[00:17] I have a problem [00:17] Bill_: What's the issue [00:17] I just loaded ubuntu on my laptop and it won't recognize my USB flash drives. These same flash drives work on my other ubuntu computer. [00:18] It doesn't see them at all. [00:18] Okay [00:19] Not even in fdisk? [00:19] Bill_: plug in the flashdrive and open terminal [00:19] ok [00:20] Then type : sudo fdisk -l === Axlin|AFK is now known as Axlin [00:20] pastebin the output from that [00:21] how do i pastebin that? [00:21] Disk /dev/sda: 250.1 GB, 250059350016 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Disk identifier: 0x000d708f Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System /dev/sda1 1 29637 238053376 83 Linux /dev/sda2 29637 30 [00:22] my main computer has a 250 g hard drive. the flash drive is 4 g [00:22] Bill_: Use this http://paste.ubuntu.com/ [00:23] Disk /dev/sda: 250.1 GB, 250059350016 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Disk identifier: 0x000d708f Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System /dev/sda1 1 29637 238053376 83 Linux /dev/sda2 29637 30 [00:23] Disk /dev/sdb: 4012 MB, 4012900352 bytes 120 heads, 55 sectors/track, 1187 cylinders Units = cylinders of 6600 * 512 = 3379200 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Disk identifier: 0x00000000 Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System /dev/sdb1 1 1188 3918832 b W95 FAT32 [00:23] paste it here http://paste.ubuntu.com/ then give me the URL for it [00:24] Please :) [00:25] how do you copy the url for it? [00:25] Bill_: Nevermind... It looks like it not auto mounting [00:25] So, we shall mount it for you. First we need to build a mount point [00:26] to do that type: sudo mkdir /media/external [00:26] it didn't seem to do anything [00:26] Now, we need to mount it. To do that type: sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /media/external -o uid=1000,gid=100,utf8,dmask=027,fmask=137 [00:27] Then when you need to unmount the drive type: sudo umount /dev/sdb1 [00:27] ok. how did you know all of those numbers? [00:27] They are listed here for reference https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB [00:28] But, I've done it enough.... [00:28] I'm a CLI kind of guy [00:28] I use the terminal for most of my stuff [00:28] ok i did that [00:28] It should be mounted and you shoulod be able to access it now [00:28] *Should [00:29] it still doesn't show up in computer [00:29] in terminal type: cd /media/external [00:30] Then is there a readout for the command: ls [00:30] ? [00:30] it has a command it says bill@bill-Satellite-L455D:/media/external$ [00:30] Okay [00:31] Is there a readout when you type ls [00:31] ? [00:31] no [00:31] That is strange. And this flashdrive has stuff on it? [00:31] it just returns to the command prompt [00:31] Or, is it empty? [00:31] yes, the other ubuntu computer can see it. [00:32] That is strange... I'm not sure. [00:32] Maybe I need to reinstall the ubuntu. [00:32] I doubt that. [00:33] what about a different distro? [00:34] I don't think it's an issue with the distro [00:34] take it back to the other computer [00:34] make sure you can read it there. [00:34] eject the USB drive [00:34] then try it again. [00:35] sorry Bill_ [00:37] using ubuntu 10.4, first time after the time patch...my panel indicator doesn't show the time, its blank...i can copy and paste the time...is it a known thing? [00:43] gnumerous: did you check launchpad? [00:43] i'm not familiar with the bug [00:44] seidos: i think i jumped the gun some...after reconsidering the missing time, i removed and re added the applet... [00:45] i wasn't sure how to ask a search engine how to fix it. [00:45] persistently is the only way i know how to ask a search engine anything [00:48] glad it works now gnumerous :) [00:49] seidos: thanks, its nice to have a working panel [00:49] sweeter now that i solved my own problem, i feel empowered [01:35] Ok, running 10.04 now, in the menu at startup when I select boot it says: "Could not find kernel image: /casper/vmlinuz" [01:43] hello Guest57327 [01:49] hello [01:52] Guest57327: is this when running the LiveCD? [01:53] on a USB drive, yes [02:00] Guest57327: Make sure that the syslinux.cfg file exists on the USB flash drive [02:07] Guest57327: also when boot: comes up, instead of hitting enter type 'vmlinuz initrd=initrd.img' w/out the quotes and hit enter [02:21] "Could not find kernel image: vmlinuz" [02:43] duanedesign: and syslinux.cfg exists [02:49] Gis there a line that looks like: [02:49] append boot=casper initrd=initrd.gz vga=788 quiet [02:49] Guest57327: ^ [02:50] if so maybe try change that line and the one above: [02:50] kernel /casper/vmlinuz [02:50] append boot=casper initrd=/casper/initrd.gz vga=788 quiet [02:55] I have this forum post outlining a wifi problem, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10564703#post10564703 and I was wondering if anyone here can clarify some of the advice I got before I ruin my ubuntu on accident! :) [02:56] byrdiblack: im looking [02:56] thanks holstein! [02:56] sometimes you can get by testing a lot of that kind of thing on a live CD [02:56] I already made the huge mistake of installing completely and deleting windows on my first time! [02:57] I shouldve tested through the installation cd for a while first but I didnt expect to come across so many problems:( [02:58] well, now you know [02:58] for sure. [02:58] byrdiblack: id try that driver [02:58] whatever updated one [02:58] cant hurt :) [02:59] Even though my driver doesnt match up with the one those people were talking about? [02:59] byrdiblack: try and read up on the docs [02:59] sometimes the vendors are expecting a certain kernel verion [02:59] byrdiblack: well, i would look at the site for an updated driver for your device [02:59] I'm still a little uncertain on where to find kernals and how to edit them : / [03:00] byrdiblack: in a terminal [03:00] run [03:00] uname -a [03:00] ok i'll check it out (sorry, ive been working on this for 4 days now ready to pull my hair out!) [03:00] ^^ that will tell you what kernel you are booted into [03:01] and IF the docs say you need something different, we can get into that :) [03:01] byrdiblack: i hear you [03:01] i've got 2.6.35-27-generic-pae [03:01] driver support can be frustrating [03:01] so the doc, like on lenovo's website you mean? [03:01] byrdiblack: i was thinking realtek [03:01] try lenovo too though [03:02] byrdiblack: it would be easy for you also... [03:02] to go and download the next verion of ubuntu [03:02] 11.04 [03:02] *try it live :) [03:02] see if the support is better [03:02] its not *that* long till 11.04 is final [03:02] SO for a new user, that might be the path of least resistance [03:03] i didn't even think about that [03:03] byrdiblack: its a shot in the dark really [03:03] you think it will be more complete for my system? [03:03] *could [03:03] byrdiblack: i have an EEE i got used [03:03] i installed 10.04 on it [03:03] several things were not working [03:03] sound, wifi [03:03] byrdiblack: i updated [03:04] got a new kernel [03:04] and BOOM :) [03:04] everything was working [03:04] so 10.10 is good for you? [03:04] hmm [03:04] byrdiblack: the kernel team is constantly doing all they can [03:04] all the vendors help them do anyways [03:04] byrdiblack: i use 10.04 mostly [03:04] i have a 10.10 and 11.04 testing installs [03:05] i have 10.10 and 11.04 testing installs * [03:05] can you clarify something about kernals? I'm still unsure how they work really. Like if I were to update to 11.04 for instance..i would also have to get a kernal somehow? or is that part of the update? [03:05] byrdiblack: yes [03:05] byrdiblack: AND [03:05] you can try the newer kernels [03:05] 'mainline' kernel [03:06] i see? [03:06] you'll see that in the bug reports sometimes [03:06] ha [03:06] BUT, for you [03:06] id just burn a CD [03:06] and try it live [03:06] THEN, you can decide what you want to hassle with [03:06] Do you think it would be better for me to go down a level instead of up to 11.04? like maybe 10.04 is most updated now? [03:06] byrdiblack: it really depends on that device [03:06] ok [03:06] the one thats giving you trouble [03:07] byrdiblack: in theory, we *should* be able to make it work in whatever version [03:07] assuming realtek is co-opporative [03:08] everytime i feel like i'm getting a grip on this, my whole world is shattered with new information. ha [03:08] byrdiblack: wait a minute... [03:08] im finding something helpful, i think [03:09] byrdiblack: eh, kinda [03:09] looks like, in a terminal [03:09] sudo rmmod r8192se_pci && sleep 2 && sudo modprobe r8192se_pci [03:09] will reset the device [03:09] so you dont have to reboot [03:10] byrdiblack: this is relavant [03:10] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/695824 [03:10] Launchpad bug 695824 in linux "Qosmio x505-892 RTL8191SEvB Wireless LAN Controller disconnects (dup-of: 687692)" [Undecided,New] [03:10] Launchpad bug 687692 in linux "Realtek 8191SEvB wireless card drops connections and can't reconnect without reboot" [Undecided,Confirmed] [03:10] byrdiblack: i know the last guy there [03:11] you gonna be around? [03:11] wow, it's just right there [03:11] i'll ask him whats up with it... [03:11] ha [03:11] thank you so much, i'll be here [03:11] nah, he's not on :/ [03:11] doh! [03:11] still, that'll get you somewhere further [03:11] sorry, i'm feeling goofy and sleep deprived about it. [03:12] byrdiblack: go to [03:12] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/695824 [03:12] Launchpad bug 695824 in linux "Qosmio x505-892 RTL8191SEvB Wireless LAN Controller disconnects (dup-of: 687692)" [Undecided,New] [03:12] Launchpad bug 687692 in linux "Realtek 8191SEvB wireless card drops connections and can't reconnect without reboot" [Undecided,Confirmed] [03:12] and add yourself [03:12] you'll get emails about it :) [03:12] still worth trying 11.04 live though i think [03:12] thats an easy-ish way for you to try a totally different kernel [03:13] where do I add on that bug report? [03:14] subscribe? [03:14] yeah [03:14] if theres not a 'this also effects me' [03:14] i guess thats it [03:15] "also affects me" won't cause you to get emails i don't think [03:15] duanedesign: The line says "append boot=casper initrd=/casper/initrd.lz splash" I tried to change it to what you said, but nothing [03:15] yeah, i think ddecator is right [03:15] you need to do both [03:15] assuming you want emails * [03:16] i like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/687692 better [03:16] Launchpad bug 687692 in linux "Realtek 8191SEvB wireless card drops connections and can't reconnect without reboot" [Undecided,Confirmed] [03:16] more info [03:18] ok i'll add both [03:18] thanks so much [03:18] byrdiblack: good luck :) [03:21] I'm going to try 11.04 on a disc and see if it is resolved through there. [03:21] if not, i guess ubuntu and my computer might not be a match yet:/ [03:21] eh, if its not, come back though [03:21] I definitely will. [03:21] and we'll try some more aggressive tactics :) [03:21] btw- where is 11.04? [03:22] every list i find is missing it [03:22] i would get [03:22] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ [03:23] if you dont mind burning a DVD [03:23] OR [03:24] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/11.04/alpha-3/ [03:24] looks like ^^ will fit on a CD [03:25] heh, from what i've heard, ubuntu natty is still fairly unstable.. [03:25] ddecator: it better be shaping up soon ;) [03:26] think i should go backwards in that case? uhhhg [03:26] haha [03:26] ubuntu yer killin me! [03:26] holstein: i switched to kubuntu, so i'm not worried ;) [03:26] is that a better option still? [03:26] ha [03:26] ddecator: hehe :) [03:26] byrdiblack: any 11.04 release of whatever buntu [03:26] should get you a different kernel to try [03:27] here's hoping. [03:27] how come new releases come out so quickly when older versions are not running smoothly for folks? [03:28] byrdiblack: well, lets take your device for example [03:28] IF realtek is not releasing information about it [03:28] THEN, theres really nothing to be done [03:29] byrdiblack: but, that is a good question [03:29] why not really focus on 10.04 or whatever [03:29] byrdiblack: do a rolling release [03:29] the argument i heard that really makes sense is [03:29] it gets folks working [03:29] meeting deadlines [03:29] that makes sense [03:30] there are good things about both really [03:30] thats what is great about linux though [03:30] choice :) [03:31] it's true. I know I definitely want it to work for me. I'm a big proponant of open source/ free culture otherwise! [03:31] yeah, its challenging when you have certain hardware [03:31] if you can plan ahead [03:31] take a live CD with you [03:31] *which wouldnt really have helped you in this case [03:31] or by from a linux shop [03:31] like system76 [03:32] i was going by cory doctorow's advice [03:32] ? [03:32] i thought that buying lenovo from the store was the right option for ubuntu! [03:32] its not a bad option [03:32] you just got a fiddly device [03:32] he's this ubuntu supporter writer [03:33] intel is the way to go [03:33] for ease [03:33] *usually [03:34] ok, i'm trying this link now, because the wifi is shotty on the lenovo, im downloading the iso on my mac and burning to cd: Desktop CD for PC (Intel x86) [03:34] is that the right one? [03:34] byrdiblack: should be [03:34] you might have a 64bit box [03:34] you can try that if you want [03:35] how do i find out? [03:35] the the 32bit one is fine :) [03:35] it is intel [03:35] yeah, do 32bit [03:35] unless you have some reason to do otherwise [03:36] ha, well if its super fast and i can handle it [03:36] it would be cool [03:36] nah [03:36] its not really faster in anyway you would immediately notice [03:36] gotcha [03:36] and 64bit can be more of a pain in some ways [04:35] holstein: not sure if you are still around, just finally got the 11.04 iso burnt to disc, but when i restart my computer with it in the drive, it won't boot from that cd. I tried to inteupt the boot and choose the DVD drive to boot from, but it still went directly to my 10.10 desktop. Does it have to run from a startup or can I just select the cd icon on my desktop and run there? [04:35] (probably a dumb question, but i want to eliminate as much user-error as possibility in setting this up!) [04:35] byrdiblack: hmmm [04:35] thats interesting [04:35] im not sure whats going on [04:36] but, yeah, you'll need to just get it from the start [04:36] not clicking the icon [04:37] ok, i'm restarting again, maybe i should enter bios? [04:37] eh [04:37] maybe [04:37] maybe its the DVD? [04:37] byrdiblack: its a long shot anyways [04:37] i wouldnt get on a new vedetta about it ;) [04:38] actually, i *would* [04:38] but you shouldnt [04:38] vedetta? [04:38] ha [04:39] vendetta * :) [04:39] ok, tried with a burnt dvd now... [04:39] no dice, it went straight to 10.10 [04:39] yeah [04:39] i mean, you can try that CD one [04:39] the older alpha [04:39] IF you know the system likes to boot CD's [04:39] ok i'm in startup interrupt [04:40] do you think i should use the option to choose a temp startup device? [04:40] who knows [04:40] byrdiblack: also, that mainline kernel link [04:40] ok..hmm. [04:40] in that bug [04:40] i tried a cd it didnt boot [04:40] and now im trying a dvd.. [04:40] didnt boot auto [04:40] byrdiblack: OH [04:40] look in the bios then [04:40] and make sure [04:40] i thought this was a machine that had already booted discs easily [04:41] sorry, no, it seems to be a problem in booting [04:41] it reads discs, like music discs when inserted [04:41] but not when started up with them [04:41] yeah, check the bios [04:41] so in bios, i assume i go to startup? [04:41] its machine specific [04:41] usually [04:42] when the machine is starting up [04:42] F2 or something [04:42] yea im in there now [04:42] i have a couple options, one is boot priority oder [04:42] yeah, that should be it [04:42] see where the optical drive is [04:43] in the list [04:43] ok im moving it to the top of the priority list [04:43] hope this works, uhhhg [04:43] hey um, my wireless stopped working today, :O [04:44] xAndromeda: drag :/ [04:44] did you update? [04:44] can you boot into an older kernel to test? [04:44] i think so [04:44] if you dont see a list of kernels in grub at boot [04:44] i think its shift you push [04:44] at boot [04:44] to show them [04:44] kk ill try that [04:44] brb [04:44] just choose an older one and see :) [04:46] ok didnt work again, EXCEPT when ubuntu 10.10 loaded, i had an error that said "the panel encounteed a prolem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_Panel_TrashApplet" is this related? [04:46] nope [04:46] ah [04:46] ok [04:46] byrdiblack: i saw that [04:46] well its saying, do i want to delete the applet [04:46] and i updated and fixed it [04:46] byrdiblack: just log out [04:46] and back in [04:47] should be fine [04:47] ok trying to restart again and get this dvd to run! I dont know why i cant boot from dvd drive! [04:48] yeah, sometimes its tricky [04:48] nope [04:49] xAndromeda: hmmm [04:49] still dosnt work :*( [04:49] it was working 2 days ago O.o [04:49] xAndromeda: can you confirm its not hardware? [04:49] how do i do that? [04:49] is there another OS on the machine? [04:49] you can try some live media if not [04:49] oh right it worked on windows [04:49] OK [04:50] hmmm [04:50] it just says wireless disabled [04:50] xAndromeda: can you enable it? [04:50] nope [04:50] or idk how [04:50] not on the pannel icon anyways [04:51] double check any function keys or switches [04:51] and tell me what device it is [04:52] hpg60 538ca theres a wireless button but it dosnt work, it only changes colours if wireless is in action [04:54] seems like you've disabled it in the menu somehow right? [04:55] anyways, i gotta crash... good luck folks :) [04:55] awwws :P [04:58] anybody else here? [04:59] ok i reordered the boot order and tried several times and could not figure it out because the dvd was making noise...wanna laugh? [04:59] I had the disc in upside down [04:59] hehe [05:01] i'm trying to imagine what it's like to help people like me all day long, with luck you rarely encounter this level === max is now known as Guest6587 [05:17] Ok, I'm booting off the live CD but after the initial boot menu and some startup text the screen is completely blank - the backlight is even turning off. I'm shure it's staring up, it makes the 'welcome' sound after a few seconds [05:27] Guest6587: 10.04? [05:28] seidos: 10.10, I'm in the process of changing the USB to 10.04 [05:29] Guest6587: is it a laptop? netbook? what video card? [05:30] let me check launchpad [05:30] Desktop: Compaq Presario SR1917CL [05:33] how much time did you give the livecd to come up Guest6587? [05:34] Guest6587: it may be your video card...I had that happen with mine [05:34] seidos: about 15 minutes, it's the built-in card [05:36] hmmm, built in nvidia graphics [05:37] Guest6587: 64bit? [05:38] apparently GeForce 6150LE [05:38] seidos: I'm using the 32bit download [05:38] Guest6587: you might consider trying the 64bit version of meerkat [05:40] Guest6587: basically, we need to see if we can find someone with hardware similar to your own, that is working fine. let me check the forums. [05:42] Guest6587: i see issues with screen resolution, but not a blank screen. keep me posted on your progress, i'm going to get another coke :) [05:42] Guest6587: another idea! where are you located? there may be a Linux User Group or a Ubuntu User Group in your area that can help you out in person :) [05:45] seidos: Just tried 10.04 32bit: same results, I'm in Minneapolis [05:48] seidos: ~20min left on the 64bit download [05:49] Guest6587: are you using bit torrent to download the isos? it is usually quite a bit faster. [05:50] Guest6587: i am speculating, but 6150 chipset might be too new, and didn't get support in the newest kernel [05:52] well, it should still default to vesa driver i would think [05:52] i don't know [05:55] seidos: good point, ~6min with bittorrent [05:55] people have had issues with the 6150LE, but i can't find anything on a blankscreen on livecd [05:56] well, if you can, try 32/64 10.04, 64 10.10. if none of those works, i could walk you through filing a bug. === Axlin is now known as Axlin|AFK [05:57] oh yeah! let me see what i can find on Minneapolis UUG. [05:58] Guest6587: there's a LUG here: http://www.mn-linux.org/ perhaps it's in your area? [06:00] Guest6587: here's a forum thread on MN ubuntu users: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=933872&page=2 [06:00] Guest6587: there is a #ubuntu-us-mn channel [06:20] hello seidos [06:20] hello duanedesign [06:48] that worked out pretty good. introduced a new user to their ubuntu user group [06:48] gotta' go to bed though [06:56] couple of years and he's using something more leet [07:23] bioterror: new version of slackware will actually be leet :) [07:23] 13.37 [08:18] using synaptic i uninstalled ruby 1.8 and installed ruby 1.9.1 - when i tried to run ruby i got permission denied - i changed ownership of ruby 1.9 to user same deal - used apt-get install ruby and it reinstalled ruby1.8.7 - used apt-get install ruby1.9.1 which told me was already latest version - how to i get 'cli ruby' to use ruby1.9.1 instead of ruby1.8.7 [08:19] newbie_001, say "ruby --version" [08:20] will that make it default version so that in future just ruby will activate 1.9 === m4n1sh_ is now known as m4n1sh [11:40] =) [12:21] s-fox: hello hello [12:21] Hello duanedesign . [12:21] How are you? [12:22] It is really busy here ;) [12:22] :) [12:23] s-fox: working on my PHP game [12:23] Well, my offer remains intact. [12:23] s-fox: i might take you up on that [12:24] s-fox: if i leave a field blank i get an error [12:33] hello room [12:34] I need help with the command line [12:35] What do you wish to know? [12:38] sorry I was away, I'm tring to set up a development server for ruby on rails [12:39] I have a fresh install ubuntu 10.04 server, apache2,mysql,and rails [12:40] i'm just having problems navigating w/ the termminal [12:41] I think I have found a guide @ http://mywiki.wooledge.org/FullBashGuide [12:41] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal#File%20&%20Directory%20Commands#cd [12:44] thanks fox, do you think the link I posted is good too, I have limited time online and the one I posted has a pdf, is it the same? [12:45] bash=terminal? [12:45] i found it at tha bottom of the link you posted [12:52] gotta go have a good morning everybody === yofel_ is now known as yofel [17:22] is there anyone who can give me some help? [17:23] i installed ubunti netbook edition today, and i got hold of a book for beginners using ubuntu, and it makes reference to the menu bar [17:24] where is this menu bar [17:24] ? [17:25] menu bar is that thing that says "file edit view " when you open anything [17:25] not every app will have one, though [17:26] crap [17:26] ok how do i change system settings? [17:26] you installed netbook edition, with the thing on the left? [17:26] yes the vertical bar on the left [17:26] You might have that file menu across the top of the screen [17:26] everything changed for that edition [17:27] so when i go to the desktop, there is nothing acros the top of the screen, only the vertical bar along the side, is this supposed to be the case? [17:27] system settings are broken down, I think. You might be able to click the symbol in the top left to see a menu [17:27] yup [17:28] completely different from anything else done to date [17:28] yeah the button in the very top left, when i click this i get 8 icons, web, music, photos, games, email, office, files and apps [17:28] no system settings? [17:28] nope [17:28] is there a "search"? [17:28] yes [17:29] what should i search for? [17:29] type in "system settings" and see what happens [17:30] It should be intuitive searching, so as you type, it changes those icons below it [17:30] i get 3 icons [17:30] any names ? [17:31] it just freezes and switches back to this window before i can read the names [17:31] one second ill try again [17:32] You might want to install the desktop edition instead of that netbook edition [17:32] It is more like your book [17:32] do i just download it and mount it on a usb the same way? [17:32] yes [17:32] ok, thanks very much for your help [17:33] yw, good luck with that one === sre-su_ is now known as sre-su [18:53] hi all === Axlin|AFK is now known as Axlin [19:00] is the Netinstall (mini.iso) smaller than the Server Edition? === Axlin is now known as Axlin|AFK === sre-su_ is now known as sre-su === Axlin|AFK is now known as Axlin === Axlin is now known as Axlin|AFK === Axlin|AFK is now known as Axlin [20:59] need help... I get an error when trying to move files from home directory to a removable usb device... is it simply a problem with permissions? [21:02] jland5090: What error? [21:05] it gives an error while copying, error opening, permission denied [21:06] jland5090: This is from YOUR home directory? [21:07] actually, nevermind! i was concerned with changing the permissions of the usb device, rather than the actual files themselves... [21:07] i'm still trying to figure out linux... thanks for the help === Axlin is now known as Axlin|AFK === Axlin|AFK is now known as Axlin [22:16] what is the clever way to move an OS from a usb pen to an sd card? [22:17] can I rsync it? [22:20] * kristian-aalborg googles === Guest28722 is now known as seidos [22:27] kristian-aalborg: You can use dd I guess [22:30] * kristian-aalborg fears dd [22:30] kristian-aalborg: Just be careful and you'll be fine [22:31] If you rsync it you need to edit certain files afterwards to change all occurances of the UUID(s) of the old filesystem(s) to the new filesystem UUID(s). [22:32] I'm giving gparted a shot, it should be possible === Axlin is now known as Axlin|AFK === zkriesse_ is now known as zkriesse === Guest28722 is now known as seidos === Axlin|AFK is now known as Axlin