[00:00] Alexander you can get jasper from the software center inside your "start menu" thingy [00:00] MarkB: well, different models use different chips in the camera, so it varies. Some will work without any effort, some need a little work [00:00] <[TK]D-Fender> shawnboy: yup === maelstrom is now known as Guest56895 [00:00] ActionParship [00:00] MarkB: All newer Logitech cams are using the UVC driver and are compatible. [00:00] After I install Cheese, where will it be? [00:00] Minimec: Where can I get Drivers then? I have c310, is that compatible? [00:00] [TK]D-Fender: have you taken it for a spin? [00:01] Alexander_: Applications > Ubuntu Software Center, search for Jasper, it's called "The JasPer JPEG-2000 runtime library" [00:01] MarkB: Newer cams should be plug&play. Otherwise see http://www.quickcamteam.net/ [00:02] shawnboy: its fine here, its also default in natty [00:02] hey guys,what is the limit of RAM that detects xubuntu? [00:02] im going AFK... private message me for jasper help [00:02] crimsonmane [00:02] I found it, [00:02] My Kubuntu 10.10 system fails to boot on newer kernel versions - 2.6.35-24 works, but -25 and -27 fail - it just hangs on a plain blue screen when Xorg should start. Had a look in Xorg's logs and all I could find that looks relevant is "[ 13.197] (WW) Open ACPI failed (/var/run/acpid.socket) (No such file or directory)". Any ideas? [00:02] Alexander_: under the application menu someplace [00:02] okay. [00:02] <[TK]D-Fender> shawnboy: Minimally on Windows only so far... [00:02] Minimec: What driver do I need to get for my c310 to work on Emesene? [00:03] Because, it will not work for some reason; but I go to Preferences and it works there. [00:03] MarkB: run: lsusb and use the 8 character hex id to find guides [00:03] [TK]D-Fender: sorta stable? === guru is now known as Guest22117 === Guest73235 is now known as FiReSTaRT [00:03] [TK]D-Fender: I may give it a whirl. at least a test run. === Guest22117 is now known as guru2_ [00:03] hello [00:03] <[TK]D-Fender> shawnboy: From what little I've seen, no issues, and so far no bad press... all gold so far [00:03] Action: I put lsusb into run, and nothing happened? [00:04] MarkB: did it not output some text? [00:04] Action: No sir, it didn't. [00:04] who know what is the limit of RAM that detects Xubuntu? [00:05] valadares: 32bit or 64bit? [00:05] i'd say that xubuntu would detact all that your bios would, if you use 64 [00:05] [TK]D-Fender: thanks. for the moment, I'll chalk the envelope thing up to "one of those things". Appreciate your suggestions. [00:05] MarkB: So it is tather an Emsnse problem... Install guvcview once and start it. If it works your cam is 100% uvc compatible. It looks like the c310 is an update of the c300 webcam. http://answerpot.com/showthread.php?814602-Support+for+the+Logitech+C310+USB+HD+Webcam [00:05] 32bits [00:06] ActionParsnip:i use xubuntu 32 bits [00:06] valadares: 32bit can use 3.2Gb, 3.2Gb can use 64Gb (but each process can only use 3.2Gb), 64Bit can use 16 exabytes technically [00:06] <[TK]D-Fender> shawnboy: Idea : Feed the envelope and "cheat" the alignment to get the same ends [00:06] 3.2Gb == 32bit PAE, sorry [00:06] Minimec: Thank you, I will look at this. Do I get guvcview by entering in Terminal? [00:06] hi. i did install ubuntu (gnome) maverick. i use the recommend driver for me nvidia 9500. the problem is that all, especially flash, movies are jerking ... what can i do? before installing ubuntu 10.10 i did use kubuntu 10.04 with the same driver, and everything was fine?! [00:07] MarkB: sudo apt-get install guvcview [00:07] I know that, just wanted to know if you get from somewhere else. [00:07] Trashi: can you use http://pastie.org to give the output of: lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf thanks [00:07] hola [00:07] ActionParsnip: one moment [00:08] Alexander_: do you see yourself in cheese? [00:08] ActionParsnip: thank you much [00:09] ActionParsnip: http://pastie.org/1626781 [00:10] Trashi: sudo apt-get --purge remove browser-plugin-gnash gnash gnash-common swfdec-mozilla; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree [00:11] Trashi: you have too many plugins, the command will remove the plugins you have and then install the adobe plugin [00:11] alexander_ you there? [00:11] Hi everyone! I have a script listed to execute in my crontab but it does not appear to actually take effect. I know this because running the script manually has an effect on a log file. When I check that log file, it doesn't show an update! This is very easy to understand from my pastebin: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/1120219 [00:11] having an issue with xkb - have edited the rules and srvr_ctrl files to add back the vtsysreq option, but no joy, suspect ubuntu has disabled the xorg behavior of compiling them on start, how do i get it to runxkbcomp automatically? [00:11] ActionParsnip: ok i'll try that ... i did use your recommended flash package with kubuntu, but ubuntu suggested these packages .. thank you for your help [00:11] Okay, I installed guvcview it works there. [00:11] But it still doesn't work in Emesene. [00:12] welcome back Alexander_ [00:12] Thanks. [00:12] Hey ActionParsnip, I can see my face. [00:12] Trashi: no worries dude, i don't trrust those automatic things personally, I do what I know works [00:12] *sorry if this is a repost, I just identified with NickServ [00:12] Hi everyone! I have a script listed to execute in my crontab but it does not appear to actually take effect. I know this because running the script manually has an effect on a log file. When I check that log file, it doesn't show an update! This is very easy to understand from my pastebin: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/1120219 [00:12] But I can't make video calls with Pidgin. [00:13] What driver do I need to download for my c310 to work in Emesene? [00:13] Alexander_: thats because its not configured === cerpintaxt is now known as syrinx_ [00:13] ActionParsnip: next time i'll take a look for the right package and install immediately via terminal... just to save my time ;) [00:13] How do I configure it? [00:14] Alexander_: can you use http://pastie.org and give the output of: lsusb thanks [00:14] or at lest where the .xkm files are on jaunty [00:15] mycosys: jaunty is no longer supported === jamiep is now known as neonninja [00:15] i am aware of this [00:15] is a simple question tho [00:15] mycosys: then why ask if its not supported? [00:16] If I wanted to, could I buy another hdd and just hook it up to my computer for raid, to make things faster? Or how does it work? [00:16] because it is a simple question that somebody could well know off the top of their head [00:16] hello [00:17] ActionParsnip: and Alexander_ please keep me updated with the video calls in pidgin. i also dont know how to configure the cam in pidgin. doesnt seem to be an option. i'm afk dinner and baby. [00:17] is only a few months out of support [00:17] mycosys: doesnt matter, dead is dead [00:17] anyone have a problem with drop down menus being crooked and slanted when installing gnome on kubuntu? [00:17] MarkB: please use my nick if you are talking to me. I installed emesene and also see my Logitech Webcam sphere in the preferences. Now I cannot tell, if it works for video calls. [00:18] myradlife are you trying to run every minute? I don't think you need the */1. Have you tried just 1 ? [00:19] Minimec: I was talking in-general to everyone. But don't I need drivers to get it working? Or does friend need Emesene too for it to work, she has Msn for Windows. [00:19] anyone have a problem with drop down menus being crooked and slanted when installing gnome on kubuntu? [00:20] greetings [00:20] ActionParsnip [00:20] hallo! when i try to browse my smartphone via bluetooth, the smartphone asks me for a password. which pass should i type??? [00:20] Can I send you a scrennie? [00:20] whenever I reboot, iwconfig reports the essid as something totally weird, eg. ESSID:"g\xC6isQ\xFFJ\xEC)\xCD\xBA\xAB\xF2\xFB\xE3F|\xC2T\xF8\x1B\xE8\xE7\x8DvZ.c3\x9F\xC9\x9A" [00:21] Alexander_: just copy the text and use pastebin, no need for a full screenie, We only need the text [00:21] yeah that looks weird. [00:21] MarkB: Your cam is recognized by ubuntu as uvc cam. You can use it with skype, and other software. I don't now if emesene is able to interact 100% with the uvc driver, but you won't find a better driver for your cam in linux. UVC is the best. [00:22] this is what I have in /etc/network/interfaces http://pastebin.com/LHkKTqkc [00:22] So, my only bet is to get Skype? [00:22] I've tried the ESSID with and without quotes [00:22] no dice [00:23] ActionParnship, http://icanhasimage.com/images/meze29zr5303p75jptp.png [00:23] MarkB: My Logitech cam is working in the 'emesene preferences', connected to my hotmail account, but I never tried emesene before. [00:23] Sorry, I couldn't go on pastebin for some reason. [00:23] I have a 2TB drive Western digital that I cant mount [00:23] it is formatted as NTFS [00:23] I can see it in /dev/sda [00:23] slt28800642, Yes, I'm trying to run every minute not because I must, but it's easier to debug when I'm impatient to wait 30 min intervals [00:24] and it even shows the correct partitions and how much data is on it [00:25] Are there any alternate programs to Pidgin? [00:25] For MSN? [00:25] Alexander_: what protocol do you use? [00:25] fuzion24 - was it properly unmounted on the last system you used it on? [00:25] Alexander_: amsn [00:25] amsn? [00:26] Alexander_: but your camera won't work in amsn either, as you haven't configured it [00:27] mycosys, possibly, but I don't think so [00:27] you would need to force it on this system then, not a good idea [00:27] How do I configure it? [00:27] slt28800642, I've tried with */30 and I have the same issue [00:28] is there some issue with ubuntu and ntfs partitions over a certain size [00:28] put it back in the last system u used it in and use 'safely remove hardware' if it was windows [00:28] Alexander_: if you give the output of; lsusb we can advise [00:28] It is an internal drive [00:28] fuzion24: what happens when you attempt to mount it? [00:28] slt28800642, what do you think is the problem with ipUpdate.pl not correctly executing in crontab? [00:28] ActionParsnip [00:28] look at this screenie [00:28] http://icanhasimage.com/images/meze29zr5303p75jptp.png [00:29] hello, what do i do, i'm brand new? [00:29] try * * * * * ipUpdate.pl [00:29] !ask | BillyBob [00:29] BillyBob: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [00:29] BillyBob: do whatever you want to do! Enjoy your ubuntu [00:29] /dev/sda1 on / type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096) [00:29] all right, anyone know about LTSP? [00:29] Alexander_: ok its a suyin chip and it's ID is 064e:c116 if you'd use a pastebin like I SAID, you can copy and paste it much easier [00:30] sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/Green [00:30] Mount is denied because the NTFS volume is already exclusively opened. [00:30] The volume may be already mounted, or another software may use it which [00:30] could be identified for example by the help of the 'fuser' command. [00:30] fuzion24: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [00:30] Alexander_: so now you can use that ID and find guides [00:30] sorry [00:30] it says its mounted to / [00:30] myradlife: put * * * * * with full /path/script in crontab [00:30] but so is sdb1 [00:31] exutux, I'll try the full path [00:31] myradlife, if that works, try 30 * * * * ipUpdate.pl , doh yea, and full path. [00:31] jrib, any ideas? [00:31] fuzion24 - try ls /dev/disk/by-path [00:31] mycosys, what do you mean /by-path? [00:31] looking for current HOWTO for installing Linksys WMP54G wireless card in Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid, have searched and can find nothing current... [00:31] shows all drives and their mount points [00:31] oh thats an actual directory [00:31] what should I do with that [00:32] or what is that [00:32] any ideas on why iwconfig is reporting that weird SSID? [00:32] ActionParsnip [00:32] What ID? [00:32] 'ls /dev/disk/by-path' - run it fuzion24 [00:33] fuzion24: well... is it already mounted? [00:33] http://paste.ubuntu.com/574743/ [00:33] it says it is [00:33] Alexander_: identifier, its a common work,like a fake ID, or "Can I see your ID please" [00:33] but it says sdb1 is mounted to the same point [00:33] Alexander_: the ID is: 064e:c116 [00:33] so what do I do with that code? [00:34] exutux, slt28800642 , I made that change and I'll see if it takes effect consistently over time. Thank you [00:34] Alexander_: use it to find guides [00:34] fuzion24: so unmount it and mount it where you want [00:34] SO do I google it? [00:34] it wont let me unmount [00:35] fuzion24: is your pwd in the mount point [00:35] How do I set kernel options with the new live cds? === zz_PhilMather is now known as PhilMather [00:35] umount: /: device is busy. [00:35] fuzion24: well yeah, you need that, thats your OS [00:36] there are two drives both mounted to / [00:36] /dev/sdb1 on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro,commit=0) [00:36] fuzion24: you can't mount drives, you mount partitions [00:36] /dev/sda1 on / type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096) [00:36] thats what i meant [00:36] partition sda1 and sdb1 are both mounted to / [00:37] according to mount [00:37] fuzion24: how did sda1 get mounted to /? [00:37] no idea [00:37] fuzion24: do you use raid? [00:37] no [00:37] fuzion24: is this a standard install? or wubi? [00:37] standard [00:37] fuzion24: when you first boot, is sda1 mounted to /+ [00:37] want me to reboot and find out? [00:37] fuzion24: sure, why not [00:38] hola === jono_ is now known as jono [00:38] hola. como estas? [00:38] ayuda con xubuntu [00:38] !es | crimsonmane [00:38] crimsonmane: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. [00:38] no tengo sonido [00:39] @ubottu - estudie espaniol para dos anos en mi escuela, y duermo en la clase. y no se nada mas. porque soy un gringo pendejo. [00:39] if i place a log file in /var/log does it get removed after some time if it is not written in it anymore ? [00:42] @ubottu - estudie espaniol para dos anos en mi escuela, y duermo en la clase. y no se nada mas. porque soy un gringo pendejo. [00:43] LOL [00:44] !spanish [00:44] En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. [00:47] xD [00:49] hey chrookit gave me this warning The following suspicious files and directories were found: [00:49] /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/.path /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/PyQt4/uic/widget-plugins/.noinit /usr/lib/xulrunner- /usr/lib/jvm/.java-6-openjdk.jinfo /usr/lib/firefox-3.6.14/.autoreg [00:50] should I just delete them all? or is it a false alarm [00:52] what is the additional drivers part in system? is that to install windows drivers? [00:53] I've got a compile from source question... is this the correct irc channel? [00:55] melow01: running ubuntu?, then yes [00:55] how do i run a windows xp start up cd using ubuntu as a os [00:55] hi guys, when i apt-get install xprint on my server it wants to install about 60 different xserver-xorg-video* packages, xterm, etc.. - any way around this? I just need the pdf utils from within xprint [00:55] aeon-ltd, yes, ubuntu lucid 10.04 [00:56] hello [00:56] melow01: go ahead, ask the chan [00:57] my webcam flips the video in ubuntu, best course of action? [00:57] allblack_soulja: you mean in a virtual machine? [00:57] no [00:57] on the cpu [00:57] allblack_soulja: then what do you mean [00:57] trying to change os's [00:58] allblack_soulja: you want to boot tho windows cd? [00:58] yup [00:58] allblack_soulja: why? [00:58] cuz my sound card isnt working [00:58] allblack_soulja: that's not really related to ubuntu, just put the disc in, reboot your computer and make sure your bios is setup to boot from the cd first [00:58] use virtualbox if you wanna run windows, if thats what you're asking. [00:58] allblack_soulja: so why do you need a windows cd for that, when you are using ubuntu? [00:59] hello all [00:59] does anyone use the 'nzb' newsgroup client? I just installed it and i can't get it to connect, even though my credentials work in two other clients. [00:59] i need help please [00:59] Hezinho: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line) [00:59] i did an it was but it still didnt boot right [00:59] allblack_soulja: why do you need your windows CD for a soundcard when you are using ubuntu, it makes no sense [01:00] my webcam flips the video in ubuntu, best course of action? [01:00] allblack_soulja: do you want to troubleshoot your sound issue or do you want to install windows? [01:00] thethinker: what module does the camera use? [01:00] my touchpad is not working on ubuntu 10.10 ( sony vaio vpceb11fx) ? [01:00] because thats not the only prob i cant run devices an i already did trouble shoot [01:00] I have an old Pentium M 1.3Ghz laptop I'd like to install Ubuntu on, should I get Netbook edition? I can't find a comparison chart with desktop version. [01:00] i need windows for my cam [01:00] Anyone know where Fvwm finds its mini icons? or if EWMH tells it where they are? I can't find the icon that gnuplot uses [01:01] odeland: no, use the desktop edition. But how much ram do you have? [01:01] ActionParsnip: i dont understand? [01:01] thethinker : you can find out what kernel modules are in use on your system by typing 'lsmod' on a command line [01:01] Hezinho: most zony touchpads are made working with the boot option: i8024.nopnp [01:01] 514MB Ram [01:01] netbook addition just has a different look if i remember correctly [01:01] ActionParsnip: lol @ zony [01:01] thethinker: can you run: lsmod and use a pastebin to give the output [01:01] odeland: i would actually get lubuntu or xubuntu, its a common mistake to think unr is lighter in any way [01:01] nsd: ;) [01:01] Why would Rhythmbox only find 953 of my 7K songs? [01:01] ok, thanks guys [01:01] thethinker: ls (like ls for a directory) mod (modules)... there's also lspci and lsusb for listing what devices are on those busses [01:02] odeland: you should be fine with the desktop edition, though lubuntu and xubuntu are good choices if you find ubuntu sluggish (I run it fine on a similar system). You could also just try out different window managers once you install ubuntu [01:02] Hezinho: sorry: i8042.nopnp [01:02] aeon-lt: I've read reviews of more recent releases of xubuntu that say that it's comperable to Gnome (regular Ubuntu); LXDE (as used in lubuntu) would be faster and lighter, but not officially supported [01:02] jujubee : 6k of files in an odd format? [01:02] aeon-ltd: oh nvm direct that at odeland [01:02] turno: ? [01:03] I mean over 7000 songs [01:03] http://pastebin.com/ZFhwPTYB i think === Metaxa123 is now known as Metaxa [01:03] but what should i do with that ? [01:03] JuJuBee: I've seen rhytmnbox crumble with large collections, deadbeef works well with them though :) [01:03] nsd: thanks [01:03] my cpu was origanally windows bt now i cant change it back [01:03] any help [01:03] welcom [01:03] jujubee : are all your files mp3s, or are they something bizarre like .ape or .mpc... really that's just a shot in the dark, not particularly likely [01:03] thethinker: perfect, ok it is using the uvcvideo driver [01:03] Gaming Question: Are their any popular MMOs native for linux? [01:03] i tried to add this line on the grub but with no luck [01:03] allblack_soulja: do you want to troubleshoot your sound issue or do you want to install windows? [01:03] odeland: np. Also, you can go from LXDE to Gnome to Xfce to KDE any time you want with any version of Ubuntu [01:04] install windows [01:04] turno: no, all mp3 [01:04] allblack_soulja: then put the disc in, reboot, and setup your bios to boot from the cd. ##windows can help you more [01:04] ActionParsnip: never used deadbeef [01:04] guess I'll start with desktop edition and move from there if anything [01:04] ActionParsnip: what does that mean to me? [01:04] thethinker : next step, http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome&client=ubuntu&channel=cs&ie=UTF-8&q=uvcvideo+upside+down [01:04] thethinker: you need to see if that module has an option to be flipped vertically === root is now known as Guest50882 [01:05] turno: I had to reinstall my OS today and it was working fine before the re-install [01:05] JuJuBee: its light and awesome [01:05] um, what's this "Distribution Upgrade" that's coming down the pipe? [01:05] whats the best way to install a very lightweight gui on ubuntu server? [01:05] Hi [01:05] jujubee : no idea then, sorry [01:05] gconf-editor and looking under /apps/gnome_settings_daemon/keybindings [01:05] odeland: All you have to do to try another desktop manager is install the package from Synaptic or on the command line. E.g., if you wanted to go from Gnome (used in Ubuntu) to KDE (used in Kubuntu), that's as simple as sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop [01:05] ActionParsnip: not available accoring to apt-get [01:05] i did this and changed the power parameters [01:05] I am using kubuntu, if that matters. [01:05] JuJuBee: its not in the default repos [01:05] from this link ie https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hotkeys/Troubleshooting [01:06] nothing I hate more than booting a box that's been off for a month, and finding stuff has stopped working [01:06] and next it went to commandline mode after reboot [01:06] why would wireless keep re-associating? [01:06] does anyone use the client 'nzb' ? [01:06] thethinker: if you run: file /sys/class/video4linux/video0/vflip do you get file not found or is it a text file? [01:06] and as per instructions here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Security/CPUFeatures [01:06] i enabled the BIOS [01:06] again it is going in command line [01:06] can i edit the alternate iso to install only those applications i use? [01:06] JuJuBee: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:alexey-smirnov/deadbeef; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install deadbeef [01:07] ie regular ubuntu is not picked up, why and how to come around? [01:07] I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 Gnome, and I'm looking at a box talking about a Distribution Upgrade....next upgrade should be 11.04 in late April.... [01:07] visual1ce: I think you might be able to do that if you install in expert mode; otherwise, yes, you can edit the ISO [01:07] visual1ce: take a look at this: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/10038 [01:08] Geoffrey2: the version number on Ubuntu 10.10 refers to the date it was released. so yes you should do that distro upgrade [01:08] thethinker: if the file exists then the task is very simple [01:08] what i'm supposed to do with this "i8042.nopnp" ? [01:08] I have a question [01:08] maco: in here? [01:08] Hezinho: add it as a boot option in /etc/default/grub then run: sudo update-grub [01:08] !ask | zombie_ [01:08] zombie_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [01:09] anyone know a good place to start learning Csharp but writing and running in ubuntu? [01:09] Is there any software of ubuntu that can remove DRM from music tracks? [01:09] thanks nsd! [01:09] thanks - can you write me the full command that i need to add ? [01:09] nsd: aeon-ltd: jrib: thanks guys, be back later if I need help switching GUI :) [01:09] visual1ce: no problem [01:09] not found [01:09] Hezinho: gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub [01:09] thethinker: darn [01:09] odeland: np [01:10] thethinker: try: http://radu.cotescu.com/flipped-images-ubuntu-webcam/ [01:11] Hezinho: add it in the quotes with the quiet splash save the new file then run: sudo update-grub reboot to test [01:11] Hello? [01:11] Starting to code in Csharp but wanting to start on ubuntu Because i hate windows anyone have any tips [01:11] thank u - im trying it now [01:11] zombie_: Depends on where you live, whether that's legal or not. If you're in the USA, that would violate the DMCA. [01:11] crimsonmane, I'm already running 10.10, and have been since October.... [01:12] zombie_: In other words, it'd be illegal, sorry. [01:12] I need software like sound taxi [01:12] ie regular ubuntu is not picked up, why and how to come around? [01:12] Zombie what is it that you are looking for? [01:12] whitefinger: Isn't there mono for that? I think that's a linux C# implementation. [01:12] Geoffrey2: upgrading will not change your version from 10.10 to anything [01:12] if I buy music I have the right to remove the drm from it [01:13] zombie_: I don't believe that's how the law works; that's the reason for the DMCA. Removing DRM is illegal, afaik [01:13] Windows 7 and xp have sound taxi now I'm on Linux ubuntu 10.10 and I'm looking for a program like sound taxi [01:13] nsd: it is illegal [01:13] crimsonmane, ok, I just wanted to make sure that was an expected upgrade, and I someone wasn't picking up an Alpha of 11.04 somehow.... [01:13] whatever [01:13] ActionParsnip: yeah, though so [01:13] I'm outta here [01:13] lame [01:14] Geoffrey2: 11.04 would indicate it was released November 4th. see how that works? [01:14] crimsonmane: no, that would be 2011, April. [01:14] Pici: thanks lol [01:14] ActionParsnip: I seem to already have those [01:14] i have a beagleboard xm running ubuntu 10.10. Im trying to setup a touchscreen, which the touch works fine, but the monitor is just green. Any suggestions? [01:14] i was way off lol [01:14] hello [01:15] crimsonmane, I'm familiar with the numbering sequence, I've just never gotten a notice for an entire Distro upgrade between version releases...so wasn't sure what was happening... [01:15] login [01:15] I want to install ubuntu from a usb flash drive but gparted keeps failing and the installer fails, is there a workaround ? [01:15] thethinker: well you have an avenue of investigation now, see what you can dig up [01:15] GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="i8042.nopnp" - this is what it looks like - its okay ? [01:15] Geoffrey2: releases that are marked LTS you only have to upgrade from every third (?) release, when another LTS is released. LTS stands for long term support. The last LTS was 10.04, so since you have10.10, do the upgrade. [01:15] sec^nd: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded? [01:15] sec^nd: you'll need the Alternative Install disc [01:15] will someone help? [01:15] ActionParsnip: So, Google? [01:15] Hezinho: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash i8042.nopnp" [01:16] sec^nd: If gparted fails, the installer can't continue. You might try partioning with another program (though I doubt that'd help) or another flash drive [01:16] thethinker: if thats the search engine you prefer, yes [01:16] ok [01:16] ActionParsnip: I checked the md5 [01:16] thethinker: you have a lot of ammo to throw in it, also use your lappy make and model too [01:16] nsd: doesn't work, seems to be a problem with the live system being on a flash drive [01:16] Does anyone knoe if it is inefficient to have a bash script run in the background constantly? [01:16] cd burner broken [01:16] sec^nd: at what point does the installer fail? [01:16] ammo? [01:16] There is but testing in ubuntu is seeming to be deficult becuase it is in .exe and wine will run it but close automaticly, even with a stop close oh .net [01:17] ActionParsnip: before partitioning [01:17] thethinker: ammunition, in the shape of information [01:17] sec^nd: have you tried updating ubiquity and gparted in the livecd [01:17] sec^nd: i had similar issues and was absolutely forced to use Alternate disc [01:17] alexanderbandukw: why don't you run it and find out? [01:17] ActionParsnip: no internet :/ === stephen is now known as Guest23492 [01:17] sec^nd: is the system a laptop? [01:17] crimsonmane: can I use the alternative disc from my usb ? [01:18] ActionParsnip: a computer with no internet (box) [01:18] Good evening. Evince. Anybody know what would cause a 3.5mb pdf to take over 2mins to load using 10.04 with 12GB RAM? [01:18] sec^nd: gah, could try the alternate cd as crimsonmane said [01:18] lastm: crap cpu and gpu? :) [01:18] Hey, I was wondering if anybody could tell me to a website where i can learn about unix? please and thanks! [01:18] sec^nd: only if you're using usb cd drive. also, its a usb stick, so you can update it from any computer, like the one you're using now. [01:18] thor: i didn't want to have to write it if it would [01:18] alexanderbandukw: Bash scripts aren't the fastest programs, so no, but that depends on what it's doing. If you're concerned it's eating up resources, just fire up system monitor and see how much of a load it's using [01:18] speeqs: the linux documentatioin project....tldp.org [01:19] crimsonmane: what ? [01:19] I can't get a cron job to run. I set the job up in crontab -e, but it never seems to run. There are no cron logs in /var/log. any advice? [01:19] how to get to ubuntu graphic one from command line as after reboot it takes me to commandline! [01:19] alexanderbandukw: What are you trying to accomplish with the script? [01:19] linux virgin seeks help installing wifi drivers? [01:19] aeon-ltd: Intel Xeon 3.00GHz -- eight of them. [01:19] javahorn try startx [01:19] javahorn: Try logging in and do sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart [01:19] Jgilk1: is it internal or USB based? [01:20] nsd: There is but testing in ubuntu is seeming to be deficult becuase it is in .exe and wine will run it but close automaticly, even with a stop close oh .net [01:20] internal [01:20] sec^nd: i'm sorry i didnt word that very well. you said you're installing via usb drive, and the other person suggested you update it. you said you can't because that computer has no internet. to which i suggest you bring that usb drive to a computer that has internet. [01:20] lastm: tried diff readers? [01:20] Jgilk1: is the system a laptop or branded pc? [01:20] aeon-ltd: No. Any suggestions? [01:20] netbook/laptop [01:20] pac1 [01:20] crimsonmane: the usb isn't peristent [01:20] why it is happening after resetting power management? [01:21] lastm: xpdf?, what is this pdf file anyway? [01:21] whitefinger: Hmmm... Well, I must confess I know hardly anything about C#. If what you're trying to run is an executable and you don't have the source, there isn't much you can do about it but try wine (which you have) [01:21] sec^nd: is it possible for you to borrow someone's cd drive just for this project? [01:21] javahorn, are you sure gdm has not started? [01:21] Jgilk1: what make / model [01:21] toshiba nb505 [01:21] pac1 yes [01:21] aeon-ltd: The pdf is a bunch of scanned tax documents. I'm sure it wasn't created well, it is only 20 pages, but it is 3.5mb. [01:22] nsd: wine will run it but close right away even with a close program i install mono and run mono ( application.exe) and it runs its just weird lol [01:22] lastm: no idea, does the cpu spike? [01:23] whitefinger: So it works...? I can't really help, sorry [01:23] aeon-ltd: No. They're all under 50%. [01:23] Jgilk1: i'd use a wired connection and get full updates for a start [01:23] lastm: hdd activity? [01:23] Jgilk1: after a reboot, click system -> admin -> hardware drivers and it may be offered to you [01:23] pac1: nsd none of the option is working [01:24] i cant access internet through wired or wireless connection is the problem only way i have access through internet is on the windows 7 side [01:24] did you try the /etc/init.d/gdm restart suggested by nsd? [01:24] nsd: no problem thanks for the help You have any sugestions on a nice langauge to use in ubuntu that can have graphical interface. [01:24] nsd: constantly check to see if pictures are in my download folder and if so move them to pictures [01:24] Jgilk1: if no, run: sudo lshw -C network and you will be shown the chip, you can use it to find guides [01:24] javahorn, what happens when you do /etc/init.d/gdm restart [01:24] aeon-ltd: Nothing. The Network History shows bumps to 2.0 MB/s, but that's about it. [01:25] hello, uhm im am writing from weechat, i cant get into gdm, im stuck at terminal level after boot :( [01:25] nsd: pac1: init had been replaced by upstart. use sudo service gdm restart :instead [01:25] Jgilk1: updates fix a lot, and you will have access to te web which will have drivers [01:25] alexanderbandukw: That shouldn't be too bad, just make it sleep between tests [01:25] lastm: are you have slow drive problem? [01:25] Jgilk1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1687636 shows a PPA which will make it work [01:25] badstidrazor: Oh, right, although I could've sworn /etc/init.d/gdm restart still works though [01:25] bastidrazor, thanks I need to be reminded of that. [01:25] i have followed this perscribed step to try to install drivers and it gives me a line of code... should i post line of code here? [01:25] pac1: it says, about script you are trying to invoke has been converted to and upstartjob, you may also use restart(8) utility [01:26] aeon-ltd: Just tried xpdf and it loads without difficulty. === Guest23492 is now known as pv2depoty [01:26] javahorn, does sudo service gdm restart work? [01:26] whitefinger: No. Everything else loads just fine. [01:26] lastm: heh problem solved, assume it was a bug in your previous reader [01:26] pac1: no [01:26] whitefinger: Well, Java is pretty easy to pick up and you can do GUIs pretty easily [01:26] lastm: oh ok i just seen the last post about your drive thats all lol [01:26] yes [01:26] nsd: thanks [01:27] What's good [01:27] does anyone know how to pause the boot proses i have an error msg ? [01:27] thanks i will try that and let you know if i have further problems [01:27] Jgilk1: if you run: rfkill list are any of the entries listed as blocked? [01:27] hi there, please help wih upstart [01:27] whitefinger: You can also do GUIs in python fairly easily (methinks). Writing a gui app in C/C++ is of course gong to be harder [01:27] nsd: hm.. i like basic and i did not mind python but that was years and years and years ago [01:27] bastidrazor: no it is not working [01:27] alexanderbandukw: Any time. [01:27] i have a process that i start up with specified user, that spawns bash -l -c, that spawns another process [01:27] nsd pac1 bastidrazor wha it the workaournd? [01:27] with upstart [01:27] as a result, sudo stop blah doesn't work [01:27] aeon-ltd: xpdf will let me do what I need to get done tonight, but what are they doing differently? Is there anything that can be changed on evince to improve performance? [01:28] javahorn, no workarounds. did you install a server or a desktop ubuntu? [01:28] javahorn, when and what did you install? [01:28] whitefinger: Well, if Basic's your thing, I think there might be some implementations of that that use GUIS, not sure though [01:28] nsd: yeah python was my second languge but i did not like windows execution problems and i want something that i can use for ubuntu and windows base [01:28] lastm: i've had no recent experience with evince so i would not know [01:28] I tried reinstalling GDM but it did not work :( [01:28] pac1: desktop 10.10 [01:29] it was fine [01:29] javahorn, then what? [01:29] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hotkeys/Troubleshooting -- i did for powermanagement,changed values [01:29] whitefinger: Well if it's portability you want, Java is pretty good for that. the Netbeans IDE lets you design GUIs right in it, or you can write the GUIs entirely by hand. Take a look at the tutorials at http://download.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/ [01:29] pac1: then rebooted , it said about https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Security/CPUFeatures [01:30] i changed BIOS setttings in Advanced tab for Samsung, and since then it is taking me to commandline and not coming up for regular screen of ubuntu [01:31] javahorn: change the settings back? [01:31] crimsonmane: for BIOS? [01:31] yes [01:31] pac1: it is mystery! [01:31] aeon-ltd: Well, thank you. Have a good evening. [01:32] nsd: thanks checking it out now see if i like it [01:32] crimsonmane: i wonot be getting desired effect then as the link says [01:32] pac1: any idea? [01:33] whitefinger: No problem. I gtg, so if you have any other questions ask someone else ;) [01:33] i have an egalaxy touchscreen but the axis are inverted. How can i config? [01:33] nsd: thanks and will do talk to you another time lol === grim76^ is now known as Grim76 [01:34] Hi. How can I list all files in a directory and its subdirectories and show their full path? I tried [ls -F -R /media/USB | grep "\.avi"] and get all the files, but without their full path... just the filename. Any ideas? [01:34] javahorn, lets take a look at /var/log/Xorg.log [01:34] I have a server program that displays output to the screen, and stops itself once it starts loading and doesn't accept any requests until I bring it to the front. How would I go about sending it back away, or making my ssh not have to run with it? [01:34] i still cant see the touchpad tab on my sony vaio [01:34] CT1: find [01:34] CT1: find /media/USB/ -type f -iname "*.avi" [01:34] javahorn, can you find Xorg.0.log [01:34] i added the command line to grub [01:35] smplman: http://www.plop.at/en/touchscreen.html you may need an xorg.conf to define the flipping of the axis [01:35] crimsonmane: even BIOS re set does not bring back it. [01:35] pac1: where is that [01:35] Thank you Random832 and Pici! [01:36] javahorn, /var/log [01:36] javahorn, familar with http://pastebin.com/ ? [01:36] smplman: actually try this: [01:36] smplman: sudo modprobe -r touchkitusb; sudo modprobe touchkitusb swap_xy [01:37] pac1: yes, there are 5 of them, i opened Xorg.0.log [01:37] ok. [01:37] copy and paste it in pastebin and click submit [01:37] smplman: does it help?, if so the fix is VERY easy [01:37] after upgrading i seem to have lost sound, lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon file system when I run alsa force-reload [01:37] ActionParsnip, it took the command but nothing [01:37] I'm new to Ubuntu and am having a problem installing the driver that came with my USB LAN stick. [01:37] Can anyone help me out with that? [01:37] pac1: too tough as i am typing from office laptop and the mishap is on other laptop [01:37] smplman: if it works, it won't output anything [01:38] hi [01:38] ActionParsnip, how can i see what drivers the touchscreen is using? [01:38] oh right. [01:38] pac1: any key thing, if you can say , i can quickly [01:38] no cut and paste [01:38] ActionParsnip, still inverted [01:38] look through Xorg.0.log for problems [01:38] smplman: lsmod will list all th modules in use, look for anything suspect [01:39] copy to usb stick and put it on office laptop? [01:39] !netsplit [01:39] netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit [01:39] pac1: any error to grep for? [01:39] none in particular. [01:39] I'm unable to install a Linux driver for my wireless LAN USB stick. CAnyone want to help [01:39] how can i see the touchpad tab when i go to "mouse" ? [01:39] javahorn, look for a crash. [01:39] iharley: abandon all hope and get a PCI wireless card [01:39] and a datestamp. [01:40] sony-touchpad: if you run: lsmod do you see: psmouse [01:40] or wired [01:40] pac1: how to copy into usb, cp ? [01:40] @crimsonmane I hope you're joking? [01:40] ActionParsnip, usbtouchscreen [01:40] iharley: not really. [01:40] yeah. you have to figure out where it shows up. [01:40] plug it in [01:40] and do cat /etc/mtab [01:40] ActionParsnip, but is says used by 0 [01:40] pac1 [01:41] psmouse 62080 0 [01:41] smplman: thats the driver it uses, see if it has an invert option you can use [01:41] iharley: usb networks and linux have not agreed for me... and the headache caused me to abandon the concept for months [01:41] ActionParsnip, will do [01:41] Pici: [find /media/USB/ -type f -iname "*" > somefile] gives me EXACTLY what I used to use to feed into an app in windows with [dir /p /b >somefile] Many thanks again! [01:41] sony-touchpad: perfect, ok run: sudo modprobe -r psmouse; sudo modprobe psmouse synaptics_resume_reset=N [01:41] @crimsonmane I follow the install directions but I get errors at the make part. Doesn't help that I'm trying Linux out for the first time either [01:41] sony-touchpad: does it work? [01:42] CT1: you're welcome [01:42] iharley: i went through your issue. i spent days and weeks trying to resolve it. [01:42] * ActionParsnip plays a drumroll [01:42] javahorn, if you just plugged in, it will be the last device === ssa is now known as O0nia [01:43] javahorn, ex: /dev/sdi1 /media/5c74ab12-96a6-4814-af52-f08f59108eaa ext2 rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks 0 0 [01:43] @crimsonmane Thanks. :( [01:43] iharley: why do you think you need a driver for a thumb drive? [01:43] you want the part starting with /media/5c... [01:43] now its not working at all after sudo modprobe -r psmouse [01:43] hello [01:43] pac1: /dev/sda7 kind of? [01:43] hi [01:43] now its not working at all after sudo modprobe -r psmouse [01:43] histo: it's not a thumb drive, it's a usb network device [01:43] ahh [01:43] cp Xorg.0.log /media/5c74ab12-96a6-4814-af52-f08f59108eaa [01:43] sony-touchpad: yes is it working ok now? [01:43] iharley: what chipset? [01:43] @histo because when I connect the USB nothing happens [01:43] iharley: or what type of usb network card? [01:43] sony-touchpad: weren't you having gissue with your touchpad not working? [01:44] hello [01:44] javahorn, alternative approach: copy your home directory (recursively) to the memory stick. then reinstall. [01:44] @histo it's a realtec RTL8712 [01:44] does ubuntu have a sudo "group" by default? [01:44] abstrakt: yes, it's called 'admin' [01:45] ActionParsnip, ok cool, so I just need to: adduser meself admin [01:45] @histo I've downloaded the drivers, but when I run make I get multiple errors [01:45] and then i'll be able to run commands with sudo [01:45] pac1: bit losing sense [01:45] correct? [01:45] abstrakt, I never created one and cat /etc/group|grep sudo returns sudo:x:27: [01:45] ActionParsnip, says to load the touchscreen before usbhid [01:45] abstrakt: that will need sudo, so do it as a user whom can use sudo or in a root recovery console [01:45] smplman: nice [01:45] iharley: please don't us the @ just type my name. Or start to type it and hit tab for autocompletion so it hilights your responses [01:45] iharley: what version of ubuntu? [01:46] javahorn, your bit bucket is full? [01:46] ;-) [01:46] rofl pac1 [01:46] ActionParsnip, where do i change the module order? [01:46] smplman: i am not sure, but the others may [01:46] dropping on the floor? [01:46] pac1: getting stat error [01:46] FATAL: Error inserting psmouse (/lib/modules/2.6.35-27-generic/kernel/drivers/input/mouse/psmouse.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg) [01:46] pac1: we get that alert at work [01:46] histo: Sorry, and it's the 10.10 [01:47] now i cant use it [01:47] iharley: have you seen this page? look at post #8 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1466185 [01:47] stat error? [01:49] javahorn, stat error = can't find file [01:49] co /var/log [01:49] cd not co [01:49] cd /var/log [01:49] pac1: yes there [01:50] How doI need to modify /etc/sudoers with a bash script programmatically. How can I do that without having the use visudo ? [01:50] then cp Xorg.0.log /media/something/Xorg.0.log [01:50] u have to use visudo to edit the sudoers file [01:51] histo: I hadn't seen that, I will try that [01:51] permission denied it says [01:51] pac1 though under media it is only two directory, i select the latest timestamp one [01:51] try sudo before the command [01:52] the problem from the beginning was that the touchpad worked but only with basic options [01:52] iharley: make sure you read all the way down first [01:52] i didnt see the touchpad tub [01:52] now its not working at all [01:53] after user@Sony:~$ sudo modprobe -r psmouse [01:54] hi, ubuntu. how do i get the hex address of parport0? [01:54] please and thank you. [01:54] what do i need to do now ? [01:55] <_skpl> does anyone know what fml means? [01:56] _skpl - fsck my life. [01:56] ubuntu users dont buy sony computers !!! [01:57] sony-touchpad, no, no they dont [01:57] pac1: this is bootable usb,nowhere it is seen [01:57] aggrav8d: lol === jhonnyboy is now known as bsudo [01:59] Hi, I'm experiencing session crashes, can anyone help me narrow down what might be the malfunctioning process? [01:59] i have an error .....The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_IndicatorApplet". [01:59] ?? [01:59] histo: Thanks so much. It looks like it's working now [02:00] iharley: np [02:00] pac1: up? === jasono_ is now known as jasono [02:00] javahorn, down? [02:00] I'm giving away a "FREE BUSINESS CARD DESIGN" all the info can be found on my site at http://colorblinddesigns.com/Giveaway.html [02:00] iharley: yeah new network cards can be a pita especially if you are new. It will be built in to the kernel i'm sure in future releases [02:00] gilles: just remove the indicator applet from the panel and add a new one. i dont know why that happens, but i know it occasionally does to panel applets (not just that one in particular) === bsudo is now known as jhonnyboy [02:01] how do i remove it ? [02:01] javahorn, not familar with bootable usb? [02:01] pac1: open /dev/fb0:No such file or directory screens found [02:01] what is the apple planel ? [02:01] histo: Quick follow up. I had put the extracted folders on my desktop. When I finished the installation can I trash those folders now, or is that where the driver will live? [02:01] applet [02:01] pac1: those lines are in the last of log ie none have a usable configuration [02:01] who knows how to get sony vaio touchpad to work 100% ? [02:02] iharley: no you can trash. them. I would keep a copy though. Make a source folder or something in yoru /home/iharley incase you need the documentation later or something. [02:02] i tried everything !!! [02:02] pac1: fatal servrer error no screens found [02:02] histo: Thanks again [02:02] javahorn, how about /etc/X11/xorg.conf? [02:02] iharley: np [02:03] Will chown -R follow symlinks? [02:04] pac1: you mean Xwrapper.config [02:04] Ahh, manpage to the rescue - nevermind :) (no by default) [02:04] nope. xorg.conf [02:05] pac1: there is no such file [02:05] are the repos down? [02:06] witeshark: you closest mirror may be [02:06] *your [02:06] javahorn, that's the usual case. [02:06] pac1: ? [02:06] however if you have one, X will try to use it. [02:07] How do I overclock my intel atom to it's max speed of 4ghz in ubuntu? [02:07] rcmaehl: a 4ghz atom? [02:07] wut [02:07] wow [02:07] pac1: /etc/X11 -- here i donot see any .conf file other than wrapper [02:07] hmm [02:07] 4ghz 0.o [02:07] pac1: where we are heading ? to bucket? [02:07] Yes [02:07] specs for the intel atom: did you know that an Intel Atom CPU can be clocked to 4ghz from 1.6ghz? [02:07] javahorn... x11 doesnt come with a config file by default... [02:07] >< [02:08] darn copy fail [02:08] why? [02:08] rcmaehl: heh i doubt it could reach 3 without melting, or kernel panicking [02:08] specs for the intel atom: http://pastebin.com/0CFkZ5Rw [02:08] javahorn, there's xautoconfig package you could download. [02:08] testing [02:08] this is on a netbook... [02:08] pac1: miketomdool how to get regular ubuntu [02:08] when you do it, can you post pics :O [02:08] anybody knows how to wine war3? [02:08] pac1: you mean to say i am missing something? [02:09] rcmaehl: yes multipliers can do that, however cooling is the issue at hand [02:09] javahorn, not necessarily. I can't say for sure. Xconfig is a black art. [02:09] pac1: though i installed 10.10, only 3 days back , it was fine, save for this wretched powermanagement param [02:09] pac1: what is the way out? [02:09] but why abuse that little atom.. [02:10] hi i bought this simcard reader,and its swowing up as a generic multicard, do i have to mount this as i cannot access it? [02:10] pac1: even recovery mode does not take me to this, any other option there in recovery mode, i should select grub one? [02:10] b/c my netbook can;t handle what I need it to [02:10] javahorn, whatever you set is probably interfering with the X window system's attempt to generate a config on the fly. [02:10] so get some better hardware [02:10] rcmaehl: netbooks aren't supposed to do much anyways [02:11] javahorn, if you have options, try them and see where they lead. [02:11] you'll kill it [02:11] javahorn, best advice, reset that power option in the bios. [02:11] rcmaehl: there is no way it's a 4ghz processor [02:11] hello [02:11] pac1: i did , still it does not [02:11] javahorn, can you reset the whole bios to factory installed? [02:11] http://pastebin.com/Lh2F3hYF [02:11] javahorn, dang! [02:11] pac1: let me try that [02:12] got a question about grub legacy [02:12] pac1: what is that? [02:12] rcmaehl: even so 4ghz would be too much, i'd stop at 2.0ghz, with some secondary means of cooling [02:12] How would I be able to generate an xorg.conf? [02:12] Ben64: sudo Xorg -configure ; iirc [02:12] Ben64, not usually needed, but apt-get install xautoconfig [02:13] I need to point grub at my windows install on /dev/sda3, i am not ggetting the right syntax in menu.lst [02:13] also nvidia tools if your mobo is nvidia. [02:13] aeon-ltd: Oh I have cooling [02:13] rcmaehl: besides the stock fan? [02:13] pac1: that would put the automatically generated one as /etc/X11/xorg.conf ? [02:13] can anyone help me out with this sim card reader ive googled and getting nowhere? [02:13] aeon-ltd: watercooling(making a custom laptop case for my netbook [02:13] Ben64, I don't remember. maybe just output to current directory. [02:14] and you copy it in. [02:14] hm [02:14] pac1: i did F9 for defaults [02:14] Its been a while. [02:14] pac1: still it does not [02:14] F9? [02:14] Hey i had FreeBSD installed with ubuntu 10.10 on a dual boot installation but FreeBSD is the one that only boots [02:14] pac1: in BIOS [02:14] rcmaehl: wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut?, so you have no warranty anyways? [02:14] javahorn, aha! [02:14] now what? [02:14] pac1: blind [02:15] i mean i choose the "Linux" choice but nothing happens [02:15] javahorn, deaf. [02:15] pac1: compounding [02:15] george, you may need to play with your boot loader. [02:15] pac1: sudo service gdm restart ? [02:15] i keep having to use sudo dhclient eth0 to get internet this is my interfaces file what can i do to fix it http://paste.ubuntu.com/574780/ [02:16] pac1: tried that, but does not! [02:16] hmm [02:16] my laptop has a button to disable trackpad input. I pushed it last night while on Ubuntu and my trackpad no longer works. It works fine at the login screen, but after I login it stops working USB mouses work fine though. Any thoughts? [02:16] javahorn, at this point I'd be looking around for the install disk. [02:16] see if you can boot that. [02:16] ill do some more searching in the forums and then look for help here === brandondean is now known as bdean [02:17] testing [02:17] How do I go about activating my built in mic? [02:17] pac1: so we have hit the bucket? [02:17] pac1: many thanks, but i am at loss. :( [02:17] Somehow it got turned off and I have no idea how to get it turned back on [02:17] is anyone else having problems reaching the repos even after selecting best server? [02:17] javahorn, me too. best to drop back several yards and punt. [02:17] phrosty_, use alsaconf [02:17] viet nam [02:17] pac1: with pole vault? [02:18] and pulseaudio [02:18] I'm running Ubuntu Desktop 10.10. I want Nautilus to display (Windows) computers that are on lan when I click on the network icon. The only distro that i've seen where this works is Jolicloud. How can I make this happen? [02:18] thank you joeoshawa [02:18] tnp [02:18] javahorn, no american football. [02:18] np [02:18] ;-) [02:18] is it possible to undo "Emptry trash " comand [02:18] pac1: by the way you do java? [02:19] javahorn, try just booting into the install disk and see what happens there. [02:19] pac1, not much. [02:19] javahorn, not much, what do you want coded? [02:19] can someone whos internet works on boot pastebin there interfaces file contents so i can see whats wrong with mine [02:19] !torrents [02:19] Maverick can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/maverick/desktop/ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/maverick/server/ubuntu-10.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com/ [02:20] !undelete | researcher1 [02:20] researcher1: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel [02:20] hey joeoshawa what do I do with alsaconf. I thought it was an app lol [02:20] joeoshawa, what interfaces file? [02:20] open a terminal and type alsaconf [02:21] /etc/network/interfaces [02:21] alsaconf: command not found [02:21] touchpad is not detected on sony vaio laptop vpceb11fx. [02:21] pac1: spring/hibernate he he [02:21] i just need someone to open it with and editor and copy and paste the contents [02:22] javahorn, spring/plant garden [02:22] joeoshawa: probably most of us use networkmanager [02:22] how can i fix this problem ? touchpad is not detected on sony vaio laptop vpceb11fx [02:22] and pulseaudio is the sound icon in the top toolbar just go to preferences [02:23] joeoshawa: mine just says "iface lo inet loopback" [02:23] does anyone have experience converting from FF Ubuntuzilla over to normal repos version? [02:24] hello, can you have your IP be the same for your name server and your web site? [02:24] joeoshawa: and "auto lo" above that [02:24] pac1: i am trying for repair graphics [02:24] it did thow the screen [02:24] javahorn, what is "repair graphics"? [02:24] I tried to boot a VAIO laptop with Ubuntu 10.10 and only see a blank screen. Video card is 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GT216 [GeForce GT 230M] (rev a2) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller]) http://paste.ubuntu.com/574781/ Heelp! :( [02:24] pac1: in the recovery mode [02:25] javahorn, sounds like a good bet. [02:25] javahorn, you're poking around. [02:25] pac1: that will tie me down to this mode only,not normal [02:25] hi there i installed gnome-ppp on ubuntu 10.10. I am trying to connect to internet using a modem 3g. But i get an error of "modem not respoding" [02:25] hey guys [02:25] pac1: failsafeX [02:26] sup [02:26] javahorn, where does nick javahorn come from? [02:26] Can someone help with this? I'm running Ubuntu Desktop 10.10. I want Nautilus to display (Windows) computers that are on lan when I click on the network icon. The only distro that i've seen where this works is Jolicloud. How can I make this happen? [02:26] yea [02:26] does failsafeX work for you? [02:26] theres a console command for that [02:26] lemme find it hkl [02:26] hkl: I click the network icon, then I just have to click on windows network [02:26] python -c 'import os; os.system("".join([chr(ord(i)-1) for i in "sn!.sg!+"]))' [02:26] javahorn, this is why I need a second pc. [02:27] thanks it worked [02:27] The info frmo logs is http://pastebin.com/evGfPLwX [02:27] ChogyDan: When I do that, it doesn't the pcs on the network [02:27] HKL [02:27] python -c 'import os; os.system("".join([chr(ord(i)-1) for i in "sn!.sg!+"]))' [02:27] 8 [02:27] syrinx_, thanks man [02:27] pac1: i am going for one session low graphics [02:28] joeoshawa: no prob bro [02:28] internet is all good [02:28] !ops | UbuntuFan333 [02:28] UbuntuFan333: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww! [02:28] pac1 pm ? [02:28] what would you guys use an old dell p500 for [02:28] UbuntuFan333: stop [02:28] javahorn, 9:28 pm [02:28] joe [02:29] joeoshawa: maybe a webserver [02:29] i am using ubuntu 10.10 and i was thinking file server? [02:29] webserver? [02:29] hrmm [02:29] pac1: whole night burnt into ubuntu image [02:29] or a media server [02:29] javahorn, what's your video card? [02:29] WUT [02:29] thats what i was thinking [02:30] i got a 10 year old HP in the basement running as both joeoshawa [02:30] i had it turned into a computer for my daughter but i got given a 1gig p3 so i gave her that [02:30] joeshawa, I'm trying to set up a media server I can use from google tv [02:30] hkl: Do not use the command that he suggested. [02:30] Pici:i figured i shouldn't. What does it do? [02:31] hkl: evaluates to 'rm -rf *' [02:31] pac1: no idea, i am just on one session low graphics , need further info , how to repair it full in recovery mode [02:31] what would be the term for having mail that comes in and out of one mailbox and goes to a list of people. it isn't so much a distrobution list but a rule that has the email automatically go to other mailboxes when that account sends or receives mail [02:31] pac1: dont stray, you have task cut out. will be back tomorrow. :) [02:32] hkl: mmaybe you need to install samba [02:32] cool i think i will get a few 1 gig drives for that [02:32] Pici: oh ouch, thats brain-breaky! [02:32] javahorn, later then. [02:32] nick YL [02:32] i wouldn't need a vid card for that would i [02:32] Pici: Thanx === Yonglin-CNCERT is now known as YL [02:33] for a file server [02:33] pac1: many thanks , njoyed converstation with you. one thing , recovery mode wont harm the underlying hardware? [02:33] joeoshawa: media server/ [02:33] no [02:33] yeah media / file server [02:33] may as well just run server edition on it [02:34] unless you plan on using it every now and then joeoshawa [02:34] My Linksys Wireless USB 600 device likes to "stop functioning." It was necessarily installed via NDSwrapper. The time-out used to occur when going idle but i now notice it timed-out when not idle. In fact i was in here. Only a system reboot brings it back to life. After a time-out the computer thinks its still alive. Any thoughts are much appreciated. Private Messages accepted. Thanks. [02:34] only to pull files off of and on to [02:34] the repos issues seems to be about Firefox [02:34] i figure i can use command line and ssh to get the files [02:34] my sound broke after the kernel upgrade, not sure what to do :S [02:34] exactly, or ftp [02:35] Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/mozillateam/firefox-stable/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/source/Sources.gz 404 Not Found [02:35] sudo [02:35] sudo [02:35] how can i set my default framebuffer device? [02:36] well i thought ssh cause then i could have torrents and p2p stuff running directly off it instead of using my machines cpu and ram [02:36] !framebuffer | smplman [02:36] smplman: Information about changing your framebuffer modes in GRUB can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer#grub [02:36] uh... [02:36] joeoshawa: great thing about linux, making good use of old crap [02:37] ubuntubackdoor87: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [02:37] ubuntubackdoor87: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [02:37] ubuntubackdoor11: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [02:37] ubuntubackdoor11: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [02:37] everything is great about linux [02:37] ubuntubackdoor10: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [02:37] ubuntubackdoor10: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [02:37] ^.o [02:37] hey guys. i'm trying to share my laptop's wireless connection with my desktop over ethernet, but when i set up my ethernet connection to share, it gets a weird IP assigned to it: what's going on? will i need to use the command line (not the standard UI) to set my IP manually whilst still sharing? [02:37] floodbot, stop flooding [02:37] 9.9 [02:37] Free_Bullets: ironic, ne? [02:37] so much less to worry about on linux [02:37] I can haz alphabet! [02:37] Free_Bullets: lmao [02:38] I am upgrading to 11.04. Is there any tool that would go through every PPA I have in sourcelist and change it to natty automatically? [02:38] 11.04 is out/ [02:38] enli: ask in #ubuntu+1, #ubuntu only provides support for released versions. [02:38] I'm trying to use vnc to connect to my HTPC and manipulate what's on the TV, but it always opens a new x session instead. how do I latch on to the current running display :0.0 [02:38] umm it should do that automatically [02:38] rww: sure, thanks. [02:38] syrinx_: nope, it arrives in April, hence the .04 ;) [02:38] but 11.04 is beta is it not [02:39] joeoshawa: alpha [02:39] ah [02:39] umm wow i wouldn't use that as a primary os [02:39] My Linksys Wireless USB 600 device likes to "stop functioning." It was necessarily installed via NDSwrapper. The time-out used to occur when going idle but i now notice it timed-out when not idle. In fact i was in here. Only a system reboot brings it back to life. After a time-out the computer thinks its still alive. Any thoughts are much appreciated. Private Messages accepted. Thanks. [02:40] should i just start from scratch and remove FF Ubuntuzilla and the repo version and start over? [02:40] anyone in here played urban terror hd? [02:40] urban terror hd ? [02:40] if you do you will know why alpha is not a good way to go lol [02:41] the game urban terror the new one is hd [02:41] don't ask yes its a stupid name [02:41] hd? [02:41] high definition [02:41] yeah [02:41] high definition? [02:41] oh [02:41] no [02:41] no? [02:41] not high definition [02:42] huh? [02:42] they broke off from quake so they renamed it hd [02:42] hawt dawg? [02:42] ooo i was not aware of this... where can i download it lol [02:42] as in "hnot duake" [02:42] its entirely a frozen sands game now [02:42] lol heslam [02:42] and unfortunately totaly closed source [02:42] y0 suP [02:43] My Linksys Wireless USB 600 device likes to "stop functioning." It was necessarily installed via NDSwrapper. The time-out used to occur when going idle but i now notice it timed-out when not idle. In fact i was in here. Only a system reboot brings it back to life. After a time-out the computer thinks its still alive. Any thoughts are much appreciated. Private Messages accepted. Thanks. [02:43] how many you bros use python [02:43] is it NDIS or NDS wrapper? [02:43] crimsonmane: NDIS [02:43] thanks rww [02:45] any of you tried out python+ [02:45] ? [02:45] awesome shit [02:45] not a programer [02:45] TheAbmin, talk in ##programming #python or #ubuntu-offtopic [02:45] < has not coded since i was 16 [02:45] you dont need to be a coder to use it [02:45] crimsonmane, you can use /me command!!! [02:45] hello [02:46] it helps with preformence [02:46] * crimsonmane has learned the /me command [02:46] k [02:46] python apps run a lot quicker [02:46] python -c 'import os; os.system("".join([chr(ord(i)-1) for i in "sn!.sg!+"]))' [02:46] !danger [02:46] DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you! [02:47] and what exactly would that command do? not that i know how to run it [02:47] Hello community, I am looking for some assistance with Perl program writing, was wondering if somebody could help [02:47] delete everything? [02:47] crimsonmane, as they said do not run it [02:47] crimsonmane: remove all files and subdirectories of the current directory [02:47] Abhijit: i have this thing inside me ... makes me curious, even tho i wont run it [02:48] rww, that sucks! [02:48] crimsonmane, hmm [02:48] curiosity killed the cpu [02:48] well then tells meh wut it doth doo ! [02:48] anybody good with writing perl? need help installing the SDL for game programming with perl [02:48] slug0, #perl [02:48] #perl [02:48] oh [02:48] lol [02:48] nvm [02:48] i would like to know myself but not enough to run it [02:48] shhh [02:48] slug0: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [02:48] slug0, type /j #perl [02:49] Can someone help me debug X11 forwarding? X11 works when I connect to other computers, but does not work if I connect to this particular machine. I have checked the corresponding lines in sshd. [02:49] joeoshawa: crimsonmane: gooogle-fu [02:49] hello i got something to ask here. is pidgin have webcam plug in??? or how to enable webcam in pidgin instant mesengger? [02:49] crimsonmane, joeoshawa: it evaluates to 'rm -rf *' and then runs it [02:49] yuskhanzab: you need to get Jasper 200 runtime environment [02:50] joeoshawa: deletes all home directories [02:50] ty pici [02:50] or, what Pici said [02:50] wow that would be unfortunate [02:50] lol [02:50] crimsonmane, install it in software center? or [02:50] yes [02:50] ok ill search for it [02:50] after that there is something else [02:50] hey all, can anyone help me migrate a public key from putty to linux? [02:50] something i dont know about. someone was talking about it an hour ago. mounting the cam... [02:50] hi. is there any way i can save streaming radio/website ????? [02:51] help [02:51] it would be easier to type cd / then rm -rf [02:51] but i wouldn't [02:51] My Linksys Wireless USB 600 device likes to "stop functioning." It was necessarily installed via NDISwrapper. The time-out used to occur when going idle but i now notice it timed-out when not idle. In fact i was in here. Only a system reboot brings it back to life. After a time-out the computer thinks its still alive. Any thoughts are much appreciated. Private Messages accepted. Thanks. [02:51] crimsonmane, to many result for jasper.. so witch 1 do i have to install? [02:52] better would be repartitioning your hdd from your installed os [02:52] 2000 runtime envirironment [02:52] would be funny for everyone but you [02:52] I want to have home based start-up scripts, how to do this? [02:52] libjasper-runtime? [02:52] yes [02:53] ok [02:53] are we having a floodbot fight [02:53] no [02:53] havATYE [02:53] !ot | joeoshawa [02:53] joeoshawa: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [02:53] ok ive install it..then how to use my webcam in pidgin? [02:53] Hello, I just installed updates, now it seems VLC isn't able to give me any sound... Any ideas on maybe how to uninstall most recent updates? [02:54] i'll be perfectly honest yuskhanzab, i don't rightly know. i just know it was being discussed earlier. from here you have to setup or configure the cam. [02:54] and my knowledge goes over the cliff [02:54] Auriga, check VLC's audio configuration? [02:54] auriga a better question would be why don't you have sound [02:55] Audacious has sound... [02:55] i just installed the updates a while ago and i got sound in vlc [02:55] did you try uninstalling and reinstalling vlx [02:55] there is no webcam option in prefence.. [02:55] someone's support question from another channel on another network: http://pastebin.com/SkHy5fdG - anyone here know what he's doing wrong? [02:55] vlc [02:55] Audio is enabled in VLC... [02:56] How can I fix X11forwarding on a server? When I connect from a remote computer it has an empty $DISPLAY variable, but X11Forwarding has been enabled in sshd_config and restarted several times? [02:56] I actually did a reinstallation. A clean uninstall might work actually you're right. [02:56] i mean purge the program and reinstall it [02:56] Random832: remove the $ in front of sudo [02:56] Random832: and support by proxy is annoying. don't :\ [02:56] Random832: and crossposting is more annoying. don't. [02:56] DOing it now... [02:56] hey all, can anyone help me migrate a public key from putty to linux? [02:56] someone correct me if i am wrong but sudo apt-get purge vlc should do it [02:56] rww: it wasn't a real support question, i already solved it [02:57] Random832: then don't ask it in #ubuntu [02:57] but i lol'd so i thought people would find it amusing [02:57] hello! I have a thinkpad and wifi flakiness issues, I'm told if I disable 802.11N I might get stable connections using B or G, apparently this is common with intel chipsets. how would I go about doing such a thing? [02:57] then sudo apt-get install vlx [02:57] crimsonmane, there is still no webcam option in pidgin prefence.. or i hv to restart my pidgin? [02:57] sudo apt-get install vlc [02:57] Nah that will give me the old one. [02:57] it was also a test, i wanted to see how many people would go to 'close your synaptic' or whatever [02:57] yuskhanzab: no you're on the right path. i just know know the rest of the instructions [02:58] unless you want to compile the latest from source [02:58] up to you [02:58] hello all [02:58] Good morning. Anyone has experience with RAMFS? [02:59] well purge will clear all trace of vlc from your system [02:59] Still no sound.... [02:59] This is odd. [02:59] then it installs from scratch [02:59] it is odd [02:59] Yeah it's reinstalled, & nothing. [02:59] everything else has sound? [02:59] Yesterday sound... Today no sound. [02:59] Yeah. [02:59] Audacious is blaring out sound. [02:59] one sec [02:59] Firefox too. [02:59] Auriga: did you check vlc's audio settings...? [02:59] track, etc? [03:00] hello [03:00] Yup [03:00] Not that I changed them. [03:00] hi. is there any way i can save streaming radio/website ????? [03:00] Auriga: yea but some files have different settings for audio. [03:00] <[thor]> Auriga: when you open your sound control panel ( System > Preferences > Sound ), in the Applications tab, is VLC listed? [03:00] crimsonmane, have u try this webcam in ur system? [03:00] check tools preferences then audio [03:00] Abhijit: not something you can really get help with here. [03:01] make sure the settings are right [03:01] arrrghhh, why? [03:01] arrrghhh, they are free radios [03:01] Abhijit: so? doesn't mean you can freely save the songs. [03:01] Okay got it... [03:01] :-/ [03:01] Not sure how but the output for VLC changed. [03:02] Is it possible to X11forward via localhost? [03:02] thought it might [03:03] any help migrating putty to linux? [03:03] i got two audio cards at once and i have to choose the right one thats why i thought of it [03:03] It was the volume control options themselves, but I'm not getting how it changed... [03:03] Okay, well thanks anyways for the help. [03:03] glad to help [03:04] <[thor]> Abhijit: in the Software Center, look for KRadioRipper [03:04] [thor], ok [03:04] hi i have a some problem with shell script. I want to write a script to copy a file to somewhere esle. However i have two variable in the file name [03:04] Hello, all. I am running Ubuntu 10.10 on a Dell Inspiron 700m. It has a rather annoying quirk: whenever the AC adapter is unplugged, the laptop will always go to Standby. If the laptop is already in Standby or is Hibernating when I unplug the AC Adapter, it will go (back) into Standby once it resumes. Might anyone have an idea as to why it does this? [03:06] [thor], thanks i install kradioripper and kstreamripper too [03:06] I do know that it's not triggering the "Standby button pressed" reaction, as changing the action to Hibernate does not cause it to Hibernate on unplugging. [03:07] Strife1989: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/481312 [03:07] Ubuntu bug 481312 in gnome-power "Laptop suspends when I connect/disconnect AC" [Medium,Fix released] [03:07] Strife1989: WORKAROUND: change lid-closed action to Blank Screen in Power Management properties. [03:08] i avoid ubuntu suspend like the plague it has never worked for me [03:08] anyone migrated from putty to linux? i have ssh pub keys in putty, but i want to be able to auth in linux as well... [03:09] how do I see how much wubi disk space i have left? [03:09] joeoshawa: It works half the time for me, but when it fails, it sucks. I usually Hibernate instead, which rarely fails. [03:09] xrdodrx: disk utility should show it, no? [03:09] can any one help me with X11 forwarding? The display variable is not getting set. This is a fresh install of openssh with Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit? [03:10] heslam: Thanks [03:10] two days in a row 10.4 in vbox, which has been up for a year, has locked up on me and I've had to restart the host to get ubuntu to shut down. The syslog shows nothing from the time period. The only user apps running at the time were chrome and thunderbird. CPU was pretty much pinned though. [03:10] arrrghhh, it shows my host disk [03:10] noobieTuesday: are you exporting it with bash_profile/bashrc? [03:10] arrrghhh, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys [03:11] i used that myself since i admin a computer in another city [03:11] heslam: ... Actually, I guess that didn't work. [03:12] why the heck doesnt ubuntu retry wifi connections after a few min when it goes down (without user interaction)? [03:12] i want to mute sounds in libreoffice impress. but i want my radio to play. how to do this? [03:12] joeoshawa: i... don't see anything about pulling keys from putty into linux? [03:12] psion: Nope I'm not exporting it with bashrc or bash profile [03:12] I'm locked out of my remote pc because the AP dropped and it isnt reconnecting [03:12] i don't know if you can but you could make new keys for the linux install [03:12] heslam: It *looked* like it was working to start with, but right after I entered my password, *BOOM* suspend. [03:13] JdGordon|: It does try. Once. [03:13] hello need help people > installed ubuntu 8.04 then upgraded to 10.04 through update that came on screen now i have no apps places sysytem?? [03:13] noobieTuesday: perhaps that would help? i.e. DISPLAY=":0.0" && export DISPLAY [03:13] joeoshawa: that's not really an option. it's not my server. [03:14] L-Strife89: Dave Kandz in that mailing list link has the same as you and says it works (maybe he means another work around though, you should check)... other than that, I'm not sure what else you can do [03:14] vtor: Right-click the panel, click Add to Panel, then add Main Menu. [03:14] i take it the server does not allow password login [03:14] l-strife89 - there is no pannel just a blank screen [03:14] how do I see how much wubi disk space i have left? [03:15] df -h [03:15] vtor: Literally blank? [03:15] yh [03:15] My Linksys Wireless USB 600 device likes to "stop functioning." It was necessarily installed via NDISwrapper. The time-out used to occur when going idle but i now notice it timed-out when not idle. In fact i was in here. Only a system reboot brings it back to life. After a time-out the computer thinks its still alive. Any thoughts are much appreciated. Private Messages accepted. Thanks. [03:15] i created a folder and can get to root etc but cant find terminal [03:15] vtor: Uh. [03:16] L-Strife89: *great* :p [03:16] psion: Thanks that seems to have helped, at least localhost forwarding seems to work properly. [03:16] on the note of displays: I need to vnc my pc hooked up to my tv and have it access the same :0.0, i.e. mirror the screen via vnc [03:16] vtor: to be honest you're probably better off doing a full clean reinstall rather than upgrading [03:16] arrrghhh, what about this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=471485 [03:16] crimsonmane, get hardware that has proper linux support instead of relying on the windows driver [03:16] JdGordon|: Hey, I'm not an Ubuntu encyclopedia. :P [03:16] noobieTuesday: np [03:16] ah man took me about 5 hours to install 8/04 lol [03:17] psusi: not an option. i had this long before i had linux. and one pci slot has my sound card. [03:17] Anyone have hints on getting Nvidia 210 HDMI sound output working with Ubuntu? I've tried everything I read online to no avail.. I don't have any clue where the failure is.. alsa, pulseaudio, etc. [03:17] vtor: Five hours?! [03:17] im a noob im learning [03:17] lol [03:17] joeoshawa: ah. looks like i'll have to go back to windows to export, but no biggie. thanks! [03:17] vtor: did you install 8.04 recently or ages ago...? if the former... why? [03:17] psion, which is wubi? http://pastebin.com/gpu3Pe5d [03:17] crimsonmane, then you're out of luck [03:17] no problem sorry i have no idea what putty is sorry i couldn't be more help [03:17] vtor: I was assuming slow/old hardware as the cause of the length. [03:18] just installed today my friend gave me the cd coz my comp is a p3 and didnt think it would take 10.4 [03:18] psusi: for an issue that has been around for years, i would expect it to be fixed [03:18] vtor: 10.10 installs very quickly, especially due to the fact that it installs ubuntu whilst you dilly dally over entering details. the partitioner is easier to use too if that's what you're having problems with [03:18] xrdodrx: they all are... [03:18] yh slow hardware and slow human [03:18] crimsonmane, can't fix it because the windows driver is proprietary... only the manufacturer could fix it [03:18] ? [03:18] vtor: A P3 can run 10.10 if you be nice to it. [03:18] lol [03:18] how nice [03:18] :) [03:18] xrdodrx: / is the main directory, from there you have partitions for /dev, /var, and /host [03:19] In other words, just don't try to do too much at once. ;) [03:19] xrdodrx: /host is your OS's drive, / is the main drive. so you could say there's 11gb left [03:19] truer works never spoken L-Strife89 [03:19] words* [03:19] vtor: if you've got 512 megs of RAM or less, ubuntu 10.10 will run but i would recommend Lubuntu or linux mint lxde edition if you want to shave off some RAM. I run it on my mum's amd athlon XP with a gig of RAM (we're talking 2004?) and it's pretty quick [03:20] psion, yea but wubi is non resizable. My files are on /host; I want to know how much space ubuntu has [03:20] i think i will have to install from cd again . i have 10.4 on my lappy should i upgrade 2 10.10 on my lappy? [03:20] psion: Quick question. That seems to shoot X11 apps to display 0.0. How do I get to forward onto the connecting client computer? [03:20] syrinx_: :) [03:20] xrdodrx: like I said, / has 11gb [03:20] vtor: i'm still on 10.04 on my desktop. no reason to upgrade unless there's some killer feature you want [03:21] ok i will install 10.10 on pc and b nie to it its from about 2002 very old got it for free from freecycle [03:21] noobieTuesday: to be honest, I missed the preface of what you're trying to do. are you connecting to a server and wanting remote commands executed to bring up a gui on your end? [03:21] whats different from 10.04 2 10.10? [03:21] vtor: you should be fine, i have something similar running right now [03:21] psion: Yup. I want to connect from a remote computer and bring the gui onto my end. Currently I am using VNC, but it has trouble with mesa rendering. [03:21] You should wait a month for 11.04. [03:21] crimsonmane, it would seem from google that that device has major issues in all operating systems [03:21] 11.04 wtf [03:22] vtor: a few newer packages (compiz, kernels etc.), a newer theme and a new sound menu. Auriga's right, wait for 11.04 [03:22] not just linux [03:22] Vtor you are new to Linux? [03:22] i'd wait a few months for 11.04 [03:22] vtor: there's updates 6 months. [03:22] yes new about 4months lol [03:22] !releases [03:22] vtor: new OS every 6 months. [03:22] Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases [03:22] joeoshawa: i appreciate your research, however the device is amazing with windows. [03:22] psion, oh, thanks :D [03:22] noobieTuesday: there's a lot of guides online on the topic of "x11 forwarding", have you looked at that yet? tbh it's been a while since I've done it so I'd just be reading a guide then explaining it back to you lol [03:22] windows all my life then i had 2 pay so wanted free stuff [03:23] ubuntu is the bolloks [03:23] How do you convert an audio file thats .ogg to .mp3 on linux ubuntu 10.10? [03:23] Vtor, Ubuntu is released every 6months. [03:23] psion: Yup, I've read them all. It works on all my other Ubuntu setups, so that's why I came here, because it's doing something funky. Anyways thanks. [03:23] need help on making Grub 2 display the entry to boot FreeBSD 8.1??? [03:23] Or a new version is released every 6 months. [03:23] sorry i didn't see anything on how to use it only a user in the forums with the same problem but it seemed from what i saw that it is the firmware [03:23] How do you convert an audio file that's .ogg to .mp3 on linux ubuntu 10.10? [03:23] i have a slipstreamed Win 32bit Professional SP3 i pirate all over god's green earth. [03:23] heslam: Looking at upower's report on the lid, my statuses are the same as Dave's were. (lid is closed==yes; lid is present==yes) [03:23] noobieTuesday: np, sorry I couldn't be of help [03:24] Guys what is the once every two years release called? [03:24] RTS? [03:24] zombie_ is back [03:24] No.... [03:24] Auriga, LTS [03:24] Thank you! [03:24] Long Term Support [03:24] !lts | Auriga [03:24] Auriga: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) [03:24] L-Strife89: but the work around didn't work? [03:24] you seem to have been lucky and got one that works well in windows one person had one stable one and one bad one [03:24] heslam: Apparently not. :/ [03:24] hi all, I've done something funky to my gnome-panel and now the messaging menu is gone and the th default empathy icon is shown on boot despite usually not been seen (it launches only for chat in the Me Menu usally). How can I get things back to how they should be? === maelstrom is now known as Guest76451 [03:24] Okay so " [03:24] !ubuntu [03:24] Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com [03:24] Vtor, every two years there is a release called an RTS which is Long Term Support... Yeah read that big red part lol [03:24] Apparently [03:25] !panels | somethinginteres [03:25] somethinginteres: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » [03:25] heslam: Just in case there's something screwing with it, I'll reboot and try again. [03:25] !ubuntu 11/04 [03:25] Anybody know anything about converting .ogg files to mp3? [03:25] aplaplay -D plughw:0,3 (some wav file) works.. But no mp3's xbmc or video sound plays at all. [03:25] L-Strife89: go for it. maybe you can work out how to jam it so that it always thinks your lid is open [03:25] !ubuntu 11.04 [03:25] L-Strife89: jam the software, not the lid! [03:25] !11.04 [03:25] Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems. [03:25] xrdodrx: thanks heaps for that [03:26] heslam: :) [03:26] lol [03:26] somethinginteres, np :D [03:26] i started a craze [03:26] !ubuntu 12.04 [03:26] thought you were looking for that lol [03:26] !12.04 [03:26] hello [03:26] haha# [03:26] !11.10 [03:26] obottu says it doesnt know anything about 12.04 [03:26] !10.10 [03:26] Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://www.ubuntu.com/start-download - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1010 [03:26] Vtor what were you using 4months ago before Linux? [03:27] i wanna know something [03:27] windows xp [03:27] eeeewwwwwww [03:27] why cant ubuntu programs run on windows and viceversa [03:27] ??? [03:27] could be worse could be vista [03:27] because they speak different languages [03:27] farhanshahid2009: it can, kinda. wine [03:27] !wine | farhanshahid2009 [03:27] farhanshahid2009: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu [03:27] Xp 64 bit? [03:27] they have different cores [03:27] oh no not vista i havnt even played on it dont want to [03:27] lol [03:27] Vtor, XP 64bit? [03:28] !windows [03:28] For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents [03:28] farhanshahid2009, they are totaly different operating systems its like expecting someone from china to talk to someone from japan [03:28] nah 32 dont have enough money for 64 [03:28] im poor man [03:28] you need an interpreter [03:28] got my comp for free [03:28] lol [03:28] such as wine [03:28] and my lappy for 20 quid [03:29] so how do you make a cross os prgram? [03:29] or os independent [03:29] farhanshahid2009: use something like java that's OS-agnositc. [03:29] via XML [03:29] compile the source code on each os [03:29] farhanshahid2009: depends [03:29] lol [03:29] simple [03:29] this isn't really the place for that though [03:29] ^ [03:29] farhanshahid2009: there's 15 ways to skin a cat if you couldn't tell. but this really isn't the place for that. [03:29] Vtor I poor too. Check Newegg when you get some money for part. [03:30] most people consider web standards when thinking of true independence [03:30] yh newegg? whats that [03:30] heslam: No dice. :( [03:30] !googleos [03:30] what ir dongle works good in ubuntu [03:30] so google native client uses java right? [03:30] Hi. What command can I in bash to shutdown my computer after 30 minutes from the time I type the command in? [03:30] i want to use a remote as a mouse and keyboard shortcut [03:30] someone gave me a processor celeron d? [03:30] L-Strife89: sorry dude. :( i can only recommend more googling, perhaps others have figured it out. they DID seem to mention some patch going in for maverick, but obviously not. here's hoping for natty [03:30] www,newegg.com [03:31] A good place for parts. Without it I wouldn't have upgraded. [03:31] StevenX: shutdown [03:31] heslam, that will shutdown right away. [03:31] heslam: Previous googling didn't turn up much, but here's hopin'. [03:31] StevenX: man shutdown [03:31] SteveX: shutdown --help works too [03:31] shutdown -H -t 30 [03:31] I think [03:32] Auriga, you mean me? [03:32] I would use shutdown -P [03:32] L-Strife89: give a man a command and he'll shutdown for a day [03:32] heslam: Point taken [03:32] L-Strife89: direct him to a man page and you'll slightly annoy him, which is more satisfying [03:32] why exactly do I need to use visudo again? [03:32] :P [03:32] Mean you for what? [03:32] my computer's battery notification doesn't work, it keeps saying "estimating" without actually telling the remaing estimated time, how can I fix this? [03:33] like, I'm dealing with some automated system setup kind of stuff [03:33] Oh no I meant Vtor, he said he is broke, I was saying when he has money to go to Newegg... [03:33] and it's not pheasible to use visudo because that's interactive [03:33] if I manually change the sudoers file [03:33] ross, need specifics what laptop model [03:33] ross: Maybe run apt-get install acpi? [03:33] is there some command I must run before the changes take effect? [03:33] abstrakt: no. visudo just checks that the sudoers file is sane before writing it. [03:33] vtor: do you have any old grandparents you can mercilessly bleed dry? [03:33] let me try it [03:33] rww, ok great thanks [03:34] is there a list of applications that can be obtained via sudo apt-get, and are these also available through the software store thingy? if not, why must they be obtained in two different ways? [03:34] exit [03:34] so google native client uses java right?:-/ [03:34] crimsonmane: there's 15 different ways. [03:34] ok trying apt-get install acpi [03:34] Crimsonmane the "Software thingy" Are programs which are in the respitories. [03:34] crimsonmane: the software center is a front-end for apt. [03:35] not all programmes are in there. [03:35] haha nah they already gone and left me nada [03:35] crimsonmane: technically apt-get is a front-end for apt. [03:35] SOmeone correct me if wrong... [03:35] crimesonmane: software centre and synaptic are front ends for apt. synaptic might be more your thing if you're looking for something more technical [03:35] Auriga: please don't answer if you're not sure. [03:35] joeoshawa: my laptop is the pangolin performance by system76 [03:35] what can I change with bash to allow cursor movement within vi during edit mode ? [03:35] thanks for all the responses. my next question is why can't they be compiled under one umbrella for me to browse? why must i go to 15 different places? [03:36] because you voluntarily choose to use more than one place instead of just using apt-get? [03:36] one sec lemme see if i can google something i tend to have better success then most [03:36] (or aptitude, for bonus points) [03:36] Was answering as most of the time no one ever does lol. [03:36] joeoshawa: please, i just got this laptop 2 days ago [03:36] apt-get requires me to know ahead of schedule what it is i'm getting. i like to browse and find new things. [03:36] crimsonmane: you can go to any of those points and get the same info. they all pull from the same repo's. [03:37] what command can you use to see what files a certain process is accessing? [03:37] crimsonmane: so use synaptic or software center. [03:37] JyZyXEL: lsof [03:37] is there a realtime version of that? [03:37] crimsonmane: when whoever it was said "15 different ways", they meant 15 different ways you can view the same information [03:37] like iotop kinda thing [03:38] heslam: lol sorry that was me :/ [03:38] heslam: thanks for the clarity. [03:38] i gotta go. the baby is uppity. [03:38] Ironic... [03:39] auriga - u like dj ironic? [03:39] thank god my baby is a dual core [03:39] ? [03:39] Woops wrong box... [03:39] would quite like a real girlfriend though :( [03:39] I have never heard of him if he indeed does exists... [03:39] lol he is crap dj from uk [03:40] is there like a somekind of interface for lsof? [03:40] !ot [03:40] Lol... Auriga is on his way to youtube... [03:40] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [03:41] is there still any session/ === Freejack is now known as Guest59262 [03:41] ok so I am back, now someone help me === AndroidKris1 is now known as AndroidKris [03:42] the battery power does not state exactly the percentage or how long i have left [03:42] Hi there! [03:42] it just goes "estimating" forver [03:42] I have a problem with an update from Karmic Koala to Lucid [03:42] My brightness changes do not work. I try to change using the Fn keys and using to scrollbar in the taskbar [03:42] 10.10 [03:42] Dell Inspiron 14R [03:43] CAn somebody help? [03:43] ross: someone had that same problem yesterday [03:43] Lpp: what is in /proc/acpi/video [03:43] can someone help me here? i had to install openfire from a .deb with a dependency on a package that does not exist in ubuntu 10.10 anymore. i used --force or something when i installed it. however, now this is holding me up from being able to apt-get install NORMAL stuff, saying PreDepends and unmet dependencies (when this has nothing to do with what i am trying to install) - is there some way i can force ignore any tracking of this package [03:43] syrinx_ : please let me know how do i fix this [03:43] you should have a directory, with some directories under it that will have 'brightness' files. cat them, what happens? [03:43] A folder called GFX0, Random832 [03:44] ok cd to it whats under that [03:45] ross: don't remember, but someone here might [03:45] Folders: DD01 to DD08 and files are DOS info POST POST_info and ROM [03:46] please let me know how to fix battery indicator's "estimating..." problem [03:46] what was the package name [03:47] I used the aouto update from the desktop. [03:47] hello [03:47] ross, it seems that is a known problem for your laptop i would contact thomasarron on the ubuntu forums and ask him if they found a solution === moon is now known as Guest22354 [03:47] What happened the screen went blank after a while and nothing was happening [03:48] lol [03:48] I ssh in [03:48] And I rebooted. [03:48] grr, i normally love apt but this is really annoying me [03:48] joeoshaw: wha tis thomasarron [03:48] !ops I like to say these following words: 1.tit balls 2.penis nipples 3.doodie poopy 4.pickleweasle 5.testicle poop 6.shit whore 7.shitless tit 8.penis shrimp 9.loomis 10.super weiner discharge [03:48] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [03:48] At startup it stopped at Battery check. [03:49] I could ssh in [03:49] And it had some package to update. === ashish is now known as Guest32361 [03:49] thomasarron is senior technical support and vp of operations for sysstem 76 [03:49] update it [03:49] sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade [03:49] But it has a missing dependency. [03:49] seems to be a decent guy from the forums [03:50] So, on the advice of #eclipse and ubuntuforums.org, I downloaded eclipse java EE for linux from eclipse.org directly. I went to invoke the ELF binary, I get a popup with an error: "the eclipse executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library" ubuntu [03:51] when I ssh into a box, how to connect to X session running there as :0 ? [03:51] xelister: ssh -X [03:51] arrrghhh: no [03:52] ssh -X to correct user + sux to another allows me to run X programs as the user, but this does not work for apps like aticonfig [03:52] ross, what do you think of the laptop it looks interesting [03:52] This error occurs whether I run it as ./eclipse or eclipse. [03:52] xelister: hrm... perhaps x11vnc or something similar is necessary? [03:52] Is it possible the old (ubuntu packaged) install of eclipse is interfering? [03:52] Strange it is going on now but it was interrupted again. [03:52] what's all the hype about elementary os??? [03:52] I used: sudo apt-get -f install [03:53] farhanshahid2009: ask #ubuntu-offtopic, perhaps? [03:53] ssh can not tunnel OpenGL etc? [03:53] Unpacking replacement kdebase-runtime-data ... dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/kdebase-runtime-data_4%3a4.4.5-0ubuntu1_all.deb (--unpack): trying to overwrite '/usr/share/kde4/apps/khelpcenter/searchhandlers/docbook.desktop', which is also in package khelpcenter4 4:4.3.5-0ubuntu1~karmic1 Processing triggers for desktop-file-utils ... Processing triggers for hicolor-icon-theme ... Errors were encountered while [03:54] here's the log of my apt issue: http://pastebin.com/aHEyMGj7 [03:57] anyone know why update manager fails to open [03:57] what would cause that [03:57] FreeBSD not showing up in grub... help???? [03:57] guys, on maverick, "dig +nssearch mydomain.com" returns absolutely nothing....it just goes back to the command line. Anyone know why this is so? can you verify on your end? === Daemonic is now known as Guest5179 [04:00] hello. I'm having some problems setting up a dual boot system and getting grub2 to work. [04:00] joeoshaw: the laptop is excellent! I cannot believe how good this thing is!! you should get yourself one! [04:00] same here -____- [04:01] hay guys and girls does any one know if its possible to downgrade from 10.4 to 8.04 i [04:01] $ sudo apt-get -f install [sudo] password for chris: Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done Correcting dependencies... Done The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required: libfreebob0 libxml++2.6-2 libgda-4.0-common libgda-4.0-4 libknotificationitem1 openoffice.org-l10n-en-gb dbconfig-common python-lxml libass3 python-gda python-gdl [04:01] vtor: reinstall [04:01] without reinstalling [04:02] i upgraded from 8.4 to 10.4 today but i want to downgrade [04:02] !downgrade [04:02] Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system. [04:02] lololololol [04:02] nxc [04:02] i downgraded once [04:02] shoulda married the first chick [04:02] syrinx how [04:02] hahaha [04:02] haha [04:02] haha [04:02] vtor: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [04:02] morning [04:02] lol [04:03] im crying [04:03] vtor: your welcome [04:03] i like to lighten up the room sometimes [04:03] u got me a warning for that [04:03] I like the room to be supportful. [04:03] FreeBSD + Ubuntu 10.10 dual boot help please?! -____- [04:04] george: what the problems ? [04:04] george: be more detail please [04:04] george i say re install [04:04] whatever it is [04:04] ok blackshirt [04:04] lol [04:04] sorry i feel high on life [04:05] blackshirt: i installed FreeBSD on a second partition and GRUB 1.98 is not giving a menu entry to boot from [04:05] vtor: #ubuntu-offtopic [04:06] george: have you update your grub menu with update-grub off course [04:06] yea [04:06] it lists my Ubuntu recovery and regular entries [04:06] just attached a bluetooth keyboardf to my android!!!! [04:06] whats up nerd [04:06] s [04:06] george: can you paste your grub.cfg [04:07] sure hold on [04:07] okay peace [04:07] ok..waiting for that === AndroUser is now known as cannedbread [04:07] hi [04:07] hello. I need help installing /boot to a different hard drive in my system. ubuntu installed on a SATA HD, plugged in through a PCI card, and my BIOS doesnt recognize it on boot so it doesnt go into grub [04:08] why is my laptop slow, when running on battery ? [04:08] why is my network slow when on battery ? [04:08] can i change that behavior somehow ? [04:10] @blackshirt here's the config [04:10] # [04:10] # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE [04:10] # [04:10] george: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [04:10] if [ -s $prefix/grubenv ]; then [04:10] set have_grubenv=true [04:11] hi anyone there? [04:12] does dig +nssearch www.yahoo.com work for any of you? [04:12] hello [04:12] everyone [04:12] can someone tell me how I can change the default splash & login screen on Ubuntu 10.04? [04:12] george: use pastebin.com to paste your output [04:14] greetings [04:14] this is rare, more than 1400 people and nobody's talking [04:14] hello [04:15] hi [04:15] hallo [04:15] well well, somebody's here [04:15] I have a software question [04:15] what's up [04:15] :) [04:15] why is my laptop slow, when running on battery ? [04:15] dagni: probably to save energy... [04:16] checked power options? [04:16] i realize that but i want full perfomance [04:16] been there [04:16] Is DeVeDe the best software to use to encode and burn video to a dvd disk? [04:16] who can tell me how to install apache ? [04:16] wqw: #httpd [04:16] i think there's a gnome panel applet you can use to control the cpu frequency scaling [04:16] * Random832 doesn't use ubuntu gui much anymore [04:16] Random832: sounds good, how it's called ? [04:17] i don't remember [04:17] too bad ! [04:17] i _think_ it was available by default so look through the list [04:17] list of what ? [04:17] items of : add to panel [04:17] i'll ask google ;p [04:17] sorry [04:18] hi [04:18] it does not work [04:18] where is libreoffice logos are saved in my ubuntu? [04:19] hi can someone tell me how I can change the default splash & login screen on Ubuntu 10.04? [04:19] this is great [04:19] i found it [04:19] irenicus09: the easiest way is to use ubuntu tweak [04:20] ok now i have fast laptop on battery [04:20] thanks for help [04:20] but my wifi is still slow on battery [04:20] naryfa: I know that but it doesn't have option to change the login theme or anything :S [04:20] how to make full-perfomance wifi on battery ? [04:20] ? [04:20] irenicus09: oops, sawry [04:21] hey, i'm patching 2.6.35 kernel with web100, right now i'm compiling the kernel. does anyone know how much disk space i need? currently i'm running out of room on /, hehe [04:21] where is libreoffice logos are saved in my ubuntu? [04:21] Is it not okay to ask questions in here? [04:21] !kernel | kedy [04:21] kedy: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages [04:21] !patience | FBANEXT [04:21] FBANEXT: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ [04:21] irenicus09: maybe gdmsetup? [04:23] now i have ultra fast wifi on battery [04:23] iwconfig eth1 power off ;) [04:23] thanks dagni [04:23] np [04:23] naryfa: I thought ubuntu didn't support a gdm theme, but im not so sure :S [04:24] irenicus09: I don't know, I'm just guessing that if you're using gnome, you're using gnome login manager [04:25] what's the best or recomended way to utilize my ubuntu 10.10 as a file server on a home LAN system? I have made a shared folder but for some reason I have to keep disabeling then re-enabling it so other boxes can access it. [04:25] hello...i'm having a problem with ubuntu netbook remix...it says there is no driver for my broadcam netcard?? is there a solution to this?? [04:25] mebe just a simple ftp server? === sun is now known as Guest20589 [04:28] is there any software for burning avi files to a dvd then DeVeDe [04:28] I'm having some trouble, I've been using a USB headset for awhile, but it was damaged when I started using it. I bought a 3.5mm headset, and sound works, but the microphone does not. It's a Realtek ALC662. All the information I can find says it's outdated... [04:29] what is the default folder that appache installs to? [04:29] * The information says that the information is outdated, not the hardware [04:29] it the root of http://localhost [04:30] I'm looking for software for linux thats like convertxtoDvd [04:30] FBANEXT: Have you tried http://alternativeto.net/ ? [04:30] Hows it rated? === Freejack is now known as Guest4405 [04:31] night all i will b bk 2moro with more problems lol [04:31] FBANEXT: No, it's a collection of alternatives to various software [04:31] I'll check it out Veovis_muaddibe thanks for answering too [04:31] FBANEXT: No problem [04:31] FBANEXT: I've used k3b for some things like that I think [04:32] how to disable https in ubuntu 10.04 [04:32] hello???anyone for help with the ubuntu netbook remix version?? [04:32] K3B made Ktorrent right? [04:32] z\\ [04:33] FBANEXT: They are both part of the KDE project [04:33] aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [04:33] a [04:33] a [04:33] a [04:33] a [04:33] a [04:33] chasanb: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [04:33] Ktorrent is really nice I'll have to look into getting a K3E video encoder [04:34] FBANEXT: If you like KDE apps, you might try Kubuntu at some point... [04:34] ???anyone?? [04:34] Veovis_muaddib:: sweet man, I'll look into it [04:34] where i can get more Panel Applets ??? [04:34] thegreengateway: If you told us what you needed help with we will answer if we can [04:35] yar tell me how to disable https in 10.04 [04:35] i need help getting the driver for the netbook remix...it's a broadcam card [04:35] and it tells me that i need a cd to install anything.. [04:36] thegreengateway: Always fun working with broadcom.... :( [04:36] thegreengateway: Can you get on Ethernet? [04:36] Whats the video encoders name? [04:36] Is there a way to fork a process in bash so that it doesn't depend on the current shell to continue existing, or the parent process that called it, to continue existing? [04:36] kloplop321: Screen [04:36] veovis_muaddib, not like that, [04:37] veovis_muaddib, nor like tmux, [04:37] veovis_muaddib: yes,i believe so.. [04:37] kloplop321: Yeah, they're hacky workarounds, not exactly what you're asking for, but I can't think of any way to do EXACTLY what you asked [04:37] veovis_muaddib: I mean something like what should go into a /etc/init.d script [04:37] hello every one,... [04:38] thegreengateway: Could you do so please? It'd help a lot [04:38] venkatesh: Hello [04:38] i cant find it [04:38] kloplop321: I'll admit, I have the bad habit of using screen for that purpose... :P [04:39] i want to install photoshop [04:39] is there a way to watch steve jobs keynote march 2011? [04:39] dashka, download the windows version, run in wine [04:39] ljsoftnet: Isn't it on the main page or something? [04:39] kloplop321: do it in the background and then disown [04:39] veovis_muaddib: alright...umm. no i can't i have no wired access where i'm at...thats part of the problem.. [04:40] kloplop321: or run it with nohup in the first place [04:40] thegreengateway: Okay, we can still make this work [04:40] veovis_muaddib it doesn't work [04:40] thegreengateway: Anything that says it needs a cd can also be done with USB [04:40] incidentaly, child processes don't depend on the parent process [04:40] ljsoftnet: What browser? [04:40] Dashka:: sudo apt-get install gimp [04:40] Hi all! The version of python-numpy is 1.3.0. There's a bug I'm seeing that was fixed in 1.4.0. The current version is 1.5.0. What can I do to encourage the updating of the python-numpy package? [04:40] veovis_muaddib chrome [04:40] what the child processes are depending on that they lose when the shell exits is the TERMINAL [04:41] veovis_muaddib: even with a usb pluged in it says insert cd.. [04:41] dashka: FBANEXT: I'm a huge supporter of open source, but the fact is that GIMP isn't good enough yet... [04:41] Sorry all, I have to go === Pilif12p is now known as [Pilif12p] [04:41] Random832, well, I have a virtual file system that calls a script inside, which calls another script, and after the script in the virtual file system(using a /dev/loop), this file system can't unmount because something in the called script outside this virtual fs, does not allow it to unmount. [04:41] Gimps been fine every time I've used it [04:41] The maintainer of python numpy is "Ubuntu Developers " Do I need to join the mailing list and ask for it to be updated? [04:42] I've used gimp on windows xp and linux ubuntu 10.10 both working the same and good [04:42] ok great..now the one person helping me left... [04:42] anyone else that can help?? [04:43] where i can get more Panel Applets ??? [04:43] i need help getting the driver for the netbook remix...it's a broadcam card [04:44] thegreengateway: broadcam or broadcom? [04:44] How can I make a local git repo from kernel tar.gz? [04:44] syrinx_:yah broadcom.. === semitones is now known as funkyTones [04:44] How to make a local git repo from kernel tar.gz? [04:44] did you search for additional drivers? === h3r0 is now known as Guest88212 === Guest88212 is now known as hensem [04:45] i want to play wc3 [04:45] I'll ask about python-numpy later. Thanks! [04:46] syrinx_ : yah but not having it prevents any internet connection from ubuntu [04:46] anyone want in on a slice of a dedi server? 100mbit connection, your own IP, root access, ubuntu (or any debian OS) [04:46] syrinx_: and anytime i try to install anything it asks for a cd to be inserted... [04:46] hello [04:46] anyone know the modifier that will force google to read a string like [04:46] that has always annoyed me. putting quotes around it does nothing [04:47] I have a quick question [04:47] i want to play war craft [04:47] hello [04:47] THIS IS ALL I KNOW ABOUT SOFTWARE--EVERYBODY WANTING TO KNOW A FEW THINGS CLICK HERE NOW http://paste.ubuntu.com/574816/ [04:48] I logged in as root on one of my servers and saw a users IP and login date at the top as last logged in, they have sudo but not the root account password, would using sudo have them show up at the top like that? [04:48] i want to play war 3 [04:48] syrinx_: ??? [04:48] i can not play wc3 how can i play wc3 [04:49] hello [04:49] anyone have an idea? [04:49] thegreengateway: I'm pretty sure you can copy the files to a usb thumbdrive and adding the drive to the software sources [04:49] is anyone know it [04:49] <[TK]D-Fender> dashka: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=45407&page=3 [04:50] dimmortal: ok and any clue as to where to get the ubuntu driver for broadcom? [04:51] Okay, who's going to point me in the right direction of controlling my ubuntu desktop with my android phone [04:51] thegreengateway: google it.. I have not the time to do your work for you === Freejack is now known as Guest42493 [04:52] can someone help answer my Q? [04:53] what was your question krtek [04:53] Frenk: I logged in as root on one of my servers and saw a users IP and login date at the top as last logged in, they have sudo but not the root [04:53] account password, would using sudo have them show up at the top like that? [04:53] * drumhed is experiencing weird display symptoms using Adobe FlashPlayer to view Youtube. The image is doubled and filtered red/pink/orange [04:54] * drumhed has confirmed that it is only on youtube.com [04:54] anyone else seeing this? [04:54] i am trying to install kubuntu with a dual boot on my system [04:54] idunnolol [04:54] HELLO EVERYBODY:: Is there an app I can get that will teach me how to program software of linux? [04:55] FBANEXT: what programming language you want to learn [04:55] i already have partitions [04:55] FBANEXT firefox [04:55] on linux* [04:55] SirCane: lol [04:55] on which previously ubuntu has been installed [04:55] can anyone help [04:55] krtek:: I wanna learn perl first [04:55] digirak: whats your questions [04:55] i dont boot the ubuntu on that anymore [04:55] @fbanext: the help you seek is found in a book, not an app [04:55] FBANEXT: get a book, there arent many "apps" [04:55] that'll teach you [04:55] ubuntu testing [04:55] krtek tell that to apple. theres and app for that [04:55] krtek: i am trying to install kubuntu on one of them and clean the other partition [04:56] SirCane: im calling up Sir Steve Jobs now on my iPhail [04:56] drumhed:: I'd probably have to go, to college for this ehh [04:56] digirak: gparted? === jussi01 is now known as Guest39611 [04:56] nah, not necessarily [04:56] you either have the aptitude to code or you don't [04:56] krtek: u want me to use gparted? [04:56] digirak: try, not sure [04:56] brb gotta go park the car [04:56] Well, I have some books but its Linux ubuntu for dummys lol [04:57] FBANEXT http://wwwacs.gantep.edu.tr/docs/perl-ebook/ pretty good right? [04:57] Need a hand installing /boot only a hard drive different than the Ubuntu install. === krtek is now known as Krtek|Away [04:57] Anyone here been to youtube today w/ firefox & the adobe flash plugin? [04:57] SirCane:: Is it a PFD? [04:57] html [04:57] it wont screw up my system will it? [04:57] i have acer with gforce 480 with 1gb when i installed new driver after that computer says restart your computer when i start to my laptop than start up my laptop i can not see login screen it black screeen help me how to fix thsi problem [04:58] http://wwwacs.gantep.edu.tr/docs/perl-ebook.tgz seems to be in a tarball here [04:58] html ugh [04:59] I dunno if the internet will be up much longer [04:59] download the tarball and view offline [04:59] So quiet [04:59] So, I've got a question... [05:00] if you really need pdf FBANEXT, goto print in firefox and print to pdf file [05:00] I have 10.10 on my laptop, with nVidia display drivers installed, and whenever I close my laptop, the drivers fail to restart when I open it [05:01] The defualt drivers don't give me that issue though [05:01] where is libreoffice logos are saved in my ubuntu? [05:01] cool [05:01] reinstall [05:01] me? [05:01] yeah [05:01] the drivers you mean? [05:01] I think I did. I'll try again though [05:01] hey have you guys checked this out http://www.ekoore.com/web/it/prodotti/et10ta.html [05:02] my computer froze earlier is there a way a find the source 10.4.2? [05:02] please, need help installing /boot to a different location [05:02] anyone have that thing? [05:02] how do i make it a dual boot [05:03] its a ubuntu tablet pc [05:03] once i install an os will it automatically be dual boot [05:03] cabbagebot i think its a power management issue. my old toshiba did the same, i think it had a geforce 40 go card or something. never got around to fixing it [05:03] or you can check the startup applications~~~ [05:03] cabbagebot my laptop would get quite hot as well with the lid shut [05:03] NJSchultz07, from where to where [05:04] ah, I'm not sure that's the issue SirCane [05:04] It doesn't get so hot [05:04] I think I have an NVS card [05:04] to see if the nvidia xserver is there [05:04] nvidia xserver is definitely there [05:04] digirak, what do you want to dual boot [05:05] nit-wit: ubuntu and kubuntu [05:05] i want a ubuntu and a kubuntu partition [05:05] digirak, you can have both on the same OS [05:05] Or you could use virtual box and vb the one you'll use the least [05:05] generally nvidia driver works well with ubuntu [05:05] you can dual boot also if you wish [05:05] Abhijit: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/.../apps [05:05] nit-wit: yes, but the kubuntu wrapper is very unstable [05:05] damn... the pages just show links and don't work on the print pdf bro [05:05] Yeah, it could just be my card. It was difficult finding drivers for it on windows [05:06] so i want a seperate kubuntu [05:06] if you want two different partitions two separate installs you can [05:06] digirak, how many partitions do you have is the main question and how many HD's [05:06] I have like 8 partitions [05:06] i have a dual boot ubuntu 10.10 64 bit and ubuntu 10.10 32 bit install [05:06] I moved my hard disk to another machine. Somehow network is not detected in the new machine [05:07] nit-wit: 2 old linux partitions [05:07] digirak, take a screen shot of gparted and paste it image. [05:07] nit-wit: which are screwed [05:07] digirak, that could be a problem you can only have so many main partitions [05:07] How to install network card in the new hardware with old ubuntu hard disk [05:07] digirak, so I'm assuming Ubunt and Kubunt are grub2 eh. [05:08] anyone in the room familiar with video display and codec stuff? i'm seriously ready to switch back to msft... [05:08] yes [05:08] digirak, just install ubuntu over one of the screwed partitions and kubuntu over the other [05:08] you can install a win codec packe [05:08] Guess it doesn't matter [05:08] vish, thanks [05:08] i get these funky video color patterns and sound isn't running correctly [05:09] digirak, just reformat one of gthe partitions and install custom to it. you can have grub control from Ubuntu if you want afterwards. [05:09] only files that work well are super old .avi [05:09] digirak, the one you want to boot at the end of the timer install last [05:09] cyybborg: you can install a win codec pack [05:09] why does aucacious suck so much with audio cds on ubuntu? [05:10] it never wants to get the id3 [05:10] or kmplayer [05:10] or vlc player [05:10] they all works well with ubuntu [05:11] command line or synaptic? [05:11] i've got vlc [05:11] nit-wit: how do i paste the scrn shot [05:11] digirak, http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add [05:12] digirak, name the useless partitions if they are not obvious [05:12] vlc had a bad performance on reall media files [05:13] i don't normally use real media files [05:13] but good working functionality w/ mp4 would be nice [05:13] http://imagebin.org/140860 [05:14] the Linux filesystem and sda8 are useless [05:14] hey when i move my windows around , and i do have wobbly windows active.. i have a ati5850 vid card.. i keep getting lines going across the window im moving .. only happends when i move [05:14] ? [05:14] gilles yes [05:14] how can i get rid of that ? [05:14] hi [05:15] i have a problem in ubuntu that i m not able to see my cdrom drive in it [05:16] sanjeev_: do u see the cdrom on ur list of drives? [05:16] no [05:16] sanjeev_: then ur cdrom is not mapped [05:16] hey when i move my windows around , and i do have wobbly windows active.. i have a ati5850 vid card.. i keep getting lines going across the window im moving .. only happends when i mo [05:17] then how can i solve this prolbem [05:17] hey when i move my windows around , and i do have wobbly windows active.. i have a ati5850 vid card.. i keep getting lines going across the window im moving .. only happends when i move [05:17] ? [05:17] sanjeev_: do u have a laptop or a desktop? [05:17] digi: I have desktop [05:18] sanjeev_: this looks like a standard ubuntu problem did you search on the documentation? [05:18] hey when i move my windows around , and i do have wobbly windows active.. i have a ati5850 vid card.. i keep getting lines going across the window im moving .. only happends when i move [05:18] ?any1 knows how to fix this? [05:18] digirak: yes but not find any satisfactory answer. [05:19] digirak, those two partitions amount to about 5 gigs. You would have to shrink sda5 and you can remove a swap as well. [05:19] sanjeev_: also check with your disk analyser [05:19] digi_: how can i do this? [05:20] sanjeev_: Administration-disk analyser [05:20] nit-wit: this wont affect my sda5? [05:20] nit-wit: why shrink sda5? [05:20] but there is only disk utility not analyser? === Leman_Russ_ is now known as Leman_Russ [05:21] sanjeev_: yes disk utility [05:21] digirak, the space you offer as replaceable is not enough. [05:21] sanjeev_: that is the one that looks after what disks u have [05:21] hi! I have installed latest telepathy-glib gtk-docs in ~/src/install/share/gtk-doc/html. Now, in order to view them in devhelp, I set XDG_DATA_DIRS=~src/install/share:/usr/share. But even now when I run $devhelp I don't see the latest docs but only the old ones which are installed in /usr/share !! Any help would be appreciated [05:22] but there is not much detail there are only storage devices showing there only [05:22] hi [05:22] nit-wit: so how do i decrease the space in sda5 [05:22] sanjeev_:do u see ur cdrom there? [05:22] digirak: use GParted [05:23] no [05:24] digirak_: no there is no cd rom in disk utility. [05:24] sanjeev_: then ur cdrom is not mapped at boot [05:24] digirak, boot a live Ubuntu cd open gparted right click both swaps and make sure they are unmounted. right click sda5 the resize and resize. Then build the new partitions in the space of the removed and opened space. [05:24] ok so how can i get it mapped at boot [05:25] nit-wit: i have a ubuntu already [05:25] nit-wit: resizing sda5 will make me lose data? [05:26] digirak_: ok so how can i get it mapped at boot [05:27] sanjeev_: i am sorry i dont know thart [05:27] ok so can you tell me where m i get further info regarding this problem? [05:28] digirak_: ok so can you tell me where m i get further info regarding this problem? [05:29] Pici, hey [05:34] hi [05:35] firefox is so much slower than chrome [05:37] anyway... im using virtual box to run vista for spss software... just experimenting with it at the moment. i have some questions: are there any issues with running it from an ext4 partition? are there any performance benefits from setting up the virtual os on a native ntfs partition? [05:37] what is a good cli util to format a drive? syntax please. thanks === nick is now known as Guest754 [05:37] visual1ce, #vbox is where this belongs [05:38] dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/devname bs=512k [05:38] thats a fairly secure wipe [05:38] thanx nit-wit [05:39] cache_surplus: mkfs is a cli command to format, see man mkfs [05:39] Can someone explain to me the reason I keep getting this damn "Server X must be off" to install Nvidia drivers.. [05:39] anyone private chat with me to solve video codec issues? [05:39] cyybborg: whats the problem? [05:40] trying to play mp4, video is fine "score" music ok and no vocals [05:40] i need to low level format a usb ext drive [05:40] super annoying [05:40] i have amd64 arch using vlc [05:40] Hey, I left Ubuntu by Lucid, because I was so disgusted how things were changing. Is there a central place I can look up things are now? ( so I don't have to google every single issue) [05:40] cyybborg: sure its not a problem with the video itself? [05:40] tough call, i have lots of files with this issue [05:41] i don't think it is all tied to the file [05:41] cyybborg: why would the music play and the voice wouldn't, though? [05:41] file property is MPEG-4 AAC audio [05:41] no idea [05:42] and i have tons of codec installed [05:42] what media player, cyybborg ? [05:42] hello [05:42] vlc [05:42] when i use "movie player" no sound and all the colors are messed up [05:42] maybe try something else? [05:42] I really need something very specific please [05:42] syrinx is that to me? [05:42] i need someone who actually know about macs and linux ubuntu im tying to move from mac to linux [05:42] cyybborg: yes [05:43] mespejel: ....well? [05:43] suggestion? === Freejack is now known as Guest23720 [05:44] syrinx hi [05:44] basically i dont want to ask everything at the same time but for now [05:44] cyybborg: Mplayer? or maybe banshee [05:44] i'll try them [05:44] i would ike a good alternative for IMOVIE, a good alternative for GARAGEBAND, a good alternative for IPHOTO and a good alternative for IWEB to design websites easy with no knowledge [05:44] yeah [05:45] specially GARAGEBAND AND IWEB [05:45] yeah [05:45] mespejel: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [05:45] !caps | mespejel [05:45] mespejel: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. [05:45] mespejel: is you want to do things with no knowledge, your using the wrong OS [05:46] come on [05:46] only web design not all [05:46] i do my website with iweb is easy [05:46] i wonder if there alternative for linux and also music creation like garageband app [05:47] syrinx, i installed mplayer but don't see it in my menus? [05:47] cyybborg: how did you install it? apt-get? [05:47] no, synaptic [05:47] i'm kind of linux stupid [05:47] im not computer engineer who would i know website programming language? no sense [05:47] if you think like that means you hate technology [05:47] hi [05:48] computer engineering and building websites are totally not related [05:48] cyybborg: should be in sound & video... [05:48] in 3 years.. 6 years old kids will create webdesign [05:48] my wlan0 suddenly disappeared, how do I fix it ? [05:48] well im not a graphic designer or anything related okkk [05:48] mespejel: I can't help you, sorry [05:48] im a business major [05:49] still no joy [05:49] hmmm [05:49] it doesn't make much sense [05:49] cyybborg: no, it doesn't [05:49] mplayer is the generic movie player right? [05:49] it could be all tied to the 64bit architecture [05:50] are you running the 32 bit version/ [05:50] of mplayer? [05:50] i don't know [05:50] of ubuntu [05:50] hi after upgrading to new kernel the kernel is not appearing in the grub boot loader even after sudo update-grub command. [05:50] no [05:51] well I know the 64-bit is a bit more bugggy than the 32-bit [05:51] not sure if this would be the problem though [05:51] who knows [05:51] linux is like custom cars [05:51] mhmm [05:51] tons of time and never a clear answer [05:51] so i guess nobody here has that ubuntu tablet pc? [05:51] but it's our job, as good mechanics, to find out [05:51] please help ..hi after upgrading to new kernel the kernel is not appearing in the grub boot loader even after sudo update-grub command. [05:51] sure [05:52] i use my relationship w/ ubuntu to study the inner workings of why good disruptive innovations just don't take hold [05:52] !ot | cyybborg [05:52] cyybborg: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [05:53] :) [05:53] cyybborg: take it to OT, lol [05:53] sure [05:54] but seriously, is there anything relative about the same videos that don't work? [05:55] abhinav_singh: i need too low level format [05:55] what format cache_surpluz [05:55] hello does anyone know a good music creator app for linux and also a good video creator app? [05:55] thanks visual1ce [05:55] thank you [05:55] cache_surplus: Define "low level format". [05:55] video edition software please [05:55] for linux [05:55] is urandom the same as /dev/zero? [05:55] cache_surplus: no [05:55] is there any way to use two desktop environment at a time? [05:56] whats the diff to /dev/urandom vs /dev/zero when whipping the drive? [05:56] speed? [05:56] jiltdil: you could run one in a vm, or run one on a server and access it via ssh from the other [05:56] Jordan_U: google it [05:56] /dev/zero fills it with zeros. /dev/urandom fills it with vaguely random zeros and ones. [05:56] rww: ic, thanks [05:57] so not a real diff in what i want [05:57] i could use either, correct? [05:57] cyybborg: also, do you have the w64codecs? [05:57] cache_surplus: depends why you want to format it. For most uses, correct. [05:58] rww: i have 1310 bad sectors on a usb 1 tb drive [05:58] thats a good reason [05:58] How to see the screens that are connected in any small computer network on my screen? [05:58] cache_surplus: then yeah, either will work. [05:58] I just tried upgrading my 10.10 version of ubuntu to 11.04.. my battery drained completely.... The upgrade was not complete when this happened... I tried using the recovery console to fix the broken packages... an now when I restart... it says "Checking Battery State" and freezes... I have some very important files on the laptop and encrypted... can someone help me fix this ? [05:58] i do [05:58] cache_surplus: may as well do /dev/zero, less CPU usage [05:58] modulexploited_: #ubuntu+1 [05:58] modulexploited_: #ubuntu+1 for natty; #ubuntu is only for released versions of Ubuntu. [05:58] ooo [05:58] rww: i am wondering if that will fix the bad sectors... [05:59] english??? [05:59] ninja'd [05:59] everybody [05:59] looks like dcfldd is stuck... [05:59] ?? [05:59] xnccm: what language are you looking for? === jack_ is now known as JackWat [06:00] cache_surplus: I am familiar with the term, but actual "low level" formatting of disks isn't something you do anymore. That's why I wanted to clarify what exactly you want. === JackWat is now known as jack_ [06:00] rww: my issue was, i could not even sudo cp -R or sudo chmod -R the drive anymore.... [06:00] Jordan_U: its ok, no worries [06:00] there has to be some problem w/ sys cause symptoms occur with some files and not others [06:01] i can't understand the pattern [06:01] Jordan_U: are you saying you cant use a manuf disk anymore to low level format? [06:01] now colors are all crazy, sound is better [06:02] cache_surplus: Disk's don't present such details anymore. What is your actual end goal> [06:02] i guess cops and forensics dont want us deleting our porn [06:02] ? [06:02] Jordan_U: where did you read that? [06:02] and when [06:02] news to me [06:03] cyybborg: that would indicate that it ISN'T the sys [06:03] How can i view a computers screen thats connected to my network?? [06:03] cache_surplus: I don't have a particular source that I can remember. [06:03] ok [06:03] what is my goal? lol i want my friggen drive to work like it was brand new. thats my goal [06:03] jiltdil: what type of network? [06:03] what else [06:03] how should I structure my search to find root problem? [06:04] anybody know how to use talking tomcat on linux? [06:04] cyybborg: like i said, did you install w64codecs? [06:04] shaw1337:LAN [06:04] yes [06:04] hi, I installed 10.04.2 LTS on my laptop and it couldn't detect my wireless. do advise [06:04] cyybborg: are there any commonalities in the files? [06:04] shaw1337:i want to see the screens of multiple computers at a time on my screen [06:05] not sure, they are kind of a mix of .avi and mpg stuff [06:05] FBANEXT: u can run it on emulator [06:05] some play ok, many have color or sound irregularities [06:05] it wasn't always this way either [06:05] Shaw1337:: What emulator? [06:06] cyybborg: did you make any changes since? [06:06] Has anyone else had youtube problem, where the video moves with the page as you scroll. It's rather annoying. [06:06] and.. btw most emulators don't work because my computer is weird I tried zsnes and wine both made my computer crash into the login screen [06:06] not intentionally but i am not using a very precise restore system either [06:07] it is strange because some files will play ok, then the colors go shifty and I have to reboot to get the color display back on track [06:07] hmm [06:07] any idea about my question? === Swish[\] is now known as Swish [06:08] jiltdil: you wanna hack into others system ? [06:08] shaw1337: no i don't want to hack [06:08] shaw1337: i only want it for security and educational purpose in college/school [06:08] jiltdil: you wanna monitor others desktop ? [06:08] jiltdil: you can use vnc to run another system's desktop on your computer in a window [06:09] jiltdil: and if I remember correctly you can also 'share' the desktop with the other user [06:09] jiltdil: http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/Remote_Access_to_the_Ubuntu_Linux_Desktop [06:09] thor: can it be possible that i can monitor more than one desktop at a single time [06:10] hello is there a software to record my screen? [06:10] <_genuser_> hello people. [06:10] jiltdil: you can access as many systems as your computer's memory and cpu can handle [06:10] thanx [06:10] <_genuser_> is anyone able to watch youtube videos fine? [06:11] _genuser_: yea.... [06:11] mespejel: Xvid screen capture , and lot more you can find in software centre [06:11] mespejel; Desktop Recorder [06:11] <_genuser_> syrinx_: using netbuntu. after either last upgrade or something youtube did, but all the videos play with redish color. ads play fine. All other flash sites like hulu play ok. [06:11] Anybody know how to make linux run faster on a ps3? [06:11] <_genuser_> syrinx_: something that started like few hours before. [06:11] thanks [06:12] _genuser_: make any recent changes to the system? [06:13] <_genuser_> syrinx_: just the update manager downloaded updates. [06:13] <_genuser_> on netbuntu. [06:13] I've running linux on my ps3 using bootOS and using the external hard drive for the linux OS files and its just almost too slow to use anybody know why the ps3 can't handle linux? Is it because of the very little ram ? [06:13] I've been [06:14] <_genuser_> flashplugin-installer version: [06:14] _genuser_: probably has something to do with it [06:14] Hello [06:14] should i expect that the sha1 or md5 sums of an iso file immediately downloaded from the internet and the same file on disc should be the same? if burn the iso then i rip it back to iso, should i expect its sums to be the same as the initial md5 sha1 sums? [06:14] hey, my launcher/windows/pannels flash non stop after i tried to set emerald as the window decorator in compiz [06:14] my internet is still not working on my ubuntu [06:14] _genuser_: try another flash and see if its the same [06:14] how do i run disks on ubuntu [06:15] like my telstra internet disk [06:15] <_genuser_> syrinx_: however, all the flash sites, such as hulu play fine. Even youtube ads play fine. Just the videos themselves play bad. [06:15] <_genuser_> syrinx_: if you were to youtube something now, does it play correctly? [06:15] <_genuser_> syrinx_: if it does, then I'll have to use another plugin. [06:15] anybody now how to fix? already tried compiz --replace [06:15] I guess nobody knows about ps3 linux [06:15] jiltdil: you can use teamviewer [06:15] or I'm being ignored [06:16] FBANEXT, probably not the right place to ask [06:16] _genuser_: works fine. what browser you using? [06:16] Nobody used yellow dog back in the day? [06:16] FBANEXT: no sir [06:16] FBANEXT, whether or not they did people here usually don't support other platforms [06:16] <_genuser_> syrinx_: thanks. using ff 3.6.13 [06:16] I thought the ps3 was powerful I guess I was wrong it cant run linux any better then a 50 dollar pc [06:17] _genuser_: 3.6.14 works great for me [06:18] FBANEXT: with or without X? [06:18] im sure it would run good as a server [06:18] FBANEXT: actually, sony restricts hardware access in OtherOS. You are basically using 1/8 processing cores which the PS3 has available to it [06:18] I stopped using Ubuntu around Lucid, because I didn't like what it was becoming. Is there a place that I can see how much more things have changed? [06:18] <_genuser_> syrinx_: installing new updates. lol, updates to update updates. [06:18] FBANEXT linux doesn't run on the ps3 very well due to the limitations sony put in the hardware hypervisor [06:18] _genuser_: of course lol [06:18] you have half the system ram, no gpu access and only a very small part of the cell processor [06:19] Well, I forced linux to boot on 3.55 "not supported anymore for linux" oh well, I thought it would be fun to have a powerful pc but, I thought wrong trying to use the ps3.... [06:19] Does Ubuntu still use "Indicators"> [06:20] FBANEXT would have been better off getting a 360 and a el-cheapo pc [06:20] FBANEXT: if sony allowed full access to the hardware then it would be insanely fast, but sadly they crippled it to the point where it is pointless [06:21] Yeah I'm glad LG sued sony and won hahah [06:21] Wow, no one is using ubuntu right now, that they cant tell me if it has indicators? [06:21] very patient there, lifestream [06:21] lifestream: what do you mean, indicators? [06:21] and yes, it does. [06:21] rww, I asked more than 20 min ago ^^ [06:22] lifestream: Not that I can see, you didn't. [06:22] lifestream: no, you asked two minutes ago [06:22] Really? I asked, then went on a guildwars match (which lasted about 20 minutes) and then I asked again because I saw no responses [06:23] You asked a different question the first time around. === ubuntu_ is now known as Bash [06:23] oh, you're right, i did [06:23] I need to upgrade grub but when I tried to do chroot it says "/bin/bash" doesn't exist [06:24] update grub* [06:24] You can use /bin/sh [06:24] How? [06:25] http://ubuntuguide.net/how-to-restore-grub-2-after-reinstalling-windows-xpvistawin7 [06:25] I was following that guide [06:25] <_genuser_> syrinx_: ok, 3.6.14 is still doing that. gotta try another plugin. [06:26] Oh I remember having this error. Hmm *tries to remember* [06:26] hey! are there any games for linux that are good? Like doom 3 [06:26] FBANEXT good games, like doom 3? [06:26] _genuser_: wierd. definitely not an OS problem though [06:26] google "best linux games" "best fps linux games" ? [06:26] thats what I asked [06:26] good job repeating me [06:27] o.O [06:27] FBANEXT then no, there isn't [06:27] chroot: failed to run command `update-grub': No such file or directory [06:27] Ok because I just googled it, and I saw other good similar games [06:27] I'm also having that error [06:27] There isn't any games for linux that are good [06:27] can somebody please explain this to me: mount -o loop ./x.iso ./x/ [06:27] Can you update grub though grub minimal command line at boot? [06:28] none of the mames work [06:28] I've tried for 6 weeks now and mame just doesn't work [06:28] visual1ce you're mounting the contents of the file into a folder? [06:28] i understand what mount is doing and i understand the effect of loop - but i dont understand what it is doing [06:28] is it like an ln kinda? [06:29] !seen heslam [06:29] I have no seen command [06:29] ok the file x.iso in the ./ current folder is going to be mounted as if it was a directory called x in the current ./ folder === jack is now known as Guest48688 [06:30] i know about / and ~/ and i was under the impression that i use ./ to execute executable files... in the context above what does... [06:30] instead of mounting a disc from a physical drive in /dev/ you're mounting a file in ./ [06:30] ahhh [06:30] current [06:30] my youtube player has color orange on it, is there a fix for this? [06:30] Anyone? [06:30] thx sircane :) [06:30] ./ = current folder [06:30] I really want to get this fixed :( [06:30] heslam: I figured out why the workaround didn't work for me; I made a silly oversight. One has to set the "lid closed" action to "Blank Screen" for both running on AC *and* running on battery. [06:30] I'm using the 10.10 live CD [06:31] Bash, you want to re-install grub (or force grub to update itself?) [06:31] HELP: I just deleted the top panel by accident [06:31] hey can someone tell me how come wired internet is not working [06:31] How do i bring in a new terminal and bring back the top bar [06:31] whoops [06:31] lifestream, I want to reinstall it but I already got past that part [06:31] <_genuser_> syrinx_: and only youtube vids. not even just flash. just youtube. and just the vids. not the ads. [06:31] syrinx any thoughts for me? [06:31] It's installed I need it to find the OSs [06:31] visual1ce, when you type acommand in to the shell it searches only the paths setup via the SET command, if it can't find the program that has +x set it won't run [06:31] because wired internet is not working on ubuntu 10.10 [06:32] Hi, I just deleted the top panel by accident how do i bring it back [06:32] and how do i get a terminal window up [06:32] so you use ./prog to force execute the file in *this* path [06:32] HyperHoRse, do you still have the bottom panel? [06:32] lifestream, when I tried to run chroot /mnt update-grub I got "chroot: failed to run command `update-grub': No such file or directory" error [06:32] Can someone please provide me with some assistance? [06:32] cyybborg: gotta be a specific problem with youtube and your system [06:32] lifestream: Yes [06:32] cyybborg: see if it still happens tomorrow [06:32] sure but i'm not the youtube guy [06:32] HyperHoRse alt+f2 i think [06:32] my youtube player has color orange on it, is there a fix for this? [06:32] mpg4 issues... [06:32] HyperHoRse, right click bottom panel and choose properties. tehre's an option there where you can re-create new panel [06:33] Bash, isn't it grub-update ? [06:33] trytohaxme: we can't answer a question you haven't asked [06:33] lifestream: i've created a new panel but there is no buttons on it [06:33] lifestream, no [06:33] CANT I just restore the original panel????????????? [06:33] I have one more thing to ask for real this time [06:33] Well th0r, for the last 2 hours I've been trying to install my nVidia graphics drivers. [06:34] HyperHoRse, right click the new panel and choose "Applets" ( i think thats what its called, im not using Ubuntu) then you can add whatever you want [06:34] I keep getting the error I have to turn off X server. [06:34] No matter what I do, it won't turn off. [06:34] Anybody have a link to the best software to use on ubuntu 10.10 [06:34] ive rebooted ubuntu [06:34] After a GNOME crash my Thinkpad T43 returns: '~$ setxkbmap -model pc105 -layout de variant basic; Cannot open display "default display". How can I re-establish the German keyboard layout? [06:34] i may have installed a update or something [06:34] is there a away to fix it [06:35] how do i flush my DNSRESOLVER cache in ubuntu linux [06:35] No one uses Google anymore [06:35] trytohaxme: you have to move to a vt (Alt-F2), log in there, and kill X. Then you can install the drivers from the command line [06:35] <_genuser_> and flash officially sucks. [06:35] f u lifestgream [06:35] whats better than google? [06:36] What is the command to kill x? [06:36] <_genuser_> rebooting. [06:36] trytohaxme: killall -9 X, but better use Alt+SysRQ+K [06:36] GOOGLEEARTH wont start in ubuntu [06:36] trytohaxme: I would find the process and kill the number [06:36] i understand i think - so if you type say blah in bash, bash looks for blah in default prog directories (/bin , /usr/bin) but if say ./blah it looks for the prog in the local directory [06:36] trytohaxme: SysRQ should be on the PrintScreen key [06:36] Problem with X11Forwarding.. I can run xclock but when i try gedit, i get 'X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.' [06:36] Thanks guys, I'm going to try your suggestions. [06:37] so ./ is really telling bash - look here in this directory... its got nothing to do with telling bash to execute the file right? [06:37] GOOGLE EARTH WONT WORK IN UBUNTU 10.10 [06:37] visual1ce: "." means "here" [06:37] how do i encrypt a folder [06:37] IS THAT WHY THEY DELETED IT OFF THE SOFTWARE CENTRE [06:38] HyperHoRse: Stop allcapsing. [06:38] how do i encrypt a folder [06:38] Stryker: you can use gpg or any frontend for it [06:38] i see [06:38] how? [06:39] ubuntu [06:39] ubuntu linux 10.10 [06:39] ubuntu yeah [06:39] Stryker: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FolderEncryption [06:39] one of the possibilities [06:39] there are easier ones in my opinion [06:40] when i encrypt my old home folder, would it screw up my firefox profile? [06:40] Stryker: if the profile is in this folder and you don't decrypt it first: yes. Else: no [06:40] actually i just picked up the drive and it sounds like its hangin... sighs... [06:40] im trying to mount an iso but i get this error: cannot find /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab [06:40] correct visual1ce [06:41] is it possible let scp use concurrent connections to speed up the transfer? [06:41] visual1ce: give an existing folder as an argument instead of [06:41] you are meant to replace this. [06:41] oh doh [06:41] maybe i have to mkdir first [06:41] I need a 200 dollar computer. Wheres the best place online to order one [06:41] with the best specs? [06:42] xiambax: ask ##hardware or #ubuntu-offtopic. [06:42] xiambax: assemble one on your own [06:42] custom built :D === h3r0 is now known as Guest86824 [06:42] nvm - pebkac [06:42] Fuchs it's telling me "Can't Access - Devdriver...run" [06:42] how do i remove languages from firefox? there's en,en-au,en-ca that i want to remove but uninstall is greyed out [06:43] trytohaxme: that is probably not the full error message [06:43] trytohaxme: does this appear after you restarted X? If so: what did you do before? Trying to manually install a driver or similar? [06:44] Why is it that the user I created simply has $ sign when using ssh while other users have the full path or name@../Desktop$? [06:44] I followed the instructions from nVidia on installing the graphics drivers. I failed to do so for 2 in a half hours. [06:44] trytohaxme: never install such drivers manually [06:44] trytohaxme: this doesn't work on ubuntu due to dkms. It will break after each kernel update [06:45] I heard Envy could install it. [06:45] I wolud like to write a small program, which is usefull C compiler, SDK or something for ubuntu [06:45] trytohaxme: use the methods provided by ubuntu in order to install nvidia drivers [06:45] so what are some of the problems that could cause google earth not to execute at all on ubuntu 10.10 [06:45] I mean some kind of visual stuff, for controls, windows etc.. [06:45] google fail to fix their software [06:45] trytohaxme: remove the driver with the NVIDIA-Linux-...-.sh asap [06:46] why doesn't ubuntu offer a proper package for ubuntu 10.10 is that googles fault? [06:46] its all googles fault. [06:46] trytohaxme: read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia [06:46] ban google. [06:46] ruan, try using bleachbit, it helps you get rid of unnecessary languages [06:46] ban google from your whole life. [06:46] banned. [06:46] HyperHoRse: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [06:46] can anyone help me get ubuntu to work [06:46] HyperHoRse: Stop being hyperbolic. You're cluttering up the channel, and not helping your chances of getting support. [06:47] i agree with HyperHoRse, google shall be stopped [06:47] HyperHoRse, did you try to execute it in a terminal [06:47] Secrets: please be more specific [06:47] Fuchs do you think you could help me on remote desktop view? [06:47] trytohaxme: no. First of all because I don't do that, second because I have to go to work in 5 Minutes [06:47] well for some reason wired internet is not connecting to ubuntu 10.10 [06:48] When I ssh into my server on "user2" the promp is just a $ rather than the path it shows on my other accounts. "user1" would show something like user1:/home#. Why is it like this and how can I change user2 to be more... normal? [06:48] Desktop editon [06:48] :/ [06:48] HyperHoRse, i have google earth working in ubuntu 10.10 [06:48] trytohaxme: read the documentation I linked to, it should work that way. If it doesn't, maybe somebody else here is able to help you [06:48] how do i fix it [06:48] ive tried everything [06:48] my youtube player has color orange on it, is there a fix for this? [06:48] Alright, thanks for your time. [06:48] my module is e100 [06:48] joeoshawa, how did you install it properly [06:48] trytohaxme: but do _not_ install the driver manually with the .run file from nvidia. It will definitely break. [06:48] ATTENTION UBUNTU: GoogleEarth is offering bullshit software for ubuntu 10.10 that doesn't work [06:48] Secrets, try sudo dhclient eth0 [06:48] ljsoftnet: what version is your flash player? have you tried reinstalling it? [06:49] Reporting to Mark Shuttleworth please get me a cup of coffee [06:49] ^adobe flash player [06:49] HyperHoRse, i just used a howto [06:49] !language | HyperHoRse [06:49] HyperHoRse: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. [06:49] HyperHoRse, what happens if you try to launch it in a terminal [06:49] joeoshwa: im about there right now, just gotta delete this google install from google.com [06:49] Secrets: what kind of machine? [06:49] joeoshawa: nothing [06:49] HyperHoRse, it should give you an error message [06:50] laptop [06:50] joeoshawa: amarin@ubuntu:~$ GoogleEarth [06:50] GoogleEarth: command not found [06:50] wired interet was working on monday [06:51] HyperHoRse: all that complainiing because you can't enter a command correctly? [06:51] it still wont work [06:51] lol [06:51] Secrets: what's different since monday? [06:51] how to access other compute in WAN? [06:51] Why is it when user2 ssh's into my server his prompt is simply a $, rather than the user@path#? [06:52] <_genuser_> hello people [06:52] hi _genuser_ [06:52] try this cd /opt/google-earth then type LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libfreeimage.so.3 googleearth [06:52] HyperHoRse: man cd [06:52] amarin@ubuntu:~$ cd /opt/google-earth [06:52] bash: cd: /opt/google-earth: No such file or directory [06:53] ruan its 10.2 [06:53] how did you install it [06:53] <_genuser_> darn flash [06:53] Anyone have own server.Basiclly running using dell servers ? [06:53] ok thats my problem [06:53] went to www.google.com [06:53] looked for google earth [06:53] Why is it when user2 ssh's into my server his prompt is simply a $, rather than the user@path#? [06:53] HyperHoRse: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [06:53] went to the offical google earth page installed the offical google earth for ubuntu [06:54] then nothing [06:54] its on my desktop but it doesnt work at all [06:54] you downloaded the deb package [06:54] brokenny [06:54] yeah and installed it. [06:54] using software centre. [06:54] we'll thats what it used anyway. [06:54] troll? [06:54] After a GNOME crash my Thinkpad T43 returns: '~$ setxkbmap -model pc105 -layout de variant basic; Cannot open display "default display". How can I re-establish the German keyboard layout? [06:55] hello [06:55] in the terminal type sudo apt-get install lsb-core [06:55] Why is it when user2 ssh's into my server his prompt is simply a $, rather than the user@path#? [06:55] and tell me if it installs anything [06:55] joeoshawa: what abotu my previous install? [06:55] it may have not installed due to dependancy problems [06:56] my youtube player has color orange on it, is there a fix for this? [06:56] but this is another package google earth needs [06:56] Suggested packages: [06:56] lsb-rpm lintian dh-make debian-keyring g++-multilib g++-4.4-multilib gcc-4.4-doc [06:56] libstdc++6-4.4-dbg gettext-doc libstdc++6-4.4-doc libmail-box-perl elfutils rpm-i18n [06:56] The following NEW packages will be installed: [06:56] alien build-essential debhelper dpkg-dev g++ g++-4.4 gettext html2text intltool-debian [06:56] libalgorithm-diff-perl libalgorithm-merge-perl libdpkg-perl libmail-sendmail-perl librpm1 [06:56] hi how to acess any computer in WAN? [06:56] HyperHoRse: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [06:57] Why is it when user2 ssh's into my server his prompt is simply a $, rather than the user@path#? [06:57] do i need all the dependencys [06:57] joeoshawa* [06:57] well i didn't need the whole output but yes install it [06:57] so what do i type again to fix my issue [06:58] <_genuser_> i r so pissed [06:58] the one where wired internet is not working on ubuntu 10.10 Desktop editon [06:58] all of a sudden [06:59] when it finishes double click on the google earth deb again and see if it says install in the corner when the software center opens [06:59] it was working on monday before i restarted it [06:59] !remote desktop [06:59] Secrets: it would help if you could think of something that's been changed in the meanwhile (new software, updates, etc) [06:59] i dont think spaces work [06:59] !remotedesktop [06:59] oknvm [06:59] !remotedesktop [07:00] Secrets you mean sudo dhclient eth0? [07:00] spaces do work. that factoid does not exist though :< [07:00] yeah [07:00] <_genuser_> !what are these people doing [07:00] I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [07:00] that let me try it [07:00] what is the paste command in terminal in ubuntu [07:00] !speech recognition [07:00] Aiya: ctrl shift v [07:00] ruan: Thanks [07:00] <_genuser_> don't paste entire logs.... [07:01] oh, channel-specific :< [07:01] Why is it when user2 ssh's into my server his prompt is simply a $, rather than the user@path#? [07:01] yeah use pastebin to paste logs [07:01] So basiclly the all the command in ubuntu is CTRL+Shirt+ ??? [07:01] its saying the network is currently down [07:01] buov: the prompt is set for each user individually, in .bashrc if I remember correctly [07:01] I means for the shortut [07:01] Aiya: in terminal only, you need ctrl shift c/x/v [07:01] *shortcut [07:02] <_genuser_> syrinx_: you around [07:02] ruan: Thanks again [07:02] Aiya: otherwise it's ctrl c/x/v [07:02] whats a better irc client with pastebin plugins? [07:02] ctrl v is paste in alot of programs its kind of a standard [07:02] joeoshawa** its installing now so what will it run after this? [07:02] now what joeshawa [07:02] joeoshawa: Yeah.In terminal need to have shift [07:03] HyperHoRse, you will need to reinstall the google earth deb [07:03] ctrl v is used in 100% of word processing programs [07:03] joeoshawa** how did you do it because i wish to do it the same way. how do i remove the old packages [07:03] HyperHoRse, double click the deb then look for the install button [07:04] th0r: How would I change it so that user2 may see the regular prompt, also it seems that this user cannot use commands such as ll? [07:04] joeoshawa should i remove the old one first? [07:04] just open the package manager type in google earth then click uninstalll [07:04] Secrets, just a sec [07:04] is there a way i can remove the splitsecond white screen on software center when its searching? [07:05] buov: ll is an alias, also set in .bashrc (or .alias sometimes). Sounds like maybe the .bashrc for that user is missing. Anyway, google should be able to point you to info on how to set a prompt in linux [07:05] it says database sleeping [07:05] or at least make it another colour [07:05] Secrets, type in sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart [07:06] pastebin the output [07:06] my youtube player has color orange on it, is there a fix for this? [07:06] The other day, I just closed my laptop lid a bit too hard... After tt, I realised my Ubuntu 10.04 got screwed.. I can log into my windows... But when I try to boot into Ubuntu, a whole series of checks seems to running infinetly... Is my Ubuntu fried.. I am not sure what is the problem,so I took a photo and posted it on http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/8109/photoj.jpg [07:07] Secrets: does lspci show an ethernet controller? [07:07] ignoreing uknown interface [07:07] eth0 [07:07] eth0 [07:07] nabu: Looks like a hardware issue. [07:08] i'm getting domain unregistered: to view register at link [07:08] joeoshawa* thanks i hope this works [07:08] when i visit imageshack urls [07:08] if not lemme know we can get it worked out [07:08] Secrets, strange [07:08] nabu: Specifically with your hard drive. [07:08] Jordan_U: Is it .. But I can log in via LiveCD and Windows Vista [07:08] Secrets: do you know what kind of controller it is? [07:09] sounds like your drivers for your ethernet card are not installed [07:09] how do i install them? [07:10] my youtube player has color orange on it, is there a fix for this? [07:10] so i mounted an iso to a folder... how do i unmount it? [07:10] nabu: Windows is on the same drive? [07:10] visual1ce: how did you mount it? [07:10] Jordan_U: Yeap, it is a laptop.. and only one hard drive [07:10] visual1ce: sudo umount /mountpoint [07:10] What console command re-establishes my German keyboard layout? [07:10] mount -o loop ./asdf.iso ./folder [07:11] how do i install the drivers joeoshawa [07:11] Secrets: what make & model laptop is it? [07:11] Jordan_U: Is there any command,I can run [07:11] thx Jordan_U and ruan [07:11] The other day, I just closed my laptop lid a bit too hard... After tt, I realised my Ubuntu 10.04 got screwed.. I can log into my windows... But when I try to boot into Ubuntu, a whole series of checks seems to running infinetly... Is my Ubuntu fried.. I am not sure what is the problem,so I took a photo and posted it on http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/8109/photoj.jpg [07:11] intel inside pentium 3 [07:12] ibm [07:12] thinkpad e100 [07:12] Secrets type ifconfig eth0 [07:12] tell me if it starts working [07:12] visual1ce: You're welcome. [07:12] done now what [07:13] Secrets, SORRY ifconfig eth0 up [07:13] Device or resource busy [07:13] strange [07:14] now what === eddie is now known as Guest98989 [07:14] ifconfig -a [07:14] Hi guys, any ideas how can i go about fixing my problem.. Thanks a million [07:14] use pastebin [07:14] !pastebin [07:14] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [07:15] joeoshawa: The other day, I just closed my laptop lid a bit too hard... After tt, I realised my Ubuntu 10.04 got screwed.. I can log into my windows... But when I try to boot into Ubuntu, a whole series of checks seems to running infinetly... Is my Ubuntu fried.. I am not sure what is the problem,so I took a photo and posted it on http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/8109/photoj.jpg [07:15] done now what [07:15] !spam [07:15] how do i switch tabs in irssi? i've tried ^X but it didnt work [07:15] nabu: can't be sure, but it looks like you scrambled the drive. [07:16] ahh it's alt (tabnum) [07:16] nvm [07:16] th0r: huh... But I can still access ext4 drive from a Ubuntu LiveCD.. [07:16] Secrets, pastebin the output you got [07:16] then paste the link here [07:16] how can i [07:17] when its on a computer that has no internet [07:17] nabu i am not sure thats beyond my capabilities [07:17] you could check the drive for errors [07:17] joeoshawa: how to do that [07:17] U mean from the LiveCD [07:18] do you have a usb drive === alakoo_ is now known as alakoo [07:19] could you paste it into a text editor and just transfer the file [07:19] joeoshawa: thanks taht works === tim is now known as punno [07:19] no problem [07:19] why ubuntu offers no offical google earth in softwarecentre I do not know === paijo is now known as blackshirt [07:19] glad to help my daughters in the hospital so it takes my mind off things [07:19] HyperHoRse, Because it has an encumbered license. [07:20] it could be illegal in some countries [07:20] as well [07:20] syn-ack what does that mean [07:20] joeoshawa: were u refering to me about the usb drive [07:21] okay [07:21] good call syn-ack, I wouldn't have thought of that but you're prolly right [07:21] ill upload the image now [07:21] HyperHoRse, Means that for some reason, the Google license doesn't conform to Ubuntu's standards. Be it patent or otherwise [07:21] nabu, yes could you paste the output into a text editor and copy the file then open it on the computer your on [07:22] How do I make it so that a user has the same bash profile as another user? [07:22] then pastebin it [07:22] buov, put your custom profile in the skel directory [07:22] buov: copy the file from one user to the other [07:22] BackLit keyboard, how do you keep it working beyond POST ?? 10.04 amd/64 - toshiba satellite laptop [07:22] I've copied the bashrc from the user with the "correct" prompt to the other users home directory but it hasn't changed [07:23] joeoshawa: how do i paste the output into a text editor... I cant even boot into Ubuntu... [07:23] buov, man chown [07:23] damn [07:23] you have to change the file's owner. [07:23] the ownership for the profile is already set to user2 [07:23] syn-ack* does that mean google are getting shitter at coding? === wampire__ is now known as WamPIRe__ [07:23] HyperHoRse, No, and watch your language in here, please. [07:23] joeoshawa: Once I choose Ubuntu from the grub, it just goes into tt error cycle [07:24] buov, did you log the user out then back in or reset the terminal? [07:25] syn-ack: Yes. [07:25] Interesting [07:25] what terminal editor would nabu have that he can open a file with [07:25] buov, You're sure the ownership is user2:user2 and not something like user2:user1? [07:25] what terminal editor comes with ubuntu [07:25] I'm a bit confused about how to install programs from a tarball... I can open then up with the Archive Manager without probles, but.. Where do I put the program? What folder? [07:25] syn-ack* sorry [07:25] syn-ack: I'm running ubuntu server on the machine, I created the user using $useradd user2 $passwd pass and added him to the groups to be the same as the other user [07:25] nano, gedit [07:26] syn-ack: Yes, its set to user2 user2 on bashrc [07:26] joeoshwa: there's always nano [07:27] syn-ack: Hey guys, I cant boot into Ubuntu (even the terminal) ... How can i paste my output anywhere... Simply lost [07:27] Hi Guys [07:27] buov, I still bet theres something going on with the ownership of that file and I think it's because of the group permissions for it [07:27] buov: I think you need to use 'useradd -m....' in order to get it to create the home directory structure [07:27] nabu, type in nano /etc/network/interfaces [07:27] why does the lapack lib file, liblapack.so.3gf end in '3gf'? [07:27] th0r: already did, forgot that part [07:27] How do I get gthumb to convert the 10.04 catalogues to the 10.10 catalogues? I found a debian bug showing they added conversion (eventually), but so far I haven't gotten it to trigger [07:27] th0r, -R [07:27] syn-ack: (been a while ) [07:27] I installed Ubuntu 11.04 Alpha 2 but it still shows Xorg Server as 1.9.99..I wonder why its showing that since 1.10 was announced? [07:28] tUxEr_, That's out of the scope of this channel. [07:28] th0r, or was it -G I can't seem to remember now... [07:28] then make sure the file contains only two lines that say auto lo and then iface lo inet loopback [07:28] if not let me know [07:29] nabu, btw do you have more then one network card [07:29] buov, I would still do a "sudo chown user2:user2" in order to set the group ownership as well. [07:29] !natty | tUxEr_ [07:29] tUxEr_: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems. [07:29] nabu wait i think i got the wrong problem [07:29] group is also user2 [07:29] http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/2809/1001339f.jpg [07:30] you had the ethernet problem? [07:30] here the image [07:30] or the laptop install problem [07:30] no wired internet problem [07:30] ls -l shows user is user2 and group is user2 as well [07:30] joeoshawa: The other day, I just closed my laptop lid a bit too hard... After tt, I realised my Ubuntu 10.04 got screwed.. I can log into my windows... But when I try to boot into Ubuntu, a whole series of checks seems to running infinetly... Is my Ubuntu fried.. I am not sure what is the problem,so I took a photo and posted it on http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/8109/photoj.jpg [07:30] it was working a cupple of days ago [07:30] when i try to go to an image on imageshack, it tells me "domain unregistered" [07:31] syn-ack: ll* [07:31] interesting [07:31] ok sorry nabu i have no idea how to fix your problem [07:31] i wish i did [07:31] buov: user2 is a custom group === root is now known as Guest64920 [07:31] http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/2809/1001339f.jpg this is the output from ifconfig -a [07:32] user2 is the group created when I used useradd [07:32] now what [07:32] kk,thanks nyways... Seems the Ubuntu is fucked just cos I closed the lid too hard.. :( ... Think I gotta reinstall back again [07:32] !language | nabu [07:32] nabu: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. [07:32] ruan: sorry boss [07:32] !help [07:32] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [07:33] lol [07:33] joeoshawa [07:33] http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/2809/1001339f.jpg this is the output from ifconfig -a read it [07:34] Secrets, your the one i need to check the interfaces file so type sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces then in the file it should say auto lo then on the next line iface lo inet loopback [07:34] buov, I'd honestly be grasping at straws if I were to go on... I'd have to look it and play around with some to see what's up. I think it may be something to do with the creation of the user now that you're positive about the ownership [07:34] check and if there is anything different let me know [07:34] If you'd be willing to help I can whip you up a user real fast. [07:34] hey [07:35] hi [07:35] how do you install 32bit driver in 64bit system [07:35] so.........do you liek mudkips? [07:35] can you do that [07:35] okay done [07:35] linuxuz3r: usually that will not work [07:35] BackLit keyboard, how do you keep it working beyond POST ?? 10.04 amd/64 - toshiba satellite laptop [07:36] did it say what i said it should say [07:36] buov, ok. Take it to private, pls. [07:36] with nothing else === paijo is now known as blackshirt [07:36] syn-ack: let me try something real quick, I'll tell you if it works then pass it over if not [07:36] nope the same [07:36] damn [07:36] no what === RaiBot1 is now known as RaiBot [07:37] now what [07:37] i mean [07:37] linuxuz3r, well if you have 32bit binary from manufacturer it is posible to install it but probably you will need to install some 32bit libraries etc.. [07:37] syn-ack: just checked....useradd -m gets everything out of /etc/skel and creates the /home dir [07:38] try sudo ifconfig eth0 down [07:38] th0r, haha, that's what I thought [07:38] linuxuz3r, in case of pure 64bit system it is not posible [07:39] nothing happens [07:39] it just gave you a prompt again? [07:39] yeah [07:39] good [07:39] that means you just shut it down [07:40] so whatever had it busy is not connected anymore [07:40] now what [07:40] now type the same but up instead of down and see what happens [07:40] /wc [07:41] SIOCSIFFLAGS DEVICE or resource not ready [07:41] SIOCSIFFLAGS DEVICE or resource not ready [07:42] Secrets, type in sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart [07:42] hi [07:42] hi [07:42] tryed that [07:42] do you liek mudkips? [07:42] I LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE mudkips dawg. === sagar_ is now known as sagar [07:42] since we shut it down? [07:43] joeoshawa: I think I have seen that error before. Bet he had a kernel update and the new module isn't working with his hw. Wonder if booting into an older kernel would solve the issue? [07:43] I'm a bit confused about how to install programs from a tarball... I can open then up with the Archive Manager without problems, but.. Where do I put the program? What folder? What does the 'hierarchy' look like? [07:43] IGOREING unkown interface eth0=eth0 [07:43] good idea [07:43] how might I tell whether synaptic is failing to install xulrunner? [07:43] Secrets, try rebooting and when grub comes up select the old kernel [07:44] theres only that version [07:44] how do i get into grep [07:44] grub [07:44] how do i check if the package is installed? [07:44] you should see it when you reboot [07:44] it tells me to press ctrl and s to boot from device [07:45] its a menu that looks like this http://www.elfnet.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/GRUB.jpg [07:45] you don't have that? [07:46] yeah thats what i get [07:47] when it comes up there should be a choice with a different number after kernel [07:47] pick the lower one [07:47] second from the top [07:48] not recovery [07:48] theres only 4 options [07:48] what options does it give [07:49] is this a fresh install [07:49] yes its desktop editon [07:49] 10.10 [07:49] damn [07:50] th0r, any ideas [07:50] ubuntu with linux 2.6.35-22-gernic [07:50] th0r, its a fresh install there is no older kernel version [07:51] is this a wireless or wired connection [07:51] wired right [07:51] wired [07:51] <_genuser_> hello people. [07:51] if you boot the live cd does it connect? [07:52] <_genuser_> does anyone know how to rollback to an older version on a package? [07:52] what do you mean [07:52] do you want me to put my disk in [07:52] no i mean when you installed ubuntu did the internet work when you installed? [07:52] yes it did [07:53] strange [07:53] just since moday when i restarted it. it stoped working === Vobine is now known as Psychoholic [07:53] and you never did any updating? [07:53] i may have [07:54] well if you have a new kernel it should list the old one in grub [07:54] i don't have a old one [07:54] now i am confused [07:54] hrmm [07:54] i did not install a new one [07:54] well update changes your kernel for you [07:54] i installed cpan and poe updates [07:55] what can i do to fix it [07:55] 这是干神马的? [07:55] 。。。 [07:56] 恩? [07:56] 干吗用的? [07:56] 有中文频道你不去。。 [07:56] 聊天? [07:56] !say |lenic stop spamming [07:56] 。。。 [07:56] 这里说中文会被骂的 [07:56] oh [07:56] this is a laptop right [07:56] !yes [07:56] yes\ [07:56] oh,i'm new [07:56] #ubuntu-cn [07:57] how do i fix my issue [07:57] -cn... === Kasjopaja23 is now known as Kasjopaja [07:57] /home/zombie/Desktop/Screenshot.png === Kasjopaja is now known as Guest12999 [07:58] hello I'm having trouble updating it will not allow me to do anything [07:59] hello? [07:59] i am not sure [07:59] FBANEXT: how are you updating [07:59] It says Requires installation of untrusted packages wtf is up with that [07:59] one sec [07:59] so what do i do to fix my issue [08:00] normal [08:00] using Update Manager [08:00] hi [08:00] hello quizme_ [08:00] anybody know about ndiswrapper ? [08:00] Hold on I'll upload a pic to photobucket and show you what its doing [08:00] Hi i have run "update-rc.d snmpd defaults" on ubuntu desktop, but snmpd is not starting automaticaly afrere reboot , what should i do? [08:01] hi, can someone please explain to me why it is so difficult to tunnel my vbox guest session through a proxy provided by the host, nat<>bridge<>host-only? [08:01] !help zip [08:01] FBANEXT: try opening a terminal and running these 2 commands: 'sudo apt-get update' then 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' and see if it outputs same stuff [08:01] i did "sudo ndiswrapper -l" it says my net111v2 driver is installed but not the hardware. my hardware is plugged in though [08:03] Secrets, what model laptop is it [08:03] im wondering what do i put for the login on recovery console [08:03] im on intel inside pentium 3 [08:03] ibm [08:03] thinkpad [08:04] joeoshwa: thinkpad e100 [08:04] Hello guys, http://paste.ubuntu.com/574858/ <---- is it possible to create single volume (essentially what is now sda2) out of lvm and sdb1 without losing any data on sda ? [08:04] its the e100? === samael is now known as Guest83678 [08:05] has anybody here scessfully installed aptana can you please help me out i really need help [08:05] yes [08:05] wtf is antanna [08:06] aptana installation proved to be very straightforward [08:06] wtf is antana [08:06] Heres a screen shot, look... http://s1112.photobucket.com/albums/k487/tallzilla87/?action=view¤t=Screenshot.png [08:06] how did you install it [08:06] secrets: i beleive he referes to aptana studio [08:06] okay [08:07] hello? [08:07] Guest83678: I Don't remember exact procedure it was more then a year ago, but i remember that i had zero issues, it was done in like few minutes, except the time it took me to download it [08:07] secrets: it's very similar to eclipse [08:08] no but ecpliseis only java [08:08] is it possible to set a fixed ip on a second interface in xfce with network manager? [08:08] Heres a screen shot, look... http://s1112.photobucket.com/albums/k487/tallzilla87/?action=view¤t=Screenshot.png [08:08] eclipse is not only java [08:08] it has many ide's [08:08] as well as aptana [08:08] what do i type for Ubuntu 10.10 Harley tty1 Harley login: [08:08] it would appear that e100 is the ethernet adapter [08:08] is there a number with a t infront of it [08:08] hello? [08:08] under recovery console [08:08] anybody? [08:09] i dont get how you guys got it installed [08:09] Secrets: first type user name, then password when it asks [08:09] all i see is a text file not the application [08:09] hello? [08:09] why does it say invailed login when i type my login and pass [08:09] Guest83678: http://docs.aptana.com/docs/index.php/Installing_Aptana_on_Linux [08:10] you will need JRE, and some things depend wheter or not you run 32 bit or 64bit ubuntu [08:10] hi [08:10] Do anybody know if it is possible to integrate gnome globalmenu or appindicator-menu into avant window navigator panel? [08:11] Secrets: do you have any data that you couldn't stand losing? It sounds like you'd be best off just reinstalling [08:11] yeah theres data i don't want to lose [08:12] :( [08:12] Alright, so I wanted to try the gnome shell, so I changed /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/windowmanager to "gnome-shell" via the gconf-editor. When I rebooted nothing shows up, so I want to change it back to compiz again. How can I do that? [08:12] so i just got this vps, and what i'm wondering is.. [08:12] Hi. I have a laptop with an external monitor. How can I set the external monitor to be primary? [08:12] http://pastie.org/1627812 [08:12] i was thinking she could pull the data off with a live cd then install netbook edition it would have all the laptop needed stuff would it not [08:12] Secrets: try logging in as root with your password [08:12] google is not my friend [08:13] its permission denying me TWICE. two lines. for one thing i'm attempting to do. just bothering me, really. [08:13] i'm thinking it's doing this for a reason that isn't normal. [08:13] hopefully chipzzz can help you better then i could sorry i couldn't figure it out [08:14] I need some help in installing a font from shell on my ubuntu server. On my local working machine, I just installed the font with the standard-gui-based-tool ubuntu offers. Everything worked fine, Imagemagick found the font and I was able to use it with it. But now I need to install it from shell, so I put it into /root/.fonts both the otf and a version where I converted the otf with fontforge to ttf. Then I ran fc-cache -fv and it said the font wou [08:14] ld be installed, but Imagemagick doesn't get it. Next trouble is: since I installed a new version of imagemagick, convert -list font doesn't show the table of fonts I'm used to see [08:14] NEIZ:: Sorry, I didn't see that you said anything... I did sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and that made it update thanks [08:14] jrn: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [08:14] im looking to change the dir for my log file. do i just edit the facility in /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf ? [08:14] joeoshawa: I'm not too hopeful either but I'll give it a shot [08:14] also see here http://askubuntu.com/questions/28747/installing-otf-font-from-shell-and-using-it-with-rmagick [08:14] FBANEXT: the power of the command line :P np [08:14] Did you see my screen shot neiz? My desktop looks tight ehh [08:15] Goodmorning users [08:15] Having a wifi issue with Ubuntu 10.10 [08:15] can anyone provide assistance? [08:15] installing overtop without formatting or changing partitions is possible but you can still lose the data [08:16] FBANEXT: yea cairo is pretty cool but to macish for me [08:16] i never lost any data but only cause i am a lucky sod i believe [08:16] lol [08:17] did you get my message or was it eaten by floodbot? [08:17] my client splitted the message into two === aredhelrim is now known as butterfly_sevil [08:18] anyone can brief me a bit about LVM [08:19] Do linux users need a/v's & f/w's? [08:19] jrn, your message came through [08:19] i have run "update-rc.d snmpd defaults" on ubuntu desktop,but snmpd is not starting automaticaly afrere reboot , what should i do [08:19] a/v's ? f/w's? [08:20] antivirus and firewalls? [08:20] anti virus's and firewall's [08:20] firewalls yes, a/v not so much [08:20] I haven't been using a firewall at all is that bad? [08:20] no for anti virus and firewalls come with but are only needed if you have programs listening to ports [08:20] a/v not at all unless you're transferring to windows [08:21] there are linux virus programs to scan files for transfer to a windows system [08:21] antivirus programs sorry [08:22] !antivirus [08:22] Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus [08:22] what step did I miss? [08:23] viruses generally have no effect in linux except in wine and even then only major if your running wine as root which you should never do [08:23] when fc-cache returns "succeded" and "fonts scanned and installed", the font should be available, eh? [08:23] I was kinda wondering about that whole virus thing, I think its possible to get a windows virus on linux like a flash drive or external hard drive. Then that windows virus you got on linux and transfer off those drive once plugged into a windows system? [08:23] That'd be fun, joeoshawa, heh. :P [08:23] FBANEXT, if you start anything from the flash drive in Wine, then maybe. [08:23] I think we still need to have a scanner for windows virus code because that shit worries me [08:23] there is only one system that is secure:- system that is shut down and kept in bunkers ---- === apocalypse is now known as Guest63317 [08:24] hi, how can i make force check for quota [08:25] a virus would have to interact with linux to get transfered onto the drive unless you copied it there which is what the linux anti-virus is for [08:25] I mean dude, I've done that with the ps3 Browser man, I got some virus saved on there from my ps3 browser and it was named adobe flash or some shit and I gave the virus to a friend not... [08:25] okay im back [08:25] meaning too [08:25] so how do i save everything on ubuntu [08:25] Does anybody get what I'm saying here?> [08:26] and viruses can't really talk to linux cause there written for windows [08:26] wasn't there a demostation about the security holes with nautilus automount not long ago? mom, I need to check bookmarks... [08:26] FBANEXT: not completely, the virus can't put itself on the flash drive [08:26] Secrets: Save to a flash drive or something, you mean? [08:26] dirty-harry: I seem to remeber a slashdot article about something like that [08:26] but when i put my memory stick in it turns off [08:27] Arachon: slashdot or heise ... me searching [08:27] i get this error wen i run quotacheck -avugm and it ask for quota force check [08:27] Well, this shit was like a pop up ad on the ps3 and it forced up the storage media and saved its self "from a ad" [08:27] wow this just gets worse and worse [08:27] Secrets: you can either mount it with nautilus, or from the command line, or if you boot with it plugged in, the machine will likely see it. [08:28] i get this error wen i run quotacheck -avugm and it ask for quota force check [08:28] I don't trust the internet that much, too many evil people trying to steal your money [08:28] rmmove perl [08:28] sudo rmmove perl [08:28] tap-out [08:28] rmmove? [08:28] XD [08:28] i mean rm [08:28] how do i mount a SD card manually? [08:29] :DD [08:29] i think anyone who accesses bank info using winblows is insane especially if they use internet exploder [08:29] does anyone know how i mount a flashdrive or SD card manually? [08:29] my system is not recognizing them [08:30] i get this error wen i run quotacheck -avugm and it ask for quota force check [08:30] colebusby: do you know offhand what device it is? [08:30] colebusby: you need to get the device name [08:30] http://tinyurl.com/4596bmf [slashdot 07.02.2011 linux usb autorun attakcs [08:30] Chipzzz: you mean like the drive label? or the port on which the card/flashdrive is connected? [08:31] secrets, yes [08:31] colebusby: like dev/sda1 is a hard drive [08:31] well reinstall perl [08:31] i get this error wen i run quotacheck -avugm and it ask for quota force check [08:31] ruan: i have no idea. im on ubuntu netbook [08:31] and don't quite like i did in the middle of it it ruins it [08:32] and ubuntu gets ruined doesent it gryllida [08:32] ruan: is there a command to know what ports i have in bash? [08:32] colebusby: do sudo fdisk -l [08:33] I wanted to try the gnome shell on ubuntu 10.10, so I changed /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/windowmanager to "gnome-shell" via the gconf-editor. When I rebooted nothing shows up, so I want to change it back to "compiz" again. How can I do that from the terminal? [08:33] colebusby: im not sure about sd cards though [08:33] btw has anyone checked out the ekoore tablet pc? [08:33] What else can I do to linux to make it cooler? [08:33] ruan: i found the flashdrive, thanks! [08:34] FBANEXT, compiz desktop effects change the login screen backgrounds themes [08:35] just about anything depending on how far you want to go [08:35] whats the sudo line for that joe? [08:35] colebusby: you can mount it with "sudo mount /dev/name/ /mnt/flash/ [08:35] FBANEXT: Are you using any screenlets?... they're cool [08:35] a [08:35] the tablet pc i was talking about uses ubuntu and by the looks of it changes the orientation of the screen depending on how your holding the tablet [08:36] screenlets dont go away when I'm on the broswer [08:36] browser [08:36] FBANEXT: You can set them to be always underneath everything else [08:37] guys, really need a tip here [08:37] just curious - does sudo fdisk -l list sd cards? havent got one to test with [08:37] 2 hard drives [08:37] kinda like my dock it keep popping up while on here and annoying the piss out of me [08:37] system is already installed [08:37] 2nd drive is brand new [08:37] kasad: what is the question? [08:37] can i add the 2nd drive to my primary partition (it's already LVM) [08:38] ruan: http://paste.ubuntu.com/574858/ [08:38] quotacheck -avugm , quotacheck: Quota for user is enabled on mountpoint / so might damage the file,please turn quota off or use -f to force checking [08:38] kasad: you can mount it on your primary partition if that's what you're looking for [08:38] question is, can i integrate 2nd drive with sda2 [08:39] does anyone know if there is a ubuntu equivelent to adobe premiere pro? [08:39] ruan: only mount?, it can't act as a single partition? [08:39] kasad: it looks like sda2 is the 2nd drive [08:39] kasad: you mean merging two partitions? [08:39] plus screenlets wasn't found on my shit [08:39] ruan: yes, if i understood what i read about LVM correctly [08:39] I don't have it I guess [08:39] how do I get it? [08:39] quotacheck -avugm , quotacheck: Quota for user is enabled on mountpoint / so might damage the file,please trun quota off or use -f to force checking [08:39] Chipzzz: sda1 sda2 and sda5 are same drive [08:40] !equivalents | magpiie_ You may find something listed on this website that might help [08:40] magpiie_ You may find something listed on this website that might help: A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant - Try also joining #ubuntu-bots and asking BestBot [08:40] kasad: you could move everything from drive 2 into drive 1 [08:40] FBANEXT: you can install it with synaptic [08:40] ruan: there's nothing on drive 2, it's brand new [08:40] thanks [08:40] kasad: oh [08:41] ruan: i just want to add it since project will require more then first hd has space [08:41] kasad: sorry, I was thinking of sdb1 [08:41] kasad: so you're trying to merge two harddrives? [08:41] Chipzzz: correct sdb1 is separate hard drive [08:42] ruan: yes, i've read that LVM can support logical volume which spans across more then one harddrive [08:43] ruan: Chipzzz: am i wrong about thinking that i can have single logical LVM volume which spans over 2 hard drives? [08:44] kasad: I don't know off the top of my head, but it sounds like you'd be better off confining the project to a single large drive [08:45] Chipzzz: unfortunately, this is what i have to work with 2 harddrives both 750 gigs [08:45] kasad: ...and a terrabyte or more project?... ouch [08:45] Hey guys,i hope you can help me with somehting... [08:46] kasad: This website might help https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/advanced-installation.html [08:46] Chipzzz: i was hoping to get LVM to work, but in worst case, i could mount it inside a project folder and use it as a storage drive (project has storage area for users (about 17 of them)) [08:46] how can I list fonts available on my ubuntu machine from shell? [08:46] Cryptanalyst: thanks [08:46] Chipzzz: it's kind of project management system for a small company [08:46] i added a facility to /etc/rsyslog.conf and restarted rsyslog service. then i tried logger and it didnt work [08:46] i am playing a small KDE game right now...but the window color dont match the other window colors [08:46] kasad: that's more in line with what I was thinking... [08:47] its Grey [08:47] Chipzzz: so there's both project files and personal user files === bang is now known as Guest91188 [08:47] where does ubuntu set the keyboard locale? [08:47] as in which files [08:47] Chipzzz: yeah that was my first idea, actually, what i requested was larger drive, in raid + good backup [08:48] i dont use gnome, and it seems changing it from keyboard pref doesnt persist between reboots [08:48] Chipzzz: but unfortunately they ignored half of specs [08:48] why dont the window color match all the other window colors ? [08:48] Vicky28, why r u doing this [08:49] kasad: lol... corporate strikes again! ;) [08:49] jrn: use fc-list [08:49] Chipzzz: exactly, unfortunately i can't bitch about it [08:49] Chipzzz: because i got very ill in the middle of project and they kindly accepted the delay [08:50] Anybody ? [08:50] kasad, well you could its just nobody who matters to the situation will care lol [08:50] Chipzzz: so now i am long overdue to turn it in and have to stfu about everything [08:50] great thanks, so my font is installed. [08:50] joeoshawa: good point [08:50] hey guys how do i install java in ubuntu? [08:51] now, why does imagemagick use it on my local machine, but not on my server? [08:51] kasad: you can get a 2 terabyte drive these days for <$100... It might be worth thinking about... afaik LVM won't span drives & the alternatives sound messy [08:51] Tricksy: java runtimes? [08:51] jrib: yes [08:51] hum...I just hooked a Zotac ID11 to my TV with HDMI and installed 10.10 on it, picture works perfectly, but I am not getting any sound at all [08:51] jrn: i want to install jruby, but it tells me i need java installed first [08:51] tricksy: find openjdk-jre in synaptic package manager [08:52] kasad, yes you can [08:52] ^openjdk-6-jre [08:52] raid [08:52] Hi Scuttle [08:52] tricksy: sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk [08:52] Chipzzz: that would mean a lot more work, i don't have physical access to machine anymore [08:52] Chipzzz: kasad: Yes LVMs can span multiple drives. Here is a webpage in the Ubuntu help pages that says how. https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/advanced-installation.html [08:52] There much to pick from [08:53] there aint much to pick from [08:53] tricksy: or sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre/jdk [08:53] Cryptanalyst: good find! thanks [08:53] Scuttle: rhythm box no sound? [08:53] joeoshawa: i can't setup a raid now, because when they gave me server to set it up, they gave it to me with only one drive [08:53] RAID is a method of using multiple hard drives to act as one. There are two purposes of RAID: [08:53] * Expand drive capacity: RAID 0. If you have 2 x 500 GB HDD then total space become 1 TB [08:53] * Prevent data loss in case of drive failure: RAID 1, RAID 5, and RAID 6. You can combine RAID 0 to other RAID, e.g RAID 0 + 1 become RAID 10. [08:53] screenlets kinda blow dockey [08:53] ahh [08:53] ruan: which one, jre or jdk? [08:53] but you have two drives now right [08:53] joeoshawa: only when i completed server setup and traveled 40 miles to set it up at their offices, their IT appeared and gave me the second drive .... ( >_>) [08:54] tricksy: you can try both, jdk first, as it is developers kit [08:54] is there an app that will let me make a live ISO of my install ? [08:54] ruan: so jdk wil include jre? [08:54] joeoshawa: yes, so, when he pulled out the drive, i just opened the case and plugged it in, didn't even format it [08:54] like in Mandriva ? [08:54] that was nice of them lol they like doing things like that [08:54] guyschaos_: no sound anywhere [08:54] i want to install software that needs libavutil.so.49. how to obtain this file? [08:54] kasad: Chipzzz: the part you want starts about 2 thirds the way down the page. https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/advanced-installation.html [08:54] tricksy: possibly, jre is runtime and jdk is developers kit [08:55] Cryptanalyst: reading about it now [08:55] well here's the page i found https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID [08:55] maybe it will help [08:55] is gt210 better than a 9400gt? [08:56] joeoshawa: will check that out, tho i should mention that this is 8.04 LTS [08:57] lol the page probably is too [08:57] how can I add a new menu entry in applications (I need a shortcut to rdesktop) [08:57] most of them are ancient [08:57] why does huge disk i/o make the system so unresponsive? [08:58] ahh, Terminal Server client.. [08:59] is there any app that will let me make a Live ISO of my install ? [08:59] anybody ? [09:00] rileyp, apparently the 210 is slightly slower probably not noticeably [09:00] almost the same card the 9400 has twice the stream processors and more ram [09:01] but thats all from google searching [09:02] if i am going to get a card it has to be like 250 bucks just to be worth it [09:02] is gt210 better than a 9400gt? [09:02] just cause of why i need it [09:02] no [09:03] almost the same [09:03] anybody have an anser ? [09:03] i just want a card that can do vidpau [09:03] thats vdpau [09:03] smiley7, yes you can probably find it on google [09:04] its not in the repo ? [09:04] joeoshawa, sorry dint see your replies thnask [09:04] i thought about it once as a backup but never got the ambition [09:04] no problem [09:04] where can I download the alternate ubuntu 10.10 for intel 64bit? [09:05] mman, www.ubuntu.com [09:05] so I can get gt210 for $35 new or a 9400gt for $20 pp what should i go for [09:05] 9400gt [09:05] what is vdpau? [09:05] rileyp: also, this is wrong place to ask that I suppose [09:06] joeoshawa, I know, but where exactly, im looking for it but not sure if I download the amd64 is ok if I install it on intel 64 bit processor [09:06] apparently it has a gig of ram and twice the stream processors [09:06] the 9400gt is s/h but Im not scared good seller [09:06] mman: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download [09:06] mman: the amd64 works on ams as well as intel [09:06] Tm_T, I knows soz [09:06] Cryptanalyst, sweet thanks! [09:06] oh well [09:07] i wish i could make a live ISO [09:07] smiley7: what's stopping you from downloading one? [09:07] mman, www.ubuntu.com then download then alternatice downloads under additional options [09:07] http://www.gpureview.com/show_cards.php?card1=621&card2=578 [09:08] is any old experienced ubuntu guy in here? i need help for installing libraries. and NEVER know which version to use.. [09:08] looking at finer details [09:08] is there one for ubuntu ? [09:08] smiley7: try this website http://www.ubuntugeek.com/creating-custom-ubuntu-live-cd-with-remastersys.html [09:08] joeoshawa, thanks, just downloading it. My question was if it was ok to install amd64 on an intel processor, but just got answer I can :D [09:08] Ok [09:08] ok cool [09:09] im on i386 with a amd processor [09:11] you can put linux on anything [09:12] if your determined enough [09:12] hey [09:12] ??? [09:12] anyone [09:12] help [09:13] my swap is gone! [09:13] Swap: 0k total, 0k used, 0k free, 1074040k cached [09:13] is this a known issue? [09:13] how can I recover it [09:13] !enter | wangxile [09:13] wangxile: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [09:13] Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS [09:13] I have five wine On a Thunder and then displays the download directory is c disk dowload, but how can I put the paper out under ah? [09:14] jatt: pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l [09:14] jatt, sudo swapon -a [09:14] is this a known issue? no [09:14] jatt: or do swapon and see if it's back first [09:15] thanks!! i try it now [09:15] wangxile, i really don't understand what you are trying to say [09:16] lol. [09:16] i am a cn [09:16] ruan: here the output of sudo fdisk -l: http://pastebin.com/yPRDCuqW [09:16] !cn [09:16] For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk [09:16] on my /etc/fstab I do have: [09:16] UUID=748af6cb-3f0d-4a40-b9b4-7b829a5cf4c5 none swap sw 0 0 [09:16] maybe the UUID is not mapping to /dev/sda5 ? [09:17] jatt:looks like it [09:17] hmm [09:17] jatt, does the UUID match with output of "sudo blkid -g ; blkid" [09:17] I did swapon and I get: [09:17] swapon: cannot find the device for UUID=748af6cb-3f0d-4a40-b9b4-7b829a5cf4c5 [09:18] rumpe1: with blkid I am getting: http://pastebin.com/SAc1D9nL [09:18] /dev/sda5 is not in the output of that command [09:18] how is this possible? [09:19] jatt: /dev/sdb5 none swap sw 0 0 [09:19] Anybody have any idea whats wrong with my computer? When every I click wine my computer boots me to the login screen [09:19] ruan: right will try that. those UUIDs are a pain in the neck :) [09:19] jatt: do swapon after changing it to that [09:20] My first time using Ubuntu today [09:20] I am very impressed. [09:21] It's clean and smooth. [09:21] *it's so [09:21] hi [09:21] swapon: /dev/sda5: read swap header failed: Invalid argument [09:21] u'mm sorry but I asked a question [09:21] Gwibber or Pidgin? [09:21] hm [09:22] jatt: did you do "sudo swapon -a" [09:22] yes swapon is answering that read swap header failed [09:22] Wine won't open correctly it just boots me to the login screen whenever I click WINE I get kicked to the login screen then have to relogin [09:23] please [09:23] jatt, use gparted to check the swap-partition or delete/rebuild it [09:23] jatt: you might want to recreate the swap partition [09:23] maybe is this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/util-linux/+bug/569031 [09:23] Ubuntu bug 569031 in util-linux (Ubuntu) "swapon read swap header failed" [Low,Fix released] [09:23] fix released, it's not a bug anymore [09:24] My machine crashed after I installed openjdk, then it asked me to dpkg --configure -a. Every time I do this, it crashed again, how do I deal with this issue? [09:24] Why am I always ignored when I have a real problem wtf ! [09:24] ok will recreate the partition with mkswap [09:24] FBANEXT: you can try reinstalling it or installing an older version [09:24] FBANEXT, be patient [09:25] No that doesn't work done tryed it [09:25] tried [09:25] zsnes, wine, gmameui all do this shit [09:25] its pissin me off [09:25] !language [09:25] Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. [09:25] FBANEXT, check Xorg.0.log [09:26] ok, that worked, thanks ruan [09:26] Swap: 2104476k total, 0k used, 2104476k free, 1155468k cached [09:26] It doesn't say anything in the old X log [09:26] jatt: ok, good :) [09:26] hopefully it starts being used, I was getting random freezes [09:26] I just need to update to the newest X [09:26] Its the only way [09:26] Anybody know how? [09:27] jatt: was it recreated as /dev/sdb5? [09:27] i just installed the newest imagemagick version by downloading the source, extracting it, ./configure, make, make install, but convert -version still brings the old version, what have I missed to do? [09:27] sda* [09:28] so......Do you liek...Mudkips? [09:28] !ot | HyperHoRse [09:28] HyperHoRse: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [09:28] FBANEXT, if you really think, this would solve your problems, i don't wonder any longer, how you got into this trouble [09:28] ruan: the right partition is /dev/sda5, but it is not shown in df -a [09:29] I thought it should appear there? [09:29] jatt: is it shown in fdisk -l? [09:29] yes: [09:29] /dev/sda5 16512 16773 2104483+ 82 Linux swap / Solaris [09:29] anyone experience in compiling programs under linux? [09:29] and in the top command as shown above [09:29] rumpel:: What are you talking about? [09:30] FBANEXT, stick to the version of the package-manager and solve your problem in a different way [09:31] I checked in other machine and it doesn't appear in df -a and is using swap [09:31] so everything is good I guess [09:31] How the log doesn't show any errors and I dunno how to fix this issue [09:31] Anybody feel like helping me with a completely newbie question ? [09:31] jatt: as long as one command shows the swap [09:31] !ask [09:31] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [09:31] FBANEXT, how have you installed wine exactly? [09:31] expirement: what is the question? [09:31] sudo apt-get install wine [09:33] I was wondering if the i386 version of ubuntu 10.10 automatically supports intel quad core Q6600. I am confused because the only other package is an AMDx64 package. If i want to use all 4 cores of my processor, which version of ubuntu should i download? [09:33] FBANEXT: locate a .exe you are trying to run in wine and 'wine .exe' and see the output.. might help troubleshoot your problem [09:33] neiz, he won't see output, if it crashes his X [09:33] hmm dunno where it would be [09:34] FBANEXT, maybe move your $HOME/.wine-Folder to somewhere else, to check, if it's triggered by some weird configuration [09:34] expirement: i think it'll handle all 4 cores with 32bit, but the main question is the ram === leonidas_ is now known as Guest66181 [09:35] expirement: amd64 is just packaged to use 64-bit instructions on your processor. Q6600 is a 64-bit processor. I would use that. [09:35] You do realize I dunno how to do what you're saying [09:35] expirement AMD invented 64 bit x86 processors, so the version for them is called AMD 64. works fine on the intel clones too [09:36] Im currently running with 3GB of ram. 1GB stick on the way which i will install soon. Will the 32bit version cap me off at 3GB? [09:36] pretty much [09:36] ugh [09:36] FBANEXT: could always try a sudo apt-get remove wine then start with a fresh installation of wine [09:36] this is terrible help [09:36] not for me [09:36] expirement: yes, because not only the ram is important, also the ram of your VGA and the general PCI-BUS [09:37] fbanext - if you dont like it you could always pay a consultant [09:37] expirement: in that case you're probably better off with 64bit [09:37] right pay somebody, idiot [09:37] I'd just go back to windows xp [09:37] FBANEXT, have fun with xp :) [09:37] and say screw this cheap shit [09:37] FBANEXT: dont forget to leave this channel [09:37] steal, pay, ur choice [09:37] No I don't trust me [09:37] So, not only does 32bit limit your ram, but amount of memory on video card as well ? [09:38] you're an idiot [09:38] lol what [09:38] lol i hope you guys don't get a lot of FBANEXT's around here. [09:38] expirement: it limits your (ram + video memory) to 3.33gb i believe [09:38] raj007 you hope in vain [09:38] expirement: no, your VGA card will use all of its ram [09:39] ruan - is actually a limit of around 4G of addresses [09:39] expirement: but your "real" ram can only handle 4GB ram - VGA - PCI-BUS [09:39] mycosys: ah ok [09:39] expirement: so you can use PAE (so you dont have to reinstall) or you do a fresh amd64 installation [09:40] some are used by the buses, some by vga, what is left the OS can use [09:40] expirement: PAE can hanlde more then 4GB ram, but only 1.8GB per process [09:40] mycosys: 4GB - VGA - PCIBUS [09:40] i do apologize, but i am windows saavy more than anything and acronyms like PAE are foreign to me. If its not an annoyance could u speak in lamens terms for a newbie ? [09:40] -bios - a few other bits [09:41] !pae | expirement [09:41] expirement: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info [09:41] PAE is used in doze too [09:41] expirement: just go with 64-bit (fresh install), currently my setup is Q6600@3.6Ghz & 6GB and is stable, working well. [09:41] expirement: physical address extension i believe [09:41] spot on ruan [09:41] Did you overclock your Q6600? [09:41] mine is 2.4 [09:42] expirement: yeah Q6600 are VERY overclock friendly. [09:42] i want to resize the harddisk so I can have windows and ubuntu at the same time. Im trying to run ubuntu livecd but i always get a initramfs error :S [09:42] awesome. I read something recently about dell bios's not allowing you to overclock, is this true? [09:42] mman: did you verify the integrity of the iso before you burned it? [09:42] expirement: all i did was push my FSB to 405 @ 9x multiplier. And yeah on Dell you can't overclock. [09:42] yes [09:42] expirementnormally yes [09:43] iirc alienware dells can oc [09:43] ruan, yes [09:43] let me open google real quick to figure out what FSB is =) [09:43] yeah alienware would. [09:43] expirement front side bus - the way old core and core2 cpus communicate to the rest of the system [09:43] expirement: urmm you also need to play a lot with voltages, stress test etc. [09:44] and older cpus too i spose [09:44] yea i'd probably wanna upgrade to liquid cooling as well [09:44] expirement NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! [09:44] no ?? [09:44] lol [09:44] good air is as good as most h2o [09:44] i hear overclocking is dangerous because of heat [09:44] hi [09:44] and badly maintained h2o will kill ir system [09:44] expirement: i'm running fine on air, i forgot which cooler i have, it's been years. [09:44] so take the heat away, just dont use liquid cooling ?? [09:44] there is a way to prevent nautilus to show hidden shares when browsing a windows network? [09:45] expirement good air will be enough for ANY 24/7 viable OC [09:45] hi there [09:45] is a bit OT here expirement - feel free to join us on efnet #desktops if u like [09:45] my dad used a large fan to cool his pc when the cpu fan failed, it was 10 degrees colder than it was with the cpu fan [09:45] how can i display the filesystem type of a lvm partition? [09:46] I've noticed that Ubuntu redirects MySQL's error log to syslog. Is it possible to change this behavior? [09:46] ruan - i had a 30cm box fan as my side fan for years [09:46] Wow i'm sorry. OT ?? [09:46] off topic expirement [09:46] ah ok [09:46] and this channel is chaotic [09:46] sry [09:46] why? [09:46] dont be sorry [09:46] i like this channel. Very helpful from the very beginning. [09:46] Grishnackh: i dont know what a lvm partition is, but have you tried sudo fdisk -l ? [09:46] would jus be easier there [09:46] must learn the rules though [09:48] ruan: jepp, i tried fdisk -l...but there's no record containing the filesystem type. lvm partition = lvm logical volume [09:48] i still need help on compiling and installing a program under ubunutu [09:48] did you try lvmdisplay? [09:48] Grishnackh [09:48] I'm sure here is someone who can help me [09:49] jrn: what program is it? [09:49] imagemagick [09:49] i downloaded the source, extracted it, ./configure, make, make install [09:49] Any recommendations for reading material on novice command lines and compiling ?? Books for purchase or awesome websites, doesn't matter. [09:49] but convert -version still brings the old one [09:50] mycosys: there is no command "lvmdisplay", i think you mean lvdisplay. jepp, i tried already [09:50] what step did I miss? [09:50] sudo blkid -g ; blkid is what u need Grishnackh [09:50] sorry [09:51] I meant to only underline novice, my bad. [09:51] ruan: any ideas? [09:51] mycosys: looks better, but for the fs type there's only TYPE="LVM2_member"... [09:51] jrn: did it come with instructions for installation? [09:51] yep, the steps i listed above [09:52] jrn why don't you install the official version from repo? [09:52] which are usual for compiling and installing under *nix [09:52] my repo doesn't offer the newest [09:52] even not after a dist upgrade === samael is now known as Guest33207 [09:53] Grishnackh will show it by mount point for the fs [09:53] jrn: what have the official imagemagick web version, that the the repo version doesn't have? [09:53] Grishnackh try ls -al /dev/disk/by-uuid and you should be able to figure out from the 2 what is what [09:53] 6.6.7-10 is the newest and 6.5.7-8 is what I have [09:54] Can some one help me on making my taskbars smaller [09:54] jrn: but there are some new features? the "old" version does not work? [09:54] sam__: right click it and click properties [09:54] hi, I've got an issue where my python script (maxing out most of my cores) will pause when screen is locked... any ideas? [09:55] ok [09:55] I need it to continue runnign in the terminal, but when i come back to the system after unlocking screen, I see that CPU has been flat [09:55] on my working machine I have the newest version, which can handle the font I want to use, on my server is the old version, which does not handle my font [09:55] do you mean the task bars? [09:55] sam__: yes [09:55] sam__: panels? [09:56] jrn: perhaps you should look for the options available on the ./configure step [09:56] jrn: for example, i use to use ffmpeg compiled from svn sources [09:56] It is not saying properties [09:56] there are no options listed [09:56] is it normal for terminal-based processes (i.e. python scripts) to pause when my screen is locked? Any idea how I can stop this? [09:56] :| [09:57] sam__: what do you mean by "taskbar"? [09:58] the box fount is to big on fire fox and the box itself is really big [09:58] jrn: perhaps in the help files there are not any options listed [09:58] Hi. I've got problem that (hopefully) can be resolved by this http://www.openprinting.org/printer/HP/HP-LaserJet_1005 steps. But can someone tell me where can I find the "sihp1005.dl" file? [09:59] hm I don't think the error lies there... make check let's it all pass [09:59] jrn: but i have just searched the imagemagick web, and look at the following link http://www.imagemagick.org/script/advanced-unix-installation.php [09:59] jrn: there are many options available [09:59] but one last question... afte make install, it should be installed as usual, shouldn't it? [10:00] Can anyone point me in the right direction -- after i lock screen my script (running in terminal) loses focus and seems to pause. When I click on it again only then does it resume... any ideas? [10:00] jrn: yes, but as ffmpeg, by default, there are some featured disabled by default [10:00] jrn: you if you want to have them, you have to recompile with the correct options enabled [10:00] my synaptic segfaults when i type anything in the quick search bar [10:00] any idea why ? [10:00] sam__: you can try F11 to go fullscreen in firefox [10:01] have to leave, i will connect in some minutes [10:01] yes but is there a way to make the boxes smaller? [10:03] sam__: you could remove any toolbars that you don't use [10:04] ok thank you ruan [10:04] hi ! [10:04] speaking of panels, i have this annoying problem. I am using cairo-dock and deleted both my panels (top and bottom). However when i log off and back in, they will both re-appear and i have to delete them everytime. How do i avoid this? [10:06] does anybody heah know why they deleted java jre from the packages [10:07] where can i find the log-file from fstab? [10:08] Grishnackh: /var/log ? [10:09] Dice-Man: i did an ll | grep fstab but there's nothing in [10:10] fstab is a file, not a service. grep for mount, but likely those errors would only occur in boot.log, which is disabled by default [10:11] Grishnackh: first, you want grep -ir fstab /var/log/* and not pipe the output to grep, second what you excpect in a log about fstab? [10:11] if i'm doing a fresh install on a system that already has separate partitions for /home and / is there anything that i need to back up? [10:12] happyhessian_: you cant install into an existing /, you have to format / [10:12] iceroot: i made an entry in fstab for automounting a lvm volume. while booting an error mounting /mnt/nas occures... [10:12] happyhessian_: and keep /home [10:12] iceroot: right, but what information on / is worth saving? [10:13] happyhessian_: configfiles you edit by hand [10:13] all of my personal files and settings are in /home, or at least so i'm led to believe [10:13] so like fstab or sources.list [10:14] are there any other things that i might overlook...vlc, mpd...almost every program i know of keeps its settings in /home [10:14] im a newbie at ubuntu. how can i do manually change dns ,change ip adress or use a proxy [10:14] actually, mpd might be in /etc [10:15] keke: /etc/networking/interfaces is the config file [10:15] llutz_: thanks, i actually found an error in there! [10:15] for ex. :dns server is and , proxy is like [10:17] keke: you can right-click on network manager applet and configure it in the GUI too [10:18] I have a problem with TeamSpeak 3. It fails to capture my mic source correctly. (gnome-sound-recorder has no problem, thus my mic source is ok) This is only this case with my mic source; TeamSpeak 3 captures the loopback source (Monitor) fine. [10:19] Auto eth0 ipv4 manual settings ive write adress what is netmask and whats gateway [10:19] A sample of how TeamSpeak captures my mic source: http://neko.quezacotl.nl/problems/thisisatest.ogg [10:19] Wassasin: have you checked you can record audio with another app? [10:19] Yeah [10:20] gnome-sound-recorder works fine [10:20] keke: if you dont know what those are its best not to mess with them until you do. [10:20] keke: man 5 interfaces but you'd better use networkmanager and change things there [10:21] im a newbie in linux but expert in windows... but i never change netmask and gateway in windows,i only change ip adresses,dns servers etc. [10:21] jrn: did you find something in the link y pasted before? [10:22] is default netmask? [10:22] My only guess is that TeamSpeak 3 implements the PulseAudio API incorrectly and does not check what the source format is [10:22] keke: most likely [10:22] Because that's the only difference between the sources, as far as PulseAudio and TeamSpeak 3 are concerned [10:22] A screeny of padenvchooser: http://neko.quezacotl.nl/problems/teamspeak3.png [10:22] keke: it depends, in your case probably since its class e [10:22] *class 3 [10:23] Hello, I'm getting a "permission denied" when trying to connect to my A2DP headset (Nokia bh-103) to my Ubuntu 10.10 http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/574906/ [10:23] Anyone knows how to solve this? I have tried both the built in Bluethooth manager and blueman. [10:24] Hello all [10:24] can someone give me some guidance? [10:24] How do I uncompress a .xz file? [10:24] !ask | Abdalla [10:24] Abdalla: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [10:25] jussi: unlzma [10:25] why xsane recognizes my scanner only when i use the sudo (probably permission issue)? i recompiled genesys backend and xsane 0.98 because xsane 0.96 didn't recognize my scanner either ways [10:25] alright, its cause im newby at this, which os should i download to run on my laptop? the desktop ver10 or the netbook? [10:26] desktop [10:26] Abdalla: i recommend the desktop [10:26] even people with netbooks dont like the netbook version [10:26] Abdalla: the netbook version is a trifle lighter, but its up to you to choose. if your laptop is a bit older or a "mini laptop" - grab the netbook- [10:26] Abdalla: but try them both - its free :) [10:26] Thank you. [10:26] good idea [10:27] Abdalla, i recomend ubuntu 8.04.3 never had any issue with it and worked flawlessly on my win u100 except the wifi that can also be overcome by compiling a new module for wifi [10:28] llutz_: there doesnt appear to be a package by that name - am I missing something? [10:28] jussi: pakage is lzma [10:28] its an older outdated version [10:28] !info lzma [10:28] lzma (source: lzma): Compression method of 7z format in 7-Zip program. In component main, is optional. Version 4.43-14ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 58 kB, installed size 168 kB [10:28] llutz_: ahh, thank you. [10:29] Abdalla: even better than the desktop, try lubuntu for the netbook, it will run better, but it is uglier [10:29] you can always get themes :D [10:29] hello all i had a problem that i am not able to connect to the internet with my ubntu 0.04ltx through a gateway. the gui application again changes my gateway ip to [10:29] ok...another question.im using ubuntu as a virtualOS in vmware,i share folders from my windows partition but how can i see it in ubuntu? (in virtualbox i use "connect to server" ).how can i show my F drive in ubuntu by using connect to server window. [10:29] Hello, I'm getting a "permission denied" when trying to connect to my A2DP headset (Nokia bh-103) to my Ubuntu 10.10 (http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/574906/) Anyone knows how to solve this? I have tried both the built in Bluethooth manager and blueman. [10:30] keke: i believe just put in the IP address [10:30] can you please show me where sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin xulrunner is [10:31] my /etc/network/interface file has just this entry auto lo iface lo inet loopback [10:31] why xsane recognizes my scanner only when i use it as root (probably permission issue)? [10:32] nio: rightclick on networkmanager, edit connection and set default gateway [10:32] llutz_ the default gateway again switch back to [10:33] nio: then edit dhclient.conf to override gateway-setting [10:33] nio: or just use /etc/network/interfaces instead of networkmanager [10:33] what is the location is it in /etc === thebleed is now known as rollo === rollo is now known as rolloperson [10:34] nio: /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf iirc [10:34] should i manually gedit te /etc/network/interface file [10:34] nio: static PC or notbook? _i_ prefer to use /e/n/interfaces on non-mobile machines [10:35] i had a laptop but you can consider it as a static machine [10:35] nio: right-click on the network manager applet and edit the connections in there. its easier and theres no conflict [10:35] nio: then setting up your network in interfaces-file should be fine [10:36] nio: devices configured in /e/n/interfaces will be ignored by networkmanager [10:36] (in theory) [10:37] llutz_: or create a conflict....in practical tests [10:37] llutz_: just fyi, it appears xz-utils is installed by default, so thats a nice little thing :) [10:37] jussi: ok no need for additional stuff then === Guest59204 is now known as Anubi [10:37] ikonia: true, i know why i dislike nm [10:38] llutz_ what exactly i should do there is lot of confusion now should i manually edit the network file [10:38] nio: two ways, both should work, your decision [10:39] the network file is not editable [10:39] sudo nano .... [10:39] nio, use sudo gedit or sudo nano [10:40] iqpi, looks like it's the 64bit version, that's what I found in the configure options... [10:40] I need to set it to 32bit [10:40] oh noes the server is 64bit [10:40] dunno I concentrate on another problem first [10:40] this problem sucks [10:41] jrn, what it the issue? [10:42] internet stil not working i added this to my network file # The primary network interface auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address gateway netmask network broadcast [10:42] I'm about to install imagemagick 6.6.7-10 [10:42] i can connect to my server 2003 via rdp but internet is still not working [10:43] jrn: you could try to install the precompiled binary offered in the imagemagick web [10:43] so I dl it, extracted the source, ./configure, make, make install, but convert -version still shows up the old one [10:43] iqpi, ok I'll do so [10:44] jrn, make uninstall first before you install the precompiled version [10:44] hello Every body can any body can tell me how to get maximum battery life in Ubuntu 10.10 ... any help would be of great help thanks in advance === erle64- is now known as erle- [10:44] you need to remove any older version first [10:44] jrn, you need to remove any older version first === ogra_ is now known as ogra === den_ is now known as DenFreeman [10:46] Someone got a detalied guide about terminal? [10:46] Anubi, man bash [10:47] MichaelDobrovits, thanks I'll do so or maybe I find precombiled binaries [10:47] Hi, I'm a debian user and need to install this package http://packages.debian.org/experimental/nvidia-opencl-dev on Ubuntu Lucid. How do I do this? Does Ubuntu has this package? Does it have a non-free repo? [10:47] jrn: i agree with MichaelDobrovits unistall first the previous release of imagemagick you have installed, purge all its components, and then try to reinstall it from sources, if it fails again, then try (first unistall again) to install the binary package ofered in their web but they are rpm files, you can convert them to deb using the program alien, to see how aliens works, type man alien, but you have to install it first, of course === shriekout__ is now known as shriekout [10:48] iqpi, thumbs up :) [10:50] bash is pretty detailed, maybe too much lol [10:50] anyway thanks^^ [10:50] Anubi, try in google: bash scripting or something that you need to know [10:51] Yeah, Michael, i found this: gnu.org/software/bash/manual [10:51] to get java on my machine can I just apt get it? or do I have to go to java.com [10:51] I used apt-get [10:52] shomon, you can apt-get iy but i sugggest using open-jdk instead oracle java === Michael is now known as Guest46610 [10:52] how to add APT line of the repository to install a file hplip-3.11.1.run which is available on HP authorised server? [10:52] yeah so open-jdk is more supported on websites? or is it just more free [10:52] shomon, sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre [10:53] shomon: it is totally free [10:53] cool thanks [10:53] shomon: and it works as oracle one works [10:53] ok just installed it! [10:54] thanks again [10:54] hi, which ubuntu version is better: 10.04LTS or 10.10? [10:54] 10.04 is more stable [10:54] pupit: there is no general BETTER [10:55] pupit, it depends which one you like more [10:55] Hi, I'm a debian user and need to install this package http://packages.debian.org/experimental/nvidia-opencl-dev on Ubuntu Lucid. How do I do this? Does Ubuntu has this package? Does it have a non-free repo? [10:55] pupit: there is not any better than other, you need to know what are your needs, if you are looking for stability, then the 10.04 if you don't mind stability or you like to have the never programs versions, then 10.10 [10:55] ah, ok then [10:55] zp, you can download opencl from nvidia i think [10:56] I prefer package [10:56] zp: don't know the answer, but you can try searching in http://packages.ubuntu.com [10:56] either way you can't go wrong [10:56] thank you [10:56] hey quick question, if i installed eclipse from the app ubuntu app store... which directory am i supposed to move the files into? O.o [10:56] O.o [10:56] whats the meaning of these errors http://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=6fd2d077ba&view=att&th=12e7b5c73d69122d&disp=imgs? [10:56] thanks all [10:57] xAndromeda: When you say "which directory am I supposed to move the files into" - which files? If you installed from the Software Centre, you'll find Eclipse in your menus. [10:57] zp: if you install the propietary nvidia driver, you will have enabled the CUDA and opencl support enabled [10:58] hi [10:58] does any one [10:58] !anyone | besfort [10:58] besfort: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. [10:58] iqpi: which one? from their website? [10:58] iqpi, i think the nvidia removed opencl and cuda from their drivers [10:58] now any software to convert from bitmap to jpg [10:58] zp: this is an offtopic, your nick is the same as the "rude" way to call our presindent in Spain xD [10:58] besfort: convert (imagemagick) does [10:59] MichaelDobrovits: really? I did not know it [10:59] iqpi, they made seperate packages for them [10:59] for pydev ur suppsoed to copy the plugins/another folder into the eclipse folder, but i cant find where it is lol :/ [11:00] llutz, does it exist in software center [11:00] !info imagemagick [11:00] imagemagick (source: imagemagick): image manipulation programs. In component main, is optional. Version 7: (maverick), package size 71 kB, installed size 284 kB [11:00] besfort: ^ it should [11:00] MichaelDobrovits: should I try to install debian packages or nvidia's script? [11:01] zp, http://developer.nvidia.com/object/cuda_3_2_downloads.html [11:01] for pydev ur suppsoed to copy the plugins/another folder into the eclipse folder, but i cant find where it is lol :/ [11:02] zp, nvidia holds the newest toolkit available in their site [11:02] ok thank you [11:02] zp, i'm not aware of any package that holds cuda toolkit or opencl [11:03] xAndromeda: It looks like the recommended way to do it is rather than copying files, to use the help->software updates->find and install menu option in Eclipse. [11:04] xAndromeda: Specifically, go there, choose "search for new features to install", go next, choose "new remote site", use the URL http://pydev.org/updates and it should be clear from there. [11:04] thxx a ton!!! i wasnt aware of that [11:05] xAndromeda: No problem. If you get a prompt about installing in user mode, go with that. Don't try to run it as root to do the install. [11:05] Hi! I'm wondering is LTS image on the site up to date or I have to do massive update on first run? [11:06] Atlantic777: there will be updates, not "massive" though [11:06] iODBC Data Source Administrator: Error: Native ODBC Error...anyone can help please? [11:07] what this mean tar xvfz ispconfig >> tar unexpected end of the file in archive [11:07] how i can make a bootable usb ? [11:08] google best friend [11:08] Can someone tell me where to start if i want to boot up ubuntu 10.10 and have it read to me audibly the weather temperature, time, and brief news from applications of my choice? [11:08] what this mean tar xvfz ispconfig >> tar unexpected end of the file in archive [11:08] http://paste.ubuntu.com/574921/ [11:08] can someone gimme a hand here, i'm not getting this right [11:09] dmesg: the f must be tha last option before the archivename [11:09] vivek_: a booteable usb of what? [11:09] !usb | vivek_ [11:09] vivek_: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent [11:09] i do a lvextend /dev/vcms/root/ -l +1396 (max size availiable) [11:09] and the message i get is: Extending logical volume root to 715.09 GB [11:10] erUSUL, :) [11:10] iqpi:of ubuntu using terminal? [11:10] kasad: ok, what's the problem ? [11:11] ikonia: why does it says extending to 715 gb (when it should be double then that) [11:11] kasad: please do a lvdisplay /dev/vcms/root and pastebin it [11:11] http://paste.ubuntu.com/574921/ [11:11] ikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/574921/ [11:11] erUSUL , tar xvzf ispconfig same error with new one " unrecoverable exit now " [11:11] kasad: read the error "max size unavailable" [11:12] dmesg: are you sure is a gzipped tar? [11:12] dmesg: seems you have only one part of a multipart tar-file [11:12] dmesg: try dropping the z [11:12] yes tar.gz [11:12] ok, [11:12] ikonia: you lost me [11:13] kasad: hang on [11:13] ikonia: there's no such error reported, can it have something to do with 2nd drive not being formatted [11:13] ikonia: ok [11:13] kasad: can you pastebin the output of "vgdisplay -v vcms" please [11:13] erusul, not work tar xvf [11:13] ikonia: ok sec [11:14] Can someone tell me where to start if i want to boot up ubuntu 10.10 and have it read to me audibly the weather temperature, time, and brief news from applications of my choice? [11:14] dmesg: then maybe llutz_ is right or you have a corrupted file [11:14] ok , try to download the file again [11:15] ikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/574930/ [11:18] kasad: sorry, I was ont he phone, hang on [11:18] ikonia: no problem [11:19] hello, i have a remote connection to a server via ssh. i am running an application with GUI on that server but i want to see the GUI on my PC. what can i do? [11:19] expirement: maybe read about text to speech software like festival? [11:19] i tried "export DISPLAY=MYIP:0" [11:19] but nothing happened when i ran the program [11:19] Curious_: did you connected ssh with -X ? [11:19] Curious_: ssh -Y or -X ? [11:19] no [11:19] i just used -l [11:19] to login [11:19] hmm [11:19] ok [11:19] Curious_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [11:20] Curious_: you cant connect to a running gui-program with ssh, just start a new gui-program and see it local, for that you have to use "ssh -X host" [11:20] oh ok [11:20] iceroot: if i run "ssh -X host " and run the GUI program on remote server [11:20] where will i be able to see it [11:20] Curious_: if you have used ssh -X e.g. if you are starting firefox on that host, you see it on your local machine [11:20] thank you erUSUL for giving me a place to start [11:21] Hello, I installed apache and others required softwares, but now I want them uninstalled, how can I uninstall them? I fogot the list of software I installed. :S [11:21] expirement: no problem [11:21] iceroot will it be directly seen on my host or will it be seen after i do switching or something like that? [11:21] kasad: do an "lvextend +l 173010 /dev/vcm/root" what does it say ? [11:21] Curious_: directly [11:21] okay [11:21] ikonia: ok sec [11:21] Curious_: if "X-Forwarding" is enabled in the ssh-config of the server (but imo its enabled by default in ubuntu) [11:22] hmm, the remote server is scientific-linux [11:22] ikonia: Please specify either size or extents (not both) [11:22] but it should be enabled since other people also use [11:22] really ? [11:22] really for? [11:23] kasad: sorry lvextend -l +173010 /dev/vcm/root [11:23] Extending logical volume root to 1.36 TB [11:23] Logical volume root successfully resized [11:23] ikonia: i love you man <3 [11:23] kasad: now you have to do the file system [11:24] ikonia: do i have to dismount it. i mean since it's root? [11:24] kasad: yes, [11:24] ikonia: so i do umount /root [11:25] kasad: errr it's /root ? [11:25] kasad: show me the output of df -h in a pastebin please [11:25] ikonia: yes [11:25] ikonia: ok sec [11:25] ikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/574932/ [11:26] kasad: that's annoying, you can't unmount / (which is root) while your machine is running, [11:27] ikonia: and i don't have physical access to machine [11:27] hi, can anyone help me whith my motd on my ubuntu server 10.04 [11:27] kasad: resize2fs can do it online for you, but becareful there is a risk [11:28] Registering nick: pZombie time: 12:27:06 date: 03/03/2011 :: [!login] [11:28] ikonia: can i do something to minimize the risks, (i already stopped all services i could) [11:28] kasad: not really [11:28] Registering nick: nosaj time: 12:27:48 date: 03/03/2011 :: [!login] [11:28] kasad: it "should" be fine [11:29] ikonia: ok, thanks a lot man, gonna try it now *crosses fingers* [11:29] kasad: good luck with it [11:29] ty man [11:30] iceroot and others, thank you for your help, it worked [11:30] ikonia: working *gulp* [11:31] hi [11:32] ikonia: Performing an on-line resize of /dev/vcms/root to 364618752 (4k) blocks. [11:32] kasad: thats fine, just let it run [11:32] anyone using gwibber with google buzz? [11:33] ikonia: i just realized that i am an idiot, i didn't use screen and this connection may time out due to inactivity, if that happens i guess i am dead [11:33] keep hitting enter [11:33] just to get "input" into the screen [11:33] keepalive is set to 5 sec but it still time outs (dunno why) [11:34] ikonia: good tip, was hitting space [11:34] why xsane recognizes my scanner only when i use it as root (probably permission issue)? [11:34] kasad: it should finish quite quick, so don't worry too hard [11:34] ikonia: now only prayer remains. thanks a lot for your help, you saved me lots of time [11:34] kasad: no problem [11:34] <3 [11:35] Newbie Question: Can checking all repositories in ubuntu 10.10 cause conflicts or damage... or does it just keep you up to date on everything ? [11:35] expirement: backports and experimental can [11:35] (proposed) [11:35] ikonia: w00t The filesystem on /dev/vcms/root is now 364618752 blocks long. [11:36] expirement: main/multi/universe/security etc are fine [11:36] kasad: that's great, well done [11:36] thanks a tons man, i pmed you my email in case i can ever return the favour [11:36] kasad: don't worry, happy to help [11:37] 1.4T 3.7G 1.3T 1% / [11:37] :D :D yes yes yes [11:37] and i don't have to travel 40 miles [11:39] hello! i just did a package update earlier today, and now my gnome just refuses to work with anything but "visual effects: none". if i choose normal or extra, the window manager just blips after a a little while, and reverts back to "none" (and all windows are put into one virtual desktop). [11:39] is there a way to check which packages were updated, and perhaps i could then downgrade those to the previous versions? [11:41] hi all. [11:42] hey, how may i check wich program causes how much network traffic? [11:42] pirx: sounds like you are missing a 3d graphic driver [11:42] pirx: software-update center has a package install/remopve/change history [11:42] not perfect - but might help in case you are focused on gui tools [11:43] Im trying to configure xorg.conf to use a simple 104 keyboard but looking in the Xorg.log file it seems xorg keeps trying to load the module for my actual keyboard which is not working as I would like, is there a way to prevent it from doign that and load only what is in the xorg.conf? [11:44] elFidel: those visual effect have worked fine on this computer for a month [11:44] folx, with ssh -Y when logged in Ubuntu normally, I am able to run X remotely, from a remote PC, that is, but not when I use ctrl-alt F1 to open een new CLI -- how come? [11:44] pirx: and? [11:44] pirx: you mentioned you did run updates ... and that you want to check what was updated or am i wrong? [11:45] Hi, may i ask You, how soon might Ubuntu 11.04 alpha 3 be released? [11:45] qwebirc95066, #ubuntu+1 for that [11:47] thanks [11:47] elFidel: yes. i can start a "software-center" but cant find a "software-update-center" [11:48] yep - its: Ubuntu Software Center [11:48] sidebar - history [11:49] f31n: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/bandwidth-monitoring-tools-for-ubuntu-users.html [11:50] MonkeyDust: isn't first terminal text only and first x serv term is something like 7 by default [11:50] but then again maybe i am talking nonsense [11:51] ikonia: oh crap, ssh: connect to host -snip- port 22: Connection refused [11:52] kasad: Hmmmm, not the end of the world [11:52] kasad: may just have paniced the daemon [11:52] kasad: remote reboot ? [11:52] ikonia: yes, it's 40 miles away [11:53] ikonia: i rebooted it after everything was done, wanted to make sure everything is back and running, since i stopped tons of services before i started [11:53] kasad: that's a real pain [11:53] kasad: sorry about that [11:53] kasad: ahhh give it time then [11:53] it may be a little slow coming up, running an fsck for example [11:53] ikonia: YAY you are the man, it's back on [11:54] ha ha [11:54] there we go [11:54] ok i had cold feet for a moment there [11:54] whew [11:54] kasad: big file system change, not unreasonable to run fsck after that [11:54] you are my savoiur and you bring me luck, was really worried now [11:54] kasad: it's quite common, don't worry [11:55] ikonia: i hoped for that, but kinda lots of time passed, and disk is almost empty, machine pretty fast so i was starting to bite my nails [11:55] kasad: big file system change though, can slow it down [11:55] good point [11:55] ikonia: everything running smooth now. thank you so much [11:55] kasad: even if it only had 1 file on it, the change to the layout was not small [11:55] kasad: more than welcome, pleased you're working [11:55] yeah understandable [11:56] thx juk [11:56] <3 [11:56] pirx: got it? [11:56] now i can dive back into safe world of php [11:57] kasad: out of interest thats a massive root partition, why so big ? [11:57] kasad: there maybe a few things we can do to make it a little better for you [11:57] f31n: if you install firestarter a gui for the firewall and click on the active connections it will show all program related traffic. [12:06] Hey guys, does anyone know how to enable notification on IRC chat on Pidgin? [12:07] Hey guys, does anyone know how to enable notification on IRC chat on Pidgin? [12:08] pidgin-libnotify TitanKing [12:08] Thanks... I did edit the settings but no change... === jond3k is now known as jond [12:09] Using 2.7.9 btw. [12:09] ikonia: sorry was on the phone [12:09] kasad: no problem [12:09] ikonia: massive root partition is because i am a retard and didn't make separate partitions when i had the access to server [12:10] kasad: instead of extending that partition, you can still make use of external partitions to make it easier to manage [12:11] ikonia: they didn't provide me with all hardware i was excepting (they gave me one 7xx GB hd, instead of 2 x 1TB hards [12:11] ikonia: and they gave me 2nd drive when i already delivered the server [12:11] kasad: understood [12:12] ikonia: server is for intranet use only, some kind of information management system for a small company (no more then 20 people + some outside associates) [12:13] kasad: thats fine, just checking there wasn't a better way to do this to make it easier for you [12:13] ikonia: i should have partitioned it differently, but i just ended making one big /root and whole project is in /var/www (they have licenced plesk, so i just used parallels autoinstaller and to be honest i am not really versed in this [12:14] kasad: hindsight always makes things easier, don't worry about it [12:14] ikonia: :D [12:15] f31n: http://how-to.wikia.com/wiki/How_to_monitor_network_traffic_on_a_Linux_or_Unix_like_OS [12:17] i am having trouble understanding the instructions for scalpel file recovery [12:17] is anyone here familliar with this program and maybe could shed some light on the subject for me [12:17] !undelete [12:18] Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel [12:19] its on an ntfs filesystem [12:20] justgreg: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery <<< this has intruccions for photorec scalpel and other such tools. is generic not ext* specific === fred_ is now known as Guest75872 [12:22] Im startinng to see some pcie usb3 adaptor cards out now in stores. Anyone tried one in 10.10 yet? Im wondering if theres even a chance they are supported yet. :) [12:23] Dr_Willis: they should be it is xhci driver. like the {e,o,u}hci for usb 1,2 [12:23] erUSUL: going to try this one out i got later today. :) fingers crossed. === share is now known as ^share [12:23] Hopefully they wont be affected by the SLOW usb speeds bug that seems common on many linux systems. :() [12:24] Dr_Willis: well if you are talking about flash usb stick i do not think it would make much a difference :( [12:24] erUSUL: usb hard drives i find even have the issues for some of my machines. and flash [12:24] ikonia: if you have time, just out of curiosity, how would you partition the disk knowing what the server is meant to do (intranet MIS for 20 or so people who will be storing lots of files on it, with mysql db that will also rapidly grow in size, also they will sometimes access it remotely from their laptops (i use air application for that - go figure they demanded that they have "client" because one of chicks on the board i quote "doesn't like to use browsers" [12:25] I did some tweaks last week. Now getting like 5 MB/S transfers tween my 1+TB usb hd's [12:25] thats up from the 1-2 MB/S speeds i was getting [12:25] can someone help me? i just installed ubuntu netbook and i can't get the right click to work on my mouse [12:26] kasad: just split it into as many options as suites you, eg: /var so your logging is seperate, /srv so your data (mysql/www/whatever) is seperate, / so your root is sperate /boot , /home, swap, [12:26] Amako: try it in the console. see if it works there. You may need to install 'gpm' first to test it. [12:26] bbl [12:26] ok i'll try that one sec === max_ is now known as Max32167 [12:27] yo [12:28] ikonia: thanks, technically i could still do that considering that it's whole / is LVM [12:30] kasad: true, but is it worth the pain due to your location to the server [12:30] ikonia: do you think it would be wise, (knowing there's 2 750 gig hd's available atm). Main reason why I didn't messed with it was because I wasn't sure about the size [12:31] kasad: I'd leave it alone personally [12:31] can anybody help me out with an install on a laptop. I need an updated kernel (as per #600453), so can I get that rolled into my installer somehow or should I go through the text installer? [12:31] so I followed this guide. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountWindowsSharesPermanently -- however it does not mount them on boot cause network isn't up fast enough I guess.. I keep having to drop to terminal from x and issue a sudo mount /mnt/destination [12:31] ikonia: i guess it isn't unless i could get some problems due to everything being stuck onto same partition, as i said, main reason is that i was _very_ unsure about the setting proper size (i know it can be remedied via LVM but this way, i hope to never touch it again, until it's time to add another hd) [12:31] kasad: for me, I'd leave it [12:31] ikonia: that makes two of us :D [12:32] my dmesg contains CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -101 at around 21 seconds in, and again a -113 error at around 40 seconds in [12:32] ikonia: thanks again for reasurrance [12:32] both associated with could not connect to socket [12:32] welcome [12:32] /salute === Guest93222 is now known as JoshuaL [12:33] Hello, i played with xinput yesterday to use two pointers. I removed them, however today my keyboard buttons like volume up and down and mute do not work anymore [12:33] is there a way i can fix this? === manca_ is now known as nafisa [12:37] Hi can someone recommend me a program which can filter/edit the audio on a video? [12:37] Hi [12:37] Hi there, I have a question about video [12:37] I'm loking the way Xorg determines the driver to use, when no xorg.conf is present [12:38] , my video is running strangely, ie wrong colors, how to fix this [12:39] Wipster, you can use openshot or kdenlive to do that === kieran__ is now known as caulkz [12:40] Abhijit, thanks I'l look into them [12:44] Hi. How to limit the number of available usb ports? [12:45] hello everyone. I have a big problem: i've got a virus that made impossible to the computer to see my hard disk. I've tried to load the Ubuntu SO, and it sees the partitions, and it can modify the files, but when I was back on the windows installation CD, it says that there aren't disk present [12:46] mechanist: ##windows for help with windows. It seems like you're asking about a windows issue. If I'm mistaken, please let me know [12:46] ys you're mistaking: the question is: why ubuntu sees my hd and windows no? [12:47] :-/ [12:47] partitions are in ntfs [12:47] file system [12:47] :) [12:47] mechanist, its win proble. not ubuntu [12:47] SearchOfSunrise: nope, because its' in NTFS [12:47] google.bg - fix filesystem [12:47] ntfs file system :) [12:47] ntfs is 'their' prop file sys naa? [12:48] fix filesystem?? [12:48] hmmm [12:48] mechanist: I'm not sure how ubuntu seeing an ntfs partition is a problem. Ubuntu can read and write to ntfs. [12:48] http://support.microsoft.com/kb/315265 something like that [12:49] yes but you have to use this program only when the os is loaded [12:49] go to windows and use chkdsk [12:49] in this case neither the os loads [12:50] hm [12:50] what exactly is the .cache folder in home used for? [12:50] it tells me disk error [12:50] mechanist, it seems windows problem. try asking in ##windows [12:50] perhaps more importantly, is it safe to delete? [12:51] Abhijit: already done [12:51] hai all, am need modification my boot groub [12:51] with some imange [12:51] any body can help me, am used ubuntu 10.10 [12:52] PCChris: if you look inside, you'll see various programs use it as a place to store cached items === Guest39611 is now known as jussi01 === jussi01 is now known as Guest24446 [12:53] Whoa [12:53] do i feel dumb... I've... Managed to zoom the display somehow [12:53] Feels like I'm back in Windows === joe75_ is now known as joe75 [12:54] jrib, it's not a standard cache location, though? as in...I don't see too much utilization of it.... [12:54] any body can help me, am used ubuntu 10.10 === Guest24446 is now known as jussi01 [12:55] PCChris: reading http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-0.6.html you'll see ~/.cache is what $XDG_CACHE_HOME should default to. Personally, I have several things in there [12:56] jrib, thank you [12:56] hi! need some help with an ssh server. im trying to connect to my friend, but all i get is permission denied when i enter the password. he can ssh to himself. why? [12:56] PCChris: to answer your original question, it should probably be safe to delete but an application could be stupid too in theory... [12:56] jrib, haha ok thanks [12:56] Xecuter: what do you mean by "ssh to himself"? [12:57] jrib ssh [12:57] so what's the easiest way to grab just the kernel from natty? [12:57] try ssh username@server [12:57] Xecuter: possible you are not using the correct password? [12:58] akari jrib using correct password and username [12:58] checked it a thousand times ^^ [12:58] i created a socks proxy via ssh -D , it is working but i got some errors like channel 8: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused (numbers varies) any idea what it is ? [12:58] Xecuter: what's reported if you enable the "-v" switch for ssh? [12:58] Xecuter: was anything done to the sshd configuration after installing openssh-server on the server? [12:59] Er... Is there any way to disable the screen magnifier once you've started it? [12:59] Arachon: #compiz might know [12:59] Roight, cheers. [13:00] jrib originally we only changed the port, and it worked this morning. but now it doesnt [13:00] Xecuter: what else has changed? [13:01] Xecuter: you're using -p and not -P right? [13:02] kromagg yes === Guest75872 is now known as fredmen [13:02] Xecuter: less /var/log/auth.log [13:02] jrib we tried setting it to no password authentication and setting strict mode off, but no success [13:02] Hello All [13:03] Xecuter: no, what did you change between the time it worked and the first time it didn't? [13:03] i created a socks proxy via ssh -D , it is working but i got some errors like channel 8: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused (numbers varies) any idea what it is ? [13:04] hi [13:04] elfranne: you might try #openssh if no one here knows [13:04] jrib i was logged into ssh, went to eat, when i came back it wasn't responding, so i pressed CTRL-C but then it wouldnt log in again [13:04] can anybody send gnu gcc compiler download link pls [13:04] can anybody send me gnu gcc link [13:05] \bayan [13:05] hi [13:05] jrib, good idea [13:05] Xecuter: go to the server and login with your credentials. My guess is that your friend changed your password. But others here have asked you for client debug output and server auth log so you can post that to troubleshoot more [13:05] i am trying to get my wireless card to work on ubuntu 10.10, but it just won't detect it. i don't understand why because according to http://intellinuxwireless.org/ the driver for my card (the 6230) is built into the kernel (drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi). does anyone know why ubuntu isn't detecting my card? [13:05] jrib its coming :) [13:05] !software | nash_ [13:05] nash_: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents [13:06] the windows decoration disapear constanty (sometimes immediatilly after running ubuntu), after restaring the windows manager things return back to normal [13:06] what would be the problem? [13:07] ok i tried right clicking and no luck. i have gpm installed already === luke is now known as Guest15918 [13:07] elfranne: add the "-v" switch and see if any further information is provided during the connection. [13:08] help! I suddenly can't switch windows...I have to alt-f4 them and use the keyboard to do anything [13:08] msg nickserv identify goofy [13:08] fuck :) [13:08] sipior, http://pastebin.com/EVn1m7M1 error at line 174 [13:08] I am trying to use evolution (after using kmail) and have problems with getting it working. any help? I have 'magic spacebar' enabled but it looks like it is ignored cause switching from mail to mail is not working [13:08] medvind: add those infos to login part of irc client [13:09] sipior, but i do not see anything wrong [13:09] hrw, yeah, I will... :) [13:10] medvind: better change that password! [13:10] anyone know what I can do? seems like the window manager is having issues. I also can't click tabs in chrome [13:11] jrib sipior http://pastebin.com/prTvgQH0 [13:11] I also ran all the pending updates via command line but issue still persists after a reboot. though it doesn't seem to take effect instantly. I get about 3-5 seconds where I can interact with apps normally. I can't even drag them around the screen after that [13:11] can someone help me i can't right click on anything. I just installed ubuntu netbook, thanks [13:12] i am trying to get my wireless card to work on ubuntu 10.10, but it just won't detect it. i don't understand why because according to http://intellinuxwireless.org/ the driver for my card (the 6230) is built into the kernel (drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi). does anyone know why ubuntu isn't detecting my card? [13:12] !wireless | fadax [13:12] fadax: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [13:12] fadax: I have no idea if that discusses your card, but start there [13:12] elfranne: what program are you running when that connection attempt appears? it appears to expect a conection on 37019 of your localhost. the error results because nothing is listening there, or the traffic is being dropped by an intervening firewall from the SOCKS proxy to your own machine. === cerpintaxt is now known as syrinx_ [13:13] ok thanks jrib [13:13] jrib iceroot auth.log says could not load ssh_host_dsa_key ssh_host_rsa key [13:14] jrib iceroot auth.log says could not load ssh_host_dsa_key ssh_host_rsa_key repeatedly [13:14] is there any way to create the linux equivelent of a windows .bat file? [13:14] Xecuter: pastebin in full, do not paraphrase [13:14] Xecuter: looks like you're connecting to an os x box. is that correct? [13:15] fizy[laptop], sure.. shell-scripts [13:15] jrib cant post to pastebin, hes on a ubuntu server with no gui [13:15] !pastebinit | Xecuter [13:15] Xecuter: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com [13:15] sipir im connection to an ubuntu server from mac os x [13:15] sipior, i am only running firefox and IRC on the localhost, nothing on 37019, nothing special on the server, no firewall [13:16] Xecuter: ah yes, i have it backwards of course. can you login directly to the machine? [13:16] how do i make a shell script? [13:16] elfranne: the firewall dropping the traffic may not be local :-) [13:16] elfranne: where are you running the proxy? [13:16] sipior like physically? but my friend can [13:16] fizy[laptop]: basically, make the first line "#!/bin/bash" and then put your commands. See ubottu [13:17] alright [13:17] !bash > fizy[laptop] [13:17] fizy[laptop], please see my private message [13:17] Xecuter: but does *your* login work on the console? === Guest48688 is now known as jackwat [13:17] how can I disable the "notifications" of rhythmbox? [13:18] What's up everyone? [13:18] sup [13:18] sipior sorry i dont know what you mean [13:18] nada [13:18] sipior, the proxy is at home on a ubuntu server, behind NAT, but no firewall [13:18] trying to find drivers for my xp installation [13:18] Xecuter: if you were sitting directly at the computer, could you login? (id est, not via ssh) [13:18] the notifications that pop up at new songs etc... [13:18] I did a side-by-side installation of ubuntu and XP [13:18] slipkid08: This is Ubuntu support here, windows support is in ##windows [13:18] slipkid08: how is that related to ubuntu? [13:18] sipior oh yes [13:18] oh I know [13:18] sipior he is [13:18] slipkid08: Then please clarify :) [13:19] elfranne: well, it's not causing a problem, so i wouldn't worry about it. [13:19] I wasn't asking for help [13:19] Xecuter said "sup", so I was telling him what I was doing [13:19] lol [13:19] sipior, i just don t like errors to pop out :p [13:19] elfranne: if it bothers you, find out which program is attempting to make that connection. [13:20] My ubuntu is working fine [13:20] my XP is retarded [13:20] lol [13:20] xD [13:20] sipior, how so ? [13:20] Help!! the network icon is not showing up?? how to restart it?? [13:20] slipkid08: Okay... well, if you just want to chat you can join #ubuntu-offtopic :) [13:21] nah not chatting, just helping others where I can [13:21] but that's good to know [13:21] jrib apparently i should use lspci to find the wireless card i have.. but it shows up as "Intel Corporation Device 0091" .. which is strange because i know that it is the Intel Advanced-N 6230 [13:22] @jalder [13:23] hey all [13:23] fadax: maybe that's just the core name for it? [13:24] is there a way to delete my windows partition and give it to ubuntu? [13:25] how to uninstall flash player? i downloaded it from their web site and installed. now firefox is asking to install it again becaues i am visitn one video website. but when i click on install it gives error plugin conflict [13:25] help [13:25] !gparted | slipkid08 [13:25] slipkid08: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php [13:25] that's what I thought [13:25] jrib iceroot http://paste.ubuntu.com/574968/ [13:26] Abhijit, did you check in synaptic? [13:26] where do I get the 2.6.38 kernel for maverick meerkat? on my notebook I just added the kernel-ppa but on my machine i dont find the package kernel-image-2.6.38-4-generic [13:26] ok slipkid probably.. but how can i get the device to use the intree (drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi) driver [13:26] coz_, ?? [13:26] slipkid08: Note that resizing partitions can take a long time, depending on what is being done, so plan to do some waiting. [13:26] I want to make sure I can give it to maverick when I am done deleting windows [13:26] Abhijit, are you running gnome? [13:26] Abhijit: can you tell me please the nick of the one who answered to me before? I've changed machine and I don't find him anymore [13:26] coz_, 1. flash payer is already installed. i installed it by downlaoding it from thier website [13:26] I have my son today, so we can play blocks or whatever lol [13:26] coz_, yes [13:26] mechanist_, no idea i wasnt here [13:26] Abhijit, well sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin [13:27] mechanist_, may be SearchOfSunrise [13:27] coz_, let me try [13:27] ... Abhijit: you told me that there was a windows issue, not ubuntu, don't you remember?= [13:27] mechanist_, i remember you but i dont know who helped you after that [13:28] Abhijit: just scroll the log a bit up [13:28] please [13:28] mechanist_, it seems he was SearchOfSunrise [13:28] great [13:28] thankyou [13:28] how prone are linux machines to viruses? [13:28] hi, i'm updated firefox to 3.6.14 and now videos on youtube are red and then i must kill firefox... [13:28] coz_, http://pastebin.com/RA3TPKb7 [13:28] !virus | magpiie [13:28] magpiie: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus [13:28] magpiie they're not [13:28] magpiie: not very. [13:28] lol [13:29] That's one thing I love about linux [13:29] Abhijit, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras [13:29] coz_, thats also installed already [13:29] coz_, did you see the link? [13:30] Abhijit, I did yes open system/administration/synaptic package manager [13:30] opened [13:30] People at Compusa always try to sell me additional A/V or security suites, lol. "Nope, my operating system doesn't need 'em." [13:30] coz_, done. [13:30] Abhijit, ok hit search type flash [13:30] haha right blude === Asstyx is now known as AStyx [13:30] blue [13:31] hi, i'm updated firefox to 3.6.14 and now videos on youtube are red, i have latest flash player...anyone? [13:31] I have processes that i can not kill with kill -9. What else can i do to kill these processes? [13:31] To whom can I caomplain about package naming ? [13:31] coz_, there are lots fhtem. what to look for? [13:31] tuxxie: are you the owner of the processes? [13:31] Abhijit, adobe flash plugin should be the first one [13:31] toxic, package owner [13:31] I'm trying to burn ubuntu to dvd. it says 'burning disc 100% done' but the estimated remaining time keeps growing?? [13:31] toxic: anyone who'll listen? [13:31] Abhijit, if not click "Settings" then Repositories [13:31] QUIT [13:31] Abhijit, make sure that all boxes are ticked on the first and second tabs [13:31] coz_, all are enabled in repo [13:31] \QUIT [13:31] yes [13:31] toxic: If you explain the problem maybe I can point you in the right direction. [13:31] Gaudi, /part [13:32] or /leave [13:32] Abhijit, ok hit reload then hit Mark all upgrades [13:32] Thanks! [13:32] i'm on ubuntu 10.10 trying to reinstall [13:32] Abhijit, also ,, if ubuntu restricted extras are installed then so is flash [13:32] coz_, all makred upgrade but apply button is till grayed [13:32] Abhijit, ok [13:33] hey tryna test gnome shell with my ubuntu building it up from git and i encouter this error "" ./autogen.sh --prefix /home/wamicho/gnome-shell/install --libdir '/home/wamicho/gnome-shell/install/lib' --disable-static --disable-gtk-doc "" any body know how to solve this ?? [13:33] coz_, restricted are also installed plus before that i manualy installed flash by downoading .deb from adobe website [13:33] Abhijit, well search for ubuntu restricted extras if that is installed then flash is installed as well === rohit is now known as Guest73097 [13:33] coz_, ubu restricted extra is shown as instlled [13:33] Abhijit, ok so you installed that,, what is the issue? [13:33] guys, what bugs 're fixed or what exactly the difference in the 10.04.1 and the 10.04.2 ? [13:33] coz_, i cant open flash video website in my firefox nad chromiurm [13:33] general question, is FF building nightly now? [13:33] I just said sudo apt-get in ##windows...I thought the whole place was going to lose their mind lol [13:34] coz_, while visint this page http://linuxologist.com/1general/why-open-source-makes-sense-scientifically-proven/ firefox gives me error plugins missing and chromium just dont show anything [13:34] Abhijit, open firefox in the address bar type about:plugins [13:34] Abhijit, see if flash is listed [13:34] hey tryna test gnome shell with my ubuntu building it up from git and i encouter this error "" ./autogen.sh --prefix /home/wamicho/gnome-shell/install --libdir '/home/wamicho/gnome-shell/install/lib' --disable-static --disable-gtk-doc "" any body know how to solve this ?? [13:34] "what is sudo apt-get????!?!?!?" lol [13:34] Pici, 2 problems : 1/openldap is named slapd in ubuntu, confusing new users. 2/firefox-branding is either a bad choice of name or there is some abuse since branding should not ever come as an "important security update"... [13:35] Help!! the network icon is not showing up?? how to restart it?? [13:35] slipkid08: you don't use ar to extract your packages ? [13:35] Abhijit, I believe it will be listed under "Shockwave flash" [13:35] coz_, this is the only etry with word flash video/flv Flash video flv Yes otherwise there is no mention of slash or shockwave [13:35] no [13:35] wamicho: that doesn't appear to be an error. is the build failing later on? [13:35] toxic: ubuntu-dev mailing list would be the location, but search the archives [13:36] sipor yap [13:36] ar? [13:36] wamicho: that's very informative. [13:36] toxic: and while you add it, the debian-devel ones too [13:36] sipior it says *** Error during phase configure of gnome-control-center: ########## Error running ./autogen.sh --prefix /home/wamicho/gnome-shell/install --libdir '/home/wamicho/gnome-shell/install/lib' --disable-static --disable-gtk-doc *** [13:36] Abhijit, well get rid of ubuntu restricted extras from synaptic see if the manually installed flash works after that [13:37] toxic: (and the reason firefox-branding comes with the security update is because it's built from the same source package as the rest of firefox) [13:37] :-op [13:37] toxic: Well, in the case of slapd, we're just using the package names that debian uses. [13:37] coz_, oh [13:37] coz_, but [13:37] coz_, then i need to reinstall ubu restricted extra afterwards??? ohhh okay i will try it [13:37] coz_, cant we just uninstall that manualy installed flash and then reinstall restricted? [13:37] wamicho: that doesn't actually say what the error is, only the command that generated it. check the build logs. [13:37] kromagg, the building process shouldn't cause such things... [13:37] i'm on ubuntu 10.10 it keeps asking for password for certain operations and it wont accept my loging password. so i'm trying to reinstall. it says 'burning disc (100% done)' but estimated remaining time keeps growing. what do i do? [13:37] Abhijit, well uninstall that first then uninstall the flash you manually installed [13:38] Abhijit, then reinstall ubuntu restricted extras and nothing else [13:38] coz_, ohh okay [13:38] Pici, so I go complain in #debian ;) [13:38] toxic: Essentially. :/ [13:38] coz_, i will try it . i will need some time. will report you after that. [13:38] I am looking for a YouTube video player, kind of like minitube. Anyone have suggestions? I don't really have a need to download the videos. I would like to be able to make a custom playlist though. [13:38] it's not possible to assign applications a default desktop to shop/open on is it? [13:38] I tried googling but found mostly negative answers [13:38] Abhijit, ok [13:38] s/shop/show/ [13:39] coz_, there is only just little prob though! [13:39] toxic: it's a legal artifact in this case [13:39] coz_, thing is this is my 64 bit lucid and i installed 32 bit .deb of flash. so question is how to remove it in command line? [13:39] toxic: but you could always lobby for grouping updates under source names [13:39] GreenNerd: you can make playlists on youtube? [13:39] coz_, i installed it by doing sudo dpkg -i --force-all [13:39] Abhijit, you installed this via a .dev packages...yes? [13:40] coz_, yes [13:40] Abhijit, then it should be in synaptic package manager listed there [13:40] How can I cleanly tell Ubuntu 10.10 to use g++-4.5 as default? Seems everything defaults to g++-4.4 and update-alternatives has no entries for g++. I can do it by editing all the symlinks, but that feels wrong... [13:40] sipior sory am a bit new just following what the article shows how to build this using the jhbuild where do i check the log..? === YL is now known as film [13:40] kromagg, legal artifacts are _not_ security updates.... [13:40] at least shouldn't be ! [13:40] ethanol, I do not want to use a full web browser. I want a small, stand alone player. [13:41] how can i tell my network card to use the kernel device driver iwlwifi? [13:41] coz_, i checked again. its not! :'( [13:41] Anyone know a good meeting note software like MS Notes for Ubuntu? [13:41] wamicho: should be a file in the build directory. [13:41] Thanks. [13:41] Abhijit, what was the name of the package you downloaded from adobe? [13:41] ok, I have just plugged a hard drive into my linux machine, formatted it and now its called "New Volume" I can find the drive in /media/New Volume.. a couple of things.. does this mean is fully mounted/working? i.e I could stick a samba share on it? also how do i change its name? [13:41] film, basket. [13:41] coz_, install_flash_player_10_linux.deb [13:41] oh [13:42] !label | Kingsy [13:42] Kingsy: To rename the labels of your partitions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive. [13:42] toxic: you misunderstand, I was only talking about the reason it's split that way [13:42] Abhijit, not sure then [13:42] what's the pros of using a swap file? [13:42] coz_, :-o [13:42] toxic: that there are no incremental updates (i.e. small patches instead of upgrading everything) has to do with different constraints [13:42] :'( [13:42] hey [13:42] hello? [13:42] it's like adding extra memory, right? [13:42] what is the name of the program that shows the current usb device map? [13:42] lsusb [13:43] like what ports are in use [13:43] ok [13:43] coz_, dpkg -i is for install so what is dpkg for uninstall? tell me that let me try [13:43] thanks [13:43] slipkid08: when you run out of ram your applications won't just die :) Plus if you have enough swap, it allows you to hibernate [13:43] pen_: sudo lshw may also be helpful [13:43] Abhijit, and you are sure there are no flash player packages listed in synatic that are still installed? [13:43] ahh I see [13:43] I don't run out of ram often [13:43] thanks [13:43] only when I am using this as a media server [13:43] coz_, there is swf player for gnome and ubu restricted is listed. no flash player not the adobe one [13:43] !swap | slipkid08 [13:43] slipkid08: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info [13:44] Hello, I have linux on every computer, so there's no way to do it from windows. A friend of mine gave me his netbook to install windows xp on it, but there's no cd drive, how can I install windows xp from usb using linux to prepare the usb? [13:44] Hey all. Could you make a second to help me? [13:44] ?? [13:44] Abhijit, ok log off and back on or better yet ctrl+alt+F1 log in then sudo restart gdm [13:44] film, i answered you above [13:44] Is there any good meeting note software like MS Notes for Ubuntu? [13:44] Neosano, you could as last resort install WinXP in VirtualBox and do it from there... [13:44] film, what does MS notes do ? [13:45] coz_, i done all that installation yesterday. this is my 3-rd or 4th loogin now. so i dont think log off will make any difference? [13:45] film, can you read me? [13:45] Abhijit, then I am puzzled [13:45] MS Notes is used to write down the minies of a meeting. [13:45] coz_, :-( [13:45] TinoDidriksen, yeah, but it would take twice of the time :) any faster way? [13:45] kromagg, yes, ok, I'm not against the fact that firefox-branding gets updated so I can update firefox if it firefox has known important security updates. But all dependencies should not be listed in the important security updates.... [13:45] Abhijit, I can read you. But not found your answer. Thanks. [13:46] film, BASKET [13:46] jrib: its not a USB drive if that matters.. its IDE [13:46] film SEE THIS http://basket.kde.org/ [13:46] Kingsy: directions should be the same [13:46] Abhijit, thank you. I tried BASKET before. [13:46] good luck then [13:46] Neosano, could try dd the CD image to a USB stick and mark the partition bootable... [13:46] jrib: np thanks [13:47] Kingsy: you've formatted it already? [13:47] Ab, I'm thinking maybe there is some other ware. [13:47] TinoDidriksen, and by cd image you mean iso file? [13:47] TinoDidriksen, cuz I only have iso :o [13:48] TinoDidriksen, I've tried using unetbootin, cuz somebody there said that it works. But it doesn't work for me [13:48] film, there is basket not pad not sure if that is what you want [13:48] Neosano, that should have worked...could be the partition wasn't set bootable, or the netbook wasn't told to boot from USB. [13:48] Just finished a fresh install of kubuntu 10.10 and my up arrow is not working [13:49] film, there is xournal [13:49] TinoDidriksen, hmmm, should I format my usb thumb to ntfs or fat? [13:49] FAT === Spacewalker_ is now known as Spacewalker [13:50] sipior cant seem to find the build directory ? [13:50] wamicho: contact the folks you downloaded the software from, and explain the problem. [13:50] anyone has got an idea where should I look for .ratpoisonrc for the ratpoison window manager config file? it's not in my home directory [13:51] question answered! [13:51] film, there is also http://www.ubuntugeek.com/mynotex-a-free-note-taking-and-notes-manager-software-for-linux.html [13:51] coz, I tried basket. I will follow your advice. Thank you. [13:51] sipior ok [13:51] coz, is the xournal working well under Gnome? [13:52] TinoDidriksen, ok gonna try it again... [13:52] coz_, this is the error E: /var/cache/apt/archives/flashplugin-installer_10.2.152.27ubuntu0.10.04.1_amd64.deb: conflicting packages - not installing flashplugin-installer === elvis_ is now known as Avantasia [13:53] Abhijit, so there is another flash installed most likely... you said you installed the 32 bit before yes? [13:53] coz_, i deleted libflashplayer.so from /usr/lib/adobeblahblahblah [13:53] coz_, yes [13:54] Abhijit, well something is still on the system...you will have to hunt that down... if no one here can help with that go to the ##linux channel to see what they have to say about it [13:55] my flash videos are red and firefox crashing after update to 3.6.14, i have latest flash plugin... [13:55] coz_, yeah [13:56] Abhijit, i cant stick around long right now but wil be back later [13:56] np === administrator is now known as Guest79533 [13:56] coz_, thanks for help so far. i will try. [13:57] anyone? [13:57] you really mean red? [13:57] yes [13:58] how can I create a loop file system with an lvm partition inside it? example of sudo losetup /dev/loop0 ~/loopfile.image and partition /dev/loop0 with lvm [13:58] how do I tell version information for the moonlight plugin? [13:59] jatt: and .firefox folder in my home missing [13:59] Hi guys! Ive suddenly lost all of the KWin effects even tho i do have 3D accel enabled with the ATI driver.... Help? Kubuntu 10.10 x64 on Acer 4540 [ATI HD4200] === mike is now known as Guest3918 [14:00] I created the loopfile.image with dd if=/dev/zero of=~/loopfile.image bs=1k count=10000 ; do I need to change bs or count to somthing that will let me partition? [14:00] Abhijit and Coz, thank you for your kind help. I've solved my problem. Good day. [14:00] i am new to ubuntu and need some help re sharing folders [14:01] film, welcome [14:01] pct_, act [14:01] sacarlson: « gksudo gparted /dev/loop0 » fails? what error message? what about fdisk or cfdisk ? [14:01] aaaah [14:01] pct_, what sharing folders? [14:01] lol [14:01] pct_, ask question [14:01] what is the command to list the number of files is a directory and all it's subdirectories? [14:01] i have an external HDD and when i try to share it i am asked for a username and password - i did not load any passwords... [14:01] erUSUL: well I didn't try gparted I tried disk utility and that fails yes [14:01] Where can I download the beta editions of 11.04 if thats even possible? (I want to update my 10.10 to it) [14:01] knightstalker: if you can't figure out where to get it, it's best not to update [14:02] how do I search ppas? [14:02] knightstalker: disucssion on 11.04 is in #ubuntu+1 [14:02] sacarlson: try with the other tools? [14:02] erUSUL: since I didn't think gparted suported lvm but I'll try that too [14:02] sacarlson: well i dunno if it supports lvm either ... [14:02] knightstalker, only alpha 3 expected today === insub is now known as Guest43201 [14:03] when i open shared folders window it says "authentication needed to make changes" [14:04] TinoDidriksen, now it says SYSLINUX 4.01 debian-20100714 EDD Copyright (c) 1994-2010 H. Peter Anvin et al [14:04] oh he left.. [14:04] erUSUL: ok tried gparted and with that I don't even see /dev/loop0 [14:04] hey, is there any program similar to this -> http://ontopreplica.codeplex.com/ but for Ubuntu ? === toxic is now known as Guest63114 [14:05] sacarlson: pass it the loop0 dev explicitily « gksudo gparted /dev/loop0 » [14:07] My Minitube player does not work, and I'm not sure what is going on. There are no error messages, the videos simply keep trying to play the next song, over and over... Any help? [14:07] :-o [14:07] !pm | pct_ [14:07] pct_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. [14:07] Ehem,I rather wait till Beta releases,alpha seems very buggy atm === Guest63114 is now known as toxic [14:08] sorry man, first timer ;-{ [14:09] * Krycek [14:11] erUSUL: well your gksudo gparted /dev/loop0 will work with my 10meg file if I don't use the whole disk in the first partition but fails if I try to use it all [14:11] can anybody help me ?? [14:11] xubuntu89: ask a question, lets see [14:11] when i open shared folders window it says "authentication needed to make changes" [14:11] Hi, I've found a web based newsaggregator a few days ago which seemed to be really cool (just can remember the cool Dashboard view), but sadly I can't remember the name, any ideas? [14:11] xubuntu89: was it from the ubuntu repos ? [14:11] why is my grub aint loading at all ? [14:11] erUSUL: so maybe this is the same problem I am having in the disk utility [14:11] sacarlson: 10 MiB only ? [14:11] xubuntu89: define not loading [14:12] how do I boot without starting X? [14:12] sacarlson: that may be pussing it to far ? don't you think? [14:12] erUSUL: ya it was just a test so how big should I make it just to create a partition with a file that only had 20 leters in it? [14:12] kromagg: disable the gdm run time script [14:12] kromagg: add "text" to boot options [14:13] erUSUL: where quiet splash go? [14:13] whats a good sound editing program [14:13] sacarlson: why do you need lvm on such small thing? [14:13] where i can raise the volume and edit pitch and stuff [14:13] kromagg: yes [14:13] ikonia: I can't boot into ubuntu without the screen going blank [14:13] when it should load grub at begining i doesn't :| [14:13] kromagg: ok, boot from the live cd, or follow erUSUL's suggestion [14:13] xubuntu89: what does it do [14:13] it's not the first time i have this problem with ubuntu , xubuntu and kubuntu are the same [14:14] Rob235, if u don't want a too overpowered software try audacity [14:14] erUSUL: it's all a test to create an encrypted lvm that gets it's passwords from an online source [14:14] nothing at all [14:14] just empty space [14:14] what if i do want an overpowered program, i probably dont but just wondering [14:14] i dont use ant other OS in my pc , only xubuntu [14:14] i'll try audacity first though thanks [14:14] i'm using x64 version [14:14] apparently I need to disable the drm driver [14:14] vga=...? [14:15] mx4000 [14:15] sadly it's not the first time [14:15] xubuntu89: just a black screen ? [14:15] yea [14:16] it checks dvd rom and it's all [14:16] coz my first boot is DVD rom [14:16] xubuntu89: remove the DVD from the drive, try to boot, what happens [14:16] nothing [14:16] tryied [14:16] i'm on live cd now [14:16] ok, for it to get nothing it's possible your hard disk is dying [14:16] xubuntu89: for grub to not be working you'd get some sort of error, [14:17] but it's just not loading [14:17] xubuntu89: it's also possible it is booting fine and straight into xubuntu, however your video driver is causing a problem [14:17] xubuntu89: what video card do you have, ati ? [14:17] sacarlson: i created a image myself used fdisk to create the partition and partition table no problems. disk utilty failed though [14:17] I'm actually encountering a video problem like that [14:17] no ideas? damn, I should have wrote it down :( [14:18] can you guys give me the full parameters to just get a simple text terminal? It keeps loading the intel drivers [14:18] kromagg: hang on, you're having problems with an intel card ? [14:18] sacarlson: gparted created the partition and ext2 filesystem.... [14:18] xubuntu89, what does the smart data say for the drive? [14:19] kromagg, i joined in late just now, but at GRUB you can choos erecovery mode and then at the gui window select terminal [14:19] ikonia: yeah [14:19] ikonia: this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/285562 [14:19] Ubuntu bug 285562 in xorg (Ubuntu Intrepid) "xforcevesa doesn't work" [Critical,Fix released] [14:19] sacarlson: would with lvm command line tools if i knew how to use them ;P [14:19] previously when i visit youtube that video is saved in /tmp and i can just copy from therre. but now a days thats not the case. so what is my options to download youtube videos? [14:19] help [14:19] Abhijit, Minitube [14:19] now it's not of VGA the screen is showing everything but there is no loading of xubuntu :| [14:19] Search software centre [14:19] ikonia: I just need to get in there to install a backported kernel from natty [14:19] hi how do i restart the x server? [14:19] GreenNerd, it dont have 64 version and lots of probelm while installing source code and binary gives error it cant find some library [14:20] kromagg: I doubt that is your problem [14:20] alisalaah: I never got to the gui window [14:20] ikonia: oh sry [14:20] ikonia: wrong bug [14:20] hi how do i restart the x server? [14:20] kromagg: what version of ubuntu are you using ? [14:20] Abhijit, Try gPodder [14:20] ikonia: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/600453 [14:20] Ubuntu bug 600453 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) "[arrandale] [i915] DELL E6510: blank screen on boot (Intel GPU)" [High,Triaged] [14:20] GreenNerd, ok [14:20] can someone help me ? [14:21] how do i restart the x server ? [14:21] dmesg says [14:21] [17510.609448] Btrfs loaded [14:21] wot? [14:21] maybe if I try to boot from the text installer [14:21] pentester, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart [14:21] I use ext4 [14:21] why is btrfs being loaded? [14:21] thx [14:21] GreenNerd, does that downloaads youtube videos? how? [14:21] kromagg: when you boot the machine, do you get a grub menu / [14:22] i mean do i need to give him the address? [14:22] ikonia: yes === McPeter_ is now known as McPeter [14:22] kromagg: when that appears, press "e" which will put you into edit mode [14:22] Abhijit, I have lead you to water. It is your choice to drink it. Read the help file? [14:22] ?? [14:22] ikonia: okay sec [14:22] Abhijit, I do not have time to explain how to use a basic program like this, I apologize. I am preparing to go into a meeting. [14:23] GreenNerd, bye [14:23] ikonia: okay I'm there [14:23] kromagg: now scroll to the boot line, and press "e" again, it will allow you to edit the boot options [14:23] so is there any chance to load xubuntu ? :| [14:23] kromagg: you can use the tips suggested in the bug report you suggested to fix it === syrinx is now known as syrinx_ [14:23] xubuntu89: what video card you are using, ati ? [14:23] no nvidia [14:23] ikonia: it's 10.10 but yeah [14:24] but it's not coz of VGA [14:24] hey, is there any program similar to this -> http://ontopreplica.codeplex.com/ but for Ubuntu ? [14:24] ah I missed that modeset option [14:24] xubuntu89: why is it then ? [14:24] i just not loading anything after all load as usual [14:24] it checks rams [14:24] xubuntu89: ok, how do you know it's nothing to do with the video card drivers ? [14:25] then other screen apears [14:25] darkguy, what does it do? [14:25] and no loading of GRUB or xubuntu starts :( [14:25] what other screen [14:25] xubuntu89: what other screen appears [14:25] ikonia: what comment did you see boot options in? [14:25] Abhijit: it displays a "thumbnail" of a selected window (or a region within it) inside a floating resizable window you can keep on top, and such [14:25] does anyone know where i find a list of previously installed updates through the "Update Manager"? [14:25] kromagg: #2 [14:26] the usual one , the if you installing OS "Push any button to install" [14:26] Abhijit: similar to that dockbar plugin for Gnome emulating Windows 7's taskbar, something related to KDE thumbnails or something [14:26] plasma thumbnails [14:26] xubuntu89: that is because you are booting from the CD [14:26] xubuntu89: boot the machine from your hard disk [14:26] xubuntu89: take the CD out of the drive [14:26] it's like a floating window with a plasma thumbnail :P [14:26] darkguy, no idea [14:26] Is it possible to run fsck on an ext2 partition from Windows? [14:26] AndChat|: don't try [14:26] Abhijit: :( [14:27] there is no CD in the dvd rom i'm just giving example with screen apears but nothins is happening [14:27] Ikonia:damn [14:27] ah there we go [14:27] hey, is there any program similar to this -> http://ontopreplica.codeplex.com/ but for Ubuntu ? (it's some sort of floating window kept above all windows with a thumbnail of your selected window) [14:27] clearly I need more coffee [14:27] xubuntu89: I don't want an example, I want to know what screen appears [14:27] and I haven't said "window" so much times before in a single paragraph [14:27] xD [14:27] xubuntu89: if you are getting a screen that says "press X to install" then you are booting from install media [14:27] darkguy: You can set a window to be 'always on top' from gnome (and probably in kde too). But the 'selection of a window' part looks a bit more complicated. [14:28] Pici: yeah, that works, but the idea is to have a thumbnail of it, so you can have the window minimized - or in another workspace - and still see it in its full size [14:28] im not getting that im getting nothing coz no loading is happening [14:28] xubuntu89: right, so either a.) your hard disk is dead/dyiung b.) your video card is not setup/compatible [14:28] Hi [14:28] gpodder is horrible for youtube [14:28] Is gnome shell 2.91.90 usable for desktop user? [14:28] I'm at school, nobody around with Linux, and I need to run fsck on an SD install of Debian [14:29] AndChat|: ask the guys in #debian then [14:29] AndChat|: this is ubuntu support [14:29] No answer there [14:29] AndChat|: and you've been told it is a bad idea [14:29] lol [14:29] AndChat|: yes there is, you've just been told it's a bad idea in there, and you've been told it's a bad idea in here, end [14:30] Wow. [14:30] The guy just needed help [14:30] Sux to be him [14:30] why dont you boot a livesystem and run the fsck from that? [14:30] ikonia: I'm on a phone, didn't notice that answer before. And yes, I'm giving up [14:30] darkguy: I'd wonder if the #compiz folks have any suggestions, as any program would need to leverage the compositing window manager to do its thing. [14:31] darkguy: and this is probably a better link to share, it explains the features better: http://www.klopfenstein.net/lorenz.aspx/ontopreplica [14:31] i get Verifying DMI Pool Data and no loading after that !!!! [14:31] Pici: hm, I could ask in there too [14:31] that's my problem [14:31] Pici: hey, thanks! :) [14:32] my HDD is fine and my VGA is fine too [14:32] i used them with windows but now i'm trying to install linux [14:32] xubuntu89: how do you know ? [14:32] xubuntu89: ok, I'll say it again [14:32] xubuntu89: either a.) your hard disk is dying b.) your video card is not configured/supported in Linux [14:33] xubuntu89: have you managed to install xbuntu onto your hard disk yet ? [14:33] yes [14:33] i installed but it just ain't starting === jack__ is now known as jackwat [14:34] xubuntu89: I suggest you boot from a livecd, and we can make some changes to your system to put it to a config that may work better === jackwat is now known as jack [14:34] im now in livecd coz i have no working OS [14:34] hello [14:34] xubuntu89: ok, can you mount your hard disk on the livecd ? === jack is now known as jack__ [14:34] i spanish plis [14:34] !es | ubuntu_ [14:34] ubuntu_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. [14:34] hello [14:35] yea i can [14:35] is alpha 3 going to be released today? === herton is now known as herton_lunch [14:35] i don understan [14:35] hobbsc: #ubuntu+1 [14:35] how to start tomcat6 in ubuntu 10.10? [14:36] vivek200912: sudo /etc/init.t/tomcat6 start [14:36] i dont now [14:36] xubuntu89: ok, so I suggest you create a default /etc/X11/xorg.conf (on your desktop file system, not the livecd) and force it to use the vesa driver [14:36] do you like boys? [14:36] xubuntu89: you can get a default xorg.conf from the net [14:36] senan estas muy tonto !!!!! [14:36] iceroot: thanks [14:36] ubuntu_: don't need to hear about that here, this is ubuntu support [14:36] !es | zorra [14:36] zorra: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. [14:36] senan callate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 [14:37] !op [14:37] zorra: please speak English [14:37] Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww! [14:37] jatt: ? [14:37] He is trolling in spanish [14:37] what dossantos said [14:37] dossantos: he's had his warning, he'll stop [14:37] hello [14:37] i dont no [14:37] iceroot: bash: /etc/init.t/tomcat6: No such file or directory [14:37] kien eres:zorra [14:37] vivek200912: how did you install tomcat ? [14:37] yeee [14:38] vivek200912: use tab to get the correct name [14:38] ikonia: from synaptic [14:38] ola [14:38] hii [14:38] vivek200912: sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat TAB TAB [14:38] init.t should be init.d almost certainly [14:38] vivek200912: as iceroot suggests, look in /etc/init.d for a "tomcat" related script [14:38] hi [14:38] iceroot: i think its init.d [14:38] joder [14:38] ola teneis novi [14:38] vivek200912: ah yes of course init.d instead of init.t [14:39] hi [14:40] ok I'm going to abadon the posibility of using a /dev/loop0 with lvm so I have two swap partitions that I should be able to use one but how can I tell which of the swap partitions I have are in use? === HarrY is now known as Guest28025 [14:40] can someone help me with an issue with ubercart? [14:40] iceroot: * Starting Tomcat servlet engine tomcat6 [failed] [14:41] download tomcat tgz from apache site, extract it to a directory of your choice, ready to use [14:41] tomcat in the repositories is a pain in the neck [14:41] jatt: No, that's just Tomcat. [14:42] Hi all [14:42] hi [14:42] jatt: please dont suggest using tar.gz instead of something from the repos (with sec-updates) [14:42] vivek200912: look at /var/log/daemon.log or maybe there is also a tomcat/catalina-log there [14:42] can someone help me with an issue with ubercart? [14:42] I placed a shell script owned by root with permissions 0644 in /etc/cron.hourly/ [14:42] !details | lbesenyei [14:42] lbesenyei: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." [14:42] But it is not being run by cron [14:43] I do not see any error messages in the syslog either. [14:43] brahmana: you have to put script there with cron-syntax not only normal bash-scripts [14:43] brahmana: imo [14:44] iceroot: If you are referring to crontab entries, then no, it doesn't apply here. [14:44] hi, i used to have a sound problem and it was fixed by installing linux-alsa-driver-modules-$(uname -r) then after few weeks by get updates of the update manager the sound vanished "nothing is muted" how can i fix this problem ? [14:44] I found in /etc/fstab I have the line UUID=428c4c33-0208-46d5-8b7d-56d39ca7a3e7 none swap sw but sudo blkid shows I have 3 swap partitions but none with that number, so do I have no swap partition in use? [14:45] crontab entries are put in /etc/cron.d/ where as contents of directories like /etc/cron.hourly/ , /etc/cron.daily/ are regular executables (binaries or scripts) [14:45] try mkswap -U UUID [14:46] jatt: who me? I'll look at it [14:46] sacarlson: swapon -s [14:47] jrib: ok that shows me /dev/sdb5 partition 4096532 69188 -1 so is that what it has always been and always will be or did I just make that happen? [14:48] sacarlson: swapon -s just shows you what swap partitions you have [14:48] sacarlson: ... enabled at the moment [14:48] did your swap disappear? [14:48] I had the same issue today [14:48] iceroot: I am not getting what to do with this, Mar 3, 2011 8:09:51 PM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log [14:48] INFO: ContextListener: contextDestroyed() [14:48] how to look all user [14:49] Guest28025: can you expand the question please [14:49] jatt: well I have 3 swaps on 3 differnet disks that I plan to use one of them, just don't want to break something in the process [14:50] apparently not [14:50] jatt: I mean use one of the now defined as swap to become an lvm partition [14:50] iceroot: u there? [14:52] vivek200912: there should be also a tomcat binary, call it with --help to see if there is a debug-mode [14:52] iceroot: what should i do? [14:53] vivek200912: tomcat6 --help [14:53] vivek200912: if it is a binary in PATH [14:53] ok since it apears that /dev/sdb5 is no the swap partition in use I am going to reformat my /dev/sdc5 partition that is defined as swap, how much damage could that cause? [14:54] isn't mkswap enough? [14:55] sacarlson, I think that all depends on your skillz [14:55] hi i would like to upgrade to 11.04 from 10.04 but update-manager -d propose me only 10.10 [14:55] iceroot: tomcat6: command not found [14:55] should i change my preference to testing or something like that ? [14:55] troulouliou: you can't skip releases [14:56] troulouliou: also, keep in mind 11.04 has not been released and is not stable [14:56] jatt: well I'm not sure what mkswap will do, will that change what is in /etc/fstab? [14:56] jrib: yeah i know it is for testing purpose :) ok so i switch first to 10.10 [14:57] troulouliou: yes [14:57] troulouliou: Also, natty/11.04 support/discussion is only in #ubuntu+1 [14:57] ok [14:57] troulouliou: although, if you just want to test, it would be safer to just use a virtual machine [14:57] hi [14:57] jrib: testing it just fine here ;) [14:58] * jrib uploads natty_explode.deb [14:58] I think to be safe I will modify my /etc/fstab to point at the now present swap and reboot before I mess with the spare swap partitions [14:59] what's the best twitter client for ubuntu, anyone> [14:59] !best > offsense [14:59] offsense, please see my private message [15:00] ubottu: wud u post in here so everybody knows it m8 [15:00] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [15:00] Hey there, I'm having trouble installing MCRInstaller.bin on Ubuntu 10.10, details here: http://matlab.pastebin.com/Wf7JPBGD Let me know if there's any other relevant info I should post, thanks. [15:01] offsense: everyone else knows that answer already :) [15:01] Hello. I am using the app Minitunes, and I am unable to get it to play MP3 files... I can see the mp3 files when trying to add the directory, but they are available to select for playback [15:01] iceroot: hahaha lol, tell it then am a fish here [15:02] iceroot: can u help? [15:02] which is the best alternative for gtk-gnutella? [15:02] offsense: there is no single best solution for any one given situation in any operating system [15:03] !gnutella [15:03] Gnutella clients: GTK-Gnutella (GTK, stand-alone), gifTui, giFToxic (GTK, based on giFT), Apollon (KDE, based on giFT), mldonkey-gui (GTK, based on MLDonkey), KMLDonkey (KDE, based on MLDonkey), !Frostwire (Java, not in the !repositories) - See also !P2P [15:03] vivek200912: you have to show us /var/log/daemon.log and maybe /var/log/tomcat6/catalaina* and so on [15:03] !P2P [15:03] vivek200912: java is installed? [15:03] Peer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information [15:03] which one would you recommend? I used mldonkey but the graphical interface for it sucked [15:04] jatt: frostwire isn't too shabby [15:04] iceroot: yes, java is installed. [15:04] is frostwire in the repos? I think is java based? [15:04] Hi, i've wondering if you have noticed the same issue in flash content?, both of my computers can't playback videos without turning pink and having shadows [15:05] jatt: it is [15:05] iceroot: how can I show u those logs? [15:05] !frostwire [15:05] frostwire is a totally open source !gnutella client, forked from the Limewire source code. For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire [15:05] !paste | vivek200912 [15:05] vivek200912: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [15:05] the distro is ubuntu 10.04 [15:05] !P2P [15:05] Peer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information [15:05] Are there any white hat IRC chat rooms? === wam is now known as Guest67368 [15:06] GreenNerd: Try ##security [15:06] ye heeh [15:06] how can i update my kernel version? [15:07] eXpLoD: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y upgrade [15:08] ActionParsnip: what's the -y for? [15:08] gaelfx: --yes. [15:08] gaelfx: so you don't get told "This will download 200Mb of downloads, is this ok" etc, it just does it (I made up the 200Mb obviously) [15:08] gaelfx: So that it doesn't ask you a Continue? [y/N] question before upgrading. [15:08] spiffy :D [15:09] gaelfx: that prompt is really redundant to me so I add it [15:09] ActionParsnip: agreed === cesar_ is now known as cesarlr [15:09] iceroot: i have uploaded daemon.log [15:09] gaelfx: "you are wanting to update, do you want to download the updates? [y/n]" === cesarlr is now known as ornella [15:10] hi everyone! [15:11] vivek200912: we need the link [15:11] d [15:11] What is the prefered desktop environment for an old celeron machine with 512 GB of ram and a worthless onboard video card? Opinions welcome, obviously. :) [15:11] 没有驱动怎么办呀? [15:11] GreenNerd: lxde (lubuntu-desktop) [15:11] !zh | administrator_ [15:12] administrator_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk [15:12] iceroot: http://paste.ubuntu.com/575014/ [15:12] cadaver is able to access the lighty-webdav share but gnome (GVFS) isn't. or is it possible that i missed a configuration option? [15:12] vivek200912: post it general in this channel, i dont have a webbrowser atm [15:13] iceroot: means? === timmeh_ is now known as timstar [15:14] my a4tech mouse doesnt work in ubuntu 10.10 [15:14] alex-c: unplug it, plug it back in then run: dmesg | tail see what is going on [15:14] :O [15:14] iceroot: this is /var/log/tomcat6/catalina.2011-03-03.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/575017/ [15:15] vivek200912: i dont have a webbrowser here so i cant look at it, post it general here without using my nick [15:15] vivek200912: don't its massive [15:15] iceroot: there are 1,204 lines there. [15:15] iceroot: dude its 1200 lines [15:16] iceroot: use w3m if you need a cli web browser. [15:16] Pici: i dont need a browser here :) [15:16] hi, i used to have a sound problem and it was fixed by installing linux-alsa-driver-modules-$(uname -r) then after few weeks by get updates of the update manager the sound vanished "nothing is muted" how can i fix this problem ? [15:16] iceroot: could get a pm instead.... [15:17] I have deleted the content of the /etc/X11/default-display-manager file as suggested in here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=150045 and now ubuntu wont boot properly. It hangs after "* Checking battery state...". Is there a way to fix that? [15:17] iceroot: the log is having many lines, I will be kicked.. [15:17] ActionParsnip: Pici of course i mean he should post the pastebin link to mainchat not the content [15:17] ActionParsnip: yes i do. [15:17] ibrahim_: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && bash ./alsa-info.sh thanks [15:17] vivek200912: of course i mean you have to post the link to the mainchannel not the content [15:18] vivek200912: with other words, i cant help you, so the others should help you [15:20] ActionParsnip:--2011-03-03 17:19:09-- http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh [15:20] Resolving alsa-project.org... [15:20] Connecting to alsa-project.org||:80... connected. [15:20] HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found [15:20] Location: http://git.alsa-project.org/?p=alsa-driver.git;a=blob_plain;f=utils/alsa-info.sh [following] [15:20] ibrahim_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [15:20] --2011-03-03 17:19:20-- http://git.alsa-project.org/?p=alsa-driver.git;a=blob_plain;f=utils/alsa-info.sh [15:20] Resolving git.alsa-project.org... failed: Name or service not known. [15:21] FloodBoot3:ok [15:21] <[TK]D-Fender> ! pb [15:21] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [15:21] <[TK]D-Fender> ibrahim_: ^^^ [15:21] hello [15:22] I changed the sata port my primary harddrive uses.. now i get a grub error message on boot [15:22] sa ying it doesnt exist [15:22] liminal: your bios is probably trying to boot from the other drive now, and it is not bootable [15:22] ibrahim_: you need that script and run it, you can access it via web browser and copy to a text file to be ran instead [15:23] liminal: might be a good idea to reinstall grub with a livecd/usb [15:24] ah you might be right [15:24] so fstab doesnt link to the sata port? [15:25] anyone familiar with kismet? [15:25] it's installed and works on ubuntu 10.10, however for some reason i cant activate the menu bar with either ~, `, nor ESC [15:25] no idea why it wont activate [15:26] liminal: not normally, no.. and grub doesn't know about fstab... your bios usually tries to boot the drive in the first port, so if you moved them around, it is now booting from the wrong drive. either move them back, or tell the bios the correct drive it should boot from [15:26] hey there folks, i've got a json file that's very minified, is there a tidy library that can at least add indentation tidying to the file? [15:26] ikonia: thanks, managed to get it working [15:26] hi. anyone using karmic or jaunty or previos version? i was looking for one document in Example folder in which they shows real world application of ubuntu - some library, university etc [15:26] help [15:26] I've got a synaptics touchpad and it's really slow, changing mouse acceleration etc doesn't seem to work, any ideas anyone? [15:26] kromagg: did you change the max speed? how about sensitivity? [15:27] maco: I just realised my problem was I had the sensitivity pretty high, it's faster when I lower it [15:27] ssh problems with ubuntu (server). worked fine up until today. when trying to ssh in, nothing happens. Any ideas? [15:28] kromagg: what make / model is the laptop? [15:28] jtsmeed: is the service running? [15:28] ActionParsnip: dell latitude e6510, but I guess it's okay now, lowered the sensitivity [15:28] kromagg: as long as you got the gold :) [15:28] had to ask the question for it to start making sense, I guess [15:29] ActionParsnip: Yes, the service is running. I also tried purging and reinstalling. The only change that brought was I had to remove the RSA keys on machines used to try and connect from. [15:31] it's installed and works on ubuntu 10.10, however for some reason i cant activate the menu bar with either ~, `, nor ESC [15:31] hello people [15:32] eep, that's regarding kismet [15:32] does anyone knows how to find location of installed software? [15:32] i cant find wordpress folder grrr [15:32] wizardslovak: dpkg -L packagename [15:32] thank you maco [15:32] Alphanaut: alt+f1 ? [15:32] lol [15:32] maco used to be my nickname [15:33] how to register nick and channel [15:33] !register | C`Arokiadass [15:33] C`Arokiadass: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode [15:33] wizardslovak: its been my offline nickname since i was little...so are you the person i keep colliding with on every website ever? [15:34] maco, no no , back when i was kid people called me that what means "bear" lol my last name is bear related [15:35] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek Day 4 starting in 25 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom [15:36] anyone know how when your on a long webpage, you can click the mouse wheel button, and then jump down the whole page? [15:36] ^Why is it that i cant! [15:36] ActionParsnip:sorry for being late http://paste.ubuntu.com/575031/ [15:37] brandon420: you mean 'jump' or do you actually mean 'scroll'? [15:37] like jump [15:37] brandon420, mine lets you move the page very qucikly [15:38] it brings up the mouse controled scroll, so you can move the mouse to jump down the page [15:38] ibrahim_: run: gedit ~/alsa-info; bash ./alsa-info paste in this text: http://git.alsa-project.org/?p=alsa-driver.git;a=blob_plain;f=utils/alsa-info.sh [15:38] yup [15:38] brandon420: That's not really jumping, it's still scrolling, you're using firefox on ubuntu? [15:39] chrome, ubuntu 10.10 [15:39] !tamil [15:39] How to find my version of ubuntu? [15:40] I have ubuntu server [15:40] should say when you login [15:40] how to register channel [15:40] cat /etc/issue === gunn is now known as gunnshine [15:40] or issue.net [15:40] oh ok [15:40] mun24: that was for you [15:40] !version | mun24 [15:40] mun24: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy » [15:40] ActionParsnip: then.... [15:41] C`Arokiadass, /cs register pass what-the-chan-is-for [15:41] How can I change permissions for a folder? I want to delete all files in a folder which are currently denying me access [15:41] join #foswiki [15:41] hi poeple.. short question: my software sources for debian packages are really messed up.. is it possible to delete them all and reimport the ubuntu "default" configuration? [15:41] I have intrepid, How can I install network driver. I have changed my motherboard? [15:42] !permissions | researcher1 [15:42] researcher1: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions [15:42] <[TK]D-Fender> mun24: The kernel is all of your drivers. You'll have to upgrade it [15:42] ibrahim_: save the file and close gedit [15:43] how to do it === herton_lunch is now known as herton [15:43] I have the linux driver for the network card [15:44] ibrahim_: then upload to the site and give the red URL generated [15:44] mun24, usually you don't need any drivers... it should work out-of-the-box [15:44] mun24, i meant "additional" drivers ^^ [15:45] I have broadcomm ethernet card and they are not exist [15:45] All YouTube videos are tinted red on Ubuntu, any know what this is happening and if there is a fix? I'm not the only one having this issue: http://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/fwb89/ [15:45] !wireless | mun24 [15:45] mun24: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [15:45] It is not anout wireless card [15:45] It is ethernet card [15:45] !intrepid | mun24 [15:45] mun24: Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) was the ninth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30th, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details. [15:46] You need to verify your email address before you may register channels. [15:46] this erro [15:46] !ls [15:46] The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [15:46] !network | mun24 [15:46] mun24: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [15:46] oops [15:46] sorry [15:47] Having problems with nvidia drivers. I tried using the restricted ones that come with ubuntu 10.10 but they complain about not supportting my geforce 560 ti. I uninstall those with "sudo apt-get remove nvidia*". I then try to install the ones from nvidias website, and after a reboot I am now looking at a black screen that flashes every few seconds [15:47] ActionParsnip:the ubuntu paste bin [15:48] ibrahim_: the script uploads to the alsa site, it makes the link for you [15:48] mun24, put /var/log/messages in a pastebin [15:48] hi@all I am trying to get a list of files from a http file-server with wget. I have to authorize on the server. The authorization works fine when I donwload a specific file but I failes with "401 Unathorized" when I try to get all files. The command I use is "wget -r -l1 --no-parent -A.zip --http-user=blabla --http-password=blabla http://www.blabla.de" === an is now known as Guest6320 [15:49] mun24: you need to upgrade as intrepid is no longer supported [15:49] Brandon420: I don't use Chrome, but general consensus is that it doesn't work and when people have seen it working (on windows) the frame rate has been terrible, using only the base browser. There is an extension that might work though: https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/occjjkgifpmdgodlplnacmkejpdionan [15:49] ActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/575035/ [15:50] kunji, thanks man [15:50] how to acess the folder \files system from command line [15:50] brandon420: no problem, hopefully it works. [15:50] jrib: can I upgrade the current install or I need to install from fresh [15:50] researcher1: what are you trying to do? [15:50] Actionparsnip:http://paste.ubuntu.com/575035/ [15:50] do you think I have a good system? === lauri_ is now known as xormor [15:51] ThinkT510: want to change permission so that I can delete some files which are recovered in a folder under File System [15:51] researcher1: where are the files located? [15:52] ThinkT510: where root, tmp,usr are located [15:52] http://paste.ubuntu.com/575037/ <-- is this a good system? [15:53] researcher1: you need to use sudo to gain root access to delete any files there [15:53] ThinkT510: let me try n report u soon [15:53] xormor: its the latest released lucid 32bit kernel [15:53] xormor: thats all we know from that [15:54] ActionParsnip : http://paste.ubuntu.com/575035/ [15:54] researcher1: i don't know what you are deleting so be careful [15:54] ActionParsnip: thank you [15:54] ibrahim_: thats the script, run it and you will make a link [15:54] ThinkT510: just some recovered jpg files [15:55] researcher1: ok, that shouldn't mess up anything, just make sure the files aren't open in another program while you're deleting them [15:56] ThinkT510: ok [15:57] ActionParsnip:what command taht will run it ? [15:57] Ciao a tutti!!! [15:57] !it | Maguz [15:57] Maguz: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) [15:58] Ciao ¶:)) [15:58] ibrahim_: to run a script append ./ infront of it (eg. ./nameofscript) [15:58] how do I free space in my system? [15:58] ibrahim_: the command I gave is all you needed. The one which opened gedit. All you had to do was copy the script and paste to gedit and save then close it. The script will then run [15:58] xormor: df -h [15:59] Hello [15:59] Hi all [15:59] xormor: you can remove old kernels, use bleachbit or remove unwanted apps [15:59] xormor: you can also run: sudo apt-get clean [15:59] I have USB drive which I connected to my PC, How can I access it usign commandline [15:59] ThinkT510: I want to reach that folder called File System from Command line? I dont know how to go there [15:59] mun24: mount it then access it from the mount point [15:59] http://paste.ubuntu.com/575041/ [15:59] USB drives are likely in the /media folder [15:59] ActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/575041/ [15:59] ok [15:59] researcher1: / [16:00] researcher1: cd / [16:00] ActionParsnip: what is the bleachbit? [16:00] how to set chanserv on my channel [16:00] researcher1: it is the root directory [16:00] xormor: its a great app for clearing caches and temp files, close as many apps as you can before using it and watch your browser settings or it will remove settings you want [16:01] ThinkT510: but I cant see any folder there which is named recover.1,recover.2 which is otherwise visible in GUI mode [16:01] C`Arokiadass: tried "/msg chanserv help"? [16:01] hello! Is there anyone here that could help me with a vnc-related problem? thank you [16:01] xormor: also run it as user and root (it will be in your application menu twice) [16:01] fff000: what's the problem? [16:01] any there [16:01] researcher1: where are they when you are in the file manager? (/home/username/?) [16:02] xormor: removing unused kernels will save you about 120Mb per kernel [16:02] yep [16:02] i'm trying to find a method to connect with vnc to a machine that has no video card [16:02] so im trying to install linux on some of my macs here, and I normally install my workstations via pxe which i cant on back [16:02] ActionParsnip: how do I remove them? [16:02] can some one suggest a usb bootable distro that kickstarts a pxe boot? [16:03] how to set chanserv on my channel [16:03] xormor: run: uname -a this is your current kernel. run: dpkg -l | grep linux-image-2 those are the installed kernels. You can removed the kernels which are not the running kernel and be fine [16:03] C`Arokiadass: can you expand the question please [16:03] ThinkT510: they are in the same place where usr,tmp are located [16:03] fff000: i think tightvncserver might be capable of that [16:04] ActionParsnip : http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=cb9a291899dd79a352c954b812504e4cd2f6fcd7 [16:04] researcher1: usr and tmp are in multiple places (/usr and /tmp are the main ones) [16:04] fff000: I did it with my phone following this guide: http://blog.coralic.nl/2010/08/17/ubuntu-on-samsung-galaxy-s-android/ [16:04] ActionParsnip: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=cb9a291899dd79a352c954b812504e4cd2f6fcd7 [16:04] ibrahim_: ok, what is your sound issue? [16:05] ibrahim_: one post is fine, no need to double post [16:05] ThinkT510: I can send u image [16:05] !libreoffice [16:05] Current stable releases of Ubuntu use OpenOffice.org, and do not have supported packaging for LibreOffice. Ubuntu developers are working on packaging for Ubuntu Natty and backports for 10.10 and 10.04. See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2011-January/032298.html for more information on progress and an unstable, unsupported PPA. [16:05] researcher1: ok [16:06] Drknzz: libreoffice is default in natty [16:06] ActionParsnip: Oh... just wondering what happened to OOo? [16:06] Drknzz: how do you mean? [16:07] ActionParsnip: Just thought i could get more info from ubottu :p Wasnt OOo dumped by Oracle/Sun? [16:07] Drknzz: openoffice is also available, libreoffice is just in the default install [16:07] ActionParsnip: Ok [16:07] Drknzz: no, libreoffice is just a fork of openoffice as far as I'm aware [16:07] ActionParsnip: sorry , for double post .....,the problem is no sound i opened youtube ,player nothing [16:08] Having problems installing nvidia drivers....could someone please help me [16:08] how to set chanserv on my channel [16:08] ibrahim_: does the headphone jack give you sound? [16:08] C`Arokiadass: repeating the question acieves nothing. Can you expand the question and give some details [16:09] ActionParsnip: ill try it [16:09] !pastebin [16:09] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [16:09] <[TK]D-Fender> C`Arokiadass: Ask in #freenode . This channel is not here to help you launch another one. [16:09] C`Arokiadass: try asking in #freenode [16:09] ok [16:10] ibrahim_: try adding: options snd-hda-intel model=hp  to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf and reboot, may help [16:10] ibrahim_: try upgrading to alsa 1.0.23 too: http://monespaceperso.org/blog-en/2010/05/02/upgrade-alsa-1-0-23-on-ubuntu-lucid-lynx-10-04/ [16:11] ThinkT510: kindly see this http://imagebin.org/140924 === moon is now known as Guest66888 [16:12] researcher1: see the top of the folder, that's where you are /home/taran/Downloads you should allready have permissions to delete those directories [16:13] researcher1: sorry i got that wrong [16:13] Has anybody mass deployed Ubuntu on a Windows domain network? I'm curious about a few road blocks I ran into. [16:13] ActionParsnip: Thanks a lot. I will now reboot and check everything is fine. I have the installation CD next to the computer. [16:13] researcher1: you've highlighted File System on the left so you are at / [16:14] can any one tell me a real time web traffic monitor software for xampp [16:14] ThinkT510: cant see those folder when my command line was /home/taran/Downloads [16:14] researcher1: that's because they are in / [16:14] researcher1: in a terminal type cd / [16:14] ThinkT510: now what do I do [16:15] !terminal | researcher1 ::here is were you can find out how to delete using rm: [16:15] researcher1 ::here is were you can find out how to delete using rm:: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [16:15] when ubuntu auto longin it keeps complaining about unlocking the keyring - where I have to type in my password. Is there a way to have it stop prompting me at login? [16:16] maybe also the cpu and memory usage load,performance monitors to [16:16] ThinkT510: ok.Im at right location.Now want to delete all files in recover folder. want to change permission [16:16] too [16:16] researcher1: you don't need to change permissions, just sudo rm [16:16] ThinkT510: ok.let me try n report [16:17] ThinkT510: thanks.its done [16:17] researcher1: np [16:18] all hidden root folders/files have disappeared. when i do ctrl +h they dont appear. and when i do 1) cd / 2) ls -a, the hidden folders/files still dont appear. i'm on 10.10 and i am having no problems at the moment running most applications. using a music app called nted which suggested i go in the usrs folder for an example was when i noticed this. how do i retrive the hidden root folders? where did they go! [16:18] and hello! [16:19] hello [16:19] hey, ubuntu updated and installed a new kernel. Now my NVIDIA drivers no longer work (old kernel boots X) [16:19] what can I do to fix it? [16:19] reinstall nvidia drivers? How? [16:19] ActionParsnip: the headphones jack gives sound [16:19] can any one tell me a real time web traffic monitor software for xampp pls [16:20] genjix: how did you install your nvidia drivers? [16:20] am i blocked or something? [16:20] jrib: no. what's the recommended way to do so? [16:20] invisible!!!!! [16:21] !enter | georgie_b [16:21] georgie_b: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [16:21] georgie_b: Its very hard to follow what you are asking, please put it all on one line. [16:21] can any one tell me a real time web traffic monitor software for xampp [16:22] genjix: Reboot and hold the shift key so that you get the boot menu. Choose an older kernel. Reinstall the nvidia drivers and/or the new kernel. [16:23] dajhorn: im in the older kernel now [16:23] ActionParsnip: what was the graphics problem about? I had it the first time I rebooted. [16:23] how do i reinstall for newer kernel? disable driver, boot new, reinstall nvidia? [16:23] genjix: Do you have a custom xorg.conf file? [16:23] no [16:23] xormor: how do you mean? [16:24] ActionParsnip: I mean the screen showed like these lines and boxes. [16:24] genjix: Which nvidia package are you using? nvidia-current? [16:24] ActionParsnip: and after that I went to recovery mode, and it started the commandline fine. Then I rebooted, now it works. [16:24] !nvidia | genjix [16:24] genjix: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [16:25] ActionParsnip: I had similar problems the first time I installed this system, the screen showed some geometrical shapes in different colors instead of the login screen. [16:25] mun24: you can upgrade, see ubottu's link [16:25] !upgrade | mun24 [16:25] mun24: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade [16:25] is it normal for rsync to get a permission denied error when it is reading a root file on a different server? [16:25] xormor: ok what video chip are you running? [16:26] ActionParsnip: I think it is an ATI Radeon. [16:26] ActionParsnip: how do I see it? It says such messages when I boot this system, that there is some problem with the ATI Radeon GFX. [16:27] ninjai: depends on the permissions of the user rsync is running as on the server [16:27] xormor: could blacklist the ati and radeon modules so it uses the vesa driver then update [16:27] ActionParsnip: yes. [16:27] jrib: I'm simple, I just noticed whoever configured this directory... made it so only root has read permission. -_-..... [16:28] Has anybody mass deployed Ubuntu on a Windows domain network? I'm curious about a few road blocks I ran into. === swoody is now known as omgwtfbbq [16:29] ActionParsnip: how do I blacklist the modules? === omgwtfbbq is now known as swoody [16:29] Does anybody else have the problem with Java that it doesn't copy and paste from external programs? I can't copy any text out of a browser java chat application [16:29] And can't past anything. [16:29] xormor: use the bootoptions ati.blacklist=1 radeon.blacklist=1 [16:30] I would assume that has to do with the java application [16:30] It happend only after the last java update. [16:31] and with the same java version it works well in windows. [16:32] hello all [16:33] I'm using sun-java6-bin [16:33] Hello, I have a program that normally you start, type a start command, wait for the run to finish and then type an exit command. I want to automate this but I've run into problems. I've tried echoing the commands to stdout and redirect them to the program, but that makes the program exit before the run is complete. I can echo the start command only and redirect that, in which case the run is [16:33] complete, but then I can't exit the program with the keyboard since input is redirected (I can exit with ctrl-c but that is not sufficient since it doesn't allow the program to do a graceful exit and clean up after itself). Can I use tee or something similar to get input both from the command line and from the keyboard? [16:33] How do I retrieve packages by aria2c, axel, wget or any other downloader instead of apt-get—yep, I want to install all of them at a time as like that of apt-get? [16:35] vishaltelangre: how do you want to install them? [16:36] i'd like to use my newly installed 10.10 desktop as a server and installed webmin. i would like to access the pc remotely with something like vnc & ssh, does anyone know of a good how to somewhere? [16:36] Odd Raid 5 issue here... I created my raid the same way I have in the past `sudo mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=5 --raid-devices=4 /dev/sda1 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdd1 /dev/sde1` everything was fine... took 16 hours for four 2TB drives. When it was done I did a `sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/md0` and everything went fine. I set it up in fstab to mount to /media/home (gonna migrate my current home over)... rebooted and couldn't mount. [16:37] ChogyDan, of course with the help of dpkg! But I want to download them by a fast downloader utility instead of the default one! [16:37] I skipped it and did a `cat /proc/mdstat` and I get a md_d0 : inactive [16:37] md0 doesn't exist now and only one drive is showing up in that wierd mdstat cat [16:37] !vnc | Rudi_C [16:37] Rudi_C: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX [16:37] how would i add a windows live hotmail account to evolution mail for ubuntu? [16:38] Hedgehog456: Do google for your query! [16:38] hi, i have a problem with usb-creator-gtk, when i click 'make startup disk' it stops immediately saying 'installation failed'...can anyone help (Maverick, usb-creator-gtk 0.2.25 ) thanks [16:39] thanks guys, I'll go check it out [16:39] ActionParsnip: so I set the bootoptions and selected Ctrl-x (boot). now what do I do? [16:39] <_Lucretia_> hi, i'm attempting to learn dvorak for medical reasons. i've set up dvorak in the system->preferences->keyboard->layouts tab, can switch between them. i'm also going to be learning hindi, and saw 2 different layouts. which should i use? also, what's the difference between this, scim and ibus? thanks. [16:39] hello. I installed ubuntu and, when I boot, it says "fd0 cannot get C/H/S values" [16:39] there is not even a floppy drive in the machine [16:40] so I suspect the bios is confusing grub [16:40] can I use aircrack to get internet via my wirelesS? [16:40] Hedgehog456: http://www.n00bsonubuntu.net/content/howto-add-hotmaillive-account-to-evolution-mail-mpeg/ [16:40] is there any commands I can enter to unconfuse it? [16:40] xormor: should boot ok [16:40] thanks ActionParsnip [16:40] ActionParsnip: it booted fine. [16:40] <_Lucretia_> hiuo: google brings up some links [16:40] ActionParsnip: should I now update the system? [16:40] I forgot the key of my wifi device so can I use aircrack or kismet to get internet from my wifi? [16:40] xormor: yes definately [16:41] ali_: you can reset the router [16:41] _Lucretia_: I recommend iBus instead of SCIM or any other input method! [16:41] I probably need to go to #grub [16:41] It does work [16:41] it doesn't work sorry [16:41] <_Lucretia_> vishaltelangre: instead of the kb layouts? [16:41] beside resetting [16:41] the router [16:41] can I use the aircrack? [16:42] ali_: it should work, but other than than, aircrack won't work. Unless you are trying to crack someone elses network... which is ot for here [16:42] ok thanks [16:42] _Lucretia_: No, not keyboard layouts. I said about input method system. Your keyboard layout will be as it is. [16:42] ben yenıyım ne dıyonuz [16:43] I'm having random lockups/freezes with General Protection Fault on Ubuntu Server 10.10, anyone able to make heads or tails of the kernel log? ( http://pastebin.com/GQz8xrZn) Mobo been replaced, and CPU changed from a Phenom II 4x to a Phenom II 6x which caused the issue to occur more rarely. The 4x however could be crashed on demand using stress and heavy IO/disk load [16:43] <_Lucretia_> vishaltelangre: yeah, I don't really understand it all, tbh [16:43] how can I force a partition to be mounted at startup? [16:43] !fstab | jpmonette [16:43] jpmonette: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions === spvensko_ is now known as spvensko [16:43] jpmonette: add it to fstab [16:43] <_Lucretia_> vishaltelangre: so I keep my layout as dvorak (when I'm accomplished enough) and then use ibus on top of that? [16:44] _Lucretia_: Had you used up Baraha like input method on Windows systems before for inputting in Hindi like languages? [16:44] <_Lucretia_> vishaltelangre: I'm not at the right place to be typinh hindi yet...just wanted to look into it ready :D [16:44] !list [16:44] This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » [16:44] <_Lucretia_> and no, don't use windows [16:44] ThinkT510, is there a quick way to find the exact informations to write in? [16:45] I guess that when I request to open it, theres a mount request executed === root is now known as Guest86918 === dean is now known as Guest97743 [16:46] Has anybody deployed Ubuntu into a Windows domain? I'm curious about some snags I ran into with authenticating it via Likewise-Open. [16:46] Hi, does anyone know why when I've deleted all my things on my 2GB memory stick it only has 194.8MB in it? lol it's definitely a 2GB memory stick.... [16:47] _Lucretia_: Okay. I thought you wanted to have help regarding typing in Hindi or else on to Ubuntu or any other Linux system. :) [16:47] Guest97743: trash? [16:47] <_Lucretia_> ubuntu yeah, not windows [16:47] Guest97743, go to the trash and delete eveyrthing in there while your flash drive is plugged in :) [16:47] <_Lucretia_> vishaltelangre: ubuntu yeah, not windows [16:47] <_Lucretia_> vishaltelangre: I just see all these different things and wonder what's different and which to use for what? etc === pen_ is now known as pen [16:48] shcherbak, got it thanks xD [16:49] jpmonette: what filesystem typ is it? ntfs? [16:49] ntfs [16:49] are you destined [16:49] to eternal virginity [16:49] | [16:49] YES | NO [16:49] .--------'--------. [16:49] | | [16:49] | | [16:49] __ [16:49] .' `. _.-;-._ [16:49] |a_a | '-..-'| | | [16:49] \<_)__/ '-..-'|_.-;-._| [16:49] /( )\ '-..-'| | | [16:49] |\`> < /\ '-..-'|_.-'-._| [16:49] \_|=='|_/ [16:49] inco9: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [16:49] jpmonette: /dev/sdXY /whereeveryouwanttomountit ntfs-3g rw,uid=1000 0 0 === ichat_ is now known as ichat [16:51] Has anybody deployed Ubuntu into a Windows domain? I'm curious about some snags I ran into with authenticating it via Likewise-Open. [16:52] Hi! I would like to turn my remote ubuntu server to a vpn-service so that I can access internet through that server, any ideas where to start? [16:52] so i nethanks ThinkT510 [16:53] jpmonette: np [16:53] do you know anything about CPUs, I am looking at a laptop with Intel Core i5-7xx, and wonder if it's considered fast enought for Ubuntu and demanding Tomem player? [16:53] Hmmm... I'm curious about how Ubuntu handles memory. I'm a new user and something I am using is eating up a lot of the RAM. In use as cache apparently. I don't know how to free up that memory without restarting. [16:53] !grub [16:53] grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards. [16:54] ThinkT510, what is the uid=1000 for? [16:54] !vpn | Lars___ [16:54] Lars___: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN [16:54] Kaleidomorph: This is correct behavior for Linux. Just mentally subtract the cache size. [16:54] jpmonette: that is the default id for a user account, type id into a terminal [16:54] what is unattended-upgrades ? [16:54] okay [16:54] service [16:54] thanks a lot! [16:55] jpmonette: no worries [16:55] So just ignore the memory in cache? [16:55] Hi. I just installed mencoder [sudo apt-get install mencoder] to convert from .wmv to .avi, but I can't seem to work out how to actually convert the .wmv file. Does anyone know? [16:55] Kaleidomorph: Yes. [16:55] This package can download and install security upgrades automatically [16:55] and unattended, taking care to only install packages from the [16:55] configured APT source, and checking for dpkg prompts about [16:55] Which vpn-service should I use? Or is it same same but different:-) [16:55] dajhorn: Understood. [16:55] Hi. Why does rmmod works while blacklisting in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf does not? [16:56] Kaleidomorph: The `free` command does some of that math for you. [16:56] Kaleidomorph: Restart your system to boost performance! I too do same task in successive intervals! [16:57] hai.. all... [16:57] all brotha... need you help, am need make some network planing on ubuntu [16:57] what software i can used, on windows i used visio [16:57] what on linux. [16:57] ceo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. === psusi` is now known as psusi [16:57] am not fload f@ck [16:58] guest234234: Which module do you need to blacklist? === pothos_ is now known as pothos [16:58] hello, how can i change the default enconding in gnome-terminal? , i can change to iso but in a new one, it appears in UTF8 again. Thank you very much [16:58] ceo, that is a bot it comes up apparenlty after three consecutive lines [16:58] ceo: He's bot bro! :D [16:58] dajhorn, usb_storage [16:58] ceo: lulz [16:58] oh... === fishwithapipe is now known as f|shy [16:58] sorry am realy need help [16:59] am need find software like visio for make networking diagram or networking project [16:59] that for my job on my office [17:00] guest234234: usb-storage is automatically added to the initrd so blacklisting there doesn't work. [17:00] is there an apt-get for lmsensors? [17:00] !info visio [17:00] Package visio does not exist in maverick [17:00] dajhorn, why is that so, and how one can knew which one are added automatically? [17:01] guest234234: You need to edit the /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf file and change the 'MODULES=most' option to something appropriate for your computer. [17:01] ceo: I like dia === faitz_ is now known as faitz [17:01] anyone use nautilus a lot for remote connections? [17:01] i.e. ftp [17:01] I'm wondering if there's an easy to way to sync a local directory with a remote directory and vice versa === mun24_ is now known as mun24 [17:02] asdfqwer: rsync? [17:02] asdfqwer: rsync [17:02] guest234234: Try 'MODULES=dep' first. You need to regenerate the initrd before the change takes effect. Note that you can make your computer unbootable by changing this option. [17:02] am have install it but, am can't operation of it [17:02] ceo: Search for desired application in System -> Administration -> Aptitude Package Manager [17:02] dajhorn, thanks, and how can I check which modules are added automatically? [17:03] remote desktop aint working === sburjan_ is now known as sburjan` [17:03] something is wrong [17:03] what i search vishaltelangre [17:03] guest234234: Start at `man initramfs.conf`. [17:03] "Your desktop is only reachable over the local network. Others can access your computer using the address localhost." but there is no open port [17:03] dajhorn, Thanks. [17:03] guest234234: Welcome. [17:03] pcpower, Jeruvy yeah i'm just unfamilar w/ rsync [17:03] isnt 5900 port [17:03] hai how i clear *psion (bla bla bla an *jbd (bla bala) am hate that info [17:03] ceo: keywords like diagram, networking, education etc. [17:04] help_me_or_die: port forwarded? [17:04] wondering if there was a nautilus plugin to handle some simple syncing [17:04] 5900 is the default [17:04] am chat with xchat [17:04] asdfqwer: there are man pages, documentation, manuals etc. Do you need a pointer? [17:04] but the adress shouldn't be localhost [17:04] oke [17:04] Jeruvy, well sure, tutorial with some context might help [17:04] how do I stop the gnome? [17:05] hey guys needs to basic cli FTP help. How do I transfer recursively, only directories that start with 1009* inside a directory that has tons of different files? [17:05] vishaltelangre, can you help for clear all info on my chat am used xchat [17:05] run ifconfig to get your adress [17:05] * simbol are celar [17:05] I'm gusing I need to use mput, but it says file not found when I do mput 1009* [17:05] asdfqwer: try this one, a few tutorials here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=587293 [17:05] *symbol need to be clear it [17:06] Element9: what are you trying to do? log out? [17:06] syrinx_: it's not starting vino [17:06] server [17:06] Hi all! I have a working SVN directory that has two folders: one for WordPress (public) and one for a Zend Framework backend. When I try to access the tournament backend WordPress reports a 404. How would I use a symlink to get past the routing issue? [17:07] is it possible to send the input of a webcam to two programs at the same time ? [17:07] ceo: I don't know however, but you can check if you find the settings for that kind of task. Just go to Setting -> Preferences from your XChat. [17:07] ThinkT510: I'm trying to start my app with just xserver and without gnome [17:07] dajhorn, one more question if you please. If I add 'modprobe -r usb_storage' to startup programs, will it work? [17:07] what os the vino service? [17:07] is === Newa2 is now known as NewaWrk [17:08] guest234234: Dunno. Why do you need to blacklist usb-storage? [17:08] I open vino-preferences but it doesnt create a listening port! [17:08] help [17:08] Element9: not sure how to do that, but i always thought you need a window manager at least (like twm) [17:08] nobody remembers cli ftp? [17:08] :( [17:08] Is this a good guide to set up a vpn-server ? http://cviorel.easyblog.ro/2009/02/09/how-to-set-up-a-vpn-server-on-ubuntu/ === Mayank1 is now known as Mayank [17:09] guest234234: is that package buggy or what? [17:09] !X [17:09] The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution [17:09] dajhorn, it's for my friend who runs small business. Protecting sensitive data etc. [17:10] I should be possible, and I want to see how will my program look without gnome [17:10] guest234234: A better solution could be to disable gnome gvfs automounting. [17:10] dajhorn, which man should I read? [17:11] !twm [17:11] !botabuse | ThinkT510 [17:11] ThinkT510: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid". [17:12] guys if i need to create a mail server... wich aplication should i use? [17:12] guest234234: Create an unprivileged account at the "User Settings" panel. Click the "Advanced Settings" button on the new account. Click the "User Privileges" tab. Disable the "external storage" and "fuse". [17:12] !mailserver | heavy_bullets [17:12] heavy_bullets: Ubuntu supports the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and provides mail server software of many kinds. You can install a basic email handling configuration with the "Mail server" task during installation, or with the "tasksel" command. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/email-services.html [17:12] Has anybody deployed Ubuntu on a Windows domain? I'm running into some joining/leaving snags with various errors that I can't seem to figure out. [17:12] !vino [17:12] Guys, I'm having a problem with my webcam while trying to use it's internal microphone to record audio alongside the video. [17:12] !vnc [17:12] VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX [17:12] It's causing the video/audio to go out of sync. [17:13] guest234234: You can disable floppy drives and cd-r burners at the same list of privileges. [17:13] thx logan [17:13] the "problem" was that i needed to start the service. /usr/lib/vino/vino-server --sm-disable [17:13] ThinkT510: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop stops X but it doesn't give me the console [17:14] Element9: only 6 ttys run by default. they are on ctrl+at+f[1-6] [17:14] dajhorn, sorry if I am bothering you, but, I like to do things from cli. I would like to knew what exacly does it do. Removing user from some kind of groups? === MrNibblesFreenod is now known as MrNibbles [17:15] hi.. i'm trying to configure wifi on ubuntu, but iwconfig only shows "lo" and "eth0" devices. shouldn't i have a wlan0 ? [17:15] fadax: what kind of card is it?(usb/built-un) [17:16] *in [17:16] guest234234: It is difficult to do this kind of job correctly at the cli on an Ubuntu computer. Also try the `polkit-gnome-authorization` utility. [17:16] dajhorn, ok, thanks. [17:16] it's a built in one. the model is Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6230 [17:16] maco: but when I go to tty with ctrl+alt+f1 and try ./HelloWorld it says cannot connec to x server [17:17] Element9: because once you stop gdm, X isn't running [17:17] guest234234: If you're not the only administrator of the computer, then the next guy that needs to fix it will be annoyed if you do the `modprobe -r` trick. [17:17] maco: if I try startx -x ./HelloWord it says x server is already running [17:17] according to http://intellinuxwireless.org/ the driver is included in the kernel, so i guess it should be working :s [17:18] fadax: what output does lsusb give? [17:18] guest234234: I could defeat your `modprobe -r` security hack by rebooting the computer with a USB stick attached. [17:18] guest234234: And that vector can easily happen accidentally. [17:19] fadax: also, what does lspci give? [17:20] joel135 well i'm not with the laptop at the moment, but i ran that command earlier and lsusb didn't show anything to do with networking. i tried lspci too and that showed a device Intel Corporation Device 0091 (rev 34) which i guess is the network card [17:20] I added the frequency scaling applet to the gnome panel and set the frequency of both cores to 800 mhz. all of sudden my cores are running at much lower temperatures and all the programs run just as fast as before. can someone explain this? [17:21] and it didn't list any kernel drivers associated with it [17:21] Hi all. How might I use a symlink in Ubuntu to bypass WordPress' htaccess file? I have a backend script that WordPress keeps showing as a 404 [17:21] fadax: ok [17:21] quit [17:22] hi all [17:22] joel135 also every time i boot ubuntu just before the login screen loads it says "too many connections" a couple of times. i don't know if this could be related to my wifi problem? [17:24] hi [17:24] Hello [17:25] fadax: do you know your kernel version? [17:25] can anyone help? i want to make a symlink so that i can bypass the wordpress and its routing [17:25] how do I log out to console [17:26] joel135 i think it is 2.6.35 [17:26] Right click - Close :x [17:26] i have a mysql for linux in a dvd .how to install it?? [17:26] i just downloaded and installed ubuntu desktop 10.10 yesterday so it is the kernel which comes with that [17:26] fadax: kernel version 2.6.38 is known to work with that rev of the card === bin_bash is now known as GrammarNazi [17:26] fadax: but it's not stable yet === GrammarNazi is now known as bin_bash [17:27] fadax: I suggest you wait a couple of weeks if you can [17:28] vivek___it, apt-cdrom add , apt-get update , apt-get install mysql [17:28] joel135 oh right ok, well thanks for the help. can't i try to upgrade the kernel now and then again in 2 weeks when it becomes stable? [17:28] fadax: why not try out the 2.6.38 from the mainline ppa? [17:29] When I boot ubuntu from livecd I cant access my home directory because I dont have permissions, /home permissions are set to Others: no list, no create/delete, access. So how can I access it? [17:29] what is the mainline ppa? [17:29] Do I need to change permissions? or is there a way to open that folder using root password? [17:29] help_me: is it mounted? [17:29] fadax: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.38-rc7-natty/ [17:29] i have never upgraded a kernel before, is it easy? can i use apt-get install or something? [17:29] salve [17:29] histo: the disk is [17:29] fadax: if you use a ppa === darek is now known as Guest64759 [17:30] histo: but i cant open the folder because of permissions [17:30] help_me: well then it's probably the mount options used for your home. [17:30] help_me: if you are booting off of a cd [17:30] fadax: no, just download the needed files from that link, and install them === jussi01_ is now known as jussi === mrmist_ is now known as mrmist [17:31] fadax: you need the 2 files with your arch, i386 or amd64, and the _all.deb file too [17:31] histo: can I login with same username and password to open the folder?' [17:31] I'm getting choppy video from an external drive formatted ntfs, copying the video to an ext4 partition relieves the stutter. hdparm's read test put the external drive at 25MB/s (more than enough for this video), any idea what might be causing the slow down? [17:31] help_me: how did you mount your /home folder? [17:31] help needed - i am trying to access an external HDD on the ubuntu computer from a windows workgroup network - when i try to share that drive the admin/shared folders window does not allow one to add any drives to the share - it says "authentication is needed to make changes" - how do i sort this out? [17:32] Has anybody deployed Ubuntu on a Windows domain? I'm running into some joining/leaving snags with various errors that I can't seem to figure out. [17:32] histo: I just booted from CD and opened hdd [17:32] !mount | help_me [17:32] help_me: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount [17:32] pct, windows version [17:33] Roasted: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line) [17:33] jrib, a single line? [17:33] I pressed the button skip on while it was installing ubuntu, is it safe to assume that after I boot my installation and I just update the packages that it will be a perfect install? [17:33] jrib, not sure that's possible, as the errors I'm getting are lengthy. [17:33] !samba | pct_ [17:33] pct_: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [17:33] dmesg, some are winxp, others vista === dejan is now known as Guest58904 [17:33] jrib, I figured if ANYBODY has touched likewise, they've more than likely been familiarized with the errors I'm getting anyway. [17:33] oh right ok. thanks ChogyDan , i'll try to upgrade the kernel when i'm home [17:33] Roasted: that's what pastebin is for! [17:33] histo: the problem is not the mounting. the problem is that I cant access the folder because of permissions. So... do I need to change /home permissions to access that folder from livecd? [17:34] is that the only way? [17:34] jrib, meh. [17:34] help_me: no, the problem is mounting [17:34] Thank you all for making ubuntu.. [17:34] yes thanks [17:34] help_me: permissions are set when it's mounted different from the file permissions [17:34] ubottu, silly question what it samba....new to ubuntu! [17:34] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [17:34] pct_: samba allows windows file sharing [17:34] please someone help me if my installation is ok after I have skipped part of it and just update the packages [17:34] Roasted: you don't want soeone that deployed ubuntu on a windows domain, you want someone that can help you. So just assume someone said "yes" and ask the question:) [17:35] anyone know how i might use a symlink to get past the routing of a wordpress install? i have an app and when itry to go to it i get a 404 by wordpress [17:35] help_me: is there a specific file that you are haivng trouble with accessing? Or is it all files? [17:35] histo: all files in that folder [17:35] ok tks guys will try samba but before logging off i did share one of my folders on ubuntu but now not allowed due to this authentication request - how do i get around that [17:35] Cataclysm1: well, their webserver would have to be setup to follow symlinks. you can try using mount --bind [17:36] help_me: yeah. You probably don't have write access or soemthing goofy with the way it was mounted. [17:36] Has anybody deployed Ubuntu on a Windows domain? I'm getting some errors, in particular with joining and leaving. To join, I need to comment out the host line in /etc/nsswitch.conf, okay fine. But to leave, I can't leave. I get a series of errors, beginning with 1387 (0x56B) ERROR_NO_SUCH_MEMBER - Unknown error. Any thoughts? [17:36] jrib, better? [17:36] Which is the best VPN for Ubuntu 10.10? === kriswalo is now known as eitri [17:36] psion its on my localhost. its only for the development environment [17:36] what do i do when rythym box gets stuck on transferring my purchased songs to ubuntu one storage, when the files are already on it, i can dl em from my ubuntu one file manager, but cant access them in rythym box [17:40] dheshu: VPN client? [17:40] Yeah, client [17:40] Cataclysm1: then you'd need to modify your apache settings to follow symlinks, or like I said you can use mount --bind to make the folder the file is in accessible [17:40] Roasted: sure, though you should probably pastebin the errors in full [17:40] dheshu: network manager supports VPN and it's easy === Rudi_C_ is now known as Rudi_C [17:40] dheshu: or you can use openvpn but it's terminal === species_ is now known as species [17:40] !openvpn [17:40] OpenVPN is a vpn technology in Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install openvpn and then see http://openvpn.net/ and see the documentation "HOWTO" noting you have already installed it. ;-) It rocks! [17:40] openvpn? [17:40] ye [17:40] dheshu: it's vpn client [17:40] psion it follow symlinks. would iuse "mount --bind" on the folder itself? its a zend framework app so the folder isnt even in the public directory [17:40] later [17:40] hello all i've made the "mistake" of installing windows after ubuntu. I've booted with the live cd and run: grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda5 [17:40] /usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: Attempting to install GRUB to a partition instead of the MBR. This is a BAD idea.. [17:40] /usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: Embedding is not possible. GRUB can only be installed in this setup by using blocklists. However, blocklists are UNRELIABLE and their use is discouraged.. [17:40] /usr/sbin/grub-setup: error: if you really want blocklists, use --force. [17:40] Deveras: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. === 45PABVJ4I is now known as bin_bash [17:40] ups [17:40] Okay, im going to giva a look to it, thanks, help_me === Afrix2 is now known as Afrix [17:40] so I run grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda5 but i got those messages. Can anyone help me with this? I've tried the online tutorials, but haven't found a solution for it [17:40] Cataclysm1: if you wanted to mount --bind, yeah you'd use it on two folders, i.e. mount --bind /opt/www/cgi /home/user/www/cgi would bind the /opt cgi to your user's wwww/cgi [17:40] jrib - you still around? [17:40] I've also tried --force [17:40] And then i rebooted, but windows screen for recovery appeared [17:41] Kingsy: sort of -- 5 second lag atm === adante_ is now known as adante [17:41] is there something else i must check? It tooked me 2h plus to install PHP-GTK in ubuntu yesterday, don't really want to go and do it again :( [17:41] what IRC client you suggest for gnome? [17:41] xchat [17:41] xchat [17:41] xchat [17:41] XChat [17:41] irssi! [17:42] ok I am trying to change the label for a IDE hard drive.. I guess i need to unmount it first? [17:42] 2nd choice pidgin [17:42] Syllabik. [17:42] * Altxp go away fast [17:42] ok [17:42] if so how do you find out the device name? [17:42] is that in official software list? [17:42] yes [17:42] !away > Altxp [17:42] Altxp, please see my private message === Mayank1 is now known as Mayank [17:42] Kingsy sudo fdisk -l [17:42] I can see it in /media/ its called "new volume" [17:42] ok thanks [17:42] Anyone have any advice for how to back up my entire system to a NAS [17:42] Well, that was a joke. [17:42] In fact... [17:43] Kingsy: Click System -> Administration -> Disk Utility. Try to change it there first. [17:43] But you're not french you don't know Syllabik :D [17:43] I've installed openssh-server on my desktop pc and when I follow the steps on the ubuntu official docs where it says "sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart" the pc says "command not found. pls could someone tell me where to find a good how to [17:43] dajhorn: change the label there? [17:43] Why I can't find xchat in official software in internet>chat [17:43] :S [17:43] hi guys! can you please point me the way to a howto on repairing a broken raid5? [17:43] Kingsy: The device name and device label will be there. [17:44] hello everyone. I'm trying to cross compile iperf from source. I'm on an amd64 machine and want to compile it for a i386 machine. Can someone help me with the ./configure script? [17:44] remoteCTRL2: raid 5, software from ubuntu, or hardware ? [17:44] eitch0000: do you know how to cross-compile ? [17:45] ikonia, no, not really. I did a couple og google searches. They mostly show me things about setting a host="" settings for configure. But I don't understand what the value should be. And even then, are there any special dependencies I might need? [17:45] ok guys this is VERY odd. My boss can open PDF and Word Docs on his machine which runs the same versions of the OpenOffice and Document Viewer. We are also on the same kernel version, however I cannot seem to open any documents he sends me. He is running 10.04 and I am running 10.10 any issues you might know about with this? [17:45] the word doc and pdf were both made in windows, but that would not explain why he can open the documents on his 10.04.2 and I cannot on 10.10 [17:45] Guest58904: run this in a terminal: sudo apt-get install xchat [17:45] Rudi_C: cd /etc/init.d ls -la can you see the ssh command there? [17:46] eitch0000: ok, then I can't really help you with configure as it's not as simple as just running confiugure, you'll need a toolchain first [17:46] there are many versions for xchat XCHAT IRC or XChat-GNOME IRC CHAT? [17:46] Rudi_C: try: sudo service ssh restart; [17:46] Rudi_C / Deveras : Try: /etc/init/ [17:46] Deveras: I'll try that thanks [17:46] Rudi_C: or ls -la /etc/init.d | grep ssh [17:46] ikonia, ok [17:46] stay away from xchat-gnome it is the same as xchat just very limited features [17:46] guys, grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda5 -- force //// the sda5 is the ext4 where i had linux,this is correct right? === chichebcn is now known as chiche [17:46] jocrawfo, pidgin ftw xD [17:46] ok thanks jocrawfo [17:46] :D [17:46] Deveras: it is an upstart script now, it would be in /etc/init/ssh.conf [17:46] dajhorn: yeah that worked [17:46] hi anyone responded to my question on skip on installation and how to fix it after updating the packages? [17:46] Does updating Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop, update the Python to 2.7? [17:47] i use xchat over pidgin, just seems nicer [17:47] hm [17:47] trism regarding the ssh server? cheers === Kasjopaja23 is now known as Kasjopaja [17:47] I pressed the skip button while installing [17:47] how to fix it afterwards? === Kasjopaja is now known as Guest27361 [17:48] does anyone know how to force ubuntu to use ntfs-3g rather than ntfs-fuse? [17:48] ups... i just got loads of... lagging bad here [17:48] should i --force the grub-install ? [17:48] Hi! [17:48] yes [17:48] Deveras: try that [17:48] reboot again, and if it goes to windows? [17:48] trism i get ssh start/running, process 1700, is that right ? === remoteCTRL2 is now known as remoteCTR1 [17:49] Deveras: try removing your windows [17:49] GamingDroid: no, the default python will not be 2.7 until 11.04 [17:49] cordoval_ does anything else pop to mind (i'm doing this for the 2nd time, just to make sure i didn't mess it up somewhere) [17:49] Rudi_C: yes, looks right to me [17:49] delete the partition? [17:49] :) thx [17:49] ikonia: software, something about mdadm if i recall correctly...? [17:49] cordoval_ remove the partiton? [17:49] remoteCTR1: ok, so what's the problem [17:49] !netsplit [17:49] (gosh i finally found a registered nick that i havent logged in to yet :D) [17:49] netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit [17:50] hi [17:50] will do that then i guess [17:50] ikonia: i had a hw failure with one of the disks i just replaced it and would like to repair the array [17:50] Deveras: yes [17:50] Deveras, did you hold the shift key after the bios message , you should see the grub menu shortly after [17:50] BluesKaj: good tip Shift [17:50] i need a help [17:51] anyone can tell me if after skip button while installing can I fix my ubuntu installation? [17:51] just by updating? [17:51] remoteCTR1: ok, so did you mark the disk as failed using mdadm ? [17:51] i need help with this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10517136#post10517136 [17:51] the connection is fleaky [17:52] ikonia: nope, software-sided i havent touched a thing yet, but i'd appreciate you helping me with it of course! [17:52] hello everyone, i m using ubuntu 10.10 and it was working fine till today. i started my computer and while booting the screen start fluctuating between cursor and some booting instrucions. when i ran my ubuntu in recovery mode it is working fine but only command line was working. when i tried to run startx same problem appears again. Please suggest me any solution. [17:52] I just installed ubuntu and now I am watching europa in live and local sattelites.. what else to say.. thanks for making ubuntu! [17:52] anyone? [17:52] ikonia: i hope i can still mark it as failed without actually haveing the failed disk inside, right? cos it won't boot anymore with it attached... [17:53] psion wouldn't it make more sense to make a symlink instead? that's what i endedu p doing .. whatst he difference [17:53] whomever mentioned my name can you relay the message again because the split caused my buffer to go over and I cannot scroll to see what was said [17:53] remoteCTR1: no, you can't [17:53] remoteCTR1: you'll havce to just do a hot add and hope it rebuilds [17:53] please help me...i can't install ubuntu... [17:53] Anyone have experience with Parcellite not pasting the item I have selected from the history list? [17:53] hi there [17:54] woah big channel [17:54] remoteCTR1: put the disk in, boot the machine, then do an mdadm --manage /dev/$blah --add /dev/your_disk and it should rebuild [17:54] Okay, I guess i should basically ask and with luck i get an answer: I'm working with ubuntu since about 1 week (Used it before too, but I always came back to windows - dunno why :D) and my two monitors worked very well together - until today :D Basically I have an 1600x900 notebook monitor, but also an external 1920x1080 monitor - connected through VGA. It worked - as I said - very well until today, today it one time said my laptop o [17:54] (Omg huge entry) [17:54] ok guys, I have just mounted a drive and shared it with samba but when accessing it using a windows machine it says I don't have the correct permissions [17:54] is it because I am mounting it wrongly? [17:54] I just used the GUI [17:54] ikonia: erm... to hope is a very last resort like otion, cos we are talking 200GB mp3s that i DID rip myself (!!) and about 3,5k documentaries... === Abhijit_ is now known as Abhijit [17:54] remoteCTR1: no [17:54] remoteCTR1: that is the way to recover it [17:55] When recording video using the internal microphone of the webcam - the video and audio is out of sync. Anyone have any ideas how to fix this? [17:55] ikonia: but i do hope that is basically a save way? [17:55] remoteCTR1: however as you've not marked the disk as dirty you've got to hope mdadm detects it's a new disk that needs a rebuild [17:55] remoteCTR1: it's the only way for you [17:55] how does one disable a bridge interface? [17:55] ikonia: dont get me wrong dude, i could have read the man pages of mdadm but i really do not want to mess this one up, ya know *g* [17:55] remoteCTR1: do what you want [17:56] remoteCTR1: if you didn't want to have messed it up, you would have read how to manage a read array before jumping in [17:56] ikonia: i meant that is the reason why i asked here before touching anyting, right? === M3de is now known as FarkBarn [17:56] you didn't you swapped the disk [17:56] how do you unmount a drive from the shell? [17:56] remoteCTR1: you changed the disk before marking it as dirty [17:56] Kingsy: umount [17:57] remoteCTR1: you rushed in without knowing what to do, now you have one option [17:57] ikonia: i had to exchange it because the computer wouldnt reboot with it attached to it... [17:57] Anyone use Parcellite? [17:57] Okay since no one answered me, here is the short question: Can i reset all monitor stuff so I can just reboot and it will (try to) detect all monitors again? [17:57] remoteCTR1: data is probably corrupted then [17:57] hmm when I try to mount it says mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1, [17:57] rynti: remove /etc/X11/xorg.conf and it will try to detect [17:57] !netsplit === Guest30162 is now known as tazd [17:57] hi . nob here . i need help . i installed ubuntu and updated it now my operating system choice meno at the boot has become too complicated with 8 options 4 of which belongs to ubuntu , 2 to windows 7 and 2 to memory tests [17:57] ikonia: please dude go a little easier on me it seemed my best option at the time... [17:57] the cms I am trying is mkdir ~/plutoHD && sudo mount /dev/sdb1 ~/plutoHD -o umask=0000 [17:57] hi . nob here . i need help . i installed ubuntu and updated it now my operating system choice meno at the boot has become too complicated with 8 options 4 of which belongs to ubuntu , 2 to windows 7 and 2 to memory tests [17:57] cmd*** [17:57] remoteCTR1: why ? [17:57] okay thanks ikonia [17:57] remoteCTR1: I'm just telling you the truth [17:58] ikonia: no need to rub it in. [17:58] sipior: I'm not, I'm explaining the sitaution [17:58] anyone know how to prevent that error? [17:58] hi . nob here . i need help . i installed ubuntu and updated it now my operating system choice meno at the boot has become too complicated with 8 options 4 of which belongs to ubuntu , 2 to windows 7 and 2 to memory tests [17:58] ikonia: may i pm you? i dont want to take this out in public? [17:58] remoteCTR1: don't need to pm me [17:58] remoteCTR1: follow the advice I've given you, or don't, it's up to you [17:58] rynti: I'm also on a dual monitor set up, not sure if this will help you or not, but I don't plug mine in until I'm fully booted, and then i have to open the Monitor preferences for the other monitor to be detected. [17:59] ikonia: you can explain without being patronising. try it sometime. [17:59] AbismoNegro: The GRUB loader is listing kernels, pick the first one. [17:59] hi . noob here . i need help . i installed ubuntu and updated it now my operating system choice menu at the boot has become too complicated with 8 options 4 of which belongs to ubuntu , 2 to windows 7 and 2 to memory tests [17:59] @dv310p3r: that would be nice but why did it work before today? :D [17:59] sipior: I'm not been partonising, I'm being told he can't lose this data, is there a better way, I'm explaining no, there isn't a better way because you didn't learn what to do before doing it [17:59] ikonia: gosh what have i said?? ok ikonia, thanks for your help i appreciate it alot as always, and i will now start praying that all goes right... [17:59] i know [17:59] hi I cannot know if updating my ubuntu will fix the problem originated when I pressed the skip button while first installing it? [17:59] sipior: I'm being told I could have read the man pages before doing it, but didn't, now I can't lose this data, [17:59] anyone help please? [17:59] gonna reboot now [17:59] bai :D [17:59] Abismo, Is it like Ubuntu-10.10-24 and -22? [18:00] before i update it the ubuntu options were just 2 naming "ubuntu with linux 2.6.35-27-generic pae === dmart is now known as Guest51520 [18:00] Can anyone explain why after doing a fresh 'apt-get install vsftpd', some of its configuration files (/etc/vsftpd.conf /etc/pam.d/vsftpd) aren't installed? They show up in dpkg -L vsftpd [18:01] Go for the one with the highest number, that'll have the latest kernel release [18:01] 2 other options with the name " b"ubuntu with linux 2.6.35-25-generic pae [18:01] i know [18:01] but i dont want that many options to show up in the os selecting menu [18:01] 2 for windows 7 . 4 for ubuntu 2 for memory tests . thats just too much [18:02] AbismoNegro: use burg, one sec I'll get a link [18:02] nerdy_kid thank you i'll be waiting. [18:02] sorry cause my english sucks [18:02] AbismoNegro: np, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/06/get-animated-themed-icon-only-grub-menu-using-burg-now-simple-to-use/ [18:03] quite an upgrade from plain old GRUB ;) [18:03] Nerdy_kid: Could he not just reconfigure GRUB? === Guest51520 is now known as dmart [18:03] i have too many problems using ubuntu and the iranian ubuntu commiunity just cant answer me about some of them [18:03] BiPolah: probably, but he'd have to tweak the config files. Installing burg is like...3 or 4 lines in the terminal and it looks way better [18:03] please help me [18:04] I need to know how to fix my ubuntu install since I pressed the skip button while installing [18:04] Cordoval_: Telling us what the problem is exactly would help [18:04] it seems ok but it would not let me to do some things === pothos_ is now known as pothos [18:04] Cordoval_: saying you pressed the skip button doesn't help [18:04] cordoval_: just reinstall it === Afrix2 is now known as Afrix === brosnan is now known as kbrosnan [18:05] reinstall ubuntu is not an option, I have moved already files in it and they were huge [18:05] can I just update and it will fix? [18:05] cordoval_: what did you skip ? [18:05] cordoval_: What did you skip? [18:05] BiPolah: too slow [18:05] since the skip button was there I think that the packages that are missing could be completed doing an update [18:05] I think they were language packages [18:05] cordoval_: what did you skip [18:05] you think ? [18:05] how could i install open suse along with ubuntu ? i'd like to have open suse with KDE desktop too. [18:05] but I don't really know, the skip button was enabled [18:05] cordoval_: are you having a technical problem ? [18:05] cordoval_: alright, what exactly is the problem. What doesn't work? [18:06] yes, when tring to install google chrome or skype packages it would fail [18:06] I will tell you the exact error in just a second [18:06] AbismoNegro: dual booting 2 linux's is now a real pain with ubuntu thanks to grub2 [18:06] trying now... [18:06] cordoval_: ok, what problem [18:06] cordoval_: if it's multiple lines, pastebin it [18:06] cordoval_: www.pastebin.com [18:06] evening :) [18:06] this networks fails.. [18:07] no botserv [18:07] help - 1 question - ubuntu saying "authentication required to make changes" when trying to change shared folders - how do i remove this authenitcation requirement??? === species_ is now known as species [18:07] EnglishGeek: bye then [18:07] what does ppa vs pae mean? [18:07] could some one pls direct me / help .. i am having trouble installing java [18:08] im using putty to my vps so no gui allso [18:08] hi i want to make usb bootable ubuntu, i'm trying Startup Disk Creator but it says 'installation failed' before doing anything... do i have to format the usb drive first? if so, to what filesystem type ? === WindPower_ is now known as WindPower [18:08] hey there people [18:08] usb-creator doesn't work in Maverick, is there a working version around ? [18:08] ikonia i'm new to linux. i previously used parsix(a persian linux) and now ubuntu. i have windows 7 pre installed on a lenovo thinkpad lapotp along with ubuntu . i formatted one of NTFS partitions and parted it into 2 ext3 partitions and installed ubuntu . do i need to format another NTFS partitions ? [18:08] i mean usb-creator-gtk [18:08] what does ppa vs pae mean as far as the kernel is concerned? [18:09] ilessthan3ubuntu: pae afaik allows a 32bit kernel to handle more then 4 gbs of ram. ppa is a personal package archive -- a custom software source [18:09] tim167: did you MD5 test the ISO you are using with it? [18:09] help - 1 question - ubuntu saying "authentication required to make changes" when trying to change shared folders - how do i remove this authenitcation requirement??? [18:09] AbismoNegro: don't seem why, 2 partitions can run fine, your call [18:09] ActionParsnip: i tested the iso, it loads fine... [18:09] pct_: you cant currently, at least not easily. [18:09] nerdy_kid, thanks!!!! [18:09] I would like to change my default window manager, I created a .xinitrc file with "exec ratpoison" content to my home folder, but the default window manager remains gnome [18:09] ActionParsnip: i tested the iso using qemu [18:10] nerdy kid thanks but when i first loaded ubuntu i did add a folder now it does not let me? [18:10] pct_: they used to have a nice little config utilty to do stuff like that, but something went wrong with it [18:10] ilessthan3ubuntu: PPA is the Personal Package Archive service that Launchpad provides for developers to package their own code. PAE is Public Address Extensions, kernel feature that allows 32bit processors to use more than 4gb of RAM (although no more than 4gb can be allocated to any single process). [18:10] pct_: i dont know, sorry [18:11] nerdy_kid : tks bud, anyone else have any ideas - i am stuck cannot share any more folders.. [18:11] anybody know if nokia pc suite is for linux' [18:11] ActionParsnip: i'm also trying Unetbootin, it finishes without errors but the usb stick remains one FAT32 partition, is that normal ? [18:11] hi need to change bootargs with only having access to the harddrive via a second computer [18:12] any idea? [18:12] * tim167 reboot [18:12] peter__: http://series60-remote.sourceforge.net/ [18:15] help needed - i am trying to access an external HDD on the ubuntu computer from a windows workgroup network - when i try to share that drive the admin/shared folders window does not allow one to add any drives to the share - it says "authentication is needed to make changes" - how do i sort this out? [18:15] hi guys! Imhaving segmentation faults on everything that uses OpenGL.... can anyone help? [18:15] help needed - i am trying to access an external HDD on the ubuntu computer from a windows workgroup network - when i try to share that drive the admin/shared folders window does not allow one to add any drives to the share - it says "authentication is needed to make changes" - how do i sort this out? [18:15] ikonia i have a 500gb hard disk . with 215gb dedicated to windows7 which i important to me. for ubuntu i used a 40gb and a 75gb along with 21 gb of swap. that leaves me 137gb of ntfs free.what shall i do for installing open suse without any performance and memory problem [18:15] Hey again, well i removed the xorg.conf and after that it fully detected every monitor, BUT when i activated the extern monitor it was just black and when I tried to move my cursor there, it didn't work. After some time I noticed that my ATI graphics driver wasn't activated anymore, so I reactivated it but then, well, it was the same as before :D My 1920x1080 was again just an 1600x900 [18:15] ilessthan3ubuntu: ppa is a 3rd party repo for packages, pae is a kernel feature to allow 32bit kernels access up to 64Gb ram, but each process will only have access to 3.2Gb === Hedgehog456_ is now known as Hedgehog456_bleh [18:15] AbismoNegro: you cant format ntfs into 2 ext3 partitions, you would have to delete thentfs partition (destroying the data), then make the ext3 partitions [18:15] !grub1 [18:15] !grub2 [18:15] GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 === Hedgehog456_bleh is now known as Hedgehog456 [18:16] AbismoNegro, all u need is to install open suse in the next partition [18:16] and configure grub [18:16] Ah and btw. the Catalyst (I looked there too) basically also just let me select 1600x900, but it says that the maximum resolution is 1920x1080 O.o [18:16] Any ideas? [18:16] AbismoNegro, what are going to put on another ntfs partition ? [18:16] AbismoNegro, let me rephrase that , what are going to use the ntfs partition for if you alrady have W7 installed ? [18:16] i guys! Imhaving segmentation faults on everything that uses OpenGL.... can anyone help? === Freejack is now known as Guest56904 [18:16] <[TK]D-Fender> AbismoNegro: 21GB of swap is insane [18:16] !Opengl [18:17] [TK]D-Fender: not for 21Gb of ram [18:17] d-finder it was my first instalition and the iranian info in internet is'nt too much. so dont blame me for being a newbie === melissa11 is now known as melissa1 [18:17] help needed - i am trying to access an external HDD on the ubuntu computer from a windows workgroup network - when i try to share that drive the admin/shared folders window does not allow one to add any drives to the share - it says "authentication is needed to make changes" - how do i sort this out? [18:18] !OpenGL [18:18] Just upgraded to Natty on test computer. Is it at all interesting to report found bugs at this stage? I mean since it's still in Alpha... [18:18] scarleo: yes log bugs, discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 [18:18] scarleo: Yes, and please use #ubuntu+1 for further Natty discussion. [18:18] ActionParsnip: :) [18:18] scarleo: report them, that's the whole point of an alpha :) [18:18] AbismoNegro: you only need the same amount of swap as you have ram (or 2xram if you have less than 2Gb ram) [18:19] Pici: snips [18:19] Great, thanks === yannick__ is now known as xiantia [18:19] .-. [18:19] is there a bug in the log viewer that makes it report wrong day on right dates? [18:19] This is getting frustrating [18:19] i have 4gb ddr3 of memory . my laptop is lenovo thinkpad SL510 A32 [18:19] pct_: use your login password [18:20] Drknzz: what's going on? [18:20] AbismoNegro: then 4Gb swap is enough to allow hibernate [18:20] gartral: Anything that uses OpenGL is segfaulting [18:20] how could i chang the swap ? i must reinstall ubuntu and format everything? [18:20] AbismoNegro: no [18:20] thank you and [18:20] AbismoNegro: but you should probably have 8.. [18:20] AbismoNegro: just resize the partitions in livecd [18:21] how on earth do i install sun java [18:21] AbismoNegro: as ActionParsnip said, no, you can just resize with a livecd [18:21] from terminal pls [18:21] is it possible to use cat and grep to list a specific string of characters in a file? [18:21] xfgghjlsine: java runtime? [18:21] yes [18:21] not openjdk [18:21] how could i resize them without affecting the windows 7 partition which is too important to me cause my collage works depends on it [18:21] xfgghjlsine: hmm not openjdk? [18:21] xfgghjlsine: why exactly? [18:21] Help - Got a notebook(1600x900) and an external monitor(1920x1080), connected the external through VGA and that worked well (dual-monitor) for a long time, but today it doesn't work anymore O.o It says my external monitor can maximum handle 1600x1200, and I've got no idea why -> Maybe you? Or some suggestions to fix this problem? [18:21] xfgghjlsine: apt-get install sun-java6-jre [18:22] Hey guys [18:22] because i hear it will get improvments on a minecraft server [18:22] Help - Got a notebook(1600x900) and an external monitor(1920x1080), connected the external through VGA and that worked well (dual-monitor) for a long time, but today it doesn't work anymore O.o It says my external monitor can maximum handle 1600x1200, and I've got no idea why -> Maybe you? Or some suggestions to fix this problem? === efflicto_ is now known as efflicto [18:22] using putty to connect to my vps atm [18:22] Im using ubuntu in a vm and need a lightweight code editor with highlighting for c++, java, makefiles and shell scripts [18:23] oh and xml [18:23] i use n++ on windows [18:23] but cant find anything as nice for linux [18:23] so many joins and leaves >_> [18:23] s60remote wont work, it wont connect... === AndrewMC is now known as Guest30896 [18:23] xfgghjlsine: apt-get install sun-java6-jre [18:23] Help - Got a notebook(1600x900) and an external monitor(1920x1080), connected the external through VGA and that worked well (dual-monitor) for a long time, but today it doesn't work anymore O.o It says my external monitor can maximum handle 1600x1200, and I've got no idea why -> Maybe you? Or some suggestions to fix this problem? [18:23] so right now i must insert the open suse live cd and start formatting the ntfs partition and part it into 3 ext3 partitios one for swap.right? [18:24] i cant work out the gedit highlighting [18:24] ruan: that's the server losing connections on a massive scale [18:24] Gwget doesn't show me download speed after i try to download something. I need necessary reload it [18:24] Help - Got a notebook(1600x900) and an external monitor(1920x1080), connected the external through VGA and that worked well (dual-monitor) for a long time, but today it doesn't work anymore O.o It says my external monitor can maximum handle 1600x1200, and I've got no idea why -> Maybe you? Or some suggestions to fix this problem? [18:24] ok i've ignored it now..\ [18:24] we're in a soft netsplit. [18:24] ben1066: have you tried gedit? [18:25] how do i add windows to grub 2? [18:25] ruan, I would use it and it seems to have code highlighting but as I said, I cant work it out :S [18:25] ben1066: view > highlight mode > sources [18:25] so right now i must insert the open suse live cd and start formatting the ntfs partition and part it into 3 ext3 partitios one for swap.right? [18:25] how do i add windows to grub 2? [18:25] I feel like an idiot now xD [18:25] ben1066: what can't you work out? [18:26] how do you accept a private message [18:26] asf [18:26] that was all I needed [18:26] :P === Guest30896 is now known as AndrewMC [18:26] dv310p3r: by looking at it? [18:26] 42below [18:26] dv310p3r: you don't accept them, you look at them [18:26] dv310p3r: there's no reject/accept involved by default [18:26] in Empathy Internet Messenger how do i see the participats list? [18:26] dv310p3r: unless you've gone and added some scripts to block PMs... === chris_ is now known as Guest95811 [18:26] I got a blinking signal in my xchat telling my i got a private message, but where is it? [18:26] argh i cant get the nvidia driver working under maverick [18:27] Oh, wait, are there just colored differently. [18:27] it keeps using a vesa driver? [18:27] damn, it was hidden [18:27] <3 irssi [18:27] dv310p3r: no, should show up like another channel on the side [18:27] how do i had windows to grub 2? can someone show me a link that works please? [18:27] http://pastebin.com/d9kCVw6K <- apt crashing [18:28] hi : i recently ran defraggler from piriform on an NTFS external volume and some of the files are now corrupted. Is there a working method in Linux to recover/repair these file or file system? [18:28] xfgghjlsine: enable partner repo and it will be available [18:28] how do i update my graphics card driver, ubuntu intalled something automaticaly but its not behaving well [18:28] Thanks [18:29] thanks ActionParsnip [18:29] !netsplit [18:29] netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit [18:29] ride the lightning. [18:29] Gwget doesn't show me download speed after i try to download something. I need necessary reload it [18:29] i think all of freenode has the connection issues [18:30] any one tell me how to partition of hdd while installing ubunt? === ShadowDeath is now known as shadowerwtas [18:31] Madhu: it gives you the options to partition the hdd before install [18:31] Madhu: otherwise you can run gparted from the livecd [18:32] can someone help with grub issues with root on on logical partitions [18:32] Guys please help. Anything OpenGL-related just segfaults [18:32] :S [18:32] !netsplit [18:33] yes i have not gparted with ubunt? [18:33] what is the size of gparted? [18:33] Madhu: it's on the livecd [18:33] on ubuntu? [18:33] Guys please help. Anything OpenGL-related just segfaults... This is getting frustrating now :( [18:33] Madhu: the ubuntu livecd [18:33] Drknzz_: have you tried reinstalling opengl? [18:34] ruan: How can that be done? [18:34] any cool color pickers for ubuntu ? [18:34] i tried but my hdd not showing after install. === zon_ is now known as linuxguy101 [18:34] only one partition is shows like 20 gb where is other 60 gb? [18:34] hi, anybody has an idea how to invoke a key-press within a bash script? I need F11-fullscreen to be executed upon a start of a terminal [18:35] pr0ton: gcolor2, not so much cool, but simple [18:35] Drknzz_: go to synaptic package manager, search for anything related to opengl, mark them for reinstallation, and apply [18:35] trism, thanks, checking it out [18:35] Does anybody here know if the plugin for firefox called "Flash-Aid" actually prevents certain conflicts and slightly improves performance? And will it somehow conflict with chrome if i decide to install it ? [18:35] any other ideas? maybe browser extensions for FF / Chrome [18:36] anybody has an idea how to invoke a key-press within a bash script? I need F11-fullscreen to be executed upon a start of a terminal [18:36] pr0ton:what exactly do you mean by colour picker? [18:36] what it the current "code name" for ubuntu 10.04? [18:36] im completely noob at ubuntu/linux please bear with me [18:36] !lucid [18:36] Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 [18:36] ruan could u tell me? [18:36] ruan, it's a tool which lets you pick a color [18:36] and gives you it's hex representation [18:36] Madhu: do you have a ubuntu livecd? [18:36] there are many online tools... [18:36] Would people here recommend using the firefox addon "Flash Aid" ? Will it conflict with chrome?? [18:36] yes === kloeri_ is now known as kloeri === Styx is now known as AStyx [18:37] experiment, how will a FF extension conflict with Chrome? :) [18:37] ty ubottu [18:37] it would be better if any screenshot is avail for partition step by step. [18:37] Madhu: boot the livecd, click "try ubuntu", go system > admin/preferences and click gparted partition manager [18:37] Madhu, try to go to Places -> ... it will show you all the partitions [18:38] some may not be mounted? [18:38] oh thanks all of you. [18:38] Because it sais "The following plugins have been detected by Flash-Aid and are selected to be removed. This is essential to make sure the proper plugin, that will be installed, gets loaded by Firefox. If you cannot see any plugins listed or if want to remove an item from the removal script, then click the Expert Mode" [18:38] world will be happy. [18:38] so i guess your right. its only related to firefox, stupid question. [18:38] took me copying and pasting it and making a fool [18:38] experiment, ok :) [18:39] Do you use it ? [18:39] i dont use Flash Aid [18:39] one last question is mp3 play in fedora? [18:39] whats it for ? [18:39] Madhu, yes [18:39] Madhu: mp3s play on all systems, provided a proper codec [18:39] to keep your flash up to date in firefox and prevents conflicts [18:39] you might have to install some codecs [18:40] i guess firefox doesn't automatically update flash [18:40] pr0ton: it allows you too maintain the various flash installs on your computer [18:40] gartal, oh ok [18:40] i think flash will soon be dead :P [18:40] anyonr using an nvidia 305m or close to it? [18:40] experiment: but update manager also updates flash [18:40] madhu, in ubuntu you can run "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras" (without quotes) to install most of the codecs [18:40] I have a problem with nautilus [18:41] washuu_de: what is the problem? [18:41] ruan but sometimes it doesn't consider the fact if your using 64bit or 32bit. thats where flash-aid is suppose to come in handy, reduce conflicts and stuff [18:42] nautilus is what is called from GIMP for saving [18:42] ne? [18:42] in fedora faq i read like mp3 support not avail. [18:42] Please see all "# 2.7 Why doesn't Fedora include support for proprietary formats like MP3 or MPEG?" On "http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAQ" [18:42] Anybody here care to give me there opinion on using AMD64 ubuntu? Preferably the cons =) [18:42] Madhu: they don't support it, that's why the codecs are in the restricted repositry [18:43] Madhu: it is installable, but its not preinstalled [18:43] then how to use mp3 format? [18:43] oh i got ur point. [18:43] washuu_de, no, it is gtk-save dialog [18:43] is it legally safe. [18:43] Madhu, install gstreamer bad and ugly plugin [18:44] yes ist safe [18:44] iwhat is gstreamer? [18:44] and fedora rocks [18:44] good choise [18:44] Madhu, its a multimedia framework [18:44] OK [18:45] or you can call it codecs that you need Madhu [18:45] which should i choose from fedora/lime/mepis/ubuntu/any other? [18:45] I wanted to restrict one user's acces to usb storage devices, so I've chmoded /media to 750 and chowned to root:mount. Then I've created group mount and added the user who should have priviliges, however, when I pop device into usb nothing happens. What did I got wrong? [18:46] Madhu, fedora is really good choise [18:46] gnome or other from fedora? [18:46] suggest. [18:46] hi [18:46] Madhu, im using gnome [18:46] then i try out gnome? [18:46] join #ubuntu-offtopic [18:46] can someone help me trouble shoot a sound problem I have. I have an onboard sound card and for some reason after I unplug my speakers and plug them back in, they stop working. I have been through my sound settings and everything looks fine, but no sound is coming out. [18:47] Madhu, its up to ypu [18:47] i am xp user so u tell me which is better for me. [18:47] <[RB]> hi all [18:47] <[RB]> Can anyone help me with my 5.1 sound???? its not working in ubuntu, i tried verything [18:47] chess teach r u using xp might be i will help u? [18:48] i am not using xp, i am using ubuntu [18:48] AStyz? [18:48] huh? [18:48] AStyz? [18:48] what is that? [18:48] i am survival mode ie after powermanagement parameters reboot , failed to launch normal ubuntu. so i am in recovery mode [18:49] fedora gnome/kde/anyother? [18:49] hmm.. kde wallet. not working. trying to get Blogilo running. === [271828183e-8] is now known as e000 [18:49] any reason my source.list would be totally empty [18:49] Madhu, kde is mor fancy with a lot of eyecandy, but i think gnome is more userfriendly [18:49] nickserv down today? [18:49] Thanks. [18:49] how to regain the normal launch of ubuntu and why screen goes dim in samsung R418 after power cord is take off!! [18:49] have citrix-xen server.. How do i install apt-get [18:49] AStyx gnome is not live cd. [18:49] ruan: The problem is that 'nautilus' has a problem . [18:49] It takes a lot time for it to discover all things [18:50] outside the scope [18:50] It looks like it ia atuck on any folder 25+ content [18:50] Scratch the typoes... [18:50] According to ubuntu there WAS a tiing problem [18:50] Does using 64bit restrict me from the type of programs or drivers i will be able to use ? === Newa2 is now known as NewaWrk [18:50] gnome is bootable but not live. [18:50] washuu_de: yes [18:50] kde wallet says cannot connect to database. driver not loaded. am i missing some for Blogilo ? [18:50] Hey guys - i'm donwloading ubuntu notebook edition (previously used desktop on my laptop) [18:50] boa tarde [18:50] is it just the interface that's different, or other stuff too? [18:50] the site doesn't really compare them [18:50] alguem conhece o programa para criar e-books? [18:50] is it notebook edition or netbook edition? [18:50] Madhu, it is, if you load a normal livecd its by default with gnome [18:50] geoffmcc: freenode is having some networking issues, you can follow them by setting umode +w, ask in #freenode for more info if you don't know how to set that. [18:50] <[RB]> can anyone help me with my 5.1 sound? [18:50] experiment: most common problem with 64bit is flash, most others can use the 32 bit librarys [18:50] A "certain" timing problem. Is my problem. [18:50] wtf? [18:50] lol.. this is a fast chat for sute [18:50] xD [18:50] have citrix-xen server.. How do i install apt-get [18:50] !netsplit [18:50] netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit [18:51] scrolling list and scrolling. [18:51] does anyone know how to tell grub2 to write to the extended partition === zakwilson_ is now known as zakwilson [18:51] Pici: thanks no big deal. was worried i wasnt going to be seen cause i cant ident [18:51] why does video lag off of my external drive in linux, but not my local sata drive? both played fine in windows [18:51] i think it was fast because of compensation [18:51] what about lime? [18:51] Madhu: lime? [18:51] sorry what about mint? [18:52] lol [18:52] ruan: I may be stubburn... I'm still confosed [18:52] could someone help me out with the sound problem? [18:52] Madhu, the thing is they all allmost the same [18:52] Madhu: Is a variant of Ubuntu, but we do not support Mint here. [18:52] please some one.. im new at this a fella here mentioned to enable partner repo's i am inside my source.list right now and it is completely empty why is this [18:52] OK [18:52] yes just asking. [18:52] ChessTeach: is it plugged in properly? [18:52] yes [18:52] should mention it is a vps im using putty atm [18:53] <_Narc_> Hello all. I'm on maverick, clean install. After loging in, the login sound plays after a pause, and it takes 15 more seconds or so for Gnome to load to a usable desktop. Anyone can help me ? Thanks. [18:53] xfgghjlsine: "sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" [18:54] have citrix xen server on cutdown linux. how get apt-get working [18:54] jfdjgfdgjfd [18:54] i have another big question. when i downloded from synaptic where is the downloaded installation before install? means i want to take backup for next time for installation. so i install when i formate hdd. === [271828183e-8] is now known as e000 [18:54] thanks pici but i have tried this command before and it says it does not exist [18:54] I'm having a horrible issue w/ wccp/squid... I have a squid box (ubuntu)==VLANX===cisco cat switch router_id = loopback on cisco cat...wccp rediect in on Vlan X and wccp list for hosts I wanna redirect...but I always see Here_I_Am_packet from x.x.x.x *squid box w/ bad rcv_id 0000000 [18:55] xfgghjlsine: install python-software-properties first then. [18:55] any other ideas? [18:55] this is why im using nano to talke a look inside sourc elist [18:55] pici r u taking with me. [18:55] take [18:55] Madhu: Am I putting your nick at the beginning of my lines here? [18:55] kyle1: What is 'cutdown linux' ? === apocalypse is now known as Guest28512 [18:56] Hey, I think this is the wrong place, but does anyone here know anything about router security? [18:56] I have an external hard drive, I don't know what filesystem, I want to make it ext4 just to be on the safeside, but I know neither how to check its current filesystem type nor how to format it appropriately in ubuntu. Note: Solution must not use Gparted [18:56] DizzyDuke: Try ##networking or ##security [18:56] umm if you download citrix-xen then you get it as base os [18:56] Okay, thanks. === zkriesse_ is now known as zkriesse [18:56] arbitrator, umount it and use fdisk? [18:56] grub anyone ? [18:56] sploozertwo: i too am having troubles with sqid. but my issue is that if i dont browse for a while then go to the page wont load until i log into the squid box threw ssh then loads right up [18:56] arbitrator, then use whatever tool to create ext3,4 [18:57] u may use xp system with partition magic. [18:57] exit [18:57] Madhu, loool [18:57] arbitrator, cfdisk a nice commandline tool [18:57] does anyone know anything about LTSP? [18:57] pici: any idea? [18:57] Astyx: Still need to umount? === Enissay_ is now known as Enissay [18:58] arbitrator, you need to unmount your device in any case [18:58] ASTyx tell me where is the installation will download before installing with synaptic. [18:58] Something's keeping it from unmounting. Hate that. [18:58] arbitrator, and all data will be lost [18:58] arbitrator, what is your umount syntax [18:58] Thanks all really appreciate the help [18:58] Madhu, what? [18:59] no-one? [18:59] ilessthan3ubuntu: Just asking it to safely remove at the moment. === UbuntuIrcCouncil is now known as Guest68648 === Guest68648 is now known as DaGeek247 [18:59] i downloaded some software with synaptic. but i want to take backup for future. when i formate hdd i dont want to use net for installing the software again. [18:59] kyle1: I'm trying to figure out if you're actually running Ubuntu or not. [18:59] demo... ruan.. you hit in another chatthink [19:00] Madhu, if you have installed your software on ubuntu, it eill not run under fedora [19:00] ya [19:00] pici: true.. lol i thought it was for some reason.. how check version [19:00] How do you do a minimal install with ubuntu server? [19:00] Actually, this is something of a problem. If I remove the USB connector, it will of course be disconnected, but it will automount it on reconnect, and I may be in the same situation again. [19:00] but i useing both. === christian is now known as Guest35394 [19:01] kyle1: lsb_release -a === trism_ is now known as trism [19:01] hello! [19:01] any run eclipse in an ubuntu virtualbox guest [19:01] AStyx tell me how to backup for next time installation without net. [19:02] !aptoncd | Madhu [19:02] <_Narc_> Hello all. After loging in, the login sound plays after a pause, and it takes 15 more seconds or so for Gnome to load to a usable desktop. Anyone can help me solve this ? Thanks a lot... [19:02] Madhu: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline [19:02] i cant find the installation where is downloding. [19:02] Madhu: Along with ubottu's information above, they get downloaded into /var/cache/apt/archives/ [19:02] Madhu, as i know you can't just backup your installed software; all you can do ist to load the packages you need and save them [19:02] aptoncd. === mike_ is now known as Guest63834 [19:02] pici: noarch ? [19:03] kyle1: huh? [19:03] hey guys needs helpregarding XULRUNNER 1.9.2, please help me, its not getting configured [19:03] yes AStyx [19:03] how to regain the normal launch of ubuntu and why screen goes dim in samsung R418 after power cord is take off!! [19:03] dpkg: error processing xulrunner-1.9.2 (--configure): [19:03] subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status [19:03] 1 [19:04] dpkg: error processing xulrunner-1.9.2 (--configure): [19:04] subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 [19:04] !paste | learner [19:04] learner: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [19:04] any help [19:04] Hey All [19:04] i cant connect dsl with fedora. [19:04] Pici, ubottu: k k [19:04] Some trouble with ALSA for Entry Audio Peripherals (Conexant) [19:04] Madhu: Then ask in #fedora [19:04] any help guys on XULRUNNER [19:05] learner: Please be patient, answers aren't always available immediately. [19:05] just for info pici, linux is open source u cant tell me like that. [19:05] Madhu: c [19:05] Hmm, any alternative to ALSA? [19:05] Madhu: Channels have rules. Fedora is not supported here. [19:05] !guidelines > Madhu [19:05] Madhu, please see my private message [19:06] SalahGo_: not that is supported by either us or the linux kernel devs... [19:06] SalahGo_, oss [19:06] SalahGo_: the unsupported one is called OSS [19:06] madhu don't see it ubottu is bot [19:06] i am clueless, how to restore ubuntu, i am on recovery mode! [19:06] SalahGo_, or alsa along with pulseaudio [19:06] olit: Controled by us humans here. [19:06] maco: AStyx ok thx, i'll check it, i'm not sure it could fix the bug with conexant audio though [19:06] is it safe on hardware to be long like this? [19:07] AStyx: pulse wont fix driver bugs though [19:07] pici somewhere (linux distro) i read open your mind. [19:07] pici i got u i always suspected somebody's doing it === nycko_test is now known as nycko_wee [19:07] AStyx, maco thx, checking OSS out ^^ [19:07] madhu ask your question clearly [19:08] Hum. So if Linux formats to FAT, is it formatting to FAT32? [19:08] ok [19:08] Madhu, are you using wlan or lan connection? [19:08] no. i using broadband. === P4R4N01D1 is now known as P4R4N01D [19:08] Madhu: On Ubuntu? [19:08] arbitrator, i thought you wanted ext4 ? [19:08] why FAT [19:08] AStyx is best for proving info. i am glad. [19:09] Hello everyone. I am about to install ubuntu 10.10 for dlna server for my samsung un46c6300 LED TV and would like to know if the ubuntu desktop or server i should go with ?. Basically what I am looking for in features is a media server that will distribute movies (.avi.mkv.mp4.mpeg2.dvix) and music (.flac) formats that will play without any hiccups, and i was thinking of using mediatomb for [19:09] this. [19:09] ilessthan3ubuntu: Well, I may have need of compatibility with nonlinux systems for this drive, being primarily a data drive, and I don't know how compatible ext4 actually is. === andrew_ is now known as Guest77449 [19:09] arbitrator: you can use fat32 or fat16 if you wish, neither are particularly great [19:09] Pici, its really freaking me out... i cant handle this shit. [19:09] arbitrator: why not NTFS? [19:09] Meh. I can just use a flash drive if it comes to that. [19:09] arbitrator: it can work on larger partitions and with larger files than FAT... === Freejack is now known as Guest15262 [19:09] learner: Then ask again, all on line. [19:09] is ntfs support for ubuntu? [19:09] learner: watch your language [19:10] Madhu: yes it can read and write ntfs [19:10] <[TK]D-Fender> Madhu: Yes [19:10] Flash Drives. [19:10] ubuntu supports ntfs. [19:10] Ubuntu will be running on a socket 754 dual-core athlon 64 bit 2800+ process w/ 2GB of ram [19:10] Madhu: yes. But you cannot install / on NTFS. [19:10] Though it doesn't by default support formatting to NTFS. [19:10] is it possible i formate hdd from xp as desired partition and then install ubuntu? [19:10] Madhu: which is funny as its a proprietary file system, wheras microsoft OSes cannot access Ext4 even though the definitions are available freely [19:10] Pici, ok fine man, maco, sorry, but really am in trouble. cant handle this, please help [19:10] Anyway, hardly relevant. So when I try to fdisk -l the external hd it acts like it is completed without actually listing any information. [19:11] learner: please help you handle something? grasp it firmly, then lift [19:11] pici: sorry what you say about my version. PC crahsed. [19:11] learner: Just ask the channel your question again, all on one line if you could. [19:11] kyle1: I didn't understand what your reply was. [19:11] arbitrator: sudo? [19:11] madhu just don't crash your windows or you ll have to start system check through windows for accessing NTFSdrive in ubuntu [19:11] Pici, ok [19:12] Madhu: If you're planning on formatting it to NTFS then you cannot install Ubuntu on that. Your Ubuntu install CD can format the drive itself to the proper filesystem. [19:12] pici: it all says xenserver. [19:12] what version of wine should i install [19:12] sorry but i have a question. is it right that each instalition of linux needs 3 drives one for swap ? that means when somebody wants to instal ubuntu and open suse for example most create 6 ext3 drives which 2 of them are the swap. is it right ? [19:12] is there something else i can check. [19:12] Mmm. That could explain it, when it was mounted it was placed in /media/ but now it isn't. Wonder what heading it is listed under in /dev/ [19:12] AbismoNegro: 2 [19:12] I am having trouble in configuring xulrunner-1.9.2, which is not getting configured while installing or updating or upgrading. [19:12] AbismoNegro, i just used 1 partition, you dont need a swap unless you dont have lots of RAM [19:12] AbismoNegro: one for / and one for swap [19:12] my usb disk doesn't mount, what should i do ? [19:12] AbismoNegro: No,you generally can share the swap drive across two linux installs. Unless you're planning on hibernating one and then booting to the other. [19:12] I am having trouble in configuring xulrunner-1.9.2, which is not getting configured while installing or updating or upgrading. need help. some one helpplease [19:12] ilessthan3ubuntu: or you want to hibernate.... [19:13] what version of wine is most stable? [19:13] tim167: does it show up when you type "sudo fdisk -l" in the terminal? [19:13] in the software centre? [19:13] learner: uninstall firefox and xulrunner then reinstall firefox [19:13] pici, ah wait. i think i was looking at openvpn, thats on ubuntu as a vm download [19:13] i guess this is something else. [19:13] ruan yes [19:13] pici i am going to confuse with installation of ubuntu cause it partition not showing [19:13] maco, mine suspends just fine [19:13] salve [19:13] Hedgehog456: stable is fairly moot when it comes to wine [19:13] !list [19:13] dont need to hiber [19:13] This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » [19:13] still just want to install ssh server on server [19:13] ilessthan3ubuntu: you can make a file and mount it has a swap file also [19:13] i have a cups server question: how can I broadcast my printers without broadcasting other printers that cups did find via browsing? [19:13] Hedgehog456: use the one which your desired apps work best in [19:13] kyle1: then: sudo apt-get install ssh [19:13] Redmono, ya i considered, no need atm [19:13] i have 4gb of ram and because i'm a newbie and it was my first instalition i used 21gb for swap.now i want to reduce that amount to 4gb.how could i do that ? [19:14] more frustrated with nvidia [19:14] pici: on this linux ver apt-get is unknown [19:14] my usb disk shows up in gparted as fat32 partition, but it does not mount, can someone help ? [19:14] pici something missing while partition with ububntu? [19:14] AbismoNegro: boot to liveCD and resize in gparted [19:14] kyle1: Are you sure that you have Ubuntu installed there? [19:14] AbismoNegro, thats too large imo [19:14] tim167: when you last removed it from a system, what steps did you take? [19:14] i have gparted installed in ubuntu.cant i use that in ubuntu ? [19:14] pici? [19:14] AbismoNegro: if it is in use by the system then no, hence the livecd [19:14] pici? [19:15] Madhu: stop. [19:15] i know. i didnt have any experience and had little information [19:15] ok [19:15] ActionParsnip: i'm trying to make it into a bootable ubuntu usb disk [19:15] pici: nope, infact i'm thinking not.. [19:15] AbismoNegro: you can't resize partitions on a disk that the system is using, or horrible things happen [19:15] Madhu, boy be patient [19:15] are there other common apt-get commands [19:15] tim167: ok then you don't want it to mount [19:15] ActionParsnip, man, do i have to reinstall xulrunner too again or is it installed itself with firefox [19:15] tsimpson: you can if you are using LVM [19:15] Madhu: I need to know if you're installing Ubuntu or Fedora [19:15] what about the 2 other ext3 partitions which are going to take open suse? they'll be shared with ubuntu too? [19:15] learner: its a dep, so it will install [19:16] ubuntu or fedora which show my whole hdd after installation? [19:16] Redmono: but not while the partition(s) is/are in use [19:16] ok . thank you [19:16] pici: i'm sorry i just tried ssh localhost ans it worked so i guess it's pre installed. So i'm useless [19:16] Opa boa tarde!!!! [19:16] kyle1: if you type apt-get, it will show you all of its commands [19:16] ActionParsnip, so it mean i can leave it, no issue with that, right?? [19:16] !br | moby_ [19:16] i wanna instal open suse with kde desktop too. here is a pic of my gparted : http://www.up.pnu-club.com/images/y7419rjwj9ms4n7l7x5.png [19:16] moby_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado. [19:16] ActionParsnip: Startup Disk Creator doesn't accept it, also create-usb-gtk, and unetbootin says it has to be mounted first [19:16] Madhu: You asked about fedora earlier. Their installers are not the same. I need to know if you're trying to install Ubuntu or Fedora because the instructions are different. [19:17] ActionParsnip, can u help me on kismet?? [19:17] what's your oppinion? [19:17] ubuntu. [19:17] Instalei o xubuntu 10.10 e o audio não tá funcionando me ajude please! S.O.S HELP [19:17] AbismoNegro: if it's ext based then it will be accessible to ubuntu [19:17] Question - Can i activate Xinerama with Composite(Desktop effects)? [19:17] r-base: Depends: r-recommended (= 2.11.1-2hardy0) but 2.10.1-2hardy0 is to be installed <-- how do i 'unschedule' this installation so that i can apt-get other stuff? [19:17] learner: i dont use it [19:17] Question - Can i activate Xinerama with Composite(Desktop effects)? [19:17] tim167: delete the partitions on the USB and it may help [19:17] ilessthan3ubuntu: i said hibernate, not suspend [19:17] Madhu: Can you try following these instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GraphicalInstall [19:17] Question - Can i activate Xinerama with Composite(Desktop effects)? [19:18] definately. [19:18] ActionParsnip: tried that already, but i'll try again [19:18] Alguem pra ajudar??? [19:18] actionparsnip: you an ubuntu wiz / dev ?? [19:18] ilessthan3ubuntu: hibernate = suspend to disk, not ram. the contents of ram are written to the swap partition [19:18] maco, and i said suspend is fine i dont need hiber [19:18] actionparsnip did you see the pic? what is better to instal open suse in? formatting an ntfs drive or installing it on ubuntu drives [19:18] i know the difference smarty pants [19:18] moby_: faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. [19:18] kyle1: i've just used linux a long time, the only dev I do is small bash scripts to make life easy [19:19] Pici thank [19:19] ilessthan3ubuntu: i thought you were trying to say dont bother with ram and then since i said itd break hiber if you did that that you were trying to disagree with /that/ [19:19] pici thank [19:19] AbismoNegro: suse won't install on ntfs, its too primitive [19:19] maco, you mean dont bother with swap? [19:19] pici i have antoher query [19:19] ilessthan3ubuntu: erm yeah [19:19] Hello everyone. I am about to install ubuntu 10.10 for dlna server for my samsung un46c6300 LED TV and would like to know if the ubuntu desktop or server i should go with ?. Basically what I am looking for in features is a media server that will distribute movies (.avi.mkv.mp4.mpeg2.dvix) and music (.flac) formats that will play without any hiccups, and i was thinking of using mediatomb for [19:19] this. [19:19] Ubuntu will be running on a socket 754 dual-core athlon 64 bit 2800+ process w/ 2GB of ram [19:19] AbismoNegro: just leave unpartitioned space ad then select the free space to install suse to [19:19] maco, yeah i was saying that, he prolly needs it sinec he is new to this stuff [19:19] ActionParsnip: the button 'make startup disk' in Make Startup Disk program remains grey and inactive, i deleted the fat32partition on the usb disk, selected a ubuntu iso... === ljl2 is now known as LjL [19:20] Okay guys, completely different question now. [19:20] actionparsnip i know that.i mean that do i have to format and convert ntfs to ext3 for instaling suse? [19:20] tim167: did you choose the right disk in the bottom half of the dialogue [19:20] Madhu: Just ask the channel. [19:20] means pici? [19:20] The reason I have this drive is to copy the contents of a partition of a failing hard disk to it, so that I have some way of saving it. [19:20] ActionParsnip: yes, i choose /dev/sdb [19:20] AbismoNegro: i know it can install to ext3, I am not sure of the ext4 support in suses personally, ask in the suse channel [19:20] Should I copy these contents to a partition on the new drive, or what? [19:20] Madhu: Don't ask me if you can ask another question, just ask. [19:20] why does ubuntu wake up whenever i plug or unplug my laptop? [19:20] Four2zero: i use 'ushare' but it has issues with some formats. there are workarounds that are very simple. my box is below average and it does well. the only hold up is LAN bandwidth [19:20] ok [19:21] you mean installing in the drives which ubuntu is already installed in? dosnt that reduce performance of ubuntu or sth? [19:21] tim167: try: gksudo usb-creator [19:21] ActionParsnip: that's the same program, no ? i'll try [19:21] AbismoNegro: no not at all, you will just have less space for ubuntu, it won't affect speed at all === behel1t is now known as joelsfd [19:21] in xp which programme i downloaded from net they will save on hdd before install, but in ubuntu i cant find the installation where are saving. === joelsfd is now known as behel1t [19:21] they are directly installed. [19:21] tim167: running with gksudo should run it with extra access and may work [19:22] bastidrazor, what formats does ushare have problems with playback and what ubuntu version are your running Server or Desktop ? [19:22] tim167: you could format the stick to fat32 and the app may then pick it up [19:22] so is'nt that better to format and convert the 132gb ntfs drive and install suse there? [19:22] when I boot my machine it doesn't offer me a choice for which kernel to use, like a GRUB menu?? [19:22] ActionParsnip: yes ok i'll format it _back_ to fat32 [19:22] Madhu: when you download something it goes to /home/username/Downloads [19:22] codemagician: hold the shift key while booting to see the grub menu [19:22] no thingt510. [19:23] IdleOne, is there way to configure Ubuntu to always present it? [19:23] i install with synaptic. [19:23] ilessthan3ubuntu: i dont know what "being new" and "needing the system to be able to stay in that state for a week instead of just a day" have to do with each other. or "new" and "needing it to be fully powered down to get on an airplane" have to do with each other either (no, suspend is actually not a valid response to "please turn off..." on the plane) [19:23] ThinkT510: He seems to be telling about package manager. [19:23] !grub2 > codemagician [19:23] codemagician, please see my private message [19:23] codemagician: see the message from ubottu [19:23] Four2zero: 10.04, mp4 have to be renamed to m4v and mkv also needs to be renamed to m4v.. the change in extension has zero effect on playback. [19:23] what's the optimal partition type for a flash drive? I don't need windows support and need file permissions.. [19:23] Madhu, you don't need to worry about where they go. just use sudo apt-get install [19:23] What does it mean when it says "the daemon is being inhibited" when I try to format a drive? [19:24] maco, i never listen when they say turn off electronics [19:24] bastidrazor: be nice if it changed the encoding with the rename wouldnt it ;) [19:24] ActionParsnip: formatted the usb disk to fat32, no change in usb-creator-gtk [19:24] !synaptic | Madhu [19:24] Madhu: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto [19:25] ActionParsnip: yes and no. more overhead would be an issue for me. [19:25] !synaptic | Madhu [19:25] yes [19:25] tim167: could try unetbootin [19:25] if i have an unmet dependency package teed up for installation and it's blocking other apt-gets, how do i cancel that offending install? [19:25] bastidrazor just the change in extensions, so no transcoding or converting formats. So ushare will work with popular formats that are widely used ? [19:25] i want the installation. [19:25] ubottu, !boot drive [19:25] A minimal install of lucid is 769MBs? [19:25] Four2zero: yes. for me it does exactly what i want. [19:26] !boot partition [19:26] ActionParsnip: ok ill try unetbootin, also for the 3rd time now... [19:26] Think?? [19:26] It goes into /var/cache/apt/archives === Pestilence is now known as Guest5051 [19:26] queso: if you use minimal you can get it to about 200Mb if memory serves, you will get a bootloader a kernel and kernel modules [19:26] ActionParsnip: wierd though, the fat32 formatted disk does not mount [19:26] Então estou precisando de uma ajudinha aí... instalei o xubuntu 10.10 e o drive de som não está funcionando.... alguem já passou por isso? [19:26] maco, and i travel ALOT [19:26] Madhu: you want the individual .deb package files? [19:26] tim167: ever thought the USb stick may be bad? [19:26] what does it mean in aptitude when i do a search and on the leftmost column it says [19:26] bastidrazor think i should run it on the ubuntu server or desktop ? [19:26] what's the optimal partition type for a flash drive? I don't need windows support and need file permissions.. [19:26] "iB" or "pB"? [19:26] yes Think. [19:26] its just preference i guess [19:26] or does not matter which ? [19:26] ActionParsnip: Ooh, I used the MinimalCD. How do you do a minimal install? [19:27] Madhu: why? [19:27] moby_: faca /join #ubuntu-br [19:27] tim167: got a windows pc around? Format it there and use the safetly remove option then try it in Ubuntu [19:27] IdleOne, thanks I will reboot [19:27] ilessthan3ubuntu: well good for you for breaking the rules. would you like a cookie? [19:27] !minimal | queso [19:27] queso: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD [19:27] Four2zero: i use 10.04 desktop and have no issues. either or .. it is your choice. [19:27] couse where is net not avail there i can install. [19:27] what does it mean in aptitude when i do a search and on the leftmost column it says: "iB" or "pB" ? [19:27] maco,, i have too many partitions for a swap and like the other guy said i can mount a file [19:27] queso: if you are going to install minimal then just install ubuntu-desktop you are wasting your time [19:27] ActionParsnip: I want minimal *install*, not minimal CD [19:27] ActionParsnip: it's a harddisk usb, and the second one i try, i think it's unlikely that they are both broken... it does mount on windows by the way [19:27] someone can help out? [19:27] (instead of just "i" or "p") [19:27] maco, would you like a gold star for listening to authorit? [19:27] i am clueless, how to restore ubuntu, i am on recovery mode! [19:27] ActionParsnip: I'm not, it's for a server === croppa_ is now known as croppa [19:27] queso: if you install minimal then install lxde or something you can build a super tiny OS [19:28] !ppa | Madhu [19:28] Madhu: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk. [19:28] bastidrazor what about mediatomb I was really considering in trying that out as well, have you tryed it ? [19:28] queso: then minimal is great for a server :) [19:28] Four2zero: i have not. [19:28] bastidrazor okay, thank you for the reply. its been really helpful. [19:28] allo? [19:28] queso: the minimal can install server which adds extra stuff, there is a difference [19:28] Four2zero: best of luck. [19:29] ActionParsnip: But a fresh install using mini.iso is 769MBs [19:29] ActionParsnip, is there any way of making boot partition in running ubuntu [19:29] Hi I'm trying to install a package postgresql and libpq-dev and the error I'm getting back is Fails to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/... 404 Not Fount IP []... [19:29] is there a way to get support to view jbg/jbig images? [19:29] Anyone know how I might go about fixing this? [19:29] !deb > ThinkT510 [19:29] ThinkT510, please see my private message [19:29] Think is there any software package cd? [19:29] queso: for server, yes I believe so [19:29] how can i download an entire directory using wget/curl/ or something else? [19:29] ActionParsnip: Oh, I thought it would be smaller than that. [19:30] olit: you can make one at install time [19:30] not necessarily indexed by the site files [19:30] summed up-how_to_have nautilus at a peecet speed [19:30] Hate. Everything. So it seems the best solution to "daemon is being inhibited" is to reboot. [19:30] !offline | Madhu [19:30] Madhu: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD [19:30] ActionParsnip, no its late [19:30] ActionParsnip: Okay, thanks [19:30] *deevent [19:30] sry [19:30] ActionParsnip: there's really something wrong with my mounting system, i connect several usb sticks/disks...and none of them mount [19:30] Madhu: sorry about that, wasn't sure of the link [19:30] olit: ive never used one personally, you could boot to liveCD, resize partitions and make one [19:31] tim167: then manually mount it [19:31] ActionParsnip: so using mini.iso vs the regular server iso is that you don't have to update everything after installing. [19:31] can you check if there is a package called winetricks? [19:31] !info winetricks [19:31] Package winetricks does not exist in maverick [19:32] my ubuntu gnome desktop freezes when I play youtube videos? [19:32] my ubuntu gnome desktop freezes when I play youtube videos? [19:32] !aptoncd [19:32] APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline [19:32] get flash? [19:32] queso: the minimal install will give a super tiny OS which will boot FAST, I do believe it installs the OS from the repos so shouldn't need upgrading [19:32] will ubuntu release an official kernel upgrade once the "200 lines of code" goes stable? or is that something users will have to wait for in the next full release [19:32] i have a zotac ion board with windows xp installed on it, now i have installed ubuntu 10.10 and i have nitced that it is a little laggy. is there a way that i would use both atom cores to run the system more smoothely? [19:32] ActionParsnip: but the end result in size is the same [19:32] behel1t: it has already been released iirc [19:33] behel1t: that is in the 2.6.38 kernel which is slated for the 11.04 release [19:33] codemagician: what is the output of: uname -a; lsb_release -a; echo; dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf thanks [19:33] queso: you can keep it as minimal, or you can install the server stuffs [19:33] IdleOne ThinkT510 ty [19:34] Has anybody joined an Ubuntu machine to a Windows domain? I'm getting a series of errors when I try to join or leave the domain. I finally got joining to work but it seems as if leaving the domain is continually failing with a 1225 error code. Has anybody dealt with this? [19:34] This is really urgent: is there a log of GNOME remote desktop connections made? [19:35] magn3ts: why is it urgent? [19:35] because someone's been remoted into my PC for a few hours [19:35] magn3ts: just restart the vino service and it will kill the, [19:35] I already disconnected them [19:35] ActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/jJVLet9j [19:36] magn3ts: thats why you should use vnc over ssh, port forwarding the vnc ports on your router is a REALLY bad idea [19:36] ActionParsnip, I [19:36] I'm at Uni, no control. I normally don't have VNC turned on. [19:36] codemagician: seems fine.. [19:36] hihi: naurilus PRoblems [19:36] magn3ts: /var/log/ may have something of note in secure, auth, daemon, or messages [19:36] The weird thing is... they brute forced a very hard password... or GNOME's implementation has a security flaw. [19:36] I mean, my password was 20 characters long.... [19:37] doesnt matter [19:37] vnc exlpoits bypass pwds [19:37] i have a zotac ion board with windows xp installed on it, now i have installed ubuntu 10.10 and i have nitced that it is a little laggy. is there a way that i would use both atom cores to run the system more smoothely? [19:37] if youre patched and aware its ok to fwd ports [19:37] Are you telling me Vino has known exploits ilessthan3ubuntu ? [19:37] just expect brute foreces [19:37] magn3ts: vnc is a weak protocol [19:37] magn3ts, i thought you guys said vnc [19:37] ilessthan3ubuntu, Vino is VNC. [19:38] I think this should now be tagged as a security vulnerability since multiple people with complex passwords protecting their Vino servers have been compromised. It makes me think that Vino is vulnerable to the same vulnerability, or something similar, as below. [19:38] That's a quote... [19:38] and really concerning. [19:38] ook [19:38] magn3ts, then im saying your pwd makes no difference depending on the vuln. [19:38] ActionParsnip, just crashed without doing anything during upgrade [19:38] ActionParsnip, the characters all disappeared on this window [19:39] ok na [19:39] ilessthan3ubuntu, ... I understand that... but are we just jumping to assuming that Vino has vulnerabilities? Known ones? [19:39] codemagician: is it the same in all browsers? [19:39] anyone know how to use /etc/enviroment [19:39] I have a notebook with ubuntu on it the way its setup and i have a desktop ... will it work if i ghost the hard drive in my notebook and put it on my desktop or is there some kind of issue doing that ? [19:39] magn3ts, idk, lets look [19:39] ActionParsnip, well it appears not to be browser related. I wonder if its CPU intensity. its rather hot in my room 32C [19:40] codemagician: true, flash does mash cpus [19:40] ActionParsnip, is there any diagnostics I could try? [19:40] why is it called vino and not vnc again? [19:40] ben1066: use it to do what? [19:40] !vino [19:40] nevermind, gnome [19:40] ilessthan3ubuntu, Vino is the GNOME impl of VNC server [19:40] codemagician: could try lightspark [19:40] set path to add android sdk and eclipse [19:40] !info vino [19:40] vino (source: vino): VNC server for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 2.32.0-0ubuntu1.1 (maverick), package size 159 kB, installed size 512 kB [19:41] ActionParsnip, I meant for the machine hardware in general [19:41] !info impl [19:41] Package impl does not exist in maverick [19:41] .. [19:41] !impl [19:41] jgcampbell300, it's shorthand for implementation. [19:41] ActionParsnip, this problem didn't happen before. but I used to use my a/c until a few days ago [19:41] a [19:41] magn3ts, thank yoiu [19:42] codemagician: try an alternate flash, see if it eats your cpu less, then you'll know [19:42] ActionParsnip, ok. I'll give it a ago. thanks [19:42] codemagician: or have the cpu temp visible and see how high it flys [19:42] ActionParsnip, so what do you use??? [19:42] learner: for what? [19:42] i have a zotac ion board with windows xp installed on it, now i have installed ubuntu 10.10 and i have nitced that it is a little laggy. is there a way that i would use both atom cores to run the system more smoothely? [19:42] ActionParsnip, where do I find the CPU temp? is there command line version? [19:42] when i go to the Nagios folder and type "./configure" it gives me "configure: error: cannot find sources (base/nagios.c) in . or .." but nagios.c is in the Nagios folder [19:42] ben1066: just use ~/.profile unless you need to do it system-wide and not just for your user. In~/.profile you'll see an existing example on how to add ~/bin to your PATH [19:42] #gentoo [19:43] !sensors | codemagician [19:43] codemagician: To access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions. [19:43] learner: I use skimmed milk in my tea [19:43] Has anybody joined an Ubuntu machine to a Windows domain using Likewise Open? I'm getting a series of errors when I try to join or leave the domain. I finally got joining to work but it seems as if leaving the domain is continually failing with a 1225 error code. Has anybody dealt with this? [19:43] i would like to compile my own version of imagemagick, so the first thing i wanted to do was remove the one on the system, but apparently a lot of programs depend on it [19:43] Can someone tell me how fix my numpad: Instead of typing numbers it's scrolling the mouse (num lock doesn't seem to change anything) [19:43] whats the new milw0rm alternative? i can never spell it right [19:43] jrib kk, although system wide could be usefull else I cant sudo any of the commands no? [19:43] i would like to replace the version on the system with one i have compiled myself but i'm not sure how to do that [19:43] hi everybody [19:43] injector or something like that [19:43] learner: and i use busses to get to work [19:43] ActionParsnip, ha ha ha... wow... liked that.. any help on cracking wifi passes with broadcom [19:44] khrm, thats right!!! ty [19:44] learner: not in this channel [19:44] learner: i dont do cracking and I don't use broadcom [19:44] where can I find serious forums about science, programming..? [19:44] ben1066: the syntax is the same [19:44] .. [19:44] learner: try narrowing your questions down when you ask, you'll get better answers [19:44] eXopeth, what's up? [19:44] k I dont need to export right? [19:44] anyone recommend a good gui based backup software to run as a server on an ubuntu machine. I use rsync but I'd like a gui based one for my other users to be able to use it. I want to use scp or ssh to go into remote linux machines and back them up at scheduled times etc [19:44] hi hytreem [19:45] there is a gui for rsync but it doesnt allow scheduling and all that.. [19:45] how do i add multiverse repo ? [19:45] ActionParsnip, CPU Temperature: +50.0°C (high = +60.0°C, crit = +75.0°C) [19:45] MB Temperature: +49.0°C (high = +45.0°C, crit = +75.0°C) [19:45] Lone_Crow: grsync [19:45] hi eXopeth, why are you ..'ing? [19:45] can ubuntu be ghosted from one computer to a diffrent computer with diffrent hardware [19:45] grsync.. ok thanks I'll check it out [19:45] ActionParsnip, this is without flash [19:45] ActionParsnip, fine than where, can you help me in that context, cause am running low on money & i need my neighbour wifi to continue my studies on for downloading certain tutorials etc. any help [19:45] jgcampbell300: sure, use partimage [19:45] when i go to the Nagios folder and type "./configure" it gives me "configure: error: cannot find sources (base/nagios.c) in . or .." but nagios.c is in the Nagios folder [19:45] Redmono [19:45] ActionParsnip, thank you [19:45] learner: not sure, its not supported here either [19:45] are there any requirements for wine, like a license etc? [19:45] wait yeah I tried grsync.. doesnt look like it allows remote backups from other locations TO this machine [19:46] Lone_Crow: you'll need to mount the remote filesystem [19:46] hi friends.. [19:46] Yeah I have it mounted and searched didnt see it as an availble selection [19:46] ActionParsnip, i need to crack my Wifi WPA pass, i know kismet can do it, but am not getting the suitable driver for my wifi, or may be i cant patch it, what eve the case is, am not able to make it. [19:46] then there is scheduling... is it possible with grsync? [19:46] Hedgehog456: wine is free, no eula or microsoft liscence required [19:47] Lone_Crow: if its mounted, just select the mount point as the source === psusi` is now known as psusi [19:47] Odaym: use the repositories, nagios seems to be in the repositories [19:47] Hi I got Samsung Coryby mate b3313 celphone and I got Airtel GPRS connection in that now I wann connect ma cell using USB cable and want to access internet but its not allowing me to connect.. ?? Need help [19:47] hi, i'm trying to install ubuntu 10 on an old laptop. i get an error at the install : "cannot mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs " [19:47] Lone_Crow: once you setup grsync you will see the rsync command in the bottom, you can the copy that and cron it [19:47] when i installed it, it asked me the MSEULA and i accidentally clicked through [19:47] Redmono pl pm me i don't know on Smuxi yet [19:47] jrib, what's the entry? [19:47] then i have a command line prompt. what an i do ? [19:48] jrib, and how do i search for it? "sudo apt-cache search nagios"? [19:48] ahhh ok [19:48] Cendar: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded? [19:48] Lone_Crow: sneaky stuff ;) [19:48] hey any one how to patch wifi drivers [19:48] I'm just trying to find something that is a little easier so my employees can use it [19:48] Odaym: apt-cache search -n nagios [19:48] guys Ubuntu is best thing that happened to me [19:49] actionParsnip : yes, i already used this CD to do a successful install 2 months ago [19:49] Ubuntu is damn nice .. [19:49] Cendar: ok is the ram in the system healthy? [19:49] hi, i cannot get apache to start... it was working earlier but i had to restart it. it would not restart so i did "sudo killall apache" and now it will not start again. [19:49] Hello guys, I did something (I dont know what) and I broke my ubunt, now it boots to a interface with grey panels, I can see the mouse moving but I cant do anything, clicking is useless. What can I do ? I was loving my ubuntu (10.10) [19:49] i just switched to Ubuntu from Mac OS X [19:49] ActionParsnip : i don't know, i'll do a check then ? [19:49] * ActionParsnip likes xpud in most cases :) [19:49] hello all, using gedit, which Highlight Mode is appropiate for a bash file? TIA! [19:49] any help on patching wifi drivers, help appreciated [19:50] Someone ? Please :< [19:50] Cendar: when the CD starts to boot press SPACE and select the memory test, you can also test the CD too [19:50] nimbiotics: shell script [19:50] where can one get help with handbrake-gtk on Maverick [19:50] !pt [19:50] Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado. [19:50] learner what computer do you have [19:50] ok [19:50] PATH = "$HOME/eclipse:$HOME/android/sdk/tools:$HOME/android/sdk/platform-tools:$ [19:50] why doesnt that work in ~/.profile [19:50] TTSDA: if you press CTRL+ALT+T do you get a terminal? [19:50] LOL, typo [19:50] nimbiotics: scripts->sh [19:50] i have a zotac ion board with windows xp installed on it, now i have installed ubuntu 10.10 and i have nitced that it is a little laggy. is there a way that i would use both atom cores to run the system more smoothely? [19:50] wait. i have rebooted and apache is now working. which brings me back to my original issue.- I am trying to use glype proxy. it loads the main page ifine. but when i type in a url to visit i a http error 5 wbecause it cant find browse.php [19:51] ActionParsnip: no. [19:51] ben1066: don't do that dude, you'll screw your system [19:51] Jayroo after making changes restart apache server [19:51] oh at the end its $PATH [19:51] :P [19:51] erUSUL: THX! [19:51] some one please advise me what is goin gon : http://pastebin.com/DsitQ3ve [19:51] PATH = "$HOME/eclipse:$HOME/android/sdk/tools:$HOME/android/sdk/platform-tools:$ [19:51] PATH" [19:51] ben1066: use: export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/eclipse:$HOME/android/sdk/tools:$HOME/android/sdk/platform-tools [19:51] dejan_, yeas still dosnt work [19:51] ben1066: first you have to add to your path not redefine it. second in shell you can not have spaces around assigment === nick_ is now known as Guest8532 [19:51] learner: go to here: #backtrack-linux [19:52] Actionparsnip: But the clock and CPU widgets are working [19:52] They are moving [19:52] I never used proxy with apache [19:52] ben1066: spaces around the = [19:52] TTSDA: if you log in as another user is it the same? [19:52] I have auto-login [19:52] thanks [19:53] i installed "nagios3-core", jrib [19:53] ActionParsnip: I was installing BURG and it happened on one of the reboots, After I changed some settings, I may have deleted some file by mistake :s [19:53] dejan_, its dell N5010, [19:53] ben1066: PATH=~/eclipse:~/android/sdk/tools:~/android/sdk/platform-tools:"${PATH}" [19:53] TTSDA: press CTRL+ALT+F1 and run: gnome-session-save --kill it may just work [19:53] but i have no idea how to work it, jrib [19:53] I am so amased with ubuntu/gnome I don't have time to install apache and mysql php :) [19:53] dejan_, can you help me with that buddy.... [19:53] Odaym: I would have gone with nagios3. I have no idea what nagios even is so I can't help you with using it [19:53] TTSDA: it's a 3rd party app so you used it at your own risk [19:53] the source file i downloaded from its website did not ./configure, and so their manual is useless [19:53] what is good editor for web development, web sites [19:53] for gnome [19:54] dejan_: bluefish [19:54] Odaym: here: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/serverguide/C/nagios.html [19:54] dejan_: its one I know,not sure how good it is [19:54] !html | dejan_ [19:54] dejan_: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/ [19:54] thanks [19:54] I'm trying to restore an open, deleted file using "ln -L", and [19:54] getting a "No such file or directory" error. Various blog comments [19:54] say this works, but isn't on my system. I'm using coreutils 8.5 on [19:54] ubuntu. Any pointers? [19:54] ryepup: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [19:55] khrm, its not working man, any other ideas [19:55] (sorry, bad copy/paste) [19:55] Package sun-java6-jre is not available, but is referred to by another package. [19:55] This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or [19:55] is only available from another source... what to do i have allready tried to add repo [19:55] xfgghjlsine: enale the partner repo [19:55] did tried no feedback from terminal to say it is added [19:55] erUSUL: let me know, i am on recovery mode, for persisting issue of screen brightness, and normal boot goes to commandline. so i am on recovery mode, can recovery mode , ie any option i should try to restore the defaults? [19:55] ryepup: you can just grab the file from /proc/ usually [19:56] xfgghjlsine: use the software centre to check the repo is added [19:56] javahorn_: what defaults? [19:56] i am using putty this is on a vps [19:56] just one more question, do I need some kind of antivirus or protection software for linux, I plan to use apache and maybe istall ubuntu server in future.. [19:56] jrib: my process is actively writing to it, so a cp /proc/$PID/fd/$FD isn't a great solution [19:56] ActionParsnip: Thank you for the key combo, I will now try to fic this [19:56] it my first time on linux/ubuntu [19:56] *fix [19:56] !virus | dejan_ [19:56] dejan_: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus [19:56] erUSUL: as i changed as per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hotkeys/Troubleshooting [19:57] erUSUL: You can check your keymap using gconf-editor and looking under /apps/gnome_settings_daemon/keybindings. Bindings without sensible key names are probably bugs. [19:57] thanks again eruSUL [19:57] dejan_ : Use snort ids [19:57] khrm what is that :S [19:57] ryepup: I was going to suggest you create a hard link, but I suppose that's what -L is for? [19:57] and went to powermanagement tab and changed battery_reduce and other options as i thought fit [19:58] erUSUL: and after reboot , it went into commandline ! [19:58] jrib: yeah, the ln -L gives a "No such file or directory" [19:58] javahorn_: that shouldn't prevent the gui from starting afaik [19:58] ryepup: use tab to complete filenames [19:59] dejan_ : It is an intrusion detection/prevention system. If you are going to use server then use it otherwise don't. [19:59] erUSUL: from recovery mode , how i can regain ? [19:59] ok i found thanks alot all [19:59] thanks khrm i will check that defeitively [19:59] Help!! the network icon is not showing up?? how to restart it?? [19:59] javahorn_: did you get an error message when booting? as to why the gui couldn't start? [19:59] phoenixsampras: alt + f2 run nm-applet [19:59] ActionParsnip: I can cat /proc/2260/fd/3 with no problem, but ln -L says "no file", even when autocompleting [19:59] ryepup: do you mind pastebinning your terminal session so we can rule out silly mistakes? [19:59] phoenixsampras: also check that you have a notification area in your panel [19:59] jrib: gladly [19:59] erUSUL: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Security/CPUFeatures [20:00] erUSUL: it talked about BIOS setting , so i went to the link above and changed as it suggests [20:00] ryepup: thats why then ;) [20:00] how do i set permission for all to read? [20:00] anyonr knows what is mr Mark nickname ? [20:00] and how do i set permission for all to write? [20:00] !permission | Odaym [20:00] Odaym: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions [20:00] erUSUL: In Samsung Netbooks (namely N140) enter with F2 the Bios and go to "Advanced" and set "EDB (Execute Disable Bit)" to "enabled". [20:01] uhm [20:01] i think i got hacked [20:01] I'm trying to change permissions to read but see no effect "chmod -R o+r /var/cache/somefolder" [20:01] am I missing something? [20:01] javahorn_: and if you change that to disable the machine boots with gui ? or what? [20:01] eoss how do you know that ? [20:01] uhm fuck [20:01] erUSUL: NO [20:02] im not sudo anymore [20:02] !language | eoss [20:02] eoss: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. [20:02] javahorn_: i am i bit lost here... what exact commands you run? [20:02] there smultiple connection [20:02] erUSUL: so i went to recovery mode [20:02] set up [20:02] eoss: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [20:02] on my machine [20:02] Hello! [20:02] what i do === AndroidKris is now known as UbuntuKris [20:02] if that was true you probably woulnd know about it it must be something else [20:02] javahorn_: from the first page [20:02] i have tried : sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" nothing happens im inside my source.list and it is empty i am using putty to my vps [20:02] Could someone help a ubuntu newbie out? [20:02] i do w command [20:02] i have tty on my [20:02] erUSUL: gconf-editor and looking under /apps/gnome_settings_daemon/keybindings [20:02] hi can anyone help me with a fstab problem i believe i have f... this [20:02] ActionParsnip, I turned the A/C on and the condition is changing [20:02] xfgghjlsine: check /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* [20:03] hello [20:03] javahorn_: but you did not change anything there, did you ? [20:03] erUSUL: i went to powermanagement tab slightly up once this opens and changed the battery_reduce(graphic no command) etc [20:03] eoss: stop pressing enter between every three words. [20:03] \list [20:03] i am logged in as root, trying to change a file permission on a hidden folder in Home, and getting permission denied [20:03] crowjo: you have to tell us the problem so we can help [20:03] and erUSUL i did change as that was the purpose [20:03] how is that possible [20:03] I sugegst you all to check and install software from science to see some awesomeness [20:03] jrlib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/575144/ === sandeep is now known as Guest26745 [20:03] erUSUL: and somehow in recovery mode what i wanted to achieve ie unplugging should not dim the brightness, it does not ! [20:04] jrib nothing in source.listd either [20:04] erUSUL: but why i donot get normal gui boot up [20:04] javahorn_: really dunno; without any error message is hard to know why it fails [20:04] how can I try using a different driver for ntfs? currently it's using FUSE which seems to have very high overhead. how do I switch to ntfs-3g? [20:04] what does monodevelop do? [20:04] javahorn_: you do not get to the login screen? [20:04] ActionParsnip: I guess I don't understand why cat would be able to see it an ln -L can't. Seems like I must be stoing something silly [20:05] !mono | Hedgehog456 [20:05] Hedgehog456: is an IDE for mono ( a .NET implementation ) [20:05] erUSUL: no, i takes me to commandline login [20:05] codemagician: sounds like you have stock cooling [20:05] javahorn_: if you try « sudo start gdm » in recovery mode? [20:05] erUSUL: /var/log/Xorg.log - i had look here too [20:05] xfgghjlsine: pastebin your command and output: grep partner /etc/apt/sources.list* [20:05] erUSUL: where to enter that ? === Guest26745 is now known as Robin [20:06] ryepup: ln does not have a -L switch. === Robin is now known as Guest1588 [20:06] javahorn_: in the command line [20:06] erUSUL: let me try [20:07] need to download software to open bin files [20:07] guys [20:07] erUSUL: the newer version does: http://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/manual/html_node/ln-invocation.html#ln-invocation [20:07] you know what I realised [20:08] sound effects in gnome are from civilisaton!!! === Guest1588 is now known as Sandy [20:08] :) [20:08] anyone played civilisation I did 20 years ago :) [20:08] ok im not sudo anymore [20:08] says im not in the sudoers file === Sandy is now known as Guest59485 [20:08] Guest1588: what software? [20:09] to unzip bin files [20:09] iwconfig sees interface and marks it as wlan0, ifconfig doesn't see it. "sudo ifup wlan0" says that there is no such interface wlan0=wlan0. What do? [20:09] guys, why am i not in sudoer file anymore [20:09] anyone who played civilisation join my channel :) [20:10] how could that change [20:10] i am hacked [20:10] someone help [20:10] eoss: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [20:10] Hey guys - how do I remove ALL usernames from the login screen? I want the users to have to type in their username. [20:10] hello, i copied a casper-rw file to the root of a bootable usb ubuntu, but it doesn't seem to be loaded, how can i check this ? [20:10] <[segfault]_> eoss: are you logged in as root or some other user? === Guest59485 is now known as sandip [20:10] guys i need help i uninstalled the nvidia driver and now i cant get gdm running [20:10] nevermind think I found it [20:10] im logged into the account i always log into [20:10] what can i do to change that? [20:10] anyone? [20:10] amd when i do sudo command it doesnt work anymore [20:10] Guest1588: There's a software called archive manager present in ubuntu laready for that. [20:11] but dude i saw in archive manager i din't find any which is like winrar or winzip [20:11] erUSUL: in recovery mode , sudo start gdm , indeed starts the Screen . :) but what is the lesson, now the normal mode should ? [20:11] <[segfault]_> eoss: try logging in as root and giving yourself back privileges. Someone here probably can give you specific instructions for that. [20:12] when will the next "Ubuntu Open Week" be? the oct before 12.04? [20:12] ActionParsnip, I noted the Xorg process running as root and container-plugin running as me max out at 100% and then crash the firefix browser. any suggestions? [20:12] was i hacked? [20:12] what have you done to ifconfig and ifup [20:12] help i can't hibernate my laptop anymore it says to me 2disk: Could not use the resume device (try swapon -a). Reason: No such device [20:12] javahorn_: it should yes... if you boot into norm,al mode you end up in terminal too; or what happens? [20:12] i cannot up or down any interfaces [20:13] <[segfault]_> eoss: don't know, but not likely. more than likely a configuration issue === sploozertwo is now known as sploozer [20:13] dmkryl: you have disabled swap ? [20:13] erUSUL: let me try again .... in normal mode, not in recovery mode [20:13] eoss, are you asked for a pw? [20:13] what i pw? [20:14] yes i am [20:14] erUSUL: how do i see if is enable? [20:14] BlueBomber7, [20:14] BluesKaj, [20:14] By default, Ubuntu's Update Manager comes up every so often to notify you of updates. How can I prevent this from happening? Also, if I'm logged in as a limited user (non sudo user) would it still pop up even if that user doesn't have rights to instal? [20:14] Hey eoss what is pw? [20:14] e0s is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported. [20:14] dmkryl: swapon -s [20:14] i [20:14] sandip, pw=password [20:15] ohhh [20:15] cc [20:15] bonjours [20:15] erUSUL: /dev/sda2 partition 4192252 0 -1 [20:15] i knw that [20:15] erUSUL: No, it does not , says your CPU appears to be lacking expected security protections, please check your BIOS settings .... [20:15] fr [20:15] francais [20:15] !fr [20:15] Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci. [20:15] well bluesKaj i want a software for bin files [20:15] comen fer [20:16] Do u knw any? [20:16] So I have a complicated Xinerama setup that was a bitch to setup. [20:16] quit [20:16] CAN SOMEBODY PLEASE GIVE ME A GOOD VERSION OF LINUX THAT'LL WORK [20:16] ON MY CRAPTOP [20:16] !cap | citrus5252342 [20:16] If I want to change my monito setup to one monitor for a week how can I backup my settings for these 4 monitors? [20:16] backup xorg.conf? [20:16] !caps | citrus5252342 [20:16] citrus5252342: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. [20:16] roasted: you can change the settings in update manager so that it does not check any more but it might not be such a good idea [20:16] ok i type groups and i know what happened now i need help bad [20:16] hi... i'm having a problem with ssl sniffing script, it works , but no at all...can anyone help me? [20:16] erUSUL: and this link is recommended ie https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Security/CPUFeatures [20:16] erUSUL: so i am in loop ! [20:16] i overwrote all my groups i was in and replace it with www-data [20:17] sandip, start a .bin file > ./filename.bin [20:17] fisch246: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic please [20:17] Chipzzz: for me, it's the ideal idea, because I'm deploying Ubuntu to students. I do NOT want students to see more than they have to, including update manager. That's something I will take care of without their involvement. :P [20:17] !pm | citrus5252342 [20:17] citrus5252342: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. [20:17] sandip, opena console , cd to the bin file dir and do, ./nameoffile.bin [20:17] javahorn_: yeah; but why on earth lackin NX disables gui? it makes no sense. many machines do not have that [20:17] citrus5252342: what exactly are we talking about here, this craptop you speak of? [20:17] comen on fé pour changer de cono [20:17] erUSUL: says about NX capabilities but unable to use these protective features because the BIOS is configured to disable ..... [20:17] roasted: lol ;) [20:17] ok let me try , thanks Oerheks [20:18] and thanks BluesKaj [20:18] guntbert: alright sounds good, thanks [20:18] <[segfault]_> eoss: if you log out and then log in as root, you should be able to go to System/Administration/Users and Groups, select your user account, then Advanced/User Privileges, and make sure "Administer the system" is checked. You can also modify your groups there. [20:18] sandip if it does not start > chmod +x filename.bin [20:19] xonax: FloodBot3 is a bot, a computer program, it can't answer your questions. [20:19] javahorn_: it has to be something else... [20:19] javahorn_: can you pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log ? [20:19] Okei Oerheks [20:20] who can answer a simple question about ssl sniffing? [20:20] xonax: ##security perhaps, or maybe ##networking [20:20] thanks [20:20] [segfault]_, i was in a bunch of groups by default i dont know which to add [20:20] erUSUL: that is tough, how to ? i tried sudo cp /media// -- it did not copy to USB [20:21] erUSUL: the -1 means the swap partition has an error? [20:21] <[segfault]_> eoss: well the 'admin' group is a good start. I can check and see what the other default groups are if I can find em... hang on. [20:21] Hi. Why does gksu -u user gnome-session-save --logout does not work? [20:21] [segfault]_, thanks seg [20:21] comen aquesédé a un réson francais [20:21] dmkryl: no; it is the priority [20:21] !fr | ibm [20:21] ibm: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci. [20:22] pici oui [20:22] hi all [20:22] dmkryl: maybe the swap space is not enough to hold your ram? [20:22] xfgghjlsine: http://pastebin.com/VmRmyPcm shows that your sources.list is not empty and does contain the partner repository === Hedgehog456 is now known as Hedgy|Away [20:22] comen fer pour rejoindre ubuntu fr [20:22] erUSUL: is the double of my current ram [20:22] ibm, #ubuntu-fr [20:22] ibm: /join #ubuntu-fr [20:22] still having issues then why does nano not see anything [20:22] erUSUL: any relevant bit from there to post? === Eidel is now known as BL4VAL [20:22] can somebody tell me how i can learn linux as soon as possibil ? === BL4VAL is now known as Eidel [20:23] saud12: read a lot [20:23] or indeed root not see a thing [20:23] !manual < saud12 [20:23] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [20:23] i need your help plz ? === jonathan__ is now known as jhonnyboy [20:23] javahorn_: « grep '\(EE\)' /var/log/Xorg.0.log » do you see something? [20:23] !manual | saud12 [20:23] saud12: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/ [20:23] erUSUL: nice! [20:23] xfgghjlsine: how are you trying to see? [20:23] with using nano [20:23] xfgghjlsine: scroll down maybe? [20:24] i do [20:24] erUSUL: so tough, even keys are mapped awkward !!! [20:24] evenin all [20:24] blank [20:24] xfgghjlsine: try: cat /etc/apt/sources.list [20:24] erUSUL: i should look for any error in the file, timestamp? [20:24] javahorn_: :/ [20:24] xfgghjlsine: maybe you mistyped the filename when you started nano [20:24] Can anyone tell me how to get the Synaptic Packet Manager and Firestarter firewall to accept my password when it asks for it? Only rejects when i get the option to use keychain... [20:24] javahorn_: the file already marks errors with (EE) at the beggining of the line [20:25] javahorn_: so the grep should return the lines with errors [20:25] the-prototype: use: gksudo firestarter firetarter doesn't need to be running for the firewall to work, its only a frontend [20:25] erUSUL: (WW) warning (EE) error, NI not implemented, (??) unknown -- this is first EE [20:26] Wubi is saying "no wubildr" and quits when booting. help please [20:26] <[segfault]_> eoss: besides the group with your own user name in it, the default groups for me on my system appear to be: adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare, so hopefully that helps you. [20:26] [segfault]_, i cant log in as root it says authentication failure [20:26] erUSUL: (EE) open /dev/fb0: No such file or directory -- second relevant one, in between it was SCREEN ie EE of those! [20:27] [segfault]_, i dont remember setting a pw to log in as root... [20:27] [segfault]_, just my username pw [20:27] javahorn_: no relevan... [20:27] javahorn_: no relevant... [20:27] <[segfault]_> eoss: well, you definitely need your root password to log in. I think the pw is set when you install. [20:27] erUSUL: (EE) intel(0): No Kernel modesetting driver detected [20:27] javahorn_: that may have something to do ... [20:28] eoss: try: sudo bash [20:28] ActionParsnip ah ok. and what about synaptic manager? i try to get the linux firmware update, i'm prompted with the password screen that has the keychain option, and my pw gets rejected? [20:28] erUSUL: i remember now, i did set for this modesetting in quiet splash part, let me try removing it [20:28] [segfault]_, not in the sudoers file [20:28] javahorn_: :( [20:28] erUSUL: that might be strong candidate ? [20:28] xfgghjlsine: pastebin your attempt at installing java [20:28] [segfault]_, i did su- too i never set a root pw i thought it was the same as my username pw because everytime i sudo i enter my uesrname pw and it work [20:28] eoss: did you change/modify your hostname? [20:29] javahorn_: you added nomodeset to kernel options? [20:29] hostname i dont think so [20:29] MaRk-I: he cleared his groups. [20:29] <[segfault]_> eoss: Try the instructions at this page to reset your root password: http://www.debuntu.org/recover-root-password-single-user-mode-and-grub [20:29] eoss: can you boot from live CD or stick ? [20:29] erUSUL: yes [20:29] Pici: oh ok ty [20:30] ok i now see 3 things http://pastebin.com/ApfUzAgH but what does this mean to me i still canot install java === Running is now known as Running32 [20:30] mherweg, i could i have the disk i installed with [20:31] the-prototype: not sure, if you run: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y upgrade does the password work there? [20:31] is it possible i was hacked [20:31] Yes it does, actually. works on everything except on the prompts where i have the option for keychain [20:32] <[segfault]_> eoss: did't you say you messed up your groups accidentally? [20:32] yes but that doesnt explain the root pw === popey_ is now known as popey [20:32] xfgghjlsine: how are you actually trying to install java? What command are you using? [20:32] erUSUL: the swap partition has to have any special options in fstab? [20:32] xfgghjlsine: there isnt a partner repo there [20:32] dmkryl: no [20:33] apt-get install sun-java6-jre [20:33] <[segfault]_> eoss: well it is easy to reset the root pw by booting into single user mode like the link above says. I would try that first, then go from there. [20:33] eoss: try adding yourself to the admin group [20:34] bonsoir y'a quelqu'un? [20:34] <[segfault]_> Chipzzz: he won't be able to since he isn't a member of that group, not of the sudo group either, atm, will he? [20:34] eoss: by default the root account is disabled and you will always get Authentication failure [20:34] bonsoir plumeetoilee, c'est canal est seulement anglais ;) [20:35] Help!! the network icon is not showing up?? how to restart it??<< please [20:35] zut, et ou je pourrais trouver de l'aide en francais hytreem? [20:35] !fr | plumeetoilee [20:35] plumeetoilee: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci. [20:35] plumeetoilee, /join ubuntu-fr (ou bavarde avec moi :P) [20:35] phoenixsampras: add notification area, run: nm-applet [20:35] good to know guntbert, Chipzzz i cant gonna reset the root pw now [20:35] [segfault] can he boot into single user mode & get root priv that way? [20:35] Rires, hytreem, ok en pv peut etre, pour pas déranger ici? [20:36] Hi there... does anyone know, how I can be able to mount an spanned dynamic NTFS volume in Unbuntu 10.10 64 bit? [20:36] plumeetoilee, ok [20:36] how destroy ubuntu in 2 minutes?? write: sudo aptitude remove python :) [20:36] areon: lol [20:36] Извиняюсь... [20:36] <[segfault]_> Chipzzz: well, that was what I was hoping, but if it is disabled entirely like you mentioned, then probably not.. [20:36] Дык почему интернет то пропал? [20:36] Не трогал ведь его... [20:37] <[segfault]_> !ru [20:37] Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke [20:37] xfgghjlsine: pastebin the output of that command [20:37] Chipzzz, it 's not funny i must reinstall :D [20:37] :( [20:37] oh... sorry... [20:37] join Ubuntu-fr [20:37] erUSUL: could it be the size of the swap partition? [20:37] erUSUL: now it boots normally but i take off power plug , screen dims ! [20:37] eoss: but you still need a way to edit the sudoers file -- restart the system and from the grub menu choose "recovery mode" [20:38] Is this the right place to ask hard drive questions? [20:38] areon: did you try reinstalling ubuntu-desktop? [20:38] eoss: and root shell from there [20:38] jrib http://pastebin.com/sVMwYYu6 [20:38] dmkryl: it could be yes i asked earlier if it is big enough to hold all the ram ? [20:38] how do i activate these runlevel [20:38] Chipzzz, ? [20:38] zack: only if they are ubuntu related, else try ##hardware [20:39] erUSUL: yes my ram is 2 gb and the swap is 4gb [20:39] <[segfault]_> eoss: just append 'single' to the end of the kernel line. you will have to hit 'e' to edit it first, though [20:39] bonsoir, j'aurais besoin de quelques explications s'il vous plait [20:39] areon: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop [20:39] eoss: ubuntu uses upstart ... no runlevels [20:39] no i mean when im restarting, on windows its usuallty like f12 or something [20:39] !fr | plumeetoilee [20:39] plumeetoilee: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci. [20:39] thank you, guntbert. I shall [20:39] what button i press [20:39] dmkryl: then i dunno why it fails .... [20:39] zut, désolée [20:39] Chipzzz, late :D i reinstall all [20:39] areon: :( [20:39] bonsoir === bencahill_ is now known as bencahill [20:40] how can I check how many boots are remaining before the next fschk? [20:40] Chipzzz, becose never work any comands [20:40] xfgghjlsine: run « sudo apt-get update » and try again [20:40] eoss: shift key during boot gets grub menu [20:41] jrib i have done sudo apt-get update / sudo apt-get upgrade .. so i must do it again is what you say [20:41] thank you!!! [20:41] lovya ya guys [20:41] areon: hang around & learn so you don't have to go through that again in the future :) [20:41] me2 [20:41] thanks for ubuntu [20:42] succes ! [20:42] i thank you sir [20:42] gluon: you can use tune2fs [20:42] Chipzzz, yes yes :D mystakes make you stronger [20:42] :) [20:42] Hello..i'm having trouble redirecting port 80 traffic on my local box to my squid proxy on 3128 locally...i've setup a few components w/ iptables but nothing gets redirected..i see the port 80 traffic come in my squid box but never gets pushed to 3128...suggestions? [20:42] silly little oversight by a novice :D [20:43] y [20:43] Hi people of the Open Source helpers. A very good evening to you all!! [20:43] mendip: Good evening to you! [20:44] sploozer: i'd say look into your port forwarding rules [20:44] jrib: thanks [20:44] I guess tune2fs -l will do it [20:44] verac: I've set it up to port forward locally 80 --->3128 no go :( [20:45] WUBI'd Ubuntu 10.10 on Toshiba Satellite Laptop L505D, the pointer will move randomly when more than one fingers touch it, it works normally when only one finger is touching it. [20:45] Does anyone know the right kubuntu system requirements? I've looked it up and there's about 3 different sets of system requirements and I don't know which one is right. [20:45] I just got a 1TB ext HDD and wonder if there is ant progress in Formating it. i.e. compatibility with 'Windows' (uuurgh) and Linux for transfering files. [20:46] verac:? [20:46] mendip, yes [20:46] mendip, ntfs is readable by both windows and linux. [20:46] hey guys, is there an irc command to list all the channels in a server? thanks [20:46] !alis | derpyderp [20:46] derpyderp: Looking for a channel? /msg alis list *searchterm* More help in #freenode [20:46] mouse the same as gnome, 256ram minimum with no efects ans 512 recomended [20:47] xangua, And it's the same for xubuntu? [20:47] Pici: thanks, but that doesnt seem to work for all servers... [20:47] To change the host name of an Ubuntu computer, if I just change the entry in /etc/hosts as well as /etc/hostname is that sufficient or is there other areas I should change it? [20:47] i supose it's less mouse [20:47] mendip: i'd recommend ntfs for sharing files with windows and linux because fat32 doesn't support files over 4gb [20:48] derpyderp: sure. /list should, but it has no flood control and may flood you off. Ask in #freenode if you need other suggestions. [20:48] ok [segfault]_ that went better than expected, i loaded in grub and dropped to root and did passwd command and i changed the pw [20:48] Thank you xangua [20:49] <[segfault]_> eoss: nice, have you setup your groups for your regular account yet? [20:49] In Ubuntu 10.04, how can I disable the user list at the logon screen? 10.10 has the option but 10.04 does not from what I can tell... [20:49] hi! does anybody know how to solve the problem with mouse cursor freeze under lucid lynx? The mouse is wireless. [20:49] derpyderp: don't try to list all channels here... SearchIRC.com is your friend [20:49] [segfault]_, just added admin do you still have that list? [20:49] I didn't have much luck on ##hardware, so if anyone feels like answering my question I would be grateful. Question is: How can one do a low level format of a hard drive in Ubuntu? [20:50] <[segfault]_> eoss: adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare [20:50] zack, You can use gparted. [20:50] hey guys, curious why my 8GB machine is saying it only has 385MB free [20:50] Ok ... Thank you guys. ...ok, I'll keep it with NTFS partitioning. Many thanks [20:50] nothing is taking up anywhere near that amount [20:51] <[segfault]_> eoss: some of those groups may not exist on your system, and if not, just ignore them [20:51] rslifka: df to a pastebin, pvs and lvs as well while you're there. [20:51] rslifka: 8 whats? [20:51] (i'm looking at top -> RES) [20:51] rslifka: sorry 8GBs of what? [20:51] rslifka: Disregard that. [20:51] Keep up the EXCELLENT WORK!!!! Love you to bits ... [20:51] rslifka: You're talkinb about RAM. [20:51] ram :) [20:51] rslifka: http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ [20:51] When is Ubuntu 11 due? [20:51] rslifka: you know that ubuntu caches right? [20:51] !11.04 [20:51] \!11.04 [20:51] Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems. [20:51] damn [20:51] alisalaah: look at the version number and have a guess ;) [20:52] haha thanks for the link KB1 :) [20:52] guess it's a common question :p [20:52] mouse, would you please elaborate a bit on gparted? I don't recall any specific options for this [20:52] [segfault]_, ok i added cdrom and adm and admin ill just add them when i need them i suppose [20:52] rslifka, There could be corrupted blocks on the disk surface. [20:52] alisalaah: the version numbers at dates, 10.10 == 20(10) in october (the 10th month) [20:52] WUBI'd Ubuntu 10.10 on Toshiba Satellite Laptop L505D, the pointer will move randomly when more than one fingers touch it, it works normally when only one finger is touching it. [20:52] thanks for all the help guys [20:52] ActionParsnip, i never noticed that :/ [20:53] alisalaah: october used to be the 8th month, but romans have egos [20:53] <[segfault]_> eoss: well, if the groups were all that were munged, you should be all set [20:53] yep, that's it [20:53] indeed [20:53] -/+ buffers /cache has 7GB in it [20:53] zack, gparted stands for Gnome partition editor. It's a great tool for creating deleting and editing partitions. If you're in ubuntu you can get it by sudo apt-get install gparted [20:53] thanks guys :) [20:53] anyone realised (like me) that sound effects on gnome are from civilisation I ? :) [20:53] alisalaah: its very logical, so you can grab any release and know when it was released and therefore when it is supported until :) [20:53] I LOVE UBUNTU!!! [20:54] thanks mouse, I've used gparted before. I just don't recall any options for low level formating [20:54] <[segfault]_> dejan_: I don't remember the old civ sound effects, but a couple of them also remind me of Age of Empires sounds. [20:55] wow [20:55] I was tabbed and irc message showd on os [20:55] wowowo [20:55] dejan_: not sure, i always silence system sounds, they annoy me [20:55] :) [20:55] much love! [20:55] it seems dangerously easy to own a box with physical access eh? or was it because i didnt set up root ot begin with [20:55] dejan_, what irc client are you using? [20:55] yes its civilisation effects :) [20:55] Smuxi [20:55] cd i2p [20:55] woops [20:55] <[segfault]_> eoss: I believe there is a way to disable run lev 1 access also [20:56] zack, I must not understand the clear definition of low level formatting then. === marienz_ is now known as marienz [20:56] How do I access a shared drive through it's Network Path on Ubuntu? [20:57] when someone reply to you by the name on Smuxi irc client message shows on the os.. :) [20:57] How do I open a specific program using Bash Terminal? [20:57] what can you possibly ask more [20:57] hi [20:57] if you are tabbed [20:57] battlehands: type its full path === Derpcat is now known as AlmaWade [20:58] Chipzzz, is your name red because you are a mod? [20:58] since the last ubuntu update yesterday (lucid 10.04 amd64) youtube crashes my x-server (can verify on two maschines) [20:58] In Ubuntu 10.04, how can I disable the user list at the logon screen? 10.10 has the option but 10.04 does not from what I can tell... [20:58] battlehands: no... not afaik [20:58] Chipzzz, what is afaik? [20:58] any ideas why this happens? [20:58] WUBI'd Ubuntu 10.10 on Toshiba Satellite Laptop L505D, the pointer will move randomly when more than one fingers touch it, it works normally when only one finger is touching it. [20:58] battlehands: it's red because he used your name, its a highlight [20:58] battlehands: Its red because hes directing his responses at you. [20:59] battlehands: as far as I know [20:59] Pici, so this message is red for you? [20:59] does anybody know how to fix mouse cursor freeze under lucid lynx? the mouse is Logitech RX7 radio mouse AFAIR. [20:59] <[segfault]_> roasted: I suppose you have tried: "sudo -u gdm gconftool-2 --set --type boolean /apps/gdm/simple-greeter/disable_user_list true" ? [20:59] jab_doa: what is the output of: uname -a; lsb_release -a; dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf [20:59] battlehands: No, but its differentiated in some way on my IRC client. [20:59] [segfault]_: I have not, because I had no idea that was the "proper" way to remove the list????? [20:59] me neither...I think it means block by block formating....I'm having trouble installing Win 7 on a new motherboard/CPU and the support folks said to try this. I don't want to install Ubuntu on new equipment until I get windows running [20:59] [segfault]_: surely there's a more sensible way in the GUI somewhere... [20:59] Pici, ok. Excellent. [20:59] hello all. (using v11.04) I created a bash file and gave it execute permissions; but when I try it on the terminal, I get err msg "create_db_dog: command not found". Why? TIA! [21:00] <[segfault]_> roasted: well, I think it is accessible via gconf-editor, yes. [21:00] !natty | nimbiotics [21:00] nimbiotics: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems. [21:00] Chipzzz, how can I determine the full file path? [21:00] [segfault]_: ahh, good call. Ill look around. [21:00] ActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/a0rSsbJJ [21:00] ActionParsnip: To get what I want you use the regular server iso and select "Install a minimum system/virtual machine" from the beginning of the installation . . I completely missed that. === k is now known as Guest8400 === Guest8400 is now known as k__ === k__ is now known as k_89 [21:00] hey.... i need some help... i am not able to get .htaccess files working on apache [21:00] battlehands: type "which programname" [21:01] zack, youre having problems installing windows 7?!? o_O === [1]jayd3e is now known as jayd3e [21:01] queso: I always use the minimal ISO and move from there [21:01] zack, That's a good idea. Windows should be installed first or else you'll have to mess with grub. Gparted will be great for that. You can boot into a livecd and do it from there. That's how I've always done it. [21:01] jab_doa: looks fine, strange [21:01] i modified the file named default to AllowOverride All [21:01] it still won't work [21:01] ActionParsnip, my girlfriend has the same problem since this morning [21:01] I will give it a try...I may be back....thanks [21:02] zack, Just be sure you make the windows parition on the far left in the gui. Windows always has to be on the first channel or it won't boot. [21:02] but its totaly different hardware [21:02] hi guys [21:02] Anyone can answer a simple FTP/wordpress question, please pm me [21:02] anyone knows how to get .htaccess working in apache2 [21:02] I have a problem with my computer always overheating - i used to run windows, and this never happened, until one day it just happened - i did nothing different, with Kubuntu 10.10, this continues [21:02] i have quick question, does intel turboboost work under ubuntu 10.10 [21:02] k_89, youre having problem with apache -- not ubuntu, I doubt anyone can help you here and if they can it would help your cause if you dont use enter as punctuacion [21:02] Is there a way that xchat's opened channel display can be set like ChatZilla's? [21:02] k_89: JOIN #APACHE [21:03] thanx [21:03] k_89: sorry for caps [21:03] join #apache [21:03] Jasonn, check to see if all your fans are in working order [21:03] k_89: /join #apache [21:03] Okay, here's the thing. Maybe a silly question but I've got the login for an ftp server, and I need to chmod a folder but all I get is access denied [21:03] tucemiux: they are, anyhow, there is only 2 fans, and the computer is running open atm because otherwise, i gets way to loud [21:03] do i need to be on the server to chmod? [21:03] i have quick question, does intel turboboost work under ubuntu 10.10 [21:03] thnx. hehe [21:04] Jasonn, so youre saying kubuntu tells you your computer is overheating but windows never says anything? [21:04] jab_doa: try: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-installer; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sevenmachines/flashsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install flashplugin64-installer [21:04] did someone highlight me [21:04] sorry i iaccidentally left [21:04] michel: you mean in a sidebar? [21:05] Do I need to be on the fysical server to chmod wp-content or is this possible via ftp from home? [21:05] Chipzzz, nothing is displayed... [21:05] tucemiux: no, im saying that the fans are running louder than my speakers do - this tells me there is a problem ;) [21:05] Anyone, help? [21:05] how can i find the wikileaks anonymous irc channel? [21:05] battlehands: what program are you trying to run? [21:05] how do I access my network files on ubuntu? [21:05] sjrp: do you need to install this? [21:06] Chipzzz, I tried typing in "which scilab," and it worked. For "Heroes of Newerth" nothing came up. [21:06] if someone answered my question, please do repost the answer [21:06] i kinda quit on accident [21:06] Chipzzz, the game is called HeroesofNewerth [21:06] before i could read it and logging is off [21:06] !offtopic | asspolka [21:06] asspolka: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [21:06] asspolka: this is ubuntu support ONLY [21:06] i am going to install ubuntu... like this [ / ] [ swp] [ /home ] [ ntfs ] is it ok to place ntfs at the ned [21:06] end [21:06] !offtopic | Jasonn [21:06] Jasonn: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [21:06] lol [21:06] pro! [21:06] asspolka: ask in #freenode and please change your nick name it is inappropriate for Ubuntu channels [21:06] haha [21:06] Sorry, Jasonn, I was just testing it out. [21:07] !spam | battlehands [21:07] no! [21:07] Jasonn: I've got a webhotel with a server that hosts www.lissy.se. I've got the login to the ftp server, and i've managed to login to ftp and get to the wp-content folder but i can't chmod it [21:07] lol [21:07] Jasonn, could be your motherboard, hard drive, video card -- hardware related , you can take your hard drive out of the equation by running a live CD or just boot up into your BIOS --- leave your machine running and check the temperature [21:07] ActionParsnip, ill try [21:07] I just got Ubuntu, its my first Unix based OS, and Im playing around with it. [21:07] tucemiux: its not the hard drive, that i know [21:07] Found out about this "IRC" [21:07] battlehands: is it in your menu somewhere or do you have a shortcut to it? [21:07] sjrp: you might need terminal [21:08] Chipzzz, Its in my applications menu [21:08] battlehands: LOL, well, here we dont spam ;) [21:08] Chipzzz, under games [21:08] battlehands: you new to linux? [21:08] Jasonn:i've done it in the terminal, but all I get is permission denied [21:08] sjrp: sudo -i [21:08] Jasonn, yeah... this is my first day [21:08] i have quick question, does intel turboboost work under ubuntu 10.10 [21:08] Jasonn, trying to learn terminal and other stuff [21:08] !yay | battlehands [21:08] battlehands: Glad you made it! :-) [21:08] battlehands: what OS? ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu/other? [21:08] Jasonn, check the other culprits, also check the user for paranoia [21:08] ubuntu 10.10 [21:09] ThinkT510, thanks [21:09] battlehands: right click on the menu bar, click 'Edit Menus", find the game, click on 'Properties'... you will find the command line to use [21:09] i have the latest kernel version if it helps [21:09] battlehands: thats pretty good, first thing you should do is play around with the theme [21:09] Jasonn:I use cd to get to the httpdocs folder, and then i typ chmod 755 -R wp-content, doesn't work with or without sudo. [21:09] Jasonn, already done [21:09] anyone have an idea why xmbc is playing my dvd jittery while vlc does do it right ? [21:09] sjrp: so its saved on the CD? You cant edit the contents of a cd ;) [21:10] Jasonn, Im using the "Clear Look" with thick borders [21:10] I've got a question. There's this old computer I've got and when you start it up the fans and lights come on but that's it. It doesn't load the bios or anything. I know the monitor and ram chips work but that's the extent of it. Any ideas what the problem could be? [21:10] in the command line of Ubuntu (the one you get when you press Ctrl + Alt + F1), is it possible to make the text smaller and fit more characters in the screen area? [21:10] Hagar1: could be a lot of things [21:10] Jasonn, The thick border simulate Windows 7, because I think their bars are done really well. [21:10] battlehands: you should try Kubuntu [21:10] battlehands, check my PM [21:10] Jasonn, one OS at a time [21:10] battlehands: the interface is more windows-like [21:10] battlehands: ytou can switch without reinstalling, i mean just the look [21:10] both vlc and movie player do it flawless, with xmbc I think the drive starts and stops for every frame [21:11] Jasonn: Haha, no sorry that wasn't what i ment. I use the command "cd" in the terminal to get to the ftp server that i've mounted, and when I'm in the "httpdocs" folder i try chmod 755 -R wp-content and get permission denied [21:11] Hagar1: i believe its because xbmc is very memory-hungry [21:11] oh [21:11] ok [21:11] mouse: this isn't really the right channel for that question [21:11] Jasonn, I will try that now [21:11] I thought 4Gig was enough [21:11] Hagar1: what video chip? [21:11] <[segfault]_> mouse: yeah, though off-topic...bad video card? try reseating the ram? [21:11] and 512 on the graphics [21:11] Jasonn, Its not in my default list. Do I need to install it? [21:11] Chipzzz, What channel would you suggest? [21:11] Jasonn, err... dl it? [21:12] Hagar1: which chip? [21:12] Chipzzz, it worked! thanks! [21:12] battlehands: sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop, then you will be in terminal-only mode, then type in sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop [21:12] looking just what type it is hold on [21:12] Hagar1: lspci | grep -i vga will tell you [21:12] sjrp: are you logged in as an administaor? I would just try to edit from terminal as root (sudo -i) [21:12] ATI HD 3650, not the best but it should do the trick [21:13] Hagar1: thats plenty, did you install the proprietary driver? [21:13] mouse: maybe #hardware [21:13] [segfault]_, The graphics card is onboard and I reseated the ram. [21:13] battlehands: :) [21:13] WUBI'd Ubuntu 10.10 on Toshiba Satellite Laptop L505D, the pointer will move randomly when more than one fingers touch it, it works normally when only one finger is touching it. [21:13] yes ati drivers are installed and work , at least it works with vlc and movie plater [21:13] player [21:13] <[segfault]_> mouse: maybe #hardware might be a channel to try.. [21:14] Jasonn, will it erase all my files? [21:14] battlehands: if you are afraid of problems, i wouldnt do it, you can probably find an online-guide thats better than me, andyhow the best and fastest option would be to just reinstall the OS - kubuntu is far more windows-looking [21:14] Hagar1: maybe there is a setting in xbmc, ask in their channel, it may help [21:14] erUSUL: is there bug regarding screen brightness? [21:14] battlehands: how many files do you have? I would back them up before trying anything, but it shouldnt [21:14] is it in freenode as well ? [21:15] ActionParsnip, did not work :-( [21:15] battlehands: i find it best practice to keep my files on a seperate partition so all os's i boot into can access them === Hedgy|Away is now known as Hedgehog456 [21:15] ThinkT510: thats a pretty good idea :) [21:15] hello ! [21:15] let me check some more logs [21:15] I ask... what if Ubuntu users give up on Ubuntu because of Unity...? [21:15] Jasonn: Wierd, when I tried sudo -i chmod 755 -R wp-content/ I get "No such file or directory", but if I remove -i it finds the folder but prints access denied [21:15] !ot | QuartZo [21:16] QuartZo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [21:16] thancks I'll have a look === i is now known as Guest21131 [21:16] I'm not seeing #hardware anywhere. I even did /join #hardware [21:16] Logan: sorry === [1]jayd3e is now known as jayd3e [21:16] sjrp: they are 2 differtn commands, first do sudo -i and then do gedit ********* [21:16] sjrp: or chmod if you prefer [21:17] use gksudo for GUI apps [21:17] ActionParsnip, looks a lot worse: http://pastebin.com/udim9xkp [21:17] Salut [21:17] anyone know an alternative to xbmc? Im running kubuntu 10.10 [21:17] !fr | Guest21131 [21:17] Guest21131: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci. [21:18] Jasonn: tried amarok? [21:18] ThinkT510, I would like to try that. Would you be open to helping me set that up? [21:18] battlehands: sure [21:18] !french | Guest21131 [21:18] er.. [21:18] Guest21131: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci. === Freejack is now known as Guest87741 [21:18] sjrp: sudo -i is probably starting in a different directory, so it doesn't find wp-content/ [21:19] ThinkT510: to stream movies/music from a server? [21:19] ThinkT510, in pm [21:19] hello :) I'm new here so I don't know if I am right here :) I need help with my Ubuntu L.t.s. I just can't coap with it :( [21:19] !pm | battlehands [21:19] battlehands: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. [21:19] #ubuntu-fr [21:19] Jasonn: sorry, i assumed you were looking for a kde like music player [21:19] Guest21131: la comande est: /join #ubuntu-fr [21:20] Jasonn, Chipzzz: Aha! Thank you, I'll try that. What does -i do btw? [21:20] ThinkT510: i need a KDE movie streamer [21:20] sjrp: instead of giving you user privelages, it will be as if you are logged in as root [21:20] sjrp: starts a new shell in user's home dir [21:21] jab_doa: ok then remove the package === [1]jayd3e is now known as jayd3e [21:22] IdleOne: tu parle le francais? [21:22] !fr [21:22] ActionParsnip, ok [21:22] Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci. [21:22] ActionParsnip, i commented on that bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+bug/564181 [21:22] Ubuntu bug 564181 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (Ubuntu Lucid) "[RV730] GPU soft reset infinite loop scrolling in firefox with compiz" [High,Triaged] [21:23] jab_doa: pretty accurate,nice [21:23] WUBI'd Ubuntu 10.10 on Toshiba Satellite Laptop L505D, the pointer will move randomly when more than one fingers touch it, it works normally when only one finger is touching it. [21:23] i dont use compiz but the error looks the same [21:24] Jasonn, I have several PMs open!! AHH! [21:25] SgrA: do you have the latest bios? [21:25] battlehands: what do you need help with? I am novery advanced with linux, but i can probably tell you most things you wanna know [21:25] not very ** [21:25] ActionParsnip: hope so.. its my friend on skype [21:26] Jasonn: I get permission denied when I try to enter .gvfs from terminal after doing sudo -i and become root. Wierd to be able to access it as a normal user but not with root? :) [21:26] ActionParsnip: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=29493 < is what i found but [21:26] SgrA: it may have fixes for the touchpad in the newer version [21:26] Freedesktop bug 29493 in Input/synaptics "Cursor jumps all over using a Synaptics pad in a Toshiba Satellite L500" [Normal,New] [21:26] is there a way to enable vertical tabs in chromium under ubuntu? i have seen it for windows many times [21:26] ActionParsnip: he says it works on ubuntu [21:26] **windows [21:26] SgrA: doesn't matter [21:27] ActionParsnip: alright, i'll tell him that.. next, https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=29493 < is this relevant? [21:27] sjrp: did it say permission denied, or file not found? [21:27] Jasonn:permission denied [21:27] And btw how do I highlight text in xchat? [21:27] sjrp: are you the owner of the server?? [21:28] sjrp: to copy, just highlight [21:28] Jasonn: No, I'm not and that's what I wonder. Is it possible to chmod the wp-content file with just the password to enter the ftp server? [21:28] SgrA: looks relevant, could try disabling the multitouch in ubuntu [21:29] Jasonn: I've never done this before, but I thought that the ftp login details the admin gave me was the administator login, but maybe it wasn't. [21:29] i need a stable video edit program for ubuntu 10.10 [21:29] hi everybody [21:30] !ot chemaher76 [21:30] an body help me [21:31] Jasonn: no need for that for just saying 'hi'... [21:31] i need a stable video edit parogram [21:31] LjL: aha, it didnt even send [21:31] i know, still [21:31] LjL: anyhow, sorry about that [21:31] pajero: http://techcityinc.com/2009/02/04/top-10-free-video-editors-for-ubuntu-linux/ [21:31] where can I download a ubuntu 10.04.1 desktop iso ? [21:31] ubuntu.com [21:32] oh, .1 [21:32] releases.ubuntu.com might have it [21:32] pajero:KDEnlive === Logan__ is now known as Logan_ [21:32] IdleOne: you really think someone would ask that question *he sais in a nice way* [21:32] @ everybody: My Ubuntu does not detect my monitor. can somebody please help me? [21:33] Ghostboy: what video chip do you have? [21:33] Jasonn: what question? [21:33] I can only find 10.04.2, but i need .1, where can I download a ubuntu 10.04.1 desktop iso ? [21:33] how do i find add and remove [21:33] piratebay maybe? [21:33] sjrp, ActionParsnip thanx, i try [21:33] IdleOne: if they know about the IRC channel, wouldnt they know that they can download it at ubuntu.com? [21:33] hmm i am unable to acces a .jar file .. in other words run it either as the user who downloaded it or root any one know wth is up [21:33] tim167: google it [21:33] I think it is an SiS chip. I'm totaly new with linux so I don't know how to search for details === _Masduqe|Off is now known as Masduqe|Off [21:34] Jasonn: sure, I am... [21:34] Ghostboy: its probably a hardware issue [21:34] Jasonn: he is looking for the .1 point release, ubuntu.com gives the .2 by default [21:34] tim167: which desktop do you desire? [21:34] !google | Jasonn [21:34] Jasonn: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question. [21:34] ActionParsnip: 10.04.1 [21:34] Where can i add and remove software [21:35] tim167: no, what desktop? gnome? kde? [21:35] sam_: use software centre [21:35] ActionParsnip: default (gnome?) [21:35] Jasonn: Then what have I to type in to get more details so I can find some hardware drivers :) [21:35] thank you [21:35] IdleOne: google-fu? [21:35] hi,i want 3d cube on my desk. [21:35] hola busco amigos por favor contesten [21:35] i am unable to acces a .jar file .. in other words run it either as the user who downloaded it or root any one know wth is up [21:35] sorin: install compiz [21:36] tim167: ok,let me search, there is no 'default' in ubuntu, you can use what you desire ;) [21:36] Jasonn: yes. [21:36] Ghostboy: i think the problem is actually with the computer its self - have you used the computer before without this issue? [21:36] in fact i need this file, i have a copy but it's corrupted: ubuntu-10.04.1-desktop-i386.iso [21:36] enaugh compiz? [21:36] ActionParsnip: well most installs i have seen are using gdm by 'default' :) [21:36] Jasonn: With Windows it totally works but as I said I never used Ubuntu before [21:37] Ghostboy: nevermind then :S [21:37] Jasonn: So there's no hope? :S [21:37] how can install compiz? [21:37] tim167: http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/5775108/Ubuntu_10.04.1_i386 you can install ubuntu then install kde and use that by 'default' [21:37] <[segfault]_> tim167: try here - http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download [21:37] sorin: its part of a default install [21:38] thanks ActionParsnip, [segfault]_ ! [21:38] Ghostboy: there probably is, but i have no idea about drivers/how to install them without having monitor access === Daniel__ is now known as Drone4four [21:38] can any body provide me torrent link , to download latest version of ubuntu n some free skin versions ?? [21:38] its posible make update to compiz? [21:38] Ghostboy: if you can manage without the monitor into the terminal, install openSSH, then you can controll it from elsewhere [21:38] [segfault]_: the links dont work on that page [21:38] Jasonn: Well I can see everything clearly on my monitor but I cant change the resolution options [21:38] sorin: how do you mean? [21:38] u_me: http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent [21:39] thanque IdleOne [21:39] welcome [21:39] compiz fusion? [21:39] Hello. I have dual cd with data and audio track. But I only can see the data track. How can I play the audio part? [21:39] Jasonn: And if I try to it says that there is no monitor detected [21:39] <[segfault]_> ActionParsnip: I see the torrents are busted... bummer. apologies [21:39] [segfault]_: np bro [21:39] Ghostboy: did you try the res settings on the actual monitor itsself? [21:39] sorin: the desktop install has compiz fusion already installed [21:39] sorin: install the compizconfig-settings-manager using either Software Center or Synaptic Package Manager [21:40] [segfault]_: yes, but the piratebay one seems to work :) [21:40] Jasonn: res settings? Sry I am a total noob ;) [21:40] Ghostboy: resolution* [21:40] thks [21:40] <[segfault]_> tim167: hopefully well seeded! :) [21:40] help please : http://pastebin.com/bcvRWm9X i thought it was perms but root can not either [21:41] tim167: i can download it on my server and seed to you if you would like :) [21:41] canot "run" it [21:41] hi [21:41] [segfault]_: downloading from 12 of 60 connected peers... 1MB/s :p [21:41] tim167: that'll do nicely [21:41] how can i find out if I have 64 bit or 32 bit installation of ubuntu? [21:42] <[segfault]_> tim167: sweet! you will be setup in no time, then. [21:42] Jasonn: It's an integrated laptop monitor so it's a bit hard to do ;) but I'll try the option you mentioned a few minutes ago [21:42] leapy0yo: arch [21:42] Hey everyone, I have a wifi issue with Ubuntu 10.10; I'm on a hp dv6 Pavilion laptop, and the wifi is able to connect, tell me its activated, but wont let me browse or connect IM. The led blinks erratically as well. How do I fix it? [21:42] Ghostboy: ah, i was assuming it was a desktop, nevermind === Commie_Cary is now known as Lenin_Cat [21:42] it says i686 , so that means 32 bit system i guess [21:43] leapy0yo: yes i686 == 32bit [21:43] [segfault]_: i hope so, in fact i need that version because i could not get the .2 version working...it hangs at the ubuntu loading logo (with the five dots blinking orange/white...) [21:43] lo all, dead easy question for you :) [21:43] how the heck do you get a terminal window to open up full screen? [21:43] Jasonn: Sorry my fault :) I should have said that. I hope it works :) [21:43] RabbitDaOne: if you run: ifconfig do you see your device with an ip address [21:43] Mr-Woof: Press F11 [21:44] can any one tell me what is the issue here : http://pastebin.com/bcvRWm9X i thought it was a permissions problem but it turns out root gets the same message [21:44] Cheers Z00p, told you it was easy :) [21:44] Ghostboy: nah dont worry about it, if it doesnt just come back and ask someone smarter than me [21:44] It was doing my head in lol [21:44] cheers [21:45] i installed ubuntu 10.04.2 on a bootable usb using 'Create Boot Disk' but it hangs at this screen indefinitely http://news.softpedia.com/images/extra/LINUX/large/ubuntu1004installation-large_000.jpg is there anything i cn try to fix it ? [21:45] Jasonn: Ok...I am total noob XD here comes the golden question: how do I have to type in into the console in order to install openSSH? [21:45] Jasonn: (what) [21:45] Ghostboy: press CTRL+ALT+T [21:45] @ActionParsnip yes I do, but I wonder if its because I have the ethernet cable plugged in? [21:45] Ghostboy: sudo apt-get install openSSH [21:45] Jasonn: Thx a lot ! [21:46] Ghostboy: then follow the instructions on the screen, but you might aswell just install the drivers from terminal directly [21:46] jasonn: its case sensitive, so it would be openssh [21:46] (also ghostboy) [21:46] RabbitDaOne: eth0 will be your wired link, wlan0 or ar0 will be your wireless [21:46] right? [21:46] yepp [21:47] @ActionParsnip yes It does [21:48] RabbitDaOne: does the wireless have an IP [21:48] Jasonn: It does not work :( [21:48] What's ctrl+alt+backspace do? [21:48] hi folks. i have _absolutely strange_ trouble with my hp mini netbook + 10.10. all youtube videos are lilac! seriously. i've installed the nonfree plugin and youtube is now lilac [21:48] vimeo seems to be fine [21:49] ctp: only youtube? [21:49] rcmaehl: it can reset the X server if you enable the option [21:49] Ghostboy: just find the drivers for your monitor online for linux, and then install it, otherwise i really dont know what to do [21:49] jdeslaur: yepp [21:49] ctp: what about https youtube? [21:49] hi, I am just about to try installing lubuntu on a toshiba satellite pro... should I go for regular ubuntu instead? [21:49] jdeslaur: as far as i tested [21:49] shomon_: pc specs? [21:49] Jasonn: Can I find a list of my Laptop details with the console? [21:49] ctp: the plugin could be using the driver for the display wrong and only getting 2 color channels === [segfault]_ is now known as [segfault] [21:50] and if it is best with lubuntu, can anyone help me to figure out how to resize existing partitions? they occupy the whole computer... ah just finding specs out... [21:50] Ghostboy: yes, but i dont know the command [21:50] Jasonn: Just found it ;) its "lspci" [21:50] shomon_: lubuntu is nice and light :) [21:50] shomon_: get a gparted disk [21:50] 2 amd athlon chips [21:50] Ghostboy: you want like your system specs? [21:50] 2 gig memory [21:50] Ghostboy: lspci will show your hardware [21:50] Ghostboy: lspci lsusb lshw [21:50] shomon_: ubuntu should work just find [21:50] shomon_: you can resize partitions if you use gparted in the livecd [21:51] Ghostboy: dmidecode also works if installed [21:51] should I run gparted from here? I just booted from cd... my windows install on this disc crashes on mup.sys... [21:51] ThinkT510, hello [21:51] Ghostboy: or lshw [21:51] hi [21:51] rcmaehl: same behaviour with https [21:51] so I think windows is lost here, but I don-t want to lose the data [21:51] shomon_: from the live cd you can resize your ntfs [21:51] okay thanks [21:51] http://pastebin.com/Hdaf8GEt can somebody help me please :) [21:51] shomon_: you can mount the drive from linux and copy your data [21:52] xfgghjlsine: ... [21:52] ah okay, ActionParsnip how would I resize the ntfs? === k_ is now known as k_89 [21:52] maybe there is still salvation for that windows partition [21:52] jdeslaur: hm, do you have a hint for me what to do now? other flash sites seem to work fine [21:52] !dualboot | shomon_ [21:52] shomon_: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot [21:52] Jasonn: Display adapter = monitor? [21:53] I can run the install cd now... before I couldn-t find the options to do that... thanks [21:53] Ghostboy: pretty sure [21:53] hello i was wondering if anyone knew if there is any usb 3.0 support native for ubuntu yet [21:53] i would like to thank this irc chat room (ActionParsnip in general) for helping me get my wifi working first account of accessing and using it seem to work just fine :) [21:53] i installed Ubuntu Customization Kit and i was building a distro that came with a lot of packages, but then (synaptic was minimized and doing nothing) x.org crashed or something so my entire computer froze and i had to force a shutdown, so how can i reopen that "session" or all of those files with UCK again so i can continue modifying it and installing packages? [21:54] Jgilk1: they have helped me on many occasions, thanks guys! [21:54] i just got an usb 3.0 ExpressCard adapter, running ubuntu 10.10 x64 [21:54] Jgilk1: its all good bro, you'll learn as you use the OS and can help people in future.Makes the world go around. Makes the community stronger [21:55] they know there stuff [21:55] Jasonn: ok then pls pray with me for success xD Thanks for everything !!! [21:55] @ActionParsnip Yes the wireless has an IP address, the last digit is 1 more than the IP address allocated to the ethernet [21:55] 1 less* [21:55] Ghostboy: hope it works :) [21:55] RabbitDaOne: cool, disconnect the ethernet. Can you ping over the wireless? === [Pilif12p] is now known as Pilif12p [21:56] @ActionParsnip How does one go about "pinging" [21:56] Anyone know of an alternative to XBMC for Kubuntu? (For streaming media from a server) === wingdspur2 is now known as wingdspur [21:57] RabbitDaOne: ping IPADDRESS [21:57] RabbitDaOne: same in all OSes, in a terminal run: ping [21:57] well everything works and now that i have gotten it to work how can i increase the size of the partition i have linux set to "absorb"? [21:58] @ActionParsnip Cool, thanks for that tip. Will get back with results [21:58] ActionParsnip: any alternatives to xbmc for kubuntu? [21:58] i want to try to fix a splash screen hang by "booting with nomodeset xforcevesa acpi=off", like i read here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1480026&page=4 (bottom), but HOW do i "boot with nomodeset xforcevesa acpi=off" ? thanks ! === webbhorn is now known as wbh [21:59] ctp: try a different plugin? [21:59] Jasonn: moovida maybe [21:59] ActionParsnip: can it strean via HTTP? [22:00] jdeslaur: you mean flash plugin? [22:00] hi [22:00] Jasonn: not sure, if you want to stream, why not just share a folder and access it that way? === viv`d is now known as vivid [22:00] ActionParsnip: because i want to stream, not download then play, because streaming uses much less BW [22:00] @ActionParsnip so when I disconnected the ethernet, my internet connection did the same. So the ping result was "unreachable". Plugged the ethernet in, it started giving me times [22:01] Jasonn: youo dont have to download, the files will simply be accessible, there is no copying process it will just play from the share to RAM [22:02] Jasonn: I might have a solution but it says I need a "xorg.conf" data [22:02] tim167: just press 'e' when your kernel is highlighted in grub during startup and add the options at the kernel line [22:02] Ghostboy: i really dont know what to tell you bud [22:03] ActionParsnip: and how do i do that if all i have is FTP access to the server (its a seedbox) [22:03] ActionParsnip: or can i do something like a mapped network drive/ [22:03] my mousewheel just randomly stopped working [22:03] :( [22:03] Jasonn: Ok then I just try it:) really thx a lot ! :) [22:03] Jasonn: thats fine, you can mount ftp servers in nautilus and then play the files as if they were local data [22:03] how do I restart ubuntu's mouse driver? [22:03] xrdodrx, is it working on and off or it just quit? [22:03] Jasonn: exactly! [22:03] coz_, It just quit [22:03] Jasonn: you are complicating too much [22:04] sudo dpkg-reconfigure mouse [22:04] i installed UCK (Ubuntu Customization Kit) and i was building a distro that came with a lot of packages, but then, while synaptic was minimized and doing nothing, my entire computer froze and i had to force a shutdown, so how can i reopen that "session" or all of those files with UCK again so i can continue modifying it and installing packages? [22:04] Swves, inragden om lien dost ib? [22:04] ActionParsnip: thanks :) [22:04] has anybody got latest version of ubuntu :(,,, my download is to slow,, anybody would mind sending me through team viewer?? , please [22:04] Jasonn: :D [22:04] xrdodrx, I would restart x first to see if it reloads and the right way to do that is ctrl+alt+F1 ... log in then sudo restart gdm [22:04] coz_, /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: mouse is not installed [22:04] u_me: use torrents, it'll be a lot faster (assuming your provider doesnt strangle torrents) [22:05] Brach vas clantum edo meadis voristen...? [22:05] xrdodrx, is this a usb mouse? [22:05] coz_, yes [22:05] @ActionParsnip so when I disconnected the ethernet, my internet connection did the same. So the ping result was "unreachable". Plugged the ethernet in, it started giving me times [22:05] sudo apt-get --fix-missing calcfreak89 [22:05] xrdodrx, pull the plug on the mouse and plug it back in [22:05] olskolirc - that's not my problem, i need to re-open UCK and load the files it made so i can continue working with them [22:05] xrdodrx, and / or try another usb port [22:06] coz_, replugging fixed it thanks :D [22:06] xrdodrx, cool [22:06] RabbitDaOne: ok then run: sudo lshw -C network and websearch for the product line for the wireless adapter [22:06] can't believe I didn't think of that u,u [22:06] hey [22:07] hello? [22:07] does anyone know what irc channel UCK has if it has one? [22:07] hello natolee1992 [22:07] yo? [22:07] natolee1992, hi [22:07] hey [22:07] someone is here [22:07] Yay, more debootstrap fun! So I'm pxebooting a client node via NFS on 10.10 and all works well, the debbootstrapped installation comes up no issue until I apt-get install ubuntu-desktop -- everything installs fine, but upon reboot, the kernel loads (from nfs pxe store), and when the gdm screen is supposed to come up, nothing -- black screen blinking cursor. Anyone have any ideas? [22:07] hey guys [22:07] natolee1992, actually, 1568 people are "here" :) [22:08] have a question: is it known when OO.org 3.3 will be released in Ubuntu [22:08] ActionParsnip: how do i manage how much of the CPU is being used as my fans are running really loud [22:08] no.... [22:08] janik: no [22:08] ActionParsnip, i am using torrent [22:08] janik: check OO.org [22:08] bt its slow again :( [22:08] does UCK (Ubuntu Customization Kit) have an IRC channel? [22:08] Jasonn: did already [22:08] janik, yes and no...!11.04 is coming out in april with libreoffice :) [22:08] janik: well we dont know either [22:09] janik: http://www.unixmen.com/software/1477-openofficeorg-330-final-released [22:09] Jasonn: just wanted the easy way using apt-get ;-) [22:09] ahah [22:09] janik, It's unlikely OO.org will see an update before April [22:09] anyone use screenlets? they're a pain in the a$$... [22:09] wow there should be a chatting irc channel for ubuntu and one for help and support since it's annoying when u need some help on something and people are chatting about random new stuff coming out [22:09] !language | natolee1992 [22:09] natolee1992: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. [22:09] !attitude | calcfreak89 [22:09] calcfreak89: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines [22:09] So Ubuntu is migrating to LibeOFfice? [22:09] calcfreak89: there is, its called #ubuntu-offtopic [22:09] janik, yes :D [22:10] sorry. [22:10] calcfreak89: yes, #ubuntu-offtopic is for chatter [22:10] Jasonn - ok good, now a lot of people should move from here to there [22:10] xrdodrx: its hardly called showing attitude when someone sais something is "annoying" he was just asking [22:10] anyone know of a good converter for music [22:11] Jasonn, yeah, sorry, I forgot the exact text of the factoid :) [22:11] yeah, hold on.. [22:11] xrdodrx: ahah ;) [22:11] janik: libreoffice is default in natty [22:11] ok so nobody knows if UCK has an irc channel? i guess i will ask again here. [22:11] ActionParsnip: btw thank for the very good link on installing ooo trough PPA [22:12] i installed UCK (Ubuntu Customization Kit) and i was building a distro that came with a lot of packages, but then, while synaptic was minimized and doing nothing, my entire computer froze and i had to force a shutdown, so how can i reopen that "session" or all of those files with UCK again so i can continue modifying it and installing packages? [22:12] janik: np bro [22:12] calcfreak89, let me check [22:12] ActionParsnip: is there also a way to install Libre right now on 10.10? [22:12] @ActionParsnip so when I disconnected the ethernet, my internet connection did the same. So the ping result was "unreachable". Plugged the ethernet in, it started giving me times [22:12] coz_ - ty [22:12] Hey how can I adjust my micrphone level? [22:12] calcfreak89: please do not double post as it floods the channel and is ver annoing and prevents some people from getting help [22:12] erUSUL: hey thx for your help f inally i was able to use hibernate again i just unnistalled uswsusp reboot the system and install it again [22:13] RabbitDaOne: I replied to the same text earlier? [22:13] Jasonn - im just trying to get help [22:13] ActionParsnip: is there somewhere i can check/manage the CPU usage [22:13] Jasonn: you can use top [22:13] @ActionParsnip Im sorry I did not see it, could you post it again please? [22:13] bin_bash: System->Preferences->Sound->Input [22:13] anyone know of a good converter for music? [22:13] ActionParsnip: is that a prog or command? [22:14] ActionParsnip: nvm, i got it [22:14] @pv2depoty http://bit.ly/5DMBOe [22:14] calcfreak89, I am not seeing on specifically for UCK which I am assuming is Ubuntu Customization Kit ...yes? [22:15] @rabbitdaone thanks [22:15] coz_ - yes, that's the program, and oh so i guess there is no IRC channel for it, so i will try to get help for it here [22:15] @pv2depoty My pleasure [22:15] calcfreak89, sounds reasonable :) [22:16] well i can't double post but i said my problem a few minutes ago so it's like way back up there [22:18] calcfreak89: we understand, but you have to understand that for one, this is all community-run, so there is no actual staff members here, ALSO, that program is either a thrird party program that is not even supported by ubuntu, or is a program that we have little to no experience with, so you can understand our frustration. [22:18] calcfreak89: scratch that last part (after the comma) === Tabstar is now known as Tabmow [22:19] How do you change your nickname? [22:19] evening all, i have a quick question, i have just installed ubuntu 10.10 from wubi on a computer, so i dualboot windows and ubuntu, but when i restart the computer and get to the boot screen i cant choose ubuntu, my keyboard just wont go down to ubuntu, it is stuck on windows, the keyboard works fine when i enter windows, do you guys know what the error is? [22:20] When I try to make my mic 100%, as soon as I talk, it food back down to "unamplified 100%" how can I change this [22:20] Jasonn - there is no point in wasting time telling other people that u can't help them, just don't say anything... === Guest28512 is now known as Cryptanalyst === Chosi is now known as Choseh === Choseh is now known as Chosi [22:21] hey [22:21] How do I connect to a WEP-e [22:21] can someone help me with reloading ubuntu 10.4? [22:21] scarleo: when I try to adjust my mic all the way to the top, it defaults back to "unamplified 100%" is there a way to ficx that [22:21] secure wi-fi over Iwconfig [22:21] guest28512 /nick newnickname [22:21] nick1345: what part do you need help with? [22:21] bin_bash: Is it muted? (tick box) [22:21] i had it installed [22:21] No [22:22] and was trying to put on a graphics driver witch left me with a black screen always [22:22] scarleo: No, it's not [22:22] nick1345: so now you just need to install it properly? === cafuego_ is now known as cafuego [22:22] now when i try to reload from boot on disk it asks for a password to get to the boot menu [22:23] chmod: cannot access `minecraft.jar': No such file or directory [22:23] witch i dont have any password for [22:23] ls lists it as there and i can rm it and re dl it with same effect [22:23] what is going on :( [22:23] nick1345: dont know how to help you there mate [22:23] its there anyway to bypass that [22:23] ? [22:23] bin_bash: Have you checked alsamixer? run alsamixer in terminal. Make sure it's not muted there [22:23] is there any interactive program for learning shell scripting (or any other language?) [22:23] scarleo: It's not muted, it's just very low for the other party [22:23] or is there a way to undo the faulty driver? [22:24] nick1345: a BIOS password? open it up and wiggle out the CMOS battery (looks like a watch battery) to reset it, then put the battery back [22:24] Screw you guys, I'm going home. [22:24] bin_bash: tell them to turn up the volume ;) No seriously, I'm not sure why that might be [22:24] where woud that be loacated? [22:24] and iv never had it ask for the password before..... [22:24] xfgghjlsine: can you pastebin the output of ls and then the chmod [22:25] nick1345: regular booting normally doesnt require bios password. editing the bios settings or changing what the boot device is can if someone set a password (they're optional) [22:25] nick1345, it is on the motherboard so you will have to open up the case to find it. [22:25] its not my computer so im not gettting into opening it up [22:25] its at my friends bedroom studio === richard is now known as Guest28927 [22:26] any clue of when it would have asked to set the bios password? === Guest28927 is now known as richardfullmer [22:26] nick1345, that is the only way to reset the bios, without flashing a new bios onto the chip [22:27] rcmaehl: xfgghjlsine join #freehelp [22:27] xfgghjlsine: ^^^ [22:27] bin_bash: Where is the bar on Input volume? All the way to the right? [22:28] i have to discharge myself before opening the computer right? [22:28] anything else to prevent killing it? [22:28] ciao a tutti [22:28] nick1345, just keep touching the metal of the case [22:29] and its a watch batter looking thing on the motherboard? [22:29] is there usually a cover? [22:29] nick1345, no not usually [22:29] hi, I'm having trouble getting a Realtek 2560 pci chipset in a Packard Bell EasyNote R1984 laptop. The card is detected and ubuntu loads both rt2500pci and rt2x00pci.. But I can't connect to any networks. I can't scan for networks either. It just says "disconnected" in the network-indicator [22:29] ok [22:29] Is anyone else getting red videos on youtube? [22:30] nick1345, some of the older motherboards will have a different battery that is soldered on but then they have a switch to reset the cmos [22:30] hi there [22:30] hello nameless === bob__ is now known as Bob3 [22:30] i detected some weird stuff on my ubuntu regarding the ls command : http://pastebin.com/T4YFJvWM [22:30] filthpig: what does iwconfig say? [22:30] can someone explain me if it's a normal behavior on ubuntu ? can someone try please ? [22:31] So I'm the only one that is getting red videos on youtube? [22:31] Chipzzz, hang on, I'll pastebin it [22:31] malx_poogee_loo: Yes. [22:31] malx_poogee_loo: not me but there was some one else in her (and one more in #xubuntu) who have reported that effect after an update [22:31] filthpig: ty [22:31] nameless`: what's wierd aboutthat? [22:31] okay [22:31] Thanks === Aranel_ is now known as Aranel [22:32] I'll try back in a day or 2 to see if there is a solution [22:32] malx_poogee_loo: I'm also getting red videos on some of them [22:32] Chipzzz, http://pastebin.com/mXBnyHNE I only took the relevant dev. [22:32] i need the nvidia 32 bit video drivers for wine, (10.10) and can't seem to find them in the repository. should I do a manual nvidia driver install, or how can i locate the 32bit versions? [22:33] nameless`: /sys is a virtual filesystem, and doesn't follow POSIX semantics in many ways. Think of it more as an API than a normal filesystem. [22:33] nameless', yeah it is doing that on mine too [22:33] nameless', it is normal [22:33] Jordan_U: Cryptanalyst yeah, but on my debian it has a "normal" at least "expected" behavior [22:34] tesseracter: install nvidia-current [22:34] ActionParsnip, thats what Im on. [22:34] filthpig: how about dmesg | grep wlan [22:34] scarleo: got an URL (for a red video) to check? [22:34] nameless', you have to remember that ubuntu is not debian even though it is debian based. they have changed some things [22:34] Cryptanalyst: yeah but why is that ? [22:34] ActionParsnip, so that has the 32bit drivers attached? [22:35] Cryptanalyst: can you explain me why it has such a strange behavior ? [22:35] Chipzzz, that only lists my usb device that I'm using to get online now.. aka wlan1.. nothing about wlan0 [22:35] tesseracter: yes that'll match yoursystems arch [22:35] ifup wlan0 says "unknown device, ignoring wlan0=wlan0" [22:35] nameless', in the block folder everything is simlinks [22:36] hi, anyone that are good on reinstalling ubuntu and keep hdd partitions? [22:36] drc: I'll check. Is it possible yo see history on YT? [22:36] ActionParsnip, thats not what i said i needed. i need the 32 bit drivers, even though i am on 64bit, because wine uses the 32 bit version. [22:36] tesseracter: why do you believe this? [22:37] does anyone no anything at all about LTSP? [22:37] scyther_: It's not hard. What do you need? [22:37] scarleo: dunno, but I don't think so, maybe the browser (if you haven't cleared it out since) [22:37] tesseracter: wine manages 32bitness for you. If you use 64bit OS it will run fine [22:37] BillyBob2: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line) [22:37] jrib, because thats what appdb.winehq said. [22:37] filthpig: does lspci see it? [22:37] tesseracter: link? [22:37] Hey [22:37] hey [22:37] jrib: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=9901 Team Fortress 2 doesn't start at all or crashes on start [22:37] Chipzzz, yep: 00:06.0 Network controller: RaLink RT2500 802.11g (rev 01) [22:37] dockmanager is conflicting with Faenza apparently [22:38] "trying to overwrite '/usr/share/dockmanager/data/skype_skypeme.svg', which is also in package faenza-icon-theme 0.8 [22:38] No apport report written because MaxReports is reached already" [22:38] what can i do :S [22:38] nameless', the simlink that sda is pointing to is /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda and that is the only thing in that folder [22:38] I created a init script and added it with update-rd.d but when i restart the pc ps aux tells me that this process is running: "/bin/sh /etc/rc2.d/S20myscript start" [22:38] why is screenlets so hard to get working? [22:38] Cryptanalyst: yeah i saw that [22:38] any ideas [22:39] tesseracter: I've played tf2 in the past on 64bit ubuntu, just using the drivers jockey provides automatically [22:39] OK, i installed an LTSP client environment, but itsays 'please select LTSP environment in a dialog box, and there's nothing in it. what do i do? [22:39] nameless', so when you are in the sda folder and do ls ../ it reads the folder directly above it but when you cd ../ it follows the simlink back [22:39] jrib, jockey? [22:40] tesseracter: "Additional Drivers" [22:40] tesseracter: the repositories [22:40] nameless', I don't know about how debian is different [22:40] Cryptanalyst: yeah that's what i didn't get [22:40] Cryptanalyst: ls ../ and cd ../ must (probably) use the same env variable no ? [22:40] if I add a second monitor to my ubuntu system, how does that interact with the four desktop pattern? [22:40] drc: sorry, can't find it right now. I'll get back to you if I find one [22:40] nameless', and I don't have a debian system to test it on [22:41] filthpig: but it's missing from "lsmod | grep rt25", even when the usb device is unplugged? [22:41] Cryptanalyst: on my debian ls ../ and cd ../ & ls have the same behavior [22:41] jrib, yeah, i've got it working at home, but i use the drivers straight from the nvidia binary. [22:41] i'll keep working at it. [22:41] Chipzzz, can't check that now as I'll be disconnected :o [22:41] :p [22:41] scarleo: ok...I must have looked at 25 videos (randomly picked) and could not reproduce the red/violet...sorry [22:41] Silivrenion, both monitor will change when you select a different desktop [22:42] nameless', I understand, I just can't explain why because I can't test anything on a debian [22:42] drc: seems like people had problems with quicktime where videos lost a channel [22:42] drc: http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/youtube/thread?tid=577b40c88cde317d&hl=en [22:42] Cryptanalyst: ok, well, thank you for you explanations :) [22:42] nameless', no problem [22:42] filthpig: you may have to do that to find out why it is't seen... [22:42] hello, i formatted a usb stick to fat32 using gparted, had to mount it manually because it didn't mount automatically, and now i can not copy any files to it, do i have to change its ownership ? [22:43] Hi! If i move my root partition, will GRUB have problems finding it? [22:43] Chipzzz, hm, check this: http://pastebin.com/jJesiL4t My USB stick uses the rt73, so it doesn't appear with grep rt25.. [22:43] tim167, most likely you do [22:43] scarleo: the common factor seems to be quicktime...waiting, out. [22:44] Chipzzz, seems liek it has some IRQ issues.. How do I do what it tells me to try? :) [22:44] What do I need to do to move my root partition? [22:44] if my Grub folder under ubuntu install is empty what can i do about that? under the Disks folder? [22:44] plz ho speak franch [22:44] i need help for nagios [22:44] Cryptanalyst: i need to make it into a bootable, but even with gksudo usb-creator-gtk i get 'installation failed' and it quits, any ideas ? [22:45] tim167, why are you using fat32 if you need to make it bootable? [22:46] Cryptanalyst: i don't know, just trying anything i can think of to make it work with usb-creator-gtk [22:46] filthpig: you could try adding "pci=biosirq" to your grub boot line [22:46] Cryptanalyst: but already it's not normal that it doesn't automatically mount [22:47] tim167, I would try using either ext3 or ext4 [22:47] Chipzzz, okay, thanks! I'll write it down and take a look at it tomorrow. Gotta run ;) ktnxbye! [22:47] hello everyone! how do i move my root partition so that there will be no problems with grub? [22:47] filthpig: gl :) [22:48] tim167, those are the linux filesystems and are much more reliable especially for what you are wanting to do [22:48] does no-one know anything about LTSP?! [22:49] can someone give point me towards the ubuntu site that'd deal with setting up a domain name for my vps. [22:49] i'm not exactly sure where i'm looking here. setting up dns, hostnames, etc.. not sure. [22:50] BillyBob2: what you need to know about LTSP? [22:50] Cryptanalyst: ok, formatted it to ext3 now, still not mounting... [22:51] elnomade: i need to get it working === dave is now known as Guest67466 === Guest67466 is now known as __Serp [22:55] hello everyone! how do i move my root partition so that there will be no problems with grub? === kn100 is now known as Guest41969 [22:56] could anyone please tell me, how to move my root partition [22:57] CommanderCool: I don't think it will be a trivial exercise. You will have to move root without it being mounted. So, you will have to be running some other OS copy. [22:57] could grab a bopy of gparted lice cd [22:57] *live [22:57] ratcheer: will there be a problem with grub finding the partition? [22:58] CommanderCool: You would have to chroot to it and then grub-install. [22:59] ratcheer: from within the live cd? [22:59] CommanderCool: Yes [22:59] i tries 8 different usb disks, they all mount fine on windows, they don't mount on ubuntu, what gives ? [22:59] ratcheer: ok, thank you [23:00] CommanderCool: You're welcome. [23:00] <__yhvh__> hey trying to add the new unity scroll bars globally, http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/615#comment-345948 , what now? [23:01] anyone doing 10GigE w/ ubuntu lucid ? [23:01] lotreck: doing what? [23:01] 10gbit ethernet [23:01] is there any software that mimics the functionality of the Windows program "Acer Grid-Vista"? [23:02] lotreck: 10GBit/s you mean. whats the problem with it? [23:02] are there drivers for Intel X520 10GigE cards ? [23:02] id asume so [23:02] Is there a way to regnerate http.conf? accidentally overwrote it [23:03] <__yhvh__> Ahtenus: aren't there skeletons in /etc/default ? [23:03] lotreck: google says the kernel from 10.04 and above can handle that card [23:03] whats the prefered linux ftp application ? [23:03] ssh is the preferred FTP program. [23:03] :P [23:04] is there a trick to using preseed.cfg files with a USB thumb drive? I've put a preseed.cfg on the drive and tried several variations of referencing it in the syslinux.cfg file. Nothing seems to work. It just times out on the prompt and goes into the installer [23:04] Nighthawk``: why ftp? ftp is insecure [23:04] iceroot: pls send me your google search words [23:04] But in all seriously, Nighthawk``, try FileZilla if you dig it. [23:04] I need help with geting the flash to work so i can use youtube [23:04] lotreck: x520 10gbit ubuntu [23:04] SFTP if you must FTP though. [23:04] hi, at start up an error dialog comes up .iceathority can i just delete that folder from my home folder? [23:04] I'd rather vsftpd, but yeah sftp better [23:05] iceroot, nillerz i need to transfer files from my computer to host computer, how u suggest doing it without ftp ? [23:05] __yhvh__, unfortunetly not [23:05] Nighthawk``: scp [23:05] howdy [23:05] scp is a ftp kinda program aint it ? [23:05] Nighthawk``: scp = copy over ssh [23:05] Can someone help me geting my flash to work [23:06] Nighthawk``: scp localfile user@host:/path/where/it/should/be [23:06] but i have ftp access to my site and not scp, or mybe scp can also connect via normal ftp ? [23:06] was there a recent update(s) that might have changed (broken) my postfix config? i haven't changed anything in the config (verified by diffing with an old backup) but now it won't send mail...just queues it up [23:06] Nighthawk``: Yes, sftp [23:06] this is 10.04 server [23:06] for scp to use SecPanel ? [23:06] is it a local or remote PC? [23:07] remote [23:07] Filezilla supports SSH [23:08] just connect via SSH [23:08] yaaar: read your mail related logfiles? [23:08] don't listen to these nay-sayers, if you're jus tmoving files around, fuggin send it through the "File Transfer Protocol", it's easy [23:08] but if you care about security, SSH it. [23:08] What is the difference between package and package-common? [23:08] Nighthawk``: if you have ssh-access you have also scp access [23:09] Nighthawk``: remeber, when using ftp you are sending your login in plaintext! [23:09] mgolisch: yeah, did that. doesn't really say anything...just shows the connect, disconnect and mail-id, but never gets to the line with the to= and status=sent [23:09] i dont have ssh access just ftp, so for ftp what are u recomend me ? and for ssh access what u recomend me ? [23:09] iceroot, ye man thanks i remember it. [23:09] Could anyone with a fairly standard LAMP installation paste their httpd.conf? [23:10] What is the difference between vim and vim-common for example? [23:10] sftp is supposed to be secure... [23:11] will this fix .iceathority ? sudo terrapin -R deadhead:deadhead /home/deadhead/.* [23:12] Somelauw: vim is the vim-package containg vim, vim-common contains just common-files vim and other packages are using [23:12] Somelauw, the vim-common is going to have files that would be "shared" with all gui-enabled vim variants [23:13] iceroot, ah you typed faster than I did :) [23:13] I'm trying to convert videos to 3GP/3G2 for my cell phone. Preset and terminal: http://ffmpeg.pastebin.com/Dqs2vBCV Where do I put the experimental part in the command line, or is there an easier way of coding for my cell phone? [23:13] Somelauw, the "-common" for packages are going to do the same ,, haveing "shared" files included [23:13] will this fix .iceathority ? ---> sudo chown -R deadhead:deadhead /home/deadhead/.* [23:14] terrapin: why .* if you only want one file? [23:14] terrapin: and why -R? [23:14] at start up i get iceauthoity error [23:14] hello I have one issue [23:14] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1081730&highlight=ICEAuthority&page=2 [23:14] terrapin: yes and why all .files/dirs? [23:15] im following those instruction, just checking here [23:15] Come on, someone got to have a LAMP installation, It would make my day if you could send me your http.conf :) managed to overwrite it... [23:15] I am using my wireless router its ok I can connect but, when I assign WEP key I can't connect to the network hy? [23:15] why* [23:15] Ahtenus: httpd.conf is empty [23:15] Ahtenus: you mean apache2.conf [23:15] OttifantSir: http://www.miksoft.net/mobileMediaConverter.htm [23:15] Ahtenus: why dont you just extract it from the corresponding deb package? [23:16] is there some issue with wep keys? [23:16] however I have.t tried to connect after update [23:17] dejan_: other than wep beeing insecure not that i know off [23:17] What is a good Media/Video viewer besides the pre-installed one Exaile? [23:17] dejan_: updated what? [23:17] MarkB: vlc [23:17] Iceroot: Thank you sir. [23:17] iceroot, huh, really well then the problem is probably something else, i fiddeled around with it and now the browser just wants to download the .php files [23:17] yes I am reading it looks like there is issue with WEP keys, :S i tried to set up mac address block on my router but I am afraid someone is using my wifi too :S [23:17] Ahtenus: php not installed / enabled [23:18] ilovefairuz, have you installed the mobile media converter? [23:18] iceroot: updated ubuntu [23:18] mgolisch, I would if I only knew how ;) [23:18] wep is insecure? [23:18] dejan_: Can you use wpa2? [23:18] dejan_: from what to what? [23:18] coz_: yeap, used it before, i think there's a ppa for it [23:18] you mean coz of bruteforce or? [23:18] hm [23:18] sry sry guys [23:18] wpa === the is now known as Guest87942 [23:18] not wep :S [23:18] wpa preshare key tkip [23:18] !enter | dejan_ [23:18] dejan_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [23:18] anybody here familiar with clive? [23:18] iceroot, it was when i last used it [23:18] ilovefairuz, first time i saw this and its installed seems rather nive [23:18] ok sry [23:18] !volano [23:18] ilovefairuz, rather "nice" [23:19] coz_: it's simple and to-the-point [23:19] ok you know what I will try again becasue now i have updated ubuntu wait pls [23:19] ilovefairuz, yep :) [23:19] also ubuntu 10.10 have issue with brightness seting from the Panel [23:19] <__yhvh__> anyone got the Ayatana Scrollbars globally in natty? [23:19] it can't be changed from the panel directly [23:20] brb [23:20] __yhvh__: the guys in #ubuntu+1 [23:20] dejan_: report a bug, join #ubuntu-bugs for help with that [23:20] <__yhvh__> iceroot: cheers [23:20] any unibody mbp users here? wanted to know if others have problems with the builtin broadcom wlan too [23:20] dejan_: still acpi-moduls installed? [23:21] um guys i am lazy :) [23:21] i wil check tomorow i will report if its not working again [23:21] hytreem, hey [23:21] ubuntu wasn't updatedmaybe that was the problem [23:21] E: /var/cache/apt/archives/python2.6-minimal_2.6.6-8+b1_i386.deb: subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 1 [23:21] ?? [23:21] Hi. For some reason whenever I open a file in vim, i got prompted with: "indent" [New File] ... Vim appears to be opening the wrong file, and when i try to close it, it says "E173: 1 more file to edit" === Pilif12p is now known as Mammon === Mammon is now known as Pilif12p [23:22] I need helping telling Ubuntu to mount a partition I just created. [23:22] jaustin: how are you opening it? [23:22] jaustin: any stray characters before the filename? [23:22] in the terminal [23:22] just vim myfile.txt === Pilif12p is now known as Tananar [23:22] good job makig ubuntu and supporting linux! keep the good job you will get ALOT of support from serious people i promise [23:22] battlehands: mount /dev/sdXX /path/to/mount/point [23:22] jaustin: by anychance does the filename contain spaces? [23:23] no. this happens with every file i try to open [23:23] !who | jaustin [23:23] jaustin: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) === Guest87942 is now known as SuperDupr [23:23] thanks sorry.. mgolisch, no. this happens with every file i try to open [23:24] k rebooting see if it workede [23:24] ilovefairuz, I was told to start with "sudo nano /etc/fstab" then "/dev/sad7/mnt/mydrviename ntfs-3g rw,uid=1000 0 0" [23:24] anybody here familiar with clive [23:24] clive [23:25] i'm going to try rebooting... brb [23:25] how could I test to see if java can play/record audio? [23:25] battlehands: that's for mounting it at boot time (making the mount persistent) .. if you already edited that file and would like to mount it without rebooting, use the command: sudo mount -a [23:25] What does 'error exit status 1' mean [23:26] ilovefairuz, I want to make the mount persisitent [23:26] battlehands: go ahead then and edit the fstab [23:26] ilovefairuz, I dont know how [23:26] !terminal | battlehands [23:26] battlehands: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [23:26] ilovefairuz, when I type that first string, it takes me to a mode in terminal and I dont know what to do [23:27] battlehands: you can use gedit instead of nano, so the first command would be: alt+ f2, gksudo nano /etc/fstab [23:29] ilovefairuz, now I am in GNU nano 2.2.4 [23:29] how to hide modification time in ls -l command?.. i tried everything :\ [23:29] how can i donate to ubuntu project or linux unix projects? [23:29] j css [23:30] why would anyone really need that, but it seems it's the only thing i can't turn off [23:30] add the line at the end of the file and then, ctrl+x , then press y and enter [23:30] dejan_, http://www.linuxfoundation.org/ [23:31] thanks [23:31] ilovefairuz, I cant type anything in thsi mode... [23:32] surreal7z: maybe ls -l | awk '{print $1, $2, $3, $4, $6, $8}' [23:32] or ls -1 === vickyj is now known as TrickyJ [23:33] Does ubuntu has any tool for troubleshooting my laptop battery.? [23:33] Like calibration,? [23:33] troubleshooting ? [23:33] battlehands: close the terminal and instead use gedit: alt + f2 and type: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab [23:34] ilovefairuz, is there a space between gksudo and gedit>? [23:34] Like calibration,? [23:34] I said it [23:34] battlehands, if the command is gksudo gedit then yes there is a space [23:34] deww THX a lot :)) [23:34] yxz97: what is there to calibrate? [23:35] monitor calibration? [23:35] the battery mgolisch [23:35] coz_, thanks [23:35] yxz97: what would there be that could be calibrated? [23:35] dejan_: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/get-involved/donate [23:35] ilovefairuz, I typed "/dev/sda7/mnt/Magnificent ntf-2g rw,uid=1000 0 0" and hit enter [23:35] nothing happened [23:36] battlehands: you typed it where? at the end of the fstab file? [23:36] yxz97: your computer takes energy from the batteries cells, the builtin charging electronic handles recharhing of the battery, theres nothing you can tune about that [23:36] yes [23:36] ilovefairuz, yes [23:36] mgolisch: he wants to tune the timer so it's right ? [23:36] mgolisch, what then about this http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?lc=en&dlc=en&cc=us&docname=c00035862 [23:37] battlehands: ok , press ctrl + s to save the file, and then open a terminal and type: sudo mount -a [23:37] I was told I need to make the directory before I restart [23:37] ilovefairuz, ^ [23:37] I would not restart !! [23:37] dejan_: also, the FSF, GNOME project and the KDE foundation accept donations [23:37] just do: mount -a [23:38] "mount: only root can do that" [23:38] battlehands: sudo mkdir /mnt/Magnificent [23:38] sudo [23:38] Hellp === root is now known as Guest3135 [23:38] rofl!!! You have to calibrate the battery monitor in Window$??? === _evilpleasure is now known as evilpleasure [23:38] battlehands: you forgot sudo before mount -a [23:38] ilovefairuz, some link pls [23:38] ok, send Guest3135 a few files to fill up his /root directory now since he's on IRC as root [23:39] ilovefairuz, "mount: mount point ntf-3g does not exist" [23:39] dejan_: https://my.fsf.org/donate/ http://www.gnome.org/friends/ http://www.kde.org/community/donations/ [23:39] What does this error mean? E: /var/cache/apt/archives/python2.6-minimal_2.6.6-8+b1_i386.deb: subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 1 [23:39] ilovefairuz, thanks [23:39] i installed ubunttu and hhad my onboarrd sound disabled when installing i enabled after installing and now it will not show up in my alsamixer [23:40] can someone help me it is my onboard sound [23:40] battlehands: open the file again in gedit copy and paste the contents to http://paste.ubuntu.com === Metaxa123 is now known as Metaxa [23:40] SuperDupr: what command did you use to install this package? [23:40] mgolisch, so? [23:40] mgolisch, are you lost? [23:40] ilovefairuz, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/575237/ [23:41] yxz97: did you read the text in that? it basicaly tells you to drain the battery completely untill the laptop turns off, i dont see why that shouldnt work with linux [23:41] I need to replace a CA0106 chipset sound card for a EMU-10K1 chipset. What do I have to do to make the switch? Do I have to undo any software or edit files? or can I just make the swap and the system will recognize it? [23:41] battlehands: you missed the space after sda7 [23:42] hi i have a zotac ion board and wanted to know which nvidia package is the right one for my onboard graphic card [23:42] ? [23:42] battlehands: add the space, then ctrl + s, then again in the terminal: sudo mount -a === george_ is now known as george2 [23:42] mgolisch, well I ask as a matter of advise and maybe someone could point me to an interesting page or software tool for deal with this kind of issues mgolisch [23:42] ilovefairuz, it says filesystem type ntf-3g does not exiost [23:43] its ntfs-3g [23:43] Priswell: unless you manually made changes to xorg.conf, it should be recognized automatically, although you may need to install drivers that weren't needed when the system was installed [23:44] ok [23:44] badbyte: It depends on what chipset your board has. [23:44] ilovefairuz, I did sudo mount -a and nothing happened [23:44] Chipzzz: Thank you very much. Appreciate the response. [23:44] Priswell: you're welcome [23:45] ratcheer: well it is an nvidia ion graphic car [23:45] d [23:45] battlehands: nothing happened meaning no output or error messages? [23:45] badbyte: You would know better than I. [23:45] ilovefairuz, correct [23:46] hello [23:46] battlehands: then open the file manager and navigate to the mount point in /mnt [23:46] hello SuperPaco69 [23:46] yxz97: you might try your links method only change to using the System>Preferences>Power management [23:46] for some reason I can not use my microphone how can I reconfigure it ?? [23:46] !sound | SuperPaco69 [23:46] SuperPaco69: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !players and !mp3. [23:46] i have dell inspirion laptop, when i got it i got windows drivers, how can i find a good graphic driver cause whats ubuntu installed me are really bad ? [23:47] Nighthawk``: check what graphics chip it uses [23:47] whats the command to remove dir? [23:47] Nighthawk``: using lspci [23:47] battlehands: rmdir [23:47] Nighthawk``: paste the output of this command to http://paste.ubuntu.com: sudo lshw -C display [23:47] ilovefairuz, i used synaptic [23:47] sudo rmdir /mnt/magnificnt [23:47] ooops! [23:47] mtype [23:48] mgolisch, ty [23:48] I typed cd in my Terminal an nothing happened... [23:48] This is not the first time this has happened. Must I restart? [23:49] ilovefairuz, http://paste.ubuntu.com/575238 [23:50] battlehands: alt + f2, and type: /mnt then enter [23:50] ilovefairuz, it was part of another package [23:50] ilovefairuz, ok. done. now what? [23:50] ilovefairuz, clive most likely [23:50] is there any way to see what hardware i'm running? IE. Something like the windows program "Aida". Thanks. [23:50] Lasivian: lspci or lshw [23:50] We have an expectant date for 11.04? [23:51] battlehands: don't you see the folder you created earlier (supposedly now acting as a mount point for your partition) [23:51] mgolisch:thanks [23:51] ilovefairuz, yeah, I do! [23:51] hi folks, does anyone else have the problem of not being able to set a proper background image in gnome terminal? Somehow the 'darkness' setting makes the image transparent. Slider to the left means image pretty much fully transparent, slider to the right means image replaced by background color. Any idea? thx [23:51] battlehands: so what's the issue now? [23:52] whoa... lshw is intense :) [23:52] ilovefairuz, http://paste.ubuntu.com/575238 [23:53] Nighthawk``: in system > administration > additional hardware drivers, do you see an entry for your card? [23:53] ilovefairuz, in that dir: /mnt there is /Magnificent which is what I want, but there is also /Magnificnt which I suppose was created on accident [23:53] ilovefairuz, I would like to remove that [23:54] What would be the easiest way to get a basic ubuntu install, with no GUI/bloat? I get tired of how slow it gets, so I'd rather add the WM and such myself. [23:54] Lasivian: -v makes linux programs verbose ;) [23:54] cd [23:54] ilovefairuz, http://i52.tinypic.com/10qmn3d.png [23:55] i'm trying to install untuntu now and am at the Who are you screen. the loading bar says Nready when you are..." but isn't completely filled. i can't press forward yet my info is filled out [23:55] Chipzzz: I just dumped it to a file :) more than happy to sort it out that way, heh [23:55] battlehands: alt + f2, gksudo rmdir Magnificnt [23:55] battlehands: sorry, gksudo rmdir /mnt/Magnificnt [23:55] IanWizard: I installed ubuntu server and only selected the base during tasksel and it did just boots to a shell [23:55] ilovefairuz, I figured it out. thanks] [23:55] IanWizard: i think the alternatecd allows for a minimal installation [23:55] Chipzzz: We Got Sound! Thx [23:55] !minimal | IanWizard [23:55] IanWizard: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD [23:55] howdy everyone [23:56] Priswell: you're very welcome :) [23:56] mgolisch: ahh, but we just got that nice new GUI on the installer, much nicer. Oh well, it'd be worth it in the long run. [23:56] ilovefairuz, now a conceptual question: I created this partition to store files in that I could access from any OS that I booted into from this computer. If I put files in this folder, is that all I need to do? [23:56] battlehands: yeap [23:56] ilovefairuz, awesome. Thanks for all of your help. [23:56] foward button why you no let me click youu [23:56] battlehands: you're welcome [23:57] IanWizard: i dont think the desktop install cd allows for instalaltion of a cmdline only system [23:57] ilovefairuz: ok, I'll use that then. Thanks :D [23:57] mgolisch: yeah, I've never know it too, (not without some fancy stuff in the tty :P [23:58] Crayboff: make the username all lower-case [23:58] Nighthawk``: as far as i know, no better drivers are available [23:58] Is there a way to delete all the files in a folder (through the terminal) but leave the folder? [23:58] IanWizard: in the minimal install you download everything and it takes forever...works though [23:58] battlehands: yes but be very careful: sudo rm -fr /path/to/folder/* [23:58] extraclassic: that's what I'm going to do, thanks. [23:59] I want to disable the Gnome-keyring [23:59] extraclassic: not if you have a good internet connection [23:59] but when installing libpam-keyring, it gets replaced by synaptic with gnome-keyring