[00:52] Hey LP. I seem to have an email associated with my LP profile that I don't muchly want on there. Can anyone take a look for me? [00:52] lp:paultag email:daemon [at] metatron.pault.ag [00:55] paultag: is it not removable? in teh edit e-mails screen? [00:56] micahg: it's not showing as a contact mail for me. I think it picked it up off a GPG key I had on my account, and now it's stuck to my account [00:59] paultag: Where do you see it? [00:59] wgrant: I was convinced it was stuck to my account, so I tried making an account with the mail. Lo and behold it logs me in as paultag [01:00] paultag: Try logging in with that address at login.ubuntu.com. You may have two accounts there. [01:01] wgrant: yeah, I made one there to test [01:01] wgrant: but it never asked for a username on LP, because it thinks that that' [01:01] s on my account [01:02] paultag: Does the email address show up on https://launchpad.net/~paultag/+editemails? [01:02] wgrant: no [01:02] It may be there as an unverified address. [01:03] Oh let me double check [01:03] wgrant: solid. I missed that. Thanks! [01:04] paultag: That's probably a bug. [01:04] wgrant: tried it again (just to see if it still does it) -- it did it again [01:04] wgrant: yeah, I think so too [01:05] paultag: Have you removed the address? [01:05] wgrant: yes [01:06] wgrant: totally gone from +editemails [01:06] There are some, uh, amusing interactions when there are multiple login.launchpad.net accounts for a launchpad.net account. [01:06] Log out of launchpad.net and login.launchpad.net. [01:06] Log in using your normal account that is meant to be associated with ~paultag. [01:06] wgrant: done [01:06] That may be enough to dissociate the other account in a few minutes. [01:07] wgrant: I'll let this sit for 30 and see if I can put it into failure mode again [01:07] (it looks up the launchpad.net account by the login.launchpad.net account's OpenID identifier. if there is no match, it looks up by email address instead.) [01:07] It's very confusing at the moment, because LP is half-way to becoming a normal OpenID consumer. [01:08] So it is half-detached from login.launchpad.net. [01:08] humm [01:08] wgrant: thanks for the debugging. I'll try to cause it to fail again in a few, and file a bug or two. [01:09] Thanks. [01:26] looks like i made a typo while registering a project (in the launchpad id that's part of the URL). should i delete the project and create a new one or is there a way to rename it? [01:26] fmarier: I can rename it for you. [01:27] Could you ask a question at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion, to verify that it's actually you? [01:27] sure thing [01:28] Ah, I see it. [01:28] s/jamrain/janrain/? [01:29] yeah :) [01:29] Renamed. [01:29] and here's the question for it :) https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/147734 [01:30] thanks wgrant [01:30] We can set up a redirect if you want, but I guess there's very little point in this case :) [01:32] no point in this case, the project was created yesterday === doko__ is now known as doko === Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha === smokex_ is now known as smokex === jtv is now known as jtv-eat [06:52] * maxb supposes the PPA publisher is suffering... sources unpublished 21 minutes after accept [06:56] maxb: It was running very slowly for ~40 minutes around this time a couple of days ago. [06:56] I haven't investigated yet. === lag` is now known as lag [07:30] good morning. I'm wondering if my code import is stuck in an infinite loop, it seems that way: https://code.launchpad.net/~diwic/sound-2.6/trunk === jtv-eat is now known as jtv [07:31] diwic: It seems to be going OK. We import Git branches in a series of 30000-revision increments. [07:31] (if you hover over the grey ticks, you'll see "Partial Success". Completion is indicated by a green tick) [07:32] wgrant, ok, thanks! [07:32] Not as obvious as it could be :( [07:34] wgrant, a line last in the log saying something like "remaining revisions to fetch" would be great [07:34] wgrant, although now I can see that the number of "finding revisions to fetch" is decreasing. === soren_ is now known as sorne === sorne is now known as soren [07:52] maxb: The daily cleanup job had blocked the publisher. It's pretty much caught up now. [07:53] maxb: I suspect we'll have to drop cron.daily-ppa back to weekly. [09:22] Goodly morning 'padders [09:27] Morning, mrevell [09:27] Hey there deryck. Stocking up on Biltong? :) [09:28] mrevell, heh. Actually no :-) [09:28] I want some [09:29] I pick some up for my father-in-law on the rare occasions I see it here. Hmm, off topic. [09:29] heh [10:04] Hello === fta` is now known as fta [10:40] Hi, [10:40] I have a problem to build launchpad [10:41] when I do "make schema" I get an error [10:41] with zc.buildout [10:41] "couldn't find index page for zc.buildout" [10:41] I think the program is trying to download zc.buildout but I get ***BLOCKED*** by --allow-hosts [10:41] Can you help me please? === diwic is now known as diwic_lunch === diwic_lunch is now known as diwic === matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara === henninge_ is now known as henninge === yofel_ is now known as yofel [13:35] can someone have a look at OOPS-1889L1221 ? [13:35] https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=1889L1221 [13:35] it's easily reproducible for me, trying to access /+choose-affected-product on a bug [14:04] I thought web_link was supposed to be independant of launchpadlib version, right? I've noticed that it's not available on my Debian box, and ari-tczew just ran into this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/575469/ [14:04] ari-tczew: which ubuntu release? [14:04] tumbleweed: natty [14:04] oh, that may be different then [14:10] is it just me, or did the font on launchpad.net get smaller? [14:11] it looks like it's using the Ubuntu font now, but it's smaller and harder to read than it was before [14:11] fonts on launchpad.net got considerably weirder recently [14:29] ari-tczew: ok, turned that web_link issue into a question: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/147786 [14:30] mdz: It might be smaller. I'm not sure, but I'm sure it's harder to read. I've been blaming it on being thinner, so less contrast. [14:33] soren, not just harder to read than before, but also harder to read than the other applications where I'm using the ubuntu font [14:33] I can't quite tell if it's smaller either [14:33] mdz: Agreed. [14:52] can someone have a look at OOPS-1889L1221 ? [14:52] https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=1889L1221 [14:52] the oops tracker is finding it now [15:00] sinzui: err what? web_link is only a month old and it's obsolete? [15:02] tumbleweed: I tested it with beta, 1.0, and devel. It is only in beta. maybe someone placed it in the wrong version [15:03] * tumbleweed wonders if we were using devel accidentally. It was definitly working for us before [15:08] the announcement actually says it's in the 1.0 API [15:15] sinzui: aah, looks ilke it may have been a stale WADL cache [15:15] ari-tczew: rm -rf ~/.launchpadlib/*/cache [15:16] tumbleweed: stale cache is a real nuisance. [15:16] tumbleweed: done [15:18] sinzui: yeah I see there's an open bug about it === nik0 is now known as niko === nigelb_ is now known as nigelb === tubadaz_ is now known as tubadaz === shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer === Mission-Critical is now known as MissionCritical === kees_ is now known as kees === matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch === joey` is now known as joey [16:21] What needs to happen for a tag to start showing up in the autocomplete dropdown? [16:22] I've tagged an assload of bugs with needs-design, but it never gets easier === abentley_ is now known as abentley === cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville === zyga_ is now known as zyga === allenap` is now known as allenap === nik0_ is now known as niko === popey_ is now known as popey === dpm_ is now known as dpm [16:54] hi, I have been trying to login staging.launchpad.net but, It keeps saying "password did not match" . But I even reset my launchpad password [16:55] resetting your password on production will not affect staging until the next time staging is reset from a backup of production === maxb_ is now known as maxb [16:56] maxb: oh, so that means , I should try later, like tomorrow ? [17:05] abhinav-: hah, no. [17:05] staging restores tend to take a day of downtime just for them to happen at all === tremolux_ is now known as tremolux [17:06] oh ok. but I have tried even with my old password. its not taking it [17:07] and I have another launchpad id, which I made 2-3 years ago perhaps and dont use it, I was able to login through that :-| [17:08] when was the next time , staging database updated ? [17:08] I created this launchpad id only 3 days ago [17:08] *sorry, I meant to ask, when was staging updated last time [17:11] 2011:02:27 02:52 Full update with DB reimport: bzr revno 10236 [17:12] abhinav-: ^ === beuno_ is now known as beuno [17:12] ah right. thanks === ampelbein_ is now known as Ampelbein === Ursinha` is now known as Ursinha === Ursinha is now known as Ursinha` === matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara === cjohnston_ is now known as cjohnston === kees_ is now known as kees [18:37] What needs to happen for a tag to start showing up in the autocomplete dropdown? I've tagged an assload of bugs with needs-design, but it never gets easier [18:48] lamalex, it needs to be an "official" tag IIUC [18:48] what constitutes official / how do we apply for that [18:48] I think that the bug supervisor of the project can configure that on some page [18:49] if you go to https://bugs.launchpad.net/project there is a link under the tag cloud [18:50] ah ha! [18:50] thanks [19:16] Hi, I tried to copy binary packages to another series in my PPA, it keeps crashing for me, could someone please have a look at OOPS (Error ID: OOPS-1889K1819) and tell me if it's something temporary or do I need to work around it somehow [19:16] https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=1889K1819 === Daviey- is now known as Daviey === james_w` is now known as james_w === mtaylor_ is now known as mtaylor === benji___ is now known as benji [20:26] uh. is the blue squad here? :) [20:26] i'd like to have a private PPA if that's possible. [20:30] desrt: you just need to register with launchpad.net [20:30] where do i go? [20:35] desrt: http://launchpad.net [20:36] not helpful :) [20:38] the launchpad help pages told me to come here and ask [20:39] desrt: then ask [20:39] i just did [20:39] ^^ [20:39] desrt: from your lp page, choose the optione "Create new PPA" [20:40] yup... [20:41] then what? [20:41] the option doesn't seem to be here... [20:42] desrt: do you mean by "private PPA" a "non-public PPA"? [20:42] yes [20:42] that's the language the help page on launchpad.net uses... [20:44] desrt: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA says it's only for commercial subscribers. But I'm not affiliated with LP or canonical so I don't know if that changed. [20:44] i was hoping i could get access for free :p [20:45] not to private PPAs [20:45] but public PPAs are free [20:45] just click on +add ppa on the person (or team)'s page [20:45] * desrt would assume that canonical counts as a commercial launchpad subscriber [20:45] desrt: I would as well. do you work at canonical? [20:46] contracting [20:46] desrt: you don't have a hostmask from canonical/ [20:46] desrt: talk with whoever's above you :) [20:46] ah [20:46] i forgot about that thing expiring [20:46] explains some of the confusion :) [20:46] sorry [20:47] paultag: fair enough. thanks [20:47] desrt: cheers. good luck [20:50] does launchpad give 404s for unprivileged users when they hit a deactivated users page? === popey_ is now known as popey [21:07] who can kill a PPA build for me? (its a kernel targeted to the wrong distro -- hate to have it clog up the builder for hours). [21:18] on what component would I file a bug for an additional X-Launchpad-Bug header element? [21:19] 'launchpad' [21:19] kamal, lamont can probably help you [21:19] lamalex: all launchpad bugs were consolidated into the launchpad project [21:19] oh ok, neat [21:19] thanks [21:20] james_w: looks like the bogus builds just failed anyway, so alls well :-) thanks! [21:21] kamal, lucky! [21:22] james_w: *sigh* ... no, it was my replacement build that failed :-( back to the drawing board. [21:22] lamont: if you're available, I would like a PPA build killed. [21:23] kamal: which one? [21:23] build record url preferred === matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk [21:23] https://launchpad.net/~kamalmostafa/+archive/linux-kamal-mjgbacklight/+buildjob/2300698 [21:23] and [21:23] https://launchpad.net/~kamalmostafa/+archive/linux-kamal-mjgbacklight/+buildjob/2300699 [21:24] kamal: is that just because it's going to take forever? [21:24] did you already upload a newer version? [21:24] yes, and also because if (by some miracle it does succeed) I don't want the binaries to be presented to subscribers [21:24] I did already upload a newer version but it has failed, I am investigating why [21:25] ok. the newer source means that I can trivially kill the builds (just yank the ppa builder out from under them, and they don't get retried) [21:26] lamont: ok, good deal. thank you very much [21:27] lamont: oh wait ... [21:27] lamont: the problem was that I uploaded the bad packages as targeted for *maverick* ... [21:27] but the "newer version" that I uploaded was (properly) targeted to natty, so ... [21:27] meaning that the ones I just yanked the rug from under will happily retry? [21:27] maybe the PPA will want to retry the bogus mav builds [21:27] it will [21:27] sigh [21:28] Build status [21:28] [SUPERSEDED] Build for superseded Source [21:28] I did also request that the bogus maverick packages be deleted, but I dont' know how long that actually takes [21:29] in any case, they are deaddeaddead [21:29] hmmm... maybe it really means "Build for deleted Source" but whatever :-) [21:29] thanks again! === Ursinha` is now known as Jorjao === Jorjao is now known as Ursinha` === mauricio is now known as Ubuntux [21:50] hi! can someone remove the spam comment in bug 507004 ? [21:50] Launchpad bug 507004 in zoneminder (Ubuntu) "Manual postinstalation step required for zoneminder" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/507004 [21:53] Ampelbein: The weekend is generally a time when staff aren't monitoring IRC much, you'd probably be wise to log the request at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion [21:55] sure thing === epsy is now known as \u03b5 [22:41] hey guys..whenever i click on "This bug affects 5 people. Does this bug affect you? " i get this popup error http://pastebin.com/fg6kavM7 [22:41] is this a known bug? [22:42] CrazyLemon, looks like you have sending referrers turned off? [22:43] james_w yea i just read that line [22:43] but i dont remember changing referrers settings [22:47] james_w i now changed the referer header settings to '2' and it works now.. thanks [22:47] take care guys