[07:50] is ubuntu-us-pa closed ? totally silent for 16 hours now. [10:18] Morning [12:50] brain fart this morning, logged in just fine to my computer, now trying to apply updates and completely forgot my password [12:50] 1234 [12:50] no, it's a complex one that I typically know by feel [12:51] chopsticks? [12:51] bad piano humor....i am sorry [12:52] excellent, found my hidden cheatsheet [12:53] problem is, I had already glanced at it, and dismissed it as a password to something else (cheatsheets don't get labeled) because it looked different enough to not be it [14:40] Slow goings this morn, Try virtual $$ site $25 to sign up and $20/day. $10/click thru links http://www.virtapay.com/r/inhisname Probably only when you've logged in that day. Its in beta so their $ have no meaning yet. Hoping to be a paypal alternative. If so then having credit positive with them could be useful. [14:40] Title: Redirect (at www.virtapay.com) [14:41] I'm off to school to prepare for Cisco exam some more. [15:06] InHisName: good luck [15:27] it's quiet. too quiet. [15:32] gobble gobble [15:37] om nom turkey [15:38] om nom bear [15:39] I have the fortune of being undesirable as a meal [15:40] depends on the culture [15:40] exactly [15:42] May I suggest avoiding these areas: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog_meat#By_region [15:42] Title: Dog meat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at en.wikipedia.org) [15:43] BTW, that lists includes Canada [15:46] Canadians eat dog? [15:48] hard to say, but i might hesitate to vacation in niagra falls if i were you [15:48] Under Canada's Wildlife Act, it is illegal to sell meat from any wild species, but there is no law against selling and serving canine meat, including dogs, if it is killed and gutted in front of federal inspectors [15:49] advantage to being a teddy bear [15:52] andrew: the pic on the bottom of that wikipedia article is totally gross [15:52] honnlr honnlr [15:52] well, that was not the gobble gobble i expected, but one key shifted over. [15:52] I think I might have nightmares [16:03] that is pretty nasty [16:04] why do they include the head? ever? [16:04] i don't ever want to see the head of something i'm eating [16:05] I saw someone on TV eat the crispy roast head of a bird once. That was pretty bad too. [16:05] i've eaten shrimp heads at a sushi place [16:06] that was mildly gross but i was trying to impress my wife's family so i went for broke [16:06] Were they impressed? [16:06] they were at least not disappointed [16:07] Its only a matter of time now before they invite you over and serve you shrimp heads for dinner [16:08] I would avoid the in-laws at all costs if they were trying to force feed me shrimp heads [16:08] i should learn to juggle. make it worth their while [16:08] juggle the shrimp heads and eat them from mid-air one at a time [16:08] There is no force feeding, MutantTurkey. He demonstrated he eats them. [16:09] :o [17:56] shrimp heads are surprisingly tasty, considering how disgusting they look [17:57] Once you get past the OMGWTF TENTACLES! part, they taste like anything else that's been deep-fried [17:57] gross [17:58] I'd prefer to not eat things with eye stalks [17:59] oh wait, wrong crustacean. Shrimps don't have eye stalks [17:59] I was served them on 3 different occasions before I got up the nerve to try them. [18:00] they just taste like crunchy fried shrimp [18:06] true [18:12] but they admitedly look scary [18:13] waltman: it's actually the whole "wtf tentacles" part that stops me [18:13] from eating it. [18:14] MutantTurkey: I totally understand. Just remember that the main purpose of the tentacles is to make it extra crunchy! [18:14] :p [18:15] actually i don't eat any sea related foods, not since i was a kid and i choked on octopus leg or something ridiculous. since then i eat only land animals [18:34] speaking of tentacles... [18:34] grilled octopus is SO GOOD [18:46] FACT [18:46] +1 [18:53] I'll stay with cookies and chocolate :-D [18:53] I am with teddy [18:54] More yummy grilled octopus for the rest of us! YAY! [18:54] indeed [18:55] now I want sushi for lunch [18:55] Now I want to go to Dmitri's. [18:56] more chocolate chip cookies for me :-[ [18:56] Now i would like to go to Rey Azteca [18:56] haven't been there in a month or so, I have the munchies for mexican food [18:58] chipotle > azteca [18:58] * jedijf was not impressed with the azteca joint [18:59] that's like across from winter sport right? [18:59] Its 3pm. Why is everyone talking about food? [18:59] because we're americans [18:59] its puddin' time [18:59] haha [18:59] 1/2 chocolate 1/2 rice FTW [18:59] pleia2: is this the cause or the effect? [19:00] ChinnoDog: both, probably [19:00] jedijf: that is not [19:00] where's rey azteca? [19:00] jedijf: that is tortillas [19:00] waltman: up past hatboro, [19:00] adonde eres rey's? [19:00] chipotle i had for dinenr last night. [19:01] MutantTurkey: ahh, the old or near pizza hut area? [19:01] * jedijf googles [19:01] jedijf: hmmm? let me get the card i have it. [19:01] that's it ... got it [19:01] 80. N York Road Warminster PA 215 443 0437 [19:03] waltman: refresh my memory about the food truck you were raving about, i need to record it for when i am in the city [19:03] huh, that's almost right across the street from my brother's place. [19:03] hobby shop? [19:04] rey azteca [19:04] jedijf: Tyson Bees. It's on the corner of 33rd and Spruce, in a small parking lot next to Franklin Field. [19:05] http://www.tysonbees.com/ [19:05] Title: Tyson Bees | Gourmet Korean BBQ Food Truck (at www.tysonbees.com) [19:06] waltman: ty - kum sa hamidah (sic) [19:11] i did moe's (millville, nj) yesterday....not impressed [19:12] moes? [19:13] there was a bbq place called Abners in Jenkintown that was solid [19:16] MutantTurkey: moe's southwest grill.....abners changed ownership....lorraines of something now...and a bbq joint in roslyn next to beer world [19:16] s/of/or [19:17] abners is roses now [19:17] i think [19:18] haven't been there in ages [19:19] I don't like the name roses as much, I will say it frankly, Abner just me the impression of a nice southernly older black man cooking my food for me. Roses reminds me of a bunch of dumb white people, who can't be trusted with proper southern cookin' [19:30] she's a black lady [19:30] i don't think so. a bunch of white guys working in the back now. [19:30] the one is roslyn is named after the black cook, with this awesomely deep voice [19:30] can't remember the name though.....the voice resonates [19:30] okay you've convinced me :p [19:30] like cook from southpark? [19:30] chef' [19:30] no, not isaac hayes [19:31] relevant: http://scrapetv.com/News/News%20Pages/Entertainment/Images/south-park-chef.jpg [19:31] Fat Jack's BBQ on County Line Rd. in Huntingdon Valley's really good. [19:35] where on County Line? [19:41] Oh, in one of those shopping centers. [19:43] Google maps says it's near where 232 intersects. [19:43] ah okay [19:44] But I'm not sure it's putting it in the right spot. [19:45] i am sick of talking of food, i think it is time for a trip to the pizzeria [19:46] It might be in Justa Farm [20:08] justa farm has the calloways [20:09] ben and irvs [20:10] ben and irvs <3 [20:13] mmm