[05:05] morningz [05:19] I don't get kodez - I think he's hanging around in here because he thinks someone is going to jump out and teach him stuff [05:19] hi superfly [05:20] lol :0 [05:21] like kmem russian roulette? :D [05:21] superfly: oh, you mean spoonfeed? [05:21] :P spoonfeeding and linux don't go together nicely [05:21] well now I feel silly for wanting to ask something :p [05:22] kbmonkey: there's a difference between spoonfeeding and showing enthusiasm [05:22] Maaz: spell enthusiasm [05:22] nuvolari: Looks good to me [05:24] * kbmonkey nods yes [05:28] its a cmus m4a not playing issue, think I'll hit their mailing list though :) [05:28] morning kbmonkey [05:28] * kbmonkey waves [05:30] nuvolari: no, he seems to think that there's a set of leaders who organise stuff for Ubuntu, and that everyone is an expert and a sysadmin or developer [05:31] oh we are, but our self organisational skills are... well, bad. mine are at least ^^ [05:31] something about too many plates... [05:32] * kbmonkey makes mental note to dl and try Unity [06:39] * nlsthzn lurks [07:19] morning nlsthzn and fwolff [09:24] hey Mr. superfly... sorry was afk [09:24] np [09:29] hi superfly, i managed to get a python document for web development. i will engage you on that matter when i had managed to go through the document [09:33] kodez: http://pylonsproject.org/ [09:34] thanks, ii will do pay a visit [10:21] Gents, any of you know of a typical issue installing ubuntu from USB via WUBI? We where getting a constant error (unable to download iso meta data) or something like that? [10:23] nuvolari, inetpro: http://translate.org.za/blogs/friedel/content/vertaalmaraton-vir-gnome-3 [10:23] nuvolari, inetpro: Wil julle dalk deelneem môre? (of op 'n ander dag :-) [10:52] maaz, coffee [10:52] queery: What? [10:52] maaz, coffee on [10:52] * Maaz puts the kettle on [10:56] Coffee's ready for queery! [10:57] o0 [10:57] moar coffeeeeeeee [10:57] maaz, thank you [10:57] queery: Sure [11:04] :? [11:04] dunno if it went through, [11:04] what's the correct proverb in english for: "een swaeltjie maak nie 'n somer nie" [11:39] one swaalow doesn't make a summer [11:39] swallow [11:39] hi guys [12:23] Maaz: tell kilos dankie oom [12:23] nuvolari: Righto, I'll tell Kilos on freenode [13:54] yo nlsthzn [13:55] nuvolari - Hey :0 [15:36] Hall!!! [15:37] home time! [15:37] cheerz [15:37] Heita Holaaaa!!! [15:38] Didnt know blackberry had this app wow!! [15:38] Hi kodez [15:39] hi Fistaz and all my ubuntu family [15:40] So how are u? [15:41] i'm better than yesterday, thanks for asking. i'm a little bit exhausted because i was busy with javascript [15:46] anyone available for a chat? [15:47] ???? [15:47] someone? anyone? [15:53] mirror.ac.za will be going down in a bit [15:53] probably the next hour or two [15:53] and will be down for a while [15:53] probably 6 to 8 hours at least [15:53] good luck :) [15:54] heh well, patrick busy rackmounting the new server [15:54] after that it gets interesting [15:54] next step is to go to reef facility, pull the PCI-E 10G nic and 2 x PCI-E percs outta it [15:55] and put them + 3 SAN's in th ecar [15:55] take those to wits and rackmount them :P [15:55] this server is gigantic [15:55] :P [15:55] it has 1100 watt PSU's [15:55] haha [15:57] ja good luck [15:57] heh, 64gigs of ram and 12 3.4ghz cpu cores [15:58] * Symmetria loves [15:59] o0 [15:59] damn [16:04] Symmetria: only 12 CPUs? [16:08] heh superfly 2 cpus, 6 core xeons, dont need more than that for mirroring [16:08] heh, they are the new fancy xeon 6 core shit, *shrug* [16:09] heh, combined with that much cpu power and that much ram and the 60 odd TB of disk space attached though, all should be good [16:09] :P [16:09] and it looks like we're expanding the disk space to 120TB as well [16:09] somehow i can not see how you could possibly need even that much for mirroring [16:10] Tonberry the disk space? [16:11] heh, oh, we can definately use that, infact, a lot more than that [16:11] no cpus [16:11] if I was carrying the full mirror data I need to actually carry, I'd need 3.2 petabytes [16:11] disk space i can easily see how 60tb is too little :p [16:11] Tonberry heh, you havent seen how much cpu a machine can chew when its got 15k+ connections hitting it at once [16:11] true [16:12] wait [16:12] how much damn bandwidth does that thing have access too? [16:12] to* [16:14] Tonberry errr national and international combined? [16:14] technically it would peak out on its network card before it actually ran outta bandwidth on any of the links [16:14] but its network card is a 10G fiber card [16:14] oh [16:14] ok [16:14] the router its connected to has *works it out* [16:14] suddenly 12 cores does not seem so excessive [16:15] 42 gigabit of bandwidth into it [16:15] wait, its more than that [16:16] 10 x backbone to capetown (where it meets 10gig to Neotel, 10gig to IS, 10gig to CINX), 10 x backbone to Pretoria where it meets 10gig to London, then 30gig to Rosebank where it meets 10gig to JINX, 11gig to I.S and 1 gig to Neotel [16:16] so 50gig into the backend of the router its connected to at 10gig :P [16:17] 0o [16:19] heh Tonberry put it this way, I was testing to London at 6gigabit/second === linuxboy is now known as 36DAA8SZF === superfly__ is now known as superfly [16:51] Hi Symmetria, is it possible to copy an image file in mirror.ac.za using ftp? [16:51] also, can i get the ubuntu DVD there? [17:13] as far as I recall mirror.ac.za has FTP servers running [17:13] but the server is down for maintenance right now === frozty_sa is now known as froztbyte === frozty_sa is now known as froztbyte [18:00] is ti possible to mount www.mirror.ac.za as an NFS? [18:00] mp [18:00] no [18:00] not a chance [18:01] heh, sorry, way 2 many security possibilities for me to allow that [18:04] what will be a better way of downloading application from packages.ubuntu.com? [18:05] preferable all [18:23] is there a way of building my own packages server? [18:23] a mirror of a repository? [18:24] apt-mirror maybe? [18:24] i guess something of that nature [18:25] where can i learn about developing my own repo server? [18:27] http://www.howtoforge.com/local_debian_ubuntu_mirror [18:27] looks like what you want to do [18:27] kwl, i am opening it [19:06] ok [19:06] wish us luck [19:06] patrick on his way to shut down old system [19:06] :P [19:37] Symmetria: w00t :-) [19:47] DraZoro, welcome to the world of ubuntu [19:48] kodez1: Thanks and Hello [20:48] <36DAA8SZF> hi [22:06] fp