[03:42] is it allowed to package data files with CC-BY-NC-SA license or "free for non-commercial use" license? [03:43] I mean, is it accepted in Debian/Ubuntu archives? [03:43] artfwo, only in non-free/multiverse [03:45] james_w: if I have a mix of public domain and non-free files, can I produce 2 packages - for universe and multiverse respectively from one source package? [03:45] artfwo, should be possible, provided the source package is in multiverse === jussi01 is now known as Guest39611 [05:32] james_w: i know that packages split across main and universe have their source package in main. can you split "up" like that? [05:33] broder: that's more of a closure issue than anything else [05:33] I think [05:34] * micahg retracts his comment [05:43] So.. if I have a man page provided by package A and there is package A, B, and C provided by the packaging; what's the right way to tell dh_link to link the man page for those? [05:44] they all need to provide the same man page; but the man page is exactly the same [05:45] also; B and C depend on A [05:48] You mean - A ships a binary + a manpage for said binary. That manpage also describes a binary found in B and C. Yes? [05:49] RAOF: exactly [05:50] So, I think you just want to add them to debian/packagename.links [05:50] As normal, a one-line per link, whitespace delimited $SRC $DEST file. [05:51] but would would my source be? [05:51] they'd be the same file; right? [05:51] No, because you've got different binaries in B and C? [05:51] nope.. [05:51] So their manpages need to be named different things? [05:51] If the binary has *exactly* the same name, you don't need a link [05:52] But if the binary has exactly the same name you have other problems, such as playing the Replaces game :) [05:53] I'm guessing I can't just put the man page in each package and let them all install the same thing? [05:53] Does B conflict with A? [05:53] It sounds like it should, because it's got an identically-named binary? [05:53] no [05:54] B and C conflict; but i already dealt with that [05:54] So this is something like A=foo-common, B=foo-type-one C=foo-type-two? [05:55] Regardless of how this ends up, its likely that lintian will erroneously flag your binary as not having a manpage. Feel free to override that warning. [05:55] yup; that's what i have; only worded much nicer [05:55] * RAOF heads out to exercise. [05:56] so if i take lp:~jelmer/ubuntu/natty/samba4/various-fixes, does anybody want to take lp:~w-shackleton/ubuntu/natty/x2vnc/x2vnc-fix-726783 ? [06:34] lintian-override file... [[ ]: ][ [*][*]]. <-- does this mean that anything inside the brackets can be ignored?.. [07:33] I'm struggling with adding a lintian override... I can't figure out how to write the thing.. [07:34] nginx-full package does not have a binary; but binary is provided by nginx-common which is a required package [07:34] MTecknology: i...thought you could generally take the lintian output and paste it in directly [07:34] I tried to add to debian/lintian-overrides nginx-full binary: binary-without-manpage usr/sbin/nginx * Supplied by nginx-common package. * nginx-full [07:34] broder: http://dpaste.com/467878/ [07:35] broder: should I paste in only "nginx-full: binary-without-manpage usr/sbin/nginx" ? [07:35] i think so. try it? [07:35] alrighty [07:37] now the long painful build time.... [07:38] the proc is good; but that's about it [07:47] broder: that didn't work.. I put that exact line "nginx-full: binary-without-manpage usr/sbin/nginx" into debina/lintian-overrides [07:48] wouldn't you want debian/nginx-full.lintian-overrides? [07:49] ther'es three of them; I thought I could do just one file to cover all three [07:50] i don't think it works like that [07:50] I'll try with separate files tomorrow; it's getting really late here [07:50] thanks for the help. :) [07:50] np [08:10] good morning [08:11] dholbach: morning. Care to bzr pull the sponsor queue? [08:13] tumbleweed, done - thanks for the fix [08:14] dholbach: just a minor tweak :) [08:14] :) === tarun is now known as c2tarun [10:37] Hi! how do I work on a package to gets its latest version in Ubuntu? I mean its simple to backport a patch what how do I work on a new upstream release? [10:43] for example: telepathy-logger's launchpad maintanance branch is bzr branch lp:ubuntu/telepathy-logger now there is a new upstream release what do i do? [10:43] should I make a diff between the above branch and the new release and apply it to the branch and commit? [10:44] there is a command "bzr merge-upstream" that might do what you want [10:44] I think that's the bzr-ish way of doing it...? [10:45] om26er: you should probably coordinate in #ubuntu-desktop for that package (and look at merging in the packaging with Debian) === ogra_ is now known as ogra [10:46] alternatively (and preferably IMO) you can /do/ the upgrade in Debian and then merge/sync it back into Ubuntu [10:48] thanks Laney i'll look into these options [10:49] for debian you want #debian-gnome on irc.debian.org [11:13] argh, he's gone (but I just noticed 0.2.4 is in NEW) === Guest39611 is now known as jussi01 === jussi01 is now known as Guest24446 === Guest24446 is now known as jussi01 [13:51] broder, good point, maybe you can't do that === dpm_ is now known as dpm [14:12] can anyone please help me with this error http://paste.kde.org/6297/ error can be fixed by moving -lm and -lrt at the end. but when I am making this change to one of the Makefiles, on rebuild makefile is getting restored to its previous state. [14:13] c2tarun: maybe again debian-changes* is introduced? check debian/patches [14:14] ari-tczew: there are no patches, infact package is not following any patching system [14:20] ari-tczew: there was also a file Makefile.in in the same folder, I made change to that as well :) now buil successful ;) [14:26] c2tarun: congrats [14:30] ari-tczew: I have a doubt, I thought that Makefile.in was created automatically during build by Makefile (or some other file) but here when I changed Makefile.in it worked. I was making same changes to Makefile.in of one other package ( dont remember may be chaplin) then it was not working, I had to make change to Makefile.am there. [14:31] c2tarun: sometimes it needs to get applied in these 2 both files. [14:31] ari-tczew: ok === cr3_ is now known as cr3 [15:27] hyperair: I'm a bit confused about how bug 725316 was hijacked. Could you help me out? [15:27] Launchpad bug 725316 in banshee (Ubuntu) "banshee 1.9.4-1ubuntu1 crashes on now playing view with wikipedia plugin enabled (by default, main banshee package)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/725316 [15:29] bdmurray: the description shows a BadMatch error returned by X. [15:30] bdmurray: christian was seeing a completely different bug involving missing dependencies [15:31] hyperair: isn't christian the reporter of the bug? when I think of hijacking I think of a person other than the reporter changing the bug [15:31] eh? [15:31] ScottK: any idea why there is no libqwebkit.so provided by libqtwebkit4? Without it QtCreator doesn't display WebView widget [15:31] (or rather qt designer) [15:32] bdmurray: ah hell [15:32] >_> [15:32] bdmurray: looks like i got it wrong [15:32] kklimonda: No. I suspect debfx knows though. [15:32] debfx: ^ ? [15:32] oh well, you did ping him already :) [15:33] hyperair: not a big deal. In case you didn't know the firefox-lp-improvements extension identifies original reporter comments. [15:33] lp-improvements? [15:33] what's that? [15:34] Its an extension of compiled greasemonkey scripts that add some functionality to launchpad [15:34] https://edge.launchpad.net/~gm-dev-launchpad/+archive/ppa [15:35] kklimonda: libqwebkit.so (without the "t")? [15:36] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek Day 4 starting in 25 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom [15:37] hyperair: and an example http://www.murraytwins.com/blog/?p=96 [15:37] bdmurray: is there any reason we can't have this functionality added directly to launchpad? [15:37] debfx: erm, libqwebview.so - it should go to /usr/share/qt4/plugins/designer according to some documentation I've found [15:38] debfx: there is a bug about it on debian bts: http://bugs.debian.org/612974 [15:38] hyperair: because Launchpad development is hard? More seriously though some things have been added to Launchpad and some are Ubuntu specific (showing team badges). [15:38] hm [15:39] As an LP developer I'd think highlighting reporter comments makes sense. [15:40] kklimonda: oh, that fell victim to the qtwebkit split which upstream doesn't really support [15:43] debfx: Can we fix it? [15:43] debfx: is it fixable? [15:43] ;-) [15:47] ScottK, kklimonda: we could copy the source code from qt4-x11 to qtwebkit-source and patch the build system [15:48] Is this normal? Every time I use dch, it always applies maverick as the release when I'm working on a lucid package. I thought it was supposed to match the release, ie apply lucid to a new entry when the previous is lucid [15:48] ChogyDan: it bases on system which you're running. [15:49] ari-tczew: :( is there any way to get it to base on the previous instead? [15:49] ChogyDan: dch -i -D lucid ? [15:50] ari-tczew: yeah, fair enough, thanks! [15:51] ChogyDan: np [15:54] debfx: bah, it does sound like quite a lot of work, on the other hand current situation is damn confusing.. I wonder if there are any other plugins that are missing because of that [16:49] empathy is better than ex-chat right? [16:50] seidos: it depends on taste [16:50] ari-tczew: motu? [16:51] seidos: me? yes. does it matter about your question whether motu or not? [16:51] ari-tczew: yes [16:51] until i get kicked, then no [16:52] seidos: are you going to ask everyone whether is he/she motu? === psusi` is now known as psusi === mdeslaur_ is now known as mdeslaur === tarun is now known as Guest67859 === dholbach_ is now known as dholbach === Guest67859 is now known as c2tarun === debfx_ is now known as debfx === jussi01_ is now known as jussi === Kmos is now known as Guest60040 === yofel_ is now known as yofel === nixternal_ is now known as nixternal === Guest60040 is now known as KKmos === korn_ is now known as c_korn === jcfp is now known as Guest80318 [18:34] if i got a job at ubuntu i'd give half my money to hire another [18:37] ? [18:38] question? [18:39] I have a dejavu, someone said something similar just recently [18:39] Are you HPV? [18:39] ah :) -!- HPV is now known as seidos [18:41] Though, as generous as it sounds, at the same time I think it won't work. Either they are paying way too much to make that possible, or half the money won't be able to make a proper living [18:41] i am not HPV, though i have it Rhonda [18:41] do you have it? [18:41] have what? [18:41] Rhonda: who is "they"? [18:41] HPV [18:42] efficient speak, not double speak [18:42] u got my back Rhonda ? [18:42] go outside? [18:42] walk around? [18:43] Your nick was HPV before, that's what I meant. [18:43] And they are canonical in that case. [18:50] Rhonda: i just ran around the block, and in the driveway and lawn. dog has no leash. === ssweeny_ is now known as ssweeny === apachelogger_ is now known as apachelogger === psusi` is now known as psusi [20:06] 11 entries in sponsors overview \o/ === zul_ is now known as zul === popey_ is now known as popey === cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville [21:59] right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration [22:04] seidos: right sentences on right channel ;) [22:04] ari-tczew: trying to use empathy to join right channel [22:04] ari-tczew: are you an op? [22:05] an agent? [22:05] seidos: why empathy? [22:05] seidos: nope, ask persia [22:05] !op [22:05] Help! Hobbsee, Riddell, sladen, fbond, mneptok, gnomefreak, Seveas, dholbach, elkbuntu, PriceChild, or jpds! [22:05] ari-tczew: part of the default packages [22:05] ari-tczew: are you an agent? [22:05] seidos: agent? guess no [22:05] ari-tczew: was that a command? [22:06] why do you need an op? whats the emergency? [22:06] Odd, I should not be an op. [22:06] and persia should be IIRC [22:06] maco: ask ari-tczew [22:06] how's persia doing? [22:06] maco: I think he did it by accident, but I think seidos is very close to needing to be kicked [22:07] :) [22:07] ari-tczew: is persia doing alright? [22:07] havent seen persia in a bit [22:07] seidos: I don't understand. [22:07] still hasnt added me to the DMB mailing list [22:07] ari-tczew: middle east revolution [22:07] mah-co [22:07] mama [22:07] seidos: are you drugged? [22:07] * maco raises an eyebrow [22:08] ari-tczew: negative [22:08] seidos: drunk? [22:08] ari-tczew: define drug [22:08] are you here for constructive purposes? [22:08] ari-tczew: define drunk [22:08] take less then [22:08] maco: affirmative [22:08] 1 [22:08] ari-tczew: less what? [22:08] please define [22:08] brain chemicals? [22:08] seidos: alcohol [22:08] ari-tczew: 0 alcohol [22:08] also brain chemicals [22:08] * seidos dies [22:08] 0 brain chemicals = death? [22:08] yes [22:09] seidos: if you think you're OK, hit your head on the wall [22:09] brain chemicals at nominal levels [22:09] ari-tczew: once [22:09] seidos: what are the constructive purposes for your visit? [22:09] ari-tczew: are you okay? [22:09] seidos: you can twice if you wish [22:09] maco: metta [22:09] ari-tczew: i do not [22:09] maco: he is looking for friends [22:10] * micahg thinks its a bot [22:10] this channel is for development work [22:10] micahg: nah, too irregular [22:10] cease suffering [22:10] seidos: take it elsewhere, please [22:10] micahg: nope, too inteligent [22:10] what package are you working on maco ? [22:10] upgrades [22:10] what upgrades? [22:10] to what packages? [22:11] at the moment, i'm not doing any packaging work. later this evening or tomorrow, qt/atspi [22:12] it was more like a tap [22:13] now back to the silence :) [22:20] tsimpson: too soon [22:22] maco: see my 2nd +q [22:22] tsimpson: i thought the exact string had to match, so you would need more *s [22:23] IPs look behind hosts and cloaks [22:23] (except webchat cloaks, but that's because the IP would be for whatever server runs webchat) [22:24] oh ok [22:24] neat [22:28] I'm working in this bug 725217 (just some typos) [22:28] Launchpad bug 725217 in ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "Typos in Edubuntu 11.04 slideshow" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/725217 [22:28] but the patch in the bug report does not cover the typos in po/ files [22:29] So, I asked in -translators, with no response. I'd like to know if I need to patch the typos in po/ files too [23:54] ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu is a native package and I'll apply a patch to it. Are there any recommendations or rules that differs from non-native packages while working on this kind of packages? [23:55] btw, I know that that d/source/format must be 3.0 (native)