[01:30] doctormo: someone left a comment on my blog entry, it's not a big deal but the moon's lighting didn't adjust with the new sun position, so it's a bit off (few people would probably notice, but if you could fix it it would be nice) === ogra_ is now known as ogra [19:19] Hey highvoltage [19:19] nice blog post [19:20] What's the community reaction so far? [19:22] doctormo: only got 3 responses so far, but they were completely possitive [19:23] doctormo: I pasted the feedback about the moonshine on here yesterday, but not sure if you got it [19:23] highvoltage: No, I've been offline from chat for a few days [19:24] doctormo: the sun's position got lowered, but the sunlight on the moon is still from the position from the old sun position [19:24] doctormo: few people will probably ever notice, up to you if you want to fix it :) [19:31] highvoltage: Anythign else while I have the file open? [19:31] Did it get chatter on the mailing list? [19:38] doctormo: haven't posted anything about it to the list yet... but that's an idea [19:39] doctormo: I guess we'll get most of the feedback when it's actually released. that's how it usually works. people who have suggestions or strong feedback always waits until after release before commenting :) [19:46] highvoltage: Because that's _so_ useful ;-) [19:46] You should give out Edubuntu tester tokens. Good one one free moan after release [19:47] Otherwise you're free to report bugs, but moaning will be shot down ;-P [19:48] doctormo: :) [19:49] highvoltage: Revision 16 uploaded to deviantArt, please check [19:55] it's orientation is better, I notice that it's a thinner cicle as well [19:55] it's good [21:09] on xubuntu 10.10 64-bit i just ran these two commands: sudo apt-get install ltsp-server-standalone [21:10] sudo ltsp-build-client [21:11] ...on my laptop. if i connect a second machine via the ethernet jack, do i need to do anyting else for the second system to netboot? [21:13] during boot of the second machine i am getting the error, "no dhcp or proxy dhcp offers were received." [21:57] nixternal: what's the address on your laptop? [21:57] (oops, that was meant for nicknack, who is no longer with us)