0".'21:59
ThinkT510anurup: iw?21:59
xanguaRoasted: pitivi comes by default in ubuntu21:59
ChogyDanjavahorn: any time you have the speakers too close to the mic, which is common on laptops.  You will just have to either turn down the sound or try to block the sound from your mic21:59
zombie_Think:: Are you still here?21:59
anurupyea its similar to iwconfig21:59
anurupbut with iw21:59
anurupyou can create virtual interfaces21:59
ThinkT510zombie_: welcome back21:59
zombie_Facebook is working22:00
RoastedThinkT510, I know, but there's also like 12 video editors. I want to know which resembles movie maker the best.22:00
zombie_but software like zsnes, wine and a few others crash22:00
ThinkT510!yay | zombie_22:00
ubottuzombie_: Glad you made it! :-)22:00
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zombie_So maybe it was the new X that made the site hang?22:00
ThinkT510Roasted: i don't do much video editing, but i like openshot the best22:00
NijaboTrying to install the   sudo apt-get install gnupg pbuilder ubuntu-dev-tools bzr-builddeb    and I get an error message: N: Ignoring file 'apt-build' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has no filename extension    Should I worry?22:01
ThinkT510zombie_: seems like it, though still don't know how or why22:01
raidoNewToUbuntu: does it show up if you type ifconfig in a terminal?22:01
WassasinProblem with pulseaudio / Teamspeak 3: mic stream is foobar. Teamspeak "hears" this: http://neko.quezacotl.nl/problems/thisisatest.ogg (Me saying "this is a test"); gnome-sound-recorder works fine; Teamspeak works with other PulseAudio devices (like Monitor); padenvchooser debug info: http://neko.quezacotl.nl/problems/teamspeak3.png22:02
zombie_Hotmail works... haha22:02
ChogyDanNijabo: maybe there is a file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d names apt-build22:02
sardonyxhas anyone here messed with fakeraid or software raid before?  Can it be setup and retain existing data on the drives if you're creating a mirror?22:03
zombie_Yahoo mail works again22:03
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zombie_all 3 now work again... lol didn't take long to do that.. How long was I gone Think?22:03
NewToUbuntuno one? i need to know my wireless board model. come on, thats a simple question, and i dont know the terminal commands yet22:03
ThinkT510zombie_: but wine and zsnes crashes?22:04
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MacGyverNLsardonyx: 1: Don't use fakeraid. If true HW raid is not an option, use software raid (mdadm and friends). As for your question, please explain what you mean with "creating a mirror".22:04
raidosardonyx: you can do a raid mirror and retain the data on drive 0. There are good tutorials on line to do so, I remember reading one in the book Knoppix Hacks22:04
zombie_I might have to just not use those anymore22:04
ThinkT510zombie_: i think it was just half an hour22:04
MacGyverNLsardonyx: Also relevant, which drives do you want to retain data on, which drives do you want to mirror?22:04
zombie_I have a CFW ps3 with SNES9 and FBAN so I could do without the zsnes22:04
zombie_ThinkT510:: I'm fast ehh.. lol22:05
sardonyxMacGyverNL, yeah i'm looking at software raid because it seems the motherboard I have has fakeraid ie Intel storage matrix ESB2....i have two drives, one has existing data, the other one is blank, i'd like to setup a raid 1 mirror between them and retain all the data on the original drive22:05
ThinkT510zombie_: time flys when you're having fun :)22:05
raidosardonyx: yeah, totally doable22:06
drag0nzhey guys, ive just installed ubuntu server on vmware, i can ping local ips but i get "connect: Network is unreachable" when i try to ping google.com.. anyone know what the problem can be?22:06
sardonyxraido, can you point me at a good tutorial?22:06
MacGyverNLYes, that's the default when creating a raid-1 array, iirc.22:06
drag0nzi can nslookup google.com fine as well22:06
ThinkT510zombie_: what do you use in wine (might be overkill but you could try virtualbox and a windows vm as an alternative)22:06
sardonyxraido, i'm currently looking at this https://raid.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/RAID_setup however it doesnt say if data is already there it can be retained22:07
Pumpkin-drag0nz: sounds like no/bad default gateway22:07
zombie_ThinkT510:: Do you think maybe the updates for ubuntu 10.10 could be messing with me?22:07
MacGyverNLhttp://www.mepis.org/docs/en/index.php?title=Software_RAID_mirror <-- This might do, though may need adaptation to ubuntu.22:07
drag0nzPumpkin-, its set correctly. ill triple check it again now22:07
zombie_I've tried VBox and it doesn't boot or work for that matter22:07
pmp6nlHello, does anyone know why in 10.10 I am only allowed to select one minute or less for dimming the display in power management?22:07
zombie_I just wanted windows emulator for Mame Plus Plus or 32 but screw it I hacked my ps3 it play mame roms now22:07
ThinkT510zombie_: not sure what you mean by the updates messing with you?22:08
raidosardonyx: see hack 77 here http://tinyurl.com/5tbkr2m22:08
MacGyverNLsardonyx: But, as per usual when doing this kind of thing, I wouldn't attempt it if I didn't have a backup of my data.22:09
zombie_Well.. I've read in forums that the Ubuntu updates messed up there OS in ways of making it "unstable'22:09
sardonyxraido, MacGyverNL  thanks guys for the help22:09
sardonyxMacGyverNL, oh yeah, I p2v'd the box just in case....22:09
raidosardonyx: np22:09
zombie_and software crashing to the log in screen =Unstable right?22:09
ThinkT510zombie_: sounds rather vague22:09
Jasonnzombie_: if you really believe this then dont update ;)22:09
anurupi need help with IW22:09
zombie_I'm going to test my theory and I'm updating only and seeing if it does mess things up22:10
RoastedI have a video I'd like to crop. I want everything outside of a selected range to be cropped off and unseen. Is there any way to do this, particularly in openshot?22:10
brontoeeewhat tool to timecode exact playout to dvcam?22:10
xelisterhow easy may it be to have ubuntu auto login into given user (start X session) without asking for password? some real user.22:10
ThinkT510zombie_: updates have always been rock solid for me, not sure what happened when you manually installed the new X last time but it must have messed something up22:11
anurupanyone uses mac8021122:11
zombie_I think thats probably what happened22:11
zombie_ThinkT510:: If I get a new pc what dual core pc is the best for linux ubuntu?22:12
YankDownUnderI'd stick with 32-bit...22:13
ThinkT510zombie_: i've always been a laptop guy myself, thinkpads have always worked great with ubuntu22:13
* YankDownUnder loves Lenovo's22:13
emwhen i went to install inkscape it says there are untrusted packages. why would there be untrusted packages?22:13
empython-reportlab python-uniconvertor python-lxml python-renderpm  libwmf-bin python-reportlab-accel22:14
* mongy had dells and always just 'worked'22:14
zombie_thinkspads hmm, I'm more into desktops, hmmp22:14
emit says those are all untrusted packages22:14
YankDownUnder"Untrusted" doesn't necessarily mean bad.22:14
raidoYankDownUnder: Mee too Ive had 4 over the years. Theyre the best22:14
emYankDownUnder: what does it mean then?22:14
mongyem, is this in ubuntu software centre?22:14
emit's aptitude22:14
mongyem, ok, and not apt-get ?22:14
emNo I use aptitude.22:14
ThinkT510mongy: this is the ubuntu support channel22:14
emBecause it is better.22:15
apollodoes anyone know of a way to turn .mp3 to text in Ubuntu?22:15
mongyemanuele, tried apt-get?22:15
mongyThinkT510, and I am giving support.. you point ?22:15
ThinkT510mongy: sorry, misread what you said22:15
RoastedWhat video editor in Linux allows me to crop video?22:15
Jasonnapollo: you mean change the file extension, or also convert?22:15
emaptitude is a valid way to install software on Ubuntu systems.22:16
YankDownUnderRoasted, pitivi and cinelerra22:16
emIf untrusted does not mean bad then what does it mean?22:16
kekelan amına koduklarım bise anlamıyosunuz deilmi22:16
troyouncesanyone have any experience swapping drives in ubuntu?  I want to swap my sata drive with a smaller ssd22:16
RoastedYankDownUnder, really? I cant seem to find out where to do it in pitivi. Do you know how by chance?22:16
mongyem, I just haeard a lot of people saying problems with untrusted sources while using USC, and going into software sources, authentication and 'restore defaults' fixed it.   thats all22:16
troyouncesi want to clone my drive onto the new drive22:16
YankDownUnderRoasted, nah - I prefer cinelerra mate.22:16
kekehow can i install Xmms2 to ubuntu1022:16
YankDownUndertroyounces, dd is yer friend22:16
Jasonnapollo: since a .txt is not a music format, all you have to do is right click then rename Change the last letters from mp3 to txt22:17
troyouncesYankDownUnder: can I copy over the contents from a 250G drive to a 120G and just plug in the ssd?22:17
mongykeke, same as any other app... but good luck finding a decent gui for it22:17
rwwem: step 1 whe this happens is sudo aptitude update, since that issue is sometimes caused by incomplete package list updates. If that doesn't help, compare apt-key list to the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ and see if you're missing keys for some repositories.22:17
rwwem: ("sudo apt-key list" being a command)22:17
apolloim looking to turn an .mp3 dictation into a text transcript...22:17
YankDownUndertroyounces, If you want to do it the better way, resize the 250gb's partition, then do the dd to the new drive.22:17
raidotroyounces: I have had good experience with Clonezilla too.22:17
kekety mongy but im new at ubuntu i download the tar.bz2 file and extract the folder22:17
RoastedYankDownUnder, that gizmo isnt in software center?22:18
kekebut i cant find install.sh22:18
mongykeke, stick to the repo's22:18
troyouncesYankDownUnder: how do i resize a partition?22:18
mongykeke, apt-get install xmm222:18
kekewithout sudo ?22:18
Jasonn!mp3 | apollo22:18
ubottuapollo: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:18
troyouncesYankDownUnder: also can I do this with a live system, or do I have to boot up with a live cd?22:18
mongykeke, well , I assumed :[22:19
rwwem: "apt-cache policy packagenamehere" on the untrusted packages may also help, since it'll show you which repository it's pulling from. but yeah, I'd check sudo aptitude update first.22:19
mongykeke, no, WITH sudo22:19
Jasonnapollo: im not sure how to get transcript22:19
mongykeke, you can never use without sudo because you are not root, if you are, bad bad you22:19
apolloOk, THX.22:20
demosshi all22:20
Guybrush88hi demoss22:20
thedanglerhow do I view all workspaces at once?22:20
kekedo u know any good tutorials for teaching ubuntu from basic to upper levels22:20
demossi starting from ubuntu noob tutorials22:21
xangua!manual | keke22:21
ubottukeke: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/22:21
modHi all, whats the difference between Latest and LTS in terms of updates and fixes?22:21
matt-vaioever since I downloaded Ubuntu 10.10, whenever I would shut my laptop lid or suspend my computer, it would shut down. not really convenient for sckool and stuff. Is there a way to fix this?22:21
troyouncescan I clone a drive using dd while booted into the system?  or do i have to do it using a live cd?22:21
kekeok ty lets look there22:21
demossthem install debian and starting collect information how i can UP web servers22:21
demossthem learn KVM22:21
demossi use google )22:22
modDoes LTS mean you will be able to get paid support in the long term?22:22
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)22:22
xanguamod: you can pay home or office support to canonical22:22
rwwmod: LTS is supported for three years on desktop and five on server. Non-LTS is eighteen months for both. LTS also gets point releases with update rollups, so you don't have to download all the updates on new installs.22:22
matt-vaiohello :)22:22
modrww, ah ok so eventually LTS and Lates come back into sync22:23
rshakinhey i am having some intermittent problems with my wifi it seems like the signal strength on my laptop running xubuntu 10.10 is very flaky at best... same laptop on windows seems fine22:23
modits just that Latest gets updates piecemeal and LTS gets it in larger chunks?22:23
rshakinany bright ideas ?22:23
rwwmod: No, they both get updates piecemeal. LTS also has the option of point release chunks. They contain the same updates.22:23
matt-vaiorshakin, same here bro22:23
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.22:23
jribmod: no, all ubuntu releases only get security updates mostly (see !srue)22:23
rwwalso applies to both.22:23
ThinkT510rshakin: are you running off the mains?22:23
modrww, got it, thanks22:23
jribmod: ugh, I meant !sru22:24
modwell that would explain why my printing issue hasn't been fixed (problem with gimp and libcairo)22:24
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matt-vaioever since I downloaded Ubuntu 10.10, whenever I would shut my laptop lid or suspend my computer, it would shut down. not really convenient for sckool and stuff. Is there a way to fix this?22:25
modmatt-vaio, look at power management22:25
ThinkT510rshakin: if you're running off your laptop's battery then you may want to check the power settings22:25
matt-vaioI think I tried that already...22:25
RoastedYankDownUnder, how do you even import clips in cinelerra...22:25
matt-vaiomod, it is set to suspend. the problem is, the pc goes to suspend as usual, but when it wakes up it restarts back to the bios.22:26
rshakinThinkT510: thank you i will check it out...22:27
Senixhow do i get a colored terminal?22:27
modmatt-vaio, and its not hibernating?22:27
kekewhats the difference between ext2 ext3 ext4 ?22:27
RoastedYankDownUnder, cinlerra just crashed on me. not sure Im interested in this anymore.22:28
jribSenix: you want to color your bash prompt?  The terminal itself supports color by default22:28
ThinkT510rshakin: you can try plugging into the mains to see if the wireless improves, if it does then the power settings are affecting your signal (to extend our battery life)22:28
modkeke backwards compatible EXT filesystem revisions, higher # has more options.  Mostimportantly 3 and 4 have journaling22:28
RoastedDoes anybody know of a video editor in Linux, besides Cinelerra, that can crop video?22:28
matt-vaiomod, it suspends on sleep, and the acts as a hibernate when wakeup22:28
aazertis there any page where i can find default chown for ubuntu lucid ?22:28
matt-vaioRoasted, gimp.22:28
matt-vaioowait, video editor.22:28
Roastedmatt-vaio, VIDEO.22:28
Senixjrib; i want to color my bash prompt yes, but with different Colors like lets say blue for my directory and what not.22:28
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modkeke, 3 and 4 naturally have more inodes :)22:29
Acsanyone know where I can get xmllint? I am tried using apt-get but it doesn't seem to be there22:29
moder larger inodes22:29
YankDownUnderRoasted, File => Load Files...22:29
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YankDownUnderRoasted, Oh yeah hey, AVIDemux does cropping also...22:29
RoastedYankDownUnder, yeah, but file wasnt giving me any options. I clicked it about, oh, 8,000 times and it finally showed up with a menu, but then it crashed. Not interested in this program - I'll find something else that works. :P22:29
aeon-ltdAcs: does it have a ppa?22:29
RoastedYankDownUnder, yeah, I just read that avidemux does it. testing it now. :)22:30
Acsppa? I don't know I just know my friend has it and I can't install it22:30
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RoastedYankDownUnder, nevermind. It's failing to open my .ogv video.22:30
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aeon-ltdAcs: how did they get it?22:30
aazertwhat is the default chown for ssh ?22:30
desghow do i make my partition bigger on ubuntu?22:30
jribSenix: you ca google "bash color prompt" and youll get many results on how to customize your PS1 variable.  As to where you should actually set that up in ubuntu, use ~/.bashrc22:30
YankDownUnderRoasted, There's also "Openshot Video Editor" => I use it mainly to time-line and compile my ending movie.22:30
matt-vaiomod, any ideas?22:30
matt-vaioI hate spamming.22:30
aeon-ltddesg: with gparted, use a live cd22:30
RoastedYankDownUnder, I have openshot, but I couldnt see an option to crop video in it.22:30
Acsaeon-ltd don't know I thought it was in a repository or something22:30
ThinkT510!gparted | desg22:30
ubottudesg: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php22:30
desgik what gparted is22:31
RoastedYankDownUnder, in fact openshot looked to have the best interface, by far, of any others I used. I was hoping to use that entirely22:31
jribaazert: why are you asking that?22:31
Starminnaeon-ltd Acs: Apparently it is included in libxml2 http://linux.about.com/library/cmd/blcmdl1_xmllint.htm22:31
AcsI found this page22:31
desgdidnt think i could do it tho22:31
YankDownUnderRoasted, You have to do it through the properties of the vid clip in Openshot22:31
modmatt-vaio, not really sorry, i'd have to tool around with your laptop to really figure it out, sorry... hopefully you'll find someone smarter :)22:31
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ThinkT510desg: use it from a live cd to resize your partition22:31
matt-vaiodesg, gparted is the best thing that ever happened to me. it is a really easy partition editor:).22:31
Acsit's a man page but I don't have xmllint22:31
aazerti got connection refused during a ssh access jrib22:31
desgdarn it22:31
kekeand is there a rate of creating swap file .for ex if i have 40gb hdd min swap area is 1gb ,and if i have 100gb swap area is bigger? does it have an effect on system speed22:31
matt-vaioah, ok mod thanks anyways:)22:31
RoastedYankDownUnder, the video properties?22:31
desglive cd can i substitute it for a flash drive?22:31
RoastedYankDownUnder, as in right click - file properties?22:32
aeon-ltdAcs: if its included in libxml2 like Starminn said then you have it already22:32
matt-vaiodesg, easy bet on that is to use unetbootin22:32
twI've got an OSX formatted harddrive that only shows one partition in linux of type GPT (sde1).  How do I mount that partition?  I tried -t hfsplus and it said bad superblock.22:32
aazerti  checked the port : the port is open, the server is up but can't ssh jrib22:32
ThinkT510desg: yes, as long as the partition you're resizing isn't mounted22:32
matt-vaioor if you have windows, unetbootin or linux USB installer22:32
jribaazert: it's unlikely that has anything to do with chown.  Can you « ssh localhost » on the server locally?22:32
YankDownUnderRoasted, Yeah22:32
RoastedYankDownUnder, that gives me nothing.22:32
aazertmy server is not host localy22:33
aazertit is an remote server22:33
YankDownUnderRoasted, you DO have the latest version, ya?22:33
RoastedYankDownUnder, I'm on 10.10. whatever is in the repos.22:33
YankDownUnderRoasted, Get the ppa from the openshotvideo.com home22:33
aazertit is an remote server jrib22:34
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DrknzzHmmm... isnt Rekonq supposed to support HTML5 video?22:34
DrknzzWhy no video plays on YT HTML5 Beta?22:34
jribaazert: how do you have access to it or have you locked yourself out somehow?22:34
desgThinkT510: looks like all my partition are mounted useing df -h22:35
aazertyes i think i done something and since i can't able to access on my server jrib22:35
JoniiHow do I change the picture that it shows when computer is starting up(BIOS-related?) and the picture on the background when I'm first trying to log in?22:36
ThinkT510desg: when you boot from the liveusb then you can resize the partition (it's mounted now because your on it, that why you need to boot from a usb stick/ other linux install)22:36
jribaazert: what did you do?22:36
quesoIf I'm going to modify a script in /etc/cron.daily/  is it save to remove the executable flag and rename it to scriptname.backup ?  Or should I move it out of the cron directory?22:36
jeanne_There's a french ?22:36
desgahhhhhhh i got you22:36
aazerti don't know22:37
sardonyxraido, MacGyverNL  i'm trying to create the mirror, but i'm receiving "# mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sdb /dev/sda22:37
sardonyxmdadm: ADD_NEW_DISK for /dev/sdb failed: Device or resource busy" do i need to do this from a live disk?22:37
DrknzzJonii: As for the login picture, that is changeable on system settings22:38
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DrknzzBut for the boot picture, youll have to be more specific22:38
Bas_The_Real_Onequestionne... I've got e17 running on ubuntu embedded... when I do a svn-session I get gnome in the vnc-session22:38
Bas_The_Real_Onehow can I change this22:38
aazerti don't know jrib22:38
MacGyverNLsardonyx: As it states in the tutorial I gave you, the device you're attempting to mirror must be unmounted.22:38
MacGyverNLSo depending on what exactly you need to mirror, you need to do it from runlevel 1 or from a liveCD.22:39
aazerti reboot my server from livecd is it possible to do something with that ?22:39
MacGyverNLI think so, however, I've never attempted that.22:39
sardonyxMacGyverNL,  it is the system disk...if i do it from a live cd, those changes will still be written to the system disk?22:39
MacGyverNLMight need to "install" the mdadm tools into the runnin liveCD instance if they're not already available.22:39
MacGyverNLBut other than that, everything should go smoothly.22:39
RoastedYankDownUnder, got the PPA. still no other options in file properties.22:40
MacGyverNLIf it's the system disk, are you sure GRUB will be able to load from it?22:40
aazerti reboot my server from livecd is it possible to do something with that ? jrib22:40
drexlmy computer works fine what should I do?22:40
MacGyverNLI haven't looked into that for a great while.22:40
xrdodrxI accidentaly just erased a file called ".xsession" in my home folder. what should i do?22:40
sardonyxMacGyverNL, no...lol i'll try doing some searches and see what i can find22:40
MacGyverNLBut I believe there are some conditions to booting from a RAID-1.22:40
jribaahow can you reboot your remote server with live cd but not try « ssh localhost » on it?22:40
JoniiDrknzz, I have gone through every system setting thing that's even remotely related to login or visuals or pictures or something like that, and didn't find anything even remotely related to how to change login background22:41
DrknzzJonii: I found it straight ahead22:41
DrknzzSystem Settings -> Login Screen22:41
jribxrdodrx: well do you use the file?22:41
xrdodrxjrib, use it?22:41
xrdodrxIt's called ".xsession"22:41
xrdodrxand I use X22:41
xrdodrxso probably22:41
jribaazert: dealing with 5 second lag here... what I said above starting with "aahow" was for you22:42
JoniiDrknzz, doesn't have any setting related to the background22:42
DrknzzJonii: If you are reffering to your contact pic, that can be changed in User Account22:42
xrdodrxI don't really know what it is / does :<22:42
jribxrdodrx: if you're not sure, then you probably don't use it.  It's for a custom xsession22:42
DrknzzJonii: If you are reffering to Grub's background, youll have to google because i forgot that22:42
Acsnobody know where I can get xmllint?22:42
xrdodrxjrib, oh, ok..:D I was trying to delete xchat's settings and went too quickly :P22:43
xrdodrxthanks :)22:43
aazertmy host provide that facility to able to boot from livecd jrib22:43
trismAcs: libxml2-utils22:43
JoniiDrknzz, just the background, wallpaper-like things that's visible where the login screen window doesn't overshadow it, that purple-to-red'ish color monster22:43
DrknzzJonii: Ah! You're talking about GDM, i thought i was on #kubuntu so i was talking about KDM, sorry :p22:44
StarminnAcs: As I said, everything points to it being already in libxml2 http://www.xmlsoft.org/22:44
jribaazert: ok, do that then.  But if you remembered what ou did on the server that blocked you out, that would be helpful22:44
StarminnAcs: In the link you found(http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/maverick/man1/xmllint.1.html) they even point to it at the bottom.22:45
kekehi all again22:45
aazertwould you like that i post you all ssh conf file ?22:45
kekei ve got a problem. Previous installation hasnt been completed on ubuntu how can i repair this22:46
Linuxdude21I have a crazy iscsi problem, the first host connect find to the storage, then or second host, connects fine, dmegs showa us that sdc, and sdc1 were created.  /proc/scsi/scsi shows the scsi device.  But there is no sdc in /dev22:46
jribaazert: sure22:46
aazertthanks a lot22:47
Linuxdude21everything in iscsiadm appears connected and working.  But the node file does not get create in /dev22:47
Linuxdude21on the other server, everything is fine22:47
dandamanI have speakers plugged into my back audio ports and headphones in my front ports, i want the back ports to be disabled when i plug into the front port, how do i do this?22:48
zombie_Think:  You still here22:49
aazerthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/574199/ jrib22:49
ThinkT510zombie_: yup22:49
kekei ve a problem installing new soft. Previous insallation hasnt been completed.corresponding software package or it was cancelled in an unfriendly way.how can i repair this22:49
zombie_Just got kicked to login screen from updating22:49
zombie_updating made me go to login screen22:49
twI figured out my problem.  My kernel didn't have CONFIG_MAC_PARTITION so I used one of my machiens that did.  Then GPT mounted normally.22:49
zombie_it booted me Think22:49
danielCan anyone tell me where I can find a c++ compiler to add to a path on a fresh 10.10 system. I do have build essential installed.22:49
ThinkT510zombie_: did you see what was getting updated?22:50
zombie_No, but I could open my flash drive either22:50
ThinkT510zombie_: hmm22:50
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)22:50
jribaazert: pastebin sshd_config22:50
aazertchown everything okay ? jrib22:50
harisundAnyone knows how to replace Nautilus with say PacManFM permenantly?22:50
zombie_I couldn't open my flash drive it said filemanger at the bottom then the icons where gone and where back22:50
neonninjadaniel: you need a c++ compiler?22:50
dandamananyone want to try helkping me with my audio problem?22:51
zombie_While I was seeing the flash drive wouldn't open I waited for the update to finish installing it was about 52% done and at around 59% it booted me to login22:51
ThinkT510zombiie_: you can try using apt to install the updates from the command line and log back in after, see if that makes a difference22:51
zombie_dunno how22:52
RoastedWhat program can slice up video files like Audacity does for audio?22:52
danielneonninja: I can compile from a terminal, but I want to use eclipse and I have to add a path for <iostream>.22:52
ThinkT510!apt | zombie_22:52
ubottuzombie_: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)22:52
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zombie_I'm kinda freaked out about this a bit22:52
zombie_It just may be the updates making me have this terrible issues22:53
ThinkT510zombie_: i must confess i'v never used apt-get from command line (more of a pacman guy myself)22:53
neonninjadaniel: and you have eclipse-cdt installed?22:53
desgThinkT510: now i took the time to dl gparted and unetbooting but under distributions i dont see it?22:53
aazerthere is the conf ssh http://paste.ubuntu.com/574201/ jrib22:54
danielneonninja: I don't know about cdt.... how can I tell?22:54
ThinkT510desg: sorry, not sure what you mean (i use dd, never used unetbootin)22:54
zombie_Well while doing all this bs with linux I made my ps3 boot sound like an xbox 360 haha22:54
zombie_and stewie is peeing the ps3 logo22:54
neonninjadaniel: sudo apt-get install eclipse-cdt22:54
zombie_its funny22:54
neonninjadaniel: that will install the C/C++ dev tools for eclipse22:55
danielneonninja: Oh, yes I have them all installed.22:55
zombie_:) :) I "hacked" the dev_flash .raf and .ac3 flash in the ps3 with custom boot stuff ;) ;)22:55
danielneonninja: Tried to run it and got 0 upgraded/installed22:56
ThinkT510zombie_: i have to admt, i don't do anything when updating (to make sure the updates run smoothly)22:56
jribaazert: that seems ok so you need to remember what you did between the time you could ssh and the time you couldn't22:56
Linuxdude21any iscsi experts out there?22:56
zombie_I might try again but the whole booting to login happened before and I installed NEW X and it fixed it but then again.....22:56
danielneonninja: When I try to call #include <iostream> I get an error since it does not find it. But I can compile in terminal so my conclusion was that I have to add a path in eclipse.22:56
RoastedWhat program can slice up video files like Audacity does for audio?22:56
nucc1are they keybindings for jumping to different panes in gedit?22:57
ThinkT510!unetbootin | desg22:57
ubottudesg: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent22:57
danielneonninja: But I don't know the path.22:57
aazerti also does some changes with vsftpd file22:57
aazerti also does some changes with vsftpd file jrib22:57
neonninjadaniel: type 'locate iostream' for me its at : /usr/include/c++/4.4/iostream22:57
jribaazert: what do you mean by "also"?  What else did you do?22:57
Jasonnhow do i change the message you get when you connect via SSH to a server?22:58
daniel_treeI am following this post http://www.webupd8.org/2010/10/install-gnome-shell-from-git-in-ubuntu.html to install the latest version of gnome 3 and I got the "possible error #2 "22:58
Jasonnits my server*22:58
desgits like a drop down menu in unetbootin named distributions and gparted is supposed to be there ThinkT51022:58
ikoniaJasonn: /etc/issue and /etc/motd are the normal messages22:58
bastidrazorJasonn: /etc/update-motd/ .. those files in there22:58
aazerti simply want to make a link between ftp and ssh22:58
daniel_treeand when git clone git://git.gnome.org/libnotify  I get fatal: destination path 'libnotify' already exists and is not an empty directory.22:58
arminhi all22:58
daniel_treehow can I fix that and move on ??22:58
jribdaniel_tree: seems self-explanatory22:58
Jasonndaniel_tree: why dont you just connect via ssh?22:59
aazerti want to restrict ftp user to access over ssh,  i changed something on /etc/vsftpd.conf22:59
ikoniadaniel_tree: why are you doing this ?22:59
ikoniadaniel_tree: it makes your machine totally impossible to support22:59
daniel_treeJasonn, never thought of that ..22:59
ThinkT510desg: theres a link in the factoid ubottu gave you, does that help?22:59
danielneonninja: I get the same path, I added it and it still does not change. Probably I have to look more into that, but this looks to be right.22:59
daniel_treeikonia, I am curious to try it out22:59
ikoniaaazert: disable ftp, then they can only use ssh22:59
Jasonndaniel_tree: sudo apt-get install openSSH22:59
desgits like a drop down menu in unetbootin named distributions and gparted is supposed to be there ThinkT51022:59
zombie_Think:: My updater, is telling me I have them all installed and there are no more updates, could this be false?22:59
ikoniadaniel_tree: it's not something you can "try" it won't be possible to undo it very easy and will make your machine totally impossible to support23:00
daniel_treeJasonn, and what do I do after that ?23:00
jribaazert: you can't ssh.  It seems like you could at some point.  Earlier you were asking how to deny ssh for specific users.  So I'm asking you what you did between the time you could ssh and the time you can't.  By the way, this sshd_config you pastebinned isn't just the live cd one right?  You mounted your actual install and pastebinned the sshd_config from there?23:00
danielneonninja: What I am ultimately looking for is getting breakpoints in my code. Is there any easy way to do that other than eclipse?23:00
ikoniadaniel_tree: plus it really sounds like you don't know what you're doing and just typing commands blindly23:00
ThinkT510desg: you could install ubuntu to the stick (that has gparted on it)23:00
desgi dont have gparted on it23:00
daniel_treeikonia, I can always reverse it23:01
ikoniadaniel_tree: how ?23:01
desgim trying to get it on it23:01
aazertno i m sure the sshd_config is my system file, i mounted that partition jrib23:01
macs[vps]how do i install Gnome?23:01
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ikoniamacs[vps]: it should already be installed on ubuntu desktop install23:01
ThinkT510desg: like i said, i have no experience with unetbootin23:01
macsits the server install23:01
ikoniamacs: if you want to install the package ubuntu-desktop it will set it all up for you23:01
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danielneonninja: I think I will restart and see if that works. Some people on various forums mentioned that.23:01
ThinkT510desg: sorry i can't help more23:01
daniel_treeikonia, it's installed into a folder I suppose and doesnt affect your currrent config..23:02
jribaazert: ok, but don't ignore the rest of my message please23:02
macsaint it just apt-get install ubuntu-desktop?23:02
ikoniamacs: that's what I said23:02
zombie_Where can I find the new X at, as a DEB package Think?23:02
ikoniadaniel_tree: does it not change any of the dependencies on your system23:02
jribzombie_: why?23:02
ThinkT510zombie_: i don't recommend that23:03
zombie_I was thinking about testing it23:03
daniel_treeikonia, I dont know where I read that...I am not sure...23:03
aazerti don't remember seriously jrib what i have done before sorry23:03
ikoniazombie_: you have to be able to know where to get it to be able to provide valid testing feedbck23:03
seidoswhat is the most secure version of ubuntu?23:03
daniel_treeikonia, help me go through that and we'll see :D23:03
RoastedI'm finding this Linux video editor search to be quite a ridiculous headache. So for the last time, which video editor out there will allow me to edit video files like Audacity edits music files?23:03
zombie_I have no idea where I got it before some guy on here linked it to me in commands23:03
jribaazert: look at your shell history then23:03
jribRoasted: pitivi, kino, ...23:04
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ikoniadaniel_tree: no thanks,23:04
Roastedjrib, not seeing how I was able to do that in pitivi23:04
daniel_treeRoasted, kdelive openShot23:04
jribzombie_: I strongly recommend you do your messing around in a vm like virtualbox23:04
Roasteddaniel_tree, or openshot.23:04
daniel_treeRoasted, or ..right23:05
aazerti can't access to shell history jrib23:05
jribRoasted: you edit video files in pitivi23:05
jribaazert: why not?23:05
dborbahey fellas - having a weird problem. so i just set up a new box & when i tried to login authentication failed. i thought it was rather weird since it's a password i use by muscle memory & chances of me mistyping it twice during installation were minimal. anyways - started a root shell in recovery mode & ran passwd. got the warning password unchanged... what is going on?23:05
Roastedjrib, pitivi doesnt support avi?23:05
aazertthe question point on my question is how to rescue my ssh access23:05
daniel_treeRoasted, there is a new version ..I dont think it is in the ubuntu software center yet...23:05
ikoniadaniel_tree: you're adding 3rd party repos to update the deps and then building it into your home directory, it's not something I'd recommend23:05
seidosis pitivi secure?23:05
aazertbecause it is an remote host jrib23:05
ikoniaaazert: what's the issue with it23:05
Roasteddaniel_tree, new version of what? pitivi?23:05
daniel_treeRoasted, openshot23:06
jribaazert: but you just finished getting me sshd_config, so surely you can get your user's shell history the same way?23:06
aazerti got connection refused23:06
aazerti can't able to access over ssh ikonia23:06
jribRoasted: I don't use pitivi but I would be surprised if that were the case23:06
daniel_treeRoasted, http://www.openshotvideo.com/23:06
Roasteddaniel_tree, I have the PPA version of openshot23:06
yeatenhey all, is there a way to enlarge resizing region of the windows in gnome23:06
Roastedjrib, error importing AVI, but imports ogv fine.23:06
ikoniaaazert: then you will need someone with physical access to the server to restart ssh or drop the firewall or what ever is blocking you23:06
dborbarunning login from the root shell & trying my user gives me same issue23:06
jribRoasted: what codec?23:06
aazerti don't how to get the history from livecd jrib23:06
Roastedjrib, I have no idea. I converted it with avidemux23:06
aazertno one at the moment ikonia23:07
ikoniaaazert: then you won't be able to make any chances or debug ig23:07
jribRoasted: find the codec and figure out if pitivi should support it or not23:07
daniel_treeikonia, hm...but what can I do with fatal: destination path 'libnotify' already exists and is not an empty directory.23:07
baron_sengirHow do you change an icon in gnome panels? I don't want to change the main menu icon, I want to change my Firestarter icon23:07
aazerti can able to access over an live cd on my system ikonia  i m sorry23:07
ikoniadaniel_tree: I'm not supporting this, I suggest you contact the person/team who wrote the guide23:07
dborbabizzarre - changing to a new password & changing it back fixed it23:07
Roastedjrib, well I have an OGV of the file so itll work. IF I can figure out how to cut the video file, which I currently cannot find a solution to23:08
Roastedah hah, got it23:08
ikoniaaazert: what did you change to break it ?23:08
raidodborba did you give your user login privelages? Check /etc/passwd23:08
Guest30213baron_sengir, type alacarte in terminal.23:08
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aazertcan i see that on  /var/log ?23:08
jribRoasted: did you try reading the manual? http://www.pitivi.org/manual/23:08
Roastedjrib, no, the scissor option was grayed out23:08
Roastedjrib, but its not now23:08
M9aileekhHey there23:09
Linuxdude21anyone know of an good iscsi channel23:09
ikoniaaazert: no, what did you do to change it23:09
tsrkI have a daemon that takes about 20 seconds to stop. How can I make Ubuntu wait for it to exit cleanly before finishing the shutdown process?23:09
M9aileekham asking about how to install downloaded GDM theme in ubuntu 10.04 ?23:09
M9aileekhsince there is no logon window23:09
aazerti change some chown on the file23:09
jribM9aileekh: you can't23:09
aazerti also change something on vsftpd.conf file23:09
jribaazert: look at your user's bash history23:10
aazertand sshd_conf23:10
M9aileekhjrib, there is no GDM themes now ?23:10
ikoniaaazert: why are you looking at the vsftpd config file, that has nothing to do with ssh23:10
M9aileekhbut I installed GDM2Setup and there is a lot of themes there23:10
aazertto restrict  my ftp user to able to access over the ssh ikonia23:10
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M9aileekhI want to customize my logon screen how could I do that in Ubuntu 10.04 ?23:11
baron_sengirGuest30213: I know how to do that, but I'm talking about the icon in the panel next to my time and network information. I don't want to change the one in the drop down main menu23:11
raidoaazert: vsftp is called vsftp because it only works over ssh, I beleive.23:11
jribM9aileekh: you can change the background and the gtk theme iirc23:11
ikoniaaazert: forget ftp - fix your ssh problem23:11
ikoniaraido: no it doesn't23:11
ikoniaraido: it is nothing to do with ssh23:11
M9aileekhjrib, how could I do that ?23:12
aazertso why i got connection refused during an ssh authentification ? ikonia23:12
ikoniaaazert: has it ever worked ?23:12
aazerti check all port using nmap every port are open23:12
aazertthe server ping itself23:12
ikoniaaazert: has it ever worked ?23:12
Speerdoes anyone here have an SSD or 2 SSD's in raid 0 ?23:12
ikoniaSpeer: why ?23:12
aazertyes of course from 3 mont23:12
raidoikonia: oh23:13
ikoniaaazert: ok, what did you change to break it ?23:13
aazertyes of course from 3 month to now23:13
RoastedHow exactly do I enable video effects in pitivi? I'm watching a howto video and there's a tab for video effects, however I don't have that tab on my pitivi....23:13
jribM9aileekh: if you have gdm2setup that's one way23:13
Speercurious, i want to buy 2 and put in raid 0 to replace my current HD23:13
aazerti don't know, tell me how to see my system history from livecd ?23:13
M9aileekhOkay I had but there is any customize themes which can I download it ?23:13
Speerlikley 2 of these http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1682016703523:13
Speeri have never done raid before, was reading you need a controller or something to have it work? could someone enlighten me?23:14
Guest30213baron_sengir, Ah sorry, part of systray. I guess you would have to digg in into gtk theme, but it's more of a wild guess. Sorry can't help.23:14
ikoniaaazert: it will be in your systems home directory under .bash_history23:14
drcRoasted: I think the best way to enable them would be /j pitivi  :)23:14
ikoniaSpeer: yes you need a hardware raid controller, or use linux software raid23:14
NewToUbuntuanyone knows how can i get my wireless card chipset?23:14
Roasteddrc, what?23:14
jribM9aileekh: no, like I said, you can change the wallpaper and gtk theme23:15
blkdghi, i am using ubuntu 10.10, fully patched. just grabbed a copy of gtk-recordmydesktop. it installed, but menu icon is missing. google dosn't help. any ideas?23:15
ikoniaSpeer: raid 0 for a root file system is a very bad idea, and you will need a seperate /boot partition if you are using software raid, /boot cannot be on raid 023:15
Roasteddrc, nobody is answering in there. another dead program chat.23:15
Speerikonia: would my motherboard have it onboard you think? would i need to buy a seperate one?23:15
Roastedso Im asking here. thanks.23:15
RoastedHow exactly do I enable video effects in pitivi? I'm watching a howto video and there's a tab for video effects, however I don't have that tab on my pitivi....23:15
baron_sengirGuest30213: Yeah, should have made that clearer. Was groping for 'systray,' just couldn't think of it. I figured it'd be some where with gtk, I just didn't want to muck around and mess something u23:15
raidoblkdg: you can run it from the command line or add an icon yourself to the menu23:15
ikoniaSpeer: your motherboards on board will be a technology called "fake raid" which is a very bad idea to use under Linux due to it being a windows designed technology23:16
jribRoasted: not all channels are as active as this one.  You need to be more patient in the smaller channels23:16
Speerikonia: Btw im using windows 723:16
blkdgraido, how do i find it's icon if i add it to the menu?23:16
aazertdon't have ikonia23:16
ikoniaSpeer: are you trying to install ubuntu onto this raid system ?23:16
Roastedjrib, I have been. I just want to create a simple video.23:16
ikoniaaazert: then you can't tell your shell history23:16
Roastedso I'm asking tonight UNTIL I get answers.23:16
Speerikonia: No, just windows 7 for now23:16
ikoniaSpeer: ask the guys in the ##windows channel23:16
aazertis there any command like history /bin/bash ?23:16
ikoniaSpeer: we only support ubuntu23:17
aazertor something else i don't know23:17
Speerikonia: im talking about hardware not software :)23:17
ikoniaaazert: no, it needs the filel I said that you have said is not there23:17
raidoblkdg: sometimes they put them in the programs install directory23:17
mongythe command23:17
ikoniaSpeer: that is not what this channel is for, try ##hardware then23:17
Speerikonia: is there anything i would need to do specifically in the bios would you say?23:17
ikoniaSpeer: that is not what this channel is for, try ##hardware then23:17
NewToUbuntuno one? could anyone help me on discover the chipset of my wireless board?23:17
blkdgraido, god enough. thanks.23:18
raidoblkdg: when a program doesnt have one I just pick a generic one, but I thinl that program has one23:18
Speerikonia: is there anything i would need to do specifically in the bios would you say?23:18
raidoNewToUbuntu: google your card model23:18
blkdgNewToUbuntu, is ubuntu installed23:18
coz_NewToUbuntu,  if it is in the system , connected,, open a terminal  sudo dmidecode    that may tell you23:18
mongyNewToUbuntu, lspci -v | grep Network23:19
daniel_treeinstead of  rm -r /libnotify how can I make a backup of the folder mv -r /~libnotify ....will work ?23:19
macodaniel_tree: no -r needed23:19
ikoniadaniel_tree: no cp will backup23:19
ikoniadaniel_tree: mv will move23:19
macodaniel_tree: er oh, wait do you want to rename or copy?23:19
blkdgraido i don't think he knows. i think he wants the os to tell him23:19
ikoniadaniel_tree: mv will rename23:20
blkdgthanks again.23:20
macodaniel_tree: mv oldname newname23:20
raidoblkdg: yeah, but sometimes the tools only give you a model, not the actual chipset23:20
ActionOfficial Ubuntu Support Channel23:20
bowhats up?23:21
Logan_WP!ot | bo23:21
ubottubo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:21
Actionbo hi!23:21
Actionalmost all right23:21
bowhat does !ot | [username] do..?23:21
Actionubuntu is not friend of my laptop23:21
macobo: tells username about the offtopic channel23:21
=== chrobi is now known as chrobione
macobo: ....as above23:22
macobo: did you read what ubottu said to you?23:22
bohow do i switch?23:22
macobo: type    /join #ubuntu-offtopic23:22
bothanks, bye23:22
=== JimmyJ_ is now known as JimmyJ
kiwibirdA quick question: where in gconf can I adjust nautlius' desktop icon spacing?23:24
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=== PeterPorty is now known as PetePorty
=== Guest16943 is now known as Russticbob
BitWraithWhen the computer first comes on, I get a little mouse and a black screen untill the real desktop comes up. Is there a way I can make the normal boot messages show up instead?23:26
JasonnBitWraith: this is the desktop loading up - you cant stop this, or it will be extremely hard to23:27
BitWraithno, I mean before that23:28
Camera_Dudeanyone know how to set up a Yuan PE988 TV Tuner Card?23:28
BitWraithbefore the X serve starts, the framebuffer is painted black, with a little white mouse.23:28
Jasonnno idea23:28
Logan_WP!tv | Camera_Dude23:28
ubottuCamera_Dude: http://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), Kaffeine, kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Me-TV (GNOME), Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out23:28
Roasteddoes pitivi really have no effects?23:28
BitWraithI would like to disable that and return to the framebuffer console23:29
Logan_WPRoasted: /join #pitivi23:29
bohey, so how do i fix booting into busybox?23:29
Roastedalready there. no conversation going on. so Im asking here, thanks.23:29
Logan_WPRoasted: Be patient.23:29
Camera_DudeRoasted, OpenShot is a good Video Editor23:29
cyclist_2Hello, there! has anyone here been able to have the new version of google-earth [version 6] ruuning? I get a black screen and nothing more; tried everything out there [including the Medibuntu repository, which is marginally better in the sense that I get an error message!]; I am on Lucid, and have lsb-core installed23:29
RoastedLogan_WP, have been. asking here anyway. thanks.23:29
boive had a number of reinstalls on xubuntu/kubuntu and sometimes when i mess something up i end up at a buzybox terminal. any ideas?23:29
ZeroZiatAlrighty, in live session, about to start installing Ubuntu 10.1023:30
RoastedCamera_Dude, yeah Im working with openshot now while I wait for #pitivi to wake up with an answer, but I'm doubting they will. Some google searches revealed a lot of people pissed about pitivi and how ultra basic it was.23:30
ikoniaRoasted: keep in mind this isn't the support channel for the application,23:30
marlow59what does etc exactly stand for?23:30
ZeroZiatWhen I click 'update this installer' ''ubiquity'' crashes23:31
ZeroZiatWhat do I do?23:31
Jasonnmarlow59: etcettera23:31
Brad2Hey everyone! My gnome panels keep resetting to the basic settings, if i reset X-server they switch to the nice looking ones. But on reboot, they go back to the basic one. Any ideas? Many Thanks!23:31
marlow59I mean23:31
marlow59the folder...23:31
Roastedikonia, I understand that. But the likelihood of users here having answers vs pitivi is actually substantially higher.23:31
FloodBot3marlow59: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:31
bohey so how do i fix the problem of booting into busybox?23:31
ikoniaRoasted: it's not really a common application, so I wouldn't hold your breath on it,23:31
ZeroZiatWhen I click 'update this installer' ''ubiquity'' crashes, what do I do?23:31
Roastedikonia, it's the default application in ubuntu, so I'll take my chances.23:31
Camera_Dudeyeah but i cant wait till Light Works gets released for Linux23:31
Logan_WP!repeat | bo23:32
ubottubo: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:32
boi see23:32
PiciLogan_WP: Please lay off the factoids a bit.23:32
marlow59what does etc/ stand for exactly ?23:32
Logan_WPPici: :(23:32
Picibo: Please ask your question all on one line and with as much information as possible, and someone will try to answer if they know.23:32
Cyddi was harassed and banned in #ubuntu-offtopic23:32
Cyddby an op23:32
ikoniaCydd: joined #ubuntu-ops if you want to discuss it23:33
raidobo what kind of machine is it?23:33
marlow59what does the folder etc/ stand for exactly ?23:33
raidobo: what kind of machine is it?23:33
tsimpsonmarlow59: editable text configuration23:33
boa netbook23:33
hipitihopwhat is the current best practice for caching packages locally when there ar emultipe machines on teh network. I once used apt-cacher but wonder if there is a better way23:33
boasus 1201n23:33
bothis has happened probably 4-5 times over the past month or so ive been using this machone23:34
coz_marlow59,  it stands for  etcetera   it  houses various configuration files23:34
boit generally happens after i have rebooted several times because of freezing or updates or other things.23:34
boto be clear, rebooting several times in the space of like 10 minutes or so23:35
raidobo: what os is installed on it23:35
bowindows 7, kubuntu / xubuntu23:35
abiyI'm seeing these errors when trying to mount.....PLEASE Help23:35
boboth instaled via wubi23:35
abiyEXT3-fs error (device sdb1): ext3_readdir: bad entry in directory #5882774: inode out of bounds - offset=0, inode=5882774, rec_len=12, name_len=123:35
jribRoasted: honestly, your best bet is to ask in #pitivi and being really patient (like 24 hours because of timezones).  The reason being that though the smaller channels are smaller they are also filled with users dedicated to that particular app so probably know more.  The issue is no one is on their computer.  It's fine for you to ask here but it would be a more efficient use of your time and energy to just23:35
jrib wait for a highlight in #pitivi :)  You might also try some more passive support forum like a pitivi mailing list if it exists23:35
raidobo: yeah, I think you will have better luck looking to Wubi docs/irc for help on that.23:36
Roastedjrib, as I already stated, I already did ask, and I already am waiting, however openshot is proving to be a far more useful program to begin with, so I'm using that until I get the job done or pitivi responds with an intelligent response.23:36
boit doesnt seem like a wubi related probelm23:36
boi mean, it doesnt happen when i restart, only after having messed with settings/widgets/the like23:37
ikoniabo: are you using wubi ?23:37
bowell, i gotta go23:37
ZeroZiatHey, I need help installing ubuntu here!23:37
ooxii need libtool 2.2 on ubuntu hardy, but it's neighter in the backports nor updates23:37
ooxiwhat should i do?23:37
jribRoasted: right, I'm just telling you what I would do in your shoes23:37
bobut i need to go23:37
bobye guys, thanks for the suggestions23:37
TheMozartI have Ubuntu LiveCD. When it loads, there is an option to try or install Ubuntu.  Am I able to install Ubuntu onto my 2GB USB stick?23:37
Picibo: Sorry we couldn't be of more help23:37
TheMozartZeroZiat: why?23:38
RoastedDo you guys have a recommended size of swap space to use when manually partitioning your hard drive?23:38
ikoniaRoasted: depends on a lot of things23:38
ZeroZiatWell, I have two partitions, both ntfs, with windows in one, the other one is more like storage space.23:38
macoRoasted: i go with ram x 223:38
Roastedikonia, is there an average to shoot for for the home user23:38
TheMozartRoasted: you dont need swap space really.. make it 1GB if u want.23:38
ZeroZiatTheMozart: Problem, is, I'm not sure the installer is gonna do things right.23:38
drcRoasted: Swap ==being equal RAM, all things23:38
ikoniaRoasted: size of your disk, ram, type of work you're doing, your neeeds, eg: hibernation etc23:38
jribRoasted: if you want to hibernate use at least as much as your ram23:38
Roastedram x2?23:38
Roastedholy wow23:38
Roasted24gb on a 12gb system?23:39
TheMozartZeroZiat: what you talking about?23:39
macoRoasted: well you need *at least* 1xram to hibernate23:39
Roastedthat just doesn't sound kosher23:39
TheMozartI have Ubuntu LiveCD. When it loads, there is an option to try or install Ubuntu.  Am I able to install Ubuntu onto my 2GB USB stick?23:39
PiciRoasted: Thats life.23:39
ikoniaRoasted: it is23:39
macoRoasted: and if you are swapping, then you need enough to cover ram + the swap that's in use23:39
macoRoasted: if you have 12gb and will never swap more than 1gb, then fine....13gb swap23:39
ikoniaRoasted: the size of disks these days, even if you have 8GB of ram, 16GB of ram is not a lot on a 200GB disk23:39
macoRoasted: or if you will never hibernate, then hell, 512mb23:39
TheMozartanyone know?23:39
ZeroZiatTheMozart: There's an option, install alongside other OS, or allocate partitions manually, the thing is I already got like 10 gigs free for Ubuntu but I'm not sure if the slider space divider thing notices my other windows partition or if it notices other stuff.23:40
ikoniaRoasted: as I said it depends a lot on your personal machine and needs23:40
Camera_DudeRoasted you should wait till Light Works comes out for Linux23:40
Roastedmaco, what kind of swap differences is there with suspend vs hibernate?23:40
ZeroZiatSorry, I'm not being clear enough.23:40
Logan_WPRoasted: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq#How%20much%20swap%20do%20I%20need?23:40
macoRoasted: suspend keeps everything in ram. swap's not involved. hibernate writes out all of ram to the swap partition23:40
TheMozartdoesnt anyone have an answer for me? :(23:40
jribTheMozart: try to repeat your question instead of just referring to it.  Otherwise, most people won't know what your are asking about.  Wait a good 10 or 15 minutes before repeating though.23:40
Logan_WP!please | TheMozart23:40
ubottuTheMozart: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude23:40
Roastedmaco, gotcha23:40
macojrib: TheMozart wanted to know about installing to a usb drive23:40
TheMozart!please | Logan_WP23:41
ubottuLogan_WP: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude23:41
exutuxTheMozart: i don't think so, better way is to create a persistent usb stick by usb-creator23:41
danielHello again. Has anyone else had problems with iostream in eclipse?23:41
TheMozart!attitude Logan_WP23:41
ikoniaTheMozart: ok, easy there23:41
ikoniaTheMozart: he's trying to help you,23:41
TheMozartI loaded the Ubuntu LiveCD. Can I install from the CD onto my 2GB USB stick?23:42
exutuxTheMozart: i don't think so, better way is to create a persistent usb stick by usb-creator23:42
TheMozartexutux: what?23:42
ikoniaTheMozart: yes, the usb stick is just a disk23:42
TheMozartexutux: I did that.. but its a mirror image of the liveCD23:42
jribTheMozart: you should be able to just select the partition on your usb stick in the installer23:42
froschi_isn't 2G too little?23:42
ikoniapushing hte size a bit23:43
jribTheMozart: froschi_ makes a good point23:43
exutuxikonia: but 2GB aren't too small for a regular installation?23:43
TheMozartexutux: I did that already..but ut doesnt INSTALL ubuntu, it just make a mirror copy of the LiveCD23:43
=== clay_ is now known as ClayG
ClayGMy system wont recognize media cards, what is a good way to fix this?23:43
TheMozartjrib so from the LiveCD, when I choose INSTALL, I can install to my 2gb usb stick?  will it work?  and will it not touch my hard drive?23:43
exutuxTheMozart: persistent is like an installation23:44
isnoopWhat's the proper way to ssh into a box and execute a command so it launches in the running x-server?23:44
jribisnoop: sudo apt-get install openssh   # the end23:45
exutuxTheMozart: try it, if space is enough it will works23:45
TheMozartexutux: you are wrong!  When I chose create a persistent usb stick by usb-creator from the LiveCD Admin menu, it didn't install, it just made my USB stick like the LiveCD.23:45
=== sburjan_ is now known as sburjan`
isnoopjrib: Nice... I'll try tha... wait a minute, you're being sassy.23:45
PiciTheMozart: Okay, then how do you want the usb stick to behave?23:46
exutuxTheMozart: nope you wrong...if you leave a space for files it is persistent and you are able to save your files into usb23:46
isnoopSeriously, though.  I'm trying to execute synergyc.  It will only attach to X11 if run from within X, not if I execute it from a remote terminal.23:46
exutuxTheMozart: persistent isn't only live cd23:46
jribisnoop: no, I'm serious :/23:47
jribisnoop: maybe I misunderstood your question.  Can you elaborate?23:47
pmp6nlHello, does anyone know why in 10.10 I am only allowed to select one minute or less for dimming the display in power management?23:47
Piciisnoop: The local x-server, or the remote one>23:47
ubuntudailyAny beginners should check http://ubuntudaily.blogspot.com/ I will be posting tutorials and software reviews to help people get started with Ubuntu :)23:48
isnoopPici: The remote one.23:48
exutux!usb | TheMozart23:48
ubottuTheMozart: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent23:48
Piciubuntudaily: Please don't advertise  here.23:48
ubuntudailyOnly trying to help...23:48
jribubuntudaily: it's good to help, this just isn't the right channel for that23:48
danielno one? :/23:48
jribisnoop: you can launch a program with, for example: DISPLAY=:0 xclock23:49
hakrif uh23:49
ubuntudailyThe any ideas where the beginners reside?23:49
EmuAlertIs there any way to see all of the keyboard shortcuts? Some of them like mod4+M are already assigned to something I don't need, but I can't find a way to remove them23:49
hakri wanted desktop to run as a decent server23:49
hakrwhat would be a nice site to take tips from?23:49
TheMozartit looks like I need to get it from here www.pendrivelinux.com... as installing onto a USB stick from the LIVEcd wont work :(23:49
hakr10.10 btw23:50
PiciTheMozart: If you don't want the USB stick to act like a liveCD, then how do you want the stick to behave?23:50
jribEmuAlert: you can see a lot of the compiz ones in ccsm if System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts isn't helpful to you23:50
exutux!usb | TheMozart read23:50
ubottuTheMozart read: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent23:50
josephseraosI'm running BackTrack under a Dell Inspiron in another laptop, but my wifi was not detected. Who could help me to fix this problem. Thanks23:50
jrib!ccsm | EmuAlert23:50
ubottuEmuAlert: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz23:50
TheMozartexutux: that link dowsnt help me23:50
jribdaniel: try to repeat your question instead of just referring to it.  Otherwise, most people won't know what your are asking about.  Wait a good 10 or 15 minutes before repeating though.23:51
Logan_WP!server | hakr23:51
ubottuhakr: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server23:51
exutuxTheMozart: why not??23:51
TheMozartexutux: that link you gave doesnt tell me if its possible to install ubuntu from LiveCD to USB stick23:51
PiciTheMozart: Fine, if you're going to ignore my questions I won't try to help.23:51
jrib!backtrack | josephseraos23:52
ubottujosephseraos: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition23:52
TheMozartexutux: read the link before u give it.. it doesnt apply to me23:52
TheMozartPici: sorry what question?23:52
isnoopjrib: That's precisely the solution I needed.  Thanks!23:52
Logan_WP!es | Linux19023:52
ubottuLinux190: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:52
PiciTheMozart: If you don't want the USB stick to act like a liveCD, then how do you want the stick to behave?23:52
=== michael is now known as michael0000
JoniiXorg was weird, I tried sudo pkill -9 Xorg, and now ctrl+alt+f7 leads to a screen where Ubuntu is saying something about battery state and such23:52
hakrso is there a way to install ubuntu server from desktop?23:52
exutuxTheMozart: i said you that is better to create an USBLIVEPERSISTENT it's like an installation, not only a live usb stick23:52
TheMozartPici: dont be silly dude!23:52
JoniiAnd all the other ctrl+alt+fx lead to something weird23:52
hakrsome sort of kernel change or upgrade?23:52
Logan_WP!xorg | Jonii23:53
ubottuJonii: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution23:53
TheMozartPici: silly question.23:53
PiciTheMozart: Humor me.23:53
miketomdoolhakr ubuntu-server is just a metapackage.... all you have to do is pick wich packages you want from it23:53
exutuxTheMozart: if you have only 2GB of space, that's better way IMHO23:53
josephseraosjrib, Thanks a lot23:53
hakrthere's a repository?23:53
TheMozartPici: I want the stick to behave like a normally installed Ubuntu!  I get do it from pendrivelinux.com  but I want to do it from LiveCD IF its [possible?23:54
TheMozartexutux: wehats better?23:54
LjLTheMozart: then can't you... install it normally? maybe i'm mistaken, but i thought that was perfectly possible23:54
Logan_WP!repo | hakr23:54
ubottuhakr: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories23:54
exutuxpersistent live usb stick23:54
ChesterXHi, is there a possibility to add an alphabetic key shortcut while keeping the same layout?23:54
TheMozartinstead of having to download Ubuntu from http://www.pendrivelinux.com/, is it possible to install Ubuntu to my 2GB USB stick from LiveCD? Yes or No?23:55
jribChesterX: hmm, what do you mean?23:55
Logan_WP!keyboard shortcuts | ChesterX23:55
ubottuChesterX: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts23:55
=== Metaxa123 is now known as Metaxa
michael0000I'm seeing some bizarre socket behavior while running on natty that I didn't see on Maverick or earlier.23:55
PiciLogan_WP: Please don't send related factoids to people asking about subjects if the links inside them aren't going to be able to help with their question.23:55
Jordan_UTheMozart: Yes.23:55
michael0000I have a test program that listens on a socket with SO_REUSEADDR set and then disconnects, several times in different tests.  On Maverick and earlier this always worked.  On Natty for some reason, even though netstat -ap doesn't show anything listening on the port, any attempt to bind after the first time fails with 'address already in use'.  Any ideas?23:55
TheMozartLjL thats my question.. if I choose INSTALL from LiveCD, can I install it to my USB stick and it wont touch my hard drive?23:55
Logan_WPPici: how don't those instructions help them?23:55
ChesterXjrib, I am staying in argentina for some time meaning i ll have to write a lot with their special n, which of course I don t have by default23:55
Logan_WPPici: it says where to change keyboard shortcuts23:55
TheMozartJordan_U: how?23:56
Jordan_UTheMozart: Exactly the same way you'd install to an internal drive.23:56
LjLTheMozart, well, just make sure to select the manual partitioning option, so it won't just start overwriting your hard drive, but ask you what to do and where.23:56
EmuAlertjrib: I already had those installed, and mod4+M isn't showing up on the Keyboard Shortcuts menu. Resetting appearance did solve some other assignment problems, though, so thanks23:56
jribChesterX: oh, I see.  Well usually you can setup dead keys or use altgr.  But you want to avoid that?23:56
TheMozartwhy do they have ubuntu for USB sticks at http://www.pendrivelinux.com if its possible to install Ubuntu to USB stick from the LiveCD?23:56
PiciLogan_WP: Asking how to install ubuntu server and what repositories to use doesn't mean that the person needs to know what a !repo is. In fact, its not really related to what they need to know at all.23:56
exutuxTheMozart: a regular installation into 2GB space?? i don't think it's possible23:56
LjLTheMozart: i do believe your USB stick, if inserted at the time, will show up as a hard drive and you'll be able to install on it, but i can't say i'm 100% sure about that23:56
miketomdoolhey hakr i found the linux-image-server package23:56
TheMozartexutux: a base install isn't anywhere near 2GB23:57
Logan_WP<hakr> there's a repository?23:57
Picihakr: You can us tasksel to install parts of ubuntu-server onto your desktop install.23:57
TheMozartexutux: have a look here: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/23:57
ChesterXjrib, no that is exactly what i am looking for (e.g.: special n = n + alt gr)23:57
PiciLogan_WP: That was only the last line of a conversation.23:57
Logan_WPPici: so it explains what repos are23:57
Logan_WPPici: I was following the conversation23:57
PiciLogan_WP: may I pm?23:57
jribChesterX: ok, I don't know exactly what you need to do.  Play with the options in system -> preferences -> keyboard shortcuts (I will too, and see if I find anything first)23:58
ChesterXjrib, thank you!23:58
ClayGMy system wont recognize media cards, what is a good way to fix this?23:58
TheMozartexutux: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/put-ubuntu-10-04-on-flash-drive-using-windows/   <-- notice 2GB USB stick is plenty!23:58
=== Axlin_ is now known as Axlin
exutuxTheMozart: a regular installation needs about 4GB of free space23:59
Picihakr: Ubuntu Server by itself generally has less packages than Ubuntu Desktop does, so if you want to install some server thing, then you're probably better off installing one of the tasks for what you're looking for.  Sorry if that sounded confusing.  What sort of server application are you trying to install?23:59
TheMozartexutux: proof?23:59
Jordan_UTheMozart: Live installs are compressed and thus take less space.23:59

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