[00:01] lovely [00:01] it works [00:11] now i've lost even more keys due to setxkbmap :( help!! [00:14] Does "setxkbmap us [00:14] Set it back to normal? [00:15] i've got netherlands map so i'll try setxkbmap nl [00:17] both nl or us do not give me my cursorkeys back... [00:18] i have a 105 keys hewlett packard internet keyboard model no. 5302 [00:24] What is the output of "setxkbmap -print"? [00:25] xkb_keymap { [00:25] xkb_keycodes { include "xfree86+aliases(qwerty)" }; [00:25] xkb_types { include "complete" }; [00:25] xkb_compat { include "complete" }; [00:25] xkb_symbols { include "pc+nl+inet(pc105)" }; [00:25] xkb_geometry { include "pc(pc105)" }; [00:25] }; [00:26] but then whith proper indention [00:26] i didnt wanted to risk flood warning [00:26] Try "setxkbmap -model evdev" [00:28] phew.. at least i'm back to just 2 deaf keys [00:28] thats a relief [00:28] so whats evdev... some file that configures my keys? [00:30] weird... my /etc/X11/xkb is empty [00:32] ah.. but my /usr/share/X11/xkb not [00:40] no evdev there [00:40] it's a kernel thing? [00:42] Hmm...mine has base, evdev, xfree86 and xorg [00:43] at /etc/ or/usr/ ? [00:44] at /usr [00:44] Although comparison of all the .lst files in /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules shows no differences [00:45] So I'm not quite sure why that worked :) [00:45] ah! got evdev there too [00:45] (why did pcman's search not work??) [00:49] ah didnt got to thank him :O [01:04] I must say, I prefer lxde to gnome, so far. [02:04] good day/night people === jef91 is now known as Jef91|Sleeping [04:32] I got a little problem, I cannot print with an all-in-one printer [04:32] from kubuntu I coud with no problem [04:37] Any idea? [04:39] well [04:39] with all the plentiful and exact useful information you gave us, we should have an answer in no time. [04:39] Yes, sorry [04:39] I added psc 1110 printer to New Printer [04:40] lubuntu sees it, it says to me that it is plugged, but it prints nothing [04:40] even if it tells me Rendering completed [04:40] and job finished, but nothing is printed [04:41] hmm [04:41] I have deleted it to see if we try other way [04:43] Let's see if I am wrong. I wanted to print, so I have created the printer in Manage Print Jobs, is that ok? [04:44] uhm [04:45] No driver found in HP for that exact model, so I have tried the newst [04:46] but I think it's not necessary to install a Proprietary driver [04:47] !print | juanantonio [04:47] juanantonio: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows [04:48] I am having a look one by one [04:49] I don't think you need the last one [04:50] Ok, thanks ;) [04:56] Mmm, I see. Surely lubuntu comes with no HPlib installed [05:06] Unit> Is that the reason? Have I to install from Synaptic hplip? [05:07] Worth a shot, don't you think? [05:09] Yes, I'm trying [05:15] Maybehplip already came with Ubuntu and Kubuntu and not with lubuntu, isn't that correct? [05:16] I wouldn't know that... [05:16] Ok, I am installing. Tnanks, I will tell you about my success tomorrow [05:17] Ping my name so I see it! [05:18] Ok, I will [07:23] jmarsden & UndiFineD I feel like an idiot, I have a feeling there is something wrong with the KVM I use regarding the input lag. I had "tested" for this by unplugging the keyboard and mouse from the KVM but never actually removed the USB lead that goes to the KVM. I'm testing it out better now so I'll let you know how it goes. I feel stupid. [07:24] If that's the problem there's something in the KVM blocking the input or something even when no input devices are connected. [10:28] è questa la chat di supporto in italiano per lubuntu? [10:31] this is the Italian chat support? === Jef91|Sleeping is now known as Jef91 === Jef91 is now known as Jef91|AFK [13:01] good morning! what's the best way to configure keyboard shortcuts in lubuntu? [13:16] kaipanoi: I think there's a package called lxkeymap that should help out with that, I'm just installing it to confirm for oyu [13:17] kaipanoi: nope was wrong sorry, I'll keep digging [13:18] kaipanoi: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1422861 is a good place to start, shows you were to edit the information [13:18] Sorry for the run around :) [13:25] hi guys.. i have to setup a netbook and i'm looking for a low-maintenance linux... do you think lubuntu is a good choose? [13:26] Spessi: Lubuntu is a good low resource choice, it requires no more maintenance than normal Ubuntu in my experience. [13:30] head_victim, well.. i´m sure the owner won´t look after any updates, etc. do you think lubuntu will work for a long time in this hard conditions? ;) [13:30] (he only needs to work with firefox and openoffice) [13:31] Spessi: as long as it's working it's set up no reason it won't work forever. [13:54] how can i create a desktop icon (link) to the /home/documents folder? [13:55] Spessi: not sure it's EXACTLY what you want but I'd start with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1612815 [13:56] Spessi: i guess symblic link wud do that but not sue abt the icon part [13:56] thanks head_victim [13:56] kaipanoi: hope it worked for you [13:56] head_victim: hello , i changed my dns with the google ones but evry boot to go back to the original [13:57] head_victim, thanks, i think it is exactly what i want. (i can't express my questions perfectly because my englisch isn't really good.. sorry) [13:59] Spessi: no problems [13:59] kosaidpo|: looking for a solution [13:59] infact i followed this google but when i reboot it goes back to wht it was http://code.google.com/intl/fr-FR/speed/public-dns/docs/using.html [13:59] ill show you my file okies [14:00] kosaidpo|: sorry i don't know the information off the top of my head I'm trying to find some links to help out [14:02] head_victim: okies cus i guess google wont have sumthin not correct dont you think so i jst want to make it easy AND TANKS [14:02] http://pastebin.com/vxU3sPnW here you go my /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf [14:03] kosaidpo|: shouldn't it be in /etc/resolv.conf ? [14:04] kosaidpo|: I'd look at http://zipizap.wordpress.com/2010/09/04/configure-ubuntu-to-use-opendns-as-the-primary-dns-server/ [14:05] head_victim: yes i edited that but in order to not let it re-gernerate cus i have dhcp thing i shud do some edition in that file [14:05] in the google link i sent theres evythin cus icant really explain it [14:11] kosaidpo|: maybe needs a space before the line? Looks like it should work to me according to what I've read [14:14] it turned out to be ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml [14:14] kosaidpo|: ah there you go then, glad you found a solution and I'll try to remember it myself [14:22] thanks for pointing me in the right direction [14:31] hi all , i've installed Lubunto 10.10 on my eeepc 4g and now i'm tryng to use mumble but i cannot setup the microfone (in alsamixer work well). suggestions? [14:51] #mumble [15:13] hi [15:15] i am installing lubuntu on eeePC 701 [15:15] is it running from scratch ? [15:15] may I follow a tutorial ? [16:24] pe_f: do you use internal SSD or external SD? [16:25] LXCC-Vincenzo: internal ssd [16:25] but the installation fail [16:26] so there is no problems generally. do you have 4GB? [16:26] ssd 4GB? [16:28] pe_f: have you turn off all graphic effects? [16:28] LXCC-Vincenzo: no i'm gona try [16:30] pe_f: let use ext2 fs and let choose ti install the updates AFTER the installation (maybe the problem is too low SSD space) [16:30] *to [16:32] LXCC-Vincenzo: I see... thanks ! [16:32] (i've got 4Go space) [16:33] pe_f: no use swap then [16:33] ok [17:28] head_victim: did you find out [17:44] hi [17:44] would you recommend me using samba [17:44] or should i just use an windows folder which I can take for up and downloads? [17:46] samba is my choice [17:56] thanks [18:36] good whatever [18:36] is there a difference in the Lubuntu 10.4 and Ubuntu 10.4 kernel? [18:37] my wifi is flaky with ubuntu on the same machine as I have lubuntu on... weird [18:38] kristian-aalborg: wifi can get tricky with ubuntu [18:39] had some problems on my netbook for awhile, and had to use NDIS on my desktop [18:40] hello [18:40] yes, but it should be the same for lubuntu and ubuntu as it is not desktop stuff.... or? [18:40] may i have a question [18:40] ferbiss: sure [18:41] how can i set a sound on lubunu 10.04, if alsamixer doetn's works [18:41] ? [18:42] doesn't* [18:42] i've already instaled an aumix [18:42] but terminal said me that there is no files named lke this [18:43] in terminal, you type alsamixer and nothing happens? [18:44] it openes alsamixer but there doesn't works any keys [18:44] only from laptop loudspeakers [18:45] but i need from 5.1 surround [18:45] i wanted to put louder s/pdif [18:46] but it doesn't works [18:46] any ideas? [20:25] hi [20:25] how do I turn wake on lan in lubuntu on ? :) [20:25] Bios is np but how do I do it in the os [21:12] hello guys anynoe can help me to solve this google dns thigy when i change it and unplug my 3g modem the resolve file go back as it was === Jef91|AFK is now known as Jef91 === Jef91 is now known as Jef91|AFK [22:44] :*(( [22:44] bioterror here? :(*** [22:59] still [22:59] im fixing my phone [23:00] hmm === zkriesse_ is now known as zkriesse