[03:07] hey ScottL [03:07] DeusQain was just asking about how to get cinelerra included in the next release [03:08] that I was. [03:08] DeusQain: you want it in there by default? [03:09] One of my site members directed me to studio, and I saw that Kino was installed by default.. [03:10] after checking out kino, I thought it was less useful. [03:10] well, we gotta pick one [03:10] as soon as we would switch them [03:10] im sure someone would complain [03:10] true. [03:10] i think kino had more polish? [03:10] maybe? [03:10] or maybe just less stuff [03:11] and simpler [03:11] im not a video guy [03:11] and just briefly looked at them [03:11] ScottL does a lot of video [03:11] though [03:11] ahh. Cinelerra is more a "pro" piece of software, I could see why it's less likely a candidate. [03:12] for general distribution. [03:12] DeusQain: valid argument though [03:12] bring it up [03:12] if its a better tool, we should discuss it [03:13] excellent. [03:16] DeusQain: you do audio? [03:16] or mostly just video? [03:16] both. [03:17] cool, check out #opensourcemusicians when you can :) [03:17] Used to be an audio engineer for a Radio Station, and Also worked as an editor for a TV station. [03:17] nice, lots of pro experience then [03:18] yeah.. but that was years ago. [03:18] This day and age, I'm a System/Network admin. [03:19] DeusQain: welcome to the party :) [03:20] Long time lurker, first time community contributor. [03:20] :D [03:20] good timing [03:20] we need the contibs for sure [03:20] and right now, we really dont have a lot of video folk envolved [03:20] i just dont have time to test the stuff [03:21] I hear that. [03:21] and even if i did, i dont know if i would really know what to do in there anyways [03:21] ScottL has some cool green screen stuff though [03:21] and i want to say that was in cinelerra ? [03:21] not sure [03:22] That's a good thing to look into. [03:22] I'm not sure if Cinelerra has the masking ability of like.. After Effects. [03:22] hmm.. Must do more research. [03:24] I currently run a PC and gaming website, (I bring the opensource, linux, ultra geek/nerd stuff to the table) [03:24] we do a bunch of random videos. [03:24] cool [03:24] how is it for gaming? [03:24] are you writing linux games? [03:24] i know theres $$ in it [03:24] and it wouldnt be that hard to code for all [03:25] The site, is more a community of PC enthusiasts, with a gamer oriented theme. [03:25] I'm the Opensource advocate. === jussi01 is now known as Guest39611 === Guest39611 is now known as jussi01 === jussi01 is now known as Guest24446 === Guest24446 is now known as jussi01 [16:02] holstein, i'm anxious to get the menu fix underway, are you available this week to rock it out? [16:03] if not i can handle today probably as i'm home sick on my birthday with the flu (and the rest of the family) [16:08] Best of Birthday wishes, and hope you feel better. [16:10] ScottL: I was told you are the one I should speak with, but my concerns can wait.. I have to head out, but I will catch up with you another time. === jussi01_ is now known as jussi === JayFo is now known as JFo [19:59] ScottL: ping [20:08] ScottL: im totally into helping out, and should have time this weekend... ping me if you are working on it, and i'll ping you if im sitting around bored :) [20:09] i emailed the list to instigate a meeting for sunday [20:09] lists* [20:09] i meant to get at this sooner [20:09] but, if we do them monthly at the same time, hopefully that will help with the attendance [22:37] holstein, good email on the meeting [22:38] after reading tim's email i wonder if it would be helpful to run this bigbluebutton sometime? [22:38] don't know that if it would or wouldn't, just got me thinking [22:38] holstein, as far as the menu fix, i've already got a package built for it this afternoon [22:38] just sitting around being sick and bored so i did it [22:39] if you still want to do it we can certainly do it so that you get the exposure [22:39] just let me know [22:39] holstein, don't forget we still have backporting coming up