=== Jef91|AFK is now known as Jef91 === Freejack is now known as Guest59262 === Freejack is now known as Guest4405 === semitones is now known as funkyTones === Freejack is now known as Guest42493 === Freejack is now known as Guest23720 === head_v is now known as head_victim === MrChrisDruif1 is now known as MrChrisDruif === jussi01_ is now known as jussi [18:15] Hi, I have tried to open nano, but I cannot, It says I need to 'Select a terminal type' [18:15] I am runnnng 10.10 [18:15] it also happens in 10.04 === Freejack is now known as Guest56904 [18:16] MichealH: odd, it's worked fine here (nano is my editor of choice for all config files) [18:16] Let me paste the one line of output [18:17] Are you just running the command "nano" from terminal or are you doing something a little different [18:17] Yeah that would be good :) [18:17] Error opening terminal: unknown. [18:17] But shh says "Please select a terminal type" [18:17] *ssh [18:17] I am doing nano gtk.py [18:18] Can you perform the command locally on the machine? [18:18] I am running the command in LXTermial [18:19] *LXTerminal [18:19] michealh@michealh-desktop:~$ nano gtk.py [18:19] Error opening terminal: unknown. [18:19] Ah sorry It hought you said you were running it over ssh [18:21] ssh to a computer tells me to select a terminal type [18:23] http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1559201 [18:23] That might help :) [18:23] head_victim: sup amn === AndrewMC is now known as Guest30896 [18:24] gday stlsaint ltns [18:24] yea yea [18:24] im on more as of lately now that im more settled === Guest30896 is now known as AndrewMC [18:29] MichealH: did that link help? [18:35] head_victim, But it works in the CTRL+ALT+F1 mode? [18:38] MichealH, you called for help? [18:39] I cannot open nano [18:39] someone needs help? [18:39] It asks for a terminal type of csome sort [18:39] oh [18:39] http://www.nano-editor.org/ [18:40] or try # nano dateiname via shell [18:40] MichealH: what happens when you type: nano file [18:40] michealh@michealh-desktop:~$ nano gtk.py [18:40] Error opening terminal: unknown. [18:41] MichealH: hrm [18:41] interesting [18:41] It works in CTRL+ALT+F* [18:42] t happens in 10.04 opening SSH, It asks me to speciafy a terminal type [18:42] MichealH, try this one http://www.nslu2-linux.org/wiki/Optware/Nano and follow the part behind Error opening terminal [18:42] MichealH: oh have you not choosen a shell? [18:43] Im using LXTerminal [18:43] MichealH: try running: chsh [18:43] then choose your shell [18:43] /bin/bash or whatever [18:43] * stlsaint uses zsh ;) [18:43] stlsaint, Did nto work [18:43] MichealH, got my link? [18:44] NRWlion, Yup [18:44] Looking [18:45] That seems to have not worked either [18:45] looked at the newbie solution under that? [18:46] The one under the newbie one has worked [18:46] Thanks NRWlion [18:47] I like nano for the syntax hilighing [18:47] you are welcome michael ;) [18:47] * NRWlion works with Bluefish [18:50] Sorry I'm organising myself for work but I'll leave you in stlsaint's good hands MichealH, good luck :D === head_victim changed the topic of #lubuntu to: Lubuntu 10.10 has been released || Please use the Bit-Torrent to download at http://j.mp/lu-10-10 || Off-topic discussion in #lubuntu-offtopic || Documentation can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu || A review of Lubuntu - http://bit.ly/gXlJ94 [18:50] Hmm freenode is a little odd right about now. Good luck, work calls [18:50] head_victim, Its a tech issue :P [18:50] * MichealH gets the string :P [18:51] MichealH: sorry [18:51] stlsaint_, Sorry about what? [18:52] shell tip not working === zkriesse_ is now known as zkriesse === Freejack is now known as Guest15262 === Freejack is now known as Guest87741 [23:24] how does lubuntu compare to xubuntu? I have a laptop with PIII 1 GHz processor and 1 GB RAM... [23:25] i'm using it with a celeron 1.4, 1.5GB ram (laptop) [23:26] i had x/k/u as well, but i got rid of them yesterday and started with a clean lubuntu. i get more battery life, almost 40 mins more. [23:33] f1assistance: I got Lubuntu on 500MHz 512Ram 10G HDD [23:54] is there a performance difference or would there be a better experience with one over the other?