=== tsimpson_ is now known as tsimpson [02:46] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from nestea) [03:07] bastidrazor called the ops in #ubuntu (JAPAN_HERO) === elky` is now known as elky [10:44] DJones called the ops in #ubuntu (micro__ Spamming/inappropriate content) [10:45] removed, hopefully it suffices [11:20] bazhang called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (penos) [16:44] Good morning === TheHarald is now known as apachelogger [18:35] In #kubuntu, BluesKaj said: !Tb is alarge space [18:42] yes. [21:09] In ubottu, MarconM said: your nickaname is ubottu [23:26] I'm getting bored of having to banforward Drule to ##fix_your_connection every few days :\ [23:27] Perhaps I will risk the wrath of nhandler and just leave the ban set for a while ;) [23:27] oooo [23:29] heh, they just got k-lined :\ [23:30] !away > s5fs_away