=== asac_ is now known as asac [07:38] hello guys, the nightly builds for firefox have failed again ... [07:39] 1 out of 4 hunks FAILED -- rejects in file uriloader/exthandler/unix/nsMIMEInfoUnix.cpp [07:40] Patch mozilla-kde.patch does not apply (enforce with -f) [07:40] julius__: feel free to propose a merge fixing it if you like [07:42] micahg: I would gladly do so, but my system is not prepared for builds and trying do set it up will probably take longer than having someone else looking over the issue [07:46] julius__: we'll try to get to it soon, I won't be able to look at it until tomorrow night [07:47] micahg: OK, no problem, just wanted to inform you; thank you! [07:48] julius__: we could use someone to help keep the dailies going if you'd be interested in doing that [07:49] micahg: I could give it a try, for the next 10 days I have more time available [07:50] julius__: sure, it's purely volunteer, so you can spend as much time as *you* want [07:50] micahg: OK then [07:50] * micahg actually started with that almost 2 years ago :) [07:51] I see ... :) [07:51] micahg: so, how do I start? [07:51] the branch is lp:firefox [07:52] you can grab the .orig.tar.gz from the daily PPA [07:53] OK [08:57] micahg: I found some differences but I don't know what to do with them [09:06] micahg: where and how I can test the new patch? [09:15] julius__: sorry, it's 3AM and I have to finish something before bed, can we continue later? [09:15] micahg: sure, no problem; sleep well! [09:16] julius__: there should be a README.source in the debian dir in lp:firefox if you're feeling adventerous [09:17] micahg: OK, I'll look there; have a good night sleep! [09:19] julius__: thanks [09:20] micahg, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/65426925/buildlog_ubuntu-natty-armel.chromium-browser_9.0.597.107~r75357-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz :( [09:21] i should drop arm, i'm just poking in the dark without any way to build or test :( [09:27] fta2: do you know how to integrate a patch into the firefox nightly build? [09:28] julius__, sure, but i'm no longer a mozilla maintainer, ask chrisccoulson or micahg [09:29] fta2: OK, thanks [09:39] fta2: well, there's a task assigned to linaro to help with that [10:45] chrisccoulson: hi, I saw that the firefox nightly did not build and I think I found the issue; how can I test the patch? === m_conley_away is now known as m_conley [14:08] asac, help! [14:13] fta: i am here ;) [14:13] * asac hopes fta didnt drown already [14:23] hi fta2 [14:24] i might have the thunderbird.head branch ready to start 3.3 dailies later === m_conley is now known as m_conley_away [15:57] chrisccoulson, cool, i need the new branch names and locations [15:57] asac, still there? [15:58] asac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/574525/ i need to know where i should enable/disable armv7, arm_neon, arm_thumb for lucid, maverick, natty [15:59] asac, i'm sick of poking in the dark, i can't build, i can't test [16:00] asac, my last update failed, i found out why by digging into my bzr branches, but it's not a good solution, i always find the problems afterwards [16:00] asac, my only other option is to simply stop caring about arm :( === m_conley_away is now known as m_conley === m_conley is now known as m_conley_away [19:28] fta: fyi- https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security-proposed/+archive/ppa/+buildjob/2294422 [19:28] fta: maverick/armel ftbfs [19:28] jdstrand, i know [19:28] ah [19:28] ok [19:28] same on natty [19:29] fta: I'm somewhat inclined to push out i386 and amd64 and have armel get fixed in the next update. what is your opinion? [19:29] micahg: ^ [19:30] jdstrand, http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/03/02/%23ubuntu-mozillateam.txt 9:20 and 15:58 [19:30] jdstrand, yep, please do [19:31] fta: ok [19:33] jdstrand, i really don't know how i can really support arm. we don't have porter boxes like debian, i don't have that h/w here, i'm not allowed to have a native ppa (which won't solve the testing part anyway), and no-one from the arm team seem to care enough to help. [19:34] so i can only flip switches in the dark with a long stick, and hope for the best. [19:34] depressing [19:34] fta: I hear you. micahg may be able to help going forward. one option could be to have him funnel your packages to the ubuntu-mozilla-security ppa [19:35] fta: but that is only part of the problem, I realize [19:36] the problem looks like it just needs an ifdef, I'm just not sure what the ifdef should be [19:36] I might be able to get janimo to take a look [19:36] nonix4, it's just that i forgot a arm_thumb=0 during the codecs merge, but i found another while trying to fix that [19:37] nonix4, n-m [19:37] i meant "no, it's..." [19:37] ah, ok [19:37] * micahg should've checked that as well [19:38] but i had armv7 set in one package and unset in the other, for months, no-one noticed [19:39] i'm wondering if anyone is really testing those [19:39] fta - for arm - i feel exactly the same as you ;) [19:39] hence my request to asac [19:39] (although i can build it, i have no way of testing anything on arm) [19:39] and the porter boxes are super slow ;) [19:39] i'm accepting donations ;) [19:40] heh :) [19:40] i should blog about this [19:41] i think i will === m_conley_away is now known as m_conley [19:57] fta: dont bother about lucid ... maverick and natty are important. both are armv7=1 and neon=0 and arm_thumb=1 ... but for performance intense hot spots of code you might want to keep arm_thumb=0 if you have an option to do that for parts [19:58] we are adding "neon if available" for skia so then you can use neon=1 ... but you would be notified i guess [19:58] lucid is the same btw [19:59] fta: do you want hardware? [19:59] i can get you a board [19:59] that would solve the problem [19:59] definitly a beagle for now ... a panda probably soon [19:59] awesome i will work on that [20:02] let me see if i can get you access to a porter box as well sooner [20:05] excellent === debfx_ is now known as debfx [20:37] chrisccoulson: ping [20:58] chrisccoulson: ping [20:58] hi m_conley, how are you? [20:58] chrisccoulson: things are good! Have things started to calm down for you a bit yet? [20:58] heh :) [20:58] i wish ;) [20:59] chrisccoulson: well, I was wondering if you wanted to give my add-on a spin: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/addon/messaging-menu-integration/ [20:59] yeah, i will do. i'm just trying to build thunderbird 3.3 atm [21:00] nice [21:00] it's a good version. :) [21:00] (the add-on is currently only supporting 3.1.* though) [21:00] ah, ok [21:00] that should be easy for me to test then :) [21:40] chrisccoulson, still in the a3 crashes? [21:56] fta - not now \o/ [21:56] just getting tbird 3.3 ready :) [21:57] chrisccoulson, good, maybe you'll have time for breakpad soon then ;) [21:57] fta - yes :) [21:57] chrisccoulson, http://ftagada.wordpress.com/2011/03/02/blindly-poking-at-arm-bugs-with-a-stick/ [21:59] i keep thinking about buying some arm hardware [21:59] if i can find any ;) === m_conley is now known as m_conley_away [22:00] it is a bit of a pain. and firefox takes nearly 10 hours to build on arm now! [22:00] actually [22:00] it's 12 hours :( [22:01] that sucks [22:01] 21 for ch, before the codecs merge [22:01] eek, that's pretty long [22:01] are you running a test suite too? [22:01] no [22:01] not anymore [22:01] that *is* quite long ;) [22:01] the 12 hours for firefox includes the full set of tests, which take up most of the time [22:02] a couple of hours just for linking the binary [22:02] or, at least i *think* it's most of the time. i guess i should instrument the build really [22:06] PERF: 'chrome chrome_sandbox ' built in 1184 sec (amd64) [22:06] PERF: 'chrome chrome_sandbox ' built in 69396 sec (armel, without the codecs) [22:07] just the build, not the deb, strip, etc [22:07] and that's v9, v11 is biggest [22:07] bigger [22:10] 1h20 spent outside of the real build