[00:42] right, so, I just realized why my VM wasn't hitting the internet [00:43] it's not even getting out of my host machine [00:43] is there some sort of port forwarding I need to enable on ubuntu-desktop? [00:57] You need to set up the VM to bridge to a real LAN interface, I suspect, not just to an internal network for VMs. What are you using to run VMs? kvm, or virtualbox, or something else? === Jonny51 is now known as Jonny5 [00:57] atari2600a: ^^ [01:00] virtualbox, but I already have port forwarding through NAT set up [01:00] I can access the server from the host, just not within the LAN [01:06] NAt will do outbound only... for inbound you need to set the virtualbox VM setting to bridged and select the relevant network device, usually eth0 [01:07] Shut down the VM, change that setting, and restart it. [01:10] Incidentally, this is documented at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox/Networking if you read it carefully. [01:13] ...but I have port forwarding [01:13] I have already established it recieves inbound [01:13] I SSH into it regularly [01:15] Either try it my way, or read the docs, or... try some other way to make it work that you know about and I don't :) [01:15] atari2600a: To quote the wiki page I pointed you to: "Connecting a virtual machine through NAT will allow the guest to connect to systems on the network (including the host or some website). A machine on the network will not be able to initiate a connection to the guest though." [01:16] atari2600a: I have around 14 virtualbox VMs here, most of them are Debian or Ubuntu... [01:20] okay so now I can't even SSH into it [01:21] It's now in bridge mode? [01:22] Or you still don't believe me and don't believe the help page either?? [01:23] it's in bridge, you provided sufficient evidence for it [01:23] but the wiki page is out of date [01:24] says to modprobe a vbox networknig module [01:24] is that still needed? [01:25] No, it shoudn't be. The VM has a static IP that is part of the LAN IP range, right? [01:26] As in, you edited /etc/network/interfaces in the server running inside the VM and set it up with a static IP... correct? [01:27] no, I kinda forgot :P [01:27] I'll have to unload the host's now-unneeded static IP first I suppose [01:27] but first, let's pkill vbox so I can get it running w/ a head this time... [01:28] Well, as long as you assign a different static IP to the VM, what IP the host is on is somewhat irrelevant. [01:29] it's the only static on the network so I prefer the end of the range [01:29] AKA *.149 [01:30] Use whatever addressing scheme makes sense to you, just don't have two machines or devices (real or virtual) with the same IP :) [01:30] see you on the other side [01:33] atari2600a: welcome back :) [01:36] jmarsden: ubuntu-vm-builder is vmbuilder now [01:36] ? [01:36] from 10.10 [01:37] most of the documentation on kvm has ubuntu-vm-builder mentioned still ! [01:37] rnigam: Well, vmbuilder is a sucessor to ubuntu-vm-builder. [01:38] rnigam: Go ahead and update, but remember most people doing VM may use Ubuntu server, 10.04 LTS is still the norm for servers. [01:39] Do you think I should go back to 10.04 LTS? I only plan to do some kvm experiments for a month or so ! [01:40] atari2600a: So, does your VM work now? [01:40] rnigam: No, use whatever Ubuntu server you already have installed. [01:49] jmarsden, better, thanks to you [01:49] atari2600a: Good :) [01:49] I can access it from within the LAN, but I'm having a little trouble getting past the router [01:49] That's port forwarding... make and model of router? [01:49] also no more need for outragious ports (8080, 2222 :P) [01:50] some shitty linksys wireless-n [01:50] I already got port forwarding set up & disabled the firewall for shits & giggles [01:50] still can't access it through a proxy [01:50] (& yes I'm refreshing through the proxy, not the web browser :P) [01:51] Don't leave yourself wide open! OK... what is the IP and port you think you have port forwarded to the VM ? [01:51] hold on [01:51] & it was just the router firewall [01:52] [01:52] just tried that IP from within the network...DSL admin login [01:53] I wonder if I can find the default user/pass for this make & model... [01:53] You seem to have the ssh port forwarded but not port 80, to me. [01:53] well I did use the router's built-in presets for HTTP, FTP... [01:53] let's see... [01:54] Um... "I already got port forwarding set up" -- and now you do not know the password?? [01:54] atari2600a: What LAN IP did you point them at, is the question that now needs asking... [01:56] jmarsden, for the router, not the modem [01:56] whats the ammount of bandwith does a social networking site have [01:56] take i mnean [01:56] Guest5435, wrong network, you're looking for irc,anonops.net [01:56] atari2600a: Your port 22 is apparently connecting to some embedded linux not Ubuntu (unless you installed dropbear sshd on the Ubuntu server VM, which seems unlikely) [01:56] & I'm sure somewhere close to the terabits [01:57] jmarsden, yeah I think the modem has busybox or something [01:57] atari2600a: But it shouldn't leave its ssh port open to the public Internet! [01:57] can you please provide me the channel [01:58] jmarsden, it's a small ISP :P [01:58] BTW if it is a modem it wouldn't even have an IP address, so it must be a router :) [01:58] Guest5435, if you can't even use a real IRC client you'll get either laughed out of the network, banned, or hacked to hell [01:59] jmarsden, the HTTP login says 'DSL login' :P [02:01] OK... on the Linksys that your Ubuntu host PC is connected to, what is the WAN IP set to? , or something else? [02:01] let me check the logs [02:01] Or just log into the Linksys :) [02:01] 'vmbuilder' option to create kvm guest from iso ? Anyone? [02:02] ; different from what whatismyip reports apperantly [02:02] jmarsden, which is where it's logged :P [02:03] turns out it had it's own status page, though [02:03] OK, so you have double hop NAT through two routers... ugh [02:03] So you need to do port forwarding in BOTH of them. [02:04] kinda figured, & I don't think my ISP allows users to dick around in the DSL modem [02:04] Or put the upstream one into "bridge mode" if you can and if the ISP lets you. [02:04] balls [02:04] Then I'd say you are trying to run servers on a home DSL line and your Terms of Service prohibit that. [02:04] I'm gonna go see if I can find the default user/pass on the modem [02:06] jmarsden: vmbuilder option to create kvm guests from iso? [02:07] I don't think there is "one option" for that :) man vmbuilder, and see the (possibly old) tutorial at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JeOSVMBuilder [02:08] rnigam: You might want to consider using virt-install instead, by the way. [02:13] does anyone know of an eggdrop alternative? [02:18] Jasonn: apt-cache search irc | grep bot # should provide a few to try... :) [02:19] thx [02:26] well, some good news & some bad news [02:26] good news is my ISP was durr enough to not change the default root password [02:26] (12345) [02:26] bad news is it's still not working [02:29] atari2600a: I'm not going to help you break the AUP or TOS you agreed to... and I strongly suspect it says "no running servers" or words to that effect. [02:30] well, it KINDA does [02:30] Besides, this is not really a #ubuntu-server issue at this point. [02:30] it says if you wanna run a shitload of up bandwidth you need a small business account, but home servers are okay [02:30] this is for a business blog really, but nothing to shit bricks over :P [02:31] anywho, the real solution is "bug father to get comcast because we're getting no more than 400KB down / 75KB up" :P [02:31] thanks for all the help jmarsden [02:31] leaving now [02:31] You're welcome. === Jonny51 is now known as Jonny5 === Jasonn is now known as ChainSaw === ChainSaw is now known as Jasonn === Jasonn is now known as StabStabStab === StabStabStab is now known as Jasonn === Jonny51 is now known as Jonny5 [03:17] kirkland: I read you're in Cape Town this weekend. having fun? [03:22] How do I enable SFTP? [03:35] Might be a dumb question but while using virt-install do we have to first create a disk image of certain size and then specify the iso file to be used for installation? [04:03] rnigam: Did you man virt-install? --disk option, has lots of options... basically you can create the image first, or let virt-install do it for you... read the docs :) [04:11] rnigam: virt install reads vmbuilder.partition from the local disk. Here is an example of mine http://pastebin.com/X0CRvqWm [04:15] how is it that I can SSH into my server but I can't SFTP into it? [04:17] dv310p3r: are you using SFTP right? [04:17] because sftp corresponds to your SSH login [04:17] and the ssh port too [04:17] sftp root@ipaddress [04:18] okay, lemme ask this a different way... [04:18] EvilPhoenix, sftp root@ipaddress [04:18] assuming i KNOW the command [04:18] did you configure a non-standard port for SSH into the box? [04:18] or did you leave it at 22 [04:18] EvilPhoenix, I haven't changed it, so it should be 22. [04:18] EvilPhoenix, where can i check that [04:19] dv310p3r: in your sshd_config file on your server box [04:19] dv310p3r: if you didnt mess with the configs yourself, then you could assume its 22 [04:19] in which case sftp SHOULD be defaulting to 22... [04:19] EvilPhoenix, I assume its 22 as I haven't changed it, [04:20] EvilPhoenix, where can i find the sshd_config file [04:20] okay, lets try this command: sftp -oPort=22 root@ipaddress [04:20] that should tell it to use port 22 (in case your sftp isnt already trying that port) [04:21] actually [04:21] lets try this intead [04:21] instead* [04:21] sftp -vv root@ipaddress [04:21] it'll spit out detailed issues [04:21] details* [04:21] I'm sorry for not being more detailed myself. It's a password issue. [04:21] Permission Denied. [04:21] oic [04:22] However using root I can ssh into the box just fine. [04:22] then your password might have been entered wrong [04:22] go into your box as root [04:22] and run: passwd [04:22] make sure you got the right password in the system [04:22] i've had those issues with sftp but not ssh once or twice [04:22] and i just redid passwd and it seems to have worked [04:23] so you are saying its denying your password? [04:23] even if thats the case do the sftp -vv [04:23] because that'll confirm if its your passcode [04:25] if its the pw, it'll say the password was rejected [04:25] It's crazy, still no dice [04:25] so, its still rejecting the passcode even thoug hyou changed it [04:25] -vv tells me a bunch of stuff, but near the bottom before it asks me for the password it says. [04:26] debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,password [04:26] debug1: Next authentication method: publickey [04:26] debug1: Offering public key: /home/andre/.ssh/id_rsa [04:26] debug2: we sent a publickey packet, wait for reply [04:26] debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,password [04:26] debug1: Trying private key: /home/andre/.ssh/id_dsa [04:26] debug2: we did not send a packet, disable method [04:26] debug1: Next authentication method: password [04:26] root@'s password: [04:26] debug2: we sent a password packet, wait for reply [04:27] debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,password [04:27] Permission denied, please try again. [04:27] root@ipaddress's password: [04:27] sorry for so much info. I tried to change some of it, but fuck it. [04:27] Anyhow if you look at the Offering public key, why's it trying to use my home dir public key [04:29] ooo [04:29] because that's the pubkey its supposed to be using [04:29] ok [04:29] because it tries to defaultly get your user's pubkey from your computer (and it isnt in authorized_keys on the server or this error wouldnt exist) [04:29] having said this [04:29] either the passkey data is messed up [04:29] or sftp on your system is messed [04:30] damnit. [04:30] if its passkey [04:30] that's fixable [04:30] if sftp is messed, that's tricky [04:30] so [04:30] I have no understanding of all that passkey and rsa stuff. [04:31] on the box after you ssh into root [04:31] passwd [04:31] run that [04:31] put the password in [04:31] it should then work correctly [04:32] otherwise, i can walk you through putting your public ssh key up to authorized_hosts (like i configure all my servers), so that it doesnt always require the password [04:33] Ok, so that didn't work. [04:33] but the other day I was with a friend who did something like what you described because we were setting up git [04:34] He said if we did that public ssh thing we wouldn't have to put in the password. [04:34] lolololololol [04:34] now whenever I connect via ssh I don't have to put in the pass [04:34] gitosis [04:34] right... [04:34] gitosis? [04:34] dv310p3r: it should be working then, because sftp also looks at that too [04:34] yes, "setting up git" [04:34] right [04:34] were you setting up a git server? [04:34] yes [04:34] that explains a lot [04:34] its a pita to configure [04:35] and you can definitely fubar other things :P [04:36] i gave up on setting up gitosis, just am sticking with an upgraded git account with private repositories [04:36] which works surprisingly well [04:36] but that might have interfered in your ability to sftp [04:36] no clue how to fix it, though... [04:37] np thanks anyways [04:46] why do we get "open /dev/kvm: Permission denied" error while installing a kvm guest in ubuntu server 10.10 ? I did add the user to the kvm group. [04:46] rnigam: Did you log out and back in again as that user after adding him to the group? [04:47] yes i did [04:49] OK, does id -rn -G USERNAME show the user to be in the kvm group? [04:49] ok I logged out and logged in... and used the following command tocreate a kvm machine: sudo virt-install --connect qemu:///system -n ubuntu-vm1 -r 204 8 --vcpus=4 -f /root/vmimages/kvm1.qcow2 -s 12 --cpuset=4,5,6,7 -c /root/vmimage [04:49] s/ubuntu-10.10-server-amd64.iso --os-type linux --network bridge=virbr0 --accele rate --virt-type kvm --hvm --vnc --noautoconsole [04:50] rnigam: do you have the CPU virtualization enable in the BIOS? do kvm-ok [04:50] Now I get this error: ERROR operation failed: failed to retrieve chardev info in qemu with 'info chardev' [04:50] rnigam@ubuntu:~$ kvm-ok [04:50] INFO: Your CPU supports KVM extensions [04:50] INFO: /dev/kvm exists [04:50] KVM acceleration can be used [04:51] rnigam: looks good [04:52] thesheff17: Any idea about the error? operation failed: failed to retrieve chardev info in qemu with 'info chardev' [04:54] rnigam: that /dev/kvm error is weird.. make sure you have all these packages apt-get install kvm libvirt-bin python-virtinst virt-manager virt-viewer kvm libvirt-bin ubuntu-vm-builder qemu bridge-utils [04:55] the /dev/kvm error no longer shows... I had to restart the server [04:55] ah ok [04:55] thesheff17: But this is the error I am getting now: failed to retrieve chardev info in qemu with 'info chardev' [05:00] rnigam: I'm not sure...looked a little on google there was one bug where the server was too old to support virtualization...though your kvm-ok looks fine. I also haven't used 10.10 for this. 10.04 seems fine for me right now. [05:01] rnigam: can you try virt-manager [05:01] wonder if it is a bug directly related to virt-install [05:02] rnigam: I would also check your BIOS and make sure all virtualization is enabled. [05:04] thesheff17: Server is the latest from Dell and has 6100 amd opterons on it. BIOS has the virtualization enabled [05:04] rnigam: try running it as root and not use sudo [05:04] rnigam: I see some people complaining about permission suff. [05:05] bug #702741 sounds just like your problem https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/702741 [05:05] Launchpad bug 702741 in nova "failed to retrieve chardev info with 'info chardev'" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/702741 [05:05] Launchpad bug 702741 in nova "failed to retrieve chardev info with 'info chardev'" [Critical,Fix released] [05:06] thesheff17: Did that but the same error [05:06] uvirtbot: what is the fix? [05:06] rnigam: Error: "what" is not a valid command. [05:08] rnigam: I'm not sure..user uvirtbot is just a computer that will explain the bug..not actually a human. [05:09] i am sorry I am new to IRC's [05:09] thanks for pointing that out. [05:10] so the bot says that fix is released, thesheff17 do you know how to find that fix? [05:10] I am going nowhere trying to look it on the launchpad [05:11] rnigam: yea I would try using virt-manager and see if that just installs a vm through an iso..if that works there may be a bug or something wrong with what you are passing to virt-install [05:12] i hope someone can help me. for the last few days, i cannot access internet on my ec2 instance. i can ping but wget, apt-get etc. time out. it was working perfectly fine last week. and i haven't made any changes in the last week. [05:13] thesheff17: I thought virt-manager is not for the server version ! Meaning doesnt it need a GUI? [05:14] rnigam: um yea virt-manager is a GUI app it can connect to a remote ubuntu server running libvirt & qemu [05:15] try a simple command like this: virt-install -n web_devel -r 256 -f web_devel.img -s 4 -c jeos.iso --accelerate --vnc --noautoconsole also try it withoutASDF [05:15] --accelerate [05:16] cavoo1101: sounds like a firewall security group issue. [05:17] thesheff17: how can i make sure? i haven't made any changes since the last time it worked. [05:20] cavoo1101: so you have ssh access? Try running this script...it turns off all iptables rules: http://pastebin.com/MSaAsaaC [05:26] thesheff17: that didn't work. [05:27] cavoo1101: so wget http://www.google.com doesn't work but you can ping it? [05:27] yea [05:27] thesheff17: Will try that out thanks. [05:29] cavoo1101: that is very strange.... does wget work? that is just google.com ip. [05:29] thesheff17: no [05:29] thesheff17: so far, only ping works. [05:30] cavoo1101: well ping is a different protocol than http....still sounds like something wrong with a local firewall. [05:31] thesheff17: i have already disabled the firewall [05:31] Anyone familiar with ubuntu snmpd? I seem to be unable to query for an extend command. I'm trying "snmpwalk -c public -v 1 test1" with this line in the snmpd.conf file "extend test1 /bin/echo Hello, world!" [05:31] cavoo1101: I would check the security groups through the AWS management console. [05:33] thesheff17: here's the output from ec2-describe-group: http://pastebin.com/FjuUMfka [05:34] cavoo1101: yea that looks fine..it is very strange that http doesn't work & ssh/ping works. [05:35] thesheff17: the web server on the instance works fine too [05:36] cavoo1101: pastebin sudo iptables -L [05:38] thesheff17: http://pastebin.com/46eMHPys [05:39] cavoo1101: looks fine [05:39] cavoo1101: not sure why you couldn't use apt-get or wget. [05:39] thesheff17: it's driving me nuts [05:40] cavoo1101: yea I have never seen that before ever on EC2....maybe open a support ticket with amazon. [05:40] cavoo1101: try emailing the ec2 ubuntu group may also have some other suggestions. [05:41] thesheff17: yeah okay. i'll do that. thanks for your help. [05:41] cavoo1101: np...I would also do a full backup and try rebooting if you are using an EBS volume instance [05:42] thesheff17: yeah i'll do that if all else fails [07:42] Hi [07:42] Anybody knows of a way to "include" files from within /etc/networki/interfaces ? [08:11] DigitalFlux: I'm pretty sure I just used include before. I can't find any docs on how I did it but I would do it for an iptables script I had. [08:47] thesheff17_: Sure the iptables script was an include, and not something like a pre-up script? [08:52] Hello I have an issue with Postfix and Submission. I enabled Submission-Port, but I can send only through port 25 - submission ends with Client host rejected. http://pastebin.com/pnd8U04t - Short Logs and Extract from config. Anyone an idea? (I know I should ask #postfix but they are quite for hours) [09:28] Hi there.. I forgot the upgrade on one server (shame on me) and now it is 9.04 there [09:28] What problems I could discover when upgrading now to the LTS Release? [09:29] If I understand it right, I have to do two upgrades, first on 9.10 and then on the LTS [09:29] mpathy: that's going to depend on what packages you have installed, there should be info on the website as far as changes between releases. [09:30] You mean I could update directly to the LTS [09:31] and another question, will it work properly when I use screen while upgrading? Because I have no local access to the machine only SSH [09:31] I'm not sure if you can go directly to LTS [09:31] I generally only run LTS releases. [09:33] greppy: I also only, in future.. *sigh* :) [09:34] And the second question? Will it be a problem when I am using screen, and be in a screen while "do-release-upgrade"? [09:35] mpathy: I've done upgrades from within screen before without problems. [09:35] not saying you won't, but I haven't :) [09:36] New bug: #730041 in squid (main) "package squid 2.7.STABLE7-1ubuntu12.2 failed to install/upgrade: sub-processo script post-installation instalado retornou estado de saĆ­da de erro 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/730041 [09:37] greppy: Okay because I want to continue work if lost connection and so I would use screen but I do not know what happens with update of screen then [11:03] simple question what is needed for proftp conf to restrict users to home but allow certian user to not be restricted [11:04] i know its like 6 lines or less [11:05] well === viezerd- is now known as viezerd [11:08] simple question what is needed for proftp conf to restrict users to home but allow certian user to not be restricted [11:09] i know its like 6 lines or less [11:09] Whats the best option to implement IPSec on my Ubuntu-Server? Or should I stick with OpenVPN? [11:09] IPSec as server [11:09] openvpn may be easier to set up [11:09] Uhu: unless you have a need that is met with ipsec that isn't with openvpn I would stick with openvpn. [11:10] greppy Security and OpenVPN is quite slowfrom what Ive experienced. [11:11] I haven't seen openvpn be slow at all. [11:12] i never got ovpn to work completly myself [11:12] i've been using it for a while, 10.04 LTS server with debian, ubuntu and windows clients. [11:13] thats what i was trying to set it up on [11:13] the clients would nevr connect [11:14] or at least stay connected [11:15] Okay I will try to set up my OpenVPN again. I just want people to use the Servers-IP-Adress to connect to the internet. [11:16] greppy: do you know how I can fix my issue [11:19] wow am i hidden? [11:20] no you're not [11:20] ok [11:20] just wondering cause i didnt get any responces at all to my question [11:31] simple question what is needed for proftp conf to restrict users to home but allow certian user to not be restricted [11:37] pehden, you're looking for chroot [11:38] like, http://www.techrepublic.com/article/tech-tip-chroot-users-to-a-specific-directory-with-proftpd/5287480 [11:40] to chroot only group of users, http://forums.proftpd.org/smf/index.php?topic=3872.0 [11:40] lenios perfect [11:44] lenios I think thats exactly what I found before [11:45] lenios i want to do the chroot to 2 groups [11:46] how many groups do you have? [11:46] lenios but let a third not be under this [11:47] 2 different ones 1 for virtual users another for real users and then mine [12:10] lenios what would i need for 2 different groups [12:10] lenios # Use this to jail all users in their homes [12:10] DefaultRoot ~ proftpddb [12:12] lenois is the order in reverse for which one takes place [12:28] lenios thanks alot after reading the ubuntu forum page about 20 times I got it juat how i wanted it === lionel__ is now known as lionel [13:24] Can somebody help me choose the right e-mail filter hardware? Is a dualcore AMD with 2 GB enough to run Spamassasin and Clamav for 77.000 messages (1.000 Real) / day [13:29] Uhu, i'd say yes === Jonny51 is now known as Jonny5 [14:16] How do I add IPset module to kernel? (Ubuntu 10.04 LTs) =/ [14:20] xtables [15:11] I'm looking for a 32 bit Natty iso to test a bug on, seems like I'm only finding UEC images. Could I get a URL, please? [15:13] found beta3, thanks === webjadmin is now known as JackyAlcine [17:02] Hi all, I have small special "problem". I have ubuntu server on my old notebook for testing and developing. And i need small feature, wicht can turn off comupter, when battery level goes down. Something like apcupsd but for internal battery. Some ide? [17:02] Please? === JackyAlcine is now known as Guest2635 === Guest2635 is now known as VirgilShock === VirgilShock is now known as JackyAlcine [18:19] what is the best tool to create kvm-guests on ubuntu server 10.10 [18:19] ? [18:19] kvm [18:21] laen: I don't understand you. I already have kvm and libvirt up and running... I already experimented around with virt-install and failed [18:21] * Altimizer Is suing ISP for clinically dispossing minds across The United States of America. [18:23] * Altimizer rnigam uses the letter tab feature. [18:26] rnigam: eh, run kvm or qemu-kvm or whatever it's called with some parameters on a -hda or -drive img? [18:42] Anyone know of a good networking-troubleshooting channel? [19:27] anyone with kvm installation experience here? [19:53] right now i have one putty client running and it is connect through ssh to my home server. i have a tunnel created through that on port **. how can i open up another putty client and have it connect through that existing tunnel [20:04] anyone else notice there seems to be a ridiculous amount of kernel updates lately? [20:15] can I translate the setup for ppp0 that works well in NetworkManager into the required scripts for pppd ? I have a working mobile broadband (WAP) in NM but last time I sucessfully used pppd was with dial-up === DrNick__ is now known as DrNick_ [21:00] rnigam: still having problems? [21:03] How can i take a picture with my webcam? [21:03] using terminal [21:09] ASCII art image from a webcam, that'd be interesting [21:09] yeah it would be sweet [21:12] http://ascii.dyne.org/ [21:12] "HasciiCam makes it possible to have live ascii video on the web. It captures video from a tv card and renders it into ascii letters, formatting the output into an html page with a refresh tag, or in a live ascii window, or in a simple text file." [21:14] neat, kinna pointless tho lol [21:17] what is video4linux [21:20] video interface [21:20] you can get webcam signal from video4linux [21:24] I just want to try and record some video from it and then save it somewhere. [21:25] All the programs I've tried have failed [21:42] is it possible to add locations to index with locate/updatedb? [21:42] chrislabeard, record some video is a little vague, the mythtv project has heaps of recording stuff - if its analogue video in, you may need a capture card ... [21:43] fluvvell: the streamer program seems to work pretty good [21:45] chrislabeard: yes - good cmdline option. Of course most ppl looking for video have a gui to check it out, but if its straight record to file thats a good option. [21:45] k === Visig0th is now known as Visigoth === ideopathic_ is now known as ideopathic === Kiall_ is now known as Kiall === iulian_ is now known as iulian [22:05] how can I create a filename and append the date on it [22:05] do I have to run a script === fisted_ is now known as fisted [22:28] How do I get the php error to display on the page it's occuring at rather than having to go into the apache log to see it? [22:29] NicholasRoge: http://php.net/manual/en/function.error-reporting.php [22:29] NicholasRoge: just set error reporting to E_ALL in the script you are debugging. [22:30] Okay, thanks. :3 [22:32] It just keeps throwing a server error when the php has a problem [22:34] iirc display errors = yes in php.ini will do a lot [22:34] Okay [22:34] I'll check that out [22:34] should be about the same thing, but doing it in php.ini will be a global setting. [22:35] NicholasRoge: also make sure to restart apache when you change your php.ini [22:35] Right [22:39] hey guys, I'm running into a dpkg issue on my lucid install. Whenever I try to upgrade or install a new package, I get a dpkg post-install error, with return code 10. [22:40] I've traced the post install script, and I can get it running if I turn off the non-interactive mode (-e), but I'm not sure why that is. Plus it's not a good workaround since I'd need to do it for every package I install/upgrade [22:40] Nope, that still didn't work. [22:40] Still throwing a 500 error whenever I try to view the file. [22:41] I've also traced it with the -x option, and it always seems to break right around when dpkg executes ucf (update configuration files) [22:51] ah. I figured it out. The /var/lib/dpkg/info directory had a corrupted ucf template. I just backed up the directory and then deleted everything. It's all working now. === AdamDV is now known as Guest50584 [23:16] New bug: #730336 in samba (main) "[NOT A BUG] Include a dependency in SAMBA package" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/730336 [23:21] New bug: #730337 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.7.0-1 failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/730337 === Amgine is now known as Amgine_ === Amgine_ is now known as Amgine