[00:25] Interesting, I suppose there aren't any projects on #freenode where you can get a project cloak from easily? :P === KB1JWQ is now known as user [00:27] necreo: If you want to become a legitimate developer for Super GRUB2 Disk I could probably get you one. But it's probably not worth it just for a cloak :) === user is now known as KB1JWQ [00:29] Figured so ;-) [00:56] do PDPC donation cloaks override gateway cloaks...? [01:13] rww: I think !unaffiliated does. [01:13] necreo: you should setup the bshellz-cloaks project :) [01:15] jrib: haha :P [01:15] No I found a project that was going to set up a group cloak some years ago but stopped after it looked like too much of a hassle [01:16] So now I've taking it upon myself to register them myself [01:16] Good call - it is a hassle :P [01:16] maybe you can have upstream/notreallyinvolvedinthisdeadproject/necreo [01:16] vaporware/awesomeproject/maybeilldosomethingsometime/necreo [01:17] lol :) [03:33] rww: They actually seem to have removed by chanserv unban access [04:56] * Pici wonders what metta is doing [05:06] They've been acting similarly in other channels (-us-ca and -beginners, for example). I'll leave that ban set overnight and hope they're less spammy tomorrow. [05:45] hrm. silent netsplit, or are the bots just being weird? [05:45] ah, inter-server lag. there we go. [08:52] topyli: beat me to it [08:59] swiftyli [10:12] heh [10:12] i really need to get some headphones, my laptop speakers simply can't deal with NIN [10:39] flickeringlamp called the ops in #ubuntu () [10:39] looking at it [11:23] In ubottu, the-prototype said: sudo is all powerful basically, i understand that. which is why i want to know how to properly put the following in terminal "--sudo-mode, -S [12:19] I think olit was scoping out the linuxchix server before [12:19] he seems to be trolling [12:20] and he knows many of the ops; he pointed me out to a user in #ubuntu [12:52] olit was being helpful the other day. [12:53] being "odd" now [12:54] keeps telling people "maybe $X can helpyou" randomly [13:00] and insisting people are telling him im a bot [13:01] ?? [13:01] in -ot [13:07] failing on many levels [13:07] just sayin' [13:58] LjL: :P [14:00] stupid wiki [14:12] oh. igoogle has something like "friends" who can share stuff such as photos, and you'll see "updates" from them [14:12] i wonder if anybody uses that. or if anybody uses igoogle to begin with [14:12] * LjL doesn't know what igoogle is :P [14:13] LjL: it's the "personal homepage" with gadgets [14:14] I've never used it [14:15] i've set mine up at one point: http://i.imgur.com/dV2Vl.png [14:16] it felt like it could be useful, but if you look at that, it's all been eventually integrated into gmail [14:16] I use mine regularly. it allows email, weather, news headlines all in the same place. [14:16] so yoeah [14:17] jussi: oh, and i just realized that terhi right there uses it [14:20] heh. none of my widgets work in the mobile igoogle. gmail's mobile gadget doesn't support https, which i require, and the calendar and tasks widgets just link to the dedicated mobile version [14:21] s [14:22] Right, just a quick reminder Im off to Hong Kong tomorrow, so I wont be around terribly much, but feel free to PM - Ill get back to you when I can. [14:34] olit, hi [14:34] hello [14:34] bazhang, [14:34] why does ikonia behaves like that [14:35] olit, was there some issue in the ubuntu channels you needed help with [14:35] its not serious though [14:36] but i found ikonia rude [14:40] olit, was there a substantive issue you had to discuss? [14:41] no as such ,, but i wonder how a person like iomega_failed could use bad language but [14:41] my some cheeky advice was rebuked as nonsense [14:42] iomega_failed was warned. if he had continued, he'd have been removed. [14:42] ikonia never warned him [14:43] ula la la la la ala ullle oooo [14:43] * marienz raises an eyebrow [14:43] olit: other operators did. [14:43] yesterday some other guy got kicked by him [14:43] and? [14:44] it happens [14:44] i got some remarks like " don't tell others to speak to others" [14:44] whats this? [14:44] olit: well [14:44] olit, you were pointing others to helpers. [14:44] ops have power,huh? [14:44] olit: you kept randomly saying "XYZ will help you with this" [14:44] why did you do that? [14:45] he would he kept there asking his question [14:45] sorry? [14:45] it just adds noise to the channel [14:45] it was better to satisfy him with some answer [14:45] olit: hmm. well, no, not really [14:45] it's not a good idea to point to random people [14:45] it's rude to highlight them [14:46] and it's rude to "make" them help when, possibly, they don't want to [14:46] highlight what? [14:46] highlight their nickname [14:46] when you say "LjL", you highlight me [14:47] i fear i will be kicked out and possibly by iknoni* [14:48] !guidelines | olit [14:48] olit: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines [14:48] olit, just dont re-direct to other helpers [14:48] sure [14:53] OK. === nik0 is now known as niko === kloeri is now known as Guest74413 === Mamarok- is now known as Mamarok [16:36] any ops around for #ubuntu? there seems to be a troll in your midst... [16:37] Which one? [16:37] ahhahahahahaha [16:37] ahhahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [16:37] that guy [16:37] yeah, I saw. Thanks, though :) [16:37] he was already shot by opers in #freenode with a +q for trolling [16:37] and trying to insult me so meh [16:37] yep no problem, rww [16:38] hi, we seem to have lost our ubot in #ubuntu-mozillateam [16:39] micahg: We just got hit with a netsplit. Could that be why, or has it been missing for a while? [16:39] a little over an hour [16:42] micahg: Looks like it restarted and ended up as ubot4`, but never made it in there. I'll see what I can do. === nik0_ is now known as niko [16:43] or rather, [16:43] hrm, I was going to poke jpds, but we're missing a jpds. [16:44] rww: thanks === popey_ is now known as popey [16:45] micahg: I'm going off to work, but I'll look in on it again in a few hours and try to get it sorted out. [16:45] rww: thanks [16:47] If anyone else is around: free_node_failin in #ubuntu is indeed likely to be causing problems, and the FloodBots are probably going to go crazy with all of these netsplits. Have fun, I'm off to push book carts around ;P === necreo is now known as Guest94364 === _jason is now known as jrib [17:40] helloo Guest94364 ? === h00k_ is now known as h00k [17:49] FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (50)) [17:49] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (48)) [17:49] FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (52)) === LjL-Temp is now known as LjL === Guest74413 is now known as kloeri [18:22] Guest94364: hello, are you active ? [18:35] ikonia: Yes [18:35] ahh cool, you're active === Guest94364 is now known as necreo [18:36] There was a problem when I logged in and I didn't get authenticated immediately [18:36] I guessed [18:49] o la la la la la ole lo [18:52] does he always do that [18:52] yes [18:53] * h00k facepalms [18:55] wasn't Jungli proclaiming a few weeks ago how sorry he was, how he wanted to start afresh, etc etc? [18:55] Probably. [18:59] what a waste of time [18:59] Definitely. [18:59] he's forwarded here, so he's trying to join #ubuntu and getting forwarded [18:59] might want to remove the forward part of that banforward :\ [19:00] handy to know when he's online and want nick he's using [19:00] true [19:00] he uses other hosts bzshells for example [19:00] so knowing his nick of the "moment" is useful === Daviey- is now known as Daviey === highvolt1ge is now known as highvoltage [20:07] In ubottu, Nisstyre said: !tisane is An herbal tea, tisane, or ptisan is an herbal infusion made from anything other than the leaves of the tea bush (Camellia sinensis). [20:11] ... [20:12] That would be 'not useful' [20:12] nope [20:13] Sorry, I kind of got that started by using !coffee there... === LjL-Temp is now known as Guest88977 [20:18] genii-around: it's all your fault. [20:19] h00k: I accept blame. < sneaks more coffee in the corner > === Guest88977 is now known as LjL === popey_ is now known as popey [21:03] necreo: hi, how can we help you? [21:13] hi! who do we have to contact to get ubottu/ubot2 back in #ubuntu-desktop? [21:14] Ampelbein: jpds, who isn't around right now >.> [21:14] (someone else was in earlier asking about ubot4) [21:14] ah, ok. [21:14] I shall wait till tomorrow then! [21:15] cya around ;-) [21:15] I'll poke him if I see him. ttyl [21:17] don't suppose it helps to say ChanServ is missing there too? [21:18] charlie-tca: it's not needed there? [21:18] presumably /msg chanserv set #channelname guard off is set. [21:18] I see [21:18] the main use of turning it on is preserving channel modes if the channel is empty, afaik [21:19] rww: pretty much, yes, and that's not likely in crowded channels [21:30] charlie-tca: its not in #ubuntu either [21:31] Y'all should add it to #ubuntu, just in case it's empty. [22:57] expired seemed very unhelpful [22:57] agreed [23:02] hello. [23:02] ehlo [23:30] meh, bantracker doesn't track +b $a:foo, apparently :\ [23:42] The huge drop on http://status.nullcortex.com/other/other/ircbans.html over the last two or three weeks makes me happy :)