[11:47] 43 more days... [11:48] ...until everybody starts asking "is it out yet?" every 5-10 minutes. [11:51] ? [11:51] oh [11:51] derp [11:55] 43 more days of me asking "does my wifi work yet?" :-p [11:56] because after it launches, I know they'll never fix it. [12:02] it's a security feature [12:02] I am not so sure about this 6-month release cycle anymore [12:03] What do we get from it besides a lot of versions with minimal change and continually decreasing quality? =P [12:04] minimal change? Unity is coming [12:06] Speaking over the last 3-4 releases though, I would say that the change between where we are right now and where I was at 7.04 is not really that large of a difference [12:06] years, not releases* [12:06] 7.04 was actually the most flawlessly working Ubuntu I ever experienced [12:06] Quality all went downhill from that Feisty Fawn. =p [12:08] 8.04 is my favorite [12:08] tjagoda++ [12:09] I hope I dont hate Unity [12:09] It would suck to have to jump the ubuntu ship [12:09] Xubuntu, Kubuntu, Lubuntu [12:10] Even Wolfger wont use Kubuntu [12:10] I'm not going there! =p [12:10] plenty of stepchildren to hop onto so you can stay with the *buntu family [12:10] Wonder if there's a fluxbunt? [12:10] fluxbuntu* [12:10] * tjagoda googles [12:10] i think so [12:10] Mmm...fluxbuntu... [12:11] http://fluxbuntu.org/ [12:11] died at 9.04 [12:11] i think the little window manager people have hopped over to lubuntu [12:12] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox [12:12] 9.04 was Jaunty, right? That was a prettty good release [12:13] 9.04 was indeed jaunty [12:16] I think the quality scale goes: Feisty, Jaunty, everything else, Intrepid. [12:16] If there's anyting worse than Intrepid, I never used it [12:17] so xubuntu 9.04 might be a good choice [12:17] True [12:17] er... fluxbuntu, I mean [12:17] I ask myself, what application updates since then do I actually like? [12:18] I am not able to produce an answer apart from "when GNOME-DO works" [12:18] improvements to Gwibber [12:18] I do not use it [12:18] well, then.... nothing :-) [12:19] All my tweeting is done from Seesmic on my blackberry [12:19] also [12:19] fuck you twitter [12:19] pry my 3rd party clients out of my cold dead hands [12:19] your blackberry app sucks [12:19] indeed [12:20] But Twitter has sucked ever since they changed default behavior to not show your friends' @-replies to people other than you. [12:21] If I want a private conversation, I'll use DM's [12:22] Truth [12:22] Perhaps I should look at identi.ca [12:24] I can't remember the last time tjagoda and I agreed on so much. Judgement Day must be near [12:24] Truth, with wolfger and I agreeing, and a world full of natural disasters and revolutions, perhaps everything IS going to end in 2012 =P [12:24] .oO(so this is what happens when I stop trolling...) [12:25] Also [12:25] http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003A9GBC4?ie=UTF8&tag=elemmedios-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B003A9GBC4 [12:25] That would be cool of HTPC [12:25] touchpad + qwerty keyboard [12:25] about the size of a blackberry [12:25] USB wireless [12:30] I think I may have Stockholm syndrome with respect to my blackberry [12:30] despite it being obviously behind the other smartphones in terms of features [12:30] I would still buy another one =( [12:30] Have you tried another phone? [12:31] I love my BlackBerry until I tried something else. [12:31] Never looked back [12:32] One thing I do miss about the old BB is the ease of single-handed use. Very difficult to use a touch screen with just one hand [12:33] I was good at using that full qwerty keyboard with my thumb [12:33] I say there is no better hardware for pure messaging [12:44] tjagoda: no better hardware, but Swype software makes up for a lot. I like a virtual keyboard with Swype over a BB keyboard [12:46] I also like not giving my entire life to google [12:46] If they shut off my account one day my entire virtual presence would be so hosed [12:46] who cares? if google shuts off it means the world is ending [12:46] you'll have bigger problems to deal with at that point [12:49] brousch++ [12:49] Not total google meltdown [12:50] like TOS switchoffs or whatever their EULA I didn't read allows them to do =P [12:59] well you're already hosed there too. upon receipt of your first email in gmail you pledged to enslave yourself to the Google Hivemind Supercomputer come 2023 [12:59] So.. [12:59] The matrix? [13:00] but run by Google employees instead of evil machines [13:00] Is there a difference? [13:00] sweet [13:00] remind me to take the red pill [13:00] and they don't give a shit about your power output, just using your brain to calculate targeted ads to the superrich [13:11] I absolutely hated the Blackberry [13:11] though I have to say the keyboard was a mixed bag [13:11] good for touch typing, but a pain for finding symbols and crap [13:12] alt for som, sym for others, and num did something that I can't remember what. :) [13:16] there goes snap-l, with his incorrect opinions again. :-) [13:19] wolfger: I think the Blackberry would be an excellent device to skip across a lake. [13:19] You're probably right. [13:19] At least, as long as the EPA doesn't find out [13:19] There is no more num button [13:20] I'm sure you'd get fines and/or jail time [13:20] On mine there was, but it didn't do anything useful [13:20] had to use Alt to get numbers [13:20] which was pretty stupid [13:20] indeed [13:20] Well [13:20] not stupid in that it auto gets numbers when you're in phone mode [13:20] tjagoda: Oh please, do argue this one. ;) [13:21] If you hit call and then just type they are automatically numbers [13:21] Alt gets you the alt character [13:21] sym gets you anything not on the keybaord [13:21] Right, and it transformed from a decently sized qwerty keyboard into the worlds smallest numberpad [13:21] seems simple to me =P [13:22] tjagoda: I stand by my assertion that the Blackberry is the Lotus Notes of cellphones [13:22] oh wow [13:22] Symbian is [13:22] lol [13:23] Blackberry is good for business people still [13:23] Symbian is the HP Calculator of Cellphones. [13:23] and it's got the reputation/status going for it [13:23] and Lotus Notes is still good for business. [13:24] OS6 catches them up to the competition noticeably as well which is nice [13:24] Hey, you can bend Lotus Notes into just about anything [13:24] except the interface is shit no matter how you polish it. [13:24] Meh [13:24] I disagree with your incorrect opinion =P [13:24] Yeah, I used OS4, which was pretty clunky [13:24] HAven't played with any of the later phones [13:25] but hey, Lotus Notes 8 was pretty spiffy looking too. ;) [13:25] http://www-01.ibm.com/software/lotus/products/notes/ [13:25] Now you're just trolling =P [13:25] ha ha, only serious. [13:26] I don't think iPhone/Android have anything to replace BBerry enterprise server though, do they? [13:26] http://www-01.ibm.com/software/lotus/products/notes/whatsnewinnotes.html [13:26] tjagoda: iPhone has exchange support, but that's about it [13:26] Can't do any of the security policy stuff though [13:27] Yeah, it's not quite the same [13:27] I'd say they're definitely winning in the "manage huge quantities of phones with minimal pain" arena [13:27] Though, to be fair, $lastjob didn't make me use the BB for email [13:27] and when my password changed, I didn't pursue getting it synced up with the server [13:27] tjagoda: Agreed, just like Lotus Notes. :) [13:28] http://ubuntuone.com/p/hxZ/ <- Dude, this guy is totally styling. [13:29] He's saying "Yeah, man, Lotus Notes is cool too" [13:29] "All the chicks dig my Domino Server" [13:30] snap-l that guys WAY to hip for corporate enterprise, very bad ass [13:30] I like blackberry hardware, anyway [13:30] the form factor of the phone fits in the hand nicely [13:30] very easy to 1-hand use [13:31] binbrain: It's the yellow glasses and the soul patch that say "I'm the COOL guy in IT" [13:31] I might buy a playbook when they come out [13:31] "The one that'll be taking Suzie from Accounting home once she gets a load of my Domino Server" [13:31] just to have more to argue with snap-l about [13:31] =p [13:32] Everybody hates IBM these days, don't they. [13:32] DB2 gets no love [13:32] Lotus gets no love [13:32] tjagoda: DB2 gets the love it deserves [13:32] Hardware gets some love [13:33] UDB is a festring piece of crap [13:34] God damn crabby old men ;) [13:35] Have you USED UDB? [13:36] * greg-g waves [13:36] 1982 called and wanted it's database back [13:38] wtf is UDB? [13:41] Unix version of DB2 [13:41] They managed to make it worse than real DB2 (which I actually liked with my limited dealings with it) [13:42] for some reason we were stuck with a version that gave us 13 character table names [13:42] and column names [13:43] 13 characters is enough for anyone [13:43] and Chrysler had this really stupid hungarian-style notation for the column that took up a good chunk of that [13:44] so instead of having an integer field for the number of times accessed called "num_of_times_accessed" (or something equivalent), you'd get i_numtimesacc [13:46] ohhhhhhh [13:46] or something even worse than that [13:46] Blackberry playbook may be out on april 10 [13:46] * tjagoda squees [13:46] tjagoda: better camp out now [13:46] be the first in line [13:46] ew [13:46] More portable than iPad [13:46] i'm more interested in the webos tablet [13:46] faster [13:47] greater battery life [13:47] And distinctly more Canadian. =P [13:47] the android compatibility might save t [13:47] abler to leap taller buildings with a singler bound [13:47] morning, phew last full day of hacking [13:47] rick_h_: When are you coming back from candyland? [13:48] tomorrow afternoon [13:48] Ahh, cool [13:49] today is interview day, one guy went home, but working on getting the three today [13:50] (yay) [13:50] I know what I'll be doing tomorrow night. ;) [13:50] snap-l: http://twitter.com/#!/mpirnat/status/47874644446953473 [13:50] and http://twitter.com/#!/mpirnat/status/47871256233639936 [13:51] rick_h_: HAH! I KNEW IT! [13:53] snap-l: the naming conventions you mention is standard on every enterprise DB I've ever seen. [13:53] jrwren: ye gads, they suck [13:53] its mostly becuase all this stuff came out of the 70s and 80s and systems were very memory constrained [13:54] Right, and if we were using a database from the 1980s, I'd completely understand. :) [13:55] But 1980-2008 had some remarkable advances in memory technology. ;) [13:55] but many enterprise systems did not. [13:55] they grew, but they didn't migrate or fully rewrite [13:56] many ERP systems still have cobol components [13:56] coming to find out that Chrysler was not the innovator of many of the backward concepts that I've seen. ;) [13:56] jrwren: Yeah, but this was a new system, running on newer hardware. [13:57] new to them? newly purchased? or newly developed? [13:57] new development [13:57] well then they should fail. [13:57] as in we were making the column names in conjunction with the DBA [13:57] there is no excuse for that kind of development these days. [13:57] I agree. [13:57] oh, that was the first mistake, working with a DBA ;) [13:58] jrwren: Was part of the process [13:58] which was another bucket of fail [13:58] that is another mistake, making that the process [13:58] snap-l: who developed this? [13:58] jrwren: It was like they created an assembly line for releasing code [13:58] internal development, along with outsourcing [13:59] snap-l: does Chrysler innovate any ideas, good or bad? I mean, other than the minivan... [13:59] the "software factories" approach? [13:59] snap-l: internal to whom? [13:59] Not sure how to best explain this [13:59] internal to chrysler. [13:59] oh, it is chrysler? lolz. [14:01] jrwren: I should tell you what the process was as I understood it next time we meet up. It was absolute hell [14:02] It was designed more to keep code out than let folks fix things. [14:03] well, code can be dangerous [14:03] so of course we want to keep it out, ne? [14:05] Well, and it was all because someone managed to bust DealerConnect to the point that Dieter Zetsche had to get involved. [14:05] So, I kinda understand, but still, FieldConnect was nowhere near the Dealerships, yet it was treated with the same kid gloves. [14:06] It was a fucked up process, regardless [14:07] Contained all of the worst bits of waterfall development with hour-long meetings where everyone played the parts of amateur designer and English teacher [14:08] I swear we had a 20 minute discussion over a fucking semicolon once. [14:10] LOL [14:11] Semi-colons are important; people should use them correctly. [14:11] what was the semicolon fucking? [14:13] brousch: Apparently all that was good and holy with the world for the person who pressed the issue. [14:13] great first line to see when entering a channel, heh [14:37] Anybody going to Indy Linux Fest? [14:37] http://www.indianalinux.org/cms/ [14:39] nope [14:41] a couple of friends from the west side, but not me [14:47] I'm not planning on it right now [14:52] http://i.imgur.com/H64HK.jpg [14:53] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFuMpYTyRjw [15:00] Hey, does this page look like utter crap to anybody else? http://www.indianalinux.org/cms/schedule2011 [15:01] It looks like an 8-bit inspired artwork of the backslash [15:01] But otherwise looks OK over here. [15:01] Looks like any other crappy drupal site. [15:03] looks messy [15:03] snap-l: I'm seeing a QR-code and the associated text right over the top of two of the schedule tables [15:03] obliterating a chunk of schedule [15:05] that looks fine on mine [15:05] get a real browser [15:05] Same here, though I'm using Chrome [15:06] same here as in it looks OK [15:06] they don't care how it looks in ie [15:10] brousch: I don't care how it looks in IE either [15:10] FF 3.6.13 here [15:11] Maybe ABP was interfering? [15:12] Nope, that's not it [15:12] There we go... Maximized the window. [15:13] QR code box appears to be anchored to the right side of the browser window [15:14] And the sucky thing is, I keep my browser at roughly full-size for a non-widescreen monitor [15:14] they've designed a webpage for widescreen only. [15:16] Just subscribed to the pycon miro feed. Ye gads, that's a lot of video. [15:18] And this is why I love me some miro [15:21] gonna take the free-licensed content and slap together a "best of Pycon" LoCoCast? [15:23] wolfger: You've not been listening to lococast lately, have you? :) [15:24] Not since Rick's "Day 1" episode [15:24] which I suspect I didn't even hear all of [15:28] There's two more on there [15:36] what, the, hell, that is the stupidest way to make that schedule [15:36] Awwh [15:37] No more Ontario Linux Fest [15:37] =( [15:37] why not? [15:37] Seems the organizer doesn't want to do it [15:38] http://onlinux.ca/node/11 [15:42] well, that is a good reason. [15:42] someone else should step up... or let it die. [15:44] * wolfger looks at tjgoda, who professes to be Canadian these days... [15:44] I know you know how to run a con, sir. [15:52] Yeah, that happened last year [15:53] Not sure if that still means that this year is still off [15:53] If I actually lived in ontario I would do so [15:53] I, however, do not [15:57] so ontario shuts down and indianapolis starts up [16:10] That's right. Support it, bitches. Don't let another con go down the tubes. :-) [16:42] snap-l: http://uploads.mitechie.com/lococast_pycon.png seems like pycon's been good to us :) [16:44] nice! [16:44] jcastro: never ran into evan, tried to get amber to intro us so I could deliver your message [16:44] not sure if he's still down here [16:45] hopefully getting an interview with Michael Food a bit later so I'll ask him [16:45] I've chatted with him since then [16:45] thanks though [16:45] ah, gotcha [16:46] rick_h_: Looking for an appointment with food? [16:46] sorry, foord [16:46] I'm approaching dead here, typing and 'making sense' will suffer :) [16:47] Very cool! [16:47] yea, still not over 200 feed subscribers, but getting close [16:47] but a lot of downloads/traffic recently to the feed [16:48] I have no idea if I'm a subscriber or not. [16:48] Every time I open up Google Listen, I have to click on the Subscribe button again, and then open the menu and click Refresh to get new episodes. [16:49] ugh [16:49] Listen is a cool concept, but I don't think it actually works very well. [16:49] someone else was having feed problems [16:49] try to delete /readd if you get some time [16:49] Michael Foord is a MSFT luver. be sure to wash your hands. :p [16:49] wonder if it had a bump [16:49] jrwren: heh, as he uses his mac [16:49] but yea, big ironpython guy [16:50] will be interesting to chat [16:50] gah, upload faster, been saying 1hr left for last 50min [16:53] I feel like there has to be a single cmd for this but can't find, want to gen new uuid and have fstab automatically updated to reflect, anybody? [17:01] no idea [17:20] uuidgen [17:20] but doesn't the FS already have a uuid? [17:21] you can use uuidgen+tune2fs+sed to fix up your fstab with a new uuidgen, but I don't know of a built in [17:22] oh, and maybe findfs so you know it worked correctly [17:24] jrwren: that's the combo I was guessing I was going to have to, just seemed like an obvious thing, if I tune2fs with a new uuid, I want to have fstab updated [17:26] i've done it manually a few times. [17:26] only every time I add a disk [17:27] and since I'm not a sysadmin, that has been about 5 times ;) [17:28] squeekyhoho: @CnkoymAinjad277: OMG, I just told a spammer to go fuck a barbecue while dousing themselves with gasoline. What a coincidence! |01:26 PM Mar 16, 2011 [17:32] Nice... apparently there's a network of them that will spout shit if you post to them [17:50] I'm just catching up on the recent lococasts. One of my friends has been trying to run qtile for about year on ubuntu - he's never successfully set it up :( [17:53] it will take me 2 months to catch up on all the new lococasts [18:02] Man, so much great content on the web. [18:03] Going to need another hard drive soon for all of the pycon videos, and a game development youtube channel I found [18:46] jwren: have a bootable hd that will be dd'd to mass produce other hds, need to be able to dd and then tell the new hd it needs to use a diff uuid, thanks for the help, uuidgen+tune2fs+sed is my answer [18:52] why the different uuid? [18:53] the disks will never be in the same server, so it doesn't matter. [19:35] jcastro: got a hold of Evan, cool guy [19:36] had a great discussion on Unity, he says I should get a hold of Neil Patel for an interview on unity/issues, sound right? [19:36] and poor guy is a penguins fan who's not heard any recent news of them or Crosby's status [19:38] yeah [19:38] but neil is super busy [19:39] you might not get any unity folks for an interview, maybe DBO would be the best bet [19:39] call in a favor from the old days [19:45] cool, I'll check in with you when I get back [19:45] well. [19:45] oops [19:45] typo [19:46] twitter down/giving strange error for anyone else? [19:47] <_stink_> working here [19:49] http://techcrunch.com/2010/03/14/something-is-technically-wrong-with-twitter-com/ [19:49] looks like not just me then [19:51] <_stink_> 2010? [19:52] <_stink_> :D [19:52] oh, whoops [19:52] http://status.twitter.com/post/3902683774/experiencing-elevated-error-rates [19:52] well that too [19:53] funny, I told google to only pull results from the last 24 hrs [19:53] and that still came up, wtf [19:59] jrwren: good point but there are times during the validation of the process that they will have same disks hooked up at the same time [20:03] http://blip.tv/file/4884733 8:30 in there _stink_ Blazeix widox_ [20:06] * snap-l checks to see if there isn't some secret tiling foo in there. [20:07] <_stink_> video choppy for anyone else? [20:08] my new MacBook Pro just came in the mail, can't wait to get Linux on this bad boy [20:09] I can't seek in the video at all [20:09] why would you pay big bucks for a MBP only to put linux on it? [20:09] dual boot? [20:09] VM [20:10] <_stink_> rick_h_: haha, this is great [20:10] putting linux on apple hardware always has some missing/crappy drivers [20:10] <_stink_> OH MAN i can hear rick_h_ laughing! [20:11] :) [20:11] personally, if i had a MBP, i'd dual boot. [20:12] i do now with windows 7 (don't hate me, please) [20:12] Ah, I already downloaded this [20:12] gamerchick02: I'd use a VM with a Macbook [20:12] and the new MBP 13" looks beautiful [20:12] why, snap-l? works better? [20:13] * gamerchick02 is curious, not confrontational. [20:13] dual boot you tend to live in one other other [20:13] I dual boot Win7 as well, but only go in to record [20:13] so I'm not getting better/learning any new features [20:13] gamerchick02: becuase Linux can handle VMs better. ;) [20:13] whereas with a VM, especially in transparent mode, I might run apps/tools from both OS's at the same time [20:13] ah [20:15] yes [20:16] i can run osx, winxp, and linux at the same time [20:16] Help qtile grow exponentially, we only need two of you. :) [20:17] nice. [20:17] If I could get away with it, I'd put Windows in a VM on all of the machines that need it [20:17] so then I could just pop into Windows when needed, and then do real work when it's not needed. [20:17] brilliant, snap-l. [20:17] and when my parents fuck up their Windows partition even more, I could just reload Windows from the last known good snapshot [20:18] that's... slick. :) [20:18] Man, rick_h_ projects. :) [20:18] ?? [20:18] pro-jects into all of the microphones [20:18] voice on those not good? [20:18] No, they're great [20:18] damn, I gave them the good mic today [20:18] but you're too big for one mic. ;) [20:18] and kept the cheap one for me [20:19] hoping it would help [20:19] It's not bad, but there's bleed through [20:19] on the pyramid one at least [20:19] damn, which one is this? [20:19] ugh, /me goes back to mic shopping [20:20] And that's partially because Chris talks like a southerner. [20:20] yea, he's a kind of quiet guy [20:21] and rick_h_ talks like a NORTHERNER [20:21] woo! [20:21] fight that southern heritage! [20:22] uhm, i talk like a Northerner. i think. i'm not from the "south" [20:22] middle, really [20:27] I'm using Autoduck an awful lot. ;) [20:28] damn [20:28] was really hoping wouldn't be needed [20:28] it sounds awful as the tracks jump in/out [20:28] no worries [20:28] * rick_h_ hangs head in shame [20:29] It's not as bad as you might think [20:29] I lower the volume a bit. [21:31] snap-l: what was the name of that rush documentary? [21:42] Beyond the Lighted Stage [21:42] jcastro: ^ [21:43] https://github.com/bitprophet/fabric/compare/b2cd73cf77...0950b50bb6 woot [21:56] awesome rick_h_ whatcha do for fabric? [21:56] sprinted with them [21:56] created 6 branches of tickets stuff for it [21:56] so looks like a couple got merged in so far [21:56] couple were just creating branches from people's patches, couple were bug fixes I submitted, and one was a big change to the way the tests ran [21:57] wrote a new decoarator that helped mock out part of the system for tests [21:57] rick_h_: Holy shit that's awesome! [21:59] https://github.com/mitechie/fabric/commit/76f7f86a72af4681bc653c9ea56ed6bb62685238 was the biggest one [22:42] PORK CHOP SANDWICHES!