[05:13] hello [05:21] morning kbmonkey [05:21] morning superfly! [05:33] how are you today? well i hope! [05:33] yeah, alright thanks [05:34] hearing from one of our analysts about the stupid things that the business wants [05:35] ah, analysts. hmmm. yes i must go work now, have a good one mate :) [07:48] good morning [08:09] hallo inetpro [08:36] fwolff: heh, lanklaas vir jou gesien hier [08:55] heh Wits university is now the biggest bandwidth user on our network [08:55] and holy shit do they know how to use bandwidth [08:55] BTW a notice: at some point between now and monday, the mirror server will be down for potentially as long as 8 hours for the installation of the new system [08:55] our new fancy box is going in [08:55] and the entire mirror server cluster is being relocated to Wits [09:06] Symmetria: thanks for the heads up, let us know how it goes [10:20] Symmetria: poking you again about a security.debian.o box [10:49] when the new mirror's up I'll take a poke at it, tumbleweed [11:00] froztbyte: we need donated hardware for that [11:01] oh, it needs to run on another server? [11:24] froztbyte: it needs to be a box that the DSAs control (they need to stage security updates secretly) [11:25] otoh, it doesn't need much bandwidth [11:32] tumbleweed, we are going to work on that once the new mirror server is up and running [11:32] which will also free up some hardware [11:32] alternatively, we can do this as a virtual machine in Cape Town on our large Vmware cluster [12:06] ah [12:30] hi, does anyone know of an ncurses-capable speadsheet editor? [12:56] nuvolari: google spreadspeet in w3m? [13:30] linuxboy: wow, does it work? [13:34] * inetpro answers his self [13:34] No [13:34] The page you requested is invalid [13:34] after login [13:38] and in elinks it says: Sorry, but this browser does not support web word-processing. [13:41] Symmetria: aah, that sounds great [14:33] does anyone know how to import vCards to gmail? [16:14] evening all. hope you all ahd a good day [16:14] Maaz, coffee on [16:14] * Maaz puts the kettle on [16:18] Coffee's ready for Kilos! [16:19] Maaz, thanks [16:19] Kilos: Sure === inetpro_ is now known as inetpro [18:10] good evening [18:10] * nlsthzn waves [18:10] * kodez waves at inetpro [18:23] hi nlsthzn kodez inetpro [18:23] Hi uncle Kilos :) [18:25] guys, when are we going to see more ubuntu activities in South Africa? [18:26] like ubuntu hour, developers week, something of that nature [18:49] kodez: that stuff happens fairly often already, and if it doesn't happen in your area, then do one yourself [18:49] that's how this whole thing works [18:51] @superfly. where does is happen? the problem is that i don't have the neccessary technical skills and i'm looking forward to participate in this gathering in order to learn. i'm still new in linux world [18:52] kodez: a lot of stuff is not about technical stuff [18:53] ubuntu hour is just a bunch of folk gathering together for an hour somewhere public (i.e. not at home) and chatting about ubuntu and free software [18:53] lots of non-technical people go to install fests and release parties [18:53] it happens where you are [18:54] there's no leadership organising things, you organise it yourself [18:55] i'm based in the capital city of south africa and it's quite here and only active during the freedom day [18:56] kodez: capital? cape town or pretoria? [18:56] we had the first installfast (or something similar) in the UAE yesterday... I am still pooped :) [18:57] pretoria, cape town is for parliament [18:57] heh [18:57] we have a financial capital and an administrative capital, well sort of [18:58] but wow, right now Im seeing double cause of sleeping pills kicking in so I cant think straight [18:58] good night Symmetria, go to bed :-P [18:59] kodez: there was an ubuntu hour up there when maiatoday was up there a few months ago, I'm sure if you just announce one on the mailing list, you'll get some replies [18:59] there was even a Durban Ubuntu Hour [19:00] lol, its fun fighting the effects of this shit, 20 minutes you can barely walk, 30 minutes everything is fuzzy and you can barely see, 45 minutes you're seeing pink elephants lol [19:00] and then you pass out completely [19:00] and dont wake up for 12 - 14 hours :P [19:00] Symmetria: gaan slaap [19:00] kodez: feel free to tell us about your challenges [19:00] i had seen the announcement of the durban one but not the pretoria one [19:01] kodez if you're getting into linux, can I offer you one piece of advice? [19:01] my point is that we need to have these type of gathering for those of us who are interested in linux to gain our ground [19:01] learn it for what it is, enjoy it, use it, but do not, please, do not, join the religious debate :P [19:02] @symmetria, i would love more than one but it's ok to give me the first [19:02] let it be an interest, and use it for all its good points, and there are many many of them [19:02] kodez: absolutely, so what are you going to do about it? [19:02] but thats my whole problem with the lug's, and the reason I tend not to go near them, there is 2 much linux religious fantasism and zealotry that goes on :) [19:03] 03/03 20:51:16 -*- Symmetria thinks its time to make his way to bed before he ends up with keyboard imprint on face when he passes out [19:03] (and thats not me saying linux is bad, Im simply saying, keep an open mind to the positives, the negatives, and all the aspects) [19:03] @Symmetria, i don't think religion is dangerous, as long as i know the "our father" prayer [19:04] kodez, heh, operating system and technology religion is bad mmmk :) trust me, I used to be one of the zealots :) [19:05] I've come to realize in past years that a balanced approach is more beneficial (particularly in the work market), windows, linux, bsd, solaris, each has its place for specific tasks, use what is best for the task you are attempting to perform [19:05] * Symmetria waits for the zealots to start shouting at him to shut up :) [19:05] Symmetria: ja ja [19:06] inetpro I advise everyone to explore, learn and educate themeselvs in every system they can [19:06] i'm currently a student in unisa doing a diploma in IT. i'm using gcc for c++, firefox for javascript and would love to learn more about networking, database (i don't know which to choose between mysql and postgresql) and, [19:06] and then pick the systems for the jobs they each perform best [19:07] kodez, heh, people in here can teach you a lot about linux, if you want networking, feel free to talk to me [19:07] just not while Im under the influence of extremely powerful sleeping pills :P [19:07] networking is the one area where I can probably help you more than most [19:08] (and dont ask me about programming or databases, I suck at that) [19:08] :) see, same thing, get your information from the experts in each arena, and use the tools that are best for each job [19:08] * Symmetria rambles [19:10] @Symmetria, that's the main problem, getting the experts [19:12] heh kodez, lotta linux experts in here [19:12] and I'm pretty sure I classify as a networks expert :P [19:13] (if I dont, then Im not sure who would, considering what I do for a living) [19:13] though again, in the networking arena, you need to decide if you want lan based networking or SP based networking [19:14] @Symmetria: i have you in terms of network issues but to have structured discussions will make ubuntu-za interesting and allow us to learn [19:14] I can help you more in the latter section and in base networking theory [19:14] yes :) everything has its purpose [19:15] i left python 3 because i felt boring and hope to be back as soon as i get energy [19:15] lol, like I say, now isnt a good time to chat with me though, because Im struggling to read the screen, took my sleeping tablet almost 45 minutes ago and Im suprised Im still able to type never mind that Im still sitting up straight [19:16] (be warned, Im biased and I will do everything I can convince you that a career in networking is something you want, we need more motivated clued up networking people in this country, more badly than you can imagine, which is why networking salaries are so bizarrely insane) [19:16] anyway, Im off to bed :) gnight [19:16] (btw, if anyone suffers from insomnia, I highly recommend these things, I do not think that a strongly sleeping tablet exists) [19:17] lol, its base ingridients are benzodiazepine and cloraphorm :P [19:17] gnighttttttttttttttt [19:18] good night @Symmetria [19:22] is there someone good in php? [19:23] and mysql, postgresql? [19:26] * superfly has done a bit of PostgreSQL [19:29] @superfly, where can i start to learn about postgresql? and how does it differ from mysql? [19:29] kodez1: dude, drop the @ [19:29] kodez1: it's a real database [19:30] and you can start here: http://www.postgresql.org/ [19:30] kodez1: also, Python is a real programming language, don't bother with PHP, it's messed up [19:33] can python be a server script like php? [19:59] superfly, is there an irc for postgresql/ [19:59] kodez1: do you know the site www.careerjunction.co.za ? [20:00] and yes, there most probably is a PostgreSQL IRC channel [20:04] i din't knew about it but had just opened it now, i will go through it. what's more important that i must look for? [20:12] kodez1: careerjunction is built in Python [20:20] superfly, i had managed to preview the source code, i had not seen something about python, where can i look for that? or how is python used in this website? [20:21] kodez1: the site runs on python, not PHP [20:21] kodez1: look at the server signature [20:21] mod_wsgi [20:21] 2.3 IIRC [20:23] where or how do i look for server signature? [20:24] in the response headers [20:25] kodez1: the reason I know it was coded in Python is because I developed half of it [20:28] * superfly => bed [20:38] night everyone. sleep well