[14:21] howdy [20:24] Help me, Internets! My five-year old niece is using an old laptop running Xubuntu 9.10, and I want to load it with some games for her. I'm not getting much info from http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?mode=exactfilename&suite=karmic§ion=all&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=games [20:53] BobJonkman, did you try "apt-cache search game"? === Amgine_ is now known as Amgine [22:05] bregma: Yup, (actually, apt-cache dump | grep game) but from that list couldn't determine what was suitable for 5yr olds. Installed gcompris, passed on any of the KDE dependent games and rogue-like games... [22:05] Anyway, she's happy for now (I think) [22:45] * KombuchaKip reminds everyone to set their clocks ahead one hour where necessary for DST.