=== tsimpson_ is now known as tsimpson [04:35] Hi, can anyone help me install a driver? [05:02] hey jim_ [05:02] what for? [05:03] Sorry for the delay, Ralink RT3060 wifi card [05:04] this fith one down here http://www.ralinktech.com/support.php?s=2 [05:04] its a .tgz [05:04] hmmm [05:05] i would try extracting [05:05] and see if there is a readme [05:05] usually if the drivers can be had [05:05] they are just 'in' the kernel [05:05] OR availalbe as a pacakge [05:05] package* [05:05] from the repos [05:05] like wireless-backports [05:05] something like that^^^ [05:06] ill check that repo now === Axlin is now known as Axlin|AFK === Axlin|AFK is now known as Axlin [10:25] does anyone know how I can enable transparency? it only turns out white when I display the images-.- [11:02] KinkyPinkie: hello [11:25] duanedesign: hey [11:26] if it's regarding my question, I converted types, but I got some errormsgs regarding plugins, so I'm not sure it's solved as I did back in lucid [11:50] KinkyPinkie: are you doing this in Gimp? [11:51] i used gimp to create the transparent layers yes [11:53] KinkyPinkie: ok. And what are you using the images for? [11:54] this time they were going up in the panel as icons for applications [11:54] if that was what you meant [11:59] ok [12:22] KinkyPinkie: it might be t he format you save it in. Only certain formats save the transparency info [12:28] KinkyPinkie: png will save the transparency [12:28] To check if the image has an alpha channel, go to the channel dialog and verify that an entry for “Alpha” exists, besides Red, Green and Blue === NattyAlcine is now known as JackyAlcine === sre-su_ is now known as sre-su [15:23] s-fox: ping [15:23] pong duanedesign [15:24] s-fox: what was that statement we put into php to get more info about an error [15:26] error_reporting(E_ALL); [15:26] Though this will work also - error_reporting(E_ALL); [15:27] duanedesign, What is it set to in your php.ini file? [15:27] * duanedesign looking [15:28] duanedesign, I am on a video call to the states. I may be slow to respond. [15:28] kk, thank you [15:28] s-fox: error_reporting(E_ALL); did bring up some additional info [15:31] duanedesign, Okay, what is the additional information that is being displayed? [15:32] Undefined variable [15:34] duanedesign, That is a notice, not an error. You should set it to a default [15:34] value at the beginning of your script, or before you use it. [18:37] I'm trying to boot off a live CD but when ubuntu starts the screen is blank. I know the screen is working because the BIOS screen still shows up while it's booting, and I think ubuntu is booting because when I press the power button to turn it off the CD ejects and the computer waits for me to press Enter [18:55] Guest57327, what kind of computer you have [18:57] Compaq Presario SR1917CL [18:58] have you tried a second Live CD just in case the first didn't burn right for some reason? [18:59] no, but I did try a USB stick first with the same problem [19:01] and the image you used passed the md5sum? [19:01] I didn't check... [19:02] oh, but my iMac boots off it ok [19:04] strange. unfortunately i'm just heading out, so hopefully someone else will have an idea of how to resolve the problem for you [20:36] Hello everybody! Can anybody please give me advice which source code editor is good to use in ubuntu? I used Notepad++ in Windows but I am not very experienced... [21:27] Darn, he left too quickly. === Axlin is now known as Axlin|AFK [23:18] Ok, after a lot of trouble I can get it to start booting off the CD, but now it kernel panicked [23:21] hmmm, i wonder why [23:22] Guest57327: LTS? [23:23] acronym? [23:23] Guest57327: 10.04 "Long Term Support" [23:24] oh, no: 10.10 [23:25] well, for my curiosity could you paste the output of lspci and sudo lshw? [23:25] but, to fix your problem, i'd try the LTS, it has a different kernel [23:26] what do you think Guest57327? [23:28] I'll try the 10.4 if this attempt at safeboot doesn't work. Where would this output be btw? [23:30] Guest57327: in a terminal. you just type "lspci" paste that to paste.ubuntu.com and "sudo lshw" and paste that to paste.ubuntu.com [23:30] i assume there is a kernel panic because of some hardware configuration [23:30] or maybe you should do a memtest Guest57327 [23:31] i dunno, i am speculating [23:49] Guest57327, is it a laptop or a pc?