=== k1l_ is now known as k1l | ||
Daekdroom | We have a troll over #ubuntu-br. | 17:57 |
m4v | Daekdroom: the ops of #ubuntu-br aren't available? | 17:58 |
Daekdroom | m4v, as far as I know, they aren't, and I tried the proper ubottu factoid already. | 17:59 |
serfus | Daekdroom, check /msg chanserv access #ubuntu-br list to see the ops | 18:03 |
m4v | the only -br op I know by nick is away.. | 18:03 |
tsimpson | Daekdroom: what's going on? | 18:06 |
tsimpson | seems quiet now | 18:06 |
m4v | yep | 18:06 |
Daekdroom | tsimpson, half a minute ago derp00 was asking absurd questions and giving nonsensical answers | 18:06 |
topyli | *!*@ubuntu/member/* +voriA in #ubuntu-br | 18:07 |
tsimpson | topyli: only helps when an ubuntu member is around ;) | 18:08 |
topyli | oh, i thought there's *always* an ubuntu member around :) | 18:09 |
tsimpson | well, you are I are ;) | 18:09 |
tsimpson | Daekdroom: is he asking if is's true that bsd is faster than linux there? google translate doesn't like it when people don't use proper spelling | 18:09 |
topyli | like boy scouts | 18:09 |
m4v | by looking at the logs, I fail at portuguese | 18:10 |
Daekdroom | tsimpson, yeah, among stuff like "how do I know my PC is linucs (sic)" and "why doesn't the font icon appear in gnome? is it a virus?" | 18:10 |
Daekdroom | asking for serial numbers for ubuntu ultimate etcetra | 18:11 |
m4v | Daekdroom: he mentioned redtube? (i'm reading the logs) but I don't understand the sentence | 18:11 |
m4v | and google doesn't help | 18:11 |
Daekdroom | m4v, he told the guy to install a redtube package to fix his problem | 18:11 |
Daekdroom | another answer was to install all apt packages and so on. | 18:12 |
topyli | btw the entry msg in -br needs translator love :) | 18:15 |
tsimpson | let's see if they continue for a few mins | 18:15 |
tsimpson | topyli: locobot_1 should be dead by now | 18:16 |
topyli | oh. well it's undead then :\ | 18:16 |
m4v | topyli: ? my entry msg was in Portuguese | 18:16 |
m4v | oh, locobot's one | 18:17 |
topyli | yes | 18:17 |
m4v | I didn't get anything from locobot *confused* just from chanserv | 18:19 |
tsimpson | you should have got a notice, just like ChanServ does | 18:20 |
tsimpson | -locobot_1- #ubuntu-br: The channel is logged (at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode). Please observe the Ubuntu Code of Conduct. Thank you! | 18:20 |
m4v | that's the strange thing, I can't see any notice | 18:20 |
erUSUL | i recieved it.... but is the first time i get one ;P i do nt get it in the other ( few ) channels a log in | 18:21 |
m4v | I cycled in #ubuntu-es, no notice either. | 18:22 |
tsimpson | locobot_* really shouldn't be in any channel now, loco's are logged on irclogs.ubuntu.com by ubuntulog* | 18:23 |
* m4v shrugs | 18:23 | |
m4v | tsimpson: there's one in u-es and u-br | 18:23 |
tsimpson | yeah, the ubuntu-eu guys seem to have disappeared off the face of the earth.. | 18:23 |
m4v | meh, dunno, whatever I try doesn't trigger a notice from the locobot, I only get chanserv's | 18:37 |
serfus | #ubuntu-il has locobot as well | 18:41 |
tsimpson | unfortunately no one really has control over them, so there is nothing we can do about them | 18:43 |
serfus | well, he is quiet so we don't mind him | 18:44 |
nhandler | serfus: You could always ban them if necessary (although the ideal solution would be for the bot owner to remove it) | 18:45 |
serfus | ya, a couple of weeks ago i asked about it here. | 18:45 |
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