
head_victimelky: ping, just wondering how the planet works? I thought it might have been run off the main page in the drupal configuration but upon investigation this doesn't seem to be the case.01:17
elkyhead_victim, no, it's canonical managed. Contact needs to submit a request at rt@ubuntu.c with the rss url, blog url, name and a photo if so desired.01:18
head_victimelky: cheers, ikt has volunteered their blog as well.01:23
bradmwe are catching up on getting thru the RTs, we're in a much better space than we were a while back :)01:39
head_victimbradm: good to hear, I know they had a photo but never sent it to me yet so it should be sent off in the next day or two01:40
tom_a_sparkshas anybody noticed some website are no working like facebook.com ?01:42
bradmtom_a_sparks: http://www.isup.me/facebook.com says its just you.01:44
tom_a_sparksanybody on the bigpond network01:45
tom_a_sparkshaving issues?01:46
nisshhtom_a_sparks, one sec, ill check01:50
head_victimNo problems here01:50
nisshhno problems here either01:50
tom_a_sparksbigpond cable is having connection/timeout issues http://servicestatus.bigpond.com/servicestatus/Cable/current.do01:52
nisshhah, that would explain it, im not on cable see :)01:53
tom_a_sparkswe got a phone call saying it was a virus (must be Bull sh***)01:54
head_victimI'm on cable and it's ok here in Brisbane01:55
tom_a_sparksI don't think I am on cable at work01:56
tom_a_sparksI know I got ADSL at home01:57
head_victimtom_a_sparks: if you look at those outages they're just generic upgrade outages, nothing out of the ordinary for maintenance.01:57
head_victimMind you I've never had outages even when they say I "might".01:58
tom_a_sparksit just seams to unlikely that facebook twitter hotmail are all out of action02:00
head_victimIt's possibly a dns issue?02:00
tom_a_sparksbye my work time is up 02:00
tom_a_sparksi'm going home02:01
head_victimAh your workplace could also be blocking such services.02:01
AltrixAnyon know how to prevent failed updates?02:05
tom_a_sparksi at home now02:08
tom_a_sparkscheck facebook and hotmail with my home internet connection, they are working02:10
tom_a_sparksmust be work's internet connection02:11
Altrix*commits suicide*02:15
head_victimtom_a_sparks: yeah my workplace blocks them by default02:16
tom_a_sparksmy work is an internet cafe02:17
head_victimAh, that's a little odd.02:17
tom_a_sparksas far as I know we dont block any thing02:19
tom_a_sparksunless the ISP (bigpond) dose02:20
head_victimCould be a partial dns outage, I know when a route through one part of the US was down for a couple of hours once we lost connection to just the eastern seaboard of the US as far as DNS goes.02:20
tom_a_sparksI did a trace route to l.yahoo.com (yahoo image/CSS server) with no reply at about 10 hops away02:22
head_victimI get a bunch of no replies but only after it hits a yahoo.com address02:25
tom_a_sparkshopefully it well repair itself, i cant bug report it any more as i am at home with a working internet02:27
iktis anyone noticing slow  internet speeds at all?08:07
iktagainst international sites08:07
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