[00:16] my desktop has a hardware raid in a raid1 configuration, with windows installed on it, and i have a second single non raided drive i will be installing ubuntu onto for dual boot. Do i need the alternate install disc because of the raid or can i use the standard desktop download [00:18] im asking here since im trying to install Natty [00:21] when trying to install natty, when it got to the process for installing grub, it says it finds my windows install where the loader is located and says it will install to the MBR so i can dual boot. But when i reboot i get no grub screen and it boots straight into windows. this is with my raid setup === pace_t_zulu_ is now known as pace_t_zulu === kklimonda1 is now known as kklimonda [02:09] hi [02:09] someone online? [02:11] no [02:12] BUGabundo, nice to see you :) [02:13] i was updating one of my computers to Natty and i have a update problem with runit and bamfdaemon (& other daemons) [02:13] :) [02:13] any clue where to find? [02:13] the solution? [02:18] BUGabundo: not sleeping yet? :) [02:18] naaaa [02:18] getting up late from bed [02:18] suck to be out of work [02:18] ah :( [02:20] it is safe to remove runit & git-daemon-run? [02:20] those is getting missing dependencies [02:21] methril: it's your system, only you know if it's safe [02:21] methril: neither runit nor git-daemon-run is in main, so their removal won't break your system. [02:21] probably [02:22] kklimonda, thank you :) [02:23] kklimonda, i've some old dependencies from my first ubuntu install (updates are not allways good) [03:20] Has anybody successfully installed the daily image of 11.04? I've tried it on 5 computers and it all fails to load up. MD5's match, used USB and CD, burned at slowest speed... [03:32] roasted_, I installed it using a USB..it installed ok [03:32] what kind of computer did you install it on? [03:33] an old Dell e1505 [03:33] laptop [03:33] hm [03:33] I tried a dell laptop and 4 hp desktops [03:33] and my acer laptop [03:34] odd === SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq [04:35] Is it possible to use the ubuntu installer to install ubuntu on another partition from within an existing ubuntu installation? I want to install natty in another partition but not burn a CD. [05:49] Party in the +1! [07:25] !nvidia [07:25] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | The ATI and nVidia binary drivers may not be currently installable at the moment === enli1 is now known as enli === sdx24 is now known as sdx23 [09:29] hello, isnt alpha 3 released? [09:40] About 24hours ago updates to natty causing this fatal error "/sbin/lvm: error while loading shared libraries: libdevmapper-event.co.1.0.1: cannt open shared object file: No suchfile or directory" during booting [09:42] good morning [09:43] how is 173.XX.XX nvidia driver working in natty ? === wobwobwobtones is now known as semitones [09:51] hi, anyone having issues downloading the files from the ubntu server ? [09:52] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/natty/alpha-3/natty-alternate-amd64.iso.torrent [09:52] doesn't exist [09:54] I can download that file without problems, However I tried to download the kubuntu ISO over bittorrent yesterday and it didn't start [09:55] but I start ktorrent now and it started immediatly [09:56] hm, no connection to a seeder though [09:59] rork: thanks for your reply -- my FF needed a restart :-)) now I'm sharing the amd64-alternate [10:10] I'm having a really weird issue in natty... every time I run vim in a terminal and quit it, compiz starts spinning somewhere and I have to kill -9 it from a vt [10:10] happens in gnome-terminal and in a regular old xterm, makes no sense to me at all [10:14] zniavre_: its not -- new Xorg does not support it afaik [10:17] ah [10:17] it's spinning in that damn inotify plugin [10:36] susundbe1g, thank you i will wait so [13:24] darn, Packages.gz is corrupt on us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/binary-amd64 === yofel_ is now known as yofel === Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan [13:43] hiyas all [13:45] Hello, can somebody help me triage/troubleshoot https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjdk-6/+bug/727365 [13:45] Ubuntu bug 727365 in openjdk-6 (Ubuntu) "icedtea-plugin crashes on firefox-4.0 and chromium" [Undecided,New] [13:50] still having some flash crashes , altho the flash player itself is fine ...mostly flash based ads are crashing , which is a bonus in some ways :) [13:52] Hey guys will you be able to use the drawer mouse free? [13:59] hey guys [14:00] Where is the config stored for the shortcuts screen (Shows when you press super on its own) please? [14:01] sorry got disconnected, did I miss anything on my java issue? [14:01] alex_mayorga: what's your java issue? [14:01] nope [14:02] bug 727365 [14:02] Launchpad bug 727365 in openjdk-6 (Ubuntu) "icedtea-plugin crashes on firefox-4.0 and chromium" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/727365 [14:02] alex_mayorga: is it ok with sun java? [14:03] ActionParsnip: haven't try but I would guess [14:03] is sun-java still available? [14:03] alex_mayorga: its worth testing, just for completeness [14:03] alex_mayorga: sure [14:03] as it just crashed the same I'll try [14:04] Or can anyone tell me how the OS interprets apps as being available in the Email clients selection list.... [14:30] When I press alt+f1 / alt+f2 .. alt+f7, tty1, tty2,.. tty7 are opened. The shortcut used to be ctrl+alt+fX. This is very irritating. Does anybody know how to fix this? [14:31] I am using ubuntu classic desktop, compiz and gtk-window-decorator if this helps. [14:33] enli: alt+f1 makes the unity bar show here [14:33] ActionParsnip: I am not using unity interface, i am using classic desktop. What happens with alt+f2 on your side? [14:34] enli: nothing, although I keep meaning to install gmrun and map the command in compiz [14:34] alt+f2 still opens the runbox here [14:34] alt+f3? [14:35] alt+f4 is supposed to close the window, which it does on my box but it also switches to tty4. Weired! [14:35] hey all [14:35] hi coz_ [14:35] enli: alt+f3 does zero, f4 will close the active window [14:35] enli: does it happen for all users? [14:36] you mean ctrl+alt+ Fkey [14:36] ActionParsnip: I am the only user on tis box. But I could try creating another user. [14:36] are you forgeting Control key? [14:36] enli: thats the way :) [14:36] alt+f3 opens the titlebar dialog here [14:36] I can't get padevchooser to show up (Unity). pavucontrol, pavumeter and so on works fine. I launch from terminal and it holds the terminal but I never get the window [14:37] BUGabundo: I press alt+f4 -> active window is closed but also tty4 is switched.. which is totally unwanted effect. [14:37] ahhh [14:37] neat . ctrl+f1 revovles the desktop, alt+f2 brings it back [14:39] err sorry ctrl+f2 [14:40] someone else has the same problem? [14:40] ctrl+F1,2,3,4 will revolve the desktop cube if you have it enabled [14:41] BluesKaj, hey guy [14:42] does installing updates fail for anyone else? I get: [14:42] Setting up keyboard-configuration (1.57ubuntu9) ... [14:42] No protocol specified [14:42] Cannot open display ":0" [14:42] and dpkg errors out [14:42] yofel: all updates working [14:43] but some X ones [14:43] that want to remove many other and ubuntu-desktop [14:43] but I blame sarvat for that [14:43] on my other box I have to use the recovery kernel to login [14:43] keyboard-configuration: Installed: 1.57ubuntu9 [14:44] well, everything else works fine so far but this looks like keyboard-configuration doesn't want to configure without working X session (which my screen seems to have lost) [14:45] I'm afraid to reboot right now [14:45] lol [14:45] hm, no, doesn't work in usual konsole either.. [14:46] wtf... [14:49] hey guys [14:51] yofel, upgrading now..I'll know in a min or 2 [14:52] err updating [14:56] yofel, yup, I get the same error , dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of console-setup: [14:57] * BluesKaj uses a wireless KB & Mouse ...do I dare reboot ? [14:58] BluesKaj: I just filed lp 729108 [14:58] Launchpad bug 729108 in console-setup (Ubuntu) "package keyboard-configuration 1.57ubuntu9 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 255" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/729108 === _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero [15:14] I am using ubuntu classic desktop and pressing alt+fX switches to ttyX. This happens to only current user. While upgrading from 10.10 update-manager hanged so I had to manually reboot the machine. What could be wrong? [15:18] hello, anyone tried natty with a dualscreen configuration? [15:18] enli: could you please report a bug with the content of /var/log/dist-upgrade/* ? [15:18] it starts up in mirrored mode, but as soon as I try to set both displays to their native resolution, some really weird shit happends [15:19] mind the language Jorijn [15:19] alright, some really weird stuff happends [15:19] :-) [15:24] netsplit? ..cuz I di't reconn [15:24] been for awhile now :( [15:24] I'm so annoyed by them this week === Guest30162 is now known as tazd === slyrus_ is now known as slyrus [15:25] oh? a split while split [15:25] anyway , here goes reboot === mhall119_ is now known as mhall119 === Lynoure_ is now known as Lynoure === psusi` is now known as psusi [15:41] Question, What happens when you remove panels from 11.04? [15:41] if you remove it, I think you can get it back with a command. I forgot what the command was tho [15:42] then ur stuck with unity :( lol [15:42] What happens to the close buttons [15:44] perscitus, you mean remove Unity? [15:45] no [15:45] Unity is a shell [15:45] Last day of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek starting in 15 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom [15:45] There are people who dont want Panels on the desktop or launchers [15:45] coz_, the panel at the top. [15:45] ah perscitus if you are going to do that especially on a large screen size 19" or above I would go with classic gnome session [15:46] then thats not unity [15:46] although the gnome panels are not reacting as they normally did in gnome [15:46] perscitus, not its not but Unity is essentially geared towards small screen formats thus global menu [15:46] perscitus, stick with the Ubuntu Classic Desktop for now. Unity is way to buggy at this stage. [15:46] no rather than "not" [15:47] Unity doesnt offer much for customization does it [15:47] perscitus, themes wallpaper essentially the same general stuff as far i could see [15:48] themes are useless [15:48] hiding launcher panel [15:49] personally I see no real sense in using Unity if your screen size is above 15" [15:49] and Unity squuezes out competition from other launcers [15:49] launchers [15:49] cairo dock works [15:50] coz_, but can you remove launcher and panel? and just use cairo [15:50] perscitus, not easily if at all..however with the Unity plugin in ccsm you can set the launcher panel to autohide [15:50] if you right-click on one of the unity dockbar icons by accident, you are forced to exit or remove it from the panel to get the menu to go away. [15:51] hi guys .. recently i got into problem after upgrading to ubuntu 11.04 rc... [15:51] mwilson1023, mm even if you click the desktop while that menu appears? [15:51] upgrade was not able to configure my graphics driver... [15:51] ok, successful reboot [15:51] now I am running ubuntu in failface mode. [15:52] coz_, then thats a bug [15:52] how can i configure my ATI driver to get the windows [15:52] yes [15:52] perscitus, which ... no able to remove launcher panel? [15:52] exactly [15:52] coz_, basically it's not worth it, and I personally think that Ubuntu is doomed back to GNOME and OpenOffice.org someday. [15:52] perscitus, not really,, it is, as I mentioned , design for small screen format systems only [15:53] mwilson1023, I doubt openoffice at least ...that is going to most likely stay libreoffice [15:53] perscitus, preferably wide screen LCD, not normal desktop CRTs lol [15:53] any help guys to install ATi drivers [15:53] abhijeet, I know nothing about ati [15:54] coz_, ok [15:54] abhijeet, I would have assumed that would have been installed automatically [15:54] yes [15:54] coz_, except its coming to desktop [15:54] coz_, I think they dropped OpenOffice.org because of a license problem or whatever. It's just what I've been using and I like it. OOo has much better support for .docx [15:54] perscitus, yes but with two additional options...classic gnome and classic gnome (no effects) [15:55] (no effects) is the gnome desktop [15:55] does any one know command start the "addional driver" application... [15:55] mwilson1023, I dont think there is much difference between the 2 but in all honesty I never use either one [15:55] as my task panes are coming [15:55] are not [15:55] abhijeet, sudo jockey-gtk [15:55] the classic with effects still uses unity for me, and no effects goes back to gnome. [15:55] coz_, ok .. lemee try it.. [15:56] that's all I know [15:56] mwilson1023, right [15:56] oh, now I see what you are saying. [15:56] nvm lol [15:56] mwilson1023, well actually classic gnome starts compiz as long as you disable the Unity plugin in ccsm [15:57] Compiz > Unity [15:57] mwilson1023, well compiz = Unity is not correct [15:58] mwilson1023, unity is netbook without mutter as the compositor ,,, compiz has taken its place [15:58] and I didn't know that. [15:58] coz_, I kno, but compiz looks awesomer :) [15:58] Remove 'Classic' from all thoughts [15:58] mwilson1023, and works much better than mutter ,, which is why the switch :) [15:59] and my First Person Shooters don't work in Natty, so I'm sticking to 10.10 :D [15:59] perscitus, i cant use Unity on dual monitors its useless under those conditions [15:59] coz_, yet another bug [15:59] perscitus, no not a bug at all... as I said ,,,Unity is designed for small screens [16:00] ITS COMING TO DESKTOP [16:00] meaning large screens [16:00] perscitus, no I use classic gnome [16:00] perscitus, you have the options of Unity or classic gnome [16:00] Launcher position sucks on dual or triple monitors [16:01] well it is what it is ...you have to deal with it or switch to classic gnome [16:01] Launcher is better off at the bottom so it can be displayed on all monitors [16:02] perscitus, well let me say this one more time...Unity is not desined for large screen formats...just as original mac used their version of global menu because their screens were 9" [16:03] perscitus, anything larger is a waiste of work time [16:03] perscitus, that's why classic gnome is offered [16:03] Unity is going to be fail on Natty [16:04] oh boy ok I am out of here,,, time to eat lunch [16:05] unity is really starting to get into shape, but I still wish they would disable the global menu for unmaximized windows, and most certainly get rid of it when logging in with the classic desktop [16:05] classic desktop should mean classic desktop... not something that kind of approximates it [16:07] psusi, global menu should not be available in classic gnome [16:07] certainly not by default [16:08] cozziemoto: I agree, but there it is... you get just the single ubuntu icon on the top left corner with the other usual menus folding out from there, and a global menu where the system menus normally are [16:08] psusi, last i tried natty that was not the case,, if in fact it is now...it has to be a major mistake or glitch and should be reported [16:09] cozziemoto: been that way all along, still was last night... [16:09] psusi, no it has not... in classic gnome you get classice gnome panels [16:09] no global menu [16:09] Classic Ubuntu will have massive following in April/May [16:09] cozziemoto: yea, you get the pannels, but they are modified... instead of having system, applications, etc, you just get the single ubuntu icon that folds out into those submenus [16:10] psusi, then right click that and remove from panel and then right click panel and use menu bar [16:10] yea, I figured you could do that.. but should be like that by default ;) [16:10] psusi, it was last time I have used it [16:11] even pre alpha [16:11] hd install or livecd? [16:11] certai ly alpha [16:11] psusi, hard drive [16:11] yuo configured your system to be like that then and so it has persisted... try the daily live cd [16:11] psusi, I only used the daily builds [16:11] psusi, I never got global menu in classic gnome [16:12] psusi, check md5sums on the iso image burn at 1x max then check cd for erros before installing [16:12] cozziemoto: I use usb [16:12] and zsync daily so the image is not corrupt ;) [16:13] ok i dont know what to say,,, [16:13] lunch time === nperry is now known as 84XAAAJAW === Ian_ is now known as Ian_Corne === IdleOne_ is now known as IdleOne === _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero [16:38] * BluesKaj wonders if the netsplits are going to settle down soon ..this has been going on for over an hr. [16:39] [Notice] -tomaw- [Global Notice] Hi again. As you will have noticed we're having some connectivity problems again this afternoon. We're working with sponsors to rectify it. [16:41] BluesKaj: actually, netsplits been bad most of this week [16:44] bye === popey_ is now known as popey [16:46] yeah charlie-tca, today's are especially bad , I'm trying to recover from a partially broken update and thought I needed some advice , but managed to muddle tg\hru === Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan === maxb_ is now known as maxb === tremolux_ is now known as tremolux === albech_ is now known as albech [17:10] guys .. i broke my ubuntu system after upgrade.. now I am not getting any gui as the Ati driver are not properly installl [17:11] how can i resolve it.. [17:11] i have already removed the fglrx driver from my systemmm [17:11] still facing the black screen after booting [17:13] any help guys... [17:14] complete shutdown, then restart has been working for me [17:14] restart alone doesn't seem to work, though === ampelbein_ is now known as Ampelbein === h00k_ is now known as h00k === meo[\ukJ is now known as LjL-Temp === LjL-Temp is now known as Guest9042 === psusi` is now known as psusi === cjohnston_ is now known as cjohnston === Guest9042 is now known as LjL-Temp === LjL-Temp is now known as Guest75191 [18:55] I have updated to 11.04 but not too keen on Unity (probably just not used to it) can I revert back? [18:56] sorry.. revert back to standard desktop but still be on 11.04 [18:57] gavin_: change your session type at the login manager screen. [18:58] thank you rww:I will keep having a look at Unity but doesnt work for me just now. === Daviey- is now known as Daviey [19:33] Humm, compiz-decorator seems to seg fault. [19:33] How do i debug to get an error message? === Guest75191 is now known as LjL-Temp === LjL-Temp is now known as Guest50669 === AlanChicken is now known as AlanBell === Cees_ is now known as Cees === popey_ is now known as popey === Guest50669 is now known as LjL-Temp === LjL-Temp is now known as Guest96386 [22:12] Evening people.. trying to test gnome3 in natty, however getting this error, any ideas? GLib-GIO-ERROR **: Settings schema 'org.gnome.desktop.interface' does not contain a key named 'automatic-mnemonics' === Guest96386 is now known as LjL-Temp === LjL-Temp is now known as Guest15666 [22:21] evening [22:24] hi there - someone manged to install the A3amd64alternate on an existing ext4 LVM ? [22:24] my partman stops loading - only blue screen - if launching manually it reappears, but stops at 52% [22:24] + i got 2 messages in the system log that 2 packages should be missing - should i report this on LP ? [22:25] libnewt0.52 [22:25] und ext2-modules [22:40] Can anyone try reproducing bug #729392 in unity? [22:40] Launchpad bug 729392 in unity (Ubuntu) "[unity] minimizing an application doesn't make it lose window focus" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/729392 [22:40] Daekdroom: i didn't even mange to install the system :-) [22:40] Daekdroom: btw unity 2d or 3d ? [22:40] benste, 3d [22:41] sry, installing in a VM woun't be able to test 3d [22:41] Thanks for the interest anyway [22:45] hole BUGabundo [22:45] hola even [22:46] ehe [22:47] how's the world on your side? [22:47] BUGabundo: I live not so far from you ;) [22:47] it's cold [22:47] damn cold [22:47] moved to spain ? :P [22:49] well, not *that* close but Poland is still on your side ;) [22:49] means I'm nearer. Still freezeing cold here though :S [22:54] +7ÂșC here [22:55] but a friend is reporting -1 down south === rww changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Natty Narwhal 11.04 | Milestones: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule | Maverick/10.10 support in #ubuntu | Alpha 3 Released: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/natty/alpha3 | New X.org stack uploaded, known issues: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2011-February/032378.html [23:00] X.org still has issues? Or can I remove that /topic section? [23:01] I have a few X updates strugling [23:01] not sure it helps you [23:01] the buglist Bryce linked to still has a bunch of stuff on it, so I'll leave it be. [23:02] seems warm there. Idaho is up to +2C already, and it is 16:00 local time [23:02] LOL charlie-tca === Guest15666 is now known as LjL-Temp === LjL-Temp is now known as Guest39209