rww | #ubuntu ops: contains a list of #ubuntu bans and quiet, sorted by operator. I looked up bans that the banlist has lost ownership of in BanTracker (they're highlighted in yellow). There's a second sheet on there with a pie chart of bans by owner, too. | 00:33 |
rww | If you're in a ban cleaning-up mood, that may be helpful :) | 00:33 |
bazhang | rww, thanks | 01:03 |
rww | I can see the future. It involves +q. | 01:05 |
bazhang | prescient! | 01:07 |
rww | The only thing more annoying than the endless proliferation of useless derivatives is the users that refuse to stop asking for support for unsupported derivative packages. | 01:08 |
rww | Anyone have any thoughts on ? | 02:28 |
rww | They've all been around for forever (to the point that even BT doesn't know who set them), and I'm not sure that 1) the bot-looking ones are still necessary, 2) cussingful realnames are publicly-exposed enough to be a problem | 02:29 |
bazhang | last six can go imo; I'd leave the others | 02:29 |
bazhang | well true | 02:29 |
rww | meh, I'll just nuke them all and reapply if problems reoccur | 02:38 |
bazhang | good choice. especially with our new eirverlord coming | 02:38 |
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bazhang | rww hehe | 02:59 |
rww | I'm going to clean up some of -ot's Grexo-related bans, since he's stopped using nicks matching them. | 03:29 |
bazhang | oh yikes | 03:57 |
ubottu | FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1355 users, 1 overflows, 1356 limit)) | 03:57 |
ubottu | FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1362 users, 2 overflows, 1364 limit)) | 03:57 |
ubottu | FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1362 users, 2 overflows, 1364 limit)) | 03:57 |
rww | the heck | 03:59 |
ubottu | FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor ({BrB} appears to be abusive - 4) | 04:08 |
ubottu | FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (clone flood) | 04:08 |
ubottu | FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (clone flood) | 04:08 |
rww | there we go. | 04:08 |
bazhang | next is firsttimecaller | 04:19 |
rww | idd | 04:19 |
bazhang | he was embarassed at not knowing, just kept repeating like 20 times | 04:20 |
* rww bangs head against wall | 04:21 | |
rww | Next time that sort of thing happens, I'm handing out 10 minute time outs. Apparently /remove isn't doing it. | 04:22 |
bazhang | insmod seems familiar | 08:32 |
rww | that nick seems familiar | 08:35 |
bazhang | <Skater0guy> so whos trying to crack netflix | 08:36 |
rww | bazhang: insmod's ban-evading, if you want to go down that route. | 08:42 |
rww | 08:42:23 -!- 127 - #ubuntu: ban *!*$#ubuntu-ops [by jpds!~jpds@ubuntu/member/jpds, 6991231 secs ago] , see BT#35783, BT#35780 | 08:43 |
rww | eh, screw it. It's been quiet today, I'll go down that route. | 08:46 |
insmod | yes | 08:47 |
rww | insmod: one sec | 08:47 |
rww | qjy: Can I help you? | 08:48 |
qjy | no | 08:48 |
rww | qjy: Then please read the channel topic. | 08:48 |
qjy | rww:ok. | 08:48 |
rww | insmod: I asked you to join because you were banned from #ubuntu back in December, and that ban wasn't ever removed. From the look of it, it was for cussing and and pasting a forkbomb into the channel. | 08:49 |
rww | insmod: I'm fine with removing the ban and allowing you to continue being in there, if you're fine with reading our IRC Guidelines and saying that you'll abide by them in future. | 08:49 |
rww | !guidelines | 08:49 |
ubottu | The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: | 08:49 |
qjy | rww:but how can i read the channel topic? where can I get it ? | 08:50 |
rww | qjy: type /topic | 08:50 |
insmod | asshole! | 08:50 |
rww | Hrm. Not the best reaction. | 08:50 |
rww | I'm now getting abuse in PM for being perfectly polite. This is really remarkable. | 08:56 |
rww | and now win189's PMing me about it, presumably having been prompted. | 09:10 |
bazhang | <Fwb2700> rigved: My wifi car is a ar5001 by atherosclerosis | 10:46 |
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=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang | ||
bazhang | @bansearch anastasius | 22:08 |
ubottu | No matches found for anastasius~anastasiu@unaffiliated/anastasius in any channel | 22:08 |
tonyyarusso | bazhang: for what it's worth, I have them on hilight, which usually means I removed them from somewhere. (I have autobleh set up to add hilights for me) | 22:38 |
LjL | he's from cub | 22:39 |
LjL | club even | 22:39 |
LjL | what did he do | 22:39 |
tonyyarusso | no idea offhand | 22:40 |
bazhang | tonyyarusso, nice | 22:41 |
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