
histo!coc | base300:00
ubottubase3: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .00:00
schnufflebase3: wrong place to ask, only official support00:00
ipwnagei don't know im have to go00:00
Aikarcan someone please give me a command line to reset my window manager back to metacity?00:00
jerry__> hey guys, have a really annoying bug involving ubuntu 10.10, firefox, and YouTube videos.00:00
histoAikar: metacity --replace00:00
Sevenseeker__bazhang: did you catch my pastebin?00:00
Aikarhisto: no i mean the gconf setting00:00
battlehandsjerry_, try explaining the bug.00:00
Aikari cant get into an X environemtn to even open a window00:00
Connor_Bipwnage: ok bye hope you figure it out00:01
Aikari login and get a black screen with only pidgin window00:01
histoAikar: where'd you change the setting before?00:01
OmegaAikar: Select it at the login screen.00:01
histoAikar: down below your user name and pass you should be able to select a failsafe session00:01
Aikari tried that00:01
Aikarstill black00:01
base3histo: thanks, i don't think i'm going to either sign that or adhere to it00:02
jerry_Thanks Battlehands. OK. I seem to have one very specific problem with Flash. When I try to watch videos on YouTube.com,I get a white box (no video), but I hear the sound. Then I usually get a Flash plugin error/crash. However, when I watch EMbedded YouTube videos, they play fine! Also, flash seems to work fine on other websites.Any advice...I've researched this for hours and am not having much luck.00:02
histoAikar: it's ~/.gconf/desktop/gnome/session/required_components/%gconf.xml00:02
histoAikar: take a look there for the strignvalue for the window manager00:03
Niglophow can I check the form factor of my motherboard?00:03
histoNiglop: open the case00:03
Niglophisto» and then what00:03
histoNiglop: look at the power plug and size of the board. what exactly are you trying to do?00:04
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash00:04
Niglophisto» i'm going to buy a new case i want to make sure my mobo is the right size to fit properly00:04
svm_invi1tvsI'm having a bit of problems00:04
Aikarhisto: thank you that did the trick00:04
svm_invi1tvsTrying to get the ISO from the site onto a USB drive.00:04
histoAikar: np00:04
svm_invi1tvsI'm using dd if=fo.iso of=/dev/disk100:04
svm_invi1tvsIs there something else I should be doing?00:05
histoNiglop: well you'd have to see if you have an itx or micro or mini itx case00:05
Aikarsome guide said sudo apt-get install gnome-shell was all that was needed....00:05
Aikarfigured id try it out see what its like00:05
base3also histo, i don't feel i violated any thing on that code of conduct by politely asking the legitimate question that i asked00:05
Aikarbut got no shell at all :(00:05
Niglophisto» how can i check00:05
Niglopis there a reference i can compare to?00:05
histobase3: you're asking about pirated software00:05
edbianNiglop, a case that is too big will fit any motherboard smaller00:05
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histoNiglop: i'm sure you can find a chart online.00:05
base3histo: that code doesn't say anything about pirated software00:05
schnuffleNiglop: http://pastebin.com/eQ397Y1V for the size of the different types00:06
histoNiglop: http://www.google.com/#hl=en&sugexp=ldymls&xhr=t&q=motherboard+form+factors&cp=15&qe=bW90aGVyYm9hcmQgZm9y&qesig=PwDxVKeIAZaCRAh3nREqwA&pkc=AFgZ2tlMJSXgW7K95G3ukO-2wHCEqCmbjQenAbF9SfxVxEKQFRd1dtjN7Ot2IWXi0zGmls2YOnbtxh9eraCWZsv-TG8GVc-dsw&pf=p&sclient=psy&aq=0&aqi=&aql=&oq=motherboard+for&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.&fp=369c8973645261b800:06
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Niglopschnuffle» is that in mm?00:06
histobase3: it's not acceptable here I don't know how else to put it00:06
base3histo: Nobody knows everything, and nobody is expected to be perfect in the Ubuntu community. Asking questions avoids many problems down the road, and so questions are encouraged. Those who are asked questions should be responsive and helpful. [emphasis mine]00:06
OmegaAikar: That is correct, it's best if you wait for a PPA.00:07
histo!piracy | base300:07
ubottubase3: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o00:07
base3histo: "We may not always agree, but disagreement is no excuse for poor behaviour and poor manners."00:07
Aikarwhats suppose to happen when you do gnome-shell --replace, my windows seem to go hidden and thats about it lol00:07
histobase3: please see the above from ubottu00:07
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Aikarwhere do you select a shell at login?00:09
Pilif12pnobody here knows anything about gparted?00:09
battlehandsPilif12p, what are you doing?00:09
schnuffleAikar: Try Ctrl+Alt+F100:09
histoAikar: you select a session at login00:10
Aikarschnuffle: i meant desktp shell00:10
Pilif12pbattlehands: I'm trying to resize a partition. I have details somewhere up in the scrollback00:10
histoAikar: should be at the bottom of gdm00:10
edbianPilif12p, What is your question about gparted?00:10
Aikari saw "User Session"00:10
Aikarbut no list of shells00:10
histoAikar: yeah00:10
histoAikar: what do you want to do?00:10
Aikartry out unity w/o defaulting it00:11
Pilif12ped1703: it won't let me resize a partition. It's not mounted.00:11
keith27i believe my system is compromised.  on a daily basis firestarter shows mysterious connections on randoms ports.  they appear to be to and from localhost (me).  on a port such as 56616 but it is always different.  i am running wireshark but i can't see any traffic for this.  someone please help i need to know why this keeps happening.00:11
Aikargnome-shell and unity both said to select it at GDM00:11
battlehandsPilif12p, I dont see them.  Press the up arrow to scroll through previously posted texts.00:11
Aikarbut i saw no option00:11
Pilif12pbattlehands: http://pastehtml.com/view/1dicvx2.html00:11
edbianPilif12p, Does it have an orange triangle next to it?00:11
histo!unity | Aikar00:11
edbianPilif12p, Is it in an extended partition with another partition that is mounted?00:11
ubottuAikar: Unity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/31/unity-some-further-clarification-points/ for more information. Have a question, check http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity00:11
naryfaanybody uses moc - music on console?00:12
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Pilif12pedbian: Nope, and nope00:12
histo!anybody | naryfa00:12
ubottunaryfa: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.00:12
Aikari know that, i wanna try it, how can i try it? i just installed it00:12
histoAikar: I don't use it perhaps someone else here does00:12
edbianPilif12p, What kind of partition?  Can you screenshot the app?  I assume the resize / move is greyed out00:13
battlehandsPilif12p, these errors are beyond me.  Im still getting familiar with the basics of GParted.  Sorry..00:13
Pilif12pedbian: no, it's not. I get an error (I linked to details twice in the past 2 minutes). It's ntfs, i believe00:13
battlehandsDoes anyone know how I can include my new host name when in /etc/hosts ?00:14
naryfaok, moc config file has FastDir options, I'm trying to set a folder name with a space but it doesn't seem to read it, I'm escaping the space but it doesn't see the dir,00:14
edbianPilif12p, I'm reading the errors right now.  Unfortunately they're rather vague00:14
edbianbattlehands, use the hostname command to change it immediately.  Otherwise it will be set to whatever is in the file at boot time00:14
histonaryfa: with \ ?00:14
bastidrazorbattlehands: add it to the line after localhost newhostname00:15
naryfahisto: you see???? that's why I asked if anybody uses moc00:15
kn100Why isn't windows 7 listed in the grub boot menu after a ubuntu update and how can I fix this/00:15
histobattlehands:   end of that line00:15
edbianPilif12p, Look at the very end of your post.  Have you tried booting and shutting down proper in windows?00:15
histonaryfa: I use it00:15
Dottedhow do you create a new user on ubuntu 10.10 with a blank password? all my attempts using passwd, editing /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow has "su" still asking for a password even if its blank00:15
keith27on a daily basis firestarter shows mysterious connections on randoms ports.  they appear to be to and from localhost (me).  on a port such as 56616 but it is always different.  i am running wireshark but i can't see any traffic for this.  someone please help i need to know why this keeps happening.00:16
naryfahisto: have you ever set up fastdirs in config?00:16
Pilif12phttp://ubuntuone.com/p/gHd/ is the screenshot00:16
histonaryfa: no but i'd imagine you'd escape the space with \00:16
naryfahisto: if yes, have you set up a dir with a space in its name?00:16
Pilif12pno, i haven't tried that yet... not since i chkdsk'd it, at least00:16
naryfahisto: that's what I do, it doesn't work00:16
Pilif12pi'll do that00:16
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edbianPilif12p, It says there was an unclean shutdown.  Your partition btw are a mess00:16
CrystalLinuxHi, what is the Arcg00:17
Aikarhisto: well figured out i had to select ubuntu netbook edition for unity, but it didnt work it just flashed screen all weird and didnt show anything but background and pidgin00:17
CrystalLinuxHi, what is the Archive manager?00:17
edbianCrystalLinux, It opens things like .zip and .tar.gz00:17
histoCrystalLinux: part of nautilus00:17
edbianhisto, Is it really?  I thought it was a separate app (named file-roller)00:18
keith27how come my problem which is potentially a huge security flaw in ubuntu never gets answered00:18
homewacom tablet making me dumn dumn00:18
edbiankeith27, What's the problem?00:18
homeits not detecting the damn tablet..00:18
kn100Why isn't windows 7 listed in the grub boot menu after a ubuntu update and how can I fix this/00:18
histoedbian: thought it was part of nautilus maybe not. Haven't used gnome in ages00:18
keith27on a daily basis firestarter shows mysterious connections on randoms ports.  they appear to be to and from localhost (me).  on a port such as 56616 but it is always different.  i am running wireshark but i can't see any traffic for this.  someone please help i need to know why this keeps happening.00:18
CrystalLinuxWhen I download .tar.gz's the program doesn't work.00:18
keith27this never use to happen until recently but now it happens all the time00:19
histokn100: did it maybe get pushed down. On the screen due to so many kernels?00:19
kn100histo, nah, not enough to cause the screen to scroll00:19
CrystalLinuxWhen I download .tar.gz's the program doesn't work in archive manager, any help?00:19
kn100histo, the partition is still there00:19
histokn100: yeah it maybe just lost it from the config00:19
kn100CrystalLinux, go into software center, search for 7z00:19
histo!grub2 | kn10000:19
ubottukn100: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub200:19
edbiankeith27, I'll research a bit.  Since it is to and from localhost it's your computer talking to itself (not a security flaw)00:19
keith27CrystalLinux: any .tar.gz or just one in particular?00:20
CrystalLinuxFirefox 4 beta 12.00:20
homeanyone here using a wacom tablet?00:20
edbiankeith27, That is a non-standard port which is a bad sing.00:21
mickster04!details | home00:21
ubottuhome: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:21
keith27edbian: before this use to happen i use to get connections on strange ports to other ip's, just recently they always show as localhost.  im worried that firestarter is showing localhost when in fact it could be something else.  maybe firestarter itself is compromised?00:21
keith27is that possible?00:21
lrsHi, Ubuntu 10.10 didnt work on my new laptop without using acpi=off. How can i fix acpi?00:22
edbiankeith27, That would be very surprising as it would be an extremely elaborate attack00:22
homemickster04,  My tablet is not installing, even though I followed all the instructions.. no error messages either00:22
edbiankeith27, Although it is possible if you've been installing and running random software00:22
daftykinslrs: is it an old IBM?00:22
edbiankeith27, Like outside of the repos00:22
keith27but if the attacker knew i constantly monitor firestarter wouldn't it make sense ?00:22
mickster04home: it's a tablet, not a rpgoram? how do you mean install?00:23
lrsdaftykins: no, a new Toshiba, 10.04 works with acpi and all00:23
CrystalLinuxWhen I download .tar.gz's, then what do I do in archive manager?00:23
edbiankeith27, Take a look at netstat -ao00:23
homemickster04,  following the instructions here  at b) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=151556200:23
edbiankeith27, Umm, yeah.  It would probably take them at least months to put together such an elaborate attack.00:24
daftykinslrs: hmm, checked for any BIOS updates? if you boot a livecd/flash drive of 10.10 you could disable the splash logo to see where the kernel might 'freeze' at00:24
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keith27i've had some shady irc friends who know my ip and some personal info for over a year00:24
CrystalLinuxWhen I download .tar.bz2's, then what do I do in archive manager?00:24
lrsdaftykins: the BIOS is the latest, how can i disable the splash logo to see where it freezes?00:25
keith27CrystalLinux: i believe you should be able to right click and extract it00:25
histokeith27: I think you're being to paranoid00:25
sky_靠 有人会中文吗00:25
rww!cn | sky_00:25
ubottusky_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk00:25
daftykinslrs: usually you remove "quiet" and "splash" items from a boot parameter, by choosing a 'custom' boot option off the menu, i'm afraid i've not used 10.10 though so it might be worth a google if nobody here has an obvious answer00:26
keith27histo: of course i am but so far there is no explanation for the problem i am experiencing other than a potential elaborate attack00:26
edbiankeith27, hahaha, ok00:26
bastidrazorlrs: /etc/default/grub take out splash in#GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"00:26
edbiankeith27, can you pastebin netstat -ao for me?00:26
bastidrazorlrs: then sudo update-grub00:26
IsrafelFrom the command line, how do I change the audio outputs? I'm trying to make an alarm clock using cron.00:27
keith27edbian: its longer than the terminal shows00:27
CrystalLinuxThis comesupwhen extracting.00:27
sam__I accedentally uninstalled my synaptic package manager now my pc wont boot.00:27
CrystalLinuxtar: Record size = 8 blocks00:27
CrystalLinuxtar: firefox/firefox: Cannot open: File exists00:27
CrystalLinuxtar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors00:27
FloodBot2CrystalLinux: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:27
edbiankeith27, I think maybe there is some program that we don't understand using localhost for app - app communication (that is a thing).  That or there is a packet generator doing random nonsence00:27
Pilif12pedbian: I know, but I have no idea what most of them are fore00:27
edbiankeith27, You can set the scroll back in edit -> profile preferences00:27
lrsdafttykins: Ill try that on the machine, and see where it freezes, give me a couple of minutes00:27
edbianPilif12p, Are you talking about the partitions?00:27
Pilif12pI have windows, Ubuntu, OneKey recovery, and the rest are a mystery00:27
edbianPilif12p, :)  Well you do NOT need 2 swaps :)00:28
[segfault]keith27: You could always remove the system from the lan for a short period and see if those messages continue.00:28
lrsbastidrazor: Ill try that right now to see where it freezes, ill be back in some minutes00:28
Pilif12pedbian: I'm looking for a new hard drive, but I don't know that I *need* one00:28
edbian[segfault], keith27 It if was a malicious program why would it need to be connected the network to work?00:29
edbianPilif12p, You do not.  The one you have is mostly empty00:29
homeguess this tablet wont work on ubnuntu <.<00:29
Pilif12pyeah, it is00:29
edbianPilif12p, You should delete one of the swaps (one is bigger than the other) and the unallocated space is a waste.00:30
[segfault][segfault]: what's the point of the malware if the writer gains no data/root/etc from it?  most malware are keyloggers/zombies/spambots, so, it's just worth looking at, that's all I'm saying.00:30
dejan_do you know free web service for nyse00:30
Pilif12pedbian: What is swap for?00:31
edbian[segfault], That doesn't mean they won't run when disconnected.  It just means they won't be able to phone home.  They'd still try to.00:31
edbianPilif12p, Swap is used when RAM is filled up (simplified explanation) or for hibernation00:31
Pilif12poh, heh00:31
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Pilif12pi never use hibernate, it takes a whole 20 seconds to boot up, and i rarely use over 2 GB of ram (I have 3)00:32
edbianPilif12p, yep.  Nothing is stored on there permanently00:32
lrsdaftykins: The last line is: NET: Registered protocol family 100:32
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edbianPilif12p, I have 1Gb of ram and I never dip into swap.00:32
lrsbastidrazor: The last line is: NET: Registered protocol family 100:32
Pilif12pSo i can delete the 2 GB one safely, probably?00:32
[segfault]edbian: talking to myself again, lol.  true, but won't that show up on a netstat -- successful connections vs unsuccessful?  I'm no expert, just trying to think of ways to test.  like you mentioned, if it is app to app communication, it will continue successfully without lan connection.  malware might see failed/timeouts.00:32
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daftykinslrs: hmm sounds like just a networking related line, can you take a picture?00:33
lrsdaftykins: how?00:34
lrsdaftykins: give me a minute00:34
edbian[segfault], You'd see the attempt in netstat I believe.  Not really sure.  I guess it depends on how the app works00:34
homegoing to try to make from the git00:36
homehopefully it wil lwork then00:37
homeI am following al lthe instructions, yet it still does not work >00:37
dagniwhy is ubuntu 32bit recommended over 64bit ?00:37
dagnianyone ?00:37
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DasEidagni: former times, mainly00:38
rwwdagni: because Ubuntu 32-bit works on almost all consumer computers, and Ubuntu 64-bit does not.00:38
bastidrazori figured it was more poor wording than anything? or people not knowing what arch they had and then would complain it is borked00:39
dagnibut does 64bit lack of some software that 32bit ubuntu have ?00:39
Pilif12pdagni: You need a 64 bit processor to run 64 bit Ubuntu00:39
dagniPilif12p: i have 64bit core i300:39
Pilif12pSo use 64 bit00:39
Pilif12pWith 64 bit you can have up to.. 48 GB of ram?00:39
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dagnibut is that "32 bit recommended" pharse that made me installed 32bit..00:39
[segfault]dagni: you may exhibit issues with some 32-bit apps as well, though, unless you install 32-bit libs00:39
rwwYou know what a bit is. Congratulations, you're not the target audience for that phrase.00:40
Wiesshundfor 64 bit you need 64bit cpu and should have 4gb ram, though it will run with less.00:40
dagni[segfault]: installing 32bit libs will allow me to run 32bit apps i guess ? but how about perfomance ? will it run with same speed ?00:40
DasEidagni: in short 64 bit has more adressspace, and yes, some (rare) soft can be fuzzy on 32,.. like you can.. what are your needs ?00:40
lrsdaftykins: How do i send you the picture?00:40
dagnii want my OS to be faster, i heard that it will work faster on 64bit cpu if i install 64bit system00:41
rwwUbuntu 64-bit has the same RAM requirements as Ubuntu 32-bit.00:41
[segfault]dagni: if I was the old man from scene 24, I would go flying off the bridge right now.  "Huh? I dunno that!"00:41
rwwdagni: Not noticibly for most applications, it won't.00:41
rwwIf you're doing video rendering or something, sure.00:41
dagnigames ? :)00:41
Wiesshunddagni that depends entirely on what you do, many things you dont see any speed increase on 64 vs 3200:41
rwwdagni: nope00:41
dagnieh ;/00:41
bastidrazordagni: for compiling or video conversion.. stuff like that you'llnotice a small difference00:42
dagnihow about video and audio encoding ?00:42
daftykinslrs: use a free upload service like www.imageshack.us, tinypic.com, imgur.com00:42
rwwdagni: depends on the encoder. possibly.00:42
daftykinslrs: i'm not very likely to be skilled enough in knowing how to solve it though, so you might have better luck on the forums00:42
* rww doesn't do encoding, uses 64-bit for distributed computing00:42
Aloneaok, just tried this distro again and I so far have only one issue. my built in mic on my EEEPC nor my logitech usb headset will work00:42
Aloneait worked fine on other distros00:42
[segfault]dagni: seriously, though.  if you already have the 32-bit version installed, I wouldn't worry much about it unless you have specific need of certain 64-bit apps.00:43
Yan_Nickhey guys, i've a usb stick, but it is read-only, how can i put data on that stick?00:43
WiesshundI had both 64 and 32 bit ubuntu on this machine, i didnt see much difference except that i coulda used more ram for the 64 bit00:43
nozendosecond that seg. unless you explicitly need x64 for an application or supporting large memory installs, don't worry about it.00:43
WiesshundYan_Nick flip the write lock tab open00:44
dagni[segfault]: alright00:44
battlehandsDoes anyone know how to include the new name in the /etc/hosts file?00:44
lrsdaftykins: Here it is: http://img268.imageshack.us/i/img0843wo.jpg/00:44
zoelhello, i'm form indonesia00:45
visual1ceanybody know what the maverick repository is for google? in particular chrome00:45
visual1cehi zoel00:45
svm_invictvson the ubuntu main page where you download?00:45
nozendoWould anyone have any leads on a sleep resume hangup on a dell m101z running ubuntu 10.10?00:45
Yan_NickWiesshund: on the stick?00:45
pcpowervisual1ce: apt-get install chromium-browser00:45
nozendoIt consistently bricks the laptop when it comes out of sleep00:45
svm_invictvsWhy do you have to convert the image from iso to dmg?00:45
pcpowerAlonea: my logitech usb headset works perfectly in ubuntu 10.1000:45
DasEibattlehands: what the new hostname ? if you set your hostname, it will be found there.00:45
lrsdaftykins: dont worry if you dont know the answer, ill try the forums, and thank you very much for trying to help00:46
visual1cenot interested in chromium - i'd like google chrome stable00:46
CrystalLinuxOK, I've successfully extracted the .tar.gz in archive manager, now what??00:46
gulliblehi all00:46
DasEibattlehands: is*00:46
camoyIs there a way to configure make so that it will compile C using gcc with the necessary library flags?00:46
Yan_NickWiesshund: there isnt a write lock00:47
CrystalLinuxOK, I've successfully extracted the .tar.bz2 in archive manager, now what??00:47
pcpowervisual1ce: http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/google_chrome?dist=stable00:47
WiesshundYan_Nick hmm, usb sticks dont generaly write lock themselves unless they have a lock tab00:47
daftykinslrs: my pleasure, good luck!00:48
zoelanybody know how to make iso backup of my partition? i have ubuntu installed and want to make a backup, so if something bad happen, i just restore my ubuntu from that backup. i already try it with remastersys, but remastersys only support iso less then 3GB, my ubuntu is about 30BG cause it's a lot of application00:48
WiesshundYan_Nick what makes you believe it is read only?00:48
Yan_NickWiesshund: sudo fdisk -l told me00:48
DasEibattlehands: what are you trying ?00:48
Yan_NickWiesshund: if i just take the sd card all things re workiing00:48
Yan_NickWiesshund: but if the sd card is in the camera and i connect the camera via usb to my computer it doesn't work00:49
battlehandsDasEi, I want to rename my computer00:49
mylistoHey everyone00:49
mylistoFor some reason flash just started crashing all of a sudden on firefox for me....00:49
WiesshundYan_Nick can you read the files on it, and like edit them delete them etc? i cant see any way to tag a USB stick as read only other than the little switch00:49
battlehandsDasEi, it is currently "battlehands-dkt," and I want to name it "battlehands desk"00:49
CrystalLinuxOK, I've successfully extracted the .tar.bz2 in archive manager, now what???00:49
DasEibattlehands: sudo hostname battlehands (or whatever)00:49
Yan_NickWiesshund: i can00:49
alpha_omegahello! someone can help me with Geographic Operators in SQL??00:49
WiesshundYan_Nick SD ram or USB jump drive?00:49
Yan_Nickcannot delete sth.00:49
battlehandsDasEi, can there be a space in between?00:49
Yan_NickWiesshund: the sd card is in the camera. you can connect the camera via usb00:50
battlehandsDasEi, battlehands desk?00:50
DasEibattlehands: in the hostname ?00:50
battlehandsDasEi, yes00:50
zoelbattlehands, use ubuntu tweak if you want to make it from GUI00:50
ehidlehi all00:50
battlehandszoel, I was using gedit.  That seems to be popular around here.00:50
[segfault]!language | CrystalLinux00:50
ubottuCrystalLinux: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:50
WiesshundYan_Nick are you reading the SD card directly in the PC or via the camera? and all SD ram does have a write lock tab on it, if yours doesnt it must have broken off00:50
daftykinsCrystalLinux: that is not appropriate language for here.00:50
ehidleis this a good place to ask a question about samba issues in server 10.10?00:51
CrystalLinuxI'll say it for a fourth time, see if anyone reckonises.00:51
CrystalLinuxOK, I've successfully extracted the .tar.bz2 in archive manager, now what???00:51
nozendoif anyone gets a chance - where do i start looking logfile wise to diagnose suspend / resume issues? Think its a service or usb device hanging the machine00:51
DasEi!compile | CrystalLinux00:51
ubottuCrystalLinux: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)00:51
daftykinsehidle: yes ask away in as much detail as you can provide on one line00:51
daftykinsCrystalLinux: what are you trying to install? also, hold back on that attitude00:51
FoppHi everyone, ever since Amazon recently released an update to the Kindle, my device has refused to mount properly in ubuntu. I am unable to edit/add files to the device, so I tried examining the permissions, but i am not able to edit them. Please help get around this. Thanks!00:51
* Wiesshund hands CrystalLinux a valium00:52
bastidrazorCrystalLinux: read the README or INSTALL file or follow the directions on the site you downlaoded the file from.00:52
* Alonea Wiesshund is a good person00:52
ehidledaftykins: Ok. I have a new server 10.10 install and none of the machines on my network can see it for windows browsing. I get some errors like "transport endpoint not connected" in the smbd log,.. and errors connecting in windows...00:52
battlehandsDasEi, when I run that terminal command I get a list of program options.  Which one is right for me?00:52
WiesshundYan_Nick you still there?00:52
DasEibattlehands: good question, idk, could complicate things, like \\ and such, worth a try00:52
Yan_NickWiesshund: ŷeah00:52
ehidledaftykins: fwiw, it's in a VM in ESXi, although I doubt that has anything to do with it00:52
WiesshundYan_Nick did you see last reply to you?00:52
Yan_NickWiesshund: no00:53
WiesshundYan_Nick are you reading the SD card directly in the PC or via the camera? and all SD ram does have a write lock tab on it, if yours doesnt it must have broken off00:53
Yan_NickWiesshund: ah thx00:53
CrystalLinuxI'll say it for a fifth time... :|00:53
zoelhelloo.. how to make a iso backup from my ubuntu ?00:53
CrystalLinuxOK, I've successfully extracted the .tar.bz2 in archive manager, now what???00:53
bastidrazorCrystalLinux: now you're just ignoring all the replies.00:53
visual1cethx pcpower - deb http://dl.google.com/linux/deb main stable works00:53
Yan_NickWiesshund: if i put the sd card directly in my card reader it works00:54
CrystalLinuxNo, I'm not.00:54
Yan_NickWiesshund: but via camera – no00:54
CrystalLinuxI haven't got any.00:54
CrystalLinuxI just need 1 simple answer.00:54
bastidrazorCrystalLinux: 3 people responded.00:54
WiesshundCrystalLinux people answered you quite a bit, if you want a hand holding session perhaps you should pay a coder to help you00:54
WiesshundYan_Nick that could be that ubuntu is not able to 100% manupulate the cameras internal functions, just read the card directly, saves battery life anyways00:55
CrystalLinuxI'm download Firefox 4 beta, extracted it in archive manager, now what?00:55
itaylor57CrystalLinux: usa a ppa methinks00:55
alpha_omegahello! someone can help me with Geographic Operators in SQL??00:55
CrystalLinuxWhat's a ppa?00:55
bastidrazorCrystalLinux: you're not going to scroll back to see the answers you were given? just going to plaster your whining response again.. nice.00:56
battlehandsDasEi, Im not sure which of these I need to change... Its giving me several options: short host names, alias names, ect.. Not sure which is the one I need.00:56
ehidleCrystalLinux: there should be an install script or something ni the extracted files.. install.sh or perhaps an INSTALL text file with instructions00:56
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lrsCrystalLinux: Make it an executable file, then dobleclick on it00:56
nozendohey CrystalLinux00:56
CrystalLinuxHow do I make it an executable file?00:56
daftykinsehidle: do the windows computers have a recent version of windows live essentials installed?00:57
nozendodont bother messing about with the tar distro00:57
Wiesshundomg? and he wants to compile?00:57
nozendojust head there and follow the instructions00:57
itaylor57CrystalLinux: https://launchpad.net/firefox url to firefox ppas00:57
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nozendothat'll get you the beta without having to muck about with this stuff00:57
ehidledaftykins: all the windows boxes have auto-updates turned on, but I don't know if that's an adequate answer to your question00:57
itaylor57nozendo: thanks00:57
lrsCrystalLinux: First check the file permissions with "ls -l"00:58
Yan_NickWiesshund: ?00:58
lrsCrystalLinux: Then make it executable with chmod00:58
nozendoitaylor57, no worries. CrystalLinux, when you want to install stuff have a look around for .deb files or PPA's to add to apt00:58
nozendoit will save you a lot of pain if they exist00:59
FoppHi everyone, ever since Amazon recently released an update to the Kindle, my device has refused to mount properly in ubuntu. I am unable to edit/add files to the device, so I tried examining the permissions, but i am not able to edit them. Please help get around this. Thanks!00:59
ehidledaftykins: it's honestly news to me that windows live essentials has anything to do with smb browsing :)00:59
keith27Fopp: try as root00:59
CrystalLinux"aptsources.distro.NoDistroTemplateException: Error: could not find a distribution template00:59
Foppwill do, keith2700:59
daftykinsehidle: yeah, it added an extra layer to provide some single sign on service (SSO) to windows which broke SMB for Ubuntu, there's a patch out though. whether it's released for 10.10 i don't know00:59
daftykinswell, broke SMB for Linux distributions in general01:00
daftykinsehidle: can you ping between hosts fine?01:00
ehidledaftykins: yeah all the network functions seem to work fine. Browsing still works fine to my 9.10 server as well, so I am installing a new VM with that right now to see if that works01:01
Yan_NickWiesshund: what's up?01:01
CrystalLinuxI'm ready to ditch ubuntu, its given me so much trouble.01:01
nozendoCrystalLinux, which command did that to you?01:01
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CrystalLinuxThe ppa one.01:01
bastidrazorCrystalLinux: you're ability to read should be giving you more trouble.01:01
daftykinsCrystalLinux: if your approach to help has been shouting at people in here, i can see why ;)01:01
nozendocrystal, try these in order, I got it to work under 10.1001:01
nozendosudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa01:01
[segfault]CrystalLinux: There can be a steep learning curve, but if you stick with it, it has many benefits.01:01
keith27CrystalLinux: ubuntu is the easiest linux :P01:02
nozendosudo apt-get update01:02
nozendosudo apt-get install firefox-4.001:02
rodinI just reinstalled GRUB2 to the MBR of a flash drive that I had full Ubuntu 10.4 installed to. However, during init it gives me a segfault in ld-2.11.1.so. ANy way to fix this?01:02
daftykinsehidle: oh wait i'm being extremely stupid. it might only break an ubuntu/Linux system browsing *to* a windows 7 system when live essentials is on, not the other way around - sorry (though i'm not sure)01:03
DasEirodin: not certain about that error, first I'd try a grub disk, to see if it's just the grub install01:03
firsttimecallerhey, can someone tell me if Lucid Lynx has disk encryption capabilities by default, or do i have to install something?01:03
ehidledaftykins: no worries... that makes a bit more sense hehe... I googled all over the place and lots of people are having a similar issue to the one I am having01:03
CrystalLinuxDidn't work - "E: Couldn't find package firefox-4.0"01:03
ehidledaftykins: I don't mind running 9.10, but I am curious as to what this thing is01:04
DasEifirsttimecaller: like what ? whole dis, files, partitons ?01:04
nozendoCrystalLinux, ok, weird. once the PPA is in the package should be open to you01:04
CrystalLinuxStrange, it isn't.01:05
IanWizardfirsttimecaller: what number was that?01:05
daftykinsehidle: i stick to LTS releases for servers running samba01:05
firsttimecalleri want to have my entire HD encrypted so if i ever lose my laptop no one can boot it up01:05
nozendoso the second time you ran the apt-add command it went ok?01:05
visual1cestrange issue: in software manager i click on more infor on adobe flash plugin 10. it says: "available from maverick-partner source" and I click on "use this source" - but it doesn't do anything...01:05
visual1cei have noticed that software center does take some time to reflect updated sources...01:06
visual1cemaybe that's what it is01:06
nozendovisual1ce: are you on x64 linux?01:06
firsttimecallerIanWizard, i'm using 10.0401:06
nozendoif theres a 32 bit package listed and you try to intsall it, it fails silently01:06
nozendomost of the adobe stuff is x32 but not correctly flagged01:06
nozendoso it will start, stop01:06
visual1cei c01:06
firsttimecallerDasEi -- i want to have my entire HD encrypted so if i ever lose my laptop no one can boot it up01:06
Fopphello again, Sadly, root did nothing to change the situation. I am still forbidden from changing the permissions on my kindle. This has been the case since the recent update.01:06
nozendoyou can get flash from the adobe site IIRC and install it01:07
IanWizardfirsttimecaller: then yes, home dir encryption is an option by default.01:07
visual1cebut im not clicking on install - all im clicking on is "use this source"...01:07
nozendoah, yeah01:07
IanWizardfirsttimecaller: full disk requires using the alternate install cd01:07
nozendothat fails too lol01:07
Gskelligfirsttimecaller you dont need your entire HD if all youre worried about is people booting it up01:07
nozendoi had the same thing.01:07
visual1ceoh i c01:07
ehidledaftykins: probably a fine move... my 9.10 VM has been flawless, and honestly if I had the $$ for the pro VMWare tools, I'd just Vmotion it over to the new hardware, but alas I'm not into spending $KKK on software for playing at home :)01:07
DasEifirsttimecaller: there is a way for the main achivement of that, given by the alternate installer..01:07
firsttimecallerso how do i go about doing home dir encryption?01:07
nozendovisual1ce, the most stable flash ive found on 10.10 x64 is the default install from the software center01:08
nozendoin the main sources01:08
nozendothe rest all crash fairly consistently01:08
IanWizardfirsttimecaller: I've only done it durring install, but it uses ecrypt and ecryptfs.  IDK how to set those up after the fact though.01:08
DasEifirsttimecaller: but there always is some data from bios (first breach, think of tcmp..)01:08
firsttimecallerall -- i mostly want to make sure no one can boot up my laptop or read sensitive files in the event the laptop is lost, is home dir encryption good enough for those objectives?01:08
daftykinsehidle: you'd have to have the $$ for a second host to move it over to first though? :>01:08
mickster04hey, is bluray movie playing been updated yet?01:08
itaylor57nozendo: I agree01:09
nozendosome of the open source flash alternatives are great for standard browsing but break on the newer things like video streaming etc.01:09
firsttimecalleri'm guessing home dir encryption will suit my needs01:09
ehidledaftykins: that's what I'm doing tonight... pieced together a new host...01:09
DasEifirsttimecaller: as in terms of self-stored data, it is, as in terms of privacy, not01:09
IanWizardfirsttimecaller: if that's where you keep all of your sensitive data.01:09
Fopphello again, Sadly, root did nothing to change the situation. I am still forbidden from changing the permissions on my kindle. This has been the case since the recent update. Keith27 thank you for the help though.01:09
daftykinsehidle: ah neat, what spec?01:10
IanWizardfirsttimecaller: also look at truecrypt (use google)01:10
visual1cethanks nozendo01:10
firsttimecallercan someone help me get started with home dir encryption?01:10
keith27Fopp: i am no expert, please provide as much info as possible for others01:10
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daftykinsehidle: i've just got the college i work at signed up to vmware's education program, so we can run free ESX, though i've just got to convince the IT support fools to let us get rid of the abomination that is Hyper-V and server200801:10
ehidledaftykins: the wife gave me permission to buy some new hardware.. this one's a Gigabyte AM3 board with a 965, 16GB of RAM, 4x2TB hard disks, and a 64GB SSD for the Guest O/Ses01:10
mickster04!encryption > firsttimecaller01:11
ubottufirsttimecaller, please see my private message01:11
Wiesshundfirsttimecaller 1st rule. if you lose your laptop, regardless of encryption, if someone actualy wanted the info on it that bad, they would get it anyways. if your info is that sensitive, id recommend always saving it off to an external device01:11
ehidledaftykins: hea it moves01:11
visual1cehow do i find out version information about a package before i install it?01:11
DasEifirsttimecaller: and the most best security you are yourself, next views would be gpg and filesums01:11
Foppwell, the short story is my kindle's compatibility with linux has been utterly killed since the update. Whereas before it was totally compatible, now it cannot be written to at all.01:11
ehidledaftykins: the current host is an old MCP78 board with a 925 and 8GB... and 7x500GB drives, a 120GB SSD, and a bunch of notebook drives01:11
ubuntunoob100619I have a question about setting up a wireless card when someone has a sec.01:12
daftykins!ask | ubuntunoob10061901:12
ubottuubuntunoob100619: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:12
daftykinsehidle: what RAID controllers do you use to avoid the issues of hardware support?01:12
nozendovisual1ce, i think apt under the command line has a flag to dump version info, but don't have the time to look right now01:12
nozendolittle googling should turn it up01:12
daftykinsapt-cache showpkg <package>01:13
visual1cethx nozendo01:13
singlewhy fetion can not login in?01:13
daftykinsshows an available version #01:13
ehidledaftykins: I don't. I create a virtual disk on each hard drive, and let linux do the RAID01:13
dirty-harryhow to check the firmware version of an old dvdrom?01:13
Delta__hello. i've a little problem with tightvncserver on ubuntu  - I get with ultravncviewer a connection and can enter a password, but after that comes a error message - CAN ANYBODY HELP ME TO CHECK WHERE IS THE ERROR01:13
eic-scanneris there any way that I can make lkl log keys from the USB keyboard01:13
nozendobut if you're chasing adobe stuff, most of it doesnt work. flash is less stable than the ubuntu ppa one, and you have to hack air to be described as an x64 package for it to intsall01:13
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singlewhy fetion can not login in?01:13
firsttimecallerDasEi, i don't understand what you mean when you say "and the most best security you are yourself, next views would be gpg and filesums"01:14
daftykinsehidle: so you're still able to merge single disks into a single datastore?01:14
[segfault]Delta__: what error(s) are you getting?01:14
WiesshundDelta__ can you type the error message or pastebin it if it is long?01:14
ubuntunoob100619so, "sudo ifup wlan0" produces: "Ignoring unkown interface wlan0=wlan0."01:14
DasEifirsttimecaller:to confuse you too much , use alternate installer, use fulldiskencryption on lvm, secure bootloader, then think about /boot.. most secure would be use no computer01:14
siabot27how can i disable the keyring ?01:14
ehidledaftykins: Yea, I create a single datastore on each disk, and a single virtual disk in each datastore..01:15
mia158what was the suggestion for disk encryption?01:15
samuel___Hi I'm just starting with IRC01:15
ehidledaftykins: it is handy that way because I can trim a GB off of each physical disk so I can make all the disks the exact same size - since I might mix brands or whatever01:15
leapy0yoI want to wildcard *.par files but not *.vol1+100.par2 similar files, how can I do that?01:15
nozendofirsttimecaller, you also need to consider the issue if you need to recover your laptop from a crash. encrypted disks can present issues. as compared to just pulling your home directory off a mounted disk01:15
Delta__Thanks for help >> CONNECTION FAILED - Error reading Protocol Version - Possible causes - You've forgotten to select a DSMPlugin and the Server uses a DSMPlugin01:15
DasEi!alternate | firsttimecaller01:15
ubottufirsttimecaller: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal01:15
aeon-ltdsamuel___: welcome01:15
ubuntunoob100619so, "sudo ifup wlan0" produces: "Ignoring unkown interface wlan0=wlan0." Does anyone know why that would be happening?01:16
nozendofirsttimecaller, i used to do some moderate security work and I used an external disk array that was bolted to the floor01:16
nozendoplug in, do work, unplug01:16
nozendoworks a charm if you're paranoid =)(01:16
DasEithx, channel :)01:17
nozendohave i mentioned lately that I love launchpad?01:17
[segfault]Delta__: I also had trouble setting up tightvnc on Ubuntu, so I ended up installing x11vnc, which works really well.  If you aren't stuck on tightvnc, you could give that a try instead.01:18
ehidledaftykins: a new 9.10 installation works perfectly01:18
WiesshundDelta ask in channel, that way more people can offer help, i am not sure about DSM plugins01:18
Delta__Thanks for help >> CONNECTION FAILED - Error reading Protocol Version - Possible causes - You've forgotten to select a DSMPlugin and the Server uses a DSMPlugin01:18
daftykinsehidle: fully updated too? i think 9.10's support ended ages ago01:18
visual1cehow can i make software center refresh after i add a new source? i just added libreoffice ppa but the packages aren't showing up01:19
ehidledaftykins: nah I haven't update it yet01:19
* Wiesshund hugs unetbootin01:20
schnufflevisual1ce: don't know with GUI, but in a terminal type sudo apt-get update01:20
Delta__the problem is - i've never installed a DSM plugin01:20
nozendovisual1ce, it should be automatic, but you might need to go Edit -> Software sources, other sources tab and make sure its enabled for searching01:20
itaylor57visual1ce: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/01/new-ppa-makes-installing-libreoffice-on-ubuntu-easy/ worked for me01:20
nozendodo schnuffle's step as well =)01:21
cube1hey guys, > and >>, which one is appending and which one replacing?01:21
itaylor57visual1ce: I converted01:21
daftykinscube1: why not test it01:21
schnuffle> replace01:21
ubuntunoob100619mia158: yeah, I looked through all the forums and nothing seems to be matching it.01:21
nozendoq: anyone got pointers on which logs to check when troubleshooting suspend/resume service or device hangups?01:21
samuel___aeon-ltd: Thanks, Im still figuring out how everything works.01:22
mia158firsttimecaller: IT dept @ my office is asking all laptop users to implement full disk encryption but they are only supporting symantec for windows...I use linus on all my work PCs. What did you learn from the encryptiopn discussion?01:23
visual1cethx everybody01:24
schnufflenozendo: I don't have a ubuntu machine available, but shouldn't kernel messages go to syslog?01:24
eic-scannercube > -s write, >> is append01:24
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visual1cedoes the side panel in natty always stay on top?01:25
visual1cewhat if you have a small laptop screen?01:25
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.01:25
NCS_Oneis it possible to call the menu of a file, the one it shows when press right mouse over file, but with the keyboard?01:26
nozendoschnuffle, thanks. I'll start there =)01:26
schnufflevisual1ce: use the une remix ( ubuntu netbook remix )01:26
nozendoi added noapic and the linux osi specifier, but it started freezing on resume lately01:26
edbianNCS_One, some menus have a menu button on the keyboard in the lower left between ctrl + alt (it works if the icon is highlighted)01:26
schnufflenozendo: what goes wrong when resuming01:26
bastidrazorNCS_One: my laptop has a key between the right alt gr and ctrl key that does just that. on a desktop keyboard i don't know01:27
nozendoit makes it out of resume, but then hangs either with a blank screen or with a mouse cursor and blank screen01:27
nozendono inputs work, hard power off clears it ;)01:27
schnufflenozendo: oops, apparently I'm too slow in reading?01:27
NCS_Oneedbian, bastidrazor: thanks01:27
schnufflenozendo:  hmm, check kernel settings and maybe udev01:27
visual1cethx schnuffle - someone in ubuntu+1 said you can make it autohide... yesterday a troller was saying it is always on top... i guess it doesn't really make sense since you can make the panels autohide too01:28
schnuffleubuntu une window manager01:28
nozendoschnuffle, ok thanks =) ill dig through it and see what happens01:29
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nozendogoing to post the outcomes back to the launchpad bug 'cause its been dragging on for a bit now i think01:29
leapy0yoI want to wildcard *.par files but not *.vol1+100.par2 similar files, how can I do that?01:29
leapy0yopar2 files i mean01:29
ehidledaftykins: not bad.. I'm getting about 40MB/sec rsync rate copying /home over...01:29
leapy0yoit has two . if it is a vol is there a way to disselecte that?01:29
daftykinsehidle: oh, so when you explained above, it's the VM that runs RAID, not the ESX host?01:31
ehidledaftykins: that is correct01:31
ehidledaftykins: all of the RAID functions are handled by the guest01:31
daftykinshmm, i'd worry for data loss too much01:31
ehidledaftykins: I just give it 4 big 2TB virtual disks01:31
schnufflevisual1ce: I had some problems with panes in the une edition because aplets are locked, deinstalling ubuntu-netbook-default-settings, that leads to the problem that you have to start your Session manually01:31
ehidledaftykins: it has worked well for me for well over a year now01:32
Guest48525ANYBODY THERE01:32
Pete__Hello does anyone no if there is a gui ssh client for ubuntu?01:32
edbianGuest48525, we're here please don't yell01:32
=== Guest42622 is now known as DarkDevil
edbianPete__, There is no such thing.  ssh by definition is cli01:32
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ehidlePete__: you can look to see if there is a port of Putty or something01:33
rww!info putty01:33
ubottuputty (source: putty): Telnet/SSH client for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.60+2010-02-20-1 (maverick), package size 302 kB, installed size 748 kB01:33
aeon-ltdPete__: check out 'vnc' applications though, thats sounds like what you're looking for01:33
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest63614
ehidlewell there you go01:33
bastidrazorPete__: you could use something to effect of putty which only connections you via a GUI but you're still using command line commands01:33
rwwor if you're looking for file transfer, Places > Connect to server in GNOME.01:33
leapy0yoif i mount a network disk via places > network, I do not see it in my /media directory like I would if i did mount -t cifs01:34
daftykinsPete__: PuTTY and KiTTY01:34
leapy0yowhere is it?01:34
rwwGuest48525: Stop using allcaps.01:34
pw-toxichi... my old ubuntu crashed, and i cant boot from it anymore... I have many smart errors. However i managed to mount the partition and i can access some files.  How can i save my mysql database without having to connect to the old mysql server?01:34
toko123run utube lose video sound works01:34
daftykins!caps | Guest4852501:34
ubottuGuest48525: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.01:34
Pete__Ok i think you are right vnc maybe the way to go!!! I am trying to telnet into my router or modem!01:34
leapy0yoanyone know?01:34
edbianPete__, then use telnet (not ssh or vnc)01:34
edbianwow really01:35
toko123youtube video gone sond works video completly lost01:35
WiesshundCapslock and the Enter key are not considered punctuation tools01:35
schnufflepw-toxic: backup the database files01:35
leapy0yono one here can help me huh01:35
rwwGuest48525: I recommend that you turn allcaps off before sending your next message.01:35
Pete__i try to telnet in but will not let me tel net to my dd-wrt01:35
nozendoWiesshund, all the great novels of the future will be written in 3-4 word lines of allcaps, via twitter, composed on phones01:35
WiesshundGuest48525 please take off your capslocl01:35
nozendoand you know it01:35
pw-toxicschnuffle, you mean the files i find in /var/lib/mysql ?  i have copied a folder of one of my databases.. then the database exists but no tables can be found01:35
Wiesshundnozendo good thing ill be dead and will never read them eh?01:36
toko123lucid 10.0401:36
kn100Why isn't windows 7 listed in the grub boot menu after a ubuntu update and how can I fix this?01:36
visual1cewhat do i do with this: apt:adobe-flashplugin?channel=$distro-partner01:36
Guest48525ANY UBUNTU 10.10 PROS?01:36
nozendoWiesshund, yeah, think I'll make a noose of coax before the day comes =P01:36
Pete__k thanks!!01:36
Wiesshundnozendo nah fiber mate01:36
rwwGuest48525: grab the manual for your keyboard and come back in 15 minutes when you've figured it out.01:36
nozendofiber is so modern =P01:36
toko123tow different browers actually three01:36
nozendoif you cant terminate it with a socket set, it's not networking01:36
toko123firefox and seamonkey01:37
kn100Why isn't windows 7 listed in the grub boot menu after a ubuntu update and how can I fix this?01:37
schnufflepw-toxic: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/484750/restoring-mysql-database-from-physical-files01:37
toko123what program is the default flashplayer01:37
toko123in every browser01:38
Wiesshund[Capslock] A key used to lock the numeric keys into the shift state so that they will all type as capital letters. on qwerty keyboards located on the left side verticaly between shift and tab01:38
* Wiesshund fubar'd the definition01:38
ZenGuy311kn100: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=134224101:38
edbiantoko123, there is no one installed by default01:39
Wiesshundkn100 did you try to simply run sudo update-grub2 in terminal?01:39
toko123well I have a mjor problem01:40
edbiantoko123, what is it?01:40
kn100Wiesshund, didn't detect windows01:40
toko123I run youtube and my monitor dies01:40
kn100Wiesshund, the weird thing is windows was there before and nothings changed apart from an update afaik01:40
ZenGuy311toko123: how?01:40
edbiantoko123, Your monitor dies?  Then you have a major hardware problem.01:40
Wiesshundkn100 hmm, you got 30_OS_Prober tagged as executable?01:40
Yan_NickWiesshund: andß01:40
kn100Wiesshund, sorr what? ;p01:40
toko123every app works except youtube?01:41
bastidrazoryoutube is an app?01:41
toko123and mplayer works locally01:41
Wiesshundkn100 in /etc/grub.d a file named OS Prober, it has to be chmod +x so grub can use it when you do sudo update-grub201:41
edbiantoko123, If you use proper terminology we might be able to help more01:41
nozendotoko123, can you step through what you're doing and what the monitor does?01:41
toko123I did down load Opera download helper01:42
toko123and the problem started01:42
toko123I removed the helper-program but the problem persists even removing firefox and using seamonkey01:42
kn100Wiesshund, chowned it, no change01:43
v_vhello. when i right clicked a tar.gz file in nautilus, i got a 'extract to' on the pop-up menu, but it's missing now. i want it back.  what's the package to be installed ?01:43
toko123I have a monitr which has an orange button01:43
edbianv_v, file-roller I believe is the program that offers that01:43
edbianv_v, sudo apt-get install file-roller to install it01:43
nozendotoko123, lets take it from the top. so you click on something or run a program and the monitor shuts off?01:44
Jasonntoko123: Yeah, im guessing its that01:44
toko123I play youtube and the orange button comes on01:44
kn100Wiesshund, could it be that the windows bootloader is somehow damaged?01:44
Wiesshundkn100 dont think so, grub wouldnt really care if it was or not01:44
nozendohow long is youtube playing for before it sleeps? lol01:44
toko123btw 11 years linux01:44
toko123never windowa or apple01:44
kn100Wiesshund, what else can I try/do01:44
Wiesshundkn100 you might try purging and then reinstalling grub, i had to do that once after 10.10 upgrade01:45
toko1234 seconds01:45
toko123or less01:45
kn100Wiesshund, sudo apt-get --purge remove <what>01:45
toko123took firefox and mplayert out of the mix01:46
toko123yest same result01:46
v_vedbian: thanks, i got the 'archive manager' , not the 'extract to', but, it works. thankyou01:46
schnufflev_v: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-linux/165114-add-extract-folder-context-menu.html01:47
toko123I guess I'll need to reload software 10.1001:47
edbianv_v, awesome  :)01:47
toko123however, with 11 years experience I'm very surprised01:47
toko123this type of thing has only happened to me once before01:48
Daekdroomguys, when using dd, dcfld  or ddrescue to create an image of a USB drive, I can't copy the whole drive, but only files.01:48
toko123and it was fedora on multiple nics01:48
Wiesshundkn100 poke grub remove in google, there is 2 parts to remove but i foget the exact names offhand01:48
v_vschnuffle: ok, thankyou01:48
DaekdroomWhat are the parameters that I'd have to pass to copy the whole drive? (in any of the 3 tools)01:48
juelzeHi there, I'm hoping to get some help regarding a recent issue.  I was running 10.04 desktop on my Asus eeePC.01:49
juelzeWifi worked great out of the box, however, I'm assuming some recent update borked my wifi connection.01:49
Jasonn!enter | juelze01:50
ubottujuelze: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:50
schnuffleDaekdroom: dd if=/dev/hda  of=/somewhere/image  bs=102401:50
behel1tQuick question: is the graphics switching in macbook pros supported by ubuntu in any capacity01:50
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nozendo curiosity: anyone here programmed in LUA much?01:50
Gskelligprobably not behel1t01:50
Daekdroomschnuffle, it says it's a directory and doesn't copy any file01:50
Gskelligi have graphics switching on my asus notebook and I was wondering the same thing01:51
juelzeIt sees the wifi network and connects but it's extremely slow.  I couldn't figure it out, so instead of messing with it I installed 10.10 netbook edition and wifi is working.  My question is this.  How can I lock down the wifi driver so future updates don't mess with it?01:51
schnuffleDaekdroom: you have to adaüt the /dev/hda to the partition you want to backup01:51
Daekdroomschnuffle, I did01:51
Blue1juelze: were you using 10.04 wth an atheros card?01:51
DaekdroomIt says it's a directory, and creates an empty image01:51
Jasonnjuelze: shouldnt be that any updates mess it up, but you can also do: /msg ubottu !backup to back up your system01:52
juelzeBlue1, yes.  And it worked fine up until a week ago.01:52
DaekdroomIf I try to run that against a file, it runs alright.01:52
DaekdroomBut I have to image the whole partition01:52
kn100Wiesshund, erm, uninstalled grub-common01:52
kn100Wiesshund, reinstalling it as we speak01:52
Blue1juelze: this is how I solved it, but it you have installed 10.10 should fix it:  http://pkill-9.com/?p=15201:53
behel1tGskellig ty01:53
kn100Wiesshund, IT WORKED! <3 <3 <3 <301:53
kn100Wiesshund, SO MUCH LOVE <301:53
brandinwhy does putting cookies back up in those cheap plastic containers with the packaging have to be such a pita?01:53
schnuffleDaekdroom: So what is the comannd you tried?01:53
ehidleDaekdroom: dd if=/dev/?da of=/somewhere/image bs=1024 should work, but you need to know if you are SATA or PATA... if you are PATA, ? is an h, if you're SATA, ? is an s01:53
Daekdroomehidle, I'm trying to image a USB drive01:54
nozendobrandin, its punishing you for snacking =P01:54
elrosHello, channel. I just installed Maverick on my first laptop computer and the wifi is working but with an extremely performance. I'm not used at wifi so I don't know where to look at. Any thoughts? Thank you in advance!01:54
Daekdroomehidle, schnuffle, I ran dd if=/media/ECDE-01A8 of=~/image bs=102401:54
juelzeAh, thanks Blue1!  Jason, I type that whole line in terminal?01:54
elrosHello, channel. I just installed Maverick on my first laptop computer and the wifi is working but with an extremely *poor* performance. I'm not used at wifi so I don't know where to look at. Any thoughts? Thank you in advance!01:54
ehidleDaekdroom: USB drives come up as /dev/sd? on my box01:54
schnuffleDaekdroom: you have to use the device, not the mount point,01:54
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schnuffleDaekdroom: just type sudo mount to see which device it is01:55
ehidleDaekdroom: if you type "mount" you will see the device name of the USB drive... and you should then use that device name as the source (note - the device name, not the partition name)01:55
ehidleschnuffle: you type faster than I :p01:55
Daekdroomehidle, schnuffle thanks :D01:55
kn100elros, do a speed test at http://speedtest.net/ and compare it with when you're on ethernet01:56
ehidleugh... speedtest... I just moved from Philly to rural South Carolina, and went from 35/35 to 6/1...01:56
meto2does anyone know the disconnect irc command?01:57
schnuffleelros: one reason for WIFI being slow is when there are to many networks using the same channels. When you scan for networks, are there many?01:57
ehidlenot just co-channel networks, but adjacent-channel and near-channel networks as well01:57
ehidle1, 6, and 11 are the three channels that don't overlap each other :)01:58
elroskn100: I'm goingo to do it right now01:58
ehidlemost APs default to 6, so if you change to 1 or 11, you can avoid them01:58
schnufflein europe there's channel 11-13 as well01:58
elrosschnuffle, about 10 or 15. Is that much? I have my router set to autoselect the channel...01:59
ehidlein the US, if you have a HAM ticket, you can use uber high power on the lower channels that overlap the HAM band01:59
schnuffleelros: that's a lot, I have about 6 in my area and had to fiddle a while to get good connections01:59
xiamxIs there a way to use skype in empathy?02:00
ehidleStatutuory limit is 36dBm EIRP point-to-multipoint and 48dBm EIRP point-to-point02:00
schnuffleelros: better set it manually and choose the channel where you have the least networks02:00
ehidle64 or so dBm if you're a ham hehe02:00
prey2god3_Hello, I just installed Liferea on Ubuntu 10.10 64bit and it crashes as it tries to open.  Can someone tell me how to start troubleshooting it.02:00
ehidledefine crash02:01
ehidledoes it exit with an error, or does it coredump?02:01
elrosschnuffle, what can I do about it?02:01
prey2god3_i see a window for a split second then its gone02:01
aeon-ltdprey2god3_: run in terminal, what errors does it produce?02:01
elroskn100, I'm having too much trouble loading the speedtest website O.O02:01
ehidleelros: what kind of AP do you have?02:02
keith27edbian: is a god, you all should bow to him02:02
schnuffleelros: talk to your neighbours or switch to 5GHz, it'S apitty but that are your only choices02:02
meto2google for another...speedtest.net is unreliable02:02
edbianhahaha  thanks02:02
prey2god3_steve@stevedesk:~$ liferea02:02
prey2god3_set zoom: 1.0002:02
prey2god3_Liferea did receive signal 11 (Segmentation fault).02:02
* edbian blushes02:02
ehidleelros: be sure to turn off any kind of "turbo" or other special, non-standard enhancements02:02
Wes_Is anybody here familiar with DSO versioning and how solibs with ABI changes roll into distros?02:03
nozendoanyone know why convert *.jpg outfile.pdf would put all the jpegs in the pdf upside down02:03
edbianWes_, Is anybody in the world familiar with that? :P02:03
Wes_edbian: somebody must be! :)02:04
Tom-BNo idea but batch rotate your images prior to input?02:04
Wes_edbian: I'm trying to figure out the best way to package versioned DSOs to maximize ease of repackaging for vendors (ubuntu, in particular)02:05
Wes_Was hoping to snag chris coulson, but it appears that, unlike me, he works on this stuff on a more normal schedule :)02:05
soreaunozendo: Could be a bug in convert or what ever method it uses to convert.02:05
ehidledoes convert have a switch to rotate things?02:06
nozendoyeah, just digging through the help now02:06
edbianWes_, I have no idea :)02:06
nozendowas hoping someone would go "just use -notupsidedown_please_thankyou"02:06
leapy0yoRSA is better than DSA right?02:06
edbianWes_, We appear to be in the presence of guru ;)02:06
Jasonn I need an IRC bot for ubuntu02:07
JasonnNOT EGGDROP02:07
Wes_edbian: Who? :)02:07
soreaunozendo: Try convert -rotate 180 blah blah02:07
Jasonnany ideas?02:07
soreaunozendo: If it uses the graphics driver and you're using the proprietary nvidia driver, this could be why possibly02:07
soreauJasonn: That do you mean 'for ubuntu'?02:08
WiesshundHmm strange roblem installing netbook ubuntu, says it needs to unmount /cdrom and just sits there, wont continue nor go back. any ideas? comp isnt locked up02:08
soreauJasonn: You mean a bot that runs on ubuntu and connects to irc?02:08
mickster04Wes_: press return02:08
Jasonnsoreau: Yes02:08
mickster04Wiesshund: press return02:08
mickster04Wes_: ignore that02:09
Wiesshundmickster04 er yea but its not continuing nor will it go back, niether with return nor mouse click02:09
Jasonnsoreau: any ideas?02:09
soreauJasonn: You could use any preexisting bot code and/or write your own02:09
speedyHow to save Cursor Theme upon reboot keeps going back to default running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS02:09
Wes_mickster04: Was wondering WTF you were up to. ;)02:09
Wes_mickster04: Reminds of a BBS I logged on to in ... 1990?  It said, "Press ALT-H for IQ Test"02:09
Jasonnsoreau: i mean one that runs as a standalone program02:09
nozendosoreau, has a rotate flag, thanks. the graphics driver thing is wild, that really effects it?02:09
Wes_mickster04: I pressed ALT-H, and failed02:09
edbianleapy0yo, AES is old and weak, RSA and DSA are equally strong iirc02:09
mickster04Wes_: awesome :D02:10
soreauspeedy: Could be a permissions problem. Have you ran anything as root?02:10
Wes_mickster04: You see, it was the keyboard shortcut for "hang up" on Telix, the most popular terminal emulator for PCs at the time ...02:10
JasonnAny wggdrop alternatives02:10
soreaunozendo: If the convert program uses the driver for it's conversion but that's merely a hunch02:10
kenapaYo ho ho and a bottle of rum02:10
speedyno just have to set it each time after system boots back to desktop02:10
kenapaFifteen men on a dead man's chest02:10
kenapaYo ho ho and a bottle of rum02:11
kenapaDrink and devil is done with the rest02:11
edbiankenapa, please stop02:11
kenapaYo ho ho and a bottle of rum02:11
Wes_Yeah, that song is really dated02:11
Jasonnidoru: thank you :)02:11
nozendois there a server command that can ram people into ubuntu-offtopic?02:11
Wes_hos don't drink rum any more, they snort coke02:11
bilalcan anyboy tell me how to enable visual effects02:11
soreau! ot | Wes_02:11
ubottuWes_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:11
edbiannozendo, I believe you have to be an operator to do something like that02:11
edbianbilal, System -> preferences -> appearances -> effects -> normal02:12
soreaunozendo: no02:12
mickster04nozendo: nope, call an op by name i think would be a decent enough threat02:12
bilalbut i cannot work02:12
edbianbilal, compiz --replace&  what does it say?02:12
soreaunozendo: Only freenode staff has that kind of power02:12
bilaledbain, i have dell optiplex gx260 with intel 82845 vga card02:13
edbianbilal, compiz --replace&   what does it say?02:13
soreaubilal: Run 'compiz --replace & disown' from your terminal and pastebin the output to ubuntu.pastebin.com02:13
Jasonn!es | oscar02:13
ubottuoscar: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.02:13
bilalBlacklisted PCI ID 8086:2562 detected02:13
speedyis there a tool or app to set X11 Cursor Themes and save to file for global usage? accross entire desktop02:14
edbianouch, card blacklisted   :)02:14
soreaubilal: There's nothing you can do because the driver is too poor for that chipset to run compiz02:14
edbianspeedy, there is something like that in ccsm02:14
edbianspeedy, It's a gui to set things in compiz02:14
bilalbut it didnot work for me02:14
soreaubilal: If you want to try anyway, you can build compiz yourself to bypass the checks02:14
rwwoh for crap's sake. kenapa came back again?02:15
bilali want to know how to unblacklist my driver02:15
leapy0yofor nautilus how do you see all filse including . files?02:15
edbianrww, hahahaha02:15
soreaubilal: They hard coded the check into the compiz binary so you have to build compiz yourself02:15
ZykoticK9leapy0yo, CTRL+H02:15
bilali've google it and found that compiz works on 8284502:15
bilalthen how to build it??02:15
edbianleapy0yo, view -> show hidden files02:15
edbianleapy0yo, yep02:16
aeon-ltdbilal: why do you need to build it?02:17
soreaubilal: Run this: sudo apt-get install git-core && git clone git://anongit.compiz.org/users/soreau/scripts && cd scripts && ./build_compiz++02:17
Blue1bilal: why can't you do a sudo apt-get install compiz02:17
edbianaeon-ltd, His card is blacklisted in the binary02:17
soreauaeon-ltd: Because he has a blacklisted gpu and the ubuntu team hard coded the checks into the compiz binary with no way around it02:17
aeon-ltdoh ok02:17
edbianBlue1, he needs to build compiz himself because his card is blacklisted02:17
soreauBlue1: He already has compiz installed02:17
Blue1ah so desu ka02:18
soreaubilal: After that command completes, it will prompt you to run ccsm and which plugins you have to enable and how to start compiz++02:18
dagnihow i can change default ubuntu splash loading picture and the animation ?02:18
dagniis there some manager ?02:18
dagnii read about splashy02:19
dagnibut i dont know maybe there is some better tool ?02:19
bilalit almost finish02:19
pw-toxicwhy shouldnt you start a vncserver as root?02:19
itaylor57god grant me the serenity to accept my graphics and move on the real applications ...02:19
sharbourvnc is a very insecure protocol02:20
soreaupw-toxic: You shouldn't run any user program as root.02:20
edbianpw-toxic, other people could log into your machine remotely using vncserver and then they're root on your machine02:20
schnufflepw-toxic: because it's nsure02:20
edbianschnuffle, insecure*02:20
soreaupw-toxic: Not only is it a security issue but it can mess up file permissions and cause configuration problems later02:20
elrosschnuffle, my connection went down... what can I do about the crowded wifi space?02:20
schnufflethat the word I was searching for :)02:20
pw-toxicschnuffle, but if i need to start gparted for example, i need root access, which i cant get if i log in with a normal account02:20
dagniso, how i can change default ubuntu splash ?02:20
pw-toxicsoreau, but i cannot connect to vnc via internet, so where is there a security issue?02:21
edbianpw-toxic, then you use gksudo in the vnc-session02:21
Gskelligbest linux music player?02:21
edbianpw-toxic, Then it's just a security issue for other people on the lan logging in.  But it still messes up permissions and such02:21
mickster04!best | Gskellig02:21
ubottuGskellig: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.02:21
schnuffleelros: not much,  you can try to move your router and find a place where it works better02:21
edbian!best Gskellig02:21
soreau! splash | dagni02:21
ubottudagni: To change the Gnome splash screen, use gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.02:21
Gskelliglooking for opinions02:21
edbianGskellig, I like banshee02:21
brandinGskellig: i'm currently using Audacious.02:22
dagniubottu: but i don't have gnome-splashscreen-manager, where i can get it ?02:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:22
itaylor57Gskellig: your mind and your whistle02:22
edbianbrandin, Not really a good music player.  Audacious is for music editing02:22
mickster04Gskellig: ot02:22
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pw-toxicedbian, i have my own lan because i use my server as a NAT between my lan and the public lan.    Can you tell me more about the permissions issue? what can happen and how?02:22
brandindoesn't look like an editor to me.02:23
ndxtgwhat command to set the system time to XXXX where XXXX is linux timestamps? thanks in advance02:23
dagnisoreau: but i don't have gnome-splashscreen-manager02:23
dagniwhere i can get it02:23
schnufflepw-toxic: of of course there a programms that need root level to do there job, of example apache starts as root to open port 80, but it drops the prviliges right after opening the port02:23
Wiesshundhmm this is wierd. when i get the partitions setup to install ubuntu (netbook edition) a screen pops up saying it needs to unmount /cdrom to commit changes and says continue or go back, but clicking either choice does nothing. anyone have any ideas or seen that before?02:23
brandinjust a simple player02:23
soreaudagni: Oh well, that was my only idea. Maybe try google02:23
elrosschnuffle, is there some way I can be sure that is the problem? Because I've got a gut feeling that this might have to do with a sucky driver or some bad configuration than my router or the signal noise...02:23
pw-toxicschnuffle, the most basic example im fighting with is for example "gedit /etc/apache2/sites-available/default"02:23
pw-toxicschnuffle, how am i supposed to do this with vnc not as root?02:24
edbianpw-toxic, when settings files are written as root they later can only be read as root (when they should be able to be read by your user)02:24
schnuffleelros:  take the opportunity to vissit a friend with wifi to check :)02:24
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schnufflepw-toxic: use sudo vi ......02:25
elrosschnuffle, hmm, well thought02:25
elrosschnuffle, will do; thanks, byye02:25
pw-toxicschnuffle, i dont like working with vi, vim or nano02:25
edbianpw-toxic, sign in normally.  Do this: gksudo gedit /etc/apache2...02:25
schnufflepw-toxic: then use sudo gedit .......02:25
edbianschnuffle, not sudo gedit, gksudo gedit02:26
pw-toxicschnuffle, this makes vnc crash!02:26
schnuffleedbian: okay, I'm just  to used to do it all in a terminal02:26
KatronixSerfHi all, I know this is more of a Grub q, I'm in there as well. My Q is: I just added a second drive to my system which has Windows 7 on it, how do I tell grub to see it and show it on the boot menu?02:26
ubundo i need openjdk... what is it for?02:26
Gskelligjava development02:27
edbianKatronixSerf, sudo update-grub2   (looks for operating systems on all partitions and makes menu entries for them)02:27
ubunso if i dont know what it is then i dont need it?02:27
edbianubun, openjdk in for developing java.  You need it if you want to write / compile java programs02:27
KatronixSerfedbian, thanks!02:27
edbianKatronixSerf, no problem02:27
ubunedbian: ok then i dont need it02:27
schnufflepw-toxic: what makes vnc crash?02:27
edbianubun, There might be some package that depends on it.  (I doubt it)02:28
pw-toxicedbian, in this case i get an error dialog box with the following message: "Failed to run gedit "/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf" as user root.      Unable to copy the users' Xauthroization file.02:28
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ubunyeah... bittorent client..02:28
pw-toxicschnuffle, i dont know.. the vnc window just disappears and i cant reconnect02:28
edbianpw-toxic, gksudo gedit /etc/....     Use gksudo!!  I'm not saying it again02:28
HiPotOkI am looking for an FTP server that will allow me to assign a single directory as the home directory to ANY user that logs in?02:29
pw-toxicedbian, as I said i executed the command you told me: "gksudo gedit /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf"   the errormessage i told you is the one i get on this command02:29
ubunwhat is python for?02:29
KatronixSerfubun its another programming language02:29
pw-toxicubun python is for eating mice!02:29
Logan_!!python | ubun02:29
ubottuubun: python is a popular Object Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org/ or #python02:29
ubunkatronixserf: i use bluefish to code html, does it need python02:30
KatronixSerfubun don't know02:30
speedyI only see tool in ccsm Show Mouse not change it and Cursor theme global unless I am missing something02:30
kais58so I'm having a little trouble with switchable graphics, I've tried used roberto martinez's script but that has only managed to switch on the discrete card and wont let me use it, it's a hd5470 btw02:30
pw-toxicedbian, you h ave any idea why this happens?02:30
schnufflepw-toxic: are you working locally or through ssh?02:30
Wes_ubun: you don't need python to write HTML, but who knows what bluefish needs. What do the docs say?02:30
pw-toxicschnuffle, i have a windows7 connecting via vncviewer to my server in the network02:31
edbianpw-toxic, why what happens?02:31
ubunwes: your asking a noob so ill leave it02:31
edbianpw-toxic, the crashes?  I have no idea02:31
pw-toxicedbian, the errormessage when i use gksudo02:31
schnufflepw-toxic: so when you run khsudo ...... you do it in the vnc session?02:32
pw-toxicedbian, in the console there is the following: "Error copying '/var/run/gdm/auth-for-pw-toxic-C3dsmt/database' to '/tmp/libgksu-MZsj7Y'02:32
pw-toxicschnuffle, yes02:32
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pw-toxicschnuffle, i open my vnc client and connect to ubuntu.. then i open a terminal and type in gksudo gedit ...02:32
schnufflepw-toxic: with vncserver executed as root?02:32
ryugunsI have just installed ubuntu :)02:33
pw-toxicschnuffle, with vncserver executed as pw-toxic02:33
ubunim trying to free up space... i cant watch youtube videos. ( i watch one and then to watch another i have to clear history in browser)02:33
pw-toxicschnuffle, when i run vncserver as root everything works perfectly02:33
ubundont know what else to do02:33
Wes_pw-toxic: ls -ld /tmp ?02:33
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edbianpw-toxic, chmod 777 /tmp02:33
ryugunsI must say I like it more than all the other linux operating systems I've tried.02:33
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Wes_edbian: I would think 1777 would be a lot smarter02:33
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edbianpw-toxic, chmod -R 777 /tmp   (I think the permissions of the tmp folder are messed up since you have been running vnc as root02:34
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schnuffle+1 177702:34
pw-toxicWes_, drwxrwxrwxt 24 root root 4096 2011-03-06 03:2702:34
edbianWes_, sure that,  177702:34
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pw-toxicedbian, no its still 77702:34
Wes_wierd, that *is* 177702:34
Ribertywhy cant i install 11.04 alpha 3?02:34
Wes_pw-toxic: does that file already exist?02:34
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Wiesshundubun clear history or cache?02:34
ubunwiesshund: well i do both... (on the browser options)02:35
pw-toxicWes_, can i do a rm -r /tmp ?02:35
Wes_pw-toxic: it might be worth trying to figure out *why* it's failing. Let's see, linux, something like this should work:02:35
Wes_pw-toxic: NO02:35
Wes_pw-toxic:   strace COMMAND 2>&1 | grep /tmp/02:35
Wiesshundubun is your drive really that close to full? if so turn down the cache size02:35
Wes_pw-toxic: look for the system call that's failing, and why  (e.g. EPERM)02:35
Seperand1Riberty  why cant you?02:35
edbianWiesshund, who said the drive was full?02:35
ubunwiesshund: idk ill check...02:36
Wiesshundedbian im asking02:36
Ribertyi think there is a bootmgr missing02:36
Ribertyim trying to install it from a usb thumbdrive02:36
Wiesshundhe said he was trying to clear space02:36
edbianWiesshund, oh, maybe I missed that :)02:37
ubunwiesshund: i even got bleachbit but no luck with that02:37
pw-toxicWes_, eh.. do you want me to paste the command "strace COMMAND 2>&1 | grep /tmp/" into the terminal?02:37
lightahoi does someone know how can I do a recursive merge ?02:37
edbianlighta, What do you mean 'merge' ?02:37
Seperand1Riberty are you booting from the usb?02:38
schnufflepw-toxic: strace gksu gedit ..... 2>&1 | grep /tmp02:38
schnufflepw-toxic: pasted into the terminal02:38
lightamerge file1 file2 file3, wanted to do merge dir1 dir2 dir3, wonder if their a way execpt writing a loop ?02:38
pw-toxicwhat are the .... for?!02:38
sharbourthe rest of your commend02:39
Gskelligubuntu hangs on booting newest kernel =\02:39
schnufflepw-toxic: strace - trace system calls and signals02:39
ubunhow do i find my disk usage02:39
lightawith du ?02:39
schnufflepw-toxic:  ...= rest of the command you typed in when it crashes02:39
pw-toxichmm i have deleted the files from /tmp that could not be written ... something like orbit...  but it didnt help02:39
Ribertywtf is alpha 3 only mean for virtual box or something?02:39
edbianlighta, copy all the files in all those folders and subfolders into one folder?  Is that right?02:39
Seperand1ubun               df -h02:40
bazhangRiberty, watch the language02:40
bazhangRiberty, natty in #ubuntu+102:40
Seperand1in terminal02:40
Wes_pw-toxic: substituting COMMAND for whatever it is you're trying to do, yes - "strace" will tell you *everything* that's giong on inside your process.  The grep command filters out anything unrelated to the tmp dir.02:40
lightayeah kind a edbian want to diff dir1 with dir2 and make a merge with all file in dir3, i'll clean them after02:40
Wiesshundubun admin > disk utility02:40
Wes_pw-toxic: be careful deleting from /tmp. You can accidentally cause yourself a lot of grief.02:41
ubunFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sda1             144G   14G  124G  10% / none                  495M  244K  495M   1% /dev none                  501M  440K  500M   1% /dev/shm none                  501M  388K  500M   1% /var/run none                  501M     0  501M   0% /var/lock none                  144G   14G  124G  10% /var/lib/ureadahead/debugfs\02:41
ubottuubun: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:41
pw-toxicWes_, hm ok then i should really stop it ;)02:41
ubundo i need more ram if my flash crashes all the time?02:41
pw-toxicWes_, i thought those files are only related to this command02:42
schnuffleubun: the reason is surely something else02:42
aeon-ltdubun: is it because of ram bing maxed out?02:42
Wes_pw-toxic: No. The tmp directory is a dumping ground for all kinds of things that need to jot something down for a minute.02:42
Wiesshundubun how much ram you have?02:42
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schnufflepw-toxic: a lot of programms use /tmp02:43
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lightado you see what I mean edbian ?02:43
Todd200I need help and no one could help me in #kubuntu02:43
ubunschnuffle: ive read that it is this version of flash, but i dont know of anyone else having same problem02:43
Wiesshund!ask | Todd20002:43
ubottuTodd200: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:43
ubunweishund; not alot of ram i think like 2 or 302:43
edbianlighta, I think so.  I don't think it can be done without a loop02:43
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edbianTodd200, What is the problem?02:43
pw-toxicschnuffle, Wes_ hm i think i shouldnt have deleted this /tmp/orbit... folder ;)02:43
Wiesshundubun um 2 or 3 gigs of ram is lots, your not short on ram unless you got 6 blenders open or something02:44
schnuffleubun: I'm just sitting in front of 512MB PC no probs02:44
lightaok thx, now lt's think how to do those loop again :(02:44
Wes_pw-toxic: No, you shouldn't have... but it should come back next time you reboot or whatever02:44
pw-toxicWes_, and i cant reboot my server because im just resyncing 3 raid arrays ;L)02:44
ubunweisshund: blenders?02:44
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pw-toxicWes_, who else uses this folder?02:44
edbianlighta, I could write a python app that does it for you if you don't mind waiting a few minutes02:44
Wiesshundubun 3d modeling and animation app02:44
aeon-ltdubun: blender is a 3d renderer02:44
schnufflepw-toxic: so now you learn things not to do while doing other critical stuff on a productive server02:44
Wes_pw-toxic: any program using the tmpdir, tmpnam, and tmpname interfaces in your C library02:45
ChogyDanubun: what browser is flash crashing?  chrom?02:45
Seperand1wish i could write a python app in miniute02:45
Wes_pw-toxic: plus all kinds of scripts, etc ad nauseum02:45
Todd200Ok, im trying to install kubuntu on my 64 bit laptop, apon boot I get a mouse with static lines for a background, what is going on?02:45
Seperand1and learn to spell02:45
lightaoh yeah i'll be glad to edbian =), it be wonderfull since I want to learn python too02:45
pw-toxicWes_,  ;(02:45
ubunchogydan: every broweser.. chrome and firefox02:45
ubunright now im on chrome02:45
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Wes_pw-toxic: no more random deleting, okay? :)02:45
pw-toxicWes_, can i reboot while a raid is resynced?02:45
Wes_pw-toxic: NO02:45
ChogyDanubun: does it work at all?02:45
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pw-toxicWes_, damnit this takes about 2-3 days ;)02:46
ubunwell isnt this chat room flash02:46
pw-toxicWes_, i have 12 hard drives connected ;(02:46
Wes_pw-toxic: what the hell kind of raid takes 2-3 days to sync up?02:46
ubunchogydan: yeah it works only when i want to wacth a video or worse watch one full video02:46
ChogyDanubun: fwiw, no, this is IRC.02:46
Wes_please God don't say RAID 502:46
smwubun, this chatroom is irc. There may be a flash client02:46
pw-toxicWes_, 6 * 1TB :)  well i think its a bit faster.. ill check how far it is02:46
jrb2971hi, anyone around to maybe answer a simple lxde question?02:46
pw-toxicWes_, i even dont know why the raid is resyncing...02:47
jrb2971i'm trying to get the default session in ubuntu to change from gdm to lxde02:47
jrb2971I found the default-display-manager file but cannot find what to change it to02:47
Todd200I asked my question.... :(02:47
ubunim at a loss for what to do about this flash problem... its how i learn how to code html and tinker with linux and all that02:47
smwjrb2971, you either need a new login manager or to change the defaut desktop env on login02:48
schnufflejrb2971: so you have installed lxde, normally you should be able to choose you session when loggin in, somewhre on the bottom02:48
pw-toxicWes_, ok i think the resync is done by tommorrow.. its already on 24% and it started at 2 hours 48 minutes ago02:48
ubunit also buggs me that it is one thing that i cannot figure out02:48
pw-toxicWes_, why shouldnt i restart while resyncing?02:48
WiesshundLOL freaky, i just booted ubuntu from my ChiPod02:48
[segfault]Todd200: Did it boot ok off the live CD?02:48
vanderjuiceubun: which flash plugin are you using?02:48
jrb2971i can pick the session when i login, but i don't want gdm to be the default - i'm connecting remotely via vnc02:48
ubunVanderjuice adobe newest version02:48
ubuni gues02:49
Wes_pw-toxic: 1) it's bad luck  2) I don't know the specifics of your RAID system, so I don't know what the side-effects will be.  Likely just make you start all over again, but I'm not taking that chance. :)02:49
smwjrb2971, gdm is not a desktop env. It is a display manager02:49
Todd200[segfault]: I don't have a livecd, all my cds are 3mb too small, so I'm running wubi.exe02:49
jrb2971yes gdm and lxdm are synonymous right?02:49
Daekdroomjrb2971, no02:49
Anonymous0I am using dwm could someone msg me and help me with setting xchat to start up in my irc tag i'm new to this02:49
vanderjuiceubun: try checking it in /usr/lib/mozilla or /usr/lib/chromium-browser02:50
jrb2971lxde doesn't replace gnome?02:50
pw-toxicWes_, 2*2TB raid1; 6*1TB raid5; 2*500GB raid1; 320GB system drive; 500GB system drive (crashed hard drive)02:50
schnufflejrb2971: no xdm,gdm and kdm have the same job02:50
smwjrb2971, correct, it is a replacement02:50
ubunvanderjuice: checking it in?:02:50
smwjrb2971, I am looking up the cmd now02:50
jrb2971so i want lxde's manager , i think lxdm to load as the default vs. gdm :)02:51
vanderjuicecheck the plugin in /usr/lib/mozilla02:51
jrb2971ok thanks02:51
iCyrusHow do I update how much space is on a drive? (In this case, my PSP), I've deleted about 10 GBs of music/games on it but it still says there's 800 mb left, it's very annoying02:51
vanderjuiceto see which one it is02:51
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vanderjuicethere are multiple versions out there02:51
Seperand1todd so  did it boot off the usb02:51
smwjrb2971, sudo dpkg-reconfigure lxdm02:51
pw-toxicWes_, well lets just hope i didnt make any severe damage by deleteing the /tmp/orbit... folder02:51
[segfault]Todd200: ok.  Well, it sounds like a graphics driver issue.  When you boot up, try holding the shift key or hitting esc right after you see the grub text.  you may be able to boot to a terminal and fix it02:51
bazhangjrb2971, you want the lubuntu splash screen?02:51
pw-toxicWes_, i just thought that tmp folders are not important at all ;)02:51
Wes_pw-toxic: just be glad you didn't erase the hidden files in there :P02:51
jrb2971lubuntu splash screen, umm if that's what it takes..  ya I wish I installed lubuntu02:51
Anonymous0I am using dwm could someone msg me and help me with setting xchat to start up in my irc tag i'm new to this02:52
bazhangjrb2971, then install lubuntu-desktop package02:52
Todd200I ran wubi, I can't even boot into xubuntu to finish installing02:52
smwjrb2971, did you run that cmd?02:52
pw-toxicWes_, the only hidden files there are .X0-lock and .esd-100002:52
jrb2971running it now02:52
Todd200And a mouse appears, and it works fine02:52
jrb2971i installed lxde from the apt-get02:52
bazhangjrb2971, when logging in you can choose lxde/openbox. gnome/openbox or the like02:52
mettaTodd200: if you can't get it to work, install fresh?02:52
bubbajonesany ideas how to get a wireless card to install ? dell inspiron 154502:52
Wes_pw-toxic: the first one is probably a lock semaphore for you windowing system; I don't recognized the other one02:52
smwbazhang, he appears to want lxdm instead of gdm02:53
ubunvanderjuice: it says flashplayeralternative so02:53
jrb2971Package `lxdm' is not installed and no info is available.02:53
bazhangsmw, yep02:53
mettaTodd200: unless you can try downloading the wubi source to see what might be going wrong02:53
Wes_pw-toxic: A lock semaphore is..... like the conch, in Lord of the Flies02:53
pw-toxicWes_, will everything is still running so it looks liek i didnt do a severe damage ;)02:53
[segfault]Todd200: sry, I have never used wubi, so I didn't know how it booted...02:53
jrb2971weird, i have lxde installed via apt-get and can choose it in the session manager when i log in02:53
Todd200It has happened in virtualbox as well,02:53
bazhangjrb2971, then install lubuntu-desktop02:53
iCyrusHow do I update how much space is on a drive? (In this case, my PSP), I've deleted about 10 GBs of music/games on it but it still says there's 800 mb left, it's very annoying02:53
jrb2971but when i use vnc it defaults to gdm02:53
Wes_iCyrus: df -H02:53
itaylor57semaphore came from the railroads, flag02:54
schnufflejrb2971: it defaults to gnome not gdm02:54
iCyrusWes_: What's that do?02:54
Todd200[segfault]: wubi just downloads the files, then the native installer installs it after a reboot02:54
mettaiCyrus: try #linux02:54
jrb2971isn't gdm the gnome desktop manager?02:54
Wes_iCyrus: It tells you how much space is left on the filesystems02:54
vanderjuiceubun : try installing flashplugin-nonfree02:54
bazhangjrb2971, no02:54
smwjrb2971, install lubuntu-desktop02:54
iCyrusWes_: it says 002:54
iCyrusThe PSP itself says 002:54
smwjrb2971, or, install lxdm02:54
jrb2971ok thansk, trying that now02:54
iCyrusBut there's nothing on it that takes up that much02:54
pw-toxicWes_, however you really discourage me not to use vncserver as root? i have done this the last 6 months02:54
bazhang!find lxdm02:55
mettajrb2971: ask ubotto in a pm with a !gdm02:55
ubottuFound: lxdm02:55
Todd200The xubuntu loading screen appears, with the 4 flashing dots02:55
Wes_iCyrus: Then, likely, either 1) you didn't really delete (recycle bin?) or 2) the files are still open by some program02:55
iCyrusI deleted just about everything, there's nothing on the PSP in Music or Videos, yet the things I deleted seem to still be taking up space02:55
Wes_pw-toxic: I have no opinion on the matter02:55
schnufflejrb2971:  edit ~/.vnc/xstartup and start lxde instead of gnome02:55
iCyrusDidn't know you had to remove from recycle bin for them to stop being on the disk02:55
mettathe commands /msg and /query do not work in empathy02:55
bazhangiCyrus, how does this relate to ubuntu02:55
mettahow to fix?02:55
mettametta: download the source code and fix it yourself02:55
jrb2971thanks schnuffle - i think that's what I was looking for02:55
rwwmetta: get a good IRC client.02:55
iCyrusbazhang: I'm on Ubuntu, didn't know if it was a problem with Ubuntu or not02:55
Wes_iCyrus: the recycle bin is not magic, it needs space to store files too02:55
mettarww: take it up with motu02:55
rwwmetta: no02:56
mettarww: yes02:56
bazhangmetta, lets move on02:56
iCyrusWes_: Yes, I assumed they stored it in the computer on the harddrive02:56
mettabazhang: yes02:56
iCyrusNot in the same exact spot I deleted it from02:56
jrb2971wierd xstartup already has that02:56
[segfault]Todd200: ...but at that point the graphics get all crazy?02:56
rwwmetta: 1) I don't use Ubuntu, and thus don't care what the default IRC client is. 2) I already took it up with the relevant people. 3) The relevant people are not MOTU, because MOTU deals with universe and multiverse, and Ubuntu's default programs are neither of these by definition.02:56
mettaTodd200: does a livecd work?02:56
mettarww: let's move on shall we?02:56
ubunvanderjuice: ok i installed it let me tryin firefox02:57
[segfault]metta: he was using wubi and has no live cd02:57
iCyrusOk now it's not letting me even empty the recycle bin02:57
schnufflejrb2971:  has what? normally it has x-window-manager &02:57
iCyrusIt just gives me a "File not found" when I click empty trash for everything02:57
jrb2971ah, apt-get install lxdm is change the default02:57
* Todd200 can't run a live cd as all CDs are 3mb too small according to poweriso02:57
speedyshould ccsm run as root to configure or as per user settings02:58
vanderjuiceubun: good luck02:58
* Wiesshund thinks todd should overburn02:58
schnufflejrb2971:  when you login through vnc lxdm,gdm or whatever is not involved02:58
mettaTodd200: how big are the cds you have?02:58
ubunvanderjuice, i didnt do anything i can watch one video then if i try to watch another one it will crash, and i have to clear cache or history or whatever to watch another02:58
soreauspeedy: Absolutely not. You should never run any user application as root02:58
Seperand1speedy    per user02:58
speedyi did not think so i never do02:58
vanderjuiceubun: did you remove the flashplayeralternative from the plugins folder?02:59
Todd200metta: 595mb I think02:59
speedybut still cannot set X11 Cursor Themes Global is this a bug cause it will not save upon reboot02:59
Todd200Kubuntu iso is 597.902:59
mettaTodd200: not the iso, the blank cd's max capacity.03:00
soreauspeedy: How are you trying to save the cursor theme?03:00
Seperand1Todd200 use a dvd03:00
iCyrusHow can I completely empty the trash can regardless of what's in it?03:00
ohzieHey guys. If I have a 9.04 server, what's the recommended way of upgrading? dist-upgrade?03:00
mettaTodd200: this isn't #kubuntu03:00
pw-toxicWes_, ok i try it the other way round.. what do you think is the most easy file editor for a terminal?03:00
rww!eol | ohzie03:00
ubottuohzie: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades03:00
Wes_pw-toxic: emacs03:00
edbianpw-toxic, nano03:00
edbianWes_, Shame on you!03:00
Wes_pw-toxic: Okay, maybe not emacs03:00
Wes_pw-toxic: But I'll help you learn if you'd like!03:01
mettanano ftw03:01
edbianpw-toxic, They're being sarcastic.  vi and emacs are notorious for having a learning curve.  nano is easy to learn03:01
Todd200metta: #kubuntu has no one around to help me03:01
Wes_edbian's answer is probably the right one03:01
soreauohzie: Install cleanly if possible.. for whatever version you want to upgrade to03:01
iCyrusHow can I completely empty the trash can regardless of what's in it? and please no one say Empty Trash because that's not working03:01
edbianWes_, :)03:01
mettanano is installed by default03:01
schnuffleWes_:  :)03:01
Wiesshundsoreau know something goofy? the embedded linux systems (instant on OS's go by various names) run everything as root. great for getting klined on irc ;(03:01
Wes_I just can't help it, long-time emacs user here. LONG time.03:01
Zelozelosanyone here using a S3 Trio 32/64 graphic card?03:01
dv310p3rHow do I install the glib?03:01
edbianWes_, It's great.  It's not great for beginners :)03:01
pw-toxicedbian, is there something like copy and paste on nano?03:01
edbiandv310p3r, sudo apt-get install glib03:02
bazhangdv310p3r, why would you need to03:02
soreauWiesshund: Hmm, that's probably not good..03:02
mettaZelozelos: doubtful.  maybe someone in #linux is03:02
Wes_edbian: It's really not so bad if you have somebody to help with the basics. And I *did* volunteer to do that. :)03:02
edbianpw-toxic, I think so.  Read the commands at the bottom of the nano screen03:02
Zelozelosmetta heh...idt so its soooo old03:02
dv310p3redbian: that doesn't work03:02
soreauhi flash_dude03:02
speedyok well when i boot i have to use system settings and all is fine but on reboot it keeps changing back to default and not what i selected03:02
ohziesoreau: It's not at the moment. I'm just messing around with an old box before I put Lucid on it.03:02
flash_dudeI have a question:03:02
mettaZelozelos: i haven't used a s3 anything in a long time03:02
dv310p3rbazhang: because when trying to install the latest xchat in says I need glib03:02
Todd200!ask | flash_dude03:02
ubottuflash_dude: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:02
bazhangdv310p3r, latest from where03:03
flash_dudeim writing.03:03
Wiesshundsoreau know how alot of motherboards come with a little linux on flash instant OS? yea they do everything as root. no idea who decided that was a good idea03:03
mettaflash_dude: just burn it03:03
* Zelozelos is thinking to tell the owner of that old pos to get a new graphic card or forgetabouttit!! rofl03:03
dv310p3rbazhang: from the website03:03
soreauWiesshund: Is that the technology that uses assembly to do processor specific instructions to achieve such loading times?03:03
bazhangdv310p3r, that is not a good idea. stick with package management03:03
dv310p3rbazhang: apparently theres a bug in the version that I have that when I add channels to my favorites they don't stay03:03
soreauor lack thereof..03:03
Zelozelosmetta any ideas on getting 10.10 to successfully detect/setup the correct rez ?03:04
speedysystems settings which is a KDE app for setting mouse cursor (theme)03:04
bazhangdv310p3r, sure they do. how are you adding them03:04
flash_dudethere are 3 packages related with flash: flashplugin-nonfree, flashplugin-installer and adobe-flashplugin. What the hell should I use?03:04
[segfault]Todd200: so can you reboot and at least get into a terminal without trouble, or not at all?03:04
mettaZelozelos: none.  you might try a different distro for older hardware like that.03:04
pw-toxicWes_, shouldnt strg + x close the editor? ;((( nothing happens03:04
dv310p3rbazhang: i right click on them and add to favorites03:04
mettaZelozelos: i have a blog that might be useful03:04
bazhangdv310p3r, thats not how to do it03:04
Zelozelosmetta ill give it a shot03:05
Wes_pw-toxic: which editor?03:05
edbianflash_dude, flashplugin-installer simply runs flash-plugin-nonfree03:05
speedyjust by using cursor selection from systerm>preferences does not change cursor unless I use the KDE app03:05
pw-toxicWes_, nano03:05
Zelozelositll be the LAST shot03:05
dv310p3rbazhang: ok, how should I do it.03:05
Wes_pw-toxic: control-X03:05
Wiesshundsoreau im not sure, i kind of doubt it since ive written a few modified apps for one of them (express gate) just a very small customized kernel and a compressed file system squashfs03:05
bazhangdv310p3r, edit the server and add there, separated by a comma03:05
pw-toxicWes_, yes thats "strg-x" in german ;)03:05
edbianflash_dude, I've had positive experience with flashplugin-nonfree03:05
flash_dudeedbian: without flashplugin-installer I cannot install flash from firefox?03:05
pw-toxicWes_, nothing happens ;(03:05
soreauspeedy: Sounds like permissions issue or kde bug. The latter might be more probable but you can check the former after running this command, change the theme and set it back again:  (Run as your normal user!) sudo chown -R $USER $HOME03:05
dv310p3rbazhang: also, is there an easier way to respond directly to you, other than having to retype your name each time.03:05
pw-toxicWes_, im gonna kill putty now ;(03:05
mettaZelozelos: http://kmandla.wordpress.com/ you could also try #linux  how much ram does the system have?03:05
edbianflash_dude, I'm not sure what you're asking03:05
Wes_pw-toxic: oh. And wierd.03:05
schnuffle!flash | flash_dude03:05
Wes_pw-toxic: maybe the de localization for nano changes the commands?03:05
ubottuflash_dude: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash03:05
speedyjust annoying that i have to do this on each boot03:06
bazhangdv310p3r, tab complete, set to last spoken and not alpahbetical baz <tab> will do it03:06
soreauWiesshund: Yea I can't wait to get my hands on some machines capable of doing this :)03:06
Todd200[segfault]: the xbuntu loading screen appears with the dot animation, but then it changes to static, kubuntu hasn't even installed yet03:06
soreauWiesshund: (and an SSD)03:06
schnuffleWes_: no they stay the same, as far as I have used it03:06
bazhangerr alphabetical03:06
dv310p3rbazhang, like that.03:06
* Todd200 ment kubuntu03:06
pw-toxicWes_, no its just strange...  after restarting putty control-x works03:06
flash_dudeedbian: synaptic shows that I only have flashplugin-installer installed not flashplugin-nonfree03:06
bazhangdv310p3r, yes03:06
Zelozelosmetta its a dell inspiron 4000 2.2ghz -out of the box state..im trying to get kde for someones kids03:06
flash_dudeedbian: why is that?03:06
dv310p3rbazhang, thanks a million03:06
Zelozelosmetta err not ked but kubuntu03:06
bazhangdv310p3r, welcome03:06
mettaflash_dude: flashplugin-installer should be sufficient03:06
Wes_pw-toxic: wierd. I've logged probably in excess of 5,000 hours in putty and never had that happen03:07
mettaZelozelos: kde is probably even less light weight03:07
edbianflash_dude, I have no idea.  The packages are a dark void of mystery.  What do they descriptions say about them?03:07
pw-toxicWes_, im special!03:07
Wes_pw-toxic: apparently so, lol!03:07
Zelozelosmetta meh..nvm i give up...ill tell her to go to the mart n get a new card then MAYBE ill try again03:07
flash_dudeso should I use flashplugin-nonfree or adobe-flashplugin?03:08
Zelozelosty though03:08
mettaZelozelos: just make sure to recycle the old card somehow03:08
pw-toxicWes_, but still nano totally sucks in comparison with gedit ;(  i think i will install vmware on my desktop and run ubuntu on it and then i do ssh -X my-server     what do you think about this solution?03:08
Wiesshundsoreau just pick up any cheap asus motherboard with expressgate, a cheap cpu, 1 cheap stick of ram and a crap vid card03:08
ehidlethis is odd03:09
edbianpw-toxic, nano is great compared to vi  :)03:09
Wes_pw-toxic: what problem are you trying to solve?03:09
bazhangehidle, what is03:09
soreauWiesshund: I have no budget for another machine atm03:09
pw-toxicedbian, i know.. i have tried vi and vim ;)03:09
mettavi is fine, nano fine03:09
mkquist__iCyrus: get the files deleted?03:09
flash_dude3 packages for the same thing is just stupid03:09
mettanano wins because it's included w/ ubuntu03:09
Zelozelosmetta blog seem interesting...ill read on ;)03:09
pw-toxicWes_, copy and paste with a mouse for example ;)   syntax highligthing03:09
schnuffleedbian: do you want to start a religion war? :)03:09
[segfault]Todd200: so no grub then.. :(  Yeah, I would be inclined to just burn a live CD and install from there.  almost all newer CDs can hold 700MB regardless of what your iso burner is telling you.  I would try another iso burner and see if you can get it to work.03:09
mettaZelozelos: enjoy \o/03:09
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:10
pw-toxicWes_, nice search highlithning03:10
ehidlebazhang: I built a new ESXi whitebox today... installed a Win7 VM and it can't get out on the network...03:10
pw-toxicWes_, copy and paste trhough different files03:10
Wes_pw-toxic: so, you want an editor for your ubuntu box to display on a windows box, and you want the editor to not-suck?03:10
pw-toxicWes_, copare two different file versions03:10
xuser73How can I configure a specific internet device to be restricted to only one ip address and port?03:10
soreauehidle: Did you check all VM settings ?03:10
pw-toxicWes_, something like this yes ;)03:10
ehidlesoreau: of course :)03:10
soreauehidle: shouldwork then03:10
Wes_pw-toxic: install the mingw x server on windows. Run your favourite editor on ubuntu, redirect the display to the windows box03:11
ehidlesoreau: that's why I said it was odd :p03:11
Wes_pw-toxic: run the mingw x server in no-root-window mode, it's better03:11
pw-toxicWes_, so i think i will install ubuntu on VMWare and then i do "ssh -X my-file-server" and then do "sudo su" and "gedit /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf"03:11
xuser73Is it possible to restrict access of an IP to only one IP:port?03:11
soreauxuser73: You can set a static ip but not sure how to restrict the port. Try ##networking03:11
bazhangxuser73, why would you want to03:11
Wes_pw-toxic: that would work, but my solution is better, faster and easier :D\03:11
bastidrazorpw-toxic: putty from windows to login via ssh then into screen and then use any cli editor. that is an awesome way to have it not suck for windows.03:11
HiPotOkBeen reading 'vsftp' man files looking for an option to make a single directory everyones home directory... so far no success, anyone know if this is possible?03:11
ehidlesoreau: I'm using a community-provided driver for the RTL8111 NIC on the board, whic is of course unsupported in ESXi, and I suspect it could be related to that03:11
pw-toxicWes_, how can anything be faster than VMWare? i can switch instantly to ubuntu in <1 second03:12
pw-toxicWes_, and i have a full GUI03:12
xuser73bazhang: security03:12
pw-toxicWes_, just for you to know: i got 8GB ram and 200GB of a SSD hard drive ;)03:12
bazhangxuser73, is this related to ubuntu somehow03:12
schnufflepw-toxic: I second the install of a X-Server but prefer CygwinX03:12
Wes_pw-toxic: how can a discrete ubuntu box NOT be faster than one running under emulation?03:12
iCyrusmkquist__: What?03:12
soreauehidle: You mean the connection isn't working in the host either?03:12
Wes_schnuffle: CygwinX is fine, but I prefer the mingw installer. Approximately the same product, though. Very happy with it, done it many many many times03:13
Wes_both products03:13
ehidlesoreau: connection works fine for the host... I have a 9.10 server running at the moment, copying 3TB of data to it heh...03:13
mkquist__iCyrus: thought you were trying to empty the trash03:13
pw-toxicWes_, everything <1 is out of the meassurement range and drops to 0 seconds ;)03:13
ehidlesoreau: Management net works fine, too03:13
Wes_pw-toxic: *shrug* - I have plenty of usability experience that says two boxes is better than one box emulating two03:13
soreauehidle: Maybe check with the VM devs, or try a different VM03:14
ehidlesoreau: I can assign the Win VM a static IP and ping other hosts, but I can't do any application-layer stuff03:14
pw-toxicschnuffle, i have done the cygwin thing too, but then the editor looks like a bastard editor from hell - i like nice colors and a clean antialising of the font ;)03:14
Wes_but, different strokes for different folks and all that :)03:14
Wes_pw-toxic: not cygwin, cygwin X, use the X server03:14
soreauehidle: Ah then it's probably just a nameserver issue, yea?03:14
pw-toxicWes_, to be honest, im not sure if i have really understood your solution03:14
soreauehidle: Does 'ping google.com' work from the host?03:14
ehidlesoreau: one might think, but it also can't get an IP from the DHCP server03:14
schnufflepw-toxic: I see, cosmetic is important to you03:14
pw-toxicWes_, i know how to use cygwin X .. i then can run native linux programs using cygwin as an x-server03:14
Wes_pw-toxic: you install an X server on windows.   Then you run your program on your ubuntu box. Instead of displaying on the ubuntu box, you tell it to display on the windows box03:15
ehidlesoreau: DNS requires applciation layer functionality that appears to be b0rked at the moment :)03:15
pw-toxicschnuffle, well if you would know how my computer looks like you would accept it that im such a person ;) wanna see a pic of my computer?03:15
soreauehidle: Well if it's a bug, you should check with the VM devs to see if they know anything03:15
schnufflepw-toxic: yes paste somewhere, I'm curious now03:15
pw-toxicWes_, yeah ok then i understand it, but i dont think that the gedit then looks native like if i would run it on ubuntu right?03:15
ehidlesoreau: yeah I will... just have to collect some useful info for them03:15
Wes_pw-toxic: it should look exactly the same, within the confines of your window manager03:15
pw-toxicschnuffle, http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1147499/pc-gruen3.jpg03:16
soreauehidle: *nod*03:16
Wes_It's pretty, but does it work? :)03:16
Wiesshundhehe the netbook interface takes a little getting used to03:16
acerimmerpw-toxic: sweet mercy!  That thing looks evil - in a good way!03:16
schnufflepw-toxic: okay, I see, but as Wes_ told you it should look the same, I don't know about antialiasing03:17
Wes_pw-toxic: This is what a real workspace looks like IMO - http://www.page.ca/~wes/desk.jpg :)03:17
Wiesshundi kind of feel like a retard in it03:17
edbianWes_, ewww, mac03:17
pw-toxicacerimmer, well be happy that you dont know how my old computer looked like when i was 16 years old..  this new computer is much more "adult" ;)03:17
Wes_edbian: It's a darn fine version of unix03:17
Wes_edbian: gui needs work, though03:17
SenjaiHey guys I'm trying to boot my Ubuntu partition from within windows using virtual box according to this tutorial: http://bit.ly/gjfEnt but the first step on creating a bootable grub ISO I can't do, the files don't exist.03:17
Wes_when I was 16, I had a 40 MB harddrive stickout the top of my tower03:18
dv310p3rHow do I enable SFTP on my ubuntu server. SSH works but when I try to connect to it via SFTP it says Couldn't read packet: Connection reset by peer03:18
visual1cewhat media player do you recommed for 10.10? i used to use vlc in windows... i see it is in software center03:18
pw-toxicWes_, oh.. i have 4 monitors myself .. one desktop over 4 monitors: 19" 22" 22"(eizo) and 37" for TV and full hd blu-ray movies ;)))03:18
schnuffleWes_: I had a Oric103:18
ehidlesoreau: this is interesting: Mar  5 22:17:03 digix-ipcop dhcpd: 5 bad udp checksums in 9 packets03:18
Senjaidv310p3r, sftp uses ftp not ssh03:18
Wes_schnuffle: what's that?03:18
Senjai!sftp | dv310p3r03:18
ubottudv310p3r: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)03:18
Wes_pw-toxic: I had to change down to only one display recently. Neck problems. :( :( :( :(03:18
leapy0yoif you turn off password authentication for ssh, you still have to enter the passcode for your private local dsa key file,r ight?03:19
soreauehidle: Ouch, sounds like it might be a deep bug03:19
pw-toxicWes_, BUT the difference is: my computer makes 0dB noise, because everything is watercooled... but now we should stop this here if i dont want to get kicked out of here for off topic ;)03:19
schnuffleWes_: that was a home pc  with a Zilog CPU03:19
dv310p3rDAMN YOU ubottu!03:19
Senjaidv310p3r, you'll have to download an sftp server for your box03:19
ehidlesoreau: yeah.... I'll move the VM to another host NIC (I have a dual-port Intel nic in the machine as well)03:19
dv310p3rSenjai, any recommendations03:19
edbianleapy0yo, No, it looks in the proper folder (.ssh) for the keys03:19
Wes_schnuffle: Nice! I had a Timex-Sinclair 1000 at one point  (ZX81 with an extra K of RAM)03:19
ehidlesoerau: if it clears up, it'll implicate the 8111 community driver03:19
Woody_whats the topic/03:19
Grim76Senjai, are you confusing sftp with ftps?03:19
Senjaidv310p3r, I use filezilla03:20
ruanubuntu support is the topic.03:20
ruanthere is ubuntu-offtopic for others03:20
dv310p3rSenjai, filezilla is an FTP client, not server is it?03:20
pw-toxicWes_, thats one of the key points why i changed to windows7 for my desktop because it is hard to use 4 monitors from two different graphic card vendors (nvidia and AMD) in ubuntu while windows runs this out of the box03:20
Senjaidv310p3r, has both, there is a server version as well, if I understand correctly03:20
visual1cei guess ill just go with vlc03:20
pw-toxicWes_, do you know if this is possible with ubuntu?03:20
dv310p3rSenjai, gotcha, thank you.03:20
ehidlesoreau: the other possibility is that it has something to do with the ~700Mbit of info I'm throwing at it at the moment heh03:20
Senjaidv310p3r, its kinda windows-like, not many linux/unix users use it, they use something else similar to openssh, but you'd have to ask around03:21
visual1cealso is there a ppa for proprietary codecs - a ppa with just codecs not a bunch of additional software03:21
schnufflepw-toxic: some time ago there was somebody having problems with too dofferent cards03:21
SenjaiHey guys I'm trying to boot my Ubuntu partition from within windows using virtual box according to this tutorial: http://bit.ly/gjfEnt but the first step on creating a bootable grub ISO I can't do, the files don't exist.03:21
Wes_pw-toxic: No clue.  Probably, if you work hard enough, almost anything is possible. :)  ... But I generally prefer a mixed environment, anyhow - pick the best tool for the job at hand, leave the politics at the door.03:21
pw-toxicschnuffle, did he solve it?03:21
soreauehidle: It shouldn't but I'd guess it'd be a driver issue if it did03:21
dv310p3rSenjai, thanks03:21
schnufflepw-toxic: not in my knowledge03:21
Woody_does anyone know anything bout  loadsharing with ubuntu ?03:21
Wes_schnuffle: was he trying to run multiple X servers are XINERAMA?03:21
soreauehidle: using rsync or any way to pause the transfer and test?03:21
ehidlesoreau: I thought of a buffer overflow, but then the other VM would be complaining too, and it's not03:21
pw-toxicWes_, well as i just told you.. i LOVE nice enviroment.... and in this case ubuntu is totally kickass ... i LOVE the 3D cube with multi desktop ;)))03:22
ehidlesoreau: sure... you can just quit and rsync and start it over and it'll pick up where it left off03:22
soreauehidle: I mean for you over there, is there any way to test if the transfer is affecting it03:22
soreaubecause I'd kinda be curious to know ;)03:22
schnuffleWes_: not sure but I think he dropped the word Xinerama03:22
ehidlesoreau: I know.. I was just echoing your thoughts for the benefit of the crowd :p03:23
Woody_looking to put together a bunch of old desktops and set up ubuntu server with load sharing sounds possible?03:23
Wes_schnuffle: I can see that being a problem, I don't think you can do Xinerama across multiple X servers, and I'm not sure you can support two different card types with a single x.org X server03:23
schnuffleso you mean load balacing?03:23
edbianWoody_, Definitely, the load sharing will be the hardest part to configure03:23
pw-toxicWes_, i'm totally missing the multi desktop environment of gnome/KDE on windows... i couldnt find any windows addon which makes me use serveral work benches at a time in windows7 which works fluently within < 150ms to switch between them03:23
Wes_I could be wrong on the latter point, though - it's been a very long time03:23
linxehpw-toxic: microsoft provide one03:23
gaelfxis there any OS X emulator, similar to Wine? (btw, I think mace would be a great name for the project if there isn't already one)03:24
Wiesshundpw-toxic there is one that is kind of like compiz03:24
pw-toxiclinxeh, its horror slow!03:24
Wes_pw-toxic: really? 'cause XPSP2 has one03:24
Woody_any tools you might point out ? Havent done it before03:24
linxehpw-toxic: well, not tried in 7, but its ok in xp03:24
pw-toxicWes_, i have TONS of active windows... the more windows you have the more it takes03:24
linxehthey provide it as a powertoy03:24
Wiesshundgaelfx no, there isnt a wine type compat layer for osx03:24
pw-toxiclinxeh, as soon as I start photoshop cs4 it gets super slow because photoshop has a strange window manager03:24
Wes_linxeh: And, the kill MS multi-monitor features:  1)  control-tap "target",   2) easy to adjust relative (pixel-wise) monitor positions03:25
gaelfxvery well, anyone wanna start a mace project with me? :P03:25
pw-toxiclinxeh, can you tell me or link me something of this? i have tried several tools that emuulate several desktops but none could fulfill my requirements03:25
linxehpw-toxic: I dont run photosohp, so heh :)03:25
leapy0yohow do i change screens when i am in a screen inside a screen?03:25
ehidlesoreau: moving it to another NIC in the host cleared it up instantly03:25
Wes_gaelfx: Not me, but maybe the open darwin (?) guys would03:25
linxehpw-toxic: on windows xp - http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/powertoys/xppowertoys.mspx03:25
pw-toxiclinxeh, im dependant form photoshop ;( need for work03:25
schnuffleWoody_:  what services do you want to load balace?03:25
soreauehidle: Is that really new hardware? (the nic with the problem)03:26
SenjaiDoes anyone know how to boot a hard partition in virtual box/03:26
linxehpw-toxic: tried this one? http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/cc81788103:26
leapy0yohow do i use screen commands when I am inside screen? That is, I have screen process running inside another screen process03:27
bazhangSenjai, #vbox for that03:27
ehidlesoreau: yeah the motherboard is new... the onboard NIC works fine for the one VM... it's weird.. I need to do some more testing once my data is finished moving... but I'm wondering if it's a driver issue03:27
[segfault]Senjai: I think you can get that stage2_eltorito file from the iso here - http://www.supergrubdisk.org/ You will have to unpack it and extract the file you need, of course, since the disk is used for another purpose.03:27
Woody_just a little home server I want to use a load balance cause most of the smaller pcs doesnt have suffiecient processing power...heard of load sharing so I figured it splits the load of say rendering or mass dls or whatever03:27
ehidlesoreau: rephrase... I'm almost certain is a driver issue on the host03:28
soreauehidle: sounds about right03:28
edbianWoody_, Pick the fastest one, set it up as a single server, see how it fares.  I don't know how much traffic you think you're generating but I'm willing to bet they're fast enough for personal use03:28
ehidlesoreau: it would have been nice to have the three NICs, but a PCI-e Intel nic is $30, and is on the HCL :)03:29
ehidlesoreau: so I'll just buy another one hehe03:29
pw-toxiclinxeh, 1) it doesnt support cool hotkeys like "alt+q" and "alt+e" for super easy desktop switch  and 2) it is slow and looks like crap (screen gets black for a very short time) 3) windows aero does only work on desktop #103:29
Senjaibazhang, [segfault] thank you03:29
pw-toxiclinxeh, and TV gets stuck for 1-2 seconds when i return to screen1 (where TV is)03:29
linxehI dont use win7 enough :)03:29
linxehpw-toxic: virtualwin ?03:30
ehidlesoreau: I believe the developer for this driver is a regular over at the vm-help forums, so I'll bring it up there03:30
soreauehidle: You should at least file a bug somewhere so it gets fixed for everyone else03:30
soreauehidle: Perfect. :)03:30
pw-toxiclinxeh, i'd like if i could use ubuntu.. im really missing the cool desktop environment of ubuntu03:30
pw-toxiclinxeh, what is this?03:30
linxehpw-toxic: I run XP at work (Forced, sadly), and OSX/Ubuntu at home03:30
linxehpw-toxic: http://virtuawin.sourceforge.net/03:30
soreaupw-toxic: Why can't you use ubuntu?03:30
linxehpw-toxic: recommended by a friend, but I dont know if does what you want03:30
Woody_I have a amd 64x2 but it already carries most of the load was wondering if he loadsharing could make it run smoother and not "DIm the screen" when I try and run a hundred things at once ! :-)03:31
linxehpw-toxic: I'd use ubuntu at work if I could, but I can't :P03:31
linxehpw-toxic: despite being freelance, the companies I consult at tend to all use windows because they think they can lock it down more easily03:31
soreauWoody_: You mean when applications become unresponsive?03:31
pw-toxiclinxeh, well there is a big list that forces my desktop to be windows 7: 1) i have a creative x-fi which is incompatible with linux 2) i want to view real blu-rays.. there is no official blu-ray player for linux 3) i want to use 4 screens with 2 different graphic cards  4) i need to use Photoshop CS4  while only CS2 works on WINE 5) i want to play sc2 and i think bnet doesnt support sc2 on wine (wow worked for me)03:31
linxehwhen really all they can do is stop me right clicking more easily :/03:32
lightais there a way to ping a local machine trougt internet ? (e.g I'm in localgroup A, want to ping someone from localgroup B wich is in another country)03:32
pw-toxicsoreau, look at the message i have written linxeh03:32
ruanlighta: ping <ip-address>03:32
hyperzapHI GUYS: with a UBUNTU vps, is the SSH part of the actualy OS or part of the hosting companies systems?????03:32
soulmastereh IDLE03:32
soulmaster1399 users03:32
Ginger__Would anybody know how to fix a Win system that isnt booting up through running linux off of a flash drive? Im assuming this is entirely the wrong place to ask03:32
lightaruan, this won't require exemple03:32
rwwhyperzap: openssh-server, part of the OS.03:33
skypcehow can i know if my customized kernel have the 200 lines patch?03:33
schnufflelighta: use wippien and create a P"P VPN than you can ping03:33
rwwhyperzap: some VPS providers (I'm thinking of Linode) also offer an emergency console you can ssh into; that's from the provider.03:33
lightaah yeah thx =)03:33
Ben65pw-toxic: 1) probably has a driver somewhere, seems crazy it wouldn't. 2) blu ray is playable 3) ... 4) cs1-5 work 5) sc2 works fine03:33
linxehI think 1) and 2) are solvable relatively easily (buy a new gfx card, and get a bluray player, or rip them via wine/vm). 3) should be possible with linux, 4) can be solved in a vm, albeit with a bit of a perf hit (but mainly IO which is mitigated with a decent SSD). However, in your position I'd stick with separate machines :)03:33
hyperzaprww, and it will be default SSH directory /etc/ssh so I can load fail2ban out of the box??????????????03:33
gaelfxskypce: what 200 lines patch?03:34
soreauGinger__: What do you mean 'through running linux off of a flash drive'?03:34
=== Guest92378 is now known as DarkDevil
Woody_ Ginger >U can mount UBCD on a flash drive with ubuntu and boot it in the windows mashine ...03:34
rwwhyperzap: That's Ubuntu's ssh directory. If they didn't change it, then sure.03:34
Senjaihyperzap, SSh is a protocol, the company can use whatever ssh server software they like, the default on Ubuntu is openssh-server03:34
skypcegaelfx the auto group scheduller?03:34
[segfault]Senjai: to save you the effort of trying each, the file is in the CDROM iso of the super grub disk 1, not the newer grub2 disk.03:34
acerimmerGinger__: http://techtalk.pcpitstop.com/2010/01/12/windows-7-wont-boot-ubuntu-to-the-rescue/03:34
soreauGinger__: You mean 'boot from first hard disk'?03:34
Ginger__soreau, like, I installed unbuntu onto a flash drive and booted in on the laptop that has Windows on it that I am trying to fix03:34
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Ginger__THANK YOU SO MUCH acerimmer. ilu03:34
skypcegaelfx i have problems with jack : Cannot create thread 1 Operation not permitted03:34
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hyperzapok thanks everyone.03:34
gaelfxskypce: if your kernel is customized, then the only way you can know if it has that is to ask whoever customized it03:35
Senjai[segfault], It seems this disc can be used to boot Ubuntu right? Can't I just use this disk in whole mount it as a virtual machine and boot into Ubuntu from there03:35
soreauI want to install ubuntu to a usb stick but I only have one that is 500MB. Can it be done?03:35
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acerimmersoreau: try ubuntu minimal install03:35
gaelfxskypce: if you are running 2.6.38, it should be in there03:35
Senjaisoreau, doubt it, there might be a stripped down command line version of ubuntu that'd fit..03:35
pw-toxicBen65, there is a native driver from creative which made it possible to use at least 5.1 sound, but im missing all the configuration i can do by software to the sound which i really need, because im a very music and sound addicted person - i have a very good sound system here and i can not allow any quality issues to my sound03:35
skypcei am with 2.6.3603:36
bilalthe command has completed03:36
[segfault]Senjai: You may indeed, but like I said, I haven't really used it myself, but it seems like it should work.03:36
skypcethe latest liquorix from git03:36
Nisstyresoreau, try something like Crux or Arch Linux03:36
Senjai[segfault], Have to boot back into windows, brb03:36
pw-toxicBen65, how about 3)? can you solve this?  this is the one keeping me the most from using ubuntu03:36
Ginger__acerimmer, thats just a link to what I have already done. I was wondering if there was some sort of link i could follow that would go a step further and repair the 'hosed' os. i have already gone in and backed up my user library03:36
soreauacerimmer: Where can i find ubuntu minimal? You mean mini.iso? IIRC, that doesn't even include a bash shell03:37
Ben65pw-toxic: depends what cards, i don't see why it wouldn't work though03:37
pw-toxicBen65, actually can you tell me if i can use 4 screens with ONE AMD card which works with compiz? i could afford buying a new graphics card03:37
pw-toxicBen65, at the moment i have one AMD and one NVidia ... its hard for ubuntu to have two different graphic drivers work out of the box03:37
rnigamhow do we create a disk image of 8GB in ubuntu?03:37
soreauIs there a image that can fit on 500MB and netboot the pc from a remote server? Or is that possible03:38
blindmy computer is running kinda laggy and slow, so i used 'top' to see what was using my cpu usage.. xorg is close to 50% steadily.. how can i fix that?03:38
Ben65pw-toxic: sorry, i'm not the best at amd/ati cards03:38
bazhangrnigam, why do you need to03:38
Jordan_USenjai: You can use Super GRUB2 Disk itself to boot Ubuntu from within Virtualbox. Select the "Detect any GRUB2 config (grub.cfg)" option.03:38
acerimmerGinger__: if it's a master boot record issue, super grub has some nice tools and I THINK they work with win703:38
soreauIs there a image that can fit on 500MB usb stick and netboot the pc from a remote server? Or is that possible03:38
Ben65someone else here might be able to figure it out for you03:38
alisalaahAnyone know if the Touchscreen for the Asus ET2400IT would work in Maverick?03:38
alisalaahor how I could find out for sure, before buying03:38
Ginger__thank you acerimmer, i will look into it03:38
rnigambazhang: I am trying to create a kvm guest using virt-install03:38
ruanalisalaah: http://www.bytetips.com/touchscreen-support-ubuntu/03:38
alisalaahI notice the Dell's AIO with touchscreen is Ubuntu certified so maybe03:38
alisalaahty ruan03:38
BenSlaterErr, can someone help me?03:39
pw-toxicBen65, still 1) kills my idea of switching to ubuntu.. i nee full access to all creative options for my x-fi03:39
acerimmersoreau: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD03:39
soreaupw-toxic: Yes, you want one of the Radeon cards with eyefinity technology. It has 6 crtc's on one card03:39
soreauacerimmer: I want to put this on usb though03:39
Ben65pw-toxic: what options are on it that you need?03:39
BenSlaterIm on a laptop, and Im dualbooting Ubuntu with Win7..03:39
BenSlater..and I cant use sudo commands03:39
pw-toxicsoreau, yeah i know - thats why im asking if ubuntu or the native AMD drivers support 4 screen displays with compiz support03:39
BenSlater..or connect to wireless.03:39
bazhangBenSlater, ask a question then03:39
BenSlaterCan you help03:39
FloodBot2BenSlater: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:39
acerimmersoreau: usb creator should work for that.03:39
bazhangBenSlater, on a single line.03:40
=== Gskellig is now known as CharlieSheen
bilalsoreau, it didnot work for me03:40
ruanalisalaah: if it doesn't work out of the box, then you can install those drivers03:40
rnigambazhang: I am trying to create a kvm guest using virt-install03:40
soreaupw-toxic: It's the radeon driver and AFAIK it does have support with latest kernel and userspace. Find out more specifics in #radeon03:40
soreaubilal: What happened?03:40
blindxorg is using like 50% cpu usage and it's lagging the video im trying to watch, what can i do?03:40
pw-toxicBen65, toggle X-Fi Crystalizer; configure X-FI CMSS-3D; bass settings and advanced settings for each of my 6 sound channels (loudness)03:40
bilalsoreau, the command has completed03:40
soreaubilal: Oh you're the one with intel blacklisted gpu?03:40
=== CharlieSheen is now known as Gskellig
Ben65pw-toxic: hm, you could try yelling at creative to make a better driver?03:41
bilalsoreau, i have change settings in ccsm but nothing is happen03:41
pw-toxicBen65, LOL ...03:41
bazhangrnigam, using virtinst package?03:41
soreaublind: Try changing the video method for your player. ie. mplayer -vo xv /path/to/video.ext03:41
soreaubilal: You have to actually start compiz by running /opt/compiz++/bin/compiz++03:41
pw-toxicBen65, i was running ubuntu with my onboard card for about a year .. after 2 years of watinig creative released an official linux driver which actually worked with the card but there were zero options... no chance to get creative make linux support... stupid bastards...03:42
Woody_Benslater >did u check if the user is set up as administrator ?03:42
soreaubilal: Make sure window decoration and move window are enabled along with composite and opengl plugins, then try to start compiz and see what happens03:42
blindsoreau: it's a flash video :\03:42
rnigambazhang: yes using virtinst and I have an iso image that I want to install03:42
soreaublind: and?03:42
pw-toxicBen65, x-fi is super proprietary so nobody else can write drivers for it... many people tried but no one succeeded03:42
bazhanghttp://linux.die.net/man/1/virt-install rnigam this seems to be quite similar03:42
blindsoreau: how am i supposed to change the video output for flashplayer?03:42
soreaublind: Oh you mean you're playing a flash video in your browser?03:42
Ben65pw-toxic: well i tend to avoid companies that don't play nice : /03:43
bilalyes i did it, my windows border disappeared03:43
pw-toxicBen65, well but still creative had the best quality at that time03:43
soreaublind: flash sucks. It's better to download the flv and play it in a player from your hard drive03:43
bilaland cannot move windows anymore03:43
soreaubilal: With Alt+Drag?03:43
pw-toxicBen65, i guess asus released a good sound card with linux support but im not sure03:43
soreaubilal: Run 'metacity --replace' to get the default wm back03:43
Ben65i just use onboard sound03:43
BenSlaterWoody_ I thought it auto set me as an admin? Im the only user.03:44
bilalyes, default wm is back03:44
blindsoreau: i know. but it's convenient.. I frequently run videos from this site no problem, I don't think it's 100% flash's fault it's so laggy right now. maybe an underlying issue..?03:44
skypcea gift , http://code.google.com/p/realtimenetbookkernel/downloads/list03:44
soreaumillertimek1a2m3: What's with the adjusted/new nick?03:44
bazhangskypce, dont paste here03:44
millertimek1a2m3soreau, AdamMan03:45
millertimek1a2m3soreau, if I don't use millertimek1a2m303:45
soreaubilal: If you have window decoration enabled and starting compiz leaves you without borders, it likely means that it failed to start. Do you get any output from your terminal? If so, pastebin it to ubuntu.pastebin.com03:45
ruanno, paste.ubuntu.com03:46
ruanor just pastebin.com03:46
soreauruan: Does it make a difference?03:46
blindubuntu.pastebin.com will work03:46
soreau! paste | ruan03:46
ubotturuan: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:46
rnigambazhang: So it is ok to not to create a .img or .qcow2 file from before hand and just use -s option in virt-install?03:46
Woody_benslater :System-administration-users and Groups-Account type ... check if its set up ...if it doesnt say administrator change it to administrator03:46
ruandid pastebin create a ubuntu section?03:46
blindno, you can create your own subdomain03:46
bilali want to roll back the command bcoz it covers a  lot of disk space03:46
blindtry ruan.pastebin.com03:47
soreauruan: Possibly, they're making all kinds of changes03:47
ruannope, ruan.pastebin.com redirects me to pastebin.com03:47
blindoh. it looks like they've stopped that. :| they've changed it semi-recently03:47
ruanand so does ubuntu.pastebin.com03:47
bazhangrnigam, no idea there sorry, that man page is the extent of my knowledge03:47
bilal<soreau> i want to rollback the executed command and install ccsm03:48
soreauruan: as does paste.ubuntu.com03:48
soreaubilal: The default compiz 0.8 should still work just as before03:48
ruansoreau: paste.ubuntu.com doesn't redirect me anywhere03:48
soreaubilal: 'compiz --replace' should get you compiz 0.8 and ccsm should be ccsm 0.8 (just close ccsm 0.9 first)03:48
bilalok, is there is other way to unblacklist intel 8284503:49
Jordan_Uruan: paste.ubuntu.com is not affiliated with pastebin.com. It is run by Canonical.03:49
pw-toxicBen65, actually im getting interested into reinstalling ubuntu and to by an eyefininty AMD card ;)03:49
BenSlaterWhere do I find that Woody_ ?03:49
BenSlaterIm a Ubuntu noobie03:49
soreauruan: oh weird, i thought it just did here03:49
carbone47#join /sherbrooke03:49
soreaucarbone47: Switch the # and the /03:49
speedyfor creating usb and cd images use Startup Disk Creator form applications > system tools or use UNetbootin03:50
ruanBenSlater: look at the application/places/system bar03:50
Woody_ benslater :In the gnome panel at the top ... System-administration-users and Groups-Account type ... check if its set up ...if it doesnt say administrator change it to administrator03:50
soreauBenSlater: What do you mean you 'cant' use sudo?03:50
richardcavellI'd just like to say I think that the Ubuntu font and its display rocks.  It's much nicer than my OS X or Windows displays.  Web pages look nice and smooth but crisp at the same time.  Who agrees with me?03:51
bilalsoreau: is there other way to unblacklist intel 84503:51
Jordan_U!ot | richardcavell03:51
ubotturichardcavell: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:51
BenSlaterIt asks for my pass, then it wont accept my user pass soreau :/03:51
soreaubilal: As I explained before, your gpu is blacklisted for the reason that the intel driver no longer supports this card well enough to run compiz03:53
Woody_Benslater>it doesnt display your password when typing but it does type it ...did you type your whole password did you check the caps lock ?03:53
soreaubilal: If you would like, you can try booting with 'i915.modeset=0' as a kernel parameter to use the older intel driver03:53
nsd_Anyone know how I can get line out to play over my speakers?03:53
BenSlaterIt doesnt display it.. thats why03:54
speedyRoll ur own Distro flavor with all ur favorite apps and tools with UCK works!03:54
BenSlaterI thought it wasnt typing03:54
Woody_Benslater>did you check if your set up as administrator ?03:54
bilalok thanx03:54
magpiie_i am having trouble downloading programs, any program, it keeps telling me source file could not be read. any ideas?03:54
soreaunsd_: line out? Usually line out is assumed to be amplified..03:54
misc--hi. I'm connected to wireless. If I connect to another wireless, then scripts in /etc/network/if-up.d are supposed to run but they don't. Any ideas why? I thought these scripts are all supposed to run when network comes up.03:54
BenSlater..I cant without rebooting03:54
Woody_did it work ?03:54
BenSlaterBecause my wireless wont work:(03:54
nsd_soreau: Line in, I mean, sorry03:55
soreaumisc--: What makes you think these scripts are supposed to run?03:55
BenSlater..and I dont know where to get the driver..03:55
Woody_just type the full password ..it wont show it03:55
soreaunsd_: Oh, just go to 'alsamixer' and enable tracks with 'm', navigate with arrow keys03:55
ehidlesheesh, 375G down, about 2500G to go... gonna take a while03:55
misc--soreau: just from what I'v read... run-parts is supposed to handle it I think. It was working half an hour ago.. then I did another test just now and all of a sudden, they're not being ran03:55
BenSlaterWoody_ where do I get the wireless driver?03:55
soreauBenSlater: Yea, it doesn't show your password on terminal.. it's a security feature03:55
soreauBenSlater: Which wifi chipset do you have?03:56
speedyit is not supposed to show pasword03:56
speedysecurity feature03:56
nsd_soreau: That worked great, thanks! I was driving myself crazy trying to figure out how to do the same in gnome-volume-control, but to no avai03:56
BenSlaterWifi chipset?03:56
BenSlaterHow do I check? >.<03:56
soreaunsd_: Cool :)03:56
edbianBenSlater, lspci -k03:57
soreauBenSlater: If it's on the pci bus, 'lspci'03:57
misc--if I run run-parts /etc/network/if-up.d then they are all run. So, for some reason, run-parts doesn't run when I reconnect to wireless. I can only assume that the interface isn't actually being shut down03:57
BenSlaterI cant run Ubuntu commands atm03:57
anonbootsYes hello. I am just curious if anyone else has experienced Firefox sucking epically since the last update?03:57
BenSlaterIm on Win7 atm, because I cant speak on here whilst on Ubuntu, because wireless wont work..03:58
edbiananonboots, Just grab firefox4  it's great :)03:58
soreauBenSlater: You'll have to boot ubuntu and get the output but it would be much easier if you can plug directly to hard wire internet for the time being so we can more effectively diagnose the issue03:58
ruananonboots: how so? mine runs smoothly, havent crashed once03:58
anonbootsedbian Do I only need to install from the get repository?03:58
BenSlaterI cant03:58
BenSlaterMy ethernet cable is in the loft somewhere:/03:59
rnigambazhang: Can you tell me how do I create a disk image of size 10GB (kvm1.img)? I am new to Linux in general?03:59
edbiananonboots, (it's git) no, just go to the website, they have a compiled version for linux.03:59
visual1cehow can i check if java is installed?03:59
Woody_benslater :did u try a booting with a hard line03:59
soreauBenSlater: Well it's going to take a lot more work then03:59
=== Unrelandom is now known as Senix
[thor]BenSlater: does the LiveCD work with your wireles?03:59
rnigamCan anyone tell me how do I create a disk image of size 10GB (kvm1.img)? I am new to Linux in general?03:59
anonbootsedbian Because mostly streaming and whatnot seems to be giving me trouble. Youtube has been failing.03:59
BenSlaterErr, I'll come back tomorrow:/03:59
BenSlaterIts 3:5903:59
KoongAre there any drivers for GMA3150?03:59
magpiie_anonboots< are you getting scrambled text at the bottom of the screen when firefox is changing page?03:59
visual1ceso i went to a java plugin test page in firefox and doesn't seem to be working03:59
anonbootsVideos wont play04:00
edbiananonboots, try firefox4 it's lighter and crashes less (it is beta 12 though!)04:00
BenSlaterIm tired, so it'll be even harder.. I'll pop in tomorrow.. bye.04:00
Woody_benslater laterz !04:00
=== vivi is now known as honey_butter
KoongAre there any drivers for intel gma3150??04:00
ruanvisual1ce: do you have the icetea plugin?04:00
visual1celemme see04:00
soreauvisual1ce: By default, an open java implementation is installed called icedtea04:00
soreau! java | visual1ce04:00
ubottuvisual1ce: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.04:00
ruani had the same prob before i installed icedtea04:01
[thor]Koong: http://intellinuxgraphics.org/download.html04:01
visual1cei have them both installed04:01
Woody_So is there a easy go to link on load sharing ..04:01
visual1ceruntime and web start04:01
overcluckerrnigam: dd if=/dev/zero of=kvm1.img bs=1M count=1000004:02
Woody_Soreau> So is there a easy go to link on load sharing .. ?04:03
rnigamoverclucker: Thanks.04:04
Koong[thor], I tried adding this https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates after I read the forums04:04
soreauWoody_: I have no idea, never really had a need to look into it04:04
soreauWoody_: maybe try googling or ##linux04:04
KoongThey say that this ppa can help solve the problem of driversfor GMA315004:04
=== vivi is now known as honey_butter
overcluckerrnigam: that's really just a large empty file, you'll probably need to do more to it04:05
Woody_Soreua :Sweet i'll prob be checking it out after the seven windows responds .... aagh DL'S  !! Laterz peeps !04:05
yeikwow its quiet for a moment04:06
linxeh :)04:07
yeikanybody know a good alternative to ubuntu one, or if its possible to do something like ubuntu one on your own box?04:08
[thor]Koong: i'm not familiar with that repo04:08
magpiie_whenever i try downloading a program, i get a varience of this message (/tmp/HVjn+1PZ.part could not be saved, because the source file could not be read.) anyone help?04:09
jribleapy0yo: see "C-a a" in the manual or set a different escape key04:09
magpiie_i am trying to instal tor04:09
[segfault]yeik: dropbox maybe?04:10
=== elric is now known as elricL
yeiklol, dropbox. im trying to do it on my own, teamdrive is closer to what i want, but it isn't open source and is limited to 10gb04:14
yeikis there a netsplit going on?04:14
* Guest56472 s04:15
=== Guest56472 is now known as jade_qq
jade_qqhi,all,i have a problem.i can open a website begin https,but can't http,foe example i can open https://www.gmail.com,but i can't open http://www.google.com.how can i do ?thanks04:15
jade_qqi can ping,and resolve the domain,but i can't use wget,it tell me no route to host04:16
EvilPhoenixjade_qq:  why do you want to wget google?04:16
Jordan_Ujade_qq: Are you beind a firewall that might be blocking port 80?04:16
jade_qqhao can i see the firewall04:17
dv310p3rhow is it that I can SSH into my server but I can't SFTP into it04:17
jade_qqi only test the network is well04:17
edbiandv310p3r, Perhaps it does not have sftp installed / running.  (They are separate apps after all)04:18
jade_qqi use route ,default         UG    0      0        0 eth004:18
juxtawhat's a reasonable size for a root filesystem running 10.04 LTS? is 10-20gb likely to be exhuasted?04:18
edbianjuxta, I think 10 Gb is enough.  My root is ~3.5 Gb04:18
edbianMost people do not exceed 10Gb but they might come close04:18
juxtathanks edbian04:19
jade_qqhelp~~~,what can i do04:19
tensorpuddingi've got 31gb used04:19
juxtatensorpudding, on / alone? or is that include /home, /srv etc?04:19
[thor]juxta: i use the about the same as tensorpudding04:19
jribtensorpudding: with separate /home?04:19
edbiantensorpudding, You have everything installed04:19
juxtaincluding* even04:19
[thor]juxta: not including /home/04:19
tensorpuddingthat's including home, but not any of my multimedia files04:19
jribjuxta: I'm at 9.7gb (with almost everything under the sun installed)04:20
juxtathanks all :)04:20
juxtaI might go 15GB in that case04:20
iflemajuxta: go with 20 if ya got it and plan on using ya os04:20
tensorpuddingi'll have to go figure out how much /home uses04:20
gordonzoanyone use cherokee around these parts?04:20
jribjuxta: yeah unless space is really a big issue, I'd just go with 2004:21
yeikif you got the space, go bigger, its safer. if you never use it, then luckily all you have to do is shrink it.04:21
jade_qqhow can i change route table04:21
juxtaresizing would be tricky as / will be on a software raid04:21
juxtaI'll go 20 to be safe though04:22
win189hi is there a ipconfig menu for ubuntu server04:22
tensorpuddingwin189: ifconfig?04:22
bazhangwin189, ifconfig04:22
jribwin189: ifconfig I guess?  you should say what you want to do04:22
tensorpuddingwin189: it's not a menu though04:22
yeikshould be easy to backup and restore to a smaller partition though.04:22
win189i want to remove the predefined settings that i have for my server to auto or to another set but i am useto ipconfigmenu04:23
ruanhow do i figure out which usb serial port Bus 002 Device 003 is?04:23
jade_qqhow can i change route table?thanks~04:23
ruani've tried /dev/ttyS3 but that didn't work04:24
=== Semitones is now known as semitones
tensorpuddingwin189: which predefined settings do you refer04:24
win189cause once the server is on the net its easy for me04:25
win189my ipsettings04:25
chasrruan: try sudu lsusb04:25
win189i want to zero it out and make it auto for now04:25
tensorpuddingauto meaning getting addresses through dhcp?04:25
ruanchasr: i did, but how do i get the /dev/id?04:25
nOStahlhey guys, is it possible to use one wifi adapter to connect to a network and share it with another wifi adapter04:26
kaolbrecHey guys, is it just me or are the 10.04.1 torrents (on ubuntu.com) not there any more?04:26
evilsushianyone have a video tutorial for making packages/04:26
kaolbrecAll the links to the 10.10 files work, but the 10.04.1 torrents return file-not-found04:27
tensorpuddingwin189: you can edit /etc/network/interfaces to configure interfaces04:27
win189using pico right04:27
chasrruan: i think they'rre in /dev/bus/usb04:27
rwwkaolbrec: they got removed when 10.04.2 came out04:28
kaolbrecrww: ugh. And they couldn't be bothered to change one measly character?04:28
rwwkaolbrec: where?04:28
tensorpuddingethernet adapters are labelled eth0, eth1, etc.04:28
kaolbrecAll the LTS releases say 10.04.1, and go nowhere04:29
kaolbrecChange the .1 to .2 in the url, get the working torrent. Lazy.04:29
tensorpuddingso you want a line such as auto eth0, then iface eth0 inet dhcp04:29
rwwkaolbrec: thanks, I'll go find/file a bug about it.04:29
ruanchasr: i tried both devices and it doesn't work :/04:29
tensorpuddingthen you can /etc/init.d/networking restart04:29
nOStahlis there a way to bridge wifi adapter shared to wifi adapter04:29
kaolbrecrww: already writing an email ;)04:29
flash_dudefashget alternatives for linux?04:30
rwwkaolbrec: file a bug against https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-website-content instead.04:30
kaolbrecAlrighty then04:30
yeikanybody know a good alternative to ubuntu one, or if its possible to do something like ubuntu one on your own box?04:30
blindsoreau: i tried that mplayer -vo xv trick and videos do play much much better, even with the cpu % high, thanks04:30
chasrruan: what are trying to do?04:30
rwwyeik: dropbox, and no, not currently.04:30
ruanchasr: i'm trying to setup upsilon, for my ups04:31
rwwyeik: the Ubuntu One server code is not open source.04:31
yeikrww: i was thinking something not in the cloud, i know of dropbox04:31
flash_dudeLol fail04:31
soreaublind: np04:31
abd1there is aproblem04:31
rwwkaolbrec: ah, someone filed one already. bug 71030204:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 710302 in ubuntu-website-content "Invalid torrent-link to 10.04.1 Netbook Edition" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71030204:31
flash_dudefirst thing to do after install ubuntu sudo apt-get remove --purge ubuntu-one04:31
yeikrww: too bad one server isn't open source.04:31
abd1related to ubuntu 10.0404:31
kaolbrecrww: excellent. How long ago was that?04:31
win189tensorpudding thanks a lot04:32
rwwkaolbrec: the comment about 10.04.2 was 2011-02-18. *facepalm*04:32
* rww has negative opinions of Canonical's speediness04:32
yeikrww: do you know if there is plans on making ubuntu one open source?04:32
kaolbrecrww: I agree. It's a 10 second job for ctrl+h in the text editor of your choice.04:33
rwwyeik: Canonical does not plan to do this as far as I'm aware. It should be possible to write an open source server replacement, but I don't know of anyone completing something like that.04:33
abd1my laptop gets stuck when i use more than two aplications04:33
abd1there is 1004:33
abd1there is 10.0404:33
josefigWhat app is good for managing the battery in a laptop? I'm using ubuntu 10.10 + the macbunutu theme04:33
yeikrww: thanks, i'll work on teamdrive, or something like ifolder, or create some scripts to do the same thing04:34
=== Guest52 is now known as DarkDevil
xpticalHi all.  Anyone else using a fingerprint scanner for login?04:35
=== DarkDevil is now known as Guest55198
win189tensorpudding one more thing according to apt-get i have openssh-server installed but i still cant seem to connect to it04:35
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tensorpuddingwin189: is it running04:35
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest77772
win189i found out why lol04:36
chasrruan: i never tried that. My experience is that if something doesn't work when you connect it usb it's because you need a missing driver04:36
speedya good app for manageing iPod 32 gb04:36
ruanchasr: i installed the drivers for it04:36
ruanchasr: i just need to get the right port number04:36
pwnstarwhat is the recommended environment for a production server? 32 or 64 bit?04:36
clu3how do i start nm-applet?04:37
soreauclu3: Alt+F2 and type nm-applet --sm-disable04:37
rww!pm | abd104:37
ubottuabd1: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.04:37
soreauclu3: You might want to kill any running instance first with 'killall nm-appet'04:38
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clu3where are these applets generally ?04:39
gordonzodoes anyone have a quick way to test if crontab is working? I am not seeing it update the status report in my drupal installation.04:39
soreauclu3: You mean on the screen? It should display in gnome-panel's notification area04:39
soreaugordonzo: How often do you have it firing?04:40
clu3im following that to setup my laptop as wifi hotspot04:40
clu3but can't do step 104:40
clu31# Left click on the NetworkManager icon in the panel.04:40
gordonzoevery hour, unfortunately its showing a day or so without an update04:40
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win189what is the name of the multi screen command for ssh is it call screen04:41
win189(cant spell worth crap today_04:41
ruanwin189: i think it's called screen..04:41
clu3soreau, is nm-applet supposed to show up a GUI ?04:41
ChogyDansoreau: what is sm-disable?04:42
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soreauChogyDan: Disables session management04:43
soreauclu3: Yes, in the gnome-panel 'tray'04:43
abd1I am going to install karmic koala on a sony vaio from usb but after first screen got stuck04:44
ruanabd1: why not maverick?04:45
abd1ruan: as there are a lot of problem there04:46
magpiie_i installed tor via synaptic package manager and it is pointing to the wrong file when i start vidalia. where can i find the proper tor executable on my hd?04:46
ruanmagpiie_: you could try reinstalling it, but it could be in usr/lib04:48
magpiie_i have reinstalled it 4 times now, in the /usr/lib all that is listed is torsocks04:49
win189ruan are u farmilular with setting up hdds from command line04:49
hylianwhere is the temporary folder for epiphany? it is not in /tmp04:49
ruanwin189: not completely, but i have experience with finding names and mounting04:51
ruanwin189: also gparted04:51
win189k then ill rely on webmin for this then04:52
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ruanwin189: what exactly do you want to do though?04:52
win189i added 2 new hard drives04:52
win189but ill see if i can get it to work on my own04:53
ruanwin189: you added 2 new hard drives, yeah, but what do you want to do?04:53
DaGeek247is it possibl to use the pc speaker instead of normal ones for audio?04:53
win189mount them04:54
ruanwin189: get the names with sudo fdisk -l04:54
win189but i seem to be able to do it with webmin so nvm04:54
hylianDaGeek247, unless you are referring to using them via a programming language, no.04:54
magpiie_do i need to defragment my hd with ubuntu?04:54
DaGeek247no programs tht allow it at all?04:55
hylianwhere is the temporary folder for epiphany? it is not in /tmp04:55
DaGeek247magpiie no04:55
magpiie_ok thanks04:55
ubottuThe default Ubuntu filesystem (ext4) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this.04:55
ruanmagpiie_: see above04:55
magpiie_<hylian> have you tried in the program settings?04:56
hylianDaGeek247, yes, you can use them, but they only make simple noises, they are for problem solving. you can make them play tones, but you can't use them to, for say, play music.04:56
hylianmagpiie_, tried what?04:56
magpiie_in epiphany settings, look for where the temp folder is04:57
hylianmagpiie_, yes, but to no avail. i have googled it for the last half our as well.04:57
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magpiie_ahh, sorry then, i am not familiar with the program, i assumed it might have been somewhere in the settings04:58
Random832gah that diagram annoys me04:58
DaGeek247hylian why do you need this info?04:58
Random832the "filesystem" shown relys on byte color to store information [boundary between filenames and location addresses]04:58
RealEyesHow do I install java on 10.10?04:59
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.04:59
bc81hi.  when i'm watching any (flash) youtube video and click fullscreen, it goes fullscreen but the video pauses.  then when i click fullscreen again it goes back to normal and the video starts playing again.  what gives?  ubuntu 10.10 fully updated04:59
hylianDaGeek247, it is infenitely usefull. for example, looked ata picture, and now don't know where you saw it? no problem, it will most likely be in the temp folder. saw a youtube video, and don't want to download it again to watch it, again, in the temp folder.04:59
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash05:00
DaGeek247he doesnt nrd to insral, flash05:00
DaGeek247he is running into the same problem all ubnu users have05:01
shadghostDaGeek247: it still has troubleshooting at botom, and explains that05:01
shadghostor it use to05:01
hylianwhere is the temporary folder for epiphany? it is not in /tmp05:01
j_dalmondguys, does anyone know how to disable system messages like "ur flash drive is mounted" in cairo-dock?05:01
j_dalmondany ideas?05:03
soreauj_dalmond: It's probably somewhere in cairo settings. Check their website or ask in #cairo-dock05:04
mettacairo-dock, is that in a default install of ubuntu?05:05
mettanever heard of it05:05
digirakmetta: i think it comes with the awn05:05
hylianj_dalmond, sorry, trying to solve my own problem, let me take a look05:05
mettaoh yeah, supposedly chrome is in the software center, according to the 64bit 10.10 installer, but i checked and it's not there05:05
Rob235_ahh my app is halfway done05:05
soreaumetta: It's a highly configurable, functional, themeable dock that can mimic such styles as OSX dock and so on05:05
Rob235_at least05:05
j_dalmondsoreau, thx for reply, already tried settings, but it's impossible to disable gnome integration and dbus disabling doesn't gove a result05:06
mettasoreau: will it be included in natty?05:06
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j_dalmondhylian, oh, nothing to sorry for, thk you ))05:06
soreaumetta: Sure, it's been in the repos for a couple years at least05:06
soreau!info cairo-dock | metta05:06
ubottumetta: cairo-dock (source: cairo-dock): A light and eye-candy dock to launch your programs (metapackage). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.0~4-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 8 kB, installed size 36 kB05:06
j_dalmondmetta, cairo-dock is not default, but is in repos05:06
soreaumetta: You can see how it works and what it can do on youtube or their site05:07
RealEyesI just put a HDD in from my friend's win7 computer that had a RAID set-up. I have win7x64 installed on it (sdb). I have my original HDD with ubuntu 10.10 & win7x86 (sda). How do I delete the win7x86 partition and allow Ubuntu the extra space on (sda)?05:07
mettasoreau: i don't watch commercials05:07
hylianj_dalmond, no, sorry... but there is a cairo-dock only channel right here at freenode, #cairo-dock05:08
ruanRealEyes: you can use gparted05:08
soreaumetta: try it yourself then :)05:08
SirCaneRealEyes gparted05:08
mettasoreau: too busy05:08
RealEyesI have gparted, but I don't know what to click :P05:08
j_dalmondhylian, already there, thx :-)05:08
leapy0yowhat replaced the /boot/grub/menu.lst ?05:08
mettaif it's that good, i'm sure i'll use it in a future version05:08
RealEyesI want to know if I need to re-install grub if I delete the win7 partition on sda.05:08
j_dalmondRealEyes, just use gparted in ubuntu and then sudo update-grub ;-)05:08
RealEyesbecause I don't think os-prober can see my sdb05:08
ruanRealEyes: just don't partition the drive while it is mounted05:09
RealEyesSo, I should boot from live CD to do it?05:09
hyliananyone here know where epiphany stores temporary data like flv files? it is not in /tmp05:09
soreaumetta: They actually have an implementation of the icon animation on their website glx-dock.org05:09
ruanRealEyes: yeah05:09
RealEyesBecause Im on that drive now.05:09
ruanRealEyes: livecd has gparted05:09
RealEyesalright cool05:09
RealEyesthanks :D05:09
mettasoreau: are you a developer for it?05:10
ruanRealEyes: so, boot off the livecd, remove sdb, resize ubuntu, and update-grub205:11
RealEyesremove sdb?05:11
RealEyesyou mean, yeah, hah!05:12
ChogyDanruan: you may need to chroot to update grub05:12
shadghostbc81: also, you can enable html5 player for chrome (and ff i think too) for youtube instead of flash05:12
shadghostit works better05:12
shadghost<--- was trying to figure out why he did nto have the problum then i realised why05:13
RealEyessomething must be wrong with twitter tonight <.<;05:13
ChogyDanruan: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=115624005:14
hyliananyone know where epiphany stores it's temp data? it is not /tmp, this i know.05:16
ruanRealEyes: so yeah, use chroot05:16
hiexpohola all05:17
j_dalmondhylian, probaby, home folder, then .local or .epiphany05:17
RealEyesuse chroot now?05:17
ruanRealEyes: chroot before updating grub05:17
hylianj_dalmond, my thoughts too, and while there are some files there, like plugins, none of the pictures or flv files or html files are there, so it's not the proper directory. i'll try local though, didnt think of that05:18
RealEyesidk how2 do dat05:18
bc81thanks shadghost, i'll try chromium05:18
RealEyesresize ubuntu and -then- chroot? :P05:18
j_dalmondhylian, one more variant in /usr/share/epiphany - but that's unlikely05:18
ruanRealEyes: yes05:19
RealEyes5. Do what you have to do and then exit chroot05:19
RealEyesidk what that is05:19
RealEyesidk what exactly I '05:19
ruanRealEyes: update-grub205:19
RealEyeshave to do05:19
RealEyesdoes not compute :|05:20
ruanRealEyes: after deleting sda and resizing, sudo update-grub205:20
RealEyesthats it?05:20
ruanRealEyes: yep05:20
RealEyesYou already told me to do that.05:20
RealEyesWhat's all this chroot biz?05:20
hylianj_dalmond, i actually checked that out too. epiphany has several places where it saves data, but not the main cache. it's not that big of a deal, i just like to look through the cache for pics and what not that i was interested in but decided not to save...05:21
ubottuA chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot05:21
* RealEyes @_@05:22
ChogyDanRealEyes: do you know how to run commands in general?05:22
j_dalmondhylian, well, u could just visit source site again if u remember. i'm sure it's address is in history05:22
RealEyesBut, I need like a step-by-step to do all this.05:23
RealEyesI've struggled with grub2 and my HDDs forever.05:23
RealEyesSomething always goes wonky.05:23
ChogyDanRealEyes: if you just run update-grub, it will try to do it against the livecd filesystem, but you want it against your hdd05:23
christhecoolboyhey all :)05:23
RealEyesAh, I see.05:23
christhecoolboyI got a tech problem...05:23
hylianj_dalmond, yeah. it's not that big of a deal. i just hate it when there is no easy documentation for this stuff. this is a rather commonly asked question when it comes to web browsers, and i can tell you where firefox has it's tmp folder right off the spot.05:23
christhecoolboyI need to be able to record PC audio05:23
christhecoolboyI did have  a stereo mix card05:23
christhecoolboyHow do I make it work on ubuntu?05:24
christhecoolboyI cant see it under sounds05:24
bc81christhecoolboy: if you mean you want to record what you hear, this tutorial worked for me: http://stream-recorder.com/forum/showpost.php?p=15384&postcount=205:24
ChogyDanRealEyes: you need to replace /mount/point with the folder to which you mount your hdd partition when you are on the livecd.  Then run steps 1-4 of the chroot, update-grub, exit05:24
RealEyesI think someone is using a rootkit on my PC.05:24
ruanRealEyes: lol, why?05:25
j_dalmondhylian, agree. well, u might want to try midori if u need i lightweight browser. works pretty f***ing good :-)05:25
Wiesshunda rootkit on linux?05:25
RealEyesthings work when they want to05:25
christhecoolboybc81, I'll try that, I need to record my voice and what I hear at the same time05:25
RealEyesinet is slow05:25
RealEyestwitter is slow05:25
RealEyesalways fails05:25
J697Whats the deal with not being able to cd into a directory with spaces in it? <from terminal> Is there a way too?05:25
RealEyeschromuim is acting up05:25
WiesshundRealEyes it's kind of hard to rootkit linux05:25
ruanJ697: you can cd into a dir with spaces in it05:26
J697It won't let me05:26
hylianj_dalmond, i just sudo apt-get removed midori, i didnt like it, a little too buggy. epiphany is running better by far. and firefox, well, it's such a hog i have actually gotten the greyed out screen of bogged down-ism.05:26
bc81christhecoolboy: i think audacity has this option, Edit > Preferences > Recording > Overdub (Play other tracks while recording new one)05:26
ruanJ697: type cd, first few letters, then tab05:26
MohammadAGescape\ the\ spaces05:26
christhecoolboyits not on audacity... bc8105:26
christhecoolboyon a Screen recorder05:26
MohammadAGlike i did there ^05:26
bc81christhecoolboy: oh, i see05:26
RealEyesit doesnt say sda or sdb anywhere in this tut.05:26
RealEyesNot very clear on what I have to do, still.05:27
J697ruan, oh, cool thanks05:27
ruanRealEyes: basically the root of your drive05:27
hylianRealEyes, your not running fedora are you? LOL.05:27
WiesshundJ697 cd "directory name with spaces"05:28
ChogyDanRealEyes: you have to figure that out after you gpart05:28
RealEyesyeah, think I'll just forget it :P05:28
qinchuanqingwhat the topic now05:28
j_dalmondhylian, agree about firefox, but after a few recent updates it works good even with _many_ multiple tabs, though some time ago it was _unbearably_ f***ing slow. well, but chromium is also _very_ good05:28
hylianRealEyes, one thing that could be a decent diagnostic aid for you would be to boot from a live cd of some kind, and see if there is a dramatic internet speed difference.05:29
ruanfirefox never runs slowly for me.05:29
BlackDragonTechyI've used FF since 0.8 but I ended up switching to Chrome.05:30
hylianj_dalmond, good to know. for now i am still going to stick with epiphany. i can't complain, it's not a need to know where the cache is.05:30
RealEyesI wonder a lot about security and VPNs and stupid crap like that.05:30
RealEyesTruth is, I haven't a clue as to what I'm doin.05:30
j_dalmondhylian, well, good then -)05:31
hylianj_dalmond, ahh, i see you are a cyclops05:32
j_dalmondhylian, cyclops? what do u mean?05:32
=== Noname is now known as Guest73368
speedrunnerG55im haveing troubbe waching youtube videos05:33
hylianj_dalmond, your smiley was a  - ) (one eye) : )05:34
TheyainFor some reason if I am plugged into my netbook's AC adapter and I have any external speakers hooked up through my headphone port, I get an annoying buzz/hum.  Its a 60hz buzz (the same kind an amp with no guitar makes).  This does not and did not (As I haven't used Windows in about 10 months) happen in windows.  It doesn't matter what outlet I'm plugged into (my house, school, etc).  This is speaker independent as well.05:34
speedrunnerG55im using google chromium05:34
j_dalmondhylian, :-D ok. sometimes i am05:34
WiesshundTheyain this only happen in the headphones?05:34
Guest73368Do you have any addons in chromium05:34
TheyainWiesshund: No only on external and only on linux05:35
Guest73368what do u see on the page with the youtube video05:35
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speedrunnerG55it even play05:35
speedrunnerG55but i dont see it05:35
FloodBot2speedrunnerG55: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:35
speedrunnerG55i hear it and i can interact with it05:35
j_dalmondhylian, well, actually, it's kind of wide closed eyes with smile05:35
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Guest73368you cant see it though>05:36
=== Guest77772 is now known as LjL-Temp
TheyainAnyone got a clue? :o05:36
dragonkeeperhow do i create a virtual device that streams the sound played through my default sound card so it can be used as a mic ?05:36
Guest73368i dont think thats possible05:36
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speedrunnerG55ni i cant see it, i can hear it and i can controol it05:36
Guest73368not you that other guy05:36
* hylian understands05:37
Guest73368but for you, does it work in firefox or any other web browser05:37
speedrunnerG55didnt check05:37
Guest73368because chromium is pretty new05:37
ruaneverything works in firefox for me.05:37
dragonkeepermust be possible.   windows does the same , but its called stereo mix05:37
iTannerOkay, I need sine hoarded help... Im not sure how to realize this partition, im on a live cd and I right click, resize, but I cant resize it. I have 25 gb of unallocated soda though05:38
ruanjava, flash, embedded mp3s05:38
ActionParsnipGuest73368: relese first in Jan 2009, 2 years is new?05:38
ruanunallocated soda.. lol'd05:38
iTannerSpace, not soda05:38
iTannerIm on my iPod, autocorrect etc05:38
ActionParsnipdragonkeeper: i can reel of a list of stuff ubuntu does that windows can't. Its a different OS so has different abilities05:39
speedrunnerG55yes it works there05:39
Guest73368well, what version of ubuntu are you using?05:39
xpticalprinter working05:39
xpticalscanner working05:39
xpticalfingerprint reader working05:39
Wiesshunddid he say unallocated soda?05:40
Guest73368chromium is new for ubuntu, its probably just a bug05:40
xpticalhmm.  maybe I should do a backup next05:40
Aikarok... so earlier i was messing with window manager setting in gconf and got my self screwed up, and someone told me the .xml file to edit to get it reset back to metacity... well, i just noticed my Ubuntu Tweak is missing a ton of its options.. any idea why, did me editing the .xml file raw screw it up?05:40
speedrunnerG55ok bye. of to bed05:40
iTannerIf anyone has an idea, i'd prefer a pm, keeping up with pings is a nightmare on a tiny screen05:40
dragonkeeperActionParsnip  i know. but curious if its possible. i see pulse audio can monitor the sound in pavucontrol  but i cant see how it can be used as a mic05:40
hiexposup ActionParsnip05:41
ActionParsnipspeedrunnerG55: could try the daily build ppa05:41
ActionParsniphiexpo: howdy y'all05:41
iTannerAnd by hoarded I meant towered05:41
iTannerG p a r t e d05:41
ActionParsnipspeedrunnerG55: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily/ppa; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install chromium-browser05:41
ruanchromium installs here without another repositry05:42
Wiesshunddragonkeeper you tried using alsamixer?05:42
ActionParsnipruan: its the daily build :)05:42
ruanActionParsnip: ah05:42
j_dalmondhylian, first google result /home/username/.gnome2/epiphany - then cache or favicon_cache05:43
ActionParsnipruan: my version is: 11.0.692.0 (77027) Ubuntu 11.0405:43
CheBuzz_HomeI have an Asus computer with HDMI out connected to a Samsung TV.  I have connected the cable, and enabled the display (that was auto-detected) in the nVidia control panel, but the TV is telling me that the source is not connected.  Any chance anybody has encountered a similar situation, and found a solution?05:43
ruanActionParsnip: 10.10 here05:43
Blackout77CheBuzz, try changing the input on the TV05:43
ActionParsnipruan: in maverick it's at 7535705:44
dragonkeeperWiesshund  im trying do it with pulseaudio "pavucontrol"05:44
Wiesshunddragonkeeper you might try looking in alsamixer05:45
ActionParsnipCheBuzz_Home: tried changing res or refresh rate?05:45
RealEyeshow does one optimize internetz on ubuntu?05:45
dragonkeeperill look05:45
ruanRealEyes: lol, you can use BleachBit, its like an ubuntu equivalent of ccleaner05:45
Blackout77RealEyes: What internet browser u use?05:45
WiesshundRealEyes could you give a bit more detail?05:45
ActionParsnipRealEyes: I can give you some nice sysctl.conf lines to add05:45
Blackout77Listen to ruan05:46
RealEyesActionParsnip. You've helped me before! What do those lines do, eh? O.o;05:46
ActionParsnipRealEyes: give more buffers to network stuffs, makes things nice05:46
RealEyesSounds nice.05:47
CheBuzz_HomeActionParsnip: Yes.  The TV is fully capable of 1080p, but I have also tried 720.05:47
RealEyescan haz?05:47
ActionParsnipRealEyes: http://paste.ubuntu.com/576315/05:47
ActionParsnipRealEyes: add those to /etc/sysctl.conf     then save the new file and run:  sudo sysctl -p     I assume you have more than 1Gb RAM05:47
ruanyep, he has more than 1g ram05:48
ActionParsnipCheBuzz_Home: thats all I got. HDMI can be a real pain05:48
ActionParsnipruan: safe not to assume05:48
ruanrunning windows7 without more than 1gb of ram isn't such a good idea05:48
ActionParsnipRealEyes: if you use firefox there are tweaks in about:config you can do05:49
ruanyep, pipelining05:49
Blackout77yea, and where the hell do u get a computer with less than 2gb of ram anyways?05:49
ActionParsnipruan: still possible, its made to run lighter than vista. there are youtube vids of people running it on some real old systems05:49
ActionParsnipBlackout77: my fileserver has 128Mb05:50
ruanActionParsnip: yeah but he's running 64bit05:50
Blackout77damn, i stand corrected05:50
Blackout77well still05:50
ActionParsnipBlackout77: all it does is run samba and cron to backup :)05:50
Blackout77XD. Nice05:50
ActionParsnipruan: doesn't matter, you can run 64bit OS on 1Gb ram and it will work05:51
RealEyeshow do i open /etc/sys... as root?05:51
area51pilotI try to install a local printer and the option is no longer available ... the only two options available are other and network05:51
ActionParsnipRealEyes: gksudo gedit /etc/sysctl.conf05:51
ruanActionParsnip: yeah but there isn't much of a point to that05:51
erik_I need help installing nvidia drivers05:51
ActionParsnipRealEyes: I'm assuming gnome05:51
ruanActionParsnip: most apps run on 32bit05:51
ActionParsnipruan: if you run a small SQL server, it can help05:51
area51pilotis there a way to reinstall or fix CUPS in order to allow a local printer to be added05:52
WiesshundBlackout Bestbuy05:52
ruanActionParsnip: sure, but this isn't a sql server afaik05:52
ActionParsnipruan: its an example.....05:52
ActionParsnip!nvidia | erik_05:52
ubottuerik_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:52
Blackout77Wiesshund: True05:53
WiesshundBlackout most small inexpensive netbooks etc05:53
RealEyesError 102 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED): Unknown error.05:53
RealEyesis what i get most times with chrome. maybe i have too much open?05:53
Blackout77yea, i know, im just tired is all XD05:53
ActionParsnipRealEyes: if you install dnsmasq then set your primary dns to then set your ISP's DNS then you will cache the name resolutions and they will take 0ms instead of 35ms05:53
ActionParsnipRealEyes: how much ram do you have?05:54
RealEyes1333 @ 7-8-7-2405:54
erik_ActionParsnip: I have lookd at that and many other online resources05:54
ActionParsniperik_: which nvidia chip do you have?05:55
ActionParsnipRealEyes: only needed the amount05:55
techbreakhow do I install libreoffice in maverick ?05:55
ActionParsnipRealEyes: should be fine then05:55
erik_ActionParsnip: GeForce GT 425M05:55
stojabreakhi techbreak05:55
RealEyesActionParsnip: I want to do that. 0ms > 35ms ... You think I should install BleachBit?05:55
techbreakstojabreak, hi :) hehe05:55
ActionParsniptechbreak: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/01/new-ppa-makes-installing-libreoffice-on-ubuntu-easy/05:55
techbreakActionParsnip, awesome.. thanks ;)05:56
ActionParsnipRealEyes: bleachbit clears caches of applications to save space05:56
stojabreakouu so fast ActionParsnip :=)05:56
RealEyesAP: I think those lines I added helped.05:56
area51pilot...any suggestions on fixing a CUPS issue05:56
ActionParsnipstojabreak: favourites in a folder called 'support' :)05:56
erik_ActionParsnip: the 425M card is supported, however trying to install using the additional drivers utility results in a black screen on boot.05:58
ActionParsnipRealEyes: http://blog.sandeep.co.in/2008/01/09/dnsmasq-browse-the-web-faster/       install and edit the file as given, then ignore the rest and edit your connection in network manager and set the interface as DHCP address only then set your first dns server to and then use your ISPs or google DNS as secondary05:58
RealEyeswhat else could I do to my system to make it BLAZING fast?05:58
ActionParsniperik_: edit the boot and remove:   quiet splash    and add nomodeset05:58
ActionParsnipRealEyes: install a webcaching service like polipo and you won't even use your connection if the data is already local05:59
RealEyesdata is local? who uses the web for local data?05:59
RealEyesI'm always on twitter and chat sites05:59
erik_ActionParsnip: So what would I have to do exactly from a clean install? Is this the grub.conf file?05:59
ActionParsniperik_: hold shift at boot and you can change the boot options there. You edit /etc/defaul/grub   to change boot options, remember to run:  sudo update-grub   after06:00
erik_ActionParsnip: Ok, so I boot, hold shift and remove/add those lines? So what will that allow me to do?06:03
iTannerOk, I get a warning on g p a r t e d saying that moving a partition will probably cause issues. I'm just moving it into unallocated space. Will that cause damage?06:03
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ActionParsniperik_: if you have the desktop now then you can do it there, you wont need the shift thing06:03
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ActionParsniperik_: just edit /etc/default/grub    and change:  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"  to: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="nomodeset"06:04
Guest7062need help06:04
ActionParsnipGuest7062: running an irc client as root isn't very wise06:04
erik_ActionParsnip: Ok, so a change those lines, install the Nvidia driver and I should be set?06:04
ActionParsniperik_: should be ok06:05
erik_ActionParsnip: Ok, I'll give it a shot! Thanks :)06:05
iTannerI guess I'm “moving /dev/sda8 to the left and grow it from 6.17 gb to 32.17 gb”06:05
iTannerWill that cause damage, do you think06:06
Guest30918wrong chat lmao06:06
iTannerTo the left is just unallocated, I think.06:07
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RealEyessee ya guys!06:09
RealEyesThanks for the help ruan + ActionParsnip06:09
ActionParsnipits fun to tweak for speed :)06:10
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kingropehow i set up free vpn on ubuntu ?06:14
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN06:14
area51pilotI cant get a USB printer to load on the local host ... any ideas?06:15
ruanarea51pilot: is it detected via 'lsusb'?06:15
EvilPhoenixwhats the latest kernel available in the 10.04 repos?06:18
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!06:19
OriginalPratsteryou're a nigger06:19
area51pilotruan: not familiar w/ that06:19
ActionParsnip!info linux-image lucid | EvilPhoenix06:19
EvilPhoenixActionParsnip:  was that supposed to do something?06:19
EvilPhoenixbecause it didnt :/06:19
ActionParsniparea51pilot: what make / model ?06:20
OriginalPratsteryou NIGGER06:20
ubottuEvilPhoenix: linux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)06:20
EvilPhoenixwow lag06:20
ActionParsnipEvilPhoenix: yes,make ubottu pipe up, be patient...06:20
area51pilotAction: 10.10 adding an HP F2200 to the localhost06:20
ActionParsniparea51pilot: grab the latest hplip and install it06:20
ActionParsnipEvilPhoenix: next time, leave the attitude out06:21
area51pilotIt was added before...would not print after an update...removed and cant add now06:21
phoniclynxI have installed ubuntu 10.10 a few weeks ago.. and all of a sudden ever time I to go Places and try to open say the Home folder or another folder... it opens Rythm Box.. how do I make it open the file manager?06:21
EvilPhoenixActionParsnip:  sorry06:21
ActionParsnipEvilPhoenix: its cool06:21
ruanwhat's the difference between dolphin and konqueror?06:23
edbianruan, konqueror can also view html06:24
ruanedbian: ah ok06:24
mettawhy should someone care about the difference between dolphin and konquereor?06:24
mettaah, they have eye candy.06:24
ruanmetta: because i get two options when i right click a folder06:24
phoniclynxany one know why opening a folder only opens up Rhthm box?06:25
ruanmetta: and they both look the same to me06:25
mettaruan: kubuntu?06:25
ruanmetta: nope, i installed kde on ubuntu06:25
area51pilotcan cups be removed without any issues?06:25
ruanphoniclynx: right click > open with06:25
mettaruan: why?06:25
ruanarea51pilot: yes, i removed it06:25
mettathe big deal is, it's not such a big deal06:25
ruanmetta: i just wanted to try it out06:25
phoniclynxruan: Wish it was that simple06:25
mettaphoniclynx: karma vipaka?06:26
phoniclynxthis is selecting a folder from the menu.. ie Places06:26
ruanphoniclynx: oh06:26
mettai never had that problem, phoniclynx06:26
ruanphoniclynx: go to computer, right click hard drive06:26
phoniclynxno its somewhat unusual06:26
mettaso you go to places > Music and it opens Rhythmbox?06:27
phoniclynxbut Cario-Dock is also doing it06:27
ruanphoniclynx:right click hard drive, properties, open with, select open folder06:27
mettaphoniclynx: are you talking to me?  use tab complete06:27
metta!tab | phoniclynx06:27
ubottuphoniclynx: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.06:27
PrinlerIm attempting to run the update manager. when it opens it find some packages that need updating. When i click install updates is comes up with "Requiers installation of untrausted packages" not authorized sources? How can i fix this?06:27
ruanrequires installation of untrusted packages? don't install it if you don't trust it?06:28
mettalife is so stupid viruses06:28
Prinlerhow can i not trust smba?06:28
phoniclynxi'm not sure what u guys mean?06:28
WuLiphoniclynx... make a folder on the desktop, open with, select, etc06:28
phoniclynxnot used IRC in years06:28
ruanPrinler: then you can install the untrusted packages06:28
ActionParsnipPrinler: can you give a pastebin of the output of:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y upgrade    Thanks06:29
phoniclynxWell done WulI.. that solved it :D06:29
Prinlerruan, thanks for your permission, how does one tell the computer to authorize my packages with out giving me greif?06:29
PrinlerActionParsnip, ok gimme 1 min06:29
mettathat made no sense06:29
leapy0yois there a way to change all the extension of muiltple files in a directory to some other extension?06:29
WuLiwelcome phoniclynx06:29
ruanPrinler: well,  it's simply a warning06:30
ActionParsnipleapy0yo: http://lab.artlung.com/unix-batch-file-rename/06:30
mettaleapy0yo: certainly.  i don't know how though.  i'll ask in #bash06:31
mettaafter i do a google search06:31
ruannow there's pastebin.ubuntu.com?06:32
ActionParsnipPrinler^Lin: you didnt run the command I gave06:32
Prinlerruan, yes warning me its stopping me... no farther action can be proformed.06:33
ActionParsnipPrinler^Lin: if you COPY it, you won't make mistakes, thats why I give the exact command06:33
PrinlerActionParsnip, After doing these commands the update manager is working06:33
leapy0yocan for input muiltiple different files like  for i in *rm *.htm   ; do ...  ?06:33
ActionParsnipPrinler: cool but when someone gives you a comand to run, just copy it so you dont screw the command and potentially damage your OS06:34
PrinlerActionParsnip,  you gave me 2 commands seperated by a ;06:34
b0ng01anyone up that use codeblocks with ubuntu?06:35
ActionParsnipPrinler: read your 2nd command, and then read what I told you to run.  You should copy them as ONE command, the interpretter will know to run the commands one after another06:35
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ruanGPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net maverick Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY D6B6DB186A68F63706:36
PrinlerActionParsnip, i see my error. typo. Copy and paste dont work in RL :) 2 different computers :)06:36
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b0ng01With how ubuntu's security is setup ie... sudo everything do you have to setup a script to sudo the privelege to work with certain files?06:36
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ruanb0ng01: you can run the script as sudo06:37
rainstakeAnyone know how to solve the error code: "package in inconsistent state"  I was trying to reinstall caine-from-deb.06:37
area51pilotanyway to troubleshoot printing adding a printer to LOCALHOST?06:37
PrinlerJust so i understand, i have to run an apt-get update every time i get this error?06:37
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ruanb0ng01: depending on which files you're working with06:37
ActionParsniparea51pilot: did you get the latest HPLIP?06:37
area51pilotI uninstalled and reinstalled from synaptic06:37
_klk_1hi all06:38
ActionParsniparea51pilot: no, go to the HPLIP site and get the latest HPLIP06:38
_klk_1where can i learn how to set up a software RAID for ubuntu desktop 10.10?06:38
area51pilotaction: OK06:38
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto06:39
rainstakeI need help with the error message, "package in inconsistent state" when using Distribution Upgrade.06:39
c|onemanhow can I determine which version of linux I'm using via console, and how do I install apt-get if yum install apt fails06:40
vitociao a tutti06:40
hiexporainstake, caine from deb will make a mess so just download the caine iso and use it live seems to work better than the caine from deb06:40
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rainstakebut how to get my system clean of it, now?06:40
ActionParsnipc|oneman: lsb_release -d06:41
hiexporainstake, yes i had the same problem could get rid of it ended up reinstalling ubuntu after that mess06:41
rainstakeWell, I still didn't make an image, but I guess that's what I have to do.06:42
rainstakeThanks for your advice.  Any other advice before i reinstall and leave this irc?06:42
hiexpono just do the reinstall like i said will work better coulddo a rm -f but better to do a fresh install now06:43
Fudgehow d oyou chagne keyboard layout in cli06:45
jifliis there an image viewer for linux that does a low-res rough decode then a high-quality one like picasa does?06:45
area51pilotdownloaded current hplip but it wont execute from term06:48
rainstakeNeed advice for installing warzone2100 via command line?06:49
area51pilotsays it cant open06:49
Fudgetrying to find command line alternative to keyboard layout, changing from UK to australia or USA. can anyone help06:52
mutilatorhey all, installing 10.10 livecd to a usb stick06:53
mutilatorand i get Can not mount /dev/loop006:53
hiexposhould be like /dev/sdb or something like that06:54
ruansudo fdisk -l06:55
sparky44if i wanted to add a super small windows 7 partition to my ubuntu labtop where would i get a coppie06:55
rainstakehiexpo, thanks for the info on caine.  What a pain is cain.06:55
bastidrazorsparky44: microsoft.com06:55
hiexpoprobally from microsoft06:55
sparky44or if i had a coppie legaly do i jut put the disk in and make partition like you do with ubuntu06:56
hiexporainstake, yes06:56
hiexpoit was who ever made the deb messed it up06:56
wolterhow do I set up a tag based search in ubuntu?06:57
wolterfor example, I want to tag several pictures with "wallpapers" and then I want to list all these, how?06:58
ruani would put them in a wallpapers folder06:58
ActionParsnipwolter: photomanagers like shotwell and picasa can have tags in photos06:58
wolterActionParsnip, well that was just an example, take it that I want to tag documents no matter their file type06:59
soreauGuys I have a strange problem with a usb stick. I've been using dd to put images on it but now it's stuck in this state where, when I plug it in, it mounts two locations for the stick - CDROM and Firmware. When I click the eject icon to unmount it for either of them, the other one unmouts at the same time. The weird part is that sdc1 and sdc2 disappear as well from /dev and I can't use disk utility or dd, they just say "cannot open /dev/sdc: No medium06:59
soreau found"06:59
ActionParsnipwolter: theyonly do images, i'm not sure of all docs but thats what file odering with folders and subfolders is good for07:00
ruanyep, i use folders to categorise and tag my files07:00
hiexposoreau, i have seen that problem before also so i use cp  command07:00
wolterActionParsnip, well it would be good enough for me but my nautilus search is weird, it will only search through the files I used in the last 6 months as a maximum, old search is gone07:01
soreauhiexpo: To do what?07:02
wolterSometimes folders won't do the trick though, Imagine you want to put 5 tags on one file.. you'd have to put the file inside 5 folders07:02
ruanwolter: or make 4 links07:02
wolterruan, well wouldn't tags be so much easier07:02
wolterAnyway, if somebody could help me with the nautilus search, I would also appreciate07:03
ruanwell you could copy and paste the link to the 4 folders07:03
ActionParsnipwolter: tags would  be more raceful, i'll see what I can find07:03
hiexposoreau, to copy the iso to the usb07:03
shadghostyou can add metadata tags07:04
ActionParsnipwolter: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/9560/  exactly as you described :)07:04
wolterActionParsnip, I know tracker has some tagging feature, but the last time I saw tracker was like 3 releases ago and was curious about if a better application was available07:04
mutilatoranyone else familiar with the livecd issue?07:05
mutilatorgetting "Can not mount /dev/loop0...."07:05
ActionParsnipmutilator: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?07:06
linuxerhi there07:06
ActionParsnipmutilator: and what media is the ISO on which you are trying to boot from?07:07
ruanmutilator: which filesystem?07:07
ruanmutilator: is the usb07:07
mutilatordepends on what makes the livecd07:08
linuxerwhere can i find Fat Inverted Segment tree???????????????????????????????07:08
mutilatorthe lil tools for windows make it a fat32 drive normally07:08
ruanlinuxer: where was that mentioned?07:08
ActionParsnipmutilator: ok, have you tested you RAM?07:09
mutilatortried the stick on multiple systems07:09
linuxeri want to FIS-three Algorithms07:09
ruanmutilator: have you tried multiple usb sticks?07:09
wolterActionParsnip, thanks, there are some useful links there!07:09
mutilatorruan unfortunatly no07:10
ActionParsnipwolter: :)07:10
mutilatorno others avail07:10
ruanmutilator: are any cds available?07:10
ActionParsnipmutilator: did you test the USB consistency (its like the CD self-check)07:10
windswa zhezenmeliaotiana ?07:11
ruan^what language is that..?07:11
lithiumchas anyone had luck waking a system using the dinovo mini07:11
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk07:11
g-moneyi can has07:12
_Ray_Hey, not sure if this is the correct place to ask. Just installed 10.10, on an IBM ThinkPad. However, when I cat /sys/devices/platform/smapi/BAT0/state, it says "none". /installed says 1. The tp_smapi, hdaps, and thinkpad_ec modules are loaded. How can I further diagnose the battery issue? (Basically, it's "not working," and I wanted to find out more.)07:12
ruan!cn | winds07:12
ubottuwinds: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk07:12
bc81i'm looking for some way to control VLC with my bluetooth headphones (play/pause, fast forward etc).  the headphones can control rhythmbox without problems, but not VLC07:13
ActionParsniplithiumc: what issue do you have?07:14
ActionParsnipbc81: go into the hotkeys section in vlc and click the item to change, then press the botton on the headset07:15
happyaronWhat are the differences between "cp -l" and "ln" ?07:16
Random832happyaron: can ln do recursion?07:17
Strykerln is the natural log07:17
Random832like, copy an entire directory tree, with each file being a hardlink to the one in the old directory tree07:17
happyaronRandom832: ah, thanks.07:17
bc81ActionParsnip: i tried that, but the buttons are not recognized by VLC07:17
ActionParsniphappyaron: interesting question07:17
ActionParsnipbc81: are they set in the shortcuts section under prefs?07:18
ActionParsnipRandom832: i think you'd need a script if not07:18
happyaronRandom832: but how recursion be useful? any difference if you just link the directory?07:18
ActionParsniphappyaron: make some dummy data files and investigate :)07:18
Random832ActionParsnip: my point is i'm pretty sure that's what cp -l does07:18
Random832happyaron: you can't hardlink directories07:18
ActionParsnipRandom832: make some dummy data using touch, then test07:19
richardcavellI'm on 10.10.  I've selected 'Move to trash' for a couple of items.  But I don't see a trash icon anywhere.  Where is the 'trash'?07:19
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash07:19
Random832ActionParsnip: ln does not have a documented flag which implies recursion; what am I testing?07:19
ruanrichardcavell: you can add a trash icon to panel07:19
ruanrichardcavell: right click panel > add to panel > trash07:20
Bipul`TRash mean recyclebin and it is right downward corner07:20
ActionParsnipRandom832: cp can be recursive, see if the link files are the same or similar to the ones made by ln07:20
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ruanrichardcavell: that is, if it's not already there07:20
lithiumcActionParsnip: I can not wake up the machine using the dinovo mini07:20
bc81ActionParsnip: if you mean in system > preferences > keyboard shortcuts, then yes they are recognized in there (XF86AudioPlay etc)07:20
ActionParsniplithiumc: do you mean after a suspend?07:20
ActionParsnipbc81: thats cool07:21
lithiumcActionParsnip: yes, normal keyboard works, and so does wol07:21
ActionParsnipbc81: what version vlc do you have?07:21
richardcavellok thanks07:21
bc81ActionParsnip: 1.1.407:21
ActionParsnipbc81: gimme a sec07:21
ActionParsnipbc81: which release are you using?07:22
bc81ActionParsnip: 10.1007:22
ActionParsnipbc81: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:n-muench/vlc; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y upgrade     will give you 1.1.707:22
ActionParsniplithiumc: i'm no good at suspend stuff, it can be a pain to get nice07:23
ActionParsniplithiumc: others may be ableto pitch in07:23
bc81ActionParsnip: ok, i'll try it out and get back to you in a while (slow internet speed).  thanks for your help thus far :)07:23
lithiumcActionParsnip: that ok, thanks though. Yeah it took me awhile to get it to the point its at now07:23
lithiumcActionParsnip: suspend works well, and waking with different usb devices works too, just not the dinovo mini07:24
ActionParsnipbc81: its released by videolan and is pretty cool07:24
ActionParsniplithiumc: well, it is logitech and they hate linux07:25
bc81ActionParsnip: yea i've always like VLC, been using it for years&years.  never had a hiccup until now07:25
djdbut vlc does have a lot of bugs07:25
ActionParsnipbc81: mplayer has been aroundthe block a few more years, its the daddy :)07:25
djdbut something to learn to bear for all the other awesome features it provides07:25
lithiumcActionParsnip: yeah I am getting that kind of feeling, don't know why linux runs on everything, and now everyone has a linux machine07:26
ActionParsniplithiumc: it runs because its light and the devs care (mostly)07:26
rigvedlithiumc: not only does it run on everything, it can be booted in many different ways too!07:27
Rolandi need help!07:28
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.07:28
bullgard!ask | Roland07:28
ubottuRoland: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:28
shadghostRoland: answer!07:29
Rolandi've problem with 3G modem07:29
lithiumcActionParsnip: well thank you again, i guess i'll give up on the dinovo07:29
Rolandmodel E173 huawei07:29
shadghostthey have problemes too07:29
shadghostRoland: ALL ONE LINE plez07:29
Rolandi've problem with 3G modem model E173 huawei ubuntu does not detect the modem07:31
shadghostRoland: ^^07:32
snimavatHow do i create a local domain entry07:32
snimavatlike i used to do in win etc hosts07:32
snimavati just want to map domain name to a ip07:32
Ben65snimavat: /etc/hosts07:32
ActionParsnipsnimavat: gksudo gedit /etc/hosts07:32
djda silly question, but have not been able to figure this one. how to access other drives in ubuntu for example like d: in windows07:32
shadghostsnimavat: just about any thing that you need to edit is in /etc/ so look there first most of the time07:33
zcatzwhere do i find the linux-source ?07:33
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions07:33
snimavatgr8, thnx07:33
shadghost!mount | djd07:33
ubottudjd: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount07:33
ActionParsnipzcatz: in the repos07:33
ruandjd: first get the drive name, eg. sdb1.07:33
ruandjd: run "sudo fdisk -l" in the terminal07:34
shadghostruan: that is all in the link there07:34
ruanyeah, but this is expaining the basics07:34
Bruce_Waynedjd: If you want to automount them on start up... then try automount07:34
ruandoes automount add them to fstab?07:34
Bruce_Wayneruan: yes07:34
djdwow thans a lot07:35
djdthat was one problem bugging me from a while07:35
ruanhow can i remove windows from the MBR of my other drive?07:35
Bruce_WayneI always use automount to edit fstab whenever I install fresh new ubuntu.. and then uninstall it as soon as I successfully mount all my drives on start up07:35
soreauhiexpo: FWIW, I fixed it by using umount from the CLI, then the node didn't disappear and ran mkfs.vfat then pluggen it back in, looked like brand new07:35
djdBruce_Wayne:why uninstall?07:36
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bc81ActionParsnip: no go; bluetooth headset controls are recognized and set in system's keyboard prefs, but still go unrecognized in VLC07:36
DatzHi, I was wondering if anyone knew what the -preempt kernel version is?07:36
bc81ActionParsnip: oops, wait07:37
shadghostwhy even use automount... why not just edit the fstab it is not that hard to do07:37
ActionParsnipbc81: did you get the 1.1.7 from that repo though?07:37
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bc81ActionParsnip: vlc still says 1.1.4...let me look and see what happened07:37
Bruce_Waynebecause once I edit my fstab via automount.. Ubuntu will always automount all partitions on start up.. and then I won't need automount anymore07:37
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djdjust a unwanted program later on. thanks07:38
ActionParsnipbc81: sorry: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ferramroberto/vlc       http://www.multimediaboom.com/install-vlc-1-1-7-in-ubuntu-10-10-maverick-ppa/07:38
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bc81ActionParsnip: no worries, i'll try that one, back in 5-1007:39
coz_Datz,   not sure exactly sure but you may want to google    ubuntu    lowlatency or preempt  kernels07:39
Datzcoz_: thanks. I'll do that07:39
coz_Datz,   or in generals   "linux  preenpt or low latency kernels07:39
Datzcoz_: found something, reading now. thanks07:40
shadghostDatz: 10.04 or 10.1007:40
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coz_probably  rt kernel has replaced the preemt  but not exactly sure07:41
Datzshadghost: well I'm on 10.04, but not using that kernel07:41
shadghostbecause if i recall 10.04 is simple to get lowlatancy, 10.10 is complex07:41
Datzshadghost: ah07:41
coz_preempt rather07:41
shadghostDatz: ya, took me about 5 hours to get 10.10 working07:41
shadghostshadghost@weardass:~$ uname -a07:42
shadghostLinux weardass 2.6.36-1-lowlatency #7~ppa2-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT Tue Oct 26 13:39:35 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux07:42
shadghostthat was totaly worth it07:42
Datzah, interesting07:42
DatzI wonder what the changes are..07:42
shadghostthat form thread will help07:43
shadghostya, i did that for getting a media stream to work proper yay internet djing07:43
DatzI see07:44
shadghostI need food07:44
shadghostmore like stress for the last day07:44
bc81ActionParsnip: bah, still no go (1.1.7) i'll keep poking around in the VLC settings though07:45
shadghostthat was my day just about07:49
coz_sushemsu,   http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword    maybe07:49
bc81ActionParsnip: i also just noticed VLC doesn't recognize any global hotkeys such as the [fn]+F9 (Play/Pause) on this laptop07:50
shadghostsushemsu: was the password for mysql or something (i am guessing seing you said server, you are running lamp)07:50
ActionParsnipbc81: interesting, is there a vlc channel?07:50
sagaciTry simple f907:50
shadghosto nm07:50
bc81ActionParsnip: hmm.. will check :)07:50
sushemsuno its ubuntu server edition07:50
shadghostsushemsu: in a command prompt can you sudo something with the password?07:51
sushemsubasically anything that I use inside of Xinit that requires a password, says the password is wrong...07:51
sushemsuor x11 or w/e you wanna call it07:51
sushemsuthat too : p07:52
coz_sushemsu,  this is probably the first thing you tested,, but ,, your caps lock isnt set is it?07:52
sushemsuit is not07:52
sushemsu: D07:52
shadghostsushemsu: is taht the screen?07:52
coz_sushemsu,  ok :)07:53
sushemsustuff like that yeah07:53
sushemsubut it keeps saying its the wrong password07:53
shadghostand you tryed sudo in a comand line and it worked?07:53
xiambaxyou can reset password via single user mode no?07:53
shadghosttry it now07:53
ActionParsnipsushemsu: if you are getting that then you are using the desktop. The server doesn't have GUI and is text only07:53
sushemsuI apt-get the gnome : p07:54
shadghosttry sudo nano /etc/fstab and add a newline and put a # at start07:54
xiambaxwhy run gui on server07:54
ActionParsnipsushemsu: if you wanted a desktop OS,why not just install the desktop?07:54
shadghostbecause i know installing sever edition and then apt-get install desktop works perfect for me07:54
xiambaxBAD BAD BAD07:54
xiambaxif anything use fluxbox07:54
FloodBot2xiambax: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:54
ActionParsnipxiambax: exactly07:54
sushemsucause haha07:54
* ActionParsnip sighs07:54
shadghostor if you want to use a gnome based one07:54
shadghostdo gnome-core07:55
xiambaxi c07:55
trickhey how do i upgrade/install google chrome?07:55
xiambaxcan you explain to me why unity sucks so much?07:55
shadghostbut i can link you to 200+ nsa breefs on how to secure servers and they say no gui07:55
djdtrick: how did u install it?07:55
ruantrick: sudo apt-get install chromium-browser07:55
coz_xiambax,   :)07:55
sushemsuI kinda wanted to have all the server apps default install without having to search and recompile them so I got server ed, and also wanted a gui, althouhg IM prob just gonna end up sshing into it the whole time07:56
shadghosttrick: google-chrome or chrominum07:56
xiambaxtrick, via app store for ubuntu07:56
ruantrick: it will autoupdate with the update manager07:56
xiambaxits in there07:56
sushemsubrb ty07:56
ruantrick: software center works too07:56
trickshadghost: which is advised, google-chrome or chromium?07:56
shadghosthttp://www.google.com/chrome?platform=linux   for google crhome07:56
trickdjd: i installed via the google chrome website .deb07:56
xiambaxGoogle Chrome07:56
ruanchromium is open source, chrome isn't07:56
xiambaxChromium is an old linux game07:56
Sleepwalkersynaptic also07:56
xiambaxI though Chromium was the beta builds07:57
shadghosttrick: one is the chrome raper, the other is the backend behidn it but still is a full browser07:57
trickshadghost: if i just install the .deb from there, will it properly overwrite/update my current version?07:57
shadghosto update07:57
ruanchromium is an open source chrome isn't it?07:57
ruan!info chromium-browser07:57
ubottuchromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 9.0.597.107~r75357-0ubuntu0.10.10.1 (maverick), package size 14610 kB, installed size 50444 kB07:57
ActionParsnipruan: yes, the bugs logged in chromium get used to build chrome07:58
shadghost!info chromium07:58
ubottuPackage chromium does not exist in maverick07:58
ruanwhich is why i used chromium-browser.07:58
shadghostwhe you do the .deb it _SHOULD_ ask you to add repos07:58
ActionParsnipruan: I just like the bleeding edge smell07:58
trickshadghost: can i just reinstall from that google web link you sent before, wil it properly update my current verison or what?07:58
shadghost<-- has both google-chrome and chromium-browser installed07:59
shadghosttrick: if you run the .deb and it is a newer version it will update, if not it will do nothing07:59
* ruan has chromium installed but doesn't use it.07:59
* xiambax prefers chrome!07:59
trickshadghost: thanks one of these days ill replay you. If i have hot daughters you can play with her once she turns 1807:59
* ActionParsnip only uses chromium daily builds08:00
shadghosttrick: i do this for fun08:00
* ruan loves firefox.08:00
sagaciFirefox is slow08:00
shadghosttrick: i also read 200 page nsa how-to-secure-linux for fun too08:00
ActionParsnipvery slow08:00
ruannot for me08:00
trickshadghost: do you program too?08:00
shadghosttrick: yes08:00
ruanfor me it takes 1 second to open a webpage08:01
ruanat most08:01
shadghostand that site shows diffrent between the two08:01
trickshadghost: cool in what langauges?08:01
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shadghostc++ hackshell, python, x86_64 asm08:01
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shadghosttrick: what is cool, google ccdc08:02
shadghostCollegiate Cyber Defense Competition08:03
caseyi got a newbie question08:03
shadghostcasey: ask it dont say you have one or we wont asnwer08:03
caseysorry, basically alot of this ubuntu stuff goes right over my head. sudo this, app-get that. Is there a pre-written tutorial or database to come more acquainted with ubuntu08:04
v1ratiI'm using 11.04. Is there a way to replace Banshee with Rhythmbox in the volume menu?08:04
caseysagaci was that aimed at me?08:05
caseywell can someone tell me where a newbie guide to ubuntu would be?08:05
ubottudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com08:06
ActionParsnip!maual | casey08:06
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/08:06
shadghostcasey: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/newtoubuntu/C/index.html08:06
sagaciJust use the ubuntu software centre to install stuff08:06
ActionParsnipcasey: as you use the OS you will learn, just like you did with other OSes08:06
shadghosti am not sure learning is the proper tearm for getting use to windows08:06
shadghosti think that is called torcher08:07
NinjaKemuriHey, I'm having issues getting my sound to work. Ubuntu detects the speakers (They're Bose Companion 5's), but nothing comes out.08:07
ActionParsnipshadghost: every day is a school day for all OSes (and its tourture ;))08:07
ruanNinjaKemuri: have you looked at the sound settings?08:07
caseythanks for the help guys. But i've visted the install center, very easy to use. And I have used that site shagdhost but i am looking for more in depth tutorials.08:07
NinjaKemuriYeah, I did.08:07
shadghostwell i can link to 200 page nsa docs on linux08:08
shadghostif you want indepth08:08
NinjaKemuriI just updated alsa drivers to see if that'd help, but it didn't seem too.08:08
caseylol well maybe not that.08:09
sagaciLearn what you want to learn08:09
shadghosthttp://www.nsa.gov/ia/_files/os/redhat/rhel5-guide-i731.pdf     //200 pages to securing redhad linux, 95% works in ubuntu if you replace yum with apt-get08:09
caseyI guss i am such a newbie i don't know how to phrase my question. Where is the intermediate info listed at?08:09
ActionParsnipNinjaKemuri: run:  alsamixer   in terminal. are all levels cranked and unmuted?08:09
NinjaKemuriYeah, just cranked 'em.08:09
sagacicasey: man08:09
ruancasey: did you check the !manual link?08:09
shadghostNinjaKemuri: sudo alsa force-reload08:10
caseyknow i clicked and nothing hapened08:10
ruancasey: copy and paste?08:10
caseyin terminal?08:10
ruancasey: no, the link for manual08:10
NinjaKemuriwhole lot of errors08:10
shadghostcasey: http://www.pixelbeat.org/cmdline.html08:10
ruancasey: into browser08:10
caseyoh i didn't see it08:10
shadghostNinjaKemuri: that is normal08:10
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/08:10
NinjaKemuriOkay lol08:10
shadghostcasey: if you ever want to know what a command does type man <command>08:11
caseySweet thats a good start.08:11
sagacicasey: learn basic bash shell commands like ls cd man apt-get08:11
NinjaKemurishadghost: Okay, now what? Computer believes I have no devices.08:11
caseyAny other advice on where i should look to learn more about what i'm doing? (Other than the basic stuff). Sorry for being vague and thanks for all the help.08:11
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shadghostNinjaKemuri: did it think you had devices before?08:12
overcluckerfor i in /bin/*; do man $i; sleep 5; done08:12
shadghostwell fuck08:12
shadghostreload should not remove devices08:12
bazhangshadghost, no cursing08:12
sagaciLearn to edit files with nano or vi08:12
caseyAny other pointers for things i may run into? (Since i'm migrating from vista)?08:13
ActionParsnipsagaci: why there are perfectly good X based editors08:13
ActionParsnipNinjaKemuri: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && bash ./alsa-info.sh08:14
NinjaKemurishadghost: alsamixer also doesn't run now.08:14
sagaciHe said he had a handle of the basic stuff and wanted the intermediate treatment08:14
shadghostbazhang: sorry08:14
caseysure did08:14
ActionParsnipsagaci: cli text editting is hardly intermediate...08:14
caseyHey no need to argue.08:14
caseyI just want to feel like I can handle myself on ubuntu like I did on vista.08:15
ActionParsnipcasey: just use the OS and overcome obstacles as you hit them08:15
caseyi just feel overwhelmed08:15
shadghostcasey: if you want to have fun sudo apt-get install vim08:15
caseyi just thought there might be a nice article on migration and such08:15
ActionParsnipcasey: its a new environment so you will08:15
shadghostand then vimtutor08:15
NinjaKemuriActionParsnip: It says; "bash: ./alsa-info.sh: No such file or directory"08:15
shadghostthat should keep you going for a day or two08:15
SYS0P^ ntsh on ubuntu.. sneek peek http://magizian.freeshell.org/ntsh.jpg08:15
ActionParsnipNinjaKemuri: did the file download?08:16
caseywhat is vim?08:16
shadghostvim is a command line text editor08:16
NinjaKemuriOh, I got it to work; but it says no sound cards are found.08:16
SYS0P^vim is an editor like pico or joe08:16
caseygotcha. So how do i have fun with vim?08:16
shadghostmy advice if you want to learn ubuntu, command line is the reasion to keep with a linux over a window distro08:16
shadghostso learn the command line, and vim is the most powerfull cli editor out there08:17
_jesse_casey: run through vimtutor to get acquainted08:17
NinjaKemuriActionParsnip: It downloaded, it's uploaded my alsa information.08:17
Sleepwalkeri think nano is easier for noobs08:17
ActionParsnipNinjaKemuri: ok what url was made?08:17
caseyI gotcha shadghost, thanks for all the help guys :). I'll keep all that in mind.08:17
caseySee ya08:17
shadghostseeing that then you will start to learn how to edit files in /etc/ and knowing a cli editor will help08:17
SYS0P^Magizian BBS ONLINE! telnet to magizian.dyndns.org on port 2002308:17
rwwSYS0P^: Don't advertise in here.08:18
SYS0P^free ubuntu shell accounts.08:18
ruanSYS0P^: lol08:18
shadghosti sould telenet from my honeypot08:18
shadghostSYS0P^: do you think you can hack people who read things like this : http://www.nsa.gov/ia/_files/os/redhat/rhel5-guide-i731.pdf08:18
NinjaKemuriActionParsnip: Earlier, I had soundcards.08:19
shadghostbecause it is clear you are trolling for people to hack08:19
shadghostNinjaKemuri: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure08:20
SYS0P^ trolling for people to hack? no. offering great free services.08:20
bc81ActionParsnip: in case you're still interested, i found a thread with the exact same issue here - http://forum.videolan.org/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=86524&p=29187508:20
alyxwhat is ubuntu going to do08:20
alyxin 202208:20
alyxwhen we run out of letters08:20
rwwalyx: start again from A08:20
_jesse_rww: is that for real? Or are you just making that up08:21
NinjaKemurishadghost: Thanks, I'll give it a try now.08:21
ActionParsnipbc81: nice to not be alone08:21
shadghostalyx: it may start earler then that, as i heard ubuntu may stop the 6month thing and start rolling releces08:22
bc81ActionParsnip: heh,  yes it is08:22
rwwshadghost: you heard wrong08:22
shcherbakalyx: first, x will be trouble08:22
alyxwhy's that?08:22
ruanlol x08:22
alyxnot enough x words?08:22
SirCanecan always make words up08:23
rwwor skip a letter08:23
alyxXenophilic Xerus?08:23
rwwnot like it matters anyway, they're just development codenames.08:23
alyx(Xerus is an Africa squirrel <3)08:24
sagaciThey matter08:24
alyxrww: they matter to the community08:24
SirCanethey matter for a few people here, it matters08:24
alyxwho likes saying "ZOMG! I'M USING BLAH BLAH NOW! NOT THE OLD BLAH BLAH!"08:24
rwwonly because some of the community fails at branding :\08:24
dimmortalis there any way to change the default setting for "cpu scaling"?? upon reboot it seems to always default back to "on demand"08:25
shcherbakalyx: nice, will make note (maybe someone takes bets on future Ubuntu names)08:25
alyxshcherbak: \o/08:25
ActionParsnipshcherbak: you can suggest names08:25
shadghostxenophilic xenopus08:25
shadghostxenophobic xantus08:26
shadghostxanthochroic xiphias08:26
rwwofftopic octopus08:26
shadghostbesides, i think they started with W08:26
ActionParsnipshcherbak: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames08:26
shadghostw h then b08:26
shadghostskip c08:26
alyxthat's weird.08:26
ActionParsnipshcherbak: you can add your own suggestion on that link08:27
rwwThe first few releases didn't do alphabetical naming.08:27
shadghosti started at 6.0608:27
ActionParsnipshcherbak: all the way up to 20.0408:27
shadghostand in the last 48 hours i have used a 7.04, 9.04 ,8.04 9.10, 8.0408:27
shadghostand a 10.08:27
shadghost10.10 + 10.0408:28
* shadghost is getting distracted easily08:28
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KB1JWQvishnu: ?08:28
* ActionParsnip just calls them by release number08:29
mohithey i m just facing problem in this ubuntu is that it sometime hangs08:29
shadghostcrap... i cant rember it, but there is a diffrent calander then cal in comand line08:30
shadghostah ya, ddate08:31
ActionParsnipmohit: is there any pattern?08:32
* ruan lols at some of the suggestions08:32
mohitpattern what08:32
shadghostmohit: apt-get install htop08:32
shadghostand look there and see if you have a resourc hog08:32
mohiti m not getting it ... apt get08:32
ruanmohit: why aren't you apt getting it?08:33
ruanmohit: oh08:33
mohitk .. u r saying to install htop applicatiom?08:33
shadghostyes, htop is a nice way to visulise some system rescources08:34
mohitkk .. i got it08:35
ActionParsnipmohit: is it particular apps making it crash (or combinations)08:35
ActionParsnipmohit: is it after the same amount of time08:35
ActionParsnipmohit: patterns08:35
shadghostmohit: htop in a comand prompty08:35
shadghostand what are the resources like08:35
ActionParsnipmohit: and can you restart x server when it does hang?08:35
shadghost<--- is at 100% cpu on both cores!!! onoes08:36
bc81what's the proper channel for audio-related questions?08:36
bc81i mean multimedia audio (home recording etc)08:36
shadghostbc81: what you trying to do with it08:37
* ruan 's cpu is chilling out at 10%.08:37
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shadghostload avrage is 2.98 for me08:37
bc81shadghost: well, i'm stuck at the fluidsynth vs timidity conundrum08:37
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mutilatorwatch cat /proc/mdstat08:38
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Dr_Willis'watch' is one of those handy commands that are often overlooked. :)08:38
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shadghostbc81: not sure if it will help but i think that his more ubuntu-studio area08:39
mutilatoryea :P08:39
Dr_Williswatch -n 100  df -h    <--- :) handy08:39
ruanwhy do they rename every 2 hours?08:40
bc81shadghost: bah, i was trying to join that but was typing ubuntustudio!!08:40
* bc81 smaks forehead08:40
shadghostbc81: i tried ubuntu_studio first here08:41
javahorni installed Win7(just by installation CD, ie no prior partition) and now installing Ubuntu , it says something about unmount /dev/sda ... How i can partition NOW either from Win7 or Ubuntu?08:41
coz_Dr_Willis,   df -l  also handy08:41
ruani looked up, and every 2 hours ljl and dark rename08:41
marzcan't I install ubuntu 10.10 without an internet connection?08:43
Dr_Willisruan:  i would guess some sort of nick recovery script in their irc client. thats failing to identify.08:43
Dr_Willismarz:  you can install without an internet connection.08:43
marzi won't install08:43
Dr_Willisbut its much handier if you do.08:43
marzit would get stuck on Preparing Installation08:43
ruanso they're leaving their pcs and their irc client on 24/7?08:43
Dr_Willismarz:  ive done it befor with no networking..   You sure its not doing somthing else in thebackground like setting up the disks or so forth. or just crashing.08:43
Dr_Willisruan:  i would say so.08:43
marzDr_Willis: The HDD i'm installing it on is brand new08:44
marzi tried canceling the installation08:44
Dr_Willismarz:  you could partition it beforhand, and format it via gparted to save some time.08:44
trickanyone else find that some internet vids stream much better in firefox than crome?08:44
Dr_Willismarz:  you CAN install without internet connection.  that shouldent be your issue.08:44
marzDr_Willis: when I tried canceling the installation it redirected me to the ubuntu OS desktop with the icon Instal ubuntu 10.1008:45
shadghosttrick: for youtube go to youtube.com/html508:45
marzso i'm guessing it did not install completely08:45
ruanmarz: have you tried opening that?08:45
marzruan: yes opening the Install ubuntu 10,10 icon would redirect me back to the installation page but would still get stuck on Preparing Installation08:45
Dr_Willismarz:  you cancled the installer  so it went to the desktop.08:46
marzDr_Willis how do i partition the disk beforehand?08:46
marzI didn't know i could partition disk without having any OS yet08:46
Dr_Willismarz:  via 'gparted' is now i normally do it.  'sudo apt-get install gparted'  then 'gksudo gparted'08:46
ruanmarz: gparted is on the livecd08:46
trickshadghost: thanks, one of these days you'll be my girlfriend.08:46
Dr_Willismarz:  you have an OS.. youi are running it from  cd. :)08:46
marzI am tring to install the OS via flash drive08:47
Dr_WillisIs gparted included now? i never really noticed. :)08:47
marzI can't even install the drivers of my motherboard without internet connect can I?08:47
Dr_Willismarz:  its possivle the iso image you put on flash was currupted..08:47
shadghosttrick: so i am a girl now... news to me08:47
ruanmarz: most drivers are on ubuntu08:47
Dr_Willismarz:  drivers and so forth.. will proberly need a network connection.08:47
HeavylobsterHi people, i've got an extremely annoying issue running ubuntu 10.10 (though it happened on ubuntu 10.04 as well) on my desktop. Basically, programs keep stopping responding without warning for some time and then suddenly start responding again. Also upgrading the system is ridiculously slow, i haven't tested much to see if there's other stuff working slowly as well. Windows 7 runs flawlessly on the computer as does ubuntu under08:47
Dr_Willismarz:  but only a few drivers are ever needed for my systems08:47
marzDr_Willis that's what i thought08:47
ruanmarz: the only drivers you need to install should be the display drivers08:48
trickshadghost: that explains the menstruation.08:48
shadghostHeavylobster: is your system all the way updated?08:48
Dr_Willisvideo card drivers are the only thing ive seen.08:48
marzDr_Willis i won't even detect a flash drive when I tried connecting one08:48
marzruan: I don't have any internet connection in my room08:48
javahornDr_Willis: i installed Win7(just by installation CD, ie no prior partition) and now installing Ubuntu , it says something about unmount /dev/sda ... How i can partition NOW either from Win7 or Ubuntu?08:48
marzruan: that's why i'm having really a hard time08:48
Dr_Willismarz:  try mounting it by hand.   You did check the md5sum of the iso befor you put it on flash drive?08:48
Heavylobstershadghost: it is08:48
ruanmarz: you dont need them to run ubuntu, just to play 3d games etc08:48
marzDr_Willis i just followed the instruction on Ubuntu.com08:49
Dr_Willisjavahorn:   You have a single hard drive? you are installing  ubuntu also onto that single hard drive?08:49
marzDownloaded the .iso image08:49
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows08:49
marzuse the usb software so i could boot it up using a flash drive08:49
Dr_Willismarz:  you did verify the iso image was downloaded properly?08:49
marzDr_Willis yup08:49
shadghostthe only drivers you dont need is video card... my tv tuner card needed some too08:49
Dr_Willismarz:  could be some quirk with your system and the installer. You can run the installer from  a terminal and monitor error messages.08:49
shadghostit wanted the loving too!08:49
ActionParsnipHeavylobster: is the system a branded pc or a laptop?08:50
Dr_Willisjavahorn:  if you are going to repartition a windows 7 install. i tend to do that from windows.  Windows i find can resize a NTFS MUCH faster then linux can.08:50
HeavylobsterActionParsnip: desktop i built myself08:50
ActionParsnipHeavylobster: ok what motherboard please?08:51
javahornDr_Willis: http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/gparted.html -- i do see "Second Disk" option , during install from flash USB, after having installed Win7 in primary one.08:51
ActionParsnipHeavylobster: and what video chip are you using?08:51
marzzzand i was very excited using the ubuntu software08:51
marzzzthink i have to let it go for now08:51
shadghostHeavylobster: i had the slow problum before with xserver taking a lot of cpu and lagging whenever my cpu started to overheat08:51
javahornDr_Willis:  so what i should do? first go to Win7 ?08:51
HeavylobsterActionParsnip: asus m4a98gtd pro, gpu is radeon 5770 with fglrx08:51
ActionParsnipmarzzz: why are you telling us?08:51
shadghostHeavylobster: cleaning out my computer fans of dust fixed it08:51
marzzzby the way how do i partition my HDD again without any os installed into it yet?08:51
javahornDr_Willis:  how to create space for Ubuntu from there?08:52
ruanmarzzz: use gparted on the livecd08:52
HeavylobsterI know my cpu isn't overheating, it handles stress tests just fine08:52
marzzzActionParsnip: oh sorry about that i was talking to dr_willis08:52
ActionParsnipHeavylobster: ok did you install the proprietary ati driver?08:52
Heavylobsterand i'm not seeing high cpu usage either08:52
HeavylobsterActionParsnip: yes, it's installed08:52
shadghostHeavylobster: not saying that is your problum, but still good to vacume out the computer every once in a while too08:52
ActionParsnipHeavylobster: ubuntu is light08:52
marzzzit seems the best way to install the software is installing it with an internet connection right?08:53
ActionParsnipHeavylobster: got the latest bios?08:53
Dr_Willismarzzz:  I tend to use the 'gparted live cd' :) that a must have tool for any pc toolbox.08:53
simon_morning :)08:53
Dr_Willismarzzz:  it can downlioad updates and other things as it installs.. so yes.08:53
HeavylobsterActionParsnip: I don't think it's the latest one, no08:53
ActionParsnipHeavylobster: there may be some fixes there08:53
Heavylobsterright, i'll take a look08:54
javahornDr_Willis: how to do partition for ubuntu from Win7 ? i installed Win7, as it asked me to do.08:54
marzzzDr_Willis gparted live cd?  does live cd means booting the Ubuntu using the medium itself without installing it to the HDD right?08:54
Sleepwalker<Dr_Willis> i think parted magic is better]08:54
ruanmarzzz: gparted is on the ubuntu livecd.08:54
simon_anyone who can help me getting the new nvidiadrivers and fixing my native resolution?08:54
ActionParsnipjavahorn: win7 can resize its own partitions and leave free space, you can then install to that. If you'd planned your partitions rather than using 100% space you wouldn't have this issue08:55
Dr_Willismarzzz:  thats how live cd  and live-cd-flash drives work.08:55
ActionParsnipsimon_: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current08:55
Dr_Willismarzzz:  i have had systems with no hd's befor. just used the cd drive + live cd disks.08:55
simon_ok gonna try :)08:55
marzzzDr_Willis and ruan: ok thanks think I will have to wait for a while to install ubuntu, since i currently have no internet connecdtion at home08:56
marzzz:D thanks anyways08:56
javahornActionParsnip: Win7 ungraciously grabs all it has, now if it is 100%, what is the best way to go, so that i have ubuntu too, without any impact on either?08:56
ActionParsnipjavahorn: only if you click next like most windows users do and don't read the screen08:56
jiltdilmarzz: System-->Administartion-->gparted08:56
Dr_WillisI always have a collection of various live cds in my pc toolbox. :) latest ubuntu/lubuntu/32/64bits - parted live disks,. system rescue live cd. and a few others. :) i also make a Multi-boot Flash drive that can boot them all.08:56
ActionParsnipjavahorn: boot to windows and resize the ntfs and you can install to the free space08:57
javahornActionParsnip: donot know how to resize from there. :(08:57
ActionParsnipjavahorn: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utUvkgKAtKU08:57
Dr_Willisjavahorn:   ask in #windows  - its not too hard.. :)08:57
javahornActionParsnip: Dr_Willis  Thanks, let me try.08:58
Dr_Williswin7 ive seen likes to make a Lot of primary partitions.. this can cause some issues.08:58
ActionParsnipjavahorn: jump to 55 seconds to save listening to him prattle on08:58
jiltdiljavahorn: go in disk management08:58
javahornActionParsnip: his handmovements are good . :)08:59
javahornjiltdil: and further on?08:59
koenig_hi evry body ineed help with free radius installation can some body help me?????08:59
ActionParsnipjavahorn: its far easier to plan partitions but you have to use the tool now08:59
simon_ActionParsnip, you know how to customize vertical, horizontal frequenz and the pixelclock in a resolution?09:00
ActionParsnipsimon_: in nvidia gpus you can set it in nvidia-settings09:00
javahornActionParsnip: you mean external to what the video suggests?09:00
ActionParsnipjavahorn: yes, plan partitions and make them and install your OSes to where you decide. The video will help you for the now09:01
Dr_Willisjavahorn:  how big is your hard drive?09:02
javahornDr_Willis: 320gb09:02
Dr_Willisjavahorn:  so what are you wantign to do in ubuntu? how big do you think you want to make your ubuntu install..09:02
javahornDr_Willis: http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/gparted.html - i thought it will do the job09:02
javahornDr_Willis: perhaps 80gb is required min?09:02
Dr_Willisgparted lets you manage/resize partitions..09:03
shadghosti have ubuntu on a 4 gig hdd!09:03
Dr_Willisjavahorn:  ubuntu can work on much less.. but it depends on your needs.09:03
Dr_Willis80gb would work good,.09:03
monotuxsrsly, has anyone got their hands on the new ubuntu monospace font?09:03
shadghostjavahorn: you can always mount your windows partition for files09:04
Dr_Willismonotux:  'new' ? how new?09:04
javahornshadghost: http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/gparted.html -- like that it displays around 4gb, while trying to install from flash USB.09:04
Dr_Willismonotux:  ive seen several ppa's and repos for the 'Ubuntu' Font. from differnt sites.09:04
javahornActionParsnip: video is suited after i have installed Win7 or during installation ?09:04
shadghostjavahorn: my eeepc only has a 4 gig hdd, so no swap or anything extra installed09:05
monotuxDr_Willis: it's not the same as the non-mono ubuntu font :)09:05
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ActionParsnipjavahorn: yes, it will make you free space which you can throw Ubuntu into09:05
shadghostbut i would recomend 80 gigs, as your documents will just go on windows partition09:05
trickshadghost: do you think the FPU is weird?09:05
Dr_WillisI have 'Ubuntu' and 'Ubuntu-title' fonts here.  the title one is monospaced it seems09:05
Eliezerif i give me privileges for ethernet & wireless network,,do that stop keyring for  me to connect ?09:06
shadghostfloating point?09:06
trickshadghost: floating point unit09:06
monotuxDr_Willis: k09:06
ActionParsnipEliezer: if you set a blank keyring password you won't get bothered by it09:06
shadghosttrick: in x86, old or new style09:06
bittyxhiya, i'm using ubuntu 10.10 on a hp550 laptop. all's mostly well, except - when i go into standby mode (just closing the lid of the laptop), and later open it and wake it, first i get a message like "glib-warning: getpwuid_r() failed due to unknown user id (0)", but after that, gnome starts up and everything works normally. why am i seeing this message, and is there anything i can/should do about it?09:06
Eliezeri want mi desktop to connect to wireless with out asking for keyring09:07
shadghostwell for bittyx userid 0 is root normaly09:07
trickshadghost: what's the diff b/w old and new style?09:07
EliezerActionParsnip, how i do that ?09:07
shadghosttrick: old style was a stack, new style is regesters09:07
phoenixsamprasHelp! how to play a blueray disk?09:08
trickshadghost: are you talking about mmx?09:08
Dr_WillisEliezer:  run seahorse -> right click  on password:Login -> set a new password. set it to be a blank password.09:08
ActionParsnipEliezer: Applications>Accessories>Password and encryption keys.09:08
Eliezerin my laptop i wont get bothered by keyring to connect,is installed like that,i have not change anythyng09:08
Dr_WillisI still havent figured out why the binary name is 'seahorse' :) thats what password & encryption keys runs..09:09
bittyxshadghost: but on ubuntu, my main account is also the default root account, right? i mean, that's how a fresh install is set up?09:09
NotesHello I'm running windows 7 and ubuntu 10.04, how would I access my ubuntu partition from windows 7?09:09
HeavylobsterActionParsnip: updated bios as you suggested, problem still occurring09:09
Dr_Willisbittyx:  the default account has 'sudo rights' thats not the same as a 'root' account.. but its close.09:09
shadghosttrick: mmx vs sse09:09
ActionParsnipbittyx: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/22839909:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 228399 in linux (Ubuntu Jaunty) "Closing lid results in kernel panic visible on VT-1" [High,Triaged]09:09
jiltdilbittyx: sudo and root are different09:09
ActionParsnipHeavylobster: gah09:09
bittyxDr_Willis: ah, okay. so is the problem that i don't actually have a root account?09:10
Dr_WillisNotes:  theres ext2/3/4 drivers out for windows but ive not tried any of them in months.. last i tried them. they dident work very well.09:10
Dr_Willisbittyx:  no idea what your problem is. there is a 'root' user. but hes basically locked down by default.09:10
shadghostbittyx: i dont use standby but the "user id (0)" screems root to me, and you dont run as root but as a unprivliged useraccount and by defult root has usermod -L enabled09:10
Dr_Willisbittyx:  you dont directly login as root normally09:10
HeavylobsterI'd bet the problem's got something to do with the fact that i have a fakeraid (raid 1) running, maybe linux isn't happy with that for some reason09:10
ActionParsnipshadghost: root allows you to run single shot commands and they will appear to be running as root, your user is only a user but is in a special group allowing you to use sudo (and gksudo for gui commands)09:10
trickshadghost: what country r u from09:11
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:11
shadghostActionParsnip: sudo is a single run, sudo su to get to root is multi command09:11
shadghosttrick: i live in Alaska, USA09:11
jiltdilbittyx: to enable root just use sudo -i and to remove root account furthet use sudo usermod -p '!' root09:11
ActionParsnipshadghost: use: sudo -i   instead09:11
Dr_Willisshadghost:  dont use 'sudo su' :) - use sudo -i09:11
bittyxActionParsnip: i've read that bug, but in the report, it seems that the system hangs on waking up. i just get the glib-warning message, and ubuntu wakes up normally after that, and everything works.09:11
NotesHello I'm running windows 7 and ubuntu 10.04, how would I access my ubuntu partition from windows 7?09:11
trickshadghost:  u seem very asian09:11
Dr_Willisbittyx:  its not suggested to reneable root either. that can cause issues/confusion  :)09:12
shadghostActionParsnip: and Dr_Willis that only works on systems people dont delet the /etc/sudoers file09:12
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/01/bluray-playback-on-ubuntu/ ;)09:12
coz_Notes,  there have been a few applicatoins / utilites to access ext4 for windows but I have not found one that really works well09:12
coz_Notes,  rather ext4 "from" windows09:12
Dr_Willisshadghost:  we assume that they are using a normal default ubuntu isntall in here. :)09:12
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YerushalmiHey folks - I keep ending up in tty1 prompt when booting up and I can't seem to get to the regular desktop - can anyone help?09:12
simon_ActionParsnip, did nvidia x server not suppose to update to NVIDIA-Linux-x86-260.19.36 after the "sudo apt-get install nvidia-current" command in terminal?09:12
ActionParsnipshadghost: if you don't have a sudoers file, how will 'sudo su' work??09:12
ActionParsnipsimon_: it will install the 260 for you09:13
shadghostwell.... there was no non-root account on the computer to start with09:13
simon_it did not :\09:13
shadghostwell i should say no non-root above 1000 userlevel09:13
simon_still says 173.14.2209:13
ActionParsnipshadghost: in order to be able to use sudo there needs to be a sudoers fileto define who can use sudo, so deleting the sudoers file would remove the definition09:13
Dr_Willissimon_:  one normally reboots after installing the newer nvidia drivers.09:13
bittyxDr_Willis: well, i don't need it, so i'm not going to re-enable it. i mean, it's not that this "problem" stops my system from working, it's just that i'm kind of anal about errors that pop up for no reason (and don't seem to affect anything either. (:09:14
ActionParsnipsimon_: then that is suitable for your chip09:14
phoenixsamprasJesus i just want to watch a Blueray movie09:14
ActionParsnipphoenixsampras: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/01/bluray-playback-on-ubuntu/09:14
Dr_Willisphoenixsampras:  and the blueray companies want to milk you for every $$ they can. so they dont support linux. that means you got to work a little bit on it.09:14
shadghostActionParsnip: i think they did sudo usermod -U root and then loged in as root then deleted the /etc/sudoers09:15
phoenixsamprasDr_Willis: omg...09:15
shadghostActionParsnip: and fucked up the system in LOTS of other ways too09:15
ActionParsnipshadghost: thats a lot of work, considering the intended audience of Ubuntu09:15
Dr_Willisphoenixsampras:  omgubuntu.com actually :)09:15
Dr_Willisoh wait its omgubuntu.co.uk :)09:15
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phoenixsamprasDr_Willis: omg.. didnt know there was such websites... cool09:15
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: yes, something genuinely useful from the site09:16
Dr_WillisActionParsnip:  yep. :)09:16
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: makes a change from "look at tis worthless mockup" or "ooh new icon set"09:16
shadghostActionParsnip: well i cant say much more then that but it has to do with a cyber defence compatition, i can talk freely about it tormmro09:16
Dr_WillisActionParsnip:  We know you love the 'unity launch icon for firefox changes' news! :)09:16
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: frontpage, stop press!!09:17
ActionParsnipphoenixsampras: i got a copy of that, not bad09:17
Dr_WillisI like the wallpaper-of the day from nasa script :)09:18
phoenixsamprasI like to minimize things.. like my x websites...09:18
ActionParsnipphoenixsampras: "there are other ways" apparently the trie and tested method of many years isn't good enough09:19
zee313I have downloaded Qimo 4Kids . I want to try it using my Flash drive as CD? how to do???09:19
ActionParsnipzee313: Qimo isn't supported here09:19
phoenixsamprasActionParsnip: yeh, i suppose thy want to force us to use shortcuts or sth09:19
ActionParsnipzee313: this is ubuntu support only09:19
zee313How we use flash drive for installing ubuntu?09:21
shadghostzee313: you can always just make the contecnts of the flash drive a iso with mkisofs and mount it with mount09:21
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash09:21
* ActionParsnip is tired of all these dumb buntu spinoffs09:21
zee313Flash drive means any data traveler which us also can say USB dongle09:22
YerushalmiHey folks - I keep ending up in tty1 prompt when booting up and I can't seem to get to the regular desktop - can anyone help?09:22
Dr_Williszee313:  one normally uses a tool like unetbootin, or lili, or stuff from pendrivelinux.com or the system -> admin -> usb disk creatopr tool. to put an iso properly on a flash drive09:22
ActionParsnipzee313: you can grab the 1-2-3 installer from pendrive linux, or unetbootin. Your Qimo thing has very little support, why not install Ubuntu and then add the stuff which is default on the ISO you have and then you will get full support09:22
Raj007Do any of you regulars here actually bother with an IDENT daemon? If so which one should i install (lightweight) ?09:23
Infostarhi from spain09:23
Infostarhowto auto mount --bind  /path/music  /path/userx/music on ftpserver???09:23
Lintis there a way to make xubuntu as slim as XP?09:23
ActionParsnipzee313: only canonical releases are supported here so if you do use Quimo we canot help you09:23
Dr_WillisRaj007:  i have not seen a need for the identd in years.....09:23
shadghost!fstab | Infostar09:23
ubottuInfostar: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions09:23
Dr_WillisRaj007:  why do you think you need one?09:23
ActionParsnipLint: slim in what way?09:23
Dr_WillisLint:  lubuntu is slimer then xubuntu.09:23
Infostarno no no its not valid09:24
Raj007Dr_Willis: i figured that. No, i was just curious, it's been a *very* long time for me since i used Linux.09:24
Lintit's very slow and constantly loads CPU 100%, XP doesn't09:24
QumfortablyNumbHi from the Great WhiteNorth. CooLukucoo Coolukocoo09:24
Infostari use virtual user09:24
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ActionParsnipLint: if you install LXDE, log off and log into the LXDE session it will flyyyyy09:24
Raj007Dr_Willis: but thanks, i'll live without it too then.09:24
ActionParsnipLint: xp has different support so will run differently09:24
Dr_WillisLint:  if you have a low end system - try Lubuntu.09:24
QumfortablyNumbLucid has saved me a fortune on entertainment.  Does anyone know of a ten foot interface for lucidlynx?09:25
shadghostLint: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems09:25
Dr_WillisQumfortablyNumb:  try xbmc ?09:25
Dr_WillisQumfortablyNumb:  xbmc, moovidia, enna,  and i think theres a few others out.09:26
Raj007Dr_Willis: Don't mind noob questions. Curious question - i see my used RAM at bootup (not cached/buffered) start at 400-410MB. After few hours jumps to 500, 1 day after it's 700+ (even after log on). Is that normal?09:26
ActionParsnipQumfortablyNumb: or boxee09:26
Raj007I might add, that's with no applications running, just desktop.09:27
Dr_WillisRaj007:  its using it as cache for the disk09:27
Symmetria*hrm* can anyone recomend something good as a cpu processor test on a machine with a large number of cpu cores, I wanna get a decent processing benchmark on the machine09:27
Dr_WillisRaj007:  hit google for 'linux ate my ram' for a site that details it.09:27
Raj007Dr_Willis: ok will do, thanks.09:27
shadghostSymmetria: type yes into terminal09:27
Dr_WillisSymmetria:  i do recall some 'benchmark' tools being released last year for Linux.09:28
Symmetriashadghost dude, I asked for a benchmark utility, not stupidity :)09:28
Dr_WillisSymmetria:  and thers some in the repos also.09:28
zee313 unetbootin  from where I can get this ?09:28
Raj007Dr_Willis: i meant my free (minus cached/Buffers)09:28
SymmetriaRaj007 linux will cache as much stuff in ram as possible, it will release it when it needs it for other things09:28
SymmetriaI see the same thing on my server:09:28
SymmetriaMem:      66094724   65832944     261780          0    2267128   5513220809:28
shadghostSymmetria: slashdot had a artical on that today truthfully09:28
QumfortablyNumbXbmc or linux mce? Xbmc looks cool. but... Has anyone tried, and suceeded with li9nux mce?  It seeems to offer evil villain-like configureability.09:29
shadghostSymmetria: http://linux.slashdot.org/story/11/03/05/012204/35000-Linux-Benchmarks-In-a-Week09:29
Symmetriahttp://pastebin.com/bkfxCM7F <=== thats the new box I wanna benchmark :) lol, my new toy09:29
Dr_WillisQumfortablyNumb:  no idea what you mean by 'evil villin like.....'09:29
Raj007Dr_Willis: Ahh, i read play.html (second page), gotcha :)09:30
Dr_Willisxbmc is very custmizeable.09:30
Dr_WillisOnce you spend the time and figure out xbmc :)09:30
Symmetriashadghost will go check it out09:31
QumfortablyNumbYou can call your house and have it do stuff for you. Turn lights on and off, talk to whoever is in the house, alert your cellphone about security breaches.... it just goes on and on...09:31
shadghostSymmetria: i did not read it, but sounds like what you wnat09:31
Dr_WillisQumfortablyNumb:  and do you really need all that stuff?09:32
dirtycookieis there an archive of the help.ubuntu.com for offline use?09:32
QumfortablyNumbI have never experiences xbmc... Maybe it's time to give it a run..09:32
SymmetriaDr_Willis heh, I had systems like that installed in my old house when I was in johannesburg, and yes, I needed all of it, unfortunately it still didnt stop someone cleaning out the house :(09:32
Dr_WillisI can remote-controll xbmc from my Android Phone. :)09:32
Symmetriaexcept Im pretty sure that was an inside job :P09:32
YerushalmiHey folks - I keep ending up in tty1 prompt when booting up and I can't seem to get to the regular desktop - can anyone help?09:32
Dr_WillisYerushalmi:  try 'startx' and look for error messages if it fails09:33
ActionParsnipYerushalmi: run:   less /var/log/Xorg.0.log    and see what's going on09:33
QumfortablyNumbDr. Willis: very cool; what can you do?09:33
shadghostYerushalmi: did you do a patch recentaly?09:34
Dr_WillisQumfortablyNumb:  it works as a remote controll, play/pause/so forth.. shows frames of whats playing and  show info.09:34
Dr_WillisQumfortablyNumb:  theres like 4 differnt xmbc remote programs out for android.09:34
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: I control VLC as it has a remote interface, you just browse the files on the phone and tell it to play it rather than waving the mouse pointer around09:34
YerushalmiDr_Willis: I tried startx and didn't get any error messages. ActionParsnip: Will do. Just a sec.09:34
QumfortablyNumbDr. W. Cool09:34
Dr_WillisActionParsnip:  Yep. got that working yesterday also.  I did n otice i had to keep reenabling the 'web interface' for vlc. Couldent figure out how to make vlc enable the web interface by default on restart.09:35
QumfortablyNumbVery cool09:35
Yerushalmishadghost: Yes, but I was intermittently getting thrown into tty1 even before then.09:35
Dr_WillisActionParsnip:  or did i miss a checkbox/setting somewhere to make it allways restart that?09:35
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: bizarre, you got transdroid all good too? :)09:35
shadghostActionParsnip: I had a box with remote controled vlc, a good remote controled audio player (could do local and remote play) and remote controled tvtuenr card09:35
Dr_WillisNot seen/heard of transdroid.09:35
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: not sure I just run it and the options stick09:35
shadghostYerushalmi: you using nvidia drivers?09:35
Dr_WillisActionParsnip:  I am running vlc on a windows box as my test. so that may be why.09:36
dirtycookieis there an archive of the help.ubuntu.com for offline use?09:36
YerushalmiActionParsnip: No such file or directory.09:36
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: enable the web ui in transmission and then connect using transdroid. Click a torrent in the browser and the torrent is told to download on your PC09:36
YerushalmiActionParsnip: Specifically the "org" directory.09:36
Yerushalmishadghost: How do I find out?09:36
ActionParsnipYerushalmi: case sensitive dude.09:36
shadghostYerushalmi: you would have been asked on post-install09:37
ActionParsnipYerushalmi: less /var/log/Xorg.0.log09:37
Yerushalmi...weird... how did I read "org" instead of "log"? Apologies. I must be tired.09:37
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shadghostYerushalmi: tab key is AMAZING in terminal09:38
YerushalmiActionParsnip: Okay, what am I looking for?09:38
shadghosteven more so when you are tried09:38
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shadghosti think he wants tail /var/log/Xorg.0.log09:38
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shadghostto get last 10 lines09:39
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YerushalmiLast ten lines are various things closing.09:40
YerushalmiI obviously can't pastebin it, though.09:41
ActionParsnipYerushalmi: errors09:41
YerushalmiActionParsnip: Things with an (EE) or (WW) prefix, right?09:41
shadghostor can you09:41
shadghostwe can get him to do mail-file command =P09:41
ActionParsnipYerushalmi: exactly09:41
greppyor use pastebinit09:42
YerushalmiFirst one is "The directory "/usr/shar/fonts/X11/cyrillic" does not exist" but I doubt that's a problem :p09:42
YerushalmiFalling back to old probe method for vesa, Falling back to old method for fbdev09:42
shadghostYerushalmi: do the lines have somethihng like "error" in them09:43
rigvedi got the same error as Yerushalmi yesterday when trying to use Xnest. It said Fatal I/O error: something about unable to allocate resources09:44
shadghostif so you can less /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep error     (less to view it, the log next, | is the pipe command, grep looks for a pattren in a file, the pattren)09:44
YerushalmiNo other (EE) or (WW) prefixes. But the last line is ddxSigGiveUp: Closing log. Dunno if that's significant09:44
Fjodorshadghost: less is interactive, thus not suitable for piping09:45
Fjodorshadghost: Use cat instead, or simply supply the filename as the last argument to grep09:45
greppyshadghost: grep error /var/log/Xorg.0.log | less09:45
shadghostFjodor: and greppy it works, i just tried it09:45
Fjodorshadghost: If you "do" want to use less, though, you can search within it by typing '/' and the search string ;-)09:46
YerushalmiDoes grep only find the first instance or all instances?09:46
greppyYerushalmi: all09:46
YerushalmiBecause it only found the word "error" in the explanation line (WW) warning (EE) error, etc.09:46
shadghostFjodor: shadghost@weardass:~$ less /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep error (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.09:46
shadghostthat is two lines there, second line starts after error09:47
shadghostit worked09:47
shadghostYerushalmi: was there a word or chair common inbetwen the error lines you were reading?09:47
trickshadghost: your spelling makes jesus cry09:48
bajk-tragbarhey, is there an easy way of sharing a LAN connection through WiFi? So I have my notebook connected to the LAN and create an Adhoc WiFi network that spreads this onnection to other notebooks?09:48
Yerushalmishadghost: Not sure what you mean.09:48
Yerushalmishadghost: There were no EE lines or errors, and I copied into here all three warnings I received/09:49
Fjodorbajk-tragbar: Have a look at arno-iptables-firewall09:49
Symmetriaheh shadghost09:49
Symmetriahttp://global.phoronix-test-suite.com/index.php?k=profile&u=anon-14046-9273-11967 <=== it worked :) thanks a million09:49
shadghostYerushalmi: it makes it easier to read a log file if you know there is a pattren to it so like all errors have "er" in it you can pass it to grep and look for all lines containing a "er"09:49
bajk-tragbarFjodor: well I found something in the Ubuntu wiki that is exactly what I am looking for, but linux typically it's fuzzing around in config files and doing this and that and not working eventually of course09:49
Yerushalmishadghost: I'm not sure what you mean - I grepped "error" and didn't get anything.09:50
rigved.msg ubottu !info arno-iptable-firewall09:50
shadghostYerushalmi: never mind09:50
Fjodorbajk-tragbar: Well, on install, arno-iptables-firewall will ask a eries of questions and write a config file to match your answers09:50
Yerushalmisame for grepping EE. Nothing but the (EE) error explanation line and "(II) Loading extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"09:50
Fjodorbajk-tragbar: To reconfigure, issue 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure arno-iptables-firewall'09:50
bajk-tragbarokay I will have a look at it09:50
bajk-tragbarFjodor: and is there like a graphical frontend like in OS X where you could simply click your LAN connection and choose share?09:51
bajk-tragbar(but well networkmanager is the worst thing I ever met, so I doubt it will have something easy like this)09:51
shadghostFjodor: bajk-tragbar trying to configure a firewall? if so there is ufw by defult in ubuntu, and that is WAY easier then iptables09:52
Fjodorbajk-tragbar: Well, you can use NM to make an ad-hoc network, to get the connection in the first place, but for the actual forwarding, ufw or arno-iptables-firewall is needed09:52
bajk-tragbarshadghost: I just want to share ONE Lan connection (theres only one plug :D) with another notebook over WiFi09:52
shadghostbajk-tragbar: ah09:53
shadghosti left all my papers in the lab today... but i have a printout on that09:53
bajk-tragbarwell, so, now my collegue plugged his Macbook in and clicked two things and now I am online here..09:53
backslash7What kernel version does the most recent version of 10.10 use?09:53
Fjodorshadghost: I find arno-iptables-firewall easy enough - haven't tried ufw. Does it come with a gui as bajk-tragbar is requesting?09:54
bajk-tragbarbackslash7: 2.6.35-25 I think09:54
Fjodorbajk-tragbar: And ok, that means problem solved, or?09:54
bajk-tragbarif there's something that is still so much broken in Linux, then it's NM^^09:54
shadghostFjodor: it wont do that, as it is a firewall09:54
bajk-tragbarFjodor: well, it damaged my linux honor :(09:54
backslash7bajk-tragbar: Thanks09:54
shadghostFjodor: but it is easy to learn firewall, you have ufw enable, ufw defualt deny|accept, ufw add (port) (ip:range), ufw remove (rule)09:55
bajk-tragbarbackslash7: don't know for sure since I use 2.6.38-4 :) but should be09:55
bajk-tragbarwell thanks Fjodor and shadghost I will have a look at it later :)09:55
Fjodorbajk-tragbar: Well, OSX won't play with wpa-enabled ad-hoc networks, as it's not in the specification.09:55
bajk-tragbarhm, right, it's WEP09:55
bajk-tragbarFjodor: so this ip tables thing is "in the spec"?09:56
shadghostbajk-tragbar: good luck to you, when i tryed to foward a connection from wire to wifi with my laptop... well i had to reinstall ubuntu09:56
shadghostit is iptables (all one word)09:56
Fjodorshadghost: Well, a firewall on Linux is usually based on iptables, which is also responsible for masquerading...09:56
bajk-tragbarI tried this thing https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/ShareEthernetConnectionThroughWireless09:57
shadghostFjodor: ufw just provides a nice wraper arround iptables for ubuntu only09:57
YerushalmiSo does nobody know what to do to get me out of tty1?09:57
Fjodorshadghost, bajk-tragbar: iptables is the underlying framework. ufw and arno-iptables-firewall uses it09:57
bajk-tragbarbut the IPs I am getting here is for my notebook and after changing the network config thing my lan didnt work09:57
shadghostYerushalmi: sorry... totaly frogot about you09:57
Fjodorshadghost: Ah, didn't see that you also said that09:57
bajk-tragbarhm, maybe I will have a look at networkmanager's source and unbreak it *g* it doesnt even let me choose which network connection I need, something that every other OS is able since.. always?09:58
Fjodorshadghost, bajk-tragbar: And arno-iptables-firewall has worked well for me in the past and is easy to (re)configure via "sudo dpkg-reconfigure arno-iptables-firewall"09:58
shadghostYerushalmi: truthfully i have no ieda, i have been trying to keep fucked up linux systems running all day... and i dident even get arround to getting gui working09:58
Fjodorbajk-tragbar: How do you mean?09:58
bajk-tragbarFjodor: In Windows, if I disable a network adapter, it's DISABLED. In KDE when I disconnect a network, it instantly reconnects09:59
shadghostbajk-tragbar: try this yet? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing09:59
bajk-tragbarshadghost: nope, i'll look into it09:59
shadghostbajk-tragbar: try ifdown09:59
bajk-tragbaragain: I don't like config files and terminals09:59
shadghostbajk-tragbar: or /etc/init.d/networking down09:59
shadghostif you want _all_ networks down09:59
bajk-tragbarshadghost: another case: I have a LAN cable plugged in but want to go online using WiFi or cell network, it doesnt let me10:00
Fjodorbajk-tragbar: Well, I'm using GNOME and the nm-applet does let me disable network interfaces. Try #kubuntu for that, perhaps?10:00
shadghostbajk-tragbar: you can bring down one interface with ifdown and ifup10:00
coz_Yerushalmi,  how did you get into there?10:00
bajk-tragbarFjodor: I already filed a bug report long ago but nobody cares^^10:00
shadghostlook at the man pages10:00
Fjodorbajk-tragbar: Sorry to hear10:01
bajk-tragbarshadghost: but then again, I want to click on the network thing, click the little X and than I am all set10:01
bajk-tragbarFjodor: it makes me tear up little teddybears sometimes in the office^^10:01
Yerushalmicoz_: I end up in tty1 when I boot up. It started intermittently last week, but usually if I restarted a couple of times I'd eventually get out of it. As of last night, no more. I appear to be permanently stuck.10:01
shadghostbajk-tragbar: i have _NO_ ieda how to use gui for networking10:01
bajk-tragbarhmm... *think* good time to look into the materials and write one myself :)10:01
coz_Yerushalmi,   did you try   sudo  restart gdm10:02
bajk-tragbarthe situation is: The computer is connected with a LAN cable and a stupid proxy that doesnt let you out if youre not logged in (Novell stupid), so Linux doesnt get into the internet. Then I plug in my smartfone and want to tether. But then the networkmanager doesnt let me go through the mobile while the cable is still plugged in10:02
shadghostinfact if i know how to do something a gui way and a command prompt way, 95% of the time i use the comand prompt way10:02
Dr_Willissudo service gdm restart  (also)10:02
bajk-tragbarif I just plug out the cable, everythings fine10:02
Fjodorbajk-tragbar: I dunno about the KDE interface to nm, but perhaps someone in #kubuntu might...10:02
shadghostbajk-tragbar: you are in kde... well10:03
shadghostthat make a big diffrance10:03
bajk-tragbarisnt networkmanager used in both ubuntu and kubuntuß10:03
shadghostbecause i found how in a gnome way10:03
Fjodorbajk-tragbar: Yes, but the gui might be different10:03
Dr_Willisnetwork manager also has cli commands i recall..10:03
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shadghostbecause i have this thing that looks like two arrows up in the uppwer right of my screen with the title bar and right clicked on it10:04
Fjodorbajk-tragbar: NM is sort of a daemon that you interact with via cli or guis10:04
YerushalmiBoth those commands, coz_ and Dr_Willis , give me "restart: Unknown instance:"10:04
bajk-tragbarso and the kde interface is f***ed up?^^10:04
coz_Yerushalmi,  if that doesnt work I am going to suggest   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade to see if anything needs to be updated/upgraded10:04
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bajk-tragbarwell there's nobody home in #kubuntu or #kde^^10:04
Fjodorbajk-tragbar: Apparently if you say so - wouldn't know myself, though10:05
Yerushalmicoz_: How do I get a network connection running in this prompt?10:05
ubottukubuntu is Ubuntu with the KDE Software Compilation instead of !Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde10:05
coz_Yerushalmi,  did you install /  uninstall /  compile anything just before this started10:05
shadghost01:05 -!- Irssi: #kde: Total of 342 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 341 normal]10:05
shadghosti think _somone_ has to be there10:05
coz_Yerushalmi,  mm  good question...  so there is no network connected at t his point?10:06
Yerushalmicoz_: Yes and no. I'd been intermittently getting thrown into this prompt for the last week or so, but usually a couple of restarts and the computer would behave.10:06
coz_Yerushalmi,  and this is ubuntu 10.10 ... yes?10:06
Yerushalmicoz_: Last night I ran an update that included the new linux kernel and new version s of firefox.10:06
Dr_WillisYerushalmi:  i saw similer issues during beta testing if gdm was not startingup properly/waiting for nvidia drivers to get going..10:06
flexdUh, i just installed ubuntu yesterday and the color scheme seems a bit.. off10:06
Yerushalmi10.04, I believe.10:06
flexdIt's too dark/odd? Not sure if it's just displaying wrong10:06
Yerushalmicoz_: But only firefox appeared to install; the new kernel didn't appear in the grub menu when the computer rebooted.10:07
naveendhanukahello all10:07
coz_Yerushalmi,   next time you boot   hold the left shift key down the whole time untill  you get the grub  menu... try booting into a previous kernel10:07
shadghostYerushalmi: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-common10:07
Fjodorflexd: Have a look in System -> Preferences -> Appearance10:07
Yerushalmicoz_: And running apt-get update and upgrade indicates that the kernels need to still be installed.10:07
flexdFjodor: changing between the themes doesn't really make a difference, still looks odd10:07
Fjodorflexd: Lets you select other themes. If they seem odd as well, you are more sure that there is an actual display problem10:07
coz_Yerushalmi,  ok sudo apt-get install -f10:07
Fjodorflexd: Ah, ok10:08
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flexdone sec, trying to remember the thingy to take a screenshot hrm10:08
Yerushalmicoz_: I tried several different kernels and none of them work. Also, I couldn't install the new kernel without a network connection.10:08
Fjodorflexd: Can you describe "odd"?10:08
shadghostYerushalmi: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gnome-session10:08
shadghostmay work better10:08
flexdFjodor: If i can take a screenshot, yes.10:08
coz_Yerushalmi,  ok I am puzzled  you might want to try the other suggestions given10:08
flexdUnless that shows up as completely normal on your screen (and my laptops), then i'll at least know10:08
Yerushalmisudo apt-get install -f gives me "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded"10:09
Fjodorflexd: I think that it may very well look normal on other machines10:09
flexdFjodor: yeah.10:09
shadghostYerushalmi: try the dpkg-reconfigure stuff10:09
coz_Yerushalmi, so you have internet connectivity10:09
flexdit's a ATI HD4870 card, drivers installed10:09
Yerushalmishadghost: Tried both those dpkg-reconfigure commands. I didn't get any messages, it just waited for a moment and gave me a new prompt, is that normal?10:09
flexd22" ASUS monitor and 19" samsung monitor10:09
shadghostYerushalmi: that means nothing got configured10:09
shadghosti think10:10
Fjodorflexd: Which drivers? Proprietary or open source?10:10
shadghostyou can try startx10:10
bajk-tragbarwell, maybe I will try wicd instead, this worked quite fine all the time and I think in KDE you can change the backend ujsed for network configuration in Information Sources control panel10:10
Fjodorbajk-tragbar: Ok, I don't know it but it may be good :-)10:11
flexdFjodor: Just tried resetting my monitor and it got even odder10:11
flexdSo it's a color/balance thing i think10:11
YerushalmiAh, startx. I saw startx on a forum and tried it . My screen goes black as if it's going to load something, and then gives me back the prompt. It loaded a whole bunch of loading-stuff text, ith the last line "Waiting for X server to shut down ddxSigGiveUp: Closing log"10:11
Fjodorflexd: have you tried the open source ones?10:11
flexdFjodor: No, i didn't know they existed.. and won't that leave me without hardware acceleration ?10:11
Guest34678Hi , What is the programming Talk channel pls ?10:12
shadghostYerushalmi: sudo xinit gdm10:12
coz_Guest34678,  I am not sure w hat you mean  "Talk" channel10:12
bajk-tragbarhm and any ideas why Policykit doesnt save my permissions anymore? I can click "Remember authorization" all the time, it doesnt remember it the next time I for example install a package10:12
Fjodorflexd: They work very well on my laptop and since ATI has opened the specs, you *do* get accell :-)10:12
coz_Guest34678,  unless you mean #ubuntu-offtopic10:12
icedteaGuest34678: depends on what programming language10:12
Yerushalmishadghost: That did basically the same thing. Same closing message too.10:12
shadghostbajk-tragbar: i think it only rembers it for 15 min10:12
coz_Guest34678,   you want the development channel? or just a channel for programming?10:13
bajk-tragbarshadghost: in 9.04 therre used to be a polkit configuration interface but it is gone now (I think because of some issues?)10:13
bajk-tragbarand I certainly dont want to dig through man pages10:13
Guest34678coz_ , actually i needed both.10:14
shadghostbajk-tragbar: can i can tail /var/log/kern.log10:14
bajk-tragbarlol. in wicd I could choose "Create ad-hoc network" and then say "Enable internet onnection sharing".. o.O does this work now?10:14
shadghostYerushalmi: can i can tail /var/log/kern.log10:14
shadghostbajk-tragbar: ignore that10:14
coz_Guest34678,  well there  is #programming  for general stuff... for ubuntu specific  there is  #ubuntu+1  #ayatana < for Unity developers10:15
Yerushalmishadghost: How much of that is the command?10:15
Fjodorbajk-tragbar: Well, give it a try :-)10:15
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shadghosttail /var/log/kern.og10:15
shadghosttail /var/log/kern.log10:15
bajk-tragbarunfortunately, my collegue is now skiing and his macbook has a pw :(10:15
bajk-tragbarbut well, this evening I will try it :10:15
Yerushalmishadghost: There are a few segfaults there.10:15
Fjodorbajk-tragbar: But be aware that if you are going to share with an OSX host, you can't use wpa/wpa210:15
Fjodorbajk-tragbar: and ok, good luck :-)10:16
bajk-tragbarFjodor: wicd also only let me choose wep^^10:16
Fjodorbajk-tragbar: Ah, ok10:16
shadghostYerushalmi: have you ever doen a memtest on your ram10:16
Yerushalmiconsole-kit-dae[1061]: segfault at 2b7a50c ip 00ad6ece sp bf8c8ef0 error 4 in libglib-2.0.so.0.2400.1[ab1000+c8000]10:16
Yerushalmishadghost: I did this morning, all passed.10:16
dejan_can I download php file from a website if I know its url with wget?10:17
YerushalmiThere were four segfaults here, two on console-kit-dae, one on x-session-manag, one on gdm-binary10:17
Fjodorbajk-tragbar: GNOME nm-applet lets you use wpa/wpa2 but since it isn't in the official specs, only other Linux (or possibly only Ubuntu) hosts will be able to connect10:17
Yerushalmiall of them error 4 in libglib-2.0.so.0.2400.110:17
shadghostYerushalmi: that sigfalt appears normal10:18
YerushalmiThere's such a thing as a "normal" segfault?10:18
Fjodorflexd: In other words, I recommend that you try out the open source drivers, if for nothing else, to see if they have the same problem. If so, you might have a hardware problem on your hands...10:18
bajk-tragbarany ideas why 2.6.38 kernel is no longer available for maverick?10:19
bajk-tragbarnow there are only packages for natty? I installed it on my notebook using the kernel ppa but now it seems to be gone?10:19
dejan_can I wget this www.example.com/aa.php ?10:19
bajk-tragbaron the repositories10:19
shadghostYerushalmi: well it is a knowen bug the console-kit one10:19
YerushalmiWant me to copy over one or more of the others?10:20
flexdFjodor: Nonsense, it worked perfectly fine in windows (and still does) when i reboot.10:20
flexdI don't see how the open source drivers will make a difference, it's a color/lightness problem ?10:20
Fjodorbajk-tragbar: Well, just download and install the natty packages. They should work10:20
shadghostYerushalmi: do you know what gpu the computer has10:20
bajk-tragbarFjodor: hm, so I need to change the sourecs.list to natty at the kernel ppa?10:21
flexdIt actually seems specific to one monitor even. My 22" ASUS MW22110:21
Yerushalmishadghost: Nope, it's an inherited computer, how do I find out?10:21
bajk-tragbarFjodor: because I definitly need the 38 kernel on my notebook10:21
Fjodorflexd: Well, then set it right on that monitor?10:21
flexdThe second monitor, 19" Samsung 930bf seems to be showing colors good10:21
Fjodorbajk-tragbar: Indeed10:21
flexdFjodor: trying :)10:21
bajk-tragbarFjodor: thx, I'll give it a try :)10:21
shadghosttype lspci10:22
Dr_Willisflexd:  ive seen video cards and cables get bad pins/wires and really mess up colors. is this a DVI or vga cable?10:22
shadghostand somewhere in there10:22
Lintwhy if everything is called 'lightweight' in ubuntu it means it's carp? like lxde... :fury:10:22
Fjodorflexd: My concern is, though, that since you say that it works fine in Windows, that leaves us with the drivers as the likely culprit10:22
flexdHm, hold on. I can take a really crappy photo with my phone :D10:23
dejan_can I download php files with wget?10:23
SirCaneflexd monitors can have color calibration files, you sure the asus doesn't have one in linux that its using and you're not using one in windows?10:23
Dr_WillisLint:  why do people expect 1000000+ useless features in somthing claiming to be lightweight.. do you have an actual Ubuntu support question?10:23
bajk-tragbarFjodor: Error gathering http://ppa.launchpad.net/kernel-ppa/ppa/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/source/Sources.gz  404  Not Found10:23
flexdSirCane: That i don't know, i've googeled for color profiles10:23
Fjodorbajk-tragbar: 2 secs10:23
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Lintsure, i want to create a shortcut and change dbl click speed in that "wonderful" de10:23
bajk-tragbaryep there is no such folder natty on the server10:24
SirCaneasus usually have pretty good support on their website for the products, you might find windows profiles to use... at least you know they exist then10:24
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Fjodorbajk-tragbar: I see that now. Then the maverick repo should be fine, no?10:24
Yerushalmishadghost: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller10:25
Fjodorbajk-tragbar: Otherwise, download the packages from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/10:25
rigveddejan_: you can download any file with wget10:25
bajk-tragbarFjodor: well i didnt insall a mainline kernel10:25
flexdSirCane: yeah10:25
dejan_rigved how to download php file whenn I download it it isn't php code there10:25
Fjodorbajk-tragbar: I'm faily sure that you did. kernel-ppa kernels are mostly mainline, aren't they?10:25
bajk-tragbarFjodor: hmm okay the kernel is there when entering 2.6.38 but not on my main machine. is it a wrong architecutre or something?10:25
SirCanedejan_ you need the phps file10:26
Fjodorbajk-tragbar: How do you mean?10:26
bajk-tragbarhow do I find out whether I am using a 32 or 64 system?10:26
Fjodorbajk-tragbar: uname -a10:26
LunaVoraxHi everyone10:27
shadghostYerushalmi: +1 deadend10:27
flexdSirCane: For my monitor Asus has 12 manuals and nothing else for download. Sweet :-P10:27
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rigveddejan_: give it the url as the input, no the path to the file10:27
hihihi100im trying to install egoboo from source, last version, but when I extrat the tar.gz, this is what happens: gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file10:27
hihihi100tar: Child returned status 110:27
hihihi100tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now10:27
phoenixsamprasblueray makemkvv works!10:27
Yerushalmishadghost: What's that mean?10:27
hihihi100whats does that mean?10:28
SirCaneflexd should be good to go then, tried connecting monitor to another video port?10:28
shadghostYerushalmi: i was trying to see if we could just install nvidia or ati drivers10:28
Dr_Willishihihi100:  sounds like that archive is bad. or you are extracting it wrong.10:28
rigveddejan_: wget http://example.com10:28
arkanabarwho's making the best/ most reliable HDs these days?10:28
hihihi100so how do I extract it?10:28
mmo|Hi, I have a problem that when transfering files from my server (an old fit-pc 1-0) the transfers are at first as fast as one would expect (about 11-12 mb/sec) but then after a while drops A LOT - down to about 1 mb/sec. I am using vsftp to transfer over a local network to another ubuntu machine connecting with gftp. Any ideas what might be wrong? soe buffer filling up or..?10:28
Dr_Willis!info unp10:28
iflemabajk-tragbar: currently or capable of?10:28
ubottuunp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0~pre4 (maverick), package size 13 kB, installed size 100 kB10:28
dejan_ok thanks10:28
Dr_Willishihihi100:  i always just use 'unp'10:28
LunaVoraxI have two Backup HDDs (lets say HDD1 and HDD2) and I don't know what files are on boths HDDs wasting space. Threre fore I would like to know if there's a tool to discover it and therefore remove every file that is duplicate on HDD2. Can anyone help me with that ?10:29
dejan_rigved but that way i will download whole website ?10:29
krzys123Hi I wonder about buying laptop. It should be safe enough, quite cheap and have compatibility with linux. I'll use it for most time for programming and surf in internet. I prefer Lenovo Thinkpads and Sony. Thought about Thinkpad T510 but Im uncertain about resolution. Its not necessarily to be very portable or have the best graphic card. What do u think about it?10:29
bajk-tragbariflema: well, it should be a 64 bit system but I dont know why but it is running the 32 bit version. I was sure I did download the 64 bit version, but well, shouldnt make much of a diference?10:29
hihihi100i have compiled like 8 programs, 1st time this happens,10:29
arkanabarLunaVorax: might try grsync.10:29
rigveddejan_: wget http://exmaple.com/in/this/folder/10:29
phoenixsamprasthanks finally i can see blueray on ubuntu10:29
bajk-tragbarI think I copied the images of my virtual box (which are 32 bit) onto the usb10:29
Fjodormmo|: Have a look at http://gettys.wordpress.com/2010/12/03/introducing-the-criminal-mastermind-bufferbloat/10:29
rigveddejan_: you will get everything in that folder10:29
shadghostYerushalmi: do you have in /etc/X11/ a xorg.conf.back (or something that looks like a backup file for it?)10:29
bajk-tragbarDoes 64 bit make much of a difference on this machine than a 32 bit linux? (Core i5 2x2,53 GHz, 4 GB Ram)10:30
bajk-tragbarit's the generic-pae kernel10:30
Dr_Willisbajk-tragbar:  i tend to use 64bit whenever i can.10:30
Yerushalmishadghost: Actually, this was weird. Having gone to various forums looking for solutions I went and checked that out10:30
Fjodorbajk-tragbar: I don't think it makes much of a difference, no. I do use the 64-bit version myself, though10:30
dejan_rigved how to get everythig just in that folder10:30
LunaVoraxok arkanabar thanks10:30
Dr_Willisbajk-tragbar:  ive heard the pae kernel is  not as efficient as a real 64bit kernel also.10:30
flexdSirCane: The other monitor is connected to the other port, and yea.10:30
Yerushalmishadghost: I have an xorg.conf.failsafe. I do not have an xorg.conf in and of itself.10:30
dejan_just in folder example.com/10:30
bittyxdejan_: check your private messages10:31
bajk-tragbarFjodor and Dr_Willis: I didnt notice a difference till I wanted to install a 64 bit kernel and it said "wrong architecture" :D but I will re-install it when natty comes and use a proper 64 bit, so no need to do anything by now :)10:31
mmo|Fjodor: thanks a lot, I will :-)10:31
bajk-tragbarso, restarting :) new kernel10:31
shadghostYerushalmi: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsave /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:31
Fjodormmo|: Np :-)10:31
Yerushalmishadghost: Tried that. Still booted to tty1.10:31
rigveddejan_: i just checked. if you give http://url.com/file.ext it will download that specific file10:31
Linthihihi100, uncompress it manually and see where theerror lies10:31
flexdAnyway trying a reboot, did some sort of auto adjustment and it reset y resolution to 1280x1024 :s10:32
shadghostyou tryed to boot into safe mode10:32
rigveddejan_: what do you get when you give it the name of the php file10:32
Yerushalmishadghost: You mean recovery mode?10:32
dejan_it seems i cant dl php files :)10:32
hihihi100lint, how do I manually uncompress? I cannot use ark or archive manager to even see whats in the tar.gz10:32
dejan_just html code i guess10:32
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Linthihihi100, gzip -d ...tar.gz10:33
Dr_Willishihihi100:  i use the 'unp' command i mentioned earlier.10:33
Dr_Willishihihi100:  its very likely that archive is bad then..10:33
hihihi100by bad i assume you mean corrupted...10:33
rigveddejan_: i just downloaded a php file using wget. it works10:34
Linthow to create a shortcut in LXDE??10:34
Dr_Willisunp archivename10:34
Yerushalmishadghost: Yes. I tried every option under there, too.10:34
shadghostYerushalmi: ready for drastic options?10:34
rigveddejan_: what url are you trying to use?10:34
Yerushalmishadghost: I tried running in failsafe graphic mode, and got a whole screenfull of errors - but it went by too quickly for me to see.10:35
shadghostYerushalmi: apt-get purge xserver-xorg10:35
Yerushalmishadghost: Let's be sure i have an internet connection before I do that :)10:35
shadghostYerushalmi: yes, that would be a good ieda10:35
Dr_WillisLint:  i seem to have a '~/Desktop/someshortcut.desktop' here thats giveing me a shortcut to a program on my lxde desktop. Im not sure how i made that however.. I am using a gnome/kde/lxde system. so its possible it came from gnome.10:35
rigvedYerushalmi: if you have boot logging enabled, then you can have a look at those errors10:35
Yerushalmirigved: How do I know if I do, and where do I get the errors?10:36
Dr_WillisLint:  if i right click on a menu item. it has a 'add to desktop' entry also it seems10:36
Yerushalmishadghost: Maybe I'll get lucky and if I install that kernel that isn't installed yet it will work. How do I do so?10:36
shadghostrigved: we looked at Xorg.0.log and syslog10:36
rigvedYerushalmi: /var/log/boot10:37
shadghostYerushalmi: uname -a10:37
rigvedYerushalmi: also in /var/log/boot.log10:37
YerushalmiWhat command should I use to read those files?10:37
shadghostcat, less, more, nano, vi10:38
rigvedYerushalmi: cat /var/log/boot10:38
shadghostall of thoes will work10:38
rigvedYerushalmi: or vim10:38
Lint...but not any way to edit it afterwards :sad:10:38
shadghosti recomend less10:38
shadghostso less /var/log/boot.log10:38
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flexdSirCane, Fjodor thanks for the help10:38
flexdIt looks a bit better now after resetting the monitor a few times and reboot, no idea why.10:39
Yerushalmi"less boot" (when I'm in the right directory) gives me (Nothing has been logged yet."10:39
flexdI still feel the colors are odd but that might just be the silly blue white on black on light blue color scheme :s10:39
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Yerushalmi"less boot" is the funniest command I've ever typed, I must say.10:39
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rigvedYerushalmi: ya check boot.log10:39
OY1Rhow can i see what device my usb soundcard is? (dev/dsp something) i need to point programs to my usb sound card.10:39
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Yerushalmi"less boot.log" gives me the results of an fsck I ran, probably from a long time ago, followed by " * Starting AppArmor profiles"10:40
YerushalmiIt's only three lines.10:40
rigvedYerushalmi: boot logging is not enabled, that's why it says nothing logged. after you start boot logging, restart and then check10:40
shadghostYerushalmi: uname -a10:40
YerushalmiLinux Glados 2.6.32-27-generic #49-Ubuntu SMP Wed Dec 1 23:52:12 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Lunux10:41
Yerushalmier... Linux.10:41
Fjodorflexd: Happy to help, if it was only just a little. I still don't think it would hurt to use the opens source drivers, though ;-)10:41
Yerushalmirigved: How do I start boot logging?10:41
YerushalmiI'm starting to suspect that uname -a contains the real reason I've been having so many problems with this computer since day one.10:42
YerushalmiIn retrospect, naming my computer "Glados" was just asking for problems.10:42
Dr_WillisYerushalmi:  but the cake is a lie!10:42
YerushalmiDr_Willis: So, apparently, is the user-friendliness of Linux :)10:42
Dr_WillisYerushalmi:  ive rarely had any issues with  it..10:43
Dr_WillisYerushalmi:  user friendly ness - excuess for people to be lazy :)10:43
* Dr_Willis goes back to defragging his windows machine.. going on 4 hrs now..10:43
YerushalmiLet's see, I spent two months trying to get hibernate to work, I have that recurring initramfs boot problem, I have that thing where I can't turn my wireless back on if I've turned it off unless I reboot...10:43
flexdDr_Willis: :D10:43
rigvedYerushalmi: sudo vim /etc/default/bootlogd10:43
rigvedYerushalmi: change the No to Yes in the logging option. then restart10:44
Yerushalmirigved: vim: command not found10:44
hihihi100i need help cd'ing to a folder: http://paste.ubuntu.com/576394/10:44
shadghostYerushalmi: linux-image-2.6.35-26-generic10:44
shadghostdo you have that in apt-get10:44
Dr_WillisYerushalmi:  i cant even get hibernat5e to work properly in windows... just to many programs have to many issues..10:44
rigvedYerushalmi: sudo gedit /etc/default/bootlogd10:44
erUSULhihihi100: cd "dir with spaces"10:45
Lintalso lxde crash SESSION manager on CHANGING wallpapers... definitely improvement over XP10:45
rigvedYerushalmi: change the logging to Yes. then restart10:45
YerushalmiDr_Willis: ...then I had that thing where my internet connection simply drops and I can't turn it on unless I log out, log in under another user, log out and log in again, and then I had that thing last week when my desktop disappeared.10:45
YerushalmiDr_Willis: And now this.10:45
Dr_WillisLint:  i change wallpaper here. no issues...10:45
erUSULhihihi100: another trick « cd dir\ with\ spaces » also you can use tab completion10:45
erUSUL!tab | hihihi10010:45
ubottuhihihi100: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.10:45
hihihi100erusul, tahnks10:46
Yerushalmirigved: The gedit command gives me a segfault.10:46
shadghostyou cant gedit with out xserv10:46
shadghostyou want nano or vi10:46
rigvedYerushalmi: use any text editor. sudo vi /etc/default/bootlogd10:46
shadghosti recomend nano, as it is easier to learn10:46
FjodorYerushalmi: Perhaps you should boot the memtest option if you keep getting segfaults...10:46
shadghostYerushalmi: sudo nano /etc/defaults/bootlogd10:46
rigvedYerushalmi: i didn't know that you did not have X started10:47
Raj007memtest won't detect any CPU faults.10:47
rigvedYerushalmi: use nano, vi any one10:47
Dr_Willisnano 'easy' once you learn that ^ = use the control key. :)10:47
shadghostYerushalmi: do you have a network connection with it10:47
rigvedYerushalmi: just change the logging option to Yes. then restart10:47
YerushalmiI've never used vi. I appear to be stuck or something.10:47
FjodorRaj007: No, but bad ram may cause bad data to get to programs, making them segfault...10:47
shadghostYerushalmi: do :q10:48
Dr_WillisYerushalmi:  esc :q  to quit10:48
grozamoreiusing ubuntu for a long time. first time see something like that - can't change rights and flags with $chmod command! for $sudo chmod -R a=rwx * or sudo chmod -R 777 * changing is not working! every file still have -rw------- [600]. plz help!10:48
Raj007Fjodor: CPU overheating would cause that too right?10:48
shadghostbecause you probaly did change something10:48
YerushalmiE37: No write since last change10:48
FjodorRaj007: Not sure - haven't had that problem10:48
Dr_Williswhen using vi - youmust rember its a 'modal' editor.. You are either in command mode, or insert mode, or oter modes.. use esc key to get back tocommand mode.10:48
FjodorRaj007: But possibly10:48
YerushalmiDr_Willis: I have no idea what I'm doing here!10:49
shadghostgrozamorei: -R can KILL systems10:49
Raj007Fjodor: yeah , i know :) like i said, COULD be CPU too.10:49
YerushalmiI tried :q, :!q, Ctrl+C, Esc...10:49
YerushalmiI think I'm stuck.10:49
YerushalmiAh, q! worked.10:49
rigvedYerushalmi: in vi, press Esc key and then the letter i. then change the logging to Yes. then press Esc key and then :wq. then restart10:49
FjodorRaj007: It could, but it never hurts to test the ram ;-)10:49
shadghostya tat10:49
grozamoreishadghost, I use it in a safe directory, just a game I download and try to launch10:50
shadghostsorry i dont use vi, just remverd that it needed that !10:50
rigvedYerushalmi: you must have made some change and then tried to quit without saving10:50
Yerushalmirigved: Esc and i don't appear to actually do anything....10:50
Raj007Fjodor: agree.10:50
shadghostgrozamorei: only one files should need the +x change it on taht one10:50
shadghostYerushalmi: do you have networking on the box10:50
rigvedYerushalmi: do you have internet connection on that box10:50
Dr_WillisYerushalmi:  hit escape key, then the : key, then  you are giving 'commands' use q! to quit.10:50
Yerushalmishadghost: I hope so, but I don't know if I do while in tty1.10:51
Dr_WillisIts worth learning vi someday... :)10:51
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YerushalmiDr_Willis: How do I get into actual text editing?10:51
shadghostYerushalmi: try sudo apt-get install Linux Glados 2.6.32-27-generic #49-Ubuntu SMP Wed Dec 1 23:52:12 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Lunux10:51
rigvedYerushalmi: sudo apt-get install vim10:51
shadghostnot that10:51
flexdYerushalmi: press i?10:51
Dr_WillisYerushalmi:  'rember vi is modal' - you hit i for insert mode...10:51
shadghostYerushalmi: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.32-29-generic10:51
YerushalmiDr_Willis: I did but I can't seem to type10:52
grozamoreishadghost: the point is, the command, any command with changing rights or setting an execution flag is not working. i write it in a console, nothing changing10:52
Dr_WillisYerushalmi:  i suggest eitehr quiting and using nano, or quiting and running the vimtutor program toleasn vi basics.10:52
YerushalmiDr_Willis: Or rather I can't seem to navigate10:52
rigvedit's better to run sudo apt-get upgrade then to install the linux kernel headers seperately10:52
shadghostgrozamorei: did you sudo it?10:52
ehidlevi is pretty evil for beginners10:52
YerushalmiOkay, I just used nano10:52
YerushalmiTo heck with it :p10:52
Fjodorgrozamorei: Which filesystem in on the partition you are in?10:52
YerushalmiI dunno why you guys didn't give me nano to begin with :p10:52
Symmetriawhats a reasonable time for a full kernel compile under ubuntu? trying to get a benchmark figure to compare my figures against10:52
shadghostYerushalmi: if you listend to me i said nano10:52
rigvedYerushalmi: sudo nano /etc/default/bootlogd10:52
ikoniaSymmetria: there isn't a reasonable time10:52
Dr_WillisI can do some complex editiong tasks in vi.. faster then the 'beginner' ubuntu users watchingme can follow.. :)10:52
ehidleSymmetria: depends totally on hardware10:53
ikoniaSymmetria: custom kernels are not supported here10:53
YerushalmiWhat format do I save to?10:53
erUSULSymmetria: depends on your cpu ram and kernel config10:53
YerushalmiOh, never mind10:53
YerushalmiIt works.10:53
shadghostSymmetria: forever10:53
rigvedYerushalmi: change the logging to Yes. save and restart10:53
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YerushalmiOkay, bootlogging is enabled.10:53
Symmetriaikonia not trying to go custom kernel, trying to benchmark hardware speed :) on a complete kernel compile10:53
ikoniaSymmetria: don't be silly please.10:53
Dr_WillisTHere was some console text edfitor that was basically like the old dos editor.. but i cant recall its name. or even if its in the repos10:53
Symmetriathats not silly, thats a good speed benchmark10:53
ikoniaSymmetria: then that is not an appropriate test10:53
YerushalmiNow I restart and enter recovery mode10:53
ikoniaSymmetria: sorry, the silly comment was for shadghost10:53
ehidlemake -j on a 2600K with 16GB of RAM takes approximately 90 seconds10:53
YerushalmiTry to open the graphics failsafe10:53
AndIrcHello world10:53
YerushalmiAnd I'll finally get to see what all those errors were10:54
grozamoreiFjodor: oh, shi.. it's ntfs! i totally forgot this one. thx, me noob ^( i'm gonna try move it to ext4 now10:54
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shadghostikonia: it is true10:54
ikoniashadghost: forever is not an appropriate response for a reasonable question10:54
shadghosti run my kernal compiles overnight when i do it10:54
Symmetria*hrm* ehidle will see what this does, Im using phoronix test suite on its build-linux-kernel test, which I presume is building *EVERYTHING*10:54
ikoniashadghost: that is not "forever" and it's offtopic here10:54
grozamoreishadghost: yes i did. i'm gonna try move files from ntfs partition, could help. :\10:54
Symmetriaaverage, 111 seconds10:55
Symmetrianot bad10:55
YerushalmiThere were a lot of invalid arguments there10:55
ikoniaSymmetria: I would suggest using the benchmarking programs rather than a kernel compile which can be affected by numerous things10:55
rigvedYerushalmi: nano /var/log/boot10:55
rigvedYerushalmi: good so you got the error listing?10:55
FjodorSymmetria: It also depends on $CONCURRENCY_LEVEL I have it set to 16, meaning that make-kpkg will use 16 threads. I have set it to that because my i7 system has 4 cores and hyperthreading, giving 8 logical cores10:55
Yerushalmirigved: Odd. Neither boot nor boot.log has changed.10:55
Symmetriaikonia been trying various tests, x264 encodes, mp3 encode tests, etc are about the only tests Ive found so far10:55
shadghostgrozamorei: chmod -R 777 /dir/*10:56
ikoniaSymmetria: there are benchmarking tools available.10:56
rigvedYerushalmi: check /var/log/messages and /var/log/syslog10:56
shadghostis taht what you did10:56
SymmetriaFjodor heh, I'm using a concurrency of 24 since I have 12 x Xeon cores and hyperthreading10:56
Fjodorgrozamorei: No need to label yourself a noob. At least you identified the problem as soon as I hinted at it ;-)10:56
Symmetria*hrm* my x264 benchmark hit 100.52 fps, decent10:56
shadghosti wonder10:56
FjodorSymmetria: Sweet. I just didn't know if you were aware of it :-)10:57
Yerushalmimessages has that same libglib segfault I mentioned earlier10:57
shadghostYerushalmi: sudo mail10:57
Symmetriainterestingly enough, this new system seems pretty stable, I had major problems on the old system running lucid, upgraded it to maverick and it seemed to stabilize10:57
Abdi^Ezping me10:57
Symmetriagot this system running maverick from day one and its 100% stable10:57
Abdi^Ezping me!10:57
ikoniaSymmetria: this is getting a bit out of the "support" discussion10:57
grozamoreiFjodor: true, in some way. But! too bad i don't think of it myself, being a developer it's a shame. thank you so much!10:57
ikoniaAbdi^Ez: please stop10:57
Dr_WillisAbdi^Ez:  and that will prove what exactly10:57
ikoniaSymmetria: maybe #ubuntu-offtopic would be a good place, as it sounds interesting10:57
FjodorYerushalmi: Have you considered running memtest86?10:58
ehidleSymmetria: my GTS 450 encodes H.264 at 125fps :p10:58
Yerushalmisyslog doesn't have those error messages either10:58
Symmetriaehidle heh, I was doing 100.52 without any graphics card acceleration10:58
Fjodorgrozamorei: Could happen to all of us, I guess. And np :-)10:58
YerushalmiFjodor: I ran a memtest this morning, all pass10:58
FjodorYerushalmi: Ok, didn't know - sorry10:59
ehidleSymmetria: yeah, but my GTS 450 cost 1/20 what your twin Xeon cost :p10:59
ikoniaehidle: Symmetria #ubuntu-offtopic would be a good place to continue this discussion, it looks a solid topic10:59
YerushalmiFjodor: 'sok10:59
YerushalmiFjodor: Appreciate the help :)10:59
grozamoreishadghost: i already tried that. the problem was in the file system - it was ntfs. no matter what, i can't change rights in ntfs, just in ext-fs. shame on me not thinking of it :\10:59
FjodorYerushalmi: sudo aptitude install --reinstall libglib perhaps?10:59
FjodorYerushalmi: And ok, thanks :-)10:59
shadghostgrozamorei: you dont have the usergroup for the files11:00
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent11:00
shadghostgrozamorei: i have had that problum on a ntfs harddrive11:00
shadghostgrozamorei: i think11:00
shadghostso try chaing group to a group you are in first11:00
thevishyanyone here on acer netbook with ubuntu ? how is the installation ?11:00
Symmetriatalking slightly more on topic, are there any SERIOUS disadvantages to running file systems on non-partitioned drives11:01
shadghost!aspierone | thevishy11:01
ikoniaSymmetria: depends which file system11:01
Symmetria(where drive size > X, it seems to be easiest to throw the file system straight onto the drive without partitioning)11:01
shadghost!aspireone | thevishy11:01
FjodorSymmetria: Not sure I get what you meen. There should be at least one partition, right? Or am I missing something basic here?11:01
Symmetriaikonia I'm running xfs on all the really big ones11:01
dejan_how can I delete log files from smuxi ?11:01
shadghostthevishy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne11:01
thevishyubotu didnt say anything11:01
SymmetriaFjodor no, as in mkfs.xfs /dev/sdb for example11:02
Symmetriano partition information whatsoever, file system on raw block device11:02
rigvedYerushalmi: update-rc.d -f bootlogd remove11:02
rigvedYerushalmi: update-rc.d bootlogd defaults 0811:02
ikoniaSymmetria: ok, but how do you have it partitioned currently ?11:02
birdhow to use11:02
rigvedYerushalmi: run these two commands in the same order11:02
YerushalmiSec, I'm trying to get ethernet to work11:02
rigvedYerushalmi: then restart11:02
FjodorSymmetria: Ok, didn't know that was an option - obviously I can't recommend anything about it then, sorry11:02
YerushalmiI apparently only have a loopback. Okay. In the meantime.11:03
SymmetriaFjodor only reason to really do it is when you have issues with partitioning because of the size11:03
Symmetriaikonia at the moment Im running no partition11:03
Symmetriastraight on the block size11:03
Symmetriablock device I mean11:03
jiltdilif i forget my grub password how should i overcome this?11:03
Symmetriajust wondering if there is a good reason to change that in the new arrays Im gonna add11:03
YerushalmiThe first command gave me "Removing any system startup links for /etc/init.d/bootlogd"11:03
ikoniaSymmetria: ok, for me, that's not great, more so as you want to run this as a mirror11:03
FjodorSymmetria: Ok, well thank you for broadening my horizon :-)11:04
Yerushalmi"Died at /usr/sbin/update-rc.d line 57."11:04
Yerushalmirigved: Is that right?11:04
Symmetria./dev/sdd               26T  9.8T   16T  39% /diskspace411:04
Symmetriathats an example11:04
ikoniaSymmetria: for me personally, for a production server, there are certain file systems that need to be seperate11:04
ikoniaSymmetria: certain ones which can be personal prefence, and certain ones which it doesn't matter11:04
Symmetriaikonia heh, we only do that on the SAN's though, not on the base operating system install11:04
Symmetriaso the base operating system install is broken down into partitions11:04
rigvedYerushalmi: the first part is right. not the second message11:04
ikoniaSymmetria: ahh, sorry, thought you where saying on your OS11:04
ikoniaSymmetria: in that case xfs will work fine on one "big" file system,11:05
Symmetriathen on the high capacity disk storage we're using base as per paste above11:05
rigvedYerushalmi: try that with sudo11:05
ikoniaSymmetria: apologies, though you where discussing the OS11:05
Yerushalmirigved: Okay, that worked11:05
YerushalmiNow the second line11:05
SymmetriaI'm about to add another file system to the machine, 90TB in a single go11:05
rigvedYerushalmi: use sudo in the second line too11:05
Linti have to hold shift typing it as caps lock stucked>>> any command to reset keyboard?11:05
rigvedYerushalmi: then restart11:06
Yerushalmiwarning: bootlogd start runlevel arguments (2 3 4 5) do not match LSB Default-Start values (S)11:06
ikoniaSymmetria: does xfs support 90TB ?11:06
Yerushalmiwarning: bootlogd stop runlevel arguments (0 1 6) do not match LSB Default-Stop values (none)11:06
claudio_server irc.hf-irc.net11:06
Dr_WillisLint:  not that ive ever seen/heard about. -  You could try switching to the console and back.11:06
ikoniaSymmetria: I thought it had a limit of 12TB (or something like that)11:06
Yerushalmifollowed by a bunch of file movement things.11:06
Symmetriaikonia under 32bit systems you have a limit of 16TB11:06
Fjodorikonia: Isn't it at 2PB?11:06
claudio_server irc.hf-irc.net11:07
thevishyis live usb creator same as usb creator ?11:07
Symmetriaon a 64bit system you can go way higher than that11:07
shadghostFjodor: i think it is bigger then that on 64 bit11:07
Yerushalmirigved: Was that an expected output?11:07
Symmetriawe're already doing 26TB in a single system11:07
ikoniaSymmetria: ahh that was it, I new there was a limit somewhere, but it's 32bit11:07
Symmetriayeah that 32bit limit made me wanna cry when we first ran into it11:07
Fjodorshadghost: Ok11:07
ikoniathe 64bit is 8 exbibyte11:07
Fjodorikonia: Ok, thanks11:08
LintDr_Willis, in console it's fine but in x not :angry:11:08
rigvedYerushalmi: no that wasn't11:08
rigvedYerushalmi: hold on11:08
shadghostThe ext4 filesystem can support volumes with sizes up to 1 exabyte and files with sizes up to 16 terabytes11:08
Symmetriaheh I was rather excited the day we got our first really huge MD1000 SAN, plugged it all in, and discovered.... machine was still running 32bit install and I couldnt use it11:08
shadghostfrom wikipedia11:08
Symmetriawas not impressed :)11:08
thevishywhat software do I use to create a USB that can install bu netbook ubuntu version ?11:08
Symmetriashadghost *hrm* any idea what the file size limit on xfs is?11:08
ikoniaSymmetria: 8eibyte11:08
ikoniaSymmetria: 8 ebibyte11:08
Symmetriathat 16 terabyte file size limit is gonna cause me problems11:08
ikoniaooh file size11:09
Symmetriaikonia is that file system size11:09
Symmetriaor file size11:09
shadghostXFS is a 64-bit file system. It supports a maximum file system size of 8 exbibytes minus one byte, though this is subject to block limits imposed by the host operating system.11:09
flexdSymmetria: you have a single file that is 16TB big?11:09
Symmetriaflexd scientific data, potentially, very easily11:09
Symmetriafiles coming outta evlbi experiments and off things like the LHC11:09
flexdSymmetria: Can't you split it up? :-/11:09
Symmetriaflexd heh, probably could find a way to do so, but its a pain in the backside :)11:10
rigvedYerushalmi: ya i think that's fine. no restart11:10
thevishyfolks any idea on how to burn an iso to a USB Flash drive so that it can install the OS for me like  DVD does11:10
rigvedYerushalmi: *now restart11:10
HF_acidthevishy: unetbootin is a popular option11:10
Fjodor!usb | thevishy11:10
ubottuthevishy: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent11:10
jiltdilthevishy:use unetbootin11:10
thevishythe links say usb creator software basically but what I found to download was live usb creator wonder if they are same11:11
shadghostSymmetria: i still want to see a single 16TB sicatific data file11:11
shadghostmost of the times they are broken into parts11:11
Fjodorthevishy: I should think so11:11
Symmetriahrm, another random question, has anyone attempted to bond multiple network cards under linux using something like LACP, and is it purely software dependant or is it hardware dependant as well11:11
thevishyLive word is a bit confusing as I dont want a CD based OS ...11:11
Yerushalmirigved: Restarting11:11
Fjodorthevishy: To the best of my knowledge, most, if not all, ubuntu images can be used as both live media and installer11:11
Symmetriaheh shadghost I'm already starting to see files in excess of 5TB coming outta the HG project and outta evlbi stuff, and they are growing in size by the day11:12
jiltdilthevishy: use unetbootin it is for making live usb11:12
thevishywhat is the size suggested for Linux including Swap for 1 GB netbook with 160 GB hdd11:12
coz_Symmetria,  i have never purposely bond 2 network cards but did have 2 cards connected at the same time11:12
dxyanyone here have manage to install ubuntu on PS3 phat 3.15?11:12
coz_Symmetria,   only did that once ...no problems just seemed redundant11:12
rigvedYerushalmi: after restart, check /var/log/boot11:12
Symmetriacoz, *hrm* Im wondering if I can bond 2 x 10G intel NICs11:13
erUSULSymmetria: bond driver is software11:13
FjodorSymmetria: I think there is something on bonding in the Networking-HOWTO11:13
Raj007thevishy: depends on what do you want to do. Just normal desktop use, 1GB would be enough. Otherwise i would recommend 4GB minimum. (anyone correct me if i'm wrong)11:13
Symmetriaand if the software load on the bond driver is gonna kill the machine at that kinda network rate11:13
arkanabarthevishy: I generally suggest between ram +0.5GB to 2x ram.11:13
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Yerushalmirigved: Just so we're clear, because I don't know if you were around when I discussed it or not, but the error messages I'm trying to access are those when I go to recovery mode and select the failsafe graphics mode, yes?11:14
Symmetriaarkanabar I'd agree with that on machines with low levels of ram, I'd disagree with it on machines with large amounts of ram11:14
Dr_WillisI always put a little swap partition on every hd i can. :) in case a live cd is needed. it can use swap.11:14
rigvedYerushalmi: this should log all boot messages11:14
arkanabarthevishy: I'd suggest 2gb; you have the disk space to spare.11:14
rigvedYerushalmi: are you getting those?11:14
Fjodorthevishy, Raj007: In the olden days, one would normally use swap sizes double the ram size, but I'm not sure if that still holds11:14
erUSULno it does not holds in the days of multi GiB rams11:15
Yerushalmirigved: Well, this time I'm not getting any messages at all, just a blank screen. Hang on.11:15
SymmetriaI normally run about 16gigs of swap *MAX* and thats on machines that have 64gig+ RAM, anything more than that is pointless11:15
jiltdilthevishy,Raj007: use swap according to ur application work11:15
Symmetriaso thats a quater of the ram size11:15
arkanabarI've been known to disable swap entirely with only 1.5gb of RAM, but you gotta watch your system; if RAM fills up, the system locks.11:15
FjodorerUSUL: Thanks11:15
rigvedYerushalmi: check /var/log/boot11:15
X-Sleepy-Xhi, I need help. I am stuck at initramfs when I boot ubuntu 10.04 i386. I tried to fix some error with fsck in recovery mode and I cannot even mount /dev/sda from live cd11:15
searchinghow to disable Ubuntu Software Center from Menu?11:16
erUSULif you plan to suspend to disk then you need swap == ram . if you wont s2disk then less swap11:16
rigvedsearching: you mean how to remove the menu entry for the Ubuntu Software Center?11:16
Symmetriaarkanabar heh, linux has a habit of doing nasty things when ram runs out even if you have swap :( particularly if your ram is being eaten by things like TCP windows, heh, push your tcp windows 2 high on a linux machine, run outta ram, it will kernel panic, irrespective of how much swap is available11:16
Symmetriabefore it even touches the swap11:17
FjodorerUSUL: Doing some gene prediction as late as today, however, I maxed out my 12Gb and used a healthy chunk of swap as well. And good point on the suspend thing!11:17
arkanabarerUSUL: that's why I was suggesting ram + 0.5GB.11:17
erUSULmost kernel memory is unswapable11:17
rigvedsearching: right-click on the Applications menu, edit menus. then untick Software Center11:17
Raj007Fjodor: sorry for late reply, was watching cricket. I agree, i only use 512MB swap for the heck of it and it never gets used for normal usage. (6GB RAM)11:17
bpx-devguys has anyone else been having login issues after the last round of kernel updates?  System keps jumping in to terminal login and after manually starting x i have to F7 over to my normal screen to use the desktop every time, its driving me up the wall11:17
searchingok thanks11:17
thevishydoes unetbootin take care of formatting the usb drive oo >11:17
Fjodorsearching: right-click on the menu, select Edit Menus11:17
arkanabarthevishy: don't think so, and few people are suggesting unetbootin any more.11:18
Fjodorsearching, rigved: Sorry, didn't see rigveds answer11:18
thevishyso what to use arkanabar'11:19
Raj007Fjodor: you meant hibernate?11:19
Lintwhy "setxkbmap us,ru -option grp:ctrl_shift_toggle" doesn't work??11:19
Raj007Fjodor: Suspend doesn't use any of the swap.11:19
thevishyi mean i formatted manually now11:19
arkanabarthevishy: let me go check out pendrivelinux.  what OS?11:19
thevishyso its fine now11:19
rigvedFjodor: no probs11:19
FjodorRaj007: That's one term for it, I believe, yes11:19
thevishyWindows XP11:19
thevishythis is a azer netbook11:19
FjodorRaj007: Suspend-to-ram11:19
Yerushalmirigved: boot.log hasn't changed.11:19
Dr_Willisthevishy:  that pendrive linux web site has several tools to use11:20
antivirtelhello, my Chrome sends en-US user agent, but my lang of the lucid & the chrome lang is hu-HU, how can I change that?11:20
Yerushalmirigved: boot itself is now entirely blank and I couldn't even read its contents with nano without sudo11:20
arkanabarthevishy: what OS are you planning to install on your USB drive?11:20
rigvedYerushalmi: /var/log/boot11:20
Raj007For hibernate to work, you need your swap to be atleast the same amount as your RAM plus a little more.11:20
rigvedYerushalmi: use sudo nano /var/log/boot11:20
erUSULantivirtel: in preferences>under the hood. languages and ... settings11:21
Yerushalmirigved: *nod* like I said, it gave me access denied, so I opened it with sudo, and it's entirely blank11:21
rigvedYerushalmi: it's blank even when you use sudo?11:21
rigvedYerushalmi: ok11:21
FjodorRaj007: Sorry, I confused myself11:21
Raj007suspend to ram will need no swap11:21
ehidleuh oh11:21
rigvedYerushalmi: what about /var/log/messages and /var/log/syslog11:21
ehidlewhy oh why could VMWare not have included a simple text editor in the console in ESXi ....11:22
antivirtelerUSUL yes, I saw it, every thing is hungarian there...11:22
erUSULantivirtel: then i dunno :/11:22
Raj007Fjodor: urm don't apologize, heck i'm learning heck loads by just staying here and idling :) (and ofcourse watching cricket)11:23
antivirtel:( thanks11:23
Raj007Fjodor: i'm a nooblet :)11:23
rigvedYerushalmi: tail -f /var/log/boot, tail -f /var/log/messages, tail -f /var/log/syslog11:23
rigvedYerushalmi: try ^^ these three commands11:23
Yerushalmirigved: Pretty much the same they were before, all sorts of messages but they don't include those errors11:23
rigvedYerushalmi: hmmm...ok11:24
X-Sleepy-Xnot to nag or anything but is there anything I can do?11:24
rigvedYerushalmi: it seems that boot logging is broken in 9.10 onwards11:24
YerushalmiWonderful... hehe11:24
arkanabarX-Sleepy-X: might look into burning partedmagic onto a live disk or some such.11:24
X-Sleepy-Xok tbd11:25
erUSULX-Sleepy-X: sda is not a partition no wonder you couldn't mount it. you have to fsck the ubuntu partition from a livecd. also the exact error you get just before landing in intramfs would help11:26
hihihi100The package indexes are currently changed by apt-get., how can I then delete a program installed via software sources, I only get to see that message every time I try11:26
bilal can anybody tell me whats the good alternate to autocad for ubuntu11:27
arkanabarX-Sleepy-X: oops, erUSUL is right!  try mounting /dev/sda1 instead.11:27
Raj007hihihi100: could you rephrase that?11:27
pehdensimple question what is needed for proftp conf to restrict users to home but allow certian user to not be restricted11:27
erUSULhihihi100: « pgrep -l xapian  » returns anything?11:27
rigvedYerushalmi: you using 10.1011:27
ikoniapehden: chroot and chroot exceptions, I know this can eb done with vsftpd, not sure about proftpd11:27
Dr_Willisbilal:  depends on you cad needs. I seem to recall some big name cad getting released last year for Linux.  then theres qcad, and i think 1 other.11:28
Yerushalmi10.04 I believe11:28
bilali need autocad 2006 or later11:28
YerushalmiI'm always confused by the linux version numbering11:28
erUSULbilal: brics cad ?11:28
Yerushalmier... ubuntu version numbering I mean11:28
rigvedYerushalmi: well you are unable to get to a GUI environment, right?11:28
Dr_Willisbilal:  if you need 'autocad' then you better check teh wine app database...11:28
Lintomfg it's "setxkbmap us,ru -option -option grp:ctrl_shift_toggle" that stuff is cryptic11:28
Dr_Willisbilal:  theres other cad programs out.11:28
ashyoffpirate software on sale11:28
pehdenikonia I found something oline for it before but for some reason i cant find it anynore11:29
hihihi100lol, yes raj007, It seems I installed egoboo via softare sources, but thats an outdated version, O i visited their official egoboo site and found a newer version that I installed via command line: now, when I try to delete egoboo (outdated) via software sources, all I get is a warning saying: The package indexes are currently changed by apt-get.11:29
searchingI have xfce meniu not gnome how to disable than11:29
bilal wine didnot work for me11:29
ikoniapehden: I imagine it's the same as vsftpd's base concept where you chroot all users to their home directory, but then create an exception list11:29
Dr_Willissearching:  have xfce menu ehere?11:29
Fjodorsearching: Try to ask in #xubuntu11:29
Lintashyoff, sense, you make none11:29
Yerushalmirigved: I have a backup installation on another drive I can use for emergencies, but no, I can't get to a GUI environment. I may just need to access the data from the other installation, copy it onto another disk, and buy a new drive11:29
anarchistum ubuntu numbering is easy, YY.MM11:29
bilali want that program that is operated just like autocad11:29
Lintbilal, with dwg support?11:30
Raj007hihihi100: ok that's new to me. Someone else might help you.11:30
rigvedYerushalmi: have you tried reinstalling GNOME?11:30
hihihi100erusul, that command alone shows nothing11:30
erUSULbilal: http://www.bricsys.com/en_INTL/bricscad/index.jsp11:30
YerushalmiI don't have a net connection in this prompt and don't know how to get one11:30
rigvedYerushalmi: sudo init 311:31
X-Sleepy-XI tried but doesn't work11:31
rigvedYerushalmi: does that work?11:31
hihihi100wait, I am currently downloading FGFS scenery via terrasync, now terrasync uses its own, different, terminal, could that be the reason?11:31
Yerushalmirigved: It didn't do anything visible11:31
ubottuIn Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.11:31
bilal<erUSUL> thanks, it works for me11:31
rigvedYerushalmi: oh ya, i remember, there's no inittab11:31
Raj007hihihi100: one question, how did you install the newer version ? compiling? binary download? ppa?11:32
rigvedYerushalmi: this won't work11:32
hihihi100compiled from source (tar.gz)11:32
Raj007hihihi100: ahh11:32
rigvedYerushalmi: if you are in runlevel 1, then you need to get to runlevel 3 for networking to work11:32
ikoniarigved: run level 211:32
ikoniarigved: ubuntu doesn't use the old sysvinit model any more11:33
hihihi100raj007, I tried to follow the standard procedure (./configure make sudo make install), but the readme inside Egoboo has its own instructions. I had to follow the readme instructions, given that ./configure didnt do anything11:33
pehdenikonia do you know of any site that has an example of this11:33
rigvedDr_Willis, ikonia: ok. i'll check it out11:33
ikoniapehden: nope, never dont it in proftpd, only vsftpd11:33
searchinganother problem: after playing vlc system not shuting down complete11:33
Yerushalmirigved: How do I do that?11:34
TewrHey. I'm trying to get ubuntu 10.10 live cd running on a lg1310g laptop. I've tried starting two times with the "try ubuntu" option, but after a while stuff stops loading and I only have a black screen with a mouse. That being said... is there a chance it will work better if I use the install option instead?11:34
Raj007hihihi100: well it's something i've never used. Why don't you just uninstall the compiled version, then uninstall the old version?11:34
bajk-tragbarhm, any ideas why I cannot connect to a WEP secured WiFi connection? It gets stuck at "Configuring interface". Connecting to a WPA2 secured connection works flawlessly11:34
Dr_WillisTewr:  whats the video chipset?11:34
pehdenikonia ok then a script for vsftp then11:34
Tewrdr_willis: good question, give me a minute11:34
ikoniapehden: it's not a script, it's just a config option, and those won't be valid for proftpd11:34
mrintegritycat gnome3-team-gnome3-maverick.list11:34
mrintegritycat gnome3-team-gnome3-maverick.list [A[A11:34
mrintegritycan anyone tell me how to ppa-purge gnome 3 repositories? stupid question I know but nothing seems to work...11:35
Raj007hihihi100: make uninstall ?11:35
hihihi100raj007 I may try that if what I have in mind fails: im waiting for terrasync to finish its own donwload11:35
Raj007hihihi100: just checked , it's a game :)11:35
Papyroshow can i find with a command all the installed programs?11:35
TewrDr_willis:  ATI Radeon Xpress 200M11:35
pehdenikonia shouldnt be to different11:36
linxehare there any cloud sync tools like ubuntu one, but that work across ubuntu, macosx and windows ?11:36
TewrDr_Willis: The screen is black but there IS a mouse, that I can move...11:36
mrintegritylinxeh: dropbox11:36
Dr_WillisTewr:  Hmm. You may want to check teh forums for that card. its possible its just a bad iso/download.11:36
mrintegritylinxeh: works much better than U1 too11:36
ikoniapehden: it is11:36
linxehmrintegrity: ok, and is this trustworthy?11:36
Dr_Willislinxeh:  ubuntuone had a beta-windows client out..  theres always dropbox also.11:36
kantorit is possible to make all the RAM in the system to be recognized by linux as lowmem ?11:36
Papyroshow can i find all the installed programs in my ubuntu ?11:36
linxehDr_Willis: yes, but no mac client (yet)11:36
mrintegritylinxeh: well, it's used much more than ubuntu one.. i been using it a long time.. 2gb free11:37
linxehmrintegrity: ok cool, I'll give it a go11:37
TewrDr_Willis: ok thx11:37
mrintegritylinxeh: as trustworthy as ubuntu one i would say11:37
mrintegritydamn fast to synch files too11:37
Dr_WillisI can even get to dropbox from my android phone. :)11:37
Raj007Dr_Willis: curious, what do you use as your android phone?11:38
linxehthanks guys11:38
Dr_WillisRaj007:  samsung captivate.11:38
Raj007at&t :)11:38
Raj007very nice phone though.11:39
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Dr_WillisIf you cut out all the cell phone providers that have people sayng bad things about them (many justified) then theres none to use at all. :)11:39
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Dr_Willisit will be interesting to see where cell phones are at in 2+ years..  Perhaps we will have a CellBuntu. :)11:40
* Mkaysi jots down a new quote for Dr_Willis11:40
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Raj007well, with quad-cores showing up next year :)11:41
* Mkaysi jots down a new quote for Raj00711:41
rigvedYerushalmi: sorry no clue. try re-installing and using the backup11:41
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s7ri have run by mistake rm -rf /etc/init.d/openvpn instead of /etc/openvpn -- what can i do to bring it back?11:41
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Yerushalmirigved: *nod* It looks like my computer is finally, finally shot to hell. Oh well. Thanks for trying11:41
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rigvedYerushalmi: couldn't help much, but you are welcome11:42
|Long|anyone know where i can turn on sftp on?11:42
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YerushalmiYou tried, and that's what's important, right?11:42
YerushalmiAppreciate it :)11:42
Dr_Willis|Long|:  install the openssh service and it should include that i thought.11:42
Dr_Willis|Long|:  or in the sshd.conf file ma have settings for it.11:42
mrintegrityppa-purge ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3 failes with error;: Warning:  Could not find package list for PPA: gnome3-team gnome3. Does anyone know why that is and how to fix it?11:42
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|Long|Dr_Willis, thanks11:43
erUSUL!ops | Mkaysi bot?11:43
* Mkaysi jots down a new quote for erUSUL11:43
ubottuMkaysi bot?: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!11:43
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s7rany advice for me?11:43
gerry__Has anyone successfully installed perlqt4 on ubuntu11:43
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MkaysiSprry, i'm having technical problems11:43
gavimobilefolks, I accidently deleted a lot of important files with ubuntu live cd, and to make it worse, I emptied the trash bin. I found some stuff in .trash-999 however I don't see everything. do I have a way of restoring some of the stuff?11:44
Raj007Dr_Willis: that is a good question by s7r, is there an undelete utility for EXTx ?11:44
mrintegrityRaj007: no there is not11:45
jiltdilPapyros:dpkg -l11:45
s7rRaj007: don't know11:45
Dr_WillisRaj007:  theres tools for that.. good luck getting any actual data recovered.. :)11:45
SirCanegavimobile from your backup ?11:45
ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel11:45
s7ri can;t see no trash bin on my desktop anyways11:45
sacarlsongavimobile: there is a few tools that might help including package restore11:45
schneider_hi guise11:45
Raj007hah out :) sorry i'm happy watching cricket.11:45
Raj007but was there EVER an undelete utility?11:45
zombie-robotis it possible to put a song in ipad library without pc?11:46
Raj007for linux based OS?11:46
mrintegrityRaj007: I recovered a bunch of files a few times, problem was that parts of images were corrupt etc and some files were not recoverable11:46
schneider_i cant get the logitech webcam drivers working in skype - what should i do?11:46
mrintegrityRaj007: i seem to remember a utility for ext2 but could be wrong11:46
Raj007mrintegrity: is there any FS which would recover it?11:46
SirCaneRaj007 yeah, backup11:46
Raj007so it hasn't changed.11:47
mrintegrityRaj007: it doesn't really work like that.. once you "delete" a file the file system says that the space is free.. so it can only be "undeleted" until you write something to disk again11:47
schneider_guys? Its really important11:47
mrintegrityRaj007: if the filesystem was really saving the deleted files you wouldn't really have deleted them in the first place.. thats what the recycle bin concept is for11:47
gavimobilesacarlson: thanks11:48
sacarlsonRaj007: I do a search in synaptic for undel and I see three packages that might work but I've never tried them recover, maicrescue, e2undel11:48
tsimpsonMkaysi: just don't bring bots into #ubuntu, or any channel without asking first11:48
Raj007sacarlson: it wasn't me looking for it, to be honest. I wanted to know if it's possible. It was s7r who wanted to know.11:49
gavimobilesacarlson: my partiton is ntfs however I used the live cd to delete11:49
mrintegrityschneider_: what does it say in dmesg just after you plug in the camera?11:49
Raj007sacarlson: and he quit.11:49
sacarlsonRaj007: sorry I don't look back far enuf11:49
mrintegrityschneider_: if you have no idea what im talking about you could try installing "cheese" and seeing if it detects your webcam11:50
mrintegrityschneider_: then you would at least know it works11:50
Raj007sacarlson: no apologies. I don't like them. By you mentioning all those undelete utilities in the channel, you probably helped someone who might use it.11:50
sacarlsongavimobile: for ntfs there may be better tools in the windows world for file recovery11:50
Raj007sacarlson: heck yeah tons of them on NTFS11:50
schneider_mrintegrity: cheese detects my webcam11:50
mrintegrityschneider_: so what does skype say about it?11:51
mrintegrityscreenshot of the video tab in the settings would be good11:51
schneider_mrintegrity: my partner isnt able to hear or to see me11:51
SirCanesome file systems are easier to recover deleted files. fat32 you can recover from the hidden allowcation table if you know the directory location. ntfs has shaddow copies that can be recovered pretty easy11:52
jiltdiluse   11:52
jiltdilDavory  for data recovery it is a fornsic tool11:52
Flynsarmyi can do a find -name "*.jpg" to find jpg files, but how can i find jpg, gif and png files with a single command?11:53
erUSULFlynsarmy: add multiple -name clauses11:53
gavimobilejiltdil: thanks, do you know how long a typical scan takes?11:54
Sia-is nay special version to install on mac intel? now ve installed ubuntu everything work fine, but shutdown hang on. disabled splash screen but still hang on, reboot work fine11:55
Sia-any idea what is wrong?11:55
schneider_mrintegrity: any idea?11:55
jiltdilgavimobile:depends upon the size but it recovers all11:55
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jiltdilu can  also use winHex11:58
erUSUL!faq 511:59
barberan!faq 511:59
ubottuA list of common questions and answers about Ubuntu: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions - Official documentation: http://help.ubuntu.com11:59
erUSULsorry; wrong window11:59
CngZHello, I search a fingerprint recognition software, do you know another one than fprint ?11:59
FlynsarmyerUSUL: find -name "*.jpg" -name "*.png" -name "*.gif" this does not work12:01
erUSULFlynsarmy: you need -o between them; sorry i missed that12:02
erUSULFlynsarmy: find -name "*.jpg" -o -name "*.png" -o -name "*.gif"12:03
FlynsarmyerUSUL: got it, thanks12:03
erUSULFlynsarmy: -o == or12:03
mrintegrityhow do you remove a ppa when ppa-purge doesn't work?12:05
jiltdilfrom synpatic package manager12:06
mrintegrityjiltdil: will that downgradepackages as needed etc?12:06
zimHi all. Quick Q I have just duplicated a vbox VM and changed the mac address of the network card so they play nice together but now eth0 is eth1. What is the new iftab?12:07
oliterUSUL, i m using aview to view image  -- jpg format, it is giving error12:07
jiltdilyes u can12:07
Dingenshi there, can you please give me some help with a little emergency here? i cant mount my internal hard drives anymore. i can still "dd if=/dev/sda", mount still sees the filesystem type, but it doesnt mount it but exits without error message12:08
mrintegrityDingens: anything in dmesg after the mount command?12:08
mrintegrityjiltdil: ok, i disabled the repo in synaptic, how do i downgrade the packages now?12:09
zimi.e. where is ubuntu storing eth0 = mac XX:XX ... ?12:09
Dingensmrintegrity, no, nothing, neither in any logs. strange thing is: i can still mount other devices, like loopbacks or usb hard drives12:09
erUSULolit: the error being? my cristall ball broke yesterday ...12:09
mrintegrityDingens: and if you just type "mount" you cant see that it's moutned12:09
erUSULzim: /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules12:09
mrintegrityDingens: and what do you mean by dd? have you made an image of it to another location?12:09
Dingensmrintegrity, no, no internal drives at all are mounted12:09
zimerUSUL: Many thanks12:09
mrintegrityDingens: what is the os booted from?12:09
oliterUSUL,  invlid magic-not p?m family format12:10
Dingensmrintegrity, i booted from an usb hard drive. with dd i just printed the first bytes and recognized the filesystem header, so it still can read the devices bytewise12:11
mrintegrityDingens: ok, and fdisk still shows the relevant partitions / filesystems?12:11
erUSULolit: corrupted file? not really a jpeg?12:11
oliterUSUL, no i can see it gnome12:12
Dingensmrintegrity, yes, fdisk shows everything normal, and i still can boot and read every disk with the parallel-boot windows12:12
mrintegrityDingens: very strange..12:12
mrintegrityDingens: if you mount /dev/whatver1 /media/wherever it exits without error?12:13
mrintegrityas if it was mounted for real12:13
zimerUSUL: (your crystal ball) commonly known as Pre-Cog.lib :)12:13
mrintegrityDingens: but there is nothing showing in /media/wherever and "mount" on it's own doesn't show a moutned fs?12:13
Dingensmrintegrity, the install is a 8.04LTS, directly after install everything worked fine. my last actions before the symptom occured were an update to the latest repo-8.04LTS and i put my /tmp into ram. can that have anything to do with it?12:14
erUSULolit: then i dunno sorry; never used aview...12:14
Dingensmrintegrity, mount shows of course mounted filesystems, but not my internal hard drives12:14
oliterUSUL, its alright12:14
Dingensmrintegrity, in /media i only have usb drives12:14
mrintegrityDingens: possibly if you made an error somewehere.. i am not sure exactly of your situation really.. why did you now boot from usb if the os is installed on the local disks12:15
Dingensmrintegrity, nono, i installed to usb drive12:15
eaxxaewhat's the best virus scanner for linux ?12:15
mrintegrityand it's the physical disk (not usb) that you can't mount12:15
Dingensmrintegrity, yes12:16
mrintegrityeaxxae: clamav afaik12:16
eaxxaeclamav picks up everything norton/etc do ?12:16
apterDo you really need an virus scanner for linux?12:16
mrintegrityeaxxae: no idea, apter not really unless your protecting windows machines12:16
eaxxaeguess apter has never heard of a rootkit or buffer overflow... lmao12:16
mrintegrityDingens: sorry but i don't see why that would happen really12:17
eaxxaeyeah, linux boxes never get rooted *rolls eyes*12:17
SirCanean antivirus program isn't going to stop that12:17
SirCaneyou want intruder detection for that12:17
mrintegrityeaxxae: stop trolling, ofc it gets rooted but it's not normally via  virus which is what his question was12:17
hichican you find out if you got rooted by scanning from usb?12:18
eaxxaemrintegrity: I'm not trolling... he was12:18
aptersorry just asked12:18
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Dingensmrintegrity, do you have any advise on how to narrow it down? can i provoke mount to give me an error message? are there other tools than mount? can there be a ubuntu/gnome service involved, conflicting with mount? or maybe automatically unmounting my filesystems?12:18
mrintegrityDingens: good question.. im thinknig about it12:18
mrintegrityDingens: are you chrooted or something?12:19
eaxxaehichi: a more appropriate question... yes, I believe you can12:19
Dingensmrintegrity, no, ordinary 8.04 install12:19
mrintegrityDingens: what other mounts do you have? what mount options you use for tmp12:19
eaxxaehichi: md5sum of all important config files/binaries... will tell you things have been changed/tampered with12:19
mrintegrityDingens: why ram mount tmp12:20
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hichiI see, thank you. My original question is, if you know how I can automatically mark text so I don't have to press copy12:20
Dingensmrintegrity, its a single monolithic root-filesystem, plus "none  /tmp  tmpfs  defaults,size=512M  0  0"12:20
eaxxaeSirCane: an 'offline' scanner is what I want... that runs rom BIOS... checks for virii/rootkits/malware/spyware..12:20
Dingensmrintegrity, i was planning to install some crypto-stuff and thought it would be wise to have /tmp in ram and swap disabled12:21
mrintegrityDingens: for security reasons?12:22
eaxxaeand saying windows boxes are the only thing on botnets is like saying britney spears is the only dumb bitch in hollywood12:22
eaxxaemacs get owned, linux boxes get owned.. solaris boxes get owned, everything gets hacked.. so a USB integrity verification system would be great, that boots from bios and checks for shady pines ware12:23
Dingensmrintegrity, it was meant to be a usb-drive-installed rescue/backup/recovery-system, so the ability to mount crypted block devices seemed vital to me12:23
hichiI don't know what I have to type in google, I am looking for a way to auto-copy by hovering over text. Can I do this via Ubuntu or a tool?12:23
mrintegrityDingens: im at a loss unfortunately.. if you unmount /tmp the original files on the disk should be back (unless you deleted it), try that and see if you can then mount drives12:24
mrintegrityif it works you will at least know what hte problem was more or less12:24
brutusHas anybody used linux containers? Why do I get this? $ lxc-console -n mycontainer "lxc-console: failed to connect to the tty service"12:24
mrintegrityhichi: you mean copy when you highlight text or just by hovering the mouse over it?12:24
the_real_oneI want to remove gnome from ubuntu without loosing gedit, the virtual keyboard etc12:24
the_real_onehow can I achieve this12:24
mrintegrityhichi: linux has 2 ways to copy, highligh only or highlight and right click / copy12:25
Dingensmrintegrity, in addition to that try, im i correct that in singleuser mode no deamons should conflict anymore, so it mount still doesnt work in singleuser than there is no daemon involved?12:25
eaxxaegedit depends on some gnome libraries...12:25
hichimrintegrity: I would prefer hovering, so that I don't need to click anything12:25
mrintegrityDingens:  i think thats correct12:25
mrintegrityhichi: sorry don't know12:25
xpticalhow do I clean up the GRUB menu?  I have like 5 old kernels I'd like to remove12:25
hichimrintegrity: how do you do the highlight thing12:26
SirCanethe_real_one you want a different window manager?12:26
the_real_oneI already have e1712:26
SirCaneany gnome programs need gnome to work12:26
mrintegrityhichi: highlight some text then press shift + insert to paste it12:26
Dingensmrintegrity, ok, thanks for your help + patience! i'll init to singleuser and come back if it worked12:26
mrintegrityhichi: or middle mouse button to paste12:26
redHow Unity these days? Is it still choppy and slow as a snail even on a high end pc?12:26
karlaxptical, remove the old packages in aptitude and re run update-grub if isn't already12:26
oCeanxptical: list your current installed ones and use apt-get purge to remove the ones you no longer need. Be careful not to remove the current :)12:26
mrintegrityDingens: gl12:26
eaxxaexptical: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22618312:26
hichimrintegrity: thank you, good info!12:26
the_real_oneI work with ubunut on the HTC HD2 and I need some space to build an audio driver12:27
SirCanethe_real_one you can still load gedit from within e17 just fine12:27
the_real_onethat's not the point12:27
CngZI search a fingerprint recognition software, do you know another one than fprint ?12:27
the_real_oneI just want to remove gnome desktop12:27
the_real_oneIf I'd perform a sudo apt-get purge gnome...12:28
eaxxaethe_real_one:  if you have to ask how to remove it, you probably can't ;)12:29
Dr_Willisthe_real_one:  you may have to select a lot of differnt packages. theres no single package that will remvoe it all.12:29
oCeanthe_real_one: ubunt-desktop is the metapackage for the complete gnome-desktop.12:30
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »12:30
oCeanthe_real_one: *ubuntu-desktop actually12:30
eaxxaeand.. if you're using KDE, use kedit12:30
the_real_oneI want to remove the ubuntu-desktop but not the software...12:30
DaghdhaMy systems has forgotton it has to spin down disks. For the 3rd time now :(12:30
eaxxaeor better yet.. emacs12:30
the_real_oneI'm using e1712:30
the_real_oneand keep in mind I only have a touch screen12:30
eaxxaee17 is a window manager.. not a desktop enviornment12:31
the_real_onethey way e17 is compiled it is a desktop environment12:31
Sleepwalkerthe_real_one: what do you think about E17, do you like it?12:31
the_real_oneit's awesome12:31
the_real_onebecause I can't compile it on my laptop... couldn't run it on winmo6.512:32
eaxxaethe_real_one: it's a window manager.. do you even know the difference ?12:32
Sleepwalkerreally? I ran it with Sabayon live CD and didn't like....12:32
the_real_onesince there isn't a debian-port for the hd2 yet (which I might build) I took the ubuntu version12:32
the_real_oneright bbl12:32
Sleepwalkercos I didn't find E17 on ubuntu repos12:33
eaxxaeit's not12:33
eaxxaeit's unstable12:33
kothaguy_ubuntuHi Friends,how to open an usb with root permission,when ever i insert an usb,i want to open the usb as root,so that i can do copy/paste in the usb12:34
eaxxaeyou have to add repos for just e17.. and it crashes nonstop12:34
eaxxaeit's junk12:34
eaxxaecan't even compare it to gnome/kde12:34
Sleepwalkeri know it's unstable, but I tested it with Fedora 7, that time it was really unstable! rs12:35
Daghdhadoes anyone know a GUI tool that lets you set drive spindown times?12:36
DaghdhaYou know, something normal people can use.12:36
eaxxaenormal people use cli, dumb people depend on gui12:36
kothaguy_ubuntu Hi Friends,how to open an usb with root permission,when ever i insert an usb,i want to open the usb as root,so that i can do copy/paste in the usb12:36
Sleepwalkeri use both12:36
Daghdhaeaxxae don't you like redundancy?12:37
Sleepwalkerdependng the situacion12:37
oCeaneaxxae: no need to call anyone 'dumb'12:38
Dingensmrintegrity, no luck. i dont know how, but somehow i've destroyed my freshly installed system12:38
kaolbrecDaghdha: pretty sure drive spin-down times are not something the average user cares about.. So a gui tool is unlikely.12:38
aeon-ltdkothaguy_ubuntu: you don't, you'd open a file manager with sudo. but really you should look into changing ownership of the usb stick or permissions12:39
Crush_i disagree oCean, there are some VERY dumb people.  some people shouldn't be allowed to touch a computer12:39
oCeanCrush_: this is not the place for such opinions12:39
* eaxxae agrees with crush12:39
alketHow to sync thunderbird and google calendar ?12:39
dabugim one of them..12:39
* eaxxae thinks Daghdha is fresh of the boat from asia somewhere.. and wonders how he got into europe12:40
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kothaguy_ubuntuaeon-ltd, :how to change the ownership of USB or permissions,i am the root of my system12:40
oCeaneaxxae: please stay on topic.12:40
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* Crush_ looks at dabug....12:40
ross410having trouble with a dependency. "configure: error: Could not find the gnomeConf.sh file that is generated by gnome-libs install" Any help?12:40
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SleepwalkerNot even using GSmartcontrol you can set  spin-down times, maybe through vendors software?12:40
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Crush_depends on the harddrive and wether it supports setting, what hdd are you wanting to change the times on12:41
kaolbrechdparm can do it12:41
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DaghdhaI have it in hdparm.conf12:41
eaxxaelet him google it.. geez, people use irc like it's free tech support when they can read the man page and it takes 10 seconds12:41
kaolbrecAlthough I don't know about drive-specific support12:41
kaolbreceaxxae: we have to consider that people don't even know the name of the utility they need a flag for12:42
oCeaneaxxae: that is what this channel is about. Don't send people to google12:42
DaghdhaI've also used hdparm in the past. Just dunno why drives stop sleeping after some reboots. Not always12:42
mrintegrityDingens: damn12:42
Sleepwalkerhum hdparm... let's see...12:43
mrintegrityDingens: at least if it's freshly installed you haven't lost much12:43
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Dingensmrintegrity, hrm. but i havent done much either. so what tells me that i wont run into the same anomaly again? hrm. mount exits without error.. conditional only for sata-devices.. which i can still read bytewise.. i dont get it12:44
ross410having trouble with a dependency. "configure: error: Could not find the gnomeConf.sh file that is generated by gnome-libs install" Any help?12:45
jribross410: what are you compiling?12:46
ross410jrib: cheops-ng12:46
jribross410: did you install gnome libraries -dev package?12:48
ross410jrib: No I have not12:48
jrib!compile > ross41012:48
ubottuross410, please see my private message12:48
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landingonwaterhow to change font size in Empathy ? I read a few posts about It, and i edited a config file, but no change. I used <font> but its not recognized by empathy.12:50
scriptwarlockseffu, yo12:50
seffuno such un chanel me12:51
Papyroshow can i find with a command all my installed programs?12:51
scriptwarlockseffu, what do you want?12:51
mrintegrityDingens: nor me12:51
seffuwant register me12:52
mrintegrityDingens: probably something to do with an ubuntu user mount thing that uses files in /tmp12:52
aeon-ltdPapyros: you can just look in synaptics and sort by installed12:52
mrintegrityDingens: just a guess.. and i don't know what that might be either12:52
oCean!register > seffu12:52
ubottuseffu, please see my private message12:52
jribPapyros: dpkg -l | grep '^ii'12:52
Papyrosthanks dudes12:53
Dingensmrintegrity, hm, maybe i've broken something by swapping /tmp of a running system.. that sure wasnt very polite12:53
ross410jrib: I followed the instructions on the compiling software page. How doI install the gnome library -dev package?12:53
jribross410: first, you search for it12:54
jribross410: do you know how to search using apt-cache?12:54
Duke_13Empathy might be controlled by the general font settings in appearance12:54
yorua007apt-cache search packagename12:54
sahilshineshello every112:55
aeon-ltdsahilshines: hi12:55
yuskhanzabi need help her12:55
sahilshinesi have today installed merquery ez view tv tuner in natty but unable to use it12:55
jrib!natty | sahilshines12:56
ubottusahilshines: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.12:56
ross410jrib: something like apt-cache search?12:56
jribross410: sure12:56
sahilshinesi know that but yet using it...(lost 46gb of data already due to wrong installation)12:57
jribsahilshines: #ubuntu+1 for support12:57
ross410jrib: apt-cache search gnome-libs finds no results12:57
sahilshineshow to know that tv tuner is working and detected by the system?12:58
jribross410: try: apt-cache search -n gnome lib dev12:58
cylexsahilshines: try lspci12:58
aeon-ltdsahilshines: does it show itself when you plug it in with 'dmesg'12:58
ross410jrib: pk, found many files12:58
ross410jrib: ok*12:58
jribross410: read descriptions until you find the one you want12:59
ross410jrib: Thanks12:59
oCeanross410: as a tip, http://packages.ubuntu.com/ has also options to search names/descriptions/content of packages12:59
BluesKajHi all13:00
sahilshines@cylex trying that shows  this "Multimedia controller: Philips Semiconductors SAA7130 Video Broadcast Decoder (rev 01)"13:00
sahilshinesbut m using merquery...:/13:00
hugo__when i try to watch a youtube video, i get a pink screen?i'm using ubuntu 10.10 netbook version.13:01
mrintegrityDingens: lol, quite possible13:01
cylexbecause either  your computer can't handle the full screen, because of the video card, or flash is not installed13:02
Dr_Willishugo__:  If you only want youtube.. the google chome browser can use HTML5 for most of those and not need flash.  Ive not neard of a Flash-Pinkscreen issue.. so cant suggest much more.13:02
Papyroshi dudes.. i have a  video 1920 x 1080 and i want to resize it to something lower. i put in ffmpeg  ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -s xga -vcodec copy paparia.mp4 and the result is 1920 x 1080. . what can i do ? i want to resize it13:02
mrintegrityDingens: how did you do it? create a ramdisk, copy the file over and then remount /tmp to the new location?13:02
cylexsudo apt-get install flash-nonfree13:02
HF_acidHugo_: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/03/fix-pinkred-youtube-videos-bug-using.html13:02
Dr_Willishugo__:  you do have flash player installed? like cylex  is saying?13:02
mrintegritymaybe try setting it in the fstab and rebooting instead13:02
mrintegrityim off now, good luch13:02
hugo__i'm get the same problem with chrome 9 and with firefox.13:03
HF_acidhugo_: * see my link above13:03
hugo__i've installed the latest falshplayer version and the problem stays the same13:04
xiaoyIs it normal that skype doesnt login a user account in Ubuntu Lucid 64bit?13:05
Martin1I have Ubuntu 10.10 and i cant find a ATI driver I have ATI Radeon 8500 series13:06
JragonWhen I open up my computer I have to put my log in keyring 3 times? The first 2 it says it is wrong and on the 3rd one it says it is right???13:06
Dingensmrintegrity, uhm.. no.. to my eternal shame i just mounted the ram-tmpfs over the original /tmp, so it was empty after the swap.13:06
karlahugo__, i'm having problems with my flash player lately also13:06
nishanti am having a lot of problem with the netbook GUI13:06
nishantwherfe is the Menu13:06
JragonWhen I open up my computer I have to put my log in keyring 3 times? The first 2 it says it is wrong and on the 3rd one it says it is right???13:07
nishantcontrol panel etc is not seen ....13:07
hichiHow can I auto-highlight text by hovering over it? If the highlighted text would auto-copy it would be even better.13:07
nishanttask bar seems to be non exisstent13:07
hugo__i  just have problems with my ubuntu netbook distro, on my desktop it's all working fine13:07
HF_acidkarla hugo_ what have you tried?13:08
cube1what the best (cli) usenet reader?13:08
nishantwhy is the netbook edition not having right click option ?13:08
Dr_Williscube1:  i would say check the pacakge manager..  I imagine theres not a lot of them that are being worked on these days.13:08
Dr_Willisnishant:  a lot of the netbook stuff is locked down.13:09
cube1Dr_Willis: is usenet becoming deprivated?13:09
nishanthow do I bring up DrWillis13:09
Dr_Williscube1:  I think its becomming less popular with every year.. ive not used it in proberly 5+ years now.13:09
hugo__i've updated the system, installed the latest flashplayer version and nothing worked13:09
nishantI suppose I like a bit more flexibility13:09
xiaoyKrycek, so my Ubuntu isn't "normal" or skype is got some problem installing on Ubuntu, or what?13:09
Dr_Williscube1:  many people dont even know what newsgrousp are these days.13:09
HF_acidhugo_: by latest, you mean the 11 preview release?13:09
Dr_Willisnishant:  use the normal gnome desktop then. Not the netbook interface.13:10
nishantDr_Willis, how do I do that now >13:10
nishantI installed via netbook iso13:10
Dr_Willisnishant:  install ubuntu-desktop13:10
Dr_Willisand select gnome at gdm login13:10
nishanti like the APPLE like menu13:10
Dr_Willisnishant:  thats doable in the normal gnome desktop 'global menu' -13:10
cylexWhere can I find the list of compatible hardware for linux13:10
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection13:10
barberanwho has ever tryed out Hackintosh ?13:11
hugo__the weird  thing is that this problem only happens in youtube, in the other video sites works fine13:11
Jeruvybarberan: we don't take polls here, feel free to ask in #ubuntu-offtopic thanks.13:11
webpower_ragazzi dite che c'è un metodo per adattare i driver proprietari ATI per una radeon 9200 alla ultima release di ubuntu per fare funzionare compiz-fusion?13:11
maxagazcan all laptop create a wifi hotspot ?13:12
Fuchs!it | webpower_13:12
ubottuwebpower_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:12
maxagazif not, how to know if mine can ?13:12
hugo__what kind of problem you have?13:12
webpower_oh sorry13:12
JragonWhen I open up my computer I have to put my log in keyring 3 times? The first 2 it says it is wrong and on the 3rd one it says it is right??? How can I change this?13:13
nishantwhats hackintosh13:13
blueoysteranybody know an open source extensible ticketing system for a whole company to manage tasks... something like Remedy?13:14
greppyblueoyster: request tracker13:14
blueoystergreppy, thanks i'll check it out13:15
JragonWhen I open up my computer I have to put my log in keyring 3 times? The first 2 it says it is wrong and on the 3rd one it says it is right??? How can I change this?13:15
scoundrel50Hi, I had some stuff appear in my terminal whilst updating, and was adviced to delete /var/lib/dpkg/status/ which I did. i did an update, sudo apt-get update, and then went to the UpdateManager, to find I had over 140 updates. I tried to update, and I get this error......installArchives() failed: warning, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 46354 package 'virtualbox-3.0':13:15
scoundrel50 error in Version string '3.0.14-58977_Ubuntu_karmic': invalid character in revision number13:15
scoundrel50warning, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 48216 package 'virtualbox-2.2':13:15
scoundrel50 error in Version string '2.2.4-47978_Ubuntu_jaunty': invalid character in revision number can somebody help please? I can no longer update13:15
FloodBot1scoundrel50: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:15
nishantOnce i install ubuntu-desktop the netbook settings get overridden ?13:15
Mkaysinishant: Hackintosh = Macintosh which is installed to other than Apple computer.13:15
scoundrel50um, funny thing, I did do that, it happened automatically13:15
nishantAahh hey thats what I was thinking about13:15
oCeanMkaysi: it's also very offtopic13:15
Daghdhasometimes at boot system says /dev/sdc5 (swap) is not yet ready or not present. But then i reset the machine and it's ok.13:15
erUSULscoundrel50: sudo cp /var/lib/dpkg/available-old  /var/lib/dpkg/available13:16
nishantDo they work fine ? I suppose there are youtube videos on Mac on acer laptops etc13:16
g[r]eekHi. Is there any program I can use to retrieve files on a flash drive that's been corrupted.13:16
jribscoundrel50: what version of ubuntu is this?13:16
greppy!ot | nishant13:16
ubottunishant: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:16
Jeruvynishant: it's offtopic13:16
scoundrel50I am using 10.1013:16
DaghdhaAny reason why that would happen i can control?13:16
notify-osdhello. How do I get Ubuntu notifications ballons backs?13:17
Papyroshi dudes.. i have a  video 1920 x 1080 and i want to resize it to something lower. i put in ffmpeg  ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -s xga -vcodec copy paparia.mp4 and the result is 1920 x 1080. . what can i do ? i want to resize it13:17
notify-osdsudo mv /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notifications.service /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notifications.service.disabled13:17
notify-osdis this the problem?13:17
Fjodornotify-osd: Most probably13:18
scoundrel50erUSUL: I entered that command, but still get the same error when trying to update.13:18
Jeruvyg[r]eek: normally corrupted files are lost for good.13:18
Fjodornotify-osd: So try mv with the arguments swapped13:18
jribscoundrel50: apt-cache policy virtualbox-2.2 virtualbox-3.013:19
g[r]eekJeruvy, well my choice of wording is probably inaccurate. I think there's a virus on the flash drive. Is there some program I can use to "scan" the contents of a flash drive and try retrieve at least some of the files?13:19
maxagazit seems my computer cannot become a wifi hotspot, is it possible ?13:19
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Fjodorg[r]eek: clamav perhaps13:19
maxagazI have created an ad hoc network, but other computers can't see it13:20
sudipta<g[r]eek>clamav u may use to scan13:20
Jeruvyg[r]eek: can you mount and read the drive?13:20
scoundrel50jrib: I tried that, get this error, one sec need to open pastebin13:20
g[r]eekJeruvy, I have plugged it in, the little light on the flash disk is lit, but there is no auto-popup folder window, nor do I see the device if I click on "Places" in my menu13:20
notify-osdFjodor: k13:21
Jeruvyg[r]eek: what does 'mount' tell you about it?13:21
g[r]eekJeruvy, I type mount and see a few lines of output, what am I looking for?13:21
Jeruvyg[r]eek: the drive in question13:21
g[r]eekJeruvy, well I see a few lines that I don't know how to interpret and thus don't know if it's "the drive in question"13:22
notify-osdHow do I delete just a word instead of a line in terminal'13:22
g[r]eekJeruvy, could you be more specific please?13:22
Jeruvycan you pastebin it and link it back?13:22
scoundrel50jrib: here is the results http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/576452/13:22
g[r]eekJeruvy, sure, one minute please13:22
notify-osdctrl+u is for the line13:22
jribnotify-osd: alt-backspace or ctrl-w.  Google "gnu readline"13:23
notify-osdtks jrib13:24
jribnotify-osd: (or read bottom of « man readline »)13:24
=== maitreya is now known as Guest64051
g[r]eekJeruvy, http://pastebin.com/2degMB7q13:24
scoundrel50jrib: still getting that error,13:25
jribscoundrel50: you should figure out where those packages came from.  As for the new error, edit your sources.list* and remove the duplicate entries13:25
g[r]eekJeruvy, I did the same with the lsusb command: http://pastebin.com/RZUBexW713:25
g[r]eekJeruvy, it might be that "#13:26
g[r]eekBus 001 Device 005: ID 090c:3000 Feiya Technology Corp. " line?13:26
Jeruvyg[r]eek:  that looks like it13:26
g[r]eekJeruvy, is that a good sign?13:26
Jeruvyg[r]eek: see if the device is mounted in gvfs.  In your $home directory cd to .gvfs13:26
scoundrel50I have looked in sources and it isnt there, the second duplicate, I will be able to sort out myself but the first error I dont even understand it.13:27
notify-osdso I did sudo mv /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notifications.service.disabled /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notifications.service but notify osd is still not working13:27
jribscoundrel50: _ isn't a valid character in a package version13:27
notify-osdI did sudo chmod +x /usr/lib/notify-osd/notify-osd before13:27
jribnotify-osd: you probably need to restart the dbus service13:27
scoundrel50jrib: not sure what you mean?13:28
Jeruvyg[r]eek: then see if your drive is there, if so you should be able to read files (if it's readable).  Mount says it is.13:28
g[r]eekJeruvy, I did cd .gvfs and then ls but nothing shows up13:28
jribscoundrel50: a package has a version.  There are characters not allowed to be in package versions.  You have a file that contains data about a package.  Included in that data is a version with a character not allowed13:28
Jeruvyg[r]eek: it's not looking good.13:28
g[r]eekJeruvy, ok so it's definitely recognizing the hardware13:29
maxagazI'm trying to create an ad-hoc wifi hotspot but it doesn't work with Network Manager, can someone help ?13:29
Jeruvyg[r]eek: it sees the hardware, but no filesystem13:29
loc0how ubuntu making money ?13:30
g[r]eekJeruvy, ok so in my limited knowledge, it seems like it's an issue with the file allocation table on the flash disk?13:30
japro#join java13:30
jrib!ot | loc013:30
ubottuloc0: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:30
g[r]eekloc0, funded by a billionaire philanthropist13:30
scoundrel50jrib: so how did it get there? That is what I dont understand, this is the error I get from the Update Manager when I try to update.........http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/576458/13:30
jribscoundrel50: this is why I suggested you determine where those two packages came from13:31
scoundrel50I dont know where it comes from, I can copy the list of Sources to show you, I dont see that in the sources list.13:31
kyodaihow to set pon dsl-provider at autostart. using kde instead of gnome?13:31
g[r]eekJeruvy, do you know of any tool I can use that scans the physical storage space of a disk / flash drive and attempts to identify files based on the bits it reads?13:31
loc0g[r]eek: how can we make money via ubuntu ?13:32
notify-osd-2jrib: i did sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart and I got stucked in terminal lol13:32
notify-osd-2needed to reboot13:32
jribnotify-osd-2: you should use sudo service dbus restart, not /etc/init.d13:32
Jeruvyg[r]eek: you could install the testdisk package and try it out.  I've not used it myself.13:32
g[r]eekJeruvy, ok thanks. I'll give that a try and let you know how it goes.13:32
loc0g[r]eek: ???13:33
Jeruvyg[r]eek: good luck.13:33
scoundrel50jrib: this is a copy of my sources list, it doesnt show anything in there, only the dulicate http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/576460/13:34
notify-osd-3jrib: same thing happened because that command is the same13:34
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jribnotify-osd-3: command is not the same :/13:35
=== notify-osd-3 is now known as notify-osd
notify-osdjrib: but i get stuck in terminal13:35
jribnotify-osd: maybe because of using /etc/init.d, though I do not claim this13:36
notify-osdjrib: how do i start notify-osd service?13:36
jribnotify-osd: what do you mean by "stuck"?13:36
notify-osdjrib: it restarts something and I get a terminal13:36
jribnotify-osd: that's normal13:37
notify-osdthen it freezes13:37
jribnotify-osd: what freezes?13:37
jribnotify-osd: that's pretty weird13:37
notify-osdthen i ctrl+alt+f1, login and sudo reboot13:37
javahornHi, how best to burn on CD for 10.10 installation as flash USB is giving me problem in terms of asking for password and not accepting it for wubi!13:37
jribnotify-osd: so now everything is dandy?13:38
pwnsaucejavahorn, what OS are you trying to burn from?13:38
notify-osdjrib: i dont think so. notify-osd is not running13:38
gaelfxjavahorn: I'll tell you this much, I certainly don't reccomend wubi as an install method13:38
omryhi, got a new hp envy 14", and I installed 10.10 on it. having some issues with the touchpad (synaptic, multitouch). anyone has experience with this laptop?13:38
javahornpwnsauce: win713:38
oCeannotify-osd: have you considered/tried reinstalling notify-osd?13:39
jribnotify-osd: how did you disable it originally?  And why?13:39
javahorngaelfx: what to do, i have win7 and all partitions to itself and once installing ubuntu from flash USB , i get unmount step13:39
javahorngaelfx: not sure what to do there13:39
pwnsaucejavahorn: If you're burning to cd, then just use the generic CD burner in win7. Try to not use wubi.13:39
mohitso i have just started htop .. so how we know its completed htop13:40
pwnsaucejavaqhorn: Burn the cd, then boot from it13:40
notify-osdjrib: with "sudo mv /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notifications.service /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notifications.service.disabled" then "13:40
gaelfxjavahorn: boot from the liveusb13:40
Jeruvymohit: it just runs until you stop it.13:40
notify-osdjrib: and dbus service is not starting at boot13:40
notify-osdi disabled it13:40
jribnotify-osd: you disabled dbus?13:40
javahorngaelfx: what to do with unmount step ie /dev/sda kind of message?13:40
notify-osdjrib: using sudo rcconf13:40
gaelfxjavahorn: if you boot directly from the usb (do NOT start windows), then you shouldn't have this problem13:41
jribnotify-osd: why?13:41
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notify-osdjrib: does it harm?13:41
javahorngaelfx: how to get that option, from BIOS?13:41
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »13:41
mohitit display which file is missing in my os ...13:41
jribnotify-osd: well dbus is responsible for starting up notify-osd13:41
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notify-osdsudo service dbus start  should do it13:42
scoundrel50jrib: I have looked in Synaptic, and it tells me its not installed, so where else can I find virtualbox, which is what the problem is.13:42
evdveldehi all, who is able to burn CDRW disks now with Maverick? which tool are you using? I tried wodim, cdrskin and all kind of frontends without success (all SCSI failures in the middle of burning process)13:42
jribscoundrel50: I'm just suggesting that you determine where the package came from13:42
javahorngaelfx: i dont get that option13:42
pwnsaucejavahorn: What's your computer's make & model?13:42
notify-osdevdvelde: just use Brasero13:43
AlotesnivekHey guys Ubuntu n00b here. So i had a clock and then someone restarted my laptop, some notifications came up, they clicked delete bad files, now i have no clock and can't seem to find it. ):  It was all sexy and docked to the top right. help?13:43
jribscoundrel50: if I knew of a magic command to tell you that I would give it to you.  So I am asking you to use your memory.13:43
Daghdhais the hdparm -Z only for seagate drives? I been putting all sort of stuff in my HDD's to make them go asleep but they keep having (al but 1): Advanced power management level: disabled13:43
evdveldenotify-osd: i tried that, but it fails as well, giving all kind of strange errors on the device (known to be good)13:43
marco_excuse me, i'm new to xubuntu, so, could you please tell me where i can find the italian channel of ubuntu? Thx13:44
javahornpwnsauce: samsung,r41813:44
scoundrel50jrib: ok, I dont ever remember installing virtualbox, for one, and why its not appearing in Synaptic as being installed, I dont know.13:44
abou3aliHi guys I was trying to install ubuntu server on my laptop but through vmware but it didn't work?13:44
abou3alihas somebody tried it and was successful13:44
jribscoundrel50: then very carefully edit the blocks for the packages in your error message.  Make sure you make a backup of the file /var/lib/dpkg/available first.13:45
jribscoundrel50: by "edit" I mean "delete"13:45
mohitubuntu hangs so htop will able to solve this issue13:46
pwnsaucejavahorn: I believe that your boot menu key is the ESC key. When you reboot, and the BIOS logo pops up at the very start, hit ESC. You whould see a list of boot media. Am I making sense?13:46
Papyroshi dudes.. i have a  video 1920 x 1080 and i want to resize it to something lower. i put in ffmpeg  ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -s xga -vcodec copy paparia.mp4 and the result is 1920 x 1080. . what can i do ? i want to resize it13:47
gaelfxjavahorn: apologies, in BIOS, it different as per your hardware. It's possible that the USB is displayed as a hard disk, in which case you need to set it's priority before your real hard drive13:47
gaelfxjavahorn: that's how it is on mine13:47
mrsunafter the latest update my flash plugin crashes in chrome and got alot of graphics glitches :/13:47
OinsHi. How can I disable the start from mysql during boot?13:47
yeatsscoundrel50: you can do 'dkpg -l | grep virtualbox' to see if it is installed/was ever installed (you'd probably want to do that before editing what jrib suggests)13:47
jribscoundrel50: alternatively (to what I said), you can just recreate the file from scratch: apt-cache dumpavail | sudo tee /var/lib/dpkg/available && sudo dpkg --update-avail /var/lib/dpkg/available13:48
pwnsaucePapyros, there are loads of video size options for ffmpeg. Take a look at the ffmpeg man page13:48
Papyrospwnsauce, but i put the -s xga option and nothing happends13:49
javahornpwnsauce: yes13:49
mrsunanyone encountered this problem latley? :P13:49
Daghdhaok after soem research i have come to the following for my hdparm: hdparm -c1 -S 60 -B 127 -M 254 /dev/sda13:49
pwnsaucePapyros: Hmmmm.... your syntax seems legit. Sorry, I can't help on this one13:49
marco_Hi every body, could you please tell me what i have to do for find the italian channel of ubuntu please? :)13:50
AlotesnivekHey guys Ubuntu n00b here. So i had a clock and then someone restarted my laptop, some notifications came up, they clicked delete bad files, now i have no clock and can't seem to find it. ):  It was all sexy and docked to the top right. help?13:50
stelioshelllo i have a problem with ubuntu server language support greek  is like σ[]σ[][][] when run a command13:50
DaghdhaI have 1 question. on /sda and /sdb it won't allow me to -c1 (32 bit mode) the disk. But they are teh same disk type as /sdd. How come?13:50
yeats!panels | Alotesnivek13:50
ubottuAlotesnivek: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »13:50
notify-osdjrib: so I need dbus to start on boot?13:51
famihughi, when use bash, can i use pipe to redirect a file name input and get the output file with name input1. I want to write a script to get the name of input file and change it.13:51
jribnotify-osd: I would suggest that, yes13:51
AlotesnivekThank you very much! I shall now try to become less of a n00b.  Many thanks again!13:52
jribfamihug: try #bash13:52
pwnsaucefamihug: Elaborate please13:52
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:52
yeatsAlotesnivek: no problem - good luck!13:52
xpticalhi all13:52
notify-osdhi to you13:52
erryHi, I'm trying to get glib to compile something13:52
erryI found online you have to run this sudo apt-get install build-essentials libglib2.0-0 libglib2.0-0-dev13:53
xpticalwhat are you compiling?13:53
erryBut build-essentials and the third package don't exist?13:53
abou3aliHi, did any one try and used the ubuntu server through the VMware?13:53
erryi'm trying to compile webkit13:53
yeatserry: it's 'build-essential'13:53
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:53
jriberry: and webkit is in the repositories13:53
xpticalbuild-essentials shuld have everything13:53
rigved!info dbus | notify-osd13:53
ubottunotify-osd: dbus (source: dbus): simple interprocess messaging system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4.0-0ubuntu1.1 (maverick), package size 191 kB, installed size 604 kB13:53
erryWhat about glib-dev13:53
gaelfxI'm trying to choose between installing ardour and installing rosegarden as a DAW, does anyone have any useful advice or opinions about those, insofar as they pertain to ubuntu?13:53
notify-osdjrib: now it's working13:54
halwhen I try to start the "Users and Groups" application, it just hangs. Does anyone know what I can do to resolve it, please?13:54
yeatserry: you can do 'apt-cache search glib' to see what packages are available13:54
notify-osdnotify-send --icon="info" test13:54
erryI did that13:54
famihugpwnsauce: i write a bash file, get the input filename to an variable use "read filename". After make some sed command, it create the output file name $filename113:54
errybut i can't seem to find it13:54
xpticalerry  I know the fun of compiling13:54
Daghdhai wonder if that's a 16 bit controller /dev/sda&b are on13:54
erryYep :)13:54
yeatserry: you can also start typing 'sudo apt-get install libglib...' and hit tab for autocomplete - it will list the available packages with those first few letters in the name13:55
xpticalerry  have you ever thought of trying LFS in virtualbox13:55
rigvedhal: what do you want to do? add users?13:55
xpticalerry  it will teach you a ton13:55
erryglibc-2.10-1         glibc-doc            glibc-doc-reference  glibc-pic13:55
halrigved: I want to start the users and groups application13:55
erryI have the first one installed alreadyf13:55
halI would like to troubleshoot the prolblem13:55
errybut webkit will not compile13:55
pwnsaucefamihug: Simple fix  The syntax is "$filename"113:55
yeatserry: it's probably 'libglib' something13:56
xpticalerry  what is the error13:56
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oCeanfamihug: here is an example http://paste.ubuntu.com/576465/13:56
rigvedhal: type this in the terminal - users-admin13:56
halrigved: I did that but I got the same problem. There was nothing output to stderr/stodout either13:57
notify-osdnotify osd configuration is great13:57
rigvedhal: if there is some error, then it should get logged to the terminal13:57
rigvedhal: ok13:57
pwnsaucegaelfx. it's been a while since I used rosegarden, but Ardour is fairly extensice13:57
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famihugpwnsauce oCean thanks13:57
erryxptical, http://pastebin.com/UW5s6eV713:57
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scoundrel50 jrib:what am I supposed to be deleting, it doesnt make any sense to me at all. I have found both lines in the error, but when I try to delete it says archives failed.13:58
rigvedhal: open up system monitor. do you see any other instance of users-admin?13:58
ikoniaerry: what version of glibc do you have installed ?13:58
halrigved: no, system monitor is the only way I can close it down to test it again13:58
erryikonia, 2.24.1'13:59
ikoniaerry: ok, so that's the issue13:59
xpticalerry  You *really* should take a step back and look at LFS13:59
erryikonia, wehre can i get a newer one?13:59
yeatserry: it needs a newer version than what Ubuntu has13:59
ikoniaerry: it wants 2.27 of greater13:59
xpticalerry  Linux From Scratch13:59
ikoniaerry: you don't get the newerone, it will conflict with your ubuntu version13:59
erryikonia, so how do i compile this?13:59
ikoniaxptical: that has nothing to do with this question, please stop quotiung it13:59
ikoniaerry: you compile it on a system that is comptiable with it's dependencies13:59
g[r]eekJeruvy, no luck. It finds the USB device but upon an analysis / scan, it doesn't locate any partitions14:00
erryikonia, i'm following the instructions in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebKit14:00
xpticalikonia  I know.  But LFS would teach him all about deps and all the intracies of compiling14:00
erryxptical, i'm not a he14:00
Jeruvyg[r]eek: the only thing I could suggest is to find a tool that can attempt to recovery lost partitions.  Sorry can't suggest more14:00
ikoniaerry: the version of webkit are you trying to build is too new (probably) jrib was suggesting webkit was in the repo14:01
xpticalerry  Sorry14:01
erryxptical, it's ok14:01
yeatserry: any reason you're not installing webkit from the repos?14:01
ikoniaerry: what version of ubuntu are you using14:01
notify-osdk notify-osd opacity is not working14:01
notify-osdmaybe because i disabled effects?14:01
g[r]eekJeruvy, ok thanks anyway14:01
scoundrel50ok, just saw nthis now, after trying to work out what to do, apt-cache dumpavail | sudo tee /var/lib/dpkg/available && sudo dpkg --update-avail /var/lib/dpkg/available entered the command, and something happened, there was loads of script going through. what did it actually do?14:01
rigvedhal: i can't even find the package that installs it. if you do, try sudo apt-get purge package_name && sudo apt-get install package_name14:01
erryikonia, ah.14:01
* yeats steps out of the way so as to not confuse erry ;-)14:01
splashotehi, i want to get rid of my window-frames. when i deactivate them in the compiz manager they get automatically activated ..14:02
ikoniaerry: what version of ubuntu are you using ?14:02
erryikonia, 10.04 LTS14:02
ikoniaerry: ok, so webkit should be in the ubuntu repos, so you don't need to compile it14:02
xpticalerry, what is your idea behind compiling anything on Ubuntu?14:02
ikoniaerry: you should be able to install it from the package manager14:02
pwnsauceg[r]eek: Sorry, repeat your issue again please14:02
erryikonia, under what package name?14:02
erryxptical, i've compiled things before.14:02
halok rigved , I will try that, thanks14:02
ikoniaerry: it's listed in the document you quoted me14:02
xpticalerry, okay14:02
stebi have installed texinfo but while compiling it is still telling me makeinfo is missing..14:03
ikoniaerry: since karmick webkit has been in the repos under libwebkit-1.0-214:03
xpticalerry  I looked at the error and it really doesn't tell memuch14:03
xpticalme much14:03
=== laserbeam3 is now known as laserbeam
ikoniaxptical: it tells you the version of libc it wants is too old in ubuntu14:03
rigvedhal: in the meantime, you can use user add, user del and passwd username. sorry couldn't help much14:03
halrigved: that's ok, thanks for the suggestions14:03
errythanks ikonia :)14:03
evdveldeis there someone here who knows how to burn a cdrw with ubuntu?14:03
* erry notes to herself to read the whole thing next time :p14:04
errysorry for wasting your time14:04
ikoniaerry: try reading through the whole document before jumping in, it will make things easier and save you time in the long run14:04
ikoniaerry: easy mistake to make14:04
rigvedsteb: check to make sure that you have a Makefile in the root directory14:04
xpticalevdvelde  Have you tried Brasero?14:04
erryOk thanks14:04
stebrigved: can you plz tell me where to check and how?14:04
rigved!info brasero | evdvelde14:05
ubottuevdvelde: brasero (source: brasero): CD/DVD burning application for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 2.32.0-0ubuntu2.2 (maverick), package size 175 kB, installed size 544 kB14:05
oCean!fr > dilate14:05
ubottudilate, please see my private message14:05
evdveldexptical: yes, been there, done that.. but it is the underlying tool that fails: wodim or cdrskin, both fail14:06
dilateno fr ?14:06
xpticalerry I still think you should take some time and look at LFS14:06
oCeandilate: #ubuntu-fr14:06
dilatejoin # ubuntu.fr14:07
envasene1 using blackbuntu?14:07
rigvedsteb: in the textinfo directory, there should be a file named Makefile14:07
ikoniaenvase: we don't support blackbuntu here14:07
dilateblackbuntu ? lol14:07
yeatsdilate: do '/join #ubuntu-fr'14:07
Laurenceb__im trying to install ubuntu o an acer aspire one, but i dont have a usb stick, how can i install?14:07
envaseyeh, just wondering if ne1 is using it. Don't need support14:07
ikoniaenvase: ok, then it's offtopic here14:07
envaseright okay then14:08
isundil_Laurenceb_: by bc14:08
zrinI've copied a 10.10 server from a single disk with lvm to lvm on raid10, updated fstab, mdadm.conf, grub; the boot process stops and hangs after mounting. I can boot with "rw init=/bin/bash", I can boot with "rw init=/sbin/init", but not with the standard "ro" ... what is happening?14:08
Laurenceb__theres no cd on an acer aspire one14:08
envaseLaurence, do you have windows already installed?14:08
Laurenceb__it has the acer os thing14:08
Laurenceb__which isnt working14:08
yeatsLaurenceb__: can you get a usb stick?14:08
envaseis that linux based?14:08
envaseright okay14:08
Laurenceb__yeats: not easily14:09
yeatsLaurenceb__: it may be easier than the alternatives ;-)14:09
Laurenceb__i was wondering if theres another easier way14:09
envasei'd recommend just getting a usb stick though really.14:09
envaseyes, exactly yeats14:09
mohiti have searched about my problem "Ubuntu hangs without any reasons "  .. result i got Binary package : nautilus ... is it true14:10
xpticalAny water walkers in here?14:10
ikoniaxptical: water walkers ?14:10
xpticalIf you don't know, don't ask14:11
rigvedzrin: i may be wrong here, but you could try to install grub instead of just update grub14:11
ikoniaxptical: is it anything to do with ubutnu ?14:11
jiohdimohit, it can hang if the memory is not sufficient14:11
zrinrigved: i did grub-install as well14:11
envaseor conflicting drivers, possibly resulting in a deadlock situation14:12
zrinrigved: grub loads the kernel, that is not the problem14:12
mohitwhich swap one ..or partition memory?14:12
jiohdiapt-get install -f  could resolve any incomplete install14:12
envasethat flags installs dependencies14:12
envaseneway, laters14:13
famihugoCean: my script ask user enter the filename and create the output with $filename1. It doesn't work use "$filename"1 your example use argument, not like mine14:13
rigvedzrin: the problem is the ro parameter which you pass to the kernel, right?14:13
scoundrel50jrib: after that command you gave me, I have to tried to update, now I get installArchives() failed: what does that mean?14:13
scoundrel50jrib:I still cannot update anymore.14:13
=== laserbeam3 is now known as laserbeam
oCeanfamihug: you need the contents of the inputfile redirected to the output file?14:15
xpticalOkay.  How can I get a useful file manager for 10.10?14:15
famihugoCean: yes, with some change14:15
famihugoCean: i use sed to change some content14:15
mohitso much memory need so that this problem doesnot14:15
karlaxptical, depends on what 'useful' is,, there's a bunch of them... dolphin, pcmanfm, mc...14:16
xpticalI'd settle for something with a tree.14:16
=== laserbeam is now known as laserbeam3
ikoniaxptical: I believe midnight commander has a tree view14:17
rigvedzrin: http://sourceforge.net/projects/bootinfoscript/  <--- maybe this might help14:17
xpticalI know of MC14:17
xpticalbut I really like Evolution14:17
ikoniaxptical: ok, I was just offering a suggestion in line with your requirements14:17
jiohdiI read recently of a 3d file manager, anyone know the name?14:17
ikoniaxptical: evolution is a mail application14:17
ugliefrogxbmc on box a......mythtv backend on box b...........can view tv setup recording even see the recordings....however i try and play it..it gives an error in reference to the local directory....under settings Local Recording Directorie(s) the default setting is /var/lib/mythtv/recordings....is there something else i need to set to watch these videos14:18
ikoniaxptical: use nautilus if you like it14:18
scoundrel50hi, would anybody know why I would be getting 'archives failed' when trying to update using Update Manager'?14:18
karlajiohdi, yes, kde's file manager14:19
xpticalI mean, for the vast majority of things, Nautilus is okay14:19
karlajiohdi, used to be konqueror14:19
oCeanfamihug: this maybe http://paste.ubuntu.com/576470/14:19
xpticalBut right now, I really need a tree to do what I want to do14:19
xpticalDoes Nautilus have a tree mode?14:19
ikoniaI've not seen one, but that doesn't mean it's not there14:19
jiohdiscoundrel50, could be server down... or a package which has no key like chrome or opera14:19
DaghdhaAnyone know why my systems like to do this sometimes: the disk drive for /dev/sdc5/ is not yet ready or not present Press S to skip mounting14:20
dagon666Daghdha: is it connected via usb ?14:20
jiohdixptical, there is one program that graphically shows all the files by squares of different sizes, has a tree view14:20
mohithow much memory i freeze for ubuntu so that the ubuntu not hangs14:20
ikoniamohit: ubuntu should not hang14:20
Daghdhadagon666: No it's a fixed disk14:21
famihugoCean: sorry but your example not run. it print out ./test.sh: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching ``'14:21
rigvedmohit: freeze memory? is this under a hypervisor or something?14:21
famihug./test.sh: line 22: syntax error: unexpected end of file14:21
DaghdhaIt's a partition on the boot disk.14:21
xpticalOkay.  What is the program?14:21
blinkybis it possible to sign-in using Empathy in offline mode?14:21
=== laserbeam3 is now known as laserbeam
jiohdixptical, disk usage analyzer usually under accessories14:22
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dagon666Daghdha: I assume that there are no similar problems with the rest of partitions on sdc ? What do you use sdc5 for ? Is it for data or swap ?14:22
oCeanfamihug: really? I tried again, I have no errors14:22
karlafamihug, 'head test.sh | pastebinit'14:22
xpticalOh.  I think that's not what I want.  I just want a useful tree view of my filesystem14:22
Daghdhadagon666: swap14:23
desengreetings. i`m having some difficulties with the fonts rendering in OpenSuse 11.3. Are not displayed correctly. I`m seeing brackets instead of special characters, which i use (language: romanian). Funny part is, the others are seeing them normally. It is system-wide (Chrome, OpenOffice).14:23
Daghdhadagon666: I choose M and then ctrl-alt-delete rebooted it and it did boot ok. I'm not sure though if this was a fluke. You think the disk may be corrupt?14:23
desenUbuntu 10.04*14:23
jiohdixptical, it has a view treemap view14:23
dagon666Daghdha: check with smartctl -a /dev/sdc14:23
dagon666look for "Current pending sectors or reallocated ... "14:24
mohiti mean to say freeze means how much memory keep for this os .. i have already given 22 GB and 2 GB for swap .. is it sufficient for this os ..14:24
ikoniamohit: that's disk, not memory14:24
ikoniamohit: and that's more than enough14:24
ikoniamohit: ubuntu "freezing" is more likley a problem with your hardware14:24
Daghdhanot installed, but in diskutility it is very unhappy14:25
dagon666Daghdha: what exactly do you mean ?14:25
famihugkarla : http://pastebin.com/QVt83BgB14:25
mohitthen why my ubuntu hang without any reason ...14:25
ikoniamohit: it's more likley a problem with hardware if your machine is hanging/locking14:26
Daghdhadagon666 red text for read errors. I am trying to locate the text you described in it14:26
mohitkk ..14:26
famihugoCean: i tried again but it doesn't run14:26
xpticalIs there like a tutorial or something for getting the most out of Nautilus?14:26
Daghdhadagon666 Yes, the value you mention is in WARNING14:26
ikoniaxptical: not that I'm aware of, I'm sure the gnome.org site has some good docs14:26
PsyForceThe file operation seems to be having some problems; I'm copying files from a cd and it seems to14:26
PsyForcestop a MB or so short for each file (audio/wav). Any ideas?14:26
dagon666Daghdha: and what is the counter value ?14:26
mohitbut i have searched this problem in net so this is global problem ... people are generally facing this14:27
Daghdhaworst 88, treshold 0,value 4 sectors14:27
dagon666Daghdha: then, there is not much you can do. It will be worse and worse14:27
dagon666Daghdha: the drive needs to be replaced14:27
DaghdhaYes, i guess.14:27
scoundrel50jiohdi:unfortunately this happened after being given advice, and a command to use for something. It seems the command, well and truly screwed me, and, I'm in a worse place than what I was in before hand. But as per usual, the op has dissappeared, and I am left with screwed upload manager14:29
dagon666Daghdha: a partial solution would be to disable the partition swap and replace it with a file swap14:30
mohitbut i have searched this problem in net so this is global problem ... people are generally facing this ... http://www.mail-archive.com/desktop-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg497283.html14:30
famihugoCean: http://pastebin.com/0p05ANjU this is my script. It doesn't create the output file.14:30
Daghdhadagon666:That swap is only 2.5gb of a 1Tb drive. Wich is also my OS. I think i better change it.14:31
Jeruvymohit: Natty is still alpha, and should be discussed in #ubuntu+114:31
akinimodHow do you reinstall nautilus?14:31
jiohdiscoundrel50, was the command something like apt-get update apt-get upgrade14:31
Jeruvyakinimod:  apt-get install --reinstall ...14:32
akinimodI can't log in though14:32
javahornerUSUL: up here?14:32
dagon666Daghdha: for the good of your data you MUST change it but temporarily to get over those mount problems I suggest you to not use the swap partition and if it is neccessary use a swap file instead14:32
rigved11.04 | mohit14:32
Jeruvyakinimod: tried recovery mode?14:32
rigved!11.04 | mohit14:33
ubottumohit: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.14:33
akinimodWill try14:33
olimonesHello, I have a problem with my wifi. It seems to be a matter of drivers but i m not sure. iwlist scan shows all the wireless networks availables but i cannot choose any of them using the ))) icon. It has a ! sign on it. Does anyone can help?14:33
jiohdiis natty narwhal in beta right now?14:33
olimonesI have searched on google but so far any of the given answers to the problem have helped me14:34
famihugoCean: http://pastebin.com/0p05ANjU this is my script. It doesn't create the output file.14:34
rigvedjiohdi: no, it's in alpha 3. google it or ask in #ubuntu+114:34
wartech0Hello everyone14:34
akinimodDo I pick root from the recovery opt?14:34
olimonesthe interface is up14:34
jiohdirigved, a bit close to still be in alpha no?14:35
wartech0sorry thi is one of my first times using ubuntu would anyone know how I could get jre 6u24 installed14:35
Dr_Willis!java | wartech014:35
ubottuwartech0: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.14:35
wartech0oh cool thanks14:36
phrozenposzło :)14:36
VindiceThe scrollwheel on my mouse is scrolling left-right rather than up-down in Ubuntu. Is there a configuration file that addresses this?14:37
wildc4rdafternoon all14:37
scoundrel50jiohdi: no, I tried that command, the command I was given was 'apt-cache dumpavail | sudo tee /var/lib/dpkg/available && sudo dpkg --update-avail /var/lib/dpkg/available' and left me with 'installarchives failed' error message, and no way of working out how to fix it14:37
omryhi, having dual display problems with 10.10 on HP Envy 14"  with a Samsung 8x2450 display. cant get both screens to work together. and the samsung appears as unkown in the display applet. any idea?14:37
rigvedjiohdi: they have changed the schedule. i think that there will be one less beta stage.14:37
Dr_Willisomry:  what video chipset?14:37
famihughttp://pastebin.com/0p05ANjU this is my script.It request user enter a file and use "filename" as a variable. I try to creat the output with $output.wmm but it doesn't work. Plz tell me how to fix this14:37
omryI mean, they do work in mirror image on incorrect resolutions14:38
jiohdiscoundrel50, does synaptic package manager still work?14:38
omrybut its not what I`m after :)14:38
wartech0alright thanks for the help I just decided to use open jdk14:39
akinimodStill can't log in14:39
Dr_Willisfamihug:  check the advanced bash scripting guide for an example script that does the same task. Id bet you are just doing somthing trivial wrong.14:39
akinimodWhat dep does nautilus need?14:39
notify-osdis there a chat program to talk in lan?14:39
Dekkardis there an Ubuntu wireless channel? I'm having wifi issues with a new maverick install on a laptop?14:39
notify-osdtext chat14:40
Dr_Willisnotify-osd:  you could install yorui owbn irc server, or theres some 'talk' command/service. (very basic)14:40
akinimodIs there a way to reinstall the dep via live cd?14:40
Dr_Willisakinimod:  boot live cd, chroot into installed system, install needed stuff.14:40
javahornDr_Willis: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utUvkgKAtKU -- how to allocate space for ubuntu if i have not done partition early on14:40
akinimodIdk which I need though14:40
Dr_Willisjavahorn:  use gparted to resize existing partitons, depends on how the druive is laied out.14:41
rigvedakinimod: apt-cache showpkg nautilus  <--- that should tell you what it needs14:41
javahornDr_Willis:  gparted takes more time perhaps?14:41
Dr_Willisjavahorn:  rember you can only have 4 primary partitions. one of those can be an extended/logical14:41
Dr_Willisjavahorn:  use what tools you want to.14:41
=== Guest48907 is now known as DarkDevil
Dr_Willisjavahorn:  i think you were told earlier to use windows to resize a ntfs. will be faster. leaving part of the HD unallocated.14:42
javahornDr_Willis: layout is simple for unnamed top two drive14:42
Dr_Willisjavahorn:  or gparted can do it.14:42
=== DarkDevil is now known as Guest58302
=== Guest72632 is now known as LjL-Temp
javahornDr_Willis: how to do that unallocated?14:42
Dr_Willisexample layout ->  (windows7  boot)(Windows 7) (extended for / and swap)14:42
sheri dont know14:42
scoundrel50jiohdi: not any more, I get this error from there now....'E: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'libbz2-1.0'.Please see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (2)'14:42
Dr_Willisjavahorn:  resize.. and shrink.. whats left is unallocated.14:42
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sherhow to have firefox 414:43
Dr_Willissher:  theres ppa's for it i belive.14:43
Dr_Willis!ppa | sher14:43
ubottusher: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.14:43
jiohdiscoundrel50, you might try aptitude remove synaptic and then reinstall by aptitude install synaptic14:43
=== Wicet2 is now known as Wicet
javahornDr_Willis:  only option i get is delete, shrink option is greyed out!14:43
Dekkard!wireless | Dekkard14:44
ubottuDekkard, please see my private message14:44
Dr_Willisjavahorn:   you have how many partitions allready?  you may want to pastebin the 'sudo fdisk -l' output.14:44
ubumanuxserver irc://irc.darksin.it/atl_revenge14:44
hugo__hey! probebly wrong channel but il try... Anyone that could help me with a recursive dns lookup using Dig? I have an school assignment that i dont quite understand. =>  Find the address to i.root-servers.net. Use dig to do a recursive request against it, where you ask for the IP address to www.nvu.no. Explain the answer you get.14:44
hugo__what iv tried so far is $ dig @i.root-servers.net nvu.no NS +norecurse14:44
hugo__$dig $njet.norid.no nvu.no NS +norecurse but i cant seem to find the ip of nvu.no14:44
FloodBot1hugo__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:44
=== MrUnagi_ is now known as MrUnagi
sacarlsonhugo__: can you ping nvo.no?14:46
hugo__sacarlson: yes14:47
scoundrel50jiohdi: ok, will giove it a go14:47
carbonateHi I am trying to install 11.04 from a USB stick but it freezes and hangs and is very unstable in the gui live boot environment. Can someone help me out?14:49
ikoniacarbonate: 11.04 is discussed in the #ubuntu+1 channel14:49
LegacyCXFirst time ubuntu user, running 10.10. Is it normal to constantly have updates?14:50
scoundrel50jiohdi: well, I tried uninstalling synaptic, and it did nothing, said nothing removed nothing unpacked. So tried installing and it went though. Going to check see if it works. one sec.14:50
LegacyCXeverytime I turn on my computer, the Update Manager has more updates.14:50
ikoniaLegacyCX: as updates are available they get pushed to you,14:50
ikoniaLegacyCX: that's quite normal14:50
LegacyCXThanks! THankfully the updates are handled better than Windows.14:50
=== Enissay_ is now known as Enissay
jiohdiscoundrel50, whatever the outcome then run apt-get install -f14:51
carbonateCPU: AMD Phenom II X6 3.0GHz, RAM: Ripjaws 4GB, HDD: Western Digital 500GB SATA drive MOBO: M4A88T-V Evo/USB314:51
ikoniacarbonate: why are you telling us that ?14:51
carbonatelol there are scripts for this and I just typed that all14:51
carbonateTo help answer my question14:51
carbonateIf it helps14:51
ikoniacarbonate: please disable that script14:51
Dr_Williscarbonate:  11.04 is in testing.. and  has problems.. see #ubuntu+1 channel.. or dont use the alpha stuff.14:51
Um_cara_Qualquerdoes anybody knows a program that power off the computer anytime i want?14:51
olimoneshttp://paste.ubuntu.com/576478/ does anyone can help me with my wifi problem14:52
carbonateikonia: its not a script i just typed that14:52
Dr_WillisUm_cara_Qualquer:  'shutdown' or 'halt' commands.14:52
ikoniacarbonate: you've been told the ubuntu 11.04 released is discussed in the channel #ubuntu+1 not here, please join that channel14:52
carbonateI have?14:52
carbonateI'm sorry, thanks.14:52
Um_cara_QualquerDr_Willis, i'm not that expert in ubuntu... could you tell me more details?14:52
sacarlsonhugo__: strange I get no ping from my dns but from dig @ I get nvm.no.86400INA193.213.81.21114:52
scoundrel50jiohdi: ran both of those commands you gave me, and I still get this error 'E: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'libbz2-1.0'.Please see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (2)'14:52
teekHello! I was here yesterday trying to fix a broken sudo. I'm on the recommended page, but they don't provide a solution. Could someone help :)14:52
carbonateAlthough I have had this same problem with the other distros ikonia.14:53
hugo__sacarlson: its nvu.no14:53
Dr_WillisUm_cara_Qualquer: start with 'man shutdown' and 'man halt'14:53
famihughttp://pastebin.com/0p05ANjU this is my script.It request user enter a file and use "filename" as a variable. I try to creat the output with "${filename}"1 but it doesn't work. Plz tell me how to fix this14:53
Dr_WillisUm_cara_Qualquer:  theres proberly some other commands that can also power off, or reboot the system14:53
scoundrel50jiohdi: sudo apt-get install -f that did nothing,14:53
MonkeyDustUm_cara_Qualquer: try sudo init 0 or sudo init 614:53
jiohdiscoundrel50, it means that no dependancies are missing which is a good sign so far14:53
hugo__sacarlson: $dig nvu.no gives me no A just empty, and auth is second nameservers  => nvu.no.54000INSOAskaunix.hist.no14:53
Um_cara_QualquerMonkeyDust, what's that?14:54
Dr_WillisMonkeyDust:  i think its proberly best to use shutdown or halt... not init/runlevel stuff..14:54
scoundrel50jiohdi: I'll reboot, see if that does anything, brb14:54
sacarlsonhugo__: ok sorry now I get no ping with dig @ no a nvu.no.1800INSOAskaunix.hist.no. hostmaster.hist.no.14:54
sacarlsonhugo__: so maybe it only has an ipv6 address?14:55
akinimodWhat's chroot?14:55
teekWhat line is in the etc/groups file if "brian" was in the "admin" group?14:55
hugo__sacarlson: isnt that wierd? no ip? i can access it from web... $ pin  www.nvu.no resovles ip but cant send/recive packets14:56
javahorn Dr_Willis Flash USB with 10.10, ie UNetBootin, i should straightaway go to install Ubuntu, it will take care of partitions?14:56
sacarlsonhugo__: I think the bind9 dns server is not setup correctly14:56
hugo__sacarlson: but how can i then resolve the ip? ha14:56
teekcould anyone look in their file quick for me? :)14:56
akinimodI'm in the live cd... Now what?14:56
hugo__sacarlson: im sure this one is choosen by the teacher just cuz of this14:57
Um_cara_QualquerDr_Willis, sudo shutdown -h "06:00" ? is that it?14:57
akinimodIs there a so14:58
hugo__sacarlson: http://www.whois.net/whois/nvu.no hehe no ip wtf14:58
sardeanHello everyone, I'm just setting a friend up on a dual boot, and they are completely new to *nix so I wanted to show them this room also in case I'm not here to answer their questions or they ust want the opinions/help from others14:58
sacarlsonhugo__: oh I fogot I needed to dig www.nvu.no  and then I get a return14:58
scoundrel50jiohdi: rebooted, adn tried synaptic and update manager and get the same errors14:58
hugo__sacarlson: dig @i.root-servers.net www.nvu.no +trace14:59
akinimodSimilar command to shutdown for getting comp out of hibernate?14:59
evdveldehi all, wodim fails to burn CDs here (tried using k3b, brasero and command line). Error: Errno: 5 (Input/output error), write_g1 scsi sendcmd: no error14:59
teekWould anyone who is in the admin group be kind enough to look in their groups file..14:59
evdveldeany ideas/suggestions?14:59
teekAnd tell me what the line is for the admin group.14:59
notify-osdAnyone uses ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa ?14:59
sacarlsonhugo__: I should have know since my dns is the same way to hard to get my root name to update I just update my site names14:59
OerHekssardean, nice of you to show irc :-)14:59
jiohdiscoundrel50, I only know a little, run to my limit14:59
hugo__sacarlson: but is that a recursive request?14:59
oCeanteek: admin:x:119:brian I suppose14:59
teekThankyou <314:59
luis_my name is luis15:00
omryDr_Willis, according to lspci : Radeon HD 5600 Series15:00
omryI did install the drivers through the ubuntu additional drivers thing.15:00
sardeanthanks OerHeks :-) This is the name he'll be using.15:00
teekoCean, you wouldn't happen to know which groups the first installed user is in by default, would you?15:00
luis_i am speak portuguese15:00
oCean!pt > luis_15:00
ubottuluis_, please see my private message15:00
sardeanI'm logging out now, just wanted to show him how to get in here if he ever wanted to or needed to15:00
DiverdudeWhat is a good hex editor for ubuntu?15:00
sardeanhave a good day all.15:01
ugliefrogwhat does (mounted storage group dirs if your backend is remote) ..MEan?15:01
oCeanteek: the one created during install?15:01
oCeanteek: this is mine: http://paste.ubuntu.com/576486/ I only added the vboxusers15:01
teekYou're the best oCean :)15:01
oCeanteek: now spread the word :)15:02
teekYou bet ^^15:02
notify-osd!cn | liu15:02
ubottuliu: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk15:02
akinimodWhen I try to install the stuff via root I get a failed to fetch error15:02
ikoniaakinimod: ahy are you root ?15:03
ikoniaakinimod: you should not be root15:03
notify-osdakinimod: sudo apt-get update15:03
akinimodThat gives back an error about index files failing15:03
sacarlsonhugo__: I'm not sure about the definition of recusive in this case but reverse look up dig  I get a.root-servers.net. nstld.verisign-grs.com15:04
DiverdudeWhat is a good hex editor for ubuntu?15:04
root__字 /join #ubuntu-cn15:04
root__ /join #ubuntu-cn15:04
compdoccn? is that canadian?15:04
hytreemcn is chinese15:04
compdocoh good - cuz I dont speak canadian15:05
hytreemthere is no canadian language15:05
akinimodAnd how do I implement the --fix-missing command15:05
hytreemthey speak english and french15:05
compdocI only speak american15:05
ibnuanyone can help me install canaon pixma ip1200 on my sabily?15:05
hytreemwhich isn't a language either15:05
oCeancompdoc: hytreem back on topic please15:05
apterAre there a linux that i can put on my ipod touch 1g?15:05
hugo__sacarlson: thanks for the help!15:06
hytreemokeleedokelee oCean15:06
ikoniaapter: nothing to do with ubuntu, so we don't support that sort of discussion15:06
JackyBoyDiverdude: hexer - An interactive binary editor with a Vi-like interface15:06
ibnuanyone can help me install canaon pixma ip1200 on my sabily?15:06
notify-osdapter: #ubuntu-offtopic15:06
Dr_Willisibnu:  i think theres some packages for drivers for that in the repositories.. whats a Sabily?15:06
javahornshould i select manaually partition ie 3rd radio button or first option of install with existing OS15:07
hugo__sacarlson: dig @i.root-servers.net www.nvu.no +trace gives HEader >> WARNING: recursion requested but not available15:07
hugo__sacarlson: so guess not15:07
Dr_Willisjavahorn:  if you want to tell it exactly where to mount each partiton.. select manual. Existing - will try to resize, or use unallocated space i belive15:07
ibnusabily Dr_Willis: Sabily is a set of packages that customizes the Ubuntu distro by installing islamic software15:07
ivorensisCan anyone help me with CompizConfig Settings Manager?15:07
mmo|Anyone know Anyone know what might cause a file transfer to start out fast (11-12 mb/sec) and then drop to about 1 mb/sec after having downloaded about 2 gb? This is what happens when I download files from my old fit-pc 1.0 (a small mini PC with 256 MB/RAM and an AMD Geode processor) via ftp over my local network. Is it some buffer overflow? I was directed to some article about "bufferbloat" earlier (http://gettys.wordpress.com/2010/12/03/introducin15:07
javahornDr_Willis: ok going ahead with existing OS option15:07
Chang13AAnyone try Blackbuntu yet?15:07
notify-osdivorensis: what is your issue15:08
Dr_Willisibnu:  so.. what does that have to do with printer drivers then? :)15:08
hugo__sacarlson: never mind, i seemd to got the last result, +trace does not give that15:08
aademwhats blackbuntu15:08
ivorensisIt doesn't seem to respond to anything. For example, I put opacity to my gnome-panel and it does nothing.15:08
ivorensisThis happened right after I enabled "blur windows"15:09
ibnui have downloaded some respositories/package rpm for it, but they dont work15:09
oCeanChang13A: not supported here15:09
ibnuthey said that i have to use ip2200 driver15:09
Dr_Willisibnu:  the last canon pixima printer i used. I just had to isntall some extra drivers from the repos for it.15:09
Chang13AI'm not using it.15:09
aademcan ubuntu install rpm packages somehow15:10
Chang13AJust wondering how it compares to BackTrack.15:10
compdocmmo|, what network card?15:10
sacarlsonhugo__: I found this in man dig +[no]recurse Toggle the setting of the RD (recursion desired) bit in the query. This bit is set by default,15:10
ibnuDr_Willis: Would you give me some tutorials for it15:10
ivorensisnotify-osd, any ideas?15:10
oCeanChang13A: BT is also another unsupported derivative.15:10
Doonzdumb question how can i see what release of ubuntu server im running.15:10
oCeanDoonz: lsb_releas e-a15:10
oCeanhmz :(15:11
Dr_Willisibnu:  not really. i dumped that printer. and will NEVBER buy canon again.15:11
oCeanDoonz: lsb_release -a15:11
Dr_Willisibnu:  i just cheked the forums/package manager and found some info on the printer i had. a pixma i1600 i think.  even then. it never worked right.  so no more canon for me.15:11
ibnuha ha15:11
ivorensisAny help would be appreciated.15:12
Logan_!please | ivorensis15:12
ibnuhow poor am i?15:12
ubottuivorensis: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude15:12
mmo|compdoc: some 100 mbps card, dont know how I see the specific brand?15:13
ivorensisI'm sorry, not very familiar with this chan15:13
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines15:13
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:13
Logan_!fishing | catfish15:14
ubottucatfish: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".15:14
Chang13AOh so this is like a helpdesk?15:14
ibnuhallo, is there anyone can help me install canon ip1200 on ubuntu sabily15:14
Logan_Chang13A: Yes, it is.15:14
Abhijitibnu, what is ubuntu sabily?15:14
Chang13AMy bad.15:14
asdfqwerIs there a variable for hiding hidden files/folders whenever some 3rd party program wants to browse and open something in nautilus?15:14
asdfqwerI don't know why it displays these by default15:15
oCeanChang13A: read the topic;  /join #ubuntu-offtopic for social chat15:15
asdfqwerC-h does nothing either15:15
ibnuAbhijit: Sabily is a set of packages that customizes the Ubuntu distro by installing islamic software15:15
blake_I use Google a lot when I'm trying to do or fix something in Ubuntu.15:15
ducktypehi i've created a beb package with checkinstall seems al ok, exploring the package i see: splush_20110306-1_i386.deb\data.tar\.\etc\init\splush.conf (it's the upstart config file i want to install)15:15
Abhijitibnu, hmm15:15
ibnusabily is ubuntu islamic version15:15
Abhijit!ask | ibnu15:15
ubottuibnu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:15
ducktypebut if i try to install it dpkg -i splush_20110306-1_i386.deb > dpkg: warning: splush: conffile '/etc/init' is not a plain file or symlink (= '/etc/init')15:16
ibnucan you help me15:16
BenSlaterHey, Im back. :)15:16
visCan someone tell me, what application is behing System->administration->Hardware drivers on a typical ubuntu system?15:16
visi'm using xubuntu which has different menu structure15:16
hugo__sacarlson: thanks for the help!15:16
ibnuhelp me15:17
Abhijitibnu, i dont think i can help you. because i dont see any question you asked.15:17
ivorensisSo I'm allowed to ask the question every once in a while, if I don't get an answer?15:17
Dr_Willisibnu:  the 'core' of your questin is --> how to install the canon ip2200 drivers in 10.10 ?15:17
Abhijiti see15:17
akinimodCan someone walk me through chroot?15:17
Abhijit!printer | ibnu15:17
ubottuibnu: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows15:17
notify-osd!ask | akinimod15:17
ubottuakinimod: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:17
ibnuhow to install the canon ip1200 drivers in 10.10 ?15:17
Abhijitibnu, see above link given by ubottu15:17
ibnuhow to install cups15:18
Dr_Willisibnu:  cups is allready installed....15:18
Dr_Willisibnu:  you need the proper drivers for cups to use. It should of selected/installed them when the printer was first plugged in.15:18
akinimodI'm in the live cd... How do I install the stuff to my Ubuntu partition?15:19
BenSlaterOk, is it possible to download the wireless driver for Ubuntu on windows then transfer it on a memory stick or something?15:19
compdocBenSlater, sure15:19
visCan someone tell me, what application is behing System->administration->additional drivers on a typical ubuntu system?15:19
ibnuyeah. cnijfilter-ip2200-2.60-2.i386.rpm dan cnijfilter-common-2.60-3.i386.rpm i have already got them15:19
Dr_Willisibnu:  and you said earlier that  Pixima i1200 printer. used the ip2200 drivers correct?15:19
BenSlaterCan someone help me do that?15:19
oCeanibnu: don't use rpm15:19
ibnuyes. i was15:19
oCean!rpm > ibnu15:19
ubottuibnu, please see my private message15:19
ivorensisCompizConfig doesn't seem to respond to any of my modifications. I believe this started right after I enabled "blur windows". Any way to fix this?15:19
jiohdivis nvidia graphics card or some similiar15:19
BenSlaterBecause I cant connect to wireless from my laptop without it.15:19
omry__Dr_Willis, any advice on my dual monitor problem?15:20
visjiohdi: should be an generic application like jockey-gtk...15:20
slev1firefox does not play youtybe15:20
slev1Flush the screen is black15:20
slev1system Linux sd64 2.6.32-29-generic # 58-Ubuntu SMP Fri Feb 11 20:52:10 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU / Linux15:20
slev1firefox 3.6.14 + build3 + nobinonly-0ubuntu0.10.04.115:20
FloodBot1slev1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:20
slev1please tell me what is wrong and what needs to be done15:20
Dr_Willisibnu:   the forum thered here may help -> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-bd/2010-August/007226.html15:20
jiohdivis, you mean the actual loader program?15:20
aadem!rpm > aadem15:20
ubottuaadem, please see my private message15:20
notify-osdslev1: there is a fix for that15:20
compdocvis, there is no System->administration->additional drivers on my system15:21
Dr_Willisivorensis:  ive seen where compiz  dose not accept settings changes.. untill you log out/back in..  not sure why it does it every so often.. somthing crashing perhaps15:21
BenSlaterSo can someone help me transfer the driver? :)15:21
visok, more to the actual problem: how can i load madwifi drivers?15:21
compdoctheres a System->administration->Hardware drivers15:21
viscompdoc: ok, what's behind that?15:21
compdocthats /usr/bin/jockey-gtk15:21
Dr_Willisslev1:  for Youtube you could use Google Chrome/Chromium and the HTML5  featurte. and not need flash at all.15:21
viscompdoc: thx15:21
visthough, jockey did not help15:22
ivorensisThanks, Dr_Willis, I'll try that.15:22
final_frontierhi everyoen15:22
akinimod I'm in the live cd... How do I install the stuff to my Ubuntu partition15:22
akinimodIdk chroot15:22
Dr_Willisakinimod:  time to learn chrooting I think15:22
viswhen I plug in my wpc-0300 pccard, the ath-card is not recognized15:22
BenSlater..also I cant use Sudo commands.15:22
Dr_Willischroot /media/Mountpointofthesystem15:22
Dr_Willisibnu:  alien command convertes rpm to deb.. so if you want to convert.. yes...15:23
Dr_Willisibnu:  you are converting it.. not 'executing' it..15:23
BenSlaterCan anyone help me with sudo commands, and transferring my driver?15:23
BenSlaterThe driver*15:23
ibnuDr_Willisyes converting it15:23
ibnuyes converting it15:24
jiohdiBen65, use sudo -s15:24
akinimodSo like /dev/sda3?15:24
final_frontierhello everyone, i have some issues with my package manager15:24
jiohdiBen65, it will put you into root terminal mode15:24
Dr_Willisakinimod:  no.. you chroot to the MOUNTPOINT15:24
jiohdithen you dont have to do any more sudo anything15:24
BenSlaterWhos Ben65?15:24
Dr_Willisakinimod:  mount the system. chroot to its mountpoint.15:24
jiohdiBenSlater, tab complete name  ;)15:25
BenSlaterOk, so I do sudo -s15:25
ibnuso, what driver that i have to download?15:25
oCeanibnu: beware that you can use alien to install rpms but it's quite dangerous and unsupported15:25
BenSlaterLet me note this on my iPod.15:25
final_frontierI need to downgrade libgtk2.0 to the lucid version (actualy I have the "now" version) but when I mark it to downgrade, half of my system packages got erased15:25
BenSlaterIm on windows atm so..15:25
jiohdiBenSlater, then you put in your password15:25
final_frontierhow can I downgrade all packages at the same time?15:25
BenSlaterIt doesnt accept my pass.15:25
ibnuso can you give me some soulution ocean?15:25
jiohdiBenSlater, then you are in root mode15:25
jiohdiBenSlater, the $ will change to a # on the line15:26
BenSlaterOk, and then what about the driver transfer?15:26
oCeanibnu: I myself have bad experiences with canon. No longer using it15:26
jiohdiBenSlater, thats something I cannot help with... but in root terminal you can do anything so be careful15:26
ibnuhow about using turboprint15:27
final_frontieranyone can help me please?15:27
th0rfinal_frontier: there is no downgrade option15:27
final_frontierdamn :\15:28
jiohdiBenSlater, btw, if you open a file manager like thunar in root term, you can manipulate any file or folder with root permissions15:28
dthackerfinal_frontier: restore from backup15:28
final_frontierguess I have to reinstall the entire system :\15:28
oCeanfinal_frontier: Attempting to downgrade is explicitly not supported15:28
jameshello every15:28
final_frontierwell then, thanks a lot anyway :)15:28
=== james is now known as Guest46901
m4rtinis it possible to do a distribution upgrade without rebooting?15:28
akinimodIt still will not fetch the index files15:29
BenSlaterjiohdi, I probably wont do much with root, Im a ubuntu noobie so.. I just needed to use it to check for the wireless driver:/15:29
simon_anyone know how i can change xorg.conf to set my custom modeline?15:29
akinimodTried apt-get update15:29
Abhijit!x | simon_15:29
ubottusimon_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution15:29
dirtycookiecan I ask questions about dhcp servers?15:30
akinimodThe error I'm getting is no add associated with hostname15:30
teekIf Ocen is still here I wanted to say /thankyou/ My linux is repaired ^^15:30
jiohdiBenSlater, IF the kernel does not recognize the wireless it may mean that no driver yet exists... but sometimes you can find them on ubuntu.org forum search15:30
kingnerdHey guys.  I want to do some DJing on Ubuntu and stream it through VOIP programs.  Is there any way to set up the output of pulseaudio as an input for these programs?15:31
BenSlaterJiohdi, it does exist, when I was just doing try ubuntu it would ask if I wanted to install it, but when I did I had to restart, obviously losing everything..15:31
BenSlaterBut now that Im actually dualbooting it, it doesnt ask about it :/15:31
simon_Abhijit, but the system fails to find the native resolution so the text gets blurred. I have to force it15:31
final_frontierwell everybody thanks for your answers :)15:31
Abhijitsimon_, no idea15:31
final_frontierbetter go away no before I'm running out of time xD15:32
jiohdiBenSlater, now thats odd15:32
kannan_can i use bluetooth adapters in ubuntu that can be used in windows?15:32
BenSlaterMm, thats why I was using sudo to do 'sudo lshw -C network' to check if its installed or not.15:32
BenSlater...but I think its not installed, which is why Im wondering about transferring it from windows to ubuntu.15:32
SwedeMikekannan_: I know of at least one that works, anyway. I bought a cheap small usb-bluetooth thingie that just worked...15:33
SwedeMikekannan_: just plug it in and see what happens.15:33
rewalsarQUESTION:i want to unlock a 3g huawei modem in ubuntu15:34
kannan_SwedeMike: so adapters depends on operating systems?15:34
akinimodNo address associated with hostname: how do I fix this?15:34
notify-osdakinimod: what do u want to do15:34
akinimodInstall missing stuff onto my Ubuntu via livecd15:35
SwedeMikekannan_: what do you mean by "adapter"?15:35
rewalsarQUESTION:i want to unlock a 3g huawei modem in ubuntu15:35
rewalsar?plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz help15:35
kannan_SwedeMike : the bluetooth adapters :P15:36
notify-osdakinimod: check repositories servers15:36
roentgen_rewalsar: do they get locked? :)15:36
notify-osdin software soucres15:36
mmo|compdoc: closer inspection reveals that my network card is this: RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (Realtek)15:36
rewalsarroengen_:yeah it is locked15:36
notify-osdakinimod: gksu software-properties-gtk15:36
BenSlaterSo does anybody know about this driver issue?15:36
SwedeMikekannan_: devices need operating system drivers. just plug it in and see if ubuntu supports it.15:36
phoenixsamprashow to start my 3g huawei modem? sometimes doesnt respond15:36
notify-osdakinimod: in "download from"15:37
rewalsarroentgen_ , yes this one is locked15:37
kannan_SwedeMike: thanks mike :)15:37
Cem_Nome5I would like to know how do I see the running programs on my Ubuntu 10.1015:37
Cem_Nome5like Ctrl + Alt + Del on Windows15:38
compdocmmo|, those are usually pretty stable, although the newer 8169 has an over-heating problem. After a large transfer, see if the 8139 chip is hot15:38
akinimodIt's set to main server15:38
Logan_anis_: No spamming.15:38
th0rCem_Nome5: ps -ax15:38
Cem_Nome5th0r what?15:38
Cem_Nome5ps -ax?15:38
Cem_Nome5is it a command?15:38
hugo__How can find out what name server is responsible of certain zones? FOr instance, i want to find out what name server delegated responsiblity TO the .NO zone. Using DIG iv tried $ dig no NS +trace which gives me a result. Is it (a.root-servers.net) that is responsible for NO zone or is it X.nic.no?15:38
th0rCem_Nome5: open a terminal and type ps -ax15:38
axillaanyone assist in adding my 47" HDTV as a monitor in ubuntu?15:39
notify-osdps aux15:39
Logan_Cem_Nome5: in terminal - Ctrl - alt - T15:39
axillaSince there are no drivers is it even possible?15:39
mmo|compdoc: the thing is, though, I did not have any problems back when I was using ubuntu 7.10, it has started after installing 10.10...15:39
Cem_Nome5there is somehow to control, like, close programs?15:39
Cem_Nome5th0r Logan_15:40
notify-osdCem_Nome5: go to System > Administration > System Monitor15:40
th0rCem_Nome5: get the process number from ps -ax and then kill -l <process#>15:40
notify-osdCem_Nome5: or open a terminal and type "top" or "ps aux"15:40
sacarlsonCem_Nome5: man kill ?15:40
notify-osdCem_Nome5: you can use pkill and killall15:40
Cem_Nome5I just noticed that my computer really slowed down15:40
sacarlsonCem_Nome5: also look at man killall15:41
Cem_Nome5I think there must be a extra program15:41
Cem_Nome5maybe a keylogger...15:41
notify-osdin Ubuntu? lol15:41
Cem_Nome5found it15:41
FloodBot1Cem_Nome5: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:41
Cem_Nome5already had one notify-osd :S15:41
compdocmmo|, large transfers is a good way to test a system stability. I cant imagine the ubuntu drivers are causing the problem15:41
Cem_Nome5thx for help :P15:41
Cem_Nome5c ya15:41
=== Guest58302 is now known as DarkDevil
vish!cn | linh15:42
ubottulinh: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk15:42
GraphicHI have a problem with Twinview and 3 Monitors. All I want to do is run Twin view on 2 of the monitors and the third to have a separate x screen (I only use the third for things I want open all the time) However when I enable twin view it stretches everything across the 2 monitors and maiximizes windows across both of them. However if I unhook the third monitor, it works like expected, with windows maximizing to just the monitor they are on15:42
notify-osdgraphic card?15:42
=== DarkDevil is now known as Guest50535
=== Guest54832 is now known as LjL-Temp
elijahWhat is the command to open the alsa GUI in CLI?15:43
ikoniaGraphicH: is it a dual head or tripple headed card15:43
GraphicH2 Dual heads15:43
ikoniaelijah: alsamixer15:43
ikoniaGraphicH: twinview won't span multiple cards15:43
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest59306
GraphicHI know I only want it to span the 2 monitors on the first card correctly15:43
* Logan_ is away: I'm busy15:43
akinimodI think I'm just. Going to reinstall15:43
ikonia!away > Logan_15:43
ubottuLogan_, please see my private message15:43
GraphicHand the 3rd can just be seperate x screen15:43
notify-osdakinimod: because?15:43
akinimodI can't get it to work15:44
elijahikonia: Muchos gracias15:44
ikoniaGraphicH: do you still plan to use the propritary nvidia module for the 3rd screen ?15:44
notify-osdwhat akinimod ?15:44
akinimodI can't log in15:44
elijahikonia: Do you know if it is possible to adjust alsa mixer settings in increments of less than 50?15:44
notify-osdakinimod: did you forget your password?15:44
GraphicHikonia: if not using it will make this set up work than I dont care, I just dont want to use xinerama because it sucks15:44
ikoniaelijah: no idea15:45
mmo|compdoc: hm, ok, do you have any idea where I might look? It seems like a classic example of some buffer being filled or something similar since it ALWAYS does down in speed after the same amount of transfered mbs...15:45
GraphicHikonia: I get terrible laggy looks from just dragging windows around15:45
GraphicHwith xinerama that is15:45
notify-osdGraphicH: turn off visual effects :x15:45
GraphicHI didnt think I had any on15:46
compdocmmo|, what is its the other end? can you try a second transfer from another computer when the speed drops?15:46
akinimodU deleted something via synaptic that listed nautilus as a dep that would also go butbeing half asleep at the time I didn't notice until it started15:46
sacarlsonGraphicH: so with xinerama you can't use the nvidia drivers or what might cause the lag?15:46
beruicHello. can anyone explain me what linux-backports-modules-input-* and linux-backports-modules-media-* contains drivers for, and also why there's both linux-backports-modules-wireless-* and linux-backports-compat-modules-wireless-*?15:46
ikoniaGraphicH: truthfully, I don't know if it will make it easier, I'm not working through in my head how one module loaded can drive two different modes15:46
Haricophilehi! with flash-non-free/firefox/marevick I can see the first video only, somebody ever see this strange stuff ?15:46
HaricophileI must restart firefox if I want play another video15:47
GraphicHikonia: All I know is that twinview operates how I expexct it to when the third monitor is plugged in, as soon as its plugged in, everything gets stretched across both monitors in twin view even though the other has its own xscreen15:47
GraphicHikonia: third monitor is *not* plugged in I mean15:48
aromanhow long does it take for users to get upgrades visible when changing a package in a PPA?15:48
beruicCan anyone explain me what linux-backports-modules-input-* and linux-backports-modules-media-* contains drivers for?15:48
compdocmmo|, good idea to check your cooling fans: cpu, psu, etc. And see if the drive youre transfering to and from have any reallocated sectors in SMART15:48
ikoniaGraphicH: yup I agree, and I think that's to do with the nvidia module not being able to split two different modes15:48
ikoniaGraphicH: I'm just having a read up on it now15:48
GraphicHikonia: ugh I really wish multimonitor support was better under linux15:49
ikoniaGraphicH: it is, just not with propitary devices such as nvidia15:49
ugliefroghow do i find the path to this (/var/lib/mythtv/recordings) on a computer on my network...I need the full path so i can type it in...15:49
mmo|compdoc: the comp from which I am downloading the files is an ubuntu 10.10 desktop (core 2 duo, 4 gb ram, 1000 mbps network card). I could try it from windows also of course, to see if it makes a difference...15:49
notify-osdis there a program to edit Indicator Applet Session?15:50
GraphicHikonia: well then I wish nv would open source their damn drivers, how the hell could it hurt them to do that?15:50
ikoniaGraphicH: I can't really debate that15:50
compdocmmo|, the more you test, the more likely you'll discover the problem15:50
ZweiHi, I've someone removed the time from my panel.15:51
ZweiHow can I get it back?15:51
beruicI try again: Can anyone explain me what linux-backports-modules-input-* and linux-backports-modules-media-* contains drivers for?15:51
Zwei(Date and time)15:51
bastidrazorZwei: right click the panel > add to panel > clock15:51
GraphicHikonia: so how could I get 3 monitors to work, not use nv cards?15:51
ZweiThanks a ton bastidrazor :)15:52
ikoniaGraphicH: I'm sure it's possible with 3 monitors, I wonder if twinview is a portition  of the problem15:52
bastidrazorZwei: you're welcome.15:52
akinimodAnyone know where compiz keeps it's profile data?15:52
CarlFKgrub2 setup doesn't show the grub menu unless I hold shift. how do I get it to always display the menu and wait?15:52
GraphicHikonia: the more I read the more Im comming to think it is a twin view problem15:52
ikoniaGraphicH: that is my view also15:53
beruicCan anyone explain me what linux-backports-modules-input-* and linux-backports-modules-media-* contains drivers for?15:53
oCeananis_: no spamming15:53
GraphicHikonia: I thought I had read somewhere once that someone had gotten the set up to work but that it was broken again recently15:53
ikoniaGraphicH: I don't know, I'm not %100 current with twinview15:54
researcher1I can open a CD and view folder contents but cant copy from it?15:54
=== armitage is now known as plug
notify-osdWhat is the avahi-daemon?15:55
sacarlsonGraphicH: I was recently researching about xinerama to use mutli machines to display one big image over them all,  I saw from that there was problems15:56
sanal_madathethcan anybody help me to find a vocal removing software or karaoke maker15:56
GraphicHsacarlson: Im hoping Wayland will just magically fix everything but I doubt thatll happen15:56
GraphicHhow far away is Wayland from replacing X in future ub versions?15:56
aromanGraphicH: very far away15:57
aromani'd say 2-3 years15:57
GraphicHaroman: not that mature, ey?15:57
aromanit's barely an infant15:57
ugliefroghow do iget the network address to a specific folder on another machine on my network15:57
GraphicHaroman: I thought its been around for awhile?15:57
sacarlsonGraphicH: well different parts worked at different times and with different preformance and stabilty so you can go back in time to early versions or just wait15:57
sanal_madathethany karaoke making package in ubuntu?15:57
linhi cant understand what you saied15:57
=== apter_ is now known as spter
aromanGraphicH: not nearly as long as X, and few work on it15:58
aromanthe hope is that canonical will shift efforts to it after they do Unity15:58
GraphicHaroman: X is a dinooooooo15:58
GraphicHI have to admit I don't know much about Unity15:59
aromanit's new desktop user interface for ubuntu for all future versions15:59
ubottuUnity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/31/unity-some-further-clarification-points/ for more information. Have a question, check http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity15:59
GraphicHWell I just found a way to mount NFS shares on windows machines16:00
aromannotify-osd: avahi is a linux implementation of zeroconf16:01
GraphicHIm already dual booting to play games, maybe Ill switch back for a bit =(16:01
DaghdhaI am playing with hdparm, and i am finding my Hitachi's won't respond to any value above 191 forthe -B parameter. This is the Advanced Power Management. shouldn't values 192-254 mean ON? I thought this was a sata standard not a manufacturer/model specific thing)16:01
notify-osdaroman: i want to disable it16:01
aromannotify-osd: why?16:01
notify-osdbecause i dont want it16:01
=== hacker is now known as Guest29152
aromannotify-osd: well then just uninstall it, but I can't imagine why16:01
oCeananis_: again (3rd time) no spamming16:01
notify-osdaroman: well it's disabled16:02
=== carlos is now known as Guest57300
notify-osdaroman: but not some process are using it16:02
notify-osdhow can i find out which ones16:02
aromannotify-osd: so uninstall it...16:02
aromanit's installed for a reason. certain apps use it16:02
notify-osdsudo /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon stop16:03
aromannotify-osd: why use init.d16:03
aromanit's depreciated16:03
chomskyWindow's rants anyone?16:03
notify-osdit's ssame as sudo service NAME stop16:03
aromannotify-osd: yes, and its depreciated.16:03
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/16:04
_skplWINDOWS, ARGH16:04
notify-osdand sudo service sometimes doesnt work16:04
notify-osdaroman: depeciated why16:04
apterI must say, i have tried ubuntu for a week now. And i am very impresed. I tought there was nothing els than OSX that was good. Gues I was wrong16:04
aromannotify-osd: read the link16:04
notify-osdlol apter16:04
Daekdroomnotify-osd, deprecated, not depreciated16:04
Daekdroomnotify-osd, deprecated means it's getting out of use16:04
notify-osdDaekdroom: it still works.16:05
aromanDaekdroom: that's not correct16:05
chomskyLinux is where it is at. Viva La Penguins!16:05
beruicOk, last time: Can anyone explain me what linux-backports-modules-input-* and linux-backports-modules-media-* contains drivers for?16:05
aromandeprecated has nothing to do with depreciated16:05
apternotify-osd: lol? cant i say that I think it is good?16:05
notify-osdhow the hell you restart an ssh server? using sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart.16:05
Daekdroomaroman, I never said it did16:05
JackyBoyDepreciated means it decreased in value16:05
beruic...or at least tell me where to go?16:05
aromanDaekdroom: deprecated means it's getting out of use16:05
erUSULnotify-osd: sudo restart ssh16:05
aromanthat statement is false16:05
researcher1how to copy files from CD of which folder and files are visible but cant copy16:06
notify-osderUSUL: n116:06
eBittinSomone knows if i can get Spotify to work in Debian PPC?16:06
ikoniaeBittin: not really an ubuntu issue16:06
aromaneBittin: why not ask in #debian?16:06
researcher1how to reach CDROM using command line16:07
ikoniaresearcher1: it will be mounted in /media16:07
=== Lenin_Cat is now known as SirLenin
notify-osdwow ubottu knows nothing16:07
researcher1ikonia: where do I reach to access Media16:07
ikonianotify-osd: it's a bot, it's quite wide in it's knowledge16:07
aromannotify-osd: if you want to find out what ubottu knows, PM him. please don't spam the channel16:07
ikoniaresearcher1: it's a file system, /media16:07
notify-osdaroman: i know that but i also know that im not spamming the channel16:08
miniuserjoin #physics16:08
obyrithhow can i make my speakers output mono? one of my speakers (not sure if it's left or right) barely works anymore and i'd like to just hear everything from the other.16:09
=== administrator is now known as Guest20140
spow_Hi, I'm trying to install 10.04 on an old computer (Pentium III) and it's stuck after loading at a black screen with only the mouse active16:10
Eriamany1 alive here ?16:10
spow_Are there compatibility issues ?16:10
ikoniaspow_: with what ?16:10
notify-osdspow_: maybe check system requirements16:10
netrunner_<- first time on linux16:10
notify-osdnetrunner_: congrats16:10
netrunner_thx just came from os x16:10
Eriamcan some1 help me with an ubuntu 10.10 .. im nwe to linux ... and i wanna install webHTB on it16:11
spow_ikonia : with the processor I guess (Pentium III)16:11
ikoniaspow_: P3 is fine16:11
Eriamso is there any1 with enough patience to explain the steps i have 2 take ?16:11
notify-osdspow_: did u download 32bit version rgith?16:11
ikoniaeBittin: webHTB ?16:11
ikoniaEriam: webHTB ?16:11
researcher1i want to copy from command line all files stored on my CD.It says missing  destination file operand16:11
spow_notify-osd : yes ofc16:11
eBittinikonia: huh?16:11
notify-osdspow_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements16:11
ikoniaeBittin: sorry, typo, was for someone else16:12
Daghdhahave to use a lot of characters before nick completingin here :)16:12
Sidewinder1Mornin' all...Just upgraded from Hardy to Lucid along with Firefox and Thunderbird upgrades. In Firefox, "Send Link" no longer functions...Tried everything in Preferences and still can't get it to work. Any suggestions would be greately appreciated. TIA16:12
DaghdhaOne would say.. the entire name for some :)16:12
Eriamyes ... a network trafic shaping tool ,, something that works with a desktop ubuntu16:12
notify-osdresearcher1: did u insert destination folder16:12
researcher1notify-osd: yes but by mistake choose Media itself16:13
ikoniaEriam: have you looked to see if it's in the ubuntu repos ?16:13
notify-osdEriam: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=webhtb&search=Search&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&spell=116:13
Eriamim kinda new with it and i dont think that i can find something like that there16:14
notify-osdEriam: and google is your friend too :)16:14
notify-osdif you dont get help here16:14
Eriamyeah... i used google to find you guys ^^16:14
spow_notify-osd: I do not meet the system requirements, but this computer was running XP fine16:14
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:14
notify-osdspow_: try an older version like 9.1016:14
notify-osdspow_: or a different distro like xubuntu16:14
spow_notify-osd: okay will try xubuntu16:15
Daghdha"relatime works by updating the atime field on disk only if the file hasn’t been accessed since the last time it was accessed" room is spinning16:15
notify-osdand there is lubuntu16:15
notify-osdspow_: or use a lighter window manager16:15
researcher1I am in /Documents directory n gave this Documents$ cp /media/NEW/mpegav/ -a command but not copying from CDROM16:15
researcher1please help me16:16
notify-osdresearcher1: cp /mediaNEW/mpegav/ ~/Desktop/16:16
notify-osdresearcher1: cp /mediaNEW/mpegav/ -a ~/Desktop/copy16:16
researcher1notify-osd: ok.let me try n report success 2 u16:16
notify-osdsomething like that16:16
akinimod So does this mean it was moved or not????  Mv: failed to preserve ownership for (file name) operation not permitted.16:16
Eriamany chance i can convince some1 to help em and explain some thing on a more private level not on a channel like this ? cause it's hard 2 keep up with all the answers16:17
ikoniaEriam: what do you need explaining exactly ?16:17
obyrithEriam: you can directly chat to one person in irc, at least in pidgin16:17
Eriami wanna install a lot of things ... as i said ... i want to install  apache 2, php5 and other things that are needed16:18
notify-osd>/query nickname16:18
researcher1notify-osd: I got this error cp: reading `/media/NEW/mpegav/avseq01.dat': Input/output error16:18
=== SirLenin is now known as Lenin_Cat
obyrithEriam: if you're using pidgin i could tell you how, but i'm not familiar enoguh with other clients16:18
notify-osdresearcher1: did u try without -a option16:18
LordOliwindow 416:18
SergeyHello, friends! Can anybody help with one issue on Ubuntu. It is about installing mpd with mp3 support encoding from sources16:19
ikoniaEriam: ok, if you go to https://help.ubuntu.com you'll find a guide that introduces you to the basic of Linux16:19
Eriamand when i run the apt-get command to install it tells me that it cannot find it16:19
researcher1notify-osd: I copied the command u gave cp /media/NEW/mpegav/ -a ~/Desktop/copy16:19
Eriamwhen i run apt-get install apache2 for example16:19
ikoniaEriam: that includes how to use the package manager to install software16:19
ikoniaEriam: ok, slow down16:19
jubobaapt-cache search apache216:19
loc0i want to buy ubuntu16:19
ikoniaEriam: you need to know the correct package names, so if you visit the URL I gave you it will show you how to search and install16:19
phoenixsamprasubuntu is for free16:20
Eriamcan you give me the url again ?16:20
aromanloc0: you can buy a CD on the website16:20
notify-osd!ubuntu > loc016:20
ubottuloc0, please see my private message16:20
ikoniaEriam: https://help.ubuntu.com16:20
phoenixsampraslol, so dont attempt to buy ubuntu anymore16:20
aromanyou can buy ubuntu..16:21
notify-osdwait a second you can "buy" using ubuntu.com16:21
notify-osdlike a donation16:21
aromanubuntu sells CDs if you'd like16:21
Ahrotahnteeis it possible to boot from maintenance mode without the root password?16:21
JeruvyAhrotahntee: you have to boot to single user mode.16:22
oCeanAhrotahntee: booting into rescue mode does not require root pw?16:22
phoenixsamprasboot with livecd16:22
notify-osdif you want to buy ubuntu cds http://shop.canonical.com/index.php?cPath=1716:22
* Ahrotahntee hmms16:22
SergeyPlease, help with MPD and Icecast on Ubuntu. Have tried many variants from ubuntu forums - still problems16:23
oCeannotify-osd: nvm the troll, he is gone. Let's move on16:23
researcher1notify-osd: can u help copying from CD?It contains fathers video who dies last month.I need to recover this CD URGENTLY16:23
notify-osdresearcher1: why dont you use Nautilus for that it's gui16:23
CarlFKdell inspration 8100 nVidia Corporation NV11 [GeForce2 Go]   booting to a console with vga=2 shows the kernel boot messages text, but somewhere the display gets reset such that it goes blank.  anyone know what it is doing, and how do disable it?16:24
researcher1notify-osd: let me try16:24
notify-osdresearcher1: Places > Computer16:24
notify-osdcdrom at left16:24
Eriamso ... can some1 tell me how can i get LAMP on my Ubuntu 10.10 desktop version ? cause when i try to use the apt-get command in the terminal .. i get somekind of an error16:25
darkeyeswhat is the difference b/w Linux 2.6.32-27 and Linux  2.6.32-2216:25
notify-osddarkeyes: that is the kernel16:25
darkeyesya ..but wats the diff??16:25
CarlFKEriam: post the error to Pastes to http://goo.gl/ixcN916:25
darkeyesi hav installed 10.1016:25
notify-osddarkeyes: 2.6.32-27 is the latest for ubuntu16:26
ikoniaEriam: did you read the document I suggested ?16:26
oCeanEriam: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tasksel on how to use tasksel to install lamp-server16:26
darkeyesi installed 10.10 and it gives both options16:26
darkeyesso there is only difference in kernel16:26
notify-osddarkeyes: you can remove the olde kernel16:26
darkeyesoh k16:27
notify-osddarkeyes: login to ubuntu then go to synaptic and search for linux kernel headers16:27
darkeyesi updated recently.. so 27 kernel wud hav come up16:27
notify-osddarkeyes: but you shouldnt remove the old kernel until you know  that the new one is good16:27
notify-osdfor you16:28
=== andre__ is now known as Guest83069
JackyAlcineSomeone's named notify-osd?16:28
darkeyesok thanks <notify-osd>16:28
Daghdhamy drives won't go to sleep anymore :(16:28
notify-osdJackyAlcine: because I was having a problem with notify-osd16:28
Eriamim reading the pages now ... hope it helps16:28
=== Guest83069 is now known as andre___
=== notify-osd is now known as nofity-dude
JackyAlcineVery interesting. :D16:28
=== nofity-dude is now known as notify-dude
Eriamis there any1 willing 2 go private so as to explain thing on a more ... begginer's manner ?16:29
=== cyix is now known as ratzinger
DanZ3Hello, I just updated ubuntu and then restarted. Now when ever I select the option to boot into ubuntu I get a command line with the words "GNU GRUB version 1.98-1ubuntu9" at the top and no option to boot16:29
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.16:30
aademif i install kde will i still get gnome as my default desktop. im hoping to just be able to pick whatdesktop i want at login. someone told me that was possible here yesterday but just wanted to doublecheck16:30
oCeanEriam: you might consider joining #ubuntu-beginners channel (less busy/crowded)16:30
=== cyix is now known as ratzinger
darkeyesaadem: u can have both16:30
DanZ3I didn't install windows though. I didn't lose grub, I found it or it just started showing up16:31
ratzingergood morning.16:31
Dekkardhmm so no thoughts on maverick's wireless problems??16:31
* Ahrotahntee begins humming an arcane tune16:32
notify-dudeHow do you copy ALL files and folder from a /path ?16:32
notify-dudek copy -R16:33
JackyAlcinenotify-dude, Like from the "/" or from a folder?16:33
dabugwas a pain until to get working.16:33
oCeannotify-dude: cp -av /path/to/folder /new/folder (the -v is for verbose)16:33
manpat_notify-dude, cp -rf16:33
oCeannotify-dude: as you can see, more options exist16:33
hihihi100i need help with the game egoboo, 2.8.016:33
notify-dude16:23:35 <researcher1> notify-osd: can u help copying from CD?It contains fathers video who dies last month.I need to recover this CD URGENTLY16:36
notify-dudecp -rf /mediaNEW/ ~/Desktop/backup16:36
Abhijitwhat is that?16:37
notify-dudea question and an answer16:37
Abhijitohh ok16:37
notify-dudehe wants to recover files from a cd16:38
Abhijityeah ok16:38
* Daghdha sighs16:38
notify-dudeadd-apt-repository ppa:caffeine-developers/ppa16:39
offsensei just lost my network manager in my box accidentally, is there anyway to restore it?16:39
DaghdhaI been trying my HD's to spin down for hours now, i can't getit to work. Is there any service that should be running for it to work or something? I though drives did it autonomous :/16:39
notify-dudeoffsense: alt+f2 and type nm-applet16:39
notify-dudeDaghdha: ##hardware16:40
Daghdhaisn't it hdparm/kernel stuff?16:40
notify-dudeisnt HDD fault? lol16:40
Daghdhai dunno, i just know it worked previously16:41
icerootDaghdha: yes, its part of the os and not the hardware16:41
notify-dudeDaghdha: did u try it on other os or computer16:41
notify-dudein the present ofc16:41
offsensenotify-dude: i uninstalled it, so cant find them the applet as well16:41
JoniiI used iBus to write Japanese once16:42
notify-dudeoffsense: sudo apt-get install nm-applet16:42
JoniiNow I tried to do that again, and it totally failed. ctrl+space doesn't bring up that "write in japanese" box16:42
DaghdhaIt worked untill my eboot yesterday after upgrade wizard or whatever the thing that pops up and tells me there's fixes for ubuntu.16:42
notify-dudeoffsense: sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome16:42
notify-dudedo that16:42
=== Guest50535 is now known as DarkDevil
Guinness2702Anybody know how to get a joystick up and running?  I don't see any options in System->Preferences; I'd expect to see a config / control-panel there16:43
=== DarkDevil is now known as Guest9918
=== Guest59306 is now known as LjL-Temp
notify-dudeGuinness2702: is the joystick recognized?16:43
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest22197
Guinness2702notify-dude, not sure - it appears in `lsusb` but that's about as far as I've got16:44
oCeannotify-dude: please stop that16:44
Starminnnotify-dude: Keep it family friendly, please.16:44
notify-dudeoCean: ok ill stop helping ppl16:45
Guinness2702notify-dude, how do I find out if it is recognised?16:45
offsensenotify-dude: it cant connect to internet due to lost of it16:45
notify-dudeGuinness2702: try sudo lshw16:45
Dekkardwatching tron... quite a plug for foss..16:45
offsenseis there anyway to restore ubuntu system using live cd ?16:45
oCeannotify-dude: if you don't like the channel rules, that'll be fine16:45
notify-dudeI like and read them everyday16:46
Starminndekkard: I agree. IT's got Linux all over the place. (But this belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic)16:46
Krycekbh hu16:46
Krycekyeah lol16:46
notify-dude!fr | pere_16:46
ubottupere_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.16:46
JoniiBut anyway, does anyone have a guess as to why would ibus just stop working, completely?16:46
theperfecttacohelp! my fullscreen steaming video (youtube, etc.) freezes in ubu 10.10/chrome 11 - have tried the GPUValidation fix and disabled hardware accelaration, both of the commonly recommended fixes. is there anything else I can try?16:47
JoniiNo key kombinations that are supposed to bring that "type in languages" box do anything at all16:47
notify-dudetheperfecttaco: disable desktop effects16:47
Calinou"en francais" should be "en français" ;)16:47
theperfecttaconotify-dude, are you referring to system animations?16:48
Guinness2702notify-dude, nope, my joystick does not appear in `lshw`16:48
notify-dudetheperfecttaco: I mean compiz effects16:48
researcher1notify-dude: I have installed recoverdm which can be used with this description here http://paste.ubuntu.com/576526/ Kindly suggest proper command to recover CD files into /Document folder16:49
DanZ3I can't find anything online about my problem. I did an apt upgrade thing and now when I select ubuntu from my boot selection screen, I get a grub cli and nothing else happens16:49
notify-dude!grub2 > DanZ316:50
ubottuDanZ3, please see my private message16:50
researcher1kindly sugges tme a command to recover CD contents from this tool recoverdm here http://paste.ubuntu.com/576526/16:50
notify-dudetheperfecttaco: go to system preferences appearance then visual effects and select none. all check graphic card settings16:51
Guinness2702notify-dude, any idea on what I need to do to get the joystick recognised?16:51
notify-dudeGuinness2702: maybe you need drivers16:51
Guinness2702notify-dude, is there anywhere you'd recommend looking?  I've been googling for half an hour and found nothing sofar.  saitek website appears only to have windoze drivers :(16:52
sam_samhow do i install KDE desktop on ubuntu 10.10?, i have the iso in a DVD16:52
notify-dudeGuinness2702: well maybe the joystick isnt support by ubuntu16:52
dhiaeldeen1vito: I want to learn C, can you help me please?16:53
vitociao a tutti16:53
dhiaeldeen1anarchist: I want to learn C, can you help me please?16:53
=== vito is now known as Guest90356
dhiaeldeen1Gnea: I want to learn C, can you help me please?16:53
dhiaeldeen1please help me learn C :(16:53
notify-dude!repeat > dhiaeldeen116:53
ubottudhiaeldeen1, please see my private message16:53
oCean!it > Guest9035616:53
ubottuGuest90356, please see my private message16:53
oCeandhiaeldeen1: that's not the topic here16:53
notify-dudedhiaeldeen1: try #linux #ubuntu-offtopic16:54
dhiaeldeen1oCean: ok, thanks16:54
sam_samhow do i install KDE desktop on ubuntu 10.10?, i have the iso in a DVD , i dont want to download it16:54
notify-dudesam_sam: search on youtube16:54
CantHasScreenI'd ask in #debian but they're doing nothing but ignoring16:54
notify-dudegeeks like to do that16:55
CantHasScreenbut anyways: since I updated GRUB I can only get a 800x600x16bpp resolution; yesterday though I could have got 1023x76816:55
notify-dudeCantHasScreen: install startup-manager16:55
CantHasScreenThis is debian mind you16:55
CantHasScreenI'll see...16:56
notify-dudeyou can edit grub16:56
oCeanCantHasScreen: this is #ubuntu, mind you16:56
CantHasScreenAt least you people pay attention, I'll give you that much16:56
oCeanCantHasScreen: that still does not make your issue on topic here, sorry16:56
CantHasScreennotify-dude: nothing has changed for my boot menu option, except for removing unused kernel versions16:57
theperfecttaconotify-dude, no dice. this time it froze and would not exit fullscreen at all. had to restart. any other suggestions?16:57
notify-dudeoCean: you like conflict lol16:57
Starminnsam_sam: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148407016:57
Starminnsam_sam: Follow the links the second post gave. Perhaps it will help.16:58
oCeannotify-dude: if you don't like the rules of this channel, find an other one16:58
notify-dudeoCean: like I said before, I like and read them everydat16:58
sam_samStarminn:ty =)16:59
* Logan_ is back (gone 00:00:12)16:59
notify-dude!afk > Logan_16:59
ubottuLogan_, please see my private message16:59
ikoniaLogan_: can you please disable that script16:59
notify-dude!fi | Jonii^16:59
ubottuJonii^: Tämä kanava on tarkoitettu vain englanninkieliselle keskustelulle. Jos haluat suomenkielistä apua (K)ubuntun ongelmiin, liity kanavalle #ubuntu-fi / #kubuntu-fi :-)16:59
Jonii^So, what's going on, why would ibus just stop working?17:00
Starminnsam_sam: Sure thing. If that doesn't work I can look some more but I really wouldn't know what to tell you if you can't do that. :/ Quite the predicament lol. Try it and let us know I guess. :)17:00
abvRhythmbox and Banshee crash when opening any playlist files. Totem doesn't. Any ideas?17:00
biopytei cant update, because of insufficient space on the /boot partition. the partition is 46 M and that always worked fine, before the kernel grew bigger and bigger. any idea how to update without resizing the boot partition?17:01
Jonii^I tried adding suggested lines to bashrc file, and as a result, now I don't even get that ibus setting thing appear on the upper right corner of gnome17:01
nishanthow to enable flash in chromium17:01
Jonii^Before adding those lines, I'd at least get this empty language selection window thing17:01
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash17:02
yeatsabv: invoke each program from the terminal (e.g., type 'rhythmbox') and see if there are error messages17:02
Jonii^Now, it's pure nothing. Nothing like ibus even starts17:03
Starminnnishant: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-enable-flash-support-for-google-chromium-browser.html does this help?17:03
Jonii^Is there any way to write Japanese using Ubuntu 10.4 that works?17:03
Jonii^Other than copy-paste of kanjis and kana-alphabets from some dictionary17:04
ikoniaJonii^: there is language pack support17:04
Jonii^ikonia, how does it handle input?17:04
ikoniaJonii^: from the keyboard, same as any other language17:04
ikoniaJonii^: although I'm sure specific languages will require specific language devices17:05
Jonii^ikonia, yeah, but how? ibus foesn't work, and as fas as I know, scim and such have become non-supported17:05
nishantStarminn, THNX WILL TRY17:05
Jonii^So I'm left with... What?17:06
Starminn!caps | nishant17:06
ubottunishant: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.17:06
nishantsorry caps lock went on...17:06
notify-dudemy GRUB doesnt show up on boot. http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=u8peQ9gF17:07
notify-dudei want to make it show up17:07
dthacker-labhi folks17:08
notify-dudehi folk17:08
fragolinohi all17:08
notify-dudeGRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET=true is this hiding grub menu?17:08
Jonii^Bwah. Should've stayed with Windows17:08
notify-dudeJonii^: ##windows17:08
dthacker-labI'm doing a non graphical install and I'm trying to make a partition bootable, but I don't seem to be able to set the flag17:09
notify-dudeoh it's the timeout17:09
zacktui think i've read that if i have a laptop w/ an nvidia graphics processor, i can turn it off in the bios and still have (in case of lenovo) the intel integrated graphics processor -- is that right?17:09
=== bittyx-desktop__ is now known as bittyx-desktop
chompwhy would you want to do that17:09
notify-dudeto make GRUB show up I just need to GRUB_TIMEOUT="3" right17:11
biopyteis there a file on /boot that can be deleted without serious consequences, so i can perform the kernel update? (lack of disk space on /boot)17:11
zacktuchomp: i've read that there are no linux drivers that handle the switchable graphics provided by optimus and you end up having to use the nvidia graphics processor all the time - which was not the intent17:11
chompah, i could believe that.  i'm just wondering where the advantage would be in choosing the intel over the nvidia, given that choice17:12
DaghdhaI made scripts to put the 3 drives in sleep.17:12
DaghdhaSeems the disks just no longer willing to sleep by themselves17:12
notify-dudegod damn17:13
notify-dudehow do i know what this means RUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET  where is the manuaL?17:13
ThinkT510!grub2 | notify-dude17:13
ubottunotify-dude: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub217:13
notify-dudeill check17:14
JoniiOk, how do I terminate ibus daemon manually?17:14
shigutsoI'd like some shell script help to echo all characters from a-z-0-9. How can I do this?17:15
zacktuchomp: every web site i've seen says not to get nvidia graphics because of the driver problem -- the reason i'm asking is that lenovo has a good web special that comes only w/ nvidia optimus -- i'm jsut wondering whether i can just turn off nvidia optimus and be able to use intel graphics w/ no problem17:15
ThinkT510Jonii: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ibus17:15
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo17:15
JoniiThinkT510: please note that the page there is not even remotely related to anything I've asked or said :<17:16
Starminnshigutso: Ask in #bash17:16
=== qwebirc9117 is now known as nathandyer
biopytegparted does not complete resizing the NTFS partition in front of my /boot (ext3) partition. any idea how to fix that?17:16
shigutsoStarminn, thanks17:16
chompzacktu, nvidia should work just fine if you force it in the BIOS17:16
ThinkT510Jonii: sorry17:17
infidwhat's a good standalone .swf viewer?17:17
zacktuchomp: thanks for your help17:17
chompoptimus is the problem, not the nvidia device17:17
JoniiSo, is there any way to terminate daemon manually?17:17
dthacker-labhow do I set a partition as bootable in the alternate install?17:17
kloplop321I have a ubuntu machine with an 80 GB hard drive, with the main partition 72GB large, it says it is 88% used in df, so I ran kdirstat, which was only able to account for 6.9GB, what's going on here? I have like 52GB unaccounted for here17:17
notify-dudekloplop321: ei wait17:17
AlleyKatuhm anyone in here have experience with PureFTP? Using it on a server re. guide @ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureFTP - but now I need to add a new user, and am in doubt what to do17:17
zacktuchomp: not sure i understand -- what do you mean by "forcing" nvidia17:18
notify-dudekloplop321: sudo tune2fs -m0 /dev/sdaX in your /home17:18
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chompthere's a setting in the BIOS that should allow you to choose between Optimus, Integrated, or Discrete graphics17:18
notify-dudekloplop321: go to system admin system monitor check your home partition17:18
AlleyKatI suppose it's just doing pt. 7 again17:18
chompDiscrete = force use of nvidia, disabling optimus and the integrated video17:18
notify-dudekloplop321: filesystems tab17:18
arandnotify-dude: Removing the root reservation may be a bad idea...17:19
notify-dudekloplop321: you see free and available17:19
AlleyKatbut not sure, and would rather not mess up the pureftp installation17:19
notify-dudearand: i wrote HOME partition....17:19
bonnytis anyone there17:19
notify-dude17:18:14 <notify-dude> kloplop321: sudo tune2fs -m0 /dev/sdaX in your /home17:19
notify-dude!anyone | bonny17:20
ubottubonny: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.17:20
bonnyis anyone there17:20
notify-dude!ask | bonny17:20
ubottubonny: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:20
kloplop321notify-dude, I have, but I'm using vnc server, so I only got a terminal and 2 windows open, what is the command for system-monitor?17:20
dthacker-labI have "use as ext4 journalling files system",  Mount options-deafults, Label-none, reserved blocks-5%, typical usage- standard, and bootable flag-off17:20
zacktuchomp: so i would choose nvidia integrated or nvidia discrete?17:20
hihihi100how do I know if GLIB is already installed in my machine?17:20
chompyou would choose discrete.17:20
notify-dudekloplop321: w817:20
bonnyhelp me please17:20
dthacker-labI've tried highlighting bootable flag and hitting spacebar,  no joy17:21
notify-dudekloplop321: gnome-system-monitor17:21
bonnyhelp me17:21
bonnyhelp me17:21
ThinkT510bonny: explain your problem17:21
bonnyhow do i install stuff for lubuntu17:21
notify-dudebonny: ask your question and stop repeating urself17:21
zacktuchomp: thank you very much17:21
iceroothihihi100: glibc?17:21
notify-dudebonny: what "stuff" ?17:21
chompgood luck zacktu17:21
ThinkT510!software | bonny17:21
ubottubonny: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents17:21
bonnyliek adobe flash player17:21
kloplop321notify-dude,free 12GB, Available 12GB, Total 70.6, Used 58.6GB17:21
bonnyadobe flash player?17:22
notify-dudekloplop321: your /home is fine17:22
bonnywhere do i install adobe flash player17:22
hihihi100iceroot: glibc: command not found, so its not installed, right?17:22
icerootbonny: enable the partner-repo in synaptic and install the package "acroread"17:22
notify-dudebonny: open firefox go to youtube and install the missing plugin17:22
iceroothihihi100: if you dont have glibc install your system will not start :) glibc is not a program, glibc is a lib17:23
ConexionBonny, open up the synaptic manager and search for flash17:23
kloplop321notify-dude, I ran kdirstat on root, and it was only able to account for 6.43GB total17:23
bonnyim usuing lubnt i have chromium17:23
iceroothihihi100: the most important lib17:23
dthacker-labno help on the bootable flag?17:23
notify-dudebonny: this is ubuntu support channel, not lubuntu or chromium17:23
kloplop321dthacker-lab, no idea :(17:23
hihihi100iceroot, I do have to compile, as there is no DEB, right?17:23
bonnywhat version do i download17:24
notify-dudebonny: join #chromium17:24
bonnywat version do i download17:24
iceroothihihi100: you dont compile with glibc, you compile e.g. wie gcc17:24
iceroothihihi100: with17:24
dassoukican anyone help me with my question on http://askubuntu.com/questions/29269/change-x-settings-to-boot-into-laptop-with-non-working-screen-using-an-external-m17:24
kloplop321notify-dude, plus, This machine has almost nothing on it,17:24
arandkloplop321: "sudo du -sh /home /root /var /tmp" Are there anything that sticks out there?17:24
bonnywhat version for  lubuntu do i download from adobe17:24
notify-dudearand: sudo du?17:24
iceroothihihi100: dpkg -l \*glibc\* | grep ^ii   will show you all installed packages containing glibc in the package-name17:24
bonnyomfg help me some one listen please17:25
arandnotify-dude: In order to read /root, yes17:25
icerootbonny: install acroread from the repos, not from the website17:25
notify-dudearand: didnt u mean sudo su?17:25
kloplop321arand, yes, home says 54GB, which makes no sense to me.17:25
arandnotify-dude: Of course not17:25
chompbonny, you've been helped multiple times.  cease typing for a moment and read the advice you're being given.17:25
bonnyiceroot: where are the repos17:25
shcherbaknotify-dude: it is bad command (from Ubuntu point of view)17:26
AfflictoHey all. I'm trying to use "Webcamstudio" to stream to "ustream". I have dual monitors and filming the desktop is stuck on my 2nd monitor. Any idea how to let it film primary desktop? - Thanks!17:26
bonnyiceroot: where are the repos17:26
arandkloplop321: Ok, so for some reason the files are somewhere in /home...17:26
hihihi100iceroot, no installed packages, installing glib-html-2.28.117:26
iceroot!repo | bonny17:26
ubottubonny: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories17:26
ThinkT510!software | bonny17:26
ubottubonny: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents17:26
icerootbonny: and stop repeating please17:26
notify-dudekloplop321: 70.6 - 58.6 = 1217:26
kloplop321arand, notify-dude, thanks to this du command, I found the hog, I could not account for everything in kdirstat because it didn't see another user's home dir.17:26
arandkloplop321: There we go17:26
notify-dude!it | giuseppe6817:27
ubottugiuseppe68: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:27
kloplop321again thanks notify-dude, arand.17:27
iceroothihihi100: sorry, its called libc617:27
notify-dudenp kloplop32117:27
bonnyumm ok srry guys but im new to lubuntu i use to use peppermint and it had sofware manager but i cant find it in this17:27
CantHasScreenpeppermint is mint based17:27
CantHasScreenyou want Linux Mint LXDE edition17:28
iceroothihihi100: if you want to compile c/c++ code, use gcc17:28
bonnyso is there something like software manager in lubuntu17:28
timmahkinshey all, i am completely new to ubuntu and i am having some trouble installing.17:28
arandbonny: synaptic possibly, or software centre..17:28
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joseph__me 217:28
Gabriel6661aguen ae?17:28
ThinkT510bonny: we already told you17:28
notify-dudetimmahkins: what is the issue?17:28
bonnyok wait let me check17:28
icerootbonny: this is only ubuntu-support17:28
dassoukiwhen i first login into ubuntu us there a windows "f8" equivalent or a way to go into command prompt before going into X ?17:28
notify-dude!rules > bonny17:28
ubottubonny, please see my private message17:28
shcherbakdassouki: it iscalled grub17:29
infidwhat's a good standalone .swf viewer?17:29
notify-dudeinfid: .swf is flash right17:29
dassoukishcherbak: i can't see grub as my laptop screen is broken. I'm trying to get into terminal on my external screen to change my X settings to boot into external montior17:29
bonnyok all i want to do is download adobe flash player for linux and i want to know which version i chose17:29
joseph__I am trying to installlmalinux and it says install as root and can't get the tar.gz file into root and don't know if I should-very rusty on Unix17:30
smwbonny, start a terminal and type sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree17:30
notify-dudebonny: dependes of your linux distro and browser version17:30
ThinkT510bonny: search for flash in the software centre17:30
joseph__i mean lmalinux for my logitech speakers17:30
timmahkinsi have two hard drives, one 500gig, and one 1TB drive, i have win 7 installed to the 500 gig, and media n junk on the TB, when i try to install ubuntu is not seeing the 500GB drive17:30
arandbonny: Normally you just install the lashplugin-installer package from the package manager17:30
infidnotify-dude: yeah17:30
bonnyall i want to do is install adobe for lubuntu and i want to know which version i choose17:30
arandbonny: *flashplugin-installer17:30
bajk-tragbarIs there a way of running a script once your pc resumes from hibernation? I need to disable my discrete graphics card on my notebook since it is enabled once you turn your pc back on. I would just need to run sudo modprobe -r timelinex_acpi && sudo modprobe timelinex_acpi and everything is set17:30
notify-dudetimmahkins: /join #ubuntu-beginners please17:30
shcherbakdassouki: ah, one sec, you have ssh server on lappy?17:30
smwbonny, I gave you the exact command17:31
notify-dudebonny: #lubuntu17:31
dassoukishcherbak: laptop17:31
timmahkinsso after installing to the TB  drive, and restarting, i don't have option to dual boot, it just auto start win717:31
smwnotify-dude, bonny can ask ubuntu questions here. Flash is not lubuntu specific17:31
bonnywat is the run command for software centre17:31
shcherbakdassouki: Does your laptop run ssh server?17:31
joseph__I have extracted the file in my Dowloads directory and it produced numerous files but don't think that is the right thing to do17:31
Starminnbonny: Applications->Ubuntu Software Center17:31
smwbonny, on lubuntu, you probably have to install it separately17:32
dassoukishcherbak: no it just has the client17:32
joseph__I want the executable to be in root -I think17:32
hiexpowhy does prism twitter take meto facebook17:32
smwbonny, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree will work on every ubuntu17:32
infidnotify-dude: looks like adobe actually makes a standalone flash player for linux http://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/downloads.html17:32
dassoukishcherbak: i found it i think it was ctrl shift F117:32
timmahkinslol, sorry how do u join a different channel?17:32
shcherbakdassouki: Did you try to hook up monitor and run LiveCD?17:32
arandtimmahkins: You are still starting from the 500gb drive so you will need to place grub on the mbr of that drive.17:32
Calinoutimmahkins: /join #channel-name17:33
smwbonny, that command installs the same way the software center does.17:33
Calinouin the chat line17:33
bonnystarmin it says failed to execute17:33
arandtimmahkins: No need to, the question is valid here as well17:33
timmahkinsokay cool17:33
bonnywat version do i intall for adobe for lubuntu17:33
shcherbakdassouki: so you have terminal, cool.17:33
fidyducehow do i install microphone drivers?17:33
bonnywat version do i install for adobe for lubuuntu17:33
dassoukishcherbak: well i'm on the external montir and i fonially got it to go into terminal on the external. now it's time to figure out how to edit the x.org file and its location17:33
smwbonny, I told you what to do.17:33
ConexionCan someone kick bonny? xD17:34
bonnytell me again please17:34
pmackinneyAnyone available for some netbook 10.10 tips? I'm having trouble finding the System menu17:34
bonnywat dude im new to this17:34
timmahkinsgrub will allow me to dual boot then?17:34
smwbonny, open a terminal and type sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree17:34
Starminnbonny: Sorry Ihad assumed you were using GNOME since #lubuntu is the support channel for Lubuntu.17:34
ConexionYou've been told what to do several times, if you have a specific question regarding what you were told, ask that17:34
dassoukiok i'm in x.org now17:34
bonnyis terminal the the same thing as run17:34
arandtimmahkins: In order to install the grub mbr to your 500 drive you'll need to boot a liveusb/cd and mount the partition containing /boot and use grub-install with --root-directory17:35
dassoukiin x.org how can i define my external monitor to be the default and only monitor?17:35
joseph__hello ..I am new here and need some helpinstalling some software17:35
bonnywat is terminal17:35
ThinkT510!software | joseph_17:35
ubottujoseph_: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents17:35
smwbonny, look for something like terminal, console, etc17:35
ALFAhi akk17:35
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal17:35
smwbonny, why are you using lubuntu if you don't know how to use the terminal?17:35
arandtimmahkins: Yes, currrently I would assume that the grub mbr is installed on the 1TB drive, but since you are booting from the 500 first it doesn't work.17:35
fidyduceso i would like to use skype but the microphone interface is not showing activity so were do i start to looking and or downloading so i can install microphone drivers...17:35
bonnylol idk17:36
smwThanks hiexpo17:36
smwbonny, look at ubottu's post17:36
bonnywell i only learn if i ask17:36
arandtimmahkins: You could alternatively change the bios so that it boots from the 1TB first, if that is possible17:36
hiexpono prob smw17:36
timmahkinsthe win 7 installation is on the 500 drive and ubuntu is on TB drive, so i would need to put grub on the 500?17:36
joseph__OK going there but it tells me in the doc to install as root and I can't seem to get it there with the install command17:36
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heereI'm trying to boot an install of Ubuntu 10.4, but it seems that /lib/ld-2.11.1.so is corrupted17:36
Wes_smw: my mom uses ubuntu 9.04 and frankly doesn't know the different between the terminal and a bus station. Yet, she is happy!17:36
heerewhere can i get this file?17:36
Conexion#docky isn't responding, would anyone happen to know this?  just installed Docky yesterday and it looks great - But when I restart my computer half of the icons turn into grey question mark blocks. The blocks then don't launch anything when I click them17:36
smwWes_, ubuntu != lubuntu17:36
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ALFAhi akk17:37
Wes_smw: Oh, thought that was a typo :)17:37
arandtimmahkins: Yes, or checnge the bios to boot from the 1TB which presumably already has grub and would allow dual-booting directly17:37
bonnyim installing firefox17:37
* Wes_ googles17:37
ALFAi install the virtual box in winodws now i wont install the ubuntu server17:37
smwWes_, nope, it is ubuntu with lxde instead of gnome17:37
aadembonny i used ubuntu and forced myself to use the terminal for everything i wanted to do.  i suggest u do the same terminal is now my eyes ears and my toolkit17:37
Wes_smw: Yeah, I just figured that out. :)17:37
hugo__Can anyone use and login to skype on Ubuntu 10.10 64?17:38
ALFAI install the ubuntu server but i cant connect to the internet17:38
bonnyi have lubuntu for the last fuckin time17:38
timmahkinsalso, whenever win 7 boots up it is trying to do check disk on the tb drive before windows starts, will this mess up the boot stuff on the TB drive if i allow to continue?17:38
Conexion((Prefer XUbuntu myself when on a low-power computer ;) ))17:38
ALFAwho can halpe me with lan ? or network17:38
smwbonny, have you ever used ubuntu?17:38
hugo__now it worked17:38
Wes_Have you ever heard of terminal velocity? That's the fastest anything can go. And I like my computers fast. :P17:38
ConexionHave you used any form of Linux before Bonny?17:38
timmahkinsi have just skipped the check disk everytime it starts to run17:38
arandtimmahkins: I think not.17:39
bonnyyes i used peppermint and puppy linux17:39
aadembonny the terminal is the same. its either bash ir the older sh or tcsh17:39
joseph__Thank you ubottu I will study this I am guessing I may need to use dpkg with the proper arguments but that may be wrong too it is a tar.gz file17:39
heereMy init segfaults on ld-2.11.1.so17:39
heerewhere can i get a copy of this file17:39
smwbonny, ubuntu is the easiest to use for beginners. It also has much better support17:39
ConexionI'm not sure how you survived in Puppy Linux without using a terminal :P but good luck on figuring everything out17:39
ThinkT510joseph__: what are you trying to install?17:39
ALFAis ther enibody in home17:40
ConexionNope, nobody is here ALFA17:40
bonnyim sorry but i dont have ubuntu17:40
ALFAsory my poor english17:40
bonnyand it wont work on my computer17:40
smwALFA, ask a question. Get an answer. Welcome to ubuntu support :-)17:40
ConexionI'm just teasing ALFA :)17:40
timmahkinsso ima try changing boot order then and come back into this channel under same name if i am still having difficulty, thx for the help!17:40
smwbonny, why not?17:40
ALFAi install the virtual box in the windows17:41
ALFAand whont to install ubuntu server17:41
bonnyti dont have a ubuntu cd17:41
smwbonny, what goes wrong?17:41
ALFAwithaut gnome or kde ;)17:41
aademdownload the iso17:41
bonnyit doesnt even startup it just freezes at the begining17:41
ALFAnow i cant run the network17:41
infidi have flash 5 videos that keep crashing when i try to play them with flashplayer 10. how can i view these old swfs in linux?17:41
ALFAdhcpd dont work or i broken it :(17:41
bonnysmd- can u help me install firfox onto lubuntu17:42
smwinfid, maybe it is something that vlc can play?17:42
DasEiALFA: use minimal or alternate install, choose expert install, don't choose any soft at first hand, or regular install and remove gnome (gdm)17:42
smwinfid, gnash, swfdec?17:42
ALFAhow i can install the network or eth0 ;)17:42
nishanti need a program to have sticky notes on my desktop17:42
DasEiALFA: try sudo dhclient17:42
bonnysmw: can u help me install firsfox for lubuntu17:43
smwinfid, those all suck, but for flash 5, it may work.17:43
infidsmw: vlc is crashin on it too17:43
aadembonny open a terminal and try typing this.      sudo apt-get install firefox17:43
smwbonny, sudo apt-get install firefox17:43
infidi'll try the others thanks17:43
bajk-tragbaris there a way of hiding those KDE crash messages? My Kwin crashes like every 2 minutes and I DONT CARE about it, it just restarts and everythings fine. So, the error dialog is more annoying than the crash itself17:43
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bonnysrry but i told u already i cant find terminal17:43
ALFAi install the network via sudo ifconfig eth1 inet and init.d rc but its dasent worl17:43
aademctrl alt t17:44
djdi had asked a question about mounting drives and was suggested automount, but i keep getting this error automount already running what iam doing wrong17:44
smw!terminal | bonny17:44
ubottubonny: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal17:44
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smwbonny, do not come back until you followed ubuntu's instructions ;-)17:44
aademu can also searchfor software by typing sudo apt-cache search softwareuwant17:44
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smwbonny, ubottu's instructions*17:45
ALFAin the virtual box i dont wont have any ip i wont static ip , for connect open ssh unerstend17:45
DasEiALFA: subnet set correctly ? in vbox it'll be sth like 10.10...17:45
Laurencebim trying to get flash working on md6417:45
shcherbakbonny: Alt-F2 and type: gnome-terminal, and enter.17:45
arandheere: libc617:45
Laurenceb*amd64, atm i only have the red video on youtube17:45
smwbonny, go to Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal17:45
bonnycan u please just tell me the the run command for software centre for lubuntu17:45
Laurencebgreen and blue are missing from the video17:45
smwshcherbak, lubutnu not ubuntu17:45
infidsmw: haha gnash is totally working, thanks17:45
bonnyther is no accserories17:46
smwinfid, great17:46
bonnyits preferences17:46
Laurencebi followed instructions here - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1358591&page=3917:46
BeFreeso guys got a quick question, hopin I could get some help17:46
shcherbakbonny: Alt-F2 and type: xterm, and enter?17:46
smwinfid, finally something it does right17:46
djdi had asked a question about mounting drives and was suggested automount, but i keep getting this error automount already running what iam doing wrong17:46
Laurencebshould i install gnash instead of adobe flash player?17:46
infidsmw :) yeah saved me from deleting these files, i thoguht they were corrupt for a minute17:46
bonnyit says failed to exucute17:46
aadembonny ctrl alt t17:46
smwbonny, I think you are in over your head.17:47
bonnyi found it thankyou aadem17:47
BeFreewhenever I open up any programs it lags, I am guessing it has to do with video card.17:47
smwaadem, sweet! Learn something new everyday :-)17:47
ALFAhow i can stop the dhcpd :)17:47
ALFAdhcpd client stop lick17:48
arandbonny: I think synaptic is under settings in lubuntu...17:48
BeFreedoes anyone have any ideas?17:48
panfisti have ssh acces to a machine but vnc is refusing me for some reason. this seems to happen when the system is rebooted without a head attached, because if i plug in a monitor and reboot, then i do get vnc access17:48
infidsmw: only downside of gnash is it wont let me fast forward17:48
panfistis there any way i can get the gnome environment to do whatever it needs to do, in order to allow vnc, without restarting?17:49
DasEiBeFree: which g-card is in use ? ram of the system ? swap set ?17:49
smwinfid, swfdec? I am just naming every tool I have heard of ;-).17:49
keithclarkWhen my laptop goes into sleep mode and I awaken it, my wireless never connects again.  I always have to restart.  Is there any solution to this?17:49
arandbonny: Ah, under preferences, nevermind17:49
BeFreewell its an ati mobile card, and its a 2.33gHZ proc17:49
BeFreeIm running the netbook version17:49
BeFreeas far as ubuntu goes17:50
bonnythanyou aademi am installing firefox now17:50
dassoukiusing an nvidea card, how can i change the ubuntu default monitor from terminal17:50
DasEiBeFree: use conky or htop to monitor your system to see what takes up  when opening17:50
BeFreenow this may seem like a retarded question but would I find those on the package installer?17:51
shcherbakdassouki: this? http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1217:51
DasEiBeFree: nvm, yes : sudo apt-get install conky htop17:51
ConexionBeFree have you tried searching for it using the Synaptic Package Manager?17:51
_Neytiri_in am getting a error every time i try and runa executeable program in cli17:51
Tewrhey. my gnome session jus froze up. Mouse pointer is moving but all else is frozen. How do I kill it / restart it? what process am I looking for?17:51
BeFreethats what Im doing now conexion17:52
ConexionKk, DasEi's suggestion should work17:52
antoniussudo: /etc/sudoers is owned by uid 1001, should be 017:52
antoniussudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting17:52
_Neytiri_-bash: ./sc_serv: No such file or directory17:52
BeFreeI am pretty sure its something to do with the video card >.<17:52
shcherbak_Neytiri_: What error?17:52
antoniusi've been having above issue lately...?17:52
bonnyhow do i install adobe from terminal17:52
bonnyhow do i install adobe from terminal17:52
DasEiTewr: ctrl+alt+F1 , call top, or sudo service gdm restart17:52
smwbonny, I told you that 3 times.17:53
bonnysrry again please17:53
smwbonny, also, do not repeat the same question twice in a row17:53
smwbonny, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree17:53
StarminnBecause it's annoying.17:53
bonnyoh thankyou17:53
smwbonny, it is annoying and disrespectful to the people on the channel.17:53
arandantonius: I would boot in recovery mode from the grub boot menu and restore the permission, hopefully that is the only issue17:54
shcherbakbonny: yeah, my eyeballs rolling17:54
bonnyok its downloading EVERYONE IN THIS CHANNEL I AM VERY SORRY17:54
shcherbak_Neytiri_: what was a command?17:55
Dekkardlookin for wiki or something on maverick wirless problems... my wireless works for like 30 minutes and than dies.. works fine under windows17:55
smwbonny, same thing applies to cap17:55
ElsshaMy panel keeps freezing on a new install17:55
smw!caps > bonny17:55
ubottubonny, please see my private message17:55
wesselHello, I have downloaded windows 7 from the msdn website. I now wish to install win7 on this computer. But I don't have a optical drive. (I'm currently running ubuntu) Can I install win7 just like I did with ubuntu, using an usb stick?17:55
dassoukishcherbak: xrandr is treturning can't open display17:55
antoniusarand, thanks for the response, I'll give that a go17:55
_Neytiri_its executeable17:55
Starminnwessel: ##windows17:55
wesseland if so, do I need to backup all my files currently on this ubuntu OS?17:55
smw_Neytiri_, is it there when you type ls?17:55
antoniusdang guys, maybe its bonnys first time on IRC..you have to light her/him up like that? lol  Not gonna want to come back.17:56
_Neytiri_yes it is17:56
smw_Neytiri_, then it should run17:56
_Neytiri_i cant even run it as root17:56
Starminnwessel: For Windows-related questions, ask in ##windows. Be aware, though, that Windows will try to override GRUB and you'll probably have to come back here to reinstall it.17:56
ThinkT510wessel: its highly advisable to install ubuntu after windows17:56
smw_Neytiri_, chmod 755 sc_serv17:56
smw_Neytiri_, then try17:56
_Neytiri_bash: /home/shoutcast/sc_serv: No such file or directory17:56
_Neytiri_even hardpathing it17:56
_Neytiri_wont runit17:57
smw_Neytiri_, then it is not there17:57
_Neytiri_it is there17:57
[segfault]_Neytiri_: are you running 64-bit Ubuntu?17:57
_Neytiri_i do a ls and its there17:57
shcherbakdassouki: can you try: xini -- :1 vt8 ?17:57
bonnyi love u all thanytou eople of this worl17:57
[segfault]_Neytiri_: you will need to install ia32libs if that is a 32-bit app you are trying to run.17:58
bonnynow i can finally chill17:58
ThinkT510!yay | bonny17:58
ubottubonny: Glad you made it! :-)17:58
[segfault]_Neytiri_: to be more accurate: 'sudo apt-get install ia32-libs' should do it17:58
bonnyi know lol ubottu so everyhting i install has to be done on terminal17:59
_Neytiri_E: Couldn't find package ia32libs17:59
StarminnA random thought just struck me. If I ran << sudo apt-get install * >>, what would it do?17:59
dassoukishcherbak: it starts ubuntu in the wrong montior17:59
jnlsnl_Hi guys i have a problem with getting "Separate X screen" to work on my tv screen.. i connect through a hdmi cable, when i try to apply it says: "the current settings cannot be completely applied..." then i press "Apply What Is Possible" and the tv stays black. Any suggestions:-)17:59
[segfault]_Neytiri_: warning, it is a very large package :)17:59
shcherbakdassouki: so you do not get term?17:59
BrixSathow do I pass some parameter to a url in wget?18:00
oCeanStarminn: the * would be interpreted as every file in your current working directory. So it would try to install packages with the names of your files18:00
bonnyhow would i instal a game18:00
dassoukishcherbak: i'm on terminal but when i do xinit -- .... it shuyts down the external screen and goes to laptop one18:00
bonnyhow would i install a game on terminal18:01
shcherbakdassouki: ok, one sec18:01
ThinkT510bonny: what game do you want to install18:01
bonnyassault cube18:01
joseph__Hello I am back I have gone to the link that ubottu has given me and am still lost..I have downloaded a tar.gz file -it is in my home/Downloads directory - I ma to install this as root - I have extracted it in the Dowloads directory the URL doen't give info on the tar.gz file or how to proceed to install one especially as root18:01
bonnyassault cube18:01
StarminnoCean: So apt-get defaults to the working directory, and it only attempts to install outside things if the package doesn't already exist on the machine, correct?18:01
smwbonny, do not repeat18:01
bonnyi want to instal the game assault cube18:01
wesselokay, thanks for the advise18:01
smwbonny, sudo apt-get install assaultcube18:02
keithclarkWhen my laptop goes into sleep mode and I awaken it, my wireless never connects again.  I always have to restart.  Is there any solution to this?18:02
Starminnjoseph__: Please tell us what you are trying to do.18:02
smwbonny, I found that with apt-cache search assault18:02
oCeanStarminn: not entirely. Running apt-get install blah will start the apt-get process even if blah is installed. But one of the first steps is that it checks whether blah is already installed, and then tell you so18:02
TewrDasei: Thx. it "worked", in that gnome restarted but it restarted with a black screen with just a mouse pointer. I'm going to have to reboot I guess.18:02
bonnythankyou people of this world i am finnally get used to linux18:02
shcherbakdassouki: stop gdm and: sudo X -configure18:03
ThinkT510joseph__: have you searched the package manager to find out if yu can intall it from there first?18:03
BenSlaterMm, can anyone help me?18:03
shcherbakdassouki: You should get this file: /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:03
=== hytreem_ is now known as hytreem
joseph__TY Starminn - I am trying to install a tar.gz program as root it is called lmalinux-0.8.1.tar.gz - yes I have tried in the package manager and it won't do it and need to do this I suspect on the command line18:04
royale1233how would i make my desktop look like this? http://i.imgur.com/Sy65n.png18:04
StarminnoCean: Gotcha. So then << sudo apt-get install * >> would install everything I don't already have, right?18:04
XiXjoseph__, do you know anything about zeitgeist18:04
royale1233how would i make my desktop look like this? http://i.imgur.com/Sy65n.png18:04
shcherbakStarminn: not really18:04
RootLUGHi, I cann't format an usb drive, system is opening it for read-only, there is a fat32 fs, I tryied to make there other file system like ext4 or ntfs but it fails, and creating a new partition table fails too. Where can be a problem?18:05
joseph__No XiX I do not18:05
oCeanStarminn: nope. The * would be interpreted. So if the files blah1 and blah2.txt are in your current directory, it would start "apt-get install blah blah2.txt" (and those are no real package names)18:05
smwbonny, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQIFqO3bFI0 .18:05
alex_hey guys question for ya, who knows alot about linux stability on laptops?18:05
joseph__What is Zeitgeist besides "the sign of the times" in German18:05
alex_ranging across the different distro's of it that is18:05
smw!ask | alex_18:05
ubottualex_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:05
royale1233how would i make my desktop look like this? http://i.imgur.com/Sy65n.png18:05
ikoniaalex_: this channel supports ubuntu only, please keep to the ubuntu support issues only18:06
ThinkT510!themes | royale122318:06
ubotturoyale1223: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy18:06
arand!compile | joseph__18:06
ubottujoseph__: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)18:06
alex_well I have tried to fix the issues I am having with ubuntu and it isnt working18:06
smwalex_, #linux may have smarter people. ;-)18:06
alex_I still have the same problems18:06
alex_lol ty smw18:06
Starminnroyale1233: It looks like it's KDE with a dock, specify the colors to be that gray and blue in your favorite theme, make the window buttons to the left, and install a widget layer.18:06
yeatsroyale1233: that looks like KDE 3.5 with a lot of modifications18:06
royale1233ThinkT510: what is the gadget on the top right?18:06
smwalex_, but you can ask here also. Just don't ask to ask.18:06
joseph__I have downloaded the tar.gz file into my Downloads directory but don't know how to install the contents as roo I know how to be SU but am stuck18:06
ikoniajoseph__: what are you trying to install18:07
Starminnroyale1233: For further information I'd suggest you ask in #kubuntu since that's what it looks like they're using so they'd be able ot help you out more than us here.18:07
joseph__OK ubottuu I will go there also TY very much18:07
infidsmw: swfdec played it but also doesnt have a fast forward button18:07
ikoniajoseph__: what are you trying to install18:07
royale1233Starminn, yeats what is the gadget on the top right?18:07
arandjoseph__: Just prepend the command with sudo instead, but I would use checkinstall if I were you18:07
smw!compile | josep_18:07
ubottujosep_: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)18:07
magicianlordis songbird good?18:07
shcherbakdassouki: and this should be all: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/debian-linux/100317-disabling-laptop-lcd.html18:07
=== JackyAlcine is now known as Guest2635
royale1233Starminn: thanks18:07
joseph__ikonia I am trying to install an application which wil play my Logitech speaklers18:08
smwinfid, ok, don't know what else to tell you :-)18:08
royale1233Starminn: i'm mainly intested in that gadget18:08
ikoniajoseph__: what is the application name18:08
Starminnroyale1233: I don't use KDE so I can't say but they've just got a clock, a weather widget, a CPU monitor, and a music playlist (as well as a custom cursor and foloders)18:08
arandjoseph__: checkinstall instead of the make install command (need to install checkinstall first)18:08
smwinfid, if your right click, can you fast forward?18:08
Starminnroyale1233: Install "Screenlets" for Ubuntu.18:08
royale1233Starminn: thanks buddy18:08
bonnyok im back i need help again18:09
nishantask away18:09
shcherbakbonny: cool18:09
infidsmw: nope, it's ok at least it plays18:10
bonnynishant: my games that i tried to play on this are repeating themselves over18:10
smwinfid, cool.18:10
nishantany apps that can make desktop gadgets .....18:10
ikonianishant: you have to develop them18:10
nishantsorry i mean screenlets sort of thing for taking notes18:10
=== Guest2635 is now known as VirgilShock
nishantlike stick notes18:10
bonnymy games keep repeating over one another wat do i do18:11
Starminnnishant: TomBoy comes default18:11
ikoniabonny: what games ?18:11
nishantwhich game18:11
bonnyassault cube18:11
=== VirgilShock is now known as JackyAlcine
nishanttomboy can stick on to desktop ?18:11
magicianlordcan someone recommend a good sounds card for cheap gaming? i heard the asus xonar is good18:11
Starminnnishant: Yes.18:11
Starminnnishant: Applications->Accessories->TomBoy Notes18:11
bonnyassault cube18:11
bonnyassault cube18:12
smw!repeat | bonny18:12
ubottubonny: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:12
bonnyomg shutup u bot18:12
ThinkT510bonny: you don't need to repeat yourself, people can already read what you wrote, give them time to reply18:12
bonnyok sorry i dudnt know that18:13
mecoCan someone give me some general pointers about recording streamed audio and/or video....18:13
ikoniabonny: drop the attitude, don't tell people or bots to shut up18:13
bonnysrry but can i get my answer18:13
ikoniabonny: that doesn't mean it is acceptable to be rude18:14
joseph__I became dormant18:14
Starminn!attitude | bonny18:14
ubottubonny: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines18:14
infidwhat's the 'Microsoft Access' of the linux world?18:14
joseph__I will proceed to install checkinstall18:14
Serializedlibreoffice infid18:14
Serializedlook it up :D18:14
ikoniainfid: sqlite perhaps, there are various database options18:14
cbstxbillOpenoffice Database18:14
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:15
=== notify-dude is now known as firefox_dude
timmahkinshey all, so i just installed ubuntu 10.10 and finally got it running, and now i can't find my graphics card driver18:15
cbstxbillI have nVidia18:15
timmahkinsi have the nvidia 560 ti18:15
cbstxbillrunning with Compiz... overall happy!18:15
oCeanbonny: please stop that18:16
FloodBot1bonny: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:16
[segfault]bonny: you are going to get booted18:16
firefox_dudeban him tks18:16
ratzingersometimes running linux successfully overwhelms ones senses.18:16
stefan___Tcl_Init failed: Can't find a usable init.tcl in the following directories:18:17
[segfault]ratifers: yes, that's true at times, hehe.  Still I wish folks had more patience.18:17
stefan___someone got an idea on how to solve?18:17
joseph__I keep losing my session18:17
stefan___tcl is installed, but "arm-elf-insight" cannot find it i guess18:17
cbstxbillI'm nVidia GeForce 830018:18
cbstxbillcouple of years old18:18
joseph__I have installed checkinstall on my system and not sure of how to use it.18:18
=== bonhoffer_ is now known as bonhoffer
hiexpoman checkinstall18:18
yeats!checkinstall | joseph__18:18
ubottujoseph__: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!18:18
smw!compile | joseph__,18:18
ubottujoseph__,: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)18:18
timmahkinsadante: hey i got ubuntu up and running, but it did not auto detect my graphics card driver, i have geforce 560 ti, and i can't find driver for it18:18
chocobananaHi everyone!!!18:19
timmahkinsadante: any suggestions?18:19
smwjoseph__, I would be glad to help you, but you need to read the compiling docs first.18:19
ratzingerchocobanana: hello18:19
chocobananaanyone here using a Wacom Bamboo Pen&Touch tablet with Ubuntu?18:19
dassoukishcherbak: my x.org only contains one monitor/screen18:19
joseph__Wow! this is great - I am going to copy your text and use it as a guide thank you all - wish me luck.18:19
=== ruan is now known as ruan|away
tripelbI have ---  lspci | grep VGA18:20
tripelb01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV17 [GeForce4 MX 420] (rev a3)18:20
jnlsnl_why do my mouse sensitivity explode when i run twinviiew18:20
infidi have openoffice installed but dont see the database thing. how do i install it?18:21
ThinkT510infid: it's called base18:22
TewrI have set up System > administration > Login Screen to "Log in as [User] automatically." But when Ubuntu starts, it asks me for the credentials anyway, in a "Unlock Login Keyring" dialog. Is there a way to avoid this?18:22
joseph__OK I will read the man pages and hopefully create a compilable object - I guess as stated with a .deb extension so that I may somehow install this18:22
timmahkinsanyone have any suggestions about the graphics card driver thing?18:22
[segfault]infid: You can try 'sudo apt-get install openoffice.org-base'18:22
yeatsinfid: sudo apt-get install openoffice.org-base18:22
firefox_dudetimmahkins: buy nvidia18:22
tripelbinfid I tried to find out how to install the "database thing" and it's not simple at all. Try ubuntuforums maybe.18:22
firefox_dudeoh driver.18:22
joseph__smw I will rad the compiling docs first18:23
tripelbwait no one told me that stuff, they only gave me webpages.18:23
smwjoseph__, great.18:23
joseph__I shall presume thatthe man pages for checkinstall will guide me18:23
joseph__is that right SMW ?18:23
nishantfdisk -l doesnt show any out put in my comp18:24
nishantany ideas why18:24
tripelbre base, it seems to be installing fine. I guess that other evening was an info-free moment18:24
timmahkinsbuy nvidia eh?18:24
Serializedyou need to use sudo18:24
smwjoseph__, what is your goal?18:24
cbocazHi, I have a transparent color in my down panel, and I want to change the font type, because they not seen good. Here are a pic of my panel: http://img151.imageshack.us/f/pantallazow.jpg/       . Some one know how change this fonts ?18:24
Serializednishant: try sudo18:24
[segfault]nishant: sudo fdisk -l18:24
nishantah sudo works thanks18:24
yeats!nvidia | timmahkins18:25
ubottutimmahkins: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:25
joseph__to install the lmalinux app which integrates with the Audacious player for my Logitech speakers18:25
[segfault]we're all fighting for the easy questions today, I see :)18:25
alex_hey guys so here is what Im having an issue with, I am running ubuntu 10.10 netbook, everything works fine but when I open up any programs the system gets choppy for lack of a better word. I went to youtube to just see what was up and the videos were playing choppy as well, any ideas?18:25
Dr_Willisnishant:  yep. :) fdisk could delete things.. if not used carfully.. makes sence eh.18:25
nishantyes I think :)18:25
arandtimmahkins: If you open the preferences in ubuntu software centre, do you have the "universe/mutliverse" repositories enabled?18:25
Dr_Willisalex_:  you could try the normal gnome desktop. and disavble all the eyecandy. or try the 2d netbook interface to gain some speed back.18:26
joseph__SMW once this is done I will tweak it until it recognizes my USB speakers and produces sound18:26
[segfault]alex_: run top and see if there is a process that is taking up a lot of cpu18:26
alex_Dr_Willis: how do I do that?18:26
tripelbyeats: that openoffice install had unmet dependencies and ...  openoffice.org-java-common (>= 1:3.2.0~) but it is not going to be installed   ---  E: Broken packages18:26
timmahkinshow do u get to software centre?18:27
[segfault]timmahkins: under Applications, at the bottom18:27
smwjoseph__, ok18:27
joseph__OK going to work on this18:27
arandtimmahkins: main menu18:27
joseph__TY SMW18:27
yeatstripelb: try doing 'sudo apt-get install 'openoffice.org-java-common' and pastebin any error messages you see18:27
Dr_Willisalex_:  install ubuntu-desktop and log out and selegt gnome.. or just try logging out and see if the login menus have a 2d netbook option. (i hate the netbook interface)18:27
tripelbalex__ open a terminal window and type top <enter>  --- alternatively you can use   htop18:28
alex_I have htop but I cant make heads or tails of it, never used it before18:28
timmahkinsok, opened now how do i find out if this is enabled?18:28
dassoukii'm going to reask my qusestion ..18:28
alex_hmmmm ubuntu desktop ok, Ill try it out18:28
dassoukimy laptop screen died. i have an nvidia card. I'm trying to get into ubuntu using my external monitor with no avail. I can get to terminal and run ubuntu from terminal, but I can't get into X. http://askubuntu.com/questions/29269/change-x-settings-to-boot-into-laptop-with-non-working-screen-using-an-external-m18:28
timmahkinssorry ima noob for real lol18:28
arandtimmahkins: In the edit menu, software sources18:29
tripelbalex__ all you need to do is type top and look at the names of the top few processes and see if someting "looks funny".. the way to learn is to do that .. experience happens18:29
[segfault]alex_: you can also try doing 'metacity --replace' and see if things improve.  not sure what the default is on netbook ubuntu tho.18:29
c0mp13371331337My nvidia card recently died on me, so I'm having to switch to an old ATI Radeon card.  It's too old for fglrx drivers to provide support for it, so I'm using the open source radeon driver.  I've gotten most things working, except for GLX.  It seems to still be initializing the nvidia GLX module, despite having uninstalled the NVIDIA binary drivers.  Any ideas?18:29
thgimme script wich prints cpu's temperature.18:29
cbocazHi, I have a transparent color in my down panel, and I want to change the font type, because they not seen good. Here are a pic of my panel: http://img151.imageshack.us/f/pantallazow.jpg/       . Some one know how change this fonts ?18:29
mecoCan someone give me some general pointers about recording streamed audio and/or video.... What apps should I be looking for?18:29
Dr_Willisdassouki:  You may want to try running the nvidia-xconfig tool and enable all displays,  or check the bios - it may have a 'use external by default if plugged in' option.18:29
timmahkinsthey are both enabled18:30
Dr_Willismeco:  streamtuner and front ends to it.. depends on the kind of stream however.18:30
DasEimeco: audacious18:30
dassoukiDr_Willis: i already checked teh bios and that option doesn't exist18:30
DasEimeco: which source of video ?18:30
Dr_Willisdassouki:  Bummer. I notived it on my laptop just the other day.18:30
soreauc0mp13371331337: You will likely want to use the nouveau driver then after starting X, go to tty and do export DPISLAY=:0 then you should be able to use xrandr to enable the other monitor18:30
timmahkinsbtw, how do i direct my chat at u adante?18:31
exodus_mswhere is the location of the login files? i.e. the image ubuntu uses for the background on the login screen?18:31
Dr_Willisdassouki:  its also possible if you boot to a normal single desktop. and use the laptops special fn keys it may 'toggle' the displays and put the output on the external18:31
c0mp13371331337soreau: Thanks, but dual monitors is working just fine.  It's simply GLX that doesn't seem to be working.18:31
=== jrn_ is now known as jrn_a
Dr_Willisexodus_ms:  /usr/share/backgrounds/warty-final-ubuntu.png18:31
arandtimmahkins: ok, then closing that. In the main system menu>administartion>hardware drivers, start that and see if it finds any drivers18:31
dassoukiDr_Willis: my xorg has a section monitor and screen are they the same or different18:31
exodus_msDr_Willis, thank you18:31
petethepirateI'm trying to compile some drivers for my tuner card, but I get the error fatal error: linux/ti_wilink_st.h: No such file or directory.  This file appears to be in the source code, I have the headers and source package installed.  What am I missing for this?18:31
dassoukiDr_Willis: the special keys don't work once on gnome, they only work after i go into terminal usiung control shift f118:31
Dr_Willisdassouki:  thats. weird.18:32
timmahkinsnope, nothing18:32
Dr_Willisdassouki:  if you can get to the console.. try installing the ssh server, then ssh in from another linux box. and run the nvidia-settings tool and see if you can toggle the monitors.18:32
timmahkinsand i went on nvidia site, and tried to find it that way, and it said that my os is not supported18:33
mecoDasEi: Well, it's a New York community radio station, but I get a video stream18:33
dassoukiDr_Willis: i can go into terminal18:33
DasEimeco: which you receive in browser ?18:34
arandtimmahkins: There are some hints here: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=169011518:34
leapy0yois there something like less or more but that allows color that ls has?18:34
mecoDasEi:  Correct. I don't even know how to extricate the url for the actual stream....18:34
DasEimeco: install videodownloadhelper , a plugin for firefox, that does the trick18:35
cbocazHi, I have a transparent color in my down panel, and I want to change the font type, because they not seen good. Here are a pic of my panel: http://img151.imageshack.us/f/pantallazow.jpg/       . Some one know how change this fonts ?18:35
mecoDasEi:  I'll try and install that right away...!18:35
infidi installed openoffice.org-base and it shows up in my menu but when i click on it nothing happens18:36
DasEimeco : easy going, ask if questions, for audio streamripper from terminal is also a way (audio)18:37
smwEx-Chat: the best method to talk to your Ex...18:37
Dr_Willisinfid:  run  oowriter   from a terminal. see if it works.. or theres any error messages18:37
rnigamAnyone know what is the best tool to create kvm guests on ubuntu? I tried virt-install and kind of got stuck. If someone also knows about virt-install please help. Thanks18:38
leapy0yols shows color but when i do ls |less it does not show color, is there something that will show color?18:38
yeatsinfid: try 'ooffice -base' from the terminal18:38
Dr_Willisleapy0yo:  less may not be able to display the color codes.. it may look screwy.. you can give a ls a 'force colors' mode..18:38
Starminncbocaz: All fonts are controlled from System->Preferences->Appearances->Fonts or something18:38
debdplay assultcube at anybody??18:38
Dr_Willisleapy0yo:  check ls --help18:38
Random832leapy0yo: ls --color=always|less -R18:38
leapy0yodont use OOo use libreoffice now18:38
Starminnleapy0yo: +118:39
Dr_Willisleapy0yo:  that always - may look ugly :)18:39
Random832(-R is needed for less to interpret the color codes and pass them through to the terminal)18:39
Dr_Willisahh. option for less i cant recall ever using. :)18:39
infidyeats: that didnt do anything either18:39
yeatsinfid: no error messages?18:39
ivorensisI'm using screenlets to get widgets on my desktop. How do I stick the widgets on the desktop?18:39
rnigamAnyone know what is the best tool to create kvm guests on ubuntu? I tried virt-install and kind of got stuck. If someone also knows about virt-install please help. Thanks18:39
Starminnivorensis: Double0click18:39
leapy0yoyears, libreoffice replaces OOo because of open source issues18:40
infidDr_Willis: oowriter from terminal runs fine but showed nothin in terminal18:40
Starminnivorensis: Double-click*18:40
Dr_Willisivorensis:  i think theres some compiz settings also that can make the widgits stick to a 'dashboard' type layer.18:40
rtdosis there any bbs software (not client) available in the repositories ?18:40
leapy0yoI can do ls ---color | more and it displays color codes correctly, but if i do ls --color |less ... it looks strange18:40
gilleshey how can i get my b43legacy wifi driver installed18:41
StarminnDr_Willis ivorensis: Yes, there is the "widget layer" or some similar name for it in Compiz,but there is also a widget in Screenlets to store other widgets. Give both a try, ivorensis and see what works for you.18:41
ivorensisI'm aware of these compiz settings, but I can't find any.18:41
gillesbeen following instructions online and cant make it work18:41
Dr_Williswidgits and desktop thangs.. are slowly dieing off it seems. :)18:41
DasEi!broadcom | gilles18:42
ubottugilles: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx18:42
cbocazStarminn: ok, but I've changed all of this fonts and sizes but, the font and size of down panel not have changes....18:42
ivorensisStarminn, what do you mean by doubleclick18:42
gillesive been there .. and tried but it does not work for me ?18:42
arandleapy0yo: less -R for raw control characters18:43
Starminnivorensis: Umm... You asked how ot get widgets on your desktop. So I said you double-click them. Double-click means to click on something twice in rapid succession.18:43
infidwhat's the open office irc channel? oofice, ooo and openoffice have no one18:43
cbocazStarminn: there aren't a way to change in gconf-editor  for example ?18:43
Starminncbocaz: Applcation Font. I just did it myself18:44
infidopenoffice.org nm18:44
ivorensisYou're funny, Mr. Starminn18:44
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DasEi!who | gilles , where are you stuck ?18:44
ubottugilles , where are you stuck ?: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:44
Starminnivorensis: I'm not meaning to. That's how you get them on to your desktop. Or I guess you could hit "Ok" or whatever the button name is18:44
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ivorensisYou probably know that's not what I meant.18:45
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biopyteany idea how to capture this flash video and store it locally? http://pressekonferenz.tv/ondemand/ProEuropa23022011.html18:46
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cbocazStarminn: don't work for me.. .:S18:47
DasEibiopyte: use downloadhelper or ant in a browser (extension for it, FF)18:48
Minzehi there, does "shipit" ship Ubuntu in both versions 32&64bit or just in 32bit Version?18:48
DasEiMinze: both, but takes it's time, better d/l it, faster18:48
AnuovisHello, could anyone help to create a menu shortcut for Wine app? It's an .exe file and for some reason I can't get the link to work.18:48
Dr_WillisIve never seen them ask.. always been 32bit here..18:48
ivorensisDo you have any clue, what the widget that stores other widgets is called, Starminn?18:49
Dr_WillisMinze:  most bookstores have linux magazines you could buy that include the ubuntu cd/dvd's other stuff also.18:49
Starminnivorensis: *sigh* I don't even know why I uninstall this. People ask about it so often. Alright, I'll install it.18:49
dassoukiDr_Willis: is there a command to display the names of active screens / monitors?18:49
Starminnivorensis: One sec and I'll let you know. :)18:49
Dr_Willisdassouki:  perhaps somthing with nvidia-xconfig, or xrandr.18:49
dassoukiDr_Willis: xrandr returns can't open display18:49
ivorensisYou don't have to do that for me, Starminn. :D18:50
Dr_Willisdassouki:  because X isent running I imageine.18:50
ivorensisI could've just looked harder.18:50
Starminnivorensis: The Screenlets widget is called "Sidebar."18:50
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biopyteDasEi, thx, download helper didnt do the job. i'll that "ant". thats an FF extension, too?18:50
dassoukiDr_Willis: true since i can only run X on the bad screen18:50
Dr_Willisdassouki:  nvidia-xconfig - is a  cli based tool to check/change nvidia settings.18:50
biopytei'll try18:50
Starminnivorensis: No, it's not a problem. :) I really shoul keep it because it's a common question. Or, you know, common topic for questions.18:50
Dr_Willisdassouki:  if X was runnuing on it.. you could 'ssh -X remotesystem' and run gui tools and have them appear locally.18:50
Dr_Willisor was it ssh -x... i forget..18:51
DasEibiopyte: yes, similar; you first got this little moving ball with its 3 colours ? for d/l helper ?18:51
Starminnivorensis: Just a note, though, if you add them on one desktop they don't carry over to other ones. I think it's stupid, but whateevr, so if you want on all desktops like I did when I used Screenlets you'll have to add them to each one individually.18:51
dassoukiDr_Willis: this sucks lol18:51
biopyteDasEi, right, but the balls are greyed out. no downloading.18:52
ivorensisBut I'm not really a fan of multiple desktops, haven't found it that useful.18:52
Dr_Willisdassouki:   broken hardware always sucks.. I had a monitor die on me last week.. i jhad a spare at least.18:52
Dr_Willisivorensis:  i perfer multidesktops over widgits i rarely see :)18:52
biopytethe flash video pops up in the window but DL helper wont recognize it.18:53
Dr_Willisi have to wonder how well the new unity will handle multu displays18:53
biopytei'm checking ant18:53
DasEibiopyte: yes, happens sometimes, restart ff, reload page, sometimes it just misses18:53
Starminnivorensis: Fair enough. I wasn't at first either but if you force yourself to use them you'll become addicted. For example, I keep Firefox in one desktop, my IM client in another, I keep Chromium in another (for Flash since it's better for me), and the last one is for other various things (i.e. WinXP VM right now)18:53
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Starminnivorensis: It's better than minimizing windows all the time, but, to each their own. ;)18:54
biopyteDasEi. i installed ANT andthere is an item in the bar, however, ho do i start the download?18:56
ivorensisHow is this sidebar-widget supposed to help, Starminn?18:56
Diverdudeis there a program like cat that displays content of a file, but where you can specify if you want to see only the first couple of lines ?18:56
joseph_Hello again18:57
DasEibiopyte: left-click > menu18:57
[segfault]Diverdude: head perhaps?18:57
therealmattDiverdude: `head -numberoflines /path/to/file`18:58
joseph_SMW if you are here the URL for compiling was very clear - 3 steps , configure, make, checkinstall -but I got stopped short due to an error and have to contact the developer- shucks18:58
biopyteDasEi, thers the menu but no download option. i think i cant download this video for some reason.18:58
joseph_heres the bad news18:58
joseph_joseph@ubuntu:~$ cd Downloads18:58
joseph_joseph@ubuntu:~/Downloads$ cd lmalinux-0.8.118:58
joseph_joseph@ubuntu:~/Downloads/lmalinux-0.8.1$ ./configure18:58
joseph_checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes18:59
joseph_checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed18:59
joseph_checking for style of include used by make... GNU18:59
FloodBot1joseph_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:59
biopyteDasEi, thank you, anyway18:59
AnuovisHello, could anyone help to create a menu shortcut for Wine app? It's an .exe file and for some reason I can't get the link to work.18:59
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smw!pastebin | joseph_18:59
ubottujoseph_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:59
Minzeis it just me, or isnt it possible anymore to order Ubuntu Server over ShipIt for free?18:59
joseph_oh TY my ignorance18:59
joseph_oh OK19:00
Starminnivorensis: It was in response to somebody's suggestion of having them "Stick" to a dashboard or something.19:00
DasEibiopyte: I'll look for it in a minute19:00
joseph_sometimes I do stupid things19:00
smwjoseph_, np, that is why floodbot was here to mute you :-P19:00
biopyteintresting press conference, btw19:00
joseph_does this mean I will be a third clas citizen forever?19:01
smwjoseph_, what?19:02
joseph_I copied the URL for pasting command line system responses that should help19:02
joseph_SMW I got muted19:02
joseph_oh well some module is out of date19:03
smwjosep_, then unmuted...19:03
GamingDroidWhat is the difference between a "supported version" package i.e. I'm trying to install "postgresql-contrib" it comes in two flavors, "postgresql-contrib-8.4" or "postgresql-contrib" (supported version)?19:03
ivorensisStarminn, I have "stick to desktop" enabled, no effect.19:04
Minzehell just seen a Video about Unity in 11.04 Alpha... very strange menu :S19:04
joseph_OK -19:04
joseph_Well SMW I didn't get farther than the configure step19:04
Dr_WillisMinze:  its going to be quiet a change when it gets here.19:04
ivorensisI don't like the way Ubuntu is going.19:04
smwjoseph_, pastebin the output of ./configure19:05
joseph_I will have to subscribe to sourceforge in order to contact the developer19:05
smwjoseph_, chances are you are missing a library19:05
Dr_Willisivorensis:  in 2 years it may be the way everything is.. hard to tell. I can rember when 'Geos' was cutting edge. :)19:05
setohi, I need a software to plot beautifull boxplot / error bars diagramm, I try python with matplotlib, R, but didn't manage to get something that I liked, can you recommend me some software that you like for this kind of job ?19:05
joseph_or search for a different app which will emulate the drivers necessary to use old Logitech speakers on Ubuntu 10.1019:05
Dr_Willisseto:  cant openoffice, or some of the other graphing programs int eh repos do it also?19:05
joseph_SMW ..oh maybe I will just paste the one error line19:06
smwseto, there is also google charts if openoffice does not work19:06
ivorensisActually, the widget stays back now, but if I push the "show desktop"-button on my panel, it disappears also19:06
setoDr_Willis: I try openoffice and gnumeric too, gnumeric provide good result.. I should maybee stay with it.. but if you know others software19:06
joseph_it seems that this module refrred to is out of date19:06
smwjoseph_, I need to leave soon so do it quickly19:06
sayasukasusuhi all, how to erase my pidgin chat logs?19:06
Dr_Willisseto:  theres a lot of 'data graphing' programs out there.  check teh pacakge manager..19:06
AfflictoDoes anyone know how to stream your desktop to ustream\livestream\justin.tv on linux?19:07
Dr_Willisseto:  any i ahve used would be from what i last did with data.. like 10+ yrs ago. :)19:07
smwsayasukasusu, I believe they are stored somewhere in ~/.purple19:07
setoDr_Willis: :D19:07
joseph_SMW ...here19:07
joseph_checking for intltool >= 0.40.0... ./configure: line 3832: intltool-update: command not found19:07
joseph_ found19:07
joseph_configure: error: Your intltool is too old.  You need intltool 0.40.0 or later.19:07
FloodBot1joseph_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:07
sayasukasusuthe problem is it says i dont have any .purple folder there19:07
Dr_WillisAfflicto:  i think ive seen where vlc or mencoder/ffmpeg could somehow stream your desktop.. not sure how tio get it to Justin.Tbv :)19:07
jiohdiafflicto skype can stream your desktop but dont know of many others19:07
joseph_oops I did it again19:07
c0mp13371331337After having switched from an NVIDIA card to an old ATI card (which lacks fglrx driver support), I'm trying to get GLX working.  In my xorg log, I'm getting: "Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)", even after completely removing the NVIDIA binary drivers.  Anyone have any pointers?19:08
Afflictohm yea19:08
joseph_maybe I should search for intltool19:08
AfflictoWell, I tried something called Webcamstudio and it works great.. it's only that it's stuck on my second monitor19:08
Afflictoso I can't film on my primary monitor :S19:08
joseph_it has to do with international codecs I think19:08
smwjoseph_, good idea!19:08
Dr_WillisAfflicto:  http://www.linuxaria.com/howto/tricks-ffmpeg?lang=en19:09
smwjoseph_, search the repos19:09
joseph_ok back to grinding away19:09
AfflictoChecking that link Dr_Willis.19:09
Dr_WillisAfflicto:  yea - ive used webcamstudio befor. Its a nifty app.19:09
Minzesayasukasusu - Just go to your home folder, go to "View--Show hidden files", and then search for the /.purple folder19:09
Dr_WillisAfflicto:  but ive never really streamed to another place.. just did recordings.19:09
Minzethere you should find a folder called "logs"19:09
sayasukasususmw= already did that19:09
joseph_maybe have user unfriendly lunch hot dogs and bean with loud rock and roll19:09
sayasukasusuno such folder...19:09
AfflictoIt's strange how it sticks to my 2nd monitor :S19:09
smwjoseph_, if you learn how to search the repos for the correct answer, that is much better than me giving you the answer.19:09
s7rhow can i install something with apt-get19:10
s7rwhat is the opposite for apt-get install ?19:10
Minzeand you sure, that the logs havent been already erased19:10
smws7r, sudo apt-get install19:10
Dr_Williss7r:  'remove' or 'purge'19:10
smws7r, sudo apt-get remove19:10
Dr_Willis!apt | s7r19:10
ubottus7r: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)19:10
DasEis7r: : man apt-get19:10
s7rsmw: thank you. apt-get remove will delete all files including configs and those right ?19:10
Dr_WillisAfflicto:  i found some neat ffmpeg tricks there :) just skimmed it and bookmarked it today19:10
Dr_Williss7r:  purge = all configs.19:11
smws7r, nope. purge does that19:11
AfflictoDr_Willis check PM.19:11
s7rsudo apt-get purge <package> smw ?19:11
Dr_Williss7r:  actually purge = all SYSTEM configs.. none of them will touch user configs in their home dir.19:11
smws7r, yes19:11
Madhuanyone help me?19:12
smwjoseph_, got a new error yet? :-)19:12
Madhuin computer not showing partition.19:12
sayasukasususmw= no such folder .purple there even after view hidden files..... only .pki after that .pulse then .qt19:13
smwsayasukasusu, hm, not sure then19:13
smwsayasukasusu, I don't use pidgin anymore19:13
WiesshundSilly question, but to have open office start at the select task screen, rather than launching separate icons for each task, what would you throw in the launcher?19:14
induzhello i am back19:14
sayasukasususmw = oopppsssss i dont use it! i mean empathy!19:14
induzwhat is better; clonezilla or Mondo ?19:14
Madhuanyone tell me why partition not show?19:14
Dr_Willisinduz:  both sort of have differnt 'goals'19:14
Dr_Willisinduz:  try them both.. see what you like. ive not used either in some time.19:14
MadhuDr_Willis can u tell me why partition not show?19:15
induzDr_Willis, I just want to backup my HDD as Kubuntu/ubuntu is getting slower and shwoing some error19:15
Dr_Willisinduz:  you could do that with dd if you wanted... or fsarchiver.. or any of a dozen other ways..    you want a HD image file? or a bootable cd/dvd restore set? or somtning you can rsync/update as needed...19:16
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smwsayasukasusu, http://tinyurl.com/4l8z7rv19:16
Dr_Willisinduz:  i just copy my users home data to a spare usb hd.. and reinstall when i need to...19:16
keplenkhey guys, can I compile the kernel from a different computer and transfer it to my netbook?  Man, I've been compiling and it has been 7 hours already .. still not yet done19:16
Madhuanyone tell me or not?19:17
timmahkinsokay, adante or anyone else, i just installed a driver for the gpu, so now how do i change settings (resolution etc)19:17
Dr_Williskernel compile takes 7 hrs? Hmm. i dont recall it needing that long... but that was a long time ago i last compiled it.19:17
Dr_WillisMadhu:  'sudo fdisk -l' does not show them?19:17
azertyyhello there19:17
Madhudont know?19:17
Madhunew user.19:17
induzDr_Willis, I am thinking of just copy and paste the data as I found out earlier that after backup file is created the file acted up19:17
azertyyi got a real permission issue on my system19:17
azertyyis there any list of default system permission ?19:18
Dr_Willisinduz:  the fsarchiver tool can backup. and verify files copied are correct..19:18
sayasukasususmw = this is crazy... but again no empathy folder there....19:18
induzDr_Willis, It can check when its copied but i had problem[not with fsarchiver] whe i wanted to re-store the backup19:19
smwsayasukasusu, yeah, you are right lol19:19
Madhui think somethink is skipped while installing ubuntu cause in my computer only show hdd labled as file system. I tried installing again and again but only file system show in computer why do not show partition in computer?19:20
A|i3Nhey - any easy way to access my windows (7) files from within ubuntu? They're protected and on the same partition19:20
c0mp13371331337After having switched from an NVIDIA card to an old ATI card (which lacks fglrx driver support), I'm trying to get GLX working.  In my xorg log, I'm getting: "Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)", even after completely removing the NVIDIA binary drivers.  Anyone have any pointers?19:20
Dr_WillisMadhu:  but its the same location? could be gnome just giveing it some nicer name...19:20
timmahkinsany suggestions?19:21
sayasukasususmw = strange huh? even i tried to .local still no empathy folder19:21
erUSULc0mp13371331337: remove also the xorg.conf file19:21
Dr_WillisMadhu:  learn how ubuntu/linux mounts and handles filesystmes and partitions and  make them mount where you want if you want total controll.19:21
erUSULc0mp13371331337: /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:21
Dr_Willis!mount | Madhu19:21
ubottuMadhu: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount19:21
jrn_aA|i3N, try ntfs-tools19:21
smwsayasukasusu, yes, very odd19:21
sayasukasususmw = FOUND IT!!! its in .local/share/TpLogger19:22
timmahkinsjust installed gpu driver, how do i change resolution setting?19:22
smwsayasukasusu, nice :-)19:22
era878does anybody know how to compile the abgx360 gui19:22
Dr_Willistimmahkins:  for what chipset?19:22
Madhu80gb i want 5gb for system other for storage tell me how to partition? i think something i cant?19:23
timmahkinsgraphics card: geforce 560 ti19:23
Dr_Willistimmahkins:  nvidia = use the nvidia-settings tool19:23
timmahkinshow do you get to that?19:24
Dr_WillisMadhu:  during the install process you make the partitions you want, and select the mountpoints as needed. / = the root of the os. and i think 5gb for / is way too small.. 10gb at least..  or 20gb.19:24
Dr_Willistimmahkins:  when you installed the nvidia drivers.. it should of installed nvidia-settings also.19:24
Dr_Willistimmahkins:  gksudo nvidia-settings  tweak settings, save xorg.conf, restart x server.19:25
timmahkinsit did i think, but how do you get to the settings? is that all within terminal, or is there a gui for that?19:25
Dr_Willistimmahkins:  nvidia-settins is a gui app.. its in the menus somewhere..19:25
Wiesshundin netbook ubuntu whats the little launcher bar called?19:25
Dr_Willistimmahkins:  i think the monitors tool even asks to run it if you try to use the monitors tool.19:25
Madhuwhat should mountpoints i choose for first part. as /boot but other part. choose / is it wright?19:26
Starminn!natty | Wiesshund19:26
ubottuWiesshund: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.19:26
derangohey... I'm just curious, is the fact that I tend to kill processes instead of properly exiting them harmful by any chance for the system?19:26
Dr_WillisMadhu:  you want a seperate /boot/ partition? why. Its not really needed these days..  if you want to get fancy have a / a /home/ and swap partitions..19:26
derango*just as often19:26
magicianlordyour boot partition should be 100mb19:26
c0mp13371331337erUSUL: Thanks for the tip, but have the same problem after removing the file and rebooting.  And glxinfo gives "Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig" and "Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"."19:26
Dr_Willisderango:  depends on what they are doing.19:26
magicianlordit should be ext2 only19:26
WiesshundStarminn think you info'd me wrong thing?19:26
Dr_Willismagicianlord:  my /boot/ is like 10gb. :)19:27
magicianlordDr_Willis: why19:27
Dr_Willismagicianlord:  i got ISO files on it. to emergancy boot from19:27
derangomusic player, firefox, terminals..19:27
=== pascal is now known as Shw
Dr_Willismagicianlord:  makes for a fast reinstall :)19:27
magicianlordi dont know hwo that works19:27
azertyyis it possible unistall gnome with unistalling apache or something else ?19:27
ubuntu42321ruan? ActionParsnip?19:27
magicianlordi have to go19:27
biopyteDasEi, difficult, right?19:27
Dr_Willismagicianlord:  grub2 is handy19:27
timmahkinsi just got a message saying: You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.19:27
timmahkinshow do i do this?19:27
derangoDr_Willis: music player, firefox, terminals..19:27
dejan_I just installed ubuntu and I have problems, I am using firefox and when I look this on my laptop whole content has space from top like margin-top but on jsfiddle everything is fine.. any help will be appriciated thanks..19:27
Dr_Willistimmahkins:  you installed the nvidia drivers using the addational-drivers tool from the menus?19:28
MadhuDrWills can u send me ur hdd gparted screenshot?19:28
MadhuDrWills can u send me ur hdd gparted screenshot?19:28
MadhuDrWills can u send me ur hdd gparted screenshot?19:28
Dr_WillisMadhu:  /boot/ a /   a /home and a /swap....19:28
Madhui want to see and do as u.19:28
Dr_WillisMadhu:  4 primary partitions.19:28
timmahkinsno, i had to find the driver from a differnent source online19:28
azertyyanyone there ?19:28
=== Shw is now known as Shwminator
azertyyis it possible unistall gnome with unistalling apache or something else ?19:28
DaGeek247timmahkins: sudo nvidia-xconfig19:29
Dr_Willisazertyy:   i doubt if you will accidently Uninstall gnome...19:29
Madhuwhat is diff./boot and /home?19:29
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azertyywhy ?19:29
Dr_WillisMadhu:   /boot/ = boot kernel files..19:29
Dr_Willisazertyy:  because its very hard to remove anyway...19:29
Dr_Willisazertyy:  even if you watned to remove it.. it would take some effort.19:29
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azertyywhat is the solution ?19:29
timmahkinsYou do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.19:29
Dr_Willisazertyy:  i dont even know what the problem was.. I just answered your one qwuestion..19:29
azertyyi need to trash that thing from my server19:30
koolzmateany help for wvdial...modem not detected19:30
Dr_Willisazertyy:  you may want to clarify the question...19:30
Madhuis any better guide for installation for new user?19:30
Dr_WillisMadhu:  let the installer handle it.. and dont worry about it perhaps?19:30
koolzmateany help for wvdial...modem not detected19:30
Dr_WillisMadhu:  just let it make a / and a swap. and  get on with learning the system.19:30
timmahkinsWARNING: Unable to locate/open X configuration file.  New X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'19:30
DaGeek247timmahkins: sudo nvidia-xconfig19:30
ubuntu42321if I'm trying to resize my Ubuntu partition, do I resize extended or ext4???19:31
Dr_Willistimmahkins:  its a warning.. not a major disaster.. :) it made a file.. wow.. heh19:31
azertyywell having a small problem on my server i installed gnome, now the problem is solve, now i wanna to trash that gnome, it take place on my server19:31
timmahkinslol i am a noob sorry19:31
dirty-harryhi, I want to take a screenshot of gdm-login-screen but ALT19:31
Dr_Willisubuntu42321:  an extended partition holds logicals..   the file system on a logical can be ext4.19:31
dejan_it looks like firefox in ubuntu have major problems?19:31
DaGeek247timmahkins: restrt now19:31
ubuntu42321whats a logical?19:32
Dr_Willisubuntu42321:  so if your partiton is filling up a extended partitoon.. you would enlarge that.19:32
=== Shwminator is now known as Shw
timmahkinsrestart comp?19:32
DaGeek247it will use the driver19:32
Dr_Willisubuntu42321:  primary , extended, and logicals.. thats how partitins work.19:32
Madhur u mean i do not worry? u mean just use linux?19:32
DasEibiopyte: yes, a ms-server with nervy syntax19:32
Dr_WillisMadhu:  you are worring about to many things..  let the insatller do what it thinks is best.. and get on with learning the basics of the os.19:32
ubuntu42321I have two drives, see... and on my SDA I have two partitions. One for ubuntu /sda3 + /sda519:32
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dirty-harryoh, enter too soon... ALT+PRINTSCREEN is not working on gdm-login... any ideas19:32
Dr_WillisMadhu:  or play with the installer in virtualbox to practice with..19:33
MadhuOK Thanks.19:33
ubuntu42321sda 1 + sda2 is for windows and I want to delete that19:33
Dr_WillisMadhu:  you could even run the os in virtualbox and play with it all you want to learn how to partition things.19:33
timmahkinsor you mean xserver?19:33
ubuntu42321and I want to make sda 3 + 5 for ubuntu.19:33
timmahkinsif so how do you do this?19:33
MadhuOK Thanks.19:33
ubuntu42321I have another drive, SDB, with win7 on it.19:33
DaGeek247no, restart the computer immahkins19:33
Madhuhave u use kubunt?19:33
Madhuhave u use kubunt?19:34
Dr_Willisubuntu42321:  you need some free space somewhere..    sda1-4 would be PRIMARY partitions.. sda5+ would be logicval partions INSIDE an extended partition.19:34
ubuntu42321Someone told me after resizing and deleting I need to chroot19:34
gartralhey, i installed awn, and acidentally deleted the part that shows open windows... what's the applet called again?19:34
ubuntu42321I want to delete the win7 on this drive (SDA) and leave ONLY UBUNTU THERE.19:34
Dr_Willisubuntu42321:  the installer can resize and handle it all. Unless you have allready 4 primary partitions in use.. then it may need some help.19:34
ubuntu42321Can someone help me with that? :P19:34
darkstar80hiya guys19:34
ubuntu42321and then, what about the boot?19:34
Dr_Willisubuntu42321:  you want to uise all of sdb for linux? the installer can do that also.19:35
timmahkinshow do you restart xserver?19:35
darkstar80have you recently encountered problems with flash content? I see a magenta square instead either on firefox and opera19:35
gartralubuntu42321: what do you mean "sda 3 + 5"? like /dev/sda3 and /dev/sda5? sda5 is ussually swap..19:35
yeatstimmahkins: 'sudo service gdm restart'19:35
ubuntu42321No, I want to use all of SDA for linux and all of SDB for win719:35
Dr_Willisubuntu42321:  you can even isntall grub to sdb and tell the bios to boot that hd.. and not touch sda at all.19:35
biopyteDasEi, please dont invest too much energy ... i would like to watch the press conference  offline, but its not that important.19:35
DaGeek247timmahkins: restart the computer, not xserver19:35
ubuntu42321you guys want screenshots?19:35
Dr_Willisubuntu42321:  so tell the installer to use all of sda. it has that option somewhere.19:35
gartraltimmahkins: restart gdm19:35
ubuntu42321installer? I dont want to install it.19:36
ubuntu42321I have it installed.19:36
ubuntu42321Im on a livecd right now.19:36
Dr_Willisubuntu42321:    then you need to clarify what you are doing and want to do... If you have it installed.. why are you on a live cd?19:36
koolzmatewubi better than ubuntu?19:36
DaGeek247he did the nvidia-xconfig commnd JUST RESTRT THE COMPUTER19:36
era878How do you compile the abgx360 gui?19:36
Dr_Williskoolzmate:  i hate wubi.. most people seem to hate it...19:36
ubuntu42321because you cant resize partitions unless you unmount the drive19:36
Dr_Willisubuntu42321:  gparted can resize all you want.. note it can take a LONG time to resize partitions.19:37
Starminnkoolzmate: WUBI is Ubuntu. But it's better to install normally ona partition than WUBI it.19:37
Dr_Williskoolzmate:  its problematic.. and flakey, and unstable...19:37
drcdarkstar80: this problem?   http://www.webupd8.org/2011/03/fix-pinkred-youtube-videos-bug-using.html19:37
yeats!wubi | koolzmate19:37
ubottukoolzmate: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe19:37
Dr_Williskoolzmate:  and no one ever seems to be able to help those people that have problems with it..19:37
Dr_Williskoolzmate:  it you want to safely 'test' ubuntu under windows. I reccomend installing it in virtualbox.19:37
gartralhey, i installed awn, and acidentally deleted the part that shows open windows... what's the applet called again? i thought it was task manager, but i dont have one called task manager19:38
darkstar80hey guys, I have problems with flash videos and only on youtube. The video plays only magenta color. Either on firefox and opera... Any clues?19:38
c0mp13371331337After having switched from an NVIDIA card to an old ATI card (which lacks fglrx driver support), I'm trying to get GLX working.  In my xorg log, I'm getting: "Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)", even after completely removing the NVIDIA binary drivers.  Anyone have any pointers?19:38
MadhuDrWills is it happened the system not start cause power failure?19:39
MadhuDrWills is it happened the system not start cause power failure?19:39
drcdarkstar80: this problem?   http://www.webupd8.org/2011/03/fix-pinkred-youtube-videos-bug-using.html19:39
darkstar80thanks drc!!!19:39
dejan_guys i am ot sure if you know but firefox cant work at all on ubuntu 10.10 ..19:39
ubuntu42321I have two HDDs; SDA has win7x86 on SDA1+SDA2; I have Ubuntu on SDA3+SDA5; I have win7x64 on SDB. I want to delete win7x86 and let Ubuntu use ALL of SDA while SDB still shows up on grub2 with win7x64. Now do you understand? :P19:40
koolzmatedr_willis:o...ya ...i will try on virtualbox19:40
Starminndejan: Actually yes it can and I am using it right now.19:40
MadhuDrWills I mean is system file are safe or not on power failure?19:40
yeatsdejan_: have you tried moving the ~/.mozilla folder?19:40
ubuntu42321Screenshot: http://s94.photobucket.com/albums/l119/scotteh_2006/?action=view&current=Screenshot.png19:40
ubuntu42321Now, how do I delete sda1+2 and let SDA3+5 (Ubuntu) use ALL of SDA?19:41
Dr_WillisMadhu:  your wuestion/statement made no sence to me at all.19:41
* ubuntu42321 >.>;19:41
dejan_yeats firefox have major bug19:42
dejan_on ubuntu 10.1019:42
dejan_big one!!19:42
yeatsdejan_: I'm using it just fine19:42
DaGeek247hey, is it possible to partition two physical hard drives to one large partition?19:42
Dr_Willisubuntu42321:  delete all the partitons on sda1 and 2 with gparted and resize sda3 and sda5 as needed..19:42
koolzmatefor andriod development on ubuntu,eclipse or netbeans?19:42
dejan_yeats made webpage with margin-top : 0px and everywhere is fine except on the firefox in ubuntu19:42
ubuntu42321which part of sda3+5 do I resize?19:42
dejan_one guy tried also19:43
ubuntu42321Note my screenshot, Dr_Willis.19:43
dejan_i will check now with chrome19:43
Starminn!enter | dejan_19:43
ubottudejan_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:43
Dr_Willisubuntu42321:  sda3 is holding 5 i imagine.. if its a extended partition. you resize 3 first.. then 519:43
MadhuI mean suppose power fail in that case can u tell my system or data is absulately safe and fine or not? in other way is it possible my system will not start?19:43
MadhuDrWills I mean suppose power fail in that case can u tell my system or data is absulately safe and fine or not? in other way is it possible my system will not start?19:43
Dr_WillisMadhu:   theres never anything absoulte  in life....19:44
Starminndejan_: I am a website developer myself and Firefox renders the same or better than any other browser (and I've tried Chrome, Chromium, Firefox, Firefox beta, Opera, Safari, and Konqueror).19:44
koolzmateDr_willis:tell me difference between virtual terminal and terminal on #ubuntu19:44
Starminndejan_: Oh, and I forgot IE of course but that's obvious.19:44
ubuntu42321what is sda5/ext4 anyway?19:44
Dr_Williskoolzmate:  never heard the term 'virtual terminal' befor.. unless youi mean the consoles...19:44
ubuntu42321oh, and do I need to put a 'boot' flag on SDA3?19:44
Dr_Willisubuntu42321:  untill you learn how patitions and filesystems work.. i wouldent be messing with the stuff...19:44
MadhuDrWills Can i see ur hdd screenshot please?19:44
dejan_Starminn please check this19:44
MadhuDrWills Can i see ur hdd screenshot please?19:45
ubuntu42321uh plz dont tell me that19:45
ubuntu42321i need to do this19:45
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ubuntu42321and if you arent going to help you shouldnt be speaking19:45
dejan_Starminn http://jsfiddle.net/vDYCK/19:45
Dr_Willisubuntu42321:  bootable flag is not used by linux ..19:45
koolzmatedr_willis:virtual terminal..i mean by alt+f1/f2/f319:45
StarminnMadhu: Stop it. You're spamming now.19:45
WiesshundAnyone know an easy way to add a custom launcher to unity?19:45
Dr_Williskoolzmate:  those are the consoles...19:45
Starminn!natty | Wiesshund19:45
ubottuWiesshund: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.19:45
dejan_Starminn what is wrong there why on ubuntu firefox there is margin top o whole content, please see it in your firefox = thanks in advance19:45
DaGeek247ext is a flesystem, does what ntfs and fat did19:45
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Dr_Willisubuntu42321:  you need to learn basics.. or you CAN accidntly trash everything...19:45
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Starminndejan_: Would you like a screenshot?19:45
Dr_Willisubuntu42321:  a read of the disk partions wiki page would clarify a lot  of things.19:46
yeatskoolzmate: Dr_Willis: for clarity: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_console19:46
WiesshundStarmin why do you keep sending me info on ubuntu 11.04? that has nothing to do with what i asked19:46
yellabswhat could i use to show popup messages every 1 minute on an ubuntu desktop ?19:46
dejan_Starminn jsut check it you will see margi at the top on whole content19:46
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biopyteDasEi, no way i want to be pushy... but are you stil working on it? otherwise i gonna shut off in ten minutes.19:46
dejan_Starminn one guy tried it also :(( with ubuntu firefox19:46
Dr_Willisits my bed time. so good luck.. night all.19:46
dejan_Starminn but everywhere else is fine look on jsfiddle to why is that please I am stuck with this I will apriciate alot19:46
timmahkinsokay, idk if this is just the way ubuntu is, but when i move windows and the window becomes all "wiggly" lol, the edges of the windows are really choppy. i know my graphics card should be able to render the windows better than this, is this a setting i can change?19:47
Starminndejan_: http://awakeanddrink.org/images/Screenshot.png19:47
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dejan_Starmin no no19:47
timmahkinsthe resolution is fixed now though lol19:47
dejan_Starminn please open it in your firefox19:47
timmahkinsafter restart19:47
DasEibiopyte: yes, amongst other things, no problem, and don't take it too serious, if so , oc can do a video of your desktop, but that's not the question19:47
DaGeek247timmahkins cool19:48
dejan_Starminn save the 2 files in same folder and open the html file19:48
dejan_Starminn or open them on localhost19:48
Starminndejan_: I did. Are you not looking at that picture? I took a screenshot for you and that's exactly what it looks like,  buddy.19:48
Starminn!enter | dejan_19:48
ubottudejan_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:48
dejan_Starminn you will see margin at the top, on jsfiddle everything is fine, if you can help me with this I will apriciate alot as I am stuck with this hours19:48
biopyteDasEi, alright, thanks19:48
dejan_Starminn that is screenshot from jsfiddle19:48
Starminndejan_: Oh, I see what you mean/.19:49
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dejan_Starminn sry for your time, but if you can help me  I will be gla because I just instaleld ubuntu and struck with this ugly bug, becasue I am web developer :(19:49
claybuggguys, i have an issue. every time i try to use my webcam, my wireless internet shuts off. only a restart fixes it. anyone heard of this?19:49
Doonzright now i have one putty client running and it is connect through ssh to my home server. i have a tunnel created through that on port **. how can i open up another putty client and have it connect through that existing tunnel19:50
drcdejan_: Does it still happen if you diable the Ubuntu Firefox Modifications (default addon)?19:51
drc*disable, that is19:51
dejan_drc sec to try19:51
claybuggi guess that's a no?19:51
Starminndejan_: This is what it looks like: http://awakeanddrink.org/images/Screenshot.png19:52
the_drowwubi is acting strangly19:52
AcePreshawhow can i help here19:52
dejan_drc yes19:52
chikokishiHello, im trying to get Google earth to work and i need to move libcrypto.so.0.9.8 to my google earth folder, but terminal keeps telling me the file doesnt exhist19:53
DaGeek247AcePreshaw for a question that you know the answer to19:53
AcePreshaw!chat the_drow19:53
=== chikokishi is now known as Chikokishi
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount19:53
dejan_Starminn see what I mean19:53
dejan_why is this happeing on the firefox on ubuntu :((19:54
timmahkinsokay another question for y'all... ubuntu is still not detecting my 500gb hard drive that windows is installed on, and i have movies and such that i would prefer to not have to move over to the other drive, any suggestions?19:54
dejan_now I will check on chrome19:54
the_drowI'm trying to install 10.04.1 and it's giving me this error "Could not retrieve the required installation files" I'm seeing a debug message "wrong version: 10.04.2 != 10.04.1"19:54
Starminndejan_: And you want it to be perfectly aligned with the top? No space?19:54
the_drowI am installing ubuntu for desktop19:54
DaGeek247timmahkins its mounted?19:54
dejan_Starminn yes like it should see my code..19:54
the_drowAcePreshaw: got an idea?19:54
timmahkinsi'm not sure lol19:54
timmahkinshow do u see if it is mounted?19:55
DaGeek247mount it timmahkins19:55
dejan_its same on chrome19:55
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dejan_so I guess its ubuntuy issue :(19:55
dejan_so bad omg19:55
dejan_why is this happening19:55
DaGeek247check the /mount folder19:55
timmahkinslol how do u mount the drive?19:55
Starminndejan_: Stop using Enter for punctuation.19:55
AcePreshawit can be your CD the_drow19:55
AcePreshawor the pc19:55
ubuntu42321I have two drives and I'm resizing Ubuntu to run on SDA. I have win7 on SDB so I need to let grub2 know this after the partition is done resizing.19:55
the_drowAcePreshaw: this is wubi. what cd?19:55
DaGeek247type in 'mount' to see whats connectd and if its mounted19:55
AcePreshawdo you have an cd19:56
the_drowAcePreshaw: no. Aren't you listening? this is a wubi installer19:56
DaGeek247in the command prompt19:56
AcePreshawoo sry19:56
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe19:56
dejan_I really can't uderstand why ubuntu make this to have margin top see my code pls there is not ay logic19:56
ubuntu42321this channel is going downhill :P19:56
yeatsthe_drow: would you consider installing directly (dual boot without Wubi)?19:57
AcePreshawubuntu42321 lol19:57
timmahkinshow do u mount the drive lol19:57
the_drowyeats: I prefer not to... but yes if I have to19:57
ubuntu42321AcePreshaw, I'm going to ask you for help once my drive is done resizing itself :P19:57
the_drowyeats: problem is that I don't have a CDR right now19:58
AcePreshawthe_drow get an cd i have not used an Wiubi19:58
yeatsthe_drow: this channel is not a great source of wubi support from what I've seen - most of us in here aren't using it19:58
AcePreshawor get 10.1019:58
WiesshundAnyone here use ubuntu netbook editition, and know how to add your own apps to the launcher bar?19:58
yeatsthe_drow: you could try the ubuntu forums, though19:58
DaGeek247!mount > timmahkins19:58
ubottutimmahkins, please see my private message19:58
jiltdili made a partition but m unable to use it m unable to store data in it or paste anything in that partiton.plz help me as m new and i don't know how to mount19:59
StarminnWiesshund: I have told you 3 times already, 11.04 support is ONLY and ONLY in #ubuntu+119:59
AcePreshawubuntu42321 ik19:59
hihihi100im trying to compile OGMRIP from source, after cdìng to the correct directory, I cannot execute ./configure, it says No such file or directory, but I can see the configure.in file, help please19:59
Martin2How do i install ATI driver on Ubuntu 10.10 ?19:59
dejan_Starminn how to align page to not have any white space line pls ?19:59
ubuntu42321sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras19:59
[segfault]the_drow: could you use a USB stick and boot from that instead?19:59
ubuntu42321sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras19:59
WiesshundStarminn I have told you 4 times 11.04 is irrelevant, please learn to read and comprehend before speaking. I am using 10.10 thank you very much19:59
yeatshihihi100: is there an 'autogen.sh' script in the directory?20:00
the_drow[segfault]: hold on, lemme look if I have one20:00
jiltdilany help to me20:00
AcePreshawwiesshund some of us r on 10.0420:00
WiesshundStarminn now can you comprehend that?20:00
AcePreshawlike me20:00
hihihi100yeats, yes there is20:00
ubuntu42321I'm on 10.10 :P20:00
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions20:00
erUSULjiltdil: what filesystem did you used for that partition ?20:00
yeatstry running it: './autogen.sh'20:00
yeatshihihi100: ^^20:01
AcePreshawim on an old pc20:01
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WiesshundAcePreshaw you using the netbook version?20:01
the_drow[segfault]: right I even don't have that :/20:01
hihihi100yeats, executing the autogen.sh with the terminal opens it for like 50 miliseconds and then closes20:01
AcePreshawdesktop on an laptop Wiesshund20:01
erUSULjiltdil: i am asking if you used ext4 or ntfs or other ...20:01
AfflictoI'm using VLC to stream my screen. Just wondering if it's possible to add some scripts to film only a portion of the screen. E.g 640x480 and also make it follow the mouse. thanks.20:02
AcePreshawim used to it on 9.1020:02
WiesshundAcePreshaw i cant for the life of my figure out how to add custom shortcuts to that little launcher bar20:02
jiltdilerUSUL:oh sorry ext4 it if file type till i know20:02
hihihi100ok, ./autogen.sh20:02
DaGeek247hihihi100 add a line with 'sleep 10' at the end to pause five seconds before it closes20:02
AcePreshawi have olny got my laptop back20:02
erUSULjiltdil: you have to add an entry for it in fstab so it mounts automatically each boot20:02
Guest83878video resolution on dell d6000 radeon 9000 ... anybody up for that?20:02
the_drowwhat's the difference between 10.4.1 and 10.10?20:02
Guest83878very bad keyboard here, btw20:03
jiltdilerUSUL:plz tell me how to do20:03
dejan_omg i solved it !20:03
DaGeek247the_drow six months of proggramming, or one release20:03
Starminndejan_: Congrats! What did it?20:03
hihihi100a, i was missing a file, intltool20:03
dejan_i have put this20:03
the_drowDaGeek247: so 10.10 should be more stable/better?20:03
drcWiesshund: I know one can install unity on 10.10 (I've even done it myself, before trashing it), but I think you'd probably get more/quicker support for unity on #ubuntu+1 (I suspect the "how too..." is the same on 10.10 and 11/04)20:03
dejan_* {    margin: 0;    paddign: 0;}20:03
yeatshihihi100: autogen.sh should have created the configure script20:03
AcePreshawsory guys im geting back to ubuntu20:04
dejan_at top in css file..20:04
erUSULjiltdil: first find out its uuid run « sudo blkid » in a terminal20:04
dejan_why is this i cant understand20:04
yeatshihihi100: (if all is working as it should)20:04
dejan_i googled..20:04
Starminndejan_: Nor can I. Strange. Ah well, at least it worked, eh?20:04
hihihi100yeats, it seems there are some missing files I have to get from synaptic20:04
erUSULjiltdil: you have it ?20:04
hihihi100yeats, like gtk-doc20:04
jiltdilerUSUL:yes i did now?20:04
dejan_Starminn yes thanks god.. but this is strange really..20:04
DaGeek247the_drow its like comparing vista to xp, different. my personal xperiance, 10.04 is mor stable.20:04
yeatshihihi100: that's often the case when compiling from source20:04
yeats!compile | hihihi10020:04
ubottuhihihi100: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)20:04
Starminndejan_: That's not an Ubuntu issues, though. My site has nothing of the sort and performs the same in Windows and Ubuntu. (In fact I'm looking at it in both as we speak)20:05
the_drowDaGeek247: where can I find the changelog?20:05
DasEithe_drow: basics same, newer kernel and packackes, further move from modules to kernelintegration20:05
hihihi100pre built = deb?20:05
Starminndejan_: But it works for now and that's all that matters. Congrats.20:05
ubottuchangelogs for Ubuntu packages can be found on http://changelogs.ubuntu.com20:05
dejan_Starminn look my code is ok .. :S20:05
DaGeek247the_drow im not sure. :P20:05
ikoniahihihi100: why are you trying to compile that ?20:05
yeatshihihi100: yes - preferably via APT20:05
dejan_Starminn pls link to your website to see20:05
dejan_Starminn i really do't understand you saw my code it should not have black white line space at the top..20:06
erUSULjiltdil: where do you want it to mount ? /media/data ? some other dir?20:06
dejan_maybe its happening only with specific layouts, pls link me to your website to see your layout how you made it without that extra line space at the top..20:06
jiltdilerUSUL:/dev/sda5: /media/Data20:06
Starminndejan_: I found your problem.20:06
AcePreshawis there some porgam tats like fotoshop20:06
Starminndejan_: We're dislexic. :)20:06
dejan_Starmin what is the problem?20:07
erUSULjiltdil: create the dir « sudo mkdir /media/Data »20:07
yeats!gimp | AcePreshaw20:07
ubottuAcePreshaw: gimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.20:07
DaGeek247AcePreshaw: gimp20:07
todd_dsmhas anyone used kickstart to auto-build ubuntu systems?  I'd like to set this up so I can push your distro to my clients. The isolinux.cfg and kickstart.ks are not playing ball or following the documentation.20:07
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate20:07
ikoniatodd_dsm: what's the issue with it ?20:07
AcePreshawim geting bored wif gimp20:07
ikoniaAcePreshaw: please talk properly20:07
dejan_Starmin what is the problem? what is dislexic? :S20:08
Starminndejan_: Try that. http://pastebin.com/Dq1JTvC620:08
koolzmatedr_willis:o..got console20:08
Starminndejan_: Look at your #meni IDs in your CSS file. You typed "xp" instead of "px"20:08
erUSULjiltdil: do ( putting ther correct uuid ) « echo "UUID=the_correct_uuid_you_got /media/Data ext4 defaults 0 2" |  sudo tee -a /etc/fstab »20:09
Nahabist hier das german chat?20:09
AcePreshawi wnat some app like gimp20:09
ikonia!de | Nahab20:09
ubottuNahab: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.20:09
jiltdilerUSUL:i didn't understood20:10
ChikokishiHello, im trying to get Google earth to work and i do not have a libcrypto.so.0.9.8 file in my google folder. How can i get it?20:10
todd_dsmikonia: 1 of two out comes: a) a message displayed: could not find kernel image (casper), or b) the count down (from isolinux.cfg - timeout 30) keeps repeating the count down.20:10
koolzmatenot able to tweet from terminal20:10
todd_dsmdepends on the iteration of tested bits.20:10
koolzmatenot able to tweet from terminal20:10
yeats!repeat | koolzmate20:10
ubottukoolzmate: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:10
Starminndejan_: By the way, you don't need your "html {...}" property in your CSS. It doesn't really do anything for you that "body {...}" isn't doing.. But anyway, that's what did it. I changed "xp" to "px" in your #meni IDs and that fixed it.20:10
dejan_omg omg20:10
dejan_omg omg20:10
guntbertStarminn: may I pm you?20:10
FloodBot2dejan_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:10
ikoniatodd_dsm: ok, the second one is normally due to the isolinux.cfg pointing to an option that can't be lauched, the could not find kernel image, is quite obvious in it's error, do you want to paste your isolinux.conf20:11
ikoniadejan_: please don't do that20:11
Starminnguntbert: Yes, absolutely.20:11
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.20:11
dejan_Starminn thanks, :| that was my problem ikonia sorry for flooding :S20:11
erUSULjiltdil: you got an uuid for sda5 when you run « sudo blkid » earlier20:11
todd_dsmikonia: is pastbin ok?20:11
Starminndejan_: See? It's not an Ubuntu issue. It's just a silly mistake. Glad we got that straightened out. :)20:11
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ikoniatodd_dsm: yes please20:11
erUSULjiltdil: use it in the command line i gave you20:11
timmahkinshow do i figure out what the "name" is of my hard drive that i am trying to mount (dev, sda etc) it is a sata 500GB hdd20:11
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dejan_Starminn it made whole content to have margin and i was stuck for hours :S you know the pain .. :S20:11
jiltdilerUSUL: it gives for /dev/sda5: LABEL="Data" UUID="0b8c94cb-6b87-4887-9350-38b448fd7e17" TYPE="ext4"20:11
dejan_Starminn thaks alot for your time and sry20:12
DaGeek247timmahkins: the 'mount' command.20:12
dejan_ubuntu is best keep os I ever had20:12
abbEFI Question: Installing Ubuntu on a Dell Latitude E6510 (Core i5) and at the boot menu, I am given the option to use "legacy boot" (BIOS) or "EFI."  I don't know much about EFI (other than what wikipedia says) -- could someone advise which (BIOS/EFI) I should use?20:12
erUSULjiltdil: with the uid of one of my artitions it would look like this  « echo "UUID=00081e67-c91b-4e6f-b166-8f06cf4b0f7e /media/Data ext4 defaults 0 2" |  sudo tee -a /etc/fstab »20:12
Starminndejan_: I do understand your pain, and not a problem. Happy coding!20:12
koolzmatefor andriod development on ubuntu,eclipse or netbeans?20:12
ikoniaabb: you won't be able to boot grub from efi20:12
erUSULjiltdil: just use the one you actually have20:12
dejan_thanks Starminn20:12
ikoniakoolzmate: your choice20:12
todd_dsmikonia: http://pastebin.com/PDbYP9fq20:12
abbikonia, not even with grub2-efi ?  (saw that package in aptitude)20:12
timmahkinsno i am reading about how to mount from the pm u sent but i am trying to figure out what the device's location? is i suppose20:13
erUSULjiltdil: with the uuid you just pasted is -->  « echo "UUID=0b8c94cb-6b87-4887-9350-38b448fd7e17 /media/Data ext4 defaults 0 2" |  sudo tee -a /etc/fstab »20:13
ikoniaabb: ah, I don't know about that in honesty, I've never used it20:13
ikoniaabb: do you have a reason to want to use efi20:13
koolzmateikonia:i prefer netbeans but my employer wants project on eclipse20:13
DaGeek247timmakns, where its files are?20:13
ikoniakoolzmate: then why are you asking ?20:13
ChikokishiMy computer says "You are not the owner so you can not change these settings" ... How do i tell it im the owner?20:13
sha1sumSo I know how to list off usb devices with lsusb, but I just attached an eSATA drive and don't know how to list it off so I can get the /dev name and mount it.20:14
ikoniatodd_dsm: which option is failing ?20:14
jiltdilerUSUL:after pasting it is shows UUID=00081e67-c91b-4e6f-b166-8f06cf4b0f7e /media/Data ext4 defaults 0 220:14
jiltdil   on terminal20:14
koolzmateikonia:to get an opinion for which one is better20:14
erUSULsha1sum: maybe --> ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/20:14
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erUSULjiltdil: then its done20:14
abbikonia, Yes, a very general reason (maybe not such a great one, but...)  -- EFI is clearly the "future" standard, and historically, whenever I pick the "old, compatible, but soon-to-be-obsolete" option at installtime, I end up having to reinstall in a year or so (due to changing standards).20:14
ikoniakoolzmate: its personal choice, but as you like one and your employer wants you to use a different one it doesn't matter really20:14
erUSULjiltdil: do « sudo mount /media/Data »20:14
ikoniaabb: efi will not be standard in a year20:15
erUSULsha1sum: dmesg | tail -n 2020:15
AcePreshaw!nick _________________20:15
jiltdilerUSUL:it says mount: special device UUID=00081e67-c91b-4e6f-b166-8f06cf4b0f7e does not exist20:15
mateuszsiema siema20:15
mateuszjest ktos z Polski ?20:15
yeats!pl | mateusz20:16
ubottumateusz: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.20:16
abbikonia, but I thought my Wayland-based flying car would require it to run Gnome-Unity-Shell-90000.  :)20:16
erUSULjiltdil: you used the wrong command ...20:16
DaGeek247AcePreshaw use 'command > usernick'20:16
timmahkinsthis is what it says for sudo mount:   timothy@TheBeAsTx58:~$ sudo mount [sudo] password for timothy:  /dev/sda5 on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro,commit=0) proc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev) none on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev) fusectl on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw) none on /sys/kernel/debug type debugfs (rw) none on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw) none on /dev type devtmpfs (r20:16
erUSULjiltdil: you used the one with *my* uuid20:16
AcePreshaw!nick > ________________20:16
ubottu________________, please see my private message20:16
________________AcePreshaw: i just changed it to identify20:16
todd_dsmikonia: I'm not really sure; this doesn't fit the same exact profile as my centos kickstarts. But, it appears that the first line: default vesamenu.c32 points to --> menu default20:16
ikoniaabb: you've done that, give it a rest20:16
erUSULjiltdil: do « gksudo gedit /etc/fstab » and remove the last line. paste the correct one20:16
todd_dsmor at least that's all I can make out of it.20:17
________________Insert line here20:17
mateuszWho can instal broadband on ubuntu 10.10 ?20:17
abbikonia, I'm sorry?20:17
DaGeek247timmahkins if the drive is in, and ubuntu recognizes it, you can mount/open it from the places menu on the desktop20:17
ikoniatodd_dsm: sorry, I mean which menu option is failing20:17
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ikoniaabb: sorry, that was for AcePreshaw20:17
q0_0pcan i use gcc to compile c++20:17
timmahkinsit is not in places20:17
ikoniaq0_0p: yes20:17
erUSULq0_0p: no; use g++20:17
tsimpsonq0_0p: use g++, separate package20:17
abbikonia, oh. okay.  (It's so easy to step on people's IRC-toes, i didn't want to offend anyone! lol)20:17
q0_0pi see20:18
q0_0pare most programs in linux written in C?20:18
ikoniaabb: not at all, my mistake20:18
erUSULq0_0p: yes20:18
jiltdilerusul:should i to paste this as this is shown my uuid for sd5 UUID="0b8c94cb-6b87-4887-9350-38b448fd7e17" TYPE="ext4"20:18
q0_0pwhy not c++?20:18
Martin2how do i install a ATI driver on ubuntu 10.10 ??20:18
ikonia!ati | Martin220:18
ubottuMartin2: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:18
DaGeek247timmahkins then its prolly not a) plugged in right b) recognized by ubuntu20:18
q0_0pso i should learn C20:18
abbMartin2, what kind of card do you have? (that you want to install said driver for?)20:18
kmanEvening! Im getting the error "Target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init. No init found. Try passing init= bootarg " and cant boot to live usb with either ubuntu or slax. Ideas anyone??20:18
ikoniaq0_0p: it's up to you, this channel is only for ubuntu support20:18
Martin2ATI radeon 9800XT20:19
tsimpsonq0_0p: only because C++ depends on C, so for the core things it's more efficient for C. but there are low-level things written in C, like kernel modules for example20:19
erUSULjiltdil: you have to paste this one (with no quotes) ---> "UUID=0b8c94cb-6b87-4887-9350-38b448fd7e17 /media/Data ext4 defaults 0 2"20:19
todd_dsmikonia: that's where I'm falling down. I've read the docs at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PXEInstallServer but I still don't quite understand all of the relationships.20:19
ikoniatodd_dsm: when you boot you should get the isolinux menu, yes/no ?20:19
Martin2i have at tried to install fglrx, but its doesnt work i get a seg fault20:19
memeehello any one use Ella here ?20:19
q0_0ptsimpson, thanx for the enlightenment20:19
jiltdilerUSUL: i pasted it20:20
abbMartin2, generally, you can just install Ubuntu (use the standard default video driver to get through the process) and then use the Administration-->Install_New_Drivers (or something like that) option to search for proprietary stuff.20:20
erUSULjiltdil: save and exit20:20
todd_dsmikonia: at this point no. only the splash background with the count down.20:20
DaGeek247!anyone > memee20:20
ubottumemee, please see my private message20:20
abbMartin2, on my system it is "System, Administration, Hardware Drivers" from the top menu.20:20
ikoniatodd_dsm: remove the splash option, see if you get the menu20:20
jiltdilerUSUL:why we used  0 and 2 in last20:20
memeei have a problem , no painting icon on the toolbar of Ella and i can't enable it from the options20:20
ikoniatodd_dsm: remove the "menu hidden" option too20:20
timmahkinsthe drive is not in places, any reason why this would be?20:20
erUSULjiltdil: is default20:20
jiltdilerUSUL: i saved and exit20:20
todd_dsmikonia: roger that20:20
erUSULjiltdil: do « sudo mount /media/Data »20:21
tsimpsonq0_0p: I mean to say that there are also low-level kernel modules written in C++ too, but they obviously can't use some standard C++ things because they can't depend on the standard C++ library20:21
abbMartin2, Alternatively, you could just search for/install the xserver-ati-driver (whatever it's called) package from aptitude/apt-get/synaptec.20:21
jiltdilerUSUL: so when i will make any partiton i should do it always defaults 0 220:21
[4-tea-2]Howdy. Can I use os-prober to add a windows partition back to grub after reinstallation?20:21
erUSULjiltdil: yes20:21
jiltdilerusul: i did20:21
PhaseCan anyone tell me why sometimes it creates the file as "sandbox_06032011--" instead of what it should be doing? This seems to happen randomly. Lines 16 and 35 (bash script) http://pastebin.com/C1KgRrPC20:22
ikoniaPhase: what is "it" ?20:22
Phaseikonia: It's in the paste20:22
jiltdilerUSUL: now what to do,when i m clicking on  Data it is not opening20:22
Phaseline 16 and 3520:22
erUSULtsimpson: whut? there are no kernel module done in c++ that i know of. is explicitely vetoed in the kernel ...20:22
timmahkinshow do u mount a hdd if ubuntu does not recognize it?20:22
WiesshundIf anyone uses (or used) ubuntu netbook edition 10.x, and knows how to add custom shortcuts to the unity launcher, shoot me a /msg20:23
erUSULjiltdil: « grep Data /proc/mounts »20:23
yeats!pm | Wiesshund20:23
ubottuWiesshund: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.20:23
q0_0ptimmahkins, fdisk -l ---> man mount20:23
todd_dsmikonia: now I get, what looks like a terminal that says:    boot:   - it refreshes every 3 seconds20:23
tsimpsonerUSUL: not in the mainline kernel, but some 3rd party modules are20:23
kmanEvening! Im getting the error "Target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init. No init found. Try passing init= bootarg " and cant boot to live usb with either ubuntu or slax. Ideas anyone??20:23
jiltdilerUSUL:it shows /dev/sda5 /media/Data ext4 rw,relatime,barrier=1,data=ordered 0 020:23
ikoniatodd_dsm: ok, you're going to need to strip this config back to it's base20:24
erUSULtsimpson: if Mr. Torvalds fnds out he will go and take the module authors eyeballs with a teaspoon ;P20:24
hihihi100everytime I try to download something from GETDEB it asks for my CD-ROM, which is inserted, but all I get is Please insert the disk labeled:20:24
hihihi100Ubuntu 10.10 _Maverick Meerkat_ - Release i386 (20101007)20:24
hihihi100in drive /cdrom/20:24
koolzmateproblems with wubi?20:24
erUSULjiltdil: then it is mounted and it is there for you to do whatever you want with it20:24
ikoniahihihi100: remove it from source sources menu20:24
Wiesshundyeats i been asking the question, just trying to avoid spamming the channel with the same question over and over :) Question is, How do you add custom app entires to the unity launch bar20:24
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timmahkinscan't find fdisk in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab20:25
memeethen nobody here use Ella ? or is it a better open  equivalent to flash editor ?20:25
ikoniatimmahkins: fdisk is a command20:25
StarminnWiesshund: From what I've read, you run it then while it's running you bring up a menu for it and say to keep it in the menu20:25
StarminnWiesshund: So let's say you want GIMP. You open GIMP, right-click the icon in the launcher, then select "Keep in Launcher."20:26
OsakaFoohey, is it possible to install KDE and GNOME but make them only show there aps when running that enviroment?20:26
WiesshundStarminn yea, that works for apps in its lil app menu thing, but it doesnt give you the option for any custom made entries :(20:26
hihihi100ikonia, noob question, whre is the sourcesmmenu? synpatic?20:26
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[4-tea-2]to answer my question: "dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc grub-common" did it.20:27
ikoniahihihi100: system->administration->software sources I think20:27
WiesshundStarminn for example, if i run /usr/lib/openoffice/programs/soffice20:27
erUSULhihihi100: aplications>ubuntu software center||Edit>software sources20:27
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StarminnWiesshund: Yeah, I know what you mean.20:27
jiltdilerUSUL: it is mouonted but when m going to paste anything in it it shows error while copying20:27
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erUSULjiltdil: you probably do not have permission. quick and dirty to give permissions to anyone « sudo chmod 777 /media/Data »20:28
erUSUL!permissions | jiltdil20:28
ubottujiltdil: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions20:29
dejan_Starminn the problem is there, I never solved it, when I put margins on the menu lists the whole content goes down 1 space line this happens only on ubuntu on jsfiddle eveyrthing is fine :(20:29
zacktusuppose i have a laptop w/ nvidia optimus and i use the bios to select integrated graphics - do i then get battery life as if nvidia were not there?20:29
kmanGuys, im getting the error "Target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init. No init found. Try passing init= bootarg " and cant boot to live usb with either ubuntu or slax. Ideas anyone?? I cant understand why im not getting anywhere with the usb boot.20:29
ikoniakman: it's pointing at the wrong file system with no /sbin/init on it so can't boot20:29
dejan_Starminn no its seems on jsfiddle is same sry :(20:29
Six3can anyone help me set up an ethernet bridge? I tried using the instruction posted here: http://bit.ly/eUGSlR  but when i try brctl addif myBridge eth1, it says: can't add eth1 to bridge myBridge: Operation not supported20:29
StarminnWiesshund: Yeah, I know what you mean. You want something like this: http://awakeanddrink.org/images/launchermenu.png (which is in the desktop edition of 10.10). We'll see.... (Feel free to use that screenshot to describe your problem to others.)20:30
ikoniakman: or it can't see the disk at all, which is why it can't see /sbin/init20:30
todd_dsmikonia: I've got it down to 2 lines:   http://pastebin.com/AwZ4nEmw20:30
ikoniatodd_dsm: that's not going to work, as that's not telling it "what to boot"20:30
todd_dsmikonia: the result is a repeating message: could not find kernel image: ks=ftp://base/mint/10/mint.cfg20:30
kmanikonia, Ok. How can i resolve that without being able to boot into slax or ubuntu from my usb stick?20:30
ikoniatodd_dsm: you need to get it down to a bootinging environment, that has an option passed to it at boot time for a kickstart file20:30
Six3i've got two computers running ubuntu, one with working wifi, one w/o. trying to let the computer without use the internet connection of the one that is working20:30
erUSULkman: or the filesystem is corrupted an /bin/init is gone ( but other data can be good )20:30
ikoniatodd_dsm: you get the error, as a kickstart file is not a kernel20:31
hihihi100more noob questions, is the highlighted line the oine I have to delete?20:31
WiesshundStarminn yea, exactly. I can add apps to the normal ubuntu app menu like that, but seems unity ignores the entries i guess20:31
kmanerUSUL, yeah thats a possibility too.20:31
hoomanHello everyone20:31
yeatsSix3: you can do that with Netork Manager20:31
ikoniatodd_dsm: you need to boot a kernel, then pass the "use a kickstar fille" option to it20:31
erUSULkman: you can try init=/bin/bash or /bin/sh ?20:31
jiltdilerUSUL: i want that nobody would delete my data under Data so what should i do for it20:32
kmanerUSUL, how? "try" ? Im kind of new at this ^^20:32
erUSULjiltdil: then i would recommend « sudo chmod 755 -R /media/Data && sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /media/Data »20:32
apparle_anyone here who is experienced with phoronix test suite and could tell me how to use it20:33
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EdoctoorOh Ubuntu Gods please help me20:33
jiltdilerUSUL: means i have to change the user and group permisson20:33
hooman're Good girls20:33
erUSULkman: when in grub menu hit "e" to edit the kernel entry. remove splash and quiet and add in its place init=/bin/bash in the kernel line. crtl + X to boot the modified entry20:33
axillais there a good snipit like took for Ubuntu?20:33
erUSULjiltdil: yes20:34
StarminnWiesshund: This isn't really a "fix" but it is a "workaround." http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1597553&page=2 They're using the typical Unity interface, however they're using a dock (AWN -- Avant Window Manager) to add custom launchers. Firstly, AWN is a nice dock and it's what I use when I use a dock, HOWEVER, it's nto really I fix, I know.20:34
Six3yeats: can you point me to some direction? I've looked at network manager but it's not self-explanatory20:34
erUSULjiltdil: basically that leaves /media/data with the same permissions/owner as your home folder20:34
kmanerUSUL, i'll give it a try. Thanks!20:34
EdoctoorOh Ubuntu Gods please help me20:34
yeatsSix3: right click on the icon for it, then click Edit Connections...20:34
guntberthooman:  Do you have an ubuntu support question?20:34
ikoniaEdoctoor: ask a question then20:34
jiltdilerUSUL: means m going to be the ower of that Data20:35
tokamdoes ubuntu have problems with feeing memory space?20:35
EdoctoorOk, I have managed to get into Ubuntu from the hard drive... but it wasn't easy... I had to use RECOVER and SHIFT to get to the ROOTNET prompt and then I typed STARTX20:35
erUSULjiltdil: yes20:35
WiesshundStarminn well least im not the only confused person, on trying to just add an app lol20:35
erUSULtokam: what memory? ram?20:35
erUSUL!ram > tokam20:35
yeatsSix3: click the IPv4 tab and select Shared with other computers from the dropdown20:35
ubottutokam, please see my private message20:35
Edoctoorbut any other way it crashes20:35
Screwhi all!20:35
StarminnWiesshund: How about this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/13758/how-can-i-edit-create-new-launcher-items-in-unity (from the folks in #ubuntu+1). They said it's a little complicated and they're not sure if it still works, but it's worth a shot20:35
jayd3ehow do I decompress a archive that ends in DPO.bz2?20:35
ikoniaEdoctoor: has it ever worked ?20:35
yeatsSix3: when you plug in the ethernet cable from the non-working-wireless machine, it should just pick up the connnection20:35
StarminnWiesshund: I do agree, though. It shouldn't be that hard.20:36
erUSULjayd3e: bunzip2 DPO.bz2 ?20:36
ikoniajayd3e: bunzip2 DPO.bz220:36
Wiesshundworth a shot Starminn20:36
drcWiesshund: That was one reason I dumped Unity on 10.10.  Sorry +1 didn't have an answer, but at least you got a quick "I don't know" :)20:36
jiltdilshould i to use sudo chmod 755 -R /media/Data or without -R20:36
hoomanWhat Ubuntu means20:36
ikoniahooman: is the name of a linux distribution20:36
erUSULjiltdil: it is empty; isn't it? you do not need -R20:36
Starminnhooman: "For humanity," loosely.20:37
yeats!ubuntu | hooman20:37
ubottuhooman: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com20:37
EdoctoorYes... with grub1... but I just upgrated to 10 and am now using grub2... so yes it was working .. but I deleted Ubuntu 8.04 and reinstalled ubuntu 10 fresh...20:37
Six3yeats: amazing! thank you! that's easier than in windows20:37
gabe_what's up guys? does anyone know how I can convert wmv videos to avi?20:37
ikoniaEdoctoor: has it ever worked with buntu 10.1020:37
jiltdilerUSUL:yes it is empty20:37
yeatsSix3: great!  yes - very simple (once you know ;-) )20:37
gabe_I'm using mencoder : mencoder ccie.wmv -ofps 23.956 -ovc lavc -oac copy -o ccie.avi20:37
gabe_but this did not work20:37
kmanerUSUL, how do i get to grub menu? the window that i get to when trying to boot doesnt let me enter any text20:37
hihihi100Im sorry but I still need help, deleting that GETDEB APT line didnt do anything, as it still asks me to insert the cd that is in20:37
ikoniaEdoctoor: what error do you get when yhou boot normally20:38
erUSULkman: you have to hit "e" to enter edit mode20:38
hoomanWhat Linux means20:38
ikoniahihihi100: use the tool I told you and deselect CD Rom from the software sources20:38
yeatshihihi100: can you paste your /etc/apt/sources.list at http://goo.gl/ixcN9 and share the link?20:38
EdoctoorWell YES.. it is working now.. but I had to go to rootnet and then type in startx ...20:38
ikoniahooman: it's an operating system20:38
yeats!linux | hooman20:38
ubottuhooman: Linux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as a kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux20:38
erUSULhooman: no meaning20:38
ikoniaEdoctoor: that's not what I asked, what happens when you try to boot normally20:38
kmanerUSUL, not working im afraid..20:38
erUSULkman: it is grub1?20:39
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.20:39
Edoctoorit gets to the desktop and locks up... 100% ;;; Even the sound repeats like a broken record...20:39
jayd3eerUSUL & ikonia:  I just used that command and it errored.  Using the ubuntu archive manager, it just outputs a .DPO file, and not a file structure of some sort.  Again, the name of the file is 2010_.....0v2.5.0.0.DPO.bz2.  It is a driver from RALINK20:39
ikoniaEdoctoor: ok, does this happen before or after you login20:39
erUSULkman: i have to run sorry; keep asking in the channel.20:39
hoomanThanks for all :D20:39
kmanerUSUL, thanks for you help anyways!20:40
gabe_could someone look at my output? I'm trying to convert wmv videos to avi :)20:40
kmanGuys, im getting the error "Target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init. No init found. Try passing init= bootarg " and cant boot to live usb with either ubuntu or slax. Ideas anyone?? I cant understand why im not getting anywhere with the usb boot.20:40
dejan_how can I mask mac address ?20:40
Six3i'm hoping updating the other system will help ndiswrapper work better...20:40
EdoctoorI don't know that question because I chose autologin20:40
ikoniagabe_: try #mplayer20:40
Edoctoorso I guess I bypass the login...20:40
gabe_ikonia: that doesn't work :(20:40
ikoniagabe_: what doesn't work, joining that channel ?20:40
guntbertdejan_: for what? are you using the network manager20:41
histogabe_: keep in mind the ffmpeg in ubuntu is crippled20:41
ikoniaEdoctoor: it must have worked at least once for you to select the option to auto login20:41
jayd3egabe_:  that is a channel in irc not a command20:41
jiltdilerUSUL: i understood now why u use -R as it changes the permisson of the contents of directory20:41
histojiltdil: recursive20:41
dejan_guntbert I have ubuntu 10.10 fresh install i have network manager i guess.. it was installed on ubuntu20:41
keplenkhey, is there any other way for me to use DSDT aside from compiling it directly to the kernel? im using 10.10 with the latest kernel20:41
hoomanGirl is here20:41
gabe_ikonia: sorry, I thought you meant to try the software mplayer20:41
jayd3ehow do I decompress an archive named 2010_RT3572.DPO.bz2?20:41
dejan_I need to mask hide address of my wifi20:41
Edoctoorikonia: I have been with this all day... and the option to auto login was a install option20:41
guntbertdejan_: why do you want to change you mac address?20:42
Six3as I understand it, I need to use ndiswrapper, but google says this method can be finiky20:42
ikoniaEdoctoor: ok, so I would suggest a clean install first of all, and deselect the auto login process so we can work this through20:42
hoomanHere is a girl likes to talk to me20:42
gabe_I have these wmv videos that I can't view within Ubuntu unless I use windows on a virtual box so I want to convert them to avi20:42
dejan_gunterb network issue with wireless router to try something20:42
ikoniahooman: this channel is for ubuntu linux support only, please try to keep to that20:42
EdoctoorOk.. I will thanks20:42
Starminngabe_: Have you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras?20:43
gabe_and I saw a post on a forum that suggested to use mencoder as performed here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/576621/20:43
Six3is anyone familiar with getting d-link usb wireless up and running on ubuntu?20:43
gabe_Starminn: yes20:43
Screwgabe> I can play wmv with mplayer20:43
todd_dsmikonia: restored my config from an original, then boiled it down. This is it:   http://pastebin.com/MwhjY3kw20:43
FezzlerXchat worth the $20 registration fee?20:43
EdoctoorThanks for your time ikonia20:43
ubuntu42321Fezzler: No.20:43
Edoctoorbrb 20 minutes20:43
hytreemFezzler, go to USC and install Xchat from there, then it's free :)20:43
jayd3eanyone know how to decompress a file that ends in .DPO.bz220:43
todd_dsmthe result is the black terminal screen that says:   boot: _   now20:43
ScrewFezzler> only under windows. use xchat220:44
dejan_gunterb can you help ? :S20:44
koolzmateany use of console terinal?20:44
yeatsjayd3e: tar xjf <file>20:44
Fezzlerhytreem: link?20:44
gabe_Screw: for some reason, I cannot :( and I thought that made sense since it's windows proprietary... am I right?20:44
hoomanYes I realize my good friend  :'(20:44
hytreemFezzler, Applications -> Ubuntu Software Center20:44
ikoniatodd_dsm: ok, get rid of the splash, the menu hidden and the colour options, what do you get20:44
Fezzlerhytreem: I seem to get 30-day limit20:44
hytreemFezzler, that's impossible, mind posting a screenshot?20:45
hoomanSo God bless all20:45
guntbertdejan_: hmm..    right click on network manager, "edit connections", select your connection, "edit", on the first tab there is mac address....20:45
sk_after pressing ctrl+alt+f1 my screen entered into a kncluster configuration; since then, every startup requires an auto login with that cluster and has also changed all my graphical-outputs(monitor) settings. How do I eliminate the need to login through this cluster or revert back to an earlier version of the installed ubuntu?20:45
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koolzmatehow to connect my nokia modem without wvdial?20:46
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todd_dsmikonia: same result.20:46
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ikoniatodd_dsm: so what is the current error ?20:46
jiltdilerUSUL:lot of thanx20:46
dejan_gunterb i think this is router mac :S20:46
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todd_dsmikonia: terminal screen that says:    "boot:"20:47
dejan_gunterb it says device mac address20:47
koolzmatehow to connect my nokia modem without wvdial?20:47
dejan_gunterb should i put here mac address and it will set my wifi with that mac address?20:47
guntbert!tab | dejan_20:47
ubottudejan_: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.20:47
ikoniatodd_dsm: hit enter does it try to boot20:47
guntbertdejan_: I believe so20:48
ikoniawhat happens20:48
hihihi100yeats, at last I found the info you asked me for: http://paste.ubuntu.com/576625/20:48
todd_dsmit just keeps trying to boot every 3 seconds, back to the same screen, in a looooop :)20:48
todd_dsmF-ing weird20:48
ikoniatodd_dsm: control the language20:48
jayd3eyeats: that didn't work20:49
todd_dsmrrrm, ok20:49
kmanWizards of the operating system, i question thee! Im getting the error "Target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init. No init found. Try passing init= bootarg" and cant boot with either ubuntu or slax from usb stick.20:49
ikoniatodd_dsm: when you say "trying to boot" what do you mean, what do you see20:49
hihihi100can anyone tell me why there is a "d" after my "source.list" folder?20:49
hihihi100its sources.lists.d20:50
tsimpsonhihihi100: because "sources.list" is a file, "sources.list.d" needs to be named differently20:50
ikoniahihihi100: that is a directory for containing modular source.list files20:50
AcePreshawwat is the root password20:51
soreau! root20:51
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo20:51
ikoniaAcePreshaw: there isn't one, you don't need it20:51
AcePreshawyea my pc is asking for one20:51
ikoniaAcePreshaw: I doubt that20:51
ubuntu42321press enter20:52
ikoniaAcePreshaw: what are you doing that's making ubuntu ask for the root password ?20:52
todd_dsmikonia: it's litterally a loop.   the screen is black, like a terminal, all it says is:   'boot: ' like it's looking for input, then, because of the 3sec time out in isolinux.cfg. The scree flashes, then presents the boot: again.    It's in a constant loop.20:52
dejan_guntbert: that isn't working :(20:52
ikoniatodd_dsm: put the menu lines back20:52
kmanWizards of the operating system, i question thee! Im getting the error "Target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init. No init found. Try passing init= bootarg" and cant boot with either ubuntu or slax from usb stick. Could this be a problem with my bios?20:52
guntbert!work | dejan_20:52
ubottudejan_: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.20:52
todd_dsmikonia: roger that20:52
ikoniakman: I've explained the problem to you20:52
pkej1I've having trouble using ssh to log into my Ubuntu 10.10 server. OpenSSH is installed, I can not use ssh from the local terminal to the localhost (using the domain name). Any hints would be helpful :) The different forums I've read seems not to fit my issues20:54
dejan_guntbert: i can';t change that way because my wifi for some reason is making new conection every time i conect to router20:54
dejan_i need to change it before i login20:54
AcePreshawikonia is asking me to cagn the keybord20:54
ikoniapkej1: what is the error20:54
ikoniaAcePreshaw: it's asking for your password, not root password20:54
pkej1Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-with-mic,password).20:54
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pkej1ikonia: Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-with-mic,password).20:55
ikoniapkej1: what command are you using exactly ?20:55
kmanikonia, im greatful for that, but i have no idea how to solve it since i cant boot with my usb stick. What are my alternatives?20:55
guntbertdejan_: I have no idea what you are trying to do - my best advice is to configure the router/access point via wire20:55
pkej1ssh -l pkej aegir.makta.no20:55
ikoniakman: is the install on the usb stick or a local disk20:55
pkej1ikonia: ssh -l pkej aegir.makta.no20:55
geoffmccpkej1: ssh pkej@host20:55
ikoniapkej1: ok, did you setup the server aegir.makta.no ?20:55
dejan_guntbert: i need to mask my mac address before i try to connect to the router20:56
kmanikonia, im trying to boot from an usb stick to try to solve the problem from the "try ubuntu without installing" option.20:56
ikoniakman: please answer the question, is your install on the USB or a local disk20:56
pkej1ikonia: yes, it is up and running. I have a webserver there which is available from the outside20:56
ikoniapkej1: ok, it appears from that error that the server is setup to only accept key based authentication, did you set that up ?20:57
StarminnWiesshund: Any luck?20:57
kmanikonia, i have ubuntu installed on my local disk (hard drive) and want to boot ubuntu from my usb stick.20:57
Johnmrename u987 john_strager_fb20:57
guntbertdejan_: why don't you configure the router via wire?20:57
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ikoniakman: ok, when you try to boot from your usb stick are you trying to boot the IO on the usb, or the OS on the hard sisk20:57
geoffmccpkej1: have u tried using " ssh username@hostname20:58
=== AcePreshaw is now known as UbuntuLover96
pkej1geoffmcc: yes; same result20:58
geoffmccpkej1: also is this supposed to be trying to use a key or password20:58
ikoniapkej1: it looks like you have set it up to use key based auth20:58
geoffmccpkej1: you can check what by connecting with ssh -v username@host20:59
kmanikonia, im trying to boot from the usb stick. I get to the "live cd" menu, but it hangs up at the loading screen (logo, purple background, dots counting).20:59
pkej1ikonia:  the following settings from my /etc/ssh/ssh_config are in use; those are the default after instsalling the server from the LiveCD, please disregard typos20:59
variance3 hello my ubtunu system can not add any files becasue my kco20:59
pkej1ikonia: SendEnv Lang LC_*20:59
ikoniapkej1: it's sshd_config to configure the server21:00
guntbert!pastebin | pkej121:00
ubottupkej1: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:00
pkej1ikonia:  HashKnownHosts yes, GSSAPIAuthenication yes; GSSAPIDelegateCredentials no21:00
ikoniapkej1: please stop21:00
pkej1that is all21:00
ikoniapkej1: the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config is for the server, not ssh_config21:00
pkej1ikonia:  I'll try to remove the GSSAPI ?21:00
ikoniapkej1: and sshd_config is on the remote server, not your client21:00
ikoniapkej1: why remove gssapi ?21:00
kmanikonia, does that make sence?21:01
pkej1ikonia:  ok, I'm opening the right file now21:01
ikoniapkej1: how can you open the right file, when you can't login to the remote server ?21:01
pkej1ikonia: terminal21:01
ikoniakman: I'll ask again, when you boot from the liveusb stick, are you trying to boot the OS from the usb stick, or the OS on the hard disk21:01
pkej1ikonia:  i have two machines in the same room, the new webserver with Ubuntu 10.10 and the Mac I'm typing on21:02
koolzmatehow to connect my nokia modem without wvdial?21:02
todd_dsmikonia: grrr, the same thing, over again21:02
pkej1ikonia: I will try to rcp the sshd_config to the mac and then to pastebin21:02
todd_dsmikonia: have you done this before with kickstart?21:02
kmanikonia, like i said, im trying to boot from the OS on the stick.21:02
ikoniatodd_dsm: yes, many times21:02
ikoniatodd_dsm: kickstart is not the problem, your isolinux is21:02
ikoniakman: what happens when you try to boot the livecd exactly21:03
Screw I experienced an interesting thing. I turn off X11 'cause I thought my laptop would be better battery time. However it became warmer. The  proprietary ATI driver didn't work on console and didn't put on powersaving mode my graphics card.21:03
todd_dsmikonia: can I see what yours looks like? I've got 8 other projects I build this way (all centos) and I've never seen this kinda whackyness.21:03
ikoniatodd_dsm: I've not got one to hand, and I don't use the vesa menu option21:04
EDocTooRikonia: I reinstalled21:04
EDocTooRit crashes before login21:04
kmanikonia, i get to the loading screen. the ubuntu logo displays and the dots underneath it keep counting, but nothing happens.21:04
ikoniaEDocTooR: do you get the login box ?21:04
ikoniakman: did the liveusb use to work ?21:05
EDocTooRI seen it once.. but ubuntu locked up before I could reach the keyboard.21:05
kmanikonia, i tried it on my laptop 2 minutes ago.21:05
kmanI have also tried with slax.21:05
pkej1ikonia:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/576628/ my sshd_config file21:05
ikoniakman: did it ever work on this machine21:05
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ikoniapkej1: publickeyauthentation yes21:06
kmanikonia, yes.21:06
pkej1ikonia: thanks, I'll change that and restart the service21:06
ikoniakman: ok, so this machine now won't boot from local disk, or from usb, but did used to work, that suggests hardware issues to me21:06
kmanikonia, Ic. I guess i should try to plug the disk into a different machine and see where i get.21:07
kmanIv tried resetting the bios and that didnt affect it.21:07
EDocTooRIkonia: It will start fine from the cd... I crashes when booting from the harddrive before the login... and I can boot from the hard drive providing that I use (1) Recovery /w Shift (2) choose NETROOT (3) type StartX21:08
kmanikonia, thanks for you input! Really appreciate it ^^21:09
pkej1ikonia: i restarted the service (sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart) after I changed the Pubkey to off,  and I still get the same error message21:10
pkej1ikonia:  both from local terminal and remote21:10
ikoniapkej1: on the local machine if you do "ssh localhost" what happens?21:10
pkej1ikonia: first I get a message about the authenticity can not be verified, then a fingerprint21:11
pkej1ikonia:  I answered yes to the finger print21:11
ikoniapkej1: ok, accept the finger print and re-try21:11
pkej1ikonia: I can log in now21:11
ikoniapkej1: great21:12
pkej1ikonia:  only from terminal, though21:12
ikoniapkej1: and you're using the same username on the terminal as on the mac ?21:12
pkej1ikonia:  yes, but I also try with -l option and username@hostname21:13
pkej1ikonia:  hmm, wait21:13
pkej1ikonia: i think I know what it is NAT21:13
pkej1ikonia: I think I just let all *:80 and *:81 go to the webbox, so all the port 22s goes to the router in front21:13
bhei did min install, and then installed synaptic. whenever i try to run synaptic it wants password, my root password doesnt work for it21:14
jeanden francais svp21:14
Seveas!fr | jeand21:14
ubottujeand: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:14
pkej1ikonia:  thank you for your time and help, the port forwarding was the problem, I was just not thinking straight, your prompting helped me21:15
ikoniapkej1: good spot21:15
tooStupid4LinuxHi all - is this a good place to ask about a small install issue?21:16
guntbertbhe: you own password!21:16
guntbert*your own21:16
netechtooStupid4Linux: just ask your question21:16
tooStupid4LinuxI am trying to install from the 64-bit alternative CD as I want to run a software RAID0.  I get as far as "Installing the base system" then the install hangs at 73% with the message "Updating list of available packages"21:17
Alecs_Gnomerconnect irc.brasirc.org21:18
tooStupid4LinuxI have been trying to install for about 5 hours now and am losing patience.21:18
ikoniatooStupid4Linux: side comment, raid0 as your root os is a terrible idea, you can't have /boot on a software raid0 parition either21:18
RealEyesOk guys, I need help with grub2.21:18
tooStupid4LinuxAny help would be greatly appreciated21:18
RealEyesI have and sda and an sdb, but when I run os-prober and update-grub2 I get this: http://pastebin.com/cwMQaJGK21:18
tooStupid4LinuxYes, I am aware of the limitations with RAID0, I have set asside some non-RAID for "/boot"21:18
ikoniatooStupid4Linux: great, as long as you are aware21:19
EDocTooRIkonia: It will start fine from the cd... I crashes when booting from the harddrive before the login... and I can boot from the hard drive providing that I use (1) Recovery /w Shift (2) choose NETROOT (3) type StartX http://paste.ubuntu.com/576634/plain/21:19
nealon2005__Hello ubuntu experts21:19
RealEyesyeah right!21:19
ikoniaEDocTooR: sounds like the video card is potentially part of the problem, what video card do you have ?21:20
nealon2005__Im trying to find a good distro for my new tablet21:20
ikoniaRealEyes: ?21:20
tooStupid4Linuxikonia: Thanks, I'm careful to keep back-ups21:20
yeatstooStupid4Linux: you can do Alt-F4 to see the log messages - see what it's hanging on21:20
Six3wireless network drivers freezes immediately upon opening it -- give a blank screen.  can anyone help with this issue?21:20
RealEyesos-prober and update-grub2 will not see my sdb drive w/ win7 on it21:20
nealon2005__So I gave ubuntu netbook ed a try21:20
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: Checking.....21:20
EDocTooRikonia: Nvidia Geforce 6150se nforce 430 (note: I think your right... but I am using it now... so is there a workaround?)21:21
nealon2005__I like it, but no onscreen keyboard, and the touch screen does not work21:21
jeand_bonsoir un conseil pour un  boitier silencieux merci21:21
nealon2005__I was wondering if you guys had a better idea21:21
guntbert!fr | jeand21:21
ubottujeand: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:21
Wiesshundnealon2005__ onscreen keyboard you can install, think its called orca21:21
ikoniaEDocTooR: there are fallback/safe mode style video drivers, using them maybe a safer option21:21
nealon2005__ok awesome21:21
ikonianealon2005__: better ideas for what ?21:21
nealon2005__for a tablet distro21:21
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: Laste message was 9 minutes ago "Skipping nonexistent file /media/cdrom/dists/mavkerick/restricted/debian-installer/binary-amd64/Packages"21:21
ikonianealon2005__: we only support ubuntu here, you maybe better off in ##linux21:22
Wiesshundnealon2005__ i got nothing to offer though on the touchscreen part21:22
Wiesshundikonia he has ubuntu21:22
RealEyesikonia: How do I make grub2 and os-prober see my sdb w/ win7 on it?21:22
EDocTooRI was hoping we would try a couple of tests and at least try to get ubuntu working...21:22
nealon2005__I was trying netbook ubuntu, and support page brought me here21:22
EDocTooRIkonia: I was hoping we would try a couple of tests and at least try to get ubuntu working...21:22
ikoniaWiesshund: yes, I know but the question "better ideas for a tablet edition" isn't really something we can advise on21:22
ahaziah77when i download a file from a site as opposed to installing from package manager, it leaves me with a .exe file that i have no clue how to install, can someone help?21:22
pmackinneynealon2005_: I just installed the netbook 10.10 ubuntu. I'm liking it pretty well.21:22
ikoniaRealEyes: don't know, not looked at your problem21:23
ikonianealon2005__: yes, we can help you with the ubuntu issues, (if someone knows the question)21:23
RealEyesos-prober and update-grub2 will not *see* my SDB drive with win7 on it.21:23
yeatstooStupid4Linux: hmm - that doesn't sound good ;-) - I'm assuming you md5sum-ed the downloaded ISO and did a verify disk integrity before running the installer?21:23
nealon2005__If I could get the onscreen keyboard working, and the touch screen to work. I think I would like it too21:23
ikoniaahaziah77: what are you trying to download ?21:23
ikonianealon2005__: that is pretty important functionality for a tablet21:23
nealon2005__lol yea21:23
nealon2005__I was kinda surprised that a distro didnt exsist for tablets21:24
ahaziah77ikonia, well, i just tried unetbootin, which i was able to find in software center, so no big deal with that, but there have been other programs that i dont think i can find in one of the package managers21:24
nealon2005__I am on distrowatch alot, and didnt find one21:24
Wiesshundnealon2005__ might be because tablets arent generaly in high use21:24
ikoniaahaziah77: .exe files are for windows, not linux21:24
nealon2005__yes thats what I thought21:24
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: No - the CD was a last ditch effort as installing from USB failed (Unetbootin, MultibootUSB etc - Ubuntu Alternate can't be installed from USB it seems).  I md5sum it now and check the CD....but I think this is some network issue.  I just wish there was some way to skip this step.21:25
ahaziah77ikonia, so what if when i got on the site and clicked on the download for linux and thats what it gave me?21:25
nealon2005__but I just got this sexy free exopc tablet, and wanted to try something that isnt win721:25
Wiesshundnealon2005__ did you try looking in general fo ubuntu and touchscreen?21:25
ahaziah77ikonia, i seem to get that a lot when i go through websites21:25
ikoniaahaziah77: contact the website owner, it's giving windows executables for linux, it's wrong21:25
EDocTooRikonia: so how do I check a log to see what the display error is?21:25
ahaziah77ikonia, ok, so are .exe files pretty much useless to me then?21:26
kmanikonia, here is a wierd one: i can only boot with liveusb when my HD is unplugged. Any ideas?21:26
nealon2005__I have done some googleing, but have not done enough. I was hoping one of you guys would have an idea21:26
ikoniaEDocTooR: if your machine is hard locking, it will e pointless to look at log files21:26
nealon2005__The best one so far is Jolicloud21:26
pmackinneykman: this sounds like a bios/boot order issue21:26
nealon2005__I really like that one. Its perfict for tablets21:26
ikoniakman: yes, the number of hard disks determain the nameing/positions of the hard disks to grub, eg: the OS is on disk 2 of 5, if you remove one disk, grub still ones 2 of five, but the disk is actually 1 of 421:26
EDocTooRIkonia: I am using Ubuntu 10 now... I just had to http://paste.ubuntu.com/576634/plain/21:27
yeatstooStupid4Linux: Ubuntu alternate will work on a USB - not sure why it wouldn't for you... the file the installer isn't finding is supposed to be on the CD - not on the network, so it sounds like something got corrupted along the way21:27
ahaziah77ikonia, thanks for the help!21:27
ikoniaEDocTooR: why have you put that in a pastebin and sent it to me ? you've said that 10 times in the channel already21:27
Devilz_108I need help with my router anyone can help me?21:28
petethepirateWhat package is ti_wilink_st located in?  I can find it in the kernel source code, and I've installed the package but my make still brakes!21:28
ikoniaDevilz_108: this is ubuntu support, not router support21:28
Six3i cannot get ndiswrapper to work, or at least the windows wireless drivers GUI. I had tried earlier to install a driver .inf with wwd, but it froze, and now every time i open it it freezes. I've tried uninstalling it and re-installing it, but that doesn't work21:28
nealon2005__its a shame the only good tablet OS is win7 or iOS21:28
Devilz_108The problem is I can't get the port enabled in Transmission21:28
Devilz_108I've opened it and DMZed the PC still getting closed21:29
Wiesshundnealon2005__ did you look and see if puppy linux had a tablet optimized distro? its ubuntu based21:29
EDocTooRIkonia: because it is only hard locking one way.. another way... something is bypassed and it works.. that should be a hint that Ubuntu should work... and it also works when booting from CD... so I am wondering what can I do?21:29
ikoniaDevilz_108: are you running a software file wal21:29
ikoniaEDocTooR: as I've suggested force Xorg to use the fallback or "vesa" video driver21:29
kmanikonia, but how does that explain that it only works properly when my HD is unplugged? I can liveusb boot the machine with the HD plugged in aswell, but then i get stuck at the purple ubuntu screen .21:29
kmanpmackinney, any ideas=21:29
EDocTooRIkonia: I don't know how to do that: can you help me21:30
Devilz_108I've taken care of the Ubuntu firewall , I've disabled it temporarily and when I've tested the PC without the router it worked with the firewall disabled , I've tested just with the cable modem and firewall disabled21:30
ikoniakman: as I've just explained, putting the disk in / out may change the grub boot order, hence not finding init as it's looking at the wrong disk /partition21:30
ikoniaEDocTooR: you need to create an /etc/X11/xorg.conf file template ( many available on the web) that uses the driver "vesa"21:30
ikoniaEDocTooR: there may even still be an /etc/X11/xorg.filesafe file , copy that to /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:31
WiesshundDevilz_108 sounds like unbuntu is set up fine then, you will have to check out the routers manual to see what is up with its config21:31
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: Just got some log activity - it recorded the DHCP renewal OK; it's like it is stuck waiting for something.  There's no errors or block messages on the router (I am trying to figure out how to do an md5 on Windows....)21:31
pmackinneykman: If it starts to boot buy hangs, then it's not the bios. Can you interrupt grub and edit the command line?21:31
Devilz_108Wiesshund, I did whatever possible to have the ports enabled but it seems that nothing is working I even did a reset.. and re-enabled and nothing helps..21:31
yeats!md5sum | tooStupid4Linux21:32
ubottutooStupid4Linux: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:32
WiesshundDevilz_108 if it works when you bypass the router, then the issue has to be the router21:32
yeatstooStupid4Linux: what is the last message in the log?21:32
kmanpmackinney, by pressing ctrl+alt F1 then "e" ?21:32
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: md5 checks out.21:32
brontoeeetooStupid4Linux, total commander has a build in md5 checker/generator, if you use that21:32
kmanpmackinney, how do i interrupt grub?=21:33
yeatstooStupid4Linux: good21:33
Devilz_108Wiesshund, When I connect my PC to the internet without the router just the cable modem then it works fine I know the problem is from the router but what can i do?21:33
yeatstooStupid4Linux: what wasn't working with the alternate installer on USB?21:33
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: Log messages are "DHCPREQUEST of on eth0 to port 67"; "DHCPACK of from"; "bound to -- renewal in 1573 seconds"21:34
WiesshundDevilz_108 is your set up DSL/CABLE modem ------> ROUTER ---------> PC's? and if so did you set either the DSL?CABLE to bridge? if not you are double natting which could cause a problem21:34
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: It was just the router renewing the DHCP lease, but it at least shows that something is still running21:34
Devilz_108Wiesshund, Cable Modem > Phone Modem > Router > PC21:34
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: And it's not my connection, have 20meg down on cable.21:35
Devilz_108Phone Modem got no firewalls21:35
WiesshundDevilz_108 phone huh?21:35
yeatstooStupid4Linux: ok - what's on the screen when you do Alt-F1?21:35
Devilz_108Wiesshund, Yea phone lines over the internet21:35
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: From USB it would get to the CR-ROM heck and fail (because it was not running from CD - I gave up trying to sort that)21:36
nealon2005__What about Kubuntu Mobile21:36
WiesshundDevilz_108 ive no idea how you are going from cable modem, to the phone line, adn then to a router21:36
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: Alt-F1 is the progress bar at 73% and "Updating the list of available packages"21:36
DrmgiverDoes anyone know how I would go about installing 10.10 Ubuntu Software Center into 10.04?21:36
ikoniaDrmgiver: you don't do that21:36
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: It's been like that for 24 minutes now21:36
ikoniaDrmgiver: software between versions is not mixable21:37
Devilz_108Wiesshund, No no mate you got me wrong.. I am using the cable modem to supply the internet using the internet cable.. my modem gives internet to my phone modem the phone modem translate the internet to the phone lines.. my phone modem gives internet to my router21:37
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: And this is 64-bit, not sure if that changes anything21:37
Supranoubuntu was updated to 10.04. Since then, it no longer auto-opens fspot when a digital camera is attached. Manually opening the cam from fspot gives connection error. I found out that something called gvfs seems to auto-mount the camera. But I can't find any place where it would make that mountpoint available21:37
WiesshundDevilz_108 no offense but that kind of makes no sense21:37
EDocTooRikonia: sorry but NO xorg.filesafe file21:38
ikoniaEDocTooR: ok, you need to create one as I suggested21:38
Devilz_108Wiesshund, I don't have regular phones line here in my house so for my telephones I use internet phone modem21:38
Devilz_108My cable modem and router isn't integrated in eachother because they are old21:38
EDocTooRikonia: I am a noob... I don't know how to do that...21:38
EDocTooRplease explain21:39
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: Going to reboot and verify the CD....21:39
Devilz_108Cable Modem sends to phone modem then phone sends to the router (WAN)21:39
yeatstooStupid4Linux: good choice - no way to make it find the file it's not seeing21:39
ivorensisHow do I install the widget layer plugin for compiz?21:39
ikoniaEDocTooR: what did I tell you to do and where to get it ?21:39
* yeats cranks up the alternate installer in virtualbox21:39
EDocTooRso that it then..21:39
WiesshundDevilz_108 ive no idea what youve got set up there, your description makes no sense. phone modem would cripple your internet down to 33.6kpbs21:40
SoftarPaulI use evolution for my hotmail, but when I check the mail at hotmail.com, all my messages is in the delete-box...21:40
ikoniaEDocTooR: what did I tell you to do, and where did I tell you to get it ?21:40
panfistis it possible to add locations to index with locate/updatedb?21:41
EDocTooRIkonia: I am not a computer guru.. back to microsoft I must go... later21:41
ikoniaEDocTooR: ok, bye then21:41
Devilz_108Wiesshund, In order for my telephones to work they need internet from my cable modem and my telephones are connected to that phone modem and that phone modem is getting internet from my cable modem.. so in the phone modem there is a WAN so the WAN is connected with the router and this is where the router gets internet21:41
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WiesshundDevilz_108 you got VOIP phones, but you are not describing it correctly, and your router needs to plug directly into your cable modem21:43
Devilz_108Yea that VOIP phones21:43
Devilz_108So you want me to make it : Modem > Router > Phone ?21:44
WiesshundDevilz_108 yes21:44
Devilz_108Okay I'll try in a little bit , thank you Wiesshund :))21:44
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: CD is OK.  I can burn and try the 32-bit alternate installer I guess.21:44
SoftarPaulDoes anyone know what I can do?21:45
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: Is there any option to tell it *NOT* to update the packages and just go with what is on the CD?21:45
todd_dsmikonia: you were right, the isolinux.cfg was boogered. It's loading now.21:45
tooStupid4LinuxSoftarPaul: I don't use Evolution, but an option with POP accounts is to delete them when the client downloads them.  Just go into your Evolution settings and see if you can change that21:46
todd_dsmikonia: is there a way to discern what the default package list is from a normal cd/dvd install?21:46
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todd_dsmikonia: It stops after loading the config and can't continue without the next step. I think the application list is it.21:46
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yeatstooStupid4Linux: I guess if you unplugged your network cable it wouldn't try to download anything21:47
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Six3what does the command grep do?21:47
yeatstooStupid4Linux: however, the file it couldn't find was not a file on the web - it was on the CD21:47
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: I tried already - it hangs at the exact same place, but it does detect that there is no network21:47
madsjSix3: man grep in a terminal21:47
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hihihi100yeats, did you see the uploaded terminal output?21:47
StarminnThere is a notification icon in the notification tray that I cannot get rid of. The application has been closed, removed, purged, notification tray restarted, it still won't go away.21:48
yeatshihihi100: yes - but it was not the file I was looking for - you should have a file /etc/apt/sources.list not /etc/apt/sources.list.d (which is a directory)21:48
yeatstooStupid4Linux: the file it couldn't find was "Skipping nonexistent file /media/cdrom/dists/mavkerick/restricted/debian-installer/binary-amd64/Packages" (from your post above)21:49
hihihi100yeats, I believe this is related: in synaptic, if I click the reload button, it will ask me to insert the 10.10 cd-rom, again, it is already in, but it will ask me to: Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with:21:49
hihihi100mount: /dev/sr0 already mounted or /media/cdrom0 busy21:49
yeatshihihi100: click on System -> Administration -> Update Manager and click Settings...21:50
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: That would imply the install disc is incomplete, and surely others must have encountered it?21:50
yeatshihihi100: that will open a new window - in that, click the Other Software tab and make sure the CdRom entries are unchecked21:51
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yeatstooStupid4Linux: right - that's why I suggested that it might be a bad image, or a bad CD - that doesn't rule out your CD drive being an issue, though21:52
hihihi100yeats, before doing that, can you tell me if that is related to this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/576652/21:52
StarminnThere is a notification icon in the notification tray that I cannot get rid of. The application has been closed, removed, purged, notification tray restarted, it still won't go away. Any suggestions?21:52
nishanthi guys I just offed my laptop monitor and torrents were active21:52
nishantbut now when i on the monitor and logged in it asked for user name and password21:52
nishantand a new gnome session opened21:52
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yeatshihihi100: not directly related, but it shows that your /etc/apt/sources.list file needs some love ;-)21:53
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yeats!enter | nishant21:53
ubottunishant: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:53
StarminnAre we netsplitting a little bit?21:53
FraxtilIs this a botnet or is it just particularly active today?21:53
StarminnIt looks like everybody just got off of work I guess21:54
promehdiohj #arabic-dev21:54
nishanthow to openn control panel21:54
promehdiohj #arabic-dev/21:54
hihihi100yeats, the other software tab shows this: http://imagebin.org/141540,21:55
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: Now trying the 64-bit with DHCP off; see if that changes anything,,,,21:55
hihihi100yeats,d o you mean any other tab? authentication has a cdrom entry21:55
koolzmatehow to connect my nokia modem without wvdial?21:55
YerushalmiHey folks. What's the best way to get a good list of the programs installed on a linux installation that's *not* the one currently running?21:55
Six3support for ndiswrapper said to look for errors after the following command: dmesg | grep ndiswrapper   -- does anyone know what an error would look like?21:55
yeatshihihi100: no - but here's what's next... do 'cat /etc/apt/sources.list' and copy and paste the output here: http://goo.gl/ixcN9 and share the link in channel21:56
nishantwhen I put a torrent and go to sleep will ubntu run it in bg /.21:57
Devilz_108Wiesshund, I did that and still the same21:57
timmahkinshey all, i am curious if the 3d windows option is in all versions of ubuntu compiz?21:57
LcawteIs there anyway I can specify what email address crontab sends emails to..21:57
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LcawteAnd any reason my machine can't pick up host name(s)21:58
timmahkinscause within compiz i don't have the option for 3d windows for the cube21:58
FraxtilIs there a way to make the login screen only show up on one of my dual monitors?21:58
Lcawteie, it has to use localhost6.localhost6 as opposed to say, lewiscawte.info even though I have A records for those domains pointing to my IP21:58
FraxtilAs opposed to both, and poorly scaled on the secondary?21:58
Starminntimmahkins: Download the plugins21:58
erkan^i have problem with Lekhonee Gnome :(21:58
timmahkinshow do u do that?21:58
soreau!info compiz-fusion-plugins-extra | timmahkins21:59
ubottutimmahkins: compiz-fusion-plugins-extra (source: compiz-fusion-plugins-extra): Collection of extra plugins from OpenCompositing for Compiz. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.6-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 3494 kB, installed size 9736 kB21:59
Six3support for ndiswrapper said to look for errors after the following command: dmesg | grep ndiswrapper   -- does anyone know what an error would look like?21:59
hihihi100yeats, I have copied the whole output, I believe the relevant information starts in line 44  http://paste.ubuntu.com/576656/21:59
wn2zidwhats the best and easiest ubuntu for a eeepc22:00
LcawteIs there anyway I can specify what email address crontab sends emails to.. And any reason my machine can't pick up host name(s)22:01
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StarminnWn2zid: Depends on the hardware. They ones you've got to choose from are Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Lubuntu with Lubuntu being the lightest of the four.22:01
bheanyone know a good clone system package that exists in repos?22:02
wn2zidi c22:02
LcawteIs there anyway I can specify what email address crontab sends emails to.. And any reason my machine can't pick up host name(s) ie, it has to use localhost6.localhost6 as opposed to say, lewiscawte.info even though I have A records for those domains pointing to my IP22:02
yeatshihihi100: do 'sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list' and put a # in front of the line that says 'deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 10.10 _Maverick Meerkat_ - Release i386 (20101007)]/ maverick main restricted'22:02
yeatshihihi100: that will get rid of your CD-ROM issue22:02
StarminnThere is a notification icon in the notification tray that I cannot get rid of. The application has been closed, removed, purged, notification tray restarted, it still won't go away. Any suggestions?22:03
LcawteStarminn: is there a process for the application still running?22:03
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: Just saw a message go past in the log about dependency problems....22:04
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aromanwhy did my package that builds perfectly on lucid, fail to build when I changed it to maverick in debian/control? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/65759906/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-i386.elementary-wallpapers_0.2.1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz22:04
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: "Upstartjob is not installed".....????22:04
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hihihi100yeats, I added a # to the 4th line of the text document that opened, just saying this to confirm that thats where that line should be, at the beginning of the text file22:04
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yeatshihihi100: yes - that is the right line22:05
yeatstooStupid4Linux: hmm - is it continuing? or did it stop?22:05
LcawteIs there anyway I can specify what email address crontab sends emails to.. And any reason my machine can't pick up host name(s) ie, it has to use localhost6.localhost6 as opposed to say, lewiscawte.info even though I have A records for those domains pointing to my IP22:05
LM3620how do I map the left mouse key to the ~ key?22:05
Lcawtesends emails from*22:05
yeatstooStupid4Linux: log messages don't always mean failure22:05
LM3620how do I map the left mouse key to the ~ key?22:06
nbjaymegreeting to all!22:06
tooStupid4LinuxIt's continuing - reported quite a few dependency failures; but now seems OK,,,,22:06
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muellisofthm aroman: dh_builddeb: dpkg-deb --build debian/elementary-wallpapers .. returned exit code 122:06
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DMDeanis there any way to get a reverb plugin for audacity?22:06
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: it's not got to 73% yet....22:06
hihihi100yeats, can you also help me with the other problem? I mean http://paste.ubuntu.com/576657/, it appeared after clicking on administration/synaptic22:06
aromanmultipass_: yes, and what does that mean?22:06
Muelliaroman: dunno exactly. But you can try to reproduce. Or be more verbose during build.22:07
nbjaymehello all. can anyone advice for a good mail relay server.  one that accepts and runs my filter and then send it to another server with authentication.  postfix auto-relay the outgoing email without passing through my filters. :-(22:07
yeatshihihi100: it's the same file - you just need to go through it and make sure you're not duplicating any source lines22:07
aromanMuelli: how would I do that?22:08
StarminnLcawte: Nope22:08
aromanlaunchpad built this22:08
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: I saw some "sense" errors, but didn't manage to read them fully "ISOFS: unable to read i-node block".  Now hung at 73% again22:08
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: Time for another CD?22:08
yeatshihihi100: your error messages about duplicate entries will be your guide in that task22:08
yeatstooStupid4Linux: couldn't hurt22:08
yeatstooStupid4Linux: btw, I say keep going with 64 bit for now22:09
Devilz_108Wiesshund, Many thanks mate I appreciate it a lot , it works now22:09
koolzmatehow about managing ftp chatzilla from terminal22:09
Lcawtesends emails from*22:10
erUSULkoolzmate: use a terminal ftp client ( lftp or ncftp )22:10
StarminnThere is a notification icon in the notification tray that I cannot get rid of. The application has been closed, removed, purged, notification tray restarted, it still won't go away. Any suggestions?22:10
LcawteIs there anyway I can specify what email address crontab sends emails from.. And any reason my machine can't pick up host name(s) ie, it has to use localhost6.localhost6 as opposed to say, lewiscawte.info even though I have A records for those domains pointing to my IP22:10
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yeatsStarminn: what application?22:10
rick_w_Is there a way to 'safe delete' items from the trash, like it works in OSX? And the same question for wiping the free space of a HDD: is this implemented in the GUI somewhere?22:11
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Starminnyeats: Screenlets. I don't use it and I installed it to help somebody on here earlier and now that they've been helped I was removing it.22:12
jackspikeis it possible to have a camera attached to my pc that is controled by a software that auto starts on boot and starts recording the video of my employes on the harddisk and i can also see that video "live" by giving a user name and password. ?22:13
Starminnrick_w_: Explain what a "Safe delete" is for everybody so we have a better idea of what you're trying to achieve.22:13
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yeatsStarminn: it must be buried in your gnome configuration somewhere...  others may know specifics, but I think gconfeditor might help?22:13
genuxI am getting a error when trying to compile the 11.04 kernel alpha 3 22:10:3622:13
genux2.6.38 22:10:4322:13
genux/usr/src/linux-2.6.38/arch/x86/kernel/entry_64.S: Assembler messages:22:13
FloodBot2genux: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:13
genux/usr/src/linux-2.6.38/arch/x86/kernel/entry_64.S:1544: Error: .size expression does not evaluate to a constant22:13
tooStupid4Linux<jackspike>: Depening on where you live, you might want to seek legal advice!22:13
SeveasLcawte, yes and no. You cannoy specify a from address, but you can mess around in your mailer daemon's config. I rewrite root@mymachine.internal.domain to cronjobs@company.com for instance22:13
hihihi100yeats, security is not the same as security restricted, right?22:13
jackspiketoomanyryans legality is not  aa problem. just need the way and software22:14
jackspiketooStupid4Linux ^22:14
Starminnyeats: gconfeditor does not exist?22:14
Starminnyeats: I know what you're talking about but I also thought that was the name. Apparently it's not?22:15
rick_w_starminn: in OSX you can empty the trash (normal) or safe empty it, where the files are overwritten a few times on the HDD, so that recovery of these files isn possible. Free space wiping does the same (depening on the used algoritm), but then for the entire HDD. I've seen some commands for this, but I wondered if it is embedded in the GUI somewhere?22:15
genuxI am getting a error when trying to compile the 11.04 kernel alpha 322:15
genux/usr/src/linux-2.6.38/arch/x86/kernel/entry_64.S:1544: Error: .size expression does not evaluate to a constant22:15
genuxany ideas ?22:15
yeatsStarminn: gconf-editor?22:15
Chaorainsomehow one of my partitions got so that only root can acsess it. Its just videos on there, can someone help me undo this?22:16
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: I had a 32-bit CD ready to go, so am trying that.  The second 64-bit CD is just finishing burning,,,,22:16
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: Thanks for the help by the way....22:16
cryptodirabacklit keyboard.... how do you make it work beyond POSt?  10.04 amd/6422:16
SeveasChaorain, time to use the rm command to free some space22:16
erUSUL!info zoneminder | jackspike22:16
ubottujackspike: zoneminder (source: zoneminder): Linux video camera security and surveillance solution. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.24.2-7ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 1431 kB, installed size 6076 kB22:16
Starminnrick_w_: I don't know of anything. I just know you can "Move to Trash" then empty the trash bin. For more thorough stuff I believe you must purge it to which the command is "sudo apt-get purge <name of application>" so no GUI that I know of.22:17
hihihi100yeats, It seems its solved, or so I believe, thank you22:17
joeb_fedora has yum provides and it can locate files / certin things missing from a pakcage / dependancy .. does ubuntu have this also ?22:17
Starminnyeats: That did it.22:17
yeatshihihi100: great!22:17
yeatsStarminn: great!22:17
Seveasjoeb_, yes22:17
rick_w_starminn: is this something I can file a bug or a request over? If so, where can I do so?22:17
yeatstooStupid4Linux: good - happy to help22:17
jackspikeerUSUL any other simple solutions.22:17
Six3should the terminal be outputting something after entering lsusb ? It just hangs22:17
Starminnyeats: There are no entries for Screenlets there though either.22:17
ChaorainSeveas: I've ot all the space I need. But I want access to the files without having to be root22:17
ThomasB2kHi, whenever there is a lock on sudo, is there any way to see what process is using it?22:17
joeb_Seveas- what command would that be ?22:17
erUSULjackspike: search the repos. may be some other related software22:17
Starminn!bug | rick_w_22:18
MuelliSix3: just wait.22:18
ubotturick_w_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots22:18
yeatsStarminn: hmmm22:18
joeb_Seveas- what would that command be ?22:18
Six3muelli: how long? could this take over a minute?22:18
erUSULjoeb_: apt-file ? dpkg -S ? what exactly do you want to know?22:18
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: 32-bit 'errors' in the log look the same, so they must be benign.22:18
yeatsyou might do something like 'grep -Ri screenlet ~/.gnome2' to see if it's mentioned in a config22:18
Starminnyeats: The feeling is mutual.22:18
rick_w_Thnx for the help!22:18
erUSULSix3: no; something is weird22:18
MuelliSix3: problaby althogh unlikely. If you want to know what it's doing, use strace.22:18
SeveasChaorain, ah, the chown command it is then (chown -R your_username /path/to/partition/mountpoint --- this will make you owner of all its files. Only do that on directories that contain no system files)22:19
yeatsStarminn: my last was for you ;-)22:19
jackspikeerUSUL  how about i use 2 user accounts in ubuntu. one for employee and second will run a ssh server having webcam on. i can record and ssh video to see live cam. ?22:19
Six3muelli: so i type, strace lsusb?22:19
yeatstooStupid4Linux: good - wait for it to hang - if it does, there may be a problem with your CD drive22:19
Starminnyeats: Nope, the grep didn't return anything.22:19
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: Identical "i-node block" error22:19
MuelliSix3: nope. probably strace -p `pgrep lsusb`22:19
joeb_erUSUL- example .. lets say i install something and it won't install because of a dependancy issue .. how do i use apt to find that dependancy or whatever package has it on my system then install it ?22:19
Seveasjoeb_, apt-cache depends package_name_here22:20
kingnerdI have an ALSA device that shows up in the Pulse mixer.  How can I get the device ID?  (eg hw:0,0)22:20
yeatsStarminn: dunno ;-) - you might do the same with  ~/.config (or other hidden directories?)22:20
cryptodirabacklit keyboard.... how do you make it work beyond POSt?  10.04 amd/6422:20
ChaorainSeveas: so would the path be /dev/sd?? or /media/?    i.e. the disk location or mount location22:20
erUSULjackspike: really dunno offhand; you will have to investigate this yourself. or keep asking the channel22:20
SeveasChaorain, mount location22:21
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: It just hung, I'll burn a 3rd(!) 64-bit from another PC.22:21
toomanyryansI'm having trouble getting an encrypted, non-root raid1 volume to unlock during boot.  I don't get prompted for the passphrase at all.  Can anyone give me some troubleshooting tips?22:21
jackspikeerUSUL do you know ssh ?22:21
Six3muelli: it says invalid process id: pgrep lsusb22:21
Starminnyeats: I'm waiting for my "grep -Ri screenlet ~/.*" to finish up. ;)22:21
Seveastoomanyryans, did you check the iso before burning?22:21
erUSULjoeb_: the error from apt-get install should be enough to knoe what is going on. there is "aptitude why" and "aptitude why-not" too22:21
MuelliSix3: you forgot the backuotes.22:21
SeveastooStupid4Linux, did you check the iso before burning?22:21
Seveas(sorry toomanyryansm wasn't meant for you)22:22
tooStupid4LinuxSeveas: yes.  MD5, OK.  CD verify, OK.22:22
Six3thought those were apostrophes22:22
joeb_is there a guide to install ubuntu22:22
joeb_not install it22:22
Seveas!install | joeb_22:22
ubottujoeb_: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate22:22
Starminnyeats: Ouch. The ~/.config returned some random stuff.22:22
joeb_but all the packages / post install ie to rip cds etc ..22:22
dejan_its 3 lines code.. what I am missing why whole content is going down  when I only assigned magrin-top to one div22:23
DMDeanis there any way to get a reverb plugin for audacity?22:23
dejan_noone on #css will help..22:23
erUSULjackspike: yes i know ssh.22:23
Seveasjoeb_, there's lots of good stuff on help.ubuntu.com22:23
noonianIf you go to application->ubuntu software center you can install programs like that22:23
Starminnjoeb_: Be more specific, please. Ripping discs is there by deault.22:23
Six3muelli: that didn't work either, just gives me a list of strace commands22:23
ipwnageyesterday i updated to 10.10 and i kept getting this "DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus" and i tried multiple things to get it to mount my ipod with no luck.  today i hooked another ipod to it and it recognised it but all of my plugins are gone in rythmbox, including the already installed ones, how do i fix it?22:23
MuelliSix3: then you did smth wrong.22:23
hihihi100im trying to donwload games from playdeb, but I always get this: http://imagebin.org/141549 is that normal? I click OK, it says: Could not find package 'the-powder-toy22:24
Seveasipwnage, looks like your update is a bit broken...22:24
ipwnagehow can i fix it?22:24
Six3i typed: strace -p `pgrep lsusb`22:24
ipwnagedoes it matter that my ipod is jailbroken22:24
njbairThe black pixels on my screen are being replaced by "leftovers" from the last flash video I played. If I roll back to the previous NVidia driver the problem goes away, but then the next update automatically selects the newest driver and the problem reappears.22:24
JPGhey when i turn on or restart my computer it tries to run grub and then goes black and beeps for about five minutes then shows login screen but touchpad and random keys on keyboard dont work? But it worked fine yesterday. Anybody know anything about this?22:24
ipwnagemy ipod is a 2g mb on 4.2.1 jailbroken the other one i plugged in and it worked is an ipod touch 2g mc on 4.2.122:24
tooStupid4LinuxSeveas, yeats: Is there anyway to by-pass the package update?22:24
Seveasipwnage, depends on the breakage. Try these commands and see if they give errors: dpkg --configure -A ; apt-get -F install ; apt-get upgrade22:24
ChaorainSeveas: I got a bunch of file locations where at the end it says "Operation not permitted"22:25
ipwnagei got "dpkg --configure -A ; apt-get -F install ; apt-get upgrade22:25
erUSULDMDean: http://www.audiorecording.me/audacity-reverb-gverb-installation-settings-in-linuxmac-windows.html22:26
hichiIs it easy to put a keylogger on ubuntu, or see through the webcam? i don't know if i should enable cookies n javascript because some websites don't work without it22:26
SeveasChaorain, try with sudo22:26
ipwnagei have to go22:26
HabstinatWhen I try to either run or install Ubuntu from my USB, I get some booting up text on the screen and then it turns black. I still hear the startup sound after about 10 seconds though so the OS is running, but I can't see it. Any ideas?22:27
joeb_question .. a while back back on ubuntu 9 i think there where torrent sites for ubuntu .. do they still have those so i can dowlnoad ubuntu 10.10 faster or do i just have to download the iso and wait ?22:27
ChaorainSeveas: That was with sudo22:27
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Maverick, and help keeping the servers' load low!22:27
mickster04joeb_: ^22:27
SeveasChaorain, pastebin the output of the following command: mount; cat /etc/fstab22:27
JPGhey when i turn on or restart my computer it tries to run grub and then goes black and beeps for about five minutes then shows login screen but touchpad and random keys on keyboard dont work? But it worked fine yesterday. Anybody know anything about this?22:28
Six3muelli: ok, didn't include back quotes and I got some stuff22:28
joeb_mickster04- its probably better to download the live cd then install it22:28
tooStupid4Linuxjpg: Have you checked the beeps against your BIOS error codes?  Sounds like a keyboard fault22:28
salvadorflhi every body22:28
SeveasJPG, what did you do/change between yesterday and today?22:28
HabstinatI think I may just need to edit a boot entry.22:29
JPGi havent changed anything22:29
mickster04joeb_: yeah, but use the torrrents22:29
salvadorfli need help i dont have a sound in my compu does any body knows how to put my sound on default mode?22:29
JPGi am not sure how to check the beeps22:30
Six3i have no idea what i'm looking at, but lsusb is deffinitely stopping22:30
joeb_mickster04- im looking for a torrent download on that link you gave me22:30
mickster04!torrent > joeb_22:30
ubottujoeb_, please see my private message22:30
ChaorainSeveas: pastebin.com/gqCVT7uX22:30
tooStupid4Linuxjpg: The beeps are easy and in a code.  "4 long, 3 short" etc. Write down the beep sequence and then look up what the code (if any) means on the manufacturer's web-site.  Although I would expect the PC to not book in that case.22:31
tooStupid4Linuxjpg: Is it lots and lots of beeps?22:31
tooStupid4Linuxjpg: have you checked for stuck keys/tried a different keyboard?22:31
mickster04JPG: have you tried changing the keyboard?22:31
Starminnjoeb_ mickster04: Those don't have the links to the torrents. They're really deeply embedded in the Ubuntu site. I'll try to find them for you, joeb_22:32
JPGit sounds like one long beep and i am using an external keyboard now but same thing happens22:32
Six3i feel like ndiswrapper screwed up my system22:32
tooStupid4Linuxjpg: Is this a laptop22:32
yeatstooStupid4Linux: if that 3rd CD doesn't work, you might consider installing the "minimal" CD to give you a base install, then install your GUI, etc. from there: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD22:32
JPGyes it is22:32
naryfaHi, does anybody know how to set transparent background in alsamixer? Google's results give something but it's unclear as to where the settings should be saved.22:32
HabstinatI asked for help before on something similar here, and I just needed to edit a boot entry, but I have no idea what to change when it comes to that stuff.22:32
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tooStupid4Linuxyeats: But...but...but...Ubuntu is meant to be easy!  :-P22:33
Starminnjoeb_: http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/ you want ubuntu-10.10-desktop22:33
yeatstooStupid4Linux: it is!  you just have to get it on your system somehow! ;-)22:33
tooStupid4Linuxjpg: How old is it?22:33
JPGits a netbook and its only about a month old.22:33
Starminnjoeb_: So assuming you want i386, it'd be ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386-.iso.torrent22:34
mickster04JPG: in which case i recommend returning it to manufacturer? get them to fix it :)22:35
tooStupid4Linuxjpg: It's under warranty then, good.  This really sounds more like a hardware issue.  If you booted a PC and help a key down, you'd get one long beep.  Maybe some keys are stuck.22:35
* joeb_ says goodbye to fedora and hello to ubuntu22:35
ShawnRiskhow do I change the location of my documents folder?22:35
tooStupid4Linuxjpg: Can you boot to the diagnostics partition (most OEMs have one) and run the self-tests?22:35
JPGthats totally possible ill contact the manufacturer thanks a lot for your help.22:35
StarminnThere is a notification icon in the notification tray that I cannot get rid of. The application has been closed, removed, purged, notification tray restarted, it still won't go away. Any suggestions?22:36
noonianShawnRisk,  you can just drag and drop the folder anywhere you want22:36
mickster04Starminn: which one?22:36
Starminnmickster04: Screenlets22:36
gilleshey can any1 help me install a b43 legacy wifi driver22:36
JPGno i cant press f2 and run bios or click anything during boot process.22:36
mickster04Starminn: have you rebooted? :p22:36
gillesbeen following steps online but always fails22:36
yeatstooStupid4Linux: I'm needing to step away for a bit, FYI22:36
mickster04Starminn: and have you removed it from start up apps?22:36
Six3fuck it. i'm just going to re-install22:37
=== tyler is now known as Guest68553
Guest68553how is it my webcam wont work and i cant play videos online?22:37
mickster04Six3: language timothy22:37
Starminnmickster04: No, and I know even a simple login/logout should fix it, but I don't wanna go through that trouble of spending 10 seconds starting things back up because I feel like I shouldn't have to. ;)22:37
mickster04Guest68553: that's two issues22:37
gilleshey can any1 help me install a b43 legacy wifi driver22:37
Starminnmickster04: It's off the startups22:38
noonianGuest68527, you might not have flash installed sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer22:38
mickster04Starminn: well kill the process?22:38
HabstinatI've actually never been able to install an OS on this computer that wasn't Windows, and even with Windows I had to install it via USB for it to work. But can anyone help out? I see the black and white Ubuntu booting from USB screen, but when I try to install it or run it I get some scrolling text and then a black screen. I still hear the startup congas though, so sound works and the OS is running.22:38
=== Logan_ is now known as _4chan_
ShawnRisknoonian: when I use gmail, I want to add a file to my email, and click documents it goes to the wrong place.22:38
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: No bother - if this doesn't work I always have the XP install media.....22:38
Guest68553i have flash plugin but the websites wont even load up the video22:38
Guest68553its just a blank square where the video should be22:38
gilleshey can any1 help me install a b43 legacy wifi driver22:39
mickster04Guest68553: go to youtube and see what happens there22:39
tooStupid4Linuxjpg: Really sounds like stuck keys!22:39
erUSUL!find b4322:39
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mickster04Guest68553: and have you restarted since installing youtube22:39
ubottuFound: b43-fwcutter, firmware-b43-installer, firmware-b43-lpphy-installer, firmware-b43legacy-installer22:39
jktcatI'm having a jumpy screen issue, I have the most up to date video driver and have the refresh rate set to auto (I've tried 75 and 60 hz).  Any ideas?22:39
erUSULgilles: sudo apt-get install firmware-b43legacy-installer22:39
JPGalright thanks a lot man.22:39
Guest68553yes multiple times22:39
mickster04jktcat: stop feeding it red bull? what sdoes jumpy screen mean22:39
mickster04Guest68553: oops but yeah. ok what does youtube say?22:40
noonianShawnRisk, i'm pretty sure that it opens to whichever folder had the last file you sent as an attachment22:40
noonianShawnRisk, so if you attach something from documents it should open up there next time22:40
ShawnRisknoonian: yes but how do I change the documents folder on there, which is the same as the listed folders in the places menu22:40
jktcatehh, only does it occassionally, hard to describe, seems like parts of the screen jump to a different spot for a split second22:40
Guest68553youtube is working but my koowy video wont work22:41
Guest68553its just blank lol22:41
mickster04Guest68553: that's probably website related.....22:41
erUSULgilles: what error? pastebinit22:41
Guest68553ok well what about for my messenger clients22:41
erUSUL!paste | gilles22:41
ubottugilles: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:41
noonianShawnRisk, i'm not sure what you mean. do you want to rename it? or move it?22:42
GeekManhey real quick whats the best way to sync music and videos with ipod classic22:42
mickster04!ipod | GeekMan22:42
ubottuGeekMan: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod22:42
ShawnRisknoonian: I want to change the location22:42
Guest68553i cant video chat at all and ive tried all the applictaions for it22:42
UncombedCoconutHi! Can anyone help me run a specific app in a foreign language? (I'm hacking it and want to make sure I don't break the localization.)22:43
Starminnmickster04: There is no process22:43
mickster04Starminn: oh well I dunno then...can you still right click on it etc22:43
mickster04oh i''m off22:43
noonianShawnRisk, i don't think you can do that from within the browser opened by gmail. But if you open a file browser you can drag the documents folder into whichever folder you want22:43
erUSULUncombedCoconut: LANG=es_ES someapp &22:43
erUSULUncombedCoconut: change es_ES for the locale you want22:43
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Guest68553anyone know?22:44
ShawnRisknoonian: explain again the file browser please22:44
UncombedCoconuterUSUL: Thanks, I think I'm doing that part right. Could I share more details?22:44
erUSULUncombedCoconut: maybe you do not have the needed locales?22:44
UncombedCoconutI added the line "es_ES.UTF-8 UTF-8" to /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local and ran sudo locale-gen22:44
UncombedCoconutnot sure if that's the right way to get a Spanish locale, but I need to do something :)22:44
erUSULUncombedCoconut: use LANG=es_ES.UTF-8 ?22:45
Guest68553anyone know why i cant video chat with MSN users22:45
gillesE:/sub-process/usr/bin/dpkg return an error code122:45
noonianShawnRisk, if you go to the places menu and then home folder you will see your documents folder there. You can drag that folder and drop it in a different folder22:45
erUSULgilles: the whole error please in a pastebin22:45
erUSUL!paste | gilles22:45
ubottugilles: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:45
UncombedCoconutthat's my default. But after that step and running LANG=es_ES.UTF-8 someapp, I get English instead of Spanish.22:45
YerushalmiHey folks. What's the best way to get a good list of the programs installed on a linux installation that's *not* the one currently running?22:46
ShawnRisknoonian: I tried that and it didn't work22:46
noonianShawnRisk, how did it not work?22:46
noonianShawnRisk, was there an error message?22:46
speedrunnerG55i astill cant see youtube viodeoas on chromium22:47
erUSUL!clone | Yerushalmi22:47
ubottuYerushalmi: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate22:47
Guest68553how can i video chat with msn users?22:47
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erUSULYerushalmi: do it after chrooting to the ubuntu install in question22:47
speedrunnerG55where can i report this at least22:47
HabstinatSeems like people like social media nowadays, so I'm uploading a video of my problem as we speak.22:47
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erUSULUncombedCoconut: install language-support-es22:47
YerushalmierUSUL: What does chrooting mean?22:47
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Guest68553linux dude22:48
speedrunnerG55anyone have a fix?22:48
Guest68553you wouldnt happen to know why i cant video chat with msn users?22:48
GeekMandoes gtkpod work with videos too?22:48
ShawnRisknoonian: it works sorry I moved the wrong folder the first time.22:48
kmanWhat explains that i can only boot liveusb properly when my HD is unplugged? I can liveusb boot the machine with the HD plugged in aswell, but then i get stuck at the purple ubuntu screen. Could it be a PSU issue?22:48
joeb_n00b question .. i want to find if ubuntu 10.10 supports hdmi out since ubuntu 9 didn't do i just do lspci or is there a command to find my gpu22:48
Starminnmickster04: (Sorry for being so slow, been gettin side-tracked) Yeah, I can right-click on the panel icon of it but none of the options actually do anything.22:48
noonianShawnRisk, hehe thats good :)22:48
needlezGuest68553: what are you using to chat with msn users??22:48
grom358Ubuntu doesn't provide pdo_mssql.so ??22:48
tooStupid4LinuxGuest68553: Do you have a web cam that works?22:49
ShawnRisknoonian: thanks22:49
Guest68553i have tried all the clients and it wont connect through but kameoso will work fine22:49
HabstinatMy problem: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61GGDVmcFsU22:49
yeatstooStupid4Linux: back22:49
=== LjL-Temp` is now known as LjL-Temp
noonianShawnRisk, happy to help22:49
al-maisanI am running Ubuntu maverick and only recently *every* new window opened on the gnome desktop is sticky i.e. appears on all workspaces.22:50
edbianHabstinat, That video is 'not yet processed'  How long will it take to become processed?22:50
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest62206
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: Hi, 3rd disc still burning....on a very old laptop (but it is at least running Meerkat!)22:50
al-maisandoes anybody know how to turn this annoying behaviour (all windows sticky) off?22:50
needlezGuest68553: you should try using aMSN, and set it so that its set to the camera v4linux2 or v4linux something like that should be installed also22:50
r3mhow to install gnome please22:50
KeithChesteranyone know of a good dhcp service and an easy way to set up ubuntu to use it?22:50
picasse key kaspersky      http://informatiq-help.blogspot.com/2011/03/kaspersky-lab.html22:50
Habstinatedbian: YouTube does that when you try to view it right after it's been uploaded. Wait about a minute.22:50
edbianr3m, gnome is installed by default in Ubuntu22:50
Starminn!gnoome | r3m22:50
needlezal-maisan: go into compiz it should be in there, not sure which one it is22:51
Starminn!gnome /| r3m22:51
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: Running the minimal install from USB (I hate wasting CDs)22:51
Starminn!gnome | r3m22:51
Guest68553so i need to install v4linux2 ?22:51
ubottur3m: GNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.22:51
noonianKeithChester, does it only do that for a certain application or every one?22:51
yeatstooStupid4Linux: ok - about the minimal install... it boots up and pulls nearly everything from the network, so you don't have to have a big CD image (which the alternate installer is)22:51
speedrunnerG55im running ubuntu 10.10- using google chromium, i cant see youtube videos, they are playing . i can hear then ind pause them and play them but i cant see them22:51
KeithChesteri need it to do it for the entire system22:51
edbianHabstinat, I'm patiently waiting.  I want to help you simply because there is a video of the problem.  Never seen that before on this channel :)22:51
r3myes but i install kubuntu from the tasksel menu by error now i desinstall kubuntu but how to restore gnome22:51
koolzmatehow about managing ftp chatzilla from terminal22:51
kmanWhat explains that i can only boot liveusb properly when my HD is unplugged? I can liveusb boot the machine with the HD plugged in aswell, but then i get stuck at the purple ubuntu screen. Could it be a PSU issue?22:52
edbianr3m, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop22:52
Starminnr3m: You mean how do you use GNOME after it's installed?22:52
noonianKeithChester, im sorry i was replying to someone else and got the name wrong :P22:52
KeithChesteryah i kind a figured haha22:52
YerushalmierUSUL: I don't really want all the packages, just, say, the list of items appearing in the menus for instance.22:52
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erUSULYerushalmi: http://karuppuswamy.com/wordpress/2010/06/02/how-to-chroot-to-ubuntu-using-live-cd-to-fix-grub-rescue-prompt/22:52
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: Aye, and with a nice fat connection it should be OK.  So long as it lets me define RAID....22:52
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: And it does....22:52
edbianHabstinat, Still waiting .... :/  Does it work for you yet?22:52
noonianal-maisan, does it only do that for a certain application? or for any new window22:52
needlezGuest68553: yes if its not already installed, but it should be, second make sure the client / program your using is set to the same output as the camera22:52
r3medbian thanks22:52
al-maisannoonian: for any new window :(22:53
edbianr3m, no problem22:53
Habstinatedbian: Then my evil plan to get help on #ubuntu has worked >:D I was also hoping the fact that it was shot and uploaded on an iPhone would attract all the hipsters out there.22:53
edbianHabstinat, just got it :)22:53
Guest68553i have amsn on but to video chat it pops and says "request to chat" then it cancels itself22:53
UncombedCoconuterUSUL: Thanks. Looks like the problem was that the app never found the .mo file under /usr/local22:54
needlezGuest68553: are you sure you camera will work with linux??22:54
Guest68553it is a hp cam built in on my laptop22:54
erUSULUncombedCoconut: i see22:54
edbianHabstinat, I am no a hipster unfortunately.  So the problem is it just goes black and hangs.  Do you have an nvidia graphics card?22:54
Guest68553it has worked before on streaming to koowy22:54
al-maisannoonian: and it only started this evening22:54
tooStupid4LinuxGuest68553: Have you checked the camera with something like "cheese"?22:54
Habstinatedbian: I'm 99% sure this laptop does.22:55
Guest68553whats "cheese?22:55
vimcentanyone know how to set default locale to utf8 on gnome-terminal22:55
roentgen_Has anyone tried natty alpha 3? I'm curios if plymouth is working...22:55
tooStupid4Linux"cheese" is a simple little video application, it's useful for checking that the web-cam actually works under Linux.  You can get it from the repositories in the normal way (Software Centre, Synaptic or command line)22:56
vimcentI googled for such a long time and couldn't find any solution22:56
edbianHabstinat, we need to add the nomodset option.  I'm looking up exactly how to do it.22:56
vimcentno effective solution found so far22:56
Guest68553okay i will try that if it is supported where should i go from there?22:56
Habstinatedbian: It doesn't have any operating system on it at the moment, don't think that would matter though.22:56
edbianHabstinat, try pressing F4 on that first screen (of the live CD) and choose safe graphics mode.  Having no OS makes the install simpler22:57
buovvsftpd is hanvingi after receiving a users password, so is ftp, any ideas?22:57
hiexpohola all22:57
needlezGuest68553: if it doesn't work under chesse that would explain why it closes22:57
tooStupid4LinuxGuest68553: Come back here I guess, if it works in "cheese".  I had to buy a new web-cam....22:57
edbianHabstinat, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions22:57
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: Cross your fingers, mate.....22:57
Guest68553okay well cheese is on my laptop now22:57
Guest68553it is supported22:58
yeatstooStupid4Linux: harder to type this way - but crossed! :-P22:58
Habstinatedbian: When I press F4 I just get a beep and the screen flickers once.22:58
berxxcheese works great w old cam22:58
noonianal-maisan, hmm im looking around but cant seem to find what it is22:58
sacarlsonvimcent: I see that utf8 in gnome-terminal under Terminal>Charicter ecoding22:58
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edbianHabstinat, at that point in the menu?  Try pressing F6 (might have more success)22:59
needlezGuest68553: open up cheese and see if you see your picture on the camera if so, now try connecting thru amsn or whatever youre using22:59
vimcentsacarlson: I can only do that manually22:59
al-maisannoonian: I was looking as well but no luck. Thanks for your help!22:59
edbianspeedrunnerG55, with what?22:59
needlezGuest68553: also make sure under settings youve selected the correct areas for the webcam22:59
speedrunnerG55i cant see youtube videos with google chromium22:59
speedrunnerG55how do i fix this22:59
speedrunnerG55it plays23:00
speedrunnerG55i have flash23:00
sacarlsonvimcent: that seems to be my default23:00
Guest68553ok what are the reccomened areas?23:00
edbianspeedrunnerG55, Does it work in firefox?23:00
needlezGuest68553: not sure, I don't use amsn or have it anymore, I use pidgin23:00
edbianspeedrunnerG55, Kill all chrome processes and try again.  (restarting is the simplest way to achieve this)23:00
Habstinatedbian: Yup. I get the same thing with F6. I can edit the boot entry with tab, though, but I forgot what to add to the end to do nomodset.23:01
speedrunnerG55"kill the prosseses?23:01
erUSULspeedrunnerG55: pkill chrome23:01
needlezspeedrunnerG55: reboot23:01
noonianspeedrunnerG55, have you updated recently? i found a thread where some people just had to upgrade flash23:01
buovvsftpd is hanging after receiving the users password, any ideas?23:01
Habstinatedbian: Is it just --nomodset?23:01
speedrunnerG55how i do that23:01
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: 83% and climbing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!23:01
erUSULspeedrunnerG55: log out and log in that kill all your processes. rebooting is overkill23:02
speedrunnerG55pm me with what to do  i have to go xD23:02
edbianHabstinat, looking that up as well.  Get your hands on an alternate CD.  (it doesn't have a gui so I suspect it won't freak / freeze)23:02
edbianHabstinat, I believe it's just nomodeset     (no dashes required).23:03
edbianspeedrunnerG55, cya soon23:03
rcmaehlHelp! How do I update the ubuntu dictionary? Definitions from the 1913 publication of webster are out of date and I would like the definitions from a recent dictionary23:03
buovvsftpd is hanging upon receiving the users password, it has been working fine up until last night and I'm not sure what the problem is.23:04
=== canon is now known as Acid190
schoppenhauerhello. I have a strange problem: in firefox, youtube-videos are shown in a purple color (e.g. the colors are messed up - maybe the green channel is missing or something). I cannot really find anything about this problem.23:05
Habstinatedbian: Note that I can't boot from a CD on this computer, so I'm doing this all from a USB. I'll download the alternate installer. Adding nomodset both with and without the dash didn't do anything with the screen.23:05
schoppenhauerthis only happens in firefox. in chromium they are shown correctly.23:05
erUSULrcmaehl: maybe a more recent dictionary is not free for ubuntu to include it ...23:05
vimcentsacarlson: do you know how to change the default?23:05
rcmaehlerUSUL: meh I want a updated offline dictionary :(23:05
edbianHabstinat, It's nomodeset  (an e in 'mode')  How did you add a kernel parameter if pressing F6 causes the computer to freeze?23:06
hiexposchoppenhauer, must be something to do with your  firefox plugins23:06
sacarlsonvimcent: probly File>new profile , File>save contents23:06
Starminnrcmaehl: Is the default one not up-to-date? ( I know it's online but if the default is what you need there is a way to make it offline)23:06
schoppenhauerhiexpo: obviously ...23:06
Guest68553for aMSN it says "microsoft has blocked access to SIP servers" blocking my access for cam chat23:06
kaiserhi, guys23:07
Habstinatedbian: It says to press tab to edit an entry, and that works. Sorry, trying no modEset now.23:07
edbianHabstinat, aaaah, good call23:07
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: I am now up to selecting the software on the minimal CD...not quite sure what to select though......23:07
=== kaiser is now known as Guest13185
yeatstooStupid4Linux: select ubuntu desktop for the normal "ubuntu" setup23:07
rcmaehlStarminn: default one uses webster 1913 definition as well as some other sources which aren't really good23:07
buovvsftpd is hanging upon receiving the users password, it has been working fine up until last night and I'm not sure what the problem is.23:07
needlezGuest68553: then you can't use aMsn to video chat, not sure what else is out there that supports  msn video chat, check either kopete, pidgin, or maybe they finally got something good in empathy??23:07
yeatstooStupid4Linux: the others are optional23:07
Guest68553how would i set it up in pidgin?23:08
Starminnrcmaehl: Ah.23:08
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: Ah....and I can always add them later if I need.23:08
yeatstooStupid4Linux: yep - exactly23:08
needlezGuest68553: it won't work in pidgin, i just checked, still not working yet23:08
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: Love to know what the heck was wrong with those other two discs...how about I just blame Win7, that's what I had to use for the burn.23:09
GeekManwhat wont work in pidgin23:09
needlezGuest68553: and as for kopete and empathy not sure, since Im not using them23:09
ehidleafternoon folks23:09
Guest68553okay i will try kopete23:09
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needlezGeekMan: msn video chat wont work in pidgin yet23:09
buovvsftpd is hanging upon receiving the users password, it has been working fine up until last night and I'm not sure what the problem is. It appears to have given me an errot now though: "Could not read reply from control connection--timed out"23:09
=== ghost is now known as Guest41963
edbianHabstinat, well!??! :)23:10
busgosugbuenas noches23:10
Habstinatedbian: Just booted up with nomodeset. Thanks!23:10
busgosugdesde España23:10
rcmaehlStarminn: quote "contains the full text of the 1913 Webster's Unabridged Dictionary"23:10
Starminn!es | busgosug23:10
ubottubusgosug: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:11
Guest68553anyone know of a good reliable video chat client for linux?23:11
Habstinatedbian: I can see the screen now.23:11
GeekManwhy cant transarmageddon find the plugin i need i get this :The requested plugins are:MPEG-4 AAC encoder H.264 encoder23:11
rcmaehlGuest68553: skype23:11
StarminnGuest68553: Well.. There's always Skype23:11
Starminn!skype | Guest6855323:11
ubottuGuest68553: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga23:11
Guest68553lol other than skype23:11
rcmaehlGuest68553: empathy?23:11
ghostboyJasonn: I managed to change my resolution ;) now I've got another problem :( can you pls help me?23:12
Starminn!Ekiga | Guest6855323:12
ubottuGuest68553: ekiga is an Internet telephony application included with Ubuntu, which supports the SIP and H323 protocols. Information and help at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ekiga23:12
Guest68553is garbage and wont work23:12
needlezrcmaehl: since when can empathy do video chat correctly??23:12
rcmaehlneedlez: good point23:12
buovvsftpd is hanging upon receiving the users password, it has been working fine up until last night and I'm not sure what the problem is. It appears to have given me an errot now though: "Could not read reply from control connection--timed out"23:13
needlezrcmaehl: why did they switch to empathy instead of pidgin is what i wonder?? pidgin is much more stable. I'm still using it23:13
edbianHabstinat, fixed :)23:13
Starminnneedlez: +123:14
rcmaehlneedlez: yeah and then they can switch to gwibbler lol23:14
rcmaehlJK JK23:14
hiexpopidgin rocks compared to all others i think works for all chats23:14
needlezStarminn: thx23:14
ehidlepidgin is quite good23:14
nooniancan it do video?23:15
Guest68553i have trouble with pidgin video though23:15
hiexponot yet but there working on it23:15
Guest68553so im installing the ekiga thing the ubttu said23:15
noonianyeah empathy video was really lagging for me with google video23:15
yeatstooStupid4Linux: don't know what would've caused the problems - could be a bad CD drive or a bad batch of CDs?  (I've experienced both issues myself)23:15
Guest68553good things for ekiga?23:16
Guest68553it works right?23:16
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: Possible, just with it could have worked from USB.23:16
hichiis it ok here to just queri people before asking first?23:16
ehidlehichi just ask your question23:17
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod23:17
buovvsftpd is hanging upon receiving the users password, it has been working fine up until last night and I'm not sure what the problem is. It appears to have given me an errot now though: "Could not read reply from control connection--timed out"23:18
shaneocan someone please help me with changing the taskbar in 11.04 ubuntu23:19
shaneoi dont like the mac type look and cant figure out how to change it23:20
hichiehidl: but I don't want to ask in public23:20
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.23:20
tooStupid4Linuxshaneo: You can use "gconf-editor" and there are loads of guides.  search fro something like "ubuntu change button location"23:20
hichibets would be with someone from the opearators23:20
=== JyZyGyZyXEL is now known as JyZyXEL
needlezhichi: ask your question, and you'll get more answers, plus if you ask in public more people will help23:21
needlezhichi: also, I pm'ed you if you wanna tell me the question23:21
tooStupid4Linuxshaneo: First result - http://blog.mattrudge.net/2010/05/01/change-button-location-in-ubuntu-10-04/23:21
ubuntuge_ekhaving synchronization error with wget while connecting terminal via twitter23:22
hichineedlez: do you belong to the firefox developers or people know you here?23:22
buovvsftpd is hanging upon receiving the users password, it has been working fine up until last night and I'm not sure what the problem is. It appears to have given me an errot now though: "Could not read reply from control connection--timed out"23:23
needlezno to the first, and idk to the second, your issue is with firefox then??23:23
noonianpeople won't know if they can help with your problem if they do not know what you question pertains to23:23
ubuntuge_ekhaving synchronization error with wget while connecting terminal via twitter23:24
tooStupid4Linuxbuov: I know nothing about "vsftpd" but that is a classic error for the other party being down, service not running or network trouble.  Can you ping the server?23:24
needlezhichi: like its said just ask the question, more people can look over the question and help you23:24
buovtooStupid4Linux: Yes, as well as use sftp/ssh, the server is most definitely not down.23:24
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:24
Josef_Bso lets say i have a issue with hdmi out .. before i install ubuntu 10.10 how would i troubleshoot it ?23:25
tooStupid4Linuxbuov: Has someone been playing silly-beggars with a firewall?23:25
hiexpohere's a wierd one when i try to connect tomy twitter with prism twitter it connects to my facebook account23:25
noonianJosef_B, you could boot 10.10 from a live cd first and see if hdmi out works on your hardware23:26
noonianit works for me23:26
ubuntuge_ekhaving synchronization error with wget while connecting terminal via twitter23:26
Josef_Byea im about to try that23:26
buovtooStupid4Linux: not sure what silly-beggars is, but I've checked the firewall, forwarded ports haven't been changed, vsftpd seems to be running on the same port as before it started not working.23:26
hihihi100can anyone tell me if there is any openbv irc?23:26
Josef_B k23:26
hihihi100openbve is a simulator23:26
Josef_Bnoonian, another thing .. when i install ubuntu should i do a apt-get dist-upgrade or just leave it how it is and upgrade when needed ?23:26
buovtooStupid4Linux: Also, its prompting me for my password so I'm assuming that I'm communicating with the server, it just stops responding after authentication23:27
nooniani would upgrade fully23:27
Guest68553do i have to pay to use ekiga?23:27
nooniani always try to stay up to date23:27
tooStupid4Linuxbuov: "silly-beggars" is a polite UK-ism for...well...it begins with "f" and ends with "ing up".23:27
buovtooStupid4Linux: Ah.23:27
tooStupid4Linuxbuov: Sounds like you age getting through.  Is there a process thrasing on the server?  From what little I know, it sounds like the server is simply taking too long to reply.  Can you increase the timeout?23:28
tooStupid4Linuxbuov: "your age", I mean "you are"23:29
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ubuntu_I need some help guys. I had a windows partition and an ubuntu partition on the same hard drive but I delete the ext4 partition that had grub on it. Now when  choose to boot off that drive I get a grub error. How can get rid of grub for mbr so it goes to normal windows 7 loader? I am running a live version of ubuntu23:30
ubuntu_My drive is /dev/sda23:30
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thesaucypaupergreetings, ladies and gents. would anyone care to give me a hand? i've obviously screwed somthing up23:31
ubuntu_There is a 100 MB partion that is reserved so I assume I gotta change something on there.23:31
tooStupid4Linuxthesaucypauper: We're all about that23:32
thesaucypauperthank you very much23:32
tooStupid4Linuxubuntu_: I think you can use your Win7 media to repair the MBR and keep Windows happy.23:32
buovtooStupid4Linux: Well it appears that simply by reading through the logs I appeased it enough to decide to let me login.23:32
ubuntu_don't worry thesaucypauper I messed something up as well.23:32
Jonii^How do I change localized version of ubuntu into English one?23:32
tooStupid4Linuxbuov: LOL!23:32
ubuntu_I tried that already. The repair said there was no errors :(23:32
thesaucypauperI had linux mint installed on a separate hard drive, but I preffered ubuntu, so i installed that.23:33
thesaucypauperi know it installed on to the hard drive of my choice23:33
karmelekhello everyone23:33
thesaucypauperthe problem is a grub error.23:33
Jonii^These translations are awful, it would be easier to just read everything in English to begin with, instead of trying to reverse engineer bad translation into English original23:33
Josef_Bany ideas on my update issue .. should i do a dist-upgrade on 10.10 as soon as i log in .. or should i just leave it and update everything as needed ?23:34
erUSULJonii^: system>admin>languiage support23:34
tooStupid4Linuxyeats: The first boot is now going through....and I obviosuly have screwed the RAID0 config.  ARGH!23:34
karmelekI have got a problem with flash (adobe) on ubntu 10.10. In firefox it crashes very often and some fragments of movies are still visible in different parts of screen23:34
ubuntu_/dev/sda1 ntfs system reserved 100 MB   has boot flags23:34
ubuntu_I know I gotta change something in here.23:34
tylerwill Ekiga work to video chat with MSN messenger?23:35
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Guest79086anyone know?23:36
thesaucypauperso it says Error: file not found23:36
q0_0panyone know how to make configure  script23:36
q0_0pwanted to learn23:36
thesaucypauperit gives me a line that says "grub>" or something like that23:36
arrrghhhi have a 1080p screen, if i connect it via VGA is there a limit to how big i can go?  1280x720 seems the max, why can't i do 1920x1080?23:36
linuxpoisgetting error xmls on curl...23:36
q0_0plearning c and created "Hello World"23:37
thesaucypauperis there a way for me to reinstall GRUB?23:37
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needlezq0_0p: wouldn't it be ./configure??23:37
q0_0pneedlez, wanted to create it23:37
thesaucypauperor: is there a way for me to skip grub (whatever that is... i really don't know) and just boot windows 7 (which is on the other hard disk)?23:38
onelinernice; looks like the dvd drive has become unresponsive; changing the media as no effect on the naming on the desk or the mount names in /media23:38
Guest79086will ekiga work with MSN users?23:39
needlezq0_0p: sorry no idea how to create one23:39
=== Guest85223 is now known as rgb247
thesaucypauperdoes anyone know what went wrong? i must have messed something up... but i have no idea what went wrong23:40
rgb247anyone can help me to solve this problem "Host key verification failed"23:41
erUSUL!find b4323:41
ubottuFound: b43-fwcutter, firmware-b43-installer, firmware-b43-lpphy-installer, firmware-b43legacy-installer23:41
rgb247when I try to connect with SFTP23:41
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arrrghhhrgb247: sounds like you don't have the keys setup properly, and it's requiring keys.23:42
chris2hello, I am writing a program which should bind a socket to port 53 DNS, however it cannot bind on this port. A nmap scan says "53/udp closed domain". Does anyone know how to open the port?23:42
arrrghhhchris2: do you have ufw enabled?  also, router?23:43
k_89hey.. suggest a nice media(audio+video) player/manager (something in the lines of wmp7+) for ubuntu23:44
thesaucypauperdo i just reinstall ubunto onto the first hard disk? apparently grub disappeared23:44
DasEichris2: sudo ufw allow ProtcollHere (tcp..) allow 5323:44
DasEichris2: man ufw23:44
Guest79086is there a way i can get ekiga to call msn users?23:44
rgb247arrrghhh: can you help me? I've removed the file from ./ssh/known_hosts23:44
chris2arrrghhh: i have firestarter as an interface for iptables but that is it. and it is set to permissive for 5323:44
MuelliGuest79086: no23:44
nimbioticsI can only guess this is not the right channel for this question but here it goes; using braser, oI copied some DVDs to ISO files. some of these ISO files are way bigger than 4Gb; Is there a way to make them fit into a regular DVD? TIA!23:44
chris2DasEi: nice, let me try that23:44
rgb247and the problem still persist.. I was able to connect via SSH after I've removed this file, but I can't connect with SFTP23:44
Guest79086will trillian work on ubuntu?23:44
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
ikoniargb247: when you re-connect it will get re-created23:45
MuelliGuest79086: probably not. Most likely actually.23:45
k_89nimbiotics ... do u mind breaking them into parts?23:45
Guest79086okay i will try to install that?23:45
rgb247ikonia: and how can I solve this problem? I was connected before at this machine, but I've reinstalled the OS23:45
arrrghhhrgb247: #open-ssh would be a better room, i'm far from an expert on that.23:45
m0kshahi, what's the best option for backing up my system?23:46
arrrghhhchris2: firewall on the router?  also, ISP could be blocking it...23:46
rgb247this channel doesn't exist23:46
noonianGuest79086, pidgin and empathy accomplish much the same task23:46
MuelliGuest79086: That would most likely be a waste of time. Either a) convince your friends to use free and open standards, i.e. SIP or XMPP or b) just install empathy or pidgin23:46
arrrghhhrgb247: sorry #openssh23:46
chris2arrrghhh: i am runnign everything on localhost, but the problem is that it doesn't bind on the port23:46
arrrghhhm0ksha: depends, do you have a server to backup to?23:46
ikoniargb247: remove it from your local ~/.ssh/known_hosts file23:46
arrrghhhchris2: oh.... i see.23:46
Muellichris2: how do you know that you can't bind the port?23:47
k_89seems like a kiddie question, given the 'discussions' going on here, but can you guys  suggest a nice media(a&v) player+manager23:47
=== andrew_ is now known as Guest86659
k_89or.. can braesero play video23:47
chris2Muelli: because in debugging mode it tries to bind and fails (the c program), while on other ports works just fine23:47
needlezk_89: ! totem23:47
chris2Muelli: such as 1234523:47
=== Guest23991 is now known as DarkDevil
nooniank_89, vlc player will play almost any media, but it doesnt do so well as a manager23:47
Muellichris2: how do you know that you can't bind the port? i.e. what the error message.23:47
thesaucypaupercould someone please tell me how to reinstall ubuntu and make sure grub is installed?23:47
arrrghhhneedlez: needs to go first :P23:48
Muellithesaucypauper: boot from pretty much any medium and do a "grub-install"23:48
=== DarkDevil is now known as Guest98919
arrrghhh!totem | k_8923:48
ubottuk_89: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs23:48
needlezk_89: totem will play almost anything and is installed by default23:48
k_89thnx needlez , noonian , know about vlc, gonna try totem now23:48
needlezarrrghh: lol i noticed when it didnt do the thing thx23:48
chris2Muelli: oh god, can't believe i didn't check that23:49
chris2Muelli: it's bind Bad value for ai_flags23:49
thesaucypauperMuelli: how exactly do i do that? do i put that in the command line when it says "Error: file not found" "grub>"23:49
chris2i'll look into it first thing now23:49
Guest79086pidgin wont make video calls though23:50
Muellithesaucypauper: check the interwebs. googling for "grub-install" revealed http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/Installing-GRUB-using-grub_002dinstall.html23:50
nimbioticsk_89: No, we want the whole movie on a single DVD if possible. Of course, there is over a dozen VOB files within the ISO, but we want to keep it all together. Is it possible?23:50
keith27how to i get my missing volume control back in the task bar23:50
cha0s2358Question, only slightly complicated. Everyone knows that in the shortcuts menu are your music, videos, pictures, documents and downloads folders. My system is set up as dual boot win 7 and ubuntu 10.10 with a large partition in ntfs format automounted at each started up. is it possible for me to keep these "icon folders" in my shortcuts but to change the directory to which they load. so instead of the icon folders being liked to /23:50
cha0s2358home/cha0s/<desired folder> the link to /mpoint/<desired folder> and also keep the icons on the folders????23:50
MuelliGuest79086: it should though. But check emphathy anyway.23:51
DasEiGuest79086: pidgin does for gmail (video)23:51
Guest79086so if they have msn then i cant make video calls23:51
Muellicha0s2358: that should certainly be possible. At least you can create new bookmarks to pretty much any point I think.23:51
DasEiGuest79086: half a year old development, and I use the ppa, not standard repo23:51
DasEinot sure with msn, googlemail works23:52
needlezMuelli: since when does empathy do video chat correctly?? , pidgin, empathy cant make calls to msn yet. And from what I remember the only thing that could was aMSN but it doesn't anymore23:52
cha0s2358Muelli,  How would one go about doing this?23:52
sur07Hola, alguien habla español??23:52
zmvsur07: Si :)23:52
Muellicha0s2358: Ctrl+D in any nautilus window should do.23:52
needlezGuest79086: from what I remember the only thing that could was aMSN but it doesn't anymore23:53
hiexpowhen i open my prism-twitter it opens my facebook account   > help23:53
Muellineedlez: *shrug* I do video calls with the empathy instance on my phone and it kinda works...23:53
cha0s2358Muelli, but will they keep the content defined "icon folders"23:53
Guest79086thanks guys you have been a major help23:53
trumeeanybody owns a Logitech Cseries webcam?23:53
arrrghhh!es | sur0723:53
ubottusur07: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:53
trumeeI was wondering if they supported focussing using uvc controls23:53
arrrghhhi have a 1080p screen, if i connect it via VGA is there a limit to how big i can go?  1280x720 seems the max, why can't i do 1920x1080?23:54
trumeeMost of the online review mention fixed focus.23:54
edbianarrrghhh, Perhaps the video card is limiting you.23:55
edbianarrrghhh, Do you have a card or do you have onboard graphics?23:55
arrrghhhedbian: that's a good point.  any way to check?  onboard.23:55
edbianarrrghhh, run this: xrandr   (it's pretty self explanatory)23:56
arrrghhhedbian: lmao max says 4096x4096?!?23:57
DasEi!es > sur0723:57
ubottusur07, please see my private message23:57
arrrghhhedbian: http://paste.ubuntu.com/57670723:58
arrrghhhthose modes listed are the choices i get for monitor settings.23:58
Angstrom_How do I use Audacity to do stuff23:59

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