[00:01] pogledaću sve, pa ću videti šta je zanimljvo :) [00:02] prehladio sam se pa se dosađujem u krevetu sa igricama :) [00:04] to je baš lepo :) [00:05] a lutkice [00:05] oblacis barbike [00:05] ili ljustis majmunu bananu [01:21] hey... sorry for abusing the channel for translation services... but can anybody tell me what "bleh" means, e.g. "bleh orkestar agusevi" or "Blehorkestar Bakija Bakic" === dungodung is now known as dungodung|sleep [01:41] brass orchestra Bakija Bakić [01:42] promis, thank you! so bleh means brass, is that in serbian? [01:42] no thats in macedonian [01:42] Pleh is in serbian [01:43] awesome thank you, that's super helpful [01:43] (google translate doesn't seem to know the word bleh) [01:43] Style : Balkan brass [01:43] http://www.backata.com/index.php?newsid=397 [01:44] see this link [01:44] (or maybe it wants cyrillic) [01:45] promis, yep i know... i play balkan brass music, trying to come up with a good band name [01:45] Personalay I always say Pleh [01:45] does duvacki also mean brass? [01:45] jes [01:45] heh, yes [01:46] trubaci also? [01:46] duvački - breath [01:46] trubači - trumpetieres [01:47] in wich country do tou play? [01:47] ah excellent thanks [01:47] In which country do you paly? [01:47] so duvacki is sort of like "wind" as in wind instrument, wind ensemble etc [01:47] in usa [01:47] yes [01:48] duvački orekstar is wind ensemble [01:49] Did you listen to Fead Sejdić? [01:50] He is one of the best. [01:50] In Serbia [01:51] i did not know him! [01:51] a singer? [01:51] Well, maybe he sings, [01:52] but he is trumpet player [01:52] and he had en ensemble [01:52] oh, ok... so he's the trumpet player, not the singer here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZxy4EqzzUQ [01:52] trumpetiers ensemble [01:53] i think naat veliov from kocani orkestar is my favorite [01:54] I'm not shure, but I think it's him in the white suit [01:55] do you listen to much brass music? [01:56] No, just occasionally [01:56] mainly when there is some party on [01:57] i see [01:57] like he beat [01:57] are there many bands in your area? [01:57] and the traditional balkan melodies [01:57] there are plenty of brass bands in serbia [01:58] in serbia definitely but i mean in your particular area [01:58] smaoe times they come, few of them, and play in front of apartment building for money [01:59] I'm in Belgrade, so there are plenty here. [01:59] aha ok... i think i have heard that there's a concentration in vranje and probably other places [01:59] anywhere with a lot of roma probably [01:59] are there many non-roma bands? [02:00] It's pretty normal to see brass band on the street [02:00] I think there are a lot non gypsy bands [02:01] But traditionaly they are the majority [02:02] And the best players [02:03] yeah it's amazing how many great gypsy musicians there are [02:03] do you know the word gadje? would you consider it offensive? [02:04] did you mean gajde? [02:04] do i? what does gajde mean? [02:04] beacause gadje doesent mean anything that i know of [02:04] Gajde is an instrument. [02:04] oh [02:05] no gadje i believe is the gypsy word for non-gypsy [02:05] I dont know that word [02:06] maybe its on gypsy language [02:06] i think it is yes [02:06] https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Gadjo_%28non-Roma%29 [02:09] don't know [02:27] меч is yet another word? [02:27] for brass? [02:29] no [02:29] asa far i know [02:30] http://translate.google.com/#en|mk|brass%20music -- tells me "меч музика" - what does it really mean? [02:30] it's writting nonsense [02:31] hehe ok [02:31] that translator is garbage [02:31] we use it for fun [02:31] :) [02:32] serbian language it's much more complex than english [02:32] so it's not easy to write the tranlastor [02:33] i see [02:33] we use меч for game, like in english match [02:33] its word from english, adapted [02:34] i wonder what the translator was thinking [02:38] how come you find the interest in balkan brass? [02:40] it's great music and really fun to play [02:40] especially for a trumpet player [02:41] also i've known klezmer music since i was young and there are many similarities [02:41] but more energy and more variety in balkan brass [02:42] yeah, to much ;) [02:44] hehe sometimes [02:44] don't know if you heard about Guča festival [02:45] it's pretty popular in last years [02:45] maybe thats the place for you to be [02:45] yep i know guca [02:45] i'd like to go someday [02:46] have you been? [02:46] no, I'm really not in that kind of "bahanalije" [02:47] well, maybe thats the name for your band [02:47] Bahanalije [02:47] means a big party? [02:47] if you play fast, and wild [02:47] yaeah [02:47] big jucie, greasy party [02:48] in all means [02:48] yeah actually we have that word in english too, bacchanalia i think [02:48] but... it's a little hard to spell and remember [02:49] well, it all came grom antic greek [02:50] yeah [02:50] Bacchus is Dionysus [02:53] well, it's almost 04 AM here, gotta go [02:53] ok [02:53] thanks for your help! [02:53] nothing [02:53] see ya [02:53] l8r === dungodung|sleep is now known as dungodung [09:35] radak_ ćao [09:36] pozz [09:36] čitam ovu prepisku za IRC [09:37] malo je nervozno kako ljudi reaguju [09:37] kao da im ekseri po ceo dan padaju na glavu [09:38] samo da pređem na empathy, ne mogu ovde na web-u da četujem [09:38] ne razumijem, jesam li opet nesto zabrljavio === dungodung is now known as dungodung|away [11:25] možda bi trebalo ovde prebaciti deo diskusije [11:25] zbog cenzure koja vlada na forumu [11:29] kakva cenzura [11:29] ne znam o čemu se radi, ali i ovde važi: Pazi snima se. [11:29] kakva god da je ona na forumu, slobodno ocekuj istu i ovde [11:33] nisam dugo bio na forumu [11:34] o cemu se radi [11:34] navikao sam se na stari , ovaj mi mnogo ruzan [11:35] imas vise tema za forum, ja ne koristim onu podrazumevanu [11:35] to znam , [11:36] Ja koristim sivu [11:36] slaže mi se uz macovu graphite [11:37] koristis mac temu? [11:37] zar ima neka koja je ok [11:37] koju god sam video je bila polovicna [11:38] gle sada , ne znam gde je menjanje tema [11:40] u bre , jbte ne znam sada da nadjem , jebem ti MyBB [11:41] korisnicka kp, ucitaj postavke, pa u ostale postavke [11:41] na kp - sam i bauljam , sacu da vidim [11:42] da , heh [11:43] ladno nisam video ucitaj postavke [11:45] adamentiom je ipak ok , ostace [11:46] http://www.webupd8.org/2011/03/smooth-inset-first-real-theme-for-new.html [11:46] lepo izgleda ovo [11:48] mani svaki gnome shll izglaeda odlicno ,, ali kako cu da se odviknem od 3.2 ... [11:54] dobar dan u kuću [11:55] hi === dungodung|away is now known as dungodung [12:56] dobar dan [13:01] dobar dan [13:24] ćao [13:46] poydrav svima :) [13:46] pozdrav* [14:13] Pozdrav [14:43] koji je kanal za BSD? [14:44] tj. BSD srbija [15:12] Hermes [15:12] reci? [15:12] #BSDSrbija [15:12] pise i na sajtu cak mislim [15:13] hvala :D upao sam [17:23] pozdrav drustvo [17:23] ... [17:23] kako da se ulogujem kao root? [17:24] ubuntu 10.10 [17:29] mislim da ne mozes da se ulogujes kao root [17:29] mozes u terminalu da kucas "sudo " ili "su", ukucas svoju sifru i eto ti root pristupa [17:33] Probao sam to [17:34] probao sam cak i da kucam sudo pored komande koja mi treba [17:34] i opet nista [17:50] onda samodapitam nisi u wheel grupi [17:52] /etc/group/ wheel:x:10:root,samodapitam i da se izloguješ i uloguješ [17:55] pozdra, ima tko da radi sa fltk? [18:38] koristim aplikacije koje imaj fltk gui [18:55] i ja isto samo aplikacije sa fltk [18:56] pobeže samodapitam i ne reče da li je rešio, što volem takve [19:27] ma nisam otisla [19:27] tu sam [19:27] samo sam se patila sa kodom [19:27] ma stvar je sto pravim neki program, za lin, osx i win [19:27] pa koristim fltk...a na linuxu me malo patilo [19:27] hvala ekipo [19:34] nemysis: se ljutiš? [19:34] zašto da se ljutim jasna [19:35] ja imam samo Linux i to Gentoo [19:35] tako sam shvatila...ma trazila sam rješenje po netu pa nisam vidila da pises meni :( [21:08] 1:1 [21:08] :D [21:08] Jebem ti sudiju dade crvendac van der persiu :S [21:17] gleda neko [21:17] arsenal barsa ? [21:29] a' [21:29] ? [21:33] ja gledam [21:33] i ne volim barsu [21:33] :D [21:39] tako treba [21:39] :D [21:39] Ja navijam za arsenal al 3:1 :/ [21:40] a jbg [21:40] barsa